Maternal and Child Health Nursing PDF
Maternal and Child Health Nursing PDF
Maternal and Child Health Nursing PDF
Maternal and Child Health Nursing involves care of the woman and family
throughout pregnancy and child birth and the health promotion and illness care
for the children and families.
Primary Goal of MCN
1The promotion and maintenance of optimal family health to ensure
cycles of optimal childbearing and child rearing
Estrogen: promotes breast devt & pubic hair distribution prevents osteoporosis
keeps cholesterol levels reduced & so limits effects of atherosclerosis Fallopian tubes..
1Approximately 10 cm in length
2Conveys ova from ovaries to the uterus
3Site of fertilization
4Parts: interstitial
isthmus cut/sealed in BTL
ampulla site of fertilization
infundibulum most distal segment; covered with fimbria
2. Uterus
3. Uterine Wall
1Endometrial layer: formed by 2 layers of cells which are as follows:
2basal layer- closest to the uterine wall
3glandular layer inner layer influenced by estrogen and progesterone; thickens and shed
as menstrual flow
4Myometrium composed of 3 interwoven layers of smooth muscle; fibers are arranged in
longitudinal; transverse and oblique directions giving it extreme strength
4. Vagina
5Acts as organ of copulation
6Conveys sperm to the cervix
7Expands to serve as birth canal
8Wall contains many folds or rugae making it very elastic
Fornices uterine end of the vagina; serve as a place for pooling of semen
following coitus
2. Reproductive Development
Readiness for child bearing
1begins during intrauterine life
2full functioning initiated at puberty
-the hypothalamus releases the GnRF which triggers the APG to form and
release FSH
and LH. (FSH & LH initiates production of androgen and estrogen ---> 2
Role of Androgen
1Androgenic hormones are produced by the testes, ovaries and adrenal cortex which is
responsible for:
muscular development
physical growth
inc. sebaceous gland secretions
Related terms
a. Adrenarche the development of pubic and axillary hair (due to androgen
b. Thelarche beginning of breast development
c. Menarche first menstruation period in girls (early 9 y.o. or late 17 y.o.)
d. Tanner Staging
2It is a rating system for pubertal development
3It is the biologic marker of maturity
4It is based on the orderly progressive development of:
5breasts and pubic hair in females
6genitalia and pubic hair in males
3. Body Structures Involved
2Anterior Pituitary Gland
4. Menstrual Cycle
1Female reproductive cycle wherein periodic uterine bleeding occurs in response to cyclic
hormonal changes
First: 4-5 days after the menstrual flow; the endometrium is very thin, but begins to
proliferate rapidly; thickness increase by 8 folds under the influence of increase in estrogen
also known as: proliferative; estrogenic; follicular and postmentrual phase
Secondary: after ovulation the corpus luteum produces progesterone which causes the
Third: if no fertilization occurs; corpus luteum regresses after 8 10 days causing decrease
in progesterone and estrogen level leading to endometrial degeneration; capillaries rupture;
endometrium sloughs off ; also known as:
Final phase: end of the menstrual cycle; the first day mark the beginning of a new cycle;
discharges contains blood from ruptured capillaries, mucin from glands, fragments of
endometrial tissue and atrophied ovum.
Physiology of Menstruation
1.About day 14 an upsurge of LH occurs and the graafian follicle ruptures and the ovum is
2.After release of ovum and fluid filled follicle cells remain as an empty pit; FSH decrease
in Amount; LH increase continues to act on follicle cells in ovary to produce lutein which is
high in progesterone ( yellow fluid) thus the name corpus luteum or yellow body
3.Corpus luteum persists for 16 20 weeks with pregnancy but with no fertilization ovum
atropies in 4 5 days, corpus luteum remains for 8 -10 days regresses and replaced by
white fibrous tissue, corpus albicans
Characteristics of Normal Menstruation Period
1.Menarche average onset 12 -13 years
2.Interval between cycles average 28 days
3.Cycles 23 35 days
4.Duration average 2 7 days; range 1 9 days
5.Amount average 30 80 ml ; heavy bleeding saturates pad in <1hour
6.Color dark red; with blood; mucus; and endometrial cells
Associated Terms
1Occurs approximately the 14th day before the onset of next cycle (2 weeks before)
2If cycle is 20 days 14 days before the next cycle is the 6th day, so ovulation is day 6
3If cycle is 44 days 14 days, ovulation is day 30.
