SOIL Admission-Brochure-2017-18

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One Year

SOIL was co-created by a team of thoughtful business

leaders and 32 companies with the aim to build Leaders
with character, competence and enthusiasm.
We believe that businesses, in course of their routine
operations can create social good, ecological balance, holistic
development and healthy international relations if they
choose to act in inspired ways.
Our learning methodology can inculcate inspired thinking
and consequently inspired actions in the business leaders of
the future who will contribute to the triple bottom line of
social wellbeing, ecological sustainability and shareholder
value as a deviation from current excessive focus on
shareholder value. SOIL was created to fulll this vision
and hence is a game changer.

Format: Full Time

Prole: Graduates
of any discipline
with minimum 2
years of work

Length: 12 months

Intake: April

Language: English

Campus: Gurgaon,
Services Capital of
India and a
booming start-up

Faculty: Leading
names from
academia and
industry across the
globe invited as
visiting faculty.

Dedicated Career
Services: 100%
placements within
3 months of

Programs: With
prestigious and
business schools


The Gurgaon Advantage

Value Based Learning Outcomes

Industry Consortium

Letter from Founder & Dean

Board & Advisory Members

Leadership & its Impact on you


The SOIL Advantage


Full time Post Graduate Programs


International Partnerships & Exchange Programs




Student Life


Placement Overview


Your Dedicated Career Service Partner


Class Prole




Admission Criteria


Fees, Loans & Scholarships


Meet Us


The Gurgaon Advantage

The character of SOIL as an institution is inseparable from its location. Situated in the heart of Gurgaon,
School of Inspired Leadership is located in one of the most cosmopolitan cities in India. With over 500
multinational companies headquartered here, and a growing community of national and international
leaders, Gurgaon is the quintessential young city transforming into a landmark of its own. Placed at the
cross-roads of corporate development and a budding start-up ecosystem, our students experience the
best of both worlds. This is an ideology that is fundamental to our identity as an outward looking
As the service capital of India, the city is home to several inuential business leaders, and year on year,
they visit the SOIL campus to talk to our students through valuable guest sessions.
Gurgaon also houses over 3000 start-ups, which makes it a networking ground for young leaders and
achievers. The SOIL campus is compact and full to the brim with urban amenities. Students here arrive
from all over the country and faculty from across the world a perfect blend which contributes greatly
to the vitality and friendliness of the place.

Value Based Learning Outcomes

At SOIL, we put great emphasis on ve core values that we call the pillars of Inspired Leadership.
The ABCDE of SOIL culture:

comes from the practice of mindfulness. This is about learning to be fully
present in whatever we are doing, feeling or thinking. By not having any regrets
of the past or anxiety about the future, we bring back the child like curiosity to
learn and be happy regardless of the state of the environment. This is taught
through a regular practice of Yoga and meditation.

comes from appreciating the true spirit of Sustainability. Our campus building is
designed to be in balance with Mother Nature- natural light in all rooms, rain
water harvesting, energy saving equipment etc. In addition, we teach courses on
Whole systems Thinking to make the students aware of this dimension.

is about not only getting out of our own shoes to step into others' shoes to feel
their state of mind but also doing something to help those in need. This is done
through the year -long Social Innovation Program in which student teams work
one day in a week, with NGO's to make a difference to society. We also partner
with the Chinmaya Organization of Rural Development (CORD) and donate 10%
of our prots each year to serve the poorest of the poor in India.

is about appreciating the uniqueness of each person and learning to leverage that
for the sake of collective good. We use Caliper, a world renowned tool to
appreciate the psychometric prole of every student and staff member and
enable teams to use this knowledge to give off their best.

is about being fair to all stakeholders, using the right means to achieve results
and no deception. We practice this in every process in SOIL and also teach
students to explore this within themselves through a week long intense course
conducted by theatre artists.

The Only MBA With Over

30 Top Partner Companies
School of Inspired Leadership is co-created by a group of 32
Multinational and Indian companies from across industry verticals
who believe in the value proposition of creating leaders with a focus
on triple bottom line. The program is designed by and for companies
to prepare the 'manager of the future' who is capable of solving crossfunctional, multidimensional and complex problems, that the
corporate world of today faces while continuing to focus on Ethics &
Sustainability. The MBA Consortium Companies have a key
involvement in the program right from the start through networking
events, mentorship, workshops and nding career opportunities for
SOIL Consortium Partner Companies:

Live projects within their organizations.

Select the incoming class as part of the interview process.
Provide placement & career opportunities.
Shape the curriculum and learning design to make the program
more industry ready.

Their combined wisdom has deepened our understanding of what

the world's best educational institutions need to focus on and has
helped us deliver excellence to our students every year through
rigorous reviews.

Management programs are known for their academic rigor, but one never joins an
MBA just for that. It's the exposure to the knowledge of industrial functioning that
attracts the participants. In case of SOIL, the institution itself has been co-created by
the leading names in the industry, the value of which one realizes only when they
become a part of the family. From guest lectures to personalized mentorship, we as
students are blessed to be a part of such a wide network.
Nidhi Tuteja, PGP-HRL (Class of 2016)

Consortium Members

Letter from
Founder & Dean
I welcome you to the process of discovering the School of
Inspired Leadership.
We were co-created by a team of founders and enlightened
organizations who wished to take responsibility for the state of
our world. It is our belief that business plays a powerful role in
creating the culture of our times and their operations enable
people to work across geographies and boundaries.
If the workplaces of these organizations are nourishing and
caring, if ethics is practiced in letter and spirit, if leader of such
organizations role model the values of Sustainability and
Diversity, they would empower our communities to practice
responsible citizenship.
This world view requires leaders to have Mindfulness so that
they become fully aware of the role they play in shaping our
world. For this, they need Whole Brain Thinking', emotional
intelligence and inspiration to make a difference.
We therefore decided to design a Selection System that follows
a unique Talent Appreciation Process that uses tools such as
the Princeton based Caliper's Leadership Proling and a series
of conversations to identify the Values and Gifts of each
We also co-created a curriculum with the leading businesses of
our times who believed in this Holistic model. This was
improved each year to make our students Future Ready. We
use several creative pedagogical approaches like theatre based
simulation, Social Innovation immersion (in which students
work one day a week with a NGO), the week-long learning
journey to the Himalayas, Role Model Leadership Circles (in
which CXO level chosen leaders host informal conversations to
share their inputs), one on one mentoring with both senior
Corporate Leaders and Faculty members, Wellness and
Meditation Sessions and opportunities to create and lead a
number of Clubs and Academics to enable students to explore
their own talent and potential.
We carefully choose both our full time faculty and adjunct
faculty members (we believe that each person teaches who she
is, irrespective of what she / he teaches) from amongst
outstanding academics and thoughtful practitioners. We
therefore, have some of the highest scores on student
evaluation of faculty in this sector.
We assess learning outcomes based on a unique grading system
that measures the impact on the student and do not compare
students with one another (it is possible for all students to score
the highest grade in each subject).
This enables them to Unlearn the habit of competing with
one another and teaches them the virtue of beating themselves
to keep improving.
Perhaps the most crucial part of our learning design is the
concept of Individual Development Plan for each student.
Within the rst few weeks of their joining SOIL, we conduct a
Development Center for students to appreciate their reasons
for joining SOIL, their gifts and their areas of development.
Each student is then encouraged to dene their learning goals.
These are regularly reviewed in the Mentoring Sessions held
every month. Students also participate in three surveys at the
end of each term to share their feedback about their

