2003-2004 Sawdon Yearbook

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This year book is dedicated to Norma and Marilyn's last year here.

We all love you and will miss you. Bye and come back to see us.

Sam's Twelfth Annual End of the Year Spiel

I have been teaching in the Grand Ledge Alternative program a dozen years now, wow. That is so hard to believe. I still feel like the freshfaced kid who came in here barely older than the students he was teaching. I still feel young because you all keep me feeling young. Of course, when I look in the mirror each morning and notice more and more gray in my hair and beard, I realize how many years it has been.

This year has been a good one. We have had some fun everyday and we have leamed some things along the way. Not everything we learn is in a textbook or lecture notes. In fact the most important lessons might not have anything to do with reading, writing or computers.

For example I have seen students who found it impossible to trust another human being able to put their grade and even their own safety in the hands of their peers. I have seen people grow from being completely selfish to caring about the welfare of others. I have seen people who were so self-conscious that they wouldn't say a word become active and social. Now, as Shrek says of Donkey, "the trick is getting [them] to shut up!"

Not everyone who started in the fall is still with us at the end of the year. You all take different paths; you all have to make your own choices. As Norma is found of saying, all of those choices have made you who you are today. The choices you make now, will make you who you are tomorrow.

For you seniors graduating, T envy you in a way. You are at the start of a new joumey. You have come to a crossroads where any destination is possible. J suggest you travel light. Leave all the baggage of the troubles you have had and the disappointments you have faced behind you. Granted, those things have made you stronger, so remember tbe way you succeeded. However don't let those things drag you down.

Good luck on your new journey, seniors. We will miss YOLl. Let us know about the new successes you encounter. Drop by or send us pictures. Let us know that the pains in the neck that you gave us as you struggled were worth it'

Of course we are losing two other "seniors" this year as well. Goodbye Norma and Marilyn. Please have a happy life. We'll miss you two also.

Those of us coming back next year will

have to support each other even more. I look . , forward to that challenge, and I hope you do too. The class of 2005 can make next year a great year.



Written By: Ivan Mackey

To those of you that want to go on with life and are set on making something of yourselves, please, keep going. Show people what you're made of. Don't give up its really not that hard. There may be some difficulties along the way but you'll see that the road that you follow after your hard work will be more satisfying and forgiving.

People who don't care and want to just live your life messing around looking for that job of great importance to be GNEN to you, you've got some quick hard thinking to do. Plans may work but for those people an everyday struggle will most likely be in your future. Which is actually is not a bad thing but will lead to a severe and overwhelming amount of stress that shouldn't affect you in the first place. Keep it together. After you move on in life, moving away from home or what have you, it gets hard and you all probably know that. However, you may not know just how hard that may be. I'm talking about waking lip lat for every job you have or had and getting fired because you couldn't control the urge to drink the night before. Everyone loves to enjoy a beer or whatever you like now and then but not to obliteration every night. The same goes for smoking pot, it's going to drag you down weather you care or 110t. One day you will care and you will regret it.

The gift of life is more than precious and requires appreciation on your part to make your life and everyone else's life better and a lot easier. Nothing is stopping you from making something of yourself except you and your decisions. We all know what good decisions and bad ones are. WE ALL HAVE THE POWER,

ABILITY, AND PRNLAGE TO CHOOSE. USE IT! Choose to show the world what you are capable of

accomplishing without being brought down or embarrassed about what you want or what you are passionate about.

If people believe, really care, want something bad enough, and follow through 011 promises to themselves and every person they can help without getting into a sling, it is my belief that those people will be the happiest people on earth. Don't be conceded about these things though. Help people because they need it not to sully make yourself feel better, but because they need the help and you have the ability to help and or teach them. We are all teachers knowing it or not. Some have degrees and some have a god given skill. Use it that is why you have it.


The following people were involved in the creation of this ScrapBook:

Publishing Workshop Monica Demick Evan Husted

Doug Mackey

Ashleu Nelson-Griese Austin Roach

Dana Schafer

Dan Scott

Audrey Pride

Krista W orthington

Computer Literacy Troy Dezess Tabytha Penfield Ronnie Dell

Ana Hackett

Blake Ells

Andrew Hurd Devin Dezess Brandon Mccoy

Norma Pryor ... we are going to miss youll

Norma came into education because ...

