Technical Specification DP System

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Technical Specification

DP Control System Philosophy

SHI 1674 Tanker Pacific




K-Pos DP-22, K-Pos DP-12 and cJoy


This document describes the DP Control system philosophy for

the specified vessel.

Document number:



Customer doc number:

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30. Mar 07

Reason for issue

First Issue


Kongsberg Maritime AS

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Table of contents
1 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ..................................................................................4
Document history ..................................................................................................4
References .............................................................................................................4
Definitions / Abbreviations ...................................................................................5
2 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................6
Purpose ..................................................................................................................6
3 CLASS NOTATION ABSTRACT .........................................................................7
IMO DEFINITIONS (REF. MSC/CIRC. 645. 6 JUNE 1994)..............................7
3.1.1 Definitions .................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Other definitions ........................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Applicable rules for newbuildings................................................................ 9
3.3.1 ABS class rules for automation systems..................................................... 10
IMO GUIDELINES.............................................................................................10
ABS CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................16
4 PHILOSOPHY .......................................................................................................21
COMPONENTS OF THE DP CONTROLLER SYSTEM.................................21
Main DP Control Station .....................................................................................23
4.2.1 K-Pos DP-22............................................................................................... 23
4.2.2 DP Online Consequence Analysis.............................................................. 30
4.2.3 DP Capability Analysis .............................................................................. 30
4.2.4 Location ...................................................................................................... 30
4.2.5 Power Supply.............................................................................................. 30
Backup DP control station...................................................................................31
4.3.1 K-Pos DP-12 Class 3 Backup DP............................................................... 31
4.3.2 Backup system monitoring ......................................................................... 32
4.3.3 Remote Control .......................................................................................... 32
4.3.4 Backup Switch............................................................................................ 33
4.3.5 Location ...................................................................................................... 33

Kongsberg Maritime AS

Kongsberg Maritime AS







4.3.6 Power Supply.............................................................................................. 33

Independent Joystick System ..............................................................................34
4.4.1 CJoy system overview ................................................................................ 34
4.4.2 Independency.............................................................................................. 37
4.4.3 Location ...................................................................................................... 37
4.4.4 Power Supply.............................................................................................. 37
4.5.1 Gyros .......................................................................................................... 38
4.5.2 Wind Sensors.............................................................................................. 38
4.5.3 VRSs ......................................................................................................... 39
Position Reference Systems.................................................................................40
4.6.1 HiPAP systems ........................................................................................... 40
4.6.2 DGPS systems ............................................................................................ 41
4.7.1 Location ...................................................................................................... 44
4.7.2 Power Supply.............................................................................................. 44
Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................45
4.8.1 Command Control Transfers ...................................................................... 45
4.8.2 Redundant process network........................................................................ 45
4.8.3 Ready status of thrusters and sensors ......................................................... 46
4.8.4 Enable/disable thrusters and sensors .......................................................... 46
4.8.5 Operator panel protection ........................................................................... 47
4.8.6 Certification ................................................................................................ 47
4.8.7 FMEA ......................................................................................................... 47
Relevant Drawings ..............................................................................................48
4.9.1 Cable Layout Main DP System .................................................................. 48
4.9.2 Cable Layout Backup DP System .............................................................. 48
4.9.3 Cable Layout cJoy System ......................................................................... 48

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1.1 Document history

Description of Change

First Issue

1.2 References

Doc No



Class Notation Abstract and Comparison for DP Systems (Rev. E)


Quotation, Specified vessel


Cable Layout Main DP System


Cable Layout Backup DP System


Cable Layout cJoy System

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1.3 Definitions / Abbreviations


American Bureau of Shipping


Back up Control Room


Bureau Veritas


Customer Acceptance Test


cJoy Controller


Compact Joystick System


Certificate of Conformity


Differential Global Positioning System


Det Norske Veritas


Dynamic Positioning


Single Integrated DP Control System (K-Pos product range)


Redundant Integrated DP Control System (K-Pos product range)


DP Controller


Factory Acceptance Test


High Precision Acoustic Positioning


Hydro acoustic Position Reference


Integrated Automation System


International Maritime Organisation


Kongsberg Maritime


Lloyds Register of Shipping


Main Control Room


Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit


Motion Reference Unit


Network Distribution Unit


Operator Station


Registro Italiano Navale


Uninterruptible Power Supply


Vertical Reference System

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2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to present the philosophy of the DP Control System
that will be installed on Specified vessel.
The philosophy presented here is aimed to fulfil guidelines for IMO DP Equipment
Class 3 and ABS DPS-3 requirements.

2.2 Summary
Chapter 3 of this document contains some classification abstracts for DP Systems and
DP conrolled vessels. It will give a short introduction to IMOs guidelines, equipment
classes and definitions. It will also give a short summary of the requirements for ABS
class notation DPS-3.
The next chapter, chapter 4, will present the philosophy of the DP Control System
planned to be installed on Specified vessel. An overview of the system will be given.
The various components of the system will be described together with how its
separated to avoid loss of position due to single failures including fire or flooding.

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This chapter is mainly an abstract of the DP Rules and Guidelines by IMO and ABS.
It is based on Class Notation Abstract and Comparison for DP Systems (Rev. E) [Ref 1].
This document is an internal document for Kongsberg Maritime.


JUNE 1994)
3.1.1 Definitions
In addition to the definition in the MODU Code 1989 the following definitions are
necessary for the guidelines:

Dynamically positioned vessel (DP-Vessel) means a unit or a vessel which

automatically maintains its position (fixed location or predetermined track)
exclusively by means of thruster force.

Dynamic positioning system (DP-system) means the complete installation

necessary for dynamically positioning a vessel comprising the following subsystems:
1. Power system
2. Thruster system, and
3. DP-control system

Position keeping means maintaining a desired position and heading within the
normal excursions of the control system and the environmental conditions.

