Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation M Tech (Computer Engineering) (Semester I)

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Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation

M Tech (Computer Engineering) (Semester I)

Scheme of evaluation



(Hours/Week) Credits TA

Course Title


Advance Compiler
TCP/IP and Network
TCP/IP and Network
Programming Lab
Modern Information
Modern Information
Systems Lab



Elective 1
Elective 2

Elective 2 Lab

for Semester















100% CIE




100% CIE











100% CIE

Total Hours





Abbreviations: L: Lectures, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, TA: Teacher Assessment, IST: In Semester

ESE (W): End Semester Written Examination, ESE (W) (hrs): End Semester Written Examination
Elective -1
Distributed systems


Design of Parallel Architecture and Programming



Wireless Networks And Mobile Computing



Computer Systems Performance Analysis

Elective -2

Multimedia Processing Systems

Multimedia Processing Systems Lab
Algorithms And Complexity
Algorithms And Complexity Lab
Semantic Web and Social Networks
Semantic Web and Social Networks Lab
Web Personalization and Optimization
Web Personalization and Optimization Lab

Program Name

M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code


Course Title

Computational Methods

Prerequisites: Mathematics
Course Objectives
1. To develop the mathematical model for Research.
2. To learn number theory
3. To learn Computational geometry .
4. Student will learn approximation algorithm.
Course Outcomes
1. Apply concepts of algorithms.
2. Understand and apply the concept of problem solving using algorithms
3. Apply matrix operations in solving problems
Course Contents

The Role of Algorithms in Computing Algorithms. Algorithms as a technology 10

fundamental of algorithmic problem solving., fundamental of the analysis of
algorithm efficiency. analyzing algorithms ,designing algorithms growth of
functions, asymptotic notation, , substitution method the recursion-tree method ,
the master method


Discrete Mathematics and Automata Theory: Proofs, mathematical induction, 20

functions, relations, set theory, summation and counting, Graph Theory, Finite
automata, minimization of DFA Regular expressions, Context-free Grammars
and its simplification, recursively enumerable languages, Undecidable problems,


Number theory: Divisibility, modular arithmetic, congruence and reminders, 10

Chinese reminder theorem, Fermats theorem, greatest common divisor;
cryptography, cryptanalysis, and cryptosystems: public key, RSA key, digital


Computational Geometry: Line ,Segment properties, Finding Intersection of 10

pair of segments ,Finding convex hull ,closest pair of points


Np-completeness :Polynomial time verification

reducibility , Np-completeness proof and problems


Approximation algorithms :Vertex cover problem ,Traveling salesman problem

,Set covering problem ,Randomization and linear programming ,Subset sum



First-Order Logic, Building a Knowledge Base : Extensions and Notational Variations , Using
First-Order Logic , Representing Change in the World



Uncertainty & Probability theory : Acting under Uncertainty , Basic Probability


Notation , The Axioms of Probability , Bayes' Rule and Its Use


and 10


Fuzzy logic : Fuzzy logic ,Classical sets ,Operations on crisp set ,Properties of 10
classical set ,function mapping of classical set ,Fuzzy set operations, Fuzzy set
properties ,classical relations ,fuzzy relations ,tolerance and equivalence relations
,Non-interactive fuzzy sets

Text Books

Introduction to algorithms by Thomas cormen ,R.Rivest ,PHI Publication

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3/E Stuart Russell , Prentice Hall

Reference Books:
S.N.Sivanadam ,S.N.Deepa Wiley publication ,2nd

Principles of soft computing by


Cryptography and Network Security, William Stallings, Fourth Edition, Pearson


Discrete mathematics structure by Bernard Kolman ,PHI Publication

Graph theory with Application by Dr.SukhendU Dey, Shroff Publications


: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering )

Course Code

: CO5002S

Course Title

: Advanced Compiler


Course Prerequisites: complier construction

Course Objectives
1. To develop an understanding of the operation of compilers and the development and
specification of computer-based languages.
2. To understand lexical, syntax and semantic analysis processes.
3. To understand context free grammar, and parse tree construction.
4. To determine code generation and optimization techniques.
5 To understand data representation and handling.
Course Outcomes
1. To be able to build lexical analyzers and use them in the construction of parsers.
2. To be able to express the grammar of a programming language, build syntax analyzers and
use them in the construction of parsers.
3. To perform the operations of semantic analysis.
4. To build a code generator.
Course Contents

Lexical Analysis: Compiler structure: analysis-synthesis model of compilation, 20

various phases of a compiler, tool-based approach to compiler construction.: NFA,
DFA, minimization , interface with input, parser and symbol table. Error reporting.,
LEX. Tools


Syntax Analysis: CFGs, ambiguity, associatively, precedence, top down parsing, 20

recursive descent parsing, transformation on the grammars, predictive parsing,
bottom up parsing, operator precedence grammars, LR parsers (SLR, LALR, LR),
Type Checking: type system, type expressions, structural and name equivalence of 10
types, type conversion, overloaded functions and operators, polymorphic functions.
Run Time System: storage organization, activation tree, activation record, 20
parameter passing, symbol table, dynamic storage allocation. Intermediate code
generation: intermediate representations, translation of declarations, assignments,
control flow, Boolean expressions and procedure calls. Implementation issues.
Code Optimization methods: Loop optimization, Eliminating Induction 10

variables, Loop unrolling ,Loop Jamming ,Branch optimization, Code motion,

Common sub expression elimination, Constant propagation, Dead code
elimination, Strength Reduction.

