ATPL Inst 6.2 PDF
ATPL Inst 6.2 PDF
ATPL Inst 6.2 PDF
Chapter 6.2
Automatic Flight Control System
An Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) is a complex system, which is designed to relieve
the workload of the flight crew, and allow them to fully concentrate on the
management/monitoring of the flight. An AFCS thus provides the following functions:Stability and Control Augmentation. These two functions are linked and apply equally
to both manual and automatic flight control. Stability and control are closely allied to
each other, and one cannot exist without the other, eg. if the aeroplane stability is too
low, its controllability will be too high. The function of the AFCS is thus to ensure that
the correct levels of each exist.
Attitude Hold. This function ensures that the attitude of the aeroplane around selected
axes is maintained.
Flight Control. In this function the AFCS responds to externally sourced inputs such
as altitude, airspeed, heading, and navigational information. The autopilot when
operating in this mode will maintain a set condition, but will also respond to changes of
flight profile,
eg. track guidance, automatic approach, flare and landing, which are
dictated by inputs from external sources. The external sources are not a part of the
AFCS, but must be fully integrated with it, if the system is to work effectively. The
diagram below shows the typical flow of information to the AFCS.
Classification of an AFCS
The degree of complexity of the AFCS fitted to an aeroplane is dictated by the:
An AFCS is also classified according to the number of axes around which it exercises control,
which are as follows: Single Axis. This type of autopilot normally only provides control around the roll axis,
using the ailerons for lateral control.
Two axes. This type of autopilot provides control around the roll and pitch axes, using
the ailerons and elevators respectively. Stability about these axes are the most basic
functions of an autopilot. It can also be used to supply information directly to the Flight
Director, to allow a pre-selected flight path to be followed manually, or automatically by
the autopilot system.
Three Axes.
This type of autopilot provides control around the pitch, roll and yaw
axes, using the elevators, ailerons and rudder respectively. It is normally integrated
with a Flight Director and also provides sufficient control to carry out automatic landings.
Control Channels
The movement about each axis is controlled by a control channel, and these are classified as
Pitch channel
Roll channel
Yaw channel
Together these components form a Closed Loop Control System, or an Inner Loop
Stabilisation System. The functions of the individual elements are:Attitude Sensing.
This is achieved by gyroscopes or accelerometers, which
sense attitude changes about the relevant axis.
Error Sensing. This is achieved by synchro-transmitters or E-I bars, which change the
attitude signal into an electrical error signal.
Signal processing.
This is achieved by a discriminator and amplifier circuit, which
together process the electrical error signals, and provide an output to the servomotor
The position feedback signals are amplified, and the resulting signal will oppose the error signal.
As the aeroplane is returned to its original attitude an aerodynamic feedback signal will steadily
reduce the attitude error signal, and the position feedback signal will begin to dominate, thus
moving the elevator back into its former flared position.
Outer Loop Control
The primary function of the autopilot is stabilisation, which is achieved by inner loop control,
but by inputting signals from raw data {heading, airspeed, altitude, radio links, Lateral
Navigation (LNAV), Vertical Navigation (VNAV)} into the inner loop, the system can perform
other tasks. These data inputs are known as outer loop control, and are fed into the system
by the flight crew through an appropriate mode select panel. For example in a light twin-engine
aeroplane commands to roll or pitch the aeroplane are manually inserted via a Mode Control
Unit (MCU), as shown on the next page. When these controls are activated, a synchro
transmitter rotor, or potentiometer applies the appropriate command to the channel servomotor.
In a modern transport category jet-engine aeroplane the outer loop signals are applied to the
system via a more complex Mode Control Panel (MCP), as shown below.
These outer loop signals are categorised into either roll or pitch modes depending on their
function:Roll Modes
Heading Hold. When this mode is engaged the autopilot on receiving a heading hold
error signal from a Remote Indicating Compass (RIC) or Inertial Reference System
(IRS), will control the bank angle to maintain the heading at the time of autopilot
9 12
27 30
18 21
18 21
9 12
27 30
15 18
24 2
3 6 9
8 9 0
6 7 8
Lateral Navigation (LNAV). In this mode computed flight path information from the
Flight Management system (FMS) is fed into the autopilot and steers the aeroplane
along the designated route.
Pitch Modes
Altitude Hold. When this mode is engaged the aeroplane will remain at the altitude at
the time of selection. If it deviates from this altitude by more than a preset amount
200 to 300 ft) an altitude alert warning (aural and visual) will be sounded.
