Analysis of The Thermal Efficiency For A Steam Injection Process Applied To A Thin Heavy Oil Reservoir From The Northeast of Brazil

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125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593



Gurgel, A. R. 1; b Diniz, A. A. R.; b Arajo Jr, A. D. A.; b Rodrigues, M. A. F.;


da Mata, W.; b Dutra Jr, T. V.

Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-rido - UFERSA, Departamento de Cincias Ambientais e Tecnolgicas, RN, Brasil

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, Centro de Cincias Exatas e da Terra/Centro de Tecnologia, RN,

The use of steam injection in the recovery of heavy oils leads to improved results. During the process, only
a fraction of the injected heat will warm up the porous media effectively due to heat losses within the
injection lines and to formations adjacent to the productive zone. One way of measuring the amount of
heat present in the porous media is through thermal efficiency. Therefore, this research proposes a more
accurate way of investigating the amount of heat provided and actually used within the reservoir rock. To
perform this study, a semi synthetic numerical model was developed, in a system with a Cartesian grid. It
used a high viscosity oil, similar to those found in the Northeast region of Brazil, specifically in the Potiguar
Basin, produced through an inverted quarter five spot. By varying the operational parameters (steam
injection and steam quality), one observed the behavior of thermal efficiency curves, through a period of
15 years, for an oil net pay of 10m. The study concluded that high steam qualities and steam injection
rates were associated to the lowering of the fraction of the remaining heat at the end of the project. Also,
increased values of steam injection rates resulted in higher thermal efficiencies, before the steam

heavy oil; numerical simulation; reservoir; steam injection; thermal efficiency

To whom all correspondence should be addressed.

Address: Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-rido - UFERSA, Departamento de Cincias Ambientais e Tecnolgicas DCAT
Av. Francisco Mota, 572, Bairro Costa e Silva, Mossor/RN/Brasil | CEP: 59.078-970
Phone: +55 84 99633-9919 |e-mail:


BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

One way of studying the technical viability of
exploring heavy oils is through numerical
simulation, which can be applied to support the
development of new field projects, besides making
possible to control those already being exploited
(Satik et al., 2004). Its use includes the evaluation
and planning of multiple operation strategies, and,
when used properly, it can be one of the most
sophisticated and detailed existing tools for
following and predicting oil and gas recoveries.
Coats et al. (1974) reported that, when evaluating
input data reliability, complexity and level of
sophistication have to be consistent with the
objectives of the project.
Heavy oil recovery relates to the application of
processes known as enhanced oil recovery
methods. Among those methods, the thermal ones
stand out. According to Green & Willhite (1998)
and Barillas et al. (2008), the latter methods can be
subdivided in hot fluids injection (water and steam)
and in-situ combustion. When the heat is
introduced within the reservoir, many phenomena
can happen simultaneously in that porous media,
which can include: fluids viscosity reduction,
distillation of lighter components, and oil volume

Reservoir Simulator), a commercial numerical

simulator, created by the CMG (Computer
Modeling Group). This research aims at
investigating how the thermal efficiency is
influenced by steam injection rate, steam quality,
operational parameters to improve the fraction of
remaining heat applied to hydrocarbons within the
reservoir rock.

To create the reservoirs numerical model, the
methodology was divided in two steps, as detailed
below. First, the model considered the adjustment
of the rock-fluid data using the numerical
simulator. The second step included the
implementation of the way of calculating the
thermal efficiency on the commercial simulator.

2.1 Adjustment of the rock-fluid data on

the numerical simulator
Table 1 presents the rock-fluid data used for the
numerical model.

Table 1. Grid dimensions and reservoir properties.

When an oil reservoir is heated by the injection

of hot fluids, a significant amount of the injected
energy is lost for those adjacent formations. The
fraction of the injected heat that remains within
the reservoir, to heat it, known as thermal
efficiency, is independent from the thermal
method used, which can be either combustion or
injection of hot fluids. The thermal efficiency,
before the arrival of the steam front to the
producer well (breakthrough), is more dependent
on the project time than on other operational
conditions (Prats, 1969).
This study considered a homogenous and
semisynthetic model, produced through an
inverted quarter five spot, and modeled with
characteristics similar to those ones found in the
Northeast of Brazil, especially in the Potiguar Basin.
From this base model, a design of experiments
(DOE) was performed and a factorial planning with
33 cases was defined, resulting in 27 cases
(simulations). The evaluation of this system used
STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes



Reservoir area (m )
Oil zone thickness, h (m)
Reservoir depth (m)
Number of blocks through i, j, k
Average oil saturation in the pay
zone (%)
Horizontal permeability (Kh, mD)
Vertical permeability (Kv, mD)
Porosity (%)
Initial temperature (K)
Initial pressure at the top of
reservoir (kPa)
Original oil in place (m )
Effective compressibility of
formation, 1/kPa
Injection well maximum pressure
constraint, kPa
Production well minimum pressure
constraint, kPa

100 x 100
25, 25, 10
0.1 x Kh

4.35 x 10


BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

100m, oil net pay of 10m (with no water zone), and

a distance between the injector and producer wells
of 140m.

Figure 1. Systems 3D model.

Figure 1 shows the physical dimensions of the

numerical model created on the commercial
simulator. As one can observe in Figure 1, the
model represents an inverted quarter five spot
configuration, with the dimensions of 100m x

The fluid (viscous heavy oil) was modeled by

using the WinProp commercial simulator, by the
CMG (Computer Modeling Group Ltd.), with
characteristics similar to those ones found in the
Potiguar Basin, an onshore field located in the
Northeast of Brazil. The fluids model took into
consideration the differential liberation data,
obtained from the oil sample, containing the
following pieces of information: oil formation
volume factor (Bo); solution gas/oil ratio (Rs);
fluids density (o), and oil viscosity (o). These
experimental data were adjusted, according to
thermodynamic functions available on the software
and Peng-Robinson equations of state, to create
curves close to the ones of the available data.
Figure 2 presents the experimental data (red
points) for Bo (a), Rs (b), o (c), as a function of the
pressure, and for o (d), as a function of the
temperature, and also their adjusted curves. The
software performed the adjustments.

Figure 2. Comparison between experimental data and the adjustment performed by the software for the oil
formation volume factor (Bo); solution gas/oil ratio (Rs); fluids density (o), and oil viscosity (o).


BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

Where, Qprod is the heat produced by the

reservoirs producer wells.

Table 2. Operational parameters of the reservoirs

numerical model.
Operational parameter
Steam quality (%)
Steam injection rate (t/day)
Surface liquid rate (m std/day)
Minimum pressure for the producer well
Maximum injection pressure (kPa)
Steam temperature (K)


The remaining heat within the reservoir (Qrm) is

the difference between the total net injected heat
(Qlinj) and the heat lost to formations, from the top
and base, (Ql). It is expressed by the Equation (4) as

Qrm Qlinj Ql


Which can be written, in terms of the total

injected and produced heats, as:
The data defined for the
parameters are presented in Table 2.


These operational parameters were chosen

based on operational criteria usually adopted by
the teams that work in the studied region (Potiguar

2.2 Implementation of thermal efficiency

To generate thermal efficiency curves on the
simulator, the thermal efficiency (Eh) equation had
to be rewritten. Thermal efficiency can be defined
as the fraction of the net injected heat that
remains within the reservoir (Prats, 1969) and can
be written as a function of the total net injected
heat (Qinj) and the heat lost to the adjacent
formations (Ql) in the following ways:

Eh 1





Qlinj Ql


Where, Qlinj is the amount of the net injected heat,

which is the difference between the total heat,
injected by all the injector wells, reduced by the
heat produced by all the production wells.
Mathematically, Qlinj can be expressed as:

Qlinj Qinj Qprod



Qrm Qinj Qprod Ql


Thus, Equation (2) is now written as a function

of Qac, Ql, and Qlinj, as:


Qinj Qprod Ql
Qinj Qprod






Equation (7) was used in the commercial

simulator to generate thermal efficiency curves as
a function of the simulation time for all cases
For this study, the commercial simulator and
the analytic model had their operational and
reservoir parameters defined according to the
influence criteria imposed by the equations
proposed by Marx & Langenheim (1959), Prats
(1969), Mandl & Volek (1969), and Myhill &
Stegemeier (1978). Gomaa (1980), in his research,
concluded that very thick reservoirs, with high
steam injection rates and steam qualities, would
improve oil recovery efficiency. Hence, steam
injection rate (Qinj) and steam quality (X(%)) were
selected to be the operational parameters
evaluated in this study.
Based on the criterion of the recovery factor as
a function of the injected pore volume (IPV), a
study was performed to choose the three levels of
the injection rate. These levels were defined as
minimum (-1), intermediate (0), and maximum (+1)

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

cumulatively in time. The analyses did not use

analytical models obtained from mathematical
hypothesis, despite knowing that the equation for
the thermal efficiency, implemented in the
simulator, was based on the study of analytical
models obtained from important authors.

