Westinghouse PWR Manual

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the westinghouse

pressurized water reactor

nuclear power plant

Copyright 1984
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Water Reactor Divisions

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in wiring
from Westinghouse Water Reactor Divisions.

Additional copies at minimal cost can be obtained by contacting:

Marketing Manager
Nuclear Operations Division
P.O. Box 355
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230

This document "The Westinghouse Pressurized
Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant" is a
complete revision of the "Systems Summary of a
Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor
Nuclear Power Plant" published in 1971 with
subsequent reprintings.

An effort has been made throughout this

document to use terms that are generally
understood by the reader, or are at least easily
definable. Selected terms related to nuclear
power have been defined in the Glossary as an
aid to the reader.

As an introductory text to the Westinghouse

PWR nuclear power plant, the original
publication continues to be useful since the
basic concepts of a PWR are essentially
unchanged. The specifics of the design,
however, have been continuously refined to
meet new conditions and requirements and to
reflect the dramatic increases in plant operating
experience over the past decade. Accordingly,
this document has been completely revised and
rewritten to better reflect designs now under

The term Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS)

has been used appropriately in certain
descriptions instead of the pressurized water
reactor (PWR) nuclear power plant. The NSSS is
that part of the power plant that consists of the
PWR and systems up to and including the steam
generators which supply the steam to the turbinegenerator. The term containment (or plant
containment) throughout when not used generally
refers to the building that contains the reactor.

With few exceptions, PWR nuclear plants have

electrical output ratings in the 600 megawatt to
1200 megawatt range. The descriptions herein
are based on a plant with a nominal rating of
1100 megawatts electric (four-loop plant), but
generally apply to smaller units as well (threeloop and two-loop plants).

Of the more than 400 nuclear power plants in

operation or under construction worldwide
(excluding USSR and its associated countries),
Westinghouse or its licensees or former
licensees. This book has been written for the
technical and not-so-technical reader interested
in understanding nuclear power plants and the
pressurized water reactor in particular.

This document does not describe a proposed

design for an actual application nor does it imply
a proposed Westinghouse scope of supply or a

Whether you are an engineer, scientist,

executive, teacher, or student, it is hoped that
this comprehensive summary proves useful in
your job performance or class study.


A book of this kind naturally requires the fine
efforts of those who have the knowledge and
expertise on nuclear power systems and of
those who communicate it.
While it is impractical to include all those who
played a part in some phase of this book, the
substantially contributed to the book's technical
content and production:
Technical content:
J. A. Dahlheimer
E. E. Elhauge
L. Greenberg
J. H. Jacobs
W. J. Kabbert
H. R. Keel
G. C. Masche
C. N. Moran
D. H. Petrie R. Seid
T. G. Weiss, manager NSSS application
Marketing communications support:
J. R. Lennartson
S. E. Wilder
Graphic design and illustration:
K. Cook
H. Eltringham
P. B. Montgomery
Our grateful appreciation for all thoughts and for
all hands.
Alex Kunkle, technical coordination
Don Testa, editor


table of contents




Pressurized Water Reactor Design Concept
Nuclear island
Turbine island
Plant layout




Fuel Pellets
Fuel Rods
Fuel Assemblies
Rod Cluster Control Assemblies
Core Thermal-Hydraulic Design
Reactivity Control
Reactor Startup Neutron Sources




Reactor Vessel And Internals


Reactor Vessel
Reactor Internals



Control Rod Drive Mechanisms



Reactor Coolant Pumps


Hydraulic Unit
Heat Exchanger
Lower Bearing
Injection Water
Shaft Seal System
Shaft Spool Piece
Grounding Pad
Pump Support
Vibration Monitoring Equipment
Locked Rotor Protection System
Oil Spillage Protection and Control System











Steam Generators












Pressurizer Level Control System

Pressurizer Pressure Control System


Piping and Valves


Piping and insulation





Chemical and Volume Control System


System Description
System Operation


Boron Thermal Regeneration System


System Description
System Operation


Residual Heat Removal System


System Description
System Operation


Boron Recycle System


System Description
System Operation


Steam Generator Blowdown Processing System


System Description
System Operation








Safety Injection System


System Description
System Operation


Emergency Feedwater System


System Description
System Operation


Component Cooling Water System


System Description
System Operation




Containment Structural Design

Isolation System
Containment Spray System
Containment Fan Cooler System
Hydrogen Detection And Suppression System




Nuclear Measurements
Digital Rod Position Indication System
Process Instrumentation
Nuclear Steam Supply Control System
Reactor protection System




The Advanced Control Room

On-site Technical Support Center and Emergency Operations Facility















Man-Machine Interface
Computer System Functions
Nuclear Steam Supply System Process Supervision




Digital Radiation Monitoring System




6600-Volt and 480-Volt Systems

Diesel Generators
125-Volt DC Power System
Inverter Power Supply For Essential Services




Circulating Water System

Service Water System
Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System




Fuel Handling Facilities

Refueling Equipment
Refueling Operation
New Fuel Handling
Sigma Manipulator Crane
Reactor Cavity Filtration System




Liquid Waste Processing System

Gaseous Waste Processing System
Solid Waste Processing Systems














Main Turbine


General Description
Control Valves
Electro-Hydraulic Control System
Protective Devices


Main Generator


Stator Coils and Winding
Generator Rotor
Stator Coil Cooling Water System
Excitation System








Main Steam and Repeaters


Main Steam
Reheat Steam
Condensing Equipment
Turbine Steam Dump System


Feedwater Heating System (Turbine)


Feedwater Heaters
Condensate Pumps
Feedwater and Feedwater Booster Pumps
Feedwater Heater Drains




Normal Operation
Load Follow Capability
Load Follow Features








Load Follow Operation

Daily Load Follow
Full Load Rejection Capabilities
Plant Emergency Response




First Level of Defense

Second Level of Defense
Third Level of Defense






list of tables






Principal Data for Current Westinghouse NSSS Models


Typical Reactor Core Parameters
Fuel Rod Parameters (Four-Loop Plant)



Reactor Vessel Principal Parameters
Principal Parameters of Control Rod Drive Mechanisms
Reactor Coolant Pump Typical Design Parameters
Steam Generator Principal Design Data
Pressurizer Principal Design Data



Engineered Safety Features Signals of the Integrated Protection System



Control Room Information Devices
Control Room Operation Action Devices


Computer Information Devices



Radiation Monitoring System Typical Monitors



Radiation Levels as a Function of Water Depth Above Fuel Assembly
Major Refueling Operations (Estimate of Time and Manhours)









Estimated Startup Time in Hours Required by NSSS



list of figures






Westinghouse PWR Nuclear Power Plant, Simplified Schematic Diagram

Main Steam and Feedwater System, Simplified Diagram
Two-Unit Nuclear Power Station, Plan View
Nuclear Power Station, Cross Section of One Unit



Cross Section of Typical Four-Loop Core (193 Fuel Assemblies)
Typical Fuel Assembly with Rod Cluster Control
Cutaway of 17 x 17 Optimized Fuel Assembly with RCC
Fuel Pellets
Cross Section of 17 x 17 Fuel Assemblies with and without
Rod Cluster Control
Portion of Spring Clip Grid Assembly
Arrangement of Rod Cluster Control Assemblies in the Reactor Core
Fuel Loading Pattern
Burnable Absorber Loading Pattern for a Typical First Core
Boron Concentration versus Cycle with and without
Burnable Absorber Rods




Reactor Coolant System, Flow Diagram

Cutaway of a Typical Reactor (Four-Loop Plant)
Reactor Vessel Upper Core Support Structure
Reactor Vessel Lower Internals Assembly
Cutaway of a Typical Control Rod Drive Mechanism
Cutaway of a Typical Reactor Coolant Pump
RCP Typical Shaft Seal Arrangement
Cutaway of a Typical Steam Generator
Cutaway of the Pressurizer









Chemical and Volume Control System, Flow Diagram

Boron Thermal Regeneration System (Dilution), Flow Diagram
Boron Thermal Regeneration System (Boration), Flow Diagram
Safety Injection/Residual Heat Removal System, RHR Mode
Boron Recycle System, Flow Diagram
Steam Generator Blowdown Processing System, Flow Diagram
SGBPS Spent Resin Storage Tank



Safety Injection/Residual Heat Removal System, Injection Mode
Emergency Feedwater System, Flow Diagram
Component Cooling Water System, Flow Diagram


