Ms. M is a nulliparous woman in her 30s presenting with infertility. Endometriosis is found in 10-15% of women with gynecological symptoms and is characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. The precise cause is unknown but theories include retrograde menstruation and transformation of coelomic epithelium. Symptoms include dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and infertility. Investigations include ultrasound, MRI, laparoscopy and CA-125 levels. Treatment options include NSAIDs, hormonal suppression, and surgery.
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Ms. M is a nulliparous woman in her 30s presenting with infertility. Endometriosis is found in 10-15% of women with gynecological symptoms and is characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. The precise cause is unknown but theories include retrograde menstruation and transformation of coelomic epithelium. Symptoms include dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and infertility. Investigations include ultrasound, MRI, laparoscopy and CA-125 levels. Treatment options include NSAIDs, hormonal suppression, and surgery.
Ms. M is a nulliparous woman in her 30s presenting with infertility. Endometriosis is found in 10-15% of women with gynecological symptoms and is characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. The precise cause is unknown but theories include retrograde menstruation and transformation of coelomic epithelium. Symptoms include dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and infertility. Investigations include ultrasound, MRI, laparoscopy and CA-125 levels. Treatment options include NSAIDs, hormonal suppression, and surgery.
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Ms. M is a nulliparous woman in her 30s presenting with infertility. Endometriosis is found in 10-15% of women with gynecological symptoms and is characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. The precise cause is unknown but theories include retrograde menstruation and transformation of coelomic epithelium. Symptoms include dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and infertility. Investigations include ultrasound, MRI, laparoscopy and CA-125 levels. Treatment options include NSAIDs, hormonal suppression, and surgery.
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Classical Picture: Ms.
M came to your clinic, a nulliparous woman in her 30’s
complaining of infertility. Persistence & spread are estrogen 10-15% women presenting Pathogenesis Endometriosis Incidence dependent, since it is found almost with gynecological symptoms exclusively in female reproductive Definition age group with functioning ovaries. One of the commonest benign gyn. Presence of endometrial surface conditions epithelium and/or the presence of Spasmodic, severe dysmenorhoea Precise etiology unknown, but unresponsive to analgesia is highly interaction between one or more of endometrial glands & stroma these theories occurs outside the lining of the uterine cavity Premenstrual and postmenstrual spotting is characteristic Menstrual regurgitation & Implantation Subtypes symptom of endometriosis, Coelomic epithelium transformation Subtype Components Hormonal Response Laparoscopic Genetic & Immunological factors appearance Vascular & lymphatic spread Free Surface Proliferative, secretory and Hemorrhagic epithelium, menstrual changes vesicle/bleb glands and N.B. Minimization of menstrual flow stroma & suppression of ovarian cycling risk Enclosed Glands and Proliferative, variable Papule and (later) stroma Secretory change nodule Symptoms No menstruation Healed Glands only No response White nodule or Site Symptoms flattened fibrotic scar Female Dysmenorrhea reproductive Dyspareunia most Endometrio Variable (Post. Proliferative, secretory and Hemorrhagic tract (ovaries, common Signs Investigations broad Infertility ligament, Lower abdominal & uterosacral pelvic pain Vaginal Examination (occasionally CA 125 levels (less than ovarian cancer, lig, post. Rupture/torsion none): useful in evaluation of Rx and recurrence) cervix) endmetrioma Thickening/nodularity “barbwire” Low back pain of utereosacral ligaments Ultrasound (limited value, used to assess (diagnostic). ovarian cyst for endometriomata – Urinary tract Cyclic hematuria/dysuria Tenderness in pouch of Douglas. homogenous, hypoechoic collection of low- Ureteric obstruction Ovarian mass or masses (2 out of level echoes within an ovarian cyst) 3). GIT Dyschezia (triad D’s) Fixed retroverted uterus MRI (little benefit, better than US for (rectovaginal Cyclic rectal bleeding DD also include PID, Ca. of uterus, ovarian cyst or invasion of surrounding septum) Obstruction ovary or cevix, hemorrhagic corpus Surgical Cyclic pain and bleeding luteum, ectopic.). Laparoscopy (Gold Stand., Stag. & Rx) Scars/umbilicus N.B. There is no clear relationship between Lung Rx Cyclic hemoptysis the stage of endometriosis and the frequency and severity of pain. Medical Surgical (if > 3cm) (aim to suppress estrogen and progesterone levels to prevents Adenomyosis Conservative Definition: Extension of endometrial glands & stoma into uterine NSAIDS musculature > 2.5 cm beneath the basalis layer. (analgesics±paracetamol/codeine) Laparoscopy Combined oral contraceptive (standard) with intra- Patients are usually multiparous and diagnosed in their late 30’s agents (reduce dysmenorrheal & abdominal lasers. or early 40’s. 15% have associated endometriosis. 1st menorrhagia) line Definitive Symptoms: Many asymptomatic, present with secondary Progestogens Medroxyprogesterone acetate spasmodic dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. Dydrogesterone Hysterectomy and (Pesudo-decidualization of bilateral salpingo- Signs: Bulky, tender uterus particularly premenstrually. endometrium) oophorectomy. Invest.: MRI method of choice, image myometrium. Danazol/gestrinone (weight gain, acne) N.B. No evidence that Rx Rx: Conservative with NSAIDs and hormonoal control GnRH Aganoist ( bone density) significantly improves fertility. (amnorrhea) are mainstay Rx (but returns). Hysterectomy only ± HRT definitive Rx.
Prenatal Diagnostic Testing and Atypical Chromosome Abnormalities Following Combined First-Trimester Screening: Implications For Contingent Models of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing