Feb 1 Pages - Gowrie

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February 1, 2017


Calhoun, Sac, BV counties win Iowa

Court decision on drainage districts

VOL. 127 NO. 5

Farm groups help counties, financial blow avoided. . .

Des Moines Water Works wont be able to win
damage payments from drainage districts in three northwest Iowa counties accused of sending fertilizers and other pollution unchecked into the Raccoon River, the Iowa
Supreme Court ruled Friday.

The ruling is a blow to the utilitys controversial
lawsuit seeking more accountability from drainage districts in Calhoun, Sac and Buena Vista counties, which
have oversight of improvements to underground tiles
used to drain water from farm fields, making them more

Had the utility won the case, it would have been
an enormous financial burden to Calhoun and the other
two counties stated one attorney, Colin McCullough, a
drainage attorney for Sac Couny.

It is important to note, however, hat DMWW is
still continuing to seek other related legal remedies.

Des Moines Water Works hoped to reverse
nearly a century of legal precedent thats given the districts immunity from being sued for damages. The water

Court decision continued on page 4...

Cub Scouts Pack 42 goes ice fishing

at Moorland pond on Friday, Jan. 20

On Friday, January 20, Pack 42 Cub scouts had
the great opportunity to try their hands at ice fishing at
the Moorland Pond, east of Moorland. Ice fishing has
become the packs annual January event, and this years
ice conditions and timing were great!

Earlier on Friday the DNR stocked the pond

with trout, and in the afternoon former Cubmaster and

future Scoutmaster Jeremy Viles set up and provided
ice fishing supplies for scouts and scout families to

Scouts enjoyed fishing, exploring the pond

Swanson Florists ready

for Valentines Day;
3-generation business
In Gowrie. . .

Swanson Florists and Garden Center, Gowrie, is
prepared for Valentines Day set Tuesday, Feb. 14.

The floral business has been in Gowrie for three
generations, over 80 years, and is located at 1011 Mariam
Street. It is owned and operated by Carole Thompson.

According to Carole, Swanson Florists and Garden Center was started in the early 1930s by her grandparents, Albert and Florence Swanson. They started by
selling bedding plants to the public and a local grocery
store out of the small lean-to on the side of their garage.

This worked well and eventually the greenhouse
was built. Caroles parents, Richard and Irene Swanson,
took over the business and eventually passed it on to Carole when she assumed ownership in 1982.

Carol continues to sell flowers for all occasions:
holidays, weddings, funerals, get well, birthdays, anniversaries and just because.

Swanson Florist and Greenhouse handles all floral needs year round including Prom corsages
and boutonnieres, Memorial Day planter
boxes, annuals and perennials, garden vegetables, Christmas greenery and Poinsettias.

With Valentines day just
around the corner she has a large selection of roses, Valentine arrangements,
gifts, blooming plants, chocolate
and plush animals. Stop by
the shop at 1011 Mariam
Street or give
Carole a
call at

Cub Scouts continued on page 2...

Jaguar of Week award begins

at Southeast Valley High School
Rotating SV staff member makes award. . .

The staff at Southeast Valley High School will
be naming a Jaguar of the Week, a new form of recognition for SV high school students.

Each week the Southeast Valley High School
staff chooses a student who they feel is deserving of the
title Jaguar of the Week. This means that a member of
Southeast Valley staff noticed this student doing some-

thing that stood out from the crowd. At Southeast Valley

High School, we know that the students who work hard
and behave in positive ways succeed highly in all areas of
their life.

Each member of the staff at Southeast Valley

Jaguar of week continued on page 2...

Visit www.daytongowrienews.com for your local news...

February 1, 2017


Landus Coop highlights reports

on 184-acre Research Plot in Farnhamville
Feb. 6 in Paton. . .

Landus Cooperative will have an informative
meeting for farmers on Monday, Feb. 6, at 209 Main Restaurant in Paton.

Registration for all events begins at 9:30 a.m.
with the meeting beginning at 10:00 a.m. There are also
many other meeting dates.

Area growers are invited to a series of informational sessions to learn about results from the largest
farmer-owned cooperative research plot in the nation.

Landus Cooperatives agronomy team will highlight four years of data from the cooperatives 184-acre
Research Plot in Farnhamville, Iowa as well as results
from nearly 90 corn and soybean seed plots statewide.

This is a mass of field data results not available

Thursday, Feb 2
Gowrie Fire Dept., 7:00 p.m. at the fire station.
Monday, Feb 6
Harcourt TOPS, 8:00 a.m. at Faith Lutheran
Church Harcourt.
Cub Scout Pack 42, 6:00 p.m. at the
Callender Heritage Library/Community Center
Tuesday, Feb 7
Farnhamville American Legion Post #510 and Sons
of the American Legion, 7:00 p.m., Legion building.
Rose Lodge #506, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb 8
Farnhamville Fire Dept., 7:30 p.m. at the
fire station.
Gowrie Parks Board, 6:45 p.m. at the civic center.
To have the date and time of your organizations
meeting listed here, call the Gowrie News at 3523325 or email us at gnews@wccta.net


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by any other farmer-owned agronomy retailer in the nation, explained the cooperatives director of agronomy,
Todd Claussen. Our team has done the work to drill
down to actionable steps our growers can take to improve
their bottom line.

Sessions will focus on the return on investment
(ROI) for a variety of management practices and issues
including Sudden Death Syndrome, the impact of seed
rate as compared to planting date as well as the benefits
of fungicide.

Jaguar of week...
continued from page...
High School (including cooks, secretaries and teachers )
will at some point have the opportunity to pick a student
for the Jaguar of the week.

Basically, one staff member is selected each
week to nominate who they think is deserving of the Jag
of the Week. They make their nomination and Mr. Heinrich has the final approval if it is okay to give that student
the title.

The student doesnt know which staff member
picked them, they just know that they were noticed for
doing something positive. Once the student is picked we
send a letter home, give the student some prizes (shirt,
budge pass to lunch and a gift card to the bakery) and
send it off to the newspaper.

The award started a few weeks ago and intially
it was to be made once per month. Then it was changed
to be a once per week award.

Because of that change there are three awards
being announced inside this weeks edition. After this
week there will be one award given per week.

Cub Scouts...
continued from page...

and ice, staying warm with hot cocoa, and at last count
only one person had stepped in an ice fishing hole!

Scouts are now gearing up for our annual Pack
42 Pinewood Derby on February 19th, and the Twin
Lakes District Pinewood Derby on February 26th.

Daven Rees
The Jaguar for the
week for January 30thFebruary 3 is Daven Rees!
Daven is polite, good
helper in the concession
stand and is respectful to
his peers and staff.
Jaguar of Week recognition is made by a different
staff member on a rotating basis each week at Southeast
Valley High School.

Robert Jepsen

The Jaguar for the week

for January 23-27th is Robert
because he is a very
conscientious student, he
helps make class fun with
his sense of humor and he
has been a great addition to
the freshman class. Congrats
Jaguar of Week recognition is made by a different
staff member on a rotating basis each week at Southeast
Valley High School.

Ramona Thompson

The Jaguar for the week

for January 9-13th is Ramona
Ramona shows good
character during cat pack
activities, she is a hard worker
in her classes, she displays
high character in behavior
and class discussions and
she is always willing to help
tutor students when needed.
Congrats Ramona!!
Jaguar of Week recognition is made by a different
staff member on a rotating basis each week at Southeast
Valley High School.

Pack 42 Cub scouts had the great opportunity to
try their hands at ice fishing at the Moorland Pond, east of

Trout stocking Feb. 4

at Ada Hayden Lake
pending ice conditions

Ada Hayden Heritage Park Lake--Rainbow
Trout - No Report: The next trout stocking will be Saturday, Feb. 4th at noon pending good ice conditions. A
decision will be made early in the week of Jan. 30th.

Don Williams Lake--Black Crappie - Good:
Use wax worms or minnows. Target the mid-lake section
at depths of 15-25 feet; schools of crappie are moving
through suspended.

Brushy Creek ice variable;

Moorland Pond fishing good

Brushy Creek Lake--Ice is variable on Brushy
Creek Lake, especially near shore and areas of inflows.
Expect some open areas near flooded timber and near
shore. Use extreme caution and test ice thickness often
when venturing out. Bluegill - Fair: Use a small jig tipped
with a wax worm. Black Crappie - Fair: Try wax worms
and minnows fished on a small jig.

Moorland Pond--Approximately 1,500 rainbow trout were stocked on Jan. 20th. Fishing was excellent during the stocking event. Fishing remains good for
days and even weeks after the event. Use live minnows
fished under a bobber. Try also small tube and twister
jigs, in-line spinners and casting spoons.

Zion Lutheran Church

Womens Bible Study
Thursday, Feb. 2 at 9 a.m. . .

Wednesday, February 1 Youth Bells will begin

at 4 p.m. Confirmation Class will meet at 7 p.m. Vesper
Ringers will meet at 7 p.m.

Thursday, February 2 a Womens Bible Study
will begin at 9 a.m.; Saturday, February 4 Worship will
begin at 5 p.m.

Tuesday, February 7 the GCC taped service will
begin at 10 a.m.

Wednesday, February 8 Youth Bells will begin
at 4 p.m. Confirmation Class will begin at 7 p.m. Vesper
Ringers will being at 7 p.m.

February 1, 2017


Picard benefit was a huge success...

There really isnt much more to say than WOW! We would like to recognize everyone that donated, baked, and

There were over 200 people who attended. Gowrie is an awesome community!

tattended the Picard Benefit Sunday, Jan. 22!