experience. They are also given feedback from their peers,

mentors, faculty members, NGO Partners and Industry
Internship supervisors as part of a 360 degree instrument.
Given the Intensity of a one year PG Program and a fast paced
program design, we proactively study Work Load on students
in terms of assignments, projects and readings to ensure that
students feel inspired but not overly stressed by their
Throughout the year, I personally teach a course on Self
Leadership to enable students to nd their own Purpose and
Calling, Discover their Gifts and learn how to transcend their
fears so as to leverage their strengths to overcome their
Development Areas. This involves a powerful methodology of
Self Disclosure, Community Building and some very unique
exercises to go deep within themselves to transform
themselves. All students report signicant positive change
within themselves by the end of the year.
SOIL is appreciated by recruiters and industry for its break
through innovation in higher education. They particularly
appreciate the fact that we are genuinely committed to
learning and not seen as a Placement Agency that is
attempting to obtain well-paying jobs for students.
It is for this reason, that we strongly advise students that if
their only motive for joining SOIL is getting a Good Job, they
should seriously challenge their assumptions. If on the other
hand, they are attracted to us because of their goal of going
through a transformational learning experience, they would be
most suited to our philosophy.
I am often asked Has SOIL turned out to be what you had
envisioned in 2008?
With 700 alumni from our full time Program and nearly 1000
alumni from other executive education offerings, we have
indeed come a long way!
These leaders are demonstrating to themselves and the world
that our vision of building leaders with character, competence
and enthusiasm is certainly making a difference! At the same
time, we realize that we have a long way to go. It is for this
reason that Learning and Innovation is a non-stop process in
SOIL as evident from our recent decision to start tracks on
Analytics and Finance and joint Program with MIP, a top
European School and Executive Education products with
CEDEP (The Leadership School at Fontainebleau in the INSEAD
Campus) and ISL in Japan, the unique school founded by Dr.
Tomo Noda of Harvard Business School.
I look forward to welcoming you to Soil.
Anil Sachdev
Founder & Dean

Board & Advisory Members

Members of our board and advisory board are professionals from all walks of life- academicians,
industry leaders, entrepreneurs, social leaders and consultants. Their combined wisdom has deepened
our understanding of what the world's best educational institutions need to focus on and has helped us
deliver excellence to our students every year through rigorous reviews.

Board Members

Anil Sachdev

Dr. Pradip Khandwalla

KK Nohria

Neera Sachdev

P Dwarakanath

CEO & Founder,


Former Director,
IIM Ahmedabad

Former Chairman,
Crompton Greaves

Grow Talent

Director-group Human
Capital, Max India

Sanjay Gupta

Shailendra Kumar

Swami Swaminathan

Vinita Singh

Yogesh Andlay

English Helper

Executive DirectorStrategic Initiatives, SOIL

Executive Chairman,
Manipal Health Enterprises

We The People

Nucleus Software

Advisory Board Members

Analjit Singh

Dr. Karl Erik Sveiby

Max India

Author & Global Expert,

Knowledge Management

Dr. Vijay Kelkar

Chairman Finance
Government Of India

K Balasubramanium

Prasad Kaipa

Member Holding Group,


Executive Director, CLIC,

ISB Founder, Kaipa Group

Shashank Vira

Shyam Viswanathan

Suresh Shetty

Tom Keelin

Managing Director,
Synergy Corporate Advisors

Former Dean
Executive Education, ISB

Ex-CFO, Hero Honda

Director, Enam Securities

Founder, SDG Adjunct,

Stanford University

Leadership & its Impact on you

SOIL has a great focus on Leadership Skills and its impact on student development both inwards and
outwards helping shape leaders of consequence. Leadership at SOIL is taught through the following
unique practices.


Self Leadership
At SOIL every student goes through a module on Self Leadership during the 1st
Semester. As part of this module students undergo experiential transformation
journeys where they are asked to draw out Life Maps with clearly dened goals.
This enables every student to explore how they could lead their physical, emotional
and intellectual selves so as to give off their best. They also learn to be led by their
spiritual selves so as to lead lives of happiness and wellbeing. An important part of
this journey is their identifying their purpose and calling, discovering their gifts
and strengths and learning to leverage their positives so as to move towards what
matters most to them. In order to complete the course students are expected to
develop their own personal plan in order to become a better leader.

The Practice of the Morning Circle

Morning Circle is a daily ritual at SOIL where students spend the rst 20 minutes of
the day in sharing positive stories and reecting inwards while discussing goals for
the day. Students and faculty connect with each other on a personal level more
than any other time of the day as part of the morning circle. The classroom
community feels nurtured and refreshed and the positive vibes during Morning
Meeting set the tone of mutual respect for the entire day. This simple practice
enables social and emotional development to develop models of citizenship and
character in students. The circle begins with a prayer of any denomination and in
invoking one's higher purpose. Some of the skills practiced everyday include
communication, positive story sharing, mutual respect, empathy, self-discipline and
problem solving.


The Caliper assessment test is the standard test for admissions to the SOIL one year
full time programs. It starts with who the individual is and determines how that
person can t into and grow with the organization. It provides data for measuring a
person's potential, personality characteristics, individual motivations, and likely
behaviors on the job. It believes that when people are in roles that are best suited to
their basic personalities and motivations, they not only perform welltheir
productivity actually surpasses expectations. Caliper is a talent management
company based out of Princeton USA that, for more than a half-century, has helped
more than 28000 businesses with talent acquisition, leadership development,
succession planning, and organizational change. It has helped in selecting the right
people, developing the best talent and creating the organizational culture an
organization needs to succeed.
For more details on the Caliper Test please get in touch with any member from our
Admissions Team.



Appreciative Enquiry Learning Retreat

Every batch of SOIL spends one week in the foothills of the Dhauladhara in
Sidhbari (Dharamshala). This is our Learning Retreat a transformational
experience. You are sensitized to a different approach in Life Churning the
positives in you through Appreciative Inquiry. There are village visits and
community meets to practice Appreciative Inquiry. This retreat helps you to learn
from your past and prepare for the future. Our alumni often quote this as the most
memorable and transformational time in their lives.

