Timber Engineering Step-2
Timber Engineering Step-2
Timber Engineering Step-2
Design - Details and structural systems
Edited by
H.J. Blass
P. Aune
B.S. Choo
R. Gorlacher
D.R. Griffiths
B.O. Hilson
P. Racher
G. Steck
National Representative Organisations
Contract implementation
Design - Details
Truss connections with dowel-type fasteners
Connector joints in trusses
Restoring timber structures - Inspection and evaluation
Restoring timber structures - Repair and strengthening
Column to beam and beam to beam connections
Special connections using steel plates
Transportation and erection
Frame corners
Bracing - Structural detailing
Detailing of timber structures in seismic areas
Computer aided design and manufacturing
- an initiative under
The European Confederation of Woodworking Industries, Cei-bois, is the
spokesbody and representative organisation of the woodworking sector in Europe.
With a production value of 78,000 MECU in 1994 (EU 12 countries) and a
workforce of 1,7 million, woodworking is an important manufacturing sector in
Europe. With the accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the European Union
in 1995, this importance has increased even more.
Nevertheless and still all too often, the wood sector is looked upon as being
traditional, using a raw material with a lot of aesthetic qualities but about which
little is known regarding physical and mechanical characteristics. This has certainly
been the case in the past with regard to the use of wood for structural construction
elements. Whereas semi-probabilistic methods have been used for quite some time
to calculate the safety of steel and concrete structures, these were never really
applied to wood and calculations are often made on the basis of "traditional"
methods with safety coefficients.
Yet a lot of research has been performed over the last years aiming at a better
characterisation of the material wood. This has contributed to the development of
Eurocode 5. Eurocode 5 is a calculation standard for designerslspecifiers with
sufficient knowledge of wood. As such, it only provides calculation rules but no
background information. The merit of the STEP publication "Timber Engineering"
is that it translates theoretical Eurocode-rules into concrete solutions.
The fact that this work has been performed at a European level is a sign of its
comprehensiveness and quality. It will therefore largely open up the "designer
market". In the past, wood and calculation methods for wood were insufficiently
known. This being "unknown thus unloved" made designers quickly switch to other
materials. We are convinced that this handbook and the evolution towards
innovation and quality on the part of wooden element manufacturers, will contribute
to a wider and more justified use of wood as a construction material.
We therefore wish to congratulate the authors and collaborators, STEP and
Eurofortech, for their efforts and hope that in the various countries the necessary
attention will be given to this initiative.
A.P. Mesquita
Cei-bois President
The second volume of the STEP book series completes both the EurofortechISTEP
programme and the production of a unique education and training package for the
structural use of timber. Based on the first volume, Timber Engineering - STEP 2
covers in two sections the design of details and structural components.
Section D, 'Design - Details' covers joints such as connections with dowel-type
fasteners and connector joints, frame comers or the detailing of bracing structures.
Aspects such as rehabilitation, transport and erection, design for structures in
seismic regions or computer aided design are also taken into account.
Section E, 'Design - Structural systems', demonstrates the use of timber and woodbased material in structures. After general topics such as history of timber structures
and conceptual design, different structural components like beams, trusses, frames
and arches are addressed. Timber frame houses, beam and post structures and
timber bridges represent typical uses for timber in structures. Finally, special aspects
such as timber shell roof structures, fatigue design and learning from failures are
presented to provide a comprehensive view.
To assist lecturers and trainers in their use of the training materials, a set of
supporting illustration materials has also been developed. The complete package
should now provide trainers at all levels of professional education with a tool to
instruct future generations of engineers and architects about the use and potential
application of wood and wood products as a legitimate, attractive and competitive
material. For practising professionals this technical resource should further increase
their confidence in the use of this versatile and aesthetically appealing material
obtained from a natural and renewable resource.
As contractor, EUROFORTECH is pleased to have facilitated the STEP programme.
During its three years it has completed an enormous task in bringing together
extensive and diverse European expertise. EUROFORTECH would like to
acknowledge the commitment and contributions of all the participants who have
enabled this project to be realised. The drive and commitment of the STEP Review
Group, supported by the STEP secretariat at Centrum Hout, has played a key role
in the realisation of the programme. The result will provide the wood industry with
a significant tool to assert itself as a genuine material in the market place.
It is gratifying to EUROFORTECH and all participants and contributors to the
STEPIEurofortech Programme that the successful implementation of the STEP
project has been a major factor in the award to Centrum Hout of the U NIVERSITY
Jos Evertsen
Chairman Eurofortech
Authors Timber Engineering - STEP 2
E. Aasheim, The Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology, P.O. Box 113,
Blindern, 0314 Oslo, Norway
H.J. Larsen, Danish Building Research Institute, Dr. Neergaarsvej 15, 2970
Hsrsholm, Denmark
A.J.M. Leijten, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Timber Structures, P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, Netherlands.
C.J. Mettem, Timber Research and Development Ass., Stocking Lane, Hughenden
Valley, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP14 4ND, United Kingdom
L. Mortensen, University of Aalborg, Dept. of Building Technology and Structural
Engineering, Sohngaardsholmsvej 57, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark
J. Natterer, Ibois-Civil Engineering department, GCH2 Ecublens, 1015 Lausanne,
NRO: Opleidingscentrum Hout, Brussels
NRO: "Traebranchens Oplysningsrid", The Danish Timber Information Council,
Supporting organisations: Danish Building Research Institute, Herrsholm; Technical
University of Denmark, Lyngby; University of Aalborg
NRO: VTT Building Technology, Espoo
Supporting organisations: Finnish Timber Council; Finnish Forest Industries
Federation; The Quality Control Association for Timber Structures (PLY);
Finnforest Oy Kerto Division; Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
NRO: Union Nationale Fran~aisede Charpente, Menuiserie et Parquets, Paris
Supporting organisations: Arbocentre, Orleans; Centre Experimental du Batiment
et des Travaux Publics, Saint Remy Les Chevreuse; Bureau Veritas, Courbevoie;
Centre Technique du Bois et de 1'Ameublement, Paris; C. U.S .T .-GCnie Civil
Blaise Pascal University, Aubikre; SOCOTEC, Saint-Quentin en Yvelines
NRO: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz, Dusseldorf
Supporting organisations: Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Holzforschung, Munchen;
Fachhochschule Hildesheim/Holzminden; Universitat Munchen; Gesarnthochschule
Wuppertal; Technische Universitat Munchen; Universitat Karlsruhe; Fachhochschule Munchen
NRO: Colin Short Associates, Greystones
Supporting organisations: Ove Arup & Partners; University of Limerick; Forbairt;
Irish Timber Trades Association; Coillte Teoranta; Cork Regional Technical
College; Malcolm Jacob - Consulting Engineer; Wood Marketing Federation;
Dublin Institute of Technology; University of Ulster; University College Dublin;
Trinity College Dublin; Michael Quaide - Consulting Engineer; Irish Timber
NRO: Universith degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Firenze
Supporting organisations: Universiti degli Studi di Firenze - Istituto di
Assestamento e Tecnologia Forestale; Holzbau AG-S.p.a., Brixen; Centro di
Ricerca e Servizi per il Legno e per il Pioppo S.R.L., Sustinente
NRO: Centrum Hout, Almere
Supporting organisations: Delft University of Technology, Delft; Stichting WESP,
Woerden; Stichting Opleidings- en Ontwikkelingsfonds voor de Timmerfabrieken,
Bussum; TNO Building and Construction Research, Rijswijk
NRO: Thte Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology (NTI), Oslo
Supporting organisations: University of Trondheim; The Norwegian Institute of
Wood Technology, Oslo
NRO: Laboratbrio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisboa
NRO: Trainformation, Stockholm
Supporting organisations: Chalmers University of Technology; Lund University;
Swedish National Testing and Research Institute
NRO: Lignum - Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir das Holz, Ziirich
Supporting organisations: ETH Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Ziirich;
EPF Ecole Polytechnique FedCrale, Lausanne; SIA Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und
Architekten-Verein, Ziirich
United Kingdom
NRO: TRADA, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Supporting organisations: Timber Research and Development Association; GangNail Systems Ltd.; Brighton University; University of Nottingham; University of
Surrey; Meyer International; SCOTFI; Institute of Wood Science; MiTek Industries
Ltd.; Simpson Strongtie International Incorporated; James Donaldson & Son;
Donaldson Timber Engineering
Contract implementation
Centrum Hout, STEPtEurofortech Secretariat, Westeinde 8, 1334 BK Almere, The
Commission of the European Communities
Taskforce, Human Resources, Education, Training and Youth, COMETT
Programme, Contract No 92/1/6960
Eurofortech, International Office, Roebuck Castle, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
To present information about the different kinds of dowel-type fasteners used
in truss systems, to demonstrate a method for calculating multiple shear joints
and to give examples of the calculations involved in their design.
After a demonstration of a method for designing multiple shear timber-to-timber
dowelled joints attention is paid to deciding what kind of timber and fasteners
are to be used in practice. Examples of the calculation of typical joints and
drawings of truss systems showing joints in detail are the main part of the
Truss girders are a well established form for timber structures. They are mainly
used to build roofs of sports halls, industrial buildings and agricultural buildings
and come in many different forms. The advantages of these systems are their
low dead weight and their low material requirements although the height of
trusses at midpoint might be seen as a disadvantage compared to simple beams.
The various members of trusses are either connected end to end with overlapping
joints of several thicknesses or butt joints with steel plates. Multiple shear joints
allow minimisation of the connection area, because the forces carried by the
fastener can be distributed over several shear planes. Because of their high loadcarrying capacity dowel-type fasteners are often used for joints in truss systems,
either with timber to timber or timber to steel connections.
Figure I
In Timber Engineering - STEP 1 only single shear and double shear joints are
treated where only two or three elements are connected. However, in a number
of cases a joint consists of more elements. An example is the joint in timber
trusses with elements which are not situated in one plane as is the case for
trusses with punched metal plates. The top and bottom cords are continuous and
run from one support to the other. These structural elements might consist of
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
more than one timber member. The diagonals and verticals frequently fit in
between. At the junction of these members a built-up joint is created. An
example is given in Figure 1. For simplicity the timber members are connected
with one fastener.
The number of timber elements connected by the fastener is now five. The
number of shear planes is four. The problem arises in how to determine the
load-carrying capacity of each shear plane. However, a straightforward
application of the conventional design equations is not possible without any
modification. In this respect guidance is given by EC5: "In multiple shear joints
the total load-carrying capacity should be determined by calculating the sum of
the load-carrying capacity for each shear plane as if it were a part of a three
member joint". This sentence has two parts. In the first part the phrase 'total
load-carrying capacity of the joint' is used. However, since the load which has to
be transmitted by every shear plane in general is different, as are the grain
directions of the members, the total load-carrying capacity is not always of
interest. Of importance is the load-carrying capacity of each shear plane. The
second part of the sentence gives an idea of how to analyze this multiple shear
joint. A method aimed at determining the load-carrying capacity of each shear
plane is now presented.
For the analyses the example of Figure 1 is taken as reference. The forces in the
members are indicated. It is essential to determine the direction of the force to
be transmitted at every shear plane. In Figure 2 the dowel type fastener which in
this case connects the members is enlarged and the forces introduced by the
separate members are shown. As the loads are symmetrical, only half of the
fastener is drawn. At the shear plane the fastener is cut into parts in order to
show the direction of the shear force. These shear plane forces can easily be
found by considering the equilibrium equations of the individual parts. In reality
there are no loads but embedding stresses which act along the axis of the
fastener. The basic assumption of the analysis given is that the fastener deforms
and fails in the direction of the shear plane force. This direction is important
because the embedding strength of the members is dependent on the load to
grain angle.
Figure 2
Figure 3
The last, but not least important, consideration is the compatibility of the failure
modes of the subsequent shear planes. For the shear plane which connects the
outside member in principle all failure modes have to be analyzed. It is
physically possible that the fastener end which sticks out of the side member
may be inclined. However, for other shear planes this is not possible as at this
end another shear plane exists and the dowel must be continuous through the
joint. It is evident that the governing failure mode of the next nearby shear plane
should be compatible with this failure mode.
The joint of Figure 1 is considered. The angle between outside members and
diagonals is 45".
Members 1 and 5
Member 3
Members 2 and 4
Steel 8.8 yield stress
Fastener diameter
Density of the timber members
45 mm
75 mm
35 mm
640 ~ / m m ~
Table 1 shows the results. For the shear plane between members 1 and 2 the
load-carrying capacity is 2970 N while for the next shear plane the capacity is
2130 N.
Member Angle between force Member Angle between force Member Angle between force
number and grain direction number and grain direction number and grain direction
Capacity [N]
Capacity [Nl
Capacity [N]
The load carrying capacities of incompatible failure modes are struck out.
Table 1
Material selection
The direct connection of members, timber to timber carpenter style, is not
always possible, because uneconomical member cross-sections would be needed.
The section of the member has to be chosen to satisfy connection conditions and
not the action effects in the member. To ensure maximum utilisation of the
member cross-sections elements made of other materials, e.g. steel, are used to
effect load transfer. The use of steel plates offers the advantage that the
connection area can be kept small thus avoiding fixing moments and maintaining
the assumptions made in the design method for trusses.
For truss systems glued laminated timber is becoming more and more significant
on account of its better material properties, its higher resistance to deformation
and the possibility of producing bigger cross-sections.
With respect to fastener selection a distinction must be made between permanent
and temporary structures and whether fastener slip is of any importance. Dowels
display a relatively high stiffness and can therefore be used in many kinds of
connections. In contrast, the low stiffness of bolted connections is reason enough
to restrict their use to cases where high slip can cause no damage to a structure.
Bolts should be tightened in such way that the members fit closely and they
should be easily accessible for retightening from time to time if necessary when
the timber has reached equilibrium moisture content. For moveable structures,
falsework or concrete formwork, which should be easily dismantled, bolts are
Design examples
Truss illustrated in Figure 4
The figure illustrates a typical triangular truss which is quite often used. The
span of the truss is short enough that the member forces can be transmitted by
nails. The internal forces have been calculated by using a computer program.
The significant load case is determined considering the self weight and the snow
load. It is assumed that the truss system is used in an area which has a heavy
snow load for a prolonged period of time, for example the alpine regions in
Austria. Therefore the load-duration class is regarded as medium term.
Figure 4
Triangular truss.
= 370 kg/m3
service class 1
load duration class medium term
= 098
1-1: 6.2.lg
1-1: 6.2.1h
1-1: 6.2.1j
1-1: 6.2.lk
= 907 N
= 495 N
= 556 N
2 . 21 = 42 nails 31 . 70
Figure 5
Heel joint.
Connection U , to 0,:
Figure 5
F, = 39300 N
nre, = 393001946
Figure 6
Connection V, to U :
Figure 6
Connection D to U,:
= 4560 N
= 45601946
Figure 6
= 14600 N
= 146001946
= 15,4say 16 nails
1450 N
2 . 2=4nails31.70
Figure 7
Apex joint.
Connection V, to 0 :
Figure 7
= 1960 N
= 19601946
2,4=8nails31 .70
2 . 15 = 30 nails 31 . 7 0
2 . 15=30nails31 . 7 0
5 . 2,4
Figure 8
Joint in U,:
Figure 8
= 26200 N
nreq = 262001946
Figure 9
Triangular truss.
12) 20 mm
Fe 360
= 191
= 350 kg/m3
service class 1
load duration class medium term
= 098
Figure 10
,,. 8
.6 dowels
. 020
. rnm
Heel joint.
Connection U , to 0, :
Figure 10
= 290000 N
Characteristic and design value for yield moment for round steel bolts:
EC5: Part 1-1:
f , = 14,l N/mm2
f,,,,,,= 13,3 ~ / m n z ~
= 0,94
D 118
"beq = 290000/(13300
Figure 11
Figure 11
Connection D, to U,:
The sum of forces in D, and D, has to be connected.
= 86900 N
Characteristic and design value for yield moment for round steel bolts:
EC5: Part 1-
= 384 Nm
My,, = 349 Nm
= fh,l,k
= 21,6 N/mm2
= 13,3 N/mm2
= 11,7 N/mm2
= 0,88
Figure 12
Apex joint.
Connection D, to 0,:
= 67400 N
Figure 12
Characteristic and design value for yield moment for round steel bolts:
EC5: Part 1-1:
M y , = 384 Nm
M y = 349 Nm
Characteristic embedding strength value for bolts up to 30 mm parallel to the
EC5: Part 1-1:
= 23,O ~ / m m ~
= 1,65
fhuc = 14,l ~ / r n r n ~
f,,,,,,= 11,7 N/mm2
= 0,83
1-1: 6.2.lg
1-1: 6.2.lh
1-1: 6.2.lj
1-1: 6.2.lk
= 28300 N
= 13400 N
= 14700 N
The further added examples should give an impression of how to carry out joints
with dowel type fasteners used in different truss systems. Figure 13 shows a
trapezoidal truss and Figure 14 the construction of a typical joint in this truss.
Wide-spanning trusses, see Figures 15 and 16, often require joint constructions
using steel plates to transmit the internal forces as illustrated in Figure 17.
Figures 19 and 20 give details of joints of the parallel truss in Figure 18.
Figure 13
Trapezoidal truss.
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
2 . 88 nails 6,O. 80
Figure 17
Upper chord node with nailed-on steel plates and central bolt.
Figure 18
12 dowels 012 mm
Figure 19
2 . 10 = 20 nails 9 0 . 310 ( p )
Figure 20
To present information about the different kinds of connector used in truss
systems and to show examples of joints.
The lecture presents general information about connectors, which are used in
truss systems.
Apart from the fixing of individual beams, mechanical timber connectors have
the function within trusses to transfer ring forces from one component to
another, Forces are thus introduced into joints by compression and shear,
depending on the stiffness of the connector and the embedding strength of the
wood. Under these actions elastic and plastic deformations occur in the wood.
The dowels used nowadays have been developed from carpenter's dowels. They
were mainly produced from dry hardwood with a rectangular section. With the
evolution of drilling and milling machines even round hardwood dowels could
be placed in timber. Since the twenties a lot of different special dowel types
have been developed and their use has been proved with tests. Today only
rectangular hardwood dowels, rectangular and T-type metal dowels and special
type dowels, made of cast-iron or aluminium, are of any importance. The
principles of calculation are covered by lectures C9 and C10.
= D, sin a, e = D, sin
Figure I
a, e
Examples of joints
Rectangular dowels are not often used for joints within trusses but an important
example for the use of rectangular hardwood or metal dowels is the combination
of a front side recess with a bracket, see Figure 2. This construction is necessary
if a fully loaded diagonal member is joined to a bottom chord member and either
the compression force cannot be transmitted on account of the load introduction
length being too short or because the tie-beam must not be weakened by the
recess. This constructional solution offers the advantage that the beams need not
to be changed but the effect of any moments resulting from the eccentric
connection has to be taken into account in the calculation.
Figure 2
design loads,
load-carrying capacity of connectors and bolts,
minimum cross-sections of timber,
end distances in the direction of grain,
distance from the centre of the connection to the outer surface of the upper
chord, with forces acting at an angle to the grain,
minimum spacing.
Double-sided ring connector joint, type A1 according to EN912.
Calculation according to STEP lecture C9
= 194 kN (tension)
= 60 mm
= 90 ?nnz
= 126 mm
= 160 mm
= 160 mm
= 250 ~ n m
Figure 3
= 0"
= 2 x 4 connectors
= 2 x 4 connectors
minimum spacings
1,5 d,.
= 1 , s . 126
= 189 mm
minimum thicknesses:
2,25 h,
3,75 he
= 2,25 . 15
= 3,75 . 15
= 33,8 mm
= 56,2 mm
35kpk,3krdc'35 = 3 5 1 , 0 6 0 , 9 9 2 . 1 , 0 . 1 2 6 1 s 5
51,9 kN
31,s k, k, h, d,.
62,9 kN
Double-sided toothed-plate connector heel joint, type C10 according
to EN912.
Calculation according to STEP lecture C10
Figure 4
= 30,O kN (compression)
= 29,l kN (tension)
= 41,5 kN (compression)
U , = 42,8 kN (tension)
= 0,8
= 50 mm
= 80 mm
= 140 mm
= 80 mm
= 27 mm
= 20 mm
1,2 d,
= 1,2. 80
= 96 mm
minimum thicknesses:
= 1,1 . 27
= 1,9 . 27
1,l hc
1,9 h,
=29,7 mm
= 51,3 mm
middle member:
k, = 1,35 + 0,015
. 20
149 ~ / r n r n ~
349 Nm
Rb,a,d= min
. 14,9 . 80 . 20 . 0,96 .
1,1 (2
1.3+ 0,96)
50 10
11,4 kN
11j4 .'349000
20 . 50'
Figure 5
Bottom chord joint with toothed-plates and nails; (U,, V,, D, U,).
Figure 6
Figure I0
Bottom chord joint with ring connectors and nails; (U,, D,, V,, D,, U,).
Figure 11
Apex joint with ring connectors; (D,, 0,). (a) Contact joint.
Figure 12
Figure 13
Bottom chord joint with ring connectors and contact; (U,, D,, V,, D , U3).
Figure 14
Figure 1.5
Figure 16
Bottom chord joint with toothed-plate connectors and contact; (U,, D,,V,,
0 9 U3).
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Bottom chord joint with ring connectors and contact; (U2, D , V2,D,, U,).
Figure 20
Apex joint with ring connectors; (D,. 0,). (a) Contact joint.
Figure 21
100 / 100 1 l M l t
Figure 22
Bottom chord joint with ring connectors and nails; (U,, D,,
Figure 23
Apex joint with ring connectors; (D,, 0,). (a) Contact joint.
Figure 24
Figure 25
To present the various objectives and methods for the inspection of existing
timber structures, as a basis for the evaluation of their safety, serviceability and
prevention of future degradation.
Existing structures, whether old or new, must periodically undergo a thoughtful
inspection and evaluation of their safety and serviceability. For timber structures
the accomplishment of this difficult task implies the involvement of different
experts: wood technologists, engineers, architects and possibly other experts
cooperating to check the condition of each structural element, evaluate the
serviceability of the whole structure and prevent future degrade. This lecture
describes the wood technologist's various methodological approaches.
Conservation and restoration of existing timber structures is a relatively new
idea, the implementation of which requires a multi-disciplinary approach. In the
pool of experts (architects, engineers, restorers, etc.), a basic role is played by
the wood technologist; in fact, through a careful examination of each structural
member and joint, his duty is to derive accurate information pertaining to the
properties, performance and condition of the material, and also to determine
realistic boundaries within which the designer shall make his calculations.
In general, the inspection of an existing timber structure has the following main
to evaluate decay factors which may have affected the structure, (in part or
in whole) and which may affect it in the future; and to identify and
recommend appropriate, remedial measures to prevent such risks from
The means to achieve these objectives (concerning all the load bearing elements)
are the following:
to assess the timber quality: ascertain the wood species and its main
physical and mechanical properties, including defects and anomalies;
to assess the effective cross section(s), and their strength and stiffness
old beams are often of large cross-section, which include the pith in a
more or less central location.
Service conditions
Biological degradation: the wood technologist shall detect biological degradation,
indicating with precision its origin (fungi, insects, bacteria, marine organisms),
causes, effects and development. It should be pointed out that ordinarily it is
necessary to proceed to a refined identification of the wood destroying
organisms, because of the broad variability among different species within the
same group (life cycle, kind of decay, influences on timber structural properties,
prevention strategies). For example, it is essential to distinguish between the
discoloration due to stain fungi (neglectable effect on wood strength) from that
caused by incipient attack of decay fungi (responsible for brown, white or soft
rot, i.e. the complete destruction of the wood molecular structure); or between
STEPJEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
the exit holes of Anobium and Lyctus beetles, in order to avoid expensive and
dangerous mistakes.
Age: small clear wood small specimens extracted from old sound timber
members and tested to failure (bending, compression, impact, etc.) show no
significant differences in strength and stiffness values from comparable new
material (Jessome 1965, Kuipers 1986, Cristelli F. 1986, Ehlbeck and Gorlacher
1987, Rug and Seeman 1991). In the absence of decay, it is in fact (up to now)
impossible to discriminate an "age effect" on wood from test data. This does not
mean that wood did not undergo any chemical modification in the course of
centuries: the amount of crystalline cellulose, for example, seems to decrease
with time (Borgin et al. 1975), but simply that the range of strength values
obtained from this material fits almost perfectly into that obtained from new
wood specimens of the same species and quality. Hence, the surveyor shall not
include timber age (no matter how defined) among his assessment parameters.
Loading conditions: they shall be considered mainly by the engineer according to
the structural design codes. Nevertheless, the surveyor should be aware, for
example, of the emphasis to give in his report to large deflections in timber
bending members, trying to estimate if these are only due to elastic deformation
or partly to hygro-mechanical phenomena (creep).
Moisture content: wood is hygroscopic and its moisture content affects almost
every property considered in the design of timber structures: strength, stiffness,
durability, dimensional changes (shrinkage and swelling), shape stability, etc. It
should be remembered that all design values are referred to timber at 12%
moisture content and modification factors for different actual moisture content
values are given. Surveyors shall put maximum emphasis on a careful
assessment of timber members in respect of their past, actual and future
relationships with surrounding water (air humidity, rainwater or pipe leakages,
condensation, capillary water present in wet walls, etc.), reporting in detail every
localised or general situation in which a timber moisture content exceeding 18 20% has been measured or is likely to be attained, with subsequent risks of
biological degradation due to fungal attack (see below).
Inspection levels
The restoration of timber structures is very often part of a more general
intervention on buildings, where dimensions and historical importance make it
advisable to split the surveying work into two separated steps:
- an initiative
of the timber members should be cleaned and well illuminated; for the best
results, coatings should be removed from wood surfaces.
General visual inspection: wood species shall be identified to the degree of
accuracy permitted by the visual inspection: a skilled wood technologist should
be able to discriminate - in normal cases - at least softwoods from hardwoods. In
some cases, certain groups of wood species can be accurately identified by visual
inspection thanks to their peculiar anatomical features, such as Oak (gen.
Quercus), Chestnut (gen. Castanea), Elm (gen. Ulmus), Fir and Spruce (gen.
Abies and gen. Picea), Pine (gen. Pinus), Larch (gen. Larix). Average timber
quality shall be visually assessed, taking into consideration mainly knots,
fissures, slope of grain, apparent decay andlor damage.
Expected biological risk evaluation: through a critical examination of the
environmental conditions, the surveyor will evaluate the risk of biological attack
and place the whole structure under assessment into one of the service classes
foreseen by EC5. Timber structures exposed (or having been exposed in the
past) to high biological risk conditions should be rated under a high priority
class even if their actual conditions seem to be good.
Apparent decayldamage evaluation: the surveyor shall identify and report any
sign of wood decay, even at incipient stages, giving details about the available
technical means to stop its worsening.
Grading of the structure according to priority classes: on the basis of the above
mentioned operations, the structure will be allocated (as a whole) into one of the
three following priority classes:
Class "green":
Class "yellow":
Class "red":
- an initiative
Timber structures assessment is a complex task. Automatic devices capable of
deriving from one or two measurements a complete set of strength and stiffness
properties are not available, hence the visual assessment should be the first and
the last step of the inspection work.
Systematic approach, clear ideas about wood microscopical structure and timber
macroscopical behaviour and last but not least a good deal of patience and
scientific humility will help in reaching valuable results with inexpensive means.
Bonamini, G. and Togni, M. (1994). DAE: defects acoustic emission. Un metodo non distruttivo
per la localizzazione di sezioni altamente difettose su travi lignee in opera. Technical Report
December 1994. Istituto di Assestamento e Tecnologia Forestale, Florence, Italy.
Borgin, K., Parameswaran, N. and Liese, W. (1975). The effects of aging on the ultrastructure of
wood. Wood Sci. Technol. 9(2):87-98.
Cristelli, F. (1986). Caratteristiche fisico-meccaniche di legni antichi variamente degradati ed
influenza dell'impregnazione con una resina sintetica. Dissertation No. 112. Universith degli Studi
di Firenze, Facolth di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, Corso di Laurea in Scienze Forestali, Florence,
Ehlbeck, J, and Gorlacher, R. (1987). Erste Ergebnisse von Festigkeitsuntersuchungen an altem
Konstruktionsholz. In: Erhalten historisch bedeutsamer Bauwerke, Sonderforschungsbereich 315,
Universitat Karlsruhe, Jahrbuch 1987, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, p. 235-247.
Jessome, A.P. (1965). Strength tests on specimens from wood trussess in service for 97 years.
Report of the Forest Products Laboratory, Dept. of Forestry, Ottawa, Canada.
Kuipers, J. (1986). Effect of age and/or load on timber strength. In: International Council for
Building Research Studies and Documentation, Working Commission W18 - Timber Structures,
XIX Meeting September 1986, Florence, Italy.
Rug, W. and Seeman, A. (1991). Strength of old timber. Building Research and Information,
To provide an outline of the follow-up procedures to inspection work, including
a critical analysis of some commonly used techniques for in situ repairs andtor
strengthening of timber structures, members and joints.
This lecture describes the wood technologist's approach to the identification of
the aims of the work to be undertaken, and of external constraints, in the repair
and strengthening of existing timber structures, after an in situ inspection has
been performed. It also discusses, briefly, some techniques that are often
recommended. This lecture does not include structural design, which is covered
by other lectures.
Following the inspection of the existing timber structure (see STEP lecture D3),
decisions have to be made concerning any follow-up work that is necessary.
Several aspects have to be considered, in close cooperation with experts, such as
structural engineers, architects, wood technologists, restorers, historians, owner or
administrators in charge of the building, and other concerned parties such as
building authorities or officers in charge of conservation of the cultural heritage.
Consideration of the following three aspects is recommended:
structural interventions;
On the other hand the constraints need to be considered, such as the following:
environmental situation;
For clarity and simplicity only a few of the preceding considerations are
detailed. However, it should be appreciated that all the issues are likely to be
interactive, and any action taken to solve one of them may significantly affect
several others.
the compatibility between the wood of the member and the new materials
- an initiative
The loadbearing capacity of a timber structure needs in certain cases to be
improved through appropriate structural consolidation, in order to comply with
increased performance requirements (e.g. modifications in the use of the
Working conditions
The available time, expertise, materials, workmanship and technologies should
be clearly identified before the working plans are completed, in order to assure
that the desired quality of the whole work may be obtained. Even more than for
other kinds of repair works, timber structures require that no shortcuts be seeked,
specially at the initial stages; also, the time required for collecting and analysing
information should be allowed for, in order to avoid mistakes that would make
successive remedies much more expensive or even impossible.
Compatibility between different materials should always be a major concern; this
is specially true for materials used for repairing and/or strengthening timber
structures. Whenever glued or rigid connections are made, special care is needed
in order to avoid stresses (and possible failures) caused by differential
deformations related to the following:
Other compatibility problems may arise from chemical factors, such as corrosion
of steel fasteners caused by wood extractives under high moisture conditions.
Finally, condensation of moisture (and consequent decay problems) is often a
result of poor compatibility situations, such as:
Structural repairs
Broad classification criteria
In general, no two identical situations exist in old timber structures: therefore
restoration works and repairs need to be chosen, designed and implemented case
by case. Also, as already noted, problems and solutions are deeply
interconnected and may be not faced separately. Nevertheless it is useful to lay
down the following broad classification criteria, in order to help clarify
meanings, scopes and limits of the numerous technical solutions which up to
now have been, or may in the future be proposed for structural repair work.
Repairs may basically deal with one or more of the following levels of the
whole structures;
connecting joints;
may fulfil the same structural functions they were originally assigned
(untouched, if recognised as needing no structural repair; after repair or
strengthening, if needed);
may be left in place just for aesthetic reasons, or for conservation of the
material's historical authenticity, the structural functions being totally
fulfilled by other loadbearing members, such as substitution timbers, steel
or concrete.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Enhancement of cross-section
The cross-section of a member may be enhanced by adding (gluing, nailing,
bolting, etc.) reinforcing parts (wood boards, steel beams, etc.). Original
appearance and aesthetics are usually lost.
Note that if the same reinforcement parts are simultaneously connected by more
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
than one technique (e.g. nails and glue, or bolts and glue), the strength of the
two connections will not add up, because the stiffer connection such as the glue
will take most of the load, and only after its failure the more ductile one will
gain significance; it is therefore inappropriate to add nails or bolts "just in case"
the glue failed, if they are not properly designed to take the whole anticipated
load. However nails or bolts may be of great use in providing pressure and
keeping members in position while the glue cures.
Glued-in plates
One or more steel plates (almost as deep as the beam) may be glued into
grooves vertically cut in situ along the whole length of beam (see Figure 3).
Plates, which are hidden and are protected from fire and corrosion, take up
almost all the load. Special equipment is needed for cutting the grooves
(Tampone, 1989). Geometrical feasibility, buckling, support conditions, etc. need
Figure 3
Glued-in plates, along the whole length of a white fir beam (a) (from
Tampone, 1989, modified), (b) threaded steel rods, (c) steel plate, 10 mm
thick, (d) epoxy resin.
Glued-in rods
Steel or fibreglass rods may be glued into grooves cut along the tension edge of
the beam. Failure is thus no more caused by strength-reducing defects located at
tension edge, and occurs at compression edge, whose strength is not increased;
failure behaviour also becomes more ductile (see Figure 4). Limit-state reliability
is therefore increased, rather than strength or stiffness. (Ceccotti and Marradi,
Steel cables or rods, equipped with spacers or other devices, may be used in
order to contribute to strength and stiffness of individual members or trusses; by
means of turnbuckles, the tension may be adjusted either to pre-stress beams or
just to control excessive deflections (Marradi, Messina and Paolini, 1989).
Periodic adjustments or insertion of elastic components may be needed to
compensate for creep and for shrinkagelswelling caused by moisture variations
(Ceccotti and Marradi, 1993). The structural conception of trusses may turn out
significantly modified. Examples are shown in Figure 5 and 6.
Figure 4
Effects of steel or fibreglass rods glued with epoxy resin into grooves cut
along the tension edge of the beam on its load-deformation behaviour. (a)
reinforced cross-section, (b) timber cross section without reinforcement.
Top diagram: beams with large defects, bottom diagram: beams with minor
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Moisture, in its various forms and origins, including the effect of alterations that
may have been made on the environment (vapour barriers, waterproofing,
sources of condensation, increased or decreased ventilation, closed windows or
other openings, sealing of beam end supports, etc.) should always be considered
a major threat to the conservation of timber structures, including those which
have undergone recent or earlier repair works.
Special care should be taken to ensure the proper execution of recommended
repair or prevention works. For instance an inaccurately performed preservative
treatment (e.g, one leaving unprotected surfaces), or the inappropriate succession
of works (e.g. drilling or notching timber after it has been treated, resulting in
untreated wood surfaces to be exposed to the attack of insects) will hardly
improve the durability of the structure.
Bertolini, C. (1992). Problemi di recupero: metodologie di indagine, tecnologie di intervento.
L'Edilizia, (12), VI, 763-778.
Ceccotti, A,, Mannucci, M. and Uzielli, L. (1990). Effetti del riassorbimento di umidith sul
comportamento ad estrazione di barre di acciaio ancorate nel legno mediante resina epossidica. In:
G. Tampone (Ed.) Atti del I1 Congresso Nazionale "I1 restauro del legno", Firenze, Nardini, Vol.
2. 155-169.
Ceccotti, A. and Marradi, P. (1993). Nuove tecnologie negli interventi di recupero delle antiche
capriate di legno: materiali e metodi. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium "Ancient
Buildings Restoration - Handbooks and new technologies", Naples, 29-30 October 1993, 514-536.
Kessel, M.H., Speich, M. and Hinkes, F.J. (1989). The Reconstruction of an Eight-floor Timber
Frame House at Hildesheim (FRG). In: G. Tampone (Ed.) Atti del I1 Congresso Nazionale "I1
restauro del legno", Firenze, Nardini, Vol. 1, 217-222.
Marradi, P., Messina, C. and Paolini, L. (1989). Recupero di strutture in legno mediante armature
parzialmente presollecitate. In: G. Tampone (Ed.) Atti del I1 Congresso Nazionale "I1 restauro del
legno", Firenze, Nardini, Vol. 1, 241-248.
Tampone, G. (1989). Restauro strutturale con lamine metalliche dei solai lignei della sede del
Genio Civile di Firenze. In: G. Tampone (Ed.) Atti del I1 Congresso Nazionale "I1 restauro del
legno", Firenze, Nardini, Vol. 1, 263-281.
Tampone, G. and Campa, L. (1989). Restauro strutturale con legno lamellare di un solaio e di una
volta a carena lignei dell'Accademia di Belle Arti a Firenze. In: G. Tampone (Ed.) Atti del I1
Congresso Nazionale "I1 restauro del legno", Firenze, Nardini, Vol. 1, 283-297.
Tampone, G., Franci, F. and Campa, L. (1989). Rinforzo di puntoni e consolidamento di una
capriata del teatro di Sarteano mediante centine metalliche. In: G. Tampone (Ed.) Atti del I1
Congresso Nazionale "11 restauro del legno", Firenze, Nardini, Vol. 1, 299-305.
Tampone, G. (1992). Tecnologia del restauro delle strutture di legno. L'Edilizia, (12), VI, 729-739.
- an initiative
To describe the main types of connection used, to point out the design problems
to note and to present examples of the design of various types of connection.
The main types of column to beam connections, hinged or fixed, as well as
beam to beam connections are described. The principles of design of these
connections to resist shear, axial force and bending moment are described. The
design principles concerning problems specific to wood such as compressive or
tensile strength perpendicular to the grain or dimensional changes are also
covered. Actual examples are presented.
The design of a connection must allow the function selected to be carried out
(i.e. hinged or fixed in one or more directions). The connection should be
designed to resist all the internal forces and moments about all three principal
Figure 1
Beam axes.
Because of the eccentricity of the secondary beam support the main beam is
often subject to a torsional moment (see Figure 3).
Figure 2
Figure 3
Connection examples
Column to beam connection type 1
Figure 4
Joint with steel bars with bolts or screws and with or without connectors.
The bearing plate (e.g. of plywood) between the column and the beam
centres the load and prevents overloading of the corner of the column.
Generally these connections allow free rotation about the y-axis. The support
reaction of the beam is transmitted either by direct contact or by mechanical
fasteners. If the column is wide, neoprene sheets may be provided in order to
keep the load centred on the column. Both the beam and the column must be
torsionally restrained.
Figure 5
Joint with nailed gusset plates of steel or plywood. The joint can
take up some moment and thereby contribute to the lateral stability
of the structure.
Figure 6
Joint with a vertical bolt screwed into a round steel bar with a
threaded hole. The hole in the column is plugged after assembly.
The bolt should be retightened, especially for deep beams.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
In Figure 11 and 12, the bolts are placed in oval holes to allow for dimensional
changes in the timber and are only used to position the beams. To avoid large
compressive stresses on top of the beams in Figure 12, a clearance is provided
between the upper face of the beam and the spacing block of the double column.
Figure 13
Nailed plywood or steel gusset plates. The joint is effective and easy to
make. It may be necessary to protect the gusset plate against fire.
Figure 14
.. .- --
q b z =,----s - - - + ;---[g
--: :i~.jji
$,k==$ z = : ~ =$ = r z l
>:. '
'- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
. I
Figure 15
Beam between two columns. Part of the load can be taken by a support
Figure 16
Figure 17
I 1
Figure 18
The simplest joint: the short beam is hanging in the cantilever. Where the
forces are not too large, the beam can be supported directly on the
Figure 19
For large forces it may be necessary to reinforce the joint with steel
Figure 20
Joint with a special steel shoe. In the version shown, only shear forces can
be transferred.
Figure 21
Joint with doweled steel plate in slots. The dowels are placed close to the
unloaded edges to prevent splitting.
Figure 22
Figure 23
Figure 24
Beam shoe.
Figure 25
Beam from one side only supported on a steel bracket. In this case it is
necessary to design the main beam for the torsional moment.
Figure 26
Splitting failure due to stiff steel channels used to connect the beam ends.
The net area indicated in Figure 26c has to be large enough to resist the force F
in order to avoid a local tensile failure parallel to the grain.
For very deep glulam beams the dimensional changes in the wood due to
moisture content changes may cause splitting of the timber, if free shrinkage is
prevented (see Figure 27). The column in Figure 27, less thick than the beam
and better ventilated, dries out more quickly and its shrinkage is hindered by the
circle of bolts which attach it to the beam. Since the beam hardly shrinks in
grain direction, a split occurs in the centre area of the circle of bolts.
Figure 27
For secondary beam to main beam connections it is necessary to place the steel
connector of the secondary beam as high as possible to limit the tensile stresses
perpendicular to the grain. In practice, if the fitting covers 70% to 80% of the
main beam depth, the tensile stresses perpendicular to the grain are not
governing the design. However, it will be necessary to check that the fitting does
not prevent dimensional changes of the main beam which would cause cracks
due to resisting the shrinkage effects.
Figure 28
To describe different ways of connecting and supporting timber elements in
arches and frames by using steel plates.
The lecture describes the different principles to be followed when designing
hinges and supports based on steel plates. The design of the details is discussed,
and examples of actual hinges in existing timber structures are presented.
As pointed out in STEP lecture C1, the serviceability and the durability of a
timber structure depend mainly on the design of the joints between the elements.