Code Generation and Instruction Selection: Issues, basic blocks and flow graphs, 10
register allocation, code generation, dag representation of programs, code generation
from DAGs, peep hole optimization, code generator generators, specifications of
Imperative and Object- Oriented programs: Context handling, Source language 10
,data representation and handling ,Routines and their activation ,code generation for
control flow statement and module

Text Books

V. Aho, R. Sethi, and J. D. Ullman. Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools ,

Pearson Education.

D.Brune ,H.Bal C.Jacobs ,K. Lagendon


Modern compiler Design by Wiley

Reference Books

A. C. Holub. Compiler Design in C, Pearson Education.

Compiler Design by Dr.O.G.Kakde university science press

Modern Compiler Implementation in Java: Basic Design, Cambridge Press. Fraser and

Programme Name

M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code


Course Title

TCP/IP and Network Programming

Prerequisites: Principle of Communication Engineering

Course Objectives
(1) To study various network elements and devices and Network design.
(2) To study the various layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite and routing protocols.
(3) To study the various security protocols, vulnerabilities, attacks and defense mechanism
(4) To study the network programming using Java.
Course Outcomes
1. To gain the knowledge of various network devices and planning designing the network
for the organization.
2. To express TCP/IP suite and different TCP/IP layers such as network layers, transport
layers, application layers.
3. To gain the knowledge of network security, protocol security and network attacks,
defence mechanism and their vulnerabilities etc.
4. To gain basic knowledge of network programming.
Course Contents

Network Design: IP addressing, Internet work Connectivity MAUS, 10

Multiplexers, cables, Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, layers switches, Hubs, Gate,
VLANS, Planning A Network , Network Design .


Transport Layer: User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control 10

Protocol (TCP), Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)


Network Layer: Internet protocol(IP), Address resolution protocol(ARP), 10

Reverse address resolution protocol(RARP), Internet control Message
protocol(ICMP), Internet group management protocol(IGMP) Real Time Traffic
over the internet (RTP, RTCP),(RTP)Real time transport protocol,(RTCP) RTP
control protocol etc


Application Layer Protocols: Host Configuration: BOOTP and DHCP, Domain 10

Name System (DNS), Hyper Text Transfer Protocol: HTTP, File Transfer: FTP
and TFTP , Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP, and IMAP, Network Management:
SNMP, World Wide Web: HTTP.


Routing Protocols: Unicast Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF, and BGP), 10

Multicasting and Multicast Routing Protocols. RIP (Routing information
protocol), OSPF (Open shortest path first), BGP(Border gateway protocol)


Network Security: Security at the Transport Layer: SSL and TLS, Security at the 20
Network Layer: IPSec, Networks attacks and defense mechanisms: Network
scanning, Vulnerability scanning, Network capture and monitoring, Host
monitoring etc


Network Programming Introduction to java programming, Looking up the

internet addresses, socket programming, UDP datagram and sockets, multicast
sockets, URL connections, protocol handlers, Content handlers RMI and java mail

Text Books

Behrouz A. Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, III Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.

Elliotte Harold Java Network Programming O'relly Publications E. Comer,

Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol- III, (BSD Sockets Version), second Edition, PHI

Reference Books

TCP/IP Network Administration, Craig Hunt, O'Relly Publication.

Internetworking with TCP-IP: Design, Implementation, and Internals, by D. E. Comer and

D. L. Stevens Vol II, Prentice Hall.


M. Tech. ( Computer Engineering )

Course Code


Course Title

TCP/IP and Network Programming Lab

Course Prerequisites: C and Java

Course Objectives
1. To understand Network Programming Analysis and Design
2. To understand Socket Programming Analysis and Design
3. To understand the Electronic Communication media management
Course Outcomes
1. To implement Network Programming Analysis and Design .
2. To implement end user Socket Programming Analysis and Design
3. To implement the design all electronic communication media project management
Course Contents

Building Applications in network environment


Client Server socket programming.


Building E-Mail systems.


Implement FTP , chat applications.


Study Linux network command , network security and management


UDP socket programming


Managing and tuning the TCP connection.


Implement RMI,RPC using JAVA


Network tools :Wiresharak ,Nmap ,TCPDUMP


10 Network attack and defense mechanism tools

Text Books

JAVA Network Programming Wielly Publications

2 Linux administration Handbook by Evi Nemeth ,Garth Snyder


Reference Books
1 TCP/IP Essentials a lab based approach by Shivendra Panwar, Shiwen Mao,
Jeong-dong Ryoo, and Yihan Li.