Individual Learning Plan (ILP)

Is a personalized document that is created for every student during an intensive
career development center using the Caliper prole coupled with behavioral
interviews? This plan helps maximize a students learning potential while at SOI
and is renewed with students internal and external mentors every month.

Learning Mindfulness through Theater

A 5-day mandatory theatre program with the nation's best theatre teachers to
address and strengthen an individual's value system through powerful simulations
and role plays. It introduces students to the essential skills in drama and to use the
skills as a medium to combine it with the subject of ethics, building basic skills, such
as voice projection, emphasis on words, intonation, thrust in sentences and natural
usage of body language to convey meaning. To make each individual student
experience a magnied self-awareness, a positive personal development brought
about through physical, verbal and psychological self-expression.

Yoga,Wellness and Spirituality

At SOIL, Yoga, Wellness & Spirituality is an integral part of the program and is
interwoven into the everyday experience of a SOIL student. Yoga is a complete
science of life a logical, step-by-step system to attain physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual health -Wellness. Yoga has helped many SOIL Students balance,
harmonize and purify their body and minds. Yoga has been clearly understood in
India for thousands of years. The practices show the way to health, mind control
and perfect peace. Health, in the Indian context is not just freedom from disease; it
is total integration, the realization of our Divine nature. The very word in Sanskrit
for Health or Wellness - Swastha - means to abide in the Self.


The SOIL Advantage

Being a student at the School of Inspired Leadership is a one-year journey inwards. It begins with the
unique admission process that allows students to discover their gifts and talents. Students then develop
an individualized learning plan to charter their development path. Supported by a robust one to one
mentoring program with corporate leaders and faculty, students discover their journey to workreadiness. Unmatched industry interaction opportunities through internships, leadership series and role
model leadership circle helps students relate classroom learnings with the real world.

Co Created by 32 Companies
School of Inspired Leadership is co-created by a group of 32 Multinational and
Indian companies from across industry verticals. Consortium Companies have a
key involvement in the program right from the start through action projects,
mentorship, workshops and nding career opportunities for students.

Curriculum and Learning Design

A carefully designed curriculum delivered through globally renowned faculty academicians and industry practitioners. Dedicated academic centers of
excellence in Marketing, Finance, Data Analytics & Human Resource Leadership
provide great focus on research and deeper dives into various industries. The
curriculum is broken into 3 terms. After you understand the basics of business in
Term 1, you'll start to specialize, designing your own academic schedule of
electives starting in the second Term giving you great exibility and helping you
choose a Major and Minor of your choice. Being a Harvard publishing partner,
Soil uses the Harvard case study approach extensively in class along with a mix
of pedagogy involving multiple intelligence.

Delhi NCR advantage

Located in the heart of Gurgaon, the business HUB of India and services capital
of the world. Networking and industry access to over 500 corporates and more
than 1000 startups.

Value based experiences

Annual Himalayan retreat, Theatre Values workshop, Practice of morning circle
and positive appreciations give students a once in a lifetime diverse experience.
The practice of self Awareness, wellness & yoga helps students assimilate
learnings. SOIL is a journey that prepares you for a life time of learning and
leadership excellence.


Social Innovation Project (SIP)

The Social Innovation Program aims to foster social responsibility in our future
leaders. A team of students work closely within an organization dedicated towards
community development. This takes place through the entire duration of the oneyear program starting from the second term onwards. We have partnered with
several NCR based organizations and our students spend one day every week
working with these partners. These include making business plans for income
generation, studying impact and developing 'capacity' to do more with less.

Peer Learning
Each year SOIL attracts experienced students from varied backgrounds who enrich
the peer learning experience. The curriculum design facilitates structured as well
as unstructured opportunities for peer learning. Our students have always called
out the contribution of the SOIL peer group as one of the key catalysts for learning
professional, cultural and interpersonal nuances of business and communication.

As a student of SOIL, you will be assigned two mentors - a corporate leader as an
external mentor and a faculty member as an internal mentor. The mentoring
program provides you an opportunity to seek career guidance from seasoned
corporate mentors, practitioners and faculty; build your network; and achieve your
learning and career goals. This unique opportunity has translated into lifelong
associations for many SOIL students.


Full time Post Graduate Programs

SOIL offers Post Graduate Program Options for Experienced Professionals.

These full time programs are designed for one year keeping in mind your aspiration of developing a
better understanding of the world of business and the need to get back quickly to the corporate world.
In this one year you learn from varied enriching experiences including world class faculty, classmates
from diverse backgrounds, non prot social innovation immersions, industry study missions and
company internships with over 100 leading corporate organizations in India. Your classroom
experiences are entwined with many opportunities for practical application.

PGPBL Post Graduate Program in Business Leadership

Has been designed to create business leaders who are transformative, lead by example and are role
models to others. The PGBLP provides a solid grounding in the major business disciplines and core
business skills. A strong focus on practice, experience and industry based learning projects enables SOIL
to create an ecosystem where inspired leaders are nurtured to stand tall and cast strong shadows in the
world outside

PGPHRL Post Graduate Program in Human Resource Leadership

Is focused on developing HR Leaders with a global perspective who are equipped to handle the workload
of an HR Manager / professional in various industries and situations. The program allows you to evolve
a high level of self- awareness regarding your own leadership style, thus making you better prepared for
your new role. This program has been rated by SHRM the global body of HR leaders as the most
innovative program in business schools in 2013.

Global Degree Program with MIP (Politecnico di Milano), Italy

A SOIL Student, can now opt for a global degree with our partner school Politecnico di Milano in Italy.
The MIP program aims at training candidates to assume the role of the manager of the future who is
capable of addressing new and emerging topics including Lean Startup, Luxury & Design, Smart
Manufacturing, Big data & Business Analytics, Internet of Things among others. This program is taught
jointly in SOIL's India Campus & MIP's Italy Campus. MIP's Joint Degree Program with SOIL will enable
you to broaden your perspective and learning in a Global setting.