"I enjoy working with young people, and I want to make a difference."

Norma's best memory of all the years she's spent at Sswdon ...

"The way the students and staff pulled together in my absence to deliver a quality program. I am very touched by their caring!"

The funniest thing any of the students has ever done ...

"Shawn dressed as a guy and one student dressed in a dress. Or Kyle Barker and his excuses ... "I was abducted by aliensl?"

Favorite Quote ...

"You are what you are today because of the choices you made" Norma's one wish ...

"That Tobacco would be removed from the face of the earth, I hate that students smoker" Regrets ...

"I really don't have any regrets, I've lived my life the best I could and enjoyed everyday." Norma is going to miss ...

"The students, because they keep me young. And of course the staff, because they are so supportive." Anything she could have said or done to the kids ... ?

"1 would like to instill in the kids that you are in charge of your own happiness."

Some last words of Goodbye ...

"The past 2 1 years I have enjoyed a very interesting work life and have witnessed this program growing from 25 students to 95 students. I have seen many success stories- this year is no exception as we have 53 people receiving their H.S. credential. I have had the opportunity to meet with many of our former grads over the years and have seen first hand that [hey are productive citizens.

1 am sad that I will no longer take an active part in the education of our communities' young people. Plus, I will miss working with this awesome staff. 1 do hope to see and hear from you in the future. You have made me laugh.

You have made me cry.

But always you have brightened my lifer"

Now that Norma has a Jot of free time she will be ...

"Enjoying the time I have with my family (grandchildren), working in my flower garden, and traveling as much as possible!"

Marilyn Antcliff

Marilyn has been a secretary here for 16 years. And unfortunately, she is leaving this year. Marilyn is retiring. She told me that after she does leave, she going to move. She is also going to take care of her son and grandchildren. And most of all, she is going to shop, a lot, at 'Val-Mart. The most memorable moment she has had here at Sawdon was watching students grow into fine young adults and carrying out their dreams. The worst moment was moving to the 3rd tloor of Sawdon High School in 98 degree heat. Marilyn's favorite years since she has been here were 1991, 1993, and 1994. Those were the years that her grandchildren were born. She says that the thing that she is going to miss the most is the staff members, but actually, missing all of her students. Marilyn didn't like one teacher in particular, she liked working with them all. I asked what made her decide to retire, and she told me, "My age. Its time to get on with my life and do all the things I've always wanted to do." "Being a secretary at Sawdon is not hard," she says, "some times it's a struggle, but its defiantly not hard." The funnest fieldtrip that she said that they have gone on here was when they went to Cedar Point. The worst was when they went to Chicago. Marilyn's advise to all the students in the future is to "Do the best you can in whatever you attempt."


! An Interview with Joe Colagross !

s •

i .. Our HI h School Counsler

~ student opinions A message

~" he's always from Joe- ~I

~here to help you

put:' " just keep

~ on keeping

~" he never gives on, & give it ~

tp on students:' your all." i

t" he works very ard to help kids raduate on time."


I Questions Answers I

::> # I Where do you find the most satisfac- # I finds the most satisfaction From family, ~

tion? friends, work and personal interests ~

#2 Do you ever wish you had Done some- #2 It is unproductive to look back and dwell ~

thing different with life? on a decision I

~ ?

~ #3 Do you have a favorite quote? #3" The difference between winning & los- ~

~ ing is just getting up one more time than yout

~ fall. ~

~ #4 do you ever get sick of your Job? #4 Gets disappointed but never Gets sick o~

l working with kids ~

! #5 what is your favorite thing #5 The variety of challenges, the staff, and I

. About your job? the dedication of Norma Pryor ~


~ ~

~ . . . I

I •. .. I


Jam SliafJe4 Jt Jam couid. Iuuie atUJ1IiituJ in tJie UJtJJdd "fie uuudd. fluwe :J>opeye'6 eJUcJien foJt iunch. W-e!tIJdatJ. 5fie one t1iUu; tfud ,,~ he« is ~ !JJ~1i WfUJ Because Jle io gdtituJ ace oj uo in tJW.ul}.fu.3fu fiau mooie is ~e Wfuj ~e it mahes fun oj fwt, mom'o qenecatien; 5fie o.nhj t1iUu; "fie uuudd. liIie to. Iuuse ~ ~ to. &, !Jlappv; neoec "ad in CUUJWCUJ. Jam fJux6 &en 0-UJt {lJd teachec foJt fiowt long fwppv ~.