M. Tech. ( Computer Engineering )

Course Code


Course Title

Modern Information Systems

Course Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Object oriented Programming, Basics of Software

engineering, , basic Data Structure and design analysis and algorithm.
Course Objectives
1. To explain the basic Object oriented concepts and various notations for static and
dynamic modeling of unified modeling language
2. To understand Web Analysis and Design
3. To understand the project management
4. To understand how to build modern information systems.
Course Outcomes
(1) Discuss and identify the concepts of encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and
polymorphism and various notations of Static diagrams such as class diagrams, package
diagram, deployment diagram, component diagram, object diagram etc and dynamic or
behavioral diagram such as use case diagram ,state transition diagram, activity diagram
collaboration diagram etc.
(2) Describe and understands the basic web modeling applications and various modeling
techniques such as content modeling, hypertext modeling, presentation modeling,
customization modeling and web application design such as presentation design,
Interaction design and functional design etc.
(3) To understand the fundamental concepts of project management and apply the various
techniques to solve the different project parameters such as project cost, project effort,
duration and risk assessment and mitigation plan.
(4) Apply the technique to implement algorithms and problem solution to build modern
information system.
Course Contents

1. Software Requirement Specification: structured systems analysis & design


requirement modeling , design concept, architectural design, component level

design, user interface design
2. Object Oriented Analysis & Design: use case modeling, class modeling,


dynamic modeling, action oriented design, data oriented design, object oriented
design, formal techniques for detailed design
3. Web Engineering: modeling web application, web application design


4. Software Reengineering : Mapping Models to Code ,Software Security


Engineering , reverse engineering and forward engineering

5. Software Project Management: Structured project, oo project & web project


Text Books

Software Engineering : A Practitioners Approach , Roger S. Pressman, TataMcGraw Hill

Web Engineering ,Gerti Kappel, Birgit Proll, Siegfried Reich, Werner Retschitzegger,Wiley

Reference Books

Software Security Engineering A guide for Project Managers :Julia llen ,Sean Barnum
,Nancy Mead

Object Oriented Software Engineering using UML,Pattern and Java Bearnd Bruegge
,Allen H. Dutoit ,2nd edition Pearson publication

Web Engineering A Practitioner's Approach , RogerS Pressman ,David Lowe,TataMcGraw


Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, Stephan R. Schach ,TataMcGraw Hill


: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code

: CO5004P

Course Title

: Modern Information Systems Lab


Course Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Object oriented Programming

Course Objectives
To learn Object oriented Analysis & Design
To learn project Management
To learn web engineering
Course Outcomes
1. To explain the basic Object oriented concepts and various notations for static and
dynamic modeling of unified modeling language
2. To understand Web Analysis and Design
3. To understand the project management
4. To understand how to build modern information systems.
Course Contents
For the given case study

1 Apply structured systems analysis and design


2 Apply object oriented analysis and design


3 Apply web engineering & Security


4 Apply OOAD & web based project management


5 Implement the given case study in c++/Java


Text Books
Engineering : A Practitioners Approach , Roger S. Pressman,
1 Software
TataMcGraw Hill
2 Web Engineering ,Gerti Kappel, Birgit Proll, Siegfried Reich, Werner
Retschitzegger, Wiley Publication
3 Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, Stephan R. Schach ,
TataMcGraw Hill
Reference Books
1 Web Engineering A Practitioner's Approach , RogerS Pressman ,David
Lowe,TataMcGraw Hill
2 Software Security Engineering A guide for Project Managers :Julia llen ,Sean
Barnum ,Nancy Mead

Programme Name

: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering )

Course Code

: CO5101S

Course Title

: Elective1 :Distributed Systems


Course Prerequisites: Computer Architecture ,Operating system

Course Objectives
1. To study distributed system topics and be exposed to recent developments in distributed
systems research.
2. To provide in-depth design concepts and implementation techniques of distributed systems
Course Outcomes
1. Identify and explain detailed aspects of internal structures of distributed systems
2. Compare and contrast design issues for distributed systems.
3. Develop implementation skills for building distributed system with features with good
security measures.
4. Analyze the requirements, make critiques and create design of distributed operating systems.
Course Contents

1. Introduction: Introduction to Distributed systems, examples of distributed 10

systems, challenges, architectural models, fundamental models , Introduction to
inter process communications ,external data representation and marshalling,
client server communication ,group communication
2. Distributed Objects and File System: :Introduction , Communication between 20
distributed objects , Remote procedure call , Events and notifications , Java RMI
case Study ,Introduction to DFS , File service architecture , Sun network file
system , Introduction to Name Services, Name services and DNS ,Directory and
directory services.
3. Distributed Operating System Architecture :The operating system layer , 10
Protection , Process and threads, Communication and invocation , Operating
system architecture , Introduction to time and global states , Clocks, Events and
Process states , Synchronizing physical clocks , Logical time and logical clocks
4. Transaction and Concurrency Control Distributed Transactions , Nested 20
transaction ,Locks , Optimistic concurrency control , Timestamp ordering ,
Comparison of methods for concurrency control , Introduction to distributed
transactions , Flat and nested distributed transactions , Atomic commit protocols ,
Concurrency control in distributed transactions , Distributed deadlocks
,Transaction recovery.
5. Security and Replication: Overview of security techniques , Cryptographic 10
algorithms , Digital signatures , Cryptography pragmatics ,Replication , System
model and group communications , Fault tolerant services ,Highly available
services ,Transactions with replicated data
6. Distributed Operating Systems Support : lamports logical clock; vector 20
clock; causal ordering; global state; cuts; termination detection.
distributed mutual exclusion , non-token based algorithms , lamports algorithm
,token-based algorithms , suzuki-kasamis broadcast algorithm , distributed
deadlock detection , issues ,centralized deadlock-detection algorithms ,
distributed deadlock-detection algorithms
7. Distributed Resource Management distributed file systems, architecture, 10
mechanisms , design issues , distributed shared memory , architecture , algorithm
, protocols ,design issues. distributed scheduling.
Text Books

George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg, Distributed Systems

Concepts and Design Pearson Education Asia, 2002.