Card of Thanks!

Pete Jorgenson and wife were humbled by the outcome and support as they attended the Benefit on Jan. 22.

The family of Mike Picard

would like to thank the great people of
Gowrie and surrounding areas for their
love, kindness, and support.

A special thank you to Aaron,
Julie, Rick, Terry, and Pam for their
hours of hard work and the silent auction
donors for their compassion
and generosity.
Thank you!!!
The family of Mike Picard

1108 Market Street, P.O. Box 473

Gowrie, IA 50543-0473
Ph.: 515-352-3325 Fax: 515-352-3309
email: gnews@wccta.net www.daytongowrienews.com

Hillary Hanson, Chad Lyons

Hillary Hanson, West Des Moines and Chad Lyons, Des Moines announced their engagement and wedding plans.

Hillary ,who is a 2010 graduate of Prairie Valley
High School, and Chad will be married May 6, 2017 at
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Callender.

Hillary is the daughter of Dave and Ruth Hanson,
Gowrie and Chad is the son of Glenn and Holly Lyons of

Hillary graduated from Iowa State University in
2014 with a degree in Agricultural studies. She is currently employed at Praedium Ventures.

Chad, a 2000 graduate of Humbolt High School,
also graduated from Des Moines Area Community College in 2004. Chad has a degree in Criminal Justice and
Business Administration and is employed at Wells Fargo.

Our Saviours Lutheran

Grief Share Class to meet
Thursday, Feb. 2. . .

Wednesday, February 1 Wednesday Supper &

Sunday School will begin at 5:30 p.m. Confirmation will

begin in the Fireside room at 6 p.m.

Thursday, February 2 GriefShare Class will begin in the fireside Room at 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal will
begin at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Feb. 4 Mens Group will meet at 9
a.m. in the Fireside Room.

Sunday, Feb. 5 Worship with Holy Communion
will begin at 9:15 a.m. Fellowship Coffee will begin at
10:15 a.m. Sunday School will begin at 10:30 a.m. Adult
Forum will begin in the Fireside Room at 11 a.m.

Monday, Feb. 6 Bible study with Don Doolittle
will begin at 7 p.m. in the Fireside Room.

Wednesday, Feb. 8 Wednesday Supper & Sunday School will begin at 5:30 p.m. Confirmation will begin at 6 p.m. in the Fireside Room; Youth WNW.

~ Email your news to gnews@wccta.net ~


Along with many great silent auction items there
was also a table full of desserts during the Picard Benefit
last Sunday, Jan. 22.

Buena Vista University

announces Deans List
For Terms one and two. . .
The following students have been named to
Buena Vista Universitys Deans List for terms one and

Students named to the Deans List must have
a minimum grade point average of 3.5 for the semester,
based on a 4.0 grade point system, and must have taken at
least 12 hours of coursework.

The following students were named to the
Deans list: Nicole Olson and Jessica Peterson of Moorland; both students attend BVUs Fort Dodge site.

Glenn Schreiber, Editor and Publisher

Tonya Harrison, Graphic Designer,
Mary Ann Young, Clerical Manager and Sales
Jeff Heck, Photographer
Official County Newspaper (USPS 224-240). A local newspaper as prescribed by law. Published weekly by The Gowrie
News, 1108 Market Street, Gowrie, Iowa 50543. Periodicals
postage paid at the Post Office at Gowrie, Iowa 50543.
Within the State of Iowa - $3000 Per Year
Out of state - $3300 Per Year
Snowbird - $32 00 Per Year
first 15 words,
Card of Thanks................................................$650 20 per
word thereafter
POSTMASTER: Send address change to
P.O. Box 473, Gowrie, IA 50543

Vosberg Enterprises LLC

Wednesday, Feb 1 - Swiss Style Gr. Beef, Squash, Scalloped Cabbage
,Blushing Pears, Tomato Juice
Thursday, Feb 2 - Turkey & Dumplings, Asparagus, Mixed Fruit, OJ
Friday, Feb 3 - Italian Meatloaf, Roasted Red Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts with
Cranberries, Cinnamon Apples w/Crunchy Top
Monday, Feb 6 - Spaghetti, Tossed Salad, Apricots, French Bread
Tuesday, Feb 7 - Liver & Onions or Beef Patty, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli,
Oranges and Pineapple
Wednesday, Feb 8 - Baked Chicken, Baked Potato, Peas, Cinnamon Raisin,
Applesauce, Tomato Juice

~ www.daytongowrienews.com ~

February 1, 2017


Guess who will be

87 on Feb. 2

A small pain was sympton

of a much bigger problem. . .

It was a Thursday morning in January and it was a
typical work day.

About 11 a.m. I felt a small, dull pain in my chest
and at first I ignored it. Fifteen minutes later I started to think
about what might be happening although it was only one tiny
symptom. I googled symptoms of a heart attack and there really
werent any symptons present and then I thought that the slight
pain was perhaps heartburn.

I casually discussed a few remedies with my fiance
Mary Ann. In the next hour or so I used Pepto Bismol and
various antacids to sooth the ache. But it didnt go away.

Mary Ann had her own thoughts and she called her
sister Sherry, who is a nurse in Pennsylvania. Mary Ann admonished me to talk to her sister on the phone which I did immediately. Sherry, in a concise but firm manner, urged me to go
to a hospital emergency unit to be tested for any type of heart
problem. I agreed.

Except for that persistent dull ache in a small area
of my chest I felt very good. I was rather confident that there
werent any real problems. We had a business stop in Fort
Dodge so we went to the Emergency Department at Unity
Point Hospital in Fort Dodge. Upon arrival I was immediately
asked many questions about my health history and heart problems in my family. I have been fortunate to have a good health
history and family health history has been very good.

I was given an EKG, my blood pressure was taken,
I had a chest X-Ray, and my blood was tested. None of these
first three tests indicated any possible heart problems and the
doctors and nurses expressed their thoughts that I would be going home relatively soon. But then the blood test results were
disclosed. There was a small but significant level of Troponin
in my blood.

One doctor immediately stated that I would be staying overnight in the hospital. Later that afternoon and evening
the Troponin levels were rising. I continued to feel good except
I continued to experience that small, dull pain in my chest. In
the early evening, after seeing the Troponin levels rise, an Angiogram was scheduled for the following morning. An Angiogram allows doctors to examine a patients arteries and veins.

One of my arteries had 100% blockage and one artery had 50 % blockage. An Angioplasty was performed. An
Angioplasty opened the blocked artery which restored blood
flow to my heart. A stent was placed where the blockage occurred to insure continued blood flow.
The doctor
explained what had been done and showed me a drawing of
the heart arteries and this specific artery that had been blocked.
That dull pain was gone.

After monitoring my heart for a few days in the hospital I was told that I experienced no heart damage. I have to
take some heart medications to thin my blood and protect the
stent that was installed.

But I am totally blessed to retain my good health and
I regard this as a small miracle and a gift from God. If I had ignored that one tiny symptom I could have experienced a major
heart attack and died or I could have experienced significant
heart damage resulting in numerous health problems including
shortness of breath.

I did discuss my experience with a local doctor who
had an even more amazing story. Her father was very thin,
was an ardent exercise enthusiast and a person who had a very
healthy diet. One day at age 56 her father felt a sudden burst of
pain and he died a few minutes later. He had done everything
right but he still died of a sudden heart attack.

But she did have one other story involving her husband who sought immediate treatment and prevented a major
heart attack and possible death.

I was doing just about everything right. I dont
smoke. Ive had a high fiber diet for many years now and my
weight is fine. The only red flag for me for my life style was my
stress level and I am just going to trust God to handle that for

I firmly believe that God has me on this earth a little
longer for a reason. I feel so blessed to be given a little longer
time period on this earth.



Brian Reese
Jenny Conrad, Kim Martin
Kathy Field
Doug Johnson, Carrick Maguire
Paul Coon, Rawley King
Alicia Lea, John Winkelbauer
Gary Hall, Linda Reese
Sara Gustofson, Carter Woodruff


Denny and Judy McKenney.

Dylan Johnson of
Gowrie is a Bright
Scholar of Iowa
2016 SV Graduate. . .

Dylan Johnson, a 2016 Southeast Valley High
School graduate, has been named a recipient of the Bright
Scholars of Iowa Award, a distinction that includes a
four-year, full-ride academic scholarship.

Johnson is attending Iowa State University. This
scholarship is one of 52 the Bright Foundation of Des
Moines is funding for worthy Iowa high school graduates
planning to attend Iowa State University, University of
Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, Indian Hills Community College and Southwestern Community College.

It is our mission to use these scholarships to
make a real difference in the lives of young Iowans who
can then make a difference in the world, says Dan Kelly,
managing director of the Bright Foundation.

To be eligible for a Bright Scholars of Iowa
Award, a student must be accepted by one of the universities or community colleges mentioned above. Among
specific academic and financial criteria, preference is
given to students whose parents have not graduated from
an accredited four-year college or university. The award
is renewable for up to three years, providing the student
maintains a 2.50 cumulative GPA. As a part of the application process, the student must submit an essay describing his or her success in the face of adversity. A summary
of high school and community service activities, including leadership roles, is also required.

These students know what its like to work
hard, said Kelly. This gift is just more motivation for
them to pursue their dreams and succeed in college.

For the upcoming 2016-2017 school year, a total of 52 Bright Scholars of Iowa Awards were awarded.
Initiated in 2012, three Iowa high school seniors, each
attending one of the regent universities were recipients of
the Bright Scholars of Iowa Award.