This statement includes the hinges and supports, which in large structures are
often connections between two glulam parts.
Basic considerations
The selection and design of connections are controlled not only by the loadcarrying and durability conditions, but include other considerations such as
aesthetics, the cost-efficiency, the fabrication and the erection.
A basic requirement is that all steel details shall be well adjusted to the glulam
parts, to avoid time-consuming and costly work at the building site.
It is very important to design the connections in such a way that shrinkage and
swelling of the timber parts are possible without creating problems. The moisture
content in the glulam during production is normally very well controlled, but the
equilibrium moisture content in timber will vary during the year. If free
movement due to shrinkage is not allowed, the result may be splitting of the
timber caused by tension perpendicular to the grain.
The design should avoid the possibility of water being trapped in the joint area,
and if necessary drainage holes or slots should be introduced.
It is essential to protect end grain from water, because the water absorption
parallel to the grain is much larger than the absorption perpendicular to the
grain. In many cases a moisture barrier is recommended or gaps may be
If exposed to the weather, or other severe conditions, corrosion of the steel parts
may be resisted by rust proofing or by using corrosive-resistant metals. The
designer should also consider the compatibility of the metal with the timber
treatment. For example, as pointed out in STEP lecture C1, caution should be
taken with the installation of steel components into timber treated with
preservatives containing copper.
Figure 1
Figure 2
The hinge shown in Figure 2 is a true hinge, which may be used in Service
Class 3.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Column supports
For simply supported columns, the details shown in Figure 3 may be used.
Figure 3
Column supports based on steel plates, (a) for vertical and horizontal
forces, (0) for vertical and horizontal forces and moment about the strong
axis of the glulanz member.
Figure 4
Column supports or supports for light frames and arches based on steel
The need for constructional tolerances when casting concrete bases is essential.
A moisture barrier is necessary to avoid moisture transfer into end grain.
Figure 5
An example on an apex hinge is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6
Hinge example.
- an initiative
Figure 7
Support examples.
The detail shown in Figure 7b is used to support the arched trusses in H&on's
Hall Lillehammer, which was the main ice-hockey arena during the 1994 Winter
Olympics in Norway. Slotted in steel plates are welded to the upper part of the
steel support, and the glulam parts are connected to the steel plates using steel
Design example
Glulam frame with a cross section b x h = 180 x 900 mm at the support.
Strength class GL32 according to prEN 1194.
Figure 8
V, = 250 kN,
Vd = HA sin a - VA cos a
. sin 70"
- 250
HA cos a
. sin 70"
VA sin a
Figure 9
. cos 70"
. cos
196 kN
70" = 338 kN
Static belzavior.
= 3,5 N/rnm2
= 29 N/mm2
= 6,O N/mrn2
- 'mod
038 . 29
Shear stress:
The moment V, h, should be transferred through the steel dowels, see STEP
lecture C 1 .
The steel parts should be checked according to EC3.
Concluding summary
Design the joints and supports in such a way that shrinkage and swelling
of the glulam parts are possible without creating problems.
To illustrate the modes of transport for timber construction elements and the
most frequent methods of erection for various timber structures.
Transport and erection influence the design and the fabrication of timber
structures. The lecture describes the means of transport for various types of
structural elements and the erection modes for the different structural
configurations. Some suggestions are provided for designers of timber structures
so as to optimise costs, quality and safety on-site.
The final phases in the provision of a timber structure are transport and erection.
These may appear insignificant in the realisation of a project but they require the
same attention as the preceding phases, in that together they can influence not
only the design but also the budgeting and the management of the project.
Figure I
Timber constructions can be built using solid wood, glued laminated timber,
plywood or other wood based panels. Solid wood and panel elements will
normally have dimensions that can be easily transported. Conversely, glulam
structural elements can be manufactured in very large sizes and in a variety of
shapes. As a consequence transport solutions are correspondingly diverse. In
general the transportation of glulam members does not present loading capacity
problems (since their density is only approximately 500 kg/m3) but often the
length and the shape of the elements present difficulties. In these cases the
ability to transport the structure must be verified at an early design stage both in
terms of equipment and route. This is important in estimating costs and in
making a rational choice between different types of structural system.
In general glulam beams are long, with a deep, narrow cross section. They can
be manufactured up to approximately 45 m long. The length and the overall
height determine the best transport solution. The width of the beam, including
also the room for any pre-fixed steel hardware (shoes), determlnes the number of
units that can be loaded without exceeding the width of the truck (2,5 m). When
the overall height of the element is relevant, it is important to gay attention to
the limits imposed on the free passage of the vehicle to the site due to the
dimensions of viaducts and bridges (clear height of 4,O to 4,8 m).
Figure 2
Elements with an overall height exceeding 4,O m are not transportable by road or
rail. In these cases structures have to be designed so that the beams can be
manufactured in two pieces. They can then be end jointed at the site with steel
or timber bolted connections.
The operation is usually carried out using a gantry-crane for the structural
elements and a fork-lift for the accessories. The loading operations must be
carried out in accordance with safety regulations and the goods must be well
secured on the truck in order to avoid problems during transportation.
Means of transport
Figure 3
For domestic deliveries transport is mostly done by road haulage with a few
exceptions. Rail transport, for example, is mostly used in a situation where large
quantities of standard beams need to be delivered to stock warehouses
(maximum length allowed in one wagon, 18 m). For export deliveries it might
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Exceptional transportation
When the beams' dimensions exceed the dimensions of the truck body the load
is considered exceptional and a special transport solution is required. Where
possible, a regular truck should be used by letting the beams hang out over the
back of the truck but not further than 3 m or 3110th~of the length of the truck.
When this solution is not possible, special trucks have to be used.
Figure 4
Transportation of very long or high beams requires special vehicles that can be
classified in four groups:
Tractors with low-bed telescopic semi-trailer (Figure 4a): these are suitable
for short and very cambered beams.
Tractors with telescopic semi-trailer (Figure 4b): these are suitable for
beams up to 3,O m high and up to 24 m long. The semi-trailer telescopic
lattice can be extended up to 20 m.
Tractors with low-bed trailer (Figure 4c): these are suitable for beams with
an overall height up to 4,O m. The trailer is in two parts connected by a
non-loadbearing lattice. The beam's large overall height can be slung very
low in the trailer which permits the beams to travel only 400 mm from the
road level. It must be pointed out that in these cases the road's path has to
be carefully checked.
Tractors with cradle trailer (Figure 4d): these are suitable for any sort of
beams with a height up to 3,5 m. The beams are supported by the front
centre plate on the tractor and by the back centre plate on the trailer.
Centre plates permit articulation between load and conveyance.
Road regulations prescribe some limitations to exceptional transportation. When
the length to be conveyed exceeds 25 m or the width exceeds 3 m, a police
escort is required. Regulations can be different in the individual countries. In
Germany, when the overall height exceeds 4,O m, transportation has to be done
during the night. In Italy, the number of units of loads exceeding the legal limit
of 43 to 44 tonnes must not exceed three pieces per convoy. In general a special
pass must be obtained from the transport authorities whenever timber elements
exceed legal dimensions.
On site
The lifting system available on the site is normally used for unloading. Because
transport methods do not include a lift (except for a few trucks) it is necessary to
use the site jib crane or a truck crane. Beams are slung with special bands to
avoid damage. The bands are slung and tightened around the beams in order to
avoid slippage while moving. Handling should always be carried out with the
utmost care to avoid possible damage to timber. In the case of trusses, wherever
possible the points of lifting should be at the eaves joints, with the truss in the
vertical plane, apex uppermost.
Figure 5
After unloading at the site, the timber and its accessories must be stored until
assembly takes place. During this period the members and the other materials
must not be damaged and they must not represent a hazard to people. Stored
members have to be protected from moisture coming from the soil and from rain
and snow. For these reasons the elements must be stored to avoid contact with
the ground and should be protected by a waterproof cover. If timber has to be
stored for a long time in wet conditions, in order to avoid vapour condensation
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
under the covers, it is important to provide adequate ventilation. This avoids the
wood getting stained and mouldy especially when it has not had a preservative
treatment. Where large size structural elements have to be stored in the upright
position, it is necessary to stabilise them to prevent buckling.
Timber elements (beams, columns, purlins, etc.) normally arrive on the site
machined and finished where the beams are surfaced on all sides and their ends
are trimmed to a precise length. It is preferable to avoid any activity on site that
could have been carried out in the factory at a lower costs and with higher
quality. Accurate shop drawings must specify for each timber element how they
have to be machined; in the factory rather than on the site. They should also be
drilled, slotted and grooved to accommodate connecting hardware. To carry out
all this pre-assembly work, it is necessary to develop very accurate shop
drawings showing all the details and connections. When possible, a sensible
reduction in the erection costs can be achieved by pre-assembling steel
connecting parts on the beams. Unless otherwise specified an anti-fungi and antiinsect coating, available in different shades, is brushed on. Nothing should be
improvised on the site. Only when site conditions do not permit pre-fabrication
of the structural elements, should they be trimmed and machined on-site. The
work in this case must be carried out in accordance with highest standards. The
construction will be, as a consequence, more expensive.
Site inspection
Before erection it is appropriate to check if the site is ready to receive the timber
and if foundations and supporting elements are installed properly according to
the drawings. It is advisable to check if all materials are on site before assembly
Erection represents, in the construction of a timber structure, the moment in
which all the previous stages are verified. A well executed assembly is a primary
condition to achieve a good building but it is not a sufficient condition. It is
necessary that all the previous phases (design, engineering, fabrication,
machining and transportation) are correctly executed, to be followed by skilled
erection of the structure. Workmen have to be skilled, with experience in timber
construction and with complete and efficient tools and machines. The site must
be ready for receiving the timber structural elements in order to allow workmen
to operate easily and with safety.
Erection of a timber structure is usually carried out by placing first the main
beams and then the secondary elements. Due to the fact that these frequently
have a role in bracing the structure, provisional bracing must be provided. As
soon as possible bracing wood rafters and counter braces have to be connected
to the main beams. Assembly procedure depends on the type of structural
system. It is useful to consider some typical situations:
Domestic roofs
There are two fundamental types of timber roof for housing and similar types of
buildings. The first type is characterised by steep pitches and consist of solid
wood trussed rafters positioned at close centres. In most cases the structure is
hidden by the ceiling. The speed with which trussed rafter roofs can be erected,
along with their low cost make this solution used in the majority of domestic
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
roofs. Normally the greatest stresses which truss joints will undergo are those
caused by handling. It is important to carefully plan the handling of trusses,
taking into account weight, size, access, lift height and whether manual or
mechanical handling is required. Temporary raking braces are used during the
erection until the last trussed rafter is erected. After that permanent diagonal
braces are fixed on both sides of the roof, longitudinal members are fixed
making sure that the ceiling ties are accurately spaced at the correct centres.
The second type consists of main beams and purlins. These structures have
modest dimensions but, due to the high level of finish required, they need to be
assembled accurately. Frequently it is preferabIe to hide the steel hardware. This
involves more sophisticated connections systems in which the beams have to be
machined to insert the steel parts, or indented on the sides to support purlins. As
a consequence, machining and assembly are more expensive, but the results are
excellent. Scaffolding and jig cranes are normally required on-site.
They are used normally for simple and linear structures. Purlins are frequently
supported by standard steel shoes nailed onto the beams. They can be preassembled in the factory or nailed on-site. If the ground under the structure
permits it, it can be convenient to use a mobile rise tower.
Figure 6
This system is used very frequently because it permits coverage of large areas
with a simple and economic structure. Each half portal can be made of a single
curved piece or of some straight pieces jointed together. In the case of curved
beam portals, it can be highly convenient (for economy and for workers' safety)
to pre-assemble on the ground pairs of arches complete with purlins and bracing.
They can then be lifted from the centre of the construction allowing them to
rotate through the base hinges. The two semi-portals must be lifted beyond their
final position so that they czn be dropped down to meet at the top hinge with no
interference. A workman operating from a rise tower or from a platform crane
fixes the top hinge. This erection system requires the use of two cranes, but it is
fast and does not require a central scaffolding to support the semi-portals until
they become load bearing.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
With highly skilled workmen it is possible to pre-assemble four or five semiportals on the ground and to lift them up simultaneously. Two auxiliary beams
are necessary to hang the portals from the crane (see Figure 7).
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Erection of timber structures requires in the majority of cases that great attention
is paid to the prevention of accidents at work. From the first project stage it is
necessary to consider how the various elements will be assembled. The structure
must be designed taking into account systems and connections that reduce risks
for workmen. Erection drawings and instructions must be prepared for important
constructions. They have to describe unloading, storage and erection of the
timber elements. Instructions must be given clearly and it is preferable when
they are illustrated by sketches. When possible, preference has to be given to
erection systems which permit pre-assembly on the ground. When it is necessary
to operate at height, necessary safety measures must be imposed. To protect
workmen from the danger of falling from the erected structure holding nets or
pre-anchored wire lines should be available. Wire lines can be fixed through
special posts pre-anchored to main girders before lifting. Workmen who have to
walk on the erected beams, must tie their safety belt to the wire lines. Other
facilities that can be used to reach the roof level are fixed or mobile scaffolding
and crane-platforms. In addition to safety belts, workers must wear personal
protection aids as hard-hats, gloves and shoes with steel toe and anti-punching
sole. These safety means together with good training of the workmen and with a
correct erection design, permit competitive assembly without neglecting safety
Figure 10
Figure 11
Concluding remarks
Frame corners
STEP lecture ~8
P. Racher
CUST Civil Engineering
Blaise Pascal University
To describe the types of frame corners commonly used depending on the structural
form and the jointing technique. To present design optirnisation of the momentresisting knee joints allowed by EC5.
Three different types of frame corners are presented:
The applications of these frame corner systems are described and some details are
given to ensure the structural performance of the frames. In the second part, a
design example of a frame corner presents the possible choices for optimising the
dowelled moment-resisting joints commonly used in Europe.
Industrial and recreational buildings are often built using a frame with tapered
members, or curved frames, as the main structural system. They are simple systems
which permit large areas to be covered with spans ranging from 15 to 50 rn and
with spacings of 5 to 10 m.
Figure I
The most critical action effects (forces and moments) are found in the frame comer
which has to be designed first. This preliminary design defines the largest crosssection for curved frames, or the knee-joint and the largest cross-section for the
tapered members. Though curved frames are mechanically more efficient, their use
the design of secondary elements (see Figure lb) depending on the shape of
the building and the roofing materials.
Figure 2
To reduce the stresses near the end-grain of the members, the mechanical behaviour
could also be controlled by positioning a stiff rod at the rotation centre. The bending
moment is transmitted by a partial pattern of fasteners located along the line of thrust
in the area of the joint (Figure 2d). Furthermore, the current trend is to develop knee
joints with higher strengths and stiffnesses and with ductile behaviour. In European
countries, this has led to studies involving side reinforcement of the members in the
joint area using glued plywood or densified veneer wood (Leijten et al., 1994) or fibre
glass. These reinforcements prevent overloading of the end corner of the members
and ensure plastic behaviour at failure.
Another way, used in Japan and Australia, is to design single in-plane members (rafter
and column) and to install internal steel plates with dowel fasteners or external
plywood gussets (Figure 3). The first arrangement is a good solution for appearance
and fire resistance. In both cases, the equilibrium of forces and moment is achieved
in the centre section of the plate and the designer has to pay attention to the internal
strength of the plate.
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Figure 3
Frames with mechanically jointed in-plane members: (a) joint with internal
steel plate, (b) nailed plywood gusset
V-shaped column
Another concept is to change the loading path using a V-shaped column fixed to the
rafter (Figure 4). Depending on the stability criteria and horizontal action effects, this
type of frame could be two-hinged with a continuous pitched and curved beam with
spans up to 30 rn. For greater spans, they should be three-hinged. The depths of the
beam vary between W30 and W40 for h,, and W40 to Ll60 for h,. To transfer the
bending moment, the tension and compression members should make an angle a
within the range 10 to 20".
Figure 4
With the internal timber member in compression, either a vertical internal timber
member or an external steel rod in tension may be used. For such a frame, the design
must investigate all combined action effects to take into account possible reversal of
loading in the column members.
than for positive values (M,,). The absolute value of the ratio M,,/ M,, varies from
0,l to 0,2 for a roof slope of 0 to 30" (Reyer et al., 1991, Heimeshoff, 1976).
Figure 5
As on-site installation is not allowed for large finger joints, the use of such nondemountable joints is also limited by transportation conditions. To overcome this
disadvantage and to limit the risk associated with a single component brittle joint,
another solution is to used glued-in bolts (see STEP Lecture C14). Figure 6 shows an
installation with inclined glued-in bolts to reduce the influence of possible splitting
on the joint strength (Turkowskij, 1991). In this example, forces and moment are
transferred by separate compression and tension components and low load reversal
is permitted.
Figure 6
M,, = 260-10' Nm
Figure 7
Geometry of the frame (a) and layout of the frame corner (b).
= 240 N/mmz
= 0,9
With a minimum spacing of 6 d between dowels, the number of dowels per circle is:
The design joint forces induced by the forces and the bending moment are
defined in Table 1 (see STEP Lecture C16).
Table 1
Design values of the forces on the most critical fasteners and the timber.
fh,oC =
15,7 ~ / m m ~
yield moment:
The coefficient k,, is equal to 1,71. The calculation of the design load-carrying
capacity of the critical dowels (see STEP lectures C6 and C16) is given in Table 2.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Table 2
For the chosen patterns, the load-carrying condition is checked on the column:
= 2 . 119 .lo3 = 23,7 . lo3 N
. lo3 N
. lo3 N
. lo3 N
In the joint area, the strength of the timber is verified for the calculated force F , , :
At the serviceability limit states, the rotational rigidity of the joint is:
Table 3
For the calculation of the deflection in service, the design has to take into account
the joint rigidity:
= Kse, (n, r:
n, r:)= 9,90
. 10"
Design with improved glued laminated timber and steel grade (frame C)
The other way to optimise the timber structures is to select glued laminated timber of
a greater strength class. It should be mentioned that this choice implies greater control
requirements during the fabrication process. For this design, the selected components
Glued-laminated members:
strength class GL30 (prEN1194, annex A)
pk =
407 kg/m3
= 2,18 N/mmz
steel grade Fe430
f , = 430 N/mm2
. lo9 Nmmlrd
C2 K,,,r,, = 118
. lo9 Nmmlrd
Design summary
Glued laminated timber
h ( mm)
steel grade
34 d
24 mm
41 d
16 mm
Table 4
In comparison with design A, the best cost-efficiency could be reached with the design
B or C2 depending on the cost of each operation during the fabrication and erection
Heimeshoff, B. (1976).Berechnung vonRahmenecken rnit Keilzinkenverbindungen. Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Holz, Holzbau Statik Aktuell, Germany, Folge 1.
Leijten, A.J.M., Cruz H.M., Rodd P.D., Werner H. and Virdi K.S. (1994). Physical and mechanical
properties of densified veneer wood (DVW) for structural applications. Final Report of FOREST project
N0MA2B-CT91-0033,Delft, Netherlands.
Reyer, E., Schmidt, M. and Schmidt, P. (1991). Development and calculation of kinked timber joints
elastically prestressed perpendicular to the grain. Proceedings of the International Timber Engineering
Conference, Vol. 3, p. 3.85-3.96, London, UK.
Turkowskij, S. (1991). Prefabricated joints of timber structures on inclined glued-in bars. Proceedings of
the International Timber Engineering Conference, Vol. 3, p. 3.143-3.148, London, UK.
The behaviour of bracing is discussed and simplified design rules are provided to
assist design engineers. Some advice on structural modelling and detailing of the
joints is provided.
It is essential that principal structural members which are liable to buckle are
connected to walls, columns, beams or bracing structures which are able to resist
the forces involved, in order to ensure local and overall structural stability. The
bracing elements prevent large lateral displacements which will otherwise occur
perpendicular to the principal axislplane of the structural element. At the same time,
they can be used as structural elements for resisting external forces such as wind
loading. If main structural elements are perfectly straight and the external loads are
applied only in their principal planes, i.e. without any eccentricity, then deflections
will occur only in the principal plane without inducing any reactions onto the
bracing. However, in practice, it is necessary to allow for the lack of straightness
due to imperfections in the production process and which can occur during the
erection process. Bucking forces will also occur if wind or other external loads
occur in the plane of the bracing, resulting in lateral deflections.
Uses of bracing
Structural bracing can be used to resist external forces which do not arise from the
behaviour of the structure but are applied onto the structure and have to be
transmitted to the foundations. Examples are wind loads or horizontal loads e.g.
lateral shocks, crane braking forces and seismic loads.
The second type of forces are internal forces which result from deviations of the
main structural element from its intended position. These forces can be balanced
within the structure which is correctly detailed and therefore do not have to be
transmitted to the foundations. Examples are
forces arising from supporting beams and the compression chords of trusses
which are liable to buckling,
Figure I
Transfer of wind loads from gable columns through roof and wall bracing.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Transfer of P-A forces from inclined columns through roof and wall bracing.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
In a structure, the main load bearing elements have to transmit the vertical forces
e.g. self-weight and snow loads on roofs whilst the bracing elements have to resist
horizontal wind loads and buckling forces from the main element. The designer
usually considers these actions separately and the design of the main elements and
bracing is carried out in two steps. In reality, however, structures are threedimensional systems such as the simple truss, shown in Figure 8, with upper and
lower purlins. In this case two diagonal bracing elements, which together with the
purlins acting as chords form a truss system in the plane of the roof, to ensure
lateral stability of the simple truss. There are eight support reactions. One of these
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
is needed to prevent the four structural elements at eaves level from forming a
rectangular mechanism, thus leaving seven support reactions, with six possible
equilibrium conditions in space. Thus the system is statically indeterminate to one
Figure 8
For design purposes, the design may be simplified by neglecting one of the support
reactions in the x-direction (see Figure 8) and assigning the horizontal bracing
forces to the two supports in the y-direction. This simplification is only possible if
the displacements of the supports (assumed as fixed in the y-direction) are nearly
the same; otherwise the "omitted" support will have to resist forces in the xdirection resulting from the rotation of the structure in plan. This approach is also
only valid if the deformations of the chords (purlins) are small enough to be
negligible but would only cause displacements in the y-direction.
Due to the extensions in the internal members of the truss and movements in the
joints, shear deformation as shown in Figure 9 will occur. Hence the vertical
element at the support will remain vertical without causing any horizontal reaction
at the top of the truss.
Figure 9
In sloping roofs, the span of the bracing system is assumed to be equal to the length
of the roof plane and is a plane structure. The three-dimensional load carrying
behaviour leads to inclined forces (see Figure 10) which should be taken into
- an initiative
account. This is a practical calculation model. For roofs with large slopes, it is
sensible not to consider the transfer of shear forces along the apex of the roof
resulting in two cantilever beams, as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 10
Figure 1 I
If the structural system and the loading are symmetrical and the deformations of the
chords are not considered, the horizontal displacement of the apex is the same for
both bracings. Thus there would be no forces along the apex but there would be
two horizontal support reactions in the x-direction which have to be considered.
It is also advisable to support the bracing system at the apex and/or at intermediate
locations. These support forces should be transferred to structural strong points, say
at the eaves - see Figure 12. In such cases, where the stiffness of the support system
is sufficiently high, small deformations of the bracing system would occur, resulting
in smaller lateral forces.
In general this is a sensible approach, however, with nailed plate trusses which are
usually narrowly spaced, it is impossible to provide such a bracing systems with
sufficient depth and hence stiffness.
Figure 12
Bracing details
Types of bracing
Bracing systems are mostly formed by adding diagonal members to the main
structural elements (e.g. beams and purlins) to form trusses. Prefabricated trusses
which are placed in between the members to be braced can also be used. In this
lecture only trusses are considered although beams, shear walls or single members
can also be used for bracing purposes.
In most cases, the main structural elements also form the chords of the bracing
system. In the case of trusses, the compression cord which needs to be braced
should also be part of the bracing system. Where beams have to be braced, the
bracing system should be placed in the compression zone. For roof structures with
purlins, the purlins can be used as part of the bracing system. This is achieved by
adding diagonal members. The characteristics of the different possible forms are
described below.
ease of erection;
the purlins will be subjected to the additional stresses arising from being part
of the bracing system.
Figure 13
W- trusses
all diagonals have to transmit both tensile and compressive forces due to
reversal of forces, thus timber members are recommended;
where the diagonal members are fixed to the purlins, the buckling lengths of
the diagonals can be reduced.
Figure 14
this system is only sensible if the external loading in one direction produces
relatively higher forces;
Figure 15
the forces in the internal members are reduced by up to 50%;
offers larger openings when used as a vertical wall bracing system, see
Figure 17;
the diagonals support the purlins at midpoint, thus reducing the buckling
length in the plane of bracing.
Figure 16
Figure 17
Wall bracing.
Trussed beam
ease of erection e.g. screwing or nailing steel members onto the purlins;
the use of a parabola shape for the tension chord is optimal as it results in a
constant tensile forces;
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Figure 18
Connections can be detailed in a number of ways and the examples shown in
F w e s 19 to 21 have worked well in practice. Timber diagonals can be connected
with steel plates (Figure 19) and nails or dowels. Slotted steel plates should be
predrilled together with the timber since the required spacings are smaller and the
connections are stiffer and more effective when compared with non-predrilled nailed
connections. For small forces, thin steel plates on one side are sufficient. The
connection area required for non-predrilled nailed connections is four times larger
than that required for predrilled connections with slotted steel plates. The diagonals
have also to be designed for the bending moments resulting from the eccentricity
of the steel plates.
Figure 19
The diagonals can be connected through specially designed steel connections such
as those shown in Figure 20. This kind of joint can be assembled easily.
Figure 20
Connection of steel diagonals with wedge formations and flat bars. ( a ) Steel
angle, (b) braced beam, (c) connectors, (d)purlin, (e) turnbuckle.
Steel rods which penetrate the chords can be connected at the other side as shown
in Figure 21. Special steel connections which allow for a wide range of diagonal
angles are available.
Figure 21
In STEP lecture B15, the forces on the bracing members due to the buckling of the
bending members shown in Figure 22 were determined as
qd,hr= 5,04 kN/m
Figure 22
Bracing structure.
The existing purlins need to be designed for the forces V, and V,. The additional
timber diagonals are designed for forces Dl and D,.The connection details are as
shown in Figure 19 and the following points should be considered:
the lowest purlin should be designed for the bending moments due to the
vertical actions and a compressive force Vl = 45 kN. This compressive force
is to be transferred to the main truss;
the top rafters of the main truss which form the chords of the bracing truss
should be designed for the force U, = 37,5 kN which is compressive when
the loading acts in the opposite direction;
the diagonal members should be designed for a compressive force D,= 43,9
it is recommended that all members are connected with the same number of
nails, rather than designing the joint in accordance with the shear force
diagram for the truss. This is because designing the joints for the actual shear
forces would result in identical joint displacements when the bracing is
loaded which, however, is not realistic. By using the same number of nails
per joint, and thus having the same joint stiffness for the entire truss, realistic
differential jofnt slips are achieved;
the requirement to limit the deflections to 11700 for lateral buckling loads or
11500 for the combination of wind loads and buckling loads is not part of the
serviceability limit state design. These limits are given because they were
used in the assumptions for the development of the EC5 equations. These
limits can be exceeded if a more exact calculation for the buckling loads is
carried out in which case, the actions should be increased by y, and 5%values for material properties modified by ,y and k,, should be used. The
slip modulus K, should be taken as 213 K,,,;
it is not necessary to limit the deflections when the span to depth (l/h) ratio
of the bracing is less than 6. However, accurate design and good detailing is
particularly important. The deflections should be calculated in accordance
with appendix C of EC5. The elastic deformations of the internal members
as well as the deformations of the joints have to be taken into account.
Concluding summary
Bracings are in general three dimensional structures although for design they
are often considered as plane trusses.
Briininghoff, H. (1988). Verbande und Abstiitzungen, Grundlagen und Regelnachweise In:
Informationsdienst Holz, Bericht der Entwicklungsgemeinschaft Holzbau in der Deutschen Gesellschaft
fiir Holzforschung.
A. Ceccotti
University of Florence
P. Touliatos
University of Athens
To give guidelines for the design and evaluation of structural details for timber
construction in seismic zones.
Structural detailing is a very important issue for earthquake resistant buildings. This
is particularly true in the case of timber structures where the conception of the
structural behaviour as a whole and of single joints play fundamental roles. In this
lecture particular attention is therefore paid to the structural form and to the
ductility and dissipation properties of joints that can be reached only if details are
properly conceived. The intention is not to present an exhaustive list of possible
cases but to give the key for a better understanding of real needs. Examples are
taken also from ancient constructions in order to enable modern designers to learn
from past experience about earthquake-safe constructions, when calculation codes
were not yet available.
In the design process of construction in seismic zones great attention is always paid
to the calculation of the load-bearing elements: codes dedicate a large space to it.
Nevertheless designers must be aware that the diligent application of the calculation
rules will not be enough for the success of the construction. The reality is that
constructional arrangements and details are also important. In other words
calculation per se is not sufficient without good detailing. Eventually the opposite
may be true; i.e. for constructions of small dimensions, regularly arranged in plan
and in height, with some minimum dimensioning of element sections, few
guidelines about bracing and connections had been in general sufficient, as shown
by experience, to resist earthquakes. Therefore in many seismic codes around the
world a list of minimum dimensions and requirements with structural examples are
given for small structures which do not need to be calculated (Ceccotti, 1989).
In the present version of the European Seismic Design Code (Eurocode 8) a similar
possibility has been not considered because of the diversity of construction
techniques through different countries of the European Union. Anyway in Eurocode
8 in addition to calculation criteria a lot of detailing rules are given in order to:
assure compliance with some very important hypotheses which form the basis
of the calculation methods and to give at the same time advice against the
most dangerous mistakes;
assure the attainment of the required ductility level and, consequently, of the
relevant "behaviour factor" used for the evaluation of the inertia forces. For
example in part 1.3, chapter 5 - "Timber Structures" - of Eurocode 8 some
detailing rules are given in order to assure good ductility behaviour of the
mechanical joints.
Actually, in order to avoid limiting the building activity with timber, Eurocode 8
is a performance-based code and in principle any joint may be acceptable if it fulfils
some ductility performance test requirements (see STEP lecture C17), but in most
current cases a few detailing rules are sufficient to avoid tests.
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Nevertheless the designer must also be aware that even if the part of the code
dedicated to detailing was to be full of structural detailing examples a satisfactory
outcome is not assured by the uncritical application of these rules. The most imgortant thing is to understand the real meaning of such detailing rules and behave
accordingly. A code could never contain and solve respectively all kinds of details
and problems. Consequently, in this lecture the principal idea is to focus on the
most important points to be controlled for the best performance of a generic timber
structure in a seismic zone and leave the solution of particular cases to the designer.
Structural continuity
Basically, the earthquake action may be considered to be a horizontal action that,
in contrast to vertical actions, involves the entire structure and not only the small
part of it just underneath the load (Figure 1). Obviously the same thing can be said
for wind, but if hurricanes are excluded, fortunately not present in Europe, the
action of the earthquake, according to the modern point of view of the Eurocodes,
can be more important than wind especially for heavy structures (Ceccotti &
Larsen, 1988).
Figure I
This means that the continuity of the link between different members at all
positions is particularly important and the effectiveness in both tension and
compression. All the components of the shear walls and diaphragm systems (see
STEP lecture E10) must be adequately fastened together so that the structure acts
as an effective unit.
In Figure 2, for example, the main positions where such features are necessary are
focused, and a possible solution for realising continuity is presented. At the floor
level the presence of a continuous girder all around the floor should be considered
in order to collect the tension forces that will arise when the floor is loaded laterally
and it is considered rigid in plan acting as a diaphragm (Figure 2b); and the
necessary continuity at the corners will be assured through the diaphragm panelling
putting edge nails at closer spacing (Figure 2a).
Also in the height the load bearing vertical elements should be continuously
connected in order to guarantee the transmission of the vertical efforts (Figure 2c).
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Figure 2
In some cases, at floor level, the liaison between two corresponding - upper and
lower - shear walls is merely obtained by panel sheeting nailing through the header
beam of the floor. That is not suitable when tension efforts are important as in the
case of an earthquake (e.g. a good solution is shown in Figure 2c and Figure 3b).
Particular attention should be paid to the connections between the timber structure
and the foundations both in order to prevent uplift and sliding (Figure 2d).
Openings weaken both diaphragms and shear walls, therefore openings must be
reinforced around them in order to maintain as much as possible the same in-plane
rigidity. In Figure 3 an example of a real application is given.
Great attention shall be paid to tension perpendicular to grain. For that reason
Eurocode 8 prescribes, with reference to Figure 4d, that be has to be more than 213
h, where h is the depth of the member, so that splitting due to tension perpendicular
to the grain is less likely; and when using a strap this should surround the timber
piece (Figure 4e).
Connections must obviously be able to work in both directions because the action
of the earthquake is bi-directional. For that reason simply contact joints without any
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
possibility of reacting against opposite actions are not suitable (in Figure 5 some
possible provisions are given). Foundations shall be tied to each other as much is
possible in order to minimise the effects of differential ground movements. In
particular the foundations of houses should be interconnected to act as a whole
especially if the nature of the ground is soft in order to realise a rigid foundation
functioning as a "raft" when the soil is moving.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Building regularity
Regularity in plan and height is very important in order to assure good behaviour
under earthquakes. The reason is that torsional effects induced by irregularity are
not easily determined by the calculations, especially the static one. On the other
hand, unfortunately, the attempt to control torsional effect by sophisticated dynamic
calculations is often no more than an academic exercise: it would be much better
to realise the regular building, also without real axes of symmetry but at least with
seismic resistant parts regularly distributed and, better, also homogenously
distributed (Figure 6, rearranged from Dowrick, 1977). In that way torsional effects
are quite limited, strength properties are more uniformly distributed and calculation
results more reliable. In the presence of large unbalanced openings in order to
reduce the tendency of the building to twist under lateral forces, the best solution
is to try to approximate the rigidity afforded by the shear wall at the opposite end
by means of additional bracing, or by increasing panel thickness, with edge nailing
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
at closer spacing, or by affixing panels to both sides of the framing around the
openings. Internal partitions have usually a positive effect as they contribute an
increase in the dissipation of energy by hysteresis and friction.
Structural compatibility
The problem arises in the case of connection between parts with different rigidities,
e.g. for the liaison between the load bearing timber structure and a chimney or an
external wall - often only decorative - of masonry (or even glass).
Figure 7
The designer has two possibilities. One is to realise an external wall rigid, selfsupporting and independent of the flexible timber structure, for example in Figure
7 the glass facade wall is independent of the main structure (Touliatos, 1991). The
other possibility is to connect the external wall part, i.e. masonry, to the timber part
so strictly that the two structures will act together as a composite structure. Actually
in most cases the connections between external masonry walls and the internal
timber structure are not accordingly conceived so that they just increase the
horizontal action on the masonry wall because they add to the inertia forces acting
on the wall per se, the pushing-action due to the larger movement of the timber
If different material parts are connected, two simplified alternative design
approaches are possible according to two different limit situations. On one hand it
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
can be considered that the masonry weight should be carried by the timber structure
(i.e. light masonry with mass but no rigidity, that means the masonry is considered
fissured); on the other hand it may be assumed that the masonry, more rigid than
timber, will collect the totality of lateral actions (i.e. heavy masonry). In other
words the timber structure will still carry the vertical loads but will lean on the
masonry structure with regard to the horizontal forces (Figure 8).
Figure 8
D 1017
Figure 9
Nailed shear panel systems have given excellent ductile behaviour, much better than
any diagonal bracing system. For that reason in the connection of sheeting to the
timber framing, in Eurocode 8 it is stated that for proper ductility it is sufficient that
the sheeting material is wood-based and the thickness t, of the sheeting material is
at least 4 d, where d, the nail diameter, does not exceed 3,l mm. This is valid
provided that the wood-based materials meet one of the following conditions:
particleboard-panels with a density of at least 650 kg/m3, plywood-sheeting at least
9 mm thick, or particleboard and fibreboard sheeting at least 13 mm thick. Smooth
nails and staples are still suitable in diaphragms when connecting sheeting materials
to the timber frame. A point side penetration t, of 4-6 times the sheeting thickness
is appropriate. However in the general case smooth nails are not recommended
without additional provisions against withdrawal, e.g. by coating or clenching.
Figure 10
Besides Eurocode 8 considers that dowelled and nailed timber-to-timber and steelto-timber joints, when the minimum thickness of the connected members is at least
8 d and the dowel diameter does not exceed 12 mm, are sufficiently ductile. The
reason why this applies is that for the best performance under cyclic load a mode
111 failure of the joint is desirable (that means thick timbers and slender dowels).
Now, referring to the diagrams in STEP lecture C3 (see Figures 11 and 12) it is
easy to recognise that the fields corresponding to the desirable behaviour are
characterised by values of t, / , / v d and t, / d-d
ratios bigger than
about 3,5. Therefore with reference to the usual values of timber embedding
strength and fastener steel yielding strength it is possible to state that the minimum
thickness of the connected timbers -8 d- is very much on the safe side, in ductility
If a designer wants to propose different fastener arrangements or different materials,
it is allowed, provided it can be demonstrated by tests that the EC8 performance
requirements under cyclic loading of the joint are fulfilled (see STEP lecture C17).
Obviously before proposing new arrangements it is important to have clearly in
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
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mind that the basic idea is to try to obtain a mode I11 failure in order to couple the
dissipation due to the embedding of the timber with the dissipation due to the
plasticity of the fastener's steel.
Note: it is evident that some detailing rules given by Eurocode 8 are thought to
achieve the necessary ductility level. But what about the case when the designer
chooses to design the structure without making reference to ductile and dissipative
behaviour, i.e. with q = l ? In principle it is not essential, for example, to use
slender dowels, but the use of slender dowels will for certain give to the structure
a reserve of ductility that is always very welcome, without any extra cost. So the
suggestion of the authors is to follow as much as possible the detailing for ductile
and dissipative behaviour even for structures calculated as non dissipative.
Concluding summary
Structural detailing is very important in timber structures in seismic areas in order
to guarantee the flow of the efforts through the entire resistant structure from
foundations and ground to roofing and vice versa (structural form and continuity);
and to ensure a sufficient resistance reserve (ductility and dissipation of energy).
Codes and experience can give guidelines for proper detailing but the designer has
the challenge to find for each case the most appropriate solution.
Ceccotti, A. & Larsen, H.J. (1988). Background Document for specific rules for timber structures in
Eurocode 8. Report EUR 12226 for the Commission of the European Communities, Bruxelles,
Ceccotti, A,, editor, (1989). Structural Behaviour of Timber Constructions in Seismic Zones. Proc. of
the relevant CEC DG I11 - Univ. of Florence Workshop, Florence, Italy.
Derrick, D.J. (1977). Earthquake resistant design. John Wiley & Sons pub., London, U.K.
Touliatos, P. (1991). Some problems of the timber framed construction in seismic zones. Proc. of 1991
International Timber Engineering Conference, London, U.K.
Touliatos, P. (1993). Seismic disaster prevention in the history of structures in Greece. National
Technical Univ. of Athens, Greece.
To provide information about the state of today's CADJCAM technology, i.e.
computer-aided design and manufacturing systems, in the field of timber
The lecture Covers the specific requirements for CAD systems used in timber
construction and on the direct control of wood working machines. CAD systems
are no longer used as pure drawing devices, but are capable of simulating
complete building designs and thus producing consistent building models and
planning data. An example taken from the timber frame construction industry is
used to illustrate the level of development.
In aircraft, automobile and machine construction the use of CADICAM systems
is already a Part of everyday work to simulate a product and its construction on
a computer. The aim is to ensure that the geometry, properties and behaviour
when simulated deviate only marginally from the real product.
Currently the microprocessors of workstations are so powerful that almost any
degree of similarity can be achieved. The similarity is only limited by the
amount of work necessary for the data input, which is of Course subject to
cost-effectiveness and directly dependent on the number of pieces andlor
components that are to be manufactured. This number is much higher in the
series production of the manufacturing industries mentioned above than in timber
construction, in which usually only unique products (Figure 1) are manufactured.
However, there are also good reasons for timber engineers to portray and
simulate the planned building in a full three-dimensional form on a computer:
D1 111
complexity of the timber constructions they have become more and more popular
in practice. In the field of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) ever more
powerful computerised numerical control (CNC) woodworking machines (e.g.
trimming machines) are being developed. They allow for flexible, rational and
very high quality manufacturing.
Figure 1
Simulation of a gymnasium.
When combining CAD and CAM, geometric and material information about
each component is transferred in the form of Parameters from the CAD
simulation to the woodworking machine. Each working process on a component
consists of several working steps of the CNC machine. The number of steps
depends on the complexity of the working process.
accuracy realised depends on the accuracy of the production and the dimensional
accuracy of the construction material used. The latter is especially important in
timber construction.
EC5: Part 1-1: 3.2.3
The target sizes needed for the calculation of the effective cross-section and the
geometric properties of the supporting structure and thus the basis for the CAD
building model refers to timber with a moisture content of 20%, corresponding
to service class 2.