Sam Born in Adrian, MI November 18, 1966 Listens to Celtic and Techno music

CAVE class was favorite event this year because he was able to learn new techniques

He enjoys reading science fiction, computer games and golfing

The best place ever traveled to was Ketchikan Alaska Plans are to continue teaching

Enjoys the winter months

Quote "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" By following that advice, he should be able to get happiness out of life.

Russ Ferris

A few of my hobbies are hunting, fishing, and paintballing. I was born in Ionia

Chris Britton

On my free time I like to play basketball and my interest is Callie

Nakita Taylor

I was born in Huston Texas. On my free time I like play basketball, talk on the phone, and hang out with my friends. I also listen to a lot of music. My favorite class has to be Sam's because he's so cool

Ian Wallace, Age 18.His dream car is a Aston Martin V 12 Vanquish.

Andy Keeton Age

16. His nickname is Potter. Why because his looks a little like Harry Potter.

Troy Dezess ,age 20. He enjoys Faygo, and Iep. He is a super



Joe Swix

Joe Swix was born on September 29th, 1985. He is a senior. When he graduates from Sawdon, he sees him self sitting on his butt, just enjoying life. One of the things that likes about the school is that the teachers are awesome and because there is more one on one time that the teachers spend on each student. Joe said that he hates the lunches here. His favorite teacher here at Sawdon is Rob. He also said that one of the best experiences that he has had here, was when he beat Rob at basketball. Which, by the way, is his favorite sport to play. Joe listens to all kinds of music, including rap, heavy metal, and techno. Just to list a few. Kim Miller is Joe's girlfriend, who goes to the High School. One of Joe's favorite flavors of ice cream is Oreo. Joe's favorite quote is, "Take what is useful and develop from there." One last thing that I asked Joe was if he was gong to miss it here at Sawdon after he graduates, and he replied, "I'm glad that I'm getting out of school, but I'm going to miss the teachers."

Nick Kempf

Nick is a senior this year. He was born February 9th, 1986. After school, he sees himself in Costa Rica selling Real Estate, but that's only when he gets out of college. One of the things that he likes most about this school is that its casual and you don't have to worry about what people think about you. One thing that he doesn't like about this school is the planners. Nicks favorite teacher here is Russ. The best experience that he's had here at Sawdon is playing basketball, but the worst things was spraining two ligaments in his ankle. Nick only has his two ears pierced once. He listens to

all kinds of music. His favorite sports are basketball, soccer and pool. I asked Nick what the most trouble he has been in and it was a couple of court dates and 20 months in Costa Rica. Nick's favorite quote is "Pura Vida" Which mean, Pure Life. My last question to Nick was if he was looking forward to getting out of here, and his response was, "Hell yea, I wont miss Sawdon what so ever. But only some of the students."

Krista Worthington

Krista is a senior this year. She was born on May 29t,\ 1985.

Krista said after she gets out of school, she's going to college to study Criminal Justice. She wants to be a Corrections Officer. She enjoys this school because there's not as much drama as the high school. The only reason why she doesn't like it, is because she had to get up early just to come to two hours. Which, the two hours that she has is with Sam, who she says is her favorite teacher. When Krista gets out of her two hours of school, she goes to work for the state. I asked Krista if she could switch places with any celebrity, who it would be and why, and she told me that she would trade with Angelina Jolie, because she has a lot of loot and she is beautiful. Krista has a tattoo on her upper and lower back. She also has her ears, tongue and nipple pierced. The most trouble that Krista has ever been in is was her and her friend, DanieIle, stole a car. Her favorite quote is "Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

Stephen Richmond

Stephen is a sophomore this year. He is 17 years old. His birthday is December 28th, 1987. After he graduates, he sees himself in the military. Stephen doesn't even want to be in this school, but because of absences, the High School kicked him out. He said that he likes the smaller classes better then the high school, but he thinks that we need more time between classes. Russ is his favorite teacher. Stephen likes to listen to country music and likes to eat strawberry cheese cake ice cream. His favorite sports are softball, football and basketball. Stephen has a girlfriend that goes to the high school, but he would like to keep her name confidential.

