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Pipeline Architecture

C. V. Ramamoorthy
Computer Science Division, Department o/Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and the
Electronzcs Research Laboratory, Unzversity of Cahfornza, Berkeley, Berkeley, Californzu-94720

H.F. Li
Department o] Electrical Engineering and the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at
Champaign-Urbana, Urbana, Illinois 61801

Pipelined computer architecture has re ceived considerable attention since the 1960s
when the need for faster and more cost-effective systems became critical. The
merit of pipelining is that it can help to match the speeds of various subsystems
without duplicating the cost of the entire system involved. As technology evolves,
faster and cheaper LSI circuits become available, and the future of pipelining,
either in a simple or complex form, becomes more promising.
This paper reviews the many theoretical considerations and problems behind
pipelining, surveying and comparing various representative pipeline machines that
operate in either sequential or vector pipeline mode, the practical solutions
adopted, and the tradeoffs involved. The performance of a simple pipe, the physical
speed limitation, and the control structures for penalty-incurring events are
analyzed separately. The problems faced by the system designers are tackled,
including buffering, busing structur, branching, and interrupt handling. Aspects
of sequential and vector processing ~re studied. Fundamental advantages of vector
processing are unveiled, and additional requirements (costs) are discussed to
establish a criterion for the tradeoff between sequential and vector pipeline
processing. Finally, two recent machines (the CRA'~-I and the Amdahl 470 V/6
systems) are presented to demonstrate how complex pipeline techniques can be
used and how simple but advantageous pipeline concepts can be exploited.

Keywords and Phrases: computer architecture, pipelining, sequential processing,

vector processing
CR Categories: 5.24, 6.33

T h e p r i n c i p l e of p i p e l i n i n g h a s e m e r g e d as a
m a j o r a r c h i t e c t u r a l a t t r i b u t e of m o s t
present computer systems. In particular,
s u p e r m a c h i n e s such as t h e T e x a s I n s t r u * Research sponsored by US Army Research
Office Contract DA-ARO-D-31-124-73-G157.

m e n t s T I A S C , B u r r o u g h s PEPE, I B M
S y s t e m / 3 6 0 M o d e l s 91 a n d 195, C r a y R e s e a r c h CRAY-1, C D C STAR-100, A m d a h l
470 V / 6 , C D C 6600, a n d C D C 7600 h a v e
d i s t i n c t p i p e l i n e processing capabilities,
e i t h e r in t h e f o r m of i n t e r n a l l y p i p e l i n e d
i n s t r u c t i o n a n d a r i t h m e t i c u n i t s or in t h e
f o r m of p i p e l i n e d special p u r p o s e f u n c t i o n a l
u n i t s [1-4].

Copyright 1977, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. General permission to republish, but
not for profit, all or part of this material is granted, provided that ACM's copyright notice is given
and that reference is made to the publication, to its date of issue, and to the fact that reprinting
privileges were granted by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Computing Surveys, Vo|. @~N~, 1, M~T~ 1~77


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li


~ Instructlon Processlng (


Non-pipelined processor.




FIGUB~ lb. Pipelined processor.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
1.1 Historical Perspective
1.2 Pipeline Characteristics
1.3 Performance Characteristics
1.4. Control Structure, Hazards, and Penalties

1,5 Sequencing Control

1.6 Software Aspects
2 1 An Example Sequential Pipelined Processor
2 2 Buffering

2.3 Busing Structure

2.4 Branching
2 5 Interrupt Handhng
2.6 Pipeline Processing of Arithmetic Operations
3.1 Vector Instruction
3.2 Implications, Requirements, and Tradceffs
4.1 The Asynchronous CRAY-1 Computer
4.2 Amdahl 470 V/6

Pipelining is one form of imbedding

parallelism or concurrency in a computer
system. It refers to a segmentation of a
computational process (say, an instruction)
into several subprocesses which are executed
by dedicated autonomous units (facilities,
pipelining segments). Successive processes
(instructions) can be carried out in an
overlapped mode analogous to an industrial
assembly line. So, very loosely, pipelining
can be defined as the technique of decomposing a repeated sequential process into
subprocesses, each of which can be executed
efficiently on a special dedicated autouomous module that operates concurrently
with the others.
As an illustration, consider the process of
executing an instruction. Normally it involves fetching the instruction, decoding the
operations involved, and fetching the
Computing Surveys, VoL 9, No 1, March 1977


~ T~me

FIGURE lC. Space-time diagram.

operands before it is finally executed. If
this process is decomposed into these four
subprocesses and executed on the four
modules shown in Figure l(b), four successive independent instructions may be
executed in parallel. Specifically, while the
EXEC module is executing the first inStruction, the Operand Fetch (OF) module
fetches the operand needed for the second
instruction, the Instruction Decode (ID)
module prepares the different operations
for the third instruction, and the Instruction
Fetch (IF) module fetches the fourth instruction. The overlapped execution among
the four modules is best depicted by a
space-time diagram. As drawn in Figure
1(c), the horizontal axis represents the time
and the vertical axis the space (modules).
From this diagram one can observe how
independent instructions are executed in
parallel in a pipelined processor.
Some theoretical developments and implications of pipelining are reviewed in
this section. A top-down, level-by-level
characterization of pipeline applications in
computers and the associated configuration
control are explained in Section 1.2, Pipeline
Characteristics. To reveal the fundamental
advantages of pipelining, the space-time
measure model is employed to illustrate the
ideal throughput (performance) of a pipelined system with no external restrictions
or dependencies. This pictorial measure
applies to a pipeline of any level operating
in an ideal environment. Besides the ideal
performance, the limitation of this technique to the lowest level in a computer,
namely the logic gate level, is surveyed.
Here a practical limitation to the ultimate

P i p e l i n e Architecture

speed achievable arises because the technique requires the insertion of latches of
finite delay. It is shown that this delay
plays a significant role in determining the
bound on the fastest speed achievable.
On the other hand, when a pipeline
operates on tasks with precedence constraints, the space-time measure for the
ideal situation is not directly applicable.
Section 1.3, Performance Characteristics,
analyzes the performance of such a pipe
when the precedence relationships are in
the form of a tree. Appropriate bounds are
provided which reflect that the pipe sometimes has a throughput rate close to its
segment time and at other times has a
rate close to its flush time. The dominating
role played by task relationships in an
actual pipeline is thus apparent.
After the analytical evaluation of a pipeline's performance, the various applicable
control schemes are classified and compared with respect to the flow of instructions and the resolution of conflicts. This
classification covers most of the schemes
existing in pipelined systems as well as
some theoretically feasible combinations.
In Section 1.4, Control Structure, Hazards,
and Penalties, three kinds of hazards are
formally classified. The detection and resolution techniques for these hazards under
either "streamline" or "fully asynchronous" control are analyzed according to
the incurred cost in hardware and incurred
delay penalties in runtime. Section 1.5,
Sequencing Control, presents a simple
sequencing control using shift registers as
an example of synchronous pipelines whose
collisions are predeterminable. This scheme
is useful for controlling lower level pipelines
such as arithmetic pipes for which external
conditions or precedence constraints are
rare. Finally, in Section 1.6, Software
Aspects, some software problems related
to the efficient code generation of a vector
pipeline are discussed.
In Section 2, Structure of a Pipelined
Processor, the problems and solutions associated with a sequential pipelined system
are examined more carefully. Three systems
are used as examples to make cross-comparisons in several practical problems.
These problems include: 1) buffering for


smoothing congestions; 2) busing structure

to reduce delay penalties; 3) branch handling to reduce the disruption of flow; and
4) interrupt handling to ensure a proper
interrupt response and later recovery. In
Section 2.6, Pipeline Processing of Arithmetic Operations, an example of pipelining
fast multipliers is provided to illustrate how
a lowest level pipeline can be effectively
designed. Such pipelines can often use control schemes like the one in Section 1.6.
In Section 3, Vector Processing, many
special characteristics associated with a
vector pipelined system are analyzed separately. Vector pipelines have become economic ways to achieve high throughput
for application with suitable parallelism.
Specifically, jobs with identical transformations on a set of data can be carried out
with minimal control overhead (instruction)
and high speed. Two prominent machines,
the TI ASC and the CDC STAR-100, are
examined. To provide a clear picture, a detailed example of a typical vector instruction (format and execution) is provided.
From it one can realize how to use vector
instructions and how to achieve skewing
on data elements. An analytical comparison
between the performance of a vector pipe
and that of a sequential pipe is also furnished. This comparison reveals where
vector pipelines bring in speedup; however,
the additional demands of vector pipelines
for proper instruction sets, proper choices
of algorithms, and intelligent compilers
are also exposed.
Finally, in Section 4, Overview of Two
Recent Machines, the special characteristics
of two recent pipelined computers are surveyed. The chaining in the CRAY-1 is an
example of pipelining applied between
vector instructions. With it a very high
throughput can be obtained. It is also interesting to observe that the simple pipeline
design for the Amdahl 470 V/6 system
has proved to be a success.
1.1 Historical Perspective

Computer designers have exploited the

overlapped mode of operations since the
late fifties. We recount only some significant milestones in its development. For a
Computing Surveys, Vol 9, No. 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

FIGURE ld. Basic computer structure.

clear understanding of this development,
let us model the computer system by the
following subsystems (Figure l(d)):
1) The instruction processing unit (IPU)
performs the instructions fetch and
decode, and fetches the operands (if
any) required for the instructions.
2) The execution unit (EXEC) performs
the desired operation on the operands.
3) The input/output unit (I/O) controls
the peripheral devices.
4) M represents the primary memory of
the computer system.
The earliest use of overlapped operations
between the CPU (IPU-t-EXEC), the
memory unit (M), and the input/output
unit (I/O) can be found in the UNIVAC I,
developed during the early fifties. Here the
central processor initiates an I/O process;
then the CPU and the I/O proceed concurrently. When the I/O operation is completed, an interrupt signal is issued by the
I / O controller to alert the CPU of the completion. This asynchronous I/O processing
avoids having the CPU wait for the completion of I / O tasks and improves the
Another type of pipelining where overlap
is achieved between the instruction processing unit and the execution unit, has been
exploited by later machines. For example,
the IBM 7094 used this type of overlap to
its advantage. With a 72-bit-wide memory
with a memory cycle time of approximately
2 psec, it executed on the average an instruction (32 bits) with 32-bit operands in
two cycles or 4 ~sec [22]. With an interleaved and faster memory [1.4 #sec cycle
time], the 7094 II achieved an average
execution rate of one instruction per cycle
of 2 psec. The Honeywell H-800 (1959)
pioneered in multiprogramming, overlapping of I/O, and concurrent computing
among a number of programs resident in
the memory. Similarly, the Univac LARc
(1961) uses interleaved memory and a four-

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

fold overlap (instruction fetch, indexing,

data fetch, and execution) and can run one
floating-point add per cycle of 4 #sec [22].
Pipelining within the instruction processing unit was implemented in the IBM 360/91
in the sixties. Some functions of the execution unit were also pipelined--for example,
the addition and the division processes.
1.2 Pipeline Characterization

Since pipelining can be applied at more

than one level, a top-down, level-by-level
characterization of pipelining can be conveniently established for analyzing a pipelined system. A pipe can be further distinguished by its design configurations and
control strategies. These two points are
elaborated below.
1) Levels of pipelining: Pipelining at the
system level is exemplified in the design of
the instruction processing unit. The IPU
can be decomposed into various functional
segments--instruction fetch, instruction decode, address generation, etc. (Figure l(b)).
It takes one minor cycle for a task (instruction) to pass through each segment. Thus,
after a stream of tasks enters this pipeline,
the pipeline starts outputting one task per
minor cycle. Microprogram prefetch--that
is, overlap of decoding the current microinstruction with fetching the next microinstruction--is another example at this level.
The next level for the application of pipelining is the subsystem level, typical examples of which are the pipelined arithmetic
units. Pipelined add, multiply, divide, and
square-root functions have been in existence in a number of contemporary computer structures. Figure l(e) is the conceptual representation of the operation of
the divide unit of the IBM 360/91, where,
as D, iteratively approaches 1, N, approaches N/D, the quotient.
2) Pipeline configurations: In addition to
the hierarchical levels of pipelining, differDIV

DI+l =DI"(2-DI) NI+l =NI"(2-Dl)



Flow of Control

IBM 360/91 divide.

Pipeline Architecture
ent design and control strategies classify a
pipelined module into one of two forms; it
can be either a static or a dynamic pipe.
Sometimes a pipelined module only serves a
single dedicated function--for example, the
pipelined adder or multiplier in the IBM
360/91. Naturally, it can be termed a
unifunctional pipe with a static configuration. On the other hand, a pipelined module
can serve a set of functions, each with a
distinguishable configuration. For example,
in the TI ASC system the arithmetic unit
in the processor is a pipe that has different
configurations (interconnections of modules)
for performing different types of arithmetic
operations. Such a pipe is called a multifunctional pipe. A multifunctional pipe can
be either static or dynamic. In the static
case, at any time instant only one configuration is active, therefore pipelining (overlapped processing) is permissible only if
the tasks (instructions) involve the same
configuration. Most, if not all, multifunctionM pipes in arithmetic units of existing machines fall into this classification
because static pipes are easier to control, as
will become clearer later on. Dynamic multifunctional pipes permit overlapped processing among several active configurations
simultaneously. Throughput may be further
enhanced, but more elaborate control and
sequencing are required. This classification
of static and dynamic pipes will be very
useful when we consider and evaluate pipelined processor architecture in subsequent


For this discussion, let us reconsider the

example in Figure 1. For a nonpipelined
processor, the execution time of an instruction is T,~ = tl q- t2 -b t3 Jr t4. Therefore,
for every T,p units of time an instruction is
completed; this corresponds to a throughput
rate of 1/T,,p. In the pipelined case, suppose tb
max {tl, t2, t3, t41 - speed of the
slowest facility in the pipeline. Then its
maximum throughput rate is 1/tb, because
for every T~ = tb units of time, an instruction can leave the pipeline after its execution, if instructions are independent. A
direct comparison shows that Tp < T,~;
hence the throughput rate of the pipelined
processor (1/T~) can be much larger than
that of the nonpipelined processor. If h =
t2 = t3 -- t4, then the comparison can show a
fourfold throughput improvement. From
this result we can anticipate that a high
degree of parallelism leads to a high throughput rate.
The throughput of a pipeline is determined by its slowest facility, or "bottleneck." The throughput can be improved by
subdivision of the bottleneck element
(Figure l(g)) or by putting facilities in
parallel (Figure l(h)). Both techniques are
useful in removing bottlenecks. However,
putting facilities in parallel creates more
problems in distribution and synchronization of the tasks in the pipeline.
2) E~ciency considerations: Another important performance measure for a system
is its efficiency, sometimes called its utilization factor. Efficiency also directly re-----

1.3 Performance Considerations

In this section, the advantages, requirements, and limitations of pipelining are

1) Throughput considerations: One of the
most important performance measures of a
system is its throughput rate, defined as the
number of outputs (sometimes the number
of instructions processed) per unit time. It
directly reflects the processing power of a
processor system--the higher its throughput rate, the more powerful the system is.
Pipelining is one specific technique to improve throughput, as is the use of faster



Facility 2 is the bottleneck.


