Nature of Qualitative Research Parctical
Nature of Qualitative Research Parctical
Nature of Qualitative Research Parctical
ABM 11 - 23
to examine the context or situation of an individuals life the who, what, why, how,
and other circumstances affecting his or her way of life.
6. Diversified data in real-life situation.
A qualitative researcher prefers collecting data in a natural setting like observing
people as they live and work, analyzing photographs or videos as they genuinely
appear tom people, and looking at classrooms unchanged or adjusted to
peoples intentional observations.
7. Abounds with words and visual
Words, words, and more words come in big quantity in this kind of research.
Data gathering through interviews or library reading, as well as the presentation
of data analysis results, is done verbally. In some cases, it resorts to quoting
some respondents answer. Likewise, presenting peoples world views through
visual presentation (ie. pictures, videos, drawings, and graphs) are significantly
used in a qualitative research.
8. Internal analysis
Here, you examine the data yielded by the internal traits of the subject
individuals (i. e., emotional, mental, spiritual characteristics). You study peoples
perception or views about your topic not the effects of their physical existence on
your study. In case of objects (e. g., books and artworks) that are subjected to a
qualitative research, the investigation centers on underlying theories or principles
that govern these materials and their usefulness to people.
1. Case Study
This involves long time study of a person, group, organization, or situation. It
seems to find answer to why such thing occurs to subject. Finding the reasons
behind such occurrence drives you to also delve into relationship of people
related to the case under study.
2. Ethnography
It is the study of a particular culture group to get a clear understanding of its
organizational set-up, internal operation and life style.
3. Phenomenology
Coming from the word "phenomenon", which means something known through
sensory experience, phenomenology refers to the study of how people find their
experience meaningful. Primary goal is to make people understand their
experiences about death of loved ones, care of handicapped persons,
friendliness of people, etc. In doing so, other people will likewise understand that
meaning attached to their experiences.
4. Content and Discourse Analysis
This requires analysis or examination of the substance or content of the mode of
communication used by the person, group, institution, or any organization in
communicating. A study of language stuctures used in the medium of
communication to discover the effects not sociological, cultural, institutional, and
ideological factors on the content makes it a discourse analysis.
5. Historical Analysis
Central to this qualitative research method is the examination of primary
documents to make you understand the connection of past events to the present
time. The results of your content analysis will help you specify phenomenological
changes in unchanged aspect of society through the years.
6. Grounded Theory
It takes place when you discover a new theory to underlie your study at the time
of data collection and analysis. Through your observation on your subject, you
will happen to find a theory that applies to your current study.
1. It involves researchers subjectivity in data analysis.
2. Hard to know the validity of reliability of the data.
3. It is open-ended questions yield data overload that requires long time analysis.
4. Time consuming.
5. Involves several process, which may result greatly depend on thhe
researchers view or interpretations.
Difference between Quantitative
Hypothesis testing
Measuring the instrument before the actual project starts
Availability of Information