Mukesh Singhal and N. G. Shivaratri, Advanced Concepts in Operating

Systems, McGraw- Hill, 2000

Reference Books

Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating System Concepts,

Sixth Edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 2003.

Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Second Edition, Addison

Wesley, 2001.


: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)


Course Code

: CO5102S

Course Title

: Elective 1:Design of Parallel Architecture and Programming

Course Prerequisites: Computer Architecture

Course Objectives:
To gain the knowledge required to analyze and design high-performance computer systems.
To gain the knowledge of parallel Algorithms.
To gain the knowledge of parallel Programming language.
Course Outcomes
Apply the techniques to implement new analyze and design high-performance computer systems.
Apply the technique to implement Parallel processing algorithm.
Apply the technique to implement Parallel software design
Course Contents:
Fundamental Concepts: Introduction to Parallel Processing,,Types of 10
Parallelism: A Taxonomy, Roadblocks to Parallel Processing ,Effectiveness of
Parallel Processing, GPU computing , Multiprocessor Systems, Performance of
Parallel Computers, Architectural Classification Schemes: Multiplicity of
Instruction Data Streams, Serial versus Parallel Processing, Parallelism versus
Multiprocessor Processor Parallel Memory Architecture: Parallel Memory 10
Organizations: Interleaved Memory Configurations, Performance Tradeoffs in
Memory Organizations, Multicache Problems and Solutions, Multiprocessor
Operating Systems: Classification of Multiprocessor Operating Systems,
Software Requirements for Multiprocessors, Operating System Requirements,
Exploiting Concurrency for Multiprocessing: Language Features to Exploit
Parallelism, Detection of Parallelism in Programs, Program and Algorithm
Restructuring GPU CUDA memory architecture Block ,Open CL memory block
Some Idioms for Synchronization Mechanism : Semaphore ,Critical 10

region ,monitor ,message passing ,RPC ,Case studies:Blood vessel

segmentation ,Adaptive 3D grid based eulerian program

Parallel Software Design :Pattern based parallel software method 10

,Problem analysis ,coordination design ,Communication design ,Detailed
design ,Implementation and evaluation ,Parallel software architecture


A Taste of Parallel Algorithms: Some Simple Computations, Architectures, 10

Algorithms for a Linear Array, Binary Tree, 2D Mesh, Shared Variables.
Asymptotic Complexity, Algorithm Optimality and Efficiency, Complexity
Classes, Parallelizable Tasks and the NC Class ,Parallel Programming
PRAM and Basic Algorithms :PRAM Sub-models and Assumptions ,Data 10
Broadcasting , Semi-group or Fan-In Computation ,Parallel Prefix Computation
,Ranking the Elements of a Linked List , Matrix Multiplication
More Shared-Memory Algorithms:Sequential Rank-Based Selection ,Parallel 10
Selection Algorithm, Selection-Based Sorting Algorithm ,Alternative Sorting
Algorithms ,Convex Hull of a 2D Point Set ,Some Implementation Aspects




Structures and Algorithms for Parallel Processing : Masking and Data 10

Routing Mechanisms, Inter PE communications ,
SIMD Matrix
Multiplication, Parallel Sorting, Processing SIMD Computers and
Performance Enhancement


MPI Programming : Introduction to MPI Principles of Message - Passing 10

Programming, The Building Blocks (Send and Receive Operations), MPI (the
Message Passing Interface), Collective Communication and Computation
Operations, Examples of Matrix - Matrix multiplication, One dimensional
Matrix Vector Multiplication using MPI.
CUDA / Open CL Programming : GPUs as Parallel Computers, Architecture 10
of a Modern GPU, Data Parallelism,, CUDA Program Structure, Importance of
Memory Access Efficiency, CUDA THREADS: CUDA Thread Organization,
singblock Idx and threadIdx, Synchronization and Transparent Scalability,
Thread Assignment, Thread Scheduling and Latency Tolerance.


Text Books:
Introduction to Parallel Processing Algorithms and Architectures BY Behrooz Parhami
Programming Massively Parallel Processors(David B. Kirk and Wen-mei W. Hwu)

, Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP by Michael J. Quinn

Computer Architecture & Parallel Processing, by Kai Hwang & Briggs (McGraw Hill)

Hennessey and Patterson, "Computer Architecture: A quantitative Approach", Morgan


Reference Books :

SIMA, Advanced Computer Architectures, Addison-Wesley.

Patterns for Parallel Software Design by Ortega ,Arjona by Wiley Publications


Programme Name

: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code

: CO5103S

Course Title

: Elective 1 (Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing)

Course Prerequisites: Basics of wireless communication

Course Objectives
1. Student will learn the concepts relevant to modern wireless systems.
2. Student will learn emerging mobile computing ideas and best practices.
3. Student will learn concepts and principles in mobile computing.
Course Outcomes:
1 Understand the concept of Wireless LANs, PAN, Mobile Networks and Sensor Networks.
2. Understand the structure and components for Mobile IP and Mobility Management.
3. Understand positioning techniques and location-based services and applications.
4. Understand the important issues and concerns on security and privacy.

Course Contents:

Introduction: Wireless technology, Spectrum, Radio Propagation Mechanism, 10

Characteristics of wireless Channel, Modulation, Multiple Access Technique,
Voice Coding, Error Control.