4Slight drop in BT (0.5 1.0 F) just before day of ovulation due to low progesterone level
then rises 1F on the day following ovulation (spinnbarkheit; mittelschmerz)
5If fertilization occurs, ovum proceeds down the fallopian tube and implants on the
o Mechanism- a transitional phase (period of 1 2 years) called climacteric, heralds
the onset of menopause.
o Monthly menstrual period is less frequent, irregular and with diminished amount.
o Period may be ovulatory or unovulatory - advised to use Family planning method until
menses have
been absent for 6 continuous months
o Menopause is has occurred if there had been no period for one year.
Classical signs: Vasomotor changes due to hormonal imbalance
a. hot flushes
b. excessive sweating especially at night
c. emotional changes
d. insomnia
e. headache
f. palpitations
g. nervousness
h. apprehension
i. depression
j. tendency to gain weight more rapidly
k. tendency to lose height because of osteoporosis (dowager hump)
l. arthralgias and muscle pains
m. loss of skin elasticity and subcutaneous fat in labial folds
Artificial menopause / surgically induced menopause
a. oophorectomy or irradiation of ovaries
b. panhysterectomy
A. Artificial Methods:
1. physiologic method: oral contraceptives ; natural methods
2. mechanical methods
3. chemical methods
4. surgical methods
Oral contraceptive
Action: inhibits release of FSH no ovulation
Types: Combined ;
Mini pill
Side Effects: due to estrogen and progesterone
> nausea and vomiting
> Headache and weight gain
> breast tenderness
> dizziness
> breakthrough bleeding/spotting
> chloasma
a. Breastfeeding
b. Certain diseases:
o thromboembolism
o Diabetes Mellitus
o Liver disease
o migraine; epilepsy;
o CA; renal disease;recent hepatitis
c. Women who smoke more than 2 packs of cigarette per day
Note: If taking pill is missed on schedule, take one as soon as remembered and
take next pill on schedule; if not done withdrawal bleeding occurs.
B. Natural Methods:
Standard Formula:
next cycle
first day of the beginning of one cycle to the first day of the
shortest cycle = minus 18
longest cycle = minus 11
28 days 18 = 10
35 days 11 = 24
10th to 24th day of cycle = No sexual intercourse
a disc that fits over the cervix
forms a barrier against the entrance of sperms
initially inserted by the doctor
maybe washed with soap and water is reusable
when used, must be kept in place because sperms remains viable for 6 hrs.
in the vagina but must be removed within 24 hours (to decrease risk of
toxic shock syndrome)
1a rubber sheath where sperms are deposited
2it lessens the chance of contracting STDs
D. Chemical Methods
These are spermicidals (kills sperms) like jellies, creams, foaming tablets,
E. Surgical Method
Tubal Ligation:
Fallopian tubes are ligated to prevent passage of sperms
Menstruation and ovulation continue
Vas deferens is tied and cut blocking the passage of sperms
Sperm production continues
Sperms in the cut vas deferens remains viable for about 6 months hence
A. Fertilization
1.Union of the ovum and spermatozoon
2.Other terms: conception, impregnation or fecundation
3.Normal amount of semen/ejaculation= 3-5 cc = 1 tsp.