FIGURE lg. Subdivision of facility 2.


FIGURE l h .


P a r a l l e l i n g of f a c i l i t y 2.

Coraputlng Surveys, V o L 9, No. 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

fleets how effective a processing scheme is

and can be used to indicate how future improvements, such as removal of bottlenecks,
should progress. Like most performance
measures, it can be evaluated both analytically and experimentally by measurements.
Here an attempt is made to illustrate the
analytical efficiency of pipeline processing
via the space-time relationship introduced
It is natural to view efficiency as the
percentage of busy (productive) periods
with respect to a certain time span. Here a
slight complication arises because a pipelined processor consists of several modules,
some of which may be busy while the others
are idle. To evaluate the efficiency of the
processor system as an entity, Chen [7]
proposes a uniform space-time span index:
efficiency of pipeline
total space-time span of tasks
total space-time span of facilities
where the term "task" (process) is used to
fit the loose definition of a pipeline. Sometimes the modules in the pipeline are of
different natures with different importance
(or cost) factors. A refined index which also
includes such considerations has been suggested in [8]:
efficiency of pipeline
total weighted space-time span of L tasks
total weighted space-time span of
n facilities
For example, for a linear pipeline like the
one in Figure 1 (where there is no looping
inside the pipeline, so that a task will flow
through each facility only once), an analytical efficiency measure can be expressed as
follows (assuming the execution time of
each module is time invariant) :
i sT



2 ND

~R 0
- ~ / ~

~E~ECATE t ~oRess~





ms~ 3

4 H
~ / / ~
~ / / / ~
~IDECODE G ~ ' R A r E O~ERAND4 -~XEC~'rE ~N~T '~


FZGURE2. IBM 360 Model 91 instruction sequencing illustration.

Computing Surveys, V o l .

9, No.

1, March


~/ = efficiency of linear pipe


t~ W ( L -


where t~ is the speed of the slowest facility

(bottleneck); t, is the speed of the ith
facility in the pipeline; a~ is the weight
associated with the space-time span of the
ith facility as determined by its importance,
such as cost-speed factor; L is the number
of tasks (instructions) pumped into the
pipeline in a certain period of time assuming, for highest efficiency, that tasks are
pumped in continuously); and 71is the total
number of facilities in the pipeline. (See
Figure 2.)
In the ideal situation in which all modules
have the same speed, the equation simplifies to
= L / ( n + (L--l));
so, when L approaches infinity (in the steady
state of processing), the efficiency may approach unity. In all others cases, as L approaches infinity, the efficiency approaches
*/ --)


a, tj <


Two observations should be noted at

this point. First, this equation holds whether
or not there are additional buffers inside the
pipeline because of the linearity assumption.
As is demonstrated later, buffering is an
important tool for increasing throughput
in many practical pipeline designs--for
example, when two or more EXEC modules
are available and one is a bottleneck.
Second, in deriving the equation it has been
assumed that a continuous supply of tasks
(instructions) is available. In reality, execution may be discontinued for such reasons
as precedence constraints, branching, interrupts, etc.
3) Clock rate and maximum speed limitations: As data and control flow from one
pipe segment to another, the propagation
delay through each segment and the possible signal skews have to be carefully
balanced to avoid any improper gating in a
high speed situation. In the maximum speed

Pipeline Architecture
pipeline design, all segments have to be
synchronized by the same clock for propagating the data through the pipe.
The study of a maximum clock rate
serves to place a practical bound on the
throughput achievable in a pipeline system
limited by the propagation delays of the
logic gates used. Several studies have been
carried out to examine this problem under
various assumptions of timing parameters.
In all cases, three necessary conditions of
signal balancing exist:
1) The data must be gated by a clock
wide enough to insure a properly
stabilized output;
2) The clock should not be too wide to
allow data to pass through two or
more segments within the same clock;
3) The data that passes through a segment should arrive at the next segment before the next clock begins.
Initially Cotten [27] tested this data rate
and latching problem by using a hypothetical circuit as in Figure 3. The clock for
various segments may have a skew S t , defined as the time difference between the
arrival of the same pulse at different gates.
The latch register is assumed to be composed of two gate levels with feedback connections. Then, under conditions 1) and
2), Cotten's clock requirements are:
Cr -- S~ >__ 3 t ~ -- t ~ ,
C r W S ~ < 4t. . . .
where CT = clock width, So -- clock skew,
t ~ = maximum single gate delay, and
t~,~ = minimum single gate delay.
Reglster 1

Register 2




These two requirements can be combined

to form
3tma~ -- tm,n + So < Cr _< 4tm,~ -- So.


Although here a segment of the pipe has

been assumed to be composed of two gates,
one can further the derivation by including
condition 3). Then a third constraint exists

Cr + Ce >_ 2tma~ +

Tmax -~- S~, (4)

where C~ = inverted clock width and

T~= = maximum propagation delay
through the segment (excluding the latch).
Under Cotten's assumptions, the complete set of constraints for a general pipe
segment is:
3tma~ - - train -~ Sc _~ C T

_~ Tmi. +

2t~i= -


2tmax -~- Tm= + S~ < CT + Ce.


Consequently the minimum clock period
can be derived to be (Cr + Cr), which
satisfies the above constraint and also
Cr + Ce _> 2 min Cr (that is, the period
must be long enough to allow the data to
propagate through a latch and then remain
stable for min Cr). Under zero skew and
tmax =

train = t,

C~ -t- C~ ~ 4t.

This marks the highest frequency possible in an ideally synchronized system. If

Sc is nonzero, then C~ -{- C~ _> 4t + S~, and
the frequency has to be decreased.
Besides the positive clock skews, other
skews may exist, such as skew between
Cr and C~. In [28], Hallin and Flynn propose another set of constraints that includes the skew, called e, and any uncertainty thereof:
TD >_ 2t,, + S ~ + ~ +



2tM + St ~__ CT S TD + d



c~o~k ~sJskew i n clock sampling


Clock rate conditioning.

where T~ = propagation delay of a segment; tM = propagation delay of a gate;

= skew between Cr and Ce; U~ = uncertainty in the clock width; and d = minimum length pulse to change a gate output.
Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March



C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

While Equations (7) and (8) include the

additional terms of e and U~, the distinctions of the minimum and maximum values
of all propagation delay parameters have been
ignored. Yet those distinctions are of prime
importance in verifying the functioning of
the circuit. One can further the derivation of
the corresponding constraints, keeping conditions 1), 2), and 3) satisfied, under different
sets of skews that may appear in the circuit.
In any case, the (4t) period always places an
absolute lower bound if a register latch is
composed of two gates. If a gate delay is
2.5 nsec, the maximum frequency will be
100 megacycles, corresponding to a segment
time of 10 nsec.
4) Design optimization: Design optimization for pipeline systems shares most of
the fundamental difficulties of any system
design. One such difficulty is to abstract a
proper objective for optimization. No general objective is sufficient to describe individual situations, so individual objectives
have to be formulated and solved.
One common approach is to look at the
cost-effectiveness, or the cost-speed product.
A given processor pipe can be segmented in
various ways, resulting in different cost and
speed parameters. In a synchronous pipe,
such as a multiply or add pipe, a first order
model of optimization may be used. The
pipe is partitioned into k segments, and the
resulting throughput and cost are:
segment time = T / k +
cost = ak + ~
where T = time for the nonpipelined case;
), = latch time; a --- cost of each segment
(assumed to be the same); and B = initial
cost. Thus
cost-speed product = ( T / k -[- X)(ak "-b 8).
Lemma. Under the first order model, the
optimal segmentation for a pipe is k -(l~T/a~) ~ (assuming a continuous space for
This result can be derived directly from
minimizing the cost-speed product. It is
useful for homogeneous straight-line pipes
such as a pipelined adder where each segment cost and speed can fit into the characterization. For other cases, the first order
Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1~ March 1977

model does not apply very well; then the

segment speed f ( T , k) ~- ~ and the cost
g(a, k) ~- ~ for some discrete functions f
and g specified by an alternative scheme are
available. Consequently, minimizing the
cost-speed product here corresponds to
minimizing (~f "t- fg -t- ~g), for which an
integer programming algorithm is necessary
to efficiently enumerate partially all possible schemes. An example of pipelining a
processor can be found in [29].
As mentioned earlier, cost-effectiveness
may not be a good objective. In some cases,
the design objective is to minimize the cost
while satisfying some speed constraint or
vice versa. This is typically the case because
the throughput of a pipe sometimes is not
restricted simply by its segment speed, but
also by other outside parameters such as
memory speed. In other words, the local
optimization has to be performed relative
to the global system, leading to integer
programming problems that involve semiexhaustive algorithms for optimization.
For example, for a linear pipe, a dynamic
programming formulation of complexity
O(M2N) is applicable where N is the number of segment nodes and M is the cost
constraint. However, for systems that are
not linear more complex iterative algorithms
are needed.
5) Bounds on execution time and e gieiency:
For the purpose of establishing some upper
bounds of a pipe in executing certain typical
but related set of operations, the following
theoretical model can be used. Here a pipe
is characterized by the number of segments
it contains, ~vhere each segment has the
same synchronized speed.
Ideally, when the work to be accomplished
has no internal precedence constraints, the
maximum throughput can be attained with
one output per segment clock. The existence of precedence requirements inhibits the
continuous initiation of the pipe, resulting in
lower throughput. The most common type
of precedence structure is that of a tree.
One special problem of interest is: Given
a pipe of m segments, what is the time
bound needed to compute the sum (or
product) of n numbers, assuming that each
segment time is 1 unit? If n > 2m and is a
power of 2, the pipe is kept busy until

Pipeline Architecture
(m - 1) computations are left, with the
needed (intermediate) results residing in
the m segments. T h e y will take an additional
(m log2 m -[- m - 1) units to complete. So
altogether, the (n - 1) computations take
(n -k m log2m - 1) units. On the other
hand, if 2 < n < 2m, (n/2 "4- ra log2 n -- 1)
units are required. The corresponding efficiencies, defined by the ratio of the total
busy segment times to the total segment
time span, can then be derived easily as
(n - 1)/((n - 1) - k m log2 m) and (n - 1)/
(m/2 - k m log2 m - 1), respectively. This
implies that for n >> m the pipe of m segments functions almost like a nonpiped
processor with speed of one segment time
instead of m segment cycles (the total time
is O(n), not O(mn)). However, for smaller
n the time is O(m log2 n).
The previous special case assmues a set
of uniform operations on a set of data,
merging them into one result where the exact
order of merging is unimportant. In the
case where a specific tree is to be followed
(the precedence structure is fixed), other
lower bounds can be derived in a similar
fashion. I t can be shown that, for a general
tree (not necessarily binary), if each node i
is labeled by g(i) corresponding to its distance from the root, then execution of the
nodes according to priorities in descending
order of g(~) in a pipeline environment with
identical pipeline characteristics is optimal.
Therefore the shortest execution time can
be achieved if the nodes are executed according to priorities corresponding to their
level labels. However, if the pipes have
different structures a n d / o r capabilities, the
problem becomes NP-complete. Without
going into the latter case, the time bound
for the former case can be derived, given a
tree structure and a pipe structure (latency
and flush time).
First let Lj be the number of nodes of the
tree with label 3 where l >_ j >_ 0. For the
simple case that there exists a J0 such that
forC > j > jo, L~ > m and for j _< jo,
L~ < m, the time bound is given by


asserts that once the "critical level" jo

is reached, the rest of the tree of jo levels
needs precisely moo -1- 1) -- 1 to flush. So
the time complexity is O(mjo) if the former
term is less significant.
Generalization of the simple case will
lead to a more complex bound. One way to
derive the bound is to chop L / s into pairs
of sections, each of which corresponds to a
simple case as depicted in Figure 4. T h e n if
L / is the number of nodes left at level j
when all nodes at level j first become either
ready or initiated (since some may have
already been computed or initiated), the
bound is

L, -k m(j, - 3,+l) -k m - 1.

