Multiple Fourier Series and Fourier Integrals
Multiple Fourier Series and Fourier Integrals
Multiple Fourier Series and Fourier Integrals
Introduetion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. How Multiple Trigonometrie Series Arise . . . .
2. What Do We Mean by the Sum of the Series (I)?
3. Various Partial Sums of a Multiple Series
4. Forms of Convergenee . .
5. Eigenfunction Expansions .
6. Summation Methods . . .
7. Multiple Fourier Integrals .
8. The Kernel of the Fourier Integral Expansion
9. The Diriehlet Kernel . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Classes of Differentiable Functions . . . .
11. A Few Words About Further Developments
Chapter 1. Loealization and Uniform Convergenee
1. The Loealization Principle . . . . . . . .
1.1. On the Loealization Problem . . . . .
1.2. Loealization of Reetangular Partial Sums
1.3. Loealization of Spherieal Partial Integrals
1.4. Equieonvergenee of the Fourier Series and the Fourier Integral
1.5. Riesz Means Below the Critical Index. . . . . . . . .
1.6. Loealization Under Summation over Domains Whieh Are
Level Sets of an Elliptic Polynomial
2. Uniform Convergenee. . . . .
2.1. The One-Dimensional Case
2.2. Reetangular Sums . . . .
V. P. Khavin et al. (eds.), Commutative Harmonic Analysis IV
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1992
Introd uction
1. How Multiple Trigonometrie Series Arise. The basie objects of study
in this article are functions of several variables whieh are periodic in each of
these variables. We may assume (this assumption is not very restrietive) that
the eorresponding periods are the same and equal to 211". Thus, we may take
the fundamental set, where our functions are defined, to be the N-dimensional
1l'N = {x E RN: -11" < Xj ~ 1I",j = 1, ... ,N}.
This eube ean be identified in a natural way with an N -dimensional torus
(eiXl, . , e iXN ), where (Xl, . .. , XN) ERN),
whieh in what follows we shall not distinguish from 1l'N.
The fundamental harmonies with respect to whieh we take our expansion
have in appearanee exactly the same form as in the one-dimensional ease:
einx where, for N > 1, nx stands for the inner produet
nE ZN, x E RN.
L: L: L: b
1(x) =
n1 n2na
8t 2
= c2.u,
n,t > 0,
The method of separation of variables consists of first, neglecting the conditions (3), seeking a solution of equation (2) which is periodic in t and just
satisfies the boundary conditions (simple harmonics):
which leads to the following boundary problem for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator:
+ AV =0,
n, A= 2'
When the eigenfunetions VII(X) (and thus the "speetrum of the problem",
i. e. the set of ,\'s for whieh the above harmonie oseillations with frequeney v =
c ...;>. do exist) are found, we obtain by virtue of the superposition principle,
a eonsequence of the linearity of our problem, the solution of equation (2)
subject to zero boundary conditions as the sum of the series
u(X, t)
Now we ean turn to the initial eonditions (3) and try to satisfy them by
adjusting the eoefficients all and bll , that is, we have to ehoose them in a such
a way that the following identities are fulfilled:
It is clear that the eigenfunctions vlI(x) depend on the form of the membrane {l, while it follows from the general speetral theory of operators that
the functions VII form a eomplete orthonormal system in L 2 ({l), which allows
us to find the coefficients in the expansion by the formulae
E ]R2 : 0
< 7r}
the variables separate also in the eigenvalue problem and we obtain (following
= cJn~ + n~,
nl=l n2=1
f nln2
10 10
~ + L(aneosnx + bnsinnx)
= ~(an -
n = Cn
Bk = ~ + L(aneosnx + bnsinnx)
Sk =
L eneinz ,
i. e. it leads indeed to taking the sum in principal value sense. This defini-
L'" L
In ll:$mlln21:$m2
eneinz .
We say that the series (1) 1s rectangularly convergent (or convergent in the
sense 0/ Pringsheim) if the limit of the partial sums (5) exists for min mj -+
with coefficients en 1 n2 = n~(Dn20 - Dn2 2), where Djk is the Kronecker symbol.
The rectangular partial sums of this series at the point (0,0) take the form
m2 ~
k2 -+ 00 as
This example shows also that rectangular convergence does not imply that
the coefficients tend to zero (or even their boundedness).
B) The quadratic partial sum (or cubical if N ~ 3) Sk(X) is defined by a
positive integer k and takes the form
Sk(X) =
L ... L
In ll9
eneinz .
Iflimk-+oo Sk(X) exists we say that the series (1) is quadratically (or cubically)
It is dear that the sum (7) is gotten as a special ease of the reet angular sum
(5) for m = (k, k, ... , k). Therefore rectangular eonvergenee implies quadratie
eonvergenee. The eonverse is not true, as is easily seen at the hand of the
double series
8R(X) =
Cne inx
if N ;::: 3) if
81(0) =
= 21 2 -
Also the converse is not true, i. e. circular convergence does not imply
quadratic convergence (and a fortiori not rectangular convergence). As an
example we may use a double series (1) with
all remaining coefficients being zero. It is dear that 8R (0) = for all R > 0.
However, the sequence of quadratic partial sums SOk = -k tends to -00 as
All three partial sums A)-C), dearly, coincide with (4) if N = 1. Let us
remark that any of these sums may be written in the form
= L Cneinx ,
where w is some finite subset of the lattice ZN. Now, even if in the case of
spherical and cubical sums the subsets w form a family n of endosing sets,
this is not so in the case of rectangular partial sums. In fact, for an acceptable
definition it is not necessary to require that the sets wendose each other in
order to have among them a subsequence of expanding sets exhausting ZN.
These considerations lead us to the following general definitions.
8>.(x,Q) =
<:neinx .
nE>.QnZ N
is the unit ball or the unit cube, then 8>. (x, Q) is, respectively, the cubic or
the spherical partial sumo
Note that this convergence does not coincide, for no choice of Q whatsoever, with rectangular convergence.
4. Forms of Convergence. Everything that has been said in Sect. 3 refers,
of course, also to any multiple series and not neeessarily to the trigonometrie
series (1). On the other hand, as the series (1), which is the main object of
study for us, is a function series, one can introduce various forms of convergence. These forms differ from each other not only in the way one takes the
partial sums but also in the way they behave on ']['N. The most important
forms of convergence are uniform convergenee, eonvergenee at a fixed point,
a. e. convergence, convergence in the metric of Lp(']['N).
Let us assume that the series (1) converges in a determined sense to a
function 1(x):
I(x) =
<:neinx .
So far we have not put any restrietions whatsoever on the coefficients <:n,
which may have been arbitrary complex numbers. One of the first problems
which arises in the study of orthogonal series (to which also trigonometrie
series belong) is the problem of determing the coefficients. As in the onedimensional case, the solution to this problem depends on in which sense
the series converges to I. If the type of convergence allows one to integrate
the series term by term (for example, in the case of uniform convergence or
convergence in L p ), then upon multiplying both members of (11) with e- inx
and integrating over T N we obtain Cn = In, where the numbers
are referred to as the Fourier coefficients of I. It is clear that the Fourier
eoefficients exist only if I E L l (T N ), i. e. if I is a function summable over
T N (with respect to the N-dimensional Lebesgue measure). The Fourier coefficients In of a function I E Ll(TN ) tend to zero as Inl ---+ 00 (RiemannLebesgue theorem).
With each function I E L l (T N ) we ean thus associate amultiple trigonometrie series
I(x) '"
In einx ,
termed the Fourier series of I. The sign '" means that the series has been obtained in a purely formal way without any statements about its eonvergenee.
The following important problem arises now: must the Fourier series eonverge
in some sense, and if this is the ease, does it eonverge to the function I?
If the equality (11) is satisfied in such a way that term by term integration is not possible (i. e. in the ease of pointwise or a. e. eonvergenee), then
the eoefficients are in general not uniquely determined by this equality. The
uniqueness problem whieh arises in this way ean in somewhat different wording be stated as follows: does it follow from the eonvergence of the series (1)
to zero that an eoefficients are zero? In the one dimensional ease Riemann's
theorem gives an exhaustive answer to this quest ion in the ease of pointwise
eonvergenee, while the eounter-example of Menshov gives a negative answer
for a. e. eonvergenee (cf. Bari (1961)). Clearly, Menshov's example remains in
force also for N > 1. What eoneerns Riemann's theorem, then so far only an
analogue is known for N = 2: Cooke's theorem (1971) to the effeet that if a
double trigonometrie series eonverges cireularly to zero at each point then all
eoefficients must vanish. If N ~ 3 the problem of uniqueness remains open.
From now on (with the exeeption of Seets. 1 and 2 in Chapter 4), we
will restriet further diseussion to Fourier series only and we will not eonsider
general trigonometrie series.
5. Eigenfunction Expansions. In the beginning of the nineteenth eentury a
new eonnection between the theory of ~ultiple Fourier series and the theory of
partial differential equations was unvealed, namely in the subdomain of that
field which is known as speetral theory. In order to make the presentation as
transparent as possible we will begin our diseussion with the classical Laplace
E~f(x) =
fn einx ,
A(D) =
aa Da ,
where a = (al, ... ,aN) is a multi-index, i. e. an element of ZN with nonnegative coordinates, lai = a1 +.. +aN, Da = Dr 1 D~2 ... DC;:, Dj =
lai Sm
cE ]RI.
E>.(A)f(x) =
fn einz .
are in general not similar for different values of >.. This is explained by the
possible presenee of lower order terms in the polynomial (14). The situation
improves considerably ifwe assume that the polynomial (14) ia homogeneoua,
i. e. coincides with its principal symbol (15). In this case, putting
we get the expansion E>..(Ao)f which coincides with the partial sums already
known to us in E) in Sect. 3:
From this one can condude that if f E W then the convergence of E>..f
holds if and only if E>..f converges.
However, as often is the case, precisely this feature turns out to be a defect.
Namely, in many situations equiconvergence is established for precisely those
dasses one has the convergence of E>..f and, therefore, of E>..f. In those dasses
where E>..f does not converge one does not have as a rule equiconvergence
and therefore one cannot say anything about the behavior of E>..f. In other
words; equiconvergence theorems apply effectively when it is required to prove
convergence but they are somewhat harder to apply in divergence proofs.
Another important fact is that the "lower order" coefficients aa, lai< m,
in (14) do not infiuence the convergence of the spectral expansion E>..f of
the operator A(D), provided the function under view is sufficiently smooth.
In other words, one has equiconvergence not only for expansions of one and
the same operator but also for expansions of different operators Al and A 2 ,
again provided only their principal parts coincide. Using this fact one can,
in particular, reduce the study of the partial sum (16) to the study of the
simpler expansion E>..(Ao)f.
6. SUDlIllation Methods. As we have already noted in Sect. 4, one of the
main problems of harmonic analysis is the reconstruction of functions from
their expansion. The definition of the sum of a Fourier series as the limit of
partial sums does not always solve this problem. The point is that for not
very smooth functions (and exactly such functions have the most interesting and from the practical point of view important expansions) successive
strongly oscillating terms of the partial sums have a very big influence, which
does not correspond to their unsignificant rle in the characterization of the
function to be reconstructed. As a result the sequence of partial sums does
not approach the function but oscillates around it. However, these oscillations
have, as a rule, a regular behavior, so taking, for example, arithmetic means
of the partial sums we may expect that these means better approximate the
function under consideration. Mathematically this is equivalent to taking, in
the calculation of the partial sum, each term of the series with a weight which
decreases in size as we increase the index.
