Amharic Ocr

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Addis Ababa University

School of Graduate Studies
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition

System for Ethiopian Car Plates

By: Huda Zuber Ahmed

Addis Ababa
November, 2011

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates

Addis Ababa University

School of Graduate Studies
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition
System for Ethiopian Car Plates
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in
Computer Engineering

By: Huda Zuber Ahmed

Advisor: Dr. Assefa Dagne
Addis Ababa
November, 2011

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates

Addis Ababa University

School of Graduate Studies
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition
System for Ethiopian Car Plates
By: Huda Zuber Ahmed
Approval by Board of Examiners
Dr.Ing. Getahun Mekuria
Chairman, Department of Electrical and Computer engineering
Dr.Assefa Dagne


Dr. Kumudha Raimond

Internal Examiner


Dr. Getachew Alemu

External Examiner


Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates

First, I would like to forward my deepest appreciation and thanks to my advisor Dr. Assefa
Dagne for his valuable advice and support.
Then, I would like to thank my father Zuber Ahmed, my aunt Nuwera Shafi, Abdurahim Yusuf
and the rest of my family for their support, encouragement and ideas. With out you, it would have
been difficult for me.
At last, but not least, I would like to thank my class mates Dinkisa Aga, Biniyam Melese and
Abadi Tsegay for their encouragement, comments and supports for accomplishing my thesis.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................... 5
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... 7
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... 8
ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 9
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................. 11
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 11

BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 11


STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ............................................................................. 12


METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 14


THESIS SCOPE ............................................................................................................ 14


CONTRIBUTION AND LIMITATIONS ..................................................................... 15


ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS............................................................................ 15

CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................. 17
REVIEWS ON CAR PLATE RECOGNITION SYSTEM ........................................................... 17

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 17
LITERATURE REVIEWS ........................................................................................... 18
METHODS OF CPR SYSTEM .................................................................................... 23
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 29

CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................. 30
SYSTEM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................ 30

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 30
SYSTEM COMPONENTS ........................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................................. 43
RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS .................................................................................................... 43

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


PLATE REGION DETECTION AND EXTRACTION ............................................... 43

OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION SYSTEM ................................................ 45
EVALUATION ............................................................................................................. 48
SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 49

CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................................. 50
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................... 50

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 50
RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................. 51

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... 52
APPENDIX A: GUI for Car Plate Recognition System ................................................................ 52
APPENDIX B: GUI for the Amharic Unicode Converter ............................................................. 53
APPENDIX C: Sample Codes ....................................................................................................... 54
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 58
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................... 62

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


Figure 2.1: Pixel Connectivity (a) 4-connectivity (b) 8-connectivity ............................................ 26
Figure 3.1: Main components of CPR system ............................................................................... 30
Figure 3.2: Sample car plate images (a) for Addis Ababa and (b) for Amhara region. ................. 33
Figure 3.3: Preprocessed image (a) Original image and (b) Image after gray scale conversion and
filtering........................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 3.4: Components of plate region detection and extraction ................................................. 35
Figure 3.5: Detected and extracted plate region (a) CCA analysis and detected candidate regions
(b) The extracted plate region. ....................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3.6: OCR system components. ........................................................................................... 39
Figure 3.7: Sample template images. ............................................................................................. 41
Figure 4.1: Correctly detected and extracted plate images (a) original image, (b) the binary image
and (c) Plate region ........................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 4.2: Incorrect detection and extraction (a) original image, (b) The binary image (c)
Incorrect region. ............................................................................................................................. 45
Figure A: GUI for the Car Plate Recognition system .................................................................... 52
Figure B: GUI for Amharic Text Display ...................................................................................... 53

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


Table 3.1: Plate Tasks .................................................................................................................... 31
Table 3.2: Plate specifications ....................................................................................................... 32
Table 4.1: Test results for plate region detection and extraction. .................................................. 43
Table 4.2: Test result of the OCR system ...................................................................................... 46
Table 4.3: CPR Test Result............................................................................................................ 47

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


CPR Car Plate Recognition
OCR Optical Character Recognition
CCA Connected Component Analysis
CCL Connected Component Labeling
PCA Principal Component Analysis
LDA Linear discriminant Analysis
SVM Support Vector Machine
ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition
ITS Intelligent Transport System
LPR License Plate Recognition
HSL Hue, Saturation,
HSV Hue, Saturation, Level.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


During the past few years, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) have had a wide impact in
peoples life as their scope is to improve transportation safety and mobility and to enhance
productivity through the use of advanced technology. A growing demand for traffic data
concerning traffic flow and automatic car identification, led researchers around the world to
adopt advanced electronic and computer vision technologies to monitor and control traffic flow.
Increasing levels of road traffic needs real time analysis of a moving car in order to extract
important data, in this case the car plate number. Also, the incorporation of Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) with different applications created the ambition to replicate human tasks with
In this thesis, a car plate recognition system for Ethiopian vehicles is proposed, on the basis of
connected component analysis (CCA) for plate region extraction in conjunction with template
matching technique for character recognition. First the plate region is extracted and this image is
fed to the OCR. The system is simulated in Matlab, and performance is tested on real images.
The developed system was tested using 23 test images. The CPR system developed showed an
accuracy of 52.63%. Also a separate test was done on the plate region localization and the OCR
system. The result of the separate tests showed accuracy of 82.6% for the plate region
localization and 82.11% for the OCR. It is observed that the results are mainly influenced by the
quality of the input image and distance between the camera and the car. The experimental results
showed that by adjusting the influencing factors, the system can perform in a good way.
Key words: Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Connected Component Analysis (CCA),
Plate region extraction.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Massive integration of information technologies into all aspects of modern life caused demand
for processing vehicles as conceptual resources in information systems [15]. With the rapid
development of public transportation system, automatic identification of vehicles has played an
important role in numerous applications such as managing park facilities, controlling traffic
volume, detecting stolen vehicles, automatic toll connection, and so on.
The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) was invented in 1976 at the Police Scientific
Development Branch in the UK. However, it gained much interest during the last decade along
with the improvement of digital camera and the increase in computational capacity [1].
An automatic car (license) plate recognition system plays an important role in a modern traffic
system or intelligent transport system (ITS). Car plate recognition system is a very important
area which encompasses the application of OCR for detecting and identification of vehicles for
different purposes. It also includes image processing concepts such as feature extraction and
representation techniques. Car plate recognition system can be used in several areas such as
police law enforcements, parking area control, security management, driving speed law
enforcement and so on.
OCR is a mechanism for translating images of hand written, type written or printed text into
machine encoded format. It is a field of research in pattern recognition, computer vision and
artificial intelligence areas. It allows a machine to automatically recognize characters using
optical recognition mechanism.
OCR can also be used for converting a text image to editable text and text mining. OCR makes it
possible to edit the text, search for a word or phrase, store it more compactly, display or print a