Typical Prestressed Concrete Containment
Typical Steel Cylindrical Containment
Typical Prestressed Containment, Construction Details
Containment Spray System (One of Two Trains), Flow Diagram
Reactor Containment Fan Cooler



Nuclear Instrumentation System Neutron Detectors and
Range of Operation
Typical In-Core Instrumentation System
Typical Drive Train for In-Core Instrumentation
Rod Position Indicating System, Block Diagram
Safety-Grade RPI Configuration
NSSS Integrated Plant Control System
Power Control System
Axial Offset Control Criteria
RPS Reactor Trip Actuation, Block Diagram









Typical Plant Control Room

Typical Advanced Control Room Layout


Typical Mimic Display
Typical PWR Bar Chart Display
Operating Limits Curve
Typical PWR Polar Plot



Radiation Monitoring System, Block Diagram
RMS Safety Subsystem, Block Diagram



Typical PWR Nuclear Power Station Electrical System,
One-Line Diagram




Fuel Handling Layout

Typical Fuel Handling Arrangement
Permanent Cavity Seal Ring
Dual Basket Fuel Transfer Car






Liquid Waste Processing System, Flow Diagram

Gaseous Waste Processing System, Flow Diagram
Radwaste Volume Reduction System, Flow Diagram
Radwaste Incinerator
Cement Solidification System, Flow Diagram









Four-Cylinder Turbine, Cross Section
Portion of Blading of Low-Pressure Element
Cross Section of Low-Pressure Turbine Rotor
Electro-Hydraulic Control System for Large Steam
Overall Configuration of Digital Electro-Hydraulic Master
Control System
DEH Base Operator's Panel
Master Operator's Panel
1800 Rpm Inner-Cooled Generator
Stator Windings
Rotor End Winding
Stator Coil Cooling Water System
Cutaway of Brushless Exciter
Brushless Excitation System
Typical Steam, Condensate and Feedwater System, Flow Diagram
Moisture Separator-Reheater, Two Stage
Steam Dump System, One-Line Diagram



chapter 1
summary description


where the reactor heat is transferred to a

secondary water coolant at lower pressure.

There have been a considerable number of

nuclear reactor concepts proposed over the
thirty years of applied nuclear power. A selected
number of these have been developed to the
extent that one or more plants have been built.
Today, only three of these concepts are considered commercially viable*. Two of these
concepts are based on the use of uranium
enriched in the isotope U-235 with light (or
ordinary) water employed for cooling and
neutron moderation. Of these two concepts, one
is the pressurized water reactor or PWR
developed by Westinghouse. The other is the
boiling water reactor or BWR developed by
General Electric. The third concept is based on
the use of natural uranium with heavy-water
(water enriched in the deuterium isotope) for
cooling and moderation. This reactor concept
has been principally developed and applied by
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Worldwide, of
the over 400 nuclear power plants operating or
under construction, over 75 percent of these are
of the light-water design with over 65 percent of
the light-water plants being PWRs furnished by
Westinghouse and its current or original

There are of course a considerable number of

other less fundamental differences as well. The
importance of these differences have been
examined in a large number of utility evaluations
with the clearest and simplest overall result
being the current commercial dominance of the
PWR design.
This document describes the basic design and
operating characteristics of a Westinghouse
PWR plant. The design is available in five
ratings of approximately 600 megawatts
electrical (MWe), 900 MWe, 1000 MWe,
1100 MWe, and 1200 MWe. (The exact ratings
of course reflect a number of specific constraints
such as heat sink characteristics.) The different
ratings are attained through use of either two,
three or four reactor coolant piping loops, each
loop comprised of a steam generator, reactor
coolant pump, and interconnecting piping. The
loops are each connected to a reactor vessel
sized to contain nuclear cores comprised of fuel
elements of either 12 or 14 foot length with from
121 to 193 assemblies. In this manner the full
range of utility requirements can be satisfied
while maximizing the use of standard
components. The principal parameters for the
various power ratings are given in Table 1-1.

The fundamental distinction between the PWR

and the BWR is that in the latter the coolant
moderator is allowed to boil with the resulting
steam passed directly to the turbine-generator,
whereas in the PWR the coolant moderator is
maintained above saturation pressure such that
no significant amount of boiling occurs in the
reactor. The necessary steam for the turbinegenerator is produced in a steam generator

The description given in this document is based

on a four-loop plant with a twelve foot core (a
Model 412 plant) having an electrical capacity of
some 1100 MWe. The descriptions generally
apply equally to the other ratings when proper
consideration is given to the number of reactor
coolant loops and/or core length. For all ratings,
the functional system requirements and
operating characteristics are essentially the
same. Where system or plant operation is

* This discussion considers only the situation outside

the Comecon bloc associated with the Soviet Union

generator where the heat is transferred to a

secondary loop through a number of U-type
tubes. The reactor coolant then returns back to
the reactor vessel to continue the process. An
electrically heated pressurizer connected to the
loop maintains a pressure above the saturation
pressure so that bulk boiling does not occur.

described, the actions and sequences are based

on current Westinghouse recommendations.


A simplified schematic of the Westinghouse
PWR plant design is shown in Figure 1-1. The
total power cycle may be considered to be
comprised of three generally independent closed
cycles or loops: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

The secondary loop is the heat utilization circuit

where dry steam produced in the steam
generator flows to a turbine-generator where it is
expanded to convert thermal energy into
mechanical energy and hence electrical energy.
The expanded steam exhausts to a condenser
where the latent heat of vaporization is
transferred to the cooling system and is
condensed. The condensate is pumped back to
the steam generator to continue the cycle.

The primary loop contains the heat source

consisting of a nuclear fuel core positioned
within a reactor vessel where the energy
resulting from the controlled fission reaction is
transformed into sensible heat in the coolantmoderator. The coolant is pumped to the steam

Number of Loops:





NSSS power, megawatt thermal





Approximate electrical output, MWe





Steam pressure, psia (bar)

920 (63)

960 (66)

1000 (69)

1100 (76)

Reactor vessel ID, in. (cm)

132 (335.3)

157 (398.8)

173 (439.4)

173 (439.4)

Steam generator model

Reactor coolant pump type





RCP motor horsepower





Hot leg ID, in. (cm)

29 (73.7)

29 (73.7)

29 (73.7)

29 (73.7)

Cold leg ID, in. (cm)

27.5 (69.9)

27.5 (69.9)

27.5 (69.9)

27.5 (69.9)

Number of fuel assemblies





Fuel length, feet (cm)

12 (365.8)

12 (365.8)

12 (365.8)

14 (426.7)

Fuel assembly array

16 x 16

17 x 17

17 x 17

17 x 17


and control systems; electrical and mechanical

components; and the buildings or structures
housing them. There are also a number of
shared fluid, electrical, instrumentation and
control systems, as well as other areas of
interconnection or interface.

The tertiary loop is the heat rejection loop where

the latent heat of vaporization is rejected to the
environment through the condenser cooling
water. Depending on the specific site, this heat
is released to a river, lake, ocean, or cooling
tower system with the latter becoming the more
common within the United States.

Use of a steam generator to separate the
primary loop from the secondary loop largely
confines the radioactive materials to a single
building during normal power operation and
eliminates the extensive turbine maintenance
problems that would result from radioactively
contaminated steam.

The central group of systems and components

within the nuclear island is known as the nuclear
steam supply system or NSSS. Included within
the NSSS are the Reactor Coolant System or
RCS (in effect, the primary loop), auxiliary fluid
systems and the major electrical, instrumenttation and control systems required for operation

For general discussion purposes, a nuclear

power plant can be considered to be made up of
two major areas: a nuclear island and a turbine
island. These are described below. Each is
comprised of fluid, electrical, instrumentation


and control of the nuclear systems. The nuclear

island also includes related support systems and
components as required for waste processing,
fuel storage, and ventilation.

Reactor Coolant System

to a spider connector which, in turn, is connected to a drive shaft. The absorber (control)
rods are loaded with an absorber material that
has a high affinity for neutrons. Above the core,
control rods move within guide tubes which
maintain alignment of the control rods with
empty thimbles of certain fuel assemblies at
particular locations in the core. The rod cluster
control assemblies are raised and lowered by
a drive mechanism on the reactor vessel head.
The drive mechanism allows the rod cluster
control assemblies to be released instantly
when necessary for rapid reactor shutdown.
Insertion of the assemblies during a trip is by

The central component of the reactor coolant

system is a heavy walled reactor vessel which
houses the nuclear core and its mechanical
control rods as well as necessary support and
alignment structures. The vessel is cylindrical
in shape with a hemispherical bottom head
and a flanged and gasketed upper head for
access. It is fabricated of carbon steel, but all
wetted surfaces are clad with stainless steel to
limit corrosion.
The internal core support and alignment
structures are removable to facilitate inspection
and maintenance as is the alignment structure
for the top mounted control rod drive
mechanisms. Vessel inlet and outlet nozzles for
the primary loops are located at a level well
above the top of the fuel core.

