01-P-1-007 Pipeline Construction Spec Rev A
01-P-1-007 Pipeline Construction Spec Rev A
01-P-1-007 Pipeline Construction Spec Rev A
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 4
General ............................................................................................................................... 4
Definitions.......................................................................................................................... 4
Safety.................................................................................................................................. 4
The Environment............................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 Site Tidiness ......................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Pollution Contingency ......................................................................................... 5
1.4.3 Archaeology ......................................................................................................... 5
1.4.4 Urban/Built Up Areas ........................................................................................... 5
Construction...................................................................................................................... 5
EXCAVATION .............................................................................................................................. 18
FABRICATION ............................................................................................................................. 28
General ............................................................................................................................. 28
Pipeline Materials............................................................................................................ 28
Pipe Storage Site............................................................................................................. 28
Hauling and Stringing..................................................................................................... 28
Pipe Inspection................................................................................................................ 29
Induction Bends .............................................................................................................. 29
Field Bending .................................................................................................................. 29
Elastic Bending ............................................................................................................... 30
Lay Out ............................................................................................................................. 30
Pipe Cleaning .................................................................................................................. 30
Lining Up.......................................................................................................................... 31
Welding ............................................................................................................................ 31
Tie-ins............................................................................................................................... 31
Coating ............................................................................................................................. 31
BACKFILL.................................................................................................................................... 34
General ............................................................................................................................. 34
Intimate Backfill............................................................................................................... 34
Final Backfill .................................................................................................................... 34
Imported Backfill ............................................................................................................. 35
Pipeline Warning Tape.................................................................................................... 35
Pipeline Markers.............................................................................................................. 37
TESTING ...................................................................................................................................... 38
This specification covers the general requirements for pipeline construction, installation
and testing and shall be read in conjunction with the data, specifications and drawings
provided with the Invitation to Tender (ITT) including references detailed in Section 2.0
and project specific route alignment sheets.
The rules and regulations of agencies having jurisdiction over pipelines in the location
of installation shall be considered a part of this specification.
OWNER Petrodar Operating Company Ltd (PDOC).
CONSULTANT OWNERs representative with designated authority to act on behalf
of PDOC and their agents.
CONTRACTOR The successful bidder of the EPC package for pipeline construction.
The safety of the general public, OWNER and CONTRACTOR personnel is paramount
in the undertaking of the work.
The CONTRACTOR shall appraise and assess the risks to all personnel from
construction activities and devise methods of working that reduce that risk to the
lowest practicable level. Inspection of the work by CONTRACTOR shall, as a minimum
include daily safety assessments by inspectors who shall have the right and authority
to stop or suspend work deemed unsafe and who shall report directly to the
CONTRACTOR senior management.
The CONTRACTOR shall promote a culture of safe working practices, reward
excellent safety awareness and aim for zero lost time incidents.
The Environment
The protection of the environment has been a major consideration in the planning of
the pipeline route.
The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that disturbance to
the public, landscape and wildlife is kept to the absolute minimum, consistent with the
work to be undertaken.
Site Tidiness
The working areas shall be maintained in an orderly safe and tidy state at all times.
Particular attention shall be paid to prevent any litter or debris from entering any area
adjacent to the Working Width.
Pollution Contingency
In addition to any national legislation, local bylaws and generally accepted good
working practices, the CONTRACTOR shall take exceptional precautions to prevent
pollution of the environment.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid accidental spillages of any noxious substances, oil,
diesel, waste refuse or the like. When any such substance or materials are
accidentally discharged, the CONTRACTOR shall be wholly responsible for the
immediate recovery of the same, whether or not it is on the site. In the event of any
accidental discharges, the OWNER Representative shall be advised immediately so
that the OWNER may comply with its statutory requirement to inform the relevant
authorities. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the OWNER Representative a written
report containing all the relevant details of the incident within one working day of the
incident occurring. This report shall include the proposed remedial measures to be
undertaken and details of any compensation claims that may arise.
The CONTRACTOR shall also immediately investigate and act upon any incidents
notified by the OWNER Representative.
All incident reports shall be sequentially numbered and issued on Standard Incident
Notification Forms, located in the PDOC HSE procedures listed in section 2.1.