This heuristic device works in all cases where the partial sums are parametrized by a natural index, for example, for quadratic sums. Let, say,
be the partial sum of a double series. Then, after some simple transformations,
it is not hard to see that
"X 10 Eddt.
Each time that the partial sums E>.I converge the mean 0) will also converge to the same value. The converse is not true. For example, if E>.I oscillates asymptotically as cos Athen 00).. tends to 0 as sin A. This leads to the
hope that one might be able to sum the series with the aid of the means 00)..
in cases when the partial sums do not have a limit.
It is natural to expect that the chances for succcess increase if we integrate
E>. several times. After an s-fold integration of Ed over the interval [0, Al
= 1>'
(1- ~)
which are known as the Riesz means of order s. We say that the speetral
expansion (16) is summable to f(x) by the Riesz method of order s if
!im EU(x)
= f(x).
Let us note that the integral in (17) makes sense for any real s ~ 0 and
even for eomplex s with Re s ~ 0, thanks to which one ean use interpolation
theorems in the study of Riesz means.
If A is an elliptie operator then E>.f is given by (16). Inserting this into
(17) gives
EU(x) =
(1- A~n)r
fn einx .
In the ease of the Laplace operator the Riesz means take an especially
simple form:
InI 2 <>.
(1- 1~2r
fn einx .
These Riesz-Bochner means for spherieal partial sums were first studied in.
detail by Boehner (1936).
The Riesz means may be viewed as a regularization of the partial sums, and
in many eases their asymptotic behavior gets better when Re s is inereased.
The regular summation methods in the ease of partial sums defined by
several parameters, for example reet angular partial sums, are somewhat more
diffieult to deal with. In this ease one ean likewise define means (cf. Zygmund
(1968), Vol. II, Chapter XVII).
7. Multiple Fourier Integrals. Exactly as in the classical (one dimensional)
ease trigonometrie series are intimately connected with Fourier integrals,
likewise multiple Fourier series admit a continuous analogue - the multiple
Fourier integrals.
If fELl (lRN ) then its Fourier transform is defined by the formula
The function can be reeovered in a unique way from its Fourier transform
by the formula
However, in contrast to (20) this formula does not make sense for all 1 E
L1(lR N ).
The formal requirement of the eonvergenee of the improper integral (21),
equivalent to the eondition j E L1(lRN ), restricts eonsiderably the dass of
functions 1 whieh ean be expanded in a multiple Fourier integral. Therefore,
there arises the question of the special eonvergenee of the improper integral
(21), analogous to the eonvergenee problem for multiple trigonometrie series.
As in Seet. 3D), let us eonsider a family of bounded sets W C lRN enjoying
the following properties:
1) \f WI, W2 E n 3 wEn: WI U w2 C Wj
2) UWEOw = lRN .
We define the eorresponding partial integral by the formula
We say that the integral (21) converges to I(x) with respect to the lamily
n if
This formula needs some explanations, beeause we have defined j only for
1 E L1(lR N ). If 1 E L 2 (lR N ) then the integral (20) need not exist in Lebesgue's
sense so there arises the question of a workable definition of j. The key to
this problem is provided by Plancherel's theorem aceording to whieh for each
function 1 E LI (lRN ) n L 2 (lR N ) we have Parseval's lormula
This means that the Fourier transform is an isometry and so, being defined
on the dense subset LI (lRN ) n L 2 (lR N ) of the Hilbert space L 2 (lR N ), it admits
a unique extension to the whole of L 2 (lR N ) by passing to the dosure. This extension assigns to each function 1 E L 2 (lR N ) its Fourier-Plancherel tmnslorm,
whieh eoincides with the usual Fourier transform when 1 is summable. 4
4 If I is locally summable then j can be defined in the sense of the theory of distributions.
If I E LI or I E L2 then this definition coincides with the previous one.
= Xn(x)f(x),
In Sect. 5, speaking of equiconvergence theorems, we noted that the spectral expansions E>.f, corresponding to different selfadjoint expansions of one
and the same operator A(D), behave on the whole in a unique way and so
make it sufficient to study one of these expansions in order to be able to
make conclusions about behavior of all the others. Thus, the most convenient object for a detailed investigation are the expansions of the form (23)
or their Riesz means (24). In the following section we shall try to elaborate
this assertion.
8. The Kernel of the Fourier Integral Expansion. The partial integral
Iw(x, f) defined in (22) may be transformed writing instead of j the integral to the right in (20) and then changing the orderof integration. This
yields the formula
Iw(x,f) =
f K(x JRN
Thus, every partial Fourier integral is an integral operator whose kernel
depends on the difference. It is aremarkable fact that the kernel (26) is the
Fourier transform of the characteristic nmction X(x) of the set w.
Let us assume that the set w has the form
where J.t
i. e.
as a function of x. This function is continuous and further analyticj it is clear
that it is subject to the estimate
where JI/(t) is the Bessel function of first kind and order v. As
- 0 ' t >,
const Ixl-----r-.
This is the best estimate for functions of the type (27), which is uniform
in all directions.
Of coUrse, in special directions, depending on the geometry of Q, one may
improve the estimate (32). Let, for example, Q be the cube
Then clearly
= rr- N
II smx
If x
-+ 00
IK(x)1 ~
= ... =
-+ 00
is sharp, i. e. the kernel oscillates rather slowly. Of course, one can also construct more exotic examples of sets Q for which the kernel K(x, Q) oscillates
even slower than (33), but for a large class of sets of type (28) the uniform
estimates are included between (32) and (33).
Useful objects in this study are the elliptic operators of the special type
which were first considered in detail for this very purpose by Peetre (1964).
The sets Qm corresponding to these operators have the form
If m = 2 the set Qm is the N-dimensional ball and therefore the spectral
expansion (23) coincides with the spherical partial integrals. If m increases
the boundary flattens, and as m -+ 00 the set approaches a cube and the
spectral expansion (23) goes over into the cubical partial integrals. These
examples convince us that the order of decrease of the Fourier transform of
the characteristic function of a set Q depends on the convexity of its boundary
BQ. As a numerical measure for the convexity of BQ we may take the number
ofthe non-zero principal curvatures at each point of BQ (cf. Ashurov (1983a)).
Indeed, if the boundary BQ of the domain (28) has r (0 ~ r ~ N - 1)
non-zero principal curvatures then the Fourier transform (27) satisfies the
Here we assurne that Q is convex.
Let us recall the simplest definition of principal curuatures of an (N - 1)dimensional hypersurface M at the point x E M. Let TxM be the tangent
plane and let YN = f(Yl, . .. ,YN-l) be the equation of M in a neighborhood of
x, (Yt. Y2, ... , YN-t) E TxM. Then the eigenvalues of the matrix
are called the principal curvatures of M. Note that the principal curvatures
are invariants of M, i. e. they are independent of the coordinate system
One can obtain a more accurate measure of K(x, Q) if one takes into
account the order with which the principal curvatures vanish, which however
constitutes a much harder issue.
9. The Dirichlet Kernel. The discussion in the previous section suggests to
study in an analogous way the behavior of partial sums of multiple Fourier
series. Let us turn anew to Example D) in Sect. 3:
Sw(x, f)
= [
JTN Dw(x -
The sign '" means that the ratio these two quantities in some sense behaves
in the same way for large values of JL. In order to give this assertion an exact
meaning we must estimate their difference, which is a far from simple issue.
Let us note that the comparison ofthe kernels (38) and (26) has an interest
of its own, independent of the problem of convergence of partial sums of
Fourier series. For example, the comparison (39) is extremely important in
number theory even for x = 0:
To the left stands the number of points of ZN contained inside a sphere of
radius JL. This can also be interpreted as LkQ,2 l/k(N), where l/k(N) is the
number of solutions of the Diophantine equation
In the case N = 2 estimating the difference of the quantities in (40) constitutes the so-called circle problem in number theory.
When comparing the kernels (26) and (38) we should bear in mind that
the corresponding integral operators act on different function spaces: on the
space LI(l~N) of summable functions on ]RN and on the space L1(']['N) of
functions on ]RN which are 2rr-periodic in each argument and summable on
'JI'N. It is dear that these dasses are different and that their intersection
consists of the zero function only.
Let us assume that fELl ('JI'N) vanishes near the boundary of the cube
'JI'N. Then the function
(x) = {f(X),
xE 'JI'N,
X ~ 'JI'N
f(x) =
g(x + 2rrn).
f(x) =
fn einx = (2rr)-N/2
g(n)e inx ,
g(n)e inx .
> 0,
then the series converge absolutely and uniformly and (42) is in force.
The Poisson summation formula is very effective in the solution of various
problems in harmonie analysis, for instance, in the summation of multiple
Fourier series. As an illustration consider
K(x) =
<p(x + 271'n),
where <p satisfies estimates of the type (43). Then by Poisson's summation
formula we get
K(x - y) = (271')-N/2
cp(n)ein(x- y ).
Upon multiplying both sides of this equality by fELl (T N ) and integrating over T N we obtain:
* f(x) =
* f(x) =
K(x - y)f(y)dy.
Then'(x) = (21r)-N/2 [
= (21r)-N/22 f(s + 1)
N J ~+s(lxlJ.L) .
so if s > N;1 then' satisfies an estimate of type (43). Therefore (45) is
applicable to" for which it takes the form
The formulae (48) and (49) give a representation of the Riesz means of
spherical partial sums for s > N ;1. The order s = N ;1 was termed the
critical order by Bochner, because many properties of the Riesz means for
higher orders faH for s = N ;1. The behavior gets even worse if s < N ;1. In
this case for uniform convergence, say, one has to invoke classes of smooth
functions, about which we will say a few words in the following section.
10. Classes of Differentiable Functions. The classes of differentiable functions in several variables which have been studied most are the Sobolev classes
W~(G) (Sobolev (1950)), where 1 ::; p < 00, l = 1,2, ... and G C JRN.
A function f E Lp(G) belongs to W~(G) if all partial derivatives DOlf (in
the sense of distributions) of order lai = l are in Lp(G), i. e. if the norm
Ilfllw~ = IlfllL +
L IIDOl fllL
is finite.
If N = 1 membership of 1 in W~ means that 1 has 1 - 1 continuous
derivatives and that 1(1-1) is absolutely continuous with 1(1) belonging to L p
Simple examples reveal that for higher dimensions 1 E W~, in general, does
not even imply that 1 is continuous. However, if p and 1 are sufficiently large
then each function in W~ is continuous, i. e. the space W~ (G) is continuously
imbedded in C(G). Namely, if pl > N then the identity operator
I: W;
is continuous (and even compact). This statement is the content of one of the
famous Sobolev imbedding theorems(Sobolev (1950)).
The classes W~(lRN) can also be described in terms of the Fourier transform. Namely, 1 E W;(RN) if and only if there is a (uniquely determined)
function 9 E Lp(RN ) such that
An equivalent norm in W~(RN) is provided by the quantity
That the norms (50) and (52) are equivalent can easily be checked for
11 Da IIIL
11/111 ~
while the norm in the right hand side is equivalent to the norm (51)-(52), as
Cl (1 + 1~12)1 :::; 1 +
I~a 12:::; c2(1 + 1~12)1.
Then the definition of the norm (51)-(52) ean also be written as
The classes L~ eoincide for 1 integer with the Sobolev classes W~ and eonstitute a natural eontinuation of the latter to noninteger values of l. Besides,
they are natural precisely from the point of view of harmonie analysis. If we
however want to introduee fractional derivatives, having in mind the exact
deseription of the traces of functions in Sobolev classes to subspaces of lower
dimension (and exactly these quest ions are the most appropriate in the theory of boundary problems for partial differential equations, for whose solution
also the classes W~ were first introdueed), then the most natural classes are
the Sobolev-Slobodetskiz classes.