Westinghouse reactor coolant pumps are vertical, single-stage, mixed flow pumps of the
shaft-seal type. A heavy flywheel on the pump
motor shaft provides long coastdown times to
preclude rapid decreases in core cooling flow
during pump trips. Interlocks and automatic
reactor trips ensure that forced cooling water
flow is present whenever the reactor is at power.
Additionally, two separate power supplies are
available to the pump motor when the plant is at

The nuclear core is comprised of a number of

fuel assemblies arranged in three regions to
optimize fuel performance. While all fuel
assemblies are mechanically identical, enrichment of the uranium dioxide fuel differs from
assembly to assembly. In a typical initial core
loading, three fuel enrichments are used. Fuel
assemblies with the highest enrichments are
placed in the core periphery, or outer region,
and the groups of lower enrichment fuel
assemblies are arranged in a selected pattern
in the central region. In subsequent refuelings,
one third of the fuel is discharged and fresh
fuel is loaded into the outer region of the core.
The remaining fuel is re-arranged in the central
two thirds of the core in such a manner as to
achieve optimum power distribution and fuel

Westinghouse steam generators are of a vertical U-tube design with an expanded upper
section that houses integral moisture separation
equipment to produce steam with a quality of
at least 99.75 percent. Preheated feedwater
enters the top of the unit, mixes with effluent
from the moisture separators and then flows
downward on the outside of the tube bundle.
The feed is distributed across the bundle
and then flows upward along side the heated
Reactor coolant piping, the reactor internals, and
all of the pressure-containing and heat transfer

Rod cluster control assemblies used for reactor

control consists of absorber rods attached

net reactivity is positive, power level will

increase and, conversely, decrease if reactivity
is negative.

surfaces in contact with reactor water are

stainless steel or stainless steel clad, except the
steam generator tubes and fuel tubes, which are
Inconel and Zircaloy, respectively.

Power control of a PWR is based on balancing

reactivity through the use of mechanical and
chemical neutron absorbers and proper
allowance for physical phenomena which
influence reactivity. The principal natural
phenomena which influence transient operation
are the temperature coefficients of the
moderator and fuel and the buildup or depletion
of certain fission products.

An electrically heated pressurizer connected to

one of the reactor coolant hot legs maintains
reactor coolant system pressure during normal operation, limits pressure variations during
plant load transients, and keeps system
pressure within design limits during abnormal
conditions. For example, a transient that could
decrease system pressure is counteracted by
flashing water within the pressurizer which is
kept at saturation temperature by the automatic
heaters. An increasing pressure transient
is limited by spraying cooler water from the
primary loop into the pressurizer steam space
to partially collapse the steam bubble or
by automatic operation of relief and safety

Reactivity balancing may occur through the

effects of natural phenomena or the operation of
the reactor control system using either the rod
cluster controls or chemical shim. A change in
the temperature of either moderator or fuel, such
as might occur due to an increase or decrease
in steam demand, will add or remove reactivity
and cause the power level to change until the
reactivity change is balanced out.

Auxiliary Fluid Systems

Rod cluster control assemblies are used to

follow fairly rapid load transients and for startup
and shutdown. The chemical shim system uses
a soluble neutron absorber, boron in the form of
boric acid, which is inserted in the reactor
coolant during cold shutdown, partially removed
at startup, and adjusted in concentration during
core lifetime to compensate for such effects as
fuel consumption and accumulation of fission
products which tend to slow the nuclear chain

Normal and emergency operation of the reactor

coolant system requires a number of support
functions to: maintain water inventory, purify and
treat primary coolant, remove residual heat
following a plant shutdown, provide cooling
water to pumps and motors, supply ventilation
air, and provide emergency supplies of core
cooling water. These functions are provided by
auxiliary systems described later in this

The control system allows the plant to accept
step load increases of 10 percent and ramp load
increases of 5 percent per minute over the load
range of 15 to 100 percent of full power subject
to xenon limitations. Equal step and ramp load
reductions are possible over the range of 100 to

Transient power behavior of a nuclear core is

determined by a condition known as reactivity.
For a core operating at a steady power level, the
various factors which affect reactivity are
balanced so that the net reactivity is zero. If the

the systems and components of a fossil fuel

power plant. A qualification to this comparison is
the significantly stricter specification on quality
assurance and control that applies to even
conventional parts of the nuclear plant due to
the impact they may have on the nuclear

15 percent of full power. Losses of reactor load

up to 100 percent of rated power without reactor
trip can be accommodated by steam dump to
the condenser conjunct with the control system.
Complete supervision of both the nuclear and
turbine-generator islands is accomplished from
the plant control room.

Secondary and tertiary loops of the basic heat

cycle are largely contained within the turbine

Fuel Handling System

The reactor is refueled with equipment which
handles spent fuel under water from the time it
leaves the reactor vessel until it is placed in a
cask for shipment from the site. Water provides
an economic and transparent radiation shield for
the transfer of spent fuel, as well as a reliable
coolant for removal of decay heat.

Steam Turbine
The usual design of the steam turbine for an
1100 MWe PWR is an in-line combination of a
single high-pressure turbine and three low
pressure turbines, all of the double flow design
where steam enters at the center and flows to
both ends.

Fuel handling system equipment is located in

two areas: (1) the reactor cavity which is flooded
for refueling, and (2) the spent fuel pool which is
external to the reactor containment and always
accessible to plant personnel. The two areas are
connected by a fuel transfer system which
carries the fuel through a normally closed
opening in the reactor containment.

Steam admission to the double flow highpressure turbine is controlled by four sets of
governor valves with quick acting stop valves
located ahead of them for rapid isolation. Four
separate pipes convey the steam from the
governor valves to the nozzle chambers.
Thermal energy is converted to mechanical
energy by expansion through a control stage
(first stage) and a number of reaction stages.
Steam pressure after the single control stage is
measured and used as a load index for the
reactor control system.

Spent fuel is removed from the reactor vessel by

a manipulator crane and placed in the fuel
transfer system. In the spent fuel pool, the fuel is
removed from the transfer system and placed
into storage racks. After a suitable decay period,
the fuel can be removed from storage and
loaded into a shipping cask for removal from the

Upon leaving the last row of high-pressure

blades, the steam has a significantly high
moisture content which must be reduced before
it enters the low-pressure turbines. High
moisture content in steam adversely impacts
efficiency and turbine maintenance. To
accomplish moisture reduction, exhaust steam
from the high-pressure turbine is passed through

Systems and components of the turbine island
can be considered the conventional part of the
power plant with a rough but direct similarity to

Turbine Island Systems

a stage of moisture separation and reheat. Lowpressure turbines are provided with two or more
moisture separator-reheater (MSR) units in

Figure 1-2 is a one-line diagram of the main

steam, condensate, and feedwater systems
which, along with condenser circulating water,
are the principal systems of the turbine island.
(For this discussion, the turbine-generator itself
is not identified as a system.)

The wet steam is passed through the moisture

separator section where moisture is removed in
multiple vane chevron banks and then routed to
a drain tank from where it is returned to the
steam generators through the feedwater stream.
The dried steam passes across tube bundles
which are heated directly by high pressure
extraction steam and main steam. The dried and
slightly superheated steam passes to its
associated low-pressure turbines through reheat
stop and interceptor valves which operate in
conjunction with the high-pressure turbine inlet
stop valves to stop steam flow to all turbines in
the event of a sudden loss of load condition.

From the reactor containment building, the main

steam system transports steam from the steam
generators to the turbine island building where it
is distributed. While the major usage of main
steam is the turbine-generator, considerable
amounts of steam are required for various
auxiliary services such as feedwater pump
turbines, steam jet air ejectors, reheaters,
evaporators, and the like. With very few
exceptions, all steam is condensed and returned
to the cycle through either the condenser or the
feedwater train.


The condenser is a large heat exchanger

connected to the low-pressure turbine exhaust
flange by an expansion joint. There are various
locations for the condenser, usually below the
turbine with its axis perpendicular to the turbine
axis. The cooling water passes through tubes
with the condensing steam flowing over the
outside. Condensate is collected in a chamber
called the hotwell from which condensate pumps
take suction.

The generator and exciter are directly driven by

the steam turbine. The generator consists of a
water cooled stationary stator with a hydrogen
cooled rotor. The stator is mounted within the
generator frame on a series of spring supports
to minimize vibration noise and damage. The
rotor, which provides the rotating electrical field,
is cooled by blower-driven hydrogen gas at a
pressure of several atmospheres. The hydrogen
in turn is cooled by water. A subsystem
maintains hydrogen purity and provides nitrogen
purging when access to the generator is

The design of the condenser includes special

features to minimize in-leakage of cooling water
and to prevent mixing of any in-leakage with the
condensate. This is necessary to minimize the
in-flow of contaminants to the steam generator
where they can concentrate with deleterious

The exciter is of the brushless design which

does not require carbon brushes or collector
rings. The exciter control circuitry is separately
housed to provide easy maintenance.



additional protection from damage to the nuclear

systems should there be a postulated failure of
the turbine. Such failure could release large
fragments of high energy content in directions
roughly perpendicular to the turbine axis. While
the containment building and other structures
housing nuclear systems are quite strong and
massive, the radial turbine orientation reduces
the likelihood of any fragment ever hitting these

The condensate and feedwater systems return

the condensed steam from the turbine
condenser, and the drains from the regenerative
feed heating cycle to the steam generators,
while maintaining water inventories throughout
the cycle. These systems automatically maintain
the water level of the steam generators during
steady-state and transient operation.
Sufficient feedwater storage capacity is
maintained within the condensate/feed systems
to accommodate mass transfer of fluid due to
the expansion and contraction arising from
thermal and pressure effects on the fluid
inventory of the steam generators and
condensate/feed systems during load changes.

The containment building and contiguous

buildings or compartments around it house the
systems and equipment of the nuclear island.
The containment building is a cylindrical, steel
lined, concrete pressure vessel with a
hemispherical top closure and stepped flat
bottom. The building encloses the reactor
coolant system and has the principal function of
containing the mass and energy of the reactor
coolant in the postulated event of a rupture in
the reactor coolant piping (i.e., an assumed lossof-coolant accident.)

A power station may be comprised of one or
more individual power plants or units with some
sharing of related support facilities such as
maintenance machine shops and overall plant
security. Layout designs are unique to each
station as they must suit the conditions of each
site, current regulations and standards, and the
preferences of the utility as well as the
judgments and prior experience of the architectengineer.

Design of the containment structure thus reflects

a trade off between internal volume and design
pressure. Current designs contain approximately
two million cubic feet of free volume and are
designed for an internal pressure of 60 psia
(4 bar). Peak pressure for the maximum
assumed loss-of-coolant accident is approximately 60 psia.

A plan view of a representative layout for a twounit station on a cooling lake is shown in
Figure 1-3. A section through one of the units is
shown in Figure 1-4.

To improve seismic design, all of the nuclear

island buildings or compartments are structurally
connected and supported on a compartmentalized base mat. This unique Westinghouse
design provides a large seismic "foot print"
needed to meet severe seismic criteria and
develops strength comparable to that of a solid
base mat. It also provides a spacious and

The major structures are the turbine building,

containment building, auxiliary building around
the containment, and the several pump houses.
Of particular note to this view is the radial
orientation of the turbine building to the
containment building. This orientation is
common to modern layouts as it provides




and efficient layout utilizing what would otherwise be the wasted volume of a solid base
mat. Access is provided to the bottom of the
connection of auxiliary systems to the four
piping loops of the reactor coolant system
while maintaining good physical separation.

fluid auxiliary systems associated with the

reactor coolant system. A separate compartment on the common base is for storage of
new and spent fuel.
The turbine building houses the turbinegenerator and the other major components
and systems of the turbine island.

The auxiliary structure around the containment building houses redundant electrical and



chapter 2
reactor core and nuclear



This chapter describes the components of the

nuclear core and provides supporting information concerning their capability to perform
intended functions under all normal operational
modes, including both steady-state and transient
conditions. Table 2-1 shows typical parameters
for a Westinghouse PWR system core.

The function of a nuclear power reactor is to

generate heat at the rate demanded. In a
Westinghouse pressurized water reactor (PWR)
this is done with a reactor core (Figure 2-1)
consisting of Zircaloy-clad slightly enriched
uranium dioxide fuel rods in canless assemblies
(Figures 2-2 and 2-3), various internal
structures, reactivity control components, and
core monitoring instrumentation. The core is
located in a reactor vessel through which flows
the pressurized light water which acts both as
moderator and coolant. The reactor system is
designed to operate at the licensed power rating
with sufficient margins to allow for the most
severe design basis transients* without damage
to the core.

The reactor core is of the multi-region type. In

the first reactor cycle, fuel assemblies having
the highest enrichment are placed on the
periphery of the core; those with lower enrichments are mixed in the central region of the core

* These transients provide an outside envelope of extremely

unlikely accident conditions including the double ended
guillotine pipe break in a reactor coolant system cold leg.

2-Loop Plant

3-Loop Plant

4-Loop Plant

Total heat output, MWt




Heat generated in fuel, %




Nominal system pressure,

psia (bar)

2250 (155)

Total coolant flow rate,

Ib/hr (kg/sec)

2250 (155)

2250 (155)

~71.03 x 10

~109.0 x 10

~138.4 x 10

Nominal inlet, F (C)

549.9 (287.7)

557.0 (291.7)

557.5 (291.9)

Average rise in vessel, F (C)

66.2 (36.8)

62.9 (34.9)

61.0 (33.9)

Outlet from vessel, F (C)

616.1 (324.5)

619.9 (326.6)

618.5 (325.8)

Equivalent core diameter, ft (cm)

8.4 (256)

9.98 (304)

11.06 (338)

Core length, between fuel ends,

ft (cm)

12.0 (365.8)

12.0 (365.8)

12.0 (365.8)

Fuel type

16 x 16 Std

17x17 OFA

17x17 OFA

Fuel weight, uranium in core, kg




Number of fuel assemblies




Coolant temperature





in a pattern that yields the most uniform power

At the time of refueling, the central region fuel
assemblies having the lowest enrichments are
removed and the outer region fuel assemblies
are shifted inward in accordance with a selected
reload pattern. Fresh fuel is then added at the
core periphery and in some cases, at adjacent
inboard locations. This cycling method has had
widespread usage because it results in the most
uniform power and burnup distributions.**

**Low leakage loading patterns use a different fuel loading

scheme in which fresh fuel with burnable absorbers are
located in the central region.


Reactor control is provided by neutronabsorbing control rod clusters (Figure 2-3) and
by a neutron absorber (boric acid) dissolved
in the reactor coolant. The control rod clusters
are used to follow load changes, to provide
reactor trip capability, and to furnish control
for slight deviations in reactivity due to temperature. In event of a reactor trip, the control
rods fall into the core by gravity. The
concentration of the boric acid is varied during
the life of the core to compensate for changes in
reactivity that occur with fuel depletion, as well
as to compensate for the reactivity associated
with the xenon transients arising from power
level changes.




The basic component of the core is the cylindrical fuel pellet (Figure 2-4). It is composed
of slightly enriched uranium dioxide powder
that is compacted by cold pressing and then
sintered to attain the required density. The
sintered uranium dioxide is chemically inert at
reactor temperatures and pressures. The
consequences of any accidental breach of the
cladding are minimized by the ability of the
uranium dioxide lattice to retain fission products
and to resist deterioration caused by high
temperature water. The slightly dished ends of
each pellet permit axial expansion at the center
of the pellets.