The CONTRACTOR shall report all finds that he may make to the OWNER
Urban/Built Up Areas
The pipeline passes through and nearby urban/built up areas. The CONTRACTOR
shall take all necessary precautions to ensure minimum disturbance to the
public/residents during construction of the works. Working methods shall be carefully
considered and implemented to minimise localised disruption and disturbance.
General construction practice shall be to best industry standards and in compliance
with the latest international standards.
API RP 5L1, Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Steel Line Pipe
BS8010 Part 2. Pipelines on land: design, construction and installation. Section 2.8
Steel for oil and gas.
Other Specifications
Conflict of Requirements
In the event of any conflict, the most stringent requirement of the above documents
shall apply.
Some requirements in this specification may be modified by specific requirements in
the other specifications listed above. In case of conflict, the specific requirements
supersede this specification.
Any deviation from this specification must be approved, in writing, by OWNER. Such
written approval must be obtained prior to the commencement of any work which
would constitute such a deviation.
Entry to Site
The liason with authorities and landowner / occupier shall be a responsibility of
CONTRACTOR. OWNER representative will assist when required.
CONTRACTOR shall comply with all the applicable legislation, codes and laws of the
Sudan Government as listed in the scope of works / ITB.
Working Width
In areas of normal pipeline construction, the Working Width will be 30 m. Areas
available at crossings and special sections shall be detailed on the alignment sheets.
All other Working Width restrictions shall be in accordance with the alignment sheets
and Scope of Works.
The Working Width is intended to accommodate all pipeline construction activity. The
CONTRACTOR shall not permit any activity beyond this without the written permission
of the OWNER.
Access to the Works
Access to the Works shall wherever possible be from the public roads crossing the
route of the pipeline(s) and in accordance with the restrictions or requirements of the
appropriate Authorities and other negotiated accesses as shown on the route maps
and alignment sheets. The CONTRACTOR shall take all precautions to prevent
damage to road surfaces and verges as a result of the works, including the crossing of
roads by tracked vehicles and special equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall further
ensure that all roads are kept clean and including ensuring that soil and mud is not
transferred from the right of way to public roads.
The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of the relevant local authority
having jurisdiction.
Maintenance of Access
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that public access is maintained along all paths,
roads and tracks crossed by the pipeline(s) unless closure is permitted by the local
authority. Temporary bridging or alternative access shall be provided and maintained
to all properties footways, bridlepaths, etc, which would otherwise be cut off by the
execution of the works.
Survey Methods
The method of surveying used for the pipeline details shall be by EDM/total station, or
other survey equipment approved by the OWNER. The accuracy tolerances on this
work relative to the survey control shall be as follows:
Soft Detail
Hard Detail
(including pipeline field joints)
+0.05 m
+0.1 m
+0.05 m
0.02vk (k in kilometre)
Horizontal loop closed
The CONTRACTOR shall take sufficient observations to show that these specified
accuracies are being achieved. Observations shall be recorded using electronic field
data loggers. The types of survey equipment to be used shall be as defined in Section
Survey computation shall be in terms of WGS84 datum co-ordinates, and enough for
construction work. These shall be to an accuracy commensurate with the survey
observations, so all significant corrections for computation on the Transverse Mercator
projection shall be applied.
As-Built Details
The entire pipeline route shall be surveyed. The data required shall contain:
Method of as-built survey;
Alignment sheet number;
Plot number;
National grid coordinates;
Elevation above ordnance datum;
Depth of cover, prior to backfilling;
Pipes numbers before backfilling;
Weld and joint numbers;
Feature type;
Final ground level after backfilling;
This data shall be required for the following:
every field joint;
position of bends at tangent points;
at all boundaries, road, track, railway, river, ditch;
at the start/end of HDD crossings / thrust bore and special sections;
position of cathodic protection ground beds;
sleeve test points, valves, tees, branches;
levels to the top of pipes (and thickness of concrete coating, where
all underground services exposed within the Working Width (Section 4.3);
all overhead services within the Working Width (Section 4.4);
dimensions from field corners and other hard detail along fences and
specified lines to the route and bend joints to define the pipeline on the
1:2,500 alignment sheets;
chainages to marker posts;
corners of protection slabs at crossings;
all field drainage alignments before and after pipeline installation.
Underground Utilities
The position, direction, depth and nature of all the utilities exposed along the route are
to be surveyed and put on the alignment sheets. The position and elevation above
vertical datum shall be determined whilst the pipeline trench is open using the survey
methods described in Section 4.1. The depth of cover may be computed from the
ground profile.