Post Graduate Program in Business Leadership

The PGPBL is a one-year full time

program and is designed for
graduates with minimum two
years of work experience. The
program provides a solid
grounding in major business
disciplines and core business skills.
Our faculty are world-class
experts in their elds and they
develop courses based on up-todate best practice and the latest
academic research.
This program aims to provide
India's future leaders with the
skills, knowledge, and values
needed to meet the challenges of
the workplace in the new
emerging India.
Doing business in India today is
unprecedentedly complex,
connected, and fragile. There is
widespread corruption, unethical
practices and greed which has
penetrated the roots of all
Businesses in India. This
environment needs individuals
who are high on integrity and
character, who can inspire and
inuence a wide range of
stakeholders, and who can
demonstrate responsible
leadership to take India and its
people on its way to become a
developed and powerful economy.
The SOIL PGBLP will equip you
with these skills to become the
best leaders in the new Emerging

Underpinning a rigorous program

of courses is an extended and
strengthened talent development
program. All of our MBA students
will be offered professional
Mentoring by senior leaders from
the Industry, Action Learning
Projects (ALP) to work on
Relevant Industry specic projects
and a cutting edge Social
Innovation Program where they
volunteer to develop solutions for
real life problems facing the Non
Prot Sector. The program also
equips you to develop a high level
of self- awareness regarding your
own leadership style, thus being
better prepared to lead a team.
The learning design at SOIL is
based on the philosophy of
Character, Competence and
Enthusiasm. This philosophy
ensures that the curriculum is not
restricted to only knowledge and
theory but there are plenty of
opportunities and spaces created
for application (internships and
projects), self-reection and inner
Semester 1: Core Courses
Semester 2: Mix of Core Courses &
Semester 3: Electives


PGP- Business Leadership One Year Learning Map

Individual Development Plan

A personalized document created
for every student using their
Caliper Prole and Behavioral
Interviews to help maximize their
learning potential.

Group Projects
To broaden their perspectives,
every student undergoes teamwork training by participating in
multiple group based real life

Career Based Learning

Over the course of one year at SOIL,
students work on numerous cases
touching on different business
problems and scenarios. This
enables them to become better
decision makers.

Self Leadership
As a part of the self-leadership
module conducted by top industry
leaders, students identify their true
calling through a self-drawn lifemap with clearly dened goals.

After completing the
'Integrated Core', students go
for a one-month internship to
various leading organizations
across the country. This
module helps them apply the
core business knowledge
which they acquire in term 1.

Every SOIL student is assigned
two mentors- a senior industry
leader and an internal faculty
member, to seek guidance on
personal and career

Term 1



Integrated Core
Term 1, known as the 'Integrated Core' is
an intense 15-week program, led by a
team of eight of SOIL's best faculty
members, providing a strong, coordinated
foundation in business fundamentals and
how they work together.

Term 1 Core Courses

Business Analysis
Business Research
Corporate Finance - I
Corporate Finance - II
Corporate Strategy
Critical Thinking & Case
Study Analysis
Emerging topics: Lean
Startup, Luxury & Design,
Smart Manufacturing


Financial & Management

Leadership Development
Managerial Economics
Managing & Leading
Marketing Management - I
Marketing Strategy
Project Management
Self Leadership

Spreadsheet Modeling
Using Excel
Statistical Methods for
Decision Making
Wellness & Yoga

International Exchange
To bring a global avor to
SOIL's programs, students have
an option to pursue a semester
abroad with our partner
schools in Italy, USA and

Social Innovation Program

SIP requires students to spend
one day a week with a partner
NGO to help them solve reallife social problems.

Term 2

Capstone Project at SOIL is a
multifaceted simulation that
serves as a culminating
academic and intellectual
experience for the students. It
is designed to help students
think critically, solve
challenging problems and
develop soft and hard skills.

Leadership Development
Under this program, students
gain perspective on what it
means to lead as they learn
how to motivate others and
drive change.

Term 3



Data Analytics


Data Analytics

To help students chart out a clear
and rewarding career path, SOIL
conducts placement week at the
end of its second term. Many of
India's leading companies
regularly recruit from here for
full time corporate positions.

Career Week
SOIL's career week provides
personalized guidance to every
student, equipping them with the right
skills, tools and knowledge to identify
and leverage key opportunities for
them. Highlights of career services
include: 1. One to one counselling 2.
Mock-interviews and GD 3. Career
Workshops 4. Personalized rsum
Specializations Offered: Term 2 and 3
Advertising & Sales
Brand Management
Business 2 Business
Customer Relationship
Digital Innovation
Market Research
Marketing Management - II
Marketing of Services
Product & Price
Retail Management
Rural Marketing
Sales & Distribution

Behavioural Finance
Financial Institutions &
Corporate Restructuring &
Mergers and Acquisition
Financial Analysis
Infrastructure & Project
International Finance
Risk Management
Security Analysis &
Portfolio Management
Valuation & Financial

Data Analysis
Advanced Statistic - I
Advanced Statistic II &
Business Intelligence - I
Business Intelligence - II
IBM's Cognitive Analytics
Industry Specic
Application of Analytics
Web & Social Media


Post Graduate Program in HR Leadership

The course introduces the

fundamental principles of Human
Resources and Organisational
Behaviour by examining
psychological theories that
provide insight into human
behaviour at work. The program
facilitates learning in modern
concepts, techniques and practices
in the management of human
resources and exposes the student
to different functional areas of
management to enhance their
The SOIL PGPHR program
presents an outstanding
opportunity to explore the critical
areas of human resources
management along with a
comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of the key
functions of management and
The major thrust areas are
Human Resource Planning, Talent
Management, Performance
Management, Learning and
Development, Compensation &
Benets, Employer branding,
Industrial Relations & Labor Laws.
It aims to equip the students with
the knowledge and skills required
for managing HR in a way that
contributes to the development of
individuals and organizations.

classroom inputs by throwing

light on the practical dimension of
the profession. The insights that
emerge out of such an experience
makes students conceptually
strong and successful in practice
of the profession. Case studies,
videos and exercises will be used
to provide students with the
opportunity to apply theoretical
principles to real life
organizational issues; to analyze
the contributions and limitations
of relevant theories; and to draw
out the practical implications of
the empirical evidence. It also
aims to balance knowledge and
skills through exercises that help
develop skills such as leadership,
decision making, enhancing
inuence and team working.
Graduates of this program are
qualied for executive positions in
Human Resources Development,
Personnel Management, industrial
Relations, Labour Welfare and
other related areas.

The course is ideally suited to

those who wish to develop a
reasoned and analytical
understanding of human behavior
in organizations. We will examine
human processes, the individual
in the organization, group
dynamics and inuencing others,
and organizational processes and
The program places importance on practices.
both theoretical and hands-on
learning. Classroom learning is
Since the PGP-HRL program itself
focused not only on theory but on is a specialized program, there are
student discussions, case study
no separate Areas for
analysis, presentations,
Concentration. Students are
simulations games, assignments,
required to choose 14 electives
HR lab and action learning
from the courses offered to them.
projects, which complement the


PGP- HR Leadership One Year Learning Map

Individual Development Plan
A personalized document created
for every student using their
Caliper Prole and Behavioral
Interviews to help maximize their
learning potential.

Group Projects
To broaden their perspectives,
every student undergoes teamwork training by participating in
multiple group based real life

Career Based Learning

Over the course of one year at
SOIL, students work on numerous
cases touching on different
business problems and scenarios.
This enables them to become
better decision makers.

