Chicag o Fed Letter: Searching For The New Normal: The Rebuilding Process For Risk Management-A Conference Summary
Chicag o Fed Letter: Searching For The New Normal: The Rebuilding Process For Risk Management-A Conference Summary
Chicag o Fed Letter: Searching For The New Normal: The Rebuilding Process For Risk Management-A Conference Summary
The Chicago Fed’s Supervision and Regulation Department, in conjunction with DePaul
University’s Center for Financial Services, sponsored its third annual Financial Institution
Risk Management Conference on April 6–7, 2010. The conference concentrated on
comprehensive risk management, lessons learned, and headline issues.
1 Technically, tail risk is a form of portfolio 2 For further details, see the Federal Reserve the preceding few years would not have
risk that arises when the possibility that an press release on prudent CRE loan workouts included any instances of sharp declines in
investment will move more than three stan- at asset values and thus would have produced
dard deviations from the mean is greater press/bcreg/20091030a.htm. overly optimistic modeling results.
than what is shown by a normal distribution. 3 Financial models often use recent data that 4
See the Federal Reserve press release at
More broadly, the term is used to refer to do not cover past business cycles. For ex-
the risk of large unexpected losses for the ample, during the late 2000s, data from only press/bcreg/20091022a.htm.
financial sector as a whole.