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



copy free of scanning artifacts, and apply techniques such as machine translation, text-to-speech
and text mining to it. OCR is a field of research in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and
computer vision.
In Ethiopia, the traffic control is currently being managed by traffic polices. This process is often
very much influenced by the physical limitations faced by the traffic polices. For example, a
traffic police cannot register the plate if the vehicle is moving fast or if the weather conditions is
bad (rain, fog). In such situations, the car plate recognition system can perform the task in a better
fashion. That is, it can help a human operator and improve the overall quality of a service.
Number plate recognition system comprises two common stages;
1. Detecting and extracting the plate region: It is the process of localizing the plate region
from the whole image. It involves several image processing concepts such as noise
filtering, component analysis, color conversion, segmentation and others. Plate
localization strategies that involve smaller computational resources for the purpose of
producing fastest algorithm are an active research area to achieve real-time performance
[16]. This is because the recognition accuracy is directly influenced by the localization
2. Recognition of characters in the image: After the plate region is extracted, the
individual characters on the plate should be extracted and recognized. The main
processing in this stage is finding and recognizing characters (numbers and alphabets) on
the plate.
Car plate detection and recognition is a form of OCR technique used to identify a car by its
license plate with minimal human involvement. This technique has got several applications in
traffic monitoring and evaluation schemes.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Some of the obvious implementations of this image processing technology are identification of
traffic rule violators, automobile tracking, security monitoring, etc. Especially in identifying
traffic rule violators; the technique contributes immensely due to the fact that usually
identification is done manually. There are obvious draw backs associated with undertaking tasks
manually such as lack of efficiency, problem of record keeping, unease of retrieval, etc. The
electronic processing of the image gathered by Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) cameras would result
in a digitalized form of the license plate ready for further processing be it storage, matching,
history gathering and so on. OCR is also used for a wide range of character recognition
applications which includes from transformation of anything humanly readable to machine
manipulatable representation. This eases the barrier of interface between human and machine to
great extent by saving time and cost in converting character on handwritten or images into
electronic format.
In general the main motivation of this research is to create a system that requires less human
involvement for the traffic control process to increase the manageability of the traffic system.
1.3.1. General objective
Given an image of a car with a plate, the general objective is to develop an offline system that is
capable of localizing the car plate from the image and an OCR system, which is capable of
recognizing the characters and numbers on the plate.
1.3.2. Specific objective
The specific objectives are

Reviewing different techniques and algorithms for developing the CPR system.

Selecting the appropriate mechanism for localization and detection of plate region from
the image.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Selecting an appropriate recognition algorithm to develop an OCR system.

Developing plate region detection and localization system for localizing the plate region
from the image.

Developing OCR system which is capable of recognizing the special Amharic characters
on the plates (Amharic characters that are used for specifying regions).

To test the performance of the developed system using the test images.

Literature review and assessment: A literature analysis and theoretical assessment of existing
systems is done. Different existing systems are studied and compared in order to find out a way
to solve the problem.
System Design: After choosing the relevant techniques, the system was designed using the
selected technique for each stage.
Performance evaluation: In order to check the accuracy of the system, it is tested using the data
collected. Some of the images are obtained by capturing real time images and some are obtained
from internet. Based on the test result, some modifications are done on the system.
The scope of this thesis lies in identifying Ethiopian standard car plates. That is, identifying the
number on the plates and the region. Secondly, it is designed to work for identifying a single
plate at a time. That is, it is an offline system that is capable of detecting a single car plate in an

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates




The ambition to replace human tasks by machines led to invention of different intelligent systems
that are capable of processing, analyzing and manipulating information alone. Some of these
systems are speech recognition, image processing, computer vision and other. Car plate
recognition system is one of the image processing applications. It can be implemented for several
purposes such as traffic control, security management, police law enforcement and others.
So far, there are many car plate recognition systems which are implemented for several purposes
in many countries. But in Ethiopia, there is no system so far designed for the Ethiopian car plate
specification. Additionally, some researches are done on Amharic OCR. From this view, the
main contribution of this thesis is to develop a system that works for Ethiopian car plate standard
and a system which incorporates the use of Amharic OCR for recognizing the special Amharic
characters on the plate. This can be implemented for several areas such as Ethiopian traffic
department, police law enforcement department, security management, parking management and
The main limitation of this study was acquiring the sample plate images. Few samples were
found on internet but most of the samples were taken manually. In doing this, it was difficult to
take photo of plate images because it was some how difficult to convince the people the need to
take the photo. Also, most of the test images are Addis Ababa region plates because there was
difficulty to obtain the regional plates.
The remaining chapters of the thesis are organized as follows. The second chapter discusses the
CPR system and the different works done on CPR. Different techniques of CPR and OCR
systems are also discussed as reviewed in different literatures. The basic principles and methods
of OCR system are also included.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



The third chapter presents the techniques used to develop the system. The fourth chapter is about
the experimentation result of the developed CPR system.
Based on the experimentation results, the conclusion and recommendations of the study are
discussed in the final chapter.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Human beings are predominantly visual creatures: we rely heavily on our vision to make sense of
the world around us. Humans have evolved very precise visual skills: we can identify a face in an
instant, differentiate colors, and process a large amount of visual information very quickly and
others. The ambition to create machine that are capable of recognizing information from images
led to the development in the field of image processing. Image processing involves changing the
nature of an image in order to either improve its pictorial information for human interpretation, or
render it more suitable for autonomous machine perception. It has wide applications in computer
vision, artificial intelligence, detection systems, monitoring systems and others.
Solutions to the problems of image processing require extensive experimentations and a frequent
updating of the techniques by studying and comparing accuracy and performance efficiency of
different algorithms. One of the applications of image processing is recognition systems. In
recent years, recognition and detection systems are having a great impact in our day to day
activities. It is becoming as the basic need in different applications such as banking tax payment,
security management, monitoring and control applications and other applications. Car plate
recognition system is one of the many applications.
CPR system is a mass surveillance method that uses optical recognition systems on images to
read the plate on vehicles. It is an image processing technology, which uses number (license)
plate to identify the vehicle. A CPR system is able to recognize vehicles automatically and
therefore useful for many applications such as portal controlling, traffic monitoring, stolen car
detection, and etc [17]. During the past few years, intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) have
had a wide impact in peoples life as their scope is to improve transportation safety and mobility
and to enhance productivity through the use of advanced technologies [8]. Due to this, CPR has

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



been an interesting area for researchers and computer vision experts. It is also known by names
such as: Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR), License plate recognition (LPR) and
The main components of a CPR system are; the plate region localization and detection system
and character segmentation and recognition system (optical character recognition). The plate
localization and detection system is responsible for finding the license plate from the image. It
uses different features and properties of the plate in order to select the plate region from the other
candidate regions. Some of the properties that it makes use of are: morphological properties,
shape, color, brightness and orientation (Horizontal and vertical). Number plate localization
strategies that involve smaller computational resources for the purpose of producing fastest
algorithm are an active research area especially to achieve real-time performance [16]. This is
due to the fact that, the recognition accuracy and efficiency is directly influenced by the
localization strategy. The second component, the recognition system, is used to segment the
character for recognition. It aims in finding the individual character on the plate and extraction
for detection purpose.
There are many works done on CPR systems. In this chapter, different research and works done
on CPR systems will be discussed and reviewed.
The car plate recognition system has been a popular field of research for several years. It is a
system capable of recognizing car plates automatically. There are different works done on CPR
using different approaches. There are many techniques that have been introduced by different
researchers to localize the number plate from an image and recognize the characters.
The plate localization and detection is first phase for CPR system. It aims at extracting the plate
from the image. It directly influences the accuracy of the CPR system. It includes several image

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



processing concepts. The general system developed for plate localization and detection comprise
of the following main processes: Preprocessing and Plate location detection and extraction. The
main objectives and the works done on each phase will discussed on the below subtopics.
1. Preprocessing
Original images often suffer from various types of degradation such as noises and low contrast.
Therefore, original images need to be preprocessed [2]. Image preprocessing step is taken before
major processing tasks. The aim of this stage is to perform some basic tasks in order to render the
resulting image more suitable for the job to follow. Preprocessing stage incorporated several
image processing concepts such as noise removal, filtering, contrast enhancement techniques,
color conversion and others.
In most researches, the first step of preprocessing stage is conversion of the input image, which is
a colored image, into gray scale image. A gray scale image is an image in which the value of each
pixel is a single sample, that is, it carries only intensity information.
In [2], W. Wen et al., first converted the original image to gray scale image. Due to the impact of
different light, the license plate is not prominent against the background. Due to this, gray
balancing is used to improve the image contrast. Finally, to filter out the small particle noises,
Gaussian Filter is chosen.
J.R. Parker et al. [5] converted the input image (color image) into gray scale image. Then a
median filter (5x5) is applied on the gray scale image in order to remove the noise, while
preserving the sharpness of the image.
2. Plate Location Detection and Extraction
Due to the variations of brightness, size, angle and quality of the plate image, the location
algorithms always degrade dramatically [2]. The fact that the recognition system is influenced by
the localization method increased the motivation of researchers to work on different algorithms.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



A number of methods have been used for plate region detection. These include morphological
operations, edge statistics (vertical and horizontal edge detection), color based operations,
transforms (Wavelet transform, Hough transform) and others.
According to [1], a color search technique is implemented to extract the likelihood region of
interest in an image. In a similar way, in [10], Jia LI and Mei XIE used the HSI (Hue, Saturation,
Intensity) color model values and the histogram analysis result to extract the plate region. Also,
in [3], Xianmin Wei, developed a color based technique. First, the input image is roughly
segmented based on the color information, and some regions with the color of car-plate are
obtained. Then the false regions in the result image are eliminated. At last, projection method is
used to get the accurate position of the plate.
Also edge detection technique, especially, vertical edge detection technique is also implemented
to detect the regions. An edge, in general, is defined as a local discontinuity in the pixel values
which exceeds a given threshold. Since the pixels level of the plate region is different from the
background, this attribute can be used for edge detection. According to [6, 7], vertical edge
detection algorithm (VEDA) is used to extract the candidate region on the image. After edge
detection, we need to identify the region of interest from the candidate regions. In [7], Lin Luo et
al. used connected component analysis (CCA) to locate the plate region, while in [6], statistical
operations (that is, analyzing the lines in each row and column using the pixel property) is
In other approaches, morphological based techniques (using the forms and structure of the plate)
are used [11, 12]. In these approaches, characteristic features such as license plate width and
height, character height and spacing are considered for defining structural elements for
morphological operations. Similarly, a rule based candidate filtering is proposed in [16]. In this
method, the algorithm comprises of several rules that depend on dimension and compactness
analysis, ratio and angle analysis, horizontal vertical analysis and candidate verification.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Sliding concentric window (SCW) technique is also used [8, 9]. In SCW, the standard deviation
values of neighboring pixels are analyzed for the extracting purpose.
In general, there is a large volume of research work done on plate extraction process. Each
technique contributed in the advancement of the field. This can imply to the fact that it is an
active area of research because it highly contributes in the advancement of the CPR technology.
Character recognition system is the system, which is used to extract the characters on the plate. It
segments the individual character on the image and each character is recognized individually. It
depends on the accuracy of the plate localization process and similarly the outcome of the CPR
system depends on the efficiency of the recognition system. The main tasks in each stage are:
Segmenting the individual characters and recognition process. In most researches, the
segmentation process is achieved by horizontal and vertical pixels processing while for the
recognition system several techniques such as correlation method, neural networks, Hough
transforms and others are used.
Muhammad T. Qadri and Muhammad Asif [1] developed an OCR to recognize the characters.
Their OCR used row and column scanning to segment the individual characters and a correlation
technique to match each character. In another paper [8], the researchers used SCW technique to
segment the characters and Neural Network for the recognition process. Also in [11], the
recognition of the contents of the License Plate is performed using cross correlation followed by
Neural Network.
Machine replication of human functions, like reading, is an ancient dream. However, over the last
five decades, machine reading has grown from a dream to reality. OCR has become one of the
most successful applications of technology in the field of pattern recognition and artificial

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



intelligence. Many commercial systems for performing OCR exist for a variety of applications,
although the machines are still not able to compete with human reading capabilities [18].
OCR is used for a wide range of character recognition applications which includes anything from
transformation of anything humanly readable to machine manipulatable representation. OCR
aims at enabling computers to recognize optical symbols without human intervention [22]. It has
been an active research in the field of image processing and computer vision. OCR systems are
typically configured for a specific script and/or a domain of interest.
Many research works have already been done through last two and half decades regarding
different aspects of OCR system. The research initially started with printed text segmentation and
recognition and later the works have been extended to segmentation and recognition of
handwritten texts also. The main application of OCR was initially to recognize scanned document
images. But with the progress of automation, different technical areas have been evolved, which
require expertised OCR system. The past research works were mainly focused on scanned
document images [14].
According to [1], in order to segment the individual characters, horizontal and vertical scanning
of the pixels is used. Row scanning for line separation and column scanning for character
extraction was used. For the classification, a simple correlation technique to match the individual
characters is implemented.
For text segmentation, Hough transform method is also used. In [14], the researchers
implemented a Hough transform based technique for line and word segmentation from digitized
images after preprocessing the image and edge detection process.
Artificial neural networks are also used in classification process for OCR development.
According to [23], the characters were segmented by using vertical and horizontal projections.
The moments of the character pixels about the center of gravity are used as features for feature
extraction process. These features yielded a set of descriptors that are invariant to scaling,
translation, and rotation. And finally, an artificial neural network classifier is used for classifying

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



the characters. They used a multilayer perceptron (MLP) layer with back propagation learning.
Similarly, in [8], a probabilistic neural network (PNN) was used for identifying the characters
(alpha-numeric characters).
In [13], support vector machine (SVM) classifier is used. Also a two stage feature extraction
method was developed, that is, PCA followed by LDA for optimal discriminant feature
In [24], statistical algorithm was used to identify the characters. After the characters are
normalized in size and orientation, it is compared with a set of templates for matching.
The main processes of CPR system consists two main stages: Plate region detection and the
character recognition. The processes involved in each stage will be discussed.
Segmentation is the process of subdividing an image into constituent parts, or isolating certain
aspects of an image such as finding lines, circles or particular shapes in an image. It refers to the
operation of partitioning an image into component parts, or into separate objects. The result of
image segmentation is a set of segments that collectively cover the entire image, or a set of
contours extracted from the image. Each of the pixels in a region are similar with respect to some
characteristic or computed property, such as color, intensity, or texture. Adjacent regions are
significantly different with respect to the same characteristic. Image segmentation is typically
used to locate objects and boundaries (lines, curves, etc.) in images. In general, image
segmentation is the process of assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels with
the same label share certain visual characteristics.
There are different approaches to perform image segmentation with two main categories. These
categories are thresholding and edge detection.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



1. Thresholding
Thresholding provides an easy and convenient way to perform image segmentation based on
different intensities or colors in the foreground and background regions of an image. It segments
the image into foreground and background region by using a threshold value. The main challenge
in this approach is selecting the optimum threshold value. There are two types of thresholding
techniques. These are: single thresholding and double thresholding. In single thresholding, a
single threshold value is selected and the pixels values greater than the threshold are segmented
into one region and the values less than the threshold in another region. In double thresholding,
we choose two threshold values. In general, both thresholding methods can be summarized as:
For single thresholding:

And for double thresholding:

Where T, T1 and T2 are the threshold values.

The main challenge in using thresholding method is finding a good threshold value. One way to
choose threshold is by using visual inspection of the image histogram. Another method is
choosing the threshold by trial and error method, picking different thresholds until one is found
that produces a good result [19]. Also we can use the average value of the gray levels in the
image as a threshold.
2. Edge detection
An edge may be loosely defined as a local discontinuity in the pixel values which exceeds a given
threshold or it is an observable difference in pixel values. Edges occur on the boundary between

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



two different regions in an image. Based on this, edge detection is segmenting the image using
the difference in pixel values. The purpose of detecting edges is to identify points at which image
brightness changes and capture important events and changes in the image. There are a number of
algorithms for this, but these may be classified as derivative based where the algorithm takes first
or second derivative on each pixel or gradient based where a gradient of consecutive pixels is
taken in x and y direction [26]. Some of edge detection methods are gradient-magnitude methods,
Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts, next zero-crossings, Laplacian and Canny method.
3. Connected Component Analysis (CCA)
CCA is the process of analyzing and segmenting connected components in a binary image. The
goal of the connected component analysis is to detect connected region or object. Each maximal
region of connected pixels is called connected component. The set of connected components are
used to partition an image into segments. Once region boundaries have been detected, it is useful
to extract regions. Connected regions are extracted using the connected component labeling
process. Connected connecting labeling (CCL) is the process of assigning a unique label to each
maximally connected region of pixels [28]. It is used to identify objects in binary image.
Extracting and labeling of various disjoint and connected components in an image is central to
many image analysis applications. Determining which pixels create a connected component
depends on how pixel connectivity is defined. There are pixel connectivity standards for twodimensional and three-dimensional objects. For two dimensional objects, there are 4-connectivity
and 8-connectivity while for three-dimensional there are 6-connectivity, 18-connectivity and 26connectivity. The type of connectivity chosen affects the number of objects found in an image
and the boundaries of those objects.
In 4-connectivity, pixels are connected if their edges touch. This means that pair of adjoining
pixels is part of the same object only if they are both on and are connected along the horizontal or
vertical direction. In 8-connectivity, pixels are connected if their edges or corners touch. This
means that if two adjoining pixels are on, they are part of the same object, regardless of whether

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



they are connected along the horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction. Figure 2.1 shows the
connectivity technique for 4-connectivity and 8-connectivity.



Figure 2.1: Pixel Connectivity (a) 4-connectivity (b) 8-connectivity

CCL scans an image and groups its pixels into components based on pixel connectivity, i.e. all
pixels in a connected component share similar pixel intensity values. Once all groups have been
determined, each pixel is labeled according to the component it was assigned to. It works by
scanning an image, pixel-by-pixel (from top to bottom and left to right) in order to identify
connected pixel regions, i.e. regions of adjacent pixels which share the same set of intensity
values V (for a binary image V=1). It can be applied on binary or gray scale images using
different connectivity measures. For 8-connectivity, the CCL operator scans the image by moving
along a row until it comes to a point p (where p denotes the pixel to be labeled at any stage in the
scanning process) for which V=1. When this is true, it examines the four neighbors of p which
have already been encountered in the scan (i.e. the neighbors to the left of p, above it, and the
two upper diagonal terms). Based on this information, the labeling of p occurs as follows:

If all four neighbors are 0, assign a new label to p, else

If only one neighbor has V=1, assign its label to p, else

If more than one of the neighbors have V=1, assign one of the labels to p and make a note
of the equivalences.

After completing the scan, the equivalent label pairs are sorted into equivalence classes and a
unique label is assigned to each class. As a final step, a second scan is made through the image,

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



during which each label is replaced by the label assigned to its equivalence classes. Similar
procedure is followed for 4-connectivity.
To recognize or classify an object in an image, one must first extract some features out of the
image, and then use these features inside a pattern classifier to obtain the final class [20]. Feature
extraction is the process of capturing essential characteristics [18]. It is the process of
transforming the input data into set of features. Feature extraction reduces the amount of data by
extracting the relevant information. The main challenge in feature extraction is to identify the
characteristic features that can form a good representation of the object, so as to discriminate
across the object category. The criteria for selecting a good feature are; features should be easily
computable, preferably independent of translation and size, and chosen so that they do not
replicate each other.
Feature extraction (or detection) aims to locate significant feature regions on images depending
on their intrinsic characteristics and applications. These regions can be defined in global or local
neighborhood and distinguished by shapes, textures, sizes, intensities, statistical properties, and
so on. Local feature extraction methods are divided into intensity based and structure based.
Intensity-based methods analyze local intensity patterns to find regions that satisfy desired
uniqueness or stability criteria. Structure-based methods detect image structures such as edges,
lines, corners, circles, ellipses, and so on [20]. The most popular feature extraction techniques are
principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA).
PCA is known as the best data representation in the least-square sense for classical recognition. It
is commonly used to reduce the dimensionality of images and retain most of information. The
central idea behind PCA is to find an orthonormal set of axes pointing at the direction of
maximum covariance in the data. It is often used in representing facial images. The idea is to find
the orthonormal basis vectors, or the eigenvectors, of the covariance matrix of a set of images,
with each image treated as a single point in a high-dimensional space. LDA is used to perform

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



the feature extraction task and to classify samples of unknown classes based on training samples
with known classes. It provides a linear transformation of k-dimensional samples (or feature
vectors in our experiments) into an m-dimensional space (m < k), so that samples belonging to
the same class are close together, but samples from different classes are far apart from each other.
This method maximizes the ratio of between-class variance to within-class variance in any data
set; thereby, the theoretical maximum separation in the linear sense will be guaranteed. Since
LDA seeks directions that are efficient for discrimination, it is the optimal classifier for
distinguishing classes that are Gaussian distribution and have equal covariance matrices [20].
Classification refers to the process of assigning a given input data into one of a given number of
categories or it is the process of identifying each character and assigning it to the correct
character class. An algorithm that implements classification, especially in a concrete
implementation, is known as a classifier. Classification compares feature vectors to the various
models and find the closest match.
Classification is the main task in recognizing characters. There are several classification
techniques. Some of the techniques are template matching, neural networks, statistical approach,
structural (syntactical) approach and others.
Traditional statistical classification procedures such as discriminant analysis are built on the
Bayesian decision theory. In these procedures, an underlying probability model must be assumed
in order to calculate the posterior probability upon which the classification decision is made. One
major limitation of the statistical models is that they work well only when the underlying
assumptions are satisfied. The effectiveness of these methods depends to a large extent on the
various assumptions or conditions under which the models are developed. Users must have a
good knowledge of both data properties and model capabilities before the models can be
successfully applied [25].

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Template matching is a technique in digital image processing for finding small parts of an image
which match a template image. There are two approaches for template matching: feature based
and template based matching. In feature based matching, features for search, such as corners and
edges to find the best matching location of the template and template image for correlating the
result of the primary search. In template matching, classification is performed by comparing an
input character image with a set of stored templates (or prototypes) from each character class.
Each comparison results in a similarity measure between the input character and the template.
The similarity measure, often a correlation, may be optimized based on the available training set.
One measure increases the amount of similarity when a pixel in the observed character is
identical to the same pixel in the template image. If the pixels differ the measure of similarity
may be decreased. After all templates have been compared with the observed character image,
the character's identity is assigned as the identity of the most similar template [21]
In general, the car plate recognition system has been an active area of research for several
decades. It has contributed for the development of intelligent transport system (ITS). It is widely
used in several applications such as portal controlling, traffic monitoring, security monitoring,
stolen car detection etc. Yet, the system still faces several challenges such as performance
degradation due to several factors such as image quality and environmental conditions. The major
challenges in any CPR system are the plate localization technique and the recognition (OCR)
system. Also OCR systems are becoming as an essential need in recognition and detection
purpose. They have several applications in different aspects of our daily activities such as
preserving historical documents, converting type written, hand written, or printed text into
machine encoded format, in recognition of text documents etc. In both areas, a lot of progress has
been achieved but there are still many open challenges to overcome.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



This chapter discusses about the basic algorithm used to develop the car plate recognition system.
It can be divided into two main parts; plate region extraction system and the OCR system. It also
includes the techniques, design prototypes and the parameters for developing this study.
The over all architecture of the car plate recognition system developed in this study is as follows.


Car plate region

detection and

Optical character
recognition (OCR)

Figure 3.1: Main components of CPR system

In each component, there are many processes and algorithms. In the following sections, the
details development specification and algorithms used will be discussed.
In this stage, preprocessing tasks are carried out before the major processing in order to render
the resulting image more suitable for the job to follow. The main aim of this stage is to improve
the quality of the image for the plate detection and extraction process.
The main tasks in this phase are; converting the input RGB image into gray scale image and
filtering process.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



The input image for this stage is RGB image. The image contains a car plate and the body of the
car. The input images for the conversion stage are Ethiopian car plate images. The Ethiopian car
plates standards have their own specifications and tasks. There are 10 regional plates. These
regions are Addis Ababa region, Afar region, Amhara region, Benshangul Gumuz, region,
Gambella region, Harar region, Oromiya region, Somali region, Southern Nations and
Nationality People (SNNP) region and Tigray region. The tasks of the plates are recognized
based on code and color specification. The following tables give a summary on the plate
specifications and tasks.
The background color for all the plates is white except for the police plate (which is yellow). The
plates come in different size as 460X110mm, 520X110mm, 280X200mm and 340X200mm area.
Some of the sample plates are shown in Figure 3.2.
Using this image, the preprocessing stage starts processing the image for the plate region
detection and extraction system. The first process is gray scale conversion followed by filtering
process to remove the noise.
Table 3.1: Plate Tasks


Character Color

Taxi, public transport


Private cars


Commercial vehicles


Higher authority/ Administration Black



Other Organizations


Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Table 3.2: Plate specifications


English Character

Amharic Character

Addis Ababa






Benshangul Gumuz










Southern Nations and Nationality SP

People (SNNP)



Core Diplomat



United Nations


Africa Union


Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates




Figure 3.2: Sample car plate images (a) for Addis Ababa and (b) for Amhara region.