Power system means all components and systems necessary to supply the DPsystem with power. The power system includes:
1. Prime movers with necessary auxiliary systems including piping,
2. Generators.
3. Switchboards, and
4. Distributing system (cabling and cable routing)

Thruster system means all components and systems necessary to supply the
DP-system with thrust force and direction. The thruster system includes:
1. Thruster with drive units and necessary auxiliary systems including piping.
2. Main propellers and rudders if these are under the control of the DP-system.

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3. Thruster control electronics,

4. Manual thruster controls, and
5. Associated cabling and cable routing

DP-control system means all control components and systems, hardware and
software necessary to dynamically position the vessel. The DP-control system
consists of the following:
1. Computer system/joystick system.
2. Sensor system,
3. Display system (operator panels),
4. Position reference system, and
5. Associated cabling and cable routing.

Computer system means a system consisting of one or several computers

including software and their interfaces.

Redundancy means ability of a component or system to maintain or restore its

function, when a single failure has occurred. Redundancy can be achieved for
instance by installation of multiple components, systems or alternative means of
performing a function.

3.1.2 Other definitions

Flag State is the country in which the vessel is registered by the National
Authority. The vessel shall carry the Flag States flag, and show the port of
registry at the stern, but may have no other apparent connection to the Flag

Coastal State is the country where the vessel is located when it is not in
international waters, i.e. when in harbour or in some countrys territorial water.
The Coastal State may apply restrictions that exceed those of the Flag State.

Main Class is the set of rules that are compulsory for any vessel classified by
the specific Classification Society. Each part or section of the Rules that are
within Main Class will be identified as such. Typically, for DNV, Part 4
Machinery and Systems is marked Main Class. This Part includes both Electrical
Installations and Instrumentation and Automation Chapters.

Additional Class is sets of rules that are optional to a vessel to document a

specific type of vessel or specific capabilities of the vessel. The DP rules is a
typical case of Additional Class rules, which the vessel owner has chosen to
apply for his vessel.

Class Notation is another name used for Additional Class. Thus, DYNPOSAUTR is a Class Notation, and it will be stated in the vessels Class Certificate.

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Equipment Classes are defined by their worst case failure modes. The
commonly used equipment classes for DP are Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3.
Details about these classes will follow later in this document.

Segregation means that two or more units of equipment are located physically
separated, without stating the degree of separation. For instance, A60 is a case of
segregation where there are specific requirements to the degree of protection
regarding propagation of fire.

Independence, in relation to technical systems, means that one unit or system

will operate without assistance from another system such that the one system
will remain in operation after the other has failed. Mutual independence signifies
that this will be true both ways.

In 3.1.1 DEFINITIONS, is highlighted the difference between DP system and DPcontrol system; a difference that is often overlooked by involved parties. That can
cause misunderstanding about the placing of responsibilities in a project. To sort that
out, one should go back to classification fundamentals.
In classification work there is an overall differentiation between certification and
classification. The certification is a product qualification, and classification is a vessel
qualification, and there is a vast difference between being responsible for the
certification of the DP-control system and the classification of the DP-system. For a
new building project, the classification of the vessel, and hence the DP-system, is
normally a contract between the Yard and the Classification Society.
Kongsberg Maritime will be responsible for the certification of the DP-control system,
according to the requirements for the applicable Class Notation. For Specified vessel
this would be ABS DPS-3 corresponding to IMOs DP Class 3.

3.2.1 Applicable rules for newbuildings

Newbuilding projects will span over one, two, or even more years, long enough for
Classification societies to issue new and different rules. However, the project will refer
to the rules in use at the time of contract signing, or even some time earlier than that.
Hence, one should check which rules are applicable for each specific project, and one
should be aware that Yard and Owner may have different preferences as to which rule
issue to apply.


Most of the Classification Societies have rules for instrumentation and automation in
their Main Class rules, which means that they are mandatory. A list of these rules from
ABS is presented in section, ABS Class Rules for Automation Systems.

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Type Approval is generally a voluntary qualification offered by the

Classification Societies. It is not known that any Society exercises mandatory
Type Approval on DP-control systems, although it has been done in the past.
The basic Type Approval has been directed towards hardware, with emphasis on
environmental specifications. That is still the case, but approval has been
extended to include software. The K-Pos line of equipment is type approved
with DNV and ABS, including hardware, software basis and software for
specific applications, but excluding sensors, position reference, and UPS.

3.3.1 ABS class rules for automation systems

The list contains the Main Class rules given by ABS for automation systems. Specific
rules for integrated automation systems are also mentioned.



Part 4 Vessel Systems and Machinery updated 2003
Chapter 8 Electrical systems
Chapter 9 Remote Propulsion Control and Automation


IMOs DP-Classification Guidelines.
MSC/Circ. 645, 6 June 1994. (Still valid by January 2004)
These guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems have been developed to
provide an international standard for dynamic positioning systems on all types of new
A Flag State Verification and Acceptance Document (FSVAD) for the dynamic
positioning system will document compliance with the Guidelines. The purpose of a
FSVAD is to ensure that the vessel is operated, surveyed and tested according to the
vessel specific procedures and that the results are properly recorded.
A Coastal State may permit any vessel whose dynamic positioning system is designed to
a different standard than that of these Guidelines to engage in operation.
The purpose of these Guidelines is to recommend design criteria, necessary equipment,
operating requirements, and a test documentation system for the dynamic positioning to
reduce the risk to personnel, the vessel, other vessels or structures, sub-sea installations
and the environmental conditions while performing operations under dynamic
positioning control.
The responsibility for ensuring that the provisions of the Guidelines are complied with
rests with the owner of the DP-vessel.

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IMO DP Equipment Class notations are as follows:

Class 1

For equipment class 1, the DP-control system need not to be redundant.

Class 2

For equipment class 2, the DP-control system should consist of at least two
independent computer systems. Common facilities such as self-checking
routines, data transfer arrangements, and plant interfaces should not be
capable of causing the failure of both/all systems.

Class 3

For equipment class 3, the DP-control system should consist of at least two
independent computer systems with self-checking and alignment facilities.
Common facilities such as self-checking and routines, data transfer
arrangements and plant interfaces should not be capable of causing failure
at both/all systems. In addition, one back-up DP-control system should be
arranged. An alarm should be initiated if any computer fails or is not
ready to take control.