In deriving these bounds, it has been

assumed that each node takes the same
processing structure and has the same flush
time. On the other hand, if more, than one
pipe exists, the bounds are much more
complicated. First, the control of multiple
pipelines, specifically the routing of intermediate results, is a practically unsolved
problem. While the short-circuit (shortstop) p a t h exists fi'om the output of a pipe
to its own input, the disjoint and direct
update paths between pipes either incur
too much cost or cause too much interference. Aside from this practical restriction, theoretically, with multiple pipes,
similar time bounds are derivable. In the
case of computing the stun or product of n
numbers in a system with p pipes, assume
n = p~ for some t. If g _> 2m (integer powers
of 2), then the time bound is [g -{- m (log2 m
q-- log2 g) -- 1]. If I _< 2m, it is [g/2 Am (log2 n -Jr- log2 g) -- 11.

j o+I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

L: -4- moo -k 1) -- 1,
and this time bound is exact (from the
optimality of the level algorithm). This



Partitioning into simple


Computing Survey, Vol. 9, No 1, March



C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

Speedup is achievable since t ~ n. For a

general tree, the routing problem may be
more severe and cause more interference.
If one ignores these difficulties, bounds similar to those derived for single pipe may be
1.4 Control Structure, Hazards, and Penalties
The control structure of an overlapped or
pipeline system is often overlooked in the
literature. Yet it plays such a significant
role in characterizing the system under
study that it determines the resulting operational efficiency.
In an overlapped pipeline system, two
major control structures can be distinguished, and these have been implemented
on several systems. The first and simpler
kind involves a streamline flow of instructions through the system, with one instruction (task) following another, such that the
completion ordering of the instructions is
the same as their initiation ordering. Therefore if the system is depicted by a sequence
of functional modules, the instructions flow
through them one after another, with simple
interlocks between two adjacent segments
to allow the transfer of data control from
one segment to the next. Interlock is necessary because the pipe is asynchronous, and
some segments may have speeds different
from others or variable depending on the
control information. When a bottleneck appears dynamically at a segment, the input
will be halted temporarily until the segment is free again.
The second type of control structure is
more flexible and powerful, but also more
expensive. Here the system can be viewed as
fully asynchronous, so that completion
ordering of the instructions need not be the
same as their initiation ordering. In fact,
when an instruction is held up because of
some hazard condition, the next instruction
may be allowed to go ahead. Such a scheme
is desirable whenever the system has multiple (either physical or virtual) execution
units or facilities running in parallel (besides the pipelining employed). Then the
system resources can be better utilized,
despite the occurrence of some undesirable
events. Besides, in some cases the execution
Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, N o 1, March


time of one instruction may be very different from that of another, and it is only
natural to allow a subsequent short instruction to finish ahead of a preceding (but independent) long instruction.
The first type of control structure is used
by such systems as the IBM 7094 and
360/75, and even the apparently more powerful TI ASC. Representative of the second
type of control structure are the CDC
6600, the IBM 360/91, and the STAR-100
We now look at the fundamental problems
to be solved by either type of control as
well as the means and complexities involved.
For any asynchronous system, three sources
of control problems exist: 1) Read after
write, 2) write after write, and 3) write
after read. Their significance is worth more
elaborate explanation.
Read After Write

Because of the simultaneous execution

(though in different phases) of several active instructions, the data needed by these
instructions has to be guaranteed to be
correct. For two "active" instructions, say
i and j (j being an immediate successor of
z), if i writes into a region and j needs to
fetch some control or data from the same
location in that region, a "read after write"
phenomenon occurs. (The term "region"
is a flexible term that refers to any storage
element, e.g., a register or main memory,
as depicted in Figure 5(a).) To synchronize
i and j properly, j has to defer fetching that
value until i has completed; otherwise, the
wrong information (data or control) is
used and the control scheme fails.
Write After Write

Quite analogously, if the instructions i and j

write into the same region, even if i completes after j (this may occur when i is a
long instruction or when something delays
i), the resulting value stored in the region
should reflect the result of instruction j, not
i. So, to guarantee correct execution, the
control structure has to resolve any such

Pipeline Architecture
InstruOIon J
1o be deferred

Instruction i


pending on the location of the region and

the value type (control or data).
a) Instruction hazard: An instruction
hazard occurs when the instruction to be
initiated (decoded, etc.) is fetched from a
location that is yet to be updated by some
uncompleted instruction downstream. The
instruction initiation must be halted until
the read after write problem is resolved.
b) Register hazard: In this case the region
of conflict is in the register, the contents of
which are needed either to compute an effective address or to form one of the operands
needed. Again, the instruction (j) involved
has to be deferred until the previous write
(into the register) is completed.
c) Operand hazard: Similarly, if the conflict is at a memory location, an operand
hazard occurs. The resolution is to wait
until the previous write is completed. Sometimes this process can be speeded up by
providing a short-circuit path from the
write buffer to the segment needing the
operand so that the read from memory, is
avoided completely. These solutions are
explained later.
These three hazards need separate detectors and resolvers. The location of a
detector and the complexity of a resolver
decide the penalty (time delay in initiation)
that is incurred by the hazard. A formalism
of such control complexity and penalties is
developed in [32]. As an example, suppose
that (under a streamline control structure)
an instruction hazard is to be detected at
segment i of an N-segment pipe such that
each segment can hold at most one instruction. To detect the hazard, N - i store address registers have to be installed, one at
every segment after i (assuming that a
store address has been developed after segment i + 1). The instruction to be initiated
at segment i has to be checked first by comparing the program counter (the address of
that instruction) with the contents of the
N - i store address registers. A simple
detection and resolution scheme is depicted
in Figure 5(b). Upon the detection of that
hazard, the instruction (at segment i) is
halted while the instructions downstream
continue to flow. Finally the detection
yields a null signal when the conflicting

~ E T._.~,,e



etechov s*qnol

Instruction hazazdresolv,ng
Operond hazardresolving . ~

FIGURE 5a. If i writes into the location to be

referenced by j, a read-after-write erises arises.
FmURE 5b. Read after write detection and

Write After Read

This problem is less severe and rarely occurs
except in some special cases. It involves the
completion of a read before the next write
to the same region takes place. Usually, if a
read is initiated (to the memory), even if
memory interference delays the actual read,
a subsequent write to the same location will
still follow the read. For register reference,
the interference problem is less severe (resolved faster). A potential situation where
such a problem may need further control is
when the read and write requests have
separate request queues; requests on both
queues then have to be synchronized for the
write after read to guarantee that the write
follows the read.
These three basic problems need specific
controls. We explore these problems realizing that the type of control structure of the
machine does play a deciding role in determing how they are resolved.
1) Read After Write
The read after write problem can be further
decomposed into three subproblems, de-

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. ], March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

(predecessor) instruction exits from the

pipe. Then the updated instruction can be
fetched from the memory (after store) or
directly from the store buffer. In the former
case, it incurs an additional penalty, although it is cheaper to control (since the
read request is not generated until the write
is initiated, as the detection signal switches).
In the latter case, a tagging and direct route
has to be established from the write buffer
to segment i.
The penalty for an instruction hazard,
which is the additional delay to the initiation of the instruction at segment i which
otherwise would not occur, is

t, + t~1,

where t~ is the execution time of segment j

and t,~ is the update time for an instruction hazard with one minor cycle for routing
using time less than or equal to t,~ _< 2t~,
the memory cycle time.
Similarly, a register hazard must be detected before a register value is used (otherwise, a roll-back scheme of instruction
processing is needed). If the hazard is detected at segment k, the detection and resolution scheme is similar except that it now
takes (N - k) register-address registers for
comparison. The penalty for a register hazard is

where t,r is the update time for a register

hazard, usually around one or two minor
Finally, the operand hazards, similar to
instruction hazards, can be detected by
comparison with the already existing storage
address registers downstream. Usually the
location of this detector is further downstream than the one for instruction hazards
because operand fetch can be carried out
later than instruction control setup. Suppose it is detected at segment g, the penalty


where t.0 is the update time for operand

hazard, which usually is equal to t . t .
Computing Surveys, voL 9, No. 1, March 1977

To sum up, the total control cost of the

detector and resolver for all three types of
hazards is: max (N - i, N - g) storage
address registers; (N - i) -F (N - g) -F
(N - k) comparators (parallel comparison);
and N - k register address registers for a
streamline processing system. The penalties
are as previously specified.
In some cases more than one instruction
may be allowed to reside in a segment (additional buffering) whose speed is highly variable (in which case buffering will help to
smooth out the flow). The extension of the
previous lemma will be omitted here. However, similar control and resolution schemes
may be used.
For fully asynchronous systems, the detection and resolution control is more complex, since initiation is not halted when a
read after write occurs. Rather, the instruction is paused, but subsequent independent instruction(s) may proceed, thus
bypassing the instruction that has to wait
for the previous write. The ways to accomplish this bypassing can be divided into
two strategies: centralized and decentralized.
A typical representative of the centralized
policy is the scoreboard used in the CDC
6600, which contains information about each
execution unit, the operand availability of
the registers, and the status of each facility.
The decentralized policy is represented by
the common data bus (CDB) used by the
IBM 360/91, in which tags are used, in
addition to the detection necessary for instruction hazard detection at the IPU.
First the instruction hazard can be detected in a similar way by comparing its
address with all store addresses yet to be
completed. Usually register or operand
hazards do not halt the instruction stream;
for example, an instruction needing a yetto-be-written operand can be continually
forwarded to an execution unit to wait
until the write is completed while subsequent instructions proceed. So, besides the
ordinary detection, the resolution needs
additional control hardware and time. The
CDB of the 360/91 represents such a flexible tagging scheme. A tag is associated with
any instruction needing such an operand,
and it reflects the. source of that operand.
By updating the tags and routing operands

Pipeline Architecture
according to tag values, the read-afterwrite can be monitored properly. A CDB
can be depicted by S sources (that generate
or forward operands) and T sinks (that need
the operands). Thus the added control
involves O(T) tag registers, each of length
log2 S, in addition to the comparison circuit
to route operands (T comparators plus
gating control).
A centralized scheme involves similar
complexity. The disadvantage of the centralized scheme is that it can reinitiate (update) only one sink at a time so that the
delay t~ can be longer than that in the decentralized case with parallel updating
(same tag).
The penalty of hazards in fully asynchronous systems is less severe and less well
defined. One possible way to view this
penalty is to represent it by the waiting
time of the instruction causing the hazard,
which is a random variable depending on
the completion time of its predecessor instruction. Such a stochastic characterization
is omitted here.

1.5 Sequencing Control

Pipelines for arithmetic processing such as
those used for multiplication and division
are characterized by the following attributes: the speed of each segment is fixed;
there are no additional buffers between
segments; and the execution process requires internal looping, i.e. results being
fed back as inputs. The basic sequencing
control problem is to determine expedient
moments at which to introduce new inputs
from an external source so that there will be
no collision (two computations attempt to
use the same segment) and the throughput
rate will be high. Davidson [16, 17J has
developed an algorithm to sequence operands
properly. A reservation table is used to
represent the traversal path of operands
through the pipe.
We illustrate this use of a reservation
"table by means of an example. Figure 6(b)
shows the reservation table of a pipeline
whose schematic is given in Figure 6(a).

2) Write After Write

The write after write problem does not
exist in steamline systems, provided the
write buffer is served sequentially. However,
in fully asynchronous systems, write after
write hurts the processing continuity in
some cases, such as in the 6600. It can be
detected in a manner similar to that used
for the read after write, but resolution differs.
In the 6600, after its detection, instruction
initiation pauses until the previous write is
completed. So no additional hardware is
needed. In the 360/91, write after write
does not cause a pause, because the decentralized tags used in the CDB will automatically guarantee the precedence of the
two writes. Thus, as a byproduct of the
solution for read after write, this problem is
also resolved.



Oulput ~



t2 t 3














3) Write After Read

As mentioned earlier, the write after read
problem occurs only if the read and write
queues are not synchronized. If they share
the same queue, this problem does not arise.

FIGUR~ 6a.

k pipeline.
Reservation table for Fig. 6a.
Shift register controller.
State diagram.

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, N o I, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H . F. L i

Each segment S, requires one unit of time

for processing. The computational sequence
requires the passage of the operands in the
order $I, $2, S~, $4, $1, and $2. In the
reservation table, an X is placed at the
intersection of a segment's row with columns
corresponding to each time unit relative to
initiation during which that segment is
used by the computation. Consider the
case in which a computation has just begun.
To determine at which future times a new
computation may be initiated without
causing a collision, one has to analyze the
reservation table One way to determine
whether two computations may be initiated K units of time apart is to superimpose the reservation on itself offset by K
units of time If an X falls on top of another,
then a collision will occur in that segment,
and K is a forbidden latency. Otherwise no
collision occurs, and K is an allowable
latency. Thus, if any pair of Xs in any row
is K units of time apart, then K is a forbidden latency. Therefore it is simple to
construct a forbidden list, which is a list of
all forbidden latencies for the particular
reservation table. From this forbidden list,
in which n is the largest element, it is possible to construct the collision vector, which
is a binary vector of n bits from 1 (rightmost
bit) to n (the leftmost bit). Bit i is 1 if and
only if it is an element of the forbidden
list. Thus, if the collision vector is C =
c~c~-i c2c~, then c, = 1 if i is an element
of the forbidden list; otherwise c, = 0. For
the degenerate case of a linear (straight
through) pipeline, there can be no collisions
and the collision vector is empty, i.e., n = 0.
The forbidden list for the pipeline in Figure
6(a) is (4, 4) and n = 4. The collision vector
is 1000.
By the use of the collision vector, a simple
control mechanism can be used to avoid
collisions. Before initiating a new computation the collision vector can be checked to
see if there are zeros in every location corresponding to the number of time units
that have elapsed since each previous computation was initiated. Davidson devised
an ingenious shift register controller ((Fig.
6(c)) for checking this requirement The
shift register controller is a sequential
machine and therefore may be conveniently

C o m p u t g u g S u r v e y s , Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

described by its state diagram in Fig. 6(d).

It is assumed that computations are initiated only at collision-free opportunities, and
only states that are important are represented in the state diagram. Each arc in the
state diagram corresponds to the initiation
of a computation and is labeled with the
number of time units since the previous
initiation The initial node is coded by the
collision vector itself and is the state of the
shift register after the initiation of the first
computation. Every node has an outbound
arc for each 0 in the coding of the state and
is labeled with the position subscript of its
corresponding 0. An arc with label i leaving
state S leads to state S p, which is S shifted
right i positions and OR'd with the collision vector. In addition there is an arc
labeled (n + 1)+ (where n is the dimension
of the collision
vector) leaving every node

and leading to. the initial node, indicating
that, if more than n units of time elapse
between the initiations, then the shift
register will return to the state represented
by the collision vector itself.
Cycles in the state diagram correspond to
possible cycles of collision-free initiations
in the pipeline. A cycle may be specified
completely by the nodes passed through and
the latencies of (or the time taken by) the
arcs traversed from node to node in sequence. From the state diagram in Figure
6(d), it can be observed that there is a
cycle consisting of states (1010), (1101),
(1011), and (1001) with latencies of 1, 2, 3,
and 2 time units, respectively. This cycle
can be entered through the state (1000).
At each of these states a new computation
with a new set of operands can be initiated.
Since four new computations can be initiated during each traversal of the cycle,
there is an average latency of two, i.e., one
result per two time units. One can find
cycles that produce maximum throughput
rates (minimum average latency cycles).
In this example, the two cycles that produce
minimum average latencies are (1000),
(1100), (1110), (1111) and (1010), (1101),
(1011), (1001), each having a latency of 2
time units.
In general, the problem of efficient sequencing control of a pipeline reduces to
the discovery of minimum latency cycles in

Pipeline Architecture


the state diagram. In the case or more complex or multifunctional (assuming a certain
instruction mix) pipelines, the discovery of
the minimum latency cycles becomes quite
difficult. Nevertheless, such a shift register
control is applicable to properly avoiding
any resource (facility) conflicts due to the
existence of multiple paths or loops, in a
completely synchronous sense.

a) Reducing the number of multifunction

pipe reconfigurations by clustering like
operations (ASC).