Gray scale conversion is the process of converting the true color image (RGB) to the gray scale
(intensity) image. In this phase, the Matlab function rgb2gray( ) is used. It converts the true color
(RGB) image to intensity image using the formula:
Gray image = 0.2989*R + 0.5870*G + 0.1140*B
Where R, G and B are the red, green and green color components.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Converting the RGB image into gray scale (intensity) image is preferred because:
1. It is more efficient for manipulation and processing.
2. When working with RGB or other color coordinate images such as HSL/HSV, it is
frequently necessary to access one plane at a time. But with gray scale images, we have
only one plane, the intensity value (that ranges from 0-255). So due to this it reduces
access time, which indirectly decreases the computational time.


After the RGB image is converted to intensity image, the image may suffer some degradation.
Due to this, we need to remove the noise. For this study case, Median filtering is chosen. Median
filter is a non-linear filters used to reduce noise. It is a very widely used filter because it preserves
edges while removing noise.
In this stage, a 3X3 median filter is used to filter the gray image in order to improve the result of
the later processing. The final result of this stage is a filtered gray image. This image is fed to the
next component for plate region detection and extraction. Sample image after gray scale
conversion and filtering is shown in figure 3.3.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates




Figure 3.3: Preprocessed image (a) Original image and (b) Image after gray scale conversion and


The main aim of this stage is to find and isolate the plate region on the image. The main
processing in this stage is shown in Figure 3.4.



Selection of
Plate region

Figure 3.4: Components of plate region detection and extraction

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates





In image processing, segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into several segments
or partitions. Segmentation is used for locating objects and boundaries in an image. It is also
useful to change the representation of an image for easy analysis and manipulation. For example,
we can convert an intensity image to binary image using segmentation technique.
There are different types of segmentation techniques. From these methods, thresholding
segmentation is selected. Thresholding segmentation involves the process of obtaining a binary
image based on the brightness of the pixels, that is, pixels brighter than a specified brightness
level are taken as 1 and the rest are left 0 according to the value assignment. This method is
chosen because it is a simple technique and it provides an easy and convenient way to perform
image segmentation based on different intensities or colors in the foreground and background
regions of an image. The main challenge in this technique is selecting the threshold value that
will give a good segmentation result. The technique for choosing the threshold value for this
system was based on average value of the intensity level. As a starting threshold value, the midpoint value of the gray scale was taken. Then through experiment, the threshold value which
resulted in a good segmentation result was found. The input is the gray scale image obtained
from the previous stage (preprocessing stage). The general segmentation formula is:
For all pixels with x and y coordinates:

Where b(x, y) is the segmented binary image and g(x, y) is the input gray scale image.
The final output of this phase is a binary image. The binary image is filtered after segmentation to
reduce the noise resulting from the segmentation process.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates





Connected component analysis is the process of analyzing connected components in a binary

image. Connected component labeling is the process of detecting and labeling connected regions
in a binary image. Once region boundaries have been detected, it is often useful to extract regions
which belong to the same region. Any set of pixels which is not separated by a boundary is call
connected. Each region of connected pixels is connected component and the set of connected
components partition an image into segments.
Before starting the CCA, we need to label the binary image. Regions with the same label can be
segmented as a single object. The Matlab function bwlabel ( ) is used to label the connected
components in the binary image. Connected component analysis is used to analyze the regions
independently and measure the property of image region. Based on this, pixels belonging to the
same region are segmented as an object.
Since the plate region is a rectangular shape, the final outputs of this phase are rectangular shaped
regions. From the candidate regions, the plate region is selected using a selection process.


After the candidate regions are extracted, the plate region should be selected from those regions.
In order to identify the regions, certain features, which are unique to plate, are used. These
features include the rectangular shape, the size of the plate and the ratio of the white to black
pixels. Sample result image of this stage is shown in figure 3.5.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates




Figure 3.5: Detected and extracted plate region (a) CCA analysis and detected candidate regions
(b) The extracted plate region.
The extraction process in a way distills the image to draw out the license plate part of the image.
Once the license plate is extracted, the next process would be to make sense of the image, which
is, converting it to editable text. Since we are dealing with Ethiopian car license plates, the
variables we need to recognize vary from numerical characters to English alphabets and most
importantly Amharic characters.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



After the plate region is detected and extracted, the only task left is to recognize the characters on
the plate image. This can be done using OCR. The general OCR components are shown in figure


segmentation and


Figure 3.6: OCR system components.



In this system, the preprocessing phase is simply improving the image / the extracted car plate
image. The input for this phase is a binary plate image, which is obtained from the plate region
detection and extraction phase. Noise is reduced and the output of this phase is also a binary
image which will be the input for the segmentation and extraction process.


The main objective of this phase is to find the individual characters (numbers and alphabets) and
extracting the characters on the plate image. For segmentation and extraction process, CCA is
also used in this case. Connected region with the same label can be assumed as a single character.
Using this approach, the individual characters are segmented and extracted.
First the binary image is labeled using the function bwlabel ( ). The region with the same label is
assumed as an object. Based on this concept, a single character is segmented as an object and
extracted as a character. The final output of this region is the set of characters on the car plate
images, alphabets and numbers. These extracted characters will be passed to the classifier for
classification and recognition task. Some regions, which are not character may be segmented. In
order to avoid this kind of segmentation, we set a threshold value on the size of the characters.
Pixels less than the threshold pixel will not be segmented. This approach reduces segmentation of

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



unwanted regions and reduces the task on the classifier by minimizing the number of comparison


After the individual characters are extracted, the characters should be identified and assigned to
the correct character class. This is done by comparing the feature vector to the various models
and finding the closest match. For this purpose, template matching technique is used. In template
matching technique, the input character is compared with the set of template images from each
character class. Based on the similarity value, the character identity is assigned. For calculating
the similarity between the input image and the template image, correlation approach is used. The
Matlab function corr2 ( ) is used. The function compares the two images and returns a value
between -1 to 1. As the value approaches to 1, it indicates that the images are more likely to be
similar and as it approaches to -1, it indicates dissimilarity.
The templates are constructed by cropping the characters from image. To improve the
classification accuracy, several characters are constructed for a single class character. The main
reason for choosing a template matching technique is that, the characters on the plate are
standardized. The characters on any car plate are the same or in others words, the characters in
any plate have the same font and size. Due to this reason, template matching will minimize the
work needed to classify a character to certain class. Some of the template samples used are shown
in figure 3.7.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Figure 3.7: Sample template images.

