Computational Study of Uctuating Motions and Cluster Structures in Gas-Particle Ows
Computational Study of Uctuating Motions and Cluster Structures in Gas-Particle Ows
Computational Study of Uctuating Motions and Cluster Structures in Gas-Particle Ows
Simulations with four-way coupling are performed for two-dimensional gassolid ows in a uidized
bed. The motion of particles is treated by a Lagrangian approach and particles are assumed to interact
through binary, instantaneous, non-frontal, inelastic collisions with friction. The model for the interstitial
gas phase is based on the NavierStokes equations for two-phase ow. The numerical approach has been
validated with experimental investigations of the uctuating motion in a shallow uidized bed and of
cluster characteristics in a fast-uidized bed. Further on, the inuence of the interparticle collision characteristics on the cluster structures and the uctuating gassolid motion in diluted ows has been investigated. 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Gasparticle ows; Clusters; Fluctuating motion; Numerical simulation
1. Introduction
Heterogeneous structures of particles in uidparticle ows have been observed by a number
of authors both in liquidsolid and gassolid systems (Wilhelm and Kwauk, 1948; Kaye and
Boardman, 1962; Jayaweera et al., 1964; Matsen, 1982; Yerushalmi and Avidan, 1985; Fortes
et al., 1987; Cattieuw, 1992; Horio and Kuroki, 1994; Horio, 1995; Azario, 1995; Van Den
Moortel, 1998).
In uidized systems most of the particles form aggregates, or clusters, which are regions of high
particle concentration compared to the mean solid concentration in the riser. This group of
particles moves as an ensemble with only minor relative motions (Fig. 1). Agglomerates are
particles held together by inherent interparticle forces and clusters are groups of particles held
0301-9322/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 1 - 9 3 2 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 4 1 - 6
Fig. 1. Cluster structures in a circulated uidized bed (Van Den Moortel, 1998).
together as a result of hydrodynamic eects (Horio and Clift, 1992). In multi-particle systems, the
drag accounts for the combination of dierent eects. Kaye and Boardman (1962) showed that
interaction between particles cannot be ignored at solid concentrations higher than 0.05%. Based
on their experimental results of cluster formation in dilute suspensions, they divided the behavior
of particle suspensions into four distinct regions:
free-settling at very low particle concentrations,
a region of viscous interaction in which the group of particles fall faster than individual particles (solid concentrations varying from 0.1% up to 3%) due to cluster formation,
an unstable region where clusters form and the return ow is irregular and localized; the two
phenomena are counteracting (up to a solid concentration of about 10%),
a well-dened region at higher concentrations where return ow predominates and hindered
settling is the dominant feature of the suspension.
Similarities between the cluster formation in liquidsolid and gassolid systems were evoked by
Chen et al. (1991). These authors conducted a similarity analysis to study the hydrodynamics of a
multi-particle suspended system. They recognized that the drag is the only source which promotes
relative motion between particles and considered that any two systems would have the same
tendency of clustering if the drags in these systems are hydrodynamically similar.
The study of clusters has received a great deal of attention during the last decade resulting in
a large number of numerical works on uidized beds (Gidaspow, 1994; Tanaka et al., 1996;
Hoomans et al., 1998; Ito et al., 1998; Ouyang and Li, 1999). In a previous work, the axial solid
velocity of isolated particles was found to be signicantly lower than for particles moving in
clusters during their period of formation (Helland et al., 2000; Helland, 2000). Fluctuations in the
solid velocity are related to the uctuations in the solid concentration as accelerations of the solid
phase correspond to the bypass of clusters or denser solid phases. An experimental investigation
showed that the local solid velocities of up-owing clusters increased linearly with their size (Van
Den Moortel, 1998). Thus the amplitude of the velocity uctuations seems to depend on the cluster
Shida and Kawai (1989) showed that dissipation of kinetic energy through particle-to-particle
collision causes clusters to form even without uid eects. Tanaka et al. (1996) and Hoomans et al.