1.6 Software Aspects

Note that, in a multifunctional pipe, a reconfiguration is required to change its function, which, in turn, involves a time delay.
b) Special machine instructions.
FORTRANprogram for polynomial evaluation
is shown below:

extensions: FORTRAN has been

extended to support vector operations by
the inclusion of special primitives such as
vector addition and vector multiplication.
Examples of such extensions are Lawrence
Livermore Laboratory LRL-TRAN for the
STAR-100 computer [33] and Texas Instruments ASC-FORTRAN [34] for their ASC
computer. Compilers for these FORTRAN
extensions perform some parallelism detection and cluster (group) like arithmetic
operations and machine dependent code
optimization in the object code. The N X
compiler for ASC-FORTRANpossesses several
of these facilities.
New languages are also being developed
to support pipeline processing. SL/1 developed for STAR-100 at the NASA Langley
Center is an example [35]. APL has also
been tried to support vector operations on
some pipeline computers.
Software costs. Software costs consist of
three components, viz., 1) the cost of
program generation and testing; 2) the cost
of compiling; and 3) the cost of program
execution. The cost of compiling consists of
not only the cost of translation from a high
level language to machine code, but also the
cost of code optimization of the program
for the particular machine. Obviously,
efficient code optimization reduces the execution costs.
Machine dependent code optimization is a
difficult problem. After the source program
has been optimized, the resulting code is
often hard to follow. Also because of several
nonstandard I/O statement types, it is
difficult to optimize I/O oriented codes. To
illustrate the peculiarity and machine dependency of the code optimization problem,
we provide a few examples.

Unoptimized C o d e

K = A*B
H = P+A

four reconfigurations

Optimized Code

F = B/C
I t = P+A

two reeonfigurations

DO l0 J = 1,M
VALUE(J) =X(J)*A(1)
DO 10 1 = 2,LIMIT
10 VALUE(J)=VALUE(J) + A(I)*X(J)
This is equivalent to one machine instruction in the STAR-100. Therefore the compiler has to "recognize" the high level
language statement sequence and replace it
with the appropriate machine instruction.
c) Vectorization. Another type of optimization is to recognize sequential program
statements that represent vector operations
and translate them into powerful vector
arithmetic instructions.
DO 10 1 = 4,100

Equivalent compiler generated text for
pipeline machines:
A,C: VECTOR(4.. 100);
B: VECTOR(1.. 97);
C = A+B

In this section, the basic structures of a

pipelined processor are examined, with the
IBM 360/91 central processor used as the
example. The throughput objective of a
sequential pipe are uncovered. From the
Computing Surveys, VoL 9, No. 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

referenced. The memory system in the

360/91 is interleaved to increase the bandwidth or memory supply rate. However,
because of reference conflicts due to requests from other parts of the processor or
system (such as instruction fetch or I/O),
an operand fetch may have to be delayed
for a complete memory cycle or more be2.1 An Example Sequential Pipelined Processor fore it is acknowledged. This variable
access time imposes a constraint on the effiTo demonstrate the pipeline action in a ciency of the pipelined processor. A comsequential processor, the IBM 360/91 [9] pletely synchronous operation on the segis used as an illustration. The central proces- ments may be impossible because of these
sor was designed to upgrade computational variable waiting times. The need to be
performance (throughput) by one or two able to reduce the memory access time so
orders of magnitude compared to the 7090 as to match the speeds of the other segments
system by means of pipelining and circuit in the pipes remains one of the most critical
issues in pipelined processor designs. With
In order to observe the important prob- slow effective memory access time, the
lems and characteristics associated with a memory access segment may be a bottleneck
pipelined processor, the different segments of such a large magnitude that the throughin the pipe for a floating point instruction put of the processor is not much improved
in the 360/91 are drawn in Figure 7. Basi- by pipelining.
cally most segments of the pipe have a
The second sequence of operations incycle time of 60 nsec, with the exception of volves the setting up of operands to be
the storage referencing and execution unit. submitted to an assigned execution station
After decoding, two parallel sequences of in the execution unit. If it is a floating point
operations are initiated. The first sequence instruction, it is mapped into a pseudo
includes the effective address calculation register-to-register (within the execution
and fetch for the operand from memory unit) instruction and transmitted to the
storage. In calculating this address, the execution unit. The execution unit then
delay time in the segment(s) involved is waits for the return of the operand from
variable, depending on whether it is in- memory. When it returns, the two parallel
dexed or not. The operand access segment sequences can merge (join) to initiate the
again has a random delay, depending on the next stage of processing, the actual execuavailability of the memory module to be tion.
analysis of its structure, the problems and
requirements specific to pipelined processors,
outlined in Section 1, become more noticeable. They are discussed, and some solutions
in existing processors are also illustrated and
compared. Attention to vector processing
capabilities is reserved for the next section.




























FIGURE 7. Functional segments involved in a floating storage-to-register instruction in Model 91.

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977


Pipeline Architecture


The importance of reducing memory ac- actually can decide the efficiency and percess time has been demonstrated. Even formance of the resulting design.
after the memory accessing problem has
been solved, another bottleneck in the 2.2 Buffering
pipeline may emerge. This bottleneck is
the execution unit. Usually many arith- Buffering is the process of storing results
metic operations, especially floating point (outputs) of a segment temporarily before
operations, require considerable delay be- forwarding them to the next segment. It is
cause of their implicit internal circuit delay essential in smoothing out the flow of a
requirement or iterative characteristics. If computation process when the timing for
there' is only one execution station to serve each processing module (segment) involved
the entire instruction stream coming in, the is not fixed. The impact of buffering can be
speed of the execution unit may not be visualized in a common assembly line, say
compatible with the input rate, thereby in the car industry. Occasionally a station
unnecessarily slowing down the computa- (segment) of the pipe (assembly line) may
tion. One alterative is to provide multiple be slowed down for one of many reasons,
physical execution stations to perform which could prevent the continuous input
different types of operations. In the 360/91, of cars to the next station. If there is suffithere is a fixed point execution area and a cient storage space between this segment
floating point execution area. With this and its predecessor, the latter can continue
arrangement, floating and fixed point opera- its operation on other cars and transfer
tions can be performed asynchronously but them to the storage space until it is full.
in parallel. But within each execution area, When the station resumes normal service
the multiplicity of execution stations can it can try to clear up the cars in the input
be increased. This is equivalent to increasing storage place, perhaps at a faster speed.
Therefore buffering may be needed bethe throughput of the execution unit as an
entity. For example, the floating point area fore or after any segment whose processing
in the 360/91 has two function units: a speed is not fixed. In a pipelined processor
pipelined adder and a multiply/divide pipe. this means 1) memory storage access reWe have shown the essential structures of lated stations, including instruction fetch
a pipelined processor. Next attention will and operand fetch, and 2) execution unit
be paid to studying some design and opera- stations. In a typical pipe like the 360/91,
tional problems associated with a typical the instruction buffer can hold eight words
pipeline. Included are the following topics: of instructions to be followed in the se1) Buffering: the concept and urgency of quence. In the execution unit, for the fixed
buffering in a pipeline and the ways point execution area, a buffer of six words
of instructions (pseudo) and six words of
it can be accomplished.
2) Busing structure: for communication operands is available, whereas in the floatbetween segments and operand supply ing point area a buffer of six instructions
to allow processing to proceed or re- and six operands (from storage) is also
provided. These buffers serve the purpose
sume as quickly as possible.
3) Branching: effect of branching in of continuing the supply of instructions or
throughput and the ways to alleviate operands to the appropriate units whenever
the inefficiency in existing systems. a variable speed occurs. Similar buffers in
4) Interrupt handling: how interrupts other pipelined processors can be found.
are handled in sequential and vector In the STAR-100 system, whose configuration is shown in Figure 8, a 64 quarterword
5) Pipeline processing of arithmetic func- (superwo.rd) buffer exists in the stream unit
to buffer the data and to align the two
Taken together these five topic areas operand vectors (in vector processing mode)
represent the major design constituents to for streaming in the operations involved.
be added to the basic structure already In addition, there is of course the instrucdiscussed. Their importance and effects tion buffer holding four swords of instrucComputing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

tions (each sword is four 128-bit words).

One sword in the instruction buffer will be
filled by one memory fetch so that the buffer
can supply a continuous stream of instructions to be executed even though memory
conflicts may occur from time to time. Similarly, in the TI ASC system, whose schematic diagram is shown in Figure 9, sufficient buffers are installed in the I P U and
Memory Buffer Unit (MBU). The M B U



FIGURE 8. B a s i c C D C STAR-100



specifically holds eight-word X, Y, Z (two

operands, one result) buffers to serve the
arithmetic unit, and its instruction buffer
consists of two eight-word fast register
files. These examples are typical of the need
and magnitude of buffering in a pipelined
2.3 Busing Structure

Pipelining requires the concurrent processing of independent instructions though they

can be in consecutive stages of execution.
With dependent instructions, as discussed in
Section 1.4, their input and traversal
through the pipe have to be paused until
the dependency is resolved. Thus an efficient internal busing structure is needed to
route the results to the requesting stations
In the 360/91, the common data bus
(CDB) was invented (Figure 10). The CDB
can transfer data not only to the registers
but also to the sink and source registers of
all reservation stations (the virtual execution stations). It is fed by all units that
can alter a register. To make this process
possible, tags (addresses) are assigned to
the registers. Then the processing sequence


I ~ J S ANO ONE TO F O U R A , q t I ~ E T I C




m S ' n ~ J C T ION




'l .0,'=%*.iT I]







AND K I ~ I O A R D T E R M I ~ L S )


i AUX.



ComputingSurveys, Voi. 9, No. 1, March 197T

system configuration.


P i p e l i n e Architecture














(-~ - -



~G ]








FIGURE 10. Floating point unit of IBM Model 91 with CDB and reservation stations.

can be described as follows. In decoding

each instruction, the busy bit of each source
register is checked. If it is zero, the independent instruction can be transmitted to
a certain execution station, say A1 (virtual
adder 1). At the same time, the busy bit of
its sink register is set, and the corresponding
tag is set to the destination of A1 (so that
the sink register will receive the result
from A1). If the busy bit is on, instead of
waiting for the source operand to be generated and stored in the register, the dependent instruction is issued to an available execution station, say M1 (virtual
multiplier 1). However, the tag of the
register, rather than its content, is transmitted to the reservation station M1 so that
M1 accepts data whose tag matches with
its own from the CDB. As an illustration:

[(F1) -t- (FLB1) --+ (F1)]

[(F1) X (FLB2)-~ (F1)]

In executing the ADD, A1 is used, and the

tag of F1 is set to 1000 (that of A1) and its
busy bit set to 1. In decoding the MD, the
busy bit of F1 is 1. So rather than sending
(F1) to M1, its tag (1000) is transmitted

to M1. In addition, the tag of F1 is changed

to 1010 (tag of M1). When the CDB is
broadcasting the data tagged with 1000, M1
will succeed in matching the tag and so
ingate it to the buffer and resume execution
(if FLB2 is available). Notice that the
result of ADD is not stored in F1 in reality
because that operation is redundant (the
tag of F1 is 1010 and not 1000).
A similar busing structure can be found
in other pipelined processors such as the TI
ASC and CDC STAR-100. In the TI ASC
processor [13], an instruction dependency
is recognized by hardware which scans the
instruction stream and distributes the independent instructions across MBU-AU
pairs to ensure proper, yet efficient execution sequences. Update capability is incorporated by allowing the contents of the
Z-buffer to be transmitted to the X- or
Y-buffer in the MBU when the latter two
buffers are being used as scratch pads in
local computation. In the STAR-100 system
[14], a more explicit busing structure is
maintained because of its different units.
In the floating point pipes (whose configurations are drawn in Figure 11), a direct route

Computing Surveys, Vo! 9, N o 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li















A 0P







FZGURE11. Floating point pipes 1 and 2 of CDC STAR-100system.

called shortstop is established between the
output (transmit segment) of each pipe
and either of its inputs. This eliminates the
time necessary to store the generated result in the register file and then to read it
out again. These schemes fall into the
control characterization in Section 1.4 very
Although an efficient busing structure
can reduce the adverse effect of instruction
dependency, there is still a great burden on
the programmers or the compilers to produce
codes that expose sufficient parallelism to
allow overlapped processing to become beneficial. If more independent itlstructions are
intermixed appropriately with those dependent ones, more concurrent processing
can take place while the dependency is
resolved with little incurred time (that is
the resolving of dependency is hidden behind other useful processing). This is a
very important factor in deciding how
efficiently a program or an implemented

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

algorithm can be executed on a pipelined

processor. Algorithm efficiency is also dependent on the architectural features of
the processor on which it is executed.


Branching is more damaging to the pipeline performance than instruction dependency. When a conditional branch is
encountered, one cannot tell which sequence
of instructions will follow until the deciding
result is available at the output. Therefore
a conditional branch not only delays further
execution but also affects the entire pipe
starting from the instruction fetch segment.
An incorrect branch of instructions and
operands fetched may create a discontinuity of instruction supply.
To remedy the effect of branching, different techniques can be employed to provide
mechanisms whereby processing can resume even if an unexpected branch occurs.