April Robertson

April is a junior this year. She was born August io", 1987. April came to Sawdon on her own free will. She likes it here because its easy, but she doesn't like the attendance policy. Shawn is her favorite teacher. When I asked April if she could switch places with any celebrity, who would it be, she said, "Sandra Bullock. Because I want her man!" She listens to rap and country music. April's favorite quote is, "You only live once." 0 yea, and her favorite ice cream is strawberry.

Blake Ells

Blake was born February 22,1987. The military is where he sees him self after he graduates. He told me the he started coming to Sawdon High because he hates Grand Ledge High. Blake likes the fact that he can concentrate better here because its more laid back. But he doesn't like it here because there isn't a cafeteria. Blake's favorite teacher is Sam. He has a job, at tbe Mulliken store. I asked him if he could trade places with anyone famous and he told me, "The guitar player for Metallica because Metallica is ****'n awesome!" Blake listens to heavy metal music while riding on his BMX bike and playing baseball. The most trouble that Blake has been in was when he was tried for assault and battery. His favorite ice cream is moose-tracks and his favorite quote is, "Nothing to fear, but fear itsself."

*~tudent IntervieWg;*

evgn tIu~tlZd 12th 6radc

1.) What j&> your [evorite quote?

"Thzrz is a Jinll line blltW!Zlln gi2.nius and insanity." 2.) What Yl2.ars of school hevz been the bzst end vvhy? elementarg, no worries!

3.) What is your ultimate dream job?

Journal ist.

4.) What is your creative hobby?


3.) <£)0 you hevz Emy rcgrzls, if so whElt?

~es, not making the best and most o] mg high school Ylltl)'s.

MiRIZ Williams llth GrCldlZ

1.) What do you plan on doing whzn you get oul of high school?

:Build rElCIZ cars.

2.) What is your JE\\10ritlZ thing to do when qou'rz elonz? play pool.

3.) WhBt LD your most constructive hobby?

Working on cars.

4.) WhBt is thz most trouble qou hBViZ ever been in? &JomiZthingthBt involved court.

3.) What is your dream car?

1968 Shelby 6T.500

r glgr 10vga.1l 10th Grade

1.) WhElt do (jou plan on doing when you glZt out of high school?

Go to bee.

2.) What is your [evoritz thing to do when you're elonz?

Listen to music.

3.) WhBt i3 qour ultimate drzern job?

WhatiZver mekzs the most monzq.

4.) <vo you heve ell(j regrets. if so what? bosing credits.

5.) WhElt is your overall opinion of life?

! think liflZ is short, so {jou should do whati2.VlZf to ki2.IZP yourself happy.

Josh Driver Freshman

What years of school have been the best for you and why? "Elementary because I had recess"

\Vhat is yOW" most constructive hobby?


Do you have any secret crushes? "Yes"

What are your nicknames? What do they mean? "Squeak, because I'm small"

What is your overall opinion oflife? "Stuff happens"

Audrey Pride Junior

\Vhat do you plan on doing when you get out of high school? "Becoming an artist, it cosmetologist, doing and being anything 1 want" 'What is yOW" favorite quote?

"Live each day like it's the last"

Do you have any secret crushes?

"Yes, Johnny Depp"

If you could make one wish come true, what would it be?

"I'd wish that everyone in the world loved one another. Because that's what's gonna hold strength" What is your overall opinion oflife?

"1 think it's a gift and 1 don't take it for granted as many do. Earth has provided all, and Mother Earth needs more appreciation. Life is a miracle. I didn't used to think it had a reason, I still don't but 1 make the very best out of each waking day"

Dan Scott


What has been the best experience of the year? "Finding Jesus Christ"

What do you plan on doing after high school?

"Not totally sure but I think I would like to go to a Culinary Art School to become a chef' \Vhat is your most constructive hobby?

"My hobbies aren't really constructive but 1 like BMXing, snowboarding, and golfing" What is your dream car?

"If I could chose the car 1 wan ted, I would get a 1979 Trans Am" What is your overall opinion oflife?

"You can't run from it. It's not so much what you do in life as much as how you do it"

Roger Burwell Senior

What do you plan on doing when you get out of school? "Going to Culinary Arts School"

Do you have any tattoos or piercing's?

"Yes, a rabbit on my leg, and my ears are pierced" What is your ultimate dream job?

