A Morpho-Etiological Description of Congenital Limb Anomalies

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A morpho-etiological description of congenital

limb anomalies
Tayel SM,* Fawzia MM, Niran A Al-Naqeeb, Said Gouda, Al Awadi SA, Naguib KK

BACKGROUND: Limb anomalies rank behind congenital heart disease

as the most common birth defects observed in infants. More than 50
classifications for limb anomalies based on morphology and osseous
anatomy have been drafted over the past 150 years. The present work
aims to provide a concise summary of the most common congenital limb
anomalies on a morpho-etiological basis.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a retrospective study, 70 newborns with
anomalies of the upper and/or lower limbs were ascertained through
clinical examination, chromosomal analysis, skeletal surveys and other
relevant investigations.
RESULTS: Fetal causes of limb anomalies represented 55.8% of the
cases in the form of 9 cases (12.9%) with chromosomal aberrations
(trisomy 13, 18 and 21, duplication 13q and deletion 22q) and 30 cases
(42.9%) with single gene disorders. An environmental etiology for limb
anomalies was diagnosed in 11 cases (15.7%) as amniotic band disruption, monozygotic twin with abnormal circulation, vascular disruption
(Poland sequence, sirenomelia and general vascular disruption) and an
infant with a diabetic mother. Twenty cases (28.5%) had limb anomalies
as part of sporadic syndromes of unknown etiology.
CONCLUSIONS: The morpho-etiological work-up of limb anomalies
adopted in the present study is valuable for detecting the cause of the
anomaly and is crucial for its prevention. Prevention can be achieved by
proper genetic counseling, which includes recurrence risk estimation
and prenatal diagnosis.

From the *Genetics Unit, Anatomy

Department, Alexandria Faculty of
Medicine, Alexandria, Egypt
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,
Kuwait University, Kuwait
Neonatology Department, Adan
Hospital, Kuwait
Kuwait Medical Genetics Centre,
Maternity Hospital, Kuwait
Correspondence to:
Shawky M Tayel,
Genetics Unit,
Anatomy Department,
Alexandria Faculty of Medicine,
Alexandria, Egypt.
Tel/Fax: 2-03-424-9150
Accepted for publication:
January 2005
Ann Saudi Med. 2005;25(3):219227

ongenital limb malformations rank behind congenital heart

disease as the most common birth defects observed in infants.1
One in 506 newborns has congenital malformation of the upper limb.2 ese malformations can occur as isolated malformations, in
combination with another hand and/or foot, or as part of a syndrome.
e etiology can be divided into environmental and genetic causes. A
well known example of an environmental cause is the wave of thalidomide-induced hand malformations that occurred in the 1960s.3
e field of congenital anomalies of the limbs has been inundated
by many classifications. More than 50 classification schemes have been
drafted over the past 150 years, each claiming some special merit not
possessed by others.4 Currently, hand surgeons use the morphological
classification first presented by Swanson in 19765 and adopted by both
the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and the International
Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH).6 IFSSH proposed a seven category classification based on the proposed classification
of Swanson. ese seven groups are 1) failure of formation; transverse (A),

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or longitudinal (B), 2) failure of differentiation, 3)

polydactyly, 4) overgrowth, 5) undergrowth, 6) amniotic band syndrome, and 7) generalized skeletal syndromes.7 Recently, the Japanese Society for Surgery
of the Hand ( JSSH) has proposed an extension/
modification of the IFSSH classification.7
A workable classification should employ a simple,
easily remembered and descriptive terminology. It
should allow the recording of common clinical entities with minimal confusion, yet permit the full categorization of complex cases. An ideal classification
should be made by grouping malformations according to morphogenesis or cause.8 In the present study,
cases of congenital limb anomalies were diagnosed
according to the widely used morphological classification of Swanson,5,7,9,10 then they were grouped
together etiologically to highlight the genetic causes
for the sake of genetic counseling, for proper recurrence risk estimation, and for providing suitable
prenatal methods for early detection.