The nature of each service (i.e. pipe/cable, size, material, product and owner) should
be recorded. This should be annotated on the alignment sheets.
Overhead Services
The positions and direction of the overhead electricity and telephone cables and posts
are to be surveyed for incorporation on the alignment sheets. If the pipeline route is
changed during construction for any reason, the ground clearance to the overhead
wires should be re-surveyed and the alignment sheets updated.
Initially, draft paper copies of all the alignment sheets should be provided for OWNER
approval. When this approval is given, then the CONTRACTOR shall provide a master
drawing of each alignment sheet on a stable base material.
If any errors are subsequently found, the OWNER reserves the right to return the
drawings for amendment.
A detailed report covering all aspects of the survey work shall be provided. This shall
include, but not be limited to, details of the following:
summary of survey work;
survey control: survey methods and results, station descriptions;
detail surveys: survey methods of each category of detail, including methods
of computation, datum parameters / transformations;;
survey equipment: list and description of equipment used for all aspects of
survey work. Details of equipment tests and calibration checks;
draughting: description of equipment and methods used.
One original and 5 copies of this report shall be sent to the OWNER on completion of
the Contract. It is recommended that the CONTRACTOR submits a draft copy of the
report for OWNER approval prior to issue of the final reports, as the OWNER reserves
the right to return the reports for amendments. The report shall be written as a stand
alone document.
Survey Equipment
Modern survey equipment, which is properly maintained and calibrated, shall be
provided by the CONTRACTOR. The type of equipment that is considered acceptable
is as follows;
total station, or other approved by the OWNER.
electronic field data loggers.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that sufficient numbers of back-up survey equipment
of each item and enough accessories are provided to ensure the survey work keeps
pace with pipe laying operations. If a shortage of equipment is delaying the survey
operations, the OWNER will require the CONTRACTOR to provide additional
All equipment shall be tested and calibrated prior to commencing the Contract and at
regular intervals throughout the work. Calibration sheets shall be available for
inspection by the OWNER Representative.
Survey Personnel
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that sufficient numbers of survey teams are on site to
enable the survey work to keep pace with pipe laying operations so that at all times
details are recorded whilst the trench is open.
Survey aspects of the pipeline contract shall be carried out under the direct
supervision of a Qualified Land Surveyor. Other survey personnel shall have minimum
5 years previous experience of construction work preferably on pipeline survey
operations. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any member of the survey team
who, in the OWNER opinion, is not up to the required standard.
CONTRACTOR will install HDPE ducts jointed using tension couplings at crossings to
accommodate the FOC.
Marker Tape
A continuous PVC tape, 150 mm wide and indelibly and continuously marked in black
lettering CAUTION BURIED CABLE written in both English and Arabic, shall be laid
longitudinally in the trench and buried approximately 500 mm directly above the top of
the cable. The tape shall be above any protective concrete marker slabs installed at
crossings or elsewhere.
Method Statements
The CONTRACTOR shall provide detailed method statements for permanent and
temporary works including drawings and calculations for all operations, crossings,
special sections, etc for OWNER approvals at least 28 days prior to the operation
Setting Out
The CONTRACTOR shall set out the centre lines of the pipeline(s) and the Working
Width along the length of the route. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the
accuracy of all lines, pegs and grades and shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of
the setting out by referring to the alignment sheets. Such setting out will be subject to
verification by the OWNER Representative.
The centre line will be marked using 600 mm long rough sawn pointed wooden pegs of
50 mm square section with the top 300 mm painted with non-toxic lead free bright red
paint. The pegs shall be driven into the ground so as to protrude 400 mm above the
nominal surface. The pegs marking the extremities of the Working Width shall be
painted blue.
In general, the pegs will be located at all field boundaries and at other locations
previously agreed with the occupier which are not likely to cause a nuisance to the
land owner or tenant.
Pegs shall be spaced such that each peg is visible from the previous one on the
centreline of the pipelines before trenching to facilitate trenching work.
Intersection points will be marked with white painted pegs. When the peg for an
intersection point falls in the middle of a field, where it could not be left, measurements
to the nearest on-line pegs will be recorded.
Temporary fencing distance posts shall be provided as an integral part of the fencing
to assist in construction progress reporting. Vertical fence posts, at 500 m intervals
shall extend above the normal fence height. Kilometre/metre boards measuring 0.4 m
x 0.4 m shall be attached to these posts.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the maintenance of all pegs and from
these pegs he shall set out all lines and grades necessary to complete the work.
