Buffering Agent
Buffering Agent
Buffering Agent
For an aqueous solution composed of both a weak acid case where the concentrations of the weak acid and its salt
or base and its conjugate, see Buer solution. For uses are equal. If an added strong base halves the [HA] ([HA]
not related to acid-base chemistry, see Buer.
decreases to [HA]0.5[HA]), then [A ] will increase by
[A ]+0.5[A ] since every molecule of HA that dissociates forms one molecule of [A ]. Thus the pH will be
A buering agent is a weak acid or base used to maintain the acidity (pH) of a solution near a chosen value raised by a factor of log3 or 0.5 pH units (when the original [HA] and [A ] are equal):
after the addition of another acid or base. That is,
the function of a buering agent is to prevent a rapid
( )
change in pH when acids or bases are added to the so[A ]
lution. Buering agents have variable propertiessome pH = pKa + log [HA]
are more soluble than others; some are acidic while oth(
ers are basic. As pH managers, they are important in
pH = pKa + log
many chemical applications, including agriculture, food
processing, biochemistry, medicine and photography.
molA + 0.5molA
pHnew = pKa + log
molHA 0.5molHA
n + 0.5n
pHnew = pKa + log
1 Overview
n 0.5n
A buering agent can be either a weak acid or weak base. pHnew = pKa + log
Buering agents are usually added to water to form a
[A ]original
buer solution, which only slightly changes its pH in repHnew = pKa + log
+ log (3)
sponse to other acids and bases being combined with it,
particularly a strong acid or a strong base. Another ex- Thus, if originally the pK = 7 and [HA] = [A ], then the
ample is buered aspirin which has a buering agent, pH will be changed from 7.0 to 7.5 after addition of a
such as MgO or CaCO3 , that will help maintain the bal- strong base that halves [HA] and adds a half to [A ]. If
ance between the acid H-A (protonated) and the salt A a similar addition of 0.001 mol NaOH is made to 1L of
(deprotonated) forms of aspirin as it passes through the non-buered water, the pH would change from 7 to 11.
acidic stomach of the patient. The H-A form of aspirin
is a covalent molecule and is more absorbed by the stomach lining, leading to irritation. The antacid properties
3 Examples
of these buering agents help to maintain the balance toward the salt form by reducing the amount of stomach
3.1 Agriculture
acid (HCl) which protonates the salt form, A .
Monopotassium phosphate (MKP) is an example of a
buering agent. It has a mildly acidic reaction; when ap2 Mechanism of action
plied as a fertilizer with urea or diammonium phosphate,
it minimizes pH uctuations which can cause nitrogen
The way buering agents work can be seen by calculat- loss and simultaneously provides potassium nutrient.
ing how little the pH of buer solutions will change after addition of a strong acid or a strong base, whereas
the same addition would signicantly change the pH of a 3.2 Humans
non-buered solution. Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch
equation we get an equilibrium expression between the Buering agents in humans, functioning in acid base
acid and conjugate base in terms of the log of the ratio of homeostasis, are extracellular agents (e.g., bicarbonate,
the acid to conjugate base (the salt of the acid). The con- ammonia) as well as intracellular agents (includcentrations of the weak acid and its salt can change sig- ing proteins and phosphate). A dilute mixture of
nicantly, but the log of their ratio will not. The resulting monosodium phosphate and disodium phosphate can be
pH of this combination can be found by using Le Chate- made to approach physiological pH and can serve as an
liers principle. For a simple numerical example, take the agent for phosphate loading or colonic lavage.
See also
Buer solution
Goods buers
Atkins, Peter; Jones, Loretta (2005). Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight (Third ed.). New York:
Freeman. ISBN 0-7167-5701-X.
Harris, Daniel C. (2003). Quantitative Chemical
Analysis (Sixth ed.). New York: Freeman. ISBN
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