Another approach to the problem of function spaces with a fractional
smoothness exponent has been developed in approximation theory. Here the
Nikol'skiz classes H~('II'N) are the most natural. They eonsist of those functions which admit an approximation in the Lp('JI'N)-metric by trigonometrie
polynomials of degree n 6 with remainder O(n- l ). Finally, a very general approach to this problem is provided by the Besov classes B~8 with an auxiliary
parameter (): if p = () these are the Sobolev-Slobodeckiz classes, if () = 00 the
Nikol'skil classes and if p = () = 2 the Liouville classes L~ (Nikol'skil (1977)).
In order not to eomplieate the presentation we will in the sequel limit
ourselves to the Liouville classes L~, justifying this ehoice by the fact that all
the above classes approximately eoincide with L~ (Nikol'skil (1977)):
It is not hard to see that for all a with lai = l the derivative Da f has the
singularity Ixlt:-l. Therefore Da f E L p , i. e. f E W~, if Ixlt:-l E L p , i. e. if
l- N/p < e.
Consequently, the function under consideration belongs to a whole family
of spaces W~ for which the quantity l- N / p has one and the same value. This
quantity characterizes the integrability of the top derivatives in (50), and l has
to do with the increase of the singularity which arises when differentiating,
while N / p is the decrease coming from the contribution (the larger the higher
is the dimension) introduced in the integral from the Jacobian.
These elementary heuristic considerations, arising by considering the simplest functions of a rather special type, have nevertheless a very general
character. It turns out that every Liouville dass L~ is imbedded in another
such dass L~ll with lt < l, provided only that the quantity l - N/p is the
same (cf. Nikol'skir (1977)). In other words, we have the imbedding L~ ~ L~l
l- -
= 11 -
i. e.
11 = 1- N
l > lt,
< P1.
The local properties of functions in L~('fN) and L~{lRN) are the same:
if TJ E CIf('fN) then the sets {JTJ : f E L~('fN)} and {JTJ : f E L~{lRN)}
Besides the spaces L~ we require also the dassical Hlder spaces Cl, which
for all positive integers I consist of all functions f having continuous partial
derivatives of all orders a with lai ~ I. For fractionall > 0 the dasses Cl are
usually defined as follows: if I = m + K., where m = 0, 1, ... , 0 < K. < 1, then
f E Cl if and only if
for every 0: with 10:1 = l. As usual, CI(']['N) denotes the dass of 21l"-periodic
functions satisfying the above conditions.
The function f(x) = IxI E , 0 < c < 1, is a typical representative of a
function of dass Cl. We remarked already that this function belongs to every
Liouville dass L~ with l - N / p < c. This fact leads to the idea that there
must be a connection between the Liouville and Hlder dasses. Indeed, such a
connection is provided by the following imbedding theorem (Nikol'skit (1977)):
L~ -+ CE
where e = l - - > o.
Chapter 1
Localization and Uniform Convergence
l. The Localization Principle
1.1. On the Loca1ization Problem. The dassical Riemann localization theorem states that the convergence or divergence of a "one-dimensional" Fourier
series at a given point depends only on the behavior of the function fELl
Dn(x) =
[ f(x + y)Dn(y)dy - t 0,
- t 00,
where l1(xI) vanishes for lXII< 6 and 11 E C(T) is such that the sum of
partial sums Sml (Xl. 11) of its Fourier series at the point Xl = 0 is different
from zero for infinitely many indices ml (of course, then Sml (0, fd -+ 0,
ml -+ 00, by the classical Riemann localization principle). The second function !2 E C(,][,) is chosen such that for X2 = the sequence of its partial sums
Sm2(0,!2) is unbounded (the existence of such a function was first proved
by Du Bois-Reymond, cf. Bari (1961. Then the function f(XI,X2) E C(']['2)
thereby defined vanishes in a 8-neighborhood of the origin (0,0) (and even
in the strip {x E ']['2 : lXII< 8}), but the sequence of its rectangular partial
Smlm2(0,0,f) = Sml(O,fd Sm2(0,!2)
at the point (0,0) is unbounded, which can be seen by choosing for each index
such that Sml (0, fd '# the corresponding index m2 sufficiently large.
This example extends in an obvious manner to an arbitrary number of
dimensions N > 2. In general, we remark that every example of a function
of N - 1 variables with a divergent Fourier series yields at the same time an
example of a function in N variables with an analogous property.
The first attempt to find an acceptable analogue of the localization principle for rectangular sums was made by Tonelli (1928). It was based on the
following observation: the rectangular partial sum Sm(O, f) is an integral operator
Sm(x, f) = - 1
Dm(x - y)f(y)dy,
Dm(x) =
Dmj (Xj) being the "usual" Dirichlet kernel. The singularity of Dm (X) extends
over the subspaces Xj = 0, the kernel D being unbounded in a 8-neighborhood
of these subspaces. Therefore, if f(x} = in such c5-neighborhoods, then
Sm(x, f). -+ as min mj -+ 00. In particular, Tonelli's theorem guarantees
that the rectangular partial sums of the double sum at the point a = (al, a2)
of a function f E L l (']['2) vanishing in a "cross-shaped" 8-neighborhood
converge to zero.
Of course, this is not the principle of localization in its usual sense, as for
the convergence of the partial sums of the Fourier series of the function f one
has to impose a condition on f at points which are far away from the point
under consideration. A naturallocalization principle requires that one passes
from the class LI (']['N) to smoother functions.
It has tumed out that the Nikol'ski'l classes H!(']['N) (which are slightly
larger than the Sobolev and Liouville classes) are most suitable for this purpose. In these classes V. A. Il'in (1970) has found the exact conditions for the
localization of rectangular partial sums:
pi > N - 1,
> 0, P ~ 1.
ISm(O, 1)1> O.
= L /j(x),
we get a function f E H~('lrN) (with the same p and l) for which localization
The above argument illustrates anew the fact that each example of divergence in 'lrN - 1 gives an example of non-Iocalization in 'lrN Let us point
out that in the construction of counterexamples it is essential that we use
the method of rectangular summation. In Goffman and Liu (1972) there is
constructed a function in W;('lr N), p < N - 1, for which the localization
principle fails for square summation of the Fourier series.
An interesting generalization of the localization principle is given in BIoshanskir (1975), where the following is proved.
If / E L p (']['2), P > 1, vanishes on some domain n c ']['2 then the rectangular sum of / converges to 0 almost everywhere on n.
It is curious that this statement fails for p = 1, and does not extend to
Lp(']['N) with N > 2. Since the generalized localization principle is closer to
the problem of almost everywhere convergence, it will be discussed in greater
detail in Chapter 3.
The operator
For s = 0 this kernel is called the spectral function 0/ the Laplace operator
for the entire space lR N . The Riesz means (1.5) of the spectral function can
be computed explicitly by introducing polar coordinates, and take the form
(cf. (47)):
fJB(x, p,) = (27r)-N 28 r(s + 1)p,~-8 J ~+8~p,lxl) .
IxI T +8
for x E K the variable y will not appear if it is closer than 6 to x, that is,
we have Ix - Yl > 6. In this case we obtain from the above formula and from
xE K.
Ifs > N;l, it follows immediately from (1.8) that R~f--+ 0 for J.L --+ 00
uniformlyon K, that is, the localization principle holds true. The proof is
more complicated in the critical case s = N;l, because then the estimate
(1.8) takes the form
--+ 00,
< lxi<
26 and f(x)
0 otherwise. Then we
However, it follows from (1.6) and the asymptotics of Bessel functions that
the left hand side of the last integral grows like J.LN -1-28, while the right hand
side behaves like J.L-2- -8, which gives a contradiction to this inequality and,
thus, also to (1.10), so that the localization principle cannot be true.
1.4. Equiconvergence of the Fourier Series and the Fourier Integral. Turning to the study of Riesz means of order S of spherical partial sums of multiple
Fourier series,
with kernel
(T~(x, f)
is an
If one compares the identities (1.12) and (1.5), one sees that the Fourier
coefficient of the function D~(x) equals the value of the Fourier transform of
(J8(X, J.L) at the point { = n. Therefore, for s > N;1 we can apply Poisson's
summation formula, yielding
D~(x) =
Equality (1.13) constitutes one of the main tools with the aid of which one
studies spherical partial sums of multiple Fourier series. Let us split off the
term with n = 0:
p8(X, J.L) =
Estimating each of the terms in the sum (1.15) with the aid of formula
(1.7), we obtain
If s
IXjl :::; 27r - }. Therefore we can rewrite the equality (1.14) as follows:
Assume that fELl ('lI'N) vanishes near the boundary of ']['N. Its continuation by zero off ']['N will likewise be denoted by f. Then we obtain from
This equality shows that for s > N;1 we have uniform equiconvergence
of the Riesz means of the Fourier series and the Fourier integral expansion.
1+ s ~
1 ~ 0, s ~ 0,
then the localization principle for the Riesz means (1.11) of order s holds in
the dasses L~ ('D.'N).
If s = 0 (Le. for the partial sums themselves) this result was first established by V. A. Il'in (1957). In fact, the localization principle holds true in
the slightly larger Nikol'ski'i' dass H~ (cf. Il'in and Alimov (1971)).
As L~(TN) C L~(TN) for p > q, the condition (1.18) entails localization
also in the classes L~(TN) for p ~ 2. The extension of these results to the
case 1 :::; p < 2 is an extremely difficult problem. A partial solution of this
problem can be found in the paper Bastis (1983), where it is shown that in
the assumption (1.18) localization is in force also for p > 2 - (N), where
(2) = t7' (3) = ~, (N) = N~1 for N ~ 4. One can show (as is done in
Bastis (1983)) that the inequality 1+ s ~ N 21 guarantees the localization in
L~(TN) also for 1 < p :::; 2 - (N), but this succeeds not for all s ~ 0 but
only for s dose to N 21 .
There arises the quest ion how exact the condition (1.18) is and, in particular, whether it is possible to weaken it on the expense of increasing p. The
following theorem 0/ fl'in (cf. Il'in (1968)) on the non-existence o/localization
gives an answer to this question.
JE ID~(x)ldx ~ a ./1-2-- 8 ,
L (1 + InI )-!
gn einx
belongs to L~(TN). The spherical partial sums of the Fourier series of 1 and
9 are connected by the formula
This means that
The convergence of EI'I(O) for all 1 E L~(TN) of the above type would
imply, in view of the Banach~Steinhaus theorem, the boundedness of the
7 7mnslator's Note. That is, a function with compact support. This terminology is, regretfully, rarely used in the Western literat ure.
kernel KJ.L(x) in the Lq(E) metric, where ~ = 1- ~. But then it follows from
(1.21) that the norm ofthe kernel DJ.L(x) in Lq(E) is majorized by ,i, which
for l < N 21 and s = 0 contradicts Il'in's estimate (1.19).
Consequently, there exists a function f E L~(TN) of the form (1.20),
where gE Lp(E), with a divergent Fourier series at the origin for spherical
summation. With the aid of this function f it is also not hard to construct a
function satisfying all the conditions of Il'in's theorem. 8
In the last step one uses the property of pseudo-Iocalization of the operator
9 I--t f defined in (1.20). This property means that the operator at hand
does not increase the singular support, Le. if 9 E COO(il), il c T N then
fE COO(il) (cf. Hrmander (1983-85), Taylor (1981), Chapter 2, Sect. 2).