The CONTRACTOR shall exercise extreme care in the maintenance and provision of
Survey Data.
This shall include work done on all fences on the right-of-way which it may be
necessary to cut to permit passage of equipment onto or along the right-of-way. All
fences so cut shall be closed with gates constructed as set out in the drawings and in
a manner acceptable to the OWNER.
CONTRACTOR, having first ascertained from OWNER that permission has been
secured from the property owner, shall furnish materials for and shall install a suitable,
substantial gate or gap in every fence at the point of intersection of the proposed
This shall include work necessary for the clearing of all trees, brush, hedges, or other
obstacles, with the exceptions noted below, lying within the confines of the right-ofway.
No cutting or clearing shall occur off the right-of-way without written approval from
Before clearing operations are started, CONTRACTOR shall familiarize itself with all
special provisions included in the right-of-way easements secured by OWNER; and
CONTRACTOR shall comply with these provisions. Where the right-of-way passes
over or through farm yards, groves, orchards, gardens, lawns, ditches, canals, or
similar valuable property, then only that amount of right-of-way necessary for actual
ditching and laying of pipe shall be used; and the CONTRACTOR shall perform the
work in such places so as to minimize the damages and if necessary shall hand ditch
or tunnel through such places.
Where timber is encountered, CONTRACTOR shall clear the right-of-way by removal
of all trees, brush, stumps, and other encumbrances. CONTRACTOR shall remove all
brush, stumps, and other loose debris so that the spoil bank from the ditching
operations shall not fall on any foreign material that might become mixed with the
excavated soil.
All brush, trees, and other materials shall be disposed of or removed by
CONTRACTOR from the right-of-way to the complete satisfaction of OWNER, land
owner, and tenant.
The CONTRACTOR shall comply with other requirements of right-of-way agreements
or regulatory bodies having jurisdiction over lands and forests.
The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and maintain all necessary day and night warning
signs, flares, lanterns, barricades, and flagmen when working on or near roads,
highways, railroads, or other traffic ways to protect all persons and property from injury
and to warn on coming traffic of the obstruction.
Surface Stripping
Prior to any grading, ditching or other excavation operation, the CONTRACTOR shall
remove topsoil to the full depth of cultivation over the Working Width except those
areas used for storage of topsoil, within 0.5 m of the fence line or as otherwise directed
by OWNER. Topsoil surface stripping will not normally be required for woodland areas
except over the line of the trench or as requested by the OWNER Representative. All
removed topsoil shall be piled along the Working Width separate from any subsoil, and
in such a manner as to ensure that it will not become intermixed, compressed by
vehicles or equipment, polluted, or scattered by operations in the working area.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for inhibiting or removing weed growth from
topsoil and subsoil piles. Herbicidal weed killer shall not be used in areas of
conservation interest.
In areas of limited topsoil strip or as directed by the OWNER Representative, surface
vegetation shall be protected by the use of geotextile membrane between the surface
vegetation and topsoil or subsoil stacks.
The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions to preserve topsoil and shall,
at his own expense, replace all topsoil lost or contaminated with an approved imported
In flood plains topsoil storage bunds shall be broken every 100m with a channel to
allow the passage of flood water should a flash flood occur.
Road metal or other surface materials and hardcore shall be kept separate from other
excavated material. Concrete or black top roads shall be saw cut.
Any contaminated land, or material unable to be backfilled or form part of the
reinstatement, shall be collected and disposed of at a suitable identified Waste
Disposal Site, or re-cycled as appropriate.
The CONTRACTOR shall undertake such grading of the Working Width as is required
to ensure the construction of the pipeline(s) in accordance with good engineering and
construction practice and to provide access to the pipeline(s) during the construction
period. Any such grading shall be kept to a minimum and shall be subject to the
approval of the OWNER Representative.
The CONTRACTOR shall perform all necessary grading at track, or watercourse
crossings, and at any other location required to permit the passage of construction
Material removed from creek banks shall not be placed in the creek bed at points
which will interfere with excavation of the ditch for the pipe across the creek bed or
with any existing drainage.
CONTRACTOR shall take necessary precautions to maintain flow of water in all
ditches and channels to the satisfaction of OWNER and/or tenant and regulatory
authorities. Where necessary, CONTRACTOR shall install flumes, tamp backfill, and
perform such other operations as may be necessary to maintain normal flow of water.