Wireless LAN and PAN: Fundamentals of WLAN, IEEE 802.11 standards, 10

HYPERLAN, Bluetooth, HomeRF.

Wireless WAN and MAN: Cellular Concept, Architecture, Generations, Wireless 10

in Local Loop, Wireless ATM, IEEE 802.16 Standards, HYPERACCESS.

Wireless Internet: Introduction, Mobile IP, TCP in Wireless Domain, WAP, 10

Optimizing Web Over Wireless.

Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, 10

Ad Hoc Wireless Internet.

MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues in 10

Designing a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Design Goals of a
MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classifications of MAC
Protocols,Contention-Based MAC Protocols with Scheduling Mechanisms, MAC
Protocols That Use Directional Antennas, Other MAC Protocols.

Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues in 05

Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classi cations of
Routing Protocols, Table-Driven Routing Protocols, On-Demand Routing

Multicast routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues in 10

Designing a Multicast Routing Protocol, Operation of Multicast Routing Protocols,
An Architecture Reference Model for Multicast Routing Protocols, Classifications
of Multicast Routing Protocols, Tree-Based Multicast Routing Protocols.

Transport Layer and Security Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: 05

Introduction, Issues in Designing a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks, Network Security Attacks, Key Management, Secure Routing in Ad
Hoc Wireless Networks.

10 Quality of Service in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Introduction, Issues and 10

Challenges in Providing QoS in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classifications of QoS
Solutions, QoS Frameworks for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
11 Energy Management in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Introduction, Need for 05
Energy Management in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Classification of Energy
Management Schemes, Battery Management Schemes, Transmission Power
Management Schemes, System Power Management Schemes.
12 Recent Advances in Wireless Networks.
Text Books:

Jochen Schiller, Mobile communications, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.


C. Siva Ram Murthy and B.S. Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and
Protocols, 3rd Edition, Pearson education, 2008.

Reference Books :

C K Toh, Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems, 1st Edition,
Pearson education, 2002.

Programme Name

M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code


Course Title

Elective 1 Computer Systems Performance Analysis

Course Prerequisites: Undergraduate level background in Operating Systems and Computer

Networks, and Probability and Statistics. Basic implementation skills in a programming
language, and scripting language.
Course Objectives

To understand the basic methods of performance evaluation.

To learn how to specify performance requirements, evaluate design alternatives, compare

systems, tune systems, identify bottlenecks, characterize workloads, determine the
number and size of components, and do forecasting.

To use these methods in a major project and to gain experience with presentation.
Course Outcomes
Students will be able the evaluate the performance of the various computer systems and
network systems.
Students Will be able to work on various performance metrics and analyze them.
Students Will be able to use programming languages to simulate the performance of
various computer systems within or outside the network
Course Contents

Overview of Performance Evaluation: Introduction, common mistakes and how 15

to avoid them, selection of techniques and metrics.

Measurement Techniques and Tools Types of workloads, the art of workload 20

selection, workload characterization & techniques, monitors, program-execution
monitors and accounting logs, capacity planning and benchmarking, the art of data

Probability Theory and use for Evaluation: Introduction to probability 15

refresher, conditional probability ,total probability, discrete and continuous random
variables ,common distributions ,probability generating functions(pgf) and laplace
transforms (lst) ,numerous examples from computer networking, stochastic

Queuing Theory :Queuing models, little theorem application, markov chain formulation,
discrete time and continuous time markov chains (dtmc, ctmc), mmd.


Queuing System Models and Application: Queuing system m/m/1, m/m/1/k, 15

m/m/s/, m/m/queue analysis m-server case. Multidimensional markov chain
application in circuit switching/g/1 queue, generalization of m/g/1 theory
application to atm. imbedding instants in the m/g/1 theory m/g/1 with geometrically
distributed messages. chain imbedded to cell transmission, message transmission
completion. queue balance equation, finite buffer case, mean value analysis.

Network Analysis: Local area Network analysis, standard comment based 10

analysis, contention based protocols, demand assignment protocols, nodes in packet
switches networks, performance analysis of data link layer, Network layer. Traffic
control and congestion in ATM networks, TCP/IP Traffic control.

Simulation: Introduction to simulation, simulation modeling and analysis in 10

computer systems and networks, analysis of simulation results, random number
generation, statistical analysis of simulation. overview of performance evaluation
random variables and common distribution stochastic processes

Text Books

Raj Jain, "The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for
Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling", Wiley-Interscience, 1991.

Reference Books

K.S. Trivedi, "Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queueing and Computer Science
Applications", John Wiley and Sons, 2001.

Programme Name

: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code

: CO5105T

Course Title

: Elective 2(Multimedia Processing Systems)


Course Prerequisites: Image processing

Course Objectives:
1. To learn fundamental techniques and concepts used in imaging and multimedia.
2. To learn different algorithms for image retrieval.
3. To learn different algorithms for Audio and video Processing and retrieval.
4. To learn current trends in video search.
Course Outcomes:
1. Understanding fundamental techniques and concepts used in imaging and multimedia.
2. Able to understanding different algorithms for image retrieval.
3. Able to understanding different algorithms for Audio and video Processing and retrieval.
4. Understanding the current trends in video search.
Course Contents:
1 Multimedia Processing systems Introduction to Multimedia Retrieval systems Image 30
Indexing and Retrieval Digital Image Representation, Representation of Grey scale and Color
Images Image Enhancement- Random noise, salt and pepper noise, Gaussian filter, Laplacian
Filter, Image Histogram, Edge Detection, Image Texture Feature Extraction.