Table 3. Design of experiments (DOE): full factorial

planning, with 3 cases.
Qinj (t/day)
X (%)
c (%)




The full factorial design defined for this

research, with 33 cases, had the parameters and
factors shown in Table 3.

Table 4. Steam injection rates for the thickness of


Table 3 lists the following input parameters:

steam rate (Qinj), steam quality (X (%)), and well
completions (c (%)) for the producer and injector
wells, which are expected to influence the thermal
efficiency for a 15-year project. In this case, c
(%)=100 means that, for an oil net pay of 10m,
both injector and producer wells are completed for
the entire interval (oil zone).





The IPV was defined as the quotient between
the cumulative volume of the injected steam over
time and the reservoir pore volume.
Mathematically, it can be expressed by Equation





Where Winj is the cumulative volume of injected

steam, m3, and PV is the pore volume, m3.
Therefore, based on RF and IPV, numerical
simulations were performed and charts of recovery
factor in function of IPV were created to make
possible verifying the points where it could be
obtained high RF values with low IPV values. This
procedure was adopted to define an adequate
interval of flow rates to be used for the oil net pay
of 10m.
The uniqueness of this study is that it evaluates
the thermal efficiency as a function of time and not
as a function of dimensionless time, once that the
commercial simulator does not express its results
in dimensionless time. Moreover, in the oil
industry, it is more common to evaluate EOR
projects, as a function of time, in years. Results
were obtained for different values of heat
injection, produced heat, and heat lost to adjacent
formations. All these energies were analyzed

Table 4 presents the injection rates to be tested

in this reservoir with 10m of thickness and oil net
pay. During this analysis, all the reservoir
parameters (horizontal (Kh) and vertical (Kv)
permeabilities, porosity (), fluid saturation (S))
and some operational parameters (distance
between wells (d), wells completion (c(%)), steam
quality (X(%)) were kept constant. The present
comparative study varied the steam injection rate
(Qinj) to determine the recovery factor (RF(%)) and
the injected pore volume (IPV). The goal was to
obtain the highest oil recovery, minimizing the
injected pore volume, and to choose the three
levels of the steam injection rate. For these tests,
the steam quality (X(%)) was kept at 50%, and the
well completion (c(%)) was set at 100%.
Table 5 presents results for the oil recovery
factor, as a function of time, for all the simulations
performed in this reservoir, with the thickness (oil
net pay) of 10m. From Table 5, one can observe
that the highest oil recovery factor was obtained by
injecting a steam rate of 20 t/day. However, the
steam injection rate increase resulted in successive
oil recovery factor decreases. This result probably
is associated to the anticipation of the steam
breakthrough, which happens as a result of
increasing the steam injection rate, reducing the
accumulation of pressure within the reservoir rock.
This effect will be reviewed later in this paper.


BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

Table 5. Oil recovery factor (%RF) for seven steam

injections, during 15 years of simulation time,
considering the reservoir thickness (oil net pay) of
Rate (t/day)




To understand what happens within the

reservoir rock, gas saturation maps were ser, as
shown in Figure 3, considering two steam rates (20
t/day and 45 t/day), in two different project times
(6 and 15 years). Those values were chosen
because, according to the results presented in
Table 5, they represent the highest FR (Qinj=20
t/day) and the lowest (Qinj=45 t/day) values.
Figure 3 shows that, for 6 years of production,
early gas production occurred in the case where
the steam injection was 45 t/day, when compared
to the one where the steam injection was 20 t/day.
On the other side, at the final project time (15
years), one could verify that, by keeping the

