OJOLNS-10 - II - Invited Editorial PDF
OJOLNS-10 - II - Invited Editorial PDF
OJOLNS-10 - II - Invited Editorial PDF
Balloon Dilation Technology (BDT) was introduced in September, 2005 at the American Academy
of OtolaryngologyAnnual meeting in Los Angeles, CA,
USA. This technology isconsidered disruptive, not
because it interfered with conventional treatment or
patient care, but because it introduced a paradigm shift
for the treatment of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis
(CRS), and it required the otolaryngologist tolearn
catheter-based surgical techniques, a new skill set not
previously taught. Over the past 25 years, there have
been 4 major technological advances in rhinology: the
endoscope, the powered micro-debrider, image guidance systems, and BDT.
The minimally invasive concepts of Messerklinger,
which are founded on understanding the pathophysiology within the transition space, have been validated
by BDT. Hence BDT isconsidered a transition space
tool. The functional elegance of BDT, coupled with
its relative conceptual simplicity, earned BDT descriptors such as innovative, revolutionary, and ingenious.
Unfortunately, disruptive technologies are not easily
or quickly embraced in medicine. There are many reasons forthis, including the belief by many practitioners that they already deliver quality care to their patients and feel comfortable with their existing skill set.
There are well-known examplesof disruptive technologies in other areas of medicine. Today, cardiac catheterization is considered routine for patients with cardiac disease, arthroscopic knee surgery is the standard
of care for orthopedists, and laparoscopic androbotic
surgery has replaced the majority of open abdominal
procedures performed by general surgeons, urologists,
and gynecologists. In fact, it took 15 years for
arthroscopic surgeryto be considered the standard of
care for most knee injuries !
In what follows, we will discuss the tools required
and the theory behind BDT, its application in the treatment of patients with CRS, including exciting data on
functional preservation, the role of the uncinate process, and physiologic gas exchange principles within the
sinus. A review of the pertinent current literature as it
relates to BDT is then followed by a discussion of clinical indications.
*Chief of Otolaryngology
St. Elizabeths Medical Center
Professor of Otolaryngology
Tufts University School of Medicine, USA
Address of Correspondence:
Peter Catalano
Medical Director of Research
Steward Health Care.
The basic BDT system is comprised of several disposable components including suction capable guide
catheters, flexible kink-resistant guide-wires, balls on
dilation catheters of various diameters (3.5, 5, 6, and 7
mm), and a manual pump mechanism to inflate and
deflate the balloon catheters.
Fiberoptic guide-wires, irrigation catheters, and
drug elution balloon catheters have replaced first generation tools. Flouroscopy, initially a requirement of
the technology tohelp guide and confirm proper wire
and balloon placement,is now optional due to the introduction of sinus trans-illumination through a light
wire. Under endoscopic control,the balloon catheter
is then threaded over the guide-wire,positioned properly within the sinus transition space, inflated, and removed. The balloons themselves are non conforming
and therefore can displace bone and tissue with in the
sinus transition space and/or ostia. Balloons are inflated
tobetween 8 and 12 atmospheres to achieve a clinical
In 2008, new sinus balloons were introduced and
provide an important benefit of shape retention between dilations. These balloons deflate in 1/4 the time
of the original balloons and resume their original compressed, wrapped configuration to permit easier passage through the sinus guides and transition spaces on
subsequent applications in the same patient. In 2009,
soft bevel-tipped, flexible suction-ready sinus guides
were introduced to permit atraumatic access to the targeted transition space with the option for suction at
the tip of the guide.
The next generation of improvements, first introduced by Entellus and then by Acclarent emphasize
functional independence by permitting the surgeon to
hold the endoscope in one hand while placing the guide,
introducing the guidewire and advancing the balloon
catheter with the other. An assistant is only needed to
inflate and deflate the balloon.
As previously mentioned, BDT is essentially a transition space tool, targeting primarily the ethmoidal infundibulum and frontal recess. The sphenoid sinus does
not have atransition space and is rarely involved with
inflammatory disease. These transition spaces, per Setliff
, or prechambers, per Messerklinger[2], are slit-like
in nature, having a maximum diameter of 1.52 mm,
and even lessin many symptomatic patients. Placement
of a submillimeter guide-wire and plus-millimeter balloon catheterinto the transition space can be challenging at times, yet still represents the least traumatic means
to access this anatomicarea. Once in place, the balloon
catheter is slowly inflated to10 atm, and during this
process the opposing walls of the transition space are
separated an amount equal to the diameter of the chosen balloon. This prying open of the transition space
occurs via micro-green stick fractures of the immediate
peripheral bone (i.e. uncinate process), which usually
retainsits new position as the sub-structure heals. Thus,
no stent isrequired to maintain the enlarged lumen.
BDT can be used alone as a sole intervention for
one or more sinuses, or in combination with more conventional endoscopic sinus surgical techniques (ESS),
the so-called hybrid procedure. It is most important
for the reader to understand that BDT surgery, like
ESS, only addresses the structural relationship between
the sinus cavity and its communication or connection
to the nasal cavity. Neither intervention changes the
patients biology, allergy status, or reactive airway. By
enlarging the sinus drainage pathway, the patients mucosal reactivity will likely still occur, yet is less likely
to cause sinus obstruction with its associated pain and/
or subsequent infection.
The natural Mechanical and Chemical Defense
The role of the uncinate process remains in question. However, research to evaluate sinus airflow may
provide some important clues. Several years ago,
Nayak, an otolaryngologist in India, performed a few
studies to try to determine the role of the uncinate
process. Nayak[3] first used simple inhalational dye studies with methylene blue comparing dye deposition
within the nose and sinuses in 2 groups of post operative patients, those with and without preservation of
the uncinate process. He found dye within the maxillary and ethmoid cavities when a maxillary antrostomy
(MMA) was performed; however, dye remained only
on the anterior middle turbinate and uncinate process
when the latter were preserved. A MMA is a man-made
enlargement of the natural maxillary ostia that remove
part of the medial wall of the maxilla.
In 2008, Xiongs group[4] in China designed mechanical airflow simulation models using actual human
anatomic CT scan data. In their model, there is mini-
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