2 Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) colour based Image Indexing and Retrieval 10
Techniques, Image Retrieval based on Shape, Image Retrieval based on Texture.
Algorithms: Hough Transform Algorithm, Exact Match Algorithm, Image Retrieval using
3 Audio Processing Indexing and Retrieval Basic characteristic of Audio signal, Digital 20
Representation of Audio, Audio classification Sampling Quantization, coding, Brief
introduction to speech Recognition and Retrieval ,Speaker Identification, Spoken Document
Retrieval, Robust Speech Recognition and Retrieval Algorithms: Partial Matching Algorithm,
Virtual Mode Algorithm using k-d tree
4 Video Processing Indexing and Retrieval Video Shot Detection and segmentation, Key 20
Frame Extraction, Detecting shot boundary, Effective Video Representation and Abstraction,
visual content discontinuities, discriminative and prior information, detection structure,
Symantec Video Indexing ,Indexing and Retrieval based on r Frames of video shots, on
Motion Information, on Objects, Symantec path Finder Algorithms: Antipole tree, Range
Search Tree .
5 Current Trends in Video Search Introduction, Video Production, Video Distribution, the 20
Video Web and User Interaction, Television Technology and Consumption, Trends in Media
Devices, Media Processing Research, Deployments.

Text Books:
1 Multimedia Database Management Systems : Guojun Lu, Artech House.
2 An Introduction to Information Retrieval : Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich
Schutze, Cambridge University Press , England .

Reference Books :
1 Multimedia Content and the Semantic Web - Methods, Standards and Tools Edited by Giorgos
Stamou and Stefanos Kollias, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

2 Multimedia Image and Video Processing , Series Editor: Phillip A. Laplante, CRC Press
3 Digital Image Processing, Gonzales and Woods
4 Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing-Anil K Jain, Pearson Education

Programme Name

: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code

: CO5105P

Course Title

: Elective 2 (Multimedia Processing Systems Lab)


Course Prerequisites: Image processing

Course Objectives:
1. To learn fundamental techniques and concepts used in imaging and multimedia.
2. To learn different algorithms for image retrieval.
3. To learn different algorithms for Audio and video Processing and retrieval.
4. To learn current trends in video search.

Course Outcomes:
1. Understanding fundamental techniques and concepts used in imaging and multimedia.
2. Able to understanding different algorithms for image retrieval.
3. Able to understanding different algorithms for Audio and video Processing and retrieval.
4. Understanding the current trends in video search.
Course Contents:
1. Program on multimedia database system


2. Structured analysis and feature extraction techniques for text ,image ,audio ,video


3. Various Indexing techniques for text , image ,audio ,video and implementation.


4. Various similarity measure techniques for text , image ,audio ,video and implementation.


5. Program on Image processing and content base image retrieval


6. Program on speech recognition, audio retrieval


7. Program on video search


8. Study of various tools for Multimedia Processing System


Text Books:
1 Multimedia Database Management Systems, Guojun Lu, Artech House.
2 An Introduction to Information Retrieval, Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Hinrich
Schutze, Cambridge University Press , England .

Reference Books :
1 Multimedia Content and the Semantic Web - Methods, Standards and Tools Edited by Giorgos
Stamou and Stefanos Kollias, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

2 Multimedia Image and Video Processing , Series Editor: Phillip A. Laplante, CRC Press
3 Digital Image Processing, Gonzales and Woods
4 Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing-Anil K Jain, Pearson Education
Programme Name

M. Tech. ( Computer Engineering)

Course Code


Course Title

Elective 2 Algorithms And Complexity

Course Prerequisites: Fundamental of computer science, discrete mathematics and probability

theory and statistics.

Course Objectives
1. To develop mathematical skills for algorithm design, analysis, evaluation and
computational cost.
2. Ability to understand and design algorithms using greedy strategy, divide and conquer,
dynamic programming
3. They will assimilate, evaluate and analyze information as a result of independent or
group research.
4. Basic knowledge of computational complexity of algorithms.
Course Outcomes
1. They will conduct formal reasoning about complexity and algorithmic efficiency.
2. They will recognize the design technique of standard algorithms, and apply these
techniques to develop new computational solution to problems.
3. Ability to analyze runtime asymptotic complexity of algorithms including formulating
recurrence relations.
4. They will formulate practical solution to a problem, making effective use of time and
resource available.
Course Contents
1 The Role of Algorithms in Computing Algorithms. Algorithms as a technology 20
fundamental of algorithmic problem solving. fundamental of the analysis of algorithm
efficiency. analyzing algorithms ,designing algorithms growth of functions,
asymptotic notation, , substitution method the recursion-tree method , the master
2 Graph Algorithms : Graph traversals ,Minimum spanning trees , Single Source 20
Shortest paths, All pair shortest path ,Maximum flow
3 Divide and Conquer: Merge sort, quick sort, binary search, binary tree traversal and 10
related properties, multiplication of large integers , stassens matrix multiplication
closest pair and convex- hull problem by divide and conquer
4 Dynamic Programming: assembly-line scheduling, matrix-chain multiplication 15
elements of dynamic programming. longest common subsequence optimal binary
search trees.
6 Greedy Algorithms: An activity-selection problem ,elements of the greedy strategy 15
huffman codes, theoretical foundations for greedy methods, sorting networks. a
bitonic sorting network, a merging network, inverting matrices formulating problems
as linear programs. the simplex algorithm.
7 NP-completeness: NP-completeness, Approximability of NP- Hard Problems 10
Polynomial time , Polynomial-time verification , NP-completeness and reducibility,
NP-completeness proofs
NP-complete problems ,Formal models of
NPCompleteness Complexity classes such as RP, NC , # P , PSPACE.
9 Approximation Algorithms : The traveling-salesman problem, The set-covering 10
problem Randomization and linear programming, The subset-sum problem
Text Books
1 T. H .Corman, C. E .Leiserson and R.L. Revest, Introduction to algorithms, MIT
press 1990.
2 Algorithm Design Jon Kleinberg ,va Tardos Pearson/Addison-Wesley