These four-year renewable scholarships are designed to make higher education at Iowa universities and
community colleges possible for talented young Iowans
who may not otherwise have the means to get a college

Lois and H. Dale Bright funded the H. Dale and
Lois Bright Foundation in 1996. Since that time their
Foundation has quietly contributed millions of dollars to
Iowa organizations and charities. Dale died in 1996 at age
86. Lois died in 2012 at age 102.

We worked hard, saved carefully, invested
wisely and gave back when we could, Lois said. I am
always surprised when I remember that such a simple formula produced so much.

To learn more about Bright Scholars of Iowa,
current scholar students, and how to apply, visit http://

Send Birthday Wishes to

Jessie Mohr
Box 414, Gowrie, IA 50543

Court decision...
continued from page...

utility argues that the protection relieves the drainage districts of responsibility to limit farm runoff into streams
and rivers.

In addition to seeking monetary damages, the
utilitys lawsuit aims to get a judges order forcing the
districts to be permitted under the federal Clean Water
Act. Its a move that would increase regulation for about
3,000 districts statewide, and indirectly farmers across
the state and potentially, the nation according to a story
in the Des Moines Register.

That portion of the lawsuit remains unaffected
by the supreme courts ruling and will still move forward
toward a trial.

Were disappointed, but not surprised, said
Bill Stowe, CEO of Des Moines Water Works. The
courts ruling today does nothing to clean up Iowas lakes
rivers and streams.

Were still committed today to continue to
pursue our legal remedies to protect our customers and
consumers from the increasing concerns we have about
public health and safety from pollution from agricultural
producers, said Bill Stowe, CEO of Des Moines Water

Farm groups expressed their satisfaction with
the supreme courts decision to uphold the longstanding
precedent. An Iowa Soybean Association spokesman
hoped that the lawsuit would be dismissed since thelitigation is expensive and divisive.

He said, It also renews our optimism that the
utility will re-engage in a cooperative approach with rural Iowa to make real and long-lasting improvements in
water quality.

The lawsuit fueled fears in Calhoun and the
other two counties that costs could be assessed to taxpayers if the water works ultimately won a damage award at

A verdict against the drainage would have been
devastating, said McCullough, adding that the drainage
districts have no assets. Insurance providers have said
they would not provide coverage for the lawsuit.

Several ag groups have contributed about $1
million to help the counties defend themselves against the
lawsuit. Des Moines Water Works board agreed to spend
up to $1.35 million to pursue the lawsuit.

Justice Thomas Waterman, in writing the majority opinion, said a lawsuit is not the proper method for the
water works to seek repayment for the costs of filtering
nitrates from drinking water. Rather, that policy should
be decided by Iowa lawmakers.

~ Email your news to

gnews@wccta.net ~


Down Memory Lane

February 1, 2017




Nioki and Colleen...

Donald Alvin "Doc" Bennett, 91

Donald Alvin Doc Bennett, of Vienna, was
born on January 4, 1926, at Des Moines, Iowa, a son of
Floyd H. and Grace (Foster) Bennett, and departed this
life at 7:45 p.m., on Saturday, January 28, 2017, in the
Maries Manor Care Center, Vienna. Don had attained the
age of 91 years and 24 days.

Don was united in marriage on May 24, 1951, at
San Antonio, Texas, to the former Miss Irma Lee Namanny, who preceded her husband in death on November 9,
2002. He was also preceded in death by his parents; two
brothers, Gene Bennett and Clair Bennett; one nephew,
Gregory Donald Bennett; and one great-nephew, Paul

On February 3, 1943, at Des Moines, Iowa,
Don entered into active federal service in the Navy of
the United States and served until May 24, 1946, when
he was honorably discharged at Corona, California, at
the rank of Pharmacist Mate Third Class. Don was later
called back into active service on March 1, 1951, at Des
Moines, Iowa, due to the Korean Conflict, and served une
til June 1, 1951, when he was released from service at
Corpus Christi, Texas. During his naval career, Dons
service included serving at numerous duty stations and
aboard the USS South Dakota, and was entitled to wear
the American Area Ribbon, the Asiatic-Pacific Ribbon
with one Silver Star, the Victory Medal World War II,
and the Philippine Liberation Ribbon. A man of exceld
lent character, his Honorable Discharge is a testimonial
of honest and faithful service to our country during World
War II and the Korean Conflict.

Don was a 70 year member of the American
Legion Post 510, Farnhamville, Iowa, and a member of
POCI Pontiac Car Club. Activities he especially enjoyed
included drag racing, NASCAR, attending car shows,
his pet cats, and going to the coffee shop and the Vienna
Senior Citizens Center . He and his wife moved to Calil
fornia in 1963, where he was employed by Community
Pontiac Dealership, Whittier, California, as an auto mechanic for thirty years, retiring in 1993, when he and his
wife moved to Vienna, Missouri, the same year for their
retirement. Dons annual car show at his home in Vienna
became a much anticipated event for twenty years.

Those left to mourn the passing of Don include:
Sister-in-law, Irene VanPatten; and niece, Barbara Jo
Gregg, both of Farnhamville, Iowa; sister-in-law, Louise Bennett; nephew, Korbey Canuto and wife, Crystelle;
and great-nephews and nieces, Ashton, Nakoma, Marley,
Claire, Zoe, and Kingston, all of Vienna; nephew, Tony
Bennett and wife, Diane; niece, Tammy Daniele; and
great-nieces, Amanda McKelvey and Lauren McKelvey;
all of Farmington, New Mexico; niece, Tracy Helton and
husband, Roger, Vienna; sister-in-law, Ann Bennett, Vin
enna; niece, Loann White and husband, Bob, Phoenix,
Arizona; and great-nephews and nieces, Nathanial Neld
son and Joshua Nelson and wife, Meghan , all of Phoenix, Arizona, and Rachel Perry and husband, Robert, Des
Moines, Iowa; great-nephew and niece, Brian Bennett
and Lisa Bennett, both of the state of California; niece,
Dawn Patricia Davis and husband, Jeff, Phoenix, Arizona; and great-niece, Michelle, Kansas City; nephew,
Gene Douglas (Speed) Bennett and wife, Lisa, state of
Washington; nephew, Scott Edward Bennett and wife,
Elva, Vienna; and great-nephew and nieces, Jolie, Kelly
and Adam, Phoenix, Arizona; nephew, Christopher Lynn
Bennett and wife, Donna; and great-nephews and nieces,
Nicole, Alicia, and Ryan, all of the state of Virginia; and
many other relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held for Mr. Donald
Doc Bennett at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday evening, January

Please go with me on another trip back into my
memories of Mission Jamaica and my having had the opportunity to serve at West Haven Childrens Orphanage.
When the orphanage was first established the plan was
to take in babies and very young children and upon their
reaching eighteen would have to be moved on. The Jamaican government was not rich and to my knowledge,
still isnt. They did their best but as word got out about
this place they soon were overcrowded but it was hard
to turn away those children, some with very severe birth
defects or maladies. In Jamaica most families have
trouble supporting children who are normal and there
are just no or few facilities to handle the cases of a nonperfect baby or family abilities to know how or be trained
to do it. As it has turned out, most will be at West Haven
for life. There simply is no other place.

One of the first young women I met at the orphanage was Colleen. She was around sixteen at the time.
Colleen was a tall slim girl and very loving. She did not
speak though I, as did others, feel she may have had the
ability at one time but ----. The story was that Colleen had
been brought to West Haven on a temporary basis and
that when her sister got established in the working world
and had a permanent home she would be back to get her.
Colleen is now in her thirties and is till at the home. But,
Colleen has grown in her abilities even though she still
does not communicate vocally. She understands what is
said to her and has become quite the little mother, helping with the younger children in many ways. She is a
loving person and likes to have someone give her a little
hug around the shoulders and tell her she is doing a good
job. Colleen is a basically happy person.

Nioki is another adult child, also somewhere
in her thirties. Nioki, a short, a bit pudgy girl, was born
with Down Syndrome and has not developed a long way
mentally but she is so caring and gentle, working with
the younger children in many ways and enjoys that pat
on the back, hug around the shoulder occasionally. Nioki
can talk though her vocabulary is limited. There was another young woman, Cassie, who was born with a malady
where she had not progressed beyond infanthood though
she had grown some. She was pretty much confined
to her bed and all her meals were pureed and fed to her
through a baby bottle. One day I was given the job of
feeding her lunch and got so far and seemed to have a
problem and I couldnt figure out what to do as she needed that nourishment. One of the employees advised to
find Nioki. Nioki took over and the bottle was drained.
She had the touch. She was much smarter than I at that
instant. On our last day of the week we gather together
with staff and many of the older mobile children for a
farewell time and some good ginger punch and maybe
some rum ice cream (provided by MJ). Nioki always
wanted to sing a song and she did a good job.

One year when we were there a group (sorry I
do not remember the name of their organization) came
to visit. They provided wheel chairs for needy people
around the world. They, of course, had a limited budget
but checked all around the various cottages. Marlin, the
twin with tumors who has since died, got a regular chair;
little Keno got one that he could grow into, a number of
others received them too. The greatest one was when
they went into the cottage where Cassie lay in her bed.
The group was told that she seemed to like going outside on the cottage patio to a pallet on the floor, but that
wasnt often as it took a worker strong enough to do it
and also to be sure a responsible person was available to
be with her. On hearing this, the group got together and
decided they could have a special bed-chair made for
Cassie one that was fairly wide, with protective sides,
the head could be slightly elevated and it would roll easily. She got the chair and the last I heard has a smile on
her face when she is rolled out there. It is also easier to
feed her when her head can be elevated.
I guess, even though its been some time since I have
been able to go down there, I left a bit of my heart in
Jamaica. Great things are continually being done for the
31, 2017, in the Vienna Chapel of the Birmingham-Martin Funeral Home with Pastor Helen Winters officiating.

