For Full Report Click Here 16th Shodh Yatra
For Full Report Click Here 16th Shodh Yatra
For Full Report Click Here 16th Shodh Yatra
Shodhyatra is a journey for celebrating people’s been an area of academic and programmatic
knowledge, creativity and innovations at neglect. Shodhyatra, which began eight years ago,
grassroots. In summer and winter every year, we is the only event in itself where people cutting
along with the farmers, innovators, students and across the walks of life walk up to the knowledge
others to learn from within, other fellow travelers holder with humility seeking the nectar of
and of course the people. Many times, same knowledge and creativity with an ultimate objective
contexts trigger different insights in the minds of of making India innovative, creative,
different people. By having grassroots knowledge compassionate and caring.
experts, we also make a point that people’s
knowledge matters. When outsiders come and The Sixteenth Shodhyatra was organized from
acknowledge local experts, respect for such Kumily to Kattapana in the Idukki district. The yatra
knowledge goes up in the local community. was organized in association with Peermade
Shodhyatra aims at unearthing and honouring such Development Society (PDS), which is also the local
traditional knowledge and grassroots innovations HB collaborator from Kerala. The route from Kumily
that have not only enriched the lives of men, women to Kattapana was marked by undulating terrain and
and farm labourers but have also significantly stray jungles. The Shodhyatra route was very near
contributed towards the conservation of bio- to the Tamilnadu border. The primary crop of the
diversity. Shodhyatra is a journey of mutual district is spices of various kinds like cardamom,
exchange of knowledge and learning. Whatever black pepper, clove etc. Industrially, the district is
knowledge and practices that we have pooled in, a bit backward. However, of late new spices
over the years in the form of Honey Bee database processing plants are coming up in great number.
are shared with the villagers during the Shodhyatra. The district has four talukas viz. Devikulam,
Shodhyatra is also a journey to spread the Udumbanchola, Peermade and Thodupuzha. The
ecological values of conservation and Shodhyatra covered thirteen villages in two talukas
sustainability. We do it by involving women and of Udumbanchola and Peermade, with an
children to display their ecological knowledge estimated distance of hundred km. The yatra was
through biodiversity competitions and recipe
contests respectively.
Fun Time:
produce at a paltry rate of Rs. 50 in 2005. The chemical agriculture was becoming obvious to the
crash is unprecedented and broke the back bone Shodhytaris.
of most small and marginal vanilla growers. Even
in the international market, the price decline for AND THE CURTAIN FALLS
black pepper is even stiffer; from The gap between
the high input and low output ratio is too big for The Shodhytara ended on 2nd January 23, 2006
most of the small and medium farmers to eschew. at Kattapana with the felicitation of all the
Ironically, the pesticide that is bought to kill the pests Shodhytaris . There is no doubt that the
is being consumed by the farmers themselves to Shodhytara was a collective journey in to the self
end their lives. The non-sustainability of the to locate the child in everyone that becomes unrest