Therefore the dimensions for structural timber of softwood also refer to a
moisture content of 20%. Thus it can be assumed that when used in service class
1 with an equilibrium moisture content of 12% the cross-section will be reduced
by several millimetres due to shrinkage. Usually this is taken into account by
referring all dimensions in the shop drawing to the upper edge of the component.
In order to meet today's quality demands in building construction only structural
timber should be used, the moisture content of which should be equal to the
equilibrium moisture content of the corresponding service class. Only when the
quality of planning, production and building material is consistent can the
building geometry be satisfactorily realised.
CAD may no longer be understood as a tool for electronic drawing alone. The
data generated by CAD contain much more information than a conventionally
produced drawing and, above all, are much more reliable. This is illustrated in
the roof construction in Figure 2.
Figure 2
The useful and defect-free development of the detail solution shown in Figure 3
requires an experienced carpenter with a very good three-dimensional
imagination for both conventional and 2D working procedures. Even when the
carpenter meets these demands the final verification regarding defects in the
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
D1 113
design can only be carried out in the building process itself. This is the essential
difference to the 3D-CAD-simulation of a construction where, by means of
immediate visual control, defects can be detected very early in the design
Due to 3D-visualisation and extensive edit-functions there is a lot of room for
new developments and unconventional solutions. New solutions can be found on
the screen and their practicality can be verified at very low cost.
Figure 3
Intersection of the main roof with tower (left) and side roof (right).
The three-dimensional building model is the basis for all subsequent working
steps in the design and manufacturing processes. Lay-out plans (Figure 4),
projections, sectional views and shop drawings (Figure 5) are automatically
generated from the 3D-model. Dimensioning shop drawings is also done
automatically for Standard components. Therefore the amount of work necessary
for postprocessing is usually very small. However, the main point is that because
of the consistency of the building model the design is very reliable since, for
example, transcription errors are avoided.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Some time ago CAD was only used as a tool for processing graphic data.
Nowadays a complete 3D-CAD-system is able to archive and process nongraphic data. Furthermore, the existing geometric data can be combined with
subject-specific data and processed in various ways. An example of this is the
fully automatic generation of parts and production lists (Figure 6). These lists are
generated by the System without any additional data input on the basis of the
current machining state of the components. Subsequently they can be used as an
important tool for inventory control, manufacturing, building and calculation.
rafters + purlins
Constr. group
Constr. element
Figure 6
Mat. b.
I (tot)m
C24 80
C24 80
Productiort List.
Computer-aided manufacturing
The use of CNC-woodworking machines (e.g. trimming machines) has
substantially increased over the last years. In Figure 7 a NC-record for a
trimming machine is shown. Up to now these data are often generated directly
on the machine by taking the data from a shop drawing and then transcribing
them into a NC-program. On the one hand transcription errors can occur in this
process and on the other hand the component geometry is generated twice; once
in the CAD system and again on the machine.
Figure 7
Man-computer interface
Data input is still very time-consuming since only primitive devices such as
keyboard, mouse or tray are available for the interface between man and
computer. The improvement of communication between man and computer, i.e.
the acceleration of the data transfer, becomes more and more important for
further CADICAM developments since the computer internal data transfer has
been accelerated in such a way that earlier processing bottlenecks, such as the
time necessary for producing pictures and calculating the suppression of covered
lines, have been eliminated.
Important developments concerning this interface are not expected in the near
future. By means of an even more User friendly design of the User surface of
CAD-systems only minor improvements can be achieved. A substantial
improvement could be achieved if expert knowledge were to be stored in the
operating surface. This would have to include the restriction that this knowledge
could only be applied on special geometries and designs. An important
acceleration can be expected through developments in Sensor technology. In this
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
field it might be possible some day to transfer human knowledge into the
Computer by means of Sensors without using manual input devices.
Interface CAD-machine
CNC-woodworking machines still possess machine specific interfaces which
enable the machine to memorise processing records (Figure 7). These highly
differing records often describe the geometry of a component incompletely,
because only data which can be processed by the machine can be memorised.
Therefore a general, machine-independent interface is being developed which
contains the complete geometric and specific description of the component.
Due to the often very high complexity of timber components it is not expected
to achieve a complete automation of the data generation for woodworking
machines in the near future. The automation will at first be restricted to standard
components. Therefore a CAD-system should allow the possibility of identifying
components or complete construction forms by hand. This can be realised by the
identification modules shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8
Identification modules.
The use of computer-aided design and manufacturing systems requires staff that
is motivated, trained in computer technology and possesses a good
three-dimensional imagination. CADICAM does not lower the demands on the
qualification of the staff but raises it. Since usually only young employees
possess the qualifications required, they should be given the chance to gradually
become familiar with the complex CAD/CAM system of the company until they
finally master it. However, it must be taken into account that it is not enough to
be able to master the technology alone, but also its influences on the design
(fitting details) and manufacturing and building processes. So far only a little
experience has been gained in this field.
CADICAM is not a tool that can be used efficiently if the staff are trained only
once on how to handle the system. These systems are still being further
developed and in relatively short periods better and extended versions and
possibilities will be available. Therefore continuous training Courses should be
attended and the staff must be motivated, able to detect new possibilities
themselves and to use them in the company-specific conditions.
Concluding remarks
Kessel, M.H. and Gnutzmann, D. (1992). Graphische Datenverarbeitung irn Holzbau. Karlsruhe:
Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Holzforschung DGM (1994). Projektschnittstelle Holzbau Version 1.04.
To describe the historical development of the use of timber in building and
engineering structures and to develop an awareness of the significance of timber as
a traditional structural material.
The lecture traces the history and development of timber building and engineering
structures, both small- and large-scale, from their humble beginnings in 'primitive'
shelters through to modern long span structures. Some examples of timber structures
from throughout the world are reviewed to illustrate this development and present
the potential of timber as a structural material.
Timber has been available as a constructional material to most societies since the
human race first started to build crude shelters at the beginning of civilisation. A
diversity of tree species exist and most climatic zones have at least one that has
adapted to the prevailing conditions within that area. Thus timber is generally
available in most inhabited regions of the world. The history and development of
timber structures is an extensive topic. Timber has been used in the construction of
buildings, bridges, machinery, war engines, civil engineering works and boats etc.
since mankind first learnt to fashion tools. Here it will only be possible to give
some examples, generally limited to buildings, bridges and works of civil
engineering, to illustrate this development. These examples will not be restricted to
the European experience and, where possible, they will be drawn from other
continents to demonstrate the adaptability of timber as a structural material, to
stimulate study of alternative building forms and to show the engineering and
architectural potential of timber structures.
"Primitive" structures
Figure I
Probably the earliest shelters constructed by mankind were made from a framework
of tree branches covered in leaves or animal hides; one of the simplest, the "withy
frame" being a structure formed from saplings inserted in the ground in the form
of a rough circle, bent over, woven and tied together with ropes of natural fibres
to produce a lightweight dome. The "teepee" of the native North Americans is also
an example of a simple structure where timber poles are used to construct a conical
framework to provide a hide-covered shelter. Mongol nomadic desert people use a
further example, the yurt, which consists of a folding timber lattice or trellis that
is expanded and anchored to form a circular wall which then supports a set of thin
timber radial roof arches. The skeletal framework is then clad with thick felt
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
material to provide shelter from sand-laden desert winds. These simple timber
structures are illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 2
examples of timber temples and palaces of great antiquity. Several cities in Japan
(e.g. Osaka, Kumamoto) had dramatic timber-framed castles with tiered tiled roofs,
however, they were mostly destroyed or severely damaged by fire during times of
war and are mainly now reinforced concrete frames cloaked with timber framed
roofs and details. In Japan, the quality of traditional timber joinery is high and
many complex and inventive joints were used to connect structural elements without
using metal fastenings (Sumiyoshi and Matsui, 1991).
Figure 3
( a ) Todaiji Temple, Nara, Japan - the largest ancient timber building in the
world and ( b ) detail of its extensive cantilever bracketing.
Figure 4
Up to the 14th century, between 800 and 1000 stave churches are estimated to have
been built in Norway. The name derives from the substantial timber columns, or
staves (from 0,3 to 0,4 m in diameter) which are a dominant structural element in
their construction. That 29 of the churches still survive, some having done so for
more than 800 years, is a tribute to the builders' skill in the selection of durable
materials, a stable structural system and construction details appropriate for the
climate. (Sack and Aune, 1989). An example of one of the surviving buildings is
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 5
Cruck frame. (a) Ridge purlin, ( 6 ) purlin, (c) wind brace, (d) tie beam, (e)
wall plate, (f) cruck spur, ( g ) cruck blade, ( h ) wall post, (i) sole plate.
Figure 6
Box frame. (a) Tie beam, (b) wall plate, (c) wall post, (d) bressummer, (e)
storey plate, (f) sole plate or sill, (g) summer, (h) girder.
Figure 7
Aisled frame. ( a ) Collar, (b) collar plate, (c) rafter, (d) crown post ( e ) tie
beam, (f) arch brace, (g) roof plate, (h) shore, (i) aisle tie, ( j ) aisle post, ( k )
aisle plate, (l) wall post, (m) sole plate, (n) post plate.
Box framing was basically post and beam construction with the addition of diagonal
bracing within the wall planes to resist lateral forces. A common feature of this
construction was that the upper-storey floor cantilevered a short distance out from
the walls of the ground floor. In densely populated medieval cities of Europe this
provided additional accommodation over the narrow streets and the continuity of
the floor beam cantilever improved the structural efficiency of the beams. In some
box-framed buildings only limited diagonal bracing is provided with additional
stability deriving from the infilling panels of wattle and daub, or brickwork etc.
However, in others the diagonal bracing becomes an architectural feature, in
addition to its structural function, with bracing patterns varying from region to
As the name suggests, aisled construction, used predominantly for storage barns, has
a building cross-section consisting of a main central "nave" and two side aisles,
analogous to that of many churches. The central space was defined by two rows of
timber columns, the aisle posts, which were usually connected longitudinally at their
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
heads with a continuous timber plate and knee bracing to form two long frames. Tie
beams spanned transversely between adjacent columns in the two frames and these
were also laterally stiffened with corner bracing. Wall posts were connected with
additional framing members to form the side aisles. Usually, diagonal shores were
installed, between the aisle posts and the wall sole plate or the post plate, to provide
additional lateral stability against wind forces. Above the aisle frame a simple
"collar" or "crown post" structure completed the roof. In some ways the crosssection of an aisled barn was a representation, in timber, of that of a typical Gothic
Figure 8
In North America, as prosperity increased, wood was still used as the prime
construction material but using finished timber, produced by mechanised sawmills,
in framed construction. The most common methods of timber-framed construction
are platform frame, where storey-height wall panels a set on the intermediate floor
platforms and balloon frame where two-storey external wall panels are erected first
then the intermediate floor is suspended from them.
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure 9
Figure 10
Another form of roof construction used mainly for open roofs of halls and churches
is that of the hammer beam, Figure 11, one of the best known examples being the
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure 11
The parabolic arch is a very efficient structural form when subjected to uniform
vertical loading provided that the supports are fixed in position. To overcome the
problems associated with the imposition of lateral and point loads andtor movement
of supports, timber bowstring girders emerged for use in spans from about 25 to 55
m. These consist of a laminated tied arch with web bracing. A related form is the
Belfast truss (see Figure 13), developed in the 19th. century, which has a curved
upper chord, a straight lower chord and a dense "criss-cross" pattern of web
bracing. This truss form had the distinct advantage that spans up to about 36 m
could be fabricated from short lengths of timber (TRADA, 1985).
Figure 12
Figure 13
Massive timbers were used in roof and spire construction in the great Gothic
cathedrals of Europe. For instance at Notre Dame in Paris the timber spire erected
over the crossing in the early 13th century survived, though damaged, until its
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
removal in the early 19th century and its replacement, in 1860, by the present spire
designed by Viollet-le-Duc (Mark, 1993). Also, after the Norman tower over the
main crossing of Ely Cathedral, in the East of England, collapsed in 1322, it was
replaced by a timber structure consisting of an octagonal shell base supporting an
octagonal lantern. This was completed in 1334. The total weight of the timber
structure was approximately 400 tonnes, including the main lantern posts 19,2 m
long, 508 X 813 mm in section, each weighing about 10 tonnes.
Timber bridges
Early timber bridges constructed by the Romans were simple beam structures of
hewn tree trunks spanning between timber piled piers. One of the earliest recorded
is the Pons Sublicius built during the time of Ancus Marcius (640-616 BC) which
survived, with regular repair, until the time of Constantine (306-337 AD) over 900
years later. The bridge known as Caesar's Bridge, across the Rhine, is believed to
have been built under the direction of Vitruvius (the Emperor's Chief of Artillery)
and, in a later drawing by Palladio, is shown to have longitudinal beams resting on
cross-beams supported by inclined piles. An interesting joint was used to connect
the piles and cross-beams so that the addition of load to the bridge deck caused the
joint to become tighter. In 104 AD Trajan's Bridge, consisting of 20 piers up to 45
m high joined by semi-circular timber arches of 52 m span, was raised across the
Danube River (ASCE, 1976).
In 1570, Andrea Palladio, published an illustration of a 30 m span, timber-trussed
bridge over the Cismone River, in north-east Italy, constructed around 1550 AD
(see Figure 14). The joint details show an appreciation of, and are appropriate for,
the forces that are generated by the pedestrian loads on the bridge which are
supported on the bottom chord of the truss (Mark, 1993; ASCE 1976).
Figure 14
bridge deck effectively tying the arch and the roof structure acting as a strut
between the tension elements (see Figure 15). In all of these structures complex
scarf joints are used to form long tension members from shorter pieces of timber.
Figure 15
During the dramatic period of railway expansion in the 19th century many bridges
and viaducts were constructed from timber. The renowned engineer Isambard
Kingdom Brunel used timber for viaducts and bridges on the South Devon Railway
and South Wales Railway. As these structures were quicker and cheaper to
construct initially they therefore appealed to the under-funded railway companies.
For example, for the Bourne Viaduct of 1842 he used a combination of a "king
post" truss and "queen post" truss to span 20 In and for the Landore and Usk
Viaducts he erected timber, trussed arches of up to 30 m span to carry the trackbed. In Cornwall he used a timber modular system for a series of bridges and
viaducts. For instance, the St. Pinnock Viaduct had, at the top of each masonry pier,
three frames each of four Baltic Pine struts, arranged in a fan shape to support the
beams of the track-bed. Initially, the general public were troubled by the
slenderness of the bridge components but eventually they came to have full
confidence in the skill of the engineer. Brunel had accepted that constructing timber
bridges and viaducts would result in a continuing maintenance commitment and had
had the timber treated with preservative (kyanised, using a solution of mercuric
chloride). Although the timber structures remained serviceable they were replaced
by embankments or masonry arches as funds permitted, due to the high cost of
upkeep (Vaughan, 1991 ; Otter, 1994).
In the USA timber has been used extensively in bridge construction as native forest
trees of great length and large cross-section were readily available to settlers. The
shortage and high cost of other construction materials meant that timber bridge and
truss design developed more quickly than in Europe. Early North American timber
bridges were of simple beam and pile construction. For example the "Great Bridge"
over the Charles River erected in 1660, Samuel Sewall's York River Bridge, in
Maine, 82,3 m long and having 13 piers, constructed in 1761 and the Charles River
Bridge at Boston, 458 m long and having 75 piers, built in 1786 also by Sewall. In
1785 Enoch Hale erected what was probably the first bridge in the USA requiring
more than simple span beams, the bridge over the Connecticut River at Bellow
Falls, Vermont. From 1792, Timothy Palmer constructed innovative trussed arch
bridges and, in 1796, patented the idea of fully-enclosing timber bridges with roof
and walls to improve their expected life from the accepted 10-12 years to up to 40
years. His works included the "Permanent" Bridge over the Schuylkill Rfver at
Philadelphia (1804-6), which had spans of 45,7 l 59,5 l 45,7 m acting as a
continuous truss over the piers, and a bridge over the Delaware River at Easton
(1806-7) which was covered and remained serviceable until its replacement in 1895
when the applied vehicular loads had become excessive.
Lewis Wernwag produced a total of 29 bridges, the most notable being the
"Colossus" over the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia (1812). Fletcher and Snow in
(ASCE, 1976) said that "This bold design, scientific and architecturally beautiful,
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure I6
Ell1 1
power was scarce. This required the construction of a stable timber frame base for
the vertical post about which the mill structure rotates and large wooden rotating
sails designed to resist high bending effects from the wind.
Because of its durability in the corrosive marine environment timber was used
extensively in the construction of docks, jetties and harbours. Also, until the advent
of reinforced concrete and steel as structural materials timber was the only material
available for piled foundations to buildings and engineering works on poor ground.
Timber was (and still is) used extensively for temporary works in building and
engineering, for instance centring to support masonry arches whilst under
construction, formwork for casting reinforced concrete etc.
Concluding summary
Representative examples of the development and use of timber in building and
engineering structures, through history, have been presented. The significance of
timber as a structural material for architectural and engineering structures has been
demonstrated. It is hoped that this brief review will stimulate a desire to investigate
further the history of timber structures as a way of informing contemporary design
American Society of Civil Engineers (1976) American Wooden Bridges, ASCE, New York
American Society of Civil Engineers (1989) Classic Wood Structures, prepared by the Task
Committee on Classic Wood Structures, Structures Division, ASCE, New York.
Harris R. (1993) Discovering Timber-Framed Buildings, 3rd edition, Shire Publications Ltd., Princes
Risborough, Aylesbury, UK.
Hauglid R. (1980) Laftekunst - laftehusets opprinnelse og eldeste historie, Dreyers Forlag, Oslo
Norway (with Summary in English).
Labrum E. A. (1994) ed. Civil Engineering Heritage - Eastern and Central England, Thomas Telford
Ltd. London.
Mark R. (ed) (1993) Architectural Technolcgy
Needham J. (1971) Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 4, Part 3, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, U.K.
Otter R.A. (1994) ed. Civil Engineering Heritage - Southern England, Thomas Telford Ltd. London.
Stiissi F. (1961) Der Baumeister Johann Ulrich Grubermann und seine Zeit, Industrielle Organisation.
Sumiyoshi T. and Matsui G. (1991) Wood Joints in Classical japanese architecture, translated by
Ferenc Kovacs, Kajima Institute Publishing CO Ltd, Japan.
TRADA (1985) Timber in Construction, Batsford, London.
Vaughan A. (1991) Isambard Kingdom Brune1,John Murray, London.
Conceptual design
STEP lecture E2
J . Natterer, J. L . Sandoz
Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology
To introduce the basis of conceptual design, taking into account the more
important quality criteria for timber in design.
A summary of quality criteria for the design of timber structures is presented.
The summary focuses on a discussion of general design considerations which
have developed through many years of research and practice.
Many years of practice and research have resulted in the consideration of a
number of problems, some of which are certainly applicable to other building
materials but all of which are applicable to timber. Long term fundamental
research and research work of shorter duration oriented toward practical
applications have led to a variety of structural wood based products and more
efficient connection details for instance. Despite the increasing role given to
timber as an ecological building material, the fact that timber is avoided by
many engineers is perhaps not so surprising since timber requires more
judgement than other building materials because of its anisotropic behaviour and
variability of properties. This is unfortunate because timber has so many good
Given its properties, timber as a building material, requires particular conceptual
work in the same way concrete and steel do in their own domains. The
following paragraphs are intended to highlight some of these timber specific
design concepts.
- Restrictions
- fire protection
- Site
- acoustic protection
- surrounding right of way
- storey number
- volume to be built
- aspect
- topography
- weather exposure
- Restrictions
- Building
- size
- Loading
- lighting
- fire protection
- in-plan organisation
- functions distribution
- space division
- Technical
surface to be built
building line
- Site
- environment
- geology
- dead load
wind load
snow load
utility load
crane load
impact load
- ventilation
- heating
- lighting
- acoustics
- water supply
- liquid waste evacuation
This check-list forms the basis that influences the decisions of the engineer. The
overall aim is to achieve an optimisation for safety, cost, functionality, durability
and aesthetic appeal. Elements of the architectural check-list which result from
discussions between the architect and the engineer are outlined below.
Designers have to work within constraints. Legal restrictions set down by the
authorities have become multi-faceted and although they result in increasingly
heavy bureaucratic limitations, they provide an improved safeguard for the
requirements of the jndividual and the community and they have a stabilising
effect on the appearance of the built environment and surrounding landscape.
Restrictions set down by the planning authorities have the same effects. Renewed
emphasis on environmental considerations has become a necessary and welcome
challenge in recent years.
The size and the shape of the site have an important influence on architectural
features of a building, such as the height of the frontage and the angle of the
roof. At the same time the requirements of the authorities concerned with the
protection of landscape and monuments, the topography and adaptation to the
existing built environment need to be considered very carefully. Site conditions
can affect the orientation of the building which in turn affects the use of natural
light. The engineer must work out the conditions of the site regarding climatic
influences such as snow, wind and earthquake loads. In addition the ground
conditions and accessibility of the site are criteria for the foundations and the
determination of the size of the building.
Building usage
The requirements for a building's usage determine its height, the number of
storeys and the possible points of support. Special functional requirements
should be taken into account from the very beginning of the design process.
Certain building functions require natural lighting which will determine the roof
shapes to a great extent. The current fire-safety requirements are also dependent
on the intended use of the building.
During the early stages of design, loads which are likely to affect the structure
are evaluated. The engineer should be conscious of less common loads such as
those due to various installations, cranes and storage of goods as well as the
more common loads such as wind, snow, earthquake and traffic. The loading
may well affect the structural requirements and allowable spans.
Figure l
Figure 2
(d) A---*--+--d
Figure 3
Load path systems. Primary systems: (a) linear-parallel, (b) lineardiagonal, ( c ) radial, (d) diagonal; secondary systems: ( E )linear-parallel,
(B, diagonal, ( g ) tangential, ( h ) linear-diagonal.
Figure 4
Shell structures are economical for roof systems of large spans since they require
neither system nor member bracing. In addition, they respond well to the
demand for minimum structure weight and maximum inner space.
Material selection
The choice of material and sections for main, secondary and peripheral structural
systems should be decided upon as early as possible in order to determine the
support system requirements. In timber construction, a variety of sections is
available: logs, square timber in single or assembled sections, as well as beams,
planks and glued-laminated sections. A well thought out section geometry can
not only provide stability but can also provide fire resistance (except in the case
of small cross-sections) and insulation for sound and heat. The qualities of the
surfaces offered by timber allow the architect a range of choices: natural, roughsawn, planed or polished. In the area of manufactured timber products, materials
such as veneered sheets, particle boards and numerous types of sandwich boards
are available to the user.
Timber-concrete composite systems are used in timber construction in order to
reinforce existing structures and to reduce material and production costs of new
structures. Such composite elements are very often used for beams, floorsystems, panels, diaphragms and shear walls. They provide good acoustical
properties, they are fire-resistant and flame-retardant. Bridges are often
constructed with timber joists and a concrete deck which is used to distribute
concentrated wheel loads and to protect the joists from chemically aggressive
rain waters.
There is, in addition to a variety of timber sections, a choice in the types of
timber to be used for instance spruce, pine, fir, larch, birch and tropical timbers.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
In the process of detail optimisation, the expense on both material and labour
regarding the fasteners should be in proportion to the aesthetic and technical
demands. The type of fasteners and the technology for their production should
be discussed as early as possible with the architect. The finished aspect of a
timber construction is dictated to a great extent by the fasteners used and their
cost. For instance, these can be timber-timber connections, dowelled joints or
spliced steel fasteners with or without visible steel components. The choice
depends on the materials used for the members such as roundwood, sawn timber
or glued-laminated timber. Steel components which are exposed require constructional timber protection against weather andlor fire.
Figure 5
Construction model
A construction model is an important means for the representation of the inner
space. It allows the quality of the design to be represented in an understandable
fashion to decision makers such as building committees, municipalities and
especially, to the prospective owners. On a construction model, details become
visible. Discussions between architect and engineer are facilitated. Detail
variations of the support structure and of the elements of construction become
obvious and are sufficient for the aesthetic appraisal at scales of l to 20 or 1 to
Computer modelling
As timber engineering deals with a relatively easy to use material, there is an
increased freedom for structural design and detailing. The contribution of CAD
is therefore that much more valuable. An additional reason for the use of CAD is
the large investment in labour costs required to determine the geometry as well
as the detailing and working drawings. By using CAD in timber design, even
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
very complex space connection details can be shown easily to fabricators. It can
be an advantage for both the architect and the engineer to work from the very
beginning with spatial representations. This requires three-dimensional CAD
programs that are not only drafting programs but also a means of alding thea
building engineer. Design alternatives which include structural analysis as well
as the simulation of inner space with the representation of surfaces and colours
are all possible. Interactive data processing in constructional timber engineering
results in a simplification of the recording and modelling of geometric structures
for structural analysis as well as for the development of drawings. This
accelerates the optimisation process considerably. The aim in the development of
CAD is to define the building and the structure in spatial terms. Based on the
support of the data obtained, the computer is able to carry out the planning of
the construction and to transfer the total package in order for workshop drawings
to be produced and to provide instructions for automated fabrication machinery.
This chapter is intended to provide a general outline of requirements for the
design optimisation of timber structures. The co-operation between the architect
and the engineer is stressed from the beginning of a project study until the final
presentation to the authorities and the potential buyers. It is only by increasing
the engineering component in timber structures that constructional savings can be
made making timber competitive with other building materials.
Gotz, K.-H.; Hoor, D.; Mohler, K.; Natterer, J. Holzbau Atlas, Institut fur Internationale
Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH, Munchen, 1978.
Gotz, K.-H.; Hoor, D.; Mohler, K.; Natterer, J. Construire en Bois, Presses Polytechniques et
Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 1987.
Gotz, K.-H.; Hoor, D.; Mohler, K.; Natterer, J. Timber Design and Construction Sourcebook,
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1989.
Natterer, J.; Herzog, T.; Volz, M. Holzbau Atlas Zwei, Institut fiir Internationale ArchitekturDokumentation GmbH, Miinchen, 1991.
Natterer, J.; Herzog, T.; Volz, M. Construire en Bois 2, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires
Romandes, Lausanne, 1994.
STEP lecture E3
C. Short
Consulting Engineer
To show the design and detailing of purlins in compliance with EC5.
Purlins from round pole, solid or glued laminated timber, and built up sections
of I- or Box beams are discussed. The basis of design is developed, the ultimate
and serviceability limit states are identified, design values of actions and
resulting load cases are developed.
Methods of verification or design conditions are addressed for members with
biaxial actions in relation to solid timber. Durability, structural detailing and
control in relation to purlin members are discussed.
A purlin is a horizontal member in a roof supported on the principals and
supporting the common rafters.
Figure 1
Section shapes used as purlins. (a) Round solid timber or natural timber
poles, (b) solid timber sections, sometimes used in groups fixed together to
act as a single unit, (c) glued lanzinated sections, ( d ) Laminated Veneer
Lumber, (e) I-beams, (f)box beams, ( g ) trussed rafters with punched metal
plate connectors, sometimes fixed together and used in groups to form a
multiple truss, (h) truss with glued or nailed plywood gussets, bolted, or
toothed plate connections.
Figure 2
When the building length exceeds the maximum timber length one of several
structural forms may be adopted to simulate the properties of the continuous
beam by connecting together successive timber lengths to achieve continuity.
Two methods are shown in Figure 2c and 2d. In the first case the bolted splice
would occur at a point of contra-flexure and in the second case the continuity is
maintained by the moment of resistance in the plated or bolted joint close to the
Trussed purlins, braced spans and reinforcement with tension steel are shown in
Figure 2e, 2f and 2g, respectively.
In all but the simply supported span shown in Figure 2a critical points for the
design would contain combined stresses from bending, shear, tension andtor
compression forces. Care should be taken to evaluate the effect of the
geometrical orientation of the purlin and the interaction of the force vectors
which can combine to generate not only combined stresses but in some cases biaxial combined stress coexisting at the same point on the purlin.
The structural design method is similar to that for a simple or continuous beam
except that the purlin is generally subject to biaxial bending and torsional
effects. Refer to STEP lecture B3 for basic beam bending considerations and
STEP lecture B4 for shear and torsion verification.
The normal loading arrangement on the purlin comes from the rafter and consists
of the self weight of the rafter, the permanent load from the roof materials,
transient load from snow or wind loads, and imposed load on the surface of the
The imposed load is generally applied to the horizontal projected plan area of
the roof whereas the snow, weight of the roof materials and the self weight of
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
the rafter are applied to the true area and true length respectively. These loads
have a line of action which is vertical. The wind loading is applied at right
angles to the true surface area of the roof as a pressure, and can act in an
upwards (suction) or downwards (positive pressure) direction depending on the
prevailing wind direction and the geometric properties of the building being
designed. The loads supported by the purlin should be determined from the
structural action of the supported rafters.
Continuous purlin over 6 spans of 6 m length (see Figure 2d)
roof slope
= 10"
purlin spacing
= 1,15 m
permanent actions
variable actions
+ yQQ,)
= 1,15 sin lO0cos10" (1,35 0,47 + 1,5 0,75) = 0,35 kN/m
Bay moments:
= qz.d IZ
= 77 qy,d IZ
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
end span
second span
third span
The position of the connections between the timber members is chosen in a way
that the bay moments govern the design. Although the bending moments at the
supports are larger, they are not governing since two cross-sections are present at
the supports. The sum of the moments in the two adjacent bays always exceeds
the moment at the support for uniformly distributed loading and constant bay
From the condition that the moment at the connection position equals the value
of the maximum bay moment, the following positions result (see Figure 3):
Inner bays: l,, = 0,10 1
End bay: l,, = 0,17 1
end span
Figure 3
second span
M , ,l
= M+ /lc
=0,43q,L =5,06kN
= 0,43 q, 1 = 0,90 kN
h = 120 x 160 mm
= 60 mm
= 50 mm
= 350 kg/m3
= 0,082 pk d '0,3 = 0,082 . 350 4-Ox3= 18,9 N/mm2
- an initiative
To give examples of the use of straight glulam members, and of joints between
beams and other structures. Further, to describe the strength and stiffness properties for inhomogeneous glulam members.
The lecture begins with examples of plane structures made from straight glulam
members. For single span beams with constant depth guidelines are given on
recommended spanldepth ratios. Some typical details are shown.
The advantages of tapered beams are described and some details of the design
are given, e.g. determination of the maximum bending stresses and deflections.
Lastly, the determination of characteristic values for glulam with different
lamination qualities in the outer and inner laminations is described, together with
an example of the calculations.
Figure I
Examples of plane structures made from straight members. (a) Truss made
of two beams and with a tension tie of steel (or glulam). (b) Large truss
with top and bottom chord of glulam. The lattice can be made of glulam,
solid timber or steel (tension members). (c) Trussed beam with top chord
and posts in glulam. The tension tie can be made of steel or glulam. (d)
Frame with glulam columns and (steel) tension tie. (e) Frame made of 2 X
2 straight members. The corner can be made with gusset plates of plywood
or steel or with large finger joints.
Straight glulam members with constant cross-section are one of the most
common structural elements.
Beams can in principle be produced in any size. In practice, the size is limited
by the capacity of the production equipment and transportation problems.
Volumes above 10 m3 require special consideration, but beams up to 40 m' with
lengths up to 50 m have been produced.
The minimum width is about 60 mm. Beams with widths less than about 70 mm
are often made by cleaving wider beams; they therefore have a tendency to warp
and the surface quality may be slightly inferior. If this is not acceptable, the
buyer will have to specify that the members shall be produced directly to the
specified width. For widths over about 200 mm, each lamination is often made
from two boards placed side by side. This gives a more costly production, and it
may often be cheaper to use twin members. If a lateral interaction is requlred, it
can be ensured by mechanical connections or gluing. However, gluing of this
type is not covered by European standards.
The minimum depth is 100-135 mm corresponding to three laminations.
Straight members can be used alone as beams or columns, but can also be used
to build up more complicated 2- or 3-dimensional structures. Examples of plane
structures are given in Figure 1. This paper deals only with simple beams.
15 ( ~ 1 ) ~
- 1 ~(wL)'
For l/h 2 15 the contribution from shear is less than about 8%.
Figure 2
Cantilever beams are very common in structures made from structural timber
because of problems in getting long lengths. In glulam structures continuous
beams are normally more advantageous. In cantilever systems the joints should
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
be located in such a way that the bending capacity is utilised both in sagging
and hogging (often corresponding to different load cases) and such that failure fn
one beam will not spread to the whole structure. To avoid tension perpendicular
to the grain failures in the notched beam ends, the short beams should preferably
be hanging from the cantilevered beams.
Figure 3
( a ) Beam wit11 single taper. (b) Beam with double taper. The beam widths
are b.
= 1 hn,in/(hnt,n+ ht7,<,x)
The factors k,,),, and k, take into account the influence of taper on the stress
distribution and on the strength, see STEP lecture B8.
The maximum bending deflection U,, from a uniformly distributed load can be
calculated from the corresponding deflection U , for a beam with a constant depth
of (hnzin + hnlm)/2as
where k, is given in Figure 4.
Figure 4
o,,, = 0775 q,
hmin(2h,,,, - h,,,))
For other types of load the bending strength of the tapered beam parts as well as
the apex cross-section have to be verified.
The maxfmum design tensile stress perpendicular to the grain can be found from
the apex moment M cl,,,,, as
For a uniform load the midspan deflection can be found from Figure 4 as for a
beam with single taper; in this case the deflection is smaller than for a
corresponding beam with a constant depth (h,,, + h,,,)/2.
Some typical details are shown below (numbering as shown in Figure 5).
Figure 5
Joint types. Joint types numbered l and 2 are shown in this lecture. The
others are shown in STEP lectures D5 and 0 8 .
Figure 6
Joint type I , beam to wall. ( a ) Steel strap from the foundation nailed to the
beam. ( b ) ( c ) Anchoring with a steel shoe or two steel angles. In the latter
case, the angles as well as the bolts have to be designed for the
eccentricity moments. 1 = asphalt felt.
Figure 7
Joint type 2, column to foundation. (a) (b) Simply supported colunzns with
nailed, bolted or screwed steel bar or column shoe. ( c ) Simply supported
column with steel plates in a slot. It is important to place an effective
vapour barrier between wood and concrete. (d) (e) Built-in columns with
channels or glued in bolts cast into recesses in the foundation. The column
end can be free or packed up to increase the load-carrying capacity in
compression as well as bending. I = asphalt felt.
Characteristic values
The characteristic values for glulam shall be determined in accordance with
European Standard EN 1194 "Glued laminated timber - Strength classes and
determination of characteristic properties". This standard also gives the
characteristic values for a range of glulam qualities produced by most glulam
manufacturers. For special lay-ups the characteristic values are normally
calculated and published by the manufacturer. .In both cases glulam is designed
as a homogenous material.
The designer may prefer a special lay-up, e.g. to utilise local materials. The
calculations needed in this case are briefly described below for the symmetrical
non-homogenous glulam cross-section shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8
Regarded as solid timber, the inner laminations have the properties Ei,
ft., etc.
(note that some subscripts have been omitted for the sake of simplicity. For
example, denotes the characteristic tensile strength parallel to the grain for the
inner laminations for which the complete notation is f,,,,,).The outer laminations
- of a better quality - have the properties E,, f,,,,, f,, etc.
The corresponding properties for the laminations regarded as blocks of glulam
are denoted E,,i, fm,,,i and f,,,, etc. and are found from EN 1 194, e.g.:
(1,25 - Ei/60000) Ei with Ei in N/mm2
= max
1,05 Ei
h i3 ) b/12
= ( 1 - ( l - E g a,()i l)(h,lh)3)~,,0bh3/12
= k, E bh 3/12
( 11)
= (1-(1-E,,,/E,,,>(h,/h))E,,"bh = k, E,,,bh
= k, E,,"
For axial load a slightly lower modulus of elasticity - k, E,, - is found, but EC5
permits the use of E, in all cases.
The stress distribution in bending is shown in Figure 8b. The strength will
always be determined by the stress in the outermost fibres. The characteristic
bending capacity is thus
= 2 (El)cffnt,g,,l(Eg,oh)
= ' 1 fm,g,obh2/6
= ' 1 fm.K.0
The stress distribution under axial load is shown in Figure 8c. The strength will
normally be determined by the stress in the outermost fibres, and the formal
= k/. f,,g,iEg,oJE,,i
and correspondingly for the compressive strength. In rare cases the stress in the
inner laminations may be critical. In this case, the formal tensile strength is
As an example, the properties of a glulam member with h,lh = 213 and with
laminations of strength class C27 and C16 according to European Standard EN
338 "Structural timber - strength classes" are calculated. The laminations have
the following properties:
= 15,9 ~ / m m ~
= min
To give examples of the use of curved and pitched cambered glulam beams and
to describe some special design considerations for these types of structures,
especially the influence of moisture variations on the deformations and the
internal stresses. Also, to describe possibilities of reinforcing the beams to
reduce the influence of tensile stresses perpendicular to the grain.
Curved beams and pitched cambered beams offer many architecturally interesting
possibilities. Often the design of these elements is governed by tensile stresses
perpendicular to the grain. These may be caused by external loads, but moisture
variations may also have a major effect: they give rise to internal stresses and
increase the deformations from external loads. To reduce the risk of failure
perpendicular to the grain, curved and pitched cambered beams are often
reinforced. Two reinforcement systems are described: glued-in steel rods and
glass fibres glued to the surfaces. The design of the reinforcement is described
together with a design example.
Curved beams
Curved beams, i.e. members where the actions are predominantly carried by
bending, as opposed to arches, where most of the actions are carried by axial
forces, are used to achieve special architectural expression. Examples of the use
of single curvature beams are shown in Figure 1.
Figure l
In the structure shown in Figure l a the main actions (dead load and snow load)
will reduce the radius of curvature, i.e. give rise to compressive stresses
perpendicular to the grain; the tensile stresses perpendicular to the grain (from
wind) will normally be small and not cause any serious problems.
In the structure shown in Figure l b the main action on the cantilever will cause
relatively large stresses perpendicular to the grain, and these stresses may be
critical for the load-carrying capacity.
It is possible to create architecturally interesting structures by using beams with
multiple curvatures in a single plane; an example is shown in Figure 2.
However, production of such members is difficult, they are expensive, and it is
impossible to avoid relatively large stresses perpendicular to the grain.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure 2
Except for the problems related to the stresses perpendicular to the grain, the
design of curved beams poses no problems. The strength verification is as for
corresponding straight or tapered beams with a small axial force.
Figure 3
Pitched cambered beam comprising two tapered parts with the centre
portion (the shaded apex zone) having a curved soffit. ( a ) Reinforcement
Figure 4
The influence of a decrease in the moisture content in the outer sixth. (6)
Free strain, ( c ) resulting internal stresses.
The vertical deflections of curved and pitched cambered beams are normally of
no importance. The horizontal deflections at the supports may be rather large,
however, and it is necessary to ensure that they can take place without giving
rise to unforseen horizontal forces on the supporting structures (walls and
columns) or damage to secondary elements.
Not only external forces but also moisture variations contribute to the
The main effect of an increase in the moisture content will be an increase in the
depth of the beam from h to h(l + E), where E is the strain corresponding to the
increase in the moisture content. Since the moisture influence in the fibre
direction is marginal, the result, see Figure 5a, is that the angle d q is reduced to
dq' and the radius of curvature is increased from r to r':
These changes mean that the chord length is increased and the camber reduced,
see Figure 5b, by
Figure 5
r ~ ( -l coscp) + a&q/2
As shown in Figure 3 structures with tensile stresses perpendicular to the grain
can be reinforced by gluing in steel rods or by gluing plywood or a fibre
material to the surfaces.
Reinforcing materials
Glued-in steels rods are treated in detail in STEP lecture C14. They can be
smooth or threaded; in the latter case the calculations should be based on the
tensile stress area. The effective beam width is reduced by the diameter of the
hole or the outer diameter of the rod, whichever is the larger, and the width or
the depth may have to be increased correspondingly.
Various fibre materials - glass, aramid and carbon - offer interesting possibilities.
For the time being, only glass fibres are of interest: they are cheap, easy to glue
on the wood with polyester or epoxy adhesives and the reinforcement adds
pleasantly to the appearance of the glulam:
Glass fibres are delivered in sheets with unidirectional fibres, as mats made of
about 50 mm long chopped fibres with random orientations or as woven sheets.
In the last mentioned case the fibres are gathered in rather thick bundles (roving)
and the surface becomes rough and less attractive than in the other two cases.
The unidirectional fibres are the most effective. Typical values per unit width for
a reinforcement of 100 ,g/m2 loaded in the fibre direction are (tf,,,),, = 60 N h m
and (tE,),, = 3000 N/mm. The effective glass thickness (the sum of the layers on
both sides) is denoted t, L,, is the tensile strength of the glass and E, the modulus
of elasticity. If the load acts at an angle cp with the fibre direction the stiffness is
reduced according to
The strength reduction is less. For a mat with random fibres the stiffness is 318
of the stiffness of a corresponding unidirectional reinforcement with the same
weight, and the strength is halved.
Stress distribution
The behaviour perpendicular to the grain is linear elastic to failure and the load
perpendicular to the grain is distributed according to the stiffnesses.
When estimating the load taken by the wood it is proposed to use the short- term
mean stiffness values for both wood and reinforcement, i.e. for the wood E,,,,,,,,,,.