A graveside service with full military honors
will be held at 10:30 a.m., on Thursday morning, February 2, 2017, in the Reading-Cedar Township Cemetery,
Farnhamville, Iowa, with the Rev. Glenn Rohden officiating under the direction of the Birmingham-Martin Funeral Home, Vienna, Missouri.

Memorials are suggested per the wishes of the
family with envelopes available at the funeral home or
in care of Birmingham-Martin Funeral Home, P.O. Box
250, Vienna, Missouri 65582.

Online condolences may be shared with the
family of Mr. Donald Alvin Doc Bennett at www.birminghammartinfuneralhomes.com

children whatever their age, not only by Mission Jamaica

but many others. I have many more memories/stories so
please keep reading.

Competing at large group speech contest performing musical theatre South Pacific were Leah Gibbons, Bailey Miller, Patti Snyder, Claire Whalen, Todd
Hamilton, and Tommy Lennon.

Southeast Valley students

compete at Large Group
Speech Contest at MNW

dents boarded
Saturday morning, January 21, 2017, 30 stua bus to Manson Northwest Webster High

School to compete in the district large group speech competition.

Head coach Britney Geisler and assistant coach
Brandon Louis took 7 groups to compete in 4 different
categories: group improvisation, musical theatre, choral
reading, and ensemble acting.

All seven groups received one ratings, moving
them onto the next round of competition. State large
group speech will be held on February 4, 2017 at Spencer Community High School. The groups that performed
were as follows:

Musical theatre - South Pacific - Leah Gibbons, Bailey Miller, Patti Snyder, Claire Whalen, Todd
Hamilton, and Tommy Lennon.

Southeast Valley
Schedule of Events
Week of Feb 1st to Feb 8th

Wednesday, Feb 1
SVHS Band Fundraiser Jan 16 thru Feb 1
Thursday, Feb 2
Early Dismissal @ 2:20PM
PVES - NO PM Preschool
4:00 p.m. Grades 5-12 P/T Conferences 4-8pm
6:00 p.m. B JVR Basketball GAME - Webster City @
Southeast Valley
Friday, Feb 3
Teacher In-service Day - Dayton and Farnhamville
6:00 p.m. B&G V Basketball GAME - Southeast
Valley @ East Sac County
Saturday, Feb 4
State Large Group Speech @ Spencer
12:00 p.m. B V Wrestling 2A SECTIONAL - @
Sunday, Feb 5
2:00 p.m. Spring Play Chess Tournament
Fundraiser - SVHS Commons and Vocal Room
Monday, Feb 6
STATE WIDE Iowa Assessment Testing Feb 6th
thru 10th
PVES - NO AM Preschool
5:00 p.m. B&G JV & B JVR Basketball GAME Madrid @ Southeast Valley
Tuesday, Feb 7
Drake Honor Jazz
4:30 p.m. B JV Basketball GAME - Paton-Churdan
@ Southeast Valley
6:00 p.m. B&G V Basketball GAME - PatonChurdan @ Southeast Valley
Wednesday, Feb 8
SVHS Tri-M Singing Valentines
*Schedule is pulled from the SV website for your convenience*
***Schedules are subject to change at anytime***

February 1, 2017


SV Jaguar varsity
basketball team
wins two, loses one
14-2 record...

Jaguar Varsity Boys Basketball Team...

The Southeast Valley boys basketball team in the front row left to right are Ryan Gustafson and Myles Davis;
Middle Row left to right are Jaden Cline, Lucas Pontius, Keegan Goodwin, Alex Pliner, Dakota Jaeschke, and Nolan Brand;
Back Row left to right are Coach Johnson, Solomon Burton, Nolan Johnson, Jaxon Myers, Tommy Lennon, Keenan Ferry,
Kaleb Jondle, Coach Gutshall, and Coach Dahlstrom. Photo by Niceswanger Photography.

The SV Boys Varsity Basketball team lost to
Pocahontas Area by the score of 74-56 on January 26 at

Leading statistical leaders were Kaleb Jondle,
18; Myles Davis, 17; Dakota Jaeschke, 8; Jaxon Myers, 5;
Alex Pliner, 4; Jaden Cline, 2; and Nolan Brand 2 points.

The SV Varsity Boys' basketball team bounced
back with two wins on Friday Jan. 27 and Saturday Jan.
28 against Graettinger-Terril/Ruthven-Ayrshire (67-58)
and St. Mary's, Storm Lake (83-73).

Leading statistical leaders in the GraettingerTerril/Ruthven-Ayrshire game were Dakota Jaeschke
with 18 points, Keegan Goodwin 13 point and 4 assists,
Nolan Johnson 12 points, Myles Davis 9 points and 8 rebounds, Kaleb Jondle 4 points, Alex Pliner 4 points and
14 rebounds, Tommy Lennon 3 points, Ryan Gustafson 2
points, and Nolan Brand 2 points.
St. Mary's, Storm Lake

Leading statistical leaders in the St. Mary's,
Storm Lake game were Dakota Jaeschke with 19 points
and 19 rebounds and 6 assists, Keegan Goodwin 19
points, Nolan Brand 10 points and 7 rebounds, Ryan Gustafson 10 points, Myles Davis 9 points, Nolan Johnson 6
points, Kaleb Jondle 5 points, Jaxon Myers 3 points, and
Alex Pliner with 2 points.

The Jaguars are winding down the season with
only a handful of games left. After a week of some long
distance travel games the Jaguars will enjoy a couple
home games this week. The Jaguars Varsity record is
now 14-2.

Jaguar JV girls win one,

lose two in recent games
Jaguar Girls Basketball Team...

The Southeast Valley girls basketball team in the
front row left to right are Megan Seil (Manager), Carson
Shipley, Lanie Nelsen, Karissa Hiesterman, Shelby Cummins, Ebony Scott, Cassidy Lambert;

Middle row left to right are Payton Erritt, Hannah DeVries, Kasey Lundberg, Mady Jaeschke, Emma
Graves, Sammy Alphs, Morgan Castenson, Lexi Corell,
Taegen Long, Head Coach Ashley Mahannah;

Back row left to right are Macie Willuweit, Viatris Scott, Cassi Berglund, Mackenzie Crampton, Jaynie
Ferrari, Haylee Kraft, Maddie Lundberg, Savanah Seehusen, Assistant Coach Amber Sorenson, not pictured - Delaney Conrad, and Avery Anderson (Manager). Photo by
Niceswanger Photography.

Southeast Valley JV girls traveled to Lake City
Monday, January 23rd, to face South Central Calhoun.
The Jaguars suffered a cold start on offense, and struggled from the free-throw line. Despite a hard fought second-half battle, the Jaguars lost 24-33.

The Jags trailed at half-time 7-21. In the third
quarter, the ladies came out firing, scoring nine points,
while holding the Titans to only one point. Cold shooting haunted the Jaguars again in the fourth quarter. Aggressive play from the girls yielded numerous trips to the
free-throw line, but didnt connect, shooting just 4 of 14
from the line as a team. Delaney Conrad led the secondhalf surge, scoring nine of her 11 points. Mackenzie
Crampton and Viatris Scott added 4 points apiece. Jaynie
Ferrari ended the contest with 3 points. Cassi Berglund
chipped in 2 points for the Jags.
SV JVR Girls Host Madrid

Southeast Valley JVR girls hosted Madrid
Thursday, January 26th, in Gowrie. The Jaguars battled
tough, but fell to the Tigers 21-39.

Girls basketball continued on page 10...

Heartland Bank
Webster-Calhoun Cooperative Telephone
Stewart Memorial Community Hospital
McCrary-Rost Clinic
Engquist Lumber Company
Bruntlett Elevator
Palmer & Swank Funeral Home
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Towne Veterinary Clinic
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Security Savings Bank
Security Realty & Insurance

February 1, 2017


Southeast Valley Wrestling Team...

The Southeast Valley wrestling team in the front row from left to right are Mgr. Haven McFarland, Quinton
Clancy, Kyler Fisher, Evan McCrady, Mason Goodwin, Coledon Bethel, Sam Hemmestad, and Mgr. Teryn Taylor; Middle
row from left to right are Mgr. Maggie Anderlik, Chase Kamp, Jake Peterson, Colton Klingson, Xavier Nichols, Ty Harvey, Calvin Williamson, Clayton McFarland, and Mgr. Keely McGuire; Back row from left to right are Coach Miller, Mgr.
Kaden McGuire, Kaelan Lundberg, Trey Lawrence, Carter Fluckiger, Alex Pudenz, Matt Ross, and Coach Winkelbauer.
Photo by Niceswanger Photography.

Southeast Valley Jaguar wrestlers

finish regular dual season strong

The Jaguar wrestling team closed their dual season with three victories January 26, Thursday night at
Alta. In the first dual, the Jags handled West Bend Mallard 63-12; the second dual came down to the final match
with Coledon Bethel winning the decision and the Jags
won 39-36.

