Standard Technical Features of BTG System For Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

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Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

4.1.15 Layout of facilities and equipment shall allow removal of generator

transformers, station transformers and unit auxiliary transformers without
disturbing structure, equipment, piping, cabling, bus ducts etc. routed in the
4.1.16 Clear approach width of minimum 10m with clear height of 8m shall be
provided at the front and rear of ESP.
4.1.17 Trestles to be provided for routing of cables, pipes etc. shall have a clear
height of 8.0m in main plant area, at road/ rail crossings so as to clear the road
spaces/ railway lines, approach to maintenance bays of various buildings. A
walkway with hand rails and toe guards of 600mm (minimum) width shall be
provided all along length of the trestle for maintenance of cables and pipes.
Ladders for approach to these walkways shall be provided near roads, passage
ways at suitable locations.
4.1.18 Floor drains shall be provided at all floors and drain discharge pipes shall be
properly sized taking into account the fire water sprinkler system wherever
4.1.19 Valves shall be located in accessible positions. All piping shall be routed at a
clear height of minimum 2.2 m from the nearest access level for clear man
movement. Best engineering practices shall be adopted for keeping the
minimum clear working space around equipment and clear headroom within
main structures and cable trays etc.
4.1.20 Fire water pipes in main plant area may be routed in trenches filled with sand
and covered with pre-cast RCC covers.
4.1.21 The safety requirements as per the Factories Act, Rules/ Regulations made
under Indian Electricity Act 2003 and other applicable codes/standards etc.
shall be observed while developing the layout.
4.1.22 While developing the layout, all fresh air ventilation louvers shall be
considered 1000 mm from floor level and directed downwards at an angle.
Ventilation fans on AB bay roof shall be staggered and shall not be near the
centre line of turbine- generator set. Air washer units could be located at
outside TG bay on' A' row side and in BC bay on 'B' row side.
4.1.23 As per requirement of MOE&F, the space provision shall be kept for
installation of flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) system in future, if required.
4.1.24 Layout of the buildings shall be developed considering TAC requirements for
fire escape. Adequate fire escape staircases shall be provided in main plant
building with fire doors at each landing. Each equipment room shall be
provided with alternate exits in case of fire/ accidents as per requirements of
Factory Act and statuary bodies / Insurance companies.
4.1.25 Each unit shall be provided with one passenger elevator in TG hall and one
passenger cum goods elevator in the boiler area.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


General Requirements

5.1.1 The equipment shall meet the ratings and performance requirements stipulated
for various equipment. The guaranteed performance parameters shall be
without any tolerance values and all margins required for instrument
inaccuracies and other uncertainties shall be deemed to have been included in
the guaranteed figures.
5.1.2 All the guarantees shall be demonstrated during functional guarantee/
acceptance test. The various tests which are to be carried out during
performance guarantee/acceptance test are listed in this chapter. The guarantee
tests shall be conducted at site on each unit individually.
5.1.3 All instruments required for performance testing shall be of the type and
accuracy required by the code(s) and prior to the test these shall be calibrated
in an independent test Institute. The protecting tubes, pressure connections and
other test connections required for conducting guarantee test shall conform to
the relevant codes.
5.1.4 Detailed Performance Test Procedure to be furnished shall contain the

Object of the test.


Various guaranteed parameters & tests as per contract.


Method of conductance of test and test code.


Duration of test, frequency of readings & number of test runs.


Method of performance calculation.


Correction curves.

vii) Instrument list consisting of range, accuracy, least count, and location of
viii) Scheme showing measurement points.

Sample calculation.


Acceptance criteria.


Any other information required for conducting the test.

5.1.5 In case during performance guarantee test(s) it is found that the

equipment/system has failed to meet the guarantees, all necessary
modifications and/or replacements shall be carried out to make the
equipment/system comply with the guaranteed requirements & the same shall
be demonstrated by conducting another performance guarantee test at no extra
cost to the purchaser. However, if the contractor is not able to demonstrate the

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

guarantees, even after the above modifications/ replacements within ninety

(90) days or a reasonable period allowed by the purchaser, after the tests have
been completed, the purchaser will have the right to either of the following:

For Category-I Guarantees

Reject the equipment/ system/ plant and recover the payment already
Accept the equipment/ system/ plant after levying Liquidated Damages
as stipulated. (Amount of LD to be specified by the purchaser based on
unit size, coal cost etc.)


For Category-II Guarantees

Reject the equipment/ system/ plant and recover the payment already
made. Conformance to the performance requirements under Category-II
is mandatory.