After comparing the input image with the templates, class of the character is selected. The return
value of the correlation process is used to classify the character, that is, return values of the
comparison approaching to 1are assumed as good match. Finally recognized characters are
Recognizing the numerals along with English alphabets is going to be a straight forward matter.
However, when it comes to recognizing the Amharic characters it proved to be quite a challenge.
The reason for this obstacle was that Matlab does not support all the Unicode standard
international languages. The review done on this concept showed that recent versions of Matlab
support all languages supported by the System Locale of the Windows OS. Unfortunately, newer
versions of the windows family of Windows operating systems, Windows Vista as well as
Windows 7 do not have Amharic listed in their System Locale languages while it is listed in the
User Locale. This problem was a reason to search for alternative ways for displaying the
recognized Amharic characters. Using a separate tool for the recognition of Amharic characters

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



proved to be a viable option. Java programming language is Unicode capable and displays
Amharic characters. So it was decided to encode the Unicode equivalent of the recognized
Amharic characters to a text file and then use a third party tool, built in Java programming
language, to convert the Unicode to the proper Amharic character. However, for displaying
purposes within the Matlab project, representative characters of English were used for the
Amharic counterparts. At the time of recognition the Unicode equivalent of each Amharic
character would be written to a text file to be later copied to the third party tool for actual
conversion to Amharic letters. The tool for converting the Amharic Unicode to the Amharic
character was taken from Open source code [27].

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



A set of sample images are collected and used to test the developed system. The results of the test
can be classified into two categories. Plate region detection and extraction result and the OCR
result. The result of each stage will be discussed.
Static snapshots of cars were captured for testing purpose. Standing cars with few regional plates
have been included. At first, the aim was to include all the regional car plates but it was difficult
to obtain all of the regional plates. This is because most of the samples in Addis Ababa are not
regional plates. However, few regional samples were found. In addition, some samples were also
obtained from internet. With a total sample of 19 images, the result of the test can be summarized
as shown in table 4.1. The accuracy percentage of the result was calculated using the formula,

Table 4.1: Test results for plate region detection and extraction.
Total number of plates



regions 19

correctly detected and extracted

Number of plates that failed to 4
be detected and extracted
Weighted accuracy of detected 82.6%

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



The main causes for the extraction failure are the contrast or brightness of the image and distance
from camera. Images with low contrast have high chance to fail. This is due to the fact that the
binary image will have more noise. Also, as the distance increases, the plate region will be small.
This problem can be minimized by setting the distance value between the camera and the vehicle.
Some samples for correctly extracted and which failed are shown in figure 4.1 and figure 4.2.



Figure 4.1: Correctly detected and extracted plate images (a) original image, (b) the binary image
and (c) Plate region

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates





Figure 4.2: Incorrect detection and extraction (a) original image, (b) The binary image (c)
Incorrect region.
The accuracy of the OCR in CPR system is directly influenced by the plate extraction system.
This means that if the plate region fails to extract, the output of the OCR will be incorrect sample.
The sample plates, which are used for plate extraction purpose, are also used for checking the
OCR recognition rate. The input for the OCR is the plate image which contains characters
(numbers, Amharic and English alphabets). The result of the OCR is summarized as table 4.2.
Also the overall CPR system accuracy is calculated according to table 4.3.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Table 4.2: Test result of the OCR system

Total Number of plates


Number of plate regions 19

correctly detected and
No of characters per 10


of 190


of 156



Percentage of correctly 82.11%
detected characters
The overall result of the system is summarized in table 4.3.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



Table 4.3: CPR Test Result

Plate Sample

Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Sample 6
Sample 7
Sample 8
Sample 9
Sample 10
Sample 11
Sample 12
Sample 13
Sample 14
Sample 15
Sample 16
Sample 17
Sample 18
Sample 19
Sample 20
Sample 21
Sample 22
Sample 23

Region Total number of CPR Result
Total Number of 10
plate Recognized
(out of 19 plates)
Overall Accuracy 52.63%
of CPR system

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



The failure encountered in testing the CPR system can be viewed as two categories; Failure in the
plate region detection and extraction and failure of OCR system.
The failure of the plate region detection and extraction is resulted due to several factors such as
image quality, angle between the camera and the car, and distance between the camera and the
car. The image quality directly affects the accuracy of the system. The result gives good response
for high quality images. The angle between the camera and the car also influences the extraction
algorithm. This is due to the variation in angle introduces variation in the illumination level and
light reflection that may reduce the image quality. As a result, the extraction rate may degrade. In
addition, the distance between the plate and the camera can have less influence because it can be
adjusted using some techniques. But for this research, the distance used for taking the snapshots
is almost constant.
The second failure category is the OCR failure. This can be further classified into three aspects,
failure of the plate extractor, failure in the character segmentation process and failure in
classification process. The first cause results in total failure of the OCR. Since the failure in the
plate extract will transmit unwanted input to the OCR, the final output will be incorrect output.
The segmentation failure is the failure caused due to the failure of the segmentation algorithm.
This failure again can be analyzed as two views, error in segmenting unwanted symbols as
character and error in segmenting unwanted details in the image. The first segmentation error is
caused when connected components are assumed as a single region. This error can be minimized
by setting a rule for object to be segmented as a character or not. The second error is caused when
unwanted details are segmented along with the characters. For example, the position of the bolts
used to attach the plate on the car highly influences the segmentation result.
Failure in classification occurs when the classifier wrongly classifies/recognizes a character.
Error of classifying the segmented character to the correct character class also affects the OCR
performance. This happens when the characters are wrongly classified by comparing their

