SGCFM Terms and Conditions: SD03-V3-Oct09
SGCFM Terms and Conditions: SD03-V3-Oct09
SGCFM Terms and Conditions: SD03-V3-Oct09
8.3 Limitation:
Subject to clause 8.7, the relevant liability of SGC Facilities
Management will be limited as follows: -
2.1 The security services agreement shall be and continue in
force and effect for the agreement term
3.1 Provision:
SGC Facilities Management will provide the services and the
customer will accept and pay for the services, on and subject
to the terms of the security services agreement and these
terms and conditions.
3.2 Services Specification:
Each party shall comply with the services specification.
3.3 Instructions:
SGC Facilities Management and its officers, employees,
agents and contractors, shall be entitled to assume that any
instructions or information received from the customer or
authorised officers are given with the appropriate authority,
and are true, complete and accurate.
3.4 Additional Duties:
Subject to clause 3.6, the customer may request reasonable
additional one-off or temporary duties related to the services. If
any such duties are in the opinion of SGC Facilities
Management to be preformed regularly or outside agreed
working hours, then they shall be dealt with by way of a
variation in accordance with clause 3.5.
3.5 Variations to the services:
Subject to clause 3.6, either party may propose reasonable
variations or additions to the services by notice in writing to the
other. SGC Facilities Management will be entitled to make a
reasonable adjustment to the charges as a result of any
proposed variation. The customer and SGC Facilities
Management shall negotiate in good faith with a view to
agreeing any proposed variations and adjustments to the
3.6 Excluded Services:
SGC Facilities Management and its officers, employees,
agents and contractors shall be entitled to refuse to perform
any additional services where in their opinion the services are
not ones which they are adequately trained or qualified to
perform, or are not of a type which they are normally
employed to do, or are illegal, immoral or offensive, or they are
not reasonably related to services already provided by SGC
Facilities Management, or are of a strike breaking nature.
4.1 Service Information:
The customer shall promptly provide the SGC Facilities
Management on request with all such information which SGC
Facilities Management reasonably requires to perform the
services and will ensure that all information which the
customer provides to SGC Facilities Management is true,
complete, accurate and adequate, promptly inform SGC
Facilities Management of any changes to any such
information, provide any additional information which SGC
Facilities Management may require as soon as reasonably
possible, and confirm the accuracy of any information held by
SGC Facilities Management promptly following any request.
4.2 Access and Facilities:
The customer will provide SGC Facilities Management on
request all reasonable facilities and assistance which SGC
Facilities Management reasonably requires to perform the
services, including appropriate rights of access to any
premises where the services are to be performed, and suitable
office facilities at any premises where the services are to be
performed (including a telephone and a power supply).
4.3 Acts of Employees:
The customer will promptly notify SGC Facilities Management
of any wrongful, negligent, criminal or dishonest act or
omission of any employee of SGC Facilities Management
providing the services of which it becomes aware.
5.1 Charges:
The customer shall pay SGC Facilities Management the
charges for the services.
5.2 Annual Variation:
Unless otherwise agreed, the SGC Facilities Management
may increase the charges as from each anniversary of the
date of commencement of the agreement term by notice in
writing of such increase given at least one month prior to that
anniversary date.
5.3 Statutory Changes:
Unless otherwise agreed, SGC Facilities Management may
increase the charges by notice in writing to the customer by a
reasonable amount to recover any increased costs or
expenses suffered or incurred by SGC Facilities Management
in providing the services (including increased wage bills) as a
result of any amendment, revocation, replacement or coming
into force of any statue, statutory instrument, directive,
regulation, order or other law.
Contract Name:
9.1 Confidentiality:
Each party will keep confidential any information of the other
party disclosed to it in connection with the security service
agreement and will only use such information for the
purposes of the security services agreement. A party may not
disclose such information except in strict confidence to those
its officers, employees, agents and contractors who need to
know the same for the purposes of the security services
agreement, or to any other where required by law. These
obligations will not apply to any information which a party can
establish is already in or subsequently enters into the public
domain otherwise than as a result of unauthorised disclosure
by that party. A party will as soon as practicable on request
return or destroy any confidential information of the other
9.2 Force Majeure:
Neither party will be in breach of the security services
agreement or otherwise be liable in respect of any delay in
performance, non-performance or defective performance of
any of its obligations under the security services agreement, if
such breach, delay, non-performance, or defective
performance is caused by or results from any event or
circumstance beyond its reasonable control, including an act
of God, political
Print Name:
The customer.
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