Patients and Methods

In this retrospective study, 70 newborns with anomalies of the upper and/or lower limbs diagnosed in
the Kuwait Medical Genetics Centre during the
period 1997 to 1999 were ascertained. All patients
had undergone clinical evaluation, including personal
history, consanguinity, and limb and general examination, and chromosomal studies using peripheral
blood following the Hungerford technique11 and the
Seabright technique for Giemsa-Trypsin (GTG-)
banding.12 A minimum of 20 cells were examined for
each patient. e cytogenetic findings were interpreted according to the International System for Human
Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN 1995).13 Patients
had also undergone other relevant investigations such
as biochemical and skeletal surveys, ultrasonography,
echocardiography and CT of head. e 70 cases
with limb anomalies were diagnosed following the
morphological classification of Swanson,5,7,9,10 then
grouped according to their etiology.14-17


Limb anomalies in the 70 patients could be divided

etiologically by fetal, environmental and sporadic (unknown) causes (Tables 1-3). Fetal causes were present
in 39 (55.8%) patients (Table 1) in the form of chromosomal aberrations (12.9%) and single gene disorders (42.9%). e anomalies observed in patients with
chromosomal abnormalities were pre- and postaxial
polydactyly, and syndactyly (Figure 1, a-c). A wide
range of limb anomalies due to single gene disorders,


whether autosomal dominant (AD) or autosomal

recessive (AR), was observed in this group of patients
(Figure 2 a-c, and Figure 3). Combinations of anomalies were observed in some patients where failure of
separation was combined with 1) longitudinal limb
deficiency to give split hand/foot syndrome, 2) limb
duplication resulting in synpolydactyly syndrome
(Figures 2c, 3a,b) and 3) transverse limb reduction
defect (fingers amputation), forming acrosyndactyly.
Environmental causes of limb anomalies were
diagnosed in 11 patients (15.7%, Table 2). All the
environmental causes resulted in limb reduction
defects such as finger and toe amputations and
constriction rings in the amniotic band disruption
(Figure 4), finger syndactyly in Polands anomaly,
fused lower limbs in sirenomelia (Figure 5a), lower
limb amputation in addition to absent thumb, index
finger and radial hypoplasia in the case with general vascular disruption (Figure 5b), and lower limb
gangrene in the monozygotic twin with abnormal
circulation (Figure 5c).
Twenty cases (28.5%) had limb anomalies as part
of sporadic syndromes of unknown etiology (Table
3). A wide variety of limb anomalies are present in
this group as rudimentary hand and fingers in acheiria (Figure 6a), amputation of both upper and lower
limbs in tetraperomelia (Figure 6b), and bifid thumb
in the thumb duplication syndrome (Figure 6c).


Chromosomal aberrations lead to limb anomalies

due to duplication/deficiency of the genes involved
in limb development. Trisomy 13 or duplication of a
specific region (q21-q32) on the long arm of chromosome 13 is usually associated with postaxial polydactyly.18 Limb deficiencies such as ectrodactyly and
oligodactyly have also been reported in trisomy 13.19
Aplasia of the radius, usually associated with absence
or hypoplasia of the first metacarpal and thumb, is
the most prevalent reduction malformation in
trisomy 18 infants.20 Brachydactyly, fifth finger
clinodactyly and hypoplasia of the middle phalanx,
syndactyly, and a wide gap with a deep crease between the first and second toes are frequent but nonspecific findings in patients with Down syndrome.2123
Nine patients in the present study had different
forms of limb anomalies such as polydactyly (limb
duplication), syndactyly (failure of separation), and
radius aplasia and hypoplasia (limb deficiency) due
to chromosomal aberrations. ese findings warrant
the need for performing karyotyping as a routine investigation in cases of congenital limb anomalies.

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Table 1. Fetal causes of limb anomalies.


of cases

Chromosomal aberrations

Limb anomalies

Associated anomalies

Trisomy 13

Postaxial polydactyly

Holoprosencephaly, microcephaly,
cleft lip/palate

Duplication 13 (13q+)

Postaxial polydactyly

Congenital heart, blepharophimosis,

long philtrum

Trisomy 18

Preaxial polydactyly

Micognathia, clenched hands,

protruded occiput, malformed ears,
overlapping fingers

CATCH 22 (22q-)

Postaxial polydactyly (F)

Congenital heart, abnormal face,

thymus hypoplasia, cleft palate,

Trisomy 21

Syndactyly 4th, 5th fingers

Upward slanting palpebral fissures,

low-set ears, depressed nasal bridge,
hypotonia, mental retardation

Single gene disorders

Isolated polydactyly (AD)


Polydactyly (F and/or T)