"Owning a resort in the keys"

If you could make one wish come true, what would you wish for? "Pass through College with out going but still get the Knowledge" What is your overall opinion oflife?

"If you take life too seriously, you wont get out alive"

_~~Doug Mackey Senior

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

"Yes, I have S tattoos, Q are done and the other isn't finished" What is your favorite quote?

"Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly!" What is your most constructive hobby?

"Riding horses and motocross"

Do you have any regrets?

"Yes, I should have finished school on time"

What is your overall opinion oflife?"I love it. Even though it can be hard sometimes, you just shrug it off and keep going. One day things will turn good"

Danielle Allen Senior

What do you plan on doing when you get out of high school? "Going to Cosmetology School"

Do you have any tattoos or piercings? "One tattoo, belly button, and ears"

What years of school have been the best and why? "My freshman year, it was so sweet and innocent" What Is the most trouble you have ever been into?

"Stealing my aunts car with Krista when we Vi re freshman, I was grounded for two months!"

If you could make one wish come true, what would you wish for? "For everyone to be a Billionaire'!"


# 1- music/meditation

#2- you can't destroy evil, evil destroys itself

#3- creativity

#4- acting school

#5- life should be lived to the fullest.


#1 what is your most creative outlet?

#2 what is your favorite quote?

#3 What do you value most?

#4What are your plans after high school?

#5What is your overall opinion about life?

Devin D.


#1- making Yu-Gi-Ho decks/ Good friends

#2- Experience is a great teacher but a fool learns in nothing else

#3- love

#4-to go to graphic design school and to be a public awareness manager for EA sports

#5- Life is loss, but it's learning to make the best of it.

SRENAFORAN # 1 Interior design #2 (none)

#3 Life

#4 college, major in law, minor in interior design

#5 (none)

#1 from friends and family

#2 " Whatever's Clever."

#3 Friendship

#4 Go to Beauty school

Stevie Bingham

#1 Music! gets ideas from experiences

#2 "Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."

#3 Life

#4 culinary school

#5 " sometimes you run into some #5 life is way too short bumps but it always smoothes


MicIiad fJ. JUmcIiel;

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;l)ana S cIiaJe4 tfreVt. ~ anlJtIiiruj ~Iie uuudd. freep uuudd. lk JWt 93~. Wfu; ~e Jle uianis to- lk tfreVt. /ffit fwt and fwt ~ lial1lJ.

!}Wi .Mmn goal i;., to- tahe

(JlUJd case oj, :Jla 93a1hj to~ it ~afe twm Jlwun.

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JllUutica 9)emicIi (Up 17 .NicIiname w jJw.m wfud 6fie W-lM a cftiid ~fie &w.d to. cIim1i tsees . So- fWID fwt, ~ . :Jamiltj and fwt 9J~ ca££ fwt ~. ~t jJw.m fwt cMdluuuL fJfie one tIiUu; Sfie miooes tire mas t is fwt (jJtand-


Sean 91eene io a 15 lj£CVt old Male. ue« ~ tIUJJWf. Jt fie couid. fiup cure tIiing it would De JJtWney. WfuJ? 60- fie can Iuuse JJtWney pOW-e't iw.'t 60- fie can rufu tfie WOJdd.

~ J f-o-x :Jew time ot tire tpa4 W 6U1tUtWt ~e Pte

teoe« tPte outdoose and tPte lieacIi.:Jfie one t.IiUu; tfud 6 cwte6 Iiim io tW1: lWing ~ life fu tfle ~t. 9Jeccut6e lJO-U 0l'lhJ ~ cutee.!JiM few meoie io (}oed :J~ Because Pte Eaoe» nw1i

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JULY '25, 1999 (I3-Day) !-l~ ~NjOy$ w~H'NG, PLay,NG M\1$rC, YJD~O G'aM~S, aND aN'IM~. ~J$ raYo~H~ 13aND 'Is A p~~r~c+ CJ~CL~, I-1'~ ray. FooD 'I~ CH'N~$~ aND ~l~ "PLa,($ +H~ G'vHa~ ro~ "paS+'IM~. \1 'I( +!-l~ G'~a~s 15 ALwM$ G~~~N~~ ON +!-l~ o+!-l~~ $rl>~ yov MrC!-l+ 13~ cOLO~ I3LIND" U(~ ,~ a130\1+ LoY~ aNI> M\)$'C. ~'$ ~a~$ a~~ "P,~~C~D 13\)+ I-1~ WaN+S 1-11$ +ONG'V~ & NI"P"PL~$. ~'$ (v+\1~~ ~N+a'lL$ 13~'NG' ~a"ppy aND 13~COMING' a M\)$IdaN.