CONTRACTOR shall recognise that personnel working in trenches or excavations are
at risk from ground collapse and/or collision with excavated materials and construction
equipment and shall make all efforts to prevent any personnel injury caused by
working in trenches or excavations.
The minimum depth of cover shall be measured from the top of pipe to the original
surface of the ground or the grade, whichever is lower in elevation. Fill materials in the
Working Width will not be considered to add to depth of cover.
The trench shall be carefully excavated and the bottom finished to give a surface of
even falls or levels to ensure that the pipeline is evenly bedded throughout its length.
Minor variations in contour shall be excavated in order to minimise field bending.
The finished trench shall be completely free of roots, other organic materials, hard
clods, stones, rocks or other hard objects which might dent or damage the pipe
coating. After inspecting the excavated trench, the OWNER Representative shall
decide whether sand or other approved padding material is required.
Rocks, gravel or other hard materials in the ditch, which, in OWNER's opinion will
injure the pipe or pipe coating shall be covered by the CONTRACTOR with soft earth
or sand to give the pipe, when in the ditch, at least 4 inches (100 mm) of clearance
from the rock or hard material. In such areas, on the approval of OWNER, the pipe
may be supported on earth-filled sacks spaced as required by OWNER but in no case
greater than 5m apart.
When a pipeline is not installed to the required depth or is not evenly bedded, it shall
be lifted from the trench before any additional excavation or infilling is carried out.
Where land drains are crossed at the invert level of the pipeline, the trench shall be
excavated to install the pipeline below the invert level of the drain. A separation
distance of at least 150 mm shall be maintained between the pipeline and the drain.
Should the trench be excavated to a depth which, in the opinion of the OWNER
Representative, is greater than required, the CONTRACTOR shall fill the bottom of the
trench to such a depth and with such materials (including lean mix concrete) after
compaction as directed by the OWNER Representative.
The minimum distance between the pipeline and the trench wall shall not be less than
150 mm.
The trench depth and width shall be sufficient to prevent collapse of the trench when
machinery is used close by. In general this shall not be less than 45 degree batter
Depth of Cover
The pipeline shall be laid with a depth of cover as specified below:
Excavation at Crossings
Excavations, minimum cover and general arrangement of crossings at ditches, roads,
foreign services and tracks shall be in accordance with the typical construction
drawings. If no guidance in the way of construction drawings is available the minimum
depth of cover shall be 2m from the bottom of the feature to the top of the pipeline.
Drain Tiles
Where drain tile is encountered, CONTRACTOR shall dig the trench so that the
pipeline may be laid under with a clearance of a minimum of 150mm. When any drain
tile is damaged, cut or removed, it must be temporarily repaired immediately if
necessary, at CONTRACTORs expense. At the time such tile is damaged,
CONTRACTOR shall carefully and immediately mark the location of such damaged tile
by means of a latch securely staked with a bright yellow flag attached thereto. Such
markers shall be kept in place and shall not be removed except by the tile repair crew
after tile has been repaired and such repairs have been inspected and approved by
the landowner and the OWNER.
The CONTRACTOR shall liaise with all relevant bodies, authorities, companies etc,
and obtain all required permits and consents at his cost, to carry out work. The
Drilling Fluids
Typically these are a low risk, however, care shall be taken when using powders due
to their fine texture, and eye protection and respirators shall be worn as a minimum
when handling large quantities.
Wet spillages shall be treated carefully due to the high degree of slip. Gloves shall be
worn if the product requires manual handling.
The CONTRACTOR shall carry out regular monitoring of the drilling operations to
determine if there is any breakout of drilling fluids. The CONTRACTOR shall develop
contingency procedures for approval by the OWNER, which can be implemented in the
event of breakout into the river.
Polymer Additives
Dry polymer spills shall be swept up immediately. Wet spills shall be recognised as a
potential slip hazard and shall be treated with an absorbent material and then swept
up. Gloves shall be worn if the product requires manual handling.
Drilling Tolerances
The clearances to services and surface features shown on construction drawings
produced will be considered as the minimum required. The allowable vertical
tolerance of positioning the pipeline is +0 m, -2 m of the design profile.
The allowable lateral tolerance is 1 m of the design alignment, and the longitudinal
tolerance is 0 m, +5 m.