P i p e l i n e Architecture

In the IBM 360/91 [9], a loop mode and

back-eight test are designed with the help
of an additional branch target buffer. In
the ASC, a load lookahead [15] mechanism
(instruction) is explicitly provided, with
appropriate hardware and buffer support.
Likewise, in the STAR-100 [14], the instruction stack has special branch back capability. We try to explain these schemes in
this section.
The branch-on-condition handling is best
illustrated by the 360/91. In this processor,
upon the decoding of a conditional branch
instruction, if the condition code is not yet
valid it is assumed that no branch will be
taken. However, to guard against an incorrect guess, two instruction.doublewords
will be fetched from the branch and stored
at the branch target buffer. The conditional
mode is entered where instructions are
forwarded conditionally to later segments
for processing. Operands are conditionally
set up while actual execution is prohibited.
Finally, when the branch should be taken,
the conditional instructions are deactivated
and processing is resumed using the branch
target instructions; otherwise execution
continues almost instantaneously. This procedure therefore reduces the waiting time
in the average case. To further reduce instruction fetching time, short loops in programs can be fruitfully exploited.
If the instructions are already in the instruction buffer, it is wise not to erase any
of them and to assume the branch (repeat
loop) will be successful. Then no other
memory access for instructions is needed
and less memory interference with other
parts of the processor will be created. The
way to detect these short loops and reserve
the instruction loop is by implementing a
loop mode and back-eight test.
A sequence of eight instruction doublewords or less is termed a short loop and can
be completely stored in the instruction
buffer. When a branch (backward) is obtained, the back-eight test is used. If it is
satisfied, the loop mode is established.
From that point on, the complete loop is
fetched into the instruction buffer so that no
further fetching is needed until the loop
mode is removed by branching out. In con-

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, N o I, March



ditional branches, the loop mode can be

established to replace condition mode once
a successful branch results and the backeight test is satisfied. This method of backeight test and loop mode is very useful in
systems where available memory cycles are
precious to the entire system. However, if
the memory (cache) access time is not long,
the conditional handling may be less useful
due to its overhead.
The load lookahead mechanism in the
ASC system follows a similar philosophy.
The instruction processing unit of the machine contains two instruction address
registers (Present Address, PA and Lookahead Address, LA) and two instruction
files of eight words each (KA and KB).
Each memory reference can fetch an octet
(P) of instructions to one of the instruction
files. Usually PA contains the starting address of the next octet to be fetched and
LA supplies the address of the next octet
to be fetched. To accommodate branching
for a loop, a branch with lookahead can
be set up by placing the branch instruction
at the target location of a Load LookAhead (LLA) instruction. An LLA enters
a count into a Lookahead Count register
(LC) and enters the address of the LLA
into a branch address register. The count
corresponds to the difference of the instruction locations of the LLA and its target
branch instruction. The count is decremented by one every time an instruction
is executed following the initiation of the
LLA. When it has reached a value designating that the branch has already been
requested from memory, the control transmits the contents of the PA to the LA. This
causes the fetching of the octet containing
the LLA and the loop control is reinitialized.
In this way, a lookahead loading of instructions in a loop up to 256 instructions is
allowed, and instructions will be continuously available for execution before the
branch instruction is completed.
The STAR-100 processor has an instruction
stack of sixteen 128-bit words. Each quartersword (i.e. four words) is loaded in one
minor cycle. Branching is allowed within
the instruction stack. The loading and
management can be as depicted in Figure


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li
(4-sword Instruction Stack)

*Branch back on any prevlous part of the stack

FIGURE 12a. STAR-100instruction stack loading

and issuing with branch tolerance.
12(a). After the stack is loaded any branch
within the stack can be honored easily;
however, the stack is cleared whenever a
branch out of the stack occurs. The reason
for this is that the stack can be completely
filled by a request to memory (i.e. in one
memory cycle).
These methods are useful to help to
supply instructions continually to the pipe
segments even though branch instructions
are inevitable. For fixed (targeted) branches,
lookahead strategies can provide the means
to continue the instruction sequence. But
for conditional branches more elaborate
schemes to recover from unexpected
branches have to be established (such as
the conditional mode).

2.5 Interrupt Handling

Interrupts disrupt the continuity of the
instruction stream in a pipeline much as
the conditional branches. When an interrupt
occurs while instruction i is being executed,
the interrupt should be serviced before any
action is applied to instruction i -t- 1. This
implies that either these two instructions
are to be executed sequentially or sufficient
information is set aside for the eventual
recovery of instruction i ~- 1. The first
course defeats the purpose of pipelining.
The second approach is taken by some
architectural designs when the cost of recovery is not overly substantial.
During vector processing, execution of a
vector instruction may take a long time.
Therefore, as in the STAR-100 processor,
special interrupt counters are available to
hold addresses, delimiters, field lengths,
etc., which are necessary to restart the
vector-type instructions after an interrupt.
This represents a recovery mechanism for
processing to proceed afterwards when an
unpredictable interrupt occurs.
In a more general purpose pipeline, howComputing SurveyB, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

ever, many independent instructions can be

at various stages of completion in the pipe
at the same time. To recover these instructions after the interrupt imposes a complex
and costly problem. In the IBM 360/91
two types of interrupts, namely "precise
interrupts" and "imprecise interrupts,"
are used:
1) Precise interrupts are associated with
an instruction (like an illegal operation
code) and can be uncovered during the decoding stage. This type of interrupt can be
treated in the normal fashion. Since decoding is the first stage of the pipe, when
an interrupt on instruction i is uncovered,
instruction i -t- 1 will be prohibited from
entering the pipe; however, instructions
which precede instruction i and are uncompleted in the pipe continue to be executed. After all execution activities are
completed in the pipe, the processing unit is
switched to execute the interrupt routine.
2) Other interrupts which result from
storage, address, and execution functions
are termed "imprecise." These interrupts
usually occur when the instruction is halfway through the pipe and subsequent instructions are already admitted into the
pipe. Strict adherence to the normal interrupt processing is therefore difficult.
When an interrupt of this kind is encountered, further decoding is prohibited (i.e.,
no more new instructions are allowed to
enter the pipe). But instructions uncompleted inside the pipe, whether they precede or follow the instruction, are completed
before the processing unit is switched to
service the interrupt.
In both cases the new status word for the
interrupt branch is fetched to the branch
target buffer while the pipe is being "emptied." Further optimization is possible by
starting the fetching of interrupt instructions if it takes a long time to clear the pipe.
This imprecise condition due to error interrupts is a disadvantage of overlapped
processing when program debugging is

2.6 Pipeline Processingof Arithmetic Operations

One of the most fruitful applications of
overlapped processing to improve through-

Pipeline Architecture


put has been in the execution of arithmetic

operations. In vector arithmetic, for example, the same sequence of operations
are executed repetitively, a circumstance
most congenial to pipeline implementation.
In the IBM 360/91 and its successors
the execution of multiplication and division
is pipelined [21]. Algorithms suitable for
pipeline execution of binary addition,
multiplication, division, and square root
have been discussed [22].
A close study of a typical low level pipeline for performing binary multiplication is
now presented.
The most common method of multiplication is the pencil and paper algorithm in
which the multiplicand is shifted and, if the
corresponding bit in the multiplier is 1,
added to the partial sum until the multiplier is exhausted. Clearly this is not an
effective pipeline algorithm because too
many shifting and adding operations (complete additions) are needed. Even if the 0s
in the multiplier are skipped, the speed of
the multiplier is too slow to match the
speed of the other parts of the system. One
could try to build a very fast multiplier
using Wallace Trees [20] of Carry-Save
Adders (CSA). But such an implementation
requires too much hardware. Obviously a
speed/cost trade-off exists here. The method
favored in the IBM 360/91 and other computers is a hybrid method, in which multiples
of the multiplicand (summands) corresponding to a group of multiplier bits
(generally two or three) are generated
iteratively and accumulated by CSAs.
During the last iteration, the summand
of the last group of multiplier bits and the
previously accumulated partial sum are
added by using a Full Binary Adder (FBA).
Our example system will generate the summands corresponding to each 4-bit group of
the multiplier in real time and will use
CSAs to accumulate several partial sums
beIore generating the final product. Figure
12(b) shows the flow during the process of

4-bit group. The four multiplier bits are

expressed into the sum of at most three
numbers which are powers of two times the
multiplicand. In other words, each 4-bit
group of the multiplier is decoded into a
maximum of three binary numbers which
are powers of two times the multiplicand.
For example, if the multiplier bits are 1101,
then the decoder generates three numbers,
16D, - d D , and -{-D, where D is the multiplicand which when summed generate the
multiple 13 times the multiplicand. Table I
provides the decoding table for four bit
multiplier summand generation. Note that
the decoding process generates at most
three numbers using combinatorial logic
(in real time) and provides the three inputs
needed for a carry save adder.

Decode Phase

Generation of Summands

The multiplier bits are examined four bits

at a time starting with the least significant

The decoder generates the appropriate

multiples of the multiplicand corresponding

Mult1~l . . . .



I Summand generatlon

[Iteratlve carry save1


Addltlon wlth
carry propagatlon


FIGURE 12b. Functions in a multiply pipe.

Mult~pller Bits


0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0


0 0

4D-D, 2D+D

1 1

0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0

8D-2D, 4D+2D






1 0 1 l
l 1 0 0
l l 0 1


1 1 1 0
1 1 l l


Computing Surveys, Vol 9, No, I, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

-*20~ - - I~ - ]

FIGURE 12C. Generation of tummands.

CSh:Corry SaveAdder


FIGURE 12d. Pipeline multiplication.

to a 4-bit group of the multiplier. The inputs
to the first Carry Save Adder (CSA-1) are
shown in Figure 12(c).

Operations of the Multiplication Unit

Assume now that we wish to multiply two
16-bit positive numbers. The Carry Save
Adders and the Full Binary (carry propagate) Adder are assumed to be 2-word, or
32 bits wide. Initially the adder arrays are
During each iteration, a 4-bit group of
the multiplier in the R register is decoded
and the three inputs to CSA-1 are generated.
CSA-1 uses the inputs to generate the two
outputs (Partial Sum (PS) and Carries
Saved (CS)). These are passed on to the
next Carry Save Adder, CSA-2. The carry
save output of CSA-2 is fed back as an
input to itself during the next CSA-2 operation. The PS output of CSA-2 is introduced
as an input to CSA-3. Both outputs of
CSA-3 are fed back as inputs to itself.
The multiplier bits are decoded four bits
at a time starting with the least significant
ones. After the CSA-1 receives its inputs,
the R register is shifted right four bits, and
the decoding of the next group of four bits is
initiated. This sequence is continued until
Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, N o 11 March 1977

the final group of four bits is decoded. As

we supply operands to CSA-1, these operands
are accumulated.
After supplying the final set of operands
(corresponding to the four most significant
bits of the multiplier), we have four sets of
accumulated operands in the system. Now
in the next three cycles (each cycle corresponds to one operation of a CSA), these
operanffs will be accumulated into two
operands at the output of CSA-3. Finally
these operands are channeled to the FBA
to obtain the final product. A timing diagram (reservation table) is provided in
Figure 12(e) to elucidate the overlapped
operations in the system.

Performance Analysis
Let N be the number of bits in the multiplier, and let tc be the delay through a
CSA. Since the latter can be realized by
two levels of combinational logic, t~ will be
equivalent to two logic gate delays. The
delay through the full binary adder, tF~A,
will vary with the size of the operands and
its design. Then the total time for multiplication of N bits (from the time the inputs
are introduced at the first carry save adder)
t(multiply) = [N/4]tc -[- 4t, q-- tFBA.
If t~ is equal to two gate delays of 20 nsee
each and t~nA for 32-bit operands using
carry look ahead logic is around 70 nsec,
then the total multiply time with 16-bit
operands to generate a 32-bit product is
270 nsec.

The previous procedure using 4-bit multiplier groups can be extended to 8-bit multiplier groups, thereby almost doubling the



t I t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 t 7 t8 t 9

Timing diagram and reservation
table for pipeline multiplication.


P i p e l i n e Architecture

8 blls



FIGURE 12f. Pipeline multiplication using 8-bit

multiplier groups.
throughput rate of the system. Figure 12(f)
illustrates the organization. The scheme
utilizes two 4-bit decoders, which generate
appropriate summands corresponding to
two consecutive 4-bit multiplier groups at
CSA-1 and CSA-2. The two sets of summands are combined at CSA-3 and CSA-4.
CSA-5 and CSA-6 accumulate the summands
received from each 8-bit group until all the
groups in the multiplier have been processed.
In a similar fashion as in the 4-bit group
scheme, the full binary addition is performed at the last step.
Several interesting and challenging problems still remain open for investigation.
Pipelining of decimal arithmetic functions,
radix conversions, and polynomial function
evaluation are some of the many useful
applications. Also the study of multifunctional pipes with respect to arithmetic expressions deserves attention.