~r:: r::NJOY$ $kMr::goa~D'NG, aND

$Lr::r::f' lNG, MV$IC Llkr:: OLD Mr::+aLL,ca, I-lr:: CaN S+aND aNY+I-lING 8V+

• COVN+~Y, (OOD $VCI-l a$ f'll1:Cl, 80+1-l

I-lls r::a~s a~r:: f'Ir::~Cr::D aND HI$ fONCVr::.

K'I$ MOS+ r::M8a~~a$s'ING MOMr::Nf ~Ias wl-lr::N J-lr:: !-lClD I-lIS r::yr::8~Ow $!-lavr::D 0(( aND SHOWING Vf' +0 $cl-looL Llkr::

+I-lCl+. ~r:: $CIY$ I-lr:: J-la$N' + HaD aNY /' GOOD r::'J'Pr::~'r::NCr::$.

ANDY ts 16. ~'$ 8r::$+ r::Wr::~,r::NCr:: 1$ WI-lr::N I-lr:: Sf',L+ +I-lr:: Nas+y ~OHr::N MILk. I( J-lr:: coVLD Cl-laNGr:: ONr:: +f-llNC 801Jf ff-lr:: SCl-looL H'D 8r:: MO~r:: cl~LS. ~r:: L'Ikr::S ~af' M1J$lC, (OO+8ClLL, aND C!-lILLr::N.. ~r:: f'~IDr::S !-llM$r::L( ON I-lIS GOOD Look$. ATA svka$ ...

A QVo+r:: I-lr:: L,vr::$ 8'1 1$

" RoLLIN DOWN +~Ir:: $+~r::r::+ $MokrNG rN Dor::, $Jf''IN ON GrN aND




($+aC~LLa) $H~ 1$ 19, K~~ B-Day 1$ JaN. 13. K~~ HOBBY 1$ pa~-fY'NG. S'H~ ts ~1~'JICaN, ~~~MaN, 'J)IJ+C!-i, aND POL.'SH. K~~ r::-\J~lJ~~ PLaNS ,S ~O GO ~O coLL.~G~ aND L)\I~ IN FLO~IDa fo B~COM~ a Ma~IN~ BloLOGIs+.

K~~ g~$f ~'JP~~I~NC~ fHIS y~a~ 1$ KIGH . n~LDS aND MaKING N~W r::-~'~NI)S.

" y OlJ N~V~~ KNOw wHO YOlJ CaN ~~IJS~'" IS H~~ QIJof~ ~o I...'V~ BY. $H~ ~NJOY$ aL.L KINDS or::- MIJ$IC, l~aLlaN r::-OOD, DaNCING, aND +~av~LING. K~~ S'~c~~f C~IJSH Is ON }\yaN M. H~~ \l1~W ON DIJSH " I ,~af~ HIM aND fH~~~ IS NO ~OOD ~~aSON ~O g~ a~ wa~"

RyaN IS 19, K,s g-Day ts AIJGIJsf 15.

U~S MIJSrC; aNyfHING GOOD, r~)~NI)S, & rrSHING. ~IS r\Jf\J~~ pL.aNS IS fo GO +o coL.L.~G~, aNI) H~ HO"P~S +0 Ha\l~ +H~ ~~~af~sf Llr~. ~'s g~$+ ~'JP~~I~NC~ fH)S y~a~ 1$ fH~ wHoL~ y~a~. AND HIS wO~$~ IS NO~ ~~aLL.y aNY+HING. DIJ+ H~ DO~$ wl$H +H~~~ WasN' f SO MaNY YO\JNG KIDS H~~ af S'aWDON. fH~ MOS+ rIJN

H~' S ~v~~ Hal) was rN CaNC\JN. A ~~G~~+ H~ HaS IS fH~ rac+ ~I~ HaD fo wo~k HIS aSS Orr fo riNISI-1 +1-1,S y~a~.

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~~~ ravo~H~ rOO'V$ a~~ p,tta aNO $f~ak.. ~r:::~ ravo~Hr::: fr:::aCHr:::~ 1$ SHaWN.

