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CCACAA 81 (1) 163168 (2008)

Original Scientific Paper

Effect of L-Carnitine Supplementation on Some Biochemical

Parameters in Blood Serum of Sedentary Population
Ivan~ica Dela{,a,* Tonko Dra`i},a Melita ^a~i}-Hribljan,a,b and Kre{imir Sankovi}c

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, [alata 3,

HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Clinic for Pediatrics, Childrens Hospital Zagreb, Klai}eva 25, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Ante Kova~i}a 1,
HR-10000 Zagreb


body mass reduction

sedentary population
free fatty acids

Because of its role in the transport of fatty acids from cytosol into mitochondrion, the
consumption of L-carnitine became popular among athletes, and/or as a mass loss supplement.
In an attempt to obtain more data on the effect of L-carnitine supplementation on some
biochemical parameters in blood serum, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study was carried.
Healthy volunteers with declared sedentary activities received 2 g/day of either L-carnitine or
placebo for 2 weeks. L-carnitine administration did not induce statistically significant changes
in blood serum concentrations of glucose, triacylglycerols, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol
and creatinine, nor affected the activity of analysed enzymes (AST, ALT, LDH, and CK). The
only observed effect was a decrease in the concentration of free fatty acids in the serum from
0.439 mmol dm3 at the beginning to 0.279 mmol dm3 at the end of the experiment. Body
mass reduction was not achieved. We conclude that L-carnitine supplementation cannot be
used for body mass reduction per se, but might be involved in energy utilisation.

L-Carnitine (3-hydroxy-4-N-trimethylaminobutirate) plays
an important role in lipid metabolism. In order to be used as a source of energy, long chain fatty acids have to
be transferred into the mitochondria for oxidation. This
transport, mediated by the carnitine-palmitoyltransferase
(CPT) enzymatic system (CPT I, carnitine-acylcarnitine
translocase and CPT II), is considered to be the rate-limiting step in b-oxidation.1 L-Carnitine can be synthesized
from the amino acids lysine and methionine in liver, kid-

ney and brain, with iron and vitamins B3, B6 and C as cofactors,2 or it can be ingested with food. Diet intake is
highly variable and the major sources are red meat, fish
and dairy products. For healthy omnivores the intake has
been estimated to be from 20 to 300 mg per day,35 while
for strict vegetarians it is in the range of 13 mg per day.6
Therefore, in non-vegetarians approximately 75 % of carnitine sources come from the diet, while in vegetarians
more than 90 % of the requirements have to be obtained
from endogenous synthesis.7 Carnitine is taken primarily
by cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues, which contain ap-

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. (E-mail: idelas@mef.hr)

proximately 98 % of the body stores. Since human body
can synthesize L-carnitine, it is not considered to be an
essential compound, although insufficient data exist on
the carnitine biosynthetic capacities in humans. Low
tissue levels typical in neonates fed with diets low in
carnitine (i.e. soy-based formulas) indicate that they may
have limited capacities for the synthesis of carnitine.8
Primary carnitine deficiency is usually the result of innate errors in metabolism characterized by the lack or
impaired endogenous synthesis, or of a defect that results
from the absence of carnitine transporters.912 Tissue depletion of carnitine has also been reported as the result
of severe liver disease, renal disease (hemodialysis), malabsorption, drug therapy such as valproate and others.1315
Many of them are often associated with cardiomyopathy.16
The importance of carnitine in lipid metabolism, and
the fact that fat oxidation can be increased when the availability of fatty acids is increased, raised the hypothesis
that increasing the carnitine content in skeletal muscle may
improve fatty acid oxidation during exercise. Using fatty
acids as energy source during prolonged exercise may be
of benefit to endurance of the athletes by sparing muscle
glycogen and thus increasing exercise capacity. Furthermore, based on these facts, it has been suggested that carnitine could act as fat burner by increasing the supplementation of fatty acids as a substrate for b-oxidation,
thus reducing its availability for storage. For these reasons, carnitine became one of the most popular dietary
supplements, being used by athletes and/or as a mass loss
supplement, but with equivocal results.
Recently, a few good reviews on this topic have been
published, showing that most of the researches have been
performed on carnitine effects under specific conditions,
i.e. endurance training, reduced energy diet, metabolic disorder etc.1719 Since carnitine supplementation is freely
used even by those who are looking for a magic pill to
reduce the body mass, unwilling to make any additional
effort by taking up physical activity or by reducing ingested food, we have undertaken this research in order
to check the effects of additional carnitine intake on some
biochemical parameters in blood serum of healthy nonvegetarian individuals with average nutritional intake and
everyday routine. Blood serum concentrations of some
metabolites, mainly lipids, were measured, along with
the serum activities of certain enzymes, indicators of the
liver and muscle tissue condition, in order to see whether
carnitine supplementation per se causes any recordable
changes in otherwise healthy individuals.