1.6. Localization Under Summation over Domains Which Are Level Sets
of an Elliptic Polynomial. Let A(e) be an arbitrary homogeneous elliptic
polynomial (cf. (15)) and set
For orientation let us remark that the behavior of the means (1.23) depends
in an essential way on the geometry of the surface
where Ao is the dass of all homogenous elliptic operators. A typical representative ofthe dass A N - 1 is the Laplace operator. As an example of an elliptic
operator in Ar, r < N - 1, we may take
Mr(D) =
(~D1)m+! +
note that
Mr~ Ar+!'
In the dass A o the exact sufficient condition for the localization of Riesz
means of order 8 of multiple Fourier series and integrals in the dass L~ has
the form (Alimov (1974)):
l+82: N;I,
(if l = 0 this result is due to Hrmander (1969)). If p > 2 then an unimprovable condition is (1.18), whose union with (1.25) can be written
p , N-l}
+8 >
- r(lp - 1)
1 ~ p ~ 2.
The conditions (1.26) are sufficient for the localization of the expansion
in multiple Fourier integrals (Ashurov (1983a)). Concerning the expansion in
multiple Fourier series, one has so far only been able to prove the sufficiency
of these conditions for l = 0 (Ashurov (1985)).
In which sense is the condition (1.26) exact? For each fixed operator in Ar
(with r < N - 1) one can weaken them, but within the entire dass Ar they
are exact (Ashurov (1983a)).
Namely, assume that
+8 <
- r(lp - 1)
1 ~ p ~ 2.
Then there exist an elliptic operator L E Ar such that the localization principle does not hold true for the Riesz means of the expansion corresponding
to it. This result, as weH as the sufficiency of (1.26), has been proved in the
general form for Fourier integrals and, if l = 0, for Fourier series. For r = 0
we may take for L the operator (34) in Pulatov (1981).
2. Uniform Convergence
2.1. The One-Dimensional Case. The problem of convergence is dosely
connected with the localization principle for the expansions. If the function
under examination belongs to a dass for which the localization principle holds
true, then the convergence or divergence at a given point is determined by
the smoothness of f in just a neighborhood of that point.
In the one-dimensional case the localization principle holds in LI (']['1), so
that for any fELl (']['1) the convergence of its Fourier series at the point
Xo depends only on the smoothness of f near xo. The required smoothness
condition comes in integral form and is known as the Dini condition:
In the right hand side of (1.28) the least upper bound is taken over all
points x, y E ']['1 such that Ix - Yl < 8. If
( 1)-1 '
8 -+ 0,
f(x + t)Dn(t)dtl =
( l)-N '
8 -+ 0,
w(6, f)
1)-N '
= 0(1) (log t
6 -+ 0,
but whose Fourier series diverges at the point x = 0 under quadratic summation.
The proof of the necessity of condition (1.30) is based on the fact that
the Dirichlet kernel Dm(x) for reet angular partial sums is a product of onedimensional Dirichlet kernels (cf. (1.2)).
we have
Sm(x, f) - f(x)
= 'Ir- N
[f(x + y) - f(y)]Dm(y)dy.
Next, let us note that one has the following estimate for the rate of convergence in the one-dimensional case, which can be obtained upon a careful
analysis of the proof of the Dini-Lipschitz theorem: if
A ~ 1, 6 -+ 0
Sn(X, f) - f(x)
n -+ 00.
Hence we obtain
Sm(x, f) - f(x)
= 0(1) ~)logmk)-N+1
logmj = 0(1).
rr /,
Lm = /,
IDm(x)ldx =
IDmk (xk)ldxk =
logmk . (1 + 0(1)).
L>.= [
JRN I(}B(x,>')ldx=constlog>'(l+o(l)),
And onee again, as in the localization problem, one is faced with the eritical
exponent s = N;l.
Boehner (1936) showed that if s > N;l then the Riesz mean of order
s (cf. (19) converge for any continuous function to the same function and
this uniformlyon yN. But if s = N;l this is not true anymore. In this
sense the Riesz means at the critical exponent behave as the partial sums of
the one-dimensional Fourier series: for their uniform convergenee eontinuity
alone does not suffiee and it is neeessary to impose "logarithmic" smoothness.
Namely, ifthe modulus of eontinuity of 1 E C(yN) satisfies the Dini-Lipschitz
w(8,1) = 0(1) log
8 -+ 0,
11r(x) - 1(x)lo
Theorem (Alimov (1978)). Assume that s ;::: 0, p;::: 1 and let I be an integer
such that
l + 8 = -2-' lp = N.
Then one can find for each point x O E 'll'N a function f E W;('ll'N)nC(1l'N)
such that
If I + s exceeds the critical exponent no additional smoothness is required
and the uniform convergence holds true for any f E W;(1l'N) n C(1l'N), lp =
Therefore it seems, at the first glance, quite unexpected that the conditions
for uniform convergence in L~, 1 > 0, do not depend on the symbol of the
operator, and take for all elliptic operators exactly the same form as for
the Laplace operator (cf. Alimov (1973)). As the level surface 8QA for the
symbol of Laplace's operator is a sphere, these conditions coincide with the
conditions (1.32) for uniform convergence of spherical partial sums.
One can explain this difference between uniform convergence and localization by noting that the most significant of the conditions (1.32) is the "limit"
case 1 + 8 = N;l, lp = N + c, c > O. The remaining cases can be reduced
to this case by applying the imbedding theorems, along with the following
property of Riesz means: if the means of order 8 converge, then the means of
order 8' > 8 are likewise convergent with the same limit. Now, the limit case
appears only if p > J:!l > 2, and therefore it is possible to compare (1.32)
with the conditions for localization (cf. (1.26))
1+ 8
~ max { N ;
1, N; 1 _ r
(~ _ ~) }
for p ~ 2, that is, for those p such that the conditions for localization do not
depend on the symbol of the operator.
The sharpness of condition (1.32) for all elliptic operators follows from the
fact that it is sharp for the Laplace operator.
Chapter 2
1. Convergence of Fourier Series in L p
1.1. Rectangular Convergence. By the classical theorem of M. Riesz the
one-dimensional Fourier series of a function f E Lp(T1 ) converges to this
function in the metric of Lp(T1 ) provided 1 < P < 00. Otherwise put, the
system {einx}~=_oo constitutes a basis in Lp(T1 ) for 1 < P < 00. In the
extremal cases p = 1 and p = 00 this is not true.
For rectangular summation the basis property in Lp(TN ), 1 < P < 00,
remains in force for any N > 1, as was proved by Sokol-Sokolowski (1947).
In fact, the following more general statement is true: if the operators Pn :
Lp(T1 ) - t Lp(T1 ) and Qn : Lp(T1 ) - t Lp(T1 ) are uniformly bounded, then
the operators
Rnmf(x, y) = PnQmf(x, y),
where Pn acts on the variable x E Tl and Qm on the variable Y E Tl, are
likewise uniformly bounded. As a system of functions is a basis if and only if
the operators of partial sums are uniformly bounded, this implies the theorem
of Sokol-Sokolowski.
In the study of bases it is often useful to make the following observation.
Let {v n }~=l be an orthonormal system in L 2 (Tl) and denote by Sn the
operator of partial sum:
Sn(J, x)
= L(J,Vk)Vk(X).
Sp.(f, x) =
fn einx
Letting h --t 0 we obtain it for the spherical means for the expansion in a
Fourier integral, whieh contradiets Fefferman's theorem (1970).
Let us present this reasoning in greater detail (cf. Mityagin and Nikishin
The orthonormal trigonometrie system in Ti: is {(27r)-N/2hN/2eihnx}nEZN.
Introduce the corresponding Dirichlet kernel
= (27r)-Nh N
eihnx .
Let fE COO(RN ) and let h > 0 be a number so small that the support of
f contains Ti:. Then f can be expanded in a multiple Fourier series in Ti:,
and the spherical partial sum equals
r D;(x - y)f(y)dy.
S~f(x) = jTN
Put A(x) = f(x/h). Then it follows from (2.2) and (2.3) that S~f(x) =
Sp.A(hx), which, in view of (2.1), gives
Let now h tend to O. It follows from (2.2) and (2.3) in an obvious manner
S:/h!(X) ~ u;!(x) == (211")-N/2 [
which for p :cf 2 is not true, by Fefferman (1970).
1.3. Summation of Spherical Riesz Means. The argument in the previous
section shows that for the approximation of functions in the Lp-metric by
multiple series it is, for p :cf 2, necessary to consider means of the partial
Bochner's result (1936) on uniform convergence (cf. Sect. 2 of Chapter 1)
shows that the Riesz means of order s > N ;1 for any continuous funetion
eonverge to it in the Loo('ll'N)-metric. In this case it follows from the duality
principle that for s > N;1, we have EU ~ ! (A ~ 00) in the L 1(']['N)-metric
for any ! E L 1(']['N) , and therefore
It follows from the orthogonality of the trigonometrie system that for each
It is intuitively clear that fr intermediate p, i. e. 1 < P < 2, an analogous estimate must hold with an s that deereases from N;1 to O. That
this is the case follows from Stein's interpolation theorem (Stein and Weiss
(1971)). Ordinary interpolation (8. la M. Riesz) allows one to interpolate the
inequalities (2.6) and (2.7) for a fixed operator, i. e. it does not provide the
possibility to change (in our case to lower) the order s when passing from L 1
to L 2 . However, if the dependence of the operators under consideration on
the parameter s is analytic (for this it is necessary to invoke Riesz means of
complex order s) then one ean carry out the interpolation in s.
Let us state Stein's interpolation theorem in a form suitable for our purposes.
We say that a function rp( r), r E IR 1 , has admissible growth if there exist
constants a < 11" and b > 0 such that
~ exp(bexpalrl).
<p(z) = [
1 ~ Po ~
1 ~ PI ~
lor all simple functions land with M j (r) independent 01 rand 01 admissible
growth. Then there exists lor each t, 0 ~ t ~ 1, a constant Mt such that lor
every simple function I holds
1- t
Some of the most useful objects (but by far not the only one) to which
this theorem can be applied are the Riesz means, which analytically depend
on s. In this case, the admissible growth in practise does not cause any
great difficulty, as practically all functions encountered in the applications
have exponential growth (considerably weaker than (2.8)). The restriction
of the domain of definition of A z to simple functions does not diminish the
possibility of interpolation, as the simple functions constitute a dense subset
in Lp(TN ).
Let us turn to the inequalities (2.6) and (2.7). Let us fix an arbitrary
e > 0 and set s(z) = (N;I + e) z. Then the operators E~(t) satisfy all the
assumptions of Stein's interpolation theorem with PI = 1 and Po = 2, and
therefore for 0 < t < 1
s(t) = ( 2 - +e ) t,
whence eliminating t
1- t
Thus, if 1 ::; p ::; 2 the Riesz means of order S of the Fourier series of any
nmction 1 E Lp(']I'N) converge for s > (N - 1)(~ - ~) to 1 in the Lp(']I'N)metric (cf. Stein (1958)). By duality, an analogous statement is true for p > 2
with s > (N - 1)(~ - ~), or for any p with
S>(N-1)1~-~I, p~1.