Submissions Prior to Mobilisation
Documentation to be provided by the CONTRACTOR to the OWNER for review prior
to mobilisation of equipment shall include, but not be limited to the following:
details of the proposed equipment including drill and pull-back pipe, type of
bit, type and size of reamer etc and current calibration/lifting certificates
where appropriate;
design of pipeline profile taking into account the tolerances given in Section
stress caused by overbend at string entry point (drill exit angle), and
conveyor spacing,
estimated quantity of drilling fluid required for the different operations, and
frequency of vacuum trucks required to transport drilling fluid from one
location to another if recirculation is proposed;
breakout calculations.
pull force;
pump rate;
pump pressure;
personnel on site;
plant/equipment on site;
work planned for the next 24 hours, including movement of plant and
Final Submissions:
Final report containing, as a minimum, copies of daily drilling and progress reports,
hydrotest results etc, and a synopsis of the work carried out. Details of final report
content shall be approved by OWNER.
As-built drawings in the form of plans and longitudinal sections showing the position of
the installed pipeline in relation to the design position and in relation to the existing
Rock Trench
Rock Trench is defined as trench in rock that can be excavated to the requirements as
specified in this specification or on the alignment sheets, only by drilling and blasting,
excluding trench in frozen ground.
The CONTRACTOR shall not use explosives without the express written permission of
the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR shall acquire, store and use the explosives in
accordance with the requirements of the OWNER and the relevant authorities within
the Government of Sudan. Blasting shall not be permitted within 100 m of any
building, structure, pipeline or utility service without submission of detailed calculations
by CONTRACTOR for OWNER approval demonstrating that the safety and integrity of
nearby objects will not be affected.
For blasting beyond this distance the CONTRACTOR shall limit his charge so that the
amplitude of vibration in any direction does not exceed 60.1 mm at 40 Hz frequency of
vibration or other such amplitude and frequency so that the maximum resultant particle
velocity does not exceed 25 mm per second, when measured 100 m from the building
structure, pipeline or utility measured in the direction of the charge. To record vibration
the CONTRACTOR shall provide a calibrated three-dimensional high speed
vibrograph. When required, the vibrograph must also be capable of measuring and
recording the air blast noise or over-pressure.
The CONTRACTOR is to provide concrete plinths or wall brackets to give a firm
standing for the vibrograph when recording is taking place. These are to be removed
when no longer required.
The CONTRACTOR shall keep, in a form approved by the OWNER, complete records
of vibration recording obtained during blasting operations.
The CONTRACTOR shall give due warning of the times he proposes to fire charges to
all persons liable to be affected by means of siren and shall set out his procedure in
Water Supplies
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that at all places where water is customarily used or
drawn, an uninterrupted supply of unpolluted water shall be maintained throughout the
period of construction.
Where such supplies are affected in any way by the works, the CONTRACTOR shall
advise the OWNER Representative and shall provide an agreed alternative temporary
The CONTRACTOR shall repair forthwith all water supply pipes damaged during the
Fabrication and welding of steel pipelines shall be in accordance with the welding
specification defined in Section 2.0 of this document.
Pipeline Materials
The handling, transport and storage of free issue materials as defined in the Scope of
Works shall be in accordance with the requirements of the OWNER Representative.
All pipe shall be loaded and unloaded with certified equipment of a suitable capacity
using approved slings of canvas or other non-abrasive material or spreader bars and
protected hooks. Pipes shall not be rolled onto or off trucks or other means of
transport. Guide ropes shall be used at either end when lifting pipes.
Pipe Inspection
All dents on seam or girth welds, and all other dents which exceed a maximum depth
of 6 mm in pipe up to 300 mm nominal diameter and dents which exceed 2% of the
nominal diameter for pipes larger than 300 mm should be removed by cutting out the
damaged portion of pipe as a cylinder. Insert patching and pounding out of the dent
shall not be permitted.
Induction Bends
Induction bends shall be installed only where indicated on the construction drawings,
or as otherwise authorised in writing by OWNER.
Field Bending
When necessary, the CONTRACTOR shall bend the pipe to conform with the vertical
and horizontal alignment of the trench.
Field bends shall be installed at all points where the change in grade or horizontal
alignment is such that the pipe will not conform to such changes by elastic bending.
For points where the radius of curvature is less than that available for field bending,
the CONTRACTOR shall seek approval from the OWNER Representative to use
additional pre-formed bends.