For Category-III Guarantees

Reject the equipment/ system/ plant and recover the payment already
Accept the equipment/ system after assessing the deficiency in respect of
the various ratings, performance parameters and capabilities and recover
amount equivalent to the damages.


Guarantees Under Category-I

The performance guarantees which attract liquidated damages are as follows:


Efficiency of the steam generator at 100% TMCR with zero make up while
firing the design coal at rated steam parameters, rated coal fineness and rated
excess air.

5.2.2 Efficiency of the steam generator at 80% TMCR with zero make up while
firing the design coal at rated steam parameters, rated coal fineness and rated
excess air (for reference).
5.2.3 Steam generating capacity in T/hr. of steam at rated steam parameters at
superheater outlet and rated steam temperature at reheater outlet (with any
combination of mills working as per purchasers discretion) with the coal
being fired from within the range specified.

Turbine Cycle Heat Rate in kcal/kWh under rated steam conditions, design
condenser pressure with zero make up at 100% TMCR load.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

5.2.5 Turbine Cycle Heat rate in kcal/kWh under rated steam conditions, design
condenser pressure with zero make up at 80% TMCR load (for reference).

Continuous TG output at 105% TMCR load under rated steam conditions,

design condenser pressure with zero make-up.
Note: The condenser pressure measurement while conducting the guarantee
tests from clause 5.2.4 to 5.2.6 above shall be measured at 300 mm above the
top row of condenser tubes.


Pressure drop across terminal points of condenser cooling system with on-line
condenser tube cleaning system in operation.


The total auxiliary power consumption for all the auxiliaries of boiler, turbine
Generator and turbine cycle equipments required for continuous unit operation
at 100% TMCR load under rated steam conditions and at design condenser
pressure with zero make-up.


The total auxiliary power consumption for all the auxiliaries of boiler, turbine
Generator and turbine cycle equipments required for continuous unit operation
at 80% TMCR load under rated steam conditions and at design condenser
pressure with zero make-up (for reference).


Guarantees Under Category-II


It shall be guaranteed that, with one field out of service in each stream, the
particulate emission from ESP at TMCR load and design coal firing shall not
exceed 50 mg/Nm3 or stipulated requirement of MOEFs in this regard,
whichever is more stringent. The corresponding ESP efficiency shall be
worked out.

5.3.2 It shall be guaranteed that maximum total NOx emission from the unit will not
be more than 260 grams of NOx (from thermal as well as fuel) per giga joule
of heat input to the boiler at 6% O2 level during the entire operating range of
steam generator for the range of coals specified or as per MOEFs requirement
in this regard (if applicable) whichever is more stringent.

Guarantees Under Category-III

The parameters/ capabilities to be demonstrated for various systems/
equipments shall include but not be limited to the following:

5.4.1 Run back capabilities

The automatic runback capability of the unit (boiler- turbine-generator) on loss
of critical auxiliary equipment (such as tripping of one ID /FD /PA fan/ BFP
etc.) shall be demonstrated ensuring smooth and stable runback operation.

Applicable in case CW pumps are not included in scope of BTG system.


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

5.4.2 Start up time (for one unit only)

Start-up time (upto full load), and loading capabilities for the complete unit
(boiler, turbine and generator together) for cold start, warm start and hot start
conditions as agreed shall be demonstrated, ensuring that the various turbine
operational parameters like vibration, absolute and differential expansion,
eccentricity and steam metal temperature mismatch etc. are within design

Rate of change of load and sudden load change withstand capability

The capability of boiler-turbine-generator in regard to ramp rate and step load
change as specified shall be demonstrated.


Mill capacity at rated fineness

Performance testing shall be done on coal mills towards establishing the
specified capacity at the rated fineness, applying corrections for the variation
in coal characteristics i.e., HGI (Hardgrove Grindability Index) and total
moisture. The test shall be demonstrated on 50% of the installed coal
pulverizers (of Purchaser's choice) of each Steam Generator at 100% mill
loading with the originally installed grinding elements in nearly worn-out
condition or at the end of guaranteed wear life of grinding elements,
whichever is earlier. Capacity test shall be demonstrated at the following
conditions occurring simultaneously during testing:
i) Coal fineness Not less than 70% through 200 mesh and not less than
98% through 50 mesh screen.
ii) Test coal

Any available coal from the specified range with coal

sampling done as per ISO 9931.