I. DELA[ et al.

The study group consisted of 18 females and 12 males, aged from 18 to 32, who were on no medications and had no
current illness. At the beginning of the study, all subjects
completed a general health questionnaire, and gave their written consent. The study protocol was approved by the Medical School Ethics Commeetee, Zagreb, Croatia.

Volunteers were divided randomly into two groups: experimental group received 2 x 1 g of L-carnitine (as L-carnitine-L-tartarate, Carni-X, Scitec Nutrition, Orlando, USA)
per day, administered in the morning before the first meal,
and in the afternoon, during two weeks. Carnitine was partially donated by Sport Line Ladanyi plc., Zagreb, Croatia.
Placebo group was treated in the same way but with a nutritional starch packed into identically appearing capsules, the
gift of Razvitak plc., Ludbreg, Croatia. The height and the
mass of the subjects were measured at the beginning and at
the end of the study. Fasting morning blood samples were
collected on four occasions during the experiment: at the beginning (day 0) and again on days 5, 10 and 15. Throughout the experiment the subjects practiced their usual eating
pattern and kept daily routine which they declared to be sedentary i.e. without regular physical activity or exercise.
They were asked to make note of all the food taken during
the day for two weeks of the experiment.

Sample Collection and Analysis

Samples of 5 mL volume of venous blood were drawn after
a 12-hour overnight fast. Serum was removed after centrifugation at 3500 g for 30 min and stored at 4 C or frozen at
80 C until evaluation. The serum concentrations of glucose
(GLC), triacylglycerols (TG), total cholesterol (CHOLtot),
HDL cholesterol (HDL-CHOL), and free fatty acids (FFA)
were measured enzymatically using commercial kits (Herbos Dijagnostika plc., Sisak, Croatia, for GLC-PAP, CHOLtot
and HDL-CHOL, and Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Penzberg,
Germany for FFA). Activities of the enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as well
as creatinine concentration were determined on Olympus
AU 2700. All the analyses were performed in duplicate.

Statistical Analyses
All data are reported as mean SD. For statistical analysis
Students t-test was used to compare the data for blood parameters between the first and the last measurement in each
group, and between the control and the treated group for each
parameter. The resultes were also analysed by Two-Way
ANOVA test for treatment and time. Statistical significance
was declared at P<0.05.



A double-blind, placebo-controlled study was carried out

on 30 healthy volunteers with declared sedentary activities.

Thirty-six subjects without noticeable disease took part

in the study. Six volunteers failed to complete the study

Croat. Chem. Acta 81 (1) 163168 (2008)



TABLE I. Data on age, height, body mass, body mass index (BMI) and daily energy intake of the individuals treated with placebo and
L-carnitin (a)

Subjects (male)




12 (4)

18 (8)

30 (12)

Age / year

21.3 2.6

23.1 3.5

22.5 3.3

Height / m

1.72 0.08

1.75 0.08

1.74 0.08

71.2 18.3

69.7 10.2

70.4 14.0

23.8 5.2

22.7 2.7

23.2 3.9

70.7 19.2

69.9 10.7

70.2 14.5

23.9 5.5

22.7 2.9

23.2 4.1

8580 1400

8850 3070

8670 2360

Initial body mass / kg

Initial BMI / kg


Final body mass / kg

Final BMI / kg


Energy intake / kJ


values are expressed as mean SD.

due to: acute illness (3), family problems (2) and one did
not follow through because of gastrointestinal discomfort.
Data on age, gender, height, mass and body mass index
(BMI) of thirty individuals who completed the study are
given in Table I.
There are many dietary recommendations for mass
loss ranging from low fat or even fat-free diets to very
high fat, ketogenic, diets. Exercise is regularly recommended not only as a method for body mass reduction,
but also as every day requirement. Unfortunately, to our
knowledge, the most frequently desired and used methods
are those prescribing magic food supplements and doing nothing. Along with the increased prevalence of obesity and accompanying disorders like diabetes, coronary
heart disease etc., an increase in commercially available
food supplements declared as body mass reducers is obtained. The review of such formulas prepared by Saper
et al.20 revealed the fact that most of them are of disputable results and their influence on metabolism unclear,
and therefore should be used with caution.