4.Number of sperms: 120-150 million/cc/ejaculation
5.Mature ovum may be fertilized for 12 24 hrs after ovulation
6.Sperms are capable of fertilizing even for 3 4 days after ejaculation (life span
of sperms 72 hrs)
B. Implantation
General Considerations:
o Once implantation has taken place, the uterine endometrium is now termed
o Occasionally, a small amount of vaginal bleeding occurs with implantation due to
breakage of capillaries
o Immediately after fertilization, the fertilized ovum or zygote stays in the
fallopian tube for 3 days, during which time rapid cell division (mitosis) is
taking place. The developing cells now called blastomere and when about to
have 16 blastomere called morula.
o Morula travels to uterus for another 3 4 days
o When there is already a cavity in the morula called blastocyt
o finger like projections called trophoblast form around the blastocyst, which
implant on the uterus
o Implantation is also called nidation, takes place about a week after fertlization
C. Stages of human prenatal development
D. Fetal Membranes
1.Amnion gives rise to umbilical cord/funis with 2 arteries and 1 vein supported by
2.Whartons jelly
3.Amniotic fluid: clear albuminous fluid, begins to form at 11 15th week of gestation,
chiefly derived from maternal serum and fetal urine, urine is added by the 4th lunar
month, near term is clear, colorless, containing little white specks of vernix caseosa,
produced at rate of 500 ml/day. Known as BOW or Bag of Water
E. Amniotic Fluid
Purposes of Amniotic Fluid
Protection shield against pressure and temperature changes
Can be used to diagnose congenital abnormalities intrauterine amniocentesis
Aid in the descent of fetus during active labor
Polyhydramios = more than >1500 ml due to inability of the fetus to swallow the
fluid as in
trachoesophageal fistula.
as in
Oligohydramnios = less than <500 ml due to the inability of the kidneys to add urine
Mesoderm forms into the supporting structures of the body (connective tissues,
cartilage, muscles and tendons); heart, circulatory system, blood cells, reproductive
system, kidneys and ureters.
3. Ectoderm responsible for the formation of the nervous system, skin, hair and nails
and the
mucous membrane of the anus and mouth
1 month: 2nd week fetal membranes
2nd month: All vital organs and sex organs formed; placental fully developed;
meconium formed (5th 8th wk)
3rd month: Kidneys function - 12th wk- urine formed ; Buds of milk teeth form ; begin
bone ossification ; allows amniotic fluid ; establishment of feto-placental exchange
4th month: Lanugo appears;
6th month: Attains proportions of full term but has wrinkled skin
7th month: 28 weeks lower limit of prematurity; alveoli begins to form
8th month: 32 weeks fetus viable; lanugo disappears, subcutaneous fat deposition begins
9th month: Lanugo continue to disappear;
vernix complete;
Second Trimester period of continued fetal growth and development; rapid increase in
Third Trimester period of most rapid growth and development because of the deposition
subcutaneous fat
Assessing Fetal Well-being
Fetal Movement:
Quickening at 18 20 weeks , peaks at 29 -38 weeks
Consistently felt until term
a. Cardiff Method:
b. Contraction Stress Test: Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) analyzed in conjunction with
Nipple stimulation done to induce gentle
***3 contractions with 40 sec duration or more must
be present
in 10 minutes window
Normal Result no fetal decelerations with
c. Non-stress Test:
c.Client must drink fluid prior to test to have full bladder to assist in clarity of
d.No known harmful effects for fetus or mother
e.Noninvasive procedure
6. Endocrine Changes
a.Addition of the placenta as an endocrine organ producing HCG, HPL, estrogen
and progesterone
b.Moderate enlargement of the thyroid due to increased basal metabolic rate
c.Increased size of the parathyroid to meet need of fetus for calcium
d.Increased size and activity of adrenal cortex increasing circulating cortisol,
aldosterone, and ADH which affect CHO and fat metabolism causing
e.Gradual increase in insulin production but there is decreased sensitivity to insulin
during pregnancy
7. Weight Change
Stress decrease in responsibility taking is the reaction to the stress of pregnancy not the
pregnancy itself affects decision making abilities
Couvade syndrome men experiencing nausea/vomiting, backache due to stress, anxiety
and empathy for partner
Emotional labile mood changes/swings occur frequently due to hormonal changes
Change in Sexual Desire may increase or decrease needs correct interpretation not as
a loss of interest in sexual partner
3. Ovaries
Inactive since ovulation does not take place during pregnancy. Placenta produces
Progesterone and Estrogen during pregnancy
4. Abdominal Wall
1Striae Gravidarum due to rupture and atrophy of connective tissue layers on the
growing abdomen
2Linea Nigra
3Umbilicus is pushed out
4Melasma or Chloasma increased pigmentation due increased production of melanocytes
by the pitutitary
5Unduly activated sweat glands
I. Pregnancy
1Prenatal care is important for prevention of infant and maternal morbidity and mortality
2Care is a cooperative action based on clients understanding of treatment modalities
3Duration of normal pregnancy 266 280 days of 38 42 weeks or 9 calendar months or
10 lunar months.