injection rate at 20 t/day, largest amount of swept

oil took place. It shows that the effect of the oil
displacement by the steam was stronger when it
used lower steam rates, even when the time to
recover the oil was more expressive.
A possible explanation to these phenomena can
be obtained by analyzing pressure maps though
the time, showed in Figure 4.
As seen in Figure 4, a higher amount of
recovered oil is associated with a higher pressure
level stored in the porous media, which was
obtained by injecting the steam rate of 20 t/day (a,
c, and e). This may be associated to the delay of
the steam breakthrough, which favors the
accumulation of pressure (represented through the
time by the average pressure ) and energy, in
the way of steam, giving a higher swept efficiency,
when compared to the case where the steam was
injected with the highest rate.
An evaluation of the oil recovery factor in
function of IPV (injected pore volume) is presented
in Figure 5. In this figure one can observe that the
first sharp change in the curves (between 1.5 and
2.5 IPVs) represents the steam volume needed to
the arrival of the warm steam bank to the producer
well. On the other side, the second sharp change
(from 3.5 IPVs) is related to the volume of steam
needed to reach the highest oil recovery factor.
One can also verify that the highest oil recovery



Figure 3. Gas saturation maps for two different steam rates (20 t/day and 45 t/day) in the 6 and 15 year (final
project time), considering the oil net pay of 10m.


BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 4. Pressure maps (psi) for the steam rates of 20 t/day and 45 t/day.

Figure 5. Curves of RF in function of IPV, for seven different steam rates, considering the oil net pay of 10m.

(last point reached by each RF curve) is reached for

an IPV of about 4.2. Hence, injecting more than 4.2
means wasting energy because, based on Figure 5,
there is no increase in oil recovery factor for higher
steam injection rates. On the contrary, when the
steam injection rate is increased above 20 t/day

there is a decrease in the oil recovery factor.

However, to analyze the oil recovery factor and
thermal efficiency, the best injection rate (20
t/day) along with two more rates (25 t/day and 30
t/day) were selected, presenting the 2nd and 3rd
highest oil recovery factors.


BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

among those operational parameters, identifying

the ones statistically more significant in terms of
thermal efficiency at the end of the project time.

Figure 6. Pareto chart used for evaluating the

thermal efficiency (Eh), in 15 years, considering a
reservoir thickness of 10m (oil net pay).

After defining the steam rates to be tested, the

thermal efficiency was analyzed as a function of
the following operational parameters of the
numerical model: steam injection rate (Qinj,), steam
quality (X(%)), and well completion (c(%)) for
producer and injector wells. For this analysis, it was
performed a full factorial planning, with 33 cases,
which resulted in 27 simulations, combining the
parameters and levels listed in Table 3. This study
was evaluated statistically by creating a Pareto
From simulation results, a Pareto chart, shown
in Figure 6, summarized the data of the15-year
project. This analysis studied the interactions

Figure 6 presents, in descending order,

individual effects of the following parameters:
steam quality (X (%)), steam injection rate (Qinj,),
and well completions (c (%)). From the chart, one
can verify that linear effects of steam quality (X
(%)), steam injection rate (Qinj,), and well
completions (c (%)) influenced negatively the
thermal efficiency (Eh(%)). In relation to the first
two parameters, this answer can be associated to
high heat losses on the way to the producer well,
after the heat breakthrough, when the steam is
injected with high rates and steam qualities. In this
scenario, there is a decrease in the remaining heat,
while there is an increase in the heat production
after the heat breakthrough. Regarding the well
completion, high values of this parameter result in
decreasing the thermal efficiency. This can be due
to the fact that, by having a longer interval of well
completion (c (%)=100), there is a bigger area open
to the heat flow in the producer well, what favors a
high heat production through the well, contributing
to the reduction of the thermal efficiency.
From Figure 7, one can observe that, by keeping
the well completion in c(%)=100 and the steam
quality in X(%)=50, there is a continuous decrease
in the fraction of the remaining heat over the time.
Besides that, higher values of steam injection rate
resulted in a higher thermal efficiency, before the

Figure 7. Curves of thermal efficiencies, as a function of injection time, for three different steam injection rates,
considering a reservoir thickness of 10m (oil net pay).


BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593


Figure 8. Evaluation of the heat breakthrough for 6 year of project.