Self Leadership
As a part of the self-leadership
module conducted by top
industry leaders, students
identify their true calling through
a self-drawn life-map with clearly
dened goals.

Core Business Courses
Accounting & Finance
Business Research
Corporate Strategy
Critical Thinking & Case
Study Analysis
Managerial Economics
Marketing Management - I
Organizational Behaviour

Term 1

HR Mentorship
Every PGP-HRL student is assigned
two mentors- a senior leader from
the HR industry and an internal
faculty member, to seek guidance on
personal and career development.

Introduction to HR
Applied Sociology &
Human Resource
Learning & Development

After completing the core business
courses and introductory HR courses,
students go for a one-month internship
to various leading organizations across
the country. This module helps them
apply the knowledge which they
acquire in term 1.

International Exchange
To bring a global avor
to SOIL's programs,
students have an
option to pursue a
semester abroad with
our partner schools in
Italy, USA and Canada.

Picture the Presentation

Self Leadership
Spreadsheet Modeling
Using Excel
Statististical Methods for
Decision Making
Student Development
Wellness & Yoga

Performance Management
Talent Acquistion &


HR Forum
HR Forum is a conference organized by
the HR students for the HR students.
Senior leaders from the industry and
academia are invited to speak on several
issues followed by a presentation of
student written researches and papers.

Social Innovation
SIP requires students
to spend one day a
week with a partner
NGO to help them
solve real-life social

HR Consulting Project
PGP-HRL students are all assigned
a live consulting project in the eld
of core HR. The students are
mentored by SOIL's faculty and
dean for dening the outcomes of
this project.

Term 2

Immersion in HR
To help students chart out a clear and
rewarding career path in Human
Resources, SOIL conducts placement week
at the end of its second term. Many of
India's leading companies regularly recruit
from here for full time corporate positions
like HR Generalist, HR Specialist,
Consultant, HR Manager etc.


Learning and Development

An organizational strategy that
studies the workforce capabilities,
skills and the competencies
required, and understands how
these can be developed, to ensure
a sustainable and successful

HR Lab
SOILs unique offering, HR Lab consists of weeklong simulations of real organizational HR needs,
requirements and issues. Students undergo
several cases in groups, suggest actions and
implement them. This gives them a avor of what
an HR role demands and how to effectively
manage that.

Term 3

Leadership Development
Under this program,
students gain perspective
on what it means to lead
as they learn how to
motivate others and
drive change.

Performance Management
A process by which managers and
employees work together to plan,
monitor and review an
employee's work objectives and
overall contribution to the

Transformational Industrial
Effective strategies ensuring
harmonious relationships
between employees, management
and trade unions.

Employee Engagement
A workplace approach ensuring
the right conditions in which
employees feel passionate about
their jobs and committed to the
organization and its goals.
Compensation and Benets
A focused understanding of
organizational policy making
concerning the xed
compensation and all the linked
direct and indirect rewards
provided to an employee.
Organizational Transformation
A strategy that collectively refers
to activities such as
reengineering, redesigning and
redening business and HR
processes. The activity is at the
very center of human resource

Specialized HR Electives:
Term 1 Term 2 and 3
Capstone Simulation
Coaching & Development
Compensation & Benet
Competency Assessment
Consulting Skills
Crafting & Building
Learning Organizations

Design Thinking &

Digital Workplaces
Employee Engagement
Employer Branding
Global HR Strategy
Happiness Workshop
HR Analytics

Labour Laws
Managing Virtual &
Multicultural teams
Marketing Management - II
Organization Change &
Organization Design & HR

Pillars of Inspired
Leadership through
Industrial Relations
Whole Systems Thinking


International Partnerships
& Exchange Programs

School of Inspired Leadership partners with niche global business

schools with specic focus on design thinking, technology,
innovation, sustainability and research. SOIL carefully chooses its
international partners to provide its students with a unique
international experience.

+ MIP Politecnico Di Milano, School of Management, Italy

MIP, Italy was created by a collaboration between key Italian

companies and one of the most prestigious Italian universities well
known for its tradition in excellence in technology and innovation
- Politecnico di Milano. In 2003 MIP joined the Department of
Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering forming the
School of Management of Politecnico diMilano.

MIP & SOIL Masters Degree Program

Students at SOIL, can opt for MIP's Joint Degree Program to
broaden their exposure to global perspectives on management. The
Joint Degree Program mandates attending select courses at MIP
Italy for two months and the balance courses at SOIL over a period
of ten months. On successful completion of the courses, students
are entitled to requisite master's degree from Politecnico di Milano.


+ Pinchot University, Seattle, USA

Pinchot was founded as Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI) in

early 2002 to offered the USA's rst MBA in Sustainable Business.
The brainchild of Libba Pinchot and Gifford Pinchot III, BGI was
the rst school to champion this revolutionary approach to
business, serving students wishing to integrate social justice and
environmental sustainability values into their business education.
Pinchot, USA accepts up to ve students per Academic Year for
two weeks from partner institutions.

+ UNB University, Canada

One of the top ve comprehensive universities in Canada,

according to Macleans, UNB has more than 12,000 students from
more than 100 countries. UNB's two main campuses are located in
Fredericton and Saint John (started in 1964), New Brunswick.
UNB University, Canada accepts up to three students per
Academic Year two weeks from partner institutions.

+ Mountbatten Institute's international Analyst Internship

The Mountbatten Institute's international Analyst Internship is a

highly competitive program. It collaborates with Fortune 50
companies in New York or London to offer a unique way of linking
international workplace practice with business theory, combining
paid, full-time internships with a British post-graduate
SOIL graduates have the opportunity to apply for Mountbatten
Institute's paid international internships in New York or London,
and earn Mountbatten's PG Certicate program fees. (Program fees



Education at SOIL is driven by its distinguished faculty who have taught and consulted across the world.
We recognize that management education is no longer about addressing a hundred bright minds on
Marketing and Finance from a podium, and our faculty takes all the necessary steps to ensure that an
engaging dialogue emerges through meaningful and collaborative conversations in class.
Using participant centric learning, our faculty emphasize on building leaders for the future. Our faculty
members personify the spirit that SOIL stands for- being leaders who are not only competent but who
also have the humility, wisdom, compassion and ability to inspire others.


Associate Dean,
Chair PGP-BL

Prof. Neetika Batra associate dean of the institute and

the chair of the Post Graduate Program in Business
Leadership. She also heads the nance department at
SOIL. She has 25 years of experience working at
leadership positions with global and boutique
investment banking rms and she teaches a variety of
specialized subjects in the domain of Finance to post
graduate students and working professionals through
management development programs. Her research
interests lie in the eld of priority sector lending, which
also happens to be the topic of her Ph.D research.



