Sex-Ratio Control Erodes Sexual Selection, Revealing Evolutionary Feedback From Adaptive Plasticity
Sex-Ratio Control Erodes Sexual Selection, Revealing Evolutionary Feedback From Adaptive Plasticity
Sex-Ratio Control Erodes Sexual Selection, Revealing Evolutionary Feedback From Adaptive Plasticity
evolutionary equilibrium
plasticity sex-ratio bias
principle extends to a wide range of other contexts in which selection favors phenotypic plasticity in response to a directionally
selected trait.
Basic Scenario. For the sake of tractability, we consider just two
types of males, which differ in their ornamentation (5, 11, 12):
those of type 0 lack ornamentation, whereas those of type 1 are
ornamented to a degree given by the evolvable trait t (t $ 0).
Ornamentation is costly in that it reduces survival to adulthood,
with the relative survival of type-1 (compared with type-0) males
given by vm1 (vm1 # 1). This cost reects the energy or resources
invested in the development of secondary sexual traits or an
associated predation risk of being conspicuous (1).
Females are of one type only and have an evolvable preference
p (p $ 0), which is costly and lowers their survival to vf (vf # 1).
This cost may arise because the female has to invest in sensory
apparatus for assessing males, or because she incurs a higher
predation risk while choosing a mate (13). Her preference makes
her more inclined to mate with an ornamented than a nonornamented male, resulting in a proportion of females that
mate with the former type (note that is not xed but depends
on p, t, and the relative frequencies of type-0 and type-1 males).
Consequently, the expected number of mates is q1 for an ornamented male and q0 for a nonornamented male, with q1 $ q0.
Crucially, females can adjust offspring sex ratios in relation to
their partners ornamentation: Sex allocation is determined by
the evolvable traits s0 and s1, where s0 is the proportion of sons
produced when mated to a nonornamented male and s1 the
proportion when mated to an ornamented male. Ornamentation
is heritable from father to son, except when mutations occur:
With probability 0, the son of a nonornamented male is ornamented, and with probability 1, the son of an ornamented male
is nonornamented. In common with standard models of sexual
selection (14, 15), we assume that mutations are biased toward
the loss of ornamentation, i.e., that 1 > 0. This bias prevents
xation of the male ornament and thereby preserves the benet
of female choice (15). Individuals are assumed to die before their
offspring become reproductively mature, so that generations are
nonoverlapping. Fig. 1 summarizes the sequence of events in our
model. Table 1 lists the variables and parameters with their
associated symbols.
Author contributions: T.W.F., B.K., F.J.W., and I.P. designed research; T.W.F., B.K., and I.P.
performed research; T.W.F., B.K., and I.P. analyzed data; and T.W.F., B.K., F.J.W., and I.P.
wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. S.W. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial
Present address: School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UG,
United Kingdom.
1 1 s0 1 s1 vf
q0 1 s0 vf
q1 1 s1 vf
1 4
q1 s1 1 vm0 5:
k 1 s0 1 0 s1 1 vm0 q0 s0 1 0 vm0
1 s0 0 s1 1 1 vm1
q0 s0 0 vm1
q1 s1 1 1 vm1
Relative frequency of females
Relative frequency of type-i males (i = 0,1)
Class-specic individual reproductive value of females
Class-specic individual reproductive value of type-i males
Viability of females
Viability of type-i males
Probability that a female mates with a type-1 male
Average number of mates per type-i male
Proportion of sons produced when mated to a type-i male
Probability that the son of a type-i male mutates into the
alternative type
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^1 ^s0
^1 ^s1 ^vf
1 4
^^s0 1 0
^^s1 1 vm0
k 1
^^s0 0
^^s1 1 1 ^vm1
q0 1 s0 ^vf
q0 s0 1 0 vm0
q0 s0 0 ^vm1
^q1 1 s1 ^vf
^q1 s1 1 vm0 5:
^q1 s1 1 1 ^v^m1
zT y=zT y;
where y represents the relative frequencies of females, type0 males, and type-1 males in the resident population (technically,
a dominant right eigenvector of A), z = (zf, zm0, zm1)T represents
their reproductive values (technically, a dominant left eigenvector
of A) and the derivatives are evaluated at the resident trait values.
Analytical Results. Using the approach (5, 21) outlined in SI
Model, we can use Eq. 3 to obtain the following selection differentials (16) for the traits p, t, s0, and s1, evaluated at the
resident trait values (i.e., where ^p p, ^t t, ^s0 s0 , and ^s1 s1 ):
zm1 zm0
yf zf yf
vw q91
zm1 ym1
zm1 ym1
vw 1 zm0
s0 q0 21 s
vw zm1
yf ;
v^s1 s1 q1 21 s
model, illustrated in Fig. 2, shows how conditional sex-ratio adjustment erodes sexual selection (see SI Model for full details of
the calculation). Initially, we x the sex-allocation traits at s0 =
s1 = 0.5, such that offspring sex ratios are unbiased (Fig. 2, left of
the vertical dashed lines). Under these conditions, male ornaFawcett et al.
the tness benet of male ornamentation. In effect, the conditional strategy of sex allocation reduces the heritability of both low
attractiveness and strong preferences, undermining selection to
invest in costly ornamentation.