How sharp is condition (2.9)1 The divergence result, whieh we are now
going to state, joins up with condition (2.9) the doser p comes to 1 or 00
(Babenko (1973a)): if p does not belong to the interval IN = L~~l' J~11
(i. e. if I~ - ~ I > 2kr) there exists a function 1 E Lp(']I'N) whose Riesz mean
- s -<
NI~p ~I-~
do not converge to 1 in the Lp(']I'N)-metric. In other words, under the hypothesis (2.10) the multiple trigonometrie system is not a basis for Riesz
summability in Lp(']I'N). Let us show how this result can be obtained from
Il'in's estimate (1.19). To this end let us introduce the extremely important
zeta junction
As the series in the right hand side may diverge in the Lp-metrie and also
almost everywhere, it is necessary to make precise in what sense we take the
equality (2.11). We will interpret this equality so that to the right stands the
Fourier series of (T' In other words, (T(X) is a function, orthogonal to unity,
whose Fourier coefficients with respect to the multiple trigonometrie system
equallnl- T :
The first quest ion whieh arises from such adefinition is the quest ion of
existence of (T(X), If 'T > N/2 then this follows from the convegence of the
series En~o Inl- 2T along with the Riesz-Fischer theorem. The proof of the
existence of (T(X) in the case 0 < 'T ::; N /2 was first obtained by V. A. Il'in
(cf. (1958)). In this paper a detailed description of the singularities of (T(X)
for all 'T > 0 were given and, in partieular, it was proved that
with T(X) E C(']I'N) infinitely differentiable in the interior of ']I'N. The integral operator with kernel (T(X - y) coincides with the fractional power of
the Laplace operator (_~)-T/2 on functions orthogonal to unity (i. e. functions orthogonal to the kernel of Laplace operator on ']I'N). Therefore (T is
sometimes called the kernel 01 fractional order.
then the spherical Riesz means of the series (2.11) can be written as
Comparing them with the means of the Dirichlet kernel
from which (2.14) differs only by the factor T- t in the integral, it is natural
to conjecture (this is so in the case of interest to us) that
Let 1 ~ p < ;~1' U s satisfies the condition
In view of (2.13) the left hand side of this inequality guarantees that
(T belongs to Lp(TN), while the inequality to the right, together with the
estimate (1.19) and relation (2.15), shows that the norm of R~(T in Lp(TN )
cannot be bounded. The limiting case s = N(* requires somewhat
more tedious considerations.
The "necessary" condition (2.10) so far known and the sufficient one (2.9),
for convergence in Lp(TN), remain in force also for partial sums defined by
elliptic polynomials and their Riesz means (Hrmander (1969)).
A comparison of (2.9) and (2.10) reveals that they deviate from each
other. The Carleson-Sjlin theorem and also the theorem of Fefferman and
V. Z. Meshkov, to be set forth in the following section, give reasons to believe that the "necessary" conditions (2.10) are sharp and that this deviation
comes from the circumstance that the sufficient conditions are not complete.
!) - !
(the integral is taken in the principal value sense). It is not hard to see that
h(~) = { 1, ~ > 0,
0, ~ < 0,
is likewise a multiplier in Lp (i. e. from Lp into Lp). From this follows that
the characteristic function of any halfaxis, and thus also any segment on the
axis JRl is a multiplier in Lp , when 1 < P < 00.
Obviously the norm of the operator
from L p into L p does not depend on J.L. Therefore the boundedness (and so
the continuity) in L p of the partial sums of Fourier integrals holds if and only
The operator (2.21) is an integral operator whose kernel is given by formula
(29), so that
If we take for f the characteristic function of a ball of sufficiently small
radius (so that inside this ball the Bessel function does not oscillate), then
the function T f obtained cannot, in view of the slow decrease at infinity,
belong to L p (JRN) for I~ - ~ I 2: 2kr (this follows readily from the asymptotics
of the Bessel function).
The quest ion if the operator (2.21) is bounded from Lp(JRN) into Lp(JRN)
for I~ - I <
is known as the multiplier problem for the ball, which for a
long time was open. Of course, in the trivial case p = 2 the answer to this
question is positive. However, it was a surprise that only this case exhausts
the set of p's for whieh (2.21) is bounded in Lp(JRN), N ~ 2.
that there exist no multipliers in L p (lR 2 ), p # 2, which are characteristic functions of bounded convex sets bounded by, say, the level lines of an elliptic
polynomial. Moreover, if the boundary of a convex set is a piecewise smooth
curve and its characteristic function is a multiplier in Lp (lR 2 ), p # 2, then it
must be a polygone.
From the negative solution of the multiplier problem for the ball in ]R2
follows also its negative solution for N > 2 (which is obtained by "stretching" the ball along the corresponding coordinate axies). Furthermore, as was
proved in the last section, it follows from here that the multiple trigonometrie
system is not a basis in Lp{'Jl'N), p # 2, for spherical summation. Finally, in
the following chapter, as well as from this result, one can get a function in
Lp{T N ), p # 2, with a Fourier series which is divergent on a set of positive
measure for spherical summation.
2.3. Bases of Wesz Means. The result on divergence in Lp{]RN) forces one
to return once more to the Riesz means of spherical partial integrals. By
standard arguments one can reduce the summability problem in Lp{lR N ) to
the following: for which 8 is the function
a multiplier in Lp{]RN)?
It is not hard to see that the corresponding operator
is an integral operator with the kernel in (4 7) taken with J.l
R S f{x) = const
r Iyl-fJRN
s J l!+s{lyl)f{x
= 1. Therefore,
+ y)dy.
(1 1) 1
O<8<N - - p
then there masts a function in Lp(lRN ) with divergent Riesz means RB f(x)
in Lp(lRN ). By duality this statement is true for
~ IN =
[ ; : l'
;~ 1]'
~ s ~ N I~ ~I-~
S>(N-1)1~-~I, p~1.
~ -I~ ~I > o.
In the two-dimensional case one has been able to eliminate this margin
thanks to the following remarkable result.
Theorem (Carleson-Sjlin (1972)). The junction (2.23) is a multiplier in
> O.
The proof of this theorem is hard. Let us just remark that it suffices to
+ = 1)
prove it for p = 4. The result for p = ~ then follows by duality
and the remaining cases follow by interpolation.
If p ~ 12 , i. e. if I~ - I ~ 4, it follows by interpolation from the CarlesonSjlin theorem and condition (2.27), that the function (2.23) is a Fourier
multiplier in L p (JR2) provided
(! i
21~ - ~I-~,
I~ ~I- ~.
For certain p rI, IN this result has in fact been verified. Namely, Fefferman
(1970) has proved that condition (2.28) is sufficient for the function (2.23)
to be a multiplier in Lp(JRN) for I~ - ~ I > ~t/. Refining this proof, V. Z.
Meshkov (1978) extended the validity of condition (2.28) to p's satisfying the
3. Multipliers
3.1. The Theorem of Marcinkiewicz. Let us recall that in Sect. 2.1 we
termed a function <p(~) a multiplier from Lp(JRN) into Lq(JRN) if the Fourier
transform of any function in Lp{JRN) becomes the Fourier transform of some
function in Lq(JRN) after multiplication by <p(~). One can likewise introduce
an analogous notion in the periodic case.
A sequence of complex numbers >.(n), n E ZN, is called a multiplier from
Lp(yN) into Lq(yN) if the operator
T>.f(x) =
>.(n)fn einx
Inl 2
f einx
ox ox =
njnk f inz
= 1, ... , .
which yields, in view of the definition (50) of the norm in the Sobolev dasses
lIuIIW;(TN) ::; const IIfIlLp(TN) , 1 < P < 00.
Among the dasses Mp(T N ) it is M2 (T N ), i. e. the dass of multipliers on
L2 (T N ), that has the simplest structure. Indeed, applying to (2.29) Parseval's
formula we find
and so if >.(n) E M2(T N), then in view of (2.30), for each f E L 2('ll'N) we
must have
1>.(nWlfnI 2 ::; const
Ifnl 2
Note that (2.33) for D: = 0 implies the boundedness of rp in ]RN. This is not
a coincidence, as precisely as in the periodic case it is not hard to prove that
Mp(]RN) = Mq(]RN), where ; + ~ = 1, and by the M. Riesz interpolation
theorem, Mp(]RN) C Mr(]RN) for any r between p and q. In particular, if
rp E Mp(]RN) then rp E M2 (]RN) so that
f E Lp(JR.N), defined
is estimated with the aid of Sobolev's lemma (Sobolev (1950)), which is the
The last equality together with the estimate (2.37) implies that the function (2.34) is a multiplier from Lp(JR.N) into Lq(JR. N ).
Now we interrupt our discussion on the theory of multipliers in JR.N and
turn to the periodic case. The obvious analogue of the multiplier (2.34) is the
and then to the kernel (2.35) corresponds the zeta function (cf. (2.11))
(r(x) =
Inl- r einx .
In view of (2.13) the zeta function (r(x) has exactly the same properties
as the kernel Kr(x) and therefore the sequence (2.38) is a multiplier from
Lp(JR.N) into Lq(JR.N).
But let us turn anew to multipliers in JR.N. The generalization of Marcinkiewicz's theorem formulated above allows us, as we have already recorded, to
conclude in a very simple manner that a given function is a multiplier in
Lp(JR. N ). Let us illustrate this at the hand of the following example:
If we write b(t)
k=I,2, ... ,
and this shows at once that the function (2.39) satisfies condition (2.33) and
therefore must be a multiplier in Lp(JRN ), 1< p < 00.
Another important example is provided by the functions
= sign~k,
= 1,2, ... , N.
Each of these functions trivially satisfies inequality (2.33) and is a multiplier on Lp(JRN), 1 < P < 00 (note that this is not the case for p = 1). In
particular, this implies the boundedness of the Hilbert transform in L p (cf.
Sect. 2 of this chapter).
Likewise the functions
= (1 + le/ 2)-r/2,
= N (~ - ~) > o.
It follows from the properties of the multipliers (2.34) and (2.39) that 'Pr
is a multiplier from Lp(JR N ) into Lq(JRN).
Let us observe that T'f'.,.' in view of the definition of the Liouville classes
(cf. Sect. 10 of the introduction), maps Lp(JRN) into L~(JRN). This leads to
the idea that it might be possible to obtain imbedding theorems for Liouville
classes from the multiplier properties of the function (2.40). Let us prove, on
the basis of these properties, the following imbedding theorem (cf. Lizorkin
(here l > m > 0, 1 < P < q < 00); no immediate applications of this will be
made here.
Setting T = l - m > 0 we can write
The multiplier (2.40) maps Lp(JRN) into Lq(JRN), while the multiplier
(1 + 1~12)-m/2 takes Lq(JRN) into the Liouville class L~(JRN). Since their
composition then maps Lp(JRN) into L~(JRN), the required imbedding (2.41)
3.3. Are Multipliers in JRN Multipliers on 1'N? In the preceding section we
had several occasions to turn the attention to the analogy between multipliers
in ]RN and in ']['N. That this analogy is not a coincidence is established in the
following theorem due to de Leeuw.
Theorem (de Leeuw (1965)). Let A({) be afu,nction which is continu01J.S at
points 01 the integer lattice ZN and assume that it is a multiplier in Lp(]RN),
1 ~ p ~ 00. Then the sequence A(n) is a multiplier on Lp(']['N).
Let us remark that the assumption ofthe continuity of A({) at points ofZN
is necessary, because if we change a function in Mp(]RN) in a set of measure
zero its multiplier properties are not affected. In order to illustrate the power
of de Leeuw's theorem let us consider the function (2.39). As 'Ij; E Mp(]RN),
1 < p < 00, then by this theorem
= N
(t -~)
Icl < 1
." - ~'
1 if
The operator T>., defined in (2.29), has in this case the form
r I(y)dy
= 10 = (211")-N jTN
TE",f(x) = E-1T",Ef(x),
so that
= I/E-1T",Efl/Lp{RN) = c~ I/T",Efl/Lp{RN)
be a differential polynomial with constant coefficients. Recall that Da =
1 8
D 1Oll ... DaN
N' W ere j = r 8z.