Reference Books
1 A. V. Aho, J. E Hopecroft and J.D. Ullman, The design and analysis of algorithm,
Addision- Wesley, 1974.
Programme Name

M. Tech. ( Computer Engineering)

Course Code


Course Title

Elective 2 Algorithms and Complexity Lab

Course Prerequisites: Computer Algorithms

Course Objectives
1. To develop mathematical skills for algorithm design, analysis, evaluation and
computational cost.
2. Ability to understand and design algorithms using greedy strategy, divide and
conquer, dynamic programming
3. They will assimilate, evaluate and analyze information as a result of independent or
group research.
4. Basic knowledge of computational complexity of algorithms.
Course Outcomes
1. They will conduct formal reasoning about complexity and algorithmic efficiency.
2. They will recognize the design technique of standard algorithms, and apply these
techniques to develop new computational solution to problems.
3. Ability to analyze runtime asymptotic complexity of algorithms including formulating
recurrence relations.
4. They will formulate practical solution to a problem, making effective use of time and
resource available.
Course Contents
1 Implementation of Searching and sorting programs.


2 Implementation of Dynamic Programming.


3 Implementation of Graph algorithms.


4 Implementation of NP-Completeness.


5 Implementation of Pattern matching .


Text Books
1 T. H .Corman, C. E .Leiserson and R.L. Revest, Introduction to algorithms, MIT
press 1990.
2 Algorithm Design Jon Kleinberg ,va Tardos Pearson/Addison-Wesley
Reference Books
1 A. V. Aho, J. E Hopecroft and J.D. Ullman, The design and analysis of algorithm,
Addision- Wesley, 1974.


: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code

: CO5107T

Course Title


Elective 2 Semantic Web and Social Networks

Course Prerequisites: Web Engineering

Course Objectives
1. To learn Web Intelligence
2. To learn Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web
3. To learn Ontology Engineering
4. To learn Semantic Web Applications, Services and Technology
5. To learn Social Network Analysis and semantic web
Course Outcomes
1. To apply knowledge representation for the semantic web
2. To apply ontology engineering
3. To apply semantic web applications, services and technology
Course Contents
1 Web Intelligence :Thinking and intelligent web applications, the information age
,the world wide web, limitations of todays web, the next generation web, machine
intelligence, artificial intelligence, ontology, inference engines, software agents,
berners-lee www, semantic road map, logic on the semantic web.
2 Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web: ontologies and their role in the
semantic web, ontologies languages for the semantic web resource description
framework(rdf) / rdf schema, ontology web language(owl), uml,xml/xml schema.
3 Ontology Engineering: ontology engineering, constructing ontology, ontology
development tools, ontology methods, ontology sharing and merging, ontology
libraries and ontology mapping, logic, rule and inference engines.
4 Semantic Web Applications, Services and Technology :semantic web applications
and services, semantic search, e-learning, semantic bioinformatics, knowledge base
,xml based web services, creating an owl-s ontology for web services, semantic
search technology, web search agents and semantic methods,
5 Social Network Analysis and Semantic Web: what is social networks analysis,
development of the social networks analysis, electronic sources for network analysis
electronic discussion networks, blogs and online communities, web based
networks. building semantic web applications with social network features.web page
speed, build on a css architecture
6 Developing Social Semantic Applications: Building semantic web applications with
social network features, flink- the social networks of the semantic web community,
open academia: distributed, semantic-based publication management.
7 Evaluation of Web-Based Social Network Extraction: differences between survey
methods and electronic data extraction, context of the empirical study, data
collection, preparing the data, optimizing goodness of fit, comparison across methods
and networks, predicting the goodness of fit, evaluation through analysis.
Text Books
1 Thinking on the Web - Berners Lee, Godel and Turing, Wiley inter science, 2008.
2 Social Networks and the Semantic Web, Peter Mika, Springer, 2007.
Reference Books
1 Semantic Web Technologies, Trends and Research in Ontology Based Systems,
J.Davies, R.Studer, P.Warren, John Wiley & Sons.








2 Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services -Liyang Lu Chapman and Hall/CRC
Publishers,(Taylor & Francis Group)
3 Information Sharing on the semantic Web - Heiner Stuckenschmidt;Frank Van Harmelen,
Springer Publications.
4 Programming the Semantic Web, T.Segaran, C.Evans, J.Taylor, OReilly, SPD.