Synpolydactyly (AD)

Synpolydactyly (F or T)

Meckel-Gruber synd. (AR)

Polydactyly (F and/or T)

Anencephaly, polycystic kidney, cleft


Apert syndorome (AD)

Acrosyndactyly (F)

Craniosynostosis, flat face, down

slanting palpebral fissures

Radial ray defect (AD or AR)

Absent thumb, radial hypoplasia

Ventricular septal defect

Fraser syndrome (AD)

Acrosyndactyly (F and T)

Eyes covered by forehead skin, no eye

lids, anal atresia

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (AR)

Postaxial polydactyly (F and T)

Obesity, retinal pigmentation,

ventricular septal defect

Syndactyly (AD)

Syndactyly (F or T)

Split hand/foot syndrome (AD)

Absent middle finger, absent second

toe, syndactyly 3rd and 4th toes

Triphalangeal thumb polydactyly

syndrome (AD)

Triphalangeal thumb, preaxial


Total cases


F=fingers, T=toes

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Table 2. Environmental causes of limb anomalies.


of Cases

Limb anomalies

Associated anomalies

Intrauterine constraint:
Amniotic band disruption

Syndactyly with amputation of fingers

and toes and constriction ring

Anencephaly, cleft lip and palate, ear


Monozygotic twins with

abnormal circulation

Gangrene of both lower limbs and

muscle atrophy

Microcephaly, small ears (one of a


Poland sequence

Syndactyly (Fingers)

Unilateral absence of pectoralis major


Fused lower limbs

Absent external genitalia, imperforate



Lower limb amputation, absent thumb,

index finger, radial hypoplasia

Absent external genitalia, pulmonary &

liver infarctions

Radial and femoral hypoplasia

Spina bifida, hydrocephalus, cleft lip,

renal anomalies

Vascular disruption

Drugs, Toxins, Maternal illness, etc

Infant of diabetic mother
Total cases


Limb anomalies can arise due to mutations in

many genes, including the homebox genes and
fibroblast growth factors and their receptor genes.10
e prevalence of polydactyly with or without associated malformations varies between 5 and 7 per
10 000 live births.24 Polydactyly of the little finger
is often seen in the African-American population
(as frequent as 1 in 100) owing to an AD trait and
is usually present as an isolated finding.25 Relative
proportions of the preaxial and postaxial forms of
polydactyly vary largely among racial groups.14 In
the present study postaxial polydactyly was seen in
23 of the 30 (76.7%) cases of upper limb polydactyly.
Triphalangeal thumb is a rare preaxial deformity with
a variety of presentations. Its percentage in the present study was 1.4%. e prevalence of this deformity
is reported to be one in 25 000.26 It may be seen as a
sporadic disorder but is most frequently noticed as an
AD trait. e gene locus is on chromosome 7q36.6
Syndactyly (fusion of adjacent digits) is the most
common congenital anomaly in Caucasians as it is
noticed in 14% of newborns.27,28 It often presents
with a positive family history when isolated. In addition, syndactyly is frequently seen in generalized
disorders such as Poland and Apert syndromes.29 In
the present study isolated syndactyly was observed in
2 cases (2.9%) and as part of a syndrome in another


11 cases (15.7%). Synpolydactyly is usually inherited as an AD trait.25,30 e synpolydactyly gene is

mapped to a locus on chromosome 2q31.31 In the
present study, synpolydactyly was observed in 6 cases
(8.6%). Five cases had isolated synpolydactyly while
the sixth one also had congenital heart. His diagnosis was unknown.
Limb reduction anomalies have a frequency of
8-49 per 10 000 births.32,33 Longitudinal absence
defects are much rarer than transverse ones.34 Radial
ray defect has an incidence of 1:100 000 and may
be uni- or bilateral29 or part of a large associated
disorder.27 Cardiac or gastrointestinal anomalies are
frequent in these patients. A detailed study of limb
reduction defects could lead to a better understanding of clinical presentation and to an etio-pathogenic diagnosis to control risk factors.32 Radial ray
defect may be inherited as AD, AR or present with
an unknown etiology.6 e two cases with radial
ray defect (2.9%) encountered in the present study
had ventricular septal defect in addition, pointing
to the diagnosis of Holt-Oram syndrome and the
AD mode of inheritance. In one case, the father
was also affected so his risk of having other affected children is 50% if he is heterozygous (having
one mutant gene). In the other case, both parents
were normal, indicating a new mutation origin of