In the final dual the Jags wrestled well and defeated East Sac 60-24. Coledon Bethel, Mason Goodwin,
Colton Klingson, Trey Lawrence, Kaelan Lundberg, Kyler Fisher, and Clayton McFarland went 3-0 for the night.
Sam Hemmestad and Xavier Nichols finished 2-1; Alex
Pudenz went 1-2, Evan McCrady 1-0, Calvin Williamson
0-1, and Jake Peterson finished 0-3. Matt Ross went 1-0
in JV action.

For having three of our guys out of the lineup
the boys wrestled well. We had to shift guys around as
best as we could as we had holes at 152, 160, and 138.

In the first dual, Xavier Nichols continues to improve pinning his West Bend opponent that beat him in
the conference tournament. Colton Klingson also came
back with a big pin against his East Sac opponent who
had previously pinned him in the conference tournament.

The guys rattled off some nice dual meet wins
in January to finish the season at 15-12. The boys finish the regular season at the always tough Guthrie Center
Invite Saturday, January 28 before entering post season
sectional wrestling at Humboldt, Saturday February, 4th.


Evan and Alex
finished 3-0 while Matt
finished 5-0 in their respective brackets; Calvin
Williamson finished in
second place going 2-1
and Jake Peterson and Sam
Hemmestad went 1-2 finishing in third place.

With only eight
wrestlers in the varsity
tournament, the Jag wrestlers earned some respect
at the end of the day finishing in sixth place out
of twenty-two teams at
the always tough ACGC Invite. 170 lbs. Kyler
Fisher(43-1) won his first
title by defeating Gunnar
Grunsted(38-9) 7-2 in the

In the first round
Kyler received a bye; in the
quarterfinals Kyler pinned
Alan Wallace(WCV) in

AC-GC Invite

Jaguar wrestling
continued on page 9...

On Saturday, January 28th, the Jaguar wrestlers

wrapped up their regular season participating in the ACGC Charger Invite, formerly known as the Guthrie Center
Invite as Guthrie Center and Adair-Casey entered a sharing agreement this year resulting in the name change of
the tournament.

The tournament features a JV tournament in the
morning and Varsity wrestling immediately following JV
tournament. Six Jag wrestlers were entered in JV portion
and eight wrestlers competed in Varsity portion. Evan
McCrady, Alex Pudenz, and Matt Ross walked away
with Championship brackets wrestling
in four man round robin

In the last match, Thursday night at Alta, Trey
Lawrence recorded a fall and his 100th career win! Photo
by Emilea Lundberg.

Wrestling Cheerleaders...

The wrestling cheerleaders in the front row left to right are Jessica Shirbroun,
Haylee Keller, and Bailey Dorsey; Back row left to right are Kanyon Pepples, Bailey Miller,
Shelby Hofbauer, and Lauren Jackson. Photo by Niceswanger Photography.

February 1, 2017


Do you know your neighbors?

Im not talking about the people in the house
next to yours or the folks who live on the farm down the
road. Im talking about your wild neighbors!

In the fall, I enjoy the sport of bowhunting. I
was brought up with a great respect for anything that I
chose to harvest from the woods. My grandad always
said, If youre not going to eat it, then dont harvest it!
and I have lived by that wisdom for many years.

So when Fall rolls around you can find me, most
mornings and evenings, 20 feet up a tree in a tree stand
enjoying the cool, crisp fall smell as it blows through the
leaves of the hardwoods. My goal is to provide my family with some healthy venison for the year to come.

It was on one of these mornings I noticed that I
had a neighbor! At around 7 a.m. every morning out of
a hole in a tree near me, a small bushy-tailed body would
emerge, stretch, look at me, and take the same path down
the tree to find some breakfast. We became friends quite

Every morning he would peer from his hole,
look at me, and go about his routine! I quite enjoyed seeing my new neighbor every morning and, frankly, missed
him when the season was over!

So do you know your neighbors? I wonder if we
actually take the time to enjoy them as they travel through
our neighborhood or across our yards. Do you know who
is living where? Who is doing well? Who is frequenting
your house?

Late Winter and early Spring can be the best
time to discover exactly who is in your neighborhood.
And how can you do this? Tracks! Thats right! Everybody leaves their signature by their tracks.

As my girls and I are outside during this time of
year, we often look for tracks in the snow or mud. I have
taught them what animal makes what track. Which direction the animal is traveling in. Which is the front foot and
which is the back. How big the animal is. How fast the
animal is going. And what they might be up to. Yes, you
can tell all of this by knowing your tracks.

Another treasure that we sometimes find in the
woods during this time of year are shed antlers. Thats
right! Did you know that the male whitetail deer will
grow and shed (knock off) his antlers every year? And
these antlers, made of a bone-like material, will lay on
the ground until somebody picks them up or something
chews them up.

For the animals that chew them up (squirrels,
mice, and rabbits) they are a great source of calcium and
other minerals.

So heres the deal, get out and find your neighbors! Get a coat, hat, and gloves on and take a loop
around the block or make a trip out to some of our public
park areas such as Boone Forks, Dolliver State Park, or
Brushy Creek.

Look for tracks, sheds, and the animals that
might be out and about. Who knows, you might just
enjoy the fresh air, exercise, and new friends that you
might meet on your outing!

I have no doubt that God gave us this beautiful landscape and these furry friends for our enjoyment.
Lets just make sure we take advantage of it!

Until next time!


Worship Schedule


8:30 a.m. Sunday School; 9:30 a.m. Worship
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship, 9:45 a.m. Fellowhip Coffee
9:15 a.m. Sunday Worhip
9:00 a.m. Sunday School; 10:15 a.m. Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship
10:30 a.m. Worship; 9:30 a.m. Fellowhip
8:30 a.m. Worship; 9:40 a.m. Sunday School
9:00 a.m. Worship
9:00 a.m. Worship
9:00 a.m. Worship

Steamboating began on Des Moines

River in 1837; land open to settlers

Steamships important before railroads arrived. . .

The assembled Congress in 1846. could not have
been imbued with much prophetic vision, or it would not,
on November 8th, of that year, when Iowa was yet a territory, have approved of the Act granting certain lands
to the Territory of Iowa, to aid in the Improvement of
the Des Moines River, in said Territory, for the purpose
above mentioned, all the alternate sections of land in a
strip five miles wide, on each side of said Des Moines
River, from its mouth to its source.

It is supposed that these wise men were of the
opinion that the future State of Iowa would have to depend upon the uncertain transportation by water, at certain seasons of the year; and without serious thought of
the future.

It is not to be wondered at, however. Iowa Territory was looked upon as a wilderness inhabited by Indians and wild beasts, for the mowt part, and farther from
the national government, if measured by transportation,
than is Puerto Rico now.

The Des Moines River has played a great part
in in the early transportation problem; and your historian
has thought best, because of the great love he has for it, to
embalm memory of its usefulness in a short Steamboat

The earliest fur traders ascended the rivers of
Iowa Territory to tratle with the Indians, propelling their
keelboats by the laborious process of poling these
slow-moving crafts, well laden with beads, blankets,
ammunition, looking-glasses, war paints, and perhaps,
carefully hidden away, a supply of fire water, of the
tighting brand, to the year 1862, when the rapid development of our great railroad system caused steamboating to
become unprofitable.

The Des Moines River was onced called Iowas Stolen Highway. It is not necessary to go into detail further than to say that Beauty unadorned, is most
adorned. or that the State of Iowa would have been a few
millions better off, if she had adhered to tlie old adage of
letting well enough alone.

In 1832 the Black Hawk Purchase was made.
This consisted of a strip of country fifty miles wide,
extending from tho northern boundary to Missouri. In
1840(an additional strip of territory was purchased lying
west of the first, containing 1.250,000 acres. The third
iuul last purchase, taking in the rest of Iowa Territory,
was made in 1842, granting the privilege to the Indians to
remain for three years. This privilege expired on October
11. 1845, at midnight, throwing open the land for settlement.

Steamboating on the Des Moines River began
probably in 1837. It is claimed that Aaron W. Harlan
brought the first steamboat to Keosauqua in the summer
of that year. Iu 1838 a keel-boat, owned and commanded
by Captain Cash, made its appearance at Keosaucjua,
Iowa, which was at that date as far as the white man had
ventured in the wild west. Tradition has it that it was a
bold venture by the enterprising captain, and brought him
a very good return.

The boat had a small cargo of dry goods, groceries, a limited quantity of whisky, and Indian supplies.
It was understood that she was loaded at Keokuk, the then
Cliicago of the west, and the owner made a very good
profit on his cargo, which he sold out to his last dollars

Pork sold from $18.00 to $20.00 for one hundred pounds; cornmeal at $2 a bushel, and other food articles in proportion. The nearest mill in those days was at
Sweet Home, Mo., about thirty miles away. This mill
was propelled by horse power, und the men had to wait
their turns, as at a barber shop, and sometimes furnish a
horse to assist in the grinding.

The father of George C. Dutfield. who moved to
Van Buren county with his family in 1837, told his son

that he had bought provisions from Captain Cash on two

occasions, which is sufficient evidence that the famous
keel-boat made more than one trip. The work of pushing one of these boats up a swift current with setting
poles, was very laborious business but perseverance and
muscle, in the pioneer thiys, seemed to be equal to any
tusk which promised a fair remuneration.

The first steamboat to ascend the Des Moines
River as far as Keosauqua, IA, of which there is any authentic record, was the S. B. Science, Captain S. B.
Clarke, commanding,

She electrified the inhabitants by sounding her
whistle when a short distance down the river, and the
whole population was on the river bank when she made
her landing and hospitably shoved out her gang plank. It
was in the autumn of 1837, yet there was a good stage
of water, and she had brought up a fair sized cargo of
flour, meal, pork, groceries, and perhaps a good supply of

Probably there never was so warm a welcome
extended to a captain. The people literally swarmed over
and there was not a nook nor corner which did not receive
the atten-tion of these hungry and thirsty settlers. A few
of them yet recall the incident.