(1998) stated that the inuence of the collision parameters play an important role in the formation
of clusters in diluted vertical risers. McNamara and Young (1994) studied numerically the clustering behavior as a function of inelastic collisions. They distinguished three dierent regimes
depending on the restitution coecient: kinetic regime, cluster regime and the inelastic collapse
regime where the particles are stuck together with no relative motion.
In this paper, the numerical approach has been validated by comparison of experimental works
of the oscillating motion in a shallow uidized bed (Clark et al., 2000) and of the cluster characteristics in a fast-uidized bed (Sharma et al., 2000). Once validated, the inuence of the collision characteristics on the uctuating behavior and the cluster structures in diluted gasparticle
ows have been investigated.
2. Physical model
2.1. Equations for the uid phase
The Eulerian/Lagrangian approach computes the NavierStokes equation for the gas phase
and the motion of individual particles by the Newtonian equations of motion. For the gas phase,
we write the equations of conservation of mass and momentum:
r eqG~
uG 0;
fdrag;i ;
r eqG~
uG er pI r esG eqG~
where ~
g is the gravity acceleration, p is the gas pressure, ~
uG is the gas velocity, e is the void fraction
and ~
fdrag is the volumetric drag force.
or porosity, qG is the
PNpV ~
The coupling term i1 fdrag;i between the gas and the particle phase is estimated as the sum of
the drag on each particle within the corresponding uid control volume (Crowe et al., 1977). The
meaning of turbulence in gasparticle laden ows has been subject to many discussions (Peirano,
1998; He and Simonin, 1994; Elghobashi, 1994; Lavieville, 1997). In order to simplify the problem, we suppose that the dissipation term of the gas phase due to the turbulence in this conguration is negligible as inertia of the particles damps out the high frequency turbulent scales in the
gas phase.
2.2. Equations for the solid phase
In discrete particle models for each individual particle an equation of motion is solved during
the free ight phase:
Fdrag Vp rp;
where mi , vi and Vp represent, respectively, the mass, the velocity and the volume of the ith particle
and the right-hand side the sum of the forces acting on the ith particle; the rst term is due to
gravity, the second due to drag between the gas and solid phase and the third the pressure gradient
force. The unsteady forces have been neglected due to the high solid to gas density ratio. The slip/
rotation or Magnus lift force and the slip/shear or Saman lift force have also been neglected
due to the lack of knowledge in many-particle systems. The drag force is quantied through the
Cd 2
Cd;i 2
uG ~
vi j~
uG ~
uG ~
vi j~
uG ~
vi e2 f em ;
pdp qG e2 j~
pdp qG j~
where Cd is the drag coecient and dp is the particle diameter. Schiller and Naumann (1935) give
the drag coecient Cd;i on a single sphere:
241 0:15Re0:687
=Rep ; Rep < 1000;
Rep P 1000;
where Rep is the particle Reynolds number
eqG j~
uG ~
vi jdp
Most of the data for particle drag in many-particle systems have been inferred from sedimentation and uniform uidization studies. Two opposing clustering eects have been observed
depending on the concentration of particles. In regions with few particles distributed non-uniformly, the descent of a given particle can create a velocity eld throughout the uid which tends
to decrease the drag of all particles near it due to bypassing of return ow (Gunn and Malik, 1967;
Kaye and Boardman, 1962). On the other hand, if the particles are more or less uniformly distributed through the uid, the restriction of the ow spaces between the particles in denser zones
results in steeper velocity gradients of the gas phase, thus greater shearing stresses and an increase
in resistance of the gas ow. f e is a porosity function correcting the terminal velocity or the slip
velocity of a particle due to the presence of other particles (hindered settling eect) as they aect
the ow pattern in a uniform suspension (Richardson and Zaki, 1954):
f e en
where Remf is the Reynolds number at minimum uidization (drag equals the weight of the
particles in the settled bed at maximum concentration, e emf , i.e., minimum uidization condition), and Ret , the Reynolds number at terminal velocity Ut;0 (drag equals the weight of an
isolated particle e 1).