Since the tensile strength perpendicular to the grain for wood is approximately
proportional to the stiffness, there is no reason for taking "safe" values e.g. the
95-percentile, for the stiffness of the wood. According to EN 1194 "Timber
structures - Glued laminated timber - Strength classes and determination of
characteristic values", E, ,,,, = E,,,,,, 430, where E,,,, is the stiffness parallel to
the grain.
Normally, and on the safe side, the reinforcement is designed to take the total
tensile force perpendicular to the grain, i.e. corresponding to the situation where
the wood has failed in tension perpendicular to the grain.
Where a more detailed calculation of the reinforcement is thought appropriate it
is proposed that a low estimate be used for the stiffness of the wood, i.e. the 5percentile reduced by creep.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Tests on glulam beams with glass fibre reinforcement - see Larsen and Enquist,
(1993) and Traberg and Larsen, (1993) - show that if the reinforcement is
designed to take the full load the influence of volume and stress distribution may
be disregarded, i.e. k , , ( ~ , j ~ ) ~=, ~ 1. The explanation may be that the
reinforcement arrests small initial cracks in weak zones which in an unreinforced
beam, would have led to brittle, catastrophic failure.
In some cases the adherence strength of the reinforcement to the wood may limit
the strength of the reinforcement. According to Gustafsson and Enquist (1993)
the adherence strength per unit width can be determined as
Design example
Pitched cambered beams spaced at 4,8 nz and with a width b = 0,165 m are
made of GL 28 (see STEP lecture AS). They have the following geometry, see
Figure 3:
r, = 13,50 m
l = 16,OO m
h,, = 0,60 m
= 1,50 m
a = 15"
Strength verification
A dead load of 0,5 kN/m2 and a snow load (short-term) of 0,s kN/m2 give the
following design load:
The shear strength at the support and the bending strength in the straight
(tapered) parts and at the apex are sufficient.
The maxiumum tensile stress perpendicular to the grain is calculated according
to STEP lecture B8, Equations (14) to (18):
- an initiative
h,Jr = 0,105
The volume of the apex zone is V = 1,l m3, k,, = 1,7 andf,,,,
= 0,312 N/mm2.
= 0,9
The tensile strength - see STEP lecture B8, Equation (21) - is not sufficient since
1,7 (0,01/1,1)0~2 = 0,664 . 0,312 = 0,207 ~ / m m ~ .
> kdis( v ~ v ) ~ )=, ~
It is proposed that the beam be strengthened with a reinforcement that can take
the full tensile force perpendicular to the grain, i.e. per unit length:
- E,,,,,,/30
The modulus of elasticity perpendicular to the grain is E,,,,,,, =
12000130 = 400 ~ / m m giving
a stiffness per unit length of 400 - 165 1 0-3= 66,O kN/mm.
218 Nlmm
FR.,*= min
= 100 Nlmm
The stiffness per unit length is 4 - 3000 . 10-3= 12,O kN/mm, i.e. the stress in
the wood perpendicular to the grain is reduced by the factor 66,0/(66,0 + 12,O) =
Larsen, H.J. and Enquist, B. (1993). Fibre Reinforcement of Glulam, Report No. 2, Small reinforced beams. Div. of Struct. Mech., Lund Institute of Technology, Report TVSM-7083, Sweden.
Traberg, S. and Larsen, H.J. (1993). Fibre Reinforcement of Glulam, Report No. 3, Medium-sized
and large reinforced beams. Div. of Struct. Mech., Lund Institute of Technology, Report TVSM7083, Sweden.
Gustafsson, P.J, and Enquist, B. (1993). Fibre Reinforcement of Glulam, Report No. 7, Adherence
of reinforcement to wood. Div, of Struct. Mech., Lund Institute of Technology, Report TVSM7083. Sweden.
To describe the design of long span LVL-trusses with Multiple Nail Connectors and
present typical examples of their use.
The lecture begins with a description of the use and application of Multiple Nail
Connectors (MNCs) in LVL-trusses. It presents the analysis of MNC LVL-trusses,
the strength verification of members and the capacities and the strength verification
of MNC joints. Some examples of LVL-trusses used in structures are presented.
The laminated veneer lumber truss is a long span roof header. LVL is a praduct
similar to plywood except that veneers are parallel and longer lengths - nowadays
up to 23 m - are available (see STEP lecture A9). Members of the LVL-truss are
all constructed of two separate LVL-elements which are jointed together with
Multiple Nail Connectors (MNCs), a jointing method of high load transfer capacity
especially developed for this use. All members are jointed together with these
MNCs to obtain centred node joints.
Nail spacing is usually 40 mm parallel to the grain (and thus the direction of the
force) and 12 mm perpendicular to the grain in a staggered arrangement when the
nail-type of Figure 1 has been used (see Figure 2). These nail spacings have been
chosen according to calculations supported by joint tests (Kalliomiiki et al., 1986),
such that failure occurs by exceeding the yield moment of the nail. Thus the failure
of the joint is always ductile, when the number of nails in the force direction is no
more than six. This leads to a maximum length of the nail group of 220 mm. The
peeling off of Kerto-LVL has been observed in tests when longer nail areas with
these nails and nail spacings have been used in MNCs.
MNCs are produced by welding the nails with a peg welding machine to the steel
plate which is cut to shape before welding. It can be cut either mechanically or with
a cuttlng torch. To achieve a full strength weld the steel must be cleaned, normally
by sand blasting. Generally the plate thickness is 10 mm and the steel grade
Fe510D. The MNCs can be corrosion protected if it is needed; a zinc galvanization
of 275 g/m2 or a hot-dip zinc coating of 400 g/m2 has been used.
Figure I
Figure 2
The steel joint plates of Kerto-LVL-trusses can easily be fire protected if required
by one of two methods. Either a groove to fit the steel plate is milled into the
members or, more commonly, the gap of the steel plate thickness between the
members is filled with a timber strip. No reduction of the design value of the
connector capacity is required for either kind of protected Qoint for standard fire
resistance not greater than R60 (STEP lecture C19). The charrfng rate of Kerto-LVL
is 0,8 mmhmin on the under side of Kerto-LVL beams based on information given
by the manufacturer and type approval in Germany. Taking this charring rate value,
the minimum protection thickness af is 12 mm in fire class R30 and 36 mm in R60
(see STEP lecture C19). For fire protection designed joints the distance between the
MNC plate and member edge and the distance from the nail point to the LVL
surface should be at least ay
Figure 3
1 3 1
R, = min
fh,d(t,- ken> d
Figure 4
The embedding strength f,,, for MNC nails may be calculated from the nail size d
and the LVL density p, by the equation number of EC5. The equation is
for timber, but it is also suitable also for Kerto-LVL (Koponen et al., 1992). The
characteristic density of Kerto-LVL p, is 480 kg/m3 (see STEP lecture A9). The
design value of the embedding strength h,,is calculated using the actual value of
the modification factor k,,,,given for plywood in EC5 (see STEP lecture A9) and
the partial coefficient ,y = 1,3.
The equations for yield moments M,,,, of round and square nails are presented in
EC5 (Part 1-1: 6 . 3 . 1 . 2 ~and d). In these equations the characteristic strength of the
nail steel f,,,
has been assumed to be 0,8f,,,, where the tensile strength f,,,is 600
N/mm2.The yield moment calculated using the equations in EC5 corresponds with
plastic theory when the nail size, d, is 8 mm, that is also the maximum nail size
accepted by EC5. With smaller nails the yield moment of EC5 is higher than the
calculated value. For example with nails where d = 3,5 m m the calculated M,,,
is exceeded by 36%. Higher yield moments for the special shape, or profile nails,
or for high strength nail steel, may be utilized only if the nail yield moment M,:,
has been tested according to prEN409 (see STEP lecture C4).
The minimum spacings and distances of MNCs nails may be designed according
to EC5 using the rules given for nailed steel-to-timber joints with the density value
p, = 480 kg/m3.So in MNCs the minimum nail spacing in the main direction
parallel to the grain and force is 10,5 d and the spacing perpendicular to the main
direction is 4,9 d. The distance from the first nail line to the end of the Kerto-LVL
member should be at least 20 d in tension and 15 d in compression. The edge
distance between the truss member and the nail group should be at least 7 d.
However, the peeling off of Kerto-LVL has been observed in tension tests when
long nail areas are used in MNCs (see Figure 5). If the minimum values are used
for the nail spacings, a nail group length over 220 m m in the loading direction
should not be used in tension joints unless it has been confirmed by testing. Higher
tension loads may be transferred without the risk of brittle failure by greater nail
spacings or by two separate nail groups with an un-nailed part between the groups
in the MNC plate.
According to EC5 any influence in number of fasteners on the load-carrying
capacity of nailed connections may be neglected (see STEP lecture C15). The tests
of MNCs have shown that the number of nails has no significance on the
mechanical behaviour of a single nail unless there are so many that the peeling off
of Kerto-LVL has been observed. A big reduction for more than six MNC nails in
line with the 'Load direction has been required: the load carrying capacity of the
extra nails being reduced by 60%, i.e. for n nail rows the effective number n,, is:
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure 5
The following concerns load-carrying capacity of the MNC nail shown in Figure
1. The calculated yield moment M,,, parallel to the longer side of the nail (4 mm)
is 7850 Nmm, when the increase over the theoretical value is taken into account, as
in EC5 for a nail size d = 3,5 mm. The embedding strength f,,,of Kerto-LVL is
28,3 N/mm2 calculated according to EC5 when the nail size d is 3 mm perpendicular
to the force. The length of cone l,,,, is 4 mm in the base, and the length of nail t ,
is 50 mm. According to Equation (1) the characteristic load-carrying capacity R, is
2,11 kN and the design value R, is 1,53 kN in the medium-term load-duration class
with service classes 1 and 2. MNC tests with these nails and with the nail spacings
of Figure 2 have been carried out. According to the tests over a series of different
width and length joints, the average load-carrying capacity R, was 2,7 kN per nail
and the characteristic value R, calculated from test results is 2,4 kN. This
comparison shows that EC5 is suitable for estimation of the load-carrying capacity
of the MNCs but it is somewhat conservative with these types of special nail. In
this case the number of nails could be reduced by 15% if design is based on test
KU = 2K,,??I 3
The final slip modulus Kutf,,is given by
wanted, the theory of mechanically jointed columns may be utilized, but then
usually additional MNCs are needed so that the shafts are connected at the ends and
at the third points (EC.5: Part 1-1: Annex C).
The cross-section of steel plates are designed according to the structural steel codes
for the maximum loads of internal members using the material safety coefficient y,
= 1,l. The width of the steel plate parallel to chord is designed for the force
component of the chord direction in the joint node. When the plate has been cut so
that each member part of the steel plate has a constant width, the centre lines of
each part coincide with the centre line of the truss members. These centre lines
meet in the node point at the centre of the chord. Thus the capacity of the steel
plate in the joint line between the chord and the internal members will not be a
critical factor.
The number of nails for each nail group of internal members is designed to resist
half of the member force FA2 using the design strength of the nail (n > FJ2R,).
The truss member force is divided by two because the MNC has the same nail
groups on both sides. The numbers of nails for the chord is calculated from the
difference in forces of all internal members meeting at the node.
In the strength verification of chord splices or other eccentric joints where a loading
combination of N,, V, and M, is acting on the MNC plate at the ce~ltroidof the nail
group area, the following condition ( 5 ) should be satisfied for every nail:
R , , and R , ,
X, and
welded splice
bolted splice
Figure 6
Figure 7
Kalliomaki, l,,Hirsi, H and Kanerva, P. (1986). Kerto-Laminated Veneer Lumber Truss. Report 14.
Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of Structural Engineering and Building Physics. Espoo,
Koponen, S. and Kanerva, P (1992). Summary of European Kerto-LVL tests with mechanical
fasteners. Report 29, Helsinki University of Technology. Laboratory of Structural Engineering and
Building physics. Espoo, Finland.
To describe the design considerations and analysis of trusses and to present two
design examples.
As a common construction method, the general design of trusses will be briefly
explained. The numerous considerations in design and the working steps for the
computation of the structure will be briefly presented. By means of two examples,
the design and computation of trusses consisting of glulam or solid timber will be
detailed using the rules in section 5.4.1 of EC5.
In timber structures, trusses are a wide-spread construction form taking full the
potential advantage of the wood and the benefits of mechanical connections.
Trusses find applications in wide spans, frame constructions, and as roof and wall
bracing and are for example used in hangar constructions.
The top chord of the truss usually is adapted to the shape of the roof and the
profile of the bottom chord is governed by clearance, ceiling and construction
height requirements. For simply supported trusses the top chord is stressed in
compression and also in bending in the case of load distribution between the nodes.
The internal members (diagonal and vertical) are arranged in such a way that a
triangulated web is generated. In order to reduce the number of joints and with it
the production costs, widely triangulated systems are preferred. In addition to the
common triangular, trapezoidal and parallel chord shapes, a variety of special forms
are possible for trusses. A selection of such trusses is recorded in STEP lecture
B12, which also deals with the possibilities and constraints of three-dimensional
systems. A number of design considerations forms the basis for the selection of the
appropriate system, the material of the web members, and the fasteners in the truss
joints. Then, the computation of the structure, the design of the joints and the
internal members follows. The accurate transformation of the computational results
into complete and detailed construction and working drawings represents the last
but very important stage of work in order to achieve correct fabrication and
erection of the truss.
Design considerations
Depending on the use of the building, the following items have first to be clarified:
ground plan
protection from heat and moisture
fire protection
roof drainage
In order to select an adequate type of truss the following data are required:
minimum clearance
slope of the roof
height of the eaves and of the ridge
truss spacing
roof loads.
The system drawing, containing axial dimensions, numbers of members and nodes,
joints and conditions of support, is required for the preparation of the structural EC5:
calculations. According to EC5 the computation is classified into a simplified
analysis and into a general analysis (see STEP lecture B12).
Simplified analysis
determination of the axial member forces on the basis of a model where all
nodes are pinned
taking into account the elastic straining of the members and the
displacement stiffness of the joints, or
taking into account only the elastic straining of the members. In this
case it is expedient to halve the deflection limit values recommended
in EC5.
General analysis
initial calculation of the truss as a frame structure on the basis of estimated
cross-sections of the members and, eventually, on estimated displacement
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure I
~ c ipart
I - I :
detail ,,B,,
4 @ type Cl l , d, = 80 mm
A simplified analysis for the kingpost truss shown in Figure l is not permitted,
because the condition H > 10 hChr,,,, is not fulfilled since H = 1200 mm and
10 h,,ord
= 2600 mm.
2 @ tjpe C10, d, = 80 mm
o 200
Figure 2
260 C24
Detail "A".
Figure 3
Detail "B".
Members: solid timber C24
Characteristic values:
f , , = 24 ~ / m m ~ A,,,,
= 5,3 N/mm2
= 350 kg/m3
= 21 N/mm2
= 7400 N/mm
= 11000 ~ / m m ' E,,,,,,,
= 14 ~ / m m '
= 2 37013 N/mm2
= 370 N/mm2
- u I x= 62x + 63Plsin a
+ 6,,,
/ sin
a + 6,, 1 sin a + 6,
X 3231
= 3,50
2 sina . 7400 - 2 . 60 - 140
= 8,oi - 10-5 X
2 sina 2 K ,
2 mm (assumed)
6 4 ( 5 ) 9
STEP lecture C10: Eq.(6)
10-5 X
Diagonal strut D, (member 3)
STEP lecture B6
Beam (member 1)
The instantaneous deflection of the beam midpoint at serviceability limit state due
to the point load F, = F, l 1,35 = 18,5 kN is:
~= u, * ,-~u I X~=
7 ~m m ~= 1 1857
- an initiative under
Figure 4
22,5 m
Truss system.
Load split
Snow load
2,O kN/m
1 ,O kN/m
= 2,5 kN/m
= 0,5 kN/m
5,O kN/m
Load cases
1) g
3) g + s/2
= 10,90 kN/m
0,68 kN/m
Characteristic values
of actions
limit states
It0 Q,
left :7,12
Table I
prEN 1194: 1995
Steel plates
Characteristic yield strength
Characteristic tensile strength f,
= 22,O N/mm2
= 6,O ~ / m m ~
= 440 ~ / m m ~
= 350 ~ / m m ~ )
= 0,45 N/mm2
= 2,9 ~ / m m '
= 830 N h m 2
= 660 N/mm2)
Modulus of elasticity
= 210 000 N/mm2
Dowel 0 16 mm Fe 360 according EN 10 025; flush with timber surface
Simplified analysis
there are no re-entrant angles in the external profile;
some part of the bearing width lies vertically below the support node;
the truss height H = 3,O m > 10 h,,,, thus h,,,, c 300 mm;
H = 3,O m = 0,133 1 = 15% of l.
Figure 5
at top chord
F,,, =
Table 2
Ultimate limit
states design
for load cases
left: 16,O
right: 7,6
Az =
0,289 - 200
N, = 270 kN (tension)
200 X 160 mm GL32h
A = 32 103mm2
A, = 3 2 . 103 - 10. 160 - 2. 16 (200-10) = 24,3 103mm2
Figure 6
Dowelled joint.
= 13300 N./mm2
< 1 I300
+ 0) = 24,6 mm
+ 0,6) = 23,7 mm
unetdi, = 23,7 + 24,6 - 40 = 8,3 mm = l / 2711 < l / 200
u~~~ = 24,6 (1
General analysis
First order linear analysis of the truss as a framed structure can be applied by using
a computer program for plane frames.
Figure 7
Initial analysis of internal forces and moments for the ultimate limit states design
bottom chord continuous along the total length;
top chord continuous up to the ridge;
ultimate limit states design for load case g + S;
= 10600 N/mm2.
modulus of elasticity of the member is
Final analysis of internal forces and moments for the ultimate limit states design
conditions according to analysis above;
the effective cross-section A* based on K, = 2 K,ye,
/ 3;
K,, = 14300 N/mm;
The results of the analyses are shown in Table 3. The normal forces are
independent of joint stiffnesses unllke bending moments of the chords.
Mem- Internal
ber No force1
General analysis
disregarding the
influence of slip
General analysis
including the
influence of slip
Table 3
+ S.
Figure 8
Ai / ( l + Eo>b'3meun
(-+- 1
>> ;
Figure 9
Results of the initial analysis (disregarding the influence of slip occurring in the
Figure I0
Node 20.
Simplified analysis
including slip
Table 4
General analysis
disregarding slip
General analysis
including slip
The computation of the internal truss forces based on the simplified analysis
leads to reliable results (see Table 3).
The internal moments in the loaded top chord depend significantly on the
displacements of the nodes.
For the calculation of the deflection slip should be taken into account (see
Table 4). Otherwise it is expedient to halve the deflection limits
recommended in EC5.
To describe scaffolding systems and their load bearing elements, and to explain
the main factors which have an influence on the safety and stability of the
The lecture gives a short introduction to the subject by mentioning the purpose,
history and development of such temporary structures. Requirements, structure
systems, loads and particular details in scaffolding are briefly covered. A
recently developed nailplate based falsework is described. The combined use of
steel and timber in a heavy structure by a bridge construction completes the
In many cases a supporting framework of scaffolding is needed during the
construction (or dismantling) of a structure. For workers, platforms may be used
during the construction, repair, painting or cleaning of buildings. Even though
scaffolding and falsework are temporary structures they have to be designed and
treated seriously and according to the same principles as if they were permanent
structures. Collapse involves risks for human life or serious injuries and also has
economic consequences. Many countries have regulations or codes, in particular,
to ensure the safety of human life.
In Asia bamboo is widely used for scaffolding. In Europe scaffolding and
falsework in former days with few exceptions were made of timber and
constructed on the site. Some of the old structures were huge and impressive and
often based on complex structural systems. It required certainly good design,
material knowledge and workmanship of high quality. Figure 1 shows the
falsework system by the Svinesund road bridge, an arch bridge at the border
between Sweden and the south-eastem part of Norway (built 1938-42).
Figure l
In recent years, however, a great number of flexible elements and systems have
been marketed. The elements may be made of steel (often steel tubes) and
aluminium profiles, light weight, easy adjustments, and simple connections. The
fact that such systems may be used over and over again represents of course
great advantages. Even so a lot of scaffolding and falsework is still made of
EC5 has no specific rules covering such constructions, and this lecture deals with
general principles in design and refers to the national specifications and practice
in some European countries.
Norway is one of the countries where there are regulations concerning
scaffolding. The regulations are worked out by the National Labour Commission
and are quite detailed. They have to be regarded as any specification. The main
purpose which is strongly emphasised, is consideration of the safety of workers
and people in general. This implies requirements for particular details, as well as
for a sufficient load bearing capacity of the structure as a whole.
The timber used should be of a structural grade and unpainted. If second hand
the material must be undamaged. Similar to the assumptions in EC5 regarding
the qualifications of the designer and other persons involved, scaffolding work
should be carried out by skilled people. It is the employer's responsibility to
provide a final control/inspection before the scaffolding is used. It is important
to provide signs giving details of the owner, the designer and the design loads.
Experience over recent decades has provided the background for the present
classification of scaffolding according to load values in six classes. The given
uniformly distributed loads over the whole platform area vary between 0,75 and
6,00 kN/m2 (CEN, 1988). In addition there should be two concentrated loads, one
distributed over a certain area and the other the weight of one person. The
position of these loads shall be chosen to represent the most unfavourable
conditions. Also load actions due to wind forces according to the National load
specifications, have to be included.
The guard rails shall be designed to resist a required concentrated load (vertical
or horizontal) at the ultimate limit state situation. There is a similar requirement
(smaller load) to meet the servfceability situation.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Despite the wide-spread availability of different flexible falsework systems, the
use of timber may be beneficial in some cases. Figure 4 gives an example of a
rather heavy structure used for bridge construction (Holzbau-Taschenbuch, Band
1, 1986). There are longitudinal steel beams (or lattice girders), the towers,
however, are timber structures. It should be noticed that controlled lowering of
heavy falsework is definitely necessary. This structure has to be designed
according to accepted principles with particular emphasis on buckling, lateral
torsional buckling and overall stability. In many details stresses perpendicular to
the grain may be critical.
Figure 4
Heavy falsework used for bridge construction. (a) Steel beam, ( b ) lattice
girder, (c) timber tower, (d) spindle for lowering.
Figure 5 shows a section of the falsework used in the construction of parts of the
Condeep platform, Troll, in the North Sea. The bottom part of the platform
consists of several cylindrical cells, each covered by a spherical dome with a
diameter of 32 m. The structure is formed by 144 curved nailplate girders
arranged radially and supported by a compression ring at the center of the dome.
The complete structure was prefabricated and lifted into position by a number of
cranes. The handling caused an entirely different load situation compared to the
weight of the concrete (of a thickness for the regular cells varying between 0,5
and 0,7 m, and up to 4,5 m in special cases). This rather complex and newly
developed nailplate structure was designed and detailed using computer programs
(Ringstad, 1993).
Figure 5
Concluding remarks
Arbeidstilsynet (1989), Trestillas - timber scaffolding (in Norwegian) Oslo, Norway
Aune, P (1994), Timber Structures. Examples (in Norwegian) Tapir Publisher, Trondheim.
CEN (1988), Service and working scaffolds made of prefabricated elements. Materials dimensions
design loads and safety requirements. Harmonization Dokument HD1000, Brussels.
Holzbau - Taschenbuch Band 1 (1986). 8. Auflage (in German), Verlag Ernst und Sohn, Berlin, p.
Ringstad, H. (1993), Trekonstruksjoner som forskaling p i TROLL-plattformen (in Norwegian),
Byggeindustrien no. 1, 1993 p. 60 - 61.
To give an introduction to the design and use of plane frames and arches.
The lecture gives an introduction to the field of application of frames and arches
and to some aspects of their design. The influence of the structural system and
of the geometry of the structure on the moment distribution will be discussed.
An example demonstrating the design of a three-hinged curved frame concludes
the lecture.
Plane frames and arches are widely used structures in timber engineering. They
are used for sports halls, assembly halls, hangars, churches, halls in industry and
farming and also for domestic housing. Besides covering a wide range of
applications the frames and arches also cover a wide range of spans, i.e. from a
few metres up to about 50 metres for frames and more than 100 metres for
arches. The structures will normally have solid cross-sections but especially in
the case of greater spans trussed structures may be chosen. The structures may
be fabricated from glued laminated timber or LVL or wood based material
combined with glued laminated timber, LVL or solid timber in box and Isections.
Structural systems
Frames and arches are normally designed as two-hinged or three-hinged
structures. Structures with fixed supports are very seldom used because they are
more difficult to assemble and because they transmit moments to the
The most commonly used design is the statically determinate three-hinged
structure with hinges at apex and supports. Compared with the two-hinged
structure it may require more timber because of a less efficient distribution of
the internal moments and, furthermore, it will be less rigid. But these
disadvantages of the three-hinged structure may easily be eclipsed by the fact
that the distribution of internal forces in the static determinate structure is
independent of possible displacements of the supports and deformations due to
possible changes in the moisture content. Furthermore, the connections at the
joints will be simpler and less costly since they are not subjected to bending
Frame designs
Examples of glued laminated timber frames are shown in Figure 1. The frames
may either be curved, Figures l a and Ib, or they may be designed with sharp
knees, Figures l c and Id. The three-hinged curved glued laminated timber
frame, Figures l a and b, is a very common solution. This is not only because it
is a very economical structure but also because of its aesthetic qualities which
contribute to a pleasant and often graceful interior. The roofing may follow the
curved shape of the structure but most often a post and rafter assembly will be
employed as indicated In Figure la.
- an initiative
Figure 1
The span of the frame with sharp corners ranges from approximately 10 m to
approximately 35 m but larger spans are possible.
When deciding on the geometry of the frame it is important to realize that the
dimensions and thereby the economy are effected by the magnitude of the
maximum bending moment in the structure which develops at the knee. The
closer the centre line of the structure follows the thrust line of the load the
smaller the moment that will develop at the knee resulting in a more economical
structure. The extent to which the geometry of the frame can be fitted to follow
the thrust line will depend on the functional requirements for the building.
It is clear that the introduction of the curved frame improves the possibility of
fitting the geometry to the thrust line and thereby reduces the maximum bending
moment. If the leg of the frame is inclined it will further reduce the maximum
bending moment because of the reduction in eccentricity e, with respect to the
knee as shown in Figure 2. Curved frames are therefore better suited for wide
spans than the frames with sharp knees where larger moments will develop and
therefore result in larger cross-sections and the consumption of more timber. For
both structures the bending moment at the knee will be reduced if the eaves
height is reduced ( h in Figure 2).
Figure 2
Axis of structures and thrust lines for uniformly distributed load. ( a ) frame
axis, ( b ) thrust line.
Arch designs
Arches are more appropriate for larger spans than frames because the internal
moments are relatively small compared to the moment that would develop in
frames. This is because the geometry is fitted more closely to the thrust line of
the applied load.
Ideally the geometry should follow the thrust line exactly in order to avoid
internal moments but since different load combinations will produce different
thrust lines it will not be possible to avoid internal moments altogether.
Normally the parabolic or circular shape will give good approximations and is
therefore often chosen.
Figure 3
Three-hinged arch.
The arches are normally connected to the foundation via hinges. At the apex a
hinged connection is also most often introduced and a statically determinate
three-hinged structure is formed (see Figure 3). Alternatively, it may be chosen
to establish a more rigid two-hinged arch by making all the joints between
adjacent arch pieces moment resistant.
The height of arches ( h in Figure 3) is normally chosen in the interval 0,13 to
0,20 times the span but greater heights are used when required.
The arches are often built up of a constant rectangular, glued laminated timber
cross-section but other materials may be chosen, and it may also be decided to
vary the cross-sectional depth for structural or architectural purposes.
Figure 4
- 0,9 h,
= 4,36 ~/rnrn'
Frame corner
In this example the maximum internal moment occurs at the left-hand corner.
(Section D in Figure 4).
At section D the Internal forces are found as:
With respect to the lateral stability of the frame it is assumed that it is supported
laterally at the support and by purlins spaced at 2 m. The purlins closest to the
frame corner are assumed to be located where the assembly rafter is connected
to the rafter at (X, y) = (9,66, 4,43) and the effective length with respect to
deflection out of the frame plane is therefore calculated as l,,., = 5300 mm (see
Figure 4).
The stresses at the corner section, D, of the undeformed structure are calculated
= 1,23 N/mm2 and o,,
= 1,11 14,6 N/mm2.
EC5: part 1-1: 5.2.4
Because of the curvature the bending stress is multiplied by the factor k, = 1,11.
The strength of the frame corner is sufficient if the stresses satisfy the column
Similarly to the frame corner the rafter is examined for the combined action
from the axial compressive force and the bending moment. The rafter on the
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
right-hand half of the frame will be subjected to the heaviest load and will
therefore be considered.
The rafter is considered as a single tapered beam (a = 2,6").
The section of the rafter where the maximum bending stress occurs will be
examined. Because of the taper of the beam the maximum bending stress will
not occur where the bending moment is maximum but at the section located at a
distance X, from the apex where
Due to the combined action from the axial force and the moment the stress at
the tapered edge will exceed that at the bottom edge and the tapered edge will
therefore be considered. At the tapered edge the bending strength shall be
reduced. The reduction will, however, be negligible in the case of compressive
stresses parallel to the tapered edge. It is found that f,,,, = 24,7 ~ / m m ~ .
The strength of the rafter is sufficient if the stresses satisfy the column
When calculating k , , the depth of the rafter cross-section was taken as h = 642
mm which is the depth at 0,65 s (see Figure 4) and the effective length of the
rafter was calculated according to Equation (17). lef was found as l,, = 16000
The column equations may now be employed:
It is assumed that the leg has been cut vertically and the cross-section at the
support thereby reduced to 160 X 500 mm2. The axial force (113 kN at A and
119 kN at B) can easily be absorbed. The shear force is greatest at A. Because of
the inclination of 14" of the leg it is found that V , = 72,7 kN, and therefore
As mentioned earlier the design is a trial-and-error procedure and the results of
the first trial above indicate that it will be possible to reduce the estimated crosssectional dimensions of the frame and still satisfy the strength requirements. A
second trial based on reduced cross-sectional dimensions will not be
demonstrated here.
It should be remembered that requirements for the frame stiffness in the
serviceability limit state might be determining for the cross-sectional dimensions.
Larsen, H.J. and Riberholt, H. (1994). Trxkonstruktioner. Beregning. SBI-anvisning 135. 3.
edition. Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, 1994. ISBN 87-563-0849-3.
Riberholt, H. (1991). Trakonstruktioner. Eksempler. Afdelingen for Bzrende konstruktioner.
Danmarks Tekniske Hfijskole. ISBN 87-7740-057-7.
Riberholt, H. (1991). Trakonstruktioner. Udforming. Afdelingen for Barende konstruktioner.
Danmarks Tekniske Hfijskole. ISBN 87-7740-090-9.
This lecture describes, in principle, how timber frame houses are constructed and
designed. It is based mainly on the Scandinavian tradition. It contains a brief
description of the main calculation methods concerning timber frame walls,
floors and roofs, and also a brief description of other materials which form part
of the timber frame house.
Timber frame housing is the traditional type of construction in North America
and Scandinavia, where more than 90% of all homes are built this way. Timber
frame housing has also increased its market shares in a number of other
European countries, particularly in the United Kingdom. Fast and dry erection,
good thermal insulation and suitability for all types of architectural designs are
important factors for making wood frame construction a strong alternative in
house building.
Construction principles
The most commonly used method of building timber frame houses is the
platform method shown in Figure 1. Platform construction means that the walls
are placed directly on a sub-floor which acts as a working platform during the
erection of the house. Originally an American method, platform construction is
now becoming the normal way of building in most countries, because it
combines better safety during erection with the possibility of using either
prefabricated panels or on-site assembly.
Figure I
Load bearing walls
structural requirements
Load bearing walls support roofs andtor floors. The studs are designed as
columns (STEP lecture B6) with buckling length the same as the length of the
stud. One assumes that the studs are prevented from buckling in the wall plane
by the sheathing. The slenderness and buckling capacity are only calculated for
buckling perpendicular to the wall plane.
Figure 2
Load bearing walls in low-rise houses in Scandinavia are designed for vertical
loads only, and not in combination with horizontal wind load. The argument for
this is that the probability for the occurrence of both wind and snow-load at their
maximum values at the same time is very small. Also, the wall sheathing gives
extra safety against buckling perpendicular to the wall plane. This is not
considered when designing the studs as simple columns.
The wind load on external walls of normal height is never decisive for the stud
size in a timber frame house. For houses with especially high walls the studs
must be checked for wind load too, that is combined compression and bending
(STEP lecture B6).
In addition to buckling, compression perpendicular to grain on the bottom rail
must be checked.
Lintels over openings in load bearing walls are designed as simply supported
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
beams across one span. In reality, the top rail, the wall sheating and the roof
construction's load distributing ability, all contribute to increased load capacity.
As long as the spacing of the roof rafters is no more than 0,6 m, the lintels may
be calculated with a uniformly distributed load. This is much simpler than
designing with point loads from each rafter because the exact position of the
rafters does not need to be known.
External walls
External walls are constructed from vertical studs, normally at 400 mm or 600
mm spacing, nailed with simple butt joints to top and bottom rails. Strength
graded timber must be used. In Northern Europe, it is the requirement of thermal
insulation which in practice governs the size of the studs, along with the need
for satisfactory butt-jointing of sheathing and plasterboard, not the structural
design and needs for load bearing capacity. The normal sizes are 48 mm X 98
mm or 36 mm X 148 mm. Tables are given for load bearing capacity and stud
sizes (NB1 Building Details A 523.251, TRADA (1989)).
Where openings occur in load bearing walls, they must be spanned by suitably
designed lintels, and the load on the lintels should be transmitted to the
foundations by cripple studs. The cripple studs should be of the same crosssection and at least the same number as those removed from the opening.
Wind bracing is usually provided by a wood based sheet material or
plasterboard, normally nailed to the external face of the frame. All four walls of
a house must have at least one layer of sheet material nailed along all four sides
of the sheet and along each stud.
Figure 3
Internal walls
Internal load bearing and non load bearing walls may be constructed simply by
using a stud frame lined on both sides with a sheathing material.
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Separating walls
Separating walls are commonly constructed from two separate stud frame walls
with a cavity between. Depending on the requirements for fire resistance and
sound insulation, the cavity is filled with insulating material and one or more
layers of adequate lining is applied.
Figure 4
Floors are made of joists or I-beams with spacing 400 mm or 600 mm, with or
without thermal insulation. On top flooring is applied and underneath ceiling
Figure 5
Pitched roofs may be constructed using prefabricated or site-constructed trussed
rafters or with traditional rafters and purlins.
Figure 6
Traditional rafters with supports at each end are designed as simply supported
beams across one span. When calculating the bending moment, any overhang
should be ignored. The load bearing capacity of the overhang should be
designed separately as a cantilever beam. The load sharing factor k,, may be
used for rafters and purlins with a spacing no more than 0,6 m.
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When designing purlins, the fact that the load is applied at a slope to the crosssection must be taken into account. If the roof has panel sheathing providing
diaphragm action, the load component perpendicular to the purlin height may be
reduced slightly.
For steep roofs (pitches greater than about 40") the combination of snow load
and wind load may give the ultimate design load. For low rise timber frame
houses, it is assumed that sufficient safety is obtained when the load bearing
capacity for snow load and wind load is checked separately. Design sheets with
tables for rafters and purlins exist (NB1 Building Details, TRADA Design Sheets
0ther components
Figure 7
Timber frame wall, floor and roof - components (NB1 Building Details A
523.255, A 522.355 and A 525.100).
Wall: (a) Interfial lining, (b) vapor barrier, ( c ) furring strip, ( d ) mineral
wool 100 mm (e) mineral wool 50 mm, (f) wind barrier, (g) batten, ( h )
ventilated space, (i) external cladding.
Floor: (a) Subfloor, (b) thermal insulation, ( c ) wind barrier, ( d ) ceiling,
floor joist, (e) perimeter beam, (f) floor joist, ( g ) flooring.
Roof: (a) Roofing, (b) sheathing, (c) ventilation space, (d) wind barrier, (e)
insulation, (fl vapour barrier, (g) ceiling lining.
External cladding can be chosen from a wide range of materials, including
brickwork, tiling, timber boarding or cement render. External cladding in
Scandinavia usually consists of timber boarding, either vertical or horizontal.
This is supported on counter or horizontal battens fixed to the studwork to
provide a drained and ventilated cavity. This is to ensure that any water or
vapour that has penetrated the cladding can evaporate or be drained away.
Wind barrier
The wind barrier must be strong enough to resist site and wind damage, be
waterproof but allow the escape of any water vapour. Building paper or sheet
materials are used as an external wind barrier. The material must to some extent
be able to withstand the effect of moisture - also in the form of water. The most
common products are:
Thermal insulation
Thermal insulation requirements of the building regulations are achieved in
timber frame construction by placing insulation materials in the walls, ceilings
and floor cavities.
Most countries have experienced a strengthening of building code requirements
concerning thermal insulation performance, and it may often be economical to
insulate better than the minimum code requirements. Insulation thickness in
walls is now 100 mm minimum as a standard for wood frame housing in most
countries, while 150 mm and more is the norm in northern areas.
Mineral wool is the most commonly used insulation material, and used in the
form of bats or rolls. Standard thicknesses are 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 mm.
Vapour barrier
The importance of an airtight vapour barrier increases with better insulated low
energy houses. Polyethylene sheeting has proved to be the most versatile
material for vapour barriers, because it can overlap the critical joints between
building components and is easy to install. Polyethylene sheets are often exposed
to damage during construction, and thicker qualities (0,15-0,20 mm) are now
commonly used.
The vapour barrier is placed on the warm side of the insulated wall and ceiling,
directly behind the internal lining, to minimize the passage of air with high
vapour content into the structure. Air with a high vapour content will condense
when it is cooled inside the structure.
Internal lining materials may be wood panel, plywood, fibre board, particle
board or gypsum plaster board.
NB1 Handbook 38 Trehus (1987). The Norwegian Building Research Institute, Oslo Norway.
NB1 (1988). Building Details A522.355 Trebjelkelag. Varmeisolasjon og tettesjikt. The Norwegian
Building Research Institute, Oslo, Norway.
NB1 (1987). Building Details A523.251 Bindingsverk av tre. Dimensjonering og utf0relse for
smbhus. The Norwegian Building Research Institute, Oslo, Norway.
NB1 (1981). Building Details A523.255 Timber Frame walls. Thermal insulation, wind and vapour
barriers. The Norwegian Building Research Institute, Oslo, Norway.
NB1 (1993). Building Details A524.301 Skillevegger av tre mellom boliger i rekkehus. The
Norwegian Building Research Institute, Oslo, Norway.
NB1 (1987). Building Details A525.100 Tretak. Varmeisolering, tetting og lufting. The Norwegian
Building Research Institute, Oslo, Norway.
TRADA (1989). Timber Frame Housing Structural Recommendations TBL 52. Timber Research
and Development Association, High Wycombe, England.
To describe the principles of design and detailing of timber frame houses with
particular reference to serviceability requirements.
This lecture deals with the design and detailing of timber frame houses with
particular reference to serviceability requirements. Important structural
serviceability aspects which have to be considered in timber frame houses are
vibrations in floors and load and moisture induced movements in timber and
wood based materials. Non-structural aspects of design, such as sound and heat
insulation, the provisions of installations and protection of timber against
excessive moisture exposure during construction and use, are discussed. The
necessity of an integrated approach in design, where structural and non-structural
problems are considered simultaneously to achieve rational and economic
solutions, is pointed out.
Timber frame building systems consist basically of wall and floor units
composed of timber studs or joists, covered with different types of sheathing
materials and with insulation material in between. For floor units, light-weight
elements may be used as an alternative to solid timber joists as shown in Figure
1. Such systems are rational since most necessary functions can be integrated in
the same structural unit, such as:
heat insulation
sound insulation
fire separation
E l 111
Figure l
Many of the key issues in the design of timber frame building systems are
related to serviceability, and floor systems especially are in many ways critical
for the quality of the building.
- an initiative
Figure 2
Sound performance
One of the key issues in light weight timber frame design is acoustics. The
concerns over acoustics fall into two categories:
By careful design and construction the problem with air borne noise can
generally be handled to achieve good sound ratings. As an example a wall
separating two flats from each other is shown in Figure 3. This type of wall has
a sound rating which is comparable with a 240 mm thick concrete wall. The
performance may be further improved if the linings on one side of the wall are
placed on resilient channels connected to the studs. It is important that the cavity
between the two parts of the wall is not broken by structural connections. By
similar measures, a good performance with regard to air borne noise in floor
structures can be achieved.
Figure 3
Wall with high sound perjormance, designed as two individual wall units
separated by a cavity. Each wall unit has plasterboard linings on its sides
and is filled with insulation between the wall studs. ( a ) Gypsum
The structure borne noises can be more difficult to address, especially in floor
structures. To obtain good sound insulation in wooden floors, the top and the
bottom part of the floor must be separated from the primary structure as much as
possible. At the bottom, a very effective method is to place the ceiling structure
on resilient acoustic channels, see Figure 1. The purpose of the resilient channel
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
E1 113
is to isolate the gypsum board from the supporting timber structure. Therefore, it
is important to ensure that the screws which fasten the gypsum board to the
resilient channels do not touch the timber floor joists.