Programme Name

: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code

: CO5107P

Course Title


Elective 2 Semantic Web and Social Networks

Course Prerequisites:
Course Objectives
1. To learn Web Intelligence
2. To learn Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web
3. To learn Ontology Engineering
4. To learn Semantic Web Applications, Services and Technology
5. To learn Social Network Analysis and semantic web
Course Outcomes
1. To apply Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web
2. To apply Ontology Engineering
3. To apply semantic Web Applications, Services and Technology
4. Analysis ,design and optimized website implementation
Course Contents
1. Graphically represent ontology and construct ontology from semantic web.

To construct Mashup in the semantic web for an application.


3. To create semantic Web Applications




To use XML Schema ,Asynchronous JavaScript and XML in the web

application .


5. Ontology Construction Using Protg OWL by using ontology construction.


Text Books
1 Thinking on the Web - Berners Lee, Godel and Turing, Wiley inter science, 2008.
2 Social Networks and the Semantic Web, Peter Mika, Springer, 2007.
Reference Books
1 Semantic Web Technologies, Trends and Research in Ontology Based Systems,J.Davies,
R.Studer, P.Warren, John Wiley & Sons.
2 Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services -Liyang Lu Chapman and Hall/CRC
Publishers,(Taylor & Francis Group)
3 Information Sharing on the semantic Web - Heiner Stuckenschmidt;Frank Van Harmelen,
Springer Publications.
4 Programming the Semantic Web, T.Segaran, C.Evans, J.Taylor, OReilly, SPD.
Programme Name : M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)


Course Code

: CO5108T

Course Title
: Elective 2 Web Personalization And Optimization
Course Prerequisites: Web technologies
Course Objectives
1. To know the modeling technologies for Web Applications.
2. To know methods and strategies for personalized web-pages.
3. To know Web-based applications based on different real-world examples.
4. To know Challenges and Optimization of Web-based applications.
Course Outcomes
1. Understanding different web modeling techniques, technologies for web personalization.
2. Understanding HTML, CSS rule syntax and principles behind the separation of presentation
from content, server-side scripting.
3. Understanding different real-world adaptive applications.
4. Understanding the problems and challenges, Web page optimization, Web performance
Course Contents
1 Modeling Technologies: User models for adaptive hypermedia and adaptive 10
educational systems, User profiles for personalized information access, Data mining
for Web personalization, Generic user modeling systems, Document modelling
2 Adaptation Technologies: Personalized search on the World Wide Web, Adaptive 20
focused crawling, Adaptive navigation support, Collaborative filtering, Content-based
filtering and recommendation, Hybrid Web recommender systems, Case-base
recommendation, Adaptive 3D Web sites, Adaptive collaboration support for the
Web, Adaptive presentation for the Web, Social Navigation, Social Web Search
3 Applications: Adaptive systems in health care, Adaptive techniques in Web-based 20
education, Personalization in e-commerce applications, Web-based mobile guides,
Adaptive news access
4 Challenges: Semantic Web metadata, ontologies, and reasoning for personalized
information access on the Web, Privacy-enhanced web personalization, Open corpus
adaptive hypermedia , Group recommendation, Empirical evaluation of personalized
5 Web Page Optimization and CSS Optimization: common web page problems, how 20
to optimize your web page speed, build on a css architecture, tips for optimizing css
6 Advanced Web Performance Optimization: Server-Side Optimization Techniques, 10
Client-Side Performance Techniques.
Text Books
1 The Adaptive Web: Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization. Brusilovsky, P., Kobsa,
A., Neidl, W. (eds.)
2 Web Optimization, Andrew B. King, OReilly, 2008
Reference Books
1 Website Optimization Metrics, David Artz, Daniel Shields, and Andrew B. King
2 Specifications Of Building Scalable Web Sites (Building, Scaling, And Optimizing The Next
Generation Of Web Applications), Cal Henderson, O'Reilly Media, 2006
3 Search Engine Optimization Secrets, Erik Dafforn, Danny Dover, 2011
Programme Name

: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)

Course Code

: CO5108P


Course Title

: Elective 2 Web Personalization and Optimization Lab

Course Prerequisites: Web technologies

Course Objectives
1. To know the modeling technologies for Web Applications.
2. To know methods and strategies for personalized web-pages.
3. To know Web-based applications based on different real-world examples.
4. To know Challenges and Optimization of Web-based applications.
Course Outcomes
1. Understanding different web modeling techniques, technologies for web personalization.
2. Understanding HTML, CSS rule syntax and principles behind the separation of presentation
from content, server-side scripting.
3. Understanding different real-world adaptive applications.
4. Understanding the problems and challenges, Web page optimization, Web performance
Course Contents

Analysis ,design and implementation of web site


Analysis and design and implementation of web personalization system


Analysis ,design of adaptive and responsive web design


Semantic Web applications and services, Semantic Search, e-learning


Text Books

The Adaptive Web: Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization. Brusilovsky, P.,
Kobsa, A., Neidl, W. (eds.)

Web Optimization, Andrew B. King, OReilly, 2008

Reference Books

Website Optimization Metrics, David Artz, Daniel Shields, and Andrew B. King

Specifications Of Building Scalable Web Sites (Building, Scaling, And Optimizing The
Next Generation Of Web Applications), Cal Henderson, O'Reilly Media, 2006

Search Engine Optimization Secrets, Erik Dafforn, Danny Dover, 2011

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