AN'V H~~ r\lf\l~r::: INcLwr:::$ GOING fa COLL~G~.

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Is AND~~W K\!~t>.

CI-l~,$ ts 15, H,$ e-t>ay 1$ May 29. ~'$ I-loee,~$ a~~ ea$\<fo:-J.eaLL & OfH~~ $f'o~f$. ~~ ~NJOy$ Ra? MV$IC. ~)$ e~$f ~'/f'~~I~NC~ ~HI$ y~a~ wCl$ wl-l~N H~ fl-l~~w vIN~G'a~ ON RoaCH. ~I$ wO~$-J. ~yP~~I~NC~ rs G'~-HING $V$f'~ND~D r:o~ :3 DaY$. ~IS rV+v~ f'LaN$ 1$ +0 G~aDVa+~.

"Ur~ IS l-la~D aND +I-l~~~ ,S a LO+ Or ?aJN IN +I-l~ wo~LD e\Jf YO\J co+

~o LJv~ If ~o +H~ (\JLL~S+" 1$ HJ$ q\Jof~ fo LIV~ rJY. CI-lR.IS IS a ?~~ffy ~ON~$+ ~a$y GOrNG GVY w/a GOOD $~NS~ or I-IVMO~. ~'7$ $~c~~f C~vsl-l 'S H~afH~~ ...

Ma~l~ IS 19, I-l~~ e-pay IS SlWf~Me~~ '2HI-l. ~~~ rDfD~~ PLaNS a~~ fa co INfo a

eMNc.1-l Or MILHa~y, Mosf LI~LY fl-l~ ar~ ro~c.~. lH~N sl-l~' p Lr~ +a e~c.OM~ a PI-lofoc~apI-I~~ o~ PSyc.l-loLoc'sf 151 c. SI-l~P LI~ fo kNow wl-lY P~oPL~ ad +I-!~ way hj~Y vo. $~j~ LlS-f.~NS -f.o ~af', ~&e, ~oc.k, ALf~~NaHv~,& EL~c.f~oN,c.a. ~~~ ray. Foop IS M~Ylc.aN, f'aSfIM~ IS COINC +o c.LD8S

(SI-ID-f. W!(NO-f. hja-f.)) HaNciNc wi r~I~NPS, h'~H'Nc po~+~y aNP S~kI-lINC. jr SI-l~ C.ODLp Ma~ ONr:: WISH H'p g~ -f.l-la-f. ~v~~yON~ L,~p I-I~~ ro~ ~I~~. H~~ ov~~aLL O'PJNJON a80Df Llr~ 'S '\~~ qv~ ON I-l~LL ON ~a~fl-l aNI> aLL CO fa l-I~aV~N. lHrS wO~Lp IS s,c.k aNP fh/ls+~p

& C.~V~L, PON' f L~f H fa~ ov~~ yov jVs+ +0 rH 'N. H~~ g~s+ ~';/f'~~'~NC.~ was (lHrNC IN 'fN a Plrr. way. ~~~ s~c.~~f C.~VSI-l ,S 'V~w H~~p, SaY,NC I-I~' S c.Df~&

Zane Matthews

Listens to rap and rock music

Favorite teachers are Sam and Shawn

Best place ever traveled to was Florida Favorite quote: "what ever floats your boat or runs your motor and if your motor stops your boat still floats and it doesn't sink"

John Hethorne

Likes all types of music but country Favorite teacher is Shawn

Likes to play video games, party and rock climb Favorite season is summer

He wants to have good memories of life

Heidi Wilson

From Tampa, Florida Favorite teacher is Russ

She wants happiness out of life

Ryan McGlaclen Favorite teacher is Shawn

He likes music, fishing and friends Best place ever traveled to Cancun Plays basketball

Goals right now are to get a job and go to college

Janae Carr

Likes to listen to Rap, R&B and Old School Favorite teacher is Sam

She likes to dance

Best place she has ever visited was Las Vegas

Alyce Anderson

Born Las Vegas, Nevada

Best accomplishment was winning the regionals in CAC tournament (track)

Best place traveled to was St Louis

Says the way to live life is to be optimistic Wants to be successful and have money

Ana Hackett

She's white as Dan Scott's butt

Listens to everything but that yodeling crap Favorite teacher is Rob

Likes to play tennis

Wants to move out of Grand Ledge

~ Her basic outlook on life is to be optimistic

James Raynek

Born and raised right here in Lansing, MI Family originated in Greece

He likes to hockey

Favorite teachers are Shawn and Rob

Andrew Hurd Nice guy

Likes to skateboard Good at fixing cars

Heather Kenny

She's a beautiful Mexitalian from Lansing MI She listens to country music

Favorite teacher is Shawn

Her hobbies are barrel racing, rodeos and with Callie

Wants to become a vet and travel as much as possible.