Figure 9. Evaluation of the heat breakthrough for the 8 year of project.

heat breakthrough in the producer well. This

happens because there is more remaining heat at
higher steam injection rates. However, after the
steam breakthrough, there is a sharp drop in
thermal efficiency, followed by an inversion in the
curves up to the 15th year, where they tend to
match again. This phenomenon happens because
the energy, in the form of heat within the steam,
after the steam breakthrough, keeps being
produced, instead of heating the reservoir-rock.
To evaluate the best behavior for the
temperature within the reservoir, Figures 8 and 9
present temperature maps for the 6th and 8th years,
by keeping the steam injection rate in 20 t/day, 25
t/day, and 30 t/day. This analysis was performed by
considering c(%)=100 and X(%)=50.

From the temperature maps shown in Figure 8,

considering three different steam injection rates
(20 t/day, 25 t/day, and 30 t/day), one can verify
that the steam breakthrough happened at the 6th
year of project, but just for 25 t/day and 30 t/day.
Figures 8(b) and 8(c) show that there is a
temperature variation at the region where the
producer well is located, indicating that the heat,
used to warm up the reservoir, is being produced
at the time. The average temperature within the
reservoir also is higher when the steam injection
rate is 30 t/day, see Figure 8(c). This temperature
variation explains the reason behind the thermal
efficiency decrease at the time. In this case, there is
an anticipation in the heat production supplied to
the reservoir, resulting in a decreased amount of
remaining heat within the reservoir rock. At this


BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 10. Curves of thermal efficiency as a function of the injection time for three different steam qualities (25%,
50%, and 75%), considering a reservoir thickness of 10m (oil net pay).

Figure 11. Temperature maps (F) for the reservoir with steam qualities of 25%, 50%, and 75%, considering a
reservoir thickness of 10m (oil net pay).

same time, for the steam injection of 20 t/day,

there was no heat production, hence, the thermal
efficiency value was higher for this rate. However,
from the 8th year, Figure 9(a) shows that, for the
lower steam rate (20 t/day), the heat production
began through the producer well.
Figures 10 and 11 display the results obtained
for the evaluation of steam quality, considering the
steam injection rate of 20 t/day, and the well
completion for the producer and injector wells
along the entire interval (c(%)=100), with three
different steam qualities: 25%, 50%, and 75%.


From the results presented in Figure 10, one can

verify that, from the beginning up to the 7th year,
the thermal efficiencies matched for all steam
qualities studied. However, after the steam
breakthrough, one can see that, for the highest
steam quality (X(%)=75%), there is a sharp drop in
the fraction of remaining heat within the reservoir.
From Figure 11, one can conclude that the drop
happened because the steam bank arrived to the
producer well. At that time (9th year), one can
observe that the reservoir has a region quite
heated, as a consequence of having a high amount
of heat in the steam, for the highest steam quality

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 9 n. 4 | p. 125-136 | 2015 | ISSN 1982-0593

(X(%)=75). From these observations, one can infer

that, in that case, much of the heat has already
been injected to warm up the reservoir, resulting in
a continuous loss of energy in the top and base
layers, and also in the producer well.
According to the results obtained, one can
conclude that theres a relationship between high
steam qualities and steam injection rates and the
reduction in the fraction of remaining heat, at the
end of the 15 years of project. The high amount of
injected heat is lost to adjacent formations and,
from the steam breakthrough point on, this
amount of heat begins to be produced through the
producer well.

According to the results obtained from the
semisynthetic numerical model, representative of a
reservoir from the Potiguar Basin, one can
conclude that:
The highest oil recovery factor was associated
to a higher amount of pressure stored within
the reservoir, which happened when a steam
rate of 20 t/day was injected;

supplied to the reservoir, resulting in a decrease

in the fraction of remaining heat;
This study focused on thermal efficiency. Future
research will analyze the best results found in
this work to complement this research by
conducting a study of the economic viability of
this process.

The authors of this study would like to thank
CMG (Computer Modelling Group) for the
simulator; LEAP (Laboratrio de Estudos Avanados
de Petrleo) for the infrastructure used to develop
this research; and PPGCEP (Programa de PsGraduao em Cincia e Engenharia de Petrleo)
professors for their dedication to this study.

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the fraction of the remaining heat, at the end of
the 15-year project. Higher values of steam
injection rates resulted in higher thermal
efficiencies, before the steam breakthrough;
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also produced, a sharp decrease in the curves of
thermal efficiency occur after the heat
breakthrough. In this case, there is an
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