Altitude Capture (Acquire). When this mode is activated a pre-selected altitude when
climbing or descending will be captured, and the aeroplane will automatically level out
and maintain that altitude. A warning of altitude capture is given approximately 1,000 700 ft. prior to the preset altitude being reached, and stays annunciated until
300 - 200 ft. from this altitude.
Rate Sensing Gyro. When a gyro is aligned with its sensitive axis parallel to an axis, it
will detect any rotation of the aeroplane around that axis, and will also be able to
determine the rate of rotation being experienced.
Displacement Gyro. In this system the attitude of the aeroplane is monitored against a
vertical gyro (VG) reference unit. When a displacement is sensed the signal processor
will determine the magnitude of the displacement, and the corrective control input
required as compensation for the displacement. The vertical reference can be taken
from an integral gyro source, or may be alternatively taken from an independent source,
such as a remote Vertical Reference Unit (VRU), INS or IRS.
In many systems, the detector signal is derived from a combination of both rate and
displacement signals. This reduces the time delay incurred by deriving a rate from a
displacement signal, and also has the advantage of damping the tendency to overshoot the
correction, which is a common problem with the displacement type of system.
The pitch and roll channels are normally operated from the VRU, but the yaw channel requires
an input from a horizontal axis tied gyro.
This restricts the range of any parameter change, eg. Pitch rate, to a
specific limit.
This modifies the computer output so that the required flight path or
handling characteristics are achieved.
The degree of computer power varies according to the role and complexity of the AFCS. In all
of these computations however, Control Laws, are used to determine exactly how the control
demands are translated into control movements. The C control law for example is commonly
used in large transport aeroplanes in the pitch axis. This law provides stability of the aeroplane
at a selected flight path angle, and also compensates for problems associated with flight at low
These computations also consider the airframe load factors, which are likely to be imposed on
the aeroplane during a manoeuvre. These are a function of the airspeed (dynamic pressure)
and thus require an input from the ADC, or other dynamic pressure source. On older or simple
autopilots there is no allowance made for gust loads, which can exist during flight in turbulent
conditions. If these conditions prevail with this type of autopilot the system should be
immediately disconnected, and the aeroplane flown manually. In more modern and complex
systems a function switch is available, which, when operated, softens the control demands,
thus enabling the aeroplane to ride with the gusts. This is achieved by increasing the limits
argument in the computations. The switch should however only be activated in turbulent
conditions, as it will desensitise the autopilot.
Servomotor Actuators
The following types of actuators are available, but in their design, consideration must be given
to the balance between the range of control surface movement, and the rate of movement (in
the event of a failure occurring), the normal rate of movement, and the magnitude and accuracy
of any movement for control and/or stability:Electro Mechanical Actuator. These may be either DC or AC powered. In the DC
system a motor is coupled to the flight control via an electro magnetic clutch and a
mechanical linkage. A feedback is provided from a potentiometer driven by the motor. In
the AC system, the motors used may be either of the hysterisis type, or of the twophase induction type. A synchro transmission system provides information on the
position of the control surface whilst a tachogenerator provides the necessary feedback
to the signal processor.
Electro Pneumatic Actuator. A typical actuator of this type is shown below, where the
valve assembly is operated electro mechanically by signals from the AFCS computer.
The necessary power is supplied from a pneumatic feed taken from a source such as an
engine driven pump, or a compressor bleed from a jet engine. When a command input is
received the opening of one valve is increased, whilst the other is reduced. This produces a
differential pressure in the two cylinders and results in a differential motion of the two rods,
which in turn will cause the output linkage to rotate, and a resultant control movement to
Electro Hydraulic Actuator. In most modern transport aeroplanes the primary flight
controls are operated through Power Control Units (PCU), as shown on the next page, which
utilise the muscle of hydraulic power to activate the control surfaces. These units respond
directly to signals from the AFCS computer and do not require independent servo actuators.
The signal from the AFCS computer is then fed to a solenoid, which operates a Transfer
Valve within the hydraulic system. This activates the control surface and a position
transducer provides a feed back to the computer.
Autopilot Terminology
The following terminology is associated with modern complex autopilot systems:Rate Damping Systems. These systems having more to do with stability than control.
They will not return an aeroplane to a specific attitude, but will prevent unwanted
divergence rates from developing, and will also help to smooth rate demands
commanded by the flight crew.
System Protection. This system prevents control surface runaway, or any other
undesirable malfunction, by limiting the actuator authority.
Comparators. These devices compare the outputs from both the sensors and the
actuators. If the attitude change being sensed is in the same direction as the actuator is
moving the control surface, the comparator will automatically disconnect the circuit.