It is also advantageous to place insulation material between the beams. From an
acoustic point of view, there is no significant difference between solid timber
beams and light-weight composite beams, as those shown in Figure l . At the top
the floor sheathing may be placed on a thin insulation underlay (floating floor)
as shown in Figure 4. To improve the footstep sound performance it is
advantageous to increase the mass of the flooring. This can be accomplished by
placing gypsum plasterboard on top of the structural floor sheathing and using
double plasterboard sheathings in the ceiling underneath the floor. An alternative
is to apply a thin (30 - 40 mm) concrete or plaster layer on top of the floor
boarding instead of gypsum boards.
Figure 4
The choice of floor covering is one important factor which influences the impact
sound level. A thick carpet is more advantageous than a hard floor covering such
as wooden parquet or PVC carpets. Many structure borne noise problems can be
avoided through careful suite layouts. In multi-residential buildings it is best to
line up bathrooms and kitchens from storey to storey. A bathroom or a kitchen
should not be placed above a bedroom in the apartment below. Finally, it is
extremely critical for a good sound performance to ensure that no plumbing
pipes are touching the gypsum board ceiling or the wall linings.
It can be concluded, however, that very good sound performance can be
achieved with light-weight timber construction. The floor design shown in Figure
4 has been shown to have an impact sound rating comparable to a 290 mm thick
concrete floor.
- an initiative
Figure 5
The moisture and load induced displacements in the structural system may affect
the serviceability of the building in various ways. Large movements may cause
damage to plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems and differential
movements between exterior brick veneer and the structure may lead to cracking.
Similar problems may arise for other types of exterior cladding with limited
deformability. Normally the major part of the deformations develop during the
construction period, but those parts of the movements which occur after the
building is finished, may cause damage to linings, paint and wallpaper. In
particular, differential settlements of the supports leads to slopes and level
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Figure 6
Figure 7
Concluding remarks
Special care must be taken in design and construction to ensure good
serviceability in timber frame systems. The most important aspects are
performance with regard to acoustics, vibration and springiness, and avoidance
of adverse effects of moisture during construction and use. Most of these
problems can be solved in a satisfactory way with proper design and workmanship.
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Sunley J. and Bedding B., Editors (1985). Timber in Construction, BT Batsford Ltd.
LondoflRADA, United Kingdom.
TrainformationITratek (1992). Manual for Timber Construction (Trabyggnadshandbok, in
Swedish), Stockholm, Sweden.
To provide information on the fire behaviour of timber frame houses.
A survey upon design and calculation procedures to determine the fire resistance
of timber frame houses is given. The fire behaviour of single components made
of wood andtor wood-based materials as well as non-combustible panels and
insulating layers is discussed in detail.
The fire resistance of a timber frame house depends on two specific functions.
Single components such as beams, columns, walls, floors, stairs and roofs have
to fulfil a load-bearing function and (especially walls and floors) are necessary
for compartmentation. Fire compartmentation should prevent fire expansion and
keep rooms or escape routes free from flames and hot gases.
According to these functions the design procedure for the single component is
the following:
EC5: Part 1-2: 2.1.
Criterion R
Mechanical resistance in the event of fire is required. Structures shall be
designed and constructed in such a way that they maintain their load-carrying
function during fire exposure.
Members shall be designed and constructed in such a way that they maintain
their separating function during the relevant fire exposure, i.e.
Criterion E
No integrity failure due to cracks, holes or other openings large enough to
permit fire penetration by hot gases or flame.
Criterion I
No insulation failure leading to temperatures of the non-exposed surface
exceeding admissible limits.
The members shall comply with criteria R, E, and I as follows:
R (load carrying):
RE (I) (load carrying and separating):
EI (separating):
The criteria are time dependent and vary with the use of the structure. The time
period is defined in minutes as 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 or 360
only fulfils it's load-carrying function for a certain time if all the appropriate
single components (stiffening, bracket, bracing ...) do not fail within the required
time period. The interplay of the abilities of each element forms the fire
resistance of the entire structure.
Figure l
Figure 2
is the failure time of protective board or other protective material, i.e. the
duration of effective protection against direct fire exposure.
is the required fire resistance time under standard fire exposure.
When surfaces of members are covered by fire protective cladding or are aligned
with other structural members having a failure time smaller than the required fire
resistance time t,, charring of the member starts at the failure time l,,. of the
The main panels are: all veneers only board (AV0 board), particle board,
fibreboard, gypsum plasterboard.
Due to the fact that some panels have a charring rate lower than solid wood they
increase the time of fire resistance of the component. In most cases they are used
in combination with walls and floors to satisfy separating functions inside the
house (e.g. escape routes, stairways). For panels used as fire protective cladding
(Figure 3) a failure time has to be determined. Failure time in this case means
that the increase of temperature on the opposite side of the fire exposure has not
yet reached the maximum of 180 K for combustible panels and 500 K for non
combustible panels (during fire tests at this time black areas could be seen on
the opposite side). According to the different behaviour of the materials in the
event of fire it is necessary initially to assess the failure times on the basis of
Figure 3
The failure time for fire protective cladding of wood and wood-based panels
may be found from the equation
EC5: Part 1-2: 3.7
If the cladding consists also of more than one material, the time of fire resistance
for the panel is in general the sum of each layer's fire resistance. A fire
protective cladding should always be fixed to the member itself and in case of
multiple layer cladding not one to the other. Load-carrying panels need not to be
analyzed, if their residual thickness is at least 60% of the thickness required for
normal temperature design.
According to EC5 Part 1-2 insulating layers have a melting point > 1000 "C and
are non-combustible. The most common products are wood-wool panels and
mineral fibre board. Especially for wall- and floor construction insulating layers
are of great importance to reach the separating criterion. It is indispensable that
the insulating layer are fixed carefully and tight (compressed).
E 12/3
Bracing should not fail within the required fire resistance period of the member.
Bracing should have a residual cross section of at least 60% of the cross
sectional area required for normal temperature design, otherwise the frame must
be analyzed as an unbraced frame. This rule should also be applied for walls and
floors (panels).
For the sake of classification in case of fire, wall constructions are divided into
the following groups:
Non-load-bearing walls are flat components that are, also in case of fire,
stressed only by their dead load. In structural design they do not perform
any stiffening function.
A wall only performs the separating function if openings (especially doors and
windows) have the same fire resistance (e.g. separating function). In practice
only outer and not inner walls meet this requirement. Experience has shown that
outer walls with a length of > 1 m perform the separating function.
The construction of a wall follows the principles shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Increasing stud cross section according to thinner panels (Kordina, MeyerOttens, 1994).
Figure 5
Exarrzples for load-bearing walls R30. (a) Wood-based panel, (b) gypsum
plaster board.
Figure 6
Example for separating wall REI 30. (a) Wood-based panel, ( b ) insulating
Another problem for wall constructions are installation. Especially sockets reduce
the necessary wall thickness and therefore it is not allowed that they face each
other. This smaller wall thickness might diminish the fire resistance and has to
be made up for by insulating layers.
Figure 7
It should also be ensured, that the panels remain fixed to the timber frame on the
unexposed side. This requirement is fulfilled when criterion I1 is observed.
In general the same principles (cladding and insulating layers) as for wall design
could be applied. Composition flooring (or floor covering) on the upper side
represents an effective protection against fire. Charring and breaking through (of
loads) can be prevented by composition flooring. The under side is in most cases
the unfavourable side of the floor construction (concerning fire resistance) and
must be protected (insulating layer). According to this charring has to be
considered from the under side.
Figure 8
Example for floor construction REI30. (a) Flooring, (b) panels, (c)
insulating layer.
5 is a reduction coefficient accounting for increased charring at joints (see
Figure 4) and h, is the height of the panel.
Figure 9
The function of the roof structure is to be resistant against fire spread or heat
radiation as shown in Figure 9. Only in some special cases roof structures take
over stiffening or separating functions (e.g. attic flats).
- -:I.
c ,-,----
Figure 10
Possibilities of fire load on roofs. (a) fire spread through sparks, ( b ) heat
Calculation of fire resistance follows the principles discussed for member design.
In the event of fire stairs can be necessary (escape routes) or not. As concerning
timber structures stairs used as escape routes have to keep their load-bearing
function upright during the fire period time. Stairs used for separating functions
are carried out very seldom.
Joints, grooves
Joints are dealt with in lecture C19. Especially connections between walls and
floors for rooms with separating function must be carried out in a way that
makes them resistant against premature fire (or hot gases) penetration.
Otherwise the whole construction fails before the required time. Also grooves
between cladding have to be smoothed with a filler.
Figure 11
Example wall - floor connection. (a) Side of fire exposure, (b) fire
The connection on the left side would (after a certain fire period) not be as
resistant against fire penetration as the connection on the right side.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
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gaps at interfaces will not give way to fire penetration into the void
between panels and frame.
failure of panels of one construction will not give way to fire penetration
into the void of an adjoining construction.
Minimum dimensions
In most countries minimum dimensions are given to guarantee (without
verification) a certain time of fire resistance. Unprotected timber frame members
should have minimum dimensions of 38 mm. For walls individual panels and
sheets a minimum thickness t,,,, related to the span l,, in mm of the panel is
given by:
EC5: Part 1-2: C6.7
Non load-bearing construction for inner or outer walls. The test result showed
failure on the opposite surface after 65 minutes, with fire exposure from the
Figure 12
Non-load-bearing wall. (a) outside, (b) inside, (c) nails 2,1 X 40, ( d ) woodbased panel, (e) mineral fibre board, (f) sawn timber 60 by 97 mm, (g)
sawn timber 25 by 46 mm, (h) nails 3,4 X 80, (i) wood panels with groove
and tongue joints.
According to EC5 Part 1-2 the main verification for separating constructions (EZ)
are as follows:
Residual cross section of the timber frame member are at least 60% of the
cross section necessary for normal temperature design is required.
8,4 minutes.
20,4 minutes.
20,8 minutes.
+ 20,4
+ 5 = 45
31,6 minutes.
0,8 mmlminutes.
25,3 mm.
71,7 mm = 74% > 60%.
This wall meets all the requirements (a) to (d) necessary for separating function
E1 40. Although the construction reached separating function for 65 minutes in
the fire test it would not perform E1 60 in calculation.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz e.V. Diisseldorf (1971). Brandverhalten von Holzkonstruktionen.
Informationsdienst Holz
Hartl, H. (1990). Informationsheft "Brandverhalten von Holzkonstruktionen"
Kordina, K., Meyer-Ottens, C. (1994) Holz Brandschutz Handbuch.
DIN 4102 Teil 4 (1994). Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen.
To describe composite timber-concrete load-bearing structures and to discuss the
parameters affecting their design.
This lecture deals with the composite timber-concrete technique with special
reference to its performance in buildings. In particular this lecture considers
structural elements where the cross-section is built from both materials linked by
mechanical fasteners. Therefore the most important features of this technique and
its hygro-thermo-mechanical behaviour are illustrated from a designer's point of
view. A simple design example is included.
Why is it that in some countries timber-concrete composite structures are popular?
Because the coupling of a concrete layer on the compression side and of a timber
section on the tension side, allows the best properties of these two materials to be
utilised. In fact concrete is used only in compression, where it gives its best
performance in terms of strength and stiffness, and timber is used in tension, so that
concrete in tension, which is only dead weight, is eliminated. Therefore it is
possible to have a structurally efficient section, rigid and light at the same time. In
this way the load carrying capacity of a traditional timber floor can be doubled and
its out-of-plane rigidity improved three or four times. Figure 1 presents the self
weight for a given service load-span combination for different types of floors.
Figure I
Floor self weight g versus span l for a service load q of 2,5 KN/m2, in the
case of (a) an all-timber, ( b ) timber-concrete and (c) all-concrete section from Natterer (1993).
Moreover, the spring effect, so annoying to the user when jumping or just walking
on the floor, is reduced; and vibrational damping is, in general, closer to 2% than
to l%, which means that serviceability verifications for vibration are more easily
Further, the in-plane rigidity becomes so large that it may be considered infinite.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
In other words a floor, for example, is so rigid that it is able to keep its shape and
consequently the shape of the entire building. This is very important for example
for the survival of the structure under an earthquake. In addition this permits
seismic calculation procedures based on this assumption. This is not the case for a
masonry structure with simple timber floors without any in-plane rigidity as in old
European constructions, see STEP lecture D10 (Figure 9).
Of course it is necessary that both the timber beams and the concrete slab are well
connected to the masonry wall (see Figure 2).
Figure 2
floors in old masonry structures) and in the case of new floors in new masonry
houses too. This technique is also used for bridges (mostly in America and in the
Pacific region).
This technique has also been used, although less frequently, for composite walls
where the concrete layer gives the racking strength and the timber ribs contribute
to the flexural stiffness out-of-plane and provide the necessary stiffening against
In principle, however, it could appear very difficult to obtain a good marriage
between these two materials, because their mechanical properties and their hygrothermal behaviour are so different. But on the other hand no collapses or difficult
serviceability problems have been reported in twenty years of use (RILEM, 1992).
In the following pages the reasons why this marriage can work and the main design
criteria to be followed to ensure good results will be given.
Types of connection
In Figure 3 a table of the most commonly used connection systems is shown.
Figure 3
E 1313
(A) are less rigid than elements connected by surface connectors (B) and even less
rigid than elements when some notches have been cut into the wood itself (C). The
stiffest connections are those where a bond between concrete and wood is obtained
(D). For cases A,B and C the behaviour is like that of composite structures with a
semi-rigid behaviour where the main point is that cross sections do not keep their
planarity, see Figure 4. Only in sections with a D system of connection will plane
sections remain plane.
Roughly speaking it is possible to say that the values of the effective bending
stiffness EIef may be about 50%, with A types, and up to loo%, with D types, of
the bending stiffness of the correspondent sections rigidly connected.
Design calculations in D case may be made easily, since there is no slip, by just
"transforming" the concrete section into an equivalent timber section having the
same centre of gravity but with an increased width EJE, times the real width, or by
just using the method described in STEP lecture B10 for glued composite sections.
In the other cases, when the semi-rigid behaviour is obtained, the method, used for
mechanically jointed beams and columns (see STEP lecture B11) may be used.
Mechanical performance
On the concrete side basic parameters are of course the characteristic strength f,,
and the average stiffness E,, and creep coefficient @ of concrete layer. For these
characteristics reference should be made to Eurocode 2.
The parameters needed on the timber side are the strength f,,,,and stiffness E,,,,,,
and the creep behaviour coefficient, kdeY But the most important point is the
knowledge of the mechanical characteristics of the joints, mainly stiffness, i.e. the
slip modulus value K,,, per fastener. This is because the rigidity of the joint
determines the stress distribution along the composite structural element.
In general it should be stated that strength and stiffness properties must be
evaluated by tests, in particular by tests made according to EN 26891 "Timber
Structures -[Testing of] joints made with mechanical fasteners - General principles
for the determination of strength and deformation characteristics", that means short
term tests on specimens that reproduce the real arrangement in the structural
element, for example as shown in Figure 5. In order to avoid an influence of the
number of fasteners on the test results (see STEP lecture C15) the number of
fasteners in the specimen should not exceed two. In this way, no matter what
connection system is used, the designer will be able to use the correct slip modulus
in the calculations. For K,,, reference is made to the initial slip modulus K,,, = 0,4
F,,Jv,,, (see STEP lecture Cl).
It is useful here to remind the reader that, when performing global analysis i.e.
calculating internal actions and the consequent stress distribution at an ultimate limit
state, mean values of material stiffnesses and slip modulus of connections have to
be used. Actually this is because in EC5 only the mean values of slip moduli are
given and the characteristic values are not available. Therefore only the mean values
of the modulus of elasticity may be used: in fact if using at the same time the
characteristic value of the modulus of elasticity and the mean value of the modulus
of slip the calculated values of the resultant stresses would be on the unsafe side.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Another reason for using mean values is that Eurocode 2 only specifies a nominal
value for the modulus of elasticity of the concrete, which is assumed to be an
average value. Of course when performing the cross-section verification i.e.
calculating design strengths, reference has to be made to 5-percentile characteristic
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
An elastic analysis is allowed also at the ultimate states. That means that not only
timber is considered linearly elastic but also joints and concrete that have, in fact,
a very well pronounced plastic behaviour. This is allowed, and is on the safe side,
by considering a "nominal" secant modulus of elasticity for concrete (see Eurocodes
2 and 4) and an "equivalent" secant slip modulus for joints. For global analysis i.e.
for the calculation of the global internal actions, normal force and moment, on the
concrete layer and the timber beam, the concrete part is considered uncracked. This
means that the entire second moment of area "I," must be considered. On the other
hand, for the cross-section verification the concrete will be considered to have no
tensile strength. For the concrete compression side the verification is made
assuming as upper limit of resistant strength the limit value of the plasticization
stress in compression (according to Eurocode 2). On the tension side, if it is the
case of a cracked section, reinforcing bars shall be provided. For the slip modulus
of joints reference is made to the K, value where K, = 0,6 F,,Jv,,, according to EN
26891. In general K, is not so different from 213 K,s,,).
For long term behaviour, reference has to be made to creep performances of
concrete, timber and joints utilising their relevant creep coefficient as conventional
reduction factors. For the concrete to timber connection just the coefficient for
timber joints will be used, considering that for the most part joint deformation will
occur in the timber. Of course, it is evident that the method of reducing the elastic
moduli is only a conventional system for taking into account time deformation but
the real value of elastic moduli has no reduction in time. This method tends to overestimate the real deformation at the final stage as it can be calculated, for example,
utilising a step by step method. Therefore it is on the safe side from a designer's
point of view.
Constraint forces would arise when the two parts are subjected to dimensional
variations: e.g. when concrete shrinks. In this particular case the length reduction
of the concrete slab will favour fasteners because it tends to reduce their
deformation. On the other hand this would increase the deflection of the beam,
although this can be counteracted by giving the beam a camber. But, finally, most
of the shrinkage happens when the entire structure is still propped and the usual
cracks in the concrete layer will reduce the importance of the phenomenon
Most interesting is the case of temperature variations in the concrete (the concrete
layer is more affected by temperature variations than by environmental humidity
variations) and moisture variations in the timber. The level of stress that can be
calculated by a simple elastic calculation utilising the conventionally reduced elastic
moduli, will only have a significant influence for very stiff connections and for
longer elements.
When casting try to protect the timber from moisture, i.e. using plastic layers or
using concrete with additives in order to reduce the waterlcement ratio (that also
allows smaller concrete shrinkage). This is not crucial for timber but for appearance
underneath. Pay attention to timbers that do not allow the concrete to harden (e.g.
in the case of larch, due to sugar extractive).
With increasing spans prefer softer connections in order to minimise eventual
constraint actions, and, when possible, the author prefers a structure where the
concrete layer is mainly important for reducing deflections rather than for reducing
the stress values in the timber.
Figure 6
Action side
Characteristic values of permanent and variable loads, per beam:
= 0,70 kN/m
permanent load g,
variable load
= 4,15 kN/m (medium term)
I design load combination (only permanent)
M , = 1,35 g, PI8
= 1,9 kNm
Vd,l = 1,35 g, 112
= 1,9 kN
I1 design load combination (permanent + medium term)
M,, = (1,35 g, + 1,5 qk)P/8 = 14,3 kNm
= (1,35 g, + 1,5 qk)1/2 = 14,3 kN
Note: because the ratio 1,35 g J(1,35 g, + 1,5 q,) = 0,13 is much less than the ratio
(0,6/0,8 = 0,75) it is evident that only the ZZ load combination is
decisive. For this reason, in the following, reference will be made only to the
medium term load combination.
Material side
Top slab:
Material properties
The characteristic strength values as well as the modulus of elasticity are taken from
EC2 and prEN 338, respectively. As already said, for the modulus of elasticity and
the slip modulus of the connection, the mean value is used in the design although
an ultimate limit state is considered.
fLk,cuhe = 30 N/mm2
= 2,6 N/mm2
= 2,25 (permanent load)
@,,, = 1,35 (medium term load)
= 22 N/mm2
= 13 N/mm2
= 25,l N/mm2
= 30000 N/mm2
= 2,4 N/mm2
= 10000 N/mm2
Service class 1:
= 500 N/mm2
= 0,s 500 103/ 6
= 66700 Nmm
K,ser = 09125 d E ~ , r n e u n
= 12500 N/mm
= 2 K,,, / 3
= 8330 N/mm
according to test results valid when deformation in the concrete may be considered
negligible, i.e. the case when f,,,,,, 2 30 N/mm2 and the height of the fastener
penetrating the concrete is bigger than 3d.
Design strength values are calculated according to EC2, EC4 and EC5 respectively.
0,83 0,85f
fcd =
14,l Nlmm2
1,47 N
concrete side (localised compression)
wheref, is the specified tensile strength of the steel of the dowel OC, = 500 ~/mm,).
timber side
6,49 kN
Ultimate state
Initial stage
The effective bending stiffness of the cross-section is calculated according to EC5,
Annex B. The writer suggests a small change in the EC5 formula for the a,
calculation: i.e. change the expression (h, + h2)/2 into (a, + a,). In this way it is
possible to take into account also cross-sections that have a gap between part 1
(concrete) and part 2 (timber).
Values of cross-section:
= 20000 mm2
= 0,16
= 91,2 mm
EId = 2,12 . 1 012 Nmm2
= 30000 mm2
= 100 106 mm4
= 1,00
= 28,8 mm
= 2,93 + 4,06
= 4,06 - 2,93
concrete side,
the last formula states that concrete is not cracked; therefore calculation stops here
(see "Mechanical performances");
timber side,
G,,,, = 1,95 N/mm
G,,,,, = 6,77 N/mm
Final stage
With time due to the higher creep of concrete with respect to timber, action forces
tend to migrate from concrete to timber. In other words stresses decrease in the
concrete and increase in the timber. At final stage an effective modulus of elasticity
can be used which is calculated as an average value of kW coefficients weighted
according to the loads (i.e. in this case 15% for permanent and 85% for mediumterm load).
The new fictitious moduli of elasticity (and consequently slip modulus) to be taken
into account are therefore the following:
Values of cross-section
= 20000 mm2
= 2,66 106mm4
= 0,26
= 94 mm
EIef = 1,53 10" Nmm2
= 30000 mm2
= 26 mm
= 2,83 + 2,29
= 2,83 - 2,29
Timber side
= 1,88 N/mmz
Gm,2,, = 7,25 N/mm2
Initial stage
Values of cross-section
= 20000 mm2
= 10000 ~ / m m ' K[,,,
= 0,22
= 36,7 mm
= 83,3 mm
= 2,4 10" Nmm2
Final stage
permanent load
= 30000/(1+2,25)
= 10000/(1 + 0,60)
= 12500/(1 + 0,60)
= 0,36
= 31,7 mm
= 1,36 . 10" Nmm2
U1 jin
= 30000 ~/mrn'
= 12500 N/mm
= 9230 N/mm2
= 6250 N/mm2
= 7810 N/mm
= 88,3 mm
= 1,7 mm
= 30000 mm2
= 8000 N/mm2
= 10000 N/mm
= 87,7 mm
Although in the final stage the effective moduli of elasticity decrease considerably,
the stiffness of the composite cross-section decreases to a much lesser extent.
Concluding summary
Timber-concrete composite load-bearing structures are very useful for the
production of stiff (in- and out-of-plane) and resistant floors (and walls). Following
few design rules it is possible to realise suitable structural elements which are easy
to calculate and with a suitable long term performance.
RILEM TC 111 CST (1992). "Behaviour of timber-concrete composite load-bearing structures". Proc.
of ACMAR-Ravenna International Symposium, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Florence,
Natterer, J. (1993). "Constructions en bois 11", Notes du cours IBOIS - EPFL, Lausanne.
To develop an understanding of the minimum requirements for bracing of structural
systems and to give some examples of bracing elemenets in practical use.
The lecture begins with the minimum requirements for bracing structural systems.
It presents the calculation of the load distribution in unsymmetrical statically
indeterminate systems and shows the different elements used for bracing. The
bracing of a roof structure is detailed as an example.
Structural systems must be designed to carry lateral loads caused by wind andlor
earthquakes. Together with lateral bracing forces the load-carrying capacity of
structures to resist wind-loads is discussed in detail and the problems of resistance
against earthquake loads are shown in a qualitative manner.
Bracing criteria
Lateral load resisting systems consist of vertical elements or a combination of
vertical and horizontal elements. The minimum criteria are shown in Figure 1:
More parts of the structural system could be added to this "basic box", which when
braced as described allows the lateral loads to be transferred partly or completely
to the foundations through the elements.
The bracing shown in the Figure 1 gives balanced situations (e.g. wind loads along
the narrow side of the building). If the horizontal loads are not centred, torsional
situations occur which lead to additional forces and deformations.
Figure I
Figure 2a
Figure 2b
- an initiative
Wind direction W,
Hxi = wx
C 'xi
HY .f
ey ',i bxi
E bxiS;
by, sxi
Wx ey 'xi byi
C bxisyi
+ C byi sxi
Wind direction W,
Wy ex
C bxiS;
H .= WY
C byi
'yi 'xi
byi S,
Wy ex'xi
xbyi sxi
Vertical elements
Frames have rigid moment-resisting connections which resist vertical and lateral
loads. They are commonly used in single-storey industrial buildings. To produce
moment-resisting connections fasteners (e.g. dowels) or finger jointed corners are
used. For horizontal loading timber frames are normally used only to resist wind
loads. For higher loads, e.g. horizontal braking-forces from cranes, the cross-section
requirements would rapidly increase mainly due to the need to accommodate more
fasteners. The restricted clear width of the building due to the large corner crosssections is another disadvantage. All these reasons lead to uneconomic solutions
when higher loads are present.
In industrial buildings with cranes, steel or concrete cantilevers are used. If lower
load-values are expected, roundwood (see STEP lecture E19) and glulam
(Heimeshoff, 1983) cantilevers could be economic, e.g. for agricultural buildings
or small sized halls. Deformations and stresses should be calculated according to
EC5 except in the design of the base connection. Rigid base connections for
clamped columns are given by Heimeshoff (1983) and to avoid fungal attack caused
by high moisture content very careful detailing of the base connection is necessary.
Diagonal bracing
Diagonal members may be designed to act in tension andlor compression, e.g.
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
E 1413
timber diagonals in frameworks. When acting only in tension, crossed steel rods
with threaded ends are used. Diagonal bracings are often located within the wall,
but sometimes they are located outside the cladding and are used for architectural
Figure 3
Figure 4
Diagonals at floor or roof levels can form parts of trusses carrying the horizontal
loads to the adjacent vertical elements. Therefore all connections and the tension
and compression members have to be detailed very carefully.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
At roof level steel rods or lightweight thin gauge steel diagonals acting together
with purlins, or small horizontal trusses can be used. Trussed rafters always have
to be laterally braced by additional trusses at roof level. Using trusses and glulam
beams the bracing not only acts as a lateral load resisting system but is also used
to avoid lateral buckling (see STEP lecture B15).
Design Details
Design procedure
Establish the building geometry and the lateral load resisting permanent walls
and parts of the structure. In buildings in earthquake regions the system must
be designed to resist seismic and wind loads. The ductility of the bracing
system will influence the value of the equivalent static lateral force. Nonductile structures or joints may be designed for higher lateral loads but give
uneconomic solutions in earthquake design.
Specify lateral loads according to EC1 andlor EC8 taking care to relate the
load to the practical structural system, for example checking if studs are
continuous over storey height when considering horizontal wind load
Consider joint design for the bracing elements. The flow of load from
application point to foundation should be traced. Design these joints:
E 1415
Bracing elements
Light steel diagonals are mostly used for roof constructions acting within the
roof level. They are also used at walls and floors in small buildings. The end
connection is provided by nails (EC5: Part 1-1: 6.2.2(1)). The design value
of the lightweight thin gauge steel diagonal is normally governed by the
design load-carrying capacity of the nails. The maximum design loadcarrying capacity should be taken as
wlax R, = A,,,
Steel rods with threaded ends are effective and aesthetic bracing elements.
They are normally custom designed and can transfer large loads. Many
alternative systems are possible, some details are shown in Figure 5. It is an
advantage that the simple tensioning system of the steel rods can be used to
adjust the structure during erection. To reach a good ductility of the bracing,
all connections have to be overdesigned to ensure tension yielding of the rod
is the failure mode. If steel rod bracing is designed carefully it can be used
to enhance architectural appearance.
Figure 5
Timber or glulam diagonals are custom designed according to their loads and
buckling lengths. They carry tension and compression forces. Connections
take the form of nailed steel-plates, nailed wood-based panels, nails, bolts,
connectors etc. (see Figure 5). Timber diagonals are often more economic
than steel rods but since adjustment of the structure during erection is not
possible, precise workmanship is necessary. Canying tension and
compression forces stiff constructions with small deflections are produced.
To create good ductility well detailed nail plate connections or nails and bolts
with small diameters should be used.
Diaphragms made from wood-based panels and timber plates and studs are
normally used in single- and multi-storey houses. Using the multi-functions
of the panels this kind of bracing is often the most economic and also gives
an excellent ductile behaviour, much better than any diagonal bracing system.
Wall- and floor-elements could be prefabricated, connections of prefabricated
elements have to be calculated, especially the connections of horizontal and
vertical diaphragms. Board edges not fixed to a stud or a beam have to be
secured with additional timber joists if no special calculation and detailing
is used. The characteristic load-carrying capacity of the wood-based or
gypsum-sheathed panels are given in European Standards, National
Application Documents or European Technical Approvals. These are
normally determined by test since calculation would involve embedment
values which are only available for timber, plywood and hardboard in EC5.
Tension and compression studs of shear walls have to be calculated
considering also vertical loads. Holding-down details such as those given in
Figure 6 must also be calculated.
Figure 6
Bracing of a roof construction with lightweight thin gauge steel diagonals.
Figure 7
Roof system.
- an initiative
Material properties:
= - =
5,25 kN
HL = Fw tanp cosa
F, = 6,79 kN
Z = -
cos p
3,05 kN
Calculation of nails
1'1 \ / 2 W d
R, = 1,l 42
. 13,l
7,77 say n
. 4,04.3 =
18,9 Nlmm2
873 N
8 nails
The additional timber (2) is necessary to keep nail distances when nailing
lightweight metal gauge diagonal. The angles are each nailed with 8 nails on the
side and with 10 nails on the bottom. According to technical reports from the
producers of the angles the design load-carrying capacity may be taken as
= 9,94 kN
Combined load
v v, + H,, / HI,,,
3,05 / 9,94 + $25 1 7,89
H,,, = 7,89 kN
= 0,98 c 1,0
Concluding summary
The flow of forces must be followed throughout the structure, in order that
all connections be accurately calculated.
Briininghoff, H et.al. (1989). Holzbauwerke: Eine ausfuhrliche Erlauterung zu DIN 1052, Teil 1 bis
3. Deutsches Institut fur Normung e.V., Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Holzforschung e.V., 1. Auflage.
Beuth Verlag, Berlin, Koln, Germany.
Steinmetz (1992). Die Aussteifung von Holzhhsern am Beispiel des Holzrahmenbaues. Holzbau Statik
Aktuell, Ausgabe Juli 199211. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz e.V., Diisseldorf, Germany.
Heimeshoff, B. (1983). Einspannung von Stiitzen aus Brettschichtholz durch Verguf. in
Betonfundamenten. Holzbau Statik Aktuell, Ausgabe Juli 1983/7. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz e.V.,
Diisseldorf, Germany.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
To set out the principles governing the design of beam and post structures.
A continuous cycle of development spanning many centuries precedes the
timber-frame construction methods of today. The first attempts to construct
shelters were made in prehistoric times. Vertical posts were dug into the ground,
then, horizontal planks were placed side by side and joined to form a frame
which bore the brunt of the weight. Dividing walls were filled out with wattle
and partly coated with clay. In this way, man erected such constructions for the
first time, where the load-bearing frame was separate from the non-load-bearing
dividing walls.
In the Middle Ages, the classic half-timbered building was developed from
above mentioned method of construction. Examples which can still be seen
today pay tribute to the very high level of the builders craftsmanship (Figure l).
Towards the end of the 18th century the half-timbered buildings became less
significant in comparison with the solid masonry construction methods. This was
not least due to the fact that the bourgeoisie, who were gaining more and more
influence in society, also developed a new set of values where construction
methods were concerned, including, for example, a preference for more "solid"
and more "durable" buildings. Timber-frame construction still played a
significant role when no particular importance was attached to representative
architecture and where buildings had to be erected as cheaply as possible.
Figure 1
Since the mid 20th century there has been a fundamental change in the attitude
towards timber constmctions: timber is gaining importance once again as more
and more people learn to value its high quality and the numerous things it can
be used for. However, due to rising wage costs, the half-timbered constructions
built by craftsmen became uneconomic and instead different methods of
construction were developed, such as timber-frame construction and modern
beam and post structure methods.
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Modular construction
A timber-frame structure is a three-dimensional load-bearing construction,
erected within a grid, consisting of linear elements which are supplemented by a
curtain wall or panels. There is a clear division between the load-carrying
construction and the f a ~ a d eelements (Figure 3).
Figure 2
Figure 3
All beam and post structures, whether made from timber, concrete or steel, are
based on a basic module. This module ensures that the structure of each beam
and post building is standardised and structurally sound. A multiple of the
module produces the grid. The module and grid determine the position of the
load-bearing columns, the location of the main and secondary beams and often
also the way in which the non-load-bearing finishing elements are arranged.
An example of this type of elementary unit is the traditional Japanese home
which, in the ground plan and cross and longitudinal section, is built on the
basic unit of the Tatami mat (0,91 X 1 3 2 m). The planning of beam and post
structures begins with the choice of a ground plan module. Its size, and thereby
that of the grid, depends on a wide range of factors and can be given a new and
different specification for each building.
human dimensions:
all types of scales drawn up by man such as, for example, Leonardo da
Vinci's theory of proportion (Figure 3), Le Corbusier's Modulor, the
Japaneses floor mat, the span of a hand, the length of a stride or the
height of a step
Figure 4
architectural design:
configuration of the building parts, order and arrangement of the inner
rooms, size and scale of the rooms, structuring of the fa~ades,specific
requirements regarding what the building is to be used for
site conditions:
geographic position, orientation, size of plot, tree population, vicinity of
existing buildings, specifications in the master plan.
There is no one single definitive module size: for example, there is the European
module (DIN 8000) = 100 mm; the brick size (DIN 41721) = 115 + 10 mm; the
stair module = 90 mm (half height of step); multi-module = 600 mm. These
produce the customary grid scales of 1,20 by 1,20 m, 1,25 by 1,25 m, 3,60 by
3,60 m or 4,80 by 4,80 m.
In addition, the distinction is made between the band grid and the axial grid
(Figure 5). The band grid defines the clearance between the parts of the building
in a load-bearing construction, the axle grid always refers to the centre lines of
the columns or of the load-bearing system.
The number of different possible modules alone illustrates that there is not one
universal grid scale. The specification of the respective grid is part of the design
process and therefore also constitutes a design criterion. The selected grid is
reflected in every part of the building. It can, for example, clearly be seen in the
format of the windows, the distances of the load-bearing construction or in the
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
division of the exterior cladding. The effects on the formation of the skeleton are
as follows:
There is a clear division between primary and secondary system. In this
case there are larger cross-sections manufactured, for example, from glued
laminated timber; large, open spans and less joints.
Figure 5
Figure 6
supporting beams. Cantilevers in both directions are possible. The load transfer
between main supporting beam and column occurs through bearing column ends
must be accuratly cut for a good fit. There are simple geometric ratios for the
finishing and fagade connections. When conneting to main and secondary
supporting beams, the different construction heights and other details should be
taken into consideration.
Possible connections for supporting beam to column:
These joints are mainly for allocation and eventually against uplift loads:
tenon joints
timber or wood-based material exterior or interior butt plate straps
exterior or interior steel plates
glued-in bolts
end-grain joints with Type A connectors according to EN 912
steel angle brackets
T-shaped integral fasteners (Figure 8).
Figure 7
Single section main supporting beam and single section column, singlestorey. (1) Column, ( 2 ) secondary beam, (3) main beam.
Figure 8
E 1515
or be built in as single span beams between the column faces. This system is
suitable for two- or multi-storey buildings, in particular for split level floors,
since in this case the beams can be fixed to the columns at any chosen level.
Cantilevers in both directions are then also possible.
Possible conections for main supporting beam to column:
dowels or bolts
toothed-plate connectors, ring and shear-plate connectors
wooden cleat supports
steel angle brackets
column with scarf joint, part of the bearing force as compression
mixed constructions with these types of joints
The secondary beams are normally laid over the main supporting beam. This
stacking method of construction results in relatively high floors. In addition,
coupled with the multiple section method of construction, it also creates voids
and thereby complex connections from the inner walls and the f a ~ a d e .
The principle of construction is simple, the construction itself and the loadbearing functions are easily recognisable. Characteristic of this type of
construction are the protruding ends of the beams, which can normally clearly be
seen, with the fastener end distances which often prove necessary. It should,
however, be noted that it is almost impossible to avoid penetrating the faqade of
the building.
The great demands of building physics which are made on modern outer walls
(wind tightness, heat loss in joints, thickness of insulation) are particularly
difficult to fulfil1 using this method of construction.
In order to avoid having to treat the timber with preservative, no timber parts
within the construction must be directly exposed to the weather. As a result,
ends of the beams protruding through the f a ~ a d eshould be avoided.
Figure 9
The small size of the column cross-sections is problematic where fire design is
concerned. The cross-sections often have to be enlarged in order to obtain the
required fire resistance. Due to the complexity of this principle of construction,
restrictions similar to those of the above-mentioned system apply, regarding
finishing and faqade element joints.
Figure 10
E 1517
Figure l 1
Single section main supporting beam (level) and single section multistorey
column. ( I ) Column, ( 3 ) main beam.
Figure 12
Figure 13
Most of these joints can also be used as a connection at the same height as the
main and secondary beams. In addition there are Z-profiles, end-grain joints with
ring and shear-plate connectors and supports on load-bearing battens on the main
supporting beam. If the timber-frame elements remain visible, the joints must
then also fulfil the aesthetic requirements.
The choice of load-bearing system can also be seen as a statement of
architectural creativity. A distinction is made between different systems: those
which arc fully integrated into the wall, partially integrated or non-integrated. In
the case of an integrated load-bearing system the skeleton itself is not visible and
many different types of materials and surface conditions are possible for both the
internal and external panels. In a partly integrated load-bearing system the wall
surfaces are arranged flush against the columns in accordance with the grid.
Despite structural texture, the whole wall surface is preserved. In a nonSTEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
load-bearing system the beams protmde and become the main
characteristic of the interior design.
Figure 14
Figure l 5
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
In a beam and post structure the functional load-transfer construction is entirely
separate from the faqade and external wall elements. Only the linear elements
(beams and columns) ensure the stability of the building, i.e. the transfer of all
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
vertical and horizontal loads into the ground. In particular, the spatial stability
and the bearing and transfer of bracing actions and wind loads must be
calculated. Bracing actions are horizontal forces which, for example, are caused
by wind, column inclinations and deviations of straightness of the beams due to
imperfections in the processes of manufacture and assembly.
Beam and post structures are braced in both horizontal and vertical directions. In
certain cases, if enough vertical bracing elements are available, horizontal
bracing constructions are not necessary.
Bracing in a horizontal direction is carried out using diaphragms in floor and
roof levels. Bracing in a vertical direction is carried out using shear walls,
bracing constructions, portal frames, restraint columns or rigid staircases (Figure
20). The diaphragm can be constructed using panelling with wood-based
material, aligning bracing struts or by laying floorboards with the tongue and
groove in a diagonal direction. It should be noted that a new series of floor
systems are currently being developed in which the diaphragm effect is already
an integral part. Glulam panels, boxes with webs and panels of wood-based
material, laminated veneer lumber, stacks of vertically arranged solid timber
planks or boards as well as timber-concrete-composite systems are particularly
worth mentioning.
Figure 20
Vertical linear or planar bracing elements can be aligned to bear the horizontal
forces from the floor and roof level diaphragm. The planar elements are shear
walls of concrete, brick or timber frame walls with wood based panels. If a
structural calculation is carried out to transfer the bracing actions into the joints,
brickwork between the columns can then be used for bracing. Bracing can also
be carried out by aligning steel or timber bracing struts or aligning crosswise
diagonals, or by building portal frames or restraint columns. If the floor and roof
level diaphragm is braced to a sufficient extent, a rigid staircase or maintenance
shaft can then act as a complete vertical bracing element.
Figure 21
Figure 22
The changing face of the building industry, with new emphasis being put on
construction methods which save costs and protect resources, has led to
increased opportunities to make use of building materials and types of
construction which on the one hand can meet the individual needs of the
customer and on the other are technically advanced, uncomplicated and which
can be assembled without difficulty by the local manufacturer. Modern beam and
post structures in particular fall into this category (Figures 21,22).