Figure 1. Concentration of triacylglycerols (TG) in blood serum of

the subjects treated with placebo and L-carnitine (2 g/d) compared to reference values. All values are expressed as mean SD;
no significant differences were found.

This study evaluated the effects of L-carnitine supplementation, with no other interventions, on body mass
reduction/maintenance, and more importantly, on some
biochemical parameters in blood serum as indicators of
metabolic state. As shown in Table I there was no significant loss of body mass in either placebo- or carnitinetreated group and consequently no changes in BMI were
calculated. Other authors also failed to show additional
body mass loss with carnitine supplementation.21 Aoki et
al.22 and Brandsch and Eder23 showed that energy-reduced diet and exercise, but not carnitine supplementation,
resulted in marked mass reduction.
Because of its role in intracellular fatty acid transport, L-carnitine was most frequently investigated in the
context of lipid metabolism. Our results did not reveal
statistically significant differences in blood serum levels
of triacylglycerols (Figure 1), total cholesterol (Figure 2)
and HDL cholesterol (Figure 3) between subjects from

Figure 2. Concentration of total cholesterol (CHOLtot) in blood serum of the subjects treated with placebo and L-carnitine (2 g/d)
compared to reference values. All values are expressed as mean
SD; no significant differences were found.

Croat. Chem. Acta 81 (1) 163168 (2008)


I. DELA[ et al.

TABLE II. Activity of AST, ALT, LDH and CK (expressed in U L1)(a) and the concentration of glucose (expressed in mmol L1) and creatinine
(expressed in mol L1) in serum of the individuals treated with placebo (P) and L-carnitine (C)



Activities or concentrations(b)
18.3 2.1
22.1 4.5
21.2 1.7
23.7 6.7

19.6 3.0
18.4 4.4

M 1138
F 830

Reference values



19.0 3.1
18.7 3.3



12.1 4.4
13.2 3.5

13.8 4.1
14.5 7.9

15.8 7.2
16.8 8.0

15.3 4.9
15.4 8.5

M 1248
F 1036



151.0 23.9
158.9 14.4

138.5 23.3
152.4 46.6

169.6 23.8
187.2 37.9

141.0 18.7
137.0 16.4




90.6 30.2
98.6 39.8

97.0 35.5
98.6 47.1

98.0 34.6
105.7 44.8

125.4 73.4
107.8 50.8




4.73 0.55
4.58 0.49

4.49 0.42
4.33 0.39

4.76 0.58
4.46 0.61

4.31 0.65
4.57 0.59




78.5 9.9
79.1 10.3

90.1 12.2
90.3 13.0

99.9 10.9
102.5 16.0

93.4 14.4
89.5 11.9



One unit presents one mmol min1.


values are expressed as mean SD.

Figure 3. Concentration of HDL cholesterol (HDL-CHOL) in blood

serum of the subjects treated with placebo and L-carnitine (2 g/d)
compared to reference values. All values are expressed as mean
SD; no significant differences were found.

Figure 4. Concentration of free fatty acids (FFA) in blood serum of

the subjects treated with placebo and L-carnitine (2 g/d) compared to reference values. All values are expressed as mean SD;
asterisk (*) denotes P<0.05.

the placebo and the carnitine group. The same results were
obtained in our previous experiment conducted in the same
way but with aerobically trained athletes.24 According to
some other studies, exogenous carnitine administration reduces plasma lipids in hyperlipidaemic rat and rabbits.2528
However, in normolipidaemic rats and humans this was
not the result, not even as a cumulative effect of exercise
or a hypocaloric diet.22,23,29,30 In this study, the only statistically significant alteration caused by L-carnitine supplementation was the decrease in free fatty acids (FFA)
concentration (Figure 4). Although the values measured

for all individuals from both placebo and carnitine group

did not exceed reference values by any means, statistical
analysis revealed significant decrease after 2 weeks of
L-carnitine supplementation compared to the initial value.
This might indicate an increased cellular uptake of fatty
acids from blood circulation and their transport into mi
tochondria for b-oxidation. However, in our experiment
with athletes, L-carnitine supplementation resulted in an
increased serum concentration of FFA, assuming impaired fatty acid utilization. Nevertheless, having in mind the
main regulatory mechanisms in mitochondrial metabo-