The imaginary unit has been included in D j in order to simplify the action
of the Fourier integral expansion. With such a normalization we have
= g(x), x E ]RN.
If the functions f and 9 drop off sufficiently fast at infinity then, passing
to Fourier transforms and taking account of (2.43), we obtain
P(~)j(~) = g(~),
f(x) = (27r)-N/2 (
Prom formula (2.45) one can also find the partial derivatives of f:
If r,o(~)
Estimates of this type playa great rle in the study of equation (2.44).
We will not enter into questions connected with the strict foundation of the
above reasoning, in particular, the problem of division with the algebraic
polynomial P(~). It is dear that the best estimates of the type (2.47) can be
obtained for polynomials having in some sense a small number of real zeros,
i. e. polynomials for which the set
= U E ]RN : P(~) = O}
is not too big. For example, for a homogeneous elliptic polynomial p(e), i. e.
JU) is a multiplier
This estimate is best possible, as the exponent m in the left hand side can
not be replaced by m + e. Moreover, if (2.48) is fulfilled for all solutions of
(2.44) (i. e. solutions corresponding to an arbitrary 9 E Lp(]RN)), then the
operator P must be elliptic.
The ease with which the Fourier transforms converts differential operations
into algebraic operations leads to the wish to work out a similar method for
solutions of equations with variable coefficients. Let us try to apply the same
reasoning to the operator
P(x,D) =
:E ca(x)Da.
P(x, D)f(x)
= (211')-N/2
ca (x)
= (211')-N/2 f
](e)eiXedf, =
The factor in front of the exponential in the last integral is no longer the
Fourier transform of the function to the left. However, in this case one can
introduce the operator
P(x, e)](e)eiXedf,
as the definition of the operator P(x, e) leads to the idea of extending the
definition to functions P(x, e) of a more general type. This route leads to the
notion of pseudo-difJerential operator.
Let us define the class of symbols sm as the set of functions p(x, e) E
COO(R N x RN) such that for each compact set KeRN and all multi-indices
a, one has the inequality
for sufficiently large lei, then the inverse operator likewise is a pseudo-differential operator and its symbol is "principally" equivalent to p(;,e)'
Let us point out that condition (2.50) with respect to reminds of condition (2.33) in the nonperiodic analogue of Marcinkiewicz's theorem. Of
course, this is not coincidental, because the symbol class S(lRN ) has multiplier properties. Indeed, if P(x, e) E SO(JRN), then for any function f E
Lp(JRN), 1 < P < 00, with compact support one has P(x, D)f E Lp(K) for
any compact set K (cf. Taylor (1981), Chapter XI, Sect. 2). Let us remark
that the local character of this result is connected with the conventional form
of condition (2.50). If this condition holds uniformly in xE JRN (and not only
on compact sets) then the corresponding operator P(x, D) is continuous on
Lp(JRN), 1 < P < 00. One has analogous theorems for operators whose symbols are subject to less restrictive conditions than (2.50) (cf. Taylor (1981),
Chapter XI).
Thus, we have established a connection between zero order pseudo-differential operators and multipliers in Lp(JR N ). A special case of zero order
pseudo-differential operators are singular integral operators.
The Hilbert transform (cf. (2.16)) is a one-dimensional singular operator
and that it is a pseudo-differential operator follows from (2.17). In order to
pass to the multivariate situation let us rewrite the operator (2.17) as
H f(x) = lim.!.
The order of the corresponding kernel equals the dimension of the space, i. e.
is equal to 1. Therefore it is essential that the function sign t satisfies the
"cancellation condition" J~A sign t dt = o.
Now let ilex) be a function in N variables which is homogenous of degree
0, i. e. il(cx) = ilex), c > O. This is the same as to say that il is constant
on rays issuing from the origin. In particular, il is completely determined by
its restrietion to the unit sphere SN -1. Assume further that il satisfies the
cancellation condition
il(x)da = 0
Ix-x'I:::;c5,x,x'ES n -
r w(6)d
< 00.
TeI(x) =
-INI fex -
Iyl?,e Y
1) the limit
(where B(x,r) is a ball ofradius r and center x), for which the following
estimate is fulfilled:
(the maximal function and its properties are studied in detail, e. g., in Stein's
monograph (1970)).
Usingthe estimate (2.51) the existence oflime-+o Te/(x) a. e. can be proved
rather easily.
If fE CQ"'(JRN) then Te/(x) converges uniformlyon JRN as c --t O. Indeed
Te/(x) =
J1Y1 ?1
e~lyl9 y
lim Tel(x) ,
it is dear that Af(x) :::; 2T* fex). Let us write f = !I + 12, where !I E
elf(RN ) and 1I12IlLp(RN) :::; 6. It follows from (2.51) that IIAfllLp :::; cp6 so
that Af(x) = 0 a. e. and, consequently, lime-+o Tel(x) exists a. e. provided
1< p < 00. That the limit is precisely Tf(x) follows from the strang convergence Te -+ T in Lp(RN ).
It will be expedient to make the following remarks concerning a. e. convergence. The preceding scheme is very general and is often encountered. The
proof of a. e. convergence breaks up into two parts (this refers also to the
results set forth in the following chapter of this part). One of them is very
deep and indudes the essence of the result. This part is expressed in terms of
inequalities for the maximal operators. The second part is as a rule somewhat
simpler: it amounts to proving the a. e. convergence on adense subset of the
space under consideration.
Singular integral operators have numerous applications in the theory of
multiple Fourier series and integrals, and in mathematical physics (for exampIe, in the study of boundary values of harmonie functions and in the study
of generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations; for details see the monographs
Garcia-Cuerva and Rubio de Francia (1972), de Guzman (1981), Hrmander
(1983-85), Taylor (1981), Stein and Weiss (1971)). Moreover, it was precisely the study of singular integral operators which paved the way for the
introduction of the notion of pseudo-differential operator (cf., for instance,
Hrmander (1983-85)).
3.5. Fourier Integral Operators. One is led to operators of a more general
type if one looks in a different way at the definition (2.49). Writing out in
the integral the value of fee) we obtain
P(x, D)f(x)
= (21T)-N
= { {
we obtain as
At first sight the dass of such operators looks much bigger than the dass
of pseudo-differential operators hut it turns out that it is not so. Indeed (cf.
Taylor (1981), Chapter II, Sect. 3), for any amplitude a(x, y; e) one can find
a symbol P(x,~) such that
A = P(x,D).
Operators which are definitely more general than pseud<rdifferential operators can be obtained if one replaces (x - y)~ in the exponential by aphase
function 'IjJ(x, y, ~):
Af(x) =
but one has not been able to obtain satisfactory estimates for the remainder. Hrmander proved that the principal part of the operator E).. can be
represented by the Fourier integral operator
with aphase function 'IjJ defined with the aid of the symbol of the operator
The study of Fourier integral operators of the type (2.52) constitutes a
problem which is considerably harder than the corresponding problem in the
case of pseud<rdifferential operators. One of the main difficulties is connected
with the fact that the phase function 'IjJ is not uniquely determined by A. The
function 'IjJ(x,y,~) can be defined on XxYx]RN where X, Y and]RN need not
necessarily coincidej in particular, they might all have different dimension.
Furthermore, the amplitude can in different representations of A be defined
on different sets, which complicates the problem of defining the "principal
symbol" of A.
Closing this chapter devoted to the Lp-theory, we remark that the problem
of the continuity of Fourier integral operators in L p is still far from being
Chapter 3
Convergence Almost Everywhere
1. Rectangular Convergence
1.1. Quadratic Convergence. In 1915 in his dissertation "Integrals and
trigonometrie series" N. N. Luzin made the eonjeeture that the Fourier series
of any function in L2(T l ) eonverges a. e. In other words, if
then the series
In21$k Inll9
Let us divide this sum into "one dimensional" partial sums with eoefficients
such that the series of their squares is eonvergent. To this end we divide the
into "triangles" with a eommon vertex at the origin and set
Then clearly
Sk(X1! X2)
A nl (x2)einlXl
In ll9
B n2 (xt}ein2x2.
In 219
nl=-oo In21$lnll
Ifnln21 2
will converge for almost every X2 E Tl. Therefore, the first of the sums in
the right hand side of (3.3) is for almost every X2 E Tl the partial sum of
a Fourier series of a function in L2 (T 1 ) and, by Carleson's theorem, it must
then converge for almost all Xl E Tl. In an analogous way one shows that
the second sum in (3.3) for almost every Xl E Tl converges in X2 a. e. on Tl,
i. e.
a. e. on T 2 . (That the series converges to f follows from the fact that Bk
converges to f in L 2 and therefore in measure, so that a subsequences Bk(j)
must converge to f a. e. on Tl.)
If N > 2 the proof is similar. Then the "cube"
Qk = {n E ZN:
In;1 ~ k,j =
f(x) '"
fn einx ,
Sk(X) =
(Xl, X2, .. , XN) E
note, the inequality for the indices must in some cases be taken to be strict. In
other respects the proof does not difIer from the proof in the two dimensional
Let us point out that the coefficients An! (xl) in the inner sum (3.4) are not
allowed to depend on k, because otherwise they will not be partial sums of a
Fourier series and their behavior will not be govemed by Carleson's theorem.
It is precisely this circumstance that dictates the way of writing the cubical
sum in the form (3.4).
Carleson's result has been improved by Hunt (1968), who showed that
the Fourier series of any function f E Lp(']['l), P > 1, eonverges a. e. on
']['1. On the other hand, as early as in 1922 A. N. Kolmogorov eonstructed a
remarkable example of a function whose Fourier series diverges a. e. and even
at every point. Thus, in the classes Lp(']['l) the problem of a. e. eonvergence
is completely solved.
Hunt 's theorem has also been extended to multiple Fourier series with
quadratic summation. There is even a somewhat stronger result due to Sjlin
(1971). He showed that if
f nln2 ei(n1xl +n2 X2)
!nl!:Sml !n2!:Sm2
be the partial sums of the Fourier series of the function f E L 2(']['2) and let
ml (k), m2 (k) be arbitrary decreasing sequences of integers. Then for k - 00
= 10g2(min{lnlI2 + 2,
+ 2}),
then (3.6) entails the a. e. convergence on 'll'2 01 the rectangular partial sums
01 the Fourier series oll.
Theorem 2 (E. M. Nikishin (1972a)). Let there be given a sequence >.(n)
such that the assumption (3.6) always implies the a. e. convergence on 'll'2 .
01 the rectangular partial sums 01 the Fourier series oll. Then there exist a
constant c > 0 such that
In view of Hunt's theorem (Sect. 1.1), the inner integral converges for a. e.
points (Xl + s, X2) E 11'2 and m2 ~ 00 to !(Xl + s, X2)j here we must take
into account that in view of Fubini's theorem the function !(Xl,X2) belongs
for a. e. Xl E 11'1 to L p (11'l) in X2. In the outer integral the kernel D m1 (s) is
uniformly bounded in the domain of integration so that it is natural to expect
that the outer integral too converges for m2 ~ 00. After some not very hard
technical calculations the above reasoning can be given asolid foundation.
The absence of generalized localization in L p (11'3) (and also in C(11'3)) can
be established with the aid of Fefferman's example of a continuous function
!o (Xl, X2) whose Fourier series summed rectangularly diverges at each point
(Xl, X2) E 11'2. As in Subsect. 1.2 of Sect. 1, Chapter 1, let us set
where h E C(11'l) is chosen such that h(t) = 0 for Itl :::; 8, while the partial
sums Sk(t,h) ofitsFourier series at each point t E ']['1 are different from zero
IX31 < 8
X E Tl,
E,..!(x) = (27r)-N
E. M. Nikishin has remarked that this result (slightly less general than
in (1973a), (1973b)) is an immediate consequence of Fefferman's theorem to
the effect that the multiple trigonometrie system is not a basis in Lp(TN ),
1 ~ P < 2, under spherieal summation. To explain this we resort to Stein's
theorem on sequences of operators.