Construction methods developed from past models, new connection techniques
and materials ensure that buildings constructed using the beam and post structure
method are every bit as stable and durable as buildings constructed using other
methods. In addition, they offer such advantages as adaptability, ease of building
alteration and extensions, pleasant aesthetic design, exemplary construction
physics, ease with which components can be prefabricated, practicability on
different technology levels (small workshops, rationalized medium-sized firm,
industrial production), easy to transport and assemble. Due to the fact that the
customer plays an important contributory role in the construction process,
particularly where finishing elements are concerned, it is also possible to reach a
marked reduction in building costs. The beam and post method of construction
provides a variety of creative design possibilities for a wide range of different
buildings and structures. It is employed for housing and office buildings as well
as for public buildings - kindergartens, schools, senior citizens' homes, sport
and leisure halls. Religious buildings can also be constructed in suitably aesthetic
architectural designs using the beam and post structure method.
STEPJEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
To show the design of a small office building in Reutlingen, built in 1994. To
present the calculation and detailing of the most important elements of the building,
such as roof and floor beams, stringers and columns. To demonstrate the design of
the connection between the stringer and column.
The load bearing structure of the office building consists of single section beams,
stringers and columns. The beams, stringers and the columns in the roof are
designed with a level upper surface hence all beams are single-span girders. The
beams are connected with T-shaped steel-plate castings to the stringers. Fastener
joints are rod dowels in the beams and grooved nails in the stringers. The stringers
and the columns are connected by slotted steel-plates and dowels. The horizontal
force is transferred through the roof area and some of the walls, which are formed
as wood-based diaphragms. The calculations allow for an additional storey to be
added later. In the top of the columns screw sockets are included, to which the
columns of the second storey can be fixed in the case of extension.
Design example
Figure 1
0,05 kN/m2
0,12 kN/m2
0,18 kN/m2
0,20 kN/m2
G, = 0,55 kN/m2
Variable actions
Imposed load
Q, = 0,75 kN/m2
2,OO kN/m2
Variable actions
Imposed load
Light partition walls
0,lO kN/m2
0,20 kN/m2
1,lO kN/m2
0,18 k ~ / m ~
0,20 kN/m2
G, = 1,78 kN/m2
2,OO kN/m2
0,75 kN/m2
Q, = 2,75 k ~ / m ~
spacing = 1,13 m
g , = 1,78. 1,13 =2,01 kN/m
q , = 2,75 . 1,13 = 3,11 kN/m
= 4,54 kN
= 7,03 kN
= 5,13 kNm
= 7,94 kNm
= 0,40 kN/m
= 1,Ol kN/m
= 4,54 kN
Variable actions
from floor
2,75 . 1 ,l3 1 2
Reaction from floor beams
= 1,55 kN/m
= 7,03 kN
= 10,O kN
= 14,l kN
= 13,9 kNm
= 19,9 kNm
I = 622 . 106mm4
kdeJ,=0,25 (medium)
Permanent actions
N , , = 0,55 . 4,522
= N3,g= 1,78 . 4,522
N I , + N 2 , = 11,2 + 36,4
= 11,2 kN
= 36,4 kN
= 47,6 kN
= 15,3 kN
= 56,2 kN
imposed load
Combination 3 is governing
chosen GL24 b X h = 160 X 160 mm
service class 1
load duration class: medium
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
= 165 kN
= 146 kN
= 149 kN
. 10' 193
. 103 - 0,8 26,O
= 233 kN
0,57 < 1
The columns loaded by wind bracing loads will not be treated here.
Joint stringer-column
The following calculations show the design of the main beam to column
V, = 34,6 kN (support reaction of the stringer)
0,126 m
0,126~+ 4
. 0,056~
10,9 kN
12,9 W
=410kg/m 3
= 1,35 + 0,015 d
Embedding strength
= 1,l):
16~ 1 = 179
. 360 . 6
10' Nmm
. 11,O
1,l .17,4 - 7 0 - 1 6
= 22,0 kN
4 . 179000
17,4 - 16 702
1 10-3
12,6 k~
> 12,9 kN
Concluding summary
The calculations are limited to those essential to the design. Only the worst beam,
stringer and column cases are covered. Wind and horizontal load effects are ignored
and would not normally effect the design of a low rise structure of this type.
Timber bridges
STEP lecture E17
J. Fischer
LIGNUM, Ziirich
To describe the use of timber in modern bridges.
A short history of timber bridges in Europe is given as a background to design.
Structural forms and details of the principal structural elements are considered
and examples shown. Timber is thus shown to be effective, economic and
durable for bridge construction and to allow innovative and aesthetic solutions.
The oldest known timber bridges go back to 600 years BC. The limited
information available on these bridges shows the builders to have had excellent
knowledge of timber properties and applications to structural forms. Whilst
masonry bridges have survived for many centuries, these early timber bridges
were mainly destroyed by war, natural disasters or fire.
One of the oldest timber bridges in existence in Europe is the Kapellbriicke in
Luzern. It was built in 1333 and over the centuries much of the structure has
been rebuilt. Originally, the overall length was 285 m, but in the 19th century
this was reduced to 222 m. The bridge is covered and is formed of simply
supported beams on interconnected timber piles. In August 1993 a large part of
the bridge was destroyed by fire.
Figure I
Rebuilding of the bridge following the original form began immediately and the
bridge was reopened for pedestrian use in April 1994. The supporting structure
mainly consists of oak piles driven into the bed of the river Reuss. Cross-girders
again of oak connect the pile caps and support the 26 spans of the main bridge
structure; the average span is 7,65 m and the maximum span is about 13,5 m;
the total length is now 204 m.
Between 1755 and 1758 the master carpenter Hans Ulrich Grubenmann built the
well-known Rhinebridge at Schaffhausen. He designed the bridge as a single
span of 119 m but was forced by the town authorities to change the design and
incorporate an existing central pier into the bridge. Shortly after the completion
of the bridge he removed packing members over this pier and was able to
demonstrate that his original concept had been possible.
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Figure 2
Figure 3
Once the main structure had been built, these temporary bridges were dismantled
or demolished.
The development of timber bridges in the United States was in two main areas.
Firstly in the use of the through truss, often covered to protect the structural
timber, used in increasing lengths to carry roadways over rivers and secondly in
the use of timber trestles. The latter use shows no technical advances in the use
of timber but is noted for the volume of wood used in bridging and which
allowed the railways to be developed quickly and cheaply through very difficult
terrain without the need of highly skilled labour whilst using the raw material of
the forest, through which the railway passed.
Figure 4
Figure 5
E 1713
bracing in timber with vertical ties whereas Pratt reversed the process using
vertical timbers and diagonal cross bracings.
The precompression stresses available by tightening the end nuts on the iron rods
had the advantage of stiffening the joints between the large section timbers
improving the performance of the bridges. However the advent of iron into these
trusses brought about the demise in popularity of the timber truss bridge as more
elements of the truss were replaced with iron and later steel. Covered timber
trusses are still around today especially in forestry areas. In many areas timber
trusses are still seen as a competitive solution in bridge design.
The British engineer I.K. Brunel (1806-1859) was a great believer in the
structural use of timber and incorporated many timber structures in his London
to Bristol Railway. However, in timber bridging he is best known for his railway
viaducts built mainly in South West England and the Welsh valleys. On the
main line route through Cornwall there were 43 viaducts with an aggregate span
of 8 km built between 1850 and 1859. These were slender graceful structures
often built on sweeping curves to bridge the deep valleys of the area at heights
of up to 50 m. The viaducts followed a number of standard designs mainly
incorporating fan like supports. The main beams used 300 mm by 300 mm
section of yellow pine. They were often mechanically laminated using Brunel's
special "joggle" or shear key to achieve greater spans. A special feature of the
designs were that any stmctural member could be replaced within about an hour
without disruption to service. The timbers were expected to last 30 years but as
labour costs for maintenance increased the bridges were replaced and most had
gone by 1940. In developing these bridges Brunel was noted for his analytical
work and stmctural testing of timber elements.
During recent years a real renaissance of timber bridges has taken place. One
reason is the increasing interest in using such a durable and ecologically sound
building material as timber. Apart from that, technological developments have
contributed to new and more efficient jointing techniques and the use of woodbased materials. Timber bridges are thus shown to be effective, economic and
durable and to allow innovative and aesthetic solutions.
Structural background
Planning and construction
Road bridges carry the traffic loads of main or secondary roads, footbridges and
cycle bridges are mainly used by pedestrians and cyclists and only occasionally
by maintenance vehicles or ambulances. Due to their lower loadings, footbridges
and cycle bridges are mostly lighter than road bridges and are often seen to be
more suited to the use of a low modulus material like timber.
With regard to appearance and also to structure, open and covered bridges are
distinguished as two main types of bridge. The choice of the best structural form
of a bridge depends on several parameters:
Figure 6
Figure 7
The reason for decay in timber bridges is nearly always poor detailing for
durability and neglected maintenance. All aspects of timber protection and
maintenance should therefore be considered even during the planning phase of
the bridge.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Conceptional design
Choice of material
Prevention of damage
through adequate choice
of materials
Design of details
Prevent unfavourable
consequences of
shrinkage and swelling
due to water contact
Covering of horizontal
surfaces, of joints and of
end grain; enable quick
drying out of wet parts
Preservative treatment
Prevention of fungal or
insect attack
Surface treatment
Prevent weathering of
Several layers of
surfaces; achieve
pigmented coating
dimensional stability and
avoid cracks; limited
protection against fungi
or insect attack
Table I
Depending on the actual structure, single elements of the timber protection plan
can be omitted. The strict application of the other measures then becomes more
Figure 8
considered sacrificial in its protection of the more important structure below and
can be quickly and easily replaced. When designing modern timber bridges a
roof is often omitted for architectural reasons. In these cases the structural
protection of the main structure has to be achieved in different ways. Examples
are a deck which acts as a roof, or a covering of the main structure with lateral
Preservative treatment
Pressure treating sawn and glued laminated timber using CCB or CCF salts can
protect the timber members against fungal attack as well as against surface decay
due to the influence of the weather. It is important that preservative treatment is
supported by a careful detailing of the timber structure.
Protection of fasteners
Apart from the timber members the metal fasteners and fittings have to be
protected against corrosion. Especially from the use of salt to keep the roads free
from ice and snow in the winter and the use of salts for treating the timber
which leads to accelerated corrosion of steel parts. Because fasteners in timber
connections are not accessible after erection of the structure, they have to be
protected permanently. Hot-dip galvanising and eventually additional layers of
protective coating lead to a prolonged lifetime of fasteners and metal fittings. In
more aggressive environments stainless steel is preferred.
A regular check of the whole bridge should be made at intervals not exceeding
three to five years. The extent of regular maintenance is small if detailing for
durability of the structure has been consistently applied. The regular checks
should cover the following points:
The deck made of planks or plates may be designed as an open or closed
construction. The deck may be used for two main functions:
The deck distributes the concentrated wheel loads and transfers them to
the main structure. If the deck is designed as a diaphragm, it can be used
to brace the main beams and to transfer horizontal wind or brake loads.
The deck protects the main structure from moisture and mechanical
damage from traffic. An effective and durable protection of the timber
structure is achieved with closed decks.
Since the 1940s timber decks have been used in USA and Canada. Naillaminated joists were used which were also connected with to main structure by
nailing. Later glued laminated beams connected through shear connectors were
also used. Nowadays timber decks exist in a great variety of designs utilising
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
E 1717
round timbers, sawn timber, glued laminated timber or wood-based panels and
sometimes as composite beams together with a concrete compression zone and
wearing course.
Prestressed timber decks consist of laminated joists transversely prestressed using
high strength steel. Although the stiffness of timber is low perpendicular to the
grain, prestressing allows a plate action in the deck. In order to avoid damaging
the timber due to the high bearing stresses perpendicular to the grain under the
end blocks of the prestressing steel, edge members of hardwood or steel channels
are used. Prestressed timber deck plates may be either glued laminated or not
The shear forces between joists in non glued plates are transferred by friction
made possible through prestressing. This method is very simple and economic.
The joists are often treated with creosote before assembly.
Gluing enables timber plate decks to have larger dimensions. Here, prestressing
avoids cracking of the deck plate due to bending stresses perpendicular to the
Figure 9
Unglued prestressed timber plate deck. ( a ) corrosion protected steel prestressing bar, ( b ) direction of span, ( c ) spruce/fir joist, ( d ) oak edge
Due to shrinkage and creep the prestressing force decreases with time.
Measurements in timber decks in service, however, show that the necessary force
can be maintained at an adequate level for a long time. If necessary, early in the
structural lifetime, restressing can be done. Prestressing decreases moisture
induced variations of timber dimensions and provides dimensionally stable
members. The prestressed plate therefore is suited to serve as base for durable
wearing surfaces like asphalt. Prestressed timber decks are increasingly used to
replace existing decks as well as to provide a simple and effective deck structure
in new timber bridges.
Figure 10
E 17/9
For transportation reasons, the arch was manufactured in two halves. As with the
hangers, the connection between the arch halves was made with slotted steel
plates and high strength dowel bolts. The deck unit was manufactured in three
parts 2,2 m wide by 30,6 m long which were glued together on site and then
Materials used
Glued laminated timber (sprucelfir)
Glued laminated timber (beech)
Sawn timber (sprucelfir)
Steel sections, plates, bolts
High strength dowel bolts
112 m3
36 m 3
42 m3
13000 kg
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
98 m3
22 nz3
16 m3
306 m2
Figure 14
Figure 15
95 m3
51 m3
18 m3
Larch deck
Larch cladding
Steel sections, plates, bolts
27 m3
1150 m2
7000 kg
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Internal view.
Figure 20
12 m3
3,6 m3
3,6 m3
61 m2
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 23
23 m3
2 m3
5 m3
45 m"
Figure 24
Figure 25
Figure 26
Figure 27
Figure 28
296 m3
10 m3
Figure 29
View of the foot and cycle bridge over the river Neckar.
Figure 30
Figure 31
300 m3
69000 kg
180 m3
Figure 32
View of the Wennerbrucke over the river Mur, St. Georgen, Murau.
Figure 33
Bridge structure.
Figure 34
Materials used
Glued laminated timber (spruce)
Sawn timber (larch)
Diagonal decking (spruce)
Deck wearing surface(ekki)
320 rn3
20 rn3
1330 rn2
665 rn2
Figure 35
Figure 36
Bridge cross-section.
Figure 37
Figure 38
Materials used
Laminated veneer lumber
Larch boarding
Figure 39
Figure 40
Figure 41
Figure 42
37 m3
53 m3
410 m2
160 m2
72 pieces
160 m*
Figure 43
Bridge support.
Figure 44
Internal view.
Figure 45
In Central Europe the use of timber as a structural material for bridges has
increased considerably during the past ten years. Engineers, architects as well as
building authorities have again discovered this traditional way of building bridges.
The developments of new, efficient fastener techniques and of new wood-based
structural materials allow innovative and architecturally pleasing structures. Modern
timber bridges are much more than just an alternative for concrete bridges.
Numerous structures recently built either to replace existing bridges or as new
bridges prove this fact.
Bener, G. (1939). Gerust- und Seilriesenbauer Richard Coray. Kommissionsverlag Bischofberger
Co., Chur, Switzerland.
Timber piles
STEP lecture EI 8
J-W.G. van de Kuilen
Delft University
of Technology
To explain the principles for the design and the calculation of foundations with
timber piles.
This lecture provides background to the design of foundations with timber piles.
An introduction is given on the Dutch grading rules for piles and the characteristic strength value of piles. These values can be used in design calculations.
Details are given of foundation types used in the Netherlands.
Pile foundations are commonly used in areas where the load bearing capacity of
the soil is insufficient. In such cases the foundation of the structure can be made
of timber piles. The length of the piles varies, but the maximum available length
is 23 m which is sufficient for most areas in the Netherlands but also for most
expected loads. The piles are driven into the ground, in order to transfer the
loads of the structure to a stronger soil layer. The piles are naturally tapered with
a diameter varying between 300 mm at their top, which is directly under the
structure to 110 to 160 mm at the bottom, which is placed at approximately 1,5
m below the upper level of the load bearing soil layer. Details of two foundation
types widely used in the Netherlands are shown in Figure l .
Figure l
Two commonly used foundation methods. (a) Shear block, ( b ) foundation
slab, (c) pile head, (d) type traditionally used in Rotterdam, ( e ) type
traditionally used in Amsterdam.
In many areas where pile foundations are needed ground water is usually
present. In those cases the top of the pile must be placed at least 500 mm below
the lowest expected ground water level. The pile is then always saturated,
eliminating the possibilities of decay by fungi. Species which are currently
allowed to be used in foundations are Spruce, Larch and Douglas Fir. Pine is not
allowed due to the large amount of sapwood, which is susceptible to bacterial
deterioration, even under the ground water level. To connect the timber pile with
the structure above a concrete extension pile is used. An example of such an
extension is shown in Figure 2.
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Figure 2
This concrete extension pile bridges the gap between the pile and the structure in
order to avoid part of the timber pile being placed above the ground water level.
These extension piles have a maximum length of about 4 metres and in general a
diameter between 230 and 350 mm, although special types with smaller
dimensions are also available. The building sequence is as follows. The timber
pile is hammered into the ground for most of its length. Before the last metre of
the pile is hammered, the concrete extension pile is placed on top of the timber
pile and the pile driving is continued until the combination of timber pile and
concrete extension is at the required depth. The placement of the concrete slab
and the pile driving equipment is shown in Figure 3 and 4.
Figure 3
The concrete extension pile is connected to the concrete foundation slab or the
floor of the structure. In Figure 5 the connection between the concrete extension
pile and the foundation slab is shown.
The load-carrying capacity of the timber piles in compression as well as the load
carrying capacity of the soil have to be determined and a check must be made to
ensure that these capacities are sufficient for the design loads. The soil is treated
in a similar manner as for other structural material and design rules for the
verification of the soil strength should be used. Both ultimate limit states and
serviceability limit states must be verified.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Figure 4
Pile driving.
Figure 5
Table l
The values in Table 1 are valid for single piles. Depending on the final situation
in the structure these values can be increased. A group of piles under one
foundation block will act as a unit. If one pile starts to fail in compression the
stiffness of that pile reduces and load is redistributed to the other piles under the
foundation block, provided the stiffness of this block is high enough. In that case
the piles will act as a parallel structural system and a load sharing factor can be
applied in the design. According to the Dutch design code NEN 6743
"Geotechnics - Calculation method for bearing capacity of pile foundations Compression piles", the minimum number of piles acting together under a
foundation block is three. For that minimum case the load sharing factor was
found to be 1.1.
If a study of the soil is performed, the results of that study are treated in a
similar manner as any other building material. The design code for geotechnics
(NEN 6740) is written as any other load and resistance factor design code. The
maximum design strength of the soil is calculated as follows:
The Dutch design code takes into account the number of CPT's. If more CPT's
have been performed the actual load carrying capacity is better known and thus
higher loads may be applied on the foundation, or fewer piles are needed. Based
on these tests the load carrying capacity can be determined giving the necessary
length of the pole. The result of the CPT can be used to determine the ultimate
load carrying capacity of the soil layer in which the pile toe is to be placed. One
method to calculate this strength is called the Koppejan - de Beer rule. This rule
provides a safe estimate of the load carrying capacity of the soil and can be
found in the Dutch standard NEN 6743 Geotechnics - Calculation method for
bearing capacity of pile foundations - Compression piles. The maximum design
force (N) can now be calculated by multiplying this strength value by the area of
the pile toe.
The positive skin friction is calculated as:
fskin;m;rep =
a qc
where a is a constant for a given soil and q, is the cone resistance in N/mm2
with an upper limit value.
The maximum skin friction is calculated as the sum of the skin friction over the
circumference of the pile and the length in the soil over which skin friction is
In general these design calculations are not done by the structural engineer of the
building but by geotechnical engineers who are specialized in the design of
foundations and who carry out cone penetration tests.
The final scheme of a foundation, including the forces which may act on the pile
is shown in Figure 6.
- an initiative
E 18/5
walls occur, which may lead to disintegration of (parts of) the structure. Since a
total description of the phenomenon is not appropriate here, reference is made to
the Dutch standard NEN 6743 "Calculation method for bearing capacity of pile
foundations - Compression piles". The principle of the determination is that the
deflection at ground level consist of two parts. The first part is the deflection of
the top of the pile due to the elasticity of the pile and the penetration of the pile
toe in the soil. For this an average force in the pile is determined based on the
ratio between skin friction and normal force at the pile toe. The second part is
the displacement of the whole pile due to settlement of the layers under the pile.
Figure 6
Forces acting on the timber pile after the structure is completed. (a)
Structure, (h) concrete extension pile, (c) timber pile, (d) ground water
level, (e) negative skin friction, (f) weak clay, (g) positive skin friction, ( h )
load bearing sand layer, (i) pile toe resistance.
Design example
The structure of Figure 6 is taken as an example. The pile toe is placed 13,s m
below surface level. The vertical design load F, is permanent and is 100 kN. The
design strength of the timber pile for load duration class permanent is 7,s
The pile diameter is 140 mm. A, = 15400 mm2
The load bearing capacity of the pile consists of the summation of the pile toe
resistance and positive skin friction. Positive skin friction is acting over 2,l m.
The average pile diameter over this 2,l m is 148 mm. There is no negative skin
friction to be accounted for. 4 = 0,s.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
The skin friction can be added to this value: the average cone resistance over 2,l
meters is 7 ~ / m m ~ .
Using Equation (3) the skin friction is found:
and the design value of the load carrying capacity of the skin resistance is:
The total design load bearing capacity of the soil now becomes:
Concluding summary
Three species are allowed for timber piles (Spruce, Douglas Fir and
Larch). Care must be given to situations where the ground water level may
change for which special concrete extension piles are developed.
The characteristic strength value of timber piles has been determined based
on 95 compression tests and the verification of the strength according to
the EC5 is given.
NEN 549 1:1991 Quality Requirements for Timber - Timber Piles.
NEN 6740 Geotechnics - Basic requirements and loads.
NEN 6743 Geotechnics - Calculation method for bearing capacity of pile foundations Compression piles.
Roundwood structures
STEP lecture E19
S. Winter
Beratender Ingenieur
To give an overview of the types of structure that can be constructed from
Different uses of roundwood are shown by means of a few examples and a
calculation example for a timber pole construction is given designed in
accordance with EC5. Connection methods are also considered within the
The construction of buildings with roundwood is one of the oldest construction
types known. Roundwood as construction material could be obtained without
great effort allowing the material to be used by so-called primitive cultures. The
applications cover simple log cabins up to highly developed pole and tower
buildings. The famous Norwegian stave churches are excellent examples. The
use of roundwood construction is increasing due to the low cost of the basic
material and the low construction costs.
Today roundwood construction is mostly used in agricultural buildings. There
are several reasons for this:
Stables and sheds, storage for machines or barns for corn have no special
need of airtightness and particularly in barns a ventilated construction is
preferred to make the additional drying of harvest possible.
A lot of farms are close to woodland or own forest areas. They could use
their own raw products when they only have to cut the trees, remove the
bark by hand or small machines and form the connection areas with a
Roundwood construction is also used for simple halls in other applications, e.g.
for boat yards because the costs of the structure can be minimised. In house
construction timber poles are not used very often. However, in regions with
flooding problems, difficult soils, steep slopes or in cases of special architectural
requirements, timber poles are sometimes used to provide an elevated building
platform and the poles may be continued to form the structural frame. A new
application is the construction of sound barriers using cheap readily available
small diameter poles. The walls are anchored between cantilever steel columns
or timber poles. This form of construction is also appropriate to small retaining
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Figure 1
Sports halls in particular those for equestrian activities are built in roundwood.
The roundwood is used for the columns and walls and in few cases additionally
for roof trusses. The joints in the trusses are designed as steel-to-timber joints by
incorporating steel nodes.
Further applications of roundwood construction are in harbour construction, e.g.
bank stabilisation or catwalks for boat landing, and in simple short span bridges
for agriculture and forestry use. Roundwood is also used for look-out and
observation towers particularly in woodland areas.
Material Properties
Roundwood gives a very good ecological balance, because sawing is not needed.
and the use of primary energy is minimised. It is necessary to remove the bark
from the roundwood to minimise the risk of insect attack and for some uses the
poles must be peeled to obtain constant diameters and surfaces. No sawing also
means the full strength of the wood is preserved.
In roundwood construction all European species of softwood are used, e.g.
spruce, fir, pine, larch and Douglas Fir. If timber of high durability such as larch
or Douglas Fir is used in a carefully detailed construction preservatives may not
be necessary. Normally a chemical preservation treatment is used, particularly
for structural usage. To improve the quantity and the penetration depth of the
impregnation particularly where there is ground contact or at joints predrilled
holes are used, see Figure 2. The kind of preservation for load bearing
construction is carried out in accordance with "EN 335-1: Durability of wood
and wood-based products - definition of hazard classes of biological attack. Part
1: General", "EN 335-2: Durability of wood and wood-based products definition of hazard classes of biological attack. Part 2: Application to solid
wood" and "EN 350-2: Durability of wood and wood-based products - natural
durability of wood - Part 2: Guide to natural durability and treatability of
selected wood species of importance in Europe".
For roundwood which is only debarked higher strength values can be used
because the material is left in natural form and longitudinal fibres are not cut as
in sawn timber. However, currently EC5 gives no special rules for roundwood.
Also in the standards "EN 518: Structural timber - Grading. Requirements for
visual strength grading standards" and "EN 519: Structural Timber - Grading.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Figure 2
The concrete used to fill the holes should be in accordance with class C12/15
given in ENV 206 and consistency class CO given in IS0 4111. In buildings
with spans up to 12 m, utilising lightweight roofing and with standard wind and
snow loads, the distance between the poles will normally be 3,00 - 5,00 m.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
E 19/3
The example shows how a timber pole structure is designed. The ground
pressure caused by vertical loads can be calculated based on a diameter d,, = d, +
0,10 m for the ground area (symbols are given in Figure 3). To design a timber
pole according to EC5 the buckling length must be known. For an elastic
restraint a buckling length S, = P l (P > 2) has to be calculated. As an
alternative a non-linear analysis could be carried out. In reality the rotational
stiffness of the foundation depends on the rotation of the pole requiring an
iterative calculation based on an estimation of the deflection of the pole head.
Rotation of the foundation and with it the buckling length could be calculated
using loads with a partial safety factor y = 1 and by using the national codes for
engineering soil properties. After calculation of the buckling length the
regulations of EC5 may be used. The following example is calculated according
to "DIN 18900: Timber Pole Structures - design and construction". Some
characteristic values for common soils are given in Table 1. If the soil
underlying the building does not correspond with these classifications, the
characteristic values of mechanical properties and density have to be determined
by testing in accordance with National or European standards.
Figure 3
Figure 4
kind of soil
high density
high density
with U > 15 high
- density
with U 1 6
cohesive clay
Table 1
= 20,7 kN
= -19,9 kN
= 14,9 kNm
= 2,73 kN/m
Concrete C12115 according to ENV 206, consistency CO according to I S 0 4111,
earth moisture.
Softwood C24 according to EN 338
E,,,, = 7400 hVmm2
Pole diameter at bottom:
(Minimum diameter)
Pole diameter at point E:
Hole diameter:
Depth of hole:
Thickness of concrete:
Thickness of bottom concrete:
Check of minimum criteria:
1 2 S,
= 1,2 . 120
0,14 t
= 0,14 . 1500
400 mm
< d,
= 260 mm
= 500 mm
= 1500 mm
= 120 mm
= 150 mm
= 144 mm I 1 5 0 mm
= 210 mm 2 150 mm
I800 mm
Reduction factor:
v y = vc = 0,35
(Using soil values determined by tests v, should be v, = 0,25)
260 mm
d: - ~ 1 4
d; ' ~ 1 3 2
d: d 6 4
dE 1 4 = 26014
= 2602 .n/4
= 2603 -1~132
= 2604 n164
= 65 mm
= 53100 mm2
= 1,73 106mm3
= 224 106mm4
= 40 mm (estimated)
= 14,9 + 0,04 . (20,7-19,9 + 25,6)
= qw h
= 2,73 - 3,30
= ME / HR
= 16,0/9,01 = 1,77 m
=h, / t
= l77011500
=0,217/(n+0,6) =0,217/(1,18+0,6)
= 16,O kNm
= 9,Ol kN
= 1770 mm
Limiting value of H,
HR,li, = V , k, (y I 3) 9 h
E (t + (b db I 4)), + vc kl
. 0,122 .
COS^ (t + (b db I 4))2
tan a
tan a
= U, + U,,
= M E l ME,lim
= (a, + a, + a ) 10-3
= [(16,0/20,9)3+ (16,0/20,9)~+ 16,0/20,9] 10-3
= 0,00180
= U, + U,,
= 7,6 + 33,l
= 40,3 mm
= 40,7 mm 1 3300175 = 44 mm
> 40 mm (estimated value)
ME = 14,9 + 0,0407 26,4 = 16,O kNm = 16,O kNm
new calculation of deflection of pole head is not necessary
= 16,O kNm
= [(16,0 / 20,9)3 + (16,O l 20,9)~+ 16,O l 20,9]
= ME l tan a = 16,O 1 0,00180 = 8890 kNm
= h + dE = 3300 + 260 = 3560 mm
. 10.~= 0,00180
permanent load
Load case 4:
max F,,,
Load case 5:
max F , ,
Load case 2:
max F , ,
Load case 3:
max F,,,
= 21 N/mm2
= 7400 N/mm2
0,5 (1
A )
= 2,712
= F,,, / A
/ kc L , , o , ~ )+
/ fm.J
5 190
Soil pressure
= d; n/4
= max
= 6002 n/4
= 600 mm
= 0,283 106 mm2
Connections in roundwood construction are more difficult to manufacture than
connections with sawn timber. Often roundwood can only be cut by chain-saws.
The roundwood will need to be cut to facilitate splice joints and to ensure good
bearing between members in compression joints. If the loads are low or the joint
is used purely for location, joist hangers or thin metal plates may be used.
Special joist hangers for roundwood construction with different diameters are
distributed by special firms. If these metal parts have no load-bearing function or
if they only act in tension they could be designed according to EC5. Joist
hangers for roundwood construction which are similar to joist hangers for sawn
timber are not covered by any European Standard. They have to be designed
according to an European Technical Approval or to a National Technical
Approval. Figure 5 shows examples of typical joints, Figure 6 shows a joint at a
pole head to connect a double beam. If pole heads are connected by girders it
should be noted that compression loads will be set up. Curved or pitched
cambered beams should not be used in this form of construction in order to
avoid lateral movements of the column heads.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Concluding Summary
Roundwood construction enables cheap buildings particularly suited to
agricultural needs but also available for many other fields of application. Using
timber pole construction can reduce costs up to 45%. Roundwood structures are
particularly good in their low use of primary energy and they also provide an
excellent ecological balance. Most European softwood can be used bot poles
E 1919
should be protected by wood preservatives where they are buried in the ground
or in concrete to form foundations. Special rules for roundwood construction
have yet to be provided in any European Standard.
Drijge, G. (1986). Holzmastenbauart. Kap. 20 aus Holzbau Taschenbuch, 8. Auflage, Band l:
Grundlagen, Entwurf und Konstruktion. Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, Deutschland.
Nurnberger, W. (1988). Informationsdienst Holz - Zweckbauten fur die Landwirtschaft. Hrsgb.:
Entwicklungsgemeinschaft Holzbau (EGH) in der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Holzforschung,
Munchen, und Centrale Marketinggesellschaft der Deutschen Agrarwirtschaft (CMA), Bonn,
Merk (1990). Werkzeichnung der Merk Holzbau GmbH & CO, Aichach, fur das Bauvorhaben
Freilandhalle Obernach, FuBpunkt - Ausbildung, Aichach.
- an initiative
To develop a basic understanding of the structural principles and behaviour of threedimensional structural forms, such as spatial frames and domes, and to describe the
benefits to be gained from their use. To discuss the major design considerations and
construction details for these types of structure where timber is the primary
structural material.
The lecture begins by introducing the concepts of three-dimensional and two-way
spanning structures and their potential advantage over planar structures such as
beams, arches and trusses. For space frames this is demonstrated by examining the
load sharing behaviour of two beams spanning orthogonally connected at their midpoints. From this, the influence of the aspect ratio of the two spans on the
efficiency of a two-way spanning structure is demonstrated and the influence of the
number and location of supports is also addressed. Some single and double layer
grid types are described. For domes, the highly-efficient, load-carrying capacity
which derives from their overall, three-dimensional, structural form is explained.
Examples of different dome geometries such as Schwedler, geodesic, lamella and
rib are described and, where appropriate, the way in which these geometries relate
to basic polyhedral forms.
Subsequently, some design and construction considerations, particularly those
associated with joints, supports and movement, are outlined for both spatial frames
and domes, and reference is made to the relevant sections of STEP for guidance on
detailed element and joint design. Finally, a few examples of timber space frame
and dome structures are briefly described to illustrate the potential of solid and
glued-laminated timber for this type of construction.
Simple beams and trusses are planar structures that span in one direction and must
sustain every load that may be applied to them (including any heavy point loads)
transmitting these to the two end supports. However, by appropriately connecting
these planar systems with elements in the orthogonal direction, an efficient, threedimensional, load-sharing system may be produced, that ensures that a load applied
anywhere in the structure is resisted by all of its component elements. If composed
of beams, such a structure is classified as a single-layer grid or grillage, whereas,
if formed from trusses, it is referred to as a double-layer grid, space frame or space
truss. Similarly, a three-dimensional dome distributes loads more efficiently than a
single arch. The behaviour of these structures is discussed in more detail below.
The benefit of using domes for efficient, three-dimensional structures has been
known since antiquity, e.g the 43 m span, masonry dome of the Pantheon in Rome
(118-128 AD). There are also many historical examples of timber domes, e.g. the
outer dome of St. Paul's Cathedral in London (1705-1708) and St. Mark's in
Venice (13th. century modifications) although these are not pure timber domes but
work in combination with masonry domes. However, space frames are a much more
recent innovation, the pioneer of this structural type being generally recognised to
be Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, who constructed many
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
E20/ 1
experimental space frame structures in the 1900s. However, space frames were not
widely used until the 1950s with the development of modular systems by, for
example, Mengeringhausen, Buckrninster Fuller, Wachsmann, du Chateau, and
Fentiman, and the wider availability of the electronic computer which enabled the
analysis of these complex, three-dimensional structures. Despite the wide acceptance
of space frame structures today the great majority are constructed from steel or
aluminium with only limited numbers being fabricated using timber members.
The beams are connected together at their midpoint, and, from consideration of
compatibility, their deflections must be equal (U,= U,). Thus
Figure l
Two-way orthogonal beam grid system (plan andperspective views). (a) Beam
2, (b) beam l , ( c ) load F.
Using the above equation and the fact that F, + F, = F, the proportion of the total
load F carried by each of the two beams can be found for different span (or aspect)
ratios, as shown in Table 1. This table demonstrates that, when the beams are of the
same length, equal load is carried by each but that, in all other cases, the greater
proportion of the load is carried by the shorter span. When the ratio of spans
exceeds 2,O most of the load is carried by the shorter beam which indicates that the
benefit of two-way spanning grids is usually greatest if the structure is supported
in approximately square structural bays. Alternatively, it is possible to increase the
stiffness of the longer beams (usually by increasing I) to even out the load
distribution in situations where one span is longer than the other.
Span ratio (1,/1,)
Beam 1
0,50 F
0,77 F
0,89 F
0,96 F
Beam 2
0,50 F
0,23 F
O,11 F
0,04 F
Table l
the high redundancy of space grids means that, in general, failure of one or
mechanical and electrical services and air-handling ducts are easy to install
within the structural depth.
the cost, which can be high when compared with alternative structural
systems, particularly when space frames are used over short spans,
the number and complexity of joints can lead to longer erection times on site
depending on the joint type and grid module chosen,
when fire protection is required it is more expensive due to the high number
and relatively large surface area of the space frame elements,
visually, the lightweight structure can appear to be very dense when viewed
from certain directions.
Grid configurations
Regular shaped grids are usually adopted for both the top and bottom layers of
space grids to limit the number of different member lengths in the structure. There
are only three regular polygons, the equilateral triangle, square and hexagon, that
completely fill a plane with a regular tiling, thus, these are the most commonly used
geometries. In square, two-way grids the grid lines have members orientated in two
perpendicular directions, usually either parallel to the edges of the grid or set on the
diagonal, at 45" to the edges. However, plane grids of triangles and hexagons
produce three-way grids with members orientated in three directions. By combining
the regular polygons or by using them in combination with other polygonal shapes
(e.g. triangles with squares, triangles with hexagons, squares with octagons) more
complex grid geometries may be produced.
In space grid structures, where two plane grids are separated by web members to
form a double-layer grid, it is not necessary for the top and bottom grids to have
the same configuration. Nevertheless, cost implications and ease of web member
connection limit the number of common forms of double-layer grids. Some
common configurations are shown in Figure 2 and are as follow:
square on square - where the top grid is directly above the bottom grid and
the web members connect the layers in the plane of the grid lines (Figure 2a),
square on square offset - where the bottom grid is offset by half a grid square
relative to the upper grid and web members connect the intersection points
in the top and bottom grids (Figure 2b),
square on diagonal square - where the lower grid is set at 45O to, and is
usually larger than, the top grid; again with web members connecting the
intersection points on the top and bottom grids (Figure 2c),
triangle on hexagon - where the upper grid is triangular and the lower, more
open, grid is hexagonal; again with web members connecting the intersection
points on the top and bottom grids (Figure 2d).
Figure 2
Members in the lower layer of a double-layer grid are generally in tension, i.e. not
vulnerable to buckling, and may, therefore, be longer than the upper compression
members, permitting a more open grid geometry in that layer. Choice of grid
configuration and depth will also affect the economy of the space frame due to the
cost of node joints when grid spacing is small and the larger cross sections required
for compression elements to avoid buckling when grid spacing is large.
Support locations
The choice of the most favourable support locations will depend on the plan form
of the structure and architectural considerations but the positions chosen will have
a significant influence on structural efficiency. Either top or bottom node joints can
be supported. For example, considering a space frame square in plan, providing
supports for each edge node in either the top or bottom layer is most economical
whilst having supports only at the corners greatly increases the maximum forces in
the space frame members and the vertical deflections are also much bigger. Placing
a few intermediate supports along each edge considerably improves the space grid
performance compared with the corner supported condition whilst keeping the
number of columns to a reasonable minimum. Single columns located at the middle
of each side also produce an efficient support system, as the corners of the space
frame are cantilevered and counter-balance the central area, consequently deflections
and member forces in the middle are reduced (Makowski, 1981). To reduce
deflections for each of the above support conditions, the supports can be brought
in slightly from the edges of the space frame. This produces a cantilever around the
whole structure allowing the opportunity to have column free elevations, if desired.
Alternatively, both deflections and member forces in the space grid can be reduced
by use of 'tree' supports instead of discrete columns.
Domes are particularly suited to covering circular or polygonal plans. Constructed
from a continuous material, such as reinforced concrete, the dome is a doublecurved synclastic shell. With suitable detailing of the connections between cladding
and supporting structure a timber shell may also be formed, however, this lecture
is confined to spatial dome structures where the cladding is assumed not to
contribute significantly structurally, apart from resisting lateral buckling of
compression elements. Timber shells are considered in detail in STEP lecture E21.
More organic curved forms can be generated using grid shells but these are beyond
the remit of this lecture.
Figure 3
Typical timber dome geometries (a) radial rib dome, (b) Schwedler dome, (c)
lattice and (d) geodesic dome.
The analysis of spatial frames and domes is facilitated by the use of electronic
computers running finite element software (usually based on the stiffness method)
to evaluate member forces and deformations of the structure for critical load cases.
EC5: Part 1-1: 2.3.1 & 2.3.2 This software can also be used to appraise the effect of initial imperfections in the
structural geometry and second order effects, as required by EC5. The rise in
popularity of these structural forms is undoubtedly due to developments in computer
Element design
In small spatial structures, members may be solid timber sections but for larger
structures and curved elements glulam members are normally used. As it is quite
difficult and expensive to produce rigid joints between timber members, most joints
in spatial timber structures are designed (or assumed in the design process) to be
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
pin-jointed. The individual members in most spatial frames and domes are,
therefore, considered to be in axial compression or tension with only a small degree
of local bending, usually associated with cladding loads. For members subject to
these actions, suitable cross-sections are solid circular sections. Once the overall
stability of the structure has been assessed and assured, the individual members can
be designed for the combined effects of axial force and bending moment (see STEP
lectures covering structural components).
Joint design
The connections between the individual elements of spatial frames and domes are
normally made using steel components which must be detailed to transfer axial
forces whilst minimising eccentricities which induce secondary bending in the
members. Guidance on the design of joints in timber structures is given in the STEP
lectures covering joints. Normally, in timber space frames, some form of metal
insert is provided at each end of the timber sections and it is this that is connected
to the node joint. These may be designed for a particular application or a
proprietary jointing system may be used.
Construction details
Three-dimensional structures are particularly sensitive to dimensional inaccuracies
in the constituent elements. For instance, in long span space frame roofs, one way
of providing a fall for rainwater run-off is to generate a camber in the structure by
using members of a slightly shorter length in the bottom grid. Therefore, it is
essential that the overall length of members is accurately controlled during
manufacture or that a means of adjustment is incorporated in the joint details.