Farm owners may apply

for Century, Heritage
farm recognition
Applications available. . .

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today encouraged eligible farm owners to apply for the
2017 Century and Heritage Farm Program. The program
is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and
Land Stewardship and the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
and recognizes families that have owned their farm for
100 years in the case of Century Farms and 150 years for
Heritage Farms.

These awards are an opportunity to recognize
the hard work and commitment by these families that is
necessary to keep a farm in the same family for 100 or 150
years, Northey said. If you consider all the challenges
and unexpected obstacles each of them would have had
to overcome during their life on the farm, it gives you a
greater appreciation of the dedication and perseverance
of each of the families being recognized.

Applications are available on the Departments
website at www.IowaAgriculture.gov by clicking on the
Century Farm or Heritage Farm link under Hot Topics.

Applications may also be requested from Becky
Lorenz, Coordinator of the Century and Heritage Farm
Program via phone at 515-281-3645, email at Becky.Lorenz@IowaAgriculture.gov or by writing to Century or
Heritage Farms Program, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Henry A. Wallace Building,
502 E. 9th St., Des Moines, IA 50319.

Farm families seeking to qualify for the Century
or Heritage Farms Program must submit an application to
the Department no later than June 1, 2017.

The Century Farm program was started in 1976
as part of the Nations Bicentennial Celebration. To date
more than 19,000 farms from across the state have received this recognition. The Heritage Farm program was
started in 2006, on the 30th anniversary of the Century
Farm program, and more than 900 farms have been recognized. Last year 320 Century Farms and 103 Heritage
Farms were recognized.

The ceremony to recognize the 2017 Century
and Heritage Farms is scheduled to be held at the Iowa
State Fair on Thursday, August 17th in the Pioneer Livestock Pavilion.

February 1, 2017


Jaguar wrestling...
continued from page 7...
the second period and in the semis Kyler defeated Mason Carpenter(CG) 10-6 to earn his spot in the finals.
This was the first time Kyler wrestled 170 so it was definitely a good tournament tournament to win as he begins
the post season tournament.

106 lbs. Coledon Bethel(28-13), 132 lbs. Trey
Lawrence(36-7), 160 lbs. Kaelan Lunberg(30-11), and
HWT. Clayton McFarland(28-13) finished in fourth
place; 126 lbs. Colton Klingson(17-12) and 220 lbs.
Xavier Nichols(20-15) finished in seventh place and 113
lbs. Mason Goodwin did not place.

Coming off a tough Battle Creek Ida Grove
tournament the previous week the guys really stepped up
and wrestled in another big tournament.

Five of our guys made the semis, stumbled a
bit with only Kyler advancing to finals but came back
with one of our best rounds in a long time going 7 for 7
in wins in the consolation semis placing our guys in the
third/fourth place rounds and seventh/eighth place medal

We would have liked to have our guys win their
third place matches but that is something we can work on
in the room as we prepare for Sectionals this Saturday at
Humboldt. Wrestling starts at 12:00.

Team Scores:

1. Clarion-Goldfield - 169.5; 2. Van Meter 156.0; 3. Panorama - 147.0; 4. Underwood, 130.0; 5.
Woodward-Granger, 128.0; 6. Southeast Valley, 119.0;
7. Southeast Warren, 110.0; 8. AHSTW, 90.0; 9. ACGC,
87.5; 10. Riverside, 78.5; 11. East Union, 75.0; 12. Ogden,
70.0; 13. West Central Valley, 66.0; 14. Moravia, 60.0;
15. Coon Rapids-Bayard, 59.0; 16. Manson Northwest
Webster, 52.0; 17. Greene County, 49.0; 18. Tri-Center,
33.5; 19. Nevada, 24.0; 20. Nodaway Valley, 17.0; 21.
Griswold, 16.0; and 22. Collins Maxwell Baxter, 9.0

Matt Ross brought home gold from the JV

Charger Invitational Saturday, Jan. 28. Photo by
Emilea Lundberg.

Your Local

Alex Pudenz is all smiles after being named

champion at the Charger Invitational. Photo by
Emilea Lundberg.

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February 1, 2017


Senator Tim Kraayenbrink District 5

Chamber News
As we face a tough budget year, one of our first
priorities was getting the deappropriations bill passed
so departments and affected organizations can plan
accordingly. The Deappropriations Bill was passed out
of the Senate on Thursday and will now go to the House
of Representatives.
We have to make the budget balance by law. In order
to accomplish that task, difficult choices must be made.
Iowans chose to put Senate Republicans in the majority
for this reason. For future years Senate Republicans will
budget in a responsible way that will limit any need for
major mid-year budget changes like this bill.

Deappropriating the current budget is not something
any of us wanted to do. We are in this situation because
spending has continued to unsustainable levels, depleting
a $900 million surplus in less than 4 years, and leaving us
with a $117 million deficit. Senate Republicans warned
this day was coming and voted NO over and over again
on the budget bills. We're now forced to make tough
decisions in order to balance the budget and follow the
HOW CUTS ARE MADE Senate and House
Republicans worked closely with the Governors Office
and the Department of Management on these reductions
and the Department of Management has been working
closely with the State agencies.
We gave the departments maximum flexibility in
making these difficult cuts so as to not jeopardize federal
funds or greatly impact essential government functions
We held PreK-12 education, property tax credits,
including the backfill to cities, harmless. And we
identified a way to essentially hold Medicaid harmless
and at the same time address the projected $14.5 million
FY 17 Medicaid shortfall.

An overwhelming majority of the cuts are less that
the Governors original proposal.

In addition, we made every effort we could to reduce
the impact of the cuts to the Courts, the Department
of Public Safety, the Department of Corrections, our
Community Colleges, and our Regents Institutions.
Standing for Life
Standing for life has long been a priority of Senate
Republicans. On the opening day of the 2017 Legislative
session, Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix said our
priorities are not new and they shouldnt be. For the
past few years you have heard our hopes and concerns.
He is correct. Senate Republicans have filed numerous
bills concerning life in the past several years. However,
those bills were never given a basic hearing when Senate
Democrats were in the majority.
Holding a new majority in the Iowa Senate,
Republicans demonstrated life and womens health are
among our top priorities. Senate File 2 was one of the first

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bills filed in the opening week of the legislative session.

SF2 would create a new state family planning program,
thus eliminating the current family planning waiver that
currently goes to Planned Parenthood and its 12 clinics
across Iowa. The bill would transition the funding to a
new program.
This new program opens up a host of new
opportunities for women to receive all their primary
health care needs from more than 200 Medicaid waiver
eligible clinics. The only clinics excluded in this bill are
clinics that perform abortions. The fact this proposed bill
makes more health care facilities available to women
is one of the prime reasons this bill is needed. It also
supports more available health care for women in rural

This bill has generated some thoughts on both sides
of the issue. Whether it is emails, phone calls or personal
visits, I have heard from those who support the bill and
from people asking me not to vote for the legislation. I
appreciate the correspondence and hearing from my
constituents. I will take your comments into consideration
as this issue is very important to me and many Iowans.\
Teens Against Human Trafficking
I enjoyed meeting with this organization from
Fort Dodge Senior High. Teens Against Human
Trafficking was founded by an Iowa teen who sought to
raise awareness and educate other youth about human
trafficking in Iowa. She aimed to equip teens with the
knowledge to prevent new victimization and increase
the accessibility of services for existing victims. Emily
Whitehead is the club advisor.
American Cancer Society

Representatives from the American Cancer Society Dr. Carey Bligard and Liddy Hora.
Gilmore City-Bradgate Schools
I enjoyed visiting with Tracy Dickey and Tawny
Hoover, school board members, and Jeff Herzberg,
superintendent of Gilmore City-Bradgate Schools.
Iowa Pork Producers

Kevin and Lisa Rasmussen from Humboldt and Greg
and Liddy Hora from Fort Dodge.

Several pastors from the Lutheran Church - Missouri
Synod visited the Capitol this week and offered prayerful
support to Senator Jerry Behn and myself.

Area ministers meet

Jan. 18 in Boxholm

Members of the Soul Patrol met on January 18th, in
Boxholm at the Methodist Church. At the top of the agenda
was the upcoming youth event to be held in Gowrie on January 29.

We will meet at the Methodist Church from 3-5
p.m. and enjoy snacks and drinks along with stories, music
and testimonies. All area youth are welcome and encouraged
to come and be a part of this growing group. As a group, we
are determined to help youth keep their faith in action and
make sure that they keep their faith into adulthood.

We also want to give kudos to the youth group that
is meeting in Dayton. This is a multi-denominational group
and they are learning about Jesus Christ and their role in
making sure that the good news of great joy is spread as far
as it can go.

While at the youth event, we will be asking how
many are interested in serving a meal at the mission in Fort
Dodge and trying to set a date for this activity.

Prayers shared included the Sorenson family who
lost four wonderful people a year ago in a tragic house fire,
our country and its new administration, travelers in this weird
weather system, teachers and staff at our schools, and all
those affected by drug and alcohol abuse. Please pray with us
for these concerns and know that the power of prayer exceeds
all expectations.

Our next meeting is set for February 22, 2017 and
we will meet at the Methodist Church in Gowrie with Pastor Annette hosting. If you would like to contact us or have
ideas, you can always contact us at kay.christie65@gmail.
com. Blessings to you all.