Rate Trigger Systems. The characteristics exhibited by an aeroplane during a system
runaway are very marked, and are significantly different from those expected in normal
flight. This system will automatically disconnect the autopilot if the rate exceeds a set
Simplex System. This is a single automatic control system, which is allied to a number
of sub-channels. Some of the components may be duplicated, although a single failure
elsewhere will render the system unserviceable. This type of system is alternatively
known as a Single Non-Redundant System.
Multiplex Systems. These are systems, which comprise of two or more independent
simplex systems, and sub-channels, such that in the event of a failure of a system or
sub-channel, the remaining system will be capable of performing the controlling
function. The number of systems and sub-channels are qualified as, Duplex, Triplex
and Quadruplex.
Firstly the aeroplane intercepts and captures the localiser signal. The pre-selected heading
and localiser signals are then mixed, to enable the autopilot to smoothly align the aeroplane
with the extended runway centre line.
Secondly the aeroplane captures the glide slope beam, and the autopilot modifies the pitch
attitude so that the aeroplane flies down the beam.
During an automatic approach an allowance must additionally be made for the effects of
crosswinds, otherwise the aeroplane would take up a position downwind of the localiser beam
centre, and would cause the aeroplane to fly a stand off track parallel to the beam. An extra
signal equivalent to the magnitude of the aeroplane drift must therefore be fed into the autopilot
to correct for the crosswind, thus when the aeroplane is correctly established on the localiser
beam, the glide path will be intercepted. The mode prior to interception of glide slope will be
either Attitude Hold, Altitude Hold, Indicated Airspeed Hold, or Vertical Speed Hold, but
the selected mode will be automatically cancelled when the glide slope is captured.
When the vertical beam sensor detects that the aeroplane is approaching the glide slope beam
centre, the capture mode is automatically triggered, and the autopilot will be instructed to
achieve a vertical descent of approximately 700 ft. per minute. After a short period
(approximately 10 seconds) during which the glide slope error signal will reduce to
approximately zero, the glide slope track mode will be engaged. As the aeroplane approaches
the runway both the glide slope and localiser beams will converge, and to reduce the possibility
of the aeroplane entering an oscillatory motion the error signals will be attenuated as an inverse
function of radio altitude. During an automatic approach some form of beam deviation warning
must be fitted, and this is indicated either via a Beam Deviation Light in association with a
VOR Coupling
VOR coupling is similar to that in the Localiser mode, except in this instance the VOR is
captured when a lateral beam sensor selects it. As the aeroplane approaches the selected
radial the autopilot will automatically capture it when the deviation is approximately one dot (5).
Prior to capturing the beam the aeroplane will normally be on a pre-selected heading or
alternatively on another intercept mode, and this mode will be automatically discontinued
whenever the VOR capture mode is initiated. Tracking of the VOR radial will occur when the
deviation signal, heading error signal and roll attitude signal approaches zero.
As the aeroplane nears the VOR transmitter its error signals will tend to become erratic due
Beam Convergence, and the Cone of Confusion. To prevent this it is usual to cut off the
VOR signal as the aeroplane nears the Cone of Confusion, and this is achieved by an Over
Station Sensor (OSS), which automatically deselects the VOR signal for a preset time period,
until the aeroplane has over flown the Cone of Confusion.
Stability Problems
The two most common stability problems that are likely to be encountered by an aeroplane are:
Dutch Roll. This is an oscillation in yaw and roll, where roll predominates yaw. This
motion is most common on aeroplanes with swept wings, and if it is not dampened
out by the natural stability of the aeroplane, will lead to a divergent Phugoid. To
correct for this a Yaw Damper System is fitted, which is designed to pick up
extremely small deviations in yaw away from the flight path, and automatically apply
inputs to the rudder.
Filtering the detected error signals and comparing them to a reference signal before
passing a command to the next stage of processing. This additionally removes any
error that may be caused by fuselage flexing.
Integration of the filtered signals to form the servo signal input.
Amplification of the servo signal.
The amplified servo signal is fed via a Transfer Valve, which is independent of the normal
AFCS actuator, and directs hydraulic fluid under pressure to the yaw damper rudder actuator.
The inputs from the yaw damper and from the rudder controls are normally arranged in Series
or Parallel, which relates to the method by which the system affects the rudder control. In a
Series system there is no resultant rudder pedal movement, but in a Parallel system operation
of the yaw damper system will result in rudder pedal movement. Some systems alternatively
operate in Series or Parallel dependent on the phase of flight. During the Cruise the system
will operate in Series, when limited rudder is required, but during the Autoland stage, when
increased rudder authority is required, the system will switch over to a Parallel system. A
feedback loop is also fitted so that, so that when the yawing motion has been stopped, the
rudder will be automatically returned to its normal position.