In case the guaranteed capacity of coal pulverizers as stated above are

successfully demonstrated, remaining coal pulverizers of corresponding steam
generator will also be considered to have successfully met the above capacity
guarantee requirement. However, in the event of any of the coal pulverizers
not meeting the guarantee test, all the coal pulverizers of corresponding steam
generator will have to be tested to demonstrate guaranteed capacity.

Life of mill wear parts

Life of mill wear parts, in hours of operation, for the entire range of coal
characteristics specified shall be demonstrated.


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units



Electrostatic precipitator

The ESP air in leakage shall not be more than 1% of total gas flow at
ESP inlet at the guarantee point condition and shall be demonstrated.


The maximum pressure drop through the ESP at the guarantee point flow
condition shall not exceed 25 mmwc and shall be demonstrated.


Uniformity of the gas distribution in the various streams and inside the
casing shall be demonstrated as per specified/ quoted value.

No fuel oil support above 40% BMCR load

It shall be demonstrated that oil support for flame stabilization shall not be
required beyond 40% of BMCR load when firing the coals from the range
identified. It shall also be demonstrated that with any combination of mills/
adjacent mills in service, the steam generator shall not require any oil firing
for stable and efficient boiler operation at and above 40% BMCR load.


Performance characteristics of fans

Satisfactory operation of FD, ID and PA fans without undue noise and
vibration while operating in isolation or in parallel with other fans shall be
demonstrated at site.


Steam temperature imbalance

It shall be demonstrated at SH and RH outlets (in case of more than one outlet)
that the temperature imbalance between the outlets does not exceed 100 C
under all load conditions.

5.4.10 SH and RH tube metal temperature

It shall be demonstrated that superheater and reheater tube metal temperature
at critical locations remain within maximum tube metal temperature limits as
per design of the OEM under various load conditions (i.e. 100%, 80%, 60% &
5.4.11 Superheater and reheater attemperation system
It shall be demonstrate that the spray water flow of SH attemperation system
does not exceed 8% of main steam flow, at superheater outlet, while firing any
coal from within the range specified with HP heaters in service while
maintaining the rated SH outlet steam temperature at all loads upto and
including BMCR. It shall also be demonstrate that the RH temperature is
maintained at the rated value without any spray water requirement under
normal operating conditions.


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

5.4.12 Furnace exit gas temperature (FEGT)

It shall be demonstrated that maximum furnace exit gas temperature (FEGT)
shall be minimum 60 deg C below the minimum initial deformation
temperature (IDT) of ash. A comprehensive thermal performance test (TPT)
shall be conducted for this purpose on one unit. FEGT shall be demonstrated
through such TPT by indirect measurement.
5.4.13 Air heater air in leakage
It shall be demonstrated that the air-heater air-in-leakage after 3000 hours of
steam generator operation does not exceed the specified/ quoted values.
5.4.14 Equipment cooling water system

Inlet and outlet temperatures on the primary and secondary side of the
plate type heat exchangers as per design shall be demonstrated at site.


Pressure drop across plate type heat exchanger on primary and secondary
side cooling water circuits shall be demonstrated at site.


Satisfactory operation of primary side DMCCW pumps and secondary

side cooling water pumps (as applicable) without undue noise and
vibration while operating in isolation or in parallel with other pumps
shall be demonstrated at site.

5.4.15 Generator excitation system

The performance of generator excitation system as specified shall be
5.4.16 Steam condensing plant

The value of design condenser pressure, to be measured at 300 mm

above the top row of condenser tubes, shall be demonstrated under VWO
condition, 1% make-up, design CW inlet temp. and CW flow. The
condenser vacuum shall be measured with a vacuum grid utilizing
ASME basket tips.


Temperature of condensate, at outlet of condenser, shall be demonstrated

to be near to saturation temperature corresponding to the condenser
pressure at all loads.


Oxygen content in condensate at hotwell outlet shall not exceed 0.015

cc/litre over 50-100% load range and shall be determined according to
calorimetric Indigo-Carmine method.


Air leakage in the condenser under full load condition shall not exceed
more than 50% of design value taken for sizing the condenser air
evacuation system.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


When one half of the condenser is isolated, condenser shall be capable of

taking at least 60% T.G. load under TMCR conditions.


The design capacity of each vacuum pump in free dry air under standard
conditions at a condenser pressure of 25.4 mm Hg (abs) and sub cooled
to 4.170C below the temperature corresponding to absolute suction
pressure shall be demonstrated. Correction curves for establishing the
capacity at site conditions shall also be furnished.

vii) The air and vapour mixture from air cooling zone of condenser shall be
4.17 C below the saturation temperature corresponding to 25.4 mm Hg
(abs) suction pressure. Correction curves for establishing the same at site
conditions shall also be furnished.
viii) 2Pressure drop across terminal points of condenser cooling system with
on line condenser tube cleaning system in operation.
5.4.17 Feed water heaters and deaerator
The following parameters shall be demonstrated:

TTDs and DCAs of feed water heaters shall be demonstrated as per

guaranteed heat balance diagram for 100% TMCR condition.