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Subsystem or Component
Power System

Minimum Requirement for each Class

Redundant, in separate compartments
1 with bus tie
2 with normally open bus ties in separate
compartments, A60
Redundant, through separate
Note 1
Note 1
Separate compartments redundant
Note 2
Note 3
2 + 1 back-up

Generator and prime movers

Main switchboard
Bus tie breaker
Distribution system



Power Management
Arrangement of thruster

Note 1

Auto control; no. of computer

Manual control; joystick with
auto heading
Single levers for each thruster
Pos. ref. Systems

Note 2


Note 3






Note 4
Note 4


Note 4

3 whereof 1 in alternate control station
directly connected to Back-up system.
Whereof 1 in alternate
control station
As above
As above

Note 5



Gyro compass

Alternative control station for backup unit.

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2+1 separate compartment


Kongsberg Maritime AS

IMO Guidelines

Minimum requirements for each class




Consequence Analysis

Note 6


Yes Note 6

Yes Note 6


Note 7


Note 7

Note 7

Installation manual/systems








Approval of cable routing for

power and control circuits




No single fault can result in more

than 50% loss of DP capability




Equivalence with NMD

consequence class



DP Class 1

K-Pos DP 11/12

Independent joystick w/Auto heading

DP Class 2

K-Pos DP 21/22 or K-Pos DP 31/32

Independent joystick w/Auto heading

DP Class 3

K-Pos DP 21/22 or K-Pos DP 31/32

Back-up K-Pos DP 11/12

Independent joystick w/Auto heading

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Notes and Comments

Note 1 Power management, ref. IMO Guidelines 3.2.6
There is no definite requirement for a power management system. The
reference states: If a power management is installed, adequate redundancy or
reliability to the satisfaction of the Administration should be demonstrated.
This reflects that there are power systems that have no need for power
management, there is really nothing to manage. This should not be confused
with the need for pitch/RPM reduction for black-out prevention.
Note also that there is no strict requirement for the power system to be
Note 2 Computer systems, ref. IMO Guidelines and
Redundant computer systems should be arranged with automatic transfer of
control after a detected failure in the computer currently in control. The
automatic transfer of control from one computer system to another should be
smooth, and within the acceptable limitations of the operations.
For Equipment Class 3, the back-up DP control system should be in a room
separated by A60 class division from the main DP control station. During DP
operations, this back-up control system should be continuously updated by
input from sensors, position reference systems, thrusters feedback, etc, and be
ready to take over control. The switch-over of control to the back-up system
should be manual, situated on the back-up computer, and should not be
affected by failure of the main DP control system.
Note 3 Manual control, joystick, ref. IMO Guidelines
The reference states: It should be possible to control the thrusters manually,
by individual joysticks and a common joystick, in the event of failure of the DPcontrol system.
This is understood to mean the manual levers for each thrusters and the
independent joystick that is required in the Class rules.

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Note 4 External sensors, VRS, ref. IMO Guidelines

The reference states: When an equipment class 2 or 3 DP-control system is
fully dependent on correct signals from vessel sensors, then these signals
should be based on three systems serving the same purpose (i.e. this will result
in at least three gyro compasses being installed).
It is generally accepted that this requirement applies to gyro compasses. If it
should also apply to VRS has to be considered in view of the chosen position
reference systems and how these are dependent on roll and pitch compensation.
Note 5 UPS, ref. IMO Guidelines
The reference states: An interruptible power supply (UPS) should be provided
for each DP-computer system to ensure that any power failure will not affect
more than one computer. UPS battery capacity should provide a minimum of
30 minutes operation following a mains supply failure.
The requirement refers to DP-computer system and also one computer.
This is understood as one UPS for each of the two DP-computer systems in
Class 2, and one more for the back-up DP-control system in Class 3, ignoring
the fact that each of these systems may contain more than one computer.
The requirement means that the large, central UPS installations found in some
major automation systems may not be acceptable.
Note 6 Consequence analysis, ref. IMO Guidelines
The reference states: For equipment classes 2 and 3, the DP-control system
should include a software function, normally known as consequence
analysis, which continuously verifies that the vessel will remain in position
even if the worst case failure occurs. This analysis should verify that the
thrusters remaining in operation after the worst case failure can generate the
same resultant thrusters force and moment as required before the failure. The
consequence analysis should provide an alarm if the occurrence of a worst
case failure would lead to a loss of position due to insufficient thrust for the
prevailing environmental conditions. For operations which will take a long
time to safely terminate, the consequence analysis should include a function
which simulates the thrust and power remaining after the worst case failure,
base on manual input of the weather trend

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Note 7 FMEA
There is no requirement for FMEA in the IMO Guidelines, the name is not
even used. It is, however, difficult to see how the worst case failure can be
determined without some form of failure analysis. In addition, all
Classification DP rules do require an FMEA for Class 2 and 3.
Note 8 Printer, ref. IMO Guidelines
The reference states: Alarms and warnings for failures in systems interfaced
to and/or controlled by the DP-control system are to be audible and visual. A
permanent record of their occurrence and of status changes should be provided
together with any necessary explanations.
This is understood as a requirement for a paper printer. A corresponding
requirement is found in the DP-rules for BV, RINA, and DNV. ABS and LR
have no specific requirement for an alarm printer in their DP-rules, but a
general requirement should be found in their Main Class rules for automation
systems. Hence, it is recommended to include the printer in any system
delivered to IMO standards.


ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels
Part 4 Chapter 3 Section 5 Thrusters and Dynamic Positioning System
(Valid January 2004).

ABS Notations are as follows:

DPS-0 For vessels which are fitted with a dynamic positioning system with
centralised manual position control and automatic heading control to
maintain the position and heading under the specified maximum
environmental conditions.
DPS-1 For vessels which are fitted with a dynamic positioning system which is
capable of automatically maintaining the position and heading of the vessel
under specified maximum environmental conditions having an independent
centralised manual position control with automatic heading control.

