Credit Card

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The key takeaways are that HMMs can be used to model credit card transaction sequences and detect fraud. Transactions are classified into clusters that serve as observation symbols. The HMM is trained using the Baum-Welch algorithm.

The different types of credit card fraud techniques discussed are traditional card related frauds, merchant related frauds, and internet frauds.

The HMM models the sequence of credit card transactions as states and uses spending clusters like low, medium, and high spending as observation symbols. It is trained with normal user behavior using the Baum-Welch algorithm.

Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013

ISSN: 2277 128X

International Journal of Advanced Research in

Computer Science and Software Engineering
Research Paper
Available online at:

Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Model

and Its Performance
Avinash Ingole, Dr. R. C. Thool
Department of IT
S.G.G.S IE & T Nanded.
Abstract Todays world is Internet world. Now-a-day popularity of E-commerce is increasing tremendously. Using
E-commerce people do their financial transaction online like online shopping etc. Most popular mode for online and
offline payment is using credit card, use of credit card has dramatically increased. So as credit card is becoming
popular mode for online financial transactions, at the same time fraud associated with it are also rising. In this paper
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used to model the sequence of operation in credit card transaction processing.
HMM is trained using Baum-Welch algorithm with normal behaviour of cardholder. If an incoming credit card
transaction is not accepted by the trained HMM with sufficiently high probability, it is considered to be fraudulent. At
last we will see the performance of this system with the help of True Positive (TP) and False Positive (FP) parameters.
Keywords Hidden Markov Model, credit card, fraud detection, online shopping, e-commerce (HMM)
Popularity of online shopping is growing day by day. Credit card is the easiest way to do online shopping. According
to an ACNielsen study conducted in 2005 one-tenth of the worlds population is shopping online in same study it is also
mentioned that credit cards are most popular mode of online payment[1]. In US it is found that total number of credit
cards from the four credit card network(VISA, Master Card, American Express, and Discover) is 609 million and 1.28
billion credit cards from above four primary credit card networks plus some other networks (Store, Oil Company and
other)[2]. If we consider the statistics of credit cards in India , it is found that total number of credit cards In India at the
end of December-31-2012 is about 18 to 18.9 million [3][4]. In case of multinational banks, the average balance, or
usage, per borrower for credit card holder has gone up from Rs 61,758 in 2011 to Rs 82,455 in 2012. During the same
period, private bank customers' usage grew from Rs 39,368 to Rs 47,370[3]. As the number of credit card users rises
world-wide, the opportunities for attackers to steal credit card details and, subsequently, commit fraud are also increasing.
In day to day life credit cards are used for purchasing goods and services with the help of virtual card for online
transaction or physical card for offline transaction. Credit Card Fraud is defined as when an individual uses another
individual s credit card for personal reasons while the owner of the card and the card issuer are not aware of the fact that
the card is being used. And the persons using the card has not at all having the connection with the cardholder or the
issuer and has no intention of making the repayments for the purchase they done [5]. Credit card based purchases can be
categorized into two types:1) physical card and 2)virtual card. In a physical-card-based purchase, the cardholder presents
his card physically to a merchant for making a payment. To carry out fraudulent transactions in this kind of purchase, an
attacker has to steal the credit card. If the cardholder does not realize the loss of card, it can lead to a substantial financial
loss to the credit card company. In the second kind of purchase, only some important information about a card (card
number, expiration date, secure code) is required to make the payment. Such purchases are normally done on the Internet
or over the telephone. To commit fraud in these types of purchases, a fraudster simply needs to know the card details.
There are many ways in which fraudsters execute a credit card fraud. As technology changes, so do the technology of
fraudsters, and thus the way in which they go about carrying out fraudulent activities. Frauds can be broadly classified
into three categories, i.e., traditional card related frauds, merchant related frauds and internet frauds. The different types
of methods for committing credit card frauds are described below [6]:
A) Lost/ Stolen Cards
A card is lost / stolen when a legitimate account holder receives a card and loses it or someone steals the card for
criminal purposes. This type of fraud is in essence the easiest way for a fraudster to get hold of other individual's credit
cards without investment in technology. It is also perhaps the hardest form of traditional credit card fraud to tackle.
B) Account Takeover
This type of fraud occurs when a fraudster illegally obtains a valid customers personal information. The fraudster
takes control of (takeover) a legitimate account by either providing the customers account number or the card number.