Uranium dioxide pellets are inserted into a

Zircaloy-4 tube, and each end of the tube is
sealed by welding on an end plug to form a fuel
rod. The pellets are prevented from shifting
during handling and shipment by a compression
spring located between the top of the fuel pellet
stack and the top end plug. Refer to Table 2-2
for fuel rod parameters.
To increase fuel rod reliability, Westinghouse
developed the technology for using prepressurized fuel rods.
Fuel rod prepressurization which reduces fuel and cladding
mechanical interaction significantly reduces the



number and extent of cyclic stresses and strains

experienced by the cladding. The result is a
marked extension of the fatigue life margin of
the cladding with enhanced cladding reliability.


as the bottom structural element. The top

nozzle functions as the fuel assembly upper
structural element and forms a plenum space
where the heated reactor coolant is mixed and
directed toward the flow holes in the upper core

A square array of fuel rods structurally bound

together constitutes a fuel assembly. Control rod
guide thimbles replace fuel rods at selected
spaces in the array and are fastened to the top
and bottom nozzles of the assembly. Spring clip
grid assemblies are fastened to the guide
thimbles along the height of the fuel assembly to
provide support for the fuel rods. The fuel rods
are contained and supported, and the rod-to-rod
centerline spacing is maintained within this
skeletal framework. A cross section of three
typical fuel assemblies is shown in Figure 2-5.

The spring clip grids (Figure 2-6) provide

support for the fuel rods in two perpendicular
directions. Each rod is supported at six points in
each cell of the grid. Four support points are
fixed: two on one side of the grid strap, and two
similarly located on the adjacent side. Two more
support points are provided by spring straps
located opposite the fixed points. Each spring
strap exerts a force on the fuel rod such that
lateral fuel rod vibration is restrained. Because
the fuel rods are not physically bound to the
support points, they are free to expand axially

The bottom nozzle of the fuel assembly controls

the coolant flow distribution and also serves

(Four-Loop Plant)



Fuel rod length

12 ft
(365.8 cm)

Outside diameter

0.360 in.
(0.914 cm)

Cladding thickness

0.0225 in.
(0.0572 cm)

Cladding material


Diametrical gap

0.0062 in.
(0.0157 cm)

Pellet diameter

0.3088 in.
(0.7844 cm)

Lattice pitch

0.496 in.
(1.260 cm)

Rods array in assembly

17 x 17

Rods in assembly


Total number of fuel

rods in core


to accommodate thermal and radiation induced


are not used at every core location. Selected

fuel assemblies have neutron sources or
burnable absorber rods installed in the control
rod guide thimbles. Fuel assemblies not
containing either control rod clusters, source
assemblies, or burnable absorber rods, are fitted
with plugs in the upper nozzle to restrict the flow
through the vacant control rod guide thimbles.
This plug includes an end-flow mixing device to
assure that these fuel assemblies have
approximately the same coolant flow as those
containing control rod clusters.

Two types of grid assemblies are employed.

One type features mixing vanes that project from
the edges of the straps into the coolant stream
to promote mixing of the coolant in the high heat
region of the fuel assemblies. The other, a nonmixing type of grid, is located at the bottom and
top ends of the assembly. The outside straps on
all grids contain vanes which aid in guiding the
grids and fuel assemblies past projecting
surfaces during fuel handling or while loading
and unloading the core.

The Westinghouse fuel assembly design

provides optimum core performance by
minimizing neutron absorption in structural
materials and maximizing heat transfer
capabilities. Mixing vane grids increase the heat
transfer capability of the fuel rods. High fuel
utilization is achieved by minimizing the parasitic

All fuel assemblies employ the same basic

mechanical design. While all assemblies are
capable of accepting control rod clusters,* these
* The term control rod cluster is also referred to as rod
cluster control.



drive mechanism mounted on the reactor vessel

head. The RCCs are arranged into groups and
electrically interconnected so that the entire
group moves together. Reactivity of the core is
changed by raising or lowering a group in the

absorption of neutrons in the core. In the

Westinghouse assembly design, the only
structural materials in the fuel region are the
spring clip grids, Zircaloy control rod guide
thimbles, and Zircaloy fuel cladding. Zircaloy is
used because it absorbs relatively few neutrons
and has good heat transfer properties.

Each control rod of a RCC moves vertically in its

own tubular guide thimble. Located symmetrically within fuel assemblies, these thimbles
replace fuel rods within the fuel assembly
lattice. The thimbles: 1) act as guides for the
control rods and 2) serve as dashpots for
slowing control rod motion during reactor trip. In
their fully withdrawn position, the control rods
do not leave the upper end of the guide
thimbles. This assures that the rods are always
properly aligned, and reduces reactor coolant
bypass through the thimbles. The thimbles are
perforated over a portion of their length to
allow passage of water and permit rapid rod
insertion. The lower end of each guide tube is
closed and acts as a dashpot to decelerate the
control rod at the end of its drop under reactor

To assure that fuel pellets, tubes, rods, and

finished assemblies meet a high standard of
excellence, many inspections and tests are
performed on both the raw material and the
unfinished product. These tests and inspections
include chemical analysis, tensile testing,
corrosion tests, dimensional inspection, X-ray,
ultrasonic tests, and helium leak tests.


Rod cluster control (RCC) assemblies are used
for reactor startup or shutdown, to follow load
changes, and to control small transient changes
in reactivity.
The control elements of a RCC assembly
consists of cylindrical neutron absorber rods
(control rods), having approximately the same
dimensions as a fuel rod and connected at the
top by a spider-like bracket to form rod clusters
(Figures 2-2 and 2-3).

The Westinghouse rod cluster control design

contributes to core performance improvement by
providing a relatively homogeneous means of
control. When the control rods are withdrawn
from the core, the small resulting water gaps
cause no significant power peaking.

The control rods, which are stainless steel tubes

encapsulating a hafnium absorber material,
extend the full length of the core when fully
inserted. Full length RCCs provide operational
reactivity control and can shut the reactor down
at all times, even with the most reactive RCC
stuck out of the core.

The basic objective of the core thermal-hydraulic
design is to ensure that energy generated in the
fuel is transferred to the coolant while
maintaining fuel rod temperature limits even
under the most severe anticipated or design
basis transient conditions. To maintain fuel rod

Each RCC is coupled to its drive shaft, which is

actuated by a separate magnetically actuated


the maximum radial power peak. Given a radial

distribution, the limiting condition on power is
determined by the shape of the axial distribution,
and not by a fixed peak-to-average ratio of
power density. For example, a small peak in the
top of the core on a relatively flat power
distribution may be DNB-limited. In the bottom of
the core, a much greater peak is allowable and
may be limited by linear power density.

integrity and prevent the release of fission

products, the fuel cladding must be prevented
from overheating under all operating or
postulated accident conditions. This is
accomplished by preventing Departure from
Nucleate Boiling (DNB), because DNB causes a
large decrease in the heat transfer coefficient
from the cladding to the coolant, thereby
resulting in high fuel rod temperature since the
rate of heat transfer must be maintained. DNB
occurs when the fuel rod surface and coolant
temperatures are high enough to create a vapor
blanket around the fuel rod. This vapor blanket
acts like an insulator, reducing the heat transfer
coefficient to the coolant when compared to the
heat transfer coefficient at lower heat fluxes
and/or coolant temperatures.

Operational Reactivity Control
Reactivity control is provided by the neutron
absorbing control rods and a soluble chemical
neutron absorber (boric acid) in the reactor
coolant. The boric acid concentration is varied to
control slower reactivity changes such as fuel
depletion and fission product buildup; cold to
hot, zero power reactivity change; reactivity
changes produced by intermediate-term fission
products, such as xenon and samarium*; and
burnable absorber depletion.

The measure of confidence that DNB will not

occur is the DNB ratio, defined as the ratio of
the predicted heat flux at DNB to the actual
local heat flux. In reactor core design, both the
heat flux associated with DNB and the location
of the minimum DNB ratio are important. To
predict the local DNB heat flux Westinghouse
uses empirical design correlations which
include nonuniform heat flux effects, and the
upstream effects of inlet enthalpy and core

The four-loop reactor core utilizes about 53 full

length RCC assemblies which provide reactivity
control for power defect compensation (reactivity
changes due to temperature changes with
power), for rapid shutdown, for reactivity
changes due to coolant temperature changes in
the power range, and for reactivity changes due
to void formation. The number and placement of
control rods are based on the following

nuclear, thermal, and
hydraulic design analyses are used to determine
the core power capability such that the allowed
overall power distribution peak does not exceed
the linear power density limit or violate the
minimum DNB ratio at any time during a fuel
cycle. Linear power density limits are
determined by the peak cladding temperature
permitted in the postulated double ended break
of a cold leg pipe. The limiting axial power
distribution may not occur simultaneously with


* After any change in core power, the concentrations of

these isotopes exhibit transient behavior before reaching
equilibrium at the new power level. This is particularly so in
the case of xenon: following a power reduction, xenon
initially builds up for about seven hours, and then slowly


Doppler Defect This defect is due to an

increase in width of uranium-238 resonance
peaks in the epithermal energy range. This
defect is most noticeable over the range of zero
to full power, since the effective neutron
temperature increases by about 1000F (540C)
as the average physical pellet temperature is
increased with heat generation.

cumulative effect is a flat power distribution at

the end of life with full-power operation.
The sum of the above three effects, Doppler,
variable average moderator temperature, and
redistribution is termed the power defect. The
power defect is fairly linear with power level and
lifetime, and changes because of boron
concentration and depletion.