If the restricted ow within the cluster were uniformly distributed in a manner similar to the
original ow away from it, n would be unity. However, the interstitial gas ow will be unevenly
distributed within the cluster due to dierent physical conditions from particle to particle, thus the
value of n results from an averaging of these eects. Thus its value depends on the nature of the
interstitial gas ow (laminar/turbulent) and this was discussed thoroughly in the paper of Maude
and Whitmore (1958). Experimental workers have reported values of n between 2 and 4 for
spheres in turbulent ow; n close to 5 for equi-sized, equi-density spheres in creeping ow; and n
between 7 and 10 for rough particles in creeping ow. The value of m (Eq. (4)) varies between 1
and 2 depending on the particle Reynolds number as the porosity function corrects the terminal
velocity or the slip velocity in a uidsolid suspension (Ut Ut;0 en and Umf Ut;0 enmf (minimum
uidization velocity)). The parameter m is equal to 1 for laminar interstitial ow Rep < 1, 2
for turbulent interstitial ow Rep > 1000 and an intermediate value in the transition regime
1 < Rep < 1000. Based on these results Maude and Whitmore (1958) and Wen and Yu (1966)
proposed a general relation for the sedimentation and uidization for mono-dispersed spheres in
laminar (m 1 and n 4:7), intermediate and turbulent interstitial regimes (m 2 and n 2:35).
Their drag function is used in this study and can be expressed:
Cd Cd;i f em Cd;i e4:7 :
Dierent drag corrections are used in literature and having in common an increasing drag
coecient with particle concentration.
Eq. (3) can be rewritten as:
uG ~
vi rp
qp dp2
18lG 1 0:15Re0:687
valid in the laminar and the transition regime Rep < 1000.
The particle relaxation time siG decreases exponentially as the local porosity decreases indicating that the drag force inuences the uidparticle ow radically stronger as solid concentration increases.
2.3. Collision model
In particulate multiphase ows, collision occurs between the particles or between the particle
and the wall. A collision without permanent deformation or heat generation is called an elastic
collision. Otherwise, the collision is inelastic and energy loss occurs mainly in the form of permanent deformation suck as particle breakage and frictional heat loss (Fan and Zhu, 1998). The
collision model proposed by Wang and Mason (1992) is used to compute the dynamics of instantaneous inelastic non-frontal collisions with friction based on three constant coecients. The
rst coecient e characterizes the incomplete restitution of the normal component of the relative
velocity at the point of contact. The second l arises in collisions involving sliding and has been
described by Coulomb friction. The third b arises in collisions that return a fraction of the energy
stored in the elastic deformation of both surfaces to the component of the contact velocity tangent
to the spheres.
We consider two particles of diameter d1 and d2 and with masses m1 and m2 . The positions of
r2 . The unit normal ~
n at the contact point is
the sphere centers are described by the vectors ~
r1 and ~
dened by:
r1 ~
r1 ~
r2 j
~i are, respectively, the translation and angular velocities before impact. The impact
where ~
vi and x
angle c is dened as the angle between the normal ~
n and the relative velocity ~
vc such that c 2 p2; p.
~2 ~
~1 x
0. We conFig. 2(a) shows the situation of two particles before collision with x
sider the conservation of kinetic momentum of translation during the collision where ~
v0i represent
the velocities after collision:
v01 ~
v1 m2 ~
v02 ~
v2 :
P m1 ~
n D~
~2 ~
~02 x
n D~
~01 x
The Coulomb friction law neglects the fact that an object can pivot on another object. Instead
of developing a complex model, it is common to introduce a tangential restitution coecient b.