One of the main requirements in justifying

the pipelining of a process is that the same
sequence of operations will be invoked
very frequently. Ideally, if a continuous
excitation of the pipeline is attained, then
the maximum throughput will be reached.
For a pipelined processor, this is equivalent


to the need for abundant parallelism in the

instruction streams to permit almost continuous initiation of independent instructions.
This ideal situation sometimes becomes
true when the machine is processing independent vectors, e.g. adding two vectors,
element by element, to form a result vector.
If each element of a vector has to go through
a transformation independent of the transformation of other elements of the vector,
then they can be performed in an overlapped mode employing the pipelining
characteristics. For machines with multifunctional pipelined execution units, the execution units can establish and retain a static
configuration throughout until the entire
vector is processed. Hence minimal control,
decoding, and reconfiguration overheads
may be achieved while the memory operands
are supplied to the execution unit in a most
efficient way. This will become more apparent as our discussion proceeds.
In this section vector processing in pipelined processors is studied carefully. In
Section 3.1, the components of a vector
instruction and the ultimate processing
procedures are demonstrated and a comparison of two prominent vector machines
in this aspect is included. This comparison
leads to the revelation and evaluation of the
requirements, properties, and tradeoffs in
terms of time and space (control hardware)
overhead in vector processing as contrasted
with sequential pipeline processing. The
analysis in Section 3.2 serves to expose the
real crux of vector processing.
3.1 Vector Instruction

A vector pipe can be characterized by the

existence of one or more multifunctional
pipes in the execution unit (arithmetic and
logic unit) and the needed control and
parameter specifiers in the processor. As
mentioned in Section 1, a multifunctional
pipe can be either static or dynamic, depending on its reconfiguration control. In
the static case, simpler control is required
to establish and maintain a desired configuration for processing. There is a fixed
route for each operand set to traverse
throughout the computation, unless a new

C o m p u t i n g Surveys, Vol. 9, N o 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

configuration is formed. While in the dynamic case more complicated control and
routing overhead is involved, the throughput may be higher because of the simultaneous existence of several configurations.
In reality, static vector pipes are more
common, as is illustrated in the TI ASC and
CDC S~AR-100 examples to follow.
For a vector that consists of the two levels
of pipeline action, appropriate vector instructions have to be designed and implemented to denote the operations on some
ordered data in vector or array form.
Generally, in the first level, a vector instruction is fetched, decoded, and the
necessary control paths connected before
the needed elements of the vector are
fetched from consecutive storage locations
over a specified address range. The second
level execution unit pipe carries out the
specified operations on these elements,
normally being supervised by a control
ROM. Sometimes the results generated are
stored back to certain consecutive addresses
of a result field, and sometimes other
needed indicators are generated and stored
in the register file in the processor for future
usage. The exact procedures and mechanisms to accomplish all these functions vary
from machine to machine. For later comparison and analysis, an example of vector
instruction execution is provided here.
Before the execution of a vector instruction starts, certain additional information
pertinent to the mode of processing has to
be furnished to the system. Such information can be quite varied and detailed, such
as the starting (base) address of each source
vector and result vector involved (usually
two source vectors and one result vector)
and the control over what elements of the
vectors should be operated upon. The
method by which the STAR-100 handles
this is demonstrated first. The similarity
with the control of an array processing
system can be observed. Then similar and
different features in the ASC system are
noted. Finally the vector processing powers
of the two systems are compared.
The schematic diagram of the central
processing unit for the STAR-100 system is
shown in Figure 8. Basically it consists of
Computing Surveym, Vol. 9, N o . I, M a r c h 1977

four parts: 1) Storage Access Control

(SAC), 2) stream, 3) string, and 4) floating
point units operating in an overlapped,
asynchronous mode. The SAC is responsible
for sharing the magnetic core storage
among the three read and three write buses
shared by the stream and I/O units. The
stream unit provides the basic control for
the entire processor. Internally it may be
regarded as a multisegment pipeline (second
level) as it carries out functions which include: 1) memory references; 2) buffering
and skewing of operand data; 3)buffering
and decoding instructions; 4)setting up
control signals for processing the instruction; and 5)performing simple logical and
arithmetic operations.
The string unit, as the name implies, is
used to process strings of decimal or binary
digits. It contains fast half adders and full
adders to carry out algorithms for binary
arithmetic (add, subtract, divide, and multiply). Finally, the floating point unit consists of two pipes whose configurations are
shown in Figure 11. Each pipe is (static)
multifunctional as it has different configurations for performing different floating
point operations. Pipe 1 performs arithmetic operations on operands in floating
point format and address operations on
nonfloating point numbers. Pipe 2 performs only two vector address type operations, in addition to other arithmetic operations. Pipe 1 and pipe 2 are quite similar in
structure except that the latter has a high
speed register divide unit and a multipurpose unit for some special arithmetic
such as square root, vector divide, etc.
The pipes can take on a certain configuration at any time. For example, to perform
floating point addition, pipe 1 configures
itself (under microcode control, to be explained later) to activate the path: Expo0

1516 2 3 2 4
3 ! 3 2 3940
(8X,9) (subfune- (offset (ffeld
(offset {held I{CV base (f,eCd
forA) length& for B) length& address) length&



I CI =1
I (offset I

FmuRz 13. Vector instruction format in CDC


Pipeline Architecture


Memcry Words (32 b~t or 64 blt operands)


i~ ~ Base Address

Field Length

Addressing offset for vectors.

nent Compare--Coefficient Align--Coefficient Add--Normalize Count--Normalize

Shift--Transmit. With this static configuration, operand pairs can be routed
through the pipe at a steady and maximum
rate. When the operand pairs can be supplied fast enough and the result stored
suitably, an ideal throughput rate will be
Let us now pause to examine a vector
instruction before exploring the procedure
of its execution. An ordinary vector instruction format in the STAR-100 computer is
representable by eight fields as indicated in
Figure 13: 1 ) F : function code; 2)G: subfunction code; 3) X, Y specify the registers
that hold address offsets Jfor the two corresponding source vectors (the offset operates as depicted in Figure 13 and is useful
for skewed vectors); 4)A, B specify the
registers that hold the base addresses and
field lengths of the two source vectors; 5)
Z specifies the register holding the base address of the control vector; 6) C specifies the
register holding the base address and field
length of the result vector; and 7) C H- 1
then automatically specifies the register
holding the offset for the control and result
vectors. This automatic assignment is implied to maximize the utilization of each
instruction word which has a limited length.
From these registers, the effective starting
address and field length of each vector can
be calculated. Then the rest of the vector
can be referenced sequentially until a termination condition is reached. The control
vector is a unique feature introducing the
flexibility desired in vector processing. It
performs prohibition responsibility, analogous to the control unit in an array processor
such as the ILLIAC IV [2]. The control
vector in the STAR-100 performs the
analogous function, but in a time stretched
fashion (compared to the simultaneous

inhibition of array elements). Each bit in

the control vector is used to specify whether
or not the corresponding result element
should be stored (for most vector instructions; in some modified cases like macros,
it has other duties, as will be explained
later). When a bit is set in the control
vector, the corresponding element of the
result vector will not be modified and
stored. Thus the nth bit read from the
control vector will be used to control the
storing of the nth element generated in
processing the vector instruction.
As an illustration consider a vector add
VADD A , B , C (A -t- B --+ C)
Suppose the instruction format provides the
following information:
(A) = content of A register:
field length of A vector = 12
halfwords (32 bits each)
(B) = field length of B vector = 4
base address -- 20000,8
(X) = offset for A vector = 4 halfwords
(Y) = offset for B vector ffi --4 halfwords
(Z) = base address of control vector =
(C) = base address of result vector =
field length = 12 halfwords
(C-~-i) -- control vector and result vector
offset -- 4 hMfwords.
Then the starting address and effective
field length of A vector can be cMculated
as shown in Figure 15.
Note that the addressing used is bit address and a 'I' in the control vector permits the storing of the corresponding element in the resulting vector. For example,

Computing Surveys, Vol 9, No 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

A source



~ b a s e address




start address
~ ( b a s e address -offset)

actual field length

= field length - offset

= 12 - 4 = 8 hal f-words

B source vector


-~-startlng address -


I -offset

g. 1

' B'2



actual field length

= 4-(-4)
= 8 half-words

C source vector
~ b a s e address
30000 1
C1 ~ C1
l offset
30040 )' C2 ~ 02
C3 ~ C3
~ s t a r t l n g address
C4 ~ C4
300A0 ,,!5 ~ A5+B_3
C6 ~C6
C7 - C7
effectl ve
30100 "~8 " A8 + B6
control vector
C9 ~ 09
II I01111 lOll(O101'lOI'I')
30140 Cl0 - AIO+ B2
4ooo~ , ,~o0o4
30160 Cll ~ All + B3

FIGURE 15. Example vector ADD.

40005 stores a '1'; so C8 is transformed
into A5 -t- B - 8 . The skewing effect is quite
apparent in this example.
The mechanism to generate the desired
output has to be explained further. After
the instruction has been decoded at the
stream unit, the appropriate microcode
sequence in the Microeode Unit (MIC) is
initiated. This microcode unit resides in
the stream unit and is responsible for vector
type operations.
When the CPU initiates an instruction
requiring microcode control, it sends the
F (function) code and a microcode pulse
to the MIC. The MIC then takes over
control of the start up and termination of
the instruction. In the case of interrupts,
it also has to branch to save all the operands
and parameters necessary to resume execution afterwards. Therefore it is the heart of

ComputingSurveys,~ o l .

9, N o . 1, M a r c h 1977

the vector processing control. In fact, it is

the central control once a vector-type instruction has been noticed via decoding.
Typically it controls operations including:
1) the reading of addresses from the
register file (in the stream unit) for
the vector parameters according to
the designations specified in the instruction;
2) the calculation of the effective addresses, field lengths, etc. for monitoring the starting of the operations
involved in the vector instruction;
3) the setting up of the usage of read/
write buses as specified by the G
(subfunction) field for the operands
and results; and
4) the transfer of addresses and other
information to appropriate interrupt
count registers whenever needed.
Once the effective addresses are computed, the operand elements are fetched
and paired for the operations involved, for
example, going through the second level
floating point pipe. The static configuration
of the execution pipe will remain active
until the vector instruction is terminated.
A termination is marked by either of the
following events:
1) A vector is exhausted (e.g., when the
effective field length is zero, or the
difference between the effective field
length and the number of operand
pairs encountered thus far is zero); and
2) Some other data fields or strings have
been exhausted.
From the above description, one can see
what a vector pipe really includes and how
vectors can be processed in an overlapped
manner. It is interesting to find some other
ways to achieve a vector pipe. So let us
examine a similar vector machine, the ASC
system. The ASC handles a vector instruction in a similar way, though some additional distinguishing features should be
mentioned. To facilitate understanding, the
central processor unit composition in the
ASC has to be briefly explained. Its schematic diagram is provided in Figure 9. It
consists of three main components: 1) Instruction Processing Unit (IPU); 2) Memory Buffer Unit (MBU); and 3) Arithmetic

Pipeline Architecture
Unit (AU). The IPU is analogous to the
stream unit in the STAR-100,the MBU is
analogous to the load/store; and the AU
actually processes the data. In vector mode
the IPU fetches and decodes the instruction and calculates the effective addresses
for the vector fields. After receiving the
needed information from the IPU, the
MBU starts fetching source operands and
pairing those to be sent into an AU pipe
(the AU can have one to four identical
pipes). Each AU pipe has different configurations for performing different arithmetic operations (including integers) as in
a typical static multifunctional pipeline.
The two levels of pipeline action are quite
apparent in this case.
A vector instruction in the ASC has some
outstanding characteristics; the instruction format is depicted in Figure 16. Particular registers for fetching operand address and control information do not have
to be specified, however. Some registers in
the IPU, forming the Vector Parameter File
(VPF), are dedicated to vector processing.
The VPF consists of eight 32-bit registers
whose individual functions or interpretations have been permanently assigned,
as shown in Figure 17. This fixed organization has the advantage that registers can
be hardwired to the input of the control
ROM or other logic units for fast operation,
without having to worry about access conflicts among them. The first register contains the operation code and the type and
length of the vector considered (single or
two-dimensional). Then the base address
and the register containing the index (offset) are specified for each operand vector in
the subsequent register in the VPF. The
fifth and sixth registers are used to specify
the increment for each vector and the
number of iterations (field length) in this
inner loop. For the outer-loop (two-dimensional vectors), similar information about
the increments and number of iterations is
included in registers seven and eight. The
vector instruction, after having been de-



I R I T12I M I




FIGURE 16. Vector instruction format in TI ASC.



H3 H4






























FIGURE 17. Vector parameter file format in

coded, will provide the information regarding whether the parameter file has to be
loaded from main memory or retain some
previous setting for immediate usage. If a
load is needed, since the memory is interleaved, one memory cycle is needed for
VPF loading. The significance of this and
the subsequent additional activities is examined more carefully in the next subsection.
Afterwards, the sequence control in the
MBU takes over (as does the MIC in
STAR-100) the fetching of operands and
the routing of operand pairs through the
AU pipe.
So the ASC has at least two distinguishing features in vector processing: 1) its
dedicated use of the vector parameter file;
2) the interpretation and usage of the VPF,
allowing variable increments within the
different vectors concerned (contrary to the
sequential mode in STAR-100), and twodimensional vectors to be explicitly handled
(inner and outer loops).
These features help to execute some
vectors more efficiently and reduce the
overhead that may have been incurred.
Observe that once a vector instruction is
initiated, the operand pairs are submitted
to the AU continuously--in most cases,
once per minor cycle (provided no severe
memory interference results from other
pipes or parts of the system or processor).
Then the maximum throughput rate may
be achieved (1 result per minor cycle is
equal to 60 nsec.). Also the sequence control for the AU is handled exclusively by
the microcode stored in the ROM in the
MBU. Therefore the MBU serves as the

Computing Surveys, VoL 9, No. 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. L i

unique interface between the IPU and the

From the previous discussions, one can
visualize the concept of vector processing
and the two ways to achieve high throughput in two similar machines. To bring out
more interesting special features in these
machines, the vector-type instruction set in
the STAR-100 is examined once again.
From it a final brief comparison of the two
systems, the STAR-100 and the ASC in
this respect, is derived.
Generally speaking the STAR-100 has a
richer and more powerful vector instruction set. Two outstanding features are: 1)
vector macros instructions and 2) sparse
vector instructions.
In vector macro instructions, operations
are performed on the source vectors except
that, in some cases, no result vector is
created. Instead, the result is represented
and stored in one or two registers as specified
by the instruction.
For example, SELECT GE A >__ B,
I T E M COUNT TO (C) involves comparing
each element of vector field A with the
corresponding one in B. The comparison
terminates if the condition A, >_ B, is met
for the current i, or one of the vector fields
is exhausted. Then the number of operand
pairs encountered thus far is stored in the
register specified by C.
In this macro operation, control vectors
can be used not only to prohibit the storage
of result elements but also to disable the
operation on some elements. In the example,
even if A, ~ B, is true for some i, if that
comparison is disabled by the corresponding
element in the control vector, execution
will not be terminated. Thus, by using this
kind of instruction, comparison of ordered
vectors (e.g. lexicographic comparison) can
be easily handled. The item count will be
useful in some cases to indicate at which
element the condition is satisfied. On the
other hand, ordinary vector compare instructions also exist in the STAR-100 machine. For example, COMPARE GE A >__B,
ORDER VECTOR --, Z involves 1)comparing the two vectors element by element
and 2) storing 1 or 0 at the result vector
elements depending on the satisfaction of
the comparison condition.
Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

The result of each pairwise comparison

is recorded and is available for later use,
such as in sorting. Thus ordinary vector
and vector macro instructions may form a
powerful vector instruction set to be tailored
to suit some application as closely as possible. With them, many quite complex
sequential algorithms may turn out to be
very effective, as is studied later.
The sparse vector instructions in the
STAR-100 system further facilitate processing
of large vectors with a lot of zero elements
because then the vector can be packed
easily into a sparse vector to be operated
upon later. This packing can save both
memory storage space and later effective
processing time. A sparse vector can be
formed by using the following procedure, as
illustrated in Figure 18.
Step1: Generate an order vector by
using a COMPARE instruction
to indicate zero elements.
Step 2: Compress the vector into a sparse
vector by storing the chosen elements from the former to memory, according to the order vector
generated at Step 1. The order
vector has to be retained throughout the lifetime of the sparse

I n ) t , a l Vector


V2 (R)
V3 (R)






V6 (R)
V7 (R)


V9 {R)

Step l

(R) = near redundant

Order vector Z generated





Step 2 Sparse Vector Generated.