As noted above, pin-jointed, three-dimensional structures require a minimum of six
support restraints. The location and direction of these will obviously depend on the
situation of the supports within the plan of the structure and the ability of the
supporting structure to provide the necessary reactions to the applied actions.
Typically, long span space frame structures will have at least three vertical restraints
and three horizontal restraints. For instance, if one corner of a square plan structure
is restrained vertically and in both horizontal directions the space frame will need
at least two additional vertical restraints to prevent rotation about a horizontal axis
and one more horizontal restraint to prevent rotation about a vertical axis.
Ribbed domes will usually require a central compression ring to facilitate
connection of the radiating ribs, as it is difficult to devise a joint which permits all
of the ribs to be joined easily at the centre of the dome. A tension ring or radial
buttresses are required to resist any outward thrust from the ribs at the perimeter.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Recent examples of large span timber domes have been constructed at Northern
Michigan University in Marquette (timber decked, 162,5 m span) and the Asemia
Dome in Japan (140,7 m span, covered with a Teflon coated fabric membrane).
Concluding summary
In the case of spatial frames and for some dome configurations, short, timber
elements are connected by metal connectors to generate large structures.
The ratio of spans in two directions and the location of supports greatly
influence the efficiency of spatial frames and domes.
Most timber members within these structures can be designed as pure tension
or compression elements. Bending normally only being produced by local
cladding loads or secondary effects due to joint eccentricities.
Makowski, Z.S. (1981). Analysis, Design and Construction of Double-Layer Grids, Applied Science
Publishers, England.
Borrego, J. (1968). Space Grid Structures, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Huybers P,, Ende, G. van der, Lanser J., and Reijken, S.Th. van der (1987). Opbouw en beproeving
van een bouwkonstruktie uit larix rondhout te Lelystad, Report C4-86-03, Technische Universiteit
Delft, Netherlands.
- an initiative
To give an appreciation of the opportunities to create exciting building forms in
in timber, covering large clear spans without internal supports, using as a basis
the structural principles of shells.
Shells are thin and stiff curved membranes which act alone to provide a
complete roof, including the structure, as well as the form of the roof surface.
After an introduction further explaining this concept, the lecture states the
applications and advantages of timber shells. It outlines how they are
constructed. The historical development of structural shells is very briefly
discussed. Basic theoretical principles are given, including membrane stress
theory. A numerical example reinforces this. Orthotropicity, important for timber
construction, is then touched upon. In the main, the lecture concentrates upon
shell forms where membrane action predominates, but shells with bending, and
with ribs, are also mentioned. Constructional aspects related to the standards
which support EC5 are considered. The lecture concludes with two illustrated
case studies.
In the context of this lecture, a shell may be considered to be a thin and stiff
curved membrane, acting alone to provide a complete roof, including the
structure, as well as the form of the roof surface. The thickness of a shell roof is
small compared with the other dimensions of the surface. The geometry of the
form is closely prescribed, since its strength and stiffness is enhanced by its
curvature. Shell forms may be of single or of double curvature, and a
considerable variety of shapes is possible. In general, forms of double curvature
are likely to be stiffer, for a given material thickness, than single curved types.
In all instances, bending moments perpendicular to the shell surface are
intentionally minimised in at least one planwise direction, through the choice of
the geometrical form. In many cases, both of the orthogonal in-plane directions
are associated with a curvature that leads to minimal out-of-plane moments.
Normal and shear forces acting within the membrane of the shell are collected at
stiffening edge beams, and are thus transmitted to the foundations of the
structure. In certain cases, a small number of principal tension members may
also be required to complete the stability of the shell roof.
Timber shell roofs should be considered whenever an elegant, architecturally
appealing solution is sought for the two-way spanning of considerable clear
areas. They are particularly suitable for structures in which large or frequent
gatherings of people occur. The form of the structure is very evident, from both
without and within the building. Extreme lightness of structure is achieved by
the technique, but to be successful, this must be accomplished through careful
design, by meticulous attention to detail, and with first-class workmanship. Shell
roofs should not therefore be entertained for the more mundane building
purposes. Nor are they likely to be architecturally advantageous for situations
STEPJEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
where internal load-bearing walls are essential, since these destroy the sense of
"openness" of the internal space.
To construct a timber shell, a series of thicknesses of material are laid at an
angle to one another, and are nail-glued together. This forms a membrane, which
in its entirety is less orthotropic than would be the case for a unidirectional layer
of timber. Traditionally, timber boards laid side-by-side have been used to form
each individual layer of the shell. In some instances, strips of plywood have
been used as an alternative. Nowadays, other wood-based panels or structural
composites such as Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), as described in STEP
lecture A9, might offer advantages. Edge beams are usually of glued laminated
timber, although solid structural timber is sometimes used, on small shell
components. Here again, LVL might also now be considered for such a function.
Historical development
Early historical developments
Early historical structural developments tended to favour the use of timber as a
material for beams, which are clearly unidimensional elements. Indeed, there is a
semantic connection between the words "beam" and "timber". At first, stone, too,
was most conveniently used in this way, as monolithic columns, for example.
However, as stone vaulting succeeded stone arches, two-way spanning structural
forms were born. Classical, Gothic and Renaissance vaults and domes share this
important characteristic with shells. The cellular, vaulted construction of the
Pantheon dome in Rome, is witness to the genius of Roman engineering. Its
construction is like that of a modern gridshell. It held the world record for a
free-spanning dome, at 43,2 m, until the birth of modern reinforced concrete
techniques. With these, comparable domes can now be built with a structural
mass of some 1/50th of the unreinforced concrete or stone types.
Steps leading directly to the development of modern shell roofs resulted from the
convergence of two paths, nineteenth century applied mathematical progress, and
the use of reinforced concrete, followed by timber for two-way spanning forms.
Hence it can clearly be seen that the basis of membrane theory is that all forces
are assumed to lie within the shell surface, and no bending moments are deemed
to exist. Adaptation of the theory in 1826 by Lam6 and Clapeyron, and its
perfection by Airy and Love (1927), cannot be described here, but may be
pursued by those mindful of the importance of engineering history.
Conventions must be adopted in order to define every co-ordinate in a structural
shell in an unequivocal manner. As an introduction to these conventions of shell
geometry, consider the typical cylindrical shell element of Figure 1. It will be
noted that the principal axes X, y and z are denoted using a convention similar to
that adopted by EC5 (EC5: Part 1-1: 5.1.6) for beams. The thickness is denoted
by t. At t/2 there is a middle surface, which bisects the thickness of the shell. In
the case of a cylindrical shell, this middle surface is straight longitudinally, and
circular transversely. The middle surface has a radius r in the transverse plane.
For more complex shell elements, such as bicurved surfaces, these general
conventions are retained, so that the geometry is always defined by reference to
the middle surface.
normal axis
,longitudinal axis
cenrroidal surface
middle and centroidal
Figure I
Stress Resultants
Figure 2
Figure 2 shows the loads and stress resultants which may act upon a bicurved
shell element of arbitrary shape. The loads p , p, and p, may be considered as
uniform, and unitary, for the purposes of presenting the essential theory.
The cross-hatched front edge (in Figure 2) is part of the cross section (X = const)
through the shell. Since this is an element of calculus, this section is considered
to have an area ds, t. The dimension ds, is deemed to approach zero, leading to
a force divided by the length of section which reaches a finite limit. Such a
quotient is termed a "stress resultant", having units such as kN/m for example.
For analysis, the stress resultants are resolved into three components, also shown
in Figure 2.
The normal forces N, and N,, considered positive if tensile and negative if
The three types of stress resultant which were defined as forces, and described
above, give rise to corresponding normal and shear stresses, as illustrated in
Figure 3. Because of the factors (rx + z)/r, and (r, + z)/r,, the moments are not
zero, even when the stresses are uniformly distributed across the thickness of the
shell. Adjustment for the separation of the middle and centroidal surfaces are
usually made by means of shape factors, which depend upon the geometry of the
shell form. For thin shells however, such factors are seldom far from unity.
The full development of the relationships between the projected membrane
forces, the loads and the shape of the middle surface of the shell requires rather
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
E2 115
lengthy explanation, and the reader is recommended to study the texts for a
fuller understanding of this, especially Fliigge (op. cit. 1960). In principle, an
important first step is to relate the normal forces and the normal stresses, by
means of integrals of the latter. For example, the total normal force on the
element ds, t, Figure 2, is given by the expression:
Figure 3
Corresponding relationships exist between all six in-plane stress resultants and
their respective stresses. It should be noted that the integrals show that the
equality of the shear stress X, = X, does not necessarily imply equality of the
shearing forces, although if t and z are small compared with r, and r,, the
difference may be negligible.
When the stresses are not distributed uniformly across the thickness, some of
them are in reality associated with moments with respect to the centre of the
section, M, and M,, and there also exist two twisting, or warping moments, M,
and M,,. Since it is the intention of this lecture to present only the essentials of
the more elementary membrane theory, these within-thickness moment effects
are not further detailed. Furthermore, in the design of timber shells, (Keresztesy,
1966) analysts have generally tended to check by means of experimental stress
analysis, for example using accurate, scaled structural models, in order to
establish the domain of the simpler membrane theory, and thus avoid dealing
with moment complexities.
STEPEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Figure 4
Thus of the ten stress resultants belonging to the general theory, only three
remain: N,,N, and N, = N,,.
Three equations of force equilibrium exist, which may be used to solve these
stress resultants. It should be noted that although the normal forces are indicated
as positive, or tensile, in Figure 4, there are types and regions of shell where
these are compressive.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
E2 117
Figure 5
Figure 5 shows a shell of arbitrary shape, defined geometrically in rectilinear coordinates. Vertical co-ordinates of the middle surface, the z plane, are expressed
as a function of X and y.
On the middle surface, the co-ordinates x = y = const do not meet at right angles
to one another. Hence the horizontally projected plane shown at the top of the
figure is constructed to reflect the co-ordinates orthogonally.
To develop the differential equations, the skewed stress resultants are also
projected onto this horizontal plane as shown in Figure 6.
The projected membrane stress resultants are obtained by differentiation, giving
the following:
cos X
Nx = Nx cos e
Ny = Ny
cos 0
cos X
Figure 6
To assist with the solution of these basic equations, expressions are written
which make use of an auxiliary variable, the stress function 0.This is the step
based upon Airy's principle:
in which
and where P,, Pyand g a r e loads per unit area of the horizontal projection. If it
Consider a curved paraboloid roof shell, which is triangular in plan (see Figure
7). Shells of this type have been built in timber to form part of a series of
interconnected roofs over a building (Natterer op. cit. 1991). The reason for this
choice as a worked example is that such triangular paraboloid shells can be
shown to perform closely in accordance with simple membrane theory, and that
the particular form of the Pucher equation from the stress resultants is also
Each individual shell unit can be considered to be cut from a paraboloid surface
which is developed from a square planform, that is with only one rise h, = h, =
const. Such a paraboloid of revolution has the equation
Figure 7
Numerical results for a shell of this type with a = h and plotted in terms of N/ph
are shown in Figure 8. The reader will find that if typical values for timber
structures are entered into the parameters obtained from this diagram, N/ph, and
if normal stresses are estimated using a typical thickness, say 57 mm, then the
apparent membrane stresses are very low. This is usual for such structures, and
is in agreement with tests, such as those reported by Keresztesy (op.cit. 1966).
As is evident from the basic theoretical principles explained above, the
membrane stress resultants in a shell may be either tensile or compressive,
depending upon the form of the shell and the region of the membrane under
consideration. It has been shown that the loads and stress resultants acting on a
shell element must come into equilibrium, in accordance with the fundamental
STEPfEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
theory. The membrane analogy suggests that an ideal shell material would be
isotropic, whereas of course the individual boards of timber or wood-based
material forming a timber shell roof are significantly orthotropic in their
behaviour. Textbooks such as that by Bodig and Jayne (1982) give a clear
introduction to the equations for the orthotropic elasticity of wood and wood
Figure 8
- an initiative
should be noted that in this second case, the adhesive should be regarded as the
primary joining medium, and the fasteners only as a means of ensuring glue
pressure, since the difference in stiffness of fasteners and adhesives renders the
two systems non-additive.
The following explains briefly how the effective modulus of elasticity E, at a
specified angle 0 from any convenient axis can be computed, for a layered shell
composite, thus enabling it to be considered as a thickness-homogenous material,
obeying Hooke's Law. This procedure considerably simplifies the relationship
between stresses and strains in the membrane. It depends, of course, upon the
layers being properly connected, as described above.
Rectilinear orthotropicity is assumed, that is to say the effect of growth ring
orientation is ignored. Hence ER = E , and two of the Poisson's ratios are taken
to be similar, namely v
, = v., This is a simplification of practical significance,
since the method of sawing to define growth ring orientation cannot usually be
specified, in any case.
Then, for each single, orthotropic, straight grained layer, denoting E, and E, as
the moduli of elasticity parallel and perpendicular to the grain respectively, the
effective modulus of elasticity at an arbitrary angle 8 to the grain is given by:
Then, denoting the thickness of one layer and the number of layers by t and n
respectively, the effective modulus of elasticity at angle 8 of the complete shell
is given by:
qualitatively for a barrel shell of the proportions that might be built in timber in
Figure 9. Similar bending effects in timber conoids have been noted (Tottenham,
op. cit. 1961). In such shells, the actions may be considered to create a response
of compression, tension and shear, all in the plane of the middle surface.
Figure 9
more fully, and providing tables of coefficients for the stress resultants. These
may provide a first approximation for proposed solutions in timber, bearing in
mind the necessary adjustments for orthotropicity. Explanations of edge beam
design procedures, and means for the satisfactory design of multiple roof forms,
can also be found in such literature.
Figure I0
The bending theory approximation for barrel shells. (d) Beam method, (e)
shallow-shell theory.
Conoid shells in timber were introduced in the early 1960's. Following the first
example, which was a railway station in Manchester, and which is currently
under consideration for listed building status and for major refurbishment, a
number of similar types were built elsewhere in Britain, and also in the
Netherlands, Natterer (op. cit. 1991). In the town of Yeovil, England, for
example, a market was constructed using six pairs of conoids, each varying in
length from 5 to 7 metres, in span from 12 to 18 metres, and in spanlrise ratios
ranging from approximately 5 to 1, to 10 to 1 (Booth, 1966). Substantial
research including load testing of 1:2.5 scale models, and prototype testing of
laminated chord trusses, was undertaken, prior to these projects.
Stiffened Shells
Diverse forms of timber shell are possible, in which the membrane is stiffened
by means of ribs, arches or gridwork arrangements. Some discussion of the
theories for gridwork shells may be found in the classic texts such as Fliigge
(op. cit. 1960). In general, the approach is via anisotropic elasticity principles.
Naturally however, with such unique forms of structure, each case must be
considered on its own merits, and if favoured, then analysed as a special project.
Specialist software is now available to ease the path of such investigations.
For an exhibition hall in Lausanne, Switzerland, (Natterer and MacIntyre, 1993),
a timber shell named as a 'polydome' was chosen. This had a 25 m span form
based upon a shallow slice taken from the crown of a circular dome. It was
supported at four abutment positions, which were tied through the foundations.
The gridwork was formed from intersecting laminated boarding, which was
assembled at ground level on site, and subsequently lifted onto simple falsework
for completion of the membrane.
Site assembly considerations often lead to a choice of forms other than the purer
membrane types, which were described initially. The difficulties of erecting shell
components on an inaccessible site, over piers in the middle of the river Thames,
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
and the consequent necessity to break the form into prefabricated sections, was
one of the reasons for the choice of stiffened timber shells in the Thames Barrier
project, described in the first case study below.
There is no doubt that timber shell roofs offer the possibility of creating exciting
building forms that can cover large spans, without internal supports, and with
openings or glazed areas in the perimeter walls. Equally, there are the general
advantages of timber structures, such as high strength and stiffness to weight
ratios, ease of fabrication, and energy saving benefits both in production and in
use (STEP lecture A16).
Armed with a knowledge of EC5, which is a most modern design code,
containing the best of information derived from tremendous international cooperation, it should be a realisable challenge for the structural engineer to
participate in teamwork with the architect and others to revive the best features
of these elegant and slender structural forms.
Choice of form
The choice of shell form will depend upon a number of factors. Some of the
more important are as follows:
Table l gives geometrical definitions for three bicurved shell forms commonly
used for roofs.
Shell form
Geometrical Equation
Elliptic Paraboloid
z = -x+2 - y
Table 1
z =2= 2 h
c ab
May be stretched in X
direction to provide
rectangular plan, with
Intersections with
vertical planes, x = const
and y = const are
straight lines, the
A range of shell types which are known to have been used for timber
construction is shown in Figure 11, whilst Table 2 shows the approximate range
of economically feasible dimensions for these forms.
Individual shell-form components can also be combined into multi-shell roofs. A
range of possible types is illustrated in Figure 12.
Figure l 1
Figure 12
Shell form
Width (span)
Hyperbolic paraboloid
Elliptical paraboloid
Barrel-vault shell
Table 2
7,2 - 24
7,2 - 30
7,2 - 20
12 - 27
7,2 - 24
7,2 - 30
12 - 36
7,2 - 12
Figure 13
Solid timber
This is most commonly used for the cross-layered boarding of the membrane.
The solid timber should be visually or machine strength graded (see STEP
lecture A6). Visual grading should be carried out according to standards which
fulfil the minimum requirements of EN 518 "Structural timber - Grading Requirements for visual strength grading standards". Machine strength grading
must meet the requirements given in EN 519 "Structural timber - Grading Requirements for machine strength graded timber and grading machines". Boards
of a thickness of only approximately 20 mm may be required, and not all visual
grading rules which conform to EN 518 or grading machines which comply with
EN 519 may be capable of interpretation/operation to produce such a small
thickness. Enquiries of suppliers should therefore be made at an early stage in
STEPiEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
the design. The specialist timber engineering fabricator may undertake this
grading himself.
Strength classes
A strength class system has been established in EN 338 (see STEP lecture A7).
Softwood boarding for the membrane, and if solid strength graded timber is
used, the softwood for the edge beams, will be selected from one of these
strength classes. This will enable the characteristic values of the material
properties to be determined by the designer.
Additional aspects
Shrinkage and distortion effects within the elemental constituents of the shell
(membrane and edge beams) are likely to give rise to unserviceablility and even
possibly to instability unless materials are correctly dried prior to stress grading,
and other production processes are correctly carried out. Small deflection theory
was mentioned in Basic Theoretical Principles. The performance of shell
structures may be sensitive to departures by the actual constructed form from the
initial, theoretical shape which was assumed in the design. It is important that
throughout both the workshop prefabrication stages (if any, see below), and the
construction work on site, recognition is given to this factor. Suitably strict
quality control measures are thus called for, at all stages in the work processes.
The significance of moisture in timber is thoroughly explained in STEP lecture
A4. At least the outer layers of the shell boarding, and preferably all layers,
should be formed from boards which are end-jointed in accordance with EN 385
"Finger jointed structural timber". Serious consideration should be given to the
specification of preservative treatment for both the solid timber, and also for the
glulam elements. This is a topic giving rise to a number of aspects and requiring
cross-references to other European standards. It is well covered however in
STEP lecture A15. Both glulam and shell membrane elements may be treated by
vacuum, or vacuum pressure methods, after manufacture, but enquiries should be
made as to the size of the facility. An alternative may be to consider the choice
of a species which is sufficiently durable for the performance required under the
relevant service class and exposure conditions. Cases have occurred where the
choice has been to treat the shell boarding timbers, but to use a naturally durable
hardwood for the glulam, and all such possibilities should be carefully
investigated at the initial design stage.
Where possible, it is recommended that manufacture in a workshop should be
considered, with the shell components broken down into prefabricated portions
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
structures from the river, it is possible to see the laminated timber arches, and
also part of the undersides, which are unclad, and obviously of timber
A requirement of the design brief was that prefabrication should be maximised,
in order to speed the site work, since expensive crane barging, critical shipping
closures and tide timetables were involved in the operation. Furthermore, it was
envisaged that certain parts of the structures might be damaged by shipping
collisions. In this event, components were to be demonstrable and replaceable.
This proved a wise decision, since on one occasion it was necessary to put the
plan into effect. Such considerations, together with the inappropriateness of the
required geometry for any of the pure shell types which are described in the
literature, led to the choice of the arched-ribbed method of shell consideration.
Figure 14
Each roof contains four main glulam arches, which are made from a hardwood
timber which is classified as 'very durable', and which has been proven by
experience to be suitable for such rigorous exterior exposure conditions. Twistlaminated edge beams, having double curvature, are used to frame the shells.
The roof membrane is formed from three layers of European redwood boarding.
The first layer, 22 mm thick, was applied at an angle of 45" to the arches. The
second layer, 32 mm thick, was laid horizontally, and the third (outer) layer, also
22 nzm thick, was crossed at an opposing 45". These softwood boards had been
pressure treated with preservative, and a number of details were incorporated in
the design, in order to ensure the free circulation of air in certain areas where
decay might otherwise occur.
As a means of confirmation and support for the several stages of structural
analysis and design, which included numerous computer runs, a structural model
was built and tested, Figure 15. This 1/5 scale model was an exact replica of the
real structure, with everything scaled down in minute detail, including the use of
the same types of timber, scaled-down fasteners, and replicas of all other
important aspects. The model was load tested using dead-weight and pulley
systems to represent both the permanent and the variable actions. A series of
serviceability load combinations were first examined, and these were followed by
heavier loadings representing several important, potentially dangerous, ultimate
limit state conditions, including icing.
The shell roofs have now been in service on this important and very exposed site
for approximately fifteen years. They have been functioning entirely correctly,
and in one case a particular component of a shell was put to the ultimate test,
requiring partial replacementJrepair, after being hit by a ship. Needless to say, no
disproportionate collapse occurred.
Greater London Council.
Consulting Engineers
Rendel, Palmer & Tritton.
Specialist Timber Consultants Timber Research and Development Association.
Figure 15
Case Study 2
Nursery School, Stainz, Austria
A small, but very imaginative and attractive project, using timber shell roofs,
was nominated for the 1994 Awards Scheme of 'GLULAM', the European trade
organisation for glued laminated timber.
This nursery school is of square-cruciform plan shape. It consists of an atrium
area 8 m square, to which is linked, in each corner, four 'classic' hyperbolic
paraboloid shell-roofed classrooms, see Figure 16. The atrium is framed from
horizontal perimeter beams in glulam, which are supported off braced, spacedcolumn posts of similar material. This post and beam system supports a glazed
roof of pyramidal hipped form. The hypars themselves, which are clad in copper
roofing, are formed with the normal cross-boarded construction. They use several
layers, some of which run parallel to the edge beams, whilst others lie at 45" to
these. Glulam is also used for the edge beams. Each roof is cross-tied at the
lower points, using unobtrusive round steel linking bars.
Areas of high-level lighting are incorporated into the timber-framed walls, which
have sufficient stiffness to provide the necessary edge support and overturning
resistance to the shells themselves. This high-level window lighting reflects onto
several staged areas, which are reached by means of wooden staircases, with
further space beneath.
A warm, restful interior is created by means of large areas of softwood, in
natural colour, together with light which is reflected from the plain wall surfaces.
STEP/EUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
The whole is brightened by means of the nursery furniture and play objects,
which are finished in primary colours. The exterior, of white walls, timberwork
with natural pine finishes, and attractive patinated roofing, blends perfectly with
the beautiful Austrian countryside.
Figure 16
Helmut Hafner.
Walter Worle and Dr. Pius Worle.
Bodig, J. and Jayne, B.A. (1982). Mechanics of wood and wood composites. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York.
Booth, L.G. (1966). The model testing, design and construction of a timber conoid shell roof for
Yeovil Cattle Market. International Conference on Space Structures, University of Surrey.
Dischinger, F. (1928). Schalen und Rippenkuppeln, in Emperger, F. Handbuch fur Eisenbeton, 4th
ed., Vol. 6, Berlin.
Finsterwalder, U. (1932). Die Theorie der kreiszylindrischen Schalengewolbe System ZeissDywidag. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering Publications, Zurich. 1
(1932) p. 127-152.
Flugge, W. (1960). Stresses in shells. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Johnson, V. (1980). The Thames Barrier Roofs and other Timber Structures. J. Inst. Wood Sci.
Vo1.8, December.
Keresztesy, L.O. (1966). The determination of the membrane forces, bending moments and
displacements in an inter-connected, prefabricated, laminated timber diamond-type shell.
International Conference on Space Structures, University of Surrey.
De Laplace, P.S. (1806). MCchanique CCleste, BKX, suppl. Thkorie de l'action capillaire.
Love, A.E.H. (1927). A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity, Fourth edition.
Cambridge Universiy Press.
Lungdren, H. (1949). Cylindrical shells. The Danish Technical Press. The Institution of Danish
Engineers, Copenhagen.
Natterer, J., Herzog, T. and Volz, M. (1991). Holzbau Atlas. Rudolf Miiller, Koln.
Natterer, J. and Maclntyre, J. (1993). Polydome: A timber shell, Switzerland. Structures
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
The lecture explains the nature of constant amplitude and complex fatigue loads,
examines methods for establishing the fatigue characteristics of wood, describes
life prediction techniques for the fatigue design of timber and wood-based
materials and outlines property changes which occur in fatigue.
The introduction explains basic fatigue terminology and describes fatigue loading
configurations. The lives of wood-based materials subjected to fatigue at
constant amplitude are represented by G-N (stress versus number of cycles to
failure) or E-N (strain versus number of cycles to failure) curves which vary
with the R ratio, which is the ratio of the minimum cyclic stress to the maximum
cyclic stress. Constant life diagrams may be constructed from such curves and
relationships such as the Goodman equation describe the form of the constant
life lines. The prediction of fatigue life under complex loading conditions, for
example a wind or vehicle load, is achieved by a cycle counting technique which
separates the load spectrum into cycles of mean stress and stress amplitude. This
information is combined with constant life information and a fatigue life
prediction is achieved by performing a simple Miner's Rule summation. The
fatigue design approach is being applied routinely in the development of wood
composite wind turbine blades. The lecture concludes by describing the
microstructural damage caused by fatigue stresses in wood.
Wooden structures are frequently subjected to dynamic loads, for example
vehicle loads acting on factory floors and bridges and wind loads acting on
timber roofs. These fatigue loads often cause sub-critical, microstructural damage
which under more extreme conditions may lead to fatigue failure. Fatigue failure
of materials occurs following the application of cyclic stress (or strain) with a
peak value which is less than the static strength (or strain at failure) of the
material. Laboratory fatigue tests which last for less than 104 cycles are known
as low cycle fatigue tests whereas those which last longer are termed high cycle
The fatigue loading mode, eg. tension, compression, shear, torsion or mixed
mode, Figure 1, affects the fatigue life and the failure mechanism. Metal alloys
are susceptible to tensile fatigue, especially at welds and notches which results in
fatigue crack propagation. Wood is much less sensitive to tensile fatigue for
propagation modes across the grain and fatigue damage occurs by
microstructural damage events throughout the volume of the wood, unless joints
or defects initiate localised damage. Hence it is not appropriate to apply fracture
mechanics to fatigue in a tensile crack opening mode across the grain, although
the Paris law can be applied to crack opening modes along the grain. The Paris
Law is an empirical law which describes the rate of steady state crack
propagation in fatigue where,
where a is the crack length, N is the number of cycles, C and m are materials
constants and AK is the critical stress intensity range.
Figure I
Fatigue design methods described in this lecture have been applied to solid wood
and to unidirectional laminated veneer lumber (LVL) loaded along the grain.
Figure 2
= 20dt
= 0 3 (G,,
+ omin)
= O S (G,,
- G,,,)
The R ratio,
R = o,do,,
= (o,,,,
- ou~t)J(%ean+
Figure 3
Other than static tensile and compressive stresses, where R is equal to one, the R
ratio identifies the fatigue loading mode as follows:
R = 1 to0
R = -1 to +oo
R = +W to -1
The reader should ponder carefully the mode transitions at R = 0 and &W. At R =
-1 the loading is reversed and our,= o,, = -G,,. Wood and wood composites
are evaluated at R ratios which most usefully simulate loading in the engineered
product. In order to fully evaluate wood composites in fatigue they should be
tested at several R ratios which will result in a set of o-N curves, Figure 4,
which are usually plotted in a linear stress versus log cycles form. Similar graphs
have been published by Tsai and Ansell (1990) and Bonfield and Ansell (1991)
for flexural and axial fatigue, respectively, of wood composites.
The schematic diagram represents regression lines through a scatter of fatigue
failure points (not shown) at five R ratios and static strength values at one
quarter of a cycle (log N = -0,6). Bearing in mind that stress is the independent
variable and that log cycles to failure is the dependent variable, it is important
that the regression analysis should be performed on data in log N-o form. It may
then be plotted in the traditional o-log N format. Figure 4 demonstrates that as
the R ratio approaches 1 (static stress) the fatigue life increases and that reversed
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
loading results in the shortest fatigue lives. The fatigue life of wood decreases as
the moisture content increases (Tsai and Ansell, 1990).
log N (cycles)
Figure 4
Set of G -log N curves for tension-tension ( R = O,1, 0,3 and 0,5) and
tension-compression ( R = -0,5 and -1) cyclic stress configurations.
c -c
Figure 5
'J/ /
Set of constant life lines for combinations of alternating and mean stresses
resulting in constant lives of Nfl, Nf2 and Nf3 cycles. (a) Safe combination
of stresses below constant life line.
- an initiative under
In Figure 4 each vertical line Nfl, Nfl, Nf3, representing chosen constant lives,
intersects the o-N curves for the R ratios 0,5, 0,3, 0,1, -0,5 and -1. The
intersection points a, b, c, d, and e for a constant life Nf3, for example, can be
represented as corresponding points on the constant life diagram, Figure 5,
through which the constant life line can be drawn. The values o e l , oe2 and oe3
represent the alternating stress values for which constant lives of Nfl, Nfl, NJ3
are achieved respectively. The area under each constant life line represents
combinations of mean and alternating stress which will not result in fatigue
failure at cycle totals less than the constant life.
The Goodman equation for the constant life line on the tension side of the
constant life diagram is represented as,
Oult = <Te
1 -
Oult, tension
for constant life points which fall on a straight line. Other versions of this
equation are possible, including the following:
Factored Goodman
The Gerber equation represents a parabolic constant life line with the same limits
as the Goodman line. The factored Goodman equation includes a safety factor
M > 1 which reduces the area under the Goodman line.
Wood species tested to date (Bond et al., 1993) obey Goodman relationships and
two equations are required to characterize each side of the constant life diagram,
(C-CJC-T and T-CIT-T). Constant life diagrams for wood are also very similar in
form to those for fibre-reinforced plastics (Ansell et al., 1993). It is clear that the
constant amplitude fatigue life at any R ratio and peak stress can be interpolated
from constant life diagrams of the form depicted in Figure 5 . Furthermore it is
only necessary to measure the static tensile and compressive strengths and to
obtain the o-N curve at R = -1 to obtain the two Goodman relationships for each
side of the constant life diagram, which significantly reduces time spent in
fatigue testing.
E, %
Figure 6
Stress versus strain hysteresis loop. ( a ) proportional limit, (b) yield stress,
0,2% ofiset, (d) tensile strength, (e) design tensile strength.
In order to predict fatigue life under complex load a simple summation rule such
as that due to Palmgren-Miner is used,
where ni is the number of cycles of stress experienced that result in failure after
Ni cycles. The complex spectrum can be split into individual cycles which are
sorted into "bins" (data stores), labelled by mean stress (or strain) and range
stress (or strain), by the use of a suitable counting technique in order to estimate
the proportion of fatigue life used up. Rainflow counting is an appropriate
technique for binning cycle counts and this method is illustrated, with reference
to hysteresis, in Figure 7. (The term "rainflow" relates to the concept of rain
flowing down the series of roofs represented by Figure 7(a) which is used to
define loading cycles. This is difficult to visualise and is avoided in this
The strain-time (or stress-time) history ABCDEDFGA is part of a complex
spectrum which corresponds to a stress-strain hysteresis loop containing three
sub-loops, two of which are elastic and one of which is elastic-plastic. Loading
from A to B involves elastic and plastic deformation and the unloading from B to
C is elastic. Subsequent loading from C to D exceeds the strain level
experienced at B so this stage involves elastic (from C to B) and plastic (from B
to D ) deformation. Unloading from D to E returns the state of strain elastically
to the same strain as at C but the stress level has changed due to the plastic
deformation experienced. Returning the strain to D after a small amount of
inelastic relaxation has occurred closes the hysteresis loop DED.
Finally the strain returns to A via the elastic loop FGF. Two open hysteresis
loops remain, ADA and DED, where elastic and plastic deformation occurred,
and two closed loops BCB and FGF where only elastic deformation occurred.
These loops are recorded and binned in terms of their mean and range strain or
stress. Each loop is related via the constant life diagram to the o-N curve for the
associated mean and range stress using appropriate computer software. The
accumulated number of cycles for all loops are summed using the
Palmgren-Miner rule and the fatigue life can be predicted in terms of the number
of passes through the load-time history.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5
l time
Figure 7
Ansell, M.P., Hancock, M. and Bonfield, P.W. "Wood composites - the optimum fatigue resistant
materials for commercial wind turbine blades". In the Proceedings of the International Timber
Engineering Conference, London, 4.194-4.202, September 1991.
Ansell, M.P., Bond, I.P. and Bonfield, P.W., "Constant life diagrams for wood composites and
polymer matrix composites", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Composite
Materials (ICCM-9), Madrid, Spain, ed. Miravete, Antonio, Pub. University of Zaragoza,
Woodhead Publishing Ltd., V, 692-699, 1993.
Bond, I.P., Ansell, M.P. and Hacker, C.L., "Fatigue testing of wood composites for aerogenerator
rotor blades. Part VIII. Statistical treatment of constant life data for design optimization",
Proceedings of the 1993 European Community Wind Energy Conference, Liibeck-Travemiinde,
Germany, Pub. H.S. Stephens and Associates, 137-140, 1993.
Bond, I.P. and Ansell, M.P., "Effect of the marine environment on the fatigue life of wind turbine
materials", Wind Engineering, 17, 2, 100-107, 1993.
Bonfield, P.W. and Ansell, M.P., "The fatigue properties of wood in tension, compression and
shear". J. Mat. Sci., 26, 4765-4773, 1991.
Bonfield, P.W., Bond, I.P., Hacker, C.L. and Ansell, M.P., "Fatigue testing of wood composites
for aerogenerator rotor blades. Part VII. Alternative wood species and joints", in "Wind Energy
Conversion 1992", ed. Clayton, B.R. Pub. Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd, 243-250,
Hacker, C.L. and Ansell, M.P. "Stress-strain hysteresis loop capture in the assessment of fatigue
damage accumulation in wood composites". To be published in the Proceedings of EWEC '94, the
European Wind Energy Association Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1994.
Tsai, K.T. and Ansell, M.P., "The fatigue properties of wood in flexure". J. Mat. Sci., 22, 865-878,
Wohler, M,, "Wohler's experiments on the strength of metals", Engineering, Aug. 23, 1867.
Design and detailing of retaining walls, sound and road barriers of structural
timber in compliance with EC5 Design of Timber Structures.
This lecture covers road division barriers, acoustic attenuation barriers and earth
retaining walls; three separate but related subjects requiring the design of
essentially vertical elements but with differing environmental and functional
The early history of these structural types are described and the basis of design
is developed. The ultimate and serviceability limit states are identified and
design values of actions and resulting load cases are developed. Methods of
verification for design conditions are considered for members in relation to sawn
timber and round pole sections.
Durability, structural detailing and control in relation to retaining walls and
barriers are discussed.
Retaining walls
Timber retaining walls are of two main forms, either pile and board or crib.
Figure I
A later development spaced the vertical elements and filled the gap with
horizontal elements of smaller cross section. In this arrangement the earth behind
the wall was retained by the horizontal elements spanning onto vertical elements
which are driven into the ground to mobilise the passive resistance of the sub
The pole (or pile) and board style of retaining wall is a common sight today in
use as temporary works on construction sites. The round small section elements
are replaced by sawn boards which span horizontally onto the vertical pile. In
some instances the pile is not driven deep into the ground but braced with a
raking or flying shore.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Figure 2
Figure 3
Trench showing a braced pile and board wall (note reduced penetration).
(a) boards, (b) pile, (c) bracing.
The design of walls retaining soils or granular material would start with the
assessment of the active pressures on the wall. In some cases full slope stability
must be considered. The designer can then concentrate on the design of the
timber horizontal and vertical elements.
Durability is the first consideration. The species selected requires consideration
of the expected life of the structure and the ability of the timber to be driven
through the expected soil type. It is possible for different timber species to be
selected for the pile and the board. The pile must resist the impact forces during
installation. In some cases steel shoes may be fitted to the toe of the pile and in
most cases a steel cap is placed on the head of the pile for protection during the
driving process. The durability period would be important for both pile and
Figure 4
Pressure diagram and loads for a retaining wall. F, = active force and F,
= passive force.
The active soil pressure behind the wall varies with depth. In many cases the
simple earth and hydrostatic pressure is increased by additional loads from
surcharge due to vehicle loads, soil slopes rising from the top of the wall and
building foundations close to the back of the wall. Careful analysis is required
for the assessment of the imposed actions on the timber elements.
Given the active earth pressure distribution behind the wall the boards can be
designed using simple static considerations.
Friction between the board and the soil behind the board can induce a vertical
force in the boards and this should be checked to ensure adequate bearing
capacity on the edges of the board.
It should be verified that the stresses induced in the board by bending,. shear,
bearing and compressive actions are less than or equal to the strength of the
timber modified by the partial material factors for the service class (Class 3 high
moisture content) and the load duration classes of each load combination.
The piles support the loads transferred by the boards and may be assumed to
behave as a simple vertical cantilever.
Design example
A retaining wall is required for a retained height H of 3,00 m and the backfill
bulk density, y, is 18,O k ~ / m with
~ , an internal angle of friction a of 35". There
is a transient surcharge of 5,00 kN/m2 to be allowed for at the top of the wall,
and the Rankine coefficient k, is (l-sina)l(l+sina) = 0,27.
Strength Class is C24.
Earth pressures at the lowest board level are;
= k, y H
= 14,6 kN/m2
Surcharge = k, 5
= 1,35 kN/m2
Backfill on board F,
Surcharge on board F,
Force on board
Table I
EC5: Part 1-1:
EC5: Part 1-1:
Trial section
Breadth of board
Depth of board
Second moment of area
= 225 mm
= 50 mm
=11200mm 2
= 2,34 106 mm4
Section modulus
= 93,8 103mm3
Service Class 3.
Load duration class is Long-term
The factor for moisture content and duration of the load duration
km, = 0,55
The solid timber is assumed to be normally prepared before installation by
drying to near equilibrium moisture content.
Depth factor
= 1,25
Load on board
= 6,38 kN (Table l )
Design shear force
Design moment
M , , = F, S / 8 = 1,04 kNm
y M =l,?
The timber would be selected from the more durable species, refer to STEP
lectures A14 and A15 or subject to preservation treatment before installation and
detailed to insure long life in service.
Ultimate limit state
Bending only about one axis
M , , = 1,04 kNm
0 m,, = M O , W
= 1 1,l N/mm2
= km", fm,k kh YM = 1297 N/mm2
m,d fm,d
= 0,87 < 1
Board stability is provided by the lateral pressure exerted by adjacent boards as a
result of frictional transfer of vertical loads to the board edges.
= 0,43 N/mm2
h,, = h , k
/ YM
= 1,06 N/mm2
= 0,40 < 1
7, l f,,,
Earth pressure
Backfill pressure at base of wall is 14,6 k ~ / m ' ;Surcharge at the base of wall is
1,35 kN/m2
X (m)
M (k~m)
Backfill on pile
Surcharge on pile
Table 2
Forces on pile.
Pile spacing
Trial section
Breadth of pile
Depth of pile
Second moment of area
Section modulus
= 300 mm
= 350 mm
= 105000 mm2
Service Class 3
M , , = 50,4 kNm
=MO, W
= 8,23 N/mm 2
fm,d = kmodfm,k
kh 1 YM = 10,1 N/mm2
= 0,81 < 1
m,, l fm,d
Lateral stability is provided by the bearing friction between boards and pile in
the Z direction but a check should be applied for the Y direction.
Crib Walls
Figure 5
The crib wall is made from a frame work of simple elements of headers and
stretchers forming a collection of cells filled with well graded crushed rock or
natural stone materials. The headers and stretchers lock into each other with
simple halving joints, providing tensile restraint to the internal forces from the
mass of rock material which would otherwise redistribute to its natural angle of
Some loading derives from mass of stone bearing down on the embedded timber
but the individual timber elements are designed as tensile members as described
in lectures B2 and B12 with appropriate adjustments for factors derived for
Service Class 3.
Traffic barriers
Traffic barriers are typically used to separate lanes of traffic from other vehicles
heading in the opposite direction or for separation of traffic from pedestrian
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure 6
Traffic barrier.
The barriers are designed to either deflect upwards or absorb inwards the energy
waves from the noise source. In each case the timber supports are vertical
elements cast into concrete foundations set in the sub soil. The actions to be
catered for derive from the weight of the absorbing material in the barrier or the
deflecting vanes, and the wind force on the projected area of the barrier. In
general the weight of the absorbing material is transmitted directly to the sub
soil via a strip foundation and the material stability is maintained by internal ties
balancing the tension forces generated.