Foerster et al. (1994) showed that the variation of momentum D~
P during impact could be written:
P m12 1 e~
c m12 1 b~
c ;
1 1
where m12 m1
is the reduced mass. It is dened that e 1 for the normal impact of
1 m2
perfect elastic spheres (no loss of kinetic energy), while e 0 for the normal impact of perfect
plastic spheres. The coecient of restitution in an impact depends not only on the material
properties of the colliding objects but also on their relative impact velocity (Gorham and Kharaz,
2000). In this study, we suppose that the coecient of restitution is independent of the relative
impact velocity.
For great values of the impact angle c P c0 (micro-slip region), the tangential restitution coecient for glass spheres was found b0 2 0:35; 0:50. For small impact angles c 6 c0 , we dene
b1 1 7=2l1 e cot c. This is the sliding region where the interaction between the particles during impact can be described by the Coulomb friction coecient l and the restitution coecient e. Foerster et al. (1994) showed experimentally that the model describes well the
behavior of the impact between glass spheres over a wide range of incident angles.
max j~
ug j
This calculated time step Dtpc is used if it is less than the particle time step Dtp dened by the user.
The uid control volume is taken large enough to have a representative elementary volume in
order to estimate the porosity accurately, but little enough to have small changes in ow properties. Once the particles have been moved by interaction with the gas and gravity (Eq. (9)), we
start the search of overlapping between particles within the riser in order to treat the collision
dynamics. In order to save CPU time several particle control volumes (PCV) within the FCV are
used. We have developed an algorithm for detection of particle overlapping within each PCV.
Every particle within a PCV (i particles) and its adjacent PCVs (ji particles) are included in a list
of j particles (Fig. 3). The list includes only the adjacent PCVs in one direction (Fig. 4), however,
in the next particle time step, we change the direction of sweeping through the numerical domain.
We try to include as many PCVs within an FCV as possible in order to make the collision list as
small as possible. The minimum size of the PCV is only limited by the particle size.
For the rst particle in the collision list, we search for overlapping with the other j 1 particles.
When a rst overlapping has been detected, we treat the collision dynamics for the two particles
involved. For the rst particle the search for overlapping is terminated. Then, we repeat the
searching procedure for the next i 1 particles in the list. For these particles, we only search for
overlapping with the subsequent particles. When all of the i particles within the respective PCV
have undergone the procedure, we repeat the same treatment for the next PCV until every collision list for all the PCVs in the calculation domain has been treated.
By this method, there is a risk of missing some collisions in the denser particle regions. Nevertheless, this method seems to be ecient as no or an insignicant fraction of particle overlapping
is observed even in zones of high particle concentrations.
The value of the contact angle, c at the moment of detection does not necessarily correspond to
the actual value c at the moment of contact (Fig. 5). If numerical overlapping occurs, the particle
positions are rearranged with the aid of the relative velocities, and the new positions are assigned
to the actual moment of contact, then the collision dynamics is calculated inducing a change of the
translation and rotation velocities and the position of the two particles.
The two-dimensional porosity in a computational cell is the ratio of the surface occupied by the
gas to the surface of the uid control volume DS. If Si is the surface of particle i inside a computational cell, then the porosity in this cell is:
e2D 1
Si =DS
The porosity calculated in this way is based on a two-dimensional analysis, which is inconsistent
with the applied empiricism in the calculation of the drag force exerted on a particle. Therefore,
we utilize a pseudo-three-dimensional concept in which we assume the depth of the bed equal to
the particle diameter. Thus the porosity estimation is corrected in order to use the drag force for a
e3D 1 1 e2D :
The numerical procedure can be schematized as shown in Fig. 6. The gas motion is calculated at
instant t Dtf with the drag force estimated at instant t. Then the particle positions are calculated
at the next particle time step t Dtp , followed by the treatment of the collision dynamics. After
nding the new velocities and positions of all particles at instant t Dtf , the void fraction is
estimated and the drag forces on every particle summarized within each uid control volume.
Clusters are certainly three-dimensional structures in the riser, thus experimental and twodimensional numerical results may not be quantitatively comparable.