4Infant born < 38 weeks pre-term & 42 post term)
5Diagnosis: Urine examination tests presence of HCG (present from 40th 100th day,
peak 60 days) conduct test 6 weeks after LMP
2. Prenatal Visit
History Taking:
personal data
present pregnancy: cc
medical data: hx of diseases/illnesses
3. Danger Signals of Pregnancy
1.Vaginal bleeding (any amount)
2.Swelling of face or fingers
obstetrical data
past pregnancies
-3+ 7
2 22 or
1Based on Gate Control Theory: pain is controlled in the spinal cord and
given in 2 doses- 4 wks interval with 2nd dose at least
3 wks
before delivery
= booster doses given during succeeding
regardless of interval.
= 3 booster doses is equal to lifetime
False Pelvis
5.3. Analgesics:
5.3.1 Narcotics (Demerol)
o produces sedation/relaxation
o depresses NBs respiration
o given in active labor
o Special Considerations:
Demerol is most commonly used
Has sedative and antispasmodic effect
Dose is usually 25 100 mg depends on body weight
Not given early in labor due to possible effect on contractions
Not given too late (1 hr before delivery) can cause
respiratory depression in the newborn
Given if cervical dilatation is 6 8 cms.
5.3.2. Narcotic Antagonist: Narcan; Nalline
6. Nursing Care before administration of anesthesia/analgesia
Primigravida 3.3.-19.7 hrs
Multigravida 0.1 - 14.3 hrs
0-4 cms. cervical dilatation
Interval: 15-20 mins interval
Duration: 10-30 seconds
b. Active Phase
c. Transitional
Second Stage
- begins with complete dilatation
of the cervix until the birth of the
Primigravida 30 mins. - 2 hrs.
Multi-gravida- 20 mins 1 hr.
Contractions- 2-3 mins for 50-90 secs
Fourth Stage
- the first hour after complete
delivery until the woman becomes
physically stable
Uterine cramping
Rubra with small clots
b. Rooming-in-concept
provides opportunity for developing positive family relationship
promotes maternal infant bonding
releases maternal caretaking responses
c. Assess vital signs, fundus and flow every 15 minutes.
d. Hydration and elimination
e. May ambulate
8. Categories of Lacerations
First degree involves vaginal mucous membrane and perineal skin
Second degree involves the perineal muscles, vaginal mucous
membrane and
perineal skin
Third degree involves all in the 2nd degree lacerations and the
external sphincter of
the rectum
Fourth degree involves all in 3rd degree lacerations and the mucus
membrane of the
1. Vascular Changes
- Reabsorption of the 30-50% increase in cardiac volume within 5 10 minutes
after the third
stage of labor.
- WBC increases to 20,000 30,000/mm
- Activation of the clotting factor
- All blood values are back to prenatal levels by 3rd or 4th week
2. Location of the Fundus
- Uterine involution is measured by determining the level of the fundus in relation
to the
- Nursing care:
with activity
4. Perineal Pain
Nursing Care:
Signs & Symptoms: pain, swelling, redness, lumps in the breasts, milk becomes
Nursing Care:
Ice compress
Supportive brassiere , empty breast with pump
Discontinue BF in affected breast
Apply warm dressing to increase drainage
Administer antibiotics as prescribed
Postpartum Check-up:
erpes type 2
Group of maternal systemic infections that can cross the placenta or by ascending
(after rupture of membranes) to the fetus.
