Different Cultural Beliefs at Time of Death
Different Cultural Beliefs at Time of Death
Different Cultural Beliefs at Time of Death
Living in a society represented by many cultures and religious beliefs means that
memorable events can be celebrated differently. In this section we look at the
different religious beliefs surrounding death & dying and what funeral or burial
rituals may be undertaken.
The information contained in these pages has been approved by community
religous leaders. If you are interested in more detailed information, this can be
obtained by contacting the appropriate church.
- Christian - Catholic - Jewish - Hindu - Muslim - Maori - Sikh - Jehovah's Witness Scientogoly - Buddhist - Seventh Day Adventist - Church of Jesus Christ Latter
Christians trust they will go to heaven to be with God once they have died and so
in some respects a funeral is a time of joy, although also sadness, as the person
will be missed by friends and loved ones.
The church minister may come and visit the person and their family to discuss
any concerns and to help the person to prepare for their death. Depending on
the form of Christianity (ie. Anglican, Presbyterian etc.) and the particular church,
there may be slightly different customs that will be followed.
The church minister will offer any comfort or assistance the family needs to help
them cope with the death and to organise the funeral. Friends will often send
their sympathies in the form of cards and/or flowers to the deceaseds family.
A Christian may be either buried or cremated, depending on their preference.
The ceremony will typically be held at the deceased persons church and
conducted by the minister, but it could also be held at a funeral home. The
ceremony may involve hymns, readings and prayer by both the minister and the
deceaseds family and friends. The casket may be present in the room during the
ceremony and carried out at the end by pallbearers usually members of the
deceaseds immediate family. There is often the opportunity for people to view
the deceased and to say their last goodbyes before the deceased is buried.
If the deceased has been cremated the ashes may be scattered. Otherwise, the
ashes or body will be buried in a cemetery and marked with a gravestone to
remember the deceased.
On special occasions such as the deceaseds birthday, Christmas or anniversary
of the death, family and friends may come and visit the grave. Often, flowers or
other objects to remember the deceased will be placed on the grave as a sign of
Hindus believe in reincarnation. When a person dies their soul merely moves
from one body to the next on its path to reach Nirvana (Heaven). So, while it is a
sad time when someone dies, it is also a time of celebration.
Family and a priest may come to pray with the dying person, sing holy songs and
read holy texts. The priest may perform last rites.
Family will pray around the body soon after death. People try to avoid touching
the body as it is considered unclean.
The deceased will be bathed and dressed in white traditional Indian clothing. If a
woman dies before her husband she will be dressed in red. The procession might
pass by places that were important to the deceased. Prayers are said at the
entrance to the crematorium. The body is decorated with sandalwood and
flowers. Someone will read from the scriptures. The head mourner is usually a
male or the eldest son and he will pray for the bodys soul.
Hindus are cremated as they believe burning the body releases the spirit. The
flames represent Brahma (the creator).
A priest will purify the familys home with spices and incense. A mourning period
begins during which friends and relatives can visit the family and offer their
sympathies. After the funeral mourners must wash and change their clothing
before entering the house.
One year later Shradh occurs. This is either a one-off event or may become an
annual event. Shradh is when food is given to the poor in memory of the
deceased. Shradh lasts one month and a priest will say prayers for the deceased;
during this time the family will not buy any new clothes or go to any parties.
There are two types of Muslims Shiite and Sunni, so beliefs and customs may
be slightly different for each. Muslims believe that the soul continues to exist
after death. During life a person can shape their soul for better or worse
depending on how they live their life. Muslims believe there will be a day of
judgement by Allah (God). Until then, the deceased remain in their graves but on
judgement day they will either go to Heaven or Hell. Muslims accept death as
Gods will.
Muslims should be prepared for death at any time, which is partly why daily
prayers are so important. A dying person may wish to die facing Mecca, the
Muslim holy city. Family members and elders recite the Muslim scripture called
the Koran and pray for the person.
The eyes of the deceased will be closed and the body is laid out with their arms
across their chest and head facing Mecca. The body will be washed by family or
friends. It will be wrapped in a white shroud and prayers will be said.
The body will be buried within 24 hours as Muslims believe the soul leaves the
body at the moment of death. The funeral will take place either at the graveside
and involve prayer and readings from the Koran.
No women are allowed to go into the graveyard. Before burial a prayer will be
recited. Mourners are forbidden from excessive demonstrations of grief. The body
will not be cremated as this is not permitted in Islam. The deceased will be
buried with their face turned to the right facing Mecca. A coffin is usually not
used but a chamber dug into the grave and sealed with wooden boards so no
earth touches the body. The grave will usually be simple without any fancy
Three days of mourning follows where visitors are received and a special meal to
remember the departed may be held. Mourners avoid decorative jewellery and
clothing. Male family members go to visit the grave daily or weekly for 40 days.
There will also be prayer gatherings at the home for 40 days. After one year
there will be a large prayer gathering of family and friends. After that, male
family and friends visit the grave and everyone remembers the deceased in
Buddhists believe in rebirth and that when they die they will be reborn again.
The goal is to escape the cycle of death and rebirth and attain nirvana or a state
of perfect peace. There are lots of different types of Buddhism and many
different ways of dealing with death.
The dying person may ask a monk or nun in their particular Buddhist tradition to
help them make the transition from life to death as peaceful as possible.
Buddhists believe that a persons state of mind as they die is very important so
they can find a happy state of rebirth when they pass away. Before and at the
moment of death and for a period after death, the monk, nun or spiritual friends
may chant from the Buddhist scriptures.
Buddhists believe the spirit leaves the body immediately but may linger in an in
between state near the body. In this case it is important the body is treated with
respect so that the spirit can continue its journey to a happy state. The time it is
believed to take for the spirit to be reborn can vary depending on the type of
Buddhism practised.
Because there are so many different types of Buddhist funeral traditions vary.
Funerals will usually consist of a simple service held at the crematorium chapel.
The coffin may be surrounded by objects significant to the person who has died.
Monks may come with the family to the funeral and scriptures may be chanted.
The person may either be cremated or buried depending on their tradition. There
may be speeches and chants on the impermanence of life.
The grave may be visited by friends and family in remembrance of the person
who has passed away. The importance of the gravesite will depend on the
particular Buddhist tradition. Buddhists believe that it is just the physical body
that lies in the grave because the persons spirit has been reborn. Buddhists will
often do things to wish for the happiness of the deceased person. For example in
Southeast Asia lay people give offerings to the monks in memory of the dead
For what it's worth, I've pasted below some things which might count as your
"precautions" . It's from the Guide (2013) :
. Topics must be appropriate to the subject. Extended essays must address the
beliefs, values and practices of religious traditions and show a genuine
understanding of the religion from the standpoint of its adherents. Essays that
are only indirectly related to religionfor example, legal issues relating to school
prayer, the wearing of religious symbols, or the scientific validity of creation
scienceare not acceptable.
It should be made clear to students who have not followed a course in world
religions, and who are, therefore, unfamiliar with the discipline and its
methodology, that an essay in world religions is not an opportunity to write an
essay of a confessional, evangelizing, or apologetic nature. This means that
students should avoid topics that involve making judgments about the truthvalue of religious beliefs.
Essays should not be purely descriptive but should shed some light on why
people believe and/or act as they do, or on the relationship between the religion
and the culture of which it is a part. Students should ideally either have taken a
course in the discipline or spent some time in independent study, preferably with
a mentor who has significant background in the discipline.
The research question should be well defined. Topics that are too broad nearly
always result in essays that are superficial, purely descriptive, and riddled with
errors and misconceptions.