Scanning Text To Edit A Document With Omnipage Pro On Workstations 2, 18, 25, 27 and 32 Including Converting A PDF File To A Word File
Scanning Text To Edit A Document With Omnipage Pro On Workstations 2, 18, 25, 27 and 32 Including Converting A PDF File To A Word File
Scanning Text To Edit A Document With Omnipage Pro On Workstations 2, 18, 25, 27 and 32 Including Converting A PDF File To A Word File
518 442-3608
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Begin by reviewing the selections on the Toolbar. 1-2-3 OCR. Settings are commonly set to:
1. Document Source: Scan Black and White
2. Original Layout: Automatic
3. Export Results: Save to file
To convert an image file such as Acrobat PDF to a file for editing purposes using applications
such as Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. From the top-line menu, Select Load Files from the second
dropdown of step 1 of 1-2-3.
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3. The Save to File box automatically displays after OCR is applied and your document appears in the
Text View or after the OCR Proofreader is finished. You may select Cancel, continue scanning
and save later.
OPTION: If you are interrupting your
scanning project and want to continue at a
later time - or want to scan and then perform
OCR Proofreader on all pages at once.
Save the document as an OmniPage Pro
document. From the top line menu: File > Save
OPD. Later, when you return, select File > Open
OPD. Check your settings and continue. When
you are finished, save the file in a format
recognized by your application. Once the file is
saved as an OPD file, it must be exported to be
saved as a different file type. Select File > Export
Results > Save to file.
4. NOTE! Export/Save to file formats. Select carefully the output format of your document.
Select the settings that specify how much formatting of the original document you want to retain.
You have the option of changing your output format. Cancel from Saving. Click on the Text
Window and from the top line menu select View > Text Editor Views > Selecting different screen
views indicates what level of formatting is suitable for your document. When in doubt select
Save As. Export the document with different formatting levels using different file names.
Save to File Choose a file type. File options set to Create one file for all pages
Files of Type Be sure to select the correct
version of the application you are using.
Select save and Launch, the file will display.
Formatting Level: If you selected Save as:
Text, select from the following:
Plain Text: select if decision is to strip the
document of all formatting. All recognized
text is one font type, one column and left
aligned. Suitable for ASCII, plain text and
formats with extension .txt or .rtf Use this
formatting level if you are capturing only the
text and have much editing to do.
Formatted Text: exports one column of text,
retaining font characteristics and some
paragraph formatting. Will save graphics and
tables. This is the most typical selection.
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True page: [typically not selected] Select to retain the original appearance of the scanned
document. Select if very little or no editing is to be accomplished. All page elements are placed in
frames. This is suitable only for file types and applications capable of handling frames or text
boxes. Must select for XML export and for all PDF exports except to the file types PDF edited.
Flowing Page: Select if very little or no editing is to be accomplished. Select this to keep the
original layout-especially when using multiple columns and indent settings--not with frames. Text
will flow from one column to the next.
NOTE: The IMC does not support Microsoft Word on Windows computers.
Select Converter Options. The formatting
level you selected corresponds to the options
selected or not selected. Select the
formatting level first (see step #4) and then
make decisions. Select Apply if you made a
5. Continue with Save. Exit from Text Scanning when done or press
to continue.
Created by Regina Conboy 2/04. Revised: 9/07; 1/08; 9/09; 10/09; 10/12
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