The air inlet is modeled as one-dimensional uniform ow. In the simulations, the outlet is
located at the top of the riser where a continuity condition is used for the gas phase. The particles
leaving at the top are simultaneously introduced at the bottom of the riser at random positions
with zero velocities. A no-slip condition is used for the gas phase at the walls and the particles are
allowed for frontal collisions at the wall controlled by the wall coecient of restitution ew .
0.15 m/s
150 lm
8800 kg=m3 , 1:2 kg=m3
1:8 105 kg=m=s
0.15 m
0.15 m
FCV: (15, 15)PCV: (3, 3)
0.008 s
Dtf 105 s
Dtp 106 s
These large-scale uctuations occur due to formation of bubbles during uidization and their
collapsing at the surface. For supercial gas velocities below the terminal velocity, an isolated
particle is at rest at the bottom of the riser. When increasing the number of particles in its
neighborhood, we observe a motion of particles within the riser. This is due to both an increase in
gas velocity as the ecient surface decreases and, more important, an increase in drag due to
greater shearing stresses as the ow spaces between the particles are restricted. If we have locally
perturbations of the porosity within the bed, the drag is increasing where the particle phase is
denser. This gives rise to particle zones of dierent accelerations and we experience a formation
of void zones or bubbles in regions of higher accelerations (Fig. 7). Once developed the gas
chooses the easiest way up, thus an exceed of gas ow in the void zone and the bubble increases in
size. When the bubble rises, there is a raining of particles from its roof due to smaller particle
group eect on the drag for the particles situated at the bubble interface (self-sharpening eect due
to an important porosity gradient). When loosing the grip of the dense particle group, the interfacial particles behave as single particles falling down as gravity dominates their drag and
raining is observed. When the bubbles erupt at the bed surface, the surrounding particles are
ejected upwards in the riser. Thus the particles are more or less isolated with fewer inuences of
the many-particle eect on the drag force. The particles drop back into the bottom zone as gravity
dominates the drag for supercial gas velocities below the terminal velocity. This gives rise to a
uctuating gasparticle motion in the uidized bed. Earlier works have been concentrated on the
origin of this uctuating motion and the prediction of the uctuation frequency (Hiby, 1967;
Baskakov et al., 1986; Roy et al., 1990). Previous theories to predict oscillations in a uidized bed
give a measure of the natural frequency of oscillations. Baskakov et al. (1986)ptreated
the uid bed
like liquid oscillating in a U-tube with a frequency of oscillation equal to p1 g=hmf , where hmf is
the bed height at minimal uidization condition. This is the characteristic time scale of a particle
dropping behind the bubble a distance close to the bed height.
Fig. 8 represents the time evolution of the pressure drop in the bed. The pressure oscillates
around an average value equal to 60 Pa with a period between 30 and 40 ms. The theoretical
pressure drop based on the bed weight is equal to 54 Pa. When comparing Figs. 7 and 8, we
observe that maximum pressure drop corresponds to the moment of bubble formation (t 20, 60
and 90 ms). The bed expands and the uid chooses a preferential route with smaller resistance
and the pressure drop decreases to value below the total bed weight until the bubble eruption at
the bed surface. Then, a new cycle starts with a maximum pressure drop.
The numerical results show a period of oscillation close to 35 ms (29 Hz). This value is comparable with the theory proposed by Baskakov et al. (1986) (32 Hz) and the measured frequency
from the experimental results of Clark et al. (2000) (32.5 Hz) when the bed height is equal to 1
mm. The numerical approach describes the evolution of the pressure uctuations measured by
others in a shallow bed. This may be explained by the fact that the three-dimensional eects are
not so important in this experimental conguration.
4.1.2. Cluster characteristics in a fast-uidized bed
Sharma et al. (2000) investigated the eect of particle size and supercial gas velocity on the
duration time, occurrence frequency, time-fraction of existence and solid concentration in clusters
by capacitance-probe measurements of instantaneous local solid concentration in a 15 cm fastuidized bed. Their cluster denition was based on the following three guidelines given by Soong
et al. (1993):
Time (s)
Fig. 8. Time evolution of the pressure drop in the uidized bed.
