Cyclist Guide To Warm-Up General To Specific: WWW -
Cyclist Guide To Warm-Up General To Specific: WWW -
Cyclist Guide To Warm-Up General To Specific: WWW -
Intelligence sportive
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As intensity levels gradually rise, blood flow increases dramatically to and within the muscle(s). This is in
response to the need to bring in oxygen and to remove carbon
dioxide and metabolic waste at a faster rate. The increase in
blood flow and temperature allows for greater transfer of oxygen to the cell, which improves work ability.
The same warmth that lowers viscosity in the muscle
will help to reduce muscle soreness and risk of injury. A muscle that has been warmed-up is relaxed, pliable and thus more
resilient. The muscle can now be pushed harder with less fear
of injury as a result. This is particularly important for exercise
at colder temperatures, such as early season riding.
The psychological portion of warm-up really occurs
during the physical warm-up. As the rider is warming-up he or
she should focus his or her attention on the training or competition at hand. This will become clearer in the section on "specific warm-up".
General Warm-up
Warm-up can be divided into two stages: general and
specific. The general portion is first. It involves the large
muscle groups, starts out at a low intensity and gradually
builds up to a moderate level.
To properly warm-up, use the following protocol:
Choose an activity that uses the larger muscle groups. Some
examples include jogging, skipping rope or spinning easily.
This does not have to be event or sport specific, and it can be
something different each time. Again, these are done at a gradually increasing pace. The object here is to raise the body temperature enough to start sweating, without causing fatigue.
After the general warm-up is completed, the rider
should perform some light stretching exercises to ensure limberness. (See Table 1 for protocol ideas.)
Specific Warm-up
For the specific warm-up, incorporate activities that
duplicate the form and technique involved in the upcoming
event or competition. This will bring the appropriate muscles
and neural pathways into play, and muscle reaction and coordination will be in synch.
While preparing with exercises that mimic the training or event being prepared, the rider should concentrate on the
event at hand. This will allow his or her to become mentally
"focused" on the task.
Beginning riders should concentrate on one or two
basic cycling skills during the specific warm-up. (For specific warm-up tasks, refer to Table 2.) Intermediate riders should
begin to tie together several skills at a time and to use them to
perform specific maneuvers. Expert riders will perform various maneuvers during warm-up, and develop race tactics using
those maneuvers.
As riders' skills become more advanced, the warm-up
focuses on increasingly complex tasks, and the mental component becomes more important. Most expert riders will have
developed personal warm-up routines and mental techniques
which should be maintained for competitions. New routines
should always be tried out in practice.
See CEU #16, page 11
Sport Research
Intelligence sportive
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CEU #16
continued from page 4
Putting it Together
Duration and intensity are the keys. Warm-up too
long and you become fatigues; stop too soon and the desired
effect is minimized. If intensity is not high enough, again, the
effects will be minimal; but too high an intensity level would
no longer be considered "warm-up", it becomes "workout".
Duration is up to the rider, to avoid fatigue, but a general guideline might be 30 to 45 minutes. Intensity should
gradually increase until it is nearly training or competition
level. Also, a recovery time is necessary prior to starting the
event or training routine. O
Table 1
One method of general warm-up is the "stair step"
format effective, particularly for tempo riders. To do this, the
athlete would ride at an initial low intensity for three to five
minutes, then increase to a new workload. A steady state
would be achieved at each progressive workload, allowing the
rider to know how they feel at each level of intensity on that
particular day.
workload 4
workload 3
workload 2
workload 1
Stair step format
A variation on this basic theme would be to ride at a
steadily increasing intensity, peaking when the workload
begins to feel moderately hard (mild burning in leg muscles,
labored breathing, no longer able to "float" on the pedals) and
then backing off to recover. Once the body has adapted to the
new workload and the athlete feels comfortable, increase to a
higher peak and again back off to a slightly higher load than
previously. This allows the body to adapt to the increasing
metabolic demands of the activity.
peak 4
peak 3
workload 4
peak 2
workload 3
peak 1
workload 2
workload I
Adapted format
Table 2
Specific Warm-up Tasks
Beginner: one or two motor tasks.
Intermediate: combine several motor tasks into maneuvers.
Advanced: focus on maneuvers and how they would be used
in tactics; any personal mental techniques which have been
Motor Tasks
spinning smoothly
climbing out of the saddle
"jumps" or sprints
maintaining a straight line
timely shifting
event specific tasks
riding a paceline
initiating an attack
exchanging pulls
event specific maneuvers
Sport Research
Intelligence sportive
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CEU #16
continued from page 11
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Anne Baker, M.D.
Sports Medicine
San Diego, CA
Ellen Coleman, MA., MR11., R.D. - Chair
Riverside, CA
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