Infection early in pregnancy may produce fetal deformities, whereas late infections
may result in
active systemic disease and/or CNS involvement causing severe neurological
impairment or
death of newborn
Sources/ Cause:
1. Endogenous/primary sources - normal bacterial flora
2. Exogenous sources - hospital personnel, excessive obstetric manipulations
breaks in aseptic techniques, coitus late in pregnancy
premature rupture of membranes
General symptoms: malaise, anorexia, fever, chills and headache
Complete Bedrest
Proper Nutrition
Increased Fluid Intake
Antipyretics and antibiotics as ordered
1.3. Infection of the perineum
Signs & Symptoms: pain, heat, feeling of pressure,
inflammation of suture line with 1 2 stitches sloughed off
temperature elevation
Management: drain area & resuturing ; sitz bath & warm compress
1.4. Endometritis
- An infection/inflammation of the lining of the uterus
Signs & Symptoms: Abdominal tenderness
painful to touch
Dark brown
Management: Oxytocin administration
Fowlers position to drain out lochia
Prevent pooling of discharges
1.5. Thrombophlebitis
-infection of the lining of a blood vessel with formation of clots, usual an
extension of
Signs & Symptoms:
o2 Stiffness and redness in the affected part of the leg
o3 Leg begins to swell below the lesion because venous circulation
has been blocked
o4 Skin is stretched to a point of shiny whiteness, called milk leg
Phlegmasia alba dolens
o5 Positive Homans sign: calf pain on dorsi-flexing the foot
Specific Management:
1bed rest with affected leg elevated
2anticoagulants (e.g. Dicumarol or Heparin) to prevent formation or
extension of a thrombus
Side effect of Anticoagulant: hematuria, increased lochia
1discontinue breastfeeding
2monitor prothrombin time
3have Protamine Sulfate at bedside to counter act severe bleeding
4analgesics are given but not ASPIRIN because it prevents prothrombin
which may lead to hemorrhage
Definition: blood loss more than 500 cc. ( normal blood loss 250- 350 cc)
*** Leading cause of maternal mortality associated with childbearing
2.1. Early Post-partum hemorrhage first 24 hrs after delivery
2.2. Late Postpartum Hemorrhage
Clotting defect
Bleeding in Pregnancy
blood transfusion
Predisposing factor:
Overdistension of the uterus (multiparity, large babies, polyhydramnios,
multiple pregnancies)
Cesarean Section
2.3. Hematoma
- Due to injury to blood vessels in the perineum during delivery
Incidence: Commnon in precipitate delivery and those with perineal
1Ice Compress in first 24 hours
2Oral Analgesics as prescribed
3Site is incised and bleeding vessel ligated
2.4. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)
- A vascular disease of unknown cause
- Occurs anytime after the 24th wk of gestation up to 2 wks PP
- Develops during pregnancy and resolves during postpartum period
Predisposing Factors:
a. large fetus
b. Older than 35, younger than 17
c. primigravida
d. multiple pregnancy or H mole
e. poor nutrition
f. Hx of DM, renal and vascular disease
g. Morbid obesity or weight less than 100 lb
h. Family history
Roll over test : Assess the probability of developing toxemia when done
between the
28th and 32nd week of pregnancy.
Procedure of Roll-over test:
1Patient in lateral recumbent position for 15 minutes until BP Stable
2Rolls over to supine position
3BP taken at 1 minute and 5 minutes after roll over
4Interpretation: If diastolic pressure increases 20 mmHg or more, patient
is prone to Toxemia
Types of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH):
a. Transient hypertension - without proteinuria or edema
b. Pre-eclampsia, mild
o BP of 140/90 mmHg or increase of 30/15mmHg
o 2+ to 3+ proteinuria
o begins past 20th week
o slight generalized edema may be present, weight gain of 1- 5
c. Pre-eclampsia, severe
BP of 150-160/100-110 mmHg
4+ proteinuria (5 gm/L or more in 24 hrs
Headache and epigastric pain(aura to convulsions)
Oliguria of 400 ml or less in 24 hrs. (normal UO/day 1500 ml)
Cerebral or visual disturbances
May administer if :
4Deep tendon reflexes are present
5Respiratory rate = 12 / min
6UO = at least 100 ml / 6 hrs.