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



correlation value. For example, the Amharic letter  may be misclassified as  due to some
unwanted details in the lower part of the letter .
In general, from the above results, the following can be stated. The recognition rate of the CPR
system is directly influenced by the quality of the input image and character recognition system.
Most of the errors in the CPR are due to plate region extraction process and the errors that occur
in the OCR system are the character segmentation error. From this result, it can be analyzed that
the CPR accuracy is directly influenced by the plate region extraction and detection module and
character segmentation and extraction module.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



In this thesis work, CPR system for Ethiopian car plate standard is developed. The main
processes in developing the systems are detecting and extracting the plate image and recognizing
the characters on the plate image.
In detecting the plate region, image processing techniques are incorporated. For preprocessing
phase, gray scale conversion along with median filtering technique is used. For detecting the
plate region, connected component analysis (CCA) is used to analyze each region and rate the
potential to be assigned as a plate region. The technique is mainly focuses on finding and
segmenting white regions. Finally, using structural properties, the plate region is identified from
the candidate regions.
After the plate image is extracted, it is passed to the character recognition system. For this
research, OCR was used for recognizing the characters on the plate image. For segmenting the
individual characters, CCA is used. After the individual characters are segmented, a template
matching technique was used to classify the characters into the correct character class. Template
matching techniques was preferred because the characters on the plates are standard. This
property helps the template matching technique to work better.
The failures in car plate region detection and extraction are mainly caused by variation in
illumination. This is because the variation in illumination results in regions brighter than the plate
regions which directly results in detecting wrong regions. From this result, it can be concluded
that illumination variation affects the result of CCA technique. On the other hand, the failures in
the OCR are due to noise in the character such as plate bolt location, fading of the characters and

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



The following things can be enhanced to improve the performance of the CPR system.

The plate region extraction system can be improved by including additional features
which are unique to the plat region. These features may be for instance horizontal and
vertical histogram of the internal region, which shows the presence of characters, can be
used to identify similar regions that may affect the extraction process.

Also improved additional features such as color based techniques can also be used.

For the OCR, improvement in noise reduction techniques can be suggested in order to
improve the segmentation and classification accuracy.

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


APPENDIX A: GUI for Car Plate Recognition System
The interface for the Car Plate Recognition System is shown in figure A. The Load Image
button is used to load the image for the extraction and recognition purpose. The Extract Plate
button is used to extract the plate region from the whole image and displays the plate region. The
Recognize Plate button is used to recognize the individual characters on the plate and displays
the final out put on the lower display.

Figure A: GUI for the Car Plate Recognition system

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


APPENDIX B: GUI for the Amharic Unicode Converter

APPENDIX B: GUI for the Amharic Unicode Converter

This interface is used to display the Amharic Character. The hex-decimal value for each Amharic
character is assigned. This interface takes the hexa-decimal value and displays the corresponding
Amharic character. The interface is shown in figure B. In this Example, the letters and

are displayed.

Figure B: GUI for Amharic Text Display

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


APPENDIX C: Sample Codes

APPENDIX C: Sample Codes

1. This Function is used to Load the image from it location when Load Image button is
% --- Executes on button press in btnLoad.
function btnLoad_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.jpg';'*.bmp';'*.gif';'*.*'}, 'Select
License Plate Image File');
plate_image = imread([pathname,filename]);
imshow(plate_image);%load picture
handles.plate_image = plate_image;
guidata(hObject, handles);
set(handles.txtText, 'string','');

2. This Function is used to extract the plate region from the whole image when Extract Plate
button is pressed.
% --- Executes on button press in btnExtract.
function btnExtract_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
plate_image = handles.plate_image;
if size(plate_image,3)==3 %RGB image
gray=rgb2gray(plate_image);%converting the RGB image to grayscale.
gray=medfilt2(gray,[3,3]); % Median filter to reduce noise.
[m,n]=size(gray); % calculating the size of the gray image.
%Threshold segmentation
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
if gray(i,j)>140
image=bwareaopen(new,30); %Remove all object containing fewer than 30
[Label Ne]=bwlabel(image); %Label connected components

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


APPENDIX C: Sample Codes

propied=regionprops(Label,'BoundingBox'); %Measure properties of image

hold on
%Plot Bounding Box
for n=1:size(propied,1)
hold off
pause (1)
%Object Extraction
for n=1:Ne
[r,c] = find(Label==n);%finds indices and values which have the label
if l*m>30000 %Number of white pixels
ind=find(im==0); %finds indices and values which have the value
'0'(black pixels)
if bm*bn>18000 %Number of black pixels comparison

3. This function is used to recognize the individual characters when the Recognize Plate button
is pressed.
% --- Executes on button press in btnRecognize.
function btnRecognize_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if size(plate_image,3)==3 %RGB image
plate_image=rgb2gray(plate_image);%converting the RGB image to
plate_image=~im2bw(plate_image,threshold);% Convert to BW
plate_image=bwareaopen(plate_image,30);% Remove all object containing
fewer than 30 pixels

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


APPENDIX C: Sample Codes

word=[ ];
hexword=[ ];
[Label no_of_objects]=bwlabel(plate_image);% Label and count connected
for i=1:no_of_objects
if m*n>200 %Number of white pixels
Extract letter
b=find(extracted_letter==0); %finds indices and values which have
the value '0'(black pixels)
if bm*bn>100 %Number of black pixels comparison
resized_letter=imresize(extracted_letter,[42 24]);% Resize
letter (same size as template)
[letter hex]=Letters(resized_letter);%convert image to text
word=[word letter];
hexword=[hexword hex];
EA1=cellstr(['Amharic T Amharic ';'Amharic m Amharic A';'Amharic R Amharic
H';'Amharic d Amharic E';]);
EA2=cellstr(['Amharic Amharic T';'Amharic A Amharic m';'Amharic H Amharic
R';'Amharic E Amharic d';]);
for i=1:size(E1)
for i=1:size(EA1)
for i=1:size(A1)

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



file = fopen('AmharicUnicode.txt','wt');

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


[1] Muhammad Tahir Qadri, Muhammad Asif. Automatic Number Plate Recognition System
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Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates



I, the undersigned, hereby declare that this thesis is my original work performed under the
supervision of Dr. Assefa Dagne, has not been presented as a thesis for a degree program in any
other university and all sources of materials used for the thesis are duly acknowledged.
Name: Huda Zuber Ahmed

Signature: ________________

Place: Addis Ababa

Date of submission: November, 2011
This thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as a university advisor.
Advisors Name: Dr. Assefa Dagne

Signature: ________________

Design and Implementation of Car Plate Recognition System For Ethiopian Plates


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