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June - 2013, pp. 626-632
The fraudster then contacts the card issuer, masquerading as the genuine cardholder, to ask that mail be redirected to a
new address. The fraudster reports card lost and asks for a replacement to be sent.
C) Fake and Counterfeit Cards
The creation of counterfeit cards, together with lost / stolen cards poses highest threat in credit card frauds. Fraudsters
are constantly finding new and more innovative ways to create counterfeit cards. Some of the techniques used for
creating false and counterfeit cards are listed below:
1) Erasing the magnetic strip: A fraudster can tamper an existing card that has been acquired illegally by erasing the
metallic strip with a powerful electro-magnet. The fraudster then tampers with the details on the card so that they match
the details of a valid card, which they may have attained, e.g., from a stolen till roll. When the fraudster begins to use the
card, the cashier will swipe the card through the terminal several times, before realizing that the metallic strip does not
work. The cashier will then proceed to manually input the card details into the terminal.
This form of fraud has high risk because the cashier will be looking at the card closely to read the numbers. Doctored
cards are, as with many of the traditional methods of credit card fraud, becoming an outdated method of illicit
accumulation of either funds or goods.
2) Creating a fake card: A fraudster can create a fake card from scratch using sophisticated machines. This is the most
common type of fraud though fake cards require a lot of effort and skill to produce. Modern cards have many security
features all designed to make it difficult for fraudsters to make good quality forgeries. Holograms have been introduced
in almost all credit cards and are very difficult to forge effectively. Embossing holograms onto the card itself is another
problem for card forgers.
3) Altering card details: A fraudster can alter cards by either re-embossing them by applying heat and pressure to
the information originally embossed on the card by a legitimate card manufacturer or by re-encoding them using
computer software that encodes the magnetic stripe data on the card.
4) Skimming: Most cases of counterfeit fraud involve skimming, a process where genuine data on a cards magnetic
stripe is electronically copied onto another. Skimming is fast emerging as the most popular form of credit card fraud.
Employees/cashiers of business establishments have been found to carry pocket skimming devices, a battery-operated
electronic magnetic stripe reader, with which they swipe customer's cards to get hold of customers card details. The
fraudster does this whilst the customer is waiting for the transaction to be validated through the card terminal. Skimming
takes place unknown to the cardholder and is thus very difficult, if not impossible to trace. In other cases, the details
obtained by skimming are used to carry out fraudulent card-not-present transactions by fraudsters. Often, the cardholder
is unaware of the fraud until a statement arrives showing purchases they did not make.
5) White plastic: A white plastic is a card-size piece of plastic of any color that a fraudster creates and encodes with
legitimate magnetic stripe data for illegal transactions. This card looks like a hotel room key but contains legitimate
magnetic stripe data that fraudsters can use at POS terminals that do not require card validation or verification (for
example, petrol pumps and ATMs).
D) Merchant Related Frauds
Merchant related frauds are initiated either by owners of the merchant establishment or their employees. The types of
frauds initiated by merchants are described below:
1) Merchant Collusion This type of fraud occurs when merchant owners and/or their employees conspire to commit
fraud using their customers (cardholder) accounts and/or personal information. Merchant owners and/or their employees
pass on the information about cardholders to fraudsters.
2) Triangulation The fraudster in this type of fraud operates from a web site. Goods are offered at heavily discounted
rates and are also shipped before payment. The fraudulent site appears to be a legitimate auction or a traditional sales site.
The customer while placing orders online provides information such as name, address and valid credit card details to the
site. Once fraudsters receive these details, they order goods from a legitimate site using stolen credit card details. The
fraudster then goes on to purchase other goods using the credit card numbers of the customer. This process is designed to
cause a great deal of initial confusion, and the fraudulent internet company in this manner can operate long enough to
accumulate vast amount of goods purchased with stolen credit card numbers.
E) Internet Related Frauds
The Internet has provided an ideal ground for fraudsters to commit credit card fraud in an easy manner. Fraudsters
have recently begun to operate on a truly transnational Understanding Credit Card Frauds level. With the expansion of
trans-border or 'global' social, economic and political spaces, the internet has become a New World market, capturing
consumers from most countries around the world. The most commonly used techniques in internet fraud are described
1) Site cloning: Site cloning is where fraudsters clone an entire site or just the pages from which you place your order.
Customers have no reason to believe they are not dealing with the company that they wished to purchase goods or
services from because the pages that they are viewing are identical to those of the real site. The cloned or spoofed site
will receive these details and send the customer a receipt of the transaction via email just as the real company would. The
consumer suspects nothing, whilst the fraudsters have all the details they need to commit credit card fraud.
2) False merchant sites: These sites often offer the customer an extremely cheap service. The site requests a
customers complete credit card details such as name and address in return for access to the content of the site. Most of
these sites claim to be free, but require a valid credit card number to verify an individuals age. These sites are set up to
accumulate as many credit card numbers as possible. The sites themselves never charge individuals for the services they

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June - 2013, pp. 626-632
provide. The sites are usually part of a larger criminal network that either uses the details it collects to raise revenues or
sells valid credit card details to small fraudsters.
3) Credit card generators: Credit card number generators are computer programs that generate valid credit card
numbers and expiry dates. These generators work by generating lists of credit card account numbers from a single
account number. The software works by using the mathematical Luhn algorithm that card issuers use to generate other
valid card number combinations. The generators allow users to illegally generate as many numbers as the user desires, in
the form of any of the credit card formats, whether it be American Express, Visa or MasterCard.
A) Impact of Fraud on Cardholders: It's interesting to note that cardholders are the least impacted party due to fraud in
credit card transactions as consumer liability is limited for credit card transactions by the legislation prevailing in most
countries. This is true for both card-present as well as card-not- present scenarios. Many banks even have their own
standards that limit the consumer's liability to a greater extent. They also have a cardholder protection policy in place that
covers for most losses of the cardholder. The cardholder has to just report suspicious charges to the issuing bank, which
in turn investigates the issue with the acquirer and merchant, and processes chargeback for the disputed amount [6].
B) Impact Of Fraud On Merchants: Merchants are the most affected party in a credit card fraud, particularly more in
the card-not-present transactions, as they have to accept full liability for losses due to fraud. Whenever a legitimate
cardholder disputes a credit card charge, the card-issuing bank will send a chargeback to the merchant (through the
acquirer), reversing the credit for the transaction. In case, the merchant does not have any physical evidence (e.g. delivery
signature) available to challenge the cardholders dispute, it is almost impossible to reverse the chargeback. Therefore,
the merchant will have to completely absorb the cost of the fraudulent transaction [6].
C) Impact of Fraud on Banks (Issuer/Acquirer): Based on the scheme rules defined by both MasterCard and Visa, it is
sometimes possible that the Issuer/Acquirer bears the costs of fraud. Even in cases when the Issuer/Acquirer is not
bearing the direct cost of the fraud, there are some indirect costs that will finally be borne by them. Like in the case of
charge backs issued to the merchant, there are administrative and manpower costs that the bank has to incur. The issuers
and acquirers also have to make huge investments in preventing frauds by deploying sophisticated IT systems for
detection of fraudulent transactions [6].
So if we consider above frauds and their impacts it is necessary to have some detection systems. Several credit card
fraud detection systems have been developed by many researchers. In this paper we use Hidden Markov Model to detect
the credit card fraud. HMM use cardholders spending behavior to detect fraud. We model a credit card transaction
processing sequence by the stochastic process of an HMM.
An HMM is a double embedded stochastic process with two hierarchy levels. It can be used to model complicated
stochastic processes as compared to a traditional Markov model. An HMM has a finite set of states governed by a set of
transition probabilities. In a particular state, an outcome or observation can be generated according to an associated
probability distribution. It is only the outcome and not the state that is visible to an external observer.
Mathematically an HMM can be defined as below [7]:
1. N is number states in the model and set of state is S={ S1 , S 2 , S 3 , ....S N }. Where S1 , S 2 , S 3 , ....S N are individual states.


State at any time t is denoted by qt

M is number of distinct observation symbols. Observation symbols correspond to physical output of system
being modeled. We denote set of observation symbols V={ V1 , V2 , V3 , ....VM } and V1 , V2 , V3 , ....VM are individual
observation symbols
State transition probability matrix A=[ aij ] .where a is transition probability from state i to j.


a = P qt 1 S j qt Si , 1 i N ,1 j N ; t 1, 2,...

The observation symbol probability matrix B= [

b j (k )



b j (k )

is the probability distribution of

observation symbol k at state j.

b j k P Vk S j , 1 j N ,1 k M

Initial state distribution = i where

i = P(q S ), 1 i N


O O1 , O2 , O3 ,....OR , where each observation sequence Ot one of the

The observation sequence

observation symbols from V, and R is the number of observations in the sequence.
It is evident that a complete specification of an HMM requires the estimation of two model parameters, N and M, and
three probability distributions A, B, and . We use the notation ( A, B, ) to indicate the complete set of
parameters of the model, where A, B implicitly include N and M.
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June - 2013, pp. 626-632
HMM uses cardholders spending behavior to detect fraud. In our Implementation, three behavior of cardholder are
taken into consideration.
1) Low spending behavior
2) Medium spending behavior
3) High spending behavior.
Different cardholders has their different spending behavior (low, medium, high).Low spending behavior of any
cardholder means cardholder spend low amount, medium spending behavior of any cardholder means cardholder spend
medium amount, high spending behavior of any cardholder means cardholder spend high amount. These profiles are
observation symbols, therefore M=3 [8].
A) Generating Observation Symbols
For each cardholder, we train and maintain an HMM. To find one of the three observation symbols corresponding to
individual cardholders transactions, we run K-means clustering algorithm [9] on past transactions. We use random
numbers as spending amounts in transactions. With clustering algorithm we get three clusters and clusters represent
observation symbols. We then calculate clustering probability of each cluster, which is percentage of number of
transaction in each cluster to total number of transactions.

Fig.1 Spending Distribution of amounts in transactions

Fig.1 is graph between transaction number and transaction amount. It shows spending distribution of 50 transactions. It
indicate that how cardholder spent amounts in 50 transactions. Fig.2 shows three clusters. Transactions in red forms low
spending group, transactions in green form medium spending group, and transactions in blue form high spending group.
These groups are observation symbols in our implementation. Fig 3 indicates that clustering probability of each
observation symbol. In this fig.3 clustering probability of high spending is highest among three. It can be said that
spending profile of given cardholder is high spending. Following equation calculates spending profile.

SP MAX Pi Where Pi percentage of number of transaction those belongs to cluster i, 1 i M


B) An HMM Training
Training of an HMM is an offline process. We use Baum-Welch algorithm to train an HMM. Baum-Welch algorithm
uses observation symbols generated at the end of k-means clustering. At the end of training phase we get an HMM
corresponding to each cardholder. Baum-Welch algorithm is as follow [10]:
Particular observation sequence is O1 , O2 , O3 ....OT .
Initialization: set ( A, B, ) with random initial conditions. The algorithm updates the parameters of iteratively
until convergence, following the procedure below:
The forward procedure: We define:

i t P(O1 , O2 , O3 ,...Ot , St i ) ,

which is the probability of seeing the

partial sequence O1 , O2 , O3 ,...Ot and ending up in state i at time t.