The solid concentration in a cluster must be signicantly above the time-average solid concentration at the given local position, for the given operating condition.
This perturbation in solid concentration due to clusters must be greater than the random background uctuations of the solid fraction.
This concentration perturbation should be sensed for sampling volume with characteristic
length scale greater than one to two orders of particle diameter.
Sharma et al. (2000) proposed the following criteria for the period of cluster life:
The cluster is detected once the instantaneous solid concentration is greater than two times its
standard deviation (2r).
The starting time of a cluster is the last time its density exceeds the mean density before satisfying the 2r criterion.
The ending time of a cluster would be the rst time the density falls below the mean solid concentration, after falling below the 2r limit.
The numerical and experimental results of three supercial gas velocities and a particle diameter of 120 lm have been compared. All studies were made at a constant solid ux close to
75 kg=m2 =s. In order to save CPU time, we reduced the riser height and diameter. The numerical
results represent the ow behavior in the upper part of the riser where the axial solid concentration prole is constant. Sharma et al. (2000) showed that the axial pressure proles were linear
after a 1.9 m distance from the riser feed point. Their experiments were carried out at a height of
4.5 m above the riser feed point. The parameter settings are summarized in Table 2.
To illustrate the application of the criterion of Sharma et al. (2000), Fig. 10 shows an expansion
of the transient signal for the numerical run plotted in Fig. 9, from 1.00 to 1.14 s. Fig. 10 represents the auto-scaled solid concentration es , which is dened as:
Table 2
Parameter settings
Particle diameter, dp
Density (solids, gas) qp , qG
Gas viscosity, lG
Supercial gas velocity
Restitution coecient, e
Wall rest. coe. ew
Tangential restitution coecient, b
Coulomb friction coecient, l
Riser width
Riser height
Total solids concentration
Grid number nx; ny
Minimum siG
Fluid time step
Particle time step
120 lm
2400 kg=m3 , 1:2 kg=m3
1:8 105 kg=m=s
4.0, 4.9, 6.6 m/s
0.075 m
0.5 m
FCV: (30, 100)PCV: (15, 30)
0.002 s
Dtf 5 104 s
Dtp 5 105 s
Fig. 9. Transient variations in solid concentration in the center of the riser (x; y (3.75 cm, 37.5 cm), Ug 4:9 m=s).
Time (s)
Fig. 10. Short-time scale trace of the auto-scaled solid concentration in the center of the riser (x; y (3.75 cm, 37.5
cm), Ug 4:9 m=s).
es es
On this scale, the time-averaged solid concentration is the zero ordinate and the vertical scale
represents multiples of the standard deviation. Fig. 10 shows the transient signal relative to the
time-mean and to the 2r threshold. This small sample illustrates two clusters during the 0.14 s
interval. In particular, one cluster is observed between times Ta and Tb .
In the following, we have compared the parametric eect of supercial gas velocity on dierent
characteristics of clusters in the center of the riser: number-averaged cluster duration time, frequency of cluster occurrence and time fraction of cluster existence. Referring to Fig. 10, the time
length si Tb Ta is the duration for which the ith cluster is observed. The number-averaged
duration time is then:
sc i1 ;
where n is the total number of clusters detected in an observation period s (s 5 s simulation
time). The frequency of cluster occurrence N is the frequency at which clusters are observed at
the sampling volume, calculated as the average number of clusters observed per second, over the
total observation time, s. The cluster existence time fraction F is the fraction of total time when
clusters exists at the sampling volume. This quantity is calculated as the ratio of total cluster
duration time to total observation time.
A parametric plot of N versus supercial gas velocity presented in Fig. 11 shows that the
frequency of cluster occurrence is between 6 and 9 clusters/s for the experimental results while it
varies between 7 and 12 clusters/s for the numerical results.