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DPS-2 For vessels which are fitted with a dynamic positioning system which is
capable of automatically maintaining the position and heading of the vessel
within a specified operating envelope under specified maximum
environmental conditions during and following any single fault excluding a
loss of compartment or compartments.
DPS-3 For vessels which are fitted with a dynamic positioning system which is
capable of automatically maintaining the position and heading of the vessel
within a specified operating envelope under specified maximum
environmental conditions during and following any single fault including
complete loss of a compartment due to fire or flood.

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Subsystem or Component
Power System



Generator and prime movers

Main switchboard

Note 1

Bus tie breaker

Distribution system
Power Management
Arrangement of thruster
Auto control; no. of computer
Manual control; joystick with
auto heading
Single levers for each thruster
Pos. ref. Systems


Note 2
Note 3

Minimum Requirement for each Class

Redundant, in separate compartments
1 with bus tie
2 with normally open bus ties in separate
Redundant, through separate compartments
Redundant in separate compartments.

2 + 1 in alternate control station.








Note 4

As above

As above


Note 4

Gyro compass

Note 5

Note 4

Note 6




Alternative control station for backup unit.

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3 whereof 1 in alternate control station.
Whereof 1 in alternate
control station

1+1 separate compartment


Kongsberg Maritime AS

Subsystem or component

Minimum requirements for each class


Consequence Analysis
Installation manual/systems
Approval of cable routing
for power and control
Single failure not to cause a
critical situation for the
vessel or personnel
Equivalent to IMO class

Note 7
















*includes also fire and






K-Pos DP 11/12

Independent joystick v/Auto heading


K-Pos DP 21/22 or K-Pos DP 31/32

Independent joystick w/Auto heading


K-Pos DP 21/22 or K-Pos DP 31/32

Back-up K-Pos DP 11/12 and independent joystick

w/Auto heading

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One position reference system

Kongsberg Maritime AS

Notes and Comments

Note 1: DPS-0
This is a dynamic positioning system according to ABS definition. It is
understood to be a joystick system with a free-standing position reference
Note 2: Position reference systems
There is a requirement for two pos. refs. for DPS-1, one is required for IMO
Class 1
Note 3: External sensors, Wind sensor
Compared to IMO, there is one more wind sensor in DPS-1, and one less in
Note 4: External sensors, VRS
The ABS rules do not state any requirement for VRS. It is recommended to
apply IMO Guidelines requirements.
Note 5: Gyro compass
Compared to IMO, there is one more gyro in DPS-1 and one less in DPS-2.
Note 6: UPS
Compared to IMO, there is one UPS less in DPS-2 and DPS-3.
Note 7: FMEA
There is a requirement for FMEA in all DPS-classes. Ref. ABS DP-rules
15.1.3 and 15.1.4. The FMEA results are to be tested, ref. DP-rules 15.15.2

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The general philosophy to fulfil IMO Equipment Class 3 and ABS DPS-3 is a DP
Control System consisting of the following:

One redundant DP computer system placed at the main operator station of the
vessel. This system is interfaced to all position reference systems and sensors for
protections against single failures.

One backup DP computer system interfaced to one set of sensors and at least one
reference system were fire and flooding at the main control station will not cause
any failures in this computer system or the components interfaced to it. This
backup system is therefore placed at the backup control station in a different
compartment separated by firewalls.

One Independent Joystick system interfaced directly to the thruster control

electronics by discrete signals. This system is independent from the DP control
system both from communication and power supply.

The redundant DP computer system and the backup DP computer system is mutual
independent. I.e. loosing either of the systems will not prevent operation from the
remaining system.


The components of the DP control system can be listed up as follows:

1 K-Pos DP-22 system consisting of Dual DP-OS and a DPC-2

1 K-Pos DP-12 system consisting of a single DP-OS and a DPC-1

3 sets of sensors; 3xWind + 3xGyro + 3xMRU

2 sets of HiPAP system consisting of HiPAP-OS (APOS) and HiPAP transceiver

+ hull unit

2 sets of DGPS system including differential correction signals

1 cJoy system

For details regarding system layout, we refer to system cable layout drawings at end of
this document.
A one line diagram giving an overview of the components and how they are linked to
each other and segregated is presented in Figure 1 DP Control System Overview.

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Figure 1 DP Control System Overview


For explanation purposes, the DP control system has been drawn outside of the IAS system The IAS system
in this drawing should be regarded as the thruster control and power management system

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4.2 Main DP Control Station

The main DP control station contains a K-Pos DP-22 system. This is a redundant DP
control system and is located at the main control room. The sections below explain in
more detail this sub system.
The operational modes for this system include Manual Joystick and Position Keeping.
Relevant system functions included are the DP Online Consequence Analysis and the
DP Capability Analysis.
This system interfaces the thruster and power system through the redundant process
network. All reference systems and sensors are interfaced to this system making it
In addition to the operator stations mentioned below, there will be a thruster control OS
as part of the main DP control system. This operator station has limited set of buttons
and functionality, hence it will not be considered as part of the design philosophy for the
specified DP class 3 control system.

4.2.1 K-Pos DP-22

The KONGSBERG MARITIME K-Pos DP-22 is a dual redundant dynamic positioning
system designed for all DP applications with the full range of functionality. Its
modularity and use of common building blocks allows for high flexibility and various
upgrades. The system is designed to satisfy class notations equivalent to Dynamic
Positioning Class 2 and Dynamic Positioning Class 3 (together with K-Pos DP-12
Back-up system).
It consists of a dual redundant controller unit (DPC-2) and two operator stations (DPOS). The controller unit contains two powerful control computers and I/O units to
provide an interface to position-reference systems, sensors and dual Net Interface for
various types of propellers, thrusters and rudders via local process stations. The operator
stations each contain a high-performance computer running Windows XP. Highresolution colour flat-screens, approved for maritime operations, provide the main
graphic displays for presentation of data.
Dual Redundancy
No single-point failure
Failure detection
Fault isolation
Switchover to hot standby
Comparison of sensor data between computers

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Kongsberg Maritime AS Basic system hardware