Bending machines to be used shall be approved by the OWNER Representatives.
They shall be of a type which bends the pipe into a smooth curve, without wrinkles or
flat spots and without measurably reducing the wall thickness. They shall be suitable
for bending coated pipe without damage to the coating. A wrinkle shall be defined as
an undulation greater than 1% of the length between high or low points.
The CONTRACTOR shall employ and use an experienced Bending Engineer and shall
furnish him with such equipment and assistance as he requires to ensure that all field
bends are made in such a manner that the pipe fits the trench with uniform bearing,
maintains the required depth of cover, and when in place in the trench, is neither in
tension nor compression. The bend shall comply with the following:
a) no bend shall be made within 2D of the end of a length of pipe. The resulting
tangents may be subsequently cut off or shortened to a minimum of 1 m, if two or
more bends are to be joined together to make up large degree bends;
b) bent pipes which exhibit buckling or folding will be rejected and on no account
must they be installed in the line;
c) all bending shoes shall be coated to prevent damage to the coating. A holiday
detector shall be used after bending and any damage to coating due to bending
identified shall be repaired by CONTRACTOR.
d) before any bending commences, the CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to the
OWNER Representative his capability of field bending pipes by performing
approved Bending Qualification Procedures; all bending shall be performed on a
suitable machine using an internal mandrel, where necessary, and unless
otherwise agreed, in such a manner as to ensure a smooth profile;
Elastic Bending
The carbon steel pipeline can be flexed elastically to effect minor changes in direction.
The pipeline shall not be flexed elastically to a radius of less than 500 m or 600 D,
whichever is greater.
Lay Out
The CONTRACTOR shall lay out the pipeline to ensure that wastage due to short cut
off sections of pipe shall be kept to a minimum. Unnecessary wastage shall be the
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
Prior to cutting, all cut pieces of pipe shall have the parent pipe identification number
transferred thereon indelibly. Failure to identify cut lengths will result in this pipe being
All scrap resulting from cut pipes shall be stacked separately and removed from the
site by the CONTRACTOR to a designated storage area.
The CONTRACTOR shall lay out and measure the pipe so that the number of pieces
cut to less than 2m long is held to a minimum. All cut off pipe 2m or more in length
shall be moved ahead daily to the front end for welding into the line and shall not be
allowed to accumulate as unused pipe.
The minimum distance between any two circumferential welds shall be at least twice
the diameter of the pipe and not more than three circumferential welds will be
permitted in any 10 m section.
All lowering-in operations shall be undertaken in the presence of the OWNER
Representative who shall be given at least 24 hours notice of the CONTRACTORs
intent to lower in the pipe. Lowering into the trench shall be carried out in accordance
with a Method Statement provided by the CONTRACTOR and agreed by the OWNER
prior to the commencement of the Work.
All brush, skids, pipe, metal of any kind, rocks, large clods, sticks, projecting rocks, and
other hard objects shall be removed from the trench into which the pipeline is to be
lowered so that the protective coating shall not be punctured or abraded.
The lower and lay process shall not take place until a lowering-in certificate has been
approved and issued by the OWNER. This certificate will indicate all the activities
which are required to be completed and accepted by the OWNERs representative
prior to lowering-in.
As a minimum prior to lowering-in the trench shall have been inspected and padded
where necessary, all welds radiographically examined and accepted, all field joint
coating completed and pipe coating inspection and repairs are complete.
A final coating inspection by holiday detection shall be undertaken before lower and
lay is completed. Special care shall be taken to ensure that the pipe coating sustains
no damage during the operations. Lowering-in belts shall not be positioned in areas
where tape wrapping has been applied.
During the lower and lay operation, special care shall be taken to ensure that the pipe
is not laid in a stressed condition. Any damage to the pipe coating indicated by holiday
detection during lowering-in shall be repaired before the lower and lay is complete.
The pipe shall not be lowered into the trench when the temperature is such that undue
contraction will subsequently occur or that coating could be damaged. The pipeline
shall not be lowered into the trench and backfilled at a temperature lower than 10C.
10.1 General
Backfilling of trenches shall only be carried out after the pipeline has been inspected,
approved and a backfilling certificate has been approved and issued by the OWNER
and in the presence of the OWNER representative.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that no cinders, scrap metal, welding rods, vegetable
matter or any other material harmful to the pipeline is included in the backfill.