Outlet temperature from final feed water heater(s).


Difference between saturation temperature of steam entering the

deaerator and temperature of feed water leaving the deaerator shall be
demonstrated as per guaranteed heat balance diagram for 100% TMCR


Continuous and efficient operation and performance of feed heating

plant without undue noise and vibrations at all loads and duty conditions.

5.4.18 HP & LP bypass system capabilities

The design capacity of HP/ LP bypass system shall be demonstrated. Further,
the HP & LP bypass system should satisfy the following functional
requirements under automatic interlock action. It should come into operation
automatically under the following conditions:


Generator circuit breaker opening.


HP & IP stop valves closing due to turbine tripping.


Sudden reduction in demand of external load (load throw off).

Applicable in case CW pumps are included in scope of BTG system.


Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

Under all above conditions, while passing the required steam flows as per the
relevant heat balances, the condenser should be able to swallow the entire
steam without increasing the exhaust hood temperature and condenser
pressure beyond the maximum permissible values. The same shall be
5.4.19 Power cycle pumps
Satisfactory operation of BFPs and CEPs without undue noise and vibration
while operating in isolation or in parallel with other pumps shall be
demonstrated at site.
5.4.20 Condenser on load tube cleaning system
Life of sponge rubber balls and number of balls lost during 1000 hours of
plant operation as agreed in contract shall be demonstrated.
5.4.21 Automatic on-line turbine testing (ATT) system
On-load testing of turbine protective equipments without disturbing normal
operation and keeping all protective functions operative during the test shall
be demonstrated.
5.4.22 Noise

All the plant, equipment and systems shall perform continuously without
exceeding the specified noise level over the entire range of output and
operating frequency.


Noise level measurement shall be carried out using applicable and

internationally acceptable standards. The measurement shall be carried
out with a calibrated integrating sound level meter meeting the
requirement of IEC 651 or BS 5969 or IS 9779.


Surface sound pressure shall be measured all around the equipment at a

distance of 1.0 m horizontally from the nearest surface of any
equipment/ machine and at a height of 1.5 m above the floor level in
elevation. The average of A-weighted surface sound pressure level
measurements expressed in decibels to a reference of 0.0002 micro bar
shall not exceed 85 dBA except for:
a) Safety valves and associated vent pipes for which it shall not exceed
115 dBA with silencer as applicable.
b) Regulating drain valves in which case it shall be limited to 90 dBA.
c) TG unit in which case it shall not exceed 90 dBA.
d) HP and LP bypass valves operation for which it shall be restricted to
115 dBA.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


For air motors it shall not exceed 95 dBA.


For pressure regulation valves & steam generator water drain

control valve it shall not exceed 90 dBA.

Corrections for background noise shall be considered in line with the

applicable standards.
5.4.23 Condensate polishing plant

Effluent quality at outlet of each vessel at its rated design flow and
design service length between two regenerations.


Pressure drop across the polisher service vessel, as specified, in clean

and dirty condition of resin at rated design flow.

5.4.24 Control & Instrumentation system requirements

Performance guarantee tests for closed loop control systems shall be carried
out at site to verify the integrated performance of the C&I system and to verify
as to whether all the important parameters remain within stipulated
permissible limits under all the operating conditions. In case during these tests
or otherwise it is observed that the behavior/ response of individual system
(drives actuators/ valves etc.) is not satisfactory/ acts as a limitation/ restriction
in achieving the permissible limits, all required modifications, rectification etc.
shall be made in the C&I system so that the permissible limits can be
5.4.25 EOT crane
After assembly and erection of crane at site, the crane shall be subjected to
deflection test, overload test, brake test and other tests as per IS 3177.
5.4.26 Elevators
After installation at site, the elevators shall be subjected to the following tests:



Overload test.


Travel speed and hoist speed checks.


Drop test.


Checks for interlocks & safety systems.


Checks for operation from inside the cage.

Test Codes, Test Conditions etc.

5.5.1 Steam generator efficiency


The steam generator efficiency shall be determined as per the

requirements of ASME PTC- 4 (by energy balance method) and other
stipulations brought out hereunder.

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