a.Chronic hereditary disease characterized by marked hyperglycemia
no physical limitation
slight limitation of physical activity
Ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, or angina
moderate to marked limitation of physical activity; less than ordinary
Class III
activity causes fatigue
Class IV
-unable to carry on any activity without experiencing discomfort
Prognosis: Classes I & II normal pregnancy & delivery
Classes III & IV poor candidates
Risks: Increased Blood Loss
Small for Gestational Age Infants
Premature Birth
a. Monitor FHT, VS, weight
b. Cesarean Section
c. Health Teaching on importance of regular pre-natal check-up visits
d. Educate regarding proper nutrition and exercise
- An antigen-antibody reaction which causes excessive destruction of fetal red blood
Rh Positive (Father is homozygous
or heterozygous Rh positive)
Either Type A or B (From father)
Rh- negative
BloodType O
signs of separation
- Stages of labor and birth occurs due to chemical or mechanical means which is
usually performed to save the mothe or fetusr from complications which may cause death
Maternal toxemia
Placental accidents
Premature Rupture Of Membrane
Fetal: DM terminated at about 37 wks AOG if indicated
Blood incompatibility
Excessive size
Prerequisites to Induce Labor :
No Cephalo- Pelvic Dislocation
Fetus is already viable >32 weeks AOG
Single fetus in longitudinal lie and is engaged
Ripe cervix fully or partially effaced; Cervical Dilatation at least 1=2 cm
Procedure for Induced labor:
1. Oxytocin Administration; 10 IU of Pitocin in 1000 ml of D5W at a slow rate of 8
gtts/min given initially no fetal distress in 30 minutes rate 16 -20 gts/min
2. Amniotomy done with Cervical Dilatation = 4 cm ; Check FHR and quality of amniotic
Nursing Considerations:
Monitor uterine contractions potential for rupture
Monitor flow rate regularly
Turn off IV with any abnormality in FHR or contractions
Watch out for complications: HPN, Antidiuresis
Prostaglandin administration: Route: oral or IV (never IM causes irritation);
effect is slower than oxytocin
a. Forceps Delivery
- Use of metal instruments to extract the fetus from the birth canal, when at +3 / +4 and
sagittal suture line is in an AP position in relation to the outlet (e.g. Simpson, Elliot, Piper for
breech presentation)
shorten second stage of labor because of fetal distress; maternal exhaustion;
maternal disease cardiac, pulmonary complication
ineffective pushing due to anesthesia
prevent excessive pounding of fetal head against perineum (low forceps for
poor uterine contraction or rigid perineum
Cerebral Palsy
d.Watch for signs of hemorrhage inspect lochia; feel fundus (if boggy,
with proper abdominal splinting and give analgesics as ordered)
e.Breastfeeding should be started 24 hrs after delivery
f.Most common complication: Pelvic thrombosis
Advanced age
A precipitating factor in:
Placental accidents
Uterine atony or inertia
Varicosities; hemorrhoids
Low birth weight babies
Chromosomal Abnormalities like Downs
Syndrome / Trisomy 21 (associated with
is terminated
occurs when amniotic fluid is forced into an open maternal uterine flood sinus
through some defect in the membranes or after partial premature separation of the
placenta. Solid particles in the amniotic fluid enter maternal circulation and reach the
lungs as emboli
Signs and symptoms: Dramatic
Sudden inability to breathe, sits up, grasps chest and sharp chest pain
Turns pale then bluish gray color
Death may occur in a few minutes
Emergency measures to maintain life: IV, oxygen, CPR
Provide intensive care in the ICU
Keep family informed
Provide emotional support
- Uterine contractions occur before 38th week of gestation
a. Pre-eclampsia
b. Placenta Previa
c. Age: Adolescent or 40 yrs old above primigravids
o If no bleeding; no CD, Good FHT, medication is given
Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) IV blocks release of Oxytocin
Vasodilan IV vasodilator
Ritodrine muscle relaxant per orem
Bricanyl bronchodilator