One (1)

Dual DP-OS Operator Station with console

Location: Main Control Room
Joystick (3-axis) control
Buttons and status lamps
Colour display (20.1 TFT flat screen)
Windows XP marinised Computer
Hard disk
DVD Read/Write

One (1)

DPC-2 Dual Redundant Controller Unit

Dual Real Time Processor
Dual Flash PROM
Dual Analogue Input
Dual Digital Input
Dual Power Supply
Dual Serial Input
Field Termination
Dual Net Interface

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Kongsberg Maritime AS Basic principles

The Extended Kalman Filter





The Extended Kalman filter uses a mathematical model of

the vessel. The Extended Kalman filter provides the
following advantages:
Optimum self-adaptive noise filtering of heading and
position measurements according to noise level and
measurement- update rate.
Optimum combination of data from the different
position-reference systems.
In the absence of position measurements, the model
provides a dead-reckoning mode.
The Controller
In station-keeping operations the DP Controller can be
working in several of the following modes, all with special
High Precision Control
Excursion Feedback
Wind Feed-Forward
Current Feedback
Relaxed Control
Excursion Feedback
Wind Feed-Forward
Current Feedback
Green Control
Environment Compensator
Model Predictive Controller
Position Predictor

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This section will describe the operational modes related to DP Class 3.
Joystick Mode
Manual positioning using the three-axis
(integrated joystick and rotate controller).


Mixed Joystick / Auto Mode

Enabling the operator to select any of the three degrees of
vessel movements (Surge, Sway and Yaw), as manual and/or
auto control.
This means that the operator can select automatic control
of Sway and Yaw and manual control of Surge, or any other

Auto Heading Mode

Accurate control of selected vessel heading.
Change Heading (Marked Heading, Change Heading
Heading, Change
Heading Warning and Alarm
Auto Position Mode
Station keeping with control of selected vessel heading and
position. Functions related to heading control are described
under the Auto Heading Mode.
Change Position (Marked Position, Change Position
Incremental, Change Position Range / Bearing)
Set Speed
Position Warning and Alarm

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Kongsberg Maritime AS System functions

Sensor System Data Processing
When a sensor group consist of at least three sensors
(enabled), voting will be performed, otherwise (i.e. two
sensors) a difference test will be performed.

Position-Reference System Data Processing

Freeze Test live assessment
Variance Test long-term assessment
Prediction Test short-term assessment
Slow Drift Tests assembly assessment
Divergence Test
Median Test

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Power Load Monitoring and Blackout Prevention

Actual DP

Dynamic reduction of pitch/RPM of thrusters / propellers.

Nominal power





Require interface to:

Generator power and breaker status
Bus-tie breaker status
Thruster breaker status (if more than one for each
Human-Machine Interface (HMI)
The HMI consists of the Operator Panel and the Colour
Operator Panel
Dedicated push buttons for activation of main modes,
position-reference systems, sensors, thrusters and functions
important to the operation assessment.
A Trackball and a 3-axis joystick as well as numeric input
buttons and alarm indicators are incorporated.
Colour Display
A Windows XPTM based display interface provides a high
degree of flexibility in the presentation of information. In
addition to familiar Windows features such as Menu bar and
Dialog boxes, the display is divided into a number of
predefined areas that are shown simultaneously on the
Message line (part of Alarm System)
Performance area
Monitoring area
Working area
These areas display information about:
Position & Heading, Thrusters & Propellers, Power
Generation, DP Conning Display, Reference Systems,
Sensors, Trends and Alarms.
Title bar, Status line and Status bar are also incorporated.
Display Presentation
Selection of Display Presentation for Position
Selection of Display Units

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Alarm System
System Diagnostics
Operational Checks
Audible and Visual Indications
Three Categories of Messages (Priority)
Alarm Display (Message Line and Alarm view)
Alarm Advisory Function
Message Printout

DP Online Consequence Analysis

Perform an analysis of the vessels ability to maintain its
position after a worst-case single failure.
Typical worst-case single failures are:
Failure in the most critical thruster
Failure in one thruster group (if any)
Failure in one power bus section
The failure situation analysed are in accordance with:
DP Capability Analysis

Predicting the maximum weather conditions in which the

vessel is able to continue its DP operations.















The following situations are always evaluated:

Present condition with regards to thrusters and generators
Worst single failure (according to IMO DP class)
In addition, the operator can also include in the analysis:
Loss of one or more thruster units
Loss of one or more power generators
Loss of one or more switchboards
The most loaded thrusters force requirement in the present
environmental condition is also calculated.

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One (1)

Printer with Cable

Network printer

4.2.2 DP Online Consequence Analysis

The DP Online Consequence Analysis will perform simulations on the effect of
predefined failures in the DP System. The defined failures will be the worst case single
failures for the vessel. For the specified vessel the following failures will be analysed as
worst case single failures:

loss of Main Switchboard Port

loss of Main Switchboard Center

loss of Main Switchboard Stbd

The analysis will calculate necessary thrust for position keeping in present condition. It
will then check if any of the failures listed above will reduce the available thrust below
what is necessary to maintain position and heading. If that is the case, the DP control
system will issue a warning.

4.2.3 DP Capability Analysis

The DP Capability Analysis will present for the DP control system operators an
environmental operating envelope for different situations. Which situations to give an
envelope for are selectable from the DP Operator Stations.
The environmental operating envelope in case of worst single failure is a situation that
would normally be interesting to know. For operations that require a long time to finish
in a safely manner, the operators need to know if the vessel can handle the weather
expected in the future.

4.2.4 Location
The K-Pos DP-22 operator stations, SDP-OS1 and SDP-OS2 are located in the
The K-Pos DP-22 controlling unit, DPC-2, is located in the communication room.

4.2.5 Power Supply

The K-Pos DP-22 system requires power supplied from at least one UPS. The UPSes
selected for powering the K-Pos DP-22 system is UPS1 and UPS2.

