Dedication & Responsibility: Yosef's Greatest Quality?
Dedication & Responsibility: Yosef's Greatest Quality?
Dedication & Responsibility: Yosef's Greatest Quality?
Parashat VaYeishev
Kisleiv 24 5777
Vol. 25 No. 14
I thank Rav Asher Brander for allowing me to adapt and expand his
article on this topic, published in his excellent work Teachings.
The Problem
Heres the problem: In defending Am Yisrael, Moshe uses the
very same Keshei Oref notion as the essential rationale for our
salvation (Shemot, 34:9):
Moshe hastened, bowed to the ground and said, If I
have found favor in Your eyes my Master, let my Master
go among us [Ki Am Keshei Oref Hu] because it is a stiffnecked people, pardon our iniquity and our sins, and take
us as Your own possession.
Keshei Oref as a reason for mercy does not sound like a
winning argument. It almost seems that Moshe employs Keshei
Oref as a desired state.
Four Classic Solutions Ibn Janach, Ibn Ezra, Ramban and Midrash
Ibn Ezra presents two possible explanations of the text. First,
he presents the opinion of Rav Mereinos (Rav Yonah Ibn Janach),
who explains that the word Ki in our context of Ki it is a stiff
necked people should be rendered as if to say, even though it is
a stiff necked people (for the word Ki can also mean even
Opting with the more standard usage of the word Ki as
causative, Ibn Ezra offers a different approach, translating our
phrase as Because we are stiff necked because I admit that we
have sinned, I admit that it is a stiff necked people and therefore
you shall forgive.
Ibn Ezras second notion runs like this: Hashem, we dont
attempt to redefine truth in light of our behavior, nor do we make
a theology of our weaknesses a tendency from which frail man
often suffers. In classic Berditchever Rebbe style, Moshe turns to
Hashem and says: but at least we are honest.
Ibn Ezra to Shemot 13:17 cites Rav Moshe Ibn Jikatila who interprets the
word Ki in this Pasuk to mean even though. The word Ki in Yehoshua
17:18 and Tehillim 41:5 can be reasonably understood as meaning even
though as well.
3 Moshe Rabbeinus request of God can be understood as a
commitment to transform our stubborn nature from the negative
Rav Hirsch - The Am Keshei Oref: The Perfect Nation to Receive the
In a variation on the Midrashs theme, Rav Hirsch (to Shemot
34:9) writes about the natural innate obstinacy of the race, which
made Israel the most suitable for the revelation of the Divinity of
His Torah. We can explain Rav Hirsch in light of the fact that the
most contentious and argumentative (and highly intelligent)
people accepted the divine origin of the Torah, which
demonstrates that the Torah is indeed of divine origin. The stiff
necked nation would never have accepted the Torah as being of
I know that you fasted today, but I am not going to divine origin had it not indeed been of divine origin. We can
invoke the death penalty you deserve according to the understand Moshe Rabbeinu as arguing to Hashem that He should
Law. Instead you are going to climb that mountain and forgive us since it is precisely the fact that we are the Am Keshei
slide down on your stomachs. Those among you who Oref that proves the authenticity of the claim that Hashem gave us
would like to repent may say they were wrong to disobey the Torah.
army regulations and fasting today. Those who wish to do
so may raise their hands.
Mark Twain wondered what the secret of the Jews
immortality is. Part of the answer is our natural inclination to be
Dr. Eliach continues and relates:
the Am Keshei Oref. This proven prophecy resonates deeply
within us as we understand how this stubborn nature has allowed
Not a single hand went up. And so, the tired, soaked, us to persevere in our adherence to Torah observance in spite of
starving, the emaciated Jews climbed the wet, slippery manifold challenges in each and every generation throughout the
mountain. When they reached the top, they were ordered millennia. Thoughtful individuals recognize that we are indeed the
to slide down on their stomachs. When they reached the Am Keshei Oref and that this constitutes yet another reason to
bottom, they were ordered to line up again. They were acknowledge the Torah to be of divine origin.
asked if there were individuals who wished to repent and
be spared the ordeal. Mud-covered figures with feverish
eyes looked at the clean shaven German officer in silent
defiance. And so ten times they repeated the humiliating
Editors-in-Chief: Hillel Koslowe, Yehuda Koslowe
performance, each time with more determination, each
time with more strength, climbing and sliding from an
Publication Editors: Moshe Davis, Tani Greengart,
unknown Polish mountain which on that soggy Yom
Shlomi Helfgot, Binyamin Jachter, Ned Krasnopolsky
Kippur night became a symbol of Jewish courage.
Publishing Manager: Eitan Leff, Avi Roth
After the ordeal was over, a young German officer of low
Staff: Shmuel Bak, Eli Englard, Nachum Freedman, Gabe
rank walked over to the group and said, I dont know
Greenberg, Meir Lightman, Shai Rosalimsky, David
who will win this war, but one thing I am sure of people
Rothchild, Yehuda Saks
like you, a nation like yours, will never be defeated,
Rabbinic Advisor: Rabbi Chaim Jachter
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small children depended on him for sustenance in those years (the 1920s),
when government welfare was not extended even to those in the most dire of