Backfilling operations shall follow as closely as possible after the laying of the pipeline
and fibre optic cable (where cable is laid in the same trench.
Where third party services are present in the trench, the backfill shall be placed and
compacted manually around such services.
Where instructed by the OWNER Representative, the CONTRACTOR shall provide
and install impervious barriers made of suitable material to prevent the passage of
water down the trench and the subsequent washing out of intimate or final backfill.
These barriers shall be spaced as indicated on the construction drawings and/or at
100 m (average) intervals, whichever is the lesser distance.
10.2 Intimate Backfill
Intimate backfill is all backfill in the trench up to a level 150 mm above the top of the
pipe, except at locations where the pipeline is encased in concrete.
Intimate backfill shall be fine grained granular material, mechanically sieved and well
graded with a maximum particle size of 6 mm with no sharp edges (flints etc) or
deleterious matter (metal vegetation etc). It shall be obtained, as far as practicable,
from the excavated material and shall be well compacted using hand rammers under
the pipeline and hand or mechanical compactors for the remaining layers in even
thickness layers of not more than 300 mm depth, all around the pipeline.
Topsoil shall not be used for intimate backfill.
If a flow of groundwater is possible, special care shall be taken in selecting material to
ensure that leaking or migration of particles does not occur. The CONTRACTOR shall
include for the use of Rockshield or equivalent approved proprietary material.
10.3 Final Backfill
Above the intimate backfill, the excavated material shall be backfilled in 300 mm layers
and thoroughly compacted by mechanical means to prevent subsequent settlement.
The original soil sequence shall be preserved as far as possible. The backfilling shall
not be completed until all drains and services crossed by the pipeline(s) have been
repaired and approved by all relevant parties.
Surplus excavated subsoil material shall be hauled away to an area agreed with the
landowner or from the site to an approved dumping location.
This shall include all work and equipment necessary to test and repair the completed
pipeline or section of pipeline.
The CONTRACTOR shall hydrostatically proof test the pipeline, after installation, and
backfill, but can be prior to final re-instatement. Prior to this test the CONTRACTOR
shall run a line scraper through the completed sections in water, to ensure that the line
does not contain any obstruction. Main line valves should be in the full open position.
The scraper shall be fitted with a sizing plate as shown on the appropriate drawing. If
the scraper hangs up and will not pass through, it will be the responsibility of the
CONTRACTOR to remove the obstruction and re-insert the scraper at the discretion of
the OWNER's Representative. Upon successful completion of this scraper run, it shall
be removed from the test section. The OWNERs Representative shall be present to
witness the removal of the scraper.
For buried test sections the hydrostatic test shall be for a minimum of twenty-four (24)
hours or longer as required by public authority and shall be recorded by a pressure
recorder supplied by CONTRACTOR and must be checked with Dead Weight Tester
supplied by CONTRACTOR.
The CONTRACTOR must make his own arrangements for obtaining water required for
the tests and disposing (including government permits) of it after completion of the
test. If this requires drilling of wells, CONTRACTOR shall ensure sufficient wells are
drilled and that no adjacent 3rd party wells are significantly affected.
Procedures for supply of test water and testing of water purity shall be approved in
writing by OWNER. The water used for the test must be clean, free of silt, suspended
material or harmful corrosive components.
Water used to test one section shall not be used to test another section.
CONTRACTOR must supply all fill pipe, pumps for filling and testing the pipeline and
any other equipment required, e.g. sufficient buried temperature probes to measure
temperature of the buried pipeline.
All valves and appurtenances must be checked by the CONTRACTOR, prior to filling
the pipeline, to ensure that they are in proper working order. Valves and fittings must
be greased and checked for tightness before filling.
When filling any section, bi-directional sealing or pig must be run immediately in front
of the water. It may be necessary to hold a back pressure of air on the pig or sphere
to prevent it from running away from the water. When all sections are filled, entrapped
air must be blown off at all available access points. A minimum of twelve hours shall
occur from completion of filling to start of test to allow for thermal equilibrium.
Warning signs should be placed along the right-of-way at all public crossings and at all
points where there is exposed pipe or appurtenances.
Where methanol or glycol is required the CONTRACTOR shall be required to supply
this material.
Prior to starting the test, check all fittings for tightness. Install bull plugs and blind
flanges except where gauges, recorders, or pumps are connected.