In Fig. 12, we have presented the values of the cluster duration time in the center of the riser.
The experimental results show an increase in duration time with the supercial gas velocity (from
10 to 16 ms) while the numerical results indicate values between 12 and 15 ms with no obvious gas
velocity trend. Nevertheless, the results show up to have the same order of magnitude.
Sharma et al. (2000) raised an interesting question in their paper: what fraction of the time do
clusters exist at a given position, and what is the eect of the supercial gas velocity and particle
Sharma et al
Fig. 11. Frequency of cluster occurrence in the center of the riser: x; y (3.75 cm, 37.5 cm).
Sharma et al
Fig. 12. Number averaged cluster duration time in the center of the riser: x; y (3.75 cm, 37.5 cm).
diameter on this fraction? In their paper, they presented only cross-section averaged time fractions
and not local time fractions. They found that neither gas velocity nor particle diameter aected
the time fraction of cluster presence. In six dierent cases, all values were found to lie between 0.16
and 0.18. As they claimed, we should expect that a 65% variation of gas velocity would alter the
population density of clusters and thus aect the time fraction. Their experimental results show
that the time duration of a cluster in the wall region is of an order of magnitude greater that those
in the core zone of the riser. The clusters are likely to be trapped closed to the walls, thus the crossaveraged value of cluster characteristics are strongly aected by wall eects.
In Fig. 13, we show the local time fraction of cluster existence in the center of the riser versus
supercial gas velocity. These numerical results show a decrease in the local time fraction of about
50% when increasing the gas velocity (from 0.15 to 0.10). Ouyang and Li (1999) reported a similar
tendency in a numerical study. Clusters became smaller when increasing the supercial gas velocity, until they nearly vanished at a sucient high gas velocity.
The numerical approach describes fairly well dierent cluster characteristics observed experimentally by Sharma et al. (2000) in a fast-uidized bed. This comparative study shows that numerical approaches can be complementary to experimental investigations.
4.2. Inuence of the collision characteristics on the cluster structures in a diluted gasparticle ow
In this section, we carry out a study of the collision parameters and their inuence on the
uctuating bed behavior and the cluster structures. The parameter settings are summarized in
Fig. 13. Cluster existence time fraction time in the center of the riser: x; y (3.75 cm, 37.5 cm).
Table 3
Parameter settings
Particle diameter, dp
Density (solids, gas) qp , qG
Gas viscosity, lG
Supercial gas velocity
Restitution coecient, e
Wall rest. coe. ew
Tangential restitution coecient, b
Coulomb friction coecient, l
Riser width
Riser height
Total solids concentration
Grid number nx; ny
Minimum siG
Fluid time step
Particle time step
120 lm
2400 kg=m3 , 1:2 kg=m3
1:8 105 kg=m=s
2.0 m/s
0.05 m
FCV: (20, 100)PCV: (17, 22)
0.002 s
Dtf 103 s
Dtp 2 105 s
Table 3. Fig. 14 shows a time series of the gasparticle ow in the lower part of the riser. We
observe cluster structures similar to those observed experimentally (Fig. 1). The clusters exhibit
horseshoe shapes heading upwards or downwards in the riser. The wall regions behave as collectors of down falling clusters.
Fig. 15 represents a snapshot of the riser at dierent resolutions. The form of the clusters in the
core zone corresponds to the mean gas velocity prole. Once the particles taking part of the
t = 0.05 s
t = 0.10 s
t = 0.15 s
t = 0.20 s
t = 0.25 s
t = 0.30 s
t = 0.35 s
t = 0.40 s
t = 0.45 s
t = 0.50 s
t = 0.55 s
t = 0.60 s
t = 0.65 s
Fig. 14. Time series of the gasparticle ow in the riser. y: (030 cm).
clusters are stuck in the wall region, they drop back in the bottom zone collecting particles on
their way down. In this way, the wall clusters seem to be denser than the core zone clusters.
Fig. 16 shows the structure of clusters for dierent values of the restitution coecient. The
inelastic collisions have a signicant eect on the density of the clusters as dissipation of kinetic
energy decreases the dispersion of particles and the relative motion between particles. When increasing the inelasticity of collisions, the clusters have a higher concentration of particles, they
decrease in size and are easier to distinguish from the average gasparticle ow structure. Fig. 17
represents the local porosity of the cluster in the core zone as a function of the restitution coecient. When decreasing the restitution coecient, the local porosity within the cluster decreases
towards the value of maximum packing (inelastic collapse). If such conditions are reached, the
Fig. 15. Cluster structures in the vertical riser: (left) y: (080 cm); (middle) y: (3050 cm); (right): 1:25 1:25 cm2 .
particles within the cluster would be in contact over a longer period and interparticle forces (Van
der Waals, liquid bridge forces) should be considered for completeness of the study.
For the denser clusters, the local pressure drop increases, and the gas phase tends to round the
obstacle. Therefore, preferential routes are created in the gasparticle ow, giving rise to strong
hydrodynamic uctuations due the coupling between the phases.
Fig. 18 shows the inuence of the restitution coecient on the standard deviation of the axial
particle velocity for dierent transversal positions in the riser. The wall region exhibits strong
uctuations due to the appearance of dense clusters falling down along the wall, and it seems
dicult to study the inuence of the collision parameters. However, in the core zone, there is a
tendency of stronger amplitudes of uctuations when decreasing the restitution coecient.
Fig. 19 shows the inuence of the restitution coecient on the mean value of the standard
deviation in the core zone of both the axial and transversal particle velocities. The amplitudes of
the axial components are about three times higher than the transversal, indicating an anisotropic
behavior of the gasparticle properties in the riser. Azario (1995) has observed such behavior
experimentally in a circulating uidized bed.
The inelastic collisions show a strong inuence on the uidized bed behavior. The small
scale uctuations due to inter-particle collisions decrease when increasing the inelasticity of the
Fig. 16. Cluster structures as a function of the restitution coecient. y: (3050 cm). From left to right: e 1, e 0:97,
e 0:8 and e 0:3.
Inelastic collapse within cluster
Fig. 17. Local porosity within the cluster as a function of the restitution coecient.
particles. This results in denser clusters leading to greater large scale uctuations due to stronger
variations in local drag.
e = 0.97
e = 0.9
e= 0.8
e = 0.5
e = 0.3
Increasing inelasticity
standard deviation v p
standard deviation up
Fig. 18. Inuence of the restitution coecient on the standard deviation of the axial particle velocity as a function of
the transversal position.
Fig. 19. Standard deviation of the axial and transversal particle velocities as a function of the restitution coecient in
the core zone of the riser.
e = 0.97, = 0.1
e = 0.97, = 0.7
Fig. 20. Inuence of the friction coecient on the standard deviation of the axial particle velocity as a function of the
transversal position.
5. Conclusions
We have investigated numerically the gasparticle ow in a vertical two-dimensional conguration. The numerical approach has been validated against instantaneous measurements of
the pressure in a shallow uidized bed by comparing the dominant frequency of oscillations
and against instantaneous measurements of the solid concentration in a fast-uidized bed by
comparing cluster duration time, frequency of occurrence and time fraction of cluster existence. The results show a reasonable agreement between the experimental and the numerical
The following study of clusters shows that the gasparticle properties have a strong anisotropic uctuating behavior. This instability is linked to both hydrodynamical phenomena and
the inelastic interparticle collisions. We observe denser clusters when decreasing the restitution coecient due to a smaller dispersion of particles during inelastic collisions. This decreases the local porosity within the clusters, which increases the amplitudes of uctuations caused
by a stronger coupling between the phases due to the non-linear inuence of local porosity on the
The authors show their gratitude to The French Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) for nancial assistance.
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