Let us consider a sequence of translation invariant linear operators T k :
Lp(TN ) -+ Lp(TN ), k = 1,2, ... , and let us introduce the maximal opemtor
It follows from this inequality and from (3.8) that the operators EI' are
uniformly bounded in Lp(yN), eontradicting Fefferman's theorem, so that
the statement to the effect that the partial sums (3.7) eonverge a. e. for every
I E Lp(yN), 1 $ P < 2 is not true.
2.2. Convergence a. e. oC Spherical Riesz Means. The results on the divergenee of the spherieal sums (3.7) set forth in the last seetion force us to turn
onee more to Riesz means of these sums, whieh have the form
E Lp(yN).
Let us start with the simplest ease P = 2. The estimate for the maximal
operator in this ease follows from the following lemma, which is known as
Kaczmarz's lemma (cf. Kaczmarz and Steinhaus (1951)).
Lemma. Assume that Re s > 0, Re 0: > 0 and let F be an arbitmry measurable subset o/yN. Thenlor every function I E L 2 (yN) we have the inequality
Prool. The Riesz means (3.9) of different orders are related by the following
,x -
r(s + 1)
r( + l)r(s _ + 1) 10 A
)B--1 Eld
t t t,
valid for Res > Re+! > O. This follows readily using the definition (11).
If we apply the Cauchy-Bunyakovski'l inequality to (3.12), we obtain
~ 21E~ 11 2 +
IEf 1 -
Efl 2 dt
Ef 11 2 ~t
To finish the proof of (3.11) we have to prove that for Reet >
-!, Re >
From this formula and the well-known estimate for the Bessel function
min{l, (tJ.L)-r+ 8} T. (3.14)
v Nt
where VN is the volume of the unit ball. Introducing the maximal operator
H .. f(x)
= sup IHd(x)l,
The maximal operator H.. plays a major rle in analysis and has been
much studied (cf. Stein (1970), Stein and Weiss (1971)). In particular, for
any p > 1 the operator H .. is of strong type (p,p):
This estimate implies that the lliesz means R~! with 8 > N;l of any function
E Lp(RN ), P > 1, eonverge a. e..
In view of (1.17) the same estimate is true for E!! with 8 > N;l:
J.L2 ~ of elements in M
.lim IE~.(:t:)!(x)1
= E!!(x).
3-+ 00
Fix now J-L E M and consider the linear operator E;(x)' which depends
analyticallyon the parameter 8. To this operator it is possible to apply Stein's
interpolation theorem, and proceeding as in Sect. 1.3 of Chapter 2, taking
acount of (3.21), we obtain from (3.19) and (3.20) the estimate
The estimate (3.23) says that the means EU of any function f E Lp(T N),
1 < p ~ 2, converge a. e. for the values of 8 indicated. This result (as weIl
as the preceding argument) is due to Stein (1958). Let us note that the
convergence theorem is valid also for p = 1. In this case, the maximal operator
H. is not of strong type (1,1), so the estimate (3.18) is not true, but it is of
weak type (1,1), which in view of (3.17) is sufficient for the a. e. convergence
of the means R~f (and therefore, in view of (1.17), also of the means E~f)
for 8 > N ;1 for any integrable function f.
To sum up, we may conclude (cf. Stein (1958)) that a sufficient condition
for the a. e. convergence of the means E~f of a function f E Lp(TN) is that
we have
How sharp is this condition? To elucidate this quest ion we begin with the
case ofRiesz means of order s = N;1. Condition (3.24) shows that for the a. e.
convergence of Riesz means one requires an order above the critical index only
if p = 1. That this requirement is essential follows from the following result
of Stein's (cf. Stein and Weiss (1971)): there exists a function f E L 1(T N ),
n 2: 2, such that a. e. on T N
Thus, for p = 1 condition (3.24) is sharp. For p > 1 one has a result due
to K. 1. Babenko (1973b): if
l<p<-- -N+1'
then there exists a function f E Lp(T N ) such that E~f is divergent on a set
of positive measure. We turn the reader's attention to the fact that between
the conditions (3.24) and (3.25) there is a gap, which as in the case of L p
convergence is, of course, not accidental (cf. Subsect. 2.1 of this section).
Chapter 4
Fourier Coefficients
l. The Cantor-Lebesgue Theorem
1.1. The One-Dimensional Case. As is well-known, the convergence of a
series implies that its terms must converge to zero. In partieular, the convergence of a trigonometrie series
cos nx + bn sin nx - 0,
L Cne
inx -
a. e. on T2 then
ICnI 2 -0,
Inl 2 =k
IA k (x)1 2
L: L:
= L: e ilx
Inl 2 =k Iml 2 =k
InI 2 =lmI 2 =k
where the outer sum extends over all vectors l connecting points in the lattice
of integers, situated on a sphere of radius Vk. Let us now apply Parseval's
c"c.. 2
InI 2 =lmI 2 =k
Until now we have not used the fact that N = 2. In particular, an identity
analogous to (4.3) holds also for N > 2. However, it is only in the case N = 2
that the inner sum to the right in (4.3) contains not more than two terms.
Therefore, applying the inequality la + bl 2 ~ 2(lal + Ib1)2, we obtain
CnCm 2
~ 2 L: L:
ICnCml 2 = 2 (
Inl =k Iml =k
InI 2 =lmI 2 =k
ICnI 2) 2
Inl =k
k ...... oo
= O.
It is clear that the desired result (4.2) follows from (4.5) (and the CauchyBunyakovskil' inequality).
Cooke's theorem was the last missing link in the solution of the problem
of the unique representation of functions by multiple trigonometrie series
(cf. Sect. 4 of the introduction). Before this it was proved in Shapiro (1967)
that from the convergence to zero of the circular partial sums of a double
trigonometrie series
at each point of xE
Cn = 0 for all n E ZN. Cooke's theorem shows that the validity of condition
converge in some nonempty open set w C ']['N, N ~ 2, then the relation (4.2)
is fulfilled. However, in the case N > 2 this result does not suffice to establish
the uniqueness.
then the corresponding trigonometrie series converges absolutely and uniformly, so in partieular
L la
Is the converse true, i. e. when does (4.7) follow from (4.8)? An answer to
this question is provided by the theorem 0/ Denjoy-L'I.I.zin: if (4.8) holds on a
set of positive measure, then (4.7) is fulfilled. In other words, the series (4.8)
either converges everywhere or diverges a. e.
2.2. The Spherical Mean. For the series (4.6) the natural analogue of (4.8)
looks as follows:
k=O Inl2=k
Llenl =
In the same paper (Panferov (1975)) it is shown that for a square double
series the natural analogue of (4.7) is the condition
f: iN
k=O T
eneinz dx ~
f: I']['NI (iN
~ I'lI'NIt,CE 1c..I')
1 ',
and from the convergence ofthe last series (4.9) follows for a. e. xE ']['N.
The coefficient condition (4.11) can be interpreted in terms ofthe smoothness ofthe function which is expanded into the Fourier series (4.6). We state
one such result due to S. P. Konovalov (1979). He showed that if 1 > 1 then
for each function fE C'(']['N) the series (4.9) converges a. e. on ']['N. For 1 = 1
this result is not true, as in Konovalov (1979) there is constructed a function
fE C 1(']['N), N ~ 2, such that the series (4.9) diverges on a set of positive
Combining the result of S. P. Konovalov with the theorem of V. S. Panferov
we find that the Fourier coefficients of any function f E C'(']['N) with 1 > 1
satisfy condition (4.11), while for 1 = 1 and N = 2 this is not the case.
In Konovalov (1979) the non trivial part is the construction of a function
fE Cl(']['N), N ~ 2, whose Fourier series (4.6) is not absolutely convergent.
Concerning the positive result on convergence in C'(']['N) for 1 > 1, the latter
can be obtained as an easy consequence of condition (4.11). Indeed, if f E
C'(']['N), 1 > 1, is given by the Fourier expansion (4.6), then applying the
Cauchy-Bunyakovskil inequality we get
+ k)-l] 1/2 .
[L len1
2 (1
+ In I2 )1] 1/2
~ const IlfIIL~(TN) ,
Cne inx
= 2 and
< 00
mEZ;:' nEAm
fn einx ,
Ifnl <00.
In the one-dimensional case there is a classical result due to S. N. Bernshte'ln (cf. Zygmund (1968), Vol. 1, Chapter VI, (3.1)) on the absolute convergence ofFourier series offunctions in the Hlder classes CI(T N ): if l > 1/2
then the Fourier series is absolutely convergent, while there is a function in
C1/2(T N ) whose Fourier series diverges absolutely.
There is a generalization of this due to Szasz (cf. Zygmund (1968), Vol. 1,
Chapter VI, (3.10)): if CI(T 1 ) then
for any > 1;21. If = 1;2/1 l > 0, it may happen that the series (4.14)
is divergent, which is seen at the hand of an example due to Hardy and
Littlewood (cf. Zygmund (1968), Vol. 1, Chapter V, (4.2)):
L n-!-leinlnneinx.
f(x) =
is convergent if l
(for the definition of the norm, see (58) in the introduction). This means that
the Fourier series (4.12) of any function f E L~(TN) for l > N/2 is absolutely
From the imbedding CI(TN ) - t L~-e(TN), c > 0, follows now the analogue
of Bernshte'ln's theorem: the Fourier series of a function f E C1(T N ) with
l > N /2 is absolutely convergent.
How sharp is this result for the classes L~(TN)? In order to answer this
question let us consider the numerical series
g(x) =
is in L2 (T N ) so that the function
f(x) =
guarantees that (4.13) holds for any J E L~(']['N) for 1> N/p and, as exampIes show, this condition is sharp, because the opposite condition 1 ~ N /p
entails that there exists such a function J(x) which is unbounded. If the
Fourier coefficients of this function would satisfy (4.13) then this would imply that the series (4.12) converges uniformly to J, which again ~ontradicts
the unboundedness of J.
The case p > 2 is different. Then we have the imbedding
where the smoothness exponent 1 does not change. Therefore, for p > 2
the sufficient condition for absolute convergence of the Fourier series takes
the same form as for p = 2, i. e. 1 > N /2. The fact that it is not possible
to improve this condition was first established by V. A. Il'in (1958), using
special properties of Rademacher functions.
Recall that the Rademacher functions
= signsin(2 k +17l"t),
= { P2k(t),
P-2k-l (t), k < 0,
(cf. Stein (1971), Appendix C). Let 9 be the function defined by (4.16). Set
F(x, t)
xE ']['N,
tE Q,
IIF(x, t)IIL(Q)
L N 19n1
= (21r)-NII911L(TN)'
Taking account ofthis relation we get from the rightmost inequality (4.18)
t. But
then, in view of the definition of Liouville classes (cf. introduction, Sect. 10),
viewed as a function of x
!(x, t)
l(x) '"
fneinx ,
Thus, in the classes L~('JrN) the sharp conditions for absolute convergence
of Fourier series take the form:
l > N . max {~ ~}
p' 2 '
If l = N.max{~,
Fourier series.