Variable Average Moderator Temperature

The average moderator temperature of the core
is programmed to change linearly with power
level from the no load value of 547F (286C)
(based on steam generator shell side design
pressure) to the full load value as determined by
steam generator and turbine characteristics
(allowable steam pressure, heat transfer, tube
fouling, etc.). The design full load average
temperature is about 571F (300C). At the
beginning of life, the effect on reactivity is small
since the moderator temperature coefficient is
small. At the end of life, the coefficient is
substantially more negative due to depletion and
removal of shim boron, and the effect on
reactivity addition is greater.

Bite The control rod bite is the amount of

insertion into the core to maintain a minimum
reactivity ramp rate. It reflects the ability of the
control system to allow a five percent per minute
ramp change or a ten-percent step change in
the power level. The insertion is necessary
because the differential rod worth or neutron
capability is near zero at the top and bottom
ends of the core.
Rod Insertion Allowance The lead control
groups are operated so as to compensate for
small periodic changes in boron concentration,
system pressure, axial power distribution, and
coolant temperature. The maximum rod insertion
allowance is established in conjunction with
these considerations with provisions for
adequate shutdown margin.

Redistribution The temperature rise across

Consequently, the coolant density in the core
varies with power level. At the beginning of life,
the effect on reactivity from coolant density
changes is small, and so the effect on the power
distribution is small. The moderator temperature
coefficient of reactivity becomes more and more
negative as the fuel depletes. At the same time,
the fuel in the top half of the reactor becomes
less reactive than the fuel in the bottom half
because of the temperature difference. This
change is so slow that fuel depletion acts to
keep the power distribution flat by preferentially
depleting the fuel at the bottom of the core. The


Void Content The void content of the core is

about one-half of one percent, and is due to
local or statistical boiling.
Steam Break Shutdown This is the required
shutdown reactivity to minimize the consequences of a postulated secondary side
steam line rupture. The core temperature
decreases rapidly in the event of a steam line
rupture, causing an increase in reactivity in the
presence of a negative moderator temperature
coefficient. The time taken to return to criticality




(-9.5C) increase in moderator temperature

creates 0.001 reactivity increase). Since a large
positive coefficient is undesirable, a reduction of
the amount of control to be provided by chemical
shim is accomplished by placing aluminum
oxide- boron carbide burnable absorber material
in the core. This material is depletable in the
same fashion as uranium-235. Figure 2-9 shows
the approximate burnable poison locations in a
four-loop core, and Figure 2-10 shows the
reduction in chemical shim brought about by the
presence of this burnable absorber. As the fuel
and burnable poison deplete, the power will shift
toward the center of the core, and this shift must
be accounted for in design calculations. At the
end of life, the power distribution is again quite

after system shutdown is determined by the

amount of shutdown or negative reactivity
The first six items above are classified as control
group requirements, while the last is a shutdown
requirement. The control groups are selected to
be symmetrical, worth about one-percent in
reactivity, to yield acceptable radial power
distributions in their proper insertion sequence,
and to give an acceptable transient in the
hypothetical instance of a rod cluster ejection.
The overall pattern of rods is selected to give the
maximum reactivity worth with the most reactive
rod cluster stuck in its full-out position. A typical
rod cluster control arrangement in the reactor
core is shown in Figure 2-7.

Burnable Absorber
Of the 193 fuel assemblies contained in a fourloop reactor first core, approximately 65 are of a
low enrichment (2.10 weight/percent uranium235), 64 are an intermediate enrichment
(2.60 weight/percent uranium-235), and 64 are a
high enrichment (3.10 weight/percent uranium235). The low and intermediate enrichment
assemblies are arranged in a checkerboard
pattern in the central portion of the core while
the high enrichment assemblies are arranged
about the periphery of the core (Figure 2-8).
The first fuel cycle normally contains more
excess reactivity than subsequent cycles, due to
the loading of all fresh (unburned) fuel. If soluble
boron were the sole means of control, the
concentration would be on the order of 1700
ppm and the moderator temperature coefficient
would be on the order of +7 pcm/F (a 15F







The primary and secondary sources are similar

to a control rod in mechanical construction. Both
types of source rods are clad in stainless steel.
The secondary source rods contain Sb-Be
pellets which are not initially active. The primary
source rods contain sealed capsules of source
material at a specified axial position. Cladding
encapsulation is completed by seal-welding the
end plugs.

Reactor startup neutron sources must be used

because of fuel configuration and the initially low
core activity.
Neutron sources are of two types: 1) a primary
source, which is active for initial reactor startup
and startup early in the life of the first core, and
2) a secondary source, used for later startup of
the reactor and which is activated during the
operation of the reactor. The primary sources
normally are a californium isotope. The
secondary sources contain a mixture of
antimony and beryllium (Sb-Be).


The specific core location of the sources is

determined during final design of the core to
assure adequate neutron flux at the source
range detectors at all times.


chapter 3
reactor coolant system


and connecting piping. Control rod drive

mechanisms mounted on top of the reactor
vessel operate the control rod clusters that are
used for reactor startup, load changes, and

The Reactor Coolant System (RCS) consists of

similar heat transport loops (two-loop, threeloop, or four-loop) connected in parallel to the
reactor vessel. Figure 3-1 is a schematic flow
diagram (one-loop) of the RCS. Each loop
contains a reactor coolant pump and a steam
generator. The RCS also includes a pressurizer,
safety and relief valves, a pressurizer relief tank,


These major components of the RCS are

described in the following sub-chapters.


base plates atop a support structure attached to

the concrete foundation.

chapter 3.1
reactor vessel
and internals

Thermal expansion and contraction of the

reactor vessel are accommodated by sliding
surfaces between the support pads and the
base plates. Side stops on the base plates keep
the vessel centered and resist lateral loads,
including all piping loads.

The reactor vessel, as principal component of

the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) contains the
heat-generating core and associated supports,
controls, and coolant circulating channels. Outlet
and inlet nozzles provide for the exit of the
heated coolant and its return to the vessel for
recirculation through the core.

Neutron shield panels, attached to the lower

portion of the core barrel in high flux regions,
protect the vessel by attenuating the gamma
radiation and the fast neutron flux that escapes
from the core.
The removable upper head of the reactor vessel
contains a bolting flange employing studs and
nuts. Hydraulic tensioning of the studs permits
uniform nut loading. An elongation gauge is
employed to facilitate uniform loading.

The reactor vessel (Figure 3.1-1) is cylindrical
with a hemispherical bottom head and a flanged
and gasketed removable upper head. The
vessel contains the core, core support
structures, rod control clusters, neutron shield
panels, and other parts directly associated with
the core. Inlet and outlet nozzles are located at
an elevation between the head flange and the
core. The vessel is designed and manufactured
to the requirements of Section III of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Principal
parameters are listed in Table 3.1-1.

Two hollow, metallic O-rings form a pressuretight seal in concentric grooves in the head
flange. The O-rings are self-energized by permitting Reactor Coolant System pressure to
act on the inside of the O-rings through slots
in the O-rings. Because the O-rings are retained
in the reactor vessel head by clips so that they
will be removed with the head, they can be
replaced outside the refueling cavity. The double
O-ring seal and flange design permits vessel
heatup and cooldown without leakage past
the second O-ring. The space between the two
O-rings is tapped and piped to a temperature
indicator and then to the Reactor Coolant
System drain tank. If the inner O-ring fails to
seal, leakage of reactor coolant will give a hightemperature indication and alarm.

The body of the vessel is low alloy carbon steel.