Figure 7
The design of the vertical cantilever elements in the acoustic barrier is therefore
limited to consideration of the self weight of the containing frame, deflecting
vanes if present and the wind force on the barrier.
National Codes of practice (BS 6399, 1995 and Building Regulations, 1991) are
available until the Euronorm dealing with Actions is published. The forces
generated are proportional to the square of the design velocity after adjustments
are made for roughness of the terrain, height and proportions of the barrier, and
the design life of the barrier. The resulting pressure from the wind is expressed
in kN/m2 on the projection of the barrier profile onto a vertical plane.
From the pressure the force vector can be derived and with it the design bending
moment and coincident shear force. The vertical timber member can then be
designed using EC5 methodology.
The overall stability of the barrier and its foundation should be verified to ensure
adequate factors of safety against overturning, and sliding.
Transport Research Laboratory (1991). Highway Construction Details: Part 3: Detail PTElO Test
Procedure for 125 X 90 'Z' section steel and 150 X 150 Timber posts. Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, United Kingdom.
BS 6399 (1995). Loading for Buildings, Part 2, Code practice for Wind Loading, British Standards
Institution, London, United Kingdom.
Building Regulations (1991). Part A, Wind Speed Map, Published by Department of the
Environment, Dublin, Ireland.
To introduce and to describe the structural use of timber and glulam in
The lecture gives a general background to transmission systems constructed in
timber and covers structural forms, preservative treatment, actions, and the
different functions of masts and foundations.
Electric power and signals from telegraphs and telephones have normally been
transmitted and distributed by means of overhead transmission lines. The most
common supporting structures have been round poles treated with different
preservatives such as creosote. During the last decades glued laminated cross
sections have been used even for high voltage lines.
The reasons for choosing a timber construction for this purpose can be many. A
high voltage line hardly fits in to the surrounding countryside, especially if the
line passes through areas of natural beauty. If the masts are made of a natural
material such as timber many people might find them more acceptable. In
addition to timber being a natural material, it also allows the designer great
latitude in the configuration of the structure. The possibilities of getting an
acceptable design are quite good.
Timber constructions are also easy to transport, for example by helicopter.
Hollow cross sections of glued laminated timber will in addition weigh only
about 60-70% of a solid pole with the same load carrying capacity.
Finally, the high electrical resistance of timber with low moisture content offers
significant advantages when compared with metal structures.
Structural forms
Round poles
Round poles of pine have been the most common form for use as transmission
lines. They are made of large trees, have often a length of 20 metres or more
and a top diameter from 150 mm to 250 mm. The available length of the poles
has been limited by three main factors. The length of the trees, the length of the
preservative treating cylinders and the length that can be transported (truck or
E24/ 1
Figure l
Preservative treatment
Round poles
Poles are treated with either creosote or water-borne preservatives. As for
pressure treatment of other wood products the moisture content in the poles must
be lower than the fibre saturation point before treatment. Because of health and
environmental risks the water-borne preservatives have to be fixed in the poles
before handling. There are restrictions on the use of wood treated with creosote
and some water-borne preservatives in some countries.
While the design of transmission structures for telephone lines etc. is based on
experience and standardised systems, the masts for high voltage power lines
must be designed as a normal structural member. The design must be based on
the actual actions and load combinations and also the surrounding conditions
which might exert an influence on the construction.
The actions are divided into three main groups:
Figure 2
Vertical actions
Vertical actions are permanent actions of the different parts of the construction
and the lines. In most of Europe actions from the weight of snow and ice on the
line might become the major vertical load. The fact that the vertical actions can
be applied symmetrically or asymmetrically must be taken into consideration, see
Figure 3a, b and c.
Figure 3
Horizontal actions perpendicular to the line direction are mainly caused by wind
on the mast construction and the line. Especially during the winter when the line
is covered with thick ice and snow, the wind actions can be huge.
- an initiative
Figure 4
Figure 5
( a ) Horizontal actions parallel to the line direction when the line changes
direction. ( b ) An example of how mast can be designed to resist lateral
In addition to the standard masts a line needs different types of special masts.
One of the most important types of special mast is needed when the line changes
direction. Since the actions in the line direction are not parallel but form an
angle at this mast, the resulting action will have a different direction compared
with the standard masts. While designing these mast it is important to consider
the lateral actions and stability.
If a cable failure occurs in the line it will introduce an impact load effect. The
result of this effect might be the same as the chain reaction made by falling
domino pieces. In order to avoid too many masts failing by this domino effect, it
is necessary to have specially designed masts placed in the line at frequent
intervals. These special masts (see Figure 6) must be designed to accommodate
the actual impact loads.
Figure 6
The foundations for timber poles and masts depend on the ground conditions,
but they are normally embedded in the ground. This method provides great
savings when compared to the expensive foundations required for other types of
construction. It is important to design the foundation detail having regard to
shear forces, see Figure 7. The static model in the foundation must in each case
be determined according to the actual foundation method.
Figure 7
It is also important to remember that some of the load combinations might have
actions with an upward direction i.e. trying to lift the timber member from the
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Lateral restraint
The main part of a transmission structure is normally one or several vertical
members fixed at one end, i.e. the foundation. Since many of the actions have
horizontal components, lateral restraint to avoid deflections, instability etc. is
needed. This can be achieved by using oblique bracing members of timber or
steel, or by guys. The restraint system should also take care of the special
deflection, torsion, which might be imposed on a structure by asymmetric
Design process
In the design process all parts of the transmission mast must be controlled
against the worst combination of actions for each specific part. Since this
combination often varies from mast to mast in the same line, each structure
normally needs to be designed separately.
Important stages in the design process are:
The foundation
The foundation must be controlled against bending moment and shear forces. If
the structure is embedded in the ground the foundation system should also be
designed with regard to decay hazard, even if the structure is treated with
preservatives. If the foundation structure is performed with connector details, the
effects from torsion of the main structure must be regarded. The moisture
content is normally very high in this part of the structure.
Mechanical connectors
All connectors and joints must be controlled against actual load combinations.
High humidity and influence from pollution (acid rain) might cause corrosion of
mechanical fasteners. Untreated heartwood is often exposed in the holes for the
fasteners, and this may involve decay hazard. All details round the points of line
suspension must be designed with caution.
Cross bars
The cross bars must be controlled against actual load combinations. Be aware of
the possibilities of forced actions caused by different deflections in the main
structure, for example effects from asymmetrical loads on a double mast
The design of the bracing system is normally based on axial stresses. For
members which resist compression, buckling must be considered.
- an initiative under
Concrete forming
STEP lecture E25
H. Hart1
Zivilingenieur fur
To present information about different concrete forming systems and their use in
The lecture gives a brief description of concrete formwork. The essential
components of all formwork, that is, the shell, or lining, and the supporting
structure are described. The influence of different materials on the concrete
surface is explained. Different formwork systems for walls, columns, or columns
and floors are dealt with and their use in practice is described. Climbing
formwork as a special type of formwork is also mentioned. A short account of
planning formwork assignments with the aid of special computer software and
the designing of system formwork completes the lecture.
Essentially, two different types of formwork are used in practice. Conventional
formwork consists of a formwork shell, or lining, built with boards, or panels
and a supporting structure made of straps, yokes, etc. Formwork systems, on the
other hand, normally consist of three-ply panels transverse and cross girders and
a supporting construction of floor props or telescopic frames. On account of their
well designed components these formwork systems have, in most cases, attained
such a high degree of flexibility that they have often ousted conventional
Formwork components
The main components of concrete formwork are the formwork shell, or lining,
and the supporting structure, including its bracing and anchoring members. Also
of importance is a separating aid, known as formwork oil, which makes for
easier removal of the formwork.
Formwork skin
The choice of the formwork skin to be used is influenced by the production
costs, the working time, the number of reuses, including the decision to use a
formwork system or not, the shape keeping resistance, the planned structure of
the concrete surface, the labour costs and architectural aspects. In the following
the most commonly used materials are described.
In principle a distinction can be made between absorptive and non-absorptive
surfaces of the formwork shell. Absorptive formwork linings, with their rough
surfaces, take water from the concrete and lead to a darker grey colouring of the
finished concrete surface. This effect is very important in the case of fairfaced
Wood as a formwork material is cheap, easy to handle and elastic and is of
adequate strength. If the surface is improved with plastic resin it also offers the
advantage of easy removal, simple cleaning and a long service life. Plain boards
are used for fixing and filling for visually unimportant concrete surfaces, for
highly sectionalised surfaces with a low frequency of use, or as open formwork.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
On the other hand, in some cases it is desirable to show the texture of the timber
on the concrete surface. The disadvantages of boards are the high wastage and
the high labour costs. Due to changes in the moisture content deformation
occurs, e.g. warping of boards and gaps between individual boards, with
resultant ridges on the concrete surface. Dry boards take water from the
concrete, which would be needed for the hydration of the cement. An average
moisture content of about 14% to 18% is, therefore, recommended for the
formwork shell.
Rough sawn boards produce a "living" concrete surface, because not only the
outlines of the boards, but also their surface texture can be seen. New boards
contain a high percentage of tannic acid, which must be neutralised by artificial
ageing using lime wash. Rough sawn boards are used about four to five times
for concrete surfaces in civil engineering. Planed boards for fairfaced concrete
reproduce only the outlines of the board and give a neutral surface. In most
cases they are planed on one side only, the reverse side being mechanically
aligned to ensure the same thickness of all boards. The frequency of use is two
to three times. A special danger with planed boards is the formation of laitance
or scum, which is hard to remove from the concrete surface.
Profiled boards are produced by treating the surface by sandblasting, brushing
and, in some cases, by flaming. The texture of the wood shows up clearly on the
concrete surface. Profiled boards are suitable for visually uniform fairfaced
concrete. There are prefabricated boards on the market with improved surfaces,
ready for immediate use. Profiled boards are economical because they can be
used ten to fifteen times.
To connect individual boards different types of joints have been developed, see
Figure 1. They are useful for keeping the surface of the formwork shell flat and
for tightening the formwork. For fairfaced concrete they are obligatory.
Figure 1
Types of joints. ( a ) Butt joint, ( 6 ) half lap joint, ( c ) tongue and groove
joint, ( d ) special joint.
Butt joints are the easiest and most frequently used type of joint. In forming
these the anisotropic properties of wood have to be borne in mind. If the
heartwood side faces the concrete and the moisture content is adequate a good
joint can be ensured, because the further swelling of the boards closes the joints.
In other cases the danger of sedimentation and formation of holes is high,
because the waterlcement mixture seeps through the joints. In the case of half
lap joints the boards can be removed without breaking, but ridges in the concrete
cannot be avoided. This kind of joint is seldom used. Tongue-and-groove joints
are subject to fracturing and material wastage is thus very high. So-called special
joints are very effective: they ensure a high degree of tightness, no ridges on the
concrete surface and the possibility of removal without breaking of the boards.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
In formwork structures wood-based materials are often used for the formwork
shell, or lining. Fibreboard panels are produced from felted timber fibres with or
without filling and binding material. When of simple quality they are used only
once and may be left in the building. Their advantage is a low dead weight and
low cost. Fibreboard panels are suitable for curved surfaces and also for
fairfaced concrete. Soft types of fibreboard have no static function. They are
therefore always used in conjunction with an additional supporting structure,
which is built using boards with a spacing of 50 to 300 mm. Normally
fibreboards tend to swell. They are used as "lost" formwork linings for ribbed
ceilings, etc. Oil-hardened fibreboard panels can be used several times if no
demands are made on the smoothness of the finished concrete surface.
Three-ply chip- or particleboards are made by compressing small wood chips
bonded together with resin. Their surface is either rough or improved. Because
of their low stability the supporting structure has to be designed accordingly.
There are no special restrictions governing the use of chipboards but their
tendency to swell, with the result that the impression of the nail heads shows on
the concrete surface, must be reckoned with. Rough chipboard can be used about
four times, improved board about twelve times.
Three-ply formwork panels consist of three plies of the same thickness, glued
together over the whole of their surfaces. The grain of the inner ply is at right
angles to that of the outer plies. They are available as standardised formwork
panels with a width of 500 mm, in most cases with a mechanically treated
surface. Their tendency to swell and shrink is low. Standardised formwork
panels can be used for a lot of jobs, up to forty times, large-area systems about
ten to twelve times.
In the case of plywood a distinction must be made between wood core and
veneer plywood. Wood core plywood consists of at least three plies. The middle
ply is of wood battens placed side by side at right angles to the grain of the
outer plies. The battens need not be glued together. The outer plies consist of
one or two veneers. The outer plies are glued to the centre ply, thinner outer
plies are also glued together. This type of plywood can be used for many
different jobs. Veneer plywood is produced from at least three sheets of veneer
with the grain similarly oriented, that is, with the grain of the middle ply at right
angles to that of the two outer plies. It is usually improved with a plastic
coating. For fairfaced concrete formwork its thickness is 4 to 12 mm, as a selfsupporting system 15 to 30 mm. It can be used ten to twenty times. The
frequency of use is not only influenced by the panel itself but also by the kind
and thickness of improvement.
Webbed board consists of solid timber webs, which are covered on both sides
with solid boards of wood or wood-based material, in most cases with plywood,
see Figure 2. Their advantage is that a supporting structure is only needed at
right angles to the webs.
Figure 2
Composite panel.
Formwork oil
To facilitate formwork removal the use of formwork oil is necessary. Formwork
oil is available as oil, emulsion, compound or as chemically effective substances.
Formwork oil should be applied in films of about 2 to 50 microns. Thicker
coatings lead to the formation of patches and influence the concrete surface.
Manual application is thus not recommended. The rusting of steel formwork
cannot be prevented by formwork oil. For fairfaced concrete it is important to
use one type of formwork oil only.
General demands on formwork oil are: a uniform surface and a uniform
colouring of the concrete, no sedimentation, no formation of patches or pores,
easy removal of formwork, ensuring an undamaged surface ready to take plaster
without further treatment and, last but not least, environmental acceptability. For
rough timber formwork mineral oil or chemically effective substances are
preferable to emulsions. Compounds should not be used. For planed timber
formwork the same holds good but compounds may be used. Plywood formwork
can be treated with mineral oil, chemically effective substances or compounds.
For plastic and steel formwork all types except emulsions are suitable.
Supporting structure
Despite the development of special I-beams and lattice girders solid timber has
retained its significant importance for formwork structures thanks to its easy
handling properties and adaptability. Solid timber is used for formwork systems
in combination with service girders but mostly as formwork for irregular
surfaces, special constructions or bridges. The disadvantage of solid timber is the
difficult removal, no variability in length, a low frequency of use and a high
material wastage.
Special I-beam and lattice girders are very important because of their low price,
long service life, low maintenance costs and their high stability. For large-area
walls service girders in combination with strong formwork yokes are very useful.
For practical reasons service girders are no longer built with a camber, and the
flanges are parallel. The length of girders can be up to 20 m.
Lattice girders are built in such a way that the braces or struts are glued to the
flanges only over small areas, so that secondary stresses have no effect. The
hollow spaces between flanges and the braces can be conveniently used for
handling the girders. Normally these trusses are supported at the joints. The
braces of some systems consist of double members, finger-jointed to the chords.
One end of such a girder is always vertical, the other may be inclined. Two
girders can be joined end to end to increase or vary the length.
The use of solid timber service girders has increased over recent years. With
these girders a three-ply, cross-glued web is connected with solid finger-jointed
timber flanges. The longitudinal joints are also finger joints. Holes are drilled in
the middle of the chords for lifting. Such girders are available with depths from
160 to 360 mm. Figure 3 shows different type of girders.
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Figure 3
Wall formwork
Small wall formwork areas, especially if they are irregular or complicated can be
built using conventional formwork. Conventional formwork has the lowest
material costs but the highest labour costs. If panels are used instead of boards
labour costs can be reduced. If a multiple use of similar sized elements is
possible the use of large-area formwork is preferable, for economical reasons. In
most cases frequency of use is too low. Consequently basic formwork
components have been developed, which can be put together horizontally and
vertically to give the planned size, see Figure 4. This development has resulted
in standardised elements supplied fully assembled. Frame-type formwork systems
are a good example of this. They are light enough to be moved by hand, see
Figure 5. This type of formwork is a synthesis of conventional and large-area
Figure 4
Figure 5
Formwork systems also include such components as corner elements for inside
and outside corners, hinged corner elements for variable angles, corner stiffening
plates, closing plates, quick action connectors, waling and stabilising
components, all of which are well-constructed and supplied by various
Parallel with the development of formwork systems formwork clamps of a very
high load-carrying capacity have been developed. A formwork clamp consists of
the anchor plate, the anchor nut and the anchor bolt, plus a distance piece.
During concreting the clamps are prestressed against the distance piece, to
compensate for the deformation of the tie bolt and the pressure of the anchor
plate on the timber flange.
In principle it can be said that the number of formwork system components has
decreased, because they can be used for more purposes. When deciding the
choice of wall formwork it should be born in mind that for large-area systems a
crane is needed, whereas frame formwork can be moved without one.
the material is much higher. The use of frame-type formwork calls for more
planning than with other methods. Today this problem is taken care of by special
computer software supplied by the relevant producers. In contrast to large-area
systems frame formwork requires no special job preparation. Frame formwork
systems are very economical if the frequency of use is low, variable ground
plans exist and no crane is available. Frame components can also be put together
to form larger systems, see Figure 6. With circular forming panels curved
concrete surfaces can be produced. Because of many visible joints frame-type
formwork is not very suitable for fairfaced concrete.
Figure 6
F r a m e - ~ p formwork
Column formwork
Column formwork always involves high labour and material costs. Normally the
columns are concreted before the casting of beams and slabs using standardised
prefabricated components, which project beyond the top of the columns.
Conventional formwork is only recommended for a small number of columns or
for irregular sections. The formwork shell is built with vertical boards, held
together as panels by horizontal boards or steel straps.
Figure 7
Column formwork.
standardised components are used, e.g. steel waling with slotted holes. These
steel waling can be fixed with flange clamps at any position of the chords. If
they are placed in such a way that each of them projects at one end beyond the
edge of the formwork different cross-sections of columns can be produced using
the same components. The edges are stiffened with corner connectors. For the
stabilisation and alignment of the system adjustable braces are used. As for walls
frame-type formwork can also be used for column constructions. The panels are
connected over the edge with universal fixing bolts, to give variable column
cross-sections. Thanks to their quick assembly frame panels for column
formwork are economical even for a low frequency of use.
Floor formwork
Components of floor formwork
The formwork shell consists of boards, three-ply panels or plywood. The
horizontal supporting structure is a lattice of squared timbers or service girders.
In former times solid timber posts were used for vertical supporting structures.
These have now been replaced by adjustable floor props. If large telescopic
distances are involved and a sufficiently high frequency of use of the same sized
units is possible the formwork shell and horizontal and vertical supporting
structures are put together to form mobile floor "formwork tables".
Figure 8
Floor formwork.
A vertically adjustable prop head can be fixed, which makes it possible to lower
the beams a few millimetres so as to remove the formwork shell and the
transverse and cross beams. The prop head is constructed in such a way that
either one beam is safely held or, by turning the head through ninety degrees,
two overlapping beams. In this manner longitudinal extension is possible,
without destroying the formwork material. Simple props are placed between the
folding props. The girders are of standardised I-sections. Thanks to their low
dead-weight, they can be handled by one man. Their load-bearing capacity is
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
higher than that of comparable squared timber beams. To ensure immediate reuse of the various components it is necessary to decrease each period of use.
Because concrete needs a rather long time to develop adequate load-bearing
capacity the floor props of the supporting construction must be left under the
floor after removing most of the formwork. These floor props are placed under
supporting beams, which are included in the formwork shell. The rest of the
formwork can thus be removed and used for the next assignment. As a rule this
floor system is very economical for low frequencies of use and for variable
ground plans.
Another important possibility with such formwork systems is to assemble the
basic components - formwork shell, longitudinal and transverse girders and
supporting structure - to form complete units for repeated assignments. The top
part of the formwork - formwork shell and beams - consists of the same
materials as the above described system. It can be adapted to variable ground
plans and different floor designs. The supporting structure is built using hotgalvanized basic frames, which can be quickly and safely joined together to form
larger units. Vertical adjustment is exact to a few millimetres. The system is
fully variable in width and height. The basic units can be combined for any
structure. For greater heights the basic frames are placed one upon the other and
fixed with connecting bars. Stability is achieved by means of horizontal and
diagonal braces or by special supporting frames. On top of the supporting
structure telescopic frames with specially constructed heads for connection to the
top part of the formwork ensure accurate adjustment. The bases of the frame are
either constructed using heavy-duty screw jacks with lock nuts or using
telescopic frame legs, with telescopic spindles. For removal of the formwork
system the "tables" are loosened with the spindles, lowered by means of
transport winches and transported on the wheels provided. If the crane is
available the units can be lifted and moved for a further assignment. This saves
expensive crane down-times. This type of formwork system can only be used if
a crane is available and it is very economical for high frequencies of use.
With this system it is also possible to form floor joists and T-beams. The
formwork for these can be integrated into the floor formwork and lowered for
removal by means of swivels. The systems high flexibility offers the possibility
of producing any shape of floor, e.g. mushroom floors, or floors with
complicated ground plans.
pressed into the former concrete section and fixed. For counteracting wind
effects wind struts are used. The combination of vertical waling, scissor-action
spindles and waled-to-bracket connectors results in formwork units of different
heights, which means that the concreting phase can be varied as required.
A modern type of climbing formwork is the self-climbing system. Special
climbing shoes are built into the front section. The automatic climber consists of
two intermeshing frames, which lock alternately into the climbing shoes. The
climbing is effected by means of a hydromechanical system.
To present information about timber structures under the influence of aggressive
A brief explanation is given of the behaviour of timber and wood-based
materials when exposed to chemical actions, high temperatures and the
influences of ultraviolet rays and weathering. The material properties and the
resistance to these actions are described. The use of timber in practice in
aggressive environments is shown with examples of projects carried out.
The material properties of timber are mainly determined by its structural
composition. As a natural product wood shows great deviations in respect of
these properties, not only between different species of wood but also in the same
species. A certain homogeneity of material properties can be achieved by
chipping the wood or cutting into bits and subsequently putting then panels
together again to form glued laminated timber or wood-based materials. Glued
laminated timber displays the same anisotropic characteristics of solid timber
with significant differences between properties in the direction of grain and
perpendicular to it but reduces the significant defects.
With the use of wood-based materials or glued laminated timber material final
properties can be varied by changing the properties of the constituents and their
shape and assembly. Of significant importance is the choice of the glue used.
Factors to be considered in choosing an adhesive for structural timber include
behaviour on exposure to the environment and durability, ease of use during
production and the nature of the joint to be made. For more information
concerning material properties see lectures A4 and A12.
A number of chemical processes and other similar events may give rise to
chemically polluted atmospheres often associated with the presence of hightemperature moisture-laden air. Swimming-pools will also seem an obvious
situation for such exposure risks, although the equilibrium moisture content of
timber structures can be quite low due to the heated environment.
On account of their high resistance to the effects of aggressive environment,
timber and wood-based materials are often used for structures where such
conditions prevail. This natural resistance of timber is not a fixed value, but the
behaviour under different negative influences varies greatly and also changes
with the course of time.
Figure I
As described before, these tests were performed in two steps. The first was to
choose the right adhesive with small-scale tests, and the second to observe the
behaviour of a girder made with this adhesive under operating conditions in the
manufacturing plant over a period of several weeks.
The roof of a central storehouse of a cheese production firm~wasalso built using
glued laminated timber. Timber being able to resist the expected formation of
lactic acid during fermentation better than other materials, for example steel.
To solve the corrosion problems occurring during the storage of de-icing salt in
storehouses or silos, many such buildings have been erected using glued
laminated timber, see Figure 2. Metal components were in general of stainless
Because of the formation of condensation water and ammonia vapours, set free
during the production of fresh ice, glued laminated timber girders and stainless
steel connectors were chosen, for a roof construction over an ice skating
stadium, see Figure 3.
The roof over a thermal spa, which is exposed to thermal spring vapours, has
been built with glued laminated timber, see Figure 4. The timber girders used
were produced using water-proof and boil-proof glues. The quality of the metal
fasteners was chosen to withstand the thermal spring vapours.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
being lowest for low density softwood and highest for high density hardwood.
The thermal conductivity also increases significantly with moisture content, by
perhaps a third for a moisture content increase of 40%.
High temperatures affect material properties of timber only if the time of
exposure is long enough. The degree of destruction also depends on the level of
these temperatures. Temperatures around 100 "C lead to a brown colouring of
timber but the weakening of strength can hardly be detected. At temperatures up
to 150 "C, the first decrease of strength occurs within a couple of weeks. Higher
temperatures accelerate the destruction and above 250 "C unprotected timber,
depending on its density and environmental conditions, is rather quickly
destroyed. In general, it can be said that the higher the density the greater the
resistance to high temperatures.
On account of the low thermal conductivity of timber the thermal destruction is
transmitted slowly from the outer parts to the central section, so that
appropriately designed elements have a sufficient resistance to high temperatures.
The simultaneous influence of high temperatures and increased humidity causes
significant changes in the material properties of timber; both the strength and the
stiffness decrease.
Figure 5
suitable for protecting timber from these effects. Instead, paints available in a
large variety of colours should be used.
With the additional influence of fluids or high humidity these decomposition
products are washed out, leading to a grey colouring of the wood. The surface
thus created is rough and full of corrugations, which reduce the cross-sectional
area. Besides this direct reduction of area or quality reduction of performance,
secondary destructive processes caused by fungi are likely, and therefore further
destruction of timber can take place, and which is usually of more significance.
The resistance of wood-based materials is not only determined by the structure
of the timber used; it is also influenced by the adhesive or binding material used.
Urea resin based glues are rather quickly destroyed by swelling and shrinking of
adjacent timber parts, which decreases the overall strength. For full exposure to
weather, water-proof and boil-proof adhesives should be chosen; these can be
obtained by using certain adhesives of the phenol-formaldehyde or resorcinolformaldehyde type. Only these types can provide resistance to the weathering of
wood-based materials. Besides the proper choice of adhesives improved surface
treatments also increase the resistance to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and
Although it is normal to dry timber to a moisture content equivalent to the
average relative atmospheric humidity anticipated movement problems are often
also encountered: shrinkage with drying and swelling with wetting. Faults such
as cracks or fissures appear, in other situations cross-sectional movement may
become apparent as warping through the effects of twisted grain. The obvious
solution to all these problems is to use only timber with low movement but this
is not always realistic. The alternative is to impregnate timber with chemicals
which induce stabilisation, although processes of this type are also frequently
unrealistic because of the difficulty of achieving deep penetration.
One approach is to enclose timber within a protective film in order to stabilise
the moisture content. Paint and varnish coatings will act in this way, provided
they completely cover the timber and are not damaged in any way.
Unfortunately whilst these coatings give good protection against rainfall, they are
unable to prevent moisture content changes resulting from slow seasonal
fluctuations in atmospheric humidity. As a result the painted timbers shrink or
swell with changes in relative humidity, causing the surface coating to fracture.
Rain is absorbed into the crack by capillary action and the remaining paint
coating restricts evaporation, so that the moisture content increases and thus
causes the dampness to accumulate. Therefore in any case the paints to be used
should be micro-porous, that water may evaporate.
The most widely used conservation system is to ensure that timber remains dry
by taking appropriate structural precautions. Thus buildings have to be designed
to protect the structure from the penetration of dampness, especially in the form
of dripping water, e.g. rain but also as condensation water. For example, walls
should be designed to resist penetrating rain, perhaps as cavity constructions,
which have to be built with the possibility of adequate ventilation. In some cases
where timber girders are exposed directly to the weather it is often more useful
to protect them with a cheap cladding, which can be replaced from time to time,
than to preserve the whole girder by chemical treatments.
Concluding remarks
Timber offers a high resistance against aggressive environments and can be
successfully used under such conditions. The maintenance cost for steel or
concrete structures in identical environments are much higher than for
comparative timber structures. Steel structures need a regular coating with
corrosion protection and concrete buildings a permanent observation of the
concrete surface in order to detect cracks which can lead to corrosion of the
reinforcement bars. Timber, however, needs very little maintenance in most
aggressive environments although, unless stainless steel is used, the corrosion
protection of the steel fasteners has to be checked in regular intervals.
B. Johannesson
G. Johansson
Chalmers University
of Technology
Structural failures caused by wind, snow and landslides are discussed. The wind
and snow failures are mostly due to mistakes in design or manufacture. The
behaviour of the houses in the landslide shows that a "stiff" wood frame house
can withstand a very severe load condition and yet hold together. Proper design
with accurate design loads results in buildings that can withstand severe load
combinations very well.
Storm damage
Some damage cases from the heavy storms that occurred in West Sweden, in
September 1969, are described. It happened a long time ago, but many of the
experiences are still as relevant as they were 25 years ago. The damage was
investigated and the results were given in a report (Johansson 1970). Many
general observations are valid for all types of structures. Many of the roofs that
blew off were just lying loose on top of the houses, they were not fixed to the
main structure at all. In several cases the main reason was so obvious that no
further extensive investigation was needed.
The wind velocities were high, the maximum 10 min mean velocity recorded
was 31 m/s and the maximum gust velocity recorded was 37 d s . Compared
with earlier and later storms, the storms of 1967 and 1969 passed over areas
with big cities and they lasted for a long time. For about 4 hours around noon,
the wind velocity was at its maximum value or was very close to it.
Many of the damaged houses were quite newly built, most of them were less
than ten years old.
Figure I
Figure 2
Figure 3/4
Damage examples. Fixing of post to the roof slab. Note the wrong position
of the steel strap (top). Part of the roof is lying on the leeward side of the
damaged building (bottom).
Different types of anchorage were used. The most common was thin steel straps,
cast in the slab and nailed to the timber structure. In other cases a horizontal 50
X 100 mm timber was bolted to the concrete slab, to which the timber structure
was fixed with just a few nails. However, many of the anchorages showed very
poor workmanship and could not be expected to resist the wind forces. In
Figures 3 to 6 some examples of damage are shown.
Figure 5/6
Part of a damaged roof (top). Fixing of the posts to the secondary member
laid on the concrete slab (bottom).
Figure 7
The frame structure and the deformation of the frame; (a) deformed frame.
Figure 8
View of the damaged building. A blown-off roof section can be seen to the
Figure 9
Timber connections with nail plates (punched metal plates) are sensitive to
misplacement of the nail plates since the plate size is often small. Collapses of
roof trusses were found to be due to undersized nail plates at the supports. These
small plates were placed so that cracks could develop in the rafter leading to a
collapse. When nail plates are used it is necessary not only to determine the
minimum size of the plate from strength considerations but also to take into
consideration the possibility of crack development. A similar failure occurred in
a glued laminated beam with a notch at the support.
Figure 10
Joint with a nail plate that is too small; (a) failure sui$ace, (b) nail plate.
Figure l l
Figure 12 shows one type of roof truss that is easily "overloaded". The moment
distribution is very much dependent on the distance a in the figure. The failure
is often a pure bending in section 1 or in the joint 2. In the case shown the
bending stress in section 1 was calculated to 66 N/mm2.
Figure 12
Special failures
The primary structure of a cold store house was a three-hinged wooden truss
frame. After about 20 years of service the building was moved to another place.
A drawing of one half of the truss is shown in Figure 13. The flanges of the
truss-beam were made of 50 X 125 mm sections. The contractor cut the frames in
the sections A-A (Figure 13) when the building was moved to its new place. In
these joints lap splices of 50 X 125 mm were nailed with just a few nails to each
part. The length of the lap splices was about one metre.
The whole building collapsed due to failure in the joints A-A. This was probably
a progressive failure starting from one frame. At failure the snow load was
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
Figure 13
The structure in Figure 14 probably collapsed due to the fact that the
deformation in the steel wire tie rod was neglected. The failure occurred between
joints B and C. The load on the structure was a combination of wet snow and
distributed on
wind forces. The snow load was approximately l k ~ / m
the roof. Stresses calculated for this load and wind load at a wind speed of 15
m/s gave a bending stress of 20 ~/rnrn' if the deformation in the steel wire was
considered and 4 ~ / m r ifn ~not.
Hence it may be concluded that it is vital that the theoretical model in the
calculations is correct in order to avoid a disastrous failure.
(d) 180 X 180 mm
50 X 230 mm
(c) 50 X 180 mm
Figure 14
,2 - 50 X 230 mm
Timber frame structure with a steel tension rod. ( a ) steel cable, ( 6 ) purlins,
( c ) cover plate, ( d ) distance piece, ( e ) splice, If) bolt, ( g ) round timber.
- an initiative
Figure 15
Map of the slide area with the direction the houses slid indicated.
- an initiative
Figure 16/17 The frame system (top), the roof triangle (middle) and possible damage
development (bottom). ( a ) timber, ( b ) concrete.
Figure 18/19/20
Small-element houses
These houses were made of small wooden elements. Each element was built as a
wooden box, about 200 mm square, length 2,5 m, filled with sawdust. The roof
structure was a timber frame. The floor structure was light weight concrete
elements. The connection between the wood elements and the floor structure was
too weak. These houses lost their walls to a great extent. When most of the
gable wall had fallen, the roof structure also broke. In one case a roof structure
held together for four weeks before breaking. Probably the influence of humidity
weakened the nailed joints.
There was one house in the slide area
structure. This house had a timber floor
function as a closed square box. The
wooden superstructure was nearly intact,
Figure 21
Figure 22/23 Photo of a house with roof cantilever. It is the same house on both
pictures, the photo with the broken roof was taken four weeks later.
E2711 1
This house was very interesting. Although it had lost approximately 75% of its
supporting basement walls, it did not break down, although it showed some
deformation and a few broken windows. This is an excellent example of
"box-function". A box with 4 stiffened walls (the inner walls act as stiffeners)
and an intact top and bottom is rather stiff and safe. This was proved many
times in the slide area. Figure 25/26 shows the building, resting on "nearly
Figure 24
Figure 25/26 The house rests only on the centre walls and cantilevers in all four
directions. Notice the shear deformation in the window openings.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Cornett Programme
The reason for the storm damage in most cases can be traced to detailing
performed as a matter of routine, overestimation of the strength of the
connections, unsuitable design and structural details and negligence on the site.
All parties involved in the construction process bear a share of the blame, no
one is without blame.
Heavy snowloads sometimes combined with wind loads caused a lot of damage.
The damage occurred mainly in light-weight structures like timber and steel
structures. These are often more sensitive to excessive imposed loads. The most
obvious conclusion from this investigation is that accurate design with
appropriate loads gives a satisfactory level of safety against failures. Bad design
andlor poor workmanship during construction or erection often result in
structures where the failure load can easily be lower than the design load.
The behaviour of the houses in the landslide at Tuve very clearly showed that a
"stiff" wood frame house can withstand a very severe load condition and yet
hold together. The most impressive sight, however, was to see how the "roof
triangle" in almost all houses kept "together" even if all walls had disappeared
and the house had slid more than 100 metres.
The overall conclusion is that correct design procedures using accurate design
loads result in buildings that can withstand severe load conditions very well.
However, this naturally raises the question as to what a design load in different
situations should be and what the proper design should be.
Johansson, G. (1970). Stormskador i vastra Sverige. ("Storm damage in Western Sweden")
Byggforskningen. Rapport R33 (in Swedish).
Johannesson, B. and Johansson, G. (1979a). Snoskador vintern 1976-1977. ("Snow damage winter
1976-1977"). Byggforskningen. Rapport R15 (in Swedish).
Johannesson, B. and Johansson, G. (1979b). Tuveskredet 1977. Undersokning av smihusstommars
skadetilighet. ("The Tuve landslide 1977. Investigation of the damaged houses"). Byggforskningen.
Rapport R137 (in Swedish).
Johansson, G. and Johannesson, B. (1984). Damage due to snow loads. IABSE 12th Congress,
Vancouver, BC, finalreport, p. 829-835.
To describe cases of disorders and accidents caused by production, design or
installation errors.
The pathologies ot traditional framework, lightweight structures and glulam
structures are examined, photographs and sketches are shown, and short comments
are given.
Traditional structures
Figure I
Roof deformation.
The carpentry supporting the roof in Figure 1 is of a classical type: rafters, purlins,
supported by gable walls and a central truss. The ridge beam of the roof shown in
Figure 1 has become concave, and rows of tiles have slipped to the bottom of the
roof planes.
This very common situation is the result of the absence or inadequacy of blocking
of rafters at the base of the planes, allowing the purlins placed obliquely to become
deformed by transverse bending.
The trussed rafter shown in Figure 2 has broken because of the presence of a largesized knot. The timber was obviously not graded properly.
The ridge purlin shown in Figure 3 has broken because of the steep slope of the
grain of the timber, which causes local transverse stresses, resulting in breakage.
The timber was obviously not graded carefully enough.
The opening of the assembly of a king post on the tie bar of a traditional truss is
shown on Figure 4. It may be seen that the king post is cracked more or less on the
plan of the bolt, and that the metal suspender is embedded in the bottom ot the tie
bar. The fracture process is in progress.
STEPIEUROFORTECH - an initiative under the EU Comett Programme
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
This case involves a design error in the assembly of the central diagonals, which
are blocked on the tie bar with the result that the metal suspender and bolt are
overloaded. A good design would tie the diagonals to the king post.
- an initiative under
Figure 5
The structure shown in Figure 5 is about fifty years old. Infiltrations of water
caused by gaps in the waterproofing of the roof created conditions favourable to the
growth of fungus. This structure is very seriously damaged at places where
infiltrations took place. Proper maintenance of the roofing is needed to avoid, or
reduce, the risk of fungus attack on the supporting timber structure.
Lightweight structures
Figure 6
Cases of buckling of trussed rafters, as shown in Figure 6, are rather common. They
are caused by over estimation of the transverse rigidity of the framework, resulting
from the idea that the length of transverse buckling for trussed rafters would be
equal to the distance between batten lines. This idea is an illusion because the
lateral restraint given by the tile battens and the bracing is not sufficiently rigid.
The numerous nailed joints which are involved may slip and drag, as shown on
Figure 7.
The design of continuous bracing bars under the roof planes, with girtrails and
torsional blocking of truss bases, as well as the adoption of reasonable design
buckling lengths, are essential precautions needed to prevent the risk of lateral
buckling of trussed rafters.
Figure 7
Figure 8
The broken girder shown in Figure 8 is used as a rafter. The end of its lower flange
has broken, and its metal diagonals have torn away. The support of this girder is
not properly designed: offsetting the supporting point from the triangulation node
causes a secondary moment, which has resulted in the failure. Attention must be
paid in the design of supports with respect to the calculation hypothesis in order to
avoid secondary moments.
Figure 9
Figure 10
The timber frame house shown in Figure 10 is supported by props. The ground
floor walls slope outwards, probably because the connections between floor and
walls are absent or inadequate. Design, fabrication and erection should be done by
professionals, preferably.
Glulam structures
Figure I I
Ridge deformation.
The ridge of this sports centre (Figure 11) has subsided about 300 mm, following
an increase in the curvature of the flanks of the frames that form the main structure.
This increase in curvature is not caused by any extra load on the frames, nor by
creeping, but results from the transverse shrinkage as the wood dries out.
Shrinkage moves the soffit and back of the curved flanks of the arches closer
together, while their respective lengths remain approximately the same, which
means an increase in their curvature, and consequently subsidence of the key point
as indicated in Figure 12. Control of drying conditions with regard to the service
condition, and anticipation of the possible deformation will prevent this problem.
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Waterponding may occur on flat roofs. It is responsible for many cases of collapse,
the beam in Figure 16 is one example. Beam deflection under water ponding loads
increases beam loading. In case of insufficient beam stiffness, this process leads to
instability, gluing defects (Figure 17) and finger jointing defects (Figure 18) may
reduce the stiffness and the resistance of beams, increasing dangerously their
susceptibility to water ponding loads. Special care is needed for beam design in the
case of flat roofs, the stability under water ponding loads must be checked.
Prevention of gluing and finger jointing defects needs quality control in the
manufacturing process.
Figure 16
Beam collapse.
Figure 17
Defective gluing,
Figure 18
Joints play an important part in glulam pathology. Shrinkage of beams and columns
at frame corners often result in cracks as shown in Figure 19. This can be prevented
by adequate drying of the glulam prior to assembly, associated with gluing process
control. The designer must bear in mind that the risk increases with the depth of
beams and columns. Reduction of design stresses may be recommended in
particular cases.
Figure 19
Insufficient rotational capacity of joints may create problems for glulam structures.
This is the cause of the collapse shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20
The beam had two bays, a cantilever joint was located at a short distance from the
central support, see Figure 21.
Figure 21
The design of the cantilever joint shoe shown on Figure 22 does not allow the
rotational possibility required by the position of the joint, which is different from
the zero moment point.
Figure 22
The canopy of the stadium stand shown in Figure 23 has been almost entirely
carried away by an ordinary gust of wind.
Figure 23
Attachment failrire.
Figure 24
The detail view in Figure 24 shows that the beams were attached to the tops of the
column by bolts located near the edge of each beam. This arrangement generates
transverse tensile stresses, which have caused cracks to cut the beams at the level
of the upper bolt. The design of the joint according to the provisions described in
STEP lecture C2 is required to avoid this.