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4.3 Backup DP control station

The backup DP control station contains a K-Pos DP-12 system. This DP system is
located in the backup control room. The sections below explain in more detail this sub
The operational modes and system functions will be the same as for the main DP
This system interfaces the thruster and power system through the redundant process
network. Only one gyro, one wind sensor and one MRU is interfaced to this system.
The position reference systems interfaced are one HiPAP and one DGPS.

4.3.1 K-Pos DP-12 Class 3 Backup DP

The KONGSBERG MARITIME K-Pos DP-12 backup dynamic positioning system is
designed for all DP applications with the full range of functionality. Its modularity and
use of common building blocks allows for high flexibility and various upgrades. The
backup DP system together with the main DP system is designed to satisfy class
notations equivalent to Dynamic Positioning Class 3.
It consists of a controller unit (DPC-1) and one operator station (DP-OS). The controller
unit contains a powerful control computer and I/O units to provide an interface to
position-reference systems, sensors, dual Net Interface for various types of propellers,
thrusters and rudders via local process stations and dual Net Interface to the main DPSystem. The operator station contains a high-performance computer running Windows
XP. A high-resolution colour flat-screen, approved for maritime operations, provides
the main graphic display for presentation of data. Basic system hardware
One (1)

DP-OS Operator Station with console

Joystick (3-axis) control
Buttons and status lamps
Colour display (20.1 TFT flat screen)
Windows XP marinised Computer
Hard disk
DVD Read/Write

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One (1)

DPC-1 Backup Controller Unit

Single Real Time Processor
Single Flash PROM
Single Analogue Input
Single Digital Input
Single Power Supply
Single Serial Input
Field Termination
Dual Net Interface Operational modes

Included operational modes will be as for the K-Pos DP-22 system. System Functions
System functions as for the K-Pos DP-22 system, but without DP Capability Analysis
and DP Consequence Analysis. Peripheral equipment
One (1)

Printer with Cable

Matrix printer, complete with cable and serial
RS232-C interface.

4.3.2 Backup system monitoring

The backup system will be monitored through the process network and alarm operators
about failures in the system, and also conditions that will prevent a bumpless
command control transfer to the backup system.

4.3.3 Remote Control

The backup DP control system can be remotely operated from the main DP control
station. An operator station on the main system can actually work as operator station for
the backup system. This will avoid DP operators having to leave the main DP station to
change settings on the backup system.

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4.3.4 Backup Switch

The Backup Control Station will have a switch for transferring the DP command from
the K-Pos DP-22 system over to the K-Pos DP-12 system. This switch has loop
detection to avoid unintentionally transfer of command in case of single failure.
The Backup System will be set up by DP-operator so it is ready for bumpless command
transfer from the main system as soon as the backup position has been selected on this

4.3.5 Location
The K-Pos DP-12 OS, SDP-OS4, is located in the ECR.
The K-Pos DP-12 controller unit, DPC-1, is located in the ECR.

4.3.6 Power Supply

The backup DP system requires power supplied from at least one UPS. Upses powering
the K-Pos DP-12 system should be located in a separate fire zone from the K-Pos DP-22
UPSes. The UPSes selected for powering the K-Pos DP-12 system is UPS3.

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4.4 Independent Joystick System

The thrusters can be controlled from a joystick system (cJoy) independent of the DP
control system. The cJoy system contains its own alarm system to inform operators
about internal and external failures.
Failures causing loss of operational control of the thrusters will cause system to go into
fails-safe mode setting thrust to zero. Loss of operator panel while in automatic heading
control will however maintain the heading control, but zero the demand in surge and
The purpose of this system is to have a common joystick to control all thrusters in case
of total failure of the rest of the DP control system. As an example; two or more failures
killing the redundant process network could cause situations where the operation from
the cJoy system would be necessary.

4.4.1 CJoy system overview

The Kongsberg cJoy is a joystick control system. Its modularity and use of common
building blocks allows for high flexibility.
It consists of a single controller unit (cJoy Controller) and an operator terminal (cJoy
Operator Terminal). The controller unit contains a powerful control computer and the
necessary I/O units to provide an interface to sensors and various types of propellers,
thrusters and rudders. The operator terminal contains a built-in computer and a highresolution colour flat-screen, approved for maritime operations.
The solution may be extended with cJoy Wing Terminals. Basic system hardware

One (1)

cJoy Operator Terminal in console

Operator panel consisting of:
Joystick (3-axis) control
Heading wheel
Buttons and status lamps
Built-in computer with colour display (6.5
TFT flat screen)
Single net interface (LAN)
cJoy Wing Terminal interface (CAN)

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One (1)

cJoy Controller unit (cC-1)

Wall mount cabinet
Single Real Time Processor, RCU510
Single net interface (LAN)
7 ea Serial interfaces RS232/422 (galvanic
32 ea multifunctional input/output embedded
Input power 115/230VAC from external
Galvanic isolation Analogue Outputs
Additional 32 ea multifunctional input/output
interface module Basic operational modes

Joystick Mode
Manual positioning using the three-axis joystick (combined
joystick and rotate controller).
Joystick Thrust Selection (Reduced, Full)
Wind Force Compensation
Rotation Point for Joystick Manoeuvring

Auto Heading Mode

Accurate control of selected vessel heading.
Change Heading (Incremental, using Heading Wheel)
Heading Warning and Alarm

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Kongsberg Maritime AS Basic system functions

Sensor System Data Processing
When a sensor group consist of two sensors (enabled), a
difference test will be performed.
Thruster Allocation / Control
Joystick and Station-Keeping Operations
Azimuth Thruster Control
Fixed Thruster Azimuth modes
Variable Thruster Azimuth mode
Azimuth Thruster Biasing
Thruster Allocation for Auto Piloting
Free Run
Select Steering Mode
Human-Machine Interface (HMI)
The HMI consists of the Operator Panel with built-in high
resolution colour display.
Dedicated push buttons with indicator lights for activation of
main modes and functions important to the operation
3-axis joystick, heading wheel as well as numeric input
buttons and alarm indicators are incorporated. The operator
panel has a built-in colour display for data input and overall
status presentation.
Alarm System
System Diagnostics
Operational Checks
Audible and Visual Indications
Three Categories of Messages (Priority)
Alarm Display (Message Line and Alarm view)
Message Printout

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4.4.2 Independency
The cJoy system is independent from the DP control system as it uses its own network
between Operator Terminals and controller unit. The communications to the thrusters
are discrete signals directly from the cJoy Controller Unit to the control electronic of
each thruster. The cJoy system will be powered directly from power switchboard or
from a UPS not supplying the DP control system.

