Bab 5 f5
Bab 5 f5
Bab 5 f5
Revise the notes for crossing over here, and Mendel Law here. Perfect score is given due to
concise sentence
having flow
relevant points
Prologue - Will this be our future due to stem cell research & cloning?
A - allele
S - separate
K - (k)combine
Here are the complete explanation:
Seems easy enough. Unfortunately SPM question is not this simple. The question would ask you
to apply this law in the schematic diagram given to you, especially concerning genetic diseases .
We discuss about this later.
Here is the graph of diabetic person being admitted to clinic and administered hormone injection
at time X.
At this level, you should use the term 'hydrolyse' instead of 'digest' or 'break down' for the
chemical digestion process.
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As you can see, mother is Rh(-) and the baby indeed Rh(+). Let's use Rh(-) as the 'bad guy' (
) and Rh(+) as the 'good guy' ( ). As usual the bad guy will attack the good guy.
But here, nothing happen because mother's immune system has yet to produce 'weapon'
(antibody) to attack the baby's 'target' (antigen). In other words, mother's immune system is
simply not ready.
Now, let's see what happen in the 2nd-born baby with similar Rhesus factor:
You realize the bad guy (mother) already produced the 'weapons'. This time, the mother's
immune system is ready with full antibody. As a result, the baby's Rh(+) is attacked, causing
harm to the baby.
This condition is known as erythroblastosis fetalis.
It killed most babies before the Industrial Ages. Thanks to the modern medicine, we have ways
to prevent this from happening...
Congratulations! Now this topic poses no hindrance to you. We shall meet later near the 2014
SPM exam to discuss the right techniques to answer this type of questions -and tonnes of funduring my big seminar this year in FRIM. Wish you well in your study! :-)
relevant sentence.
Relevant means the sentence should answer the question by delivering at least one
keyword with proper description if required (keywords are the terms with bold
typeface which you can find in the textbooks)
3) 1 Mark = 1 Sentence
The examiner will find your point through sentence by sentence. So, ONE sentence is all you
need to obtain one full mark. So, a 10-marks question means that you have to write at least 10
sentences. You can write more than that if you want to, providing you have the spare time to do
so :-)
Remember PDF in Series 10? It is basically the same thing. Let's revise the technique:
Can you see the blue circles? Those are the conjunctions :-)
Can you see the red circles? Those are the keywords :-)
Can you see the red lines? Those are the descriptions for the keywords.
In Paper 2 Section B, all you need to do when answering the question is to...
The study of passing the characters from one generation to the next
Character : Certain features controlled by the gene (ex. height)
Traits : Specific characters (ex. tall/short)
BUOI - Basic Unit of Inheritance
The pair of genes in the homologous chromosomes - Tt, GG, Hh, KK, Ll, bb, dd, Ww, HH
Genotype: The 3 coding of gene pairs using alphabets (GG, Gg, gg)
Phenotype: The physical manifestation due to the genotype
Homo: Allele containing similar pair of genes (HH, KK,mm, ee, HH, gg)
Hetero: Allele containing different pair of genes (Hh, Kk, Mm, Ee, Hh, Gg)