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Table 3. Sporadic syndromes associated with limb anomalies

Etiology / Syndrome

of cases

Limb anomalies

Associated anomalies

Acheiria (transverse limb defect)

Ectrodactyly (rudimentary hand and


Thumb duplication

Bifid thumb

VATER association

Preaxial polydactyly, syndactyly, radial


Vertebral anomalies, anal atresia,

tracheoesophageal fistula, ear

Proteus syndrome

Macrodactyly (F)

Cerebroid gyriform configuration of the

sole, caf au-lait spots, subcutaneous

Coffin-Siris syndrome

Hypoplasia 5th finger and 5th toe

Coarse facies, anteverted nares,

sparse scalp hair

Ulnar ray defect

Ulnar hypoplasia

Aarskog (Facio-digito-genital



Four limb amputation

Synpolydactyly with cardiac


Synpolydactyly (F &T), Polydactyly


Congenital heart


Postaxial polydactyly (F&T)

Hemangioma on the trunk and upper

and lower limbs, unilateral hypertrophy
of the leg

Polydactyly with polycystic kidney

Postaxial polydactyly (F& T)

Polycystic kidney, hepatomegaly

Polydactyly with diaphragmatic


Postaxial polydactyly (F)

Large diaphragmatic hernia, lung


Total Cases

Rounded face, hypertelorism, short

anteverted nose, long philtrum, ptosis,
shawl scrotum


F=fingers, T=toes

the disease and the very low recurrence risk. Split

hand/foot malformation, also termed ectrodactyly, is
characterized by absence of the central digital rays, a
deep median cleft, and syndactyly of the remaining
digits.35 Its incidence varies between one in 10 000
and one in 90 000.36 Split hand/foot malformation
is genetically heterogenous (caused by many genes).
Only one case with this malformation was detected
in the present study.
Many environmental events can lead to limb
anomalies in humans. Approximately one in 2000
neonates has birth defects associated with rupture
of the amnion.6 In the present study 4 cases (5.7%)
had amniotic band disruption causing finger and toe
amputations with constriction bands in addition to
craniofacial anomalies. Rupture of the amnion during early pregnancy may result in the formation of
amniotic bands or strands that can adhere to the
embryo or the fetus. With fetal growth, the bands can

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tighten and compromise developing areas and lead to

resorptive necrosis. e bands most often affect the
limbs (leading to amputations or hypoplastic digits)
and the craniofacial and abdominal areas. Careful
examination of the placenta may reveal the bands
and remnants of amnion.27 Al-Qattan37 has reviewed
the associated anomalies and the pathogenesis of 31
upper limbs with congenital amputations due to constriction rings in 20 patients. He classified the pattern of amputation into three types; namely proximal
upper limb amputation (type I), digital amputation
associated with coning or superimposition of the
digits (II), and multiple-digit amputation (IIIA), and
single-digit amputation (IIIB).
Vascular disruption can also lead to limb anomalies as in hypoplasia of the pectoralis muscles with
syndactyly or short digits (Poland sequence) due to a
decreased blood supply in the embryonic subclavian
artery or its branches. Al-Qattan38 has reviewed 20


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Figure 1. Limb anomalies due to fetal causes (chromosomal

a) Bilateral cutaneous syndactyly of the little and ring fingers
(arrow) and right little finger clinodactyly (arrow) in a short broad
hand of a Down syndrome child (trisomy 21).
b) Left preaxial polydactyly (arrow) in a newborn male with
Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18). Note the malformed low-set and
posteriorly rotated ears, the micrognathia, the clenched hand,
and the overlapping fingers.
c) Left postaxial polydactyly (arrow) in a newborn male with
partial trisomy 13 (13q+). Other dysmorphic features include
bulging forehead, blepharophimosis, deep-set eyes, depressed
nasal bridge, long philtrum, thin upper lip, and pectus excavatum.


Figure 2. Showing limb anomalies due to fetal causes (single

gene disorders).
a) Triphalangeal and distally displaced left thumb (short arrow)
with thenar muscles hypoplasia, and preaxial polydactyly (long
arrow) in an infant with the autosomal dominant triphalangeal
thumb polydactyly syndrome.
b) Isolated preaxial polydactyly (arrow).
c) Bilateral preaxial autosomal dominant synpolydactyly. The
second toe is duplicated and fused (arrows).