Prof. Arjya is the Chair of the Post Graduate Program in

Human Resource Leadership. Her 11 years of rich
industrial experience comprises of diverse industries
and leading multi-national companies like Godrej
Consumer Products Division, Dunlop India, and
Hindustan Motors to name a few. She has also spent 11
years in academia, focusing strongly on teaching,
research and consulting. Prior to joining SOIL, she was
associated with leading business schools in India and
abroad including ICFAI, SP Jain and Jaipuria among
others. She believes in gender equality and sits on the
panel of various MNCs as an external member for
Gender Diversity Initiatives. A celebrated researcher,
her papers and cases have been published in numerous
international publications and conference proceedings.



Marketing Department

Prof. Atindra is a Professor of Marketing & Social

Innovation at SOIL. He comes with over 18 years of
industrial experience and has worked with leading
brands like Amul, Vadilal, Dhara and Lovett. Before
SOIL, he served as the dean of academics and associate
professor of marketing at Integrated Institute of
Learning in Management for 6 years. Driven to
contribute to innovation in the social sector, he has also
taken on an honorary faculty position with SOIL and
also teaches at National Entrepreneurship Network of
the Wadhwani Foundation. He is an advisory panel
member of Bhartiya Yuva Shakti Trust, an NGO
working for micro enterprise nancing and mentoring.


Analytics Department

Head of the analytics department at SOIL, Prof. Bianka

Ray Chaudhury possesses academic and research
experience of over 10 years. With a strong academic
background to her credit, she was ranked 3rd in the
entire university for her Masters in Economics and was
awarded an all India Gold Medal post her MBA.
Currently working as an Associate Professor of
Economics and Data Analysis at School of Inspired
Leadership, her areas of keen interest include Research
Methodology, Market Research, Operation Research
and International Business.


Human Resource Management

Prof. Francis Rebello is a Strategic Human Asset

Consultant, working primarily with the development
sector, transforming NGOs by introducing a culture of
performance and excellence through cultural
transformations. With over two decades of experience
in developing attitudes, nurturing cultures and
promoting personal and professional growth among
highly motivated, self-driven people in the education
and social development sectors in India, Francis Rebello
brings a new way of perceiving and dealing with
people. He holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human
Resource Management, Behavioral Sciences and
Organizational Development from Xavier Labor
Relations Institute (XLRI) Jamshedpur. He also has a
degree in law, specializing in Labor Laws and a degree
in teaching.


Marketing Management

Prof. Chiranjeev Kohli is an academician of

international repute and holds a Ph.D. in Marketing
from Indiana University, and an MBA from Indian
Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He is Professor
of Marketing at California State University Fullerton
and the founder principal of I.D.ENTITY, specializing in
brand and corporate identity. A celebrated researcher
in the eld of brand management, his research has
been reported in international academic journals and
newspapers including European Journal of Marketing,
Harvard Business Review, Ivey Business Journal,
Journal of Business Research, The Los Angeles Times
and The Orange County Registerto name a few. He has
consulted for a wide variety of companies, including
Alcatel Lucent, Autodesk, Canon USA, Convergys, Del
Taco, KFC, Quaker Oats, Spherion, Taco Bell, and
Verizon. A recipient of several awards, honors and
grants, Prof. Kohli teaches the most sought after course
on marketing at SOIL.


Learning Organizations

Prof. Shyam Viswanathan has more than 3 decades of

experience in conguring and delivering solutions to
large corporations in India, W. Europe, Asia Pacic as
well as the United States in areas as diverse as Process
Design, Knowledge Management and Technology
Based Training.
Being a Subject Matter Expert with SHRM, India and
an empanelled faculty with Harvard Business School
Publishing, Prof. Shyam also works with the CEOs of
large, medium and small organizations to help them
articulate, deploy and leverage a strong cultural DNA to
attain and maintain Business Leadership. A graduate of
FMS, Delhi himself, he has also served as the Associate
Dean of Executive Education at the Indian School of
Business, Hyderabad.


Global Business

Dr. Lilach Nachum is a Professor at Zicklin Business

School, Baruch College, New York. She has also worked
as a Senior Research Fellow at Cambridge University,
UK, where she was involved in a number of research
projects on the activities of foreign rms in London. In
conjunction with these positions, she has been acting as
consultant to a number of national and international
organizations including the United Nations, the
World Bank, the European Union, London's
Westminster City Council on issues related to
Multinational Corporations and international
competitiveness. She holds visiting research and
teaching positions at universities around the world,
including in Austria, China, Israel, Italy, Poland,
Sweden, Switzerland and is also listed in the Marquis
Who's Who in the World. Prof. Lilach holds a BA and
an MBA from Tel-Aviv University, Israel, and a PhD
from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. At SOIL,
she talks a multi-disciplinary course on Doing Business
in the Global World'.


Student Life

Get involved with the Student Clubs at soil to further

hone your leadership skills, outside of the classroom
Club involvement strengthens your professional and
personal networks with fellow students, faculty,
recruiters, and business leadersletting you rene your
leadership role while learning new skills, meeting new
people, appreciating new perspectives and expanding
your views whether you are looking for a diversion
from academic life or to have a signicant impact on the
SOIL community.
Clubs and organizations at SOIL offer numerous
leadership opportunities and put on events ranging from
the SOIL Premier League, Faculty Auction, SOIL Premier
League, Karma Rasoi to the annual Inspired Leadership
Conference and the Sidhbadi offsite. The student funded
and student managed MBA Association oversees SOIL
student activitiesat SOIL if you don't nd what you're
looking for, you have the opportunity to create it. With
more than 20 clubs and over 80 leadership positions in
the Student Association, there are many ways to rene
your leadership and organizational management
experience, explore interests, and make friendships that
will last a lifetime.


Clubs & Associations

Annual Student Led Events

HR Forum


Deans Advisory
Council (DAC)

Career Services
Association (CSA)

& Marketing
Association (AMA)

Career Learning
Academy (CLA)

SOIL Premier League

Karma Rasoi



Social Impact


Bulls & Bears

Learning Retreat
Industry Golng
Outbound Rafting

Beer & Quiz

Cultural Society

& Blogging



Faculty Auction
SOIL Olympics

Yoga & Wellness

Alumni Round Table


Placement Overview
Placement & Salary
Right from the start of the MBA program and even after graduation, the Career Services Ofce
offers personalized guidance and advice to help chart out a clear and rewarding career path.
A number of activities in collaboration with companies are carried out throughout the program.

Career Transformation
With the personalized assistance provided by the Career Development Ofce, the faculty, the peers and
the alumni network, the MBA candidates have been able to grow in their existing role and company to
higher managerial positions or change their career path completely by changing their sector, function,
role and geographical location.


Placement Statistics



Placed within
3 months of

Increase in Salary
after graduation

Top Recruiters

Industry-wise Break Up


1% Pharmaceutical


4% Telecom






1% Infra/Power


HR Consulting

3% Others





Highest Salary
Package in


Average Salary
Package in


Highest Salary
Package in


Average Salary
Package in





Aegon Religare
Anand Group
Angel Consulting
Axis Bank
Boston Analytics
Dalmia Cement
Efkon India
English Helper
Great Place to
HT Education
HT Media
Inbound Mantra

Indian Hotels
L&T Finance
Max Life
Philips Carbon
Talent Edge
TNS Global
TVS Motors



Your Dedicated Career Service Partner

SOIL Career Services (SCS) is dedicated to providing a highly personalized service to each MBA student.
Career Services provides guidance and assistance so as to best prepare the candidate for the recruitment
process. SCS supports every student in developing the necessary managerial skills and competencies to
succeed in this complex and ever changing competitive job market. Right from the start of the program
you will nd SCS involved with every student in increasing their brand and economic value.

Soil Career Services has two major Academies:

Career Services Academy

The Career Services Academy (CSA) helps students build the skills and networks needed to manage
their career planning process and carries out business development activities with potential recruiters.
It helps students in nding the right opportunities with internships and nal placements.


Career Management
Activities with CSA involve the following:

Career &
Life Goals






Round Table

Company Visits and Seminars


sessions with

Series Talk

Career Learning Academy


Personal development and job-seeking skills and strategies

Academic study is only one part of what we see as complete development for the student. The Career
Learning Academy (CSA) provides a variety of learning opportunities towards developing the soft skills
necessary in verbal and written communication, leadership, teambuilding, time and resource
management, networking and public speaking. Furthermore, students will learn to reect on their own
personal attitudes and cultural values which inuence their behavior and relationships.
These are the human skills which all successful managers possess and use to achieve results, in any



Ability to


Etiquette &

Dressing &

Wine &
Food Tasting



Other Industry Interaction & Events

As a student of SOIL your learning experience is accentuated with exposure to the complexity of the
real world. Located in the heart of Gurgaon, SOIL provides the ease of access to several key business
leaders and corporates who regularly interact with the students through classroom discussions, panel
discussions, leadership series and one-on-one mentoring conversations.
As a student of SOIL, you will be assigned two
mentors - a corporate leader as well as an
internal faculty member. The mentoring
program provides you an opportunity to seek
career guidance from seasoned corporate
mentors, practitioners and faculty; build your
network; and achieve your learning and career
goals. The unique opportunity has translated
into lifelong associations for many SOIL
Internships with industry are an integral part
of the curriculum at SOIL. SOIL follows a 1month internship model scheduled after the
completion of the rst term which usually falls
in the months of August-September. Several
Corporates, new age startups and even social
entrepreneurs visit campus and select students
for the internships through a formal selection
process for exciting projects in the areas of
general management, marketing, nance,
operations and HR.

Our current batch of Inspirers have been

placed for internships in companies such as
Microsoft Genpact, Dabur, Shopclues, Volvo
Eicher Commercial Vehicles , Kohler ,
Makemytrip, Cardekho , Whirlpool, Capgemini
and many more. The internships will help you
to tie in the classroom experience with the
real world and equip you to be better prepared
for academic rigor and your career ahead.
Internship projects are a graded course and are
closely monitored by the internal faculty
mentors as well as the industry guide.
Leadership Series
SOIL's Leadership Series is a platform provided
by SOIL to facilitate student interaction with
senior leaders, thinkers and academicians from
diverse elds. These sessions are very valuable
to gain perspectives on life, career paths and
success from senior leaders as they share their
life's journey. Organized once every month the
leadership series has witnessed several
stalwarts visit the campus.


Class Prole

A Community Promoting Diversity

Our students come from diverse backgrounds and experiences and are a part of a world-class
community of faculty, staff, students and alumni who share a passion for ideas and learning and who
aspire to make a difference.

Class Prole of 2016-17

Class Size

25 Years

2.2 Years




Average Age

Average Work

Female Students

States Represented

Average Score in

Students & their Backgrounds


Andhr Pradesh

1% J & K





3% Jharkhand





3% Karnataka

12% Tamil Nadu




2% Kerela


27% Delhi

6% M.P.

22% Uttar Pradesh


5% Maharashtra



14% Haryana

4% Orrisa


West Bengal


1% Pondicherry


Class Employment Background





Tax & Audit

Media & Entertainment




Engineering &




















SOIL provided me with a

platform to create new growth
paths for myself, and ne tune the
scope of my existing knowledge. It
also gave me numerous
opportunities to execute my ideas
with a sense of leadership blended
with strategy and creativity. I am
now more condent of facing
challenges, with an optimism of
rising to the occasion while
inspiring people on the way and
adding value to my organization.
Jobby Mathew, PGP-BL.


The 700-member strong alumni community of SOIL today has
become a truly global network. Besides a strong pan-India
presence, our students are spread across different continents
including North America, Australia, Europe and Asia. Joining the
SOIL PG programs gives the prospective student instant access to
this wide network of business leaders.
The alumni council offers multiple ways for in-coming students to
plug into this network through events, reunions, and online
discussions. The numerous benets of being a part of this
community have constantly amazed our participants both during
the program as well as after their graduation.

After graduation, I went back to the

same company, but for sure, I am much
better at my job now. A lot has visibly
changed, and I am able to apply my
new knowledge and skills in running
the HR processes more efciently. I
now work for the entire company as a
unit, rather than just for my division
like before. SOIL's PGP-HR has greatly
developed my ability to approach
things from different angles. I know
for a fact that I can now do a lot more,
and do it much better.

I've redened what it means to be

successful. It is not just about a better
job and a higher salary. It is more about
being an effective leader and helping
your team grow along the way. It is
also about effectively managing the
work-life balance in your life. Most
MBA programs don't teach you that,
and that fact that SOIL strongly
emphasizes on these attributes, makes
it truly unique.
Siddharth Sen, Class of 2013

Niharika Kamewal, Class of 2015

Our Alumni Network

New York City,

San Antonio,

Abu Dhabi,

Ahmedabad, Aligarh,
Aurangabad, Bangalore,
Bhilai, Bhopal, Chandigarh,
Chennai, Cochin, Dehradun,
Delhi, Faridabad, Noida,
Gurgaon, Hyderabad,
Indore, Jaipur, Kolkata,
Lucknow, Madurai, Mumbai,
Mysore, Pune, Raipur,
Ranchi, Trichy, Varanasi


Kuala Lumpur


Admission Criteria
How to Apply
All students seeking admission for the SOIL Post Graduate
Program starting 24th April 2017 can access the online application
from here -
Applications Deadlines
SOIL has three application cycles. Below are the deadlines for the
2017 admissions cycle:
Apply by

decision by

decision by

Cycle 1

22 October 2016

5 November 2016

19 November 2016

Cycle 2

17 December 2016

31 December 2016

14 January 2017

Cycle 3

11 March 2017

25 March 2017

8 April 2017

All applications made after 19th February will not be eligible for
scholarships. You can visit our scholarship page on for more details.
Admission to the SOIL Post Graduate Program is based on a wide
range of criteria, however in order to be eligible to apply to our
Post Graduate Program you need to meet the following

An undergraduate degree
As guidance, you should have a minimum score of 60% in 10th and
12th board exams; and a minimum score of 55% in graduating
degree for engineers and 50% for non-engineers. If your scores do
not meet these criteria you may still be considered provided you
have a very strong prole demonstrating a high degree of
responsibility at work or an extra-curricular achievement.
If you successfully make it through our admission process, then at
the time of accepting our offer letter, you will be required to submit
all your university degree academic transcripts/mark-sheets.