4.4.3 Location
The cJoy operator panel will be located in the wheelhouse, close to the main DP station.
The cJoy controlling unit, cC-1, will be located in the communication room.

4.4.4 Power Supply

The cJoy system will be powered from another source than the rest of the DP Control
System. The cJoy system will be powered from UPS1.

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4.5 Sensors
The sensors are segregated into 2+1 configuration. Two set of sensors together with the
K-Pos DP-22 system and one set of sensors with the K-Pos DP-12 system.
Single failures including fire or flooding will cause at maximum 2 sensor sets to be

4.5.1 Gyros
Two gyros are connected to the K-Pos DP-22 system while one is connected to both KPos DP-22 and K-Pos DP-12 system. The interface between gyros and the computer
systems is serial line communication. Location
Gyro 1 is located in the communication room.
Gyro 2 is located in the navigation instr. room.
Gyro 3 is located in the ECR. Power Supply
Gyro 1 is powered from UPS1.
Gyro 2 is powered from UPS2.
Gyro 3 is powered from UPS3.

4.5.2 Wind Sensors

Two wind sensors are connected to the K-Pos DP-22 system while one is connected to
both K-Pos DP-22 and K-Pos DP-12 system. The interface between wind sensor
indicators and the computer systems is serial line communication. Location
Wind sensor indicator 1 is located in the wheelhouse.
Wind sensor indicator 2 is located in the wheelhouse.
Wind sensor indicator 3 is located in the ECR. Power Supply
The wind sensors are powered from the corresponding wind sensor indicators.
Wind sensor indicator 1 is powered from UPS1.

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Wind sensor indicator 2 is powered from UPS2.

Wind sensor indicator 3 is powered from UPS3.

4.5.3 VRSs
Two MRUs are connected to the K-Pos DP-22 system while one is connected to both
K-Pos DP-22 and K-Pos DP-12 system. The interface between VRS sensors and the
computer systems is serial line communication or discrete signals. Location
MRU 1 is located in the HPR compartment PORT.
MRU 2 is located in the HPR compartment STBD.
MRU 3 is located in the ECR. Power Supply
MRUs are powered by 24V DC. The DP-systems will supply power to these sensors.
MRU 1 is powered from DPC-2.
MRU 2 is powered from DPC-2.
MRU 3 is powered from DPC-1.

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4.6 Position Reference Systems

The position reference systems consist of two HiPAP systems and two DGPS systems.
No more than one of each reference system will be installed in same fire zone.

4.6.1 HiPAP systems

The HIPAP operator stations communicate calculated positions to both the K-Pos DP22 system and the K-Pos DP-12 system by means of the redundant network. The HIPAP
operator stations communicate with the HIPAP transceivers through the same redundant
network. Both of the operator stations receive data from both of the transceivers.
Single failure including fire or flooding could cause at maximum only position from one
transceiver to be lost.



Kongsberg Maritime HiPAP 501 system

Colour display (17.4 TFT flat screen)
APC Acoustic Positioning Computer with control
panel located in KM console.
APOS, Acoustic Position Operator Station. Base
for running all applications
HiPAP 500 SSBL function
HiPAP 500 Transceiver in cabinet
HiPAP 500 Hull Unit with Sphere Transducer
Hoist Control and remote control from ICMS, for
raising and lowering the Hull Unit
Gate Valve, light-opening =500 mm, ABS
Mounting Flange, =500 mm, ABS certified
Interface to Gyro and MRU
LBL/MULBL function
Increased Accuracy function for Dual HiPAP

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HIPAP transceiver 1 is located in HPR compartment PORT.
HIPAP transceiver 2 is located in HPR compartment STBD.
HIPAP OS 6 is located in wheelhouse.
HIPAP OS 7 is located in ECR. Power Supply

HIPAP transceiver 1 is supplied from UPS1.
HIPAP transceiver 2 is supplied from UPS3.
HIPAP OS 1 is supplied from UPS1.
HIPAP OS 2 is supplied from UPS3.

4.6.2 DGPS systems

Two DGPS systems will be installed. One unit based on the Dual Frequency principle,
and one unit receiving both GPS satellites and GLONASS satellites. Both units
communicate to both the K-Pos DP-22 system and the K-Pos DP-12 system by serial
line communication.
Two types of external correction signals will be provided to both units for improved
accuracy. I.e. correction signals received from Spotbeam and Inmarsat through
demodulators. In addition IALA signals will be received directly into the GPS systems.
The Spotbeam and Inmarsat signals are demodulated in separate demodulators. The
demodulated signals are then sent to both GPS systems by serial splitters.
Single failure including fire or flooding could cause at maximum only position from one
of the GPS units to be lost.
Single failure including fire or flooding could cause at maximum only one of the
external correction signals to be lost. It is however, for the correction signals, important
that the operators of the DP system do proper actions for sufficient availability of these
Operators can set up the DP control system to automatically accept GPS raw data. The
DP system will in this case issue a warning when no differential corrections are
received. DPS 132

This DGPS system is based on a Dual Frequency receiver

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One (1)

DPS 132 - Differential Position System, with

DPS 132 module
Target monitoring software
On line monitoring and display of quality control
Lever arm compensation
Satellite prediction software
16 serial ports
Data logging
26 channel L1/L2 GPS receiver
Gyro interface (NMEA/RS232)
Ionospheric error compensation module
GPS L1/L2 /SBAS antenna
IALA beacon receiver and IALA beacon antenna
Keyboard with track-ball
Colour display (15 TFT flat screen) with bracket
Connector kit
Antenna cable DPS 200

This DGPS system is based on a combination of GPS and GLONASS satellites.
One (1)