Hal f-word






FIGURE 18. Example compression of a

into a sparse vector field.


Pipeline Archi~cture

vector to specify the positional

significance of its elements.
Now the sparse vector can be efficiently
operated upon to generate desirable, interpretable results as in other vector instructions, with the help of the order vector.
The advantages of sparse vectors should be
1) The cxplicit hardware support for
compaction of large vectors reduces memory space needed.
2) If the sparse vector has to go through
several operations or computation steps,
effective processing time can be saved as
well in that the operation on zero elements
is no longer necessary.
3) If a variable increment for each vector
(as in the ASC) is desired, one way to implement it is to use sparse vector instructions (though a more obvious way is to
include the appropriate control vector) for
the purpose of saving space and time.
While the ASC does not include sparse
vector instructions, its explicit two-dimensional vectors and variable vector increments are good features which promise
high vector processing capability. Included
in the vector instruction set of both machines are some very interesting and high
T A B L E 2.


level instructions, such as vector search,

dot product, merge, shift, and order, that
allow programmers more power in developing their programs and the system to execute the algorithms implemented with the
help of these advanced instructions more
efficiently. The ASC has also demonstrated
how a 32-bit machine can cope with vector
processing by efficiently making use of 8-bit
opcode and the other relative fields, together with a dedicated vector parameter
file. While the STAR-100 shows a stronger
vector instruction set (a vector instruction
is composed of 64 bits) because the F (function) and G (subfunction) codes can be
used to specify more things, the vector
parameters to be used can be assigned to
any one of the registers (therefore not
dedicated). It is hard to say which scheme
is absolutely superior. To summarize, the
comparison of the vector processing powers
of the ASC and STAR-100 is tabulated in
Table 2.
3.2 Implications, Requirements, and Tradeo~s
How vectors are processed has been demonstrated in the previous section. Now a
closer look at some hidden or less con-



Vector parameter registers to be specified.

Very strong vector instruction set.
Sparse vector instruction included.
Vector increment is fixed.
Control vector introduces flexibility similar to the
control unit in array processors. Can be used to
implement variable vector increment.
Explicitly, vectors are only one-dimensional.
Use microcode control once a vector instruction is
String unit and Floating Point unit (2 nonidentical pipes) will be responsible for most of the
actual proecessing of data. Therefore concurrency is among different execution units,
Floading point facility more powerful (e.g. Pipe 2
has fast divide, special multipurpose segments),
Requires set up time for vector processing

Vector parameter file fixed, therefore easy to reference and store.
Strong vector instruction set.
Sparse vector not included.
Variable vector increment allowed.
No control vector used.

Two-dimensionM vector explicitly accommodated. Computes 2 level loops effectively.

Use microcode control to sequence each AU.
Four identical AU-MBU pairs can be installed to
carry out all kinds of, arithmetic operations
(fixed or floating point). Concurrency of execution is among four identical pipes.
AU has to be responsible for floating point operations (consists of eight segments).
Also requires set up time (though could be less
because the fixed V P F is easier to manage).

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

spieuous aspects in a vector machine is the instruction and the exit of the result
appropriate. From the previous description, (for vectors, the first result element) through
one notices at least four aspects:
the entire pipe. Therefore it directly mea1) There is some setup time involved sures the sum of the execution time of all
before executing a vector.
the facilities that the instruction and an
2) Additional control in configuring the operand pair have to go through. Sometimes
execution pipe and monitoring ope- it is interesting to compare the flush times
rand admission and traversal is needed. of a vector pipe to those of a sequential
3) Richer instruction sets and intelligent pipe. A vector pipe often has to perform
compilers are prerequisites for pro- more activities, such as checking the termiducing optimized code for vector ma- nation condition, checking the control
vector, etc. (though some of them can be
4) An intrinsic tradeoff between se- overlapped with other operations). Therequential and vector processing can be fore it is not surprising to discover that a
derived from the above considerations. vector pipe may have a longer flush time
These four observations are discussed in than its sequential counterpart.
this section.
Here an attempt-is made to compare
analytically sequential and vector pipeline
processing in terms of time efficiency. For a
1) Setup Time and Flush Time
vector pipe, the memory operand supply
As demonstrated in the ASC and STAR-100 rate is usually fast enough to meet the
systems, each vector instruction involves a speed of the execution pipe(s). For exset of vector parameter registers or control ample, in the ASC system, the eight intervectors to hold the information needed be- leaved memory modules can maintain a total
fore the instruction can be initiated. The data transfer rate of 400M words per seccontents of these parameter registers are o n d - t w i c e that required to support a cenused to control the addressing operation tral processor with four arithmetic unit
and storage of result operands, as well as pipes when processing vector instructions
the final termination. In the STAR-100 [13]. Therefore, for an effective vector field
system, they are used by the MIC and later length of l, the execution time of the vector
by other buffers in the stream unit for the instruction can be expressed analyticaIIy as
continuous initiation of operand fetches and (assuming the bottleneck is in execution
execution until a termination condition is units) :
detected by the MIC. In the case of the
ASC processor, they are used by the I P U
for address calculation, by the MBU for
memory references, and by the MIC (in where t~ is the vector instruction processing
the MBU) for monitoring subsequent execu- time; t, is the setup time; t~ is the vector
tion activities. These parameter registers pipe flush time including decode, address
can be loaded from memory. In doing so, calculation, operand fetch and paired, termimany additional memory fetches (register nation check and execution; and t~ is the
loading) have to be performed before the speed of the bottleneck segment of the exevector instruction can be started. These cution unit pipe (in the case of the ASC, all
fetches represent an overhead in time--the eight segments have the same speed, namely
setup time. If the vector invoIved has a 1 minor cycle -- 60 nsec).
The same situation in a sequential pipe
relatively short field length (the number of
be analogously analyzed. Suppose the
iterations to be executed is small), the setup
instruction has to be executed on a
time may be comparable to the actual
vector in this case. Without vector processprocessing time of the vectors.
Besides the setup time, there is another ing power, this instruction has to be intime measure of interest: the flushing time. voked l times; that is, it must go through
The flushing time is the period of time the entire pipe 1 times. Even if the execution
between the initial operation (decode) of unit is fast enough here, it is probable that
Computing Surveys, ~ro|. 9, No. 1, March 1977

Pipeline Architecture


In addition, some other costs arise inthe fetching of operands is less efficiently
performed. (In vector machines, consecu- directly. The vector parameter file or
tive storage locations for operands are registers represent part of the indirect hardfetched.) The processing time of the l in- ware needed. Larger instruction sets to
cope with vector processing also demand
structions may be expressed as:
longer word lengths--a result that affects
t,p = t,s + (1 - 1)tb
the cost throughout the entire system. For
where t,p is the sequential (pipeline) process- smaller word length machines, one can try
ing time; t,1 is the sequential pipe flush to get around the problem by using techtime; and tb is the speed of bottleneck in the niques such as dedicated VPF in ASC. Bepipe, most likely in fetching operands if the cause of its cost-effectiveness and speed
execution unit is fast enough because more advantages, vector processing power may
interference from unstructured memory prove adaptable to medium scale systems.
To keep up the execution speed, addireferences for instructions and operands
tional memory buffers (like the MBU) may
be necessary to maintain an effective memComparing t~p and t~p yields:
ory supply rate. Memory management
t, -t- t~i q- (l - 1)t~ < t~s + (1 - 1)tb
problems, though out of the scope of this
paper, present a rich area to be explored for
if and only if
vector machines. All this direct and indirect
t, -[- t,i -- t~i _< (l -- 1)(tb -- t~).
control cost marks the space overhead incurred in vector processing and should be
This equation reveals that, if the vector
evaluated appropriately in tradeoff conlength is reasonably large, vector processing
is beneficial, considering the time advantage.
If the setup and differential flush times are 3) Richer Instruction Set and Intelligent
large compared to the difference of the
speeds of the bottlenecks of the two pipes,
then a large vector field length is needed to Once the skeleton processor is assigned, the
justify processing it in the vector form. instruction set has to be designed carefully.
Usually (tb -- t~) has been about a tenth of As in the case of the STAR-100, suitable
t, q- tvl -t- Lf; so vector processing provides higher level vector macro and sparse vector
instructions can be implemented (with
time efficiency in pipelined processors.
proper hardware support) ~o that some application algorithms can be easily handled
2) Additional Control and Hardware
(fewer instruction and operand fetches and
Vector pipes are designed to be cost-effec- other conflicts). Without such well designed
tive. They are implemented with sufficient instruction sets, the power of the processor
flexibility and power to match the speed of may depreciate many times because inan array processor (which usually is more efficient operations, redundant or excessive
expensive). For those vector machines with memory references, and poorly utilized
multifunctional pipes, additional control to facilities may result.
establish the desirable configurations and
Since many of the rich instructions are
routing of the operands between pipe seg- by no means conventional, how to use them
ments are needed. These needs are usually effectively in programs becomes a prime
fulfilled by using microcoded control to concern. For assembly language program
allow flexibility and simpler circuitry. The writing, the user has to familiarize himself
hardware and firmware cost so introduced not only with the algorithm he is going to
represents a portion of the cost of vector implement, but first with the details of these
processing. These control functions some- unconventional instructions [19]. Because of
times are not very conspicuous, but they the various architectural aspects involved,
do require a considerable amount of hard- he has to choose a suitable algorithm careware support.
fully. Often a theoretically fast algorithm

Computing Surveys, Vol 9, No. 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li

will turn out to be inferior to some normally

less effective serial algorithm because of
the machine vector characteristic. As a
simple example, consider sorting methods.
In vector machines, a bubble sort is quite
inefficient because of the static multifunctional pipe involved. The bubbling (compare and interchange) of an item incurs too
much reconfiguration cost, memory fetch
overhead, and setup cost for the pipe.
Merge sort algorithms are better because
the machine can merge two ordered vectors
in one pass without reconfiguration and
additional setup. As in the ASC, the instruction vector O R D E R A, B, C will try
to compare element by element and store
the smaller element in C until the entire
ordering is accomplished. For example, if
A = 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and B = 2, 3, 5, 8,10,
then C = 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. Therefore only a simple vector instruction is
needed to merge sort two ordered vectors.
Another good alternative is to find the peak
value of an unsorted vector at every iteration, remove and store it at the appropriate
place, and repeat until the vector is completely sorted. It is easy to find the peak
value of an unsorted vector by using instructions such as SEARCH, and therefore
selection sort represents a better strategy
(though quite similar) than the conventional bubble sort. This simple example
hints how important it is to find the right
algorithms to be implemented on vector
Each system requires the installation of
intelligent language processors to fully utilize its power. Additional optimization
procedures should be incorporated to exploit its vector capability. For example, the
optimized FORTRAS compiler for the ASC
system was designed to produce highly
optimized object code with complete diagnostic and error messages. In general, the
additional optimization included is accomplished by analyzing the source program logic and performing optimization on
the object code instructions involved. Vector
instructions are used wherever feasible,
and scalar operations are reordered wherever
possible to reduce pipeline reconfiguration
and memory reference delays (8-way interleaved memory system). Therefore the cornComputing Surveys, VoL 9, No. 1, March 1977

piler can not only recognize array (vector)

oriented operations in DO loops but can
also reorder some scalar operations generated to meet the architectural characteristics of the machine. Of course the other
more conventional optimization procedures
are also included, such as elimination of
redundant subexpressions, removal of constant assignment statements in a loop,
proper register assignment, etc. This burden
on compiler designers is quite heavy. Thus
the software cost for vector processing
is an important item not to be ignored.
4) Quantitative Comparison of Vector and
Scalar Processing
As mentioned in the other section, the execution time of a vector instruction can be
represented by
T ~ = tsotup -[- (L -- 1)t~ ~- tflush.
The characteristic is that, without memory
interference, operand pairs are accepted at
a rate of 1Its to generate a result, t~ varies
from one instruction to another because a
loop may exist inside the AU pipe and
static control is used. The significance of
vector processing is that operand fetch is
completely concealed behind actual execution. To achieve this concealment, the
memory bandwidth available to the memory
buffer unit for fetching operands must be
sufficient to sustain that rate. In the ASC,
for example, eight operand words (one
octet) can be fetched every memory cycle
(160 nsec), which is sufficient to yield a
bandwidth of 3 words/60 nsec (the basic
segment time).
Another advantage is that while a vector
instruction is being processed, no additional
instruction fetch is needed; memory interference is thus reduced. In fact, because of
this, vector instructions can be simulated
in [some] systems having an instruction file
large enough to eliminate such instruction
The overhead of a vector instruction
includes its setup time. In the ASC, it includes transferring vector parameters to the
control (in the MBU) and starting the AU
pipe--altogether 27 segment cycles. This
setup time may vary in other systems; for

Pipeline Architecture


Scalar counterpart




Memory access l~me

for 2 operandi.
tL~ Latency for J
scolar J
>T L
n t M:


IF+ t S

Slope t L

L ~

Scalar time bound (ASC)


I'1' I ,,LS 'lz


FIGURE 19. Scalar vector timing comparison (TI ASC).

example, the setup time in the STAR-100
can go up to over 100 minor cycles. Without
memory interference, the total execution
time of a vector instruction may be plotted
against the vector length L as in Figure 19.
If that vector instruction is replaced by a
scalar loop, the resulting execution time is
usually much larger, depending on L. A
vector instruction can be decomposed into
three or more scalar instructions:

p [Update Pointer]
| [ B a s i c Instruction] *-- (could
involve more than one scalar
instruction depending on
instruction format)
L--[Test Pointer and Branch]

Execution of this loop L times requires

considerable time. One significant factor is
the operand fetch, which is not done (lookahead) fast enough as in the vector counterpart. So, by the time the operand comes
back from memory, several precious processing cycles have been lost (Figure 19).