Inside surfaces in contact with coolant are clad
with a minimum of 1/8-inch (3 mm) austenitic
stainless steel to minimize corrosion.
The vessel is supported by steel pads integral
with the coolant nozzles. The pads rest on steel





TABLE 3.1-1


3-Loop Plant

4-Loop Plant

Overall length of assembled

vessel, closure head, and

39 ft, 9 in.
(12.1 m)

43 ft, 4 in
(13.2 m)

44 ft, 7 in.
(13.6 m)

Inside diameter of shell

132 in.
(3.4 m)

157 in.
(4.0 m)

173 in.
(4.4 m)

9 ft, 7 in.
(2.9 m)

10 ft, 6 in.
(3.2 m)

10 ft, 11 in.
(3.3 m)

9 ft, 2 in.
(2.8 m)

10 ft, 2 in.
(3.1 m)

10 ft, 3 in.
(3.1 m)

Nominal cladding thickness

7/32 in.
(0.56 cm)

7/32 in.
(0.56 cm)

7/32 in.
(0.56 cm)

Minimum cladding thickness

1/8 in.
(0.32 cm)

1/8 in.
(0.32 cm)

1/8 in.
(0.32 cm)

Coolant volume with core and

internals in place

2491 ft
(71 m )

3734 ft
(106 m )

4885 ft
(138 m )

Operating pressure

2332 psia
(160 bar)

2332 psia
(160 bar)

2332 psia
(160 bar)

Design pressure

2500 psia
(172 bar)

2500 psia
(172 bar)

2500 psia
(172 bar)

Design temperature




Vessel material

Low alloy steel

Low alloy steel

Low alloy steel

Cladding material

Stainless steel

Stainless steel

Stainless steel

Number of vessel material

surveillance capsules

Radius from center of vessel to

nozzle face:




The control rod drive mechanisms (CRDM) are

positioned on the upper vessel head. In-core flux
measuring instrumentation penetrations are
located in the bottom head of the vessel.

All unmachined external surfaces not fabricated

of corrosion-resistant materials are coated with
paint that is resistant to heat, radiation, and

All welds are in accordance with Section III of

the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In
general, all attachments and pressurecontaining parts have full penetration welds.
Partial penetration welds are used for attaching
the CRDM head adapters to the head
connections and instrumentation tubes to the
bottom of the vessel. A seal weld is used
between the head adapter and the CRDM.

During the regular refueling operations, the
reactor vessel head is visually inspected,
including the seal faces, joint grooves, and
keyways. During each head removal operation,
the O-rings are replaced. A sampling of the
vessel head holddown studs undergoes visual,
magnetic particle, and ultrasonic tests during
each refueling operation. All of the studs are
subjected to these tests at least once in each
10-year period.

The reactor pressure vessel shell, flanges, and
upper and lower heads are made of low alloy
steel of Type A 533, Grades A, B, and C,
Class 1, and Type A 508, Class 3, for plate and
forgings, respectively. These materials are used
because of their strength properties, availability
in required sizes and thicknesses, satisfactory
service in a neutron and gamma field, and the
capability of producing high-quality weldments.
The materials are also compatible with weld
overlay cladding of stainless steel.

Reactor Vessel Design Considering

Neutron Exposure
Reactor pressure vessel design requires
allowance for changes in steel properties due to
fast neutron exposure of the vessel wall
surrounding the core. These changes in
properties include increased ultimate and yield
strengths, and decreased notch ductility. The
latter can be expressed as the reference nil
ductility transition temperature (RTNDT) of the
steel, as defined in paragraph NB-2300 of
Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, and is used in setting heatup and
cooldown procedures as well as pressuretemperature limits for hydrostatic and leak tests.
The shift in RTNDT from an initial temperature to
a higher temperature is a function of the fast
neutron dose (nvt).

All surfaces of the reactor vessel in contact with

reactor coolant are either clad with, or made
from, 300 series stainless steel or Inconel.
Based on tensile and impact properties, Type A
540, Class 3, Grade B23 or B24, is selected for
closure studs, nuts, and washers. Threaded
surfaces and washer mating surfaces are
Parkerized for rust resistance and lubricant
retention. Type 304 stainless steel is used for
the neutron shield panels, with the cobalt
content controlled to a maximum of 0.20

The RTNDT shift predicted for the reactor vessel

is conservative because the RTNDT shift curve
used is based on test data with an added
margin. A recognized method of assessing the

as follows (the actual schedule will vary from

plant to plant):

degree of conservatism in the data and verifying

the calculated neutron exposure is to perform a
reactor vessel material surveillance program in
the operating reactor pressure vessel.


The load restrictions on as-fabricated reactor

vessels are governed by Section III of the ASME
Code. The reactor vessel is designed such that
the vessel wall around the core region is
completely free of structural discontinuities or
other stress inducers. The most significant
radiation-induced material property changes are
thus confined to a portion of the reactor vessel
with a straight cylindrical wall in which stresses
are accurately and readily analyzed.

Vessel Material Surveillance Program

1 to 2 years (replacement of
first region)

5 years

10 years

20 years

30 years



Reactor vessel surveillance programs provide

information on the effect of radiation on vessel
materials under operating conditions. Westinghouse surveillance programs follow ASTM
E185, "Standard Recommended Practice for
Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Reactor Vessels,"
and utilize capsules located between the
neutron shield pads and the vessel wall directly
opposite the center of the core. The capsules
contain reactor vessel steel specimens obtained
during vessel fabrication. Dosimeters, including
pure nickel, copper, iron, aluminum-cobalt
aluminum-cobalt, uranium-238, and neptunium237 are placed in spacers specially drilled to
contain the dosimeters. Thermal monitors are
also included in the surveillance capsules.

The principal core-supporting components within

the reactor vessel are divided into two major
structures: the upper core support structure
(upper internals) and the lower internals
assembly (lower core support structure). The
upper core support structure (Figure 3.1-2)
includes the top support plate, the upper core
plate, support columns, and control rod guide
tubes. Principal functions of the upper core
support structure are as follows:

A specimen capsule containing specimens for

use in Charpy V-notch, tensile, and fracture
mechanics tests can be removed from the
reactor during normal refueling periods. A
tentative schedule for removal of the capsules is

Exposure Time

To align and locate the upper ends of the

fuel assemblies

To protect withdrawn control rod clusters

from lateral forces due to coolant crossflow

To guide the control rod cluster and

associated drive shaft

The principal components of the lower internals

assembly (Figure 3.1-3) are the lower core
support plate, core barrel, and core baffle. The





the remainder of the core. This smaller hole size

forces more flow into the center of the core
where the hotter assemblies are located and
accomplishes a form of inlet orificing. The
peripheral assemblies are those having one or
two sides defining the outer edge of the core. No
attachment hardware or change in component
material is necessary to this method of orificing
the coolant flow into the core. After passing
through the core, the coolant enters the area of
the upper support structure, and then flows
generally radially to the core barrel outlet
nozzles and directly through the vessel outlet
nozzles. A small amount of water also flows
between the baffle plates and core barrel to
provide additional cooling of the barrel. Similarly,
a small amount of the entering flow is directed
into the vessel head plenum and exits through
the vessel outlet nozzles.

core barrel assembly serves the following


Transfers the vertical loads, composed of

the fuel assembly weight, fuel assembly
preload, and control rod dynamic loading,
through the core barrel to the reactor vessel

Transfers the transverse loads, caused by

coolant flow and vibration, through the core
barrel to the lower radial support and the
reactor vessel flange.

Aligns and positions the lower ends of the

fuel assemblies

Directs the flow of reactor coolant through

the vessel and core

Reduces the radiation dose to the reactor

vessel wall

Supports the neutron shield pads

Guides in-core instrumentation (movable

neutron detectors)

The thickness of the members comprising the

vessel internals is governed primarily by
deflection limits rather than by stress. Because
stress levels are extremely low, the possibility of
failure under service conditions is very low. The
stress analysis of the core support structure
considers static and dynamic loads (including
earthquake), steady hydraulic loads, transient
loads due to pump and loop pulsations, reactor
coolant temperature variations, and differential
expansion. A full radiation analysis on the core
support structure is performed and the gamma
heating rate is established. A hydraulic analysis
determines the film heat transfer coefficient and
temperature distribution, and thermal stresses
are evaluated to verify the conservative design.