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cases with Poland sequence and classified the hand

anomalies into seven types according to severity of
the deformity. Sirenomelia (vitelline artery steal) is
another example of vascular disruption leading to
abnormal caudal development.24 Five cases (7.1%) in
the present study suffered from limb anomalies due
to vascular disruption in the embryonic blood vessels.
Vascular anastomoses and discordant placental blood
flow in twins with a common placenta predispose
them to vascular disruptions. In approximately 1%
of monozygotic twins, intrauterine death of one twin
may result in release of thromboplastin or emboli to
the surviving co-twin leading to ischemia in localized areas.17 One patient in the present study had
gangrene and muscle atrophy of both lower limbs.
He was one of a triplet. Other causes of vascular
disruption include placental infarction, maternal hypotension, vasoactive drugs, agents like cocaine and
certain medications.17 e prenatal diagnostic technique, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), has also been
associated with limb reduction defect, with anoxia of
distal fetal structures as a postulated etiology.39
Infants of diabetic mothers have 6% risk of developing congenital malformations. e risk may
be over 20% if there is poor control during the
first trimester. e malformations involve the heart
(transposition of great vessels), anencephaly, spina
bifida, holoprosencephaly, cleft lip and/or palate, renal anomalies and caudal regression sequence.17 One
case with caudal regression in the present study was
an infant of an uncontrolled diabetic mother.
Twenty cases (28.6%) in the present study had
limb anomalies as one of the manifestations of sporadic syndromes (syndromes with unknown etiology). Acheiria (rudimentary hand and fingers) and
aphalangia (transverse limb anomalies) are probably
caused by death of the mesenchymal cells in the limb
bud region.40 Ruiter et al41 have described absent left
hand (a terminal transverse reduction defect) in a
boy with mosaic trisomy 22. ey observed that this
type of limb anomalies has never been reported in
association with this chromosomal aberration. is
finding points out the importance of genetics in the
work-up in sporadic cases of limb anomalies.
Watson42 stressed that management of congenital limb anomalies has to include classification and etiology, incidence, diagnosis before birth,
and counseling of parents. In a similar study done
by Holder-Espinasse et al43 on 107 cases of limb
anomalies, the diagnosis was made in 78%, including isolated, syndromic, or chromosomal anomalies
with the conclusion that prenatal multidisciplinary

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Figure 3 (a,b). Limb anomalies due to fetal causes (single gene

A newborn boy with bilateral postaxial synpolydactyly of the ring
finger (short arrows) and bilateral preaxial synpolydactyly of the
big toe (long arrow).

Figure 4 (a,b). Limb anomalies due to environmental causes.

Limb anomalies due to amniotic band disruption: a) constriction
rings (arrow), syndactyly, and ectrodactyly or terminal phalanges
amputations; b) Transverse limb defect, i.e. amputation of both feet.


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Figure 5. Limb anomalies due to environmental causes.

a) A newborn with sirenomelia (due to vascular disruption)
where both lower limbs and feet are fused, absent external
genitalia and imperforate anus.
b) A newborn with general vascular disruption presented with
bilateral limb amputation (transverse reduction defect), absent
right thumb and index finger, right radial hypoplasia (radial ray
defect), absent external genitalia, and blue colored skin.
c) Bilateral gangrene of the leg and foot due to abnormal
circulation in one of a triplet.


Figure 6. Limb anomalies due to sporadic causes.

a) Acheiria (transverse limb defect) in a newborn boy where the
left palm is absent and the fingers are rudimentary and presented
by digital buds (arrow), b) Tetraperomelia in a newborn boy
(amputation in both upper and lower limbs), c) Bifid thumb.

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assessment is fundamental to assist with counseling, as

is the postnatal follow-up of the infant. e diagnosis,
if made, will obviously influence the information that
will be given to the parents and the management of
the malformation, and guide recurrence risks.
In conclusion, the etiological study, including the
genetic work-up, of morphologically classified cases

with congenital limb anomalies is helpful in the

prevention of many disorders causing limb defects.
Prevention can be achieved via proper genetic counseling, which includes information on the etiology
of the disorder (genetic or environmental), prenatal
detection of limb anomalies and risk estimation for
later siblings.

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