5) TradeoffSummary
In this section, we have discussed the time
and the space overhead needed in vector
processing as compared to a sequential
pipelined processor (such as the IBM 360/
91). The advantages of vector processing
are its speed improvement for reasonably
long vectors and its more orderly management and thus better utilization of the
memory system and other resources when
dealing with vectors. The costs it incurs
are the needed firmward control and additional software facilities to utilize its power.
When the latter problems have been solved
successfully at less cost, vector processing
may be generalized and extended to smaller
scale processing systems.
4.1 The AsynchronousCRAY-1 Computer

We describe the vector processing abilities

of a new fourth generation pipeline corn-

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li


purer CRAY-1 of Cray Research Corporation [26] Several unique features of this
machine are explored to supplement the
ideas in Section 3 and to illustrate the
current trend of progress.
The CRAY-1 design philosophy follows
closely the tradition of the CDC 6600 and
7600. The twelve functional units incorporate vector processing capabilities and
are "connectable" to form efficient chains,
thereby maximizing overlapped vector processing. These units represent a deviation
from the universal (mnltifunctional) pipe
approach as adopted by the ASC and
STAR-100. However, the tradeoff is quite
apparent. The control here is more complex.
Some specific features of the CRAY-1 include:

Operating Registers
Figure 20 illustrates the register organization of this computer. The primary operating registers are the scalar and vector
registers called S and V registers, respectively. Each of the eight V registers has
64 bits. A scalar instruction may perform
some function, such as addition, obtaining
operands from two S registers and entering
the result into another S register. A vector
instruction performs the same function in
an analogous fashion, obtaining a new pair
of operands each clock cycle of 12.5 nsec
from two V registers and storing the result
into another V register. The contents of
the vector length (VL) register determine
the number of operations performed by the
vector instruction. Eight 24-bit A registers
are used as address registers for memory
references and as index registers. The A and
S registers are each supported by 64 rapid
access temporary storage registers called
B and T registers. Data can be transferred
between A, B, S, T, or V registers and

Instruction Buffers
Instructions, which are either 16 or 32 bits,
are executed from four instruction buffers,
each consisting of 64 16-hit registers. Associated with each instruction buffer is a
base address register that is used to determine if the current instruction resides in
a buffer. Forward and backward branching
within the buffers is possible, and the program segments may be discontinuous in
the program buffer. When the current instruction does not reside in a buffer, one
of the instruction buffers is filled from
memory. Four memory words are read per
clock period to the least recently filled instruction buffer. To allow the current instruction to be issued as soon as possible,
the memory word containing the current
instruction is among the first to be read.

Functional Units
The CRAY-I CPU has twelve functional
units, each of which is independent of the
others and therefore capable of parallel
operation. A functional unit receives operands from registers and delivers each
result to a register when the operation is
completed. The functional units retain no
information regarding their past operation.
The three functional units that provide
24-bit results to A registers are Integer
Add, Integer Multiply, and Population
Count. The three functional units that
provide 64-bit results to the S registers are
Integer Add, Shift, and Logical. The three
functional units providing 64-bit results
to the V registers only are Integer Add,
Shift, and Logical. The three functional
units that provide 64-bit results to either
the S or V registers are Floating Add,
Floating Multiply, and Reciprocal Approximation. All functional units are buffered,
perform their algorithms in a fixed amount
of time, and produce one result per clock

Up to one million 64-bit words are arranged
in 16 banks with a bank cycle time of 4
clock periods. The memory is constructed of
bipolar 1024-bit LSI chips.
Computing Surveye, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

Vector Operations
Because of the instruction formats adopted,
vector instructions are of four types. One
type of vector instruction obtains operands

Pipeline Architecture


Vector Registers




F -vo:"









: i /








|= 1 |
, .S.'i I



S IFunctinal


Scalar Reglsters



l J //~s3

~ /




" Scalar

((Ah) + Jkm)



L ~



thrcugh I ~ / / ~ I - ~ - - A 6 ~ - - ' ~ ' , = L - , / /


_ ~

Address Registers



Fu.ctlonal [ [







~ = I P






Register block

from one or two V registers and enters the

results into another V register (Figure 21(a)).
Successive operand pairs are transmitted
from V~ and V~ to the segmented func-


tional unit each clock period, and the corresponding results emerge from the functional unit n periods later, where n is the
execution time. The results are entered

Computing Surveys, VoL 9, No. 1, March 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li






and V2o) is transmitted to the add functional unit, where it arrives at time ti.
The function is executed in six clock time
periods and the first result exists from the
functional unit at clock period h . The
second pair of operands (VII and V21)
arrive at the functional unit at t2, and so on.


Type I vector instruction.

Type II vector instruction.
Type III vector instruction.
Type IV vector instruction.

Parallel Operations
When a vector instruction is issued, the
required functional unit and the operand
registers are reserved for the number of
clock periods determined by the vector
length. A subsequent vector instruction requiring the same resources (functional units
and registers) cannot be executed until the
resources are released; however, parallel
(simultaneous) execution of neighboring
instructions that do not interfere in their
resource requirements is permitted.

into the result register V,. The contents of

the vector length (VL) register determines
the number of operand pairs processed by
the functional unit.
When vectors contain more than 64 elements, they can be processed by dividing
them into vectors of 64 elements (or less).
The second type of vector instruction
obtains one operand from an S register and
one from a V register (Figure 21(b)). The
last two types of vector instructions transmit
data between memory and the V registers
(Figure 21(c) and Figure 21(d)). The path
between memory and the V registers may
be considered a functional unit for timing
The pipelined execution of vector instructions is discussed next. Let VIy be the
jth bit of the vector register VI. Since
there are 64 bits in the register (VIo through
VI63), Figure 22 shows the timing chart for
the execution of a floating point addition
operation using vector instruction of type
I. When the instruction is issued at clock
period to, the first pair of operands (Vlo
t o t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 t?

The CRAV machine has the unique ability
to combine several pipeline executions in a
sequence by chaining. In the chaining process
a result register which receives the result of
a vector instruction can become the operand
register of a succeeding instruction. The
succeeding instruction is started as soon as
the first result arrives for use as an operand.
Figure 23(a) shows a chain of four instructions reading a vector of integers from
memory, adding that vector to another,
shifting the sum, and finally forming the

t 8 t 9 tlo t]1 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 t17




VI2,V22 --





VI4,V24 .

VI5,V25 .


V16,V26 .





VIs,V28 V19,V29

.. VO7

. VO9

FIGURE 22. Vector instruction timing example (V0 VI V2).

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

Pipeline Architecture



logical product of the shifted sum and a

mask vector. The result of the four instructions is placed in vector register V5.
Figures 23(b) and 23(e) graphically depict
the passage and timing of information
through the functional units.

A performance study of several subroutines

for the CRAY-1 FORTRANlibrary and matrix
multiplication illustrates extreme efficiency
of the pipeline operations. Vector operations employ algorithms similar to their
scalar counterparts. The studies indicate
that the vector subroutines outperform the
scalar subroutines. Figure 24 illustrates the

1. V0 *-- Memory (Memory Read)

2. V2 ~ V0 -+- V1 (Integer Add)
3. V3 (-- V2 < A3 (Left Shift)
4. V5 (--- V3 /k V4 (Logical Product)

performance of several library subroutines.

The cost (execution time) per result in
clock cycles is plotted against the vector
length. The cost is constant for scalar
subroutines. For vector subroutines the
cost drops dramatically and rapidly approaches a lower limit as vector length
increases. The performance of matrix multiplication provides yet another illustration

FIG~t~ 23a. Chaining example.


of efficiency of pipeline processing in vector

operations. Given a matrix [A] of dimension K by N and a matrix [B] of dimension

N by M, the element ij of the product

matrix [C] is given by



ci~ = ~



Figure 25 shows the execution rate of multiplication of square matrices as a function

of matrix dimension. The execution rate is

FIGURE 23b. Chaining.

t o t I t 2 t~ t 4 t 5 t e t 7 tm t I tlo t. tew t~ t14 tls tl6 tmr tl= ttl tzotzm tzz t23tz4ttstt6tz7


V5 o
_ . V5 I
-- V5=



V5 s



f q

transit of memory word to "read functional


g - transit

transit of memory word through "read

functional u n l t "

h -

t r a n s i t of memory word from "read

functional unlt" to element of VO


transit of operand elements In VO and VI to

integer add functional unlt

computation o f su~ by integer add

functional unlt
transit of sum from Integer add functional
unlt to element of V2




operand element in V2 to Shlft func(lonal

shift operatlon perfomed by shift functional unit
o f shifted sum from shift functional unit
to element of V3

i - translt

o f operand elements in V3 and V4 to loolcal

functional unit

l - transit

k - loq~cal

Operation perfomed by loqlcai functlon~|

- translt


final result to ele~nt of V5

Timing diagram for chaining example.

Comput]ng Survys, Voi, 9, N o I, M a r c h 1977


C. V. Ramamoorthy and H. F. Li






Motr~x dtmensmn







F1GURE 25. Matrix multiplication timing.

vector 1

effective address of the memory operand

and start fetching (time not fixed). Phase C
reads the memory operand into buffer and
start execution. Phase D continues the
Vector length
completion of execution (time not fixed).
Phase E checks the result generated from
functional unit to see if retry is necesFIGURE 24. Scalar/vector timing comparison.
sary. If not, phase F writes back the result.
defined in terms of "millions of floating Because write back is done at the last phase,
point operations per second" (MFLOP~). software rollback and retry of instruction
The number of floating point operations can be replaced by a simple hardware retry
required to multiply two n-dimensional (for most instructions).
The execution unit is decomposed into
square matrices is (2n - 1)n2, since each of
the n 2 elements of the result matrix is formed four subunits: multiplier, adder, shifter, and
by summing n products. The fall of through- byte mover. These subunits have a propaput rate at discrete time instants is caused gation delay of one basic cycle (though many
by the architectural design in which a instructions need several iterations and
vector length of 64 is chosen (for buffering hence several basic cycles). Besides parity
register size). Consequently a vector restart check, each functional unit checks for error
using residue arithmetic.
is necessary at those time instances.
Therefore the CPU architecture of this
is a simple pipeline served by four
4.2 Amdahl 470 V/6
functional units. With high speed circuits
Finally, a few words must be said about the and pipelining, the major problem to be
more recent Amdahl 470 V/6 machine [31]. solved is the operand supply rate. Since
Besides adopting high speed LSI chips for virtual addressing is implemented, address
the CPU and most of the channel unit, it translation and subsequent memory fetches
employs the technique of pipelining in a have to be performed most efficiently in
reasonably simple way. The CPU instruc- order to be compatible in speed with the
tion execution can be partitioned into six pipeline. Two distinct features are used to
phases, A-F. Phase A consists of instruc- achieve this. First, the primary memory is
tion decode and reading of general purpose buffered by a 16K byte cache that is manregisters (if ready). Phase B calculates the aged by the set associative scheme (a set of

Computing Surveys, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1977

,, e~p
60 64

Pipeline Archi~cture

primary memory blocks is mapped into a

corresponding set of cache blocks assoeiatively). To speed up translation, a 256entry Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)
is installed for tag (virtual address tags)
matching (associatively). To complete the
virtual memory mechanism, a Segment
Table Origin (STO) stack is used to identify
the environments of different TLB entries.
With a high hit ratio and possible prefetch
of quarter-line segments, each CPU request may take only two cache cycles for
completion and hence can be speeded up in
a manner compatible with the pipeline
flow (c/o Phase B). A comparison of this
machine with the IBM 370/168 (a comparably priced third generation computer)
shows that the Amdahl 470 V/6 provides
three times the performance, yet requires
only one third the space of the 370/168
(60 ft? vs. 200 ft?) [32]. One other factor
that contributes to this comparison is the
substantial savings in packaging size with
the improvement in LSI technology. The
LSI portion of the 470 V/6 takes up 51
cards, each 7 inches square, and 42 chip
positions. With simpler and shorter connections, the reliability of the system is
unquestionably upgraded.
While the Amdahl 470 V/6 makes use of
technology advancement to its great advantage, its comparatively simple pipeline
architecture prompts more future design
efforts. Specifically, the floating point facilities in the system are rudimentary (the
functional units are not designed for floating point operations), and for many applications phase D (execution phase) may become a bottleneck of the pipeline flow.
With the success of this machine, the versatility and prospect of pipelining make it an
attractive feature in future system design.


Pipelined processors represent an intelligent approach to speeding up instruction

processing when the memory access time
has improved to a certain extent. Without
having to duplicate the entire processors n
times, a throughput rate of close to n times
improvement over a nonpipelined case may


be achieved. To make this possible, certain

problems have to be solved, including:
parallelism and busing structure; handling
of unexpected events; and efficient sequence
control with a well-designed instruction set.
Special vector processing capability is one
way to specify parallelism in programs
easily. These problems and solutions are
discussed and solutions in existing machines
illustrated. The multilevel application of
pipeline discipline is promising in upgrading
the performance of a processor, especially
from a cost-effective point of view, and
certainly deserves future investigation to
generalize its application to even smaller
scale systems.
The authors are grateful to Mr. Gary Ho and
Mr. V. Shah for their contributions.

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ComputingSurveys,Vol.9, No. 1, March 1977

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