Clintons Podesta Balkans
Clintons Podesta Balkans
Clintons Podesta Balkans
rug trade in the Balkans. This calls for an immediate investigation into all chi
ld welfare organizations, especially those tied to the Clintons'/Globalists/Soro
s, in war torn areas.
Everychild is of particular interest in the Balkans, ties to Tavistock through M
ichael Rich, ties to Clinton/CF through Cheryl Saban. It was established by West
ern power players and is closely aligned with the government in Kosovo which is/
was implicated in human trafficking.
This charity has had three separate names, The Romanian Orphanage Trust (1990-19
97), The European Children s Trust (1997-2001), and EveryChild (2001-Present). It
has connections to Barnardo's which has a proven history of sexually abusing chi
ldren and sending them abroad to pedophiles.
--------------This research shows a long history of relationship with human traffickers culmin
ating in the recent stories of Laura Silsby, Hillary Clinton, and Haiti traffick
ing breaking all over the Internet now: Reddit, Voat, YouTube, and the MSM.
(We thank all other researchers for threads that connect to our work. We have be
en with you all since Reddit and making notes on our own work. We have gaps, as
you may do, and please take our work ASAP and use whatever you need. We are not
able to work here regularly, and hope we post by the rules. We have made links i
n the stories, yet are newbies.)
It is important to know that the Clintons had a warm friendship with a notorious
human trafficker almost 20 years ago! We were surprised to learn that. This is
well documented, and we try to be brief. The trafficker even after his global cr
imes were known, by the corrupt MSM as well, was able to visit America, continui
ng the Clinton friendship, and even befriending Joe Biden, whom he visited in th
e White House.
There are thousands of references to the enormity of the story, again, we want t
o keep it short and highlight the key points. This has roots in the Yugoslavian
War between the Serbs, Croatians, Muslims, etc. It is a complex situation and we
focus on the trafficking aspects. The violence was on all sides, and there was
major provocation of the Albanians who formed KLA. However, they too late prevai
led, with rapes, murders, organ trafficking, and USA support from the Clinton Fo
undation, the Podesta Group, and Joe Biden of the White House.
The Clinton Foundation invited the prime minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci to the
2011 Clinton Global Initiative conference knowing he had been implicated in huma
n organ trafficking as head of the Kosovo Liberation Army in the late 1990s. What
are USG views on WJC inviting former Kosovo PM [Hashim] Thaci and the current P
M to CGI? Clinton Foundation foreign policy adviser Amitabh Desai wrote in an Aug
. 17, 2011 email to several top Hillary Clinton State Department officials. Is Th
aci still embroiled in organ harvesting issues and is that of consequence? Desai
asked, which the State Department later released to the group Citizens United.
It gets worse, as the Clintons do everything in a large way. Thaci, the traffick
er, was asked back again in 2012 and 2013 to help with Clinton Foundation meetin
gs. Clintons knew this was wrongful. On Feb. 23, 1998, Robert Gelbard, Bill Clin
ton s envoy to the Balkans, called KLA is a terrorist group. Yet Bill Clinton is reg
arded as a hero in Kosovo, supported by his friendship with Thaci. A boulevard i
n Pristina, Kosovo s capital city, is named after Bill Clinton. A monumental statu
e of Clinton was erected there in 2009 after the Democrats were elected again, g
iving Thaci a new friendship with Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton is also regarded as
a heroine in Kosovo, with fashion stores named after her. The dowdy and pear-sh
aped Clinton is praised as a style icon. The first Hillary boutique is located o
cal scene generally; and maintain contact, as necessary, with Members of Congres
s and their staff, Executive branch officials, members of the press, and nongove
rnmental organizations.
Podesta Group s relationship with Kosovo and other foreign governments is mentione
d in the Wikileaks dump of John Podesta s hacked emails.
In an April 13, 2015 email chain, Clinton campaign officials are seen discussing
whether to take campaign donations from lobbyists registered under FARA.
After internal debate on the issue, Clinton s campaign manager, Robby Mook, decide
d to continue accepting the money.
I m ok just taking the money and dealing with any attacks,
he wrote.
It finds the KLA did hold mostly Serb captives in a secret network of six detent
ion facilities in northern Albania, and that Thai's Drenica group "bear the great
est responsibility" for prisons and the fate of those held in them.
They include a "handful" of prisoners said to have been transferred to a makeshi
ft prison just north of Tirana, where they were killed for their kidneys.
The report states: "As and when the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in
position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the 'safe house'
individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported
swiftly to the operating clinic.''
The same Kosovan and foreign individuals involved in the macabre killings are li
nked to the Medicus case, the report finds.
So this is not far from Greece, didn't someone find Greece connections to Podest
More about Medicus case: Organ harvesting; --- Interesti
ng to note that the article says the Judiciary is weak and subject to influence.
------------ :
Kosovo PM is head of human organ and arms ring, Council of Europe reports | Worl
d news | The Guardian
-------------Implicates the Clintons in the child trafficking/drug trade in the Balkans. This
calls for an immediate investigation into all child welfare organizations, espe
cially those tied to the Clintons'/Globalists/Soros, in war torn areas. Everychi
ld is of particular interest in the Balkans, ties to Tavistock through Michael R
ich, ties to Clinton/CF through Cheryl Saban. It was established by Western powe
r players and is closely aligned with the government in Kosovo which is/was impl
icated in human trafficking.
This charity has had three separate names, The Romanian Orphanage Trust (1990-19
97), The European Children s Trust (1997-2001), and EveryChild (2001-Present). It
has connections to Barnardo's which has a proven history of sexually abusing chi
ldren and sending them abroad to pedophiles.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.