Southeast Valley
JVR defeats South
Central Calhoun

On January 23rd, the Boys JVR Jaguar Basketball team traveled to Lake City to take on the JVR team
of South Central Calhoun. The final outcome resulted in
a victory for the young Jaguar team by the score of 49-37.

Leading statistical leaders for the Jags were
Chase Swieter with 17 points and 3 blocks, Carter Lane
with 10 points, 5 assists, and 5 steals, Robert Jepsen with
7 points, 7 rebounds, and 3 blocks, Hunter Kruse with 6
points and multiple pass deflections, Ethan Pliner with
4 points, Lincoln Miller with 3 points, and Ross Halligan with 2 points. Also contributing to the efforts was
Joel Lambert with 6 total rebounds, 4 of which from the
offensive glass, Dillon Systma, Gavin Richman, Adam
Dellachiesa, Lucas Samuelson, and Brock Fleming.

End of Quarter Scores throughout the game
played out as followed: Q1: SV 17, SCC 6; Q2: SV 29,
SCC 14; Q3: SV 42, SCC 16; Q4: SV 49, SCC 37.

Thank you, and GO Jags!

Jaguar JV girls get

back to work

The Southeast Valley girls JV traveled to Glidden Thursday, January 5th. The Jaguars came up just short
of victory 34-37.

Delaney Conrad led the Jaguars offense, bringing in the new year with 15 points. Cassi Berglund came
to work for the Jags, pumping out 8 points. Mackenzie
Crampton scored 6 points to help the Jaguars. Ebony Scott
and Jaynie Ferrari scored 2 points apiece. Payton Erritt
sank a free-throw to finish the contest with 1 point. The
Lady Jags entered half time trailing 12-21. The Jaguars
outscored G-R 22-16 in the second half, proving there is
absolutely No Quit in this young Jaguar team. The Jags
will continue to learn and grow and get better.
SV JV Girls Experience Hardwood Heart-breaker

On Monday, January 9th, the Southeast Valley
JV girls hosted Roland-Story, in Gowrie. The Jaguars
dropped the hard fought battle 31-32.

The Jags entered half-time trailing 13-18. In
the second half SV outscored RS 18-14, but that wasnt
enough to overcome their first quarter shooting slump.
Cassi Berglund, Mackenzie Crampton, and Delaney Conrad pounded out 8 points apiece to power the Jaguar offense. Jaynie Ferrari helped build Jaguar momentum by
adding 4 points. Savanah Seehusen drained a three-pointer
in the third quarter to tie the ballgame. Seehusen finished
with 3 points.
Second-Half Rally Not Enough for Jaguar JV

Southeast Valley JV girls traveled to Clarion
Tuesday, January 10th. The Jaguars fell to the Cowgirls

Mackenzie Crampton led the Jaguar offense with
8 points. Delaney Conrad and Jaynie Ferrari contributed 5
points apiece. Viatris Scott sparked the Jags with a threepointer, finishing the game with 3 points. Ebony Scott and
Hannah DeVries connected on a jump-shot, to end with 2
points each. Cassi Berglund took a trip to the free-throw
line to collect 1 point.

The Jaguars trailed 7-20 at half-time. Jaguar defensive hustle opened the second-half, allowing C-G only
five third-quarter points, but only scoring one point themselves. Finally, the Jaguars offense came to life, scoring
14 fourth quarter points. The Jaguar JV girls brought the
hustle, even though shots werent falling. The Lady Jags
continue to display important building blocks, creating a
solid foundation for their future.
SV JV Girls Fall to NF
Southeast Valley JV girls hosted Newell-Fonda Friday,
January 20th, in Gowrie. The Jaguars lost the contest to
the Mustangs 36-65.
Delaney Conrad and Mackenzie Crampton led the Jaguars offensive attack with 9 points apiece. Conrad shot an
impressive 5 of 6 from the free-throw line. Viatris Scott
hustled on the court, scoring 5 points for the Jags. Savanah
Seehusen knocked down a shot from behind the arch to
start the second quarter, contributing 3 points to the Jaguars offense. Payton Erritts hard work produced 3 points
for the Jags.

Aggressive play form Cassi Berglund, resulted
in free-throws. Berglund took advantage, sinking 3 of 4,
finishing the contest with 3 points. Lexi Corell swished a
jump shot to collect 2 points. Jaynie Ferrari knocked down
both of her free-throws to end the game with 2 points.

The Jaguars took full advantage from the freethrow line making 12 of 16 on the night. Along with
improvement in the the free-throw department, the Jags
scored twice as many points, and narrowed the loss margin, than in their previous season meeting with the Mustangs.

February 1, 2017


Week Three
eJanuary 26, 2017
e Week three is coming to a close and there was still not
hmuch floor action. Next Monday we will begin debating
the de-appropriation bill. As I have previously stated, this
his the bill that will remove 117 million dollars from the
current budget. Also next week, we will start the process
of deciding how much we can afford to increase the K-12
eeducation budget. Remember we held K-12 harmless in
mthe de-appropriation bill, meaning they were one of the
few entities that did not have to give money back.
As were start the conversation on education spending
let me set up the current situation.
We have approximately 200 million dollars in "new
money" for next year. We have obligations to ongoing
programs of around 40 million dollars, so that leaves 160
million dollars of "new money." How much of the 160
million do you believe K-12 education should receive?
Remember, the remaining 160 million has to be spread
out over the rest of the entire budget. For example, we
are short around 50 Highway Patrolmen, it costs about
$170,000 to hire and train a new trooper, so to replace
them would cost around 8.5 million. Your thoughts??
I have not yet printed the House Republican's guiding
statement this year. This is a guide that I follow, as well
as the rest of my Republican colleagues, to deciding on
how to spend YOUR hard earned money.

House Republicans are committed to these principles
to produce a balanced and sustainable state budget:

1. We will spend less than the state collects;

2. We will not use one-time money to fund on-going
3. We will not balance the budget by intentionally
underfunding programs; and
4. We will return unused tax dollars to Iowa's
The major goal of this letter is to give you a quick update that can be read in a few minutes. If you need more
in-depth information on a subject or a bill please just
email my clerk, Mackenzie, at mike.sexton@legis.iowa.
gov and she can find the information you are looking for
and get it sent back to you.
From My Desk
One of the things I like to do in this newsletter is
to get your feedback on some of the bills that may be
coming up. Some of the current topics buzzing around the
House that I would like your input on:
-Putting Palmer Amaranth and Wild Parsnip on the
Iowa noxious weed list

-Making motorists pass bikes completely in the next

-Getting rid of Daylight Savings time
-Allowing townships to leave their county and join
another county

-Raise your taxes to fund water quality

-Voters should have to show ID to vote
Water Quality
One of the more interesting parts of this job is that
we have experts come before our committee meetings to
inform us about various issues in the state. On Tuesday,
January 24, 2017, the Iowa House Agriculture Committee
hosted a presentation by DNR Environmental Specialist
John Olson concerning Iowa's list of "impaired waters."
Mr. Olson started out his presentation by rebutting
frequently made charges that Iowa's water is not only the
most polluted in the nation but also that it's never been
this bad by showing power point slides of headline from
the past on this matter.

He started with a May 7, 1999 Des Moines Register
page one headline that screamed-'320 Iowa Waters Filthy
U.S. Says' which incorrectly equivocated impairments
with being filthy.
He followed that slide with one from 1969 noting
that just previous to that that time the Missouri River
would run red with untreated packing plant wastes
and received untreated municipal sewage until Omaha
primary treatment plant went into operation in 1965 and
another from the mid-1930 showing extensive reaches of
Iowa's major river were essential open sewers as Iowa
big cities that time didn't have primary treatment for their
resident sewage.

The power point also included a slide of the number
of impaired waters each state had on its 2014 listing cycle
and Iowa was right in the middle with 25 state having a
lower number and 24 with a higher number.
Mr. Olson then described how Iowa's impaired water
list was developed, what it likely means and why the
number of streams on it continues to grow. Impairment,
he noted, means that a stream or lake doesn't fully meet is
designated use. These designated uses include sustaining
aquatic life which is frequently certain water insects,

Girls basketball...
continued from page 6...

Hannah DeVries powered the Jaguar offense
with 9 points, including a shot from behind the arch.
Jaynie Ferrari used her inside game to contribute 4 points.
Savanah Seehusen and Delaney conrad each drained a
three-pointer, ending with 3 points apiece. Taegen Long
hustled for the Jaguars and hit a jumper to collect 2 points.
SV JV Girls Dominate Madrid

The Southeast Valley JV girls hosted Madrid
Thursday, January 26th, in Gowrie. The Jaguars defended their home court, defeating the Tigers 32-18.

The Jaguar JV girls pounded out twenty firsthalf points. Holding the Tigers scoreless until the final
two minutes of the second quarter, entering the locker
room at half-time with a commanding 20-6 lead.

The lady Jags continued their hustle effort in
the third quarter, resulting in eight more offensive points.
Controlling the defensive end, the Jags allowed Madrid
only two points in the third quarter. Mackenzie Crampton
paced the Jaguar offensive effort with a solid 9 points.