(compare with the Hardy-Littlewood series (4.15)). In Wainger (1965) it is
proved that for any d > 0 and l > ~ N the function /(x) defined by (4.22)
belongs to CI(TN ). The corresponding series (4.21) for = 2N/(N +2l) has
the form
l/nI J.f2 1 =
in Referativnyi Zhurnal "Matematika" between the years 1953 and 1980, are set forth (and
in some eases likewise their generalization to eigenfunctions and to spectral expansions is
mentioned) .
The theory of general orthogonal series is developed in the book Kaczmarz and Steinhaus (1951).
Fourier series expansious in eigenfunctions of elliptie operators and also the eorresponding spectral expansions are treated in Titehmarsh (1958) and in the expository papers
Alimov, Il'in, and Nikishin (1976/77), Il'in (1958), (1968). Moreover, the papers Il'in and
Alimov (1971), Hrmander (1968), (1969) contain a short survey of results and methods,
along with a bibliography.
We remark that many results on multiple Fourier series and Fourier integrals, mentioned
in the present survey, have been proved in a more general situation (for example, for Fourier
series expansions for Laplace operator or general elliptie operators). The results of the
following papers belong to this eategory: Alimov (1973), (1974), (1976), (1978), Alimov,
Il'in, and Nikishin (1976/77), Ashurov (1983b), Babenko (1973b), (1978), Il'in (1957),
(1958), (1968), Il'in and Alimov (1971), (1972), Mityagin and Nikishin (1973), Nikishin
(1972b), Pulatov (1978), Hrmander (1968), (1969), Peetre (1964), Titchmarsh (1958).
In the present survey we have not diseussed more general questions of the theory of multiple Fourier series (for example, Fourier series on groups). These questions are diseussed
in detail in the introductory article by V. P. Khavin (1987) in Vol. 15 "Commutative Harmonie Analysis I" of this Eneyclopaedia (cf. further other parts of the series "Commutative
Harmonie Analysis"). There one finds also a bibliography and a detailed aceount of the
historical development of harmonie analysis, in particular, of the theory of Fourier series.
The majority of the results in the one-dimensional theory of trigonometrie series ean be
found in Bari (1961), Zygmund (1968). Moreover, we mention the survey article Kislyakov
(1988) in this series.
Introduetion. Sects. 3 and 4. Coneerning results pertaining to partial sums and forms of
eonvergenee, not eonsidered in the present work, we refer to the papers Golubov (1982), Ash
(1976). Note that the hyperbolie partial sums (cf., for example, Golubov (1982), Belinskii
(1979 Ll nll ..... lnNI:5R ene in", do not fall within the framework ofDefinition D) in Seet. 3,
because the set {n E ZN : Inll ... lnNI ~ R} is not bounded. Such partial sums playa
great role in approximation theory.
Sect. 6. In this survey we eonsider only Riesz means. Other summation methods (cf.
Abel, Riemann and Poisson means) are eonsidered e. g. in Alimov, Il'in, and Nikishin
(1976/77), Trigub (1980), Yanushauskas (1986), Stein and Weiss (1971), Chapter VII,
Zygmund (1968), Vol. 11. In partieular, Abel means of multiple Fourier series are used
in the study of the boundary behavior of analytie functions of several eomplex variables
(cf., for example, Zygmund (1968), Chapter XVII, Stein and Weiss (1971), Yanushauskas
Sect. 8. The asymptotie behavior of the Fourier transform of eharacteristic functions of
eonvex sets is studied in Herz (1962), Randol (1969).
Seetion 9. In the study of the eonvergenee of multiple Fourier series further the asymptotic behavior for large R > 0 of the Lebesgue eonstant
(i. e. the norm of the operation of taking the partial sum SRw(X, J) in C(']['N plays an
important role. The following two-sided estimate (Yudin (1979 holds true: cIlnN R ~
LR(W) ::; c2R(N-I)/2. Henee, within the whole dass of convex sets the Lebesgue eonstant
of the ball has the largest growth (cf. (1.19, while the Lebesgue eonstant of the eirc1e
has the smallest growth. For N = 2 A. N. Podkorytov (1984) has eonstrueted for any
given numbers p > 2 and 0 < q < ~ convex sets W = w(P) and 0' = O'(q) such that
cIlnP R ~ LR(W) ~ c2lnP Rand CIRq ::; LR(O') ::; c2Rq.
Let us remark that the left hand side of (40) equals N(!-'), the number of eigenvalues
not exeeeding 1". In the study of the problem of the cirde in number theory one uses in
the multidimensional ease effeetively the method of trigonometrie sums (cf., for example,
Hua (1959); note that in this paper, as weIl as in Babenko (1978), likewise estimates of the
type (39) are obtained).
Chapter 1. Seet. 1.2. In Goffman and Liu (1972) it is further proved that the loealization
principle holds in the dass Wf-1('ll'N) under square summation.
Seet. 1.4. The results on equieonvergenee of multiple Fourier series and Fourier integrals
are due to Bochner (1936). Stein (1958) sharpened Boehner's result on loealization for
8 = N21 in terms of the Orliez dass L log+ L (J E L log+ L if and only if the funetion
I/(x)llog(max{1, I/(x)I}) is summable).
Seet. 1.5. B. M. Levitan (1963) gave neeessary eonditions for the loealization in the
dasses W~. For odd N these eonditions eoincide with (1.18) and are of final eharacter. An
analogue of V. A. Il'in's theorem (on the failure of loealization for I in Cl) in the Nikol'skii
dasses H~ was obtained in Pulatov (1978).
Seet. 1.6. That the eondition (1.25) is sharp for multiple Fourier integrals within the
dass of all elliptie polynomials was established in Pulatov (1978). In A. I. Bastis (1982)
there is eonstrueted a selfadjoint extension of the Laplace operator such that for the eigenfunetion expansion eondition (1.25) eannot be improved for p 1.
Seet. 2.2. If I E H~(1rN), pi > N, then by the imbedding theorem I E CE (']['N),
e = 1- ~ (cf. (59, so that for such values of p and I the eondition of uniform eonvergenee
(1.3) ean not be fulfilled.
Seet. 2.3. Stein (1958) proved that uniform summability of Riesz means of the eritieal
order holds likewise for funetions in the Orliez dass L log+ L. In the dasses of I times
eontinuously differentiable funetions a eondition for uniform eonvergenee was obtained by
B. M. Levitan (1963). For odd I this result is sharp.
Seet. 2.4. If the funetion I E Lp(G), 1 ~ p ~ 2, is eontinuous in a subdomain D c G,
then the Riesz means of order 8 >
1 of the speetral expansion of the funetion, eorresponding to an arbitrary elliptie operator, eonverge to I(x) uniformlyon every eompact set
K C D. This result is due to Hrmander (1969).
Chapter 2. Seet. 1.1. L. V. Zhizhiashvili (1970), (1971), (1973) obtained a definitive
eondition for eonvergenee in L1(']['N) for funetions in L1(']['N) in terms of an integral
modulus of eontinuity.
Seet. 1.2. The eonvergenee in L q of speetral expansions of funetions in L p is studied in
Mityagin and Nikishin (1973a), (1973b).
Seet. 1.3. In K. I. Babenko (1973a), (1973b) the order of growth in ,\ of the norm of the
operator E~ : L p ~ L q is studied in the assumption of (2.10). Condition (2.9) for p = 1
was sharpened in Orliez dasses by Stein (1958).
Seet. 3. The theory of multipliers and its applieations is set forth in the books Nikol'skii
(1977), Hrmander (1983-85), Stein (1970), Stein and Weiss (1971), Zygmund (1968).
Pseudo differential operators and Fourier integral operators playamajor rle in the theory
ofboundary problems ofmathematieal physies (cf., e. g., Maslov (1965), Hrmander (198385), Taylor (1981.
Seet. 3.3. If the eharacteristie funetion of a set E C lR N is a multiplier on Lp(lR N ),
then the same property is enjoyed by any set E' obtained by rotating E. In the periodie
ease this property may fai! (cf. Belinski'i' (1979.
Seet. 3.5. If the eUiptie partial differential operator A(x, D) has a eomplete set of eigenfunetions {Un(X)} in L2(fl), then the partial sum of the Fourier series with respeet to this
system ean be written as an integral operator:
E L2(fl).
The kernel 9(x, Y, >') is called the spectral function of the operator A(x, D) and takes the
9(x, Y, >') =
where >'n is the eigenvalue corresponding to Uno Let N(>') be the number of eigenvalues
not exceeding >.. Then
The asymptotic estimate for N(>') goes back to the work of Weyl, Courant and Carleman.
For a large dass of boundary problems one knows that (cf. Hrmander (1983-85
N(>') '" (211')-N
de,) dx.
where m is the order of A and 'IfJ(x, Y, >') aphase function (cf. (2.53.
Chapter 3. Sect. 1.2. In Bakhbukh (1974), Oskolkov (1974) conditions are given for
the a. e. convergence of a multiple Fourier series of a continuous function in terms of
the modulus of continuity. These conditions are almost definitive (Bakhbukh and Nikishin
(1974. Analogous results in terms of integral moduli of continuity in the multidimensional
situation are given in Zhizhiashvili (1971), (1973).
Sect. 2.1. When / E L2(TN) is "logarithmically smooth" in terms of an integral modulus of continuity, it has been shown by V. I. Golubov (1975) that EA/(x) --> /(x) a. e. The
a. e. convergence of the Riesz means EU(x) of critical order 8 = N;;l for / E L(log+ L?
was proven by Stein (1958), (1961). In a recent publication Sunouchi (1985) has shown
that this result extends also to functions / E L log+ L log+log+ L.
Sect. 2.2. Divergence on a set of positive measure is also studied in Mityagin and
Nikishin (1973a). Let us remark that the condition (3.24) for a. e. convergence of multiple
Fourier series and integrals, in contrast to localization, does not depend on the geometry
of the surface 8QA (Ashurov (1983b.
Chapter 4. Sect. 2.2. The Denjoy-Luzin theorem for N = 2 is also proved in Golubov
Sect. 3.2. In several papers necessary conditions for the absolute convergence of multiple
Fourier integrals are studied. Let us mention R. M. Trigub (1980).
Alimov, Sh. A. (1973): Uniform convergence and summability of spectral expansions of
functions in L~. Differ. Uravn. 9, No. 4, 669-681. English translation: Differ. Equations
9,509-517 (1975), Zbl. 259.35064.
Alimov, Sh. A. (1974): On the localization of spectral decompositions. Differ. Uravn.
10, No. 4, 744-746. English translation: Differ. Equations 10, 576-578 (1975), Zbl.
Alimov, Sh. A. (1976): On spectral decompositions of functions in H~. Mat. Sb., Nov. Sero
101, No. 1,3-21. English translation: Math. USSR, Sb. 30, 1-16 (1978), Zbl. 344.46069.
Alimov, Sh. A. (1978): On expanding continuous functions from Sobolev classes in eigenfunctions of Laplace operator. Sib. Math. Zh. 19, No. 1, 721-734. English translation:
Sib. Math. J. 19, 507-517 (1979), Zbl. 397.47023.
Alimov, Sh. A., Il'in, V. A., and Nikishin, E. M. (1976/77): Questions of convergence of
multiple trigonometrie series and spectral decompositions. Usp. Mat. Nauk 31, No. 6,
28-83; 32, No. 1, 107-130. English translation: Russ. Math. Surv. 31, No. 6, 29-86
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Ash, J. M. (1976): Multiple trigonometrie series. In: Stud. harmon. Anal. Proc Conf.
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Ashurov, R. R. (1983a): On conditions for localization of spectral expansions corresponding
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Ashurov, R. R. (1983b): On the a. e. summability of Fourier series in L p with respect to
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Ashurov, R. R. (1985): On localization conditions for multiple trigonometrie Fourier series.
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