Andrew Scott

Born in Indiana

Listens to rap and rock Favorite teacher is Shawn Likes to play PS2 and draw

Best place ever been to was Canada and Florida

Likes to play soccer

Quote "Life sucks and then you die"

Calvery Fasset (Callie)

Callie was born June 13til, 1987. She is a junior this year. When Callie graduates, she sees her self calling her friends and crying because they are in the "real world". I asked her why she was here at Sawdon and she said that she is here because she wanted to be and she is very happy to be here. The reason why she said that she likes this school so much is because of how it is a big family. Then, she said that the reason why she doesn't like this school is because of all the drama, drama, drama! She told me that Shawn was her favorite teacher, but lVlarilyn is her favorite lady. I asked her if there was anyone celebrity that she would switch places with, who would it be, and she told me that she would switch with Jennifer Lopez. Because she is so "real" and beautiful. Callie has 9 piercings in her ears, one in her belly button and one in her tongue. She doesn't have a favorite kind of music, it just has to have a good beat and good lyrics. Callie's favorite quote is, "smile, because you never know who's day you will brighten!" Then, I asked her if she was dating anyone and who it was, and she told me that she is dating her all time crush, that she has had for 2 years and he is finally hers. His Dame is Travis Tupper.





I ~ N~;D;~;\AD:;:;~wvwwvv1

Age: 18

~ Born: Lansing,MI

I Favorite trick: Backside 5-0 ~ I, avo rite cereal: Cookie I ~ crisp

I Stance: regular ~

~ Favorite spot: backyard

! Style: My boy Devins all

~ about the vert. He's known {for his long 5-0s and stalls

~ on the lip and is often seen ~ ! tarring it up and fits !

! I

~ ~


Raclvide 5-0

r,ont/ide 5-0






San Diego, Cali.


Regular stance Hardcore Street

Favorite Trick: Fakie varial flips and Frontside flips

Andrew Herd is an up and coming new skater who is hoping to be sponsored by Fix. With his own unique style of street tricks and huge stair gaps, its not hard to see who the next Ali Boulala is going to be. Drewhaz has been skating for years, he can hit almost anything in his hometown. When I asked him where his Favorite Spots are at, his only Reply was, "No parks for me, I like the ledges and the loading dock at the high school."

Backside 180

Varia] flip

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"Devin, are you gonna eat that?"

My Chris, what long arms you have!!!


A little confused are we?

" Come on Daddy needs a winner!!"

" Dang man I just wanted a hug"

Here at Sawdon there are tons of different kinds of students.


The Mentally Handicapped




We have Reindeer

Cute Couples Weirdoes
e •
r I
r k
• e Brandy
I Good Teachers




Nice People

Some Are Having Babies



Cool Teachers

More 3:le


Unfortunately we don't know when Ted's head will . stop growing out of control.

This may very well be Roger in thirty years. Let's hope for Roger's ego his head won't shrink.

Holy Moly

She could be one twisted CHER double or just really strung out!

Okay something is wrong here, either his thumb is really big or his face is all bent out , of shape. Oh wait its both, HA-HA! !

That's one big Ogre OH Wait no its just Wes. What's going on with his chin?

He's a brainyak, brainyak for sure. His head is getting bigger than ever before.

Me Rob, me need a Jane


AAHHH! What The heck is going on here?!

I'm Going to crush your puny little head. Your inferior size makes of difference to me midget man.


Brandon McCoy as Malcolm McDowell Nick Kempf as Vanilla Ice

Doug Mackey as Tom Cruise (Younger) Roger Burwell as Pierce Brosnan

Sam Ortiz as Mr. Miyagi (In the early years) Stacy Piotrowicz as Salma Hayek

Andy Auble as Ashton Kutcher

Russ as John Candy (before his demise)

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