Croat. Chem. Acta 81 (1) 163168 (2008)



lism, including b-oxidation, Krebs cycle and respiratory

chain, it is hard to believe that these processes are activated simply by carnitine supplementation and without
increased energy consumption. Furthermore, free, nonesterified fatty acids present in blood circulation originate
mostly from adipose tissue as a result of increased triacylglycerol hydrolysis, catalyzed by hormone sensitive
lipase. Therefore, more reasonable seems the hypothesis
that the decrease in FFA concentration is the result of increased esterification with available L-carnitine instead
of improved FA utilization. As shown in Figure 4, the
concentration of FFA in the control group decreased on
day 5 even more than for treated group after two weeks,
but statistical analyses did not show the significance at
the level of P<0.05. However, further analysis was performed by Two-Way ANOVA test for treatment and time.
This test confirmed the differences inside the treated
group at the beginning and at the end of the experiment,
but failed to confirm differences between the control and
the treated group. Therefore we concluded that the observed effect can not be explained exclusively by carnitine supplementation, and that other impact factors like
diet should be considered.
These results are also in agreement with other studies,
which failed to demonstrate improved lipid metabolism.
Some authors offered increased glucose oxidation as an
explanation for the obtained positive effects of carnitine
Commercially available preparations of carnitine differ in dosage and purity. Formulas with racemic mixtures contain, besides naturally occurring L-carnitine, the
same amount of D-carnitine. In human body only L-carnitine is utilized, while D-form is not simply unused, but
can induce toxic effects.32 Most of the consumers are not
informed about these risks and quite a number of professionals responsible for administering such information is
not aware of the hazards. Since these formulas are usually cheaper, additional efforts should be done to improve
education and to eliminate such preparations. Although
the preparation used in this research was declared as
L-carnitine, we decided to measure the activity of some
enzymes in blood serum in order to screen for possible
side effects. We measured the activities of alanin aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST),
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK).
Concentrations of glucose and creatinine were also measured. The obtained results are shown in Table II, along
with reference values, without statistically significant
differences found between the two groups.
These results are encouraging for those patients who
are dependent on carnitine supplementation. In clinical
studies, positive effects of carnitine therapy are unquestionable in the treatment of patients with metabolic disorders like carnitine uptake defect,33 cardiac patients34,35
and in hemodialysis patients.36 More recent research has

provided evidence of links between L-carnitine and antioxidant status. The potential antioxidant role of carnitine
supplementation is thought to work through reduced lipid peroxidation, reduced ammonia toxicity, increased vitamin C availability or other mechanisms.37,38 Furthermore,
some authors suggest the involvement of carnitine in the
process of apoptosis by regulation of caspase activity.39
However, detailed mechanisms of carnitine activity are
still to be established.

The results of this study show that carnitine supplementation fails to reduce the body mass in healthy subjects
without additional interventions like exercise or reduced
energy intake. Intake of 2 g of L-carnitine per day does
not affect blood serum concentrations of triacylglycerols,
total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, glucose and creatinine. The applied preparation was well tolerated with no
changes in the activity of the enzymes characteristic for
liver and muscle metabolism, but subsequent metabolic
consequences are still a matter for discussion.
Acknowledgments. This study was supported by grant
no. 0108068 from the Ministry of Science, Education and
Sports of the Republic of Croatia. The authors express their
gratitude to all the volunteers who took part in the study.

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Utjecaj L-karnitina na neke biokemijske parametre u serumu osoba sjedila~kog na~ina `ivota
Ivan~ica Dela{, Tonko Dra`i}, Melita ^a~i}-Hribljan i Kre{imir Sankovi}
Zbog svoje uloge u transportu masnih kiselina iz citosola u mitohondrij, kori{tenje L-karnitina postalo je
popularno me|u sporta{ima i/ili kao sredstvo za mr{avljenje. Kako bismo utvrdili u~inak L-karnitina na neke
biokemijske parametre u serumu, proveli smo dvostruko slijepu studiju uz kontrolu placebom. Zdravi dobrovoljci sjedila~kog na~ina `ivota primali su dnevno 2 g L-karnitina ili placebo kroz dva tjedna. Primjena karnitina nije uzrokovala promjene u koncentraciji glukoze, triacilglicerola, ukupnog kolesterola, HDL-kolesterola i
kreatinina u serumu ispitanika, kao ni promjene aktivnosti ispitivanih enzima (AST, ALT, LDH, CK). Jedini
zna~ajni u~inak karnitina bilo je smanjenje koncentracije slobodnih masnih kiselina s 0.439 mmol dm1 na po~etku na 0.279 mmol dm1 na kraju eksperimenta. Smanjenje tjelesne mase nije postignuto. Temeljem rezultata
zaklju~eno je da se karnitin ne mo`e samostalno koristiti kao sredstvo za smanjenje tjelesne mase, ali ima utjecaja na iskori{tavanje energije u organizmu.

Croat. Chem. Acta 81 (1) 163168 (2008)

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