DPS 200 - Differential Position System, with

DPS 200 module
Target monitoring software
On line monitoring and display of quality
control data
Lever arm compensation
Satellite prediction software
16 serial ports
Data logging
24 channel L1 GPS / Glonass receiver

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Gyro interface (NMEA/RS232)

GPS / GLONASS antenna
IALA beacon receiver and IALA beacon
Keyboard with track-ball
Colour display (15 TFT flat screen) with
Connector kit
Antenna cable

One (1)

Inmarsat Fleet F77 demodulator
Narda Coupler (When applicable)

One (2)

Spotbeam receiver and demodulator
Antenna Location
The DPS 132 system is located in the wheelhouse.
The DPS 200 system is located in the ECR.
The Inmarsat demodulator and serial splitter is located in the wheelhouse.
The Spotbeam demodulator and serial splitter is located in the ECR. Power Supply

The DPS 132 system is powered from UPS1.
The DPS 200 system is powered from UPS3.
The Inmarsat demodulator and serial splitter is powered from UPS1.
The Spotbeam demodulator and serial splitter is powered from UPS3.

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4.7 UPS
The number and position of UPSes supplying the DP control system are selected based
on class 3 segregation requirements in addition to required load/power.

4.7.1 Location
UPS1 is located in the communication room
UPS2 is located in the Instr. room.
UPS3 is located in the ECR.
UPS5 is located in the Comp. Rm.
UPS6 is located in the Gen.El. Rm

4.7.2 Power Supply

UPS1 are supplied from FWD Feed Panel No.1 or Emcy. Feeder panel.
UPS2 are supplied from FWD Feed Panel No.1 or Emcy. Feeder panel.
UPS3 are supplied from FWD Feed Panel No.2 or Emcy. Feeder panel.
UPS5 are supplied from AFT Feed Panel or Emcy. Feeder panel.
UPS6 are supplied from AFT Feed Panel or Emcy. Feeder panel.
UPS7 are supplied from AFT Feed Panel or Emcy. Feeder panel.

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4.8 Miscellaneous
This section describes miscellaneous functionalities related to DP Class 3 philosophy.

4.8.1 Command Control Transfers

Command control transfers between control stations and operator stations are carried
out by taking the command at any station without acknowledging it from the station
presently in command. This way of handling command transfers will give operators
possibility to achieve command of the DP control system even if the operator station
presently in command should fail completely.
The same philosophy exists for the backup DP system. A switch at the backup control
station can be used to take control of the vessel without needing to acknowledge it first
at the main control station. This is especially important in case of fire at the main
control station. Please see chapter 4.3.4 Backup Switch for details.
Exceptions to this general way command transfers are carried out exists. The cJoy
system requires the main operator panel to acknowledge command control transfers to
cWing panels.

4.8.2 Redundant process network

The redundant process network is designed such that the communication within KM
components can be carried out with easier and less cabling compared to traditional
discrete signal communication. The process network consist of two physically separated
(A and B) TCP/IP networks with equal priority. Messages lost on one of the network
will be read from the other network.
The additional C-network is an administration network and not used for controlling or
monitoring. This network will therefore not be described in this document.
The redundant process network consists of two or more NDUs distributing the
communication lines in a star-formed manner. The NDUs will also filter the
networks avoiding messages irrelevant for a component or a network section to be
passed through. In order to fulfil DP class 3 requirements the NDUs and the cables for
the two TCP/IP networks must be separated into different fire zones.
An overview/philosophy of the network layout for the DP control system is presented in
Figure 1 DP Control System Overview. The NDUs are located on each side of a fire
wall (or in different fire zones) so that a fire on either side will not prevent the other side
from operating. NDUs
The network design relevant for the DP control system can be described as follows:

In Figure 1 DP Control System Overview, NDU A is NDU A1, A2 and A3

while NDU B is NDU B1, B2 and B3

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NDU A1/B1: Distributing network data within the DP control system itself (in
addition to some equipment not relevant for the DP control system).

NDU A2/B2: Distributing network data between the DP control system,

thrusters 1, 2 and 3 and to NDU A3/B3.

NDU A3/B3: Distributing network data between the DP control system (via
NDU A2/B2) and thrusters 4, 5, 6 in addition to the main switchboards and
HiPAP OS7. Location
NDU A1 is located in the communication room.
NDU A2 is located in the Gen. El space.
NDU A3 is located in the Port MSB room.
NDU B1 is located in Nav Inst Room
NDU B2 is located in Aux Mach Room
NDU B3 is located in Stbd MSB Room Power Supply
NDU A1 is powered from UPS1.
NDU A2 is powered from UPS5.
NDU A2 is powered from UPS5.
NDU B1 is powered from UPS2.
NDU B2 is powered from UPS6.
NDU B3 is powered from UPS6.

4.8.3 Ready status of thrusters and sensors

All thrusters and sensors will give a ready signal to the DP control system indicating if
it is available for DP or not. These ready signals will be presented on the operator
stations display and some also on the operator stations panel.
Loosing the ready signal from any thruster will remove the thruster from the control
loop calculations in the DP system. Anything avoiding the DP control system from
controlling the thrusters should cause the corresponding ready signal to be lost.

4.8.4 Enable/disable thrusters and sensors

All thrusters and sensors will have a status on the operator stations display indicating if
its enabled or not into the system. Some thrusters and sensor will also have this status
indicated on the operator panels.

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4.8.5 Operator panel protection

Critical buttons on the operator panels are protected from unintentionally presses. These
buttons requires double presses from the operators and are labelled with different color
from the rest of the buttons.

4.8.6 Certification
The DP controller system and the Independent cJoy system will both be certified after
FAT and CAT. Certificates (COC) will be issued after these tests.

4.8.7 FMEA
KM will provide FMEA for the DP control system.

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4.9 Relevant Drawings

4.9.1 Cable Layout Main DP System
See reference [3].

4.9.2 Cable Layout Backup DP System

See reference [4].

4.9.3 Cable Layout cJoy System

See reference [5].

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