Minimum 2 years of work experience

You should have at least two years of previous full-time work
experience for both PGPBL and PGPHRL. Our class has on average
four (check) years full time work experience. We do not look for
any sector specic experience, however we do look for career
progression and international exposure. We are very encouraging
of candidates having unconventional work experience

Admission Process

Online Application





Step 1
School of Inspired Leadership is a niche B-school that attracts a very diverse group of candidates each
year. We help MBA aspirants think their MBA decision through and evaluate if the candidate and SOIL
are a good t. MBA aspirants reach out to us for:

Prole assessment and CV review

Admissions Team Connect
Please contact any of our admission team members:
Cauvery Bhalla - Director MBA Admissions

Nihal Agarwal - MBA Admissions Manager

Step 2
Our application process requires you to ll in an online application form by your chosen application
deadline. You will be required to provide to the admissions committee with the following:
Details of academic background
Extensive account of your work experience
+ GMAT/ CAT/ XAT or any other entrance test scores. These scores are not mandatory, however they add
extra weightage to the application
+ Contact details of two references, with at least one professional reference, whom SOIL will email at a later
+ Three mandatory essays to help us determine your t with SOIL
+ Preferred dates for caliper and interviews

Step 3
At SOIL we believe that gauging analytical abilities is only the rst step towards leadership. We therefore
look for a more comprehensive approach to evaluating leadership potential of our applicants. Caliper is a
mandatory qualifying test for both SOIL Post Graduate Programs
Once the admissions committee has reviewed your application and nds you to be a promising candidate
you will be invited to take the caliper test at a test center close to you. Admissions ofce will try its best to
schedule the interview on your preferred dates as stated in the admission form.

Step 4
We have a rolling interview process. You can expect to get a decision on your shortlist within ve weeks
of submitting your application and two weeks of taking the caliper test.
Shortlisted candidates are required arrive 30 minutes before the interview to take a few on the spot tests
at the interview venue.

Step 5
Final decisions will be emailed to all candidates within four weeks of taking the interview. After your
interview there are two possible outcomes:

You are made an offer to join the program: In which case you will be required
to secure your place by paying a deposit fee of Rs. two lakhs of the course fee. The Admissions team will
guide you through this process.

You are not successful at securing a place this year: We encourage you to reach out to us for feedback on
your prole, strengthen your prole and re-apply the following year. The admissions committee will look
to see how you've progressed since the time of your previous application.


Fees, Loans & Scholarships

Admission Fees

Admission Fee*
*Non refundable. Payable at the time of accepting the offer

Tuition Fee & Other Costs

SOIL Alumni Association Membership Fee
Total Fee
Service Tax + GOI Cess*
*Present rate @ 15%

Total Fee*
*Inclusive of service tax

Security Deposit*

Gross Total Amount payable

Post Graduate Program in

Business Leadership

Post Graduate Program in

HR Leadership

(Amount in INR)

(Amount in INR)









*Admission fee, along with the applicable service tax has to be paid at the time of offer acceptance.
** The Service tax is payable at the time of payment with the respective fee component



SOIL has signed loan agreements with leading banks/institutions to provide loans that cover 95% of the
total cost of Education. These loans are customised for our students and usually do not require any

Educational loan covers tuition fee, living expenses, food and books.
Loans are offered at customised interest rates.
SOIL has tie ups with Axix Bank, HDFC Credila and Avanse.

In order to encourage talent and support students with limited means, SOIL offers 4 types of
Scholarships. The number of seats under the scholarship category are limited. Students seeking
scholarships are advised to apply early in the admission cycle as majority of scholarships are available in
the cycle 1 and cycle 2.

Scholarship Type

Grant Range

Need Based

2.5-4 lakh

No. of Individuals



Cycle 1: 5 students

> Applicants with family income (excluding

applicant's income) of less than INR. 5 lakh per

Students will have to submit

separate application along with
the Admissions application.

Cycle 2: 7 students
Cycle 3: 4 students

> Last drawn salary would be considered for retired

family members.
> Applicants from family business, entrepreneurial
& self-employed background will not be
> Applicants who have studied or worked outside
India will not be considered.
> Scholarships will be granted only after complete
verication of applicable documents.

Merit Based

2 lakh

Capt. Vikram Batra


4 lakh

Cycle 1: 3 students
Cycle 2: 5 students
Cycle 3: 4 students

Cycle 1: 2 students
Cycle 2: 2 students

Exceptional Students with proven track record in

academics, professional career, extracurricular
activities & Admission Process. Top 10 %ile of the
class basis admission process will be eligible for
merit based scholarship.

Students will have to submit

separate application along with
the Admissions application.
Please note that students who
are awarded the scholarship
are expected to work as a
Research Assistant for at
least 5 hrs per week for 10

Students or their parents must have worked for the

Defence Services of India.

Students will have to submit

separate application along with
the Admissions application.

Student must be working in an NGO or Non-prot

during the period of applying to SOIL.

Students should have worked

at the stated NGO or Non-prot
for at least one year and must
present proof of the same.

Based on the aptitude Test conducted by Chopras.

Students should contact The

Chopras to check eligibility &
undertake aptitude test.

Cycle 3: 1 student
Outstanding Work
in NGOs & Non

1 lakh

SOIL Chopras

1 lakh

Cycle 1: 1 student
Cycle 2: 2 students
Cycle 3: 2 students
Cycle 1: 1 student
Cycle 2: 2 students
Cycle 3: 2 students

Application Deadline for Scholarships: 19th February 2017


Meet Us
We have specialists on our campus whose aim is to help students gure out whether SOIL PGP is the
right program for them.
If you like, you can send us your sample CV and a detailed prole for the purpose of getting it evaluated
by our panel. We're also delighted to arrange a personal guided tour for you at our city campus to help
you get a avor of life at SOIL.

Our Address
School of Inspired Leadership
Plot no. 76, Sector 44
Gurgaon, Haryana

General Queries

Admissions Ofce
Nihal Agrawal


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