The yaw damper signal, for a given rate of oscillation, is inversely proportional to airspeed, so a
signal from the Air Data Computer is required. The yaw damper signal may also have to be
modified for different configurations. If this is necessary, a signal from the flap position indicator
circuit will be applied to a gain circuit on the yaw damper output, which will increase the rate of
response when the flaps are extended.
Operation of the Yaw Damper system is monitored on a flight deck indicator, which also shows
the position of the rudder. A test circuit is additionally provided, which simulates a yaw
oscillation by applying torques to the rate gyro sensor. The displaced gyro in turn generates an
Small General Aviation Twin-Engine Aeroplane. In this type of aeroplane the elevators will
be operated by a system of cables that are powered either manually or electrically. A typical
automatic trim system is shown below.
In this system a sensor compares the tension of the Up elevator control cable with that of
the Down control cable, and if the elevator is subject to an Up command, the sensor will
detect the imbalance in the cable tension. This will in turn produce an error signal, which will
be amplified and forwarded to a trim motor. The trim tab will then be driven downwards until
the control cable tensions are reduced to a minimum. A Flap Compensation circuit may
also be added to the command signal detection circuit, to compensate for any pitch change,
which may occur when the flaps are extended, and will be operated via a relay attached to
the flap position indicator.
If the aeroplane is alternatively being flown manually, trimming is achieved via a control
switch, which controls the application of power to the servo system.
Large Transport Category Jet Engine Aeroplane. In this type of aeroplane, the elevators
and variable incidence tailplane are normally hydraulically powered, so the associated
operating system is much more complex. The control of the tailplane is affected by an
automatic trim signal, which controls a hydraulic motor. The trim motor is connected via a
clutch assembly, and screw jack to the tailplane. .A block schematic of such a system is
shown below.
In this system automatic trimming is achieved by moving the variable incidence tailplane
only, whilst the elevators are left with full movement authority, to control any pitch changes
commanded by the AFCS. If the detectors detect that an elevator is too far out of the faired
position for several seconds, the tailplane will move up or down as required until the need for
the autopilot to hold the elevators out of the faired position is reduced. When the elevators
get close to the faired position the detectors will stop the operation of the tailplane. For
example if a nose down demand from the AFCS is ordered, the pitch control channel will
activate the Power Control Unit (PCU), and this will drive the elevator downward. At the
same time a signal will be supplied to the trim circuit, and when the relative position between
the stabiliser and elevator reaches a threshold value, the trim circuit will be activated. A
signal will then be passed to the solenoid, which in turn will activate the hydraulic motor, and
will thus reposition the stabiliser. A new elevator neutral position will be established, such
that a signal will be fed back to the elevator positioning circuit, and the elevator will be
repositioned accordingly. The reason for elevator displacement or neutral shift is to augment
the control authority of the tailplane, which is achieved via a neutral shift rod mechanism.
Limit switches prevent the tailplane from being driven beyond pre-set limits, and a stabiliser
trim indicator on the flight deck shows the position of the trimming surfaces. The system is
monitored by a fault detection circuit and will provide the following warnings:1. A warning light will illuminate on the flight deck if the automatic trim system fails.
2. An aural alert will be sounded if an excessive trim input is detected.
Before an autopilot can be safely engaged with the flight controls, certain conditions must be
fulfilled. These conditions vary slightly between autopilots, but basically take the form of a
number of switches called interlocks, which are connected in series. A list of some of the
conditions that must be operative before the interlocks will allow the autopilot to be engaged are
as follows. The:-
Only once all the interlocks have been enabled the system can be engaged.
It is important that there is a smooth transition from manual to automatic flight, ie. if an
aeroplane is in a climb, it would not be desirable to have a zero pitch datum when the autopilot
is engaged. Prior to engagement, any signal present on a particular channel is passed to a
Synchroniser circuit, where an opposing signal equivalent to the attitude error builds up,
which continues right up until the autopilot is engaged.
For example, if the aeroplane is pitched up prior to engagement, the resulting attitude error
signal will be passed through the channel, and will develop an opposing signal in the
synchroniser circuit. When the autopilot is engaged the input to the synchroniser will be
disconnected, and the synchroniser level will be frozen at its current value, which will provide a
datum for the system.