Individual-Based Simulations. Using individual-based computer
simulations, we can extend this analysis to a more realistic situation where male ornamentation and female preference vary
continuously and the evolutionary dynamics are subject to stochastic demographic factors. We simulated a nite population in
which a costly male ornament and a costly female preference
could change over time through selection and mutation (see
Materials and Methods for full details). As in the earlier numerical
results, evolutionary change in the male ornament and female
preference follows predictions from standard analytical models of
sexual selection (14, 15, 22, 23), with both traits quickly evolving to
a stable, exaggerated level (Fig. 3A, left of the dashed line).
Similar patterns are seen regardless of whether male ornamentation is an arbitrary Fisherian trait (Fig. 3) or is a conditiondependent indicator of good genes (see additional simulation
results in SI Results and Fig. S1).
We then allowed a conditional strategy of sex-ratio adjustment
to evolve by incorporating two additional traits, s and s+ (6).
These traits determine a females sex-allocation strategy, with s
(0 # s # 1) being the chance of producing a son when mated to
a male with below-average ornamentation and s+ (0 # s+ # 1)
that when mated to a male with above-average ornamentation.
Starting from a situation in which offspring sex ratios are unbiased (s = s+ = 0.5), conditional sex-ratio adjustment gradually
develops as predicted by theory (5, 6): Females mated to highly
ornamented males overproduce sons, whereas those mated to
less-ornamented males overproduce daughters (Fig. 3B). [Note
that with continuous variation in male ornamentation, s and s+
become biased to a similar extent (6).] This strategy then
weakens sexual selection, leading to a gradual decline in male
ornamentation and female preference (Fig. 3A, right of the
dashed line).
When male ornamentation is a condition-dependent indicator
of good genes (23), sexual selection is weakened to a lesser extent than when it is a purely Fisherian trait (SI Results). In the
former case, the heritable benets for a female who mates with
an attractive male are not entirely sex-limited; although only her
sons can prot from their fathers ornamentation genes, both her
daughters and her sons will inherit his genes for viability. Thus,
even when females exert a great degree of control over the sex of
their offspring, it still pays to mate with more ornamented males.
This difference notwithstanding, for both Fisherian and good
genes models of sexual selection, ornamentation and preference
are substantially reduced as conditional sex allocation develops.
To check that sex-ratio adjustment is directly responsible for
this decline, we ran another set of simulations in which strategies
with varying degrees of sex-ratio bias were introduced partway
through (Fig. 4). Initially, with the sex ratio xed at 0.5, the male
ornament and female preference quickly evolve to a stable, exaggerated level as before. We then introduced a biased sexallocation strategy for all females, causing them to produce more
sons when mated to an attractive partner and more daughters
when mated to an unattractive partner. The effect on sexual
selection is dramatic. For a moderate degree of bias, s+ = 0.7
and s = 0.3, very rapidly the ornament and preference drop to
approximately one-half of their original level of expression.
Adjustment strategies involving weaker biases result in a smaller
drop, whereas with stronger biases the decline in ornamentation
is even sharper (Fig. 4).
Our simulation results conrm that the equilibrium levels of
female preference and male ornamentation are substantially
lower when sex-ratio adjustment is possible. In effect, sexual
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Fig. 3. Coevolutionary dynamics of sexual selection and sex allocation (individual-based simulations). A shows the level of male ornamentation
(t, blue) and female preference (p, pink) under Fisherian sexual selection,
whereas B shows the female sex-allocation strategy in the same set of simulations based on traits s+ and s, where s+ (dark green) is the probability of
producing a son when her partner has above-average ornamentation and s
(light green) is the probability of producing a son when he has below-average
ornamentation. Offspring sex ratios are initially unbiased (s+ = s = 0.5), but
they are allowed to evolve from the point indicated by the vertical dashed
lines. All values are shown as the mean (solid line) SD (stippling) from 20
replicate simulation runs. For parameter values, see Materials and Methods.
example, through niche construction, then the strength of selection on dispersal will be weakened. Selection favors a strategy
that mitigates the tness disadvantage of staying in the natal
habitat, and this plasticity erodes directional selection on the
ability to disperse away from that habitat.
These diverse examples show that our model applies to a broad
range of contexts. The evolutionary feedback process we have
described is likely to be a widespread and important force maintaining phenotypic variation in the face of directional selection.
Fawcett et al.
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