Delaney Conrad brought the intensity, finishing
doesn't provide sufficiently safe primary and secondary
contact - meaning swimming and diving and doesn't
provide safe drinking water after the water has been
treated and human health protection for fish consumption.
Mr. Olson then explained to the Committee how
an Iowa body of water gets on the Impaired Water list.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) requires the state, every two years, submit a
report to it from a state environmental agency like DNR
that identifies surface waters that (1) do not fully meet
applicable state water quality standards and (2) that need
a TMDL (total maximum daily load).
The state then uses monitoring data from the most
recent 3 to 5-year period which are summarized and
compared to applicable water quality (WQ) standards.
Based on Iowa DNR's assessment methodology, if
the data show failure to fully meet WQS, the water is
considered impaired.
Mr. Olson noted that it's relatively easy for a stream
to get listed as impaired, but difficult to remove them
and pointedly commented-"EPA has never met an
impairment it didn't like." Over 80% of Iowa river and
stream impairments are caused by three factors:

Bacteria which may come from human, agricultural,
or wildlife waste;
Biological impairment where indicator organisms/
insects are as prevalent as expected for streams in a
regional area, and fish kills.
Mr. Olson spent the last portion of his presentation
to the panel discussing the nuance of impairment which
is frequently missed by public discussion in that the
magnitude of impairment matters.
He noted-"Contrary to popular belief, 'impairment'
does not necessarily indicate severe pollution impacts.
The degree of impairment ranges from slight to severe,
sort of like violation of speed limits. The number of
impairments in the state says little to nothing about water
quality conditions."
The increase in listings in a state from one cycle to
another does not indicate worsening water quality; rather
it reflects additional monitoring and/or accumulation of
largely intractable impairment (e.g., indicator bacteria).
The final slide of the presentation summarized- If you
don't understand water quality standards, you won't
understand impaired waters.
The degree of impairment can vary from slight to
The number of impaired waters in a state and the
increase over time has little relevance to water quality
status or trends.

All that being said, Iowa's water quality is not "OK";
significant problems exist.
Pass It On
If you have family, friends, or co-works that you
think would also enjoy MWM please forward this to them
so they can read it and deicide to be on our mailing list.
If you are reading this and would like to subscribe to our
newsletter, "Minute with Mike," please send us an email
letting us know.

We have created a Facebook page that I will be using
to add comments about what is going on in the Capitol
and the House floor. This page will also be used to make
comments as bills are being debated on the floor. Please
go to https://www.facebook.com/citizensforsexton or
search for State Representative Mike Sexton on Facebook
and like it so you can stay informed about legislation we
are working on.
While we are in session, please remember that
Senator Kraayenbrink and I will be on the Devine
Intervention Radio Show with Mike Devine on KVFD
1400 every Friday morning from 7:30 to 8:30. This is a
call in show so use this opportunity to talk to both of us
and let us know your feelings on the current issues facing
Iowa citizens.

Please let me know what you are thinking! Feel free
to contact me at my legislative email at mike.sexton@


with 8 points. Viatris Scott put the work in, collecting

her reward by scoring 7 points for the Jags. Payton Erritt
stepped up her game, hitting two jump-shots to finish the
contest with 4 points. Jaynie Ferrari and Hannah DeVries
added 2 points apiece for the Jaguars. Defensively, the
entire Jaguar team rose to the occasion, resulting in a true
Team Victory.

The Jaguar JV girls return to action at home on
Tuesday, January 31st, hosting South Central Calhoun in
Gowrie at 4:30. Then the young Jaguars cap off their
season Monday, February 6th, in Gowrie against Manson
Northwest Webster, following the conclusion of the Varsity girls game.

Gowrie Police Report

December 22, 2016 to January 11, 2017

December 23rd- Dispatched to assist
WCSO with cows in the roadway in the area of
360th and Indiana Ave.

Issued five parking tickets for emergency
snow parking ban.

Dispatched to a residence in the 1300
block of Park St. to speak with a female.

Assist Fort Dodge PD in identifying
subjects from Gowrie involved in a theft in Fort

Return a phone call to a previous Gowrie
resident upset about an arrest warrant issued for
him on a charge out of Gowrie.

December 27th- A traffic stop resulted
in the arrest of James Miller on an active arrest
warrant out of Black Hawk County. Transported
to Webster County Jail.

Out at a residence in the 800 block of
Pleasant St. on a follow up from an assault.

Out at a residence in the 1300 block of
Market St. for a burglary report.

December 29th- Out at a residence in
the 900 block of Lincoln St. on a warrant check.
Arrested Jodi Mohr on an active arrest warrant
out of Cerro Gordo County. Transported to the
Webster County Jail.
January 2nd- Dispatched to a business in the
1100 block of Market St. for a motion alarm going

Out with a vehicle in the 1100 block of
Beek St. Ticketed and towed by Mid-Iowa for over
72 hour parking.
January 5th- Out at a residence in the 1200
block of Park St. to speak with homeowner reference dog barking complaints and trash needing
picked up around the residence.

Assist WCSO with a suicidal male in Callender. Transported by WCSO.

Assist Gowrie EMS out of town on a
medical call.
January 6th- Flagged down and advised of a suspicious vehicle by a residence. Located the suspected vehicle and stopped in the 3000 mile of
Hayes Ave.

Dispatched to a transformer at the intersection of 360th and Hayes Ave. that was sparking.
Electric company notified and en route.
January 9th- Out at a residence in the 1600 mile
of 330th on a warrant check. Unable to locate subject.
January 10th- Assist Gowrie EMS out of town on
a medical call.

Assist Gowrie Fire with a fire call in the
1800 block of Main St.
January 11th- Out in the 1100 block of Market
St. to speak with a parent reference issues with his

Out at Caseys for a motor vehicle accident. Driver left vehicle in gear when exiting vehicle and the vehicle rolled over the curb and drove
through the fence.

Back out at residence in the 1100 block of
Market St. to take a runaway report.

Dispatched to assist WCSO and check
road conditions south of 360th on Baxter Ave.

Dispatched to the clinic for a report of a
dog bite. Case transferred to County Animal Control Officer.
*Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are
presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Local Emergency Numbers:

Gowrie Police: 352-3800
Sheriff: 515-573-1410

Crime Alert: 515-573-1444

Ambulance: 911 Fire: 911


February 1, 2017


SV Jaguar JV team
defeats Madrid
Currently 13-2...

The Southeast Valley JV Boys Basketball team
defeated Madrid 55-47 Thursday, January 26 at home.

The boys had a tremendous night of rebounding
with 39 for the night. We also had a great night shooting
68% from the free throw line.

Leading the charge for the Jaguars were Zach
Graves with 15, JJ Graves, 10; Jackson Housken, 8; Nyles Johnson and Mason Ackerson both with 5; and Kenny Blunk, Kyle Zika, and Max Davis all contributed 4

Leading rebounders were Mason Ackerson, 6;
Nyles Johnson, 6; Zach Graves, 6; JJ Graves, 6; Max Davis, 5; Jackson Housken, 5; Kenny Blunk, 4; and Kyle
Zika with 1.

Nyles also lead the team in assits with 6 and
2 steels. The teams current record is 13-2. Keep up the
great work!

Girls Basketball
Tournament Pairing

Southeast Valley JV Boys Basketball Team...

The Southeast Valley JV boys basketball team in the front row from left to right are Joel Lambert, Dillon Systma,
Adam Dellachesa, Jackson Housken, Nyles Johnson, and Kenny Blunk; Back row left to right are Coach Dahlstrom,
JJ Graves, Mason Ackerson, Kyle Zeka, Max Davis, Zach Graves, Blake Zwiffle, Jordan Owen and Coach Gutshall.
Photo by Niceswanger Photography.

February 11th at Cherokee - 7:00 vs Cherokee

Southeast Valley JVR Boys Basketball Team...

The Southeast Valley JVR boys basketball team in the front row from left to right are Ethen Pliner, Ross Halligan,
Cater Lane, Lincoln Miller, Daven Reese, and Hunter Kruse; Back row left to right are Coach Dahlstrom, Lincoln Clay,
Brock Fleming, Chase Swieter, Robert Jepsen, Lukis Samuelson, and Coach Gutshall. Photo by Niceswanger Photography.

Jaguar JVR boys have impressive 2nd half run

The JVR Boys Basketball team defeated the
JVR Madrid Tigers by the score of 47-31 on Thursday,
January 26th. After gaining a slight advantage at the
half-time break with the score of 19-18, the young Jaguar
team closed out the last two quarters with an impressive
28-13 run.

Leading statistical leaders for the team was Robert Jepsen with 16 points, 7 rebounds, and 3 blocks, Carter Lane with 11 points, 6 rebounds, and 4 steals, Hunter
Kruse with 9 points and 4 rebounds, Chase Swieter with

8 points and 11 rebounds, Ethan Pliner with 2 points, and

rounding out the scoring was Ross Halligan with 1 point.
Playing and not scoring for the Jags were Joel Lambert,
Lincoln Miller, Gavin Richman, Jacob Slininger, Lucas
Samuelson, and Brock Fleming. Lucas Samuelson also
added 3 rebounds to his efforts.

End of Quarter Scores for the game are as follows: Q1: SV 13, Madrid 9; Q2: SV 19, Madrid 18; Q3:
SV 29, Madrid 22; Q4: SV 47, Madrid 31.

Southeast Valley Basketball Cheerleaders...

The Jaguar Basketball Cheerleaders in the front row from left to right are Ieisha Jabbar, Cameron Shady, and
Makayla Busma; Middle row left to right are Kate Wick wire, Haley Tuel, Toni Klatt, Olivia Tranquillo; Back row left
to right are Lexi Morgan, Maddi Rude, Karhyn Alcantara, Tabatha Ball, Morgan Sorenson, and Kayla Dolph. Photo by
Niceswanger Photography.

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