We can efficiently calculate

i t

recursively as:

i t ibi (O1 )


j t 1 bi (Ot 1 ) i (t ).aij


i 1

The backward procedure: This is the probability of the ending partial sequence O1 , O2 , O3 ....OT given that we started at
state i, at time t. We can efficiently calculate
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i (t )


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June - 2013, pp. 626-632
i (T ) 1

i (t ) j (t 1)aij b j (Ot 1 )


j 1

Using and , we can calculate the following variables:

i (t ) P( St i O, )

i (t ) i (t )

j 1


(t ) j (t )

ij (t ) P( St i, St 1 j O, )

i (t )aij j (t 1)b j (Ot 1 )



(t )a (t 1)b (O
i 1 j 1


t 1

having and , one can define update rules as follows:

i i (1)


T 1


t 1
T 1


(t )

(t )

t 1

bi (k )

t 1

Ot ,..Ok

i (t )

(t )
t 1

(Note that summation in nominator of bi (k ) is only over the observed symbols equal to Ok ). Using the updated values
of A, B and , a new iteration is performed until convergence.

Fig.2 data clustering

Fig.3 Clustering Probability

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June - 2013, pp. 626-632
C) Fraud Detection
Let initial sequence of observation symbols of length R up to time t is O1 , O2 , O3 ,...OR . In our implementation we
have taken 50 as length of sequence. We calculate the probability of acceptance of this sequence by HMM, let
probability of acceptance

1 be the

1 P(O1 , O2 , O3 ,...OR ).
At time t+1 sequence is O2 , O3 , O4 ,....OR 1 , let

2 be the probability of acceptance of this sequence

2 P(O2 , O3 , O4 ,....OR1 ) .
Let 1 2

If > 0, it means new sequence is accepted by an HMM with low probability, and it could be a fraud. The new
added transaction is determined to be fraudulent if percentage change in probability is above threshold, that is

Threshold / 1
The threshold value can be learned empirically and Baum-Welch algorithm calculates it automatically. If OR 1 is
malicious, the issuing bank does not approve the transaction, and the FDS discards the symbol. Otherwise, OR 1 is added
in the sequence permanently, and the new sequence is used as the base sequence for determining the validity of the next
transaction [8]. The reason for including new non-malicious symbols in the sequence is to capture the changing spending
behavior of a cardholder. Fig.4 [8] shows complete process flow of our system. Fig.4 indicates that the system is divided
into two parts-one is generating observation symbol and training as shown in fig.4a and other is detection as shown in
fig.4b. Training part is performed offline, whereas detection part is an online process.

Fig.4 Flow diagram

Fig. 5 Performance of system

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June - 2013, pp. 626-632
The performance graph (fig. 5) denotes change in accuracy of system with respect to change in mean of the
distribution function. For True Positive, we take fraud transactions as the baseline and for False Positive; we took
genuine transactions as the baseline. In fig 5, it is noted that when accuracy of the true positive is going up corresponding
accuracy of false positive is going down. We use standard metrics [11]-True Positive (TP) represents the fraction of
fraudulent transactions correctly identified as fraudulent, whereas False Positive (FP) is the fraction of genuine
transactions identified as fraudulent.
In this paper we used an HMM in detection of credit card fraud. We modeled the sequence of transactions in credit
card processing using an HMM. We have used clusters that are generated by using k-means clustering algorithm as our
observation symbols. In our implementation we took three observation symbol which are spending ranges of cardholder
that are low, medium, and high, where as the type of item have been considered to be states of an HMM. An HMM is
trained with Baum-Welch algorithm for each cardholder. It has been also explained that how an HMM can detect
whether the incoming transaction is fraudulent or not. Finally we calculate d the performance of system using TP and FP
metrics and it is observed that accuracy of system is near to 75%.
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