Tesla Secrets WKBK
Tesla Secrets WKBK
Tesla Secrets WKBK
Hi everyone, Alex West here.
Welcome to the Workbook supplement of the Tesla Code Secrets.
As shared in the manual, you have been introduced to many techniques that will help you unlock the hidden brain
powers in order for you to craft out a promising life ahead.
In this easy-to-use Workbook, we will put those techniques into action, which will then allow you to create a clearer
vision of the path that will lead you to the success you rightfully deserve.
This will be complemented with a meditation approach, an additional component to clear any distracting thoughts
and focus on your inner potential.
The Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator, the key technique which underlies the Tesla Code Secrets, will be revised here.
My Vision Introduction
At the beginning of the Workbook, you focused on a goal which came to your mind which is something most likely
close to your heart.
There are many areas in life which can be worked on to bring about a wholesome picture to success, and an allrounded you.
The areas include, but not limited to, career, financial status, health, relationships, personal motivations, recreation.
Use this page to detail out your dreams in all aspects of your life.
My Visions
Career (promotions, career-change, own business etc)
Relationships (making up with family members, building bonds, loving spouse etc)
Write down the first thing that comes to your mind. It can be anything.
This anything is something you desire to achieve, a Vision of the success you want to see manifested in your life.
Following this introduction, there are 3 pages of Vision Board. You can choose any version, and print it out. This is a
quick guide for you to follow. You can come up with your own Vision Board if you prefer something different.
Clearly record down your goal(s) on the vision board templates provided.
You can also paste a photo you came across in the papers or magazines, which is identical or similar to your Vision.
You can also illustrate on it if you work better that way.
Meditation Page
This is a simple meditation exercise and it is wonderfully effective for Creative Visualization.
1. Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, slowly and naturally. Gradually relax and sink in
deeper and deeper.
2. Visualize something that you desire with as much clarity as you can. Visualize that it has already happened.
Picture it to be as clear as possible in your mind.
3. Surround this fantasy with a pink bubble. Place your goal inside the bubble. As pink is the color associated with
the heart, it will bring you closer to your inner being.
4. Now, release the bubble and visualize it floating off into the universe, with your goals in it. This shows that you
are releasing it out emotionally. It is now free to float around in the universe, attracting and gathering energy
for it to be clear and obvious.
Immediately visualize it as coming true, and maintain that vision for about four seconds
Think of that goal, dream, or wish again for about 5 seconds. This time, search deep into your
conscious mind for it and pull out its details.
Step 2
Immediately visualize it again as coming true, and maintain that vision for about 4 seconds.
Visualize it far more clearly and completely than you did before. Let the details fit into it, as if it
is actually taking place.
Once again, think of that goal, dream or wish for about 5 seconds. However, this time search
so deep into your mind for it that you pull out every possible detail about it.
Step 3
Immediately visualize it once more coming true, and maintain that vision for about 4 seconds.
Visualize it so thoroughly in detail that it seems to take place right before your eyes.
With it, you will be able to assess every problem in your life objectively, and make a sound decision on it to further
pave your way to achieving your Vision.
Step 2
Reject all blind prejudice against it, no matter how much it pains your ego.
Step 3
With the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator, reject the fight-and-flight reaction in you to the
problem and replace it with the right, positive, healthy physiological language.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
You will turn that problem to your best advantage and reap great benefits
Look directly at whatever that is holding you back in anything and suffocating you with feelings
of insecurity.
Step 2
Decide whether if your confused thinking is due to the fear of a dry subject, or an inability to
reason effectively and prevent others from deceiving you, or to a tendency of yours to form
confused thinking about new knowledge.
Step 3
Do the exercise in this lesson which rids you of that setback, and be ready to make a comeback
in your life, no matter how devastating a loss you might have suffered.
Step 4
With the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator, arrange the negative physiological language that
overwhelms you whenever you fall victim to confused thinking
Step 5
With a clear thinking mind, release your hidden talents and be the person you can really be.
Exercise 1
Try to recall and jot down minor individual marks about him; such as:
Dont give up easily and search your brain thoroughly about him. Turn back to the picture
and check your description of him against it.
Exercise 2
Repeat exercise 1. 1, but use pictures of several different people. Perfect your taking-in
ability, until you can absorb, at a glance, an astonishing amount of exact description of any
person or object.
Repeat Exercise 1. Do not write down what you saw, until the next day. See how exactly
your mind remembers what you saw. Do this several times.
Exercise 3
Now do it again and wait till a week. Use a different picture every time. This exercise will
compel your conscious mind to dig deeply into your subconscious mind to unearth what you
observed in that brief flash.
Exercise 4
If you went somewhere today for the first timeeven if just to a store or to some building
describe it as thoroughly as you can on paper. Writers, painters, and commercial artists
do that regularly with places they have not seen for years. Describe, similarly, places you
visit regularly, such as where you work.
Check on these descriptions as soon as possible, to test your psycho-photographic
memory. Detectives check, in that manner, the stories of homicide suspects. They check
the exact position of the furniture of the murder room and the suspects estimate of the
distances between the different pieces. The very fate of your life or of a dear one could
rest upon similar evidence.
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Repeat the previous exercise with other pictures, but allow yourself less time to stare at
each picture.
Exercise 7
Try to estimate at a glance, from the picture of a crowd, the number of people in it. Then
count them. Repeat this exercise with other pictures of crowds until you acquire
astounding mass accuracy. You can have fun with your friends, too, by trying it with them
and amazing them with your own innate accuracy.
The Clench-and-Relax is especially useful when people in your life dominate you and your whole being. They practically
stop your progress altogether and cause much fear and uncertainty in you.
Banish your enemy away from the true fulfillment you deserve!
Clench your arms (and fists) and legs as hard as you can, for exactly 2 seconds. This allows your
arm and leg muscles attack your detestable dominator.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Your attacking muscles will lose their fighting muscle tone, and your sympathetic will be fooled
into thinking that you have scolded that person and will cease their commands to your
muscles to beat him up. Your body will respond to the change in commands, and your
physiological language will organize itself.
Step 5
Your whole body will send messages of normalcy to your conscious mind, and your conscious
mind will tear loose from the imprisoning grip of your dominator over you.
Visualize clearly and fearlessly about the goal, dream, or wish you want to come true.
Step 2
Visualize it coming true instantly, with every obstacle in your path being easily crushed (even if
you have to stretch your imagination to do so).
Step 3
Visualize yourself, now, as becoming the person who can realize this goal, dream, or wish
without any effort whatever! (If you know such a person yourself, visualize yourself becoming
Visualize your physiological language changing to be like his, so you think, act, speak, and move
just like him.
We have come to the end of the Tesla Code Secrets Workbook.
I hope this book has been useful as a clear guideline on how to tap the vast potential in you.
Do remember that you always need to invest time and effort to be able to achieve any desired results. Once you have
gained sufficient practice you would be able to call upon your mental powers and realize your dreams in life.
Everything you need for a head start is within you.
Heres Alex West wishing you all the best!