The lower core support structure (principally the

core barrel) serves to provide passageways and
control for the coolant flow. Inlet coolant flow
from the vessel inlet nozzles proceeds down the
annulus between the core barrel and the vessel
wall and then into a plenum at the bottom of the
vessel. The coolant then turns, flows up through
the bottom support forging, and then passes
through the lower core plate. Flow holes in the
support plate and the lower core plate are sized
to provide the desired inlet flow distribution to
the core. The flow holes in the lower core plate
below the peripheral fuel assemblies are
machined with a smaller diameter than those in

Transient changes that could occur during

normal and abnormal operating conditions are
fully considered in the intended service. The
core support configuration is designed for safe,
reliable, and rapid refueling.

upper and lower core barrels and all major

strength welds are stress-relieved at low

Core support structure components are

fabricated from Type 304 stainless steel. All
welds are made to strict specifications and are
checked by radiography and dye penetrant
tests. Weld sequences are arranged to minimize
distortion and residual stresses. Support plates
are ultrasonically inspected for flaws and are
dye penetrant checked for surface cracks. All
major strength welds are full penetration. The


The internals are designed such that they can

be completely removed from the vessel. This
facilitates inservice inspection of the internals
and provides access for inspection of the entire
inner surface of the vessel.


The control rod drive mechanism (Figure 3.2-1)

consists of five major subassemblies: pressure
vessel, internal latch assembly, drive rod,
operating coil stack, and seismic sleeve

chapter 3.2
control rod drive

All moving components of the CRDM are

contained in a stainless steel pressure vessel
assembly attached to a head adapter housing.
The adapter is welded to the reactor vessel
head and constitutes, in effect, an integral part
of the vessel. The pressure vessel assembly,
including the head adapter housing, is
completely free of mechanical seals and of
penetrations for hydraulic and electric lines. It is
designed for full system pressure of 2500 psia
(172.3 bar a).

The rod cluster control assemblies are

positioned by latch-type magnetic jack control
rod drive mechanisms mounted on the reactor
vessel head. These have proven to be rugged,
reliable, and eminently suitable for use in high
pressure, high temperature water reactors.
Principal parameters of the control rod drive
mechanism (CRDM), capped latch housing
assemblies are shown in Table 3.2-1.

TABLE 3.2-1
Maximum control rod speed
Stepping distance
Pressure housing material
Pressure housing design pressure
Pressure housing design temperature
Overall mechanism length

45 in./min. (1.9 cm/sec)
5/8 in. (1.6 cm)
Stainless steel
2500 psia (172.3 bar a)
650F (343.3C)
233.7 in. (594 cm)

Capped Latch Housing Assembly

Pressure housing material
Pressure housing design pressure
Pressure housing design temperature
Overall housing length

Stainless steel
2500 psia (172.3 bar a)
650F (343.3C)
56.4 in. (143 cm)

Rod Position Indicator Assembly

Overall RPI assembly length

158 in. (401 cm)





assembly. A coupling attached to the lower end of

the drive rod assembly connects to a RCCA.
Means are provided for remotely engaging or
disengaging this coupling from the RCCA.

The operating coil stack assembly consists of

three independent coils installed over the
outside of the latch housing. Because the coil
stack assembly rests on a shoulder on the latch
housing without any mechanical attachment, it
can, if desired, be removed and replaced while
the reactor is pressurized. An electrical
receptacle assembly is provided on the coil
stack assembly for connection of external wiring
through the plug assembly provided. An aircooling system is utilized to cool the operating
coil stack assembly.

The seismic sleeve assembly fits over the top of

the CRDM rod travel housing and locates in a
hole in the missile shield plate to prevent
excessive lateral movement during a seismic
During normal plant operation, the CRDMs
serves to hold in position the RCCAs that have
been withdrawn from the core. Under this
holding mode of operation, only one coil is
energized to engage its respective gripper
latches with the drive rod assembly. If power to
this coil is cut off, either deliberately in reactor
trip or because of an accidental power failure,
the RCCA falls by gravity into the core.

The internal latch assembly of the CRDM,

consisting of gripper latches, poles, and
plungers is located inside the latch housing. The
gripper latches, which engage the grooved
region of the drive rod assembly, will lift, lower,
or hold the drive rod assembly with the attached
rod cluster control assembly (RCCA) and are
operated by poles and lock plungers encircling
the drive rod assembly. These poles and lock
plungers are activated by external operating
coils which are energized in the proper
sequence, and for the proper length of time, by
the solid-state control system. The inward and
outward motion of the latch arms always occurs
under the condition of no mechanical load,
which minimizes wear of latch tips and drive rod
assembly grooves. Reactor coolant water
provides the necessary lubrication.

The capped latch housing assembly, provides

for installation of a CRDM after plant startup
when additional RCCAs are required (i.e., for
alternative fuel cycle capability).
A rod position indicator coil stack, consisting of
small cylindrical coils mounted on a stainless
steel tube, fits over the rod travel housing of the
mechanism. The secondary side output of these
coils is a function of the position of the drive rod
assembly in the coil stack; this makes it possible
to obtain incremental indication of control rod

Circumferential grooves in the drive rod assembly

are engaged by the gripper latches of the latch




chapter 3.3
reactor coolant

A coil-type heat exchanger of stainless steel

tubing is located inside the diffuser and turning
vane assembly and below the water-lubricated
radial bearing. Low-pressure cooling water is
circulated inside the heat exchanger tubing.
During normal operation, the load on the heat
exchanger is minimal because cool injection
water from the Chemical and Volume Control
System is flowing over the coils at a slow rate.
The heat exchanger protects the waterlubricated bearing and the seal system in the
event of injection water failure by cooling the
550F (288C) reactor coolant water which will

Each reactor coolant loop contains a vertical,

single-stage, shaft-seal pump designed to pump
large volumes of reactor coolant at high
pressures and high temperatures. A typical
pump is shown in Figure 3.3-1 with principal
design parameters listed in Table 3.3-1. The
complete unit is a vertical assembly consisting of
(from top to bottom) a motor, motor support
stand, seal assembly and hydraulic unit.

TABLE 3.3-1

Reactor coolant is pumped by an impeller
attached to the bottom of the rotor shaft. The
coolant is drawn up through the bottom of the
casing, up through the impeller, and discharged
through the diffuser and an exit nozzle in the
side of the casing. A diffuser and turning vane
assembly converts velocity head from the
impeller to pressure head, and directs the flow to
the single discharge nozzle in the circular
casing. A thermal barrier incorporated as an
integral part of the diffuser and turning vane
assembly limits the heat transfer from the casing
into the seal and bearing regions.

One vertical, single-stage,

shaft-seal circulating water
pump per loop

Design capacity

97,600 gpm (6.15 m3/sec)

Design head

280 ft (85.3 m)

Design pressure

2500 psia (172 bar)

Design temperature

650F (343C)

Suction temperature at

557F (292C)

full power

The motor and pump assemblies can be

removed from the casing for maintenance or
inspection without removing the casing from the
piping. All parts of the pump in contact with the
reactor coolant are of stainless steel except for
the bearings and certain special components.


Number and type


Motor type

ac induction

Motor voltage

6,600 volts

Casing diameter

6 ft, 5 in. (196 cm)

Overall height

28 ft (8.5 m)

Operating speed

1189 rpm

Ambient temperature

120F (49C)



No. 1 Seal The primary seal (No. 1 seal) is

located above the lower radial bearing and
constitutes the most important element in the
seal system. It is basically a film-riding face seal.
The film is produced by the system pressure
drop across the seal and therefore does not
require shaft rotation for its existence. Normal
leakage rate for this seal is 3-gallons-per-minute
(0.2 I/sec) at system operating pressure.
Leakage flow is radially inward toward the shaft,
and the design is such that the axial pressure
forces are balanced. Because the seal ring rides
on a thin film, it does not come in contact with
the seal runner.

flow outward toward the seals under this condition of failure. The heat exchanger designed
so that it can be removed for inspection if
desired. Maintenance is not normally required.

The complete pump and motor assembly
contains three radial bearings. Two of these are
located in the motor and are described later. The
third (lower) bearing is located in the pump unit
above the heat exchanger and below the seal
assembly. This carbon-graphite, water lubricated
bearing operates against a Stellite-clad stainless
steel journal. The bearing is mounted in a
spherical seat so as to be angularly self-aligning
with the shaft.

No. 2 Seal This seal normally accepts a

portion of the 3-gallons-per-minute (0.2 I/sec)
leakage from the No. 1 seal at a pressure of
approximately 50 psi (3.4 bar) and seals it
against a backpressure of several feet of water.
Normal leakage rate for the No. 2 seal is
3 gallons per hour (3.2 cm /sec). The pressure
balanced rubbing face-type seal is of
conventional design and employs a rotating
runner and a stationary carbon member.
Although the seal normally handles only 50 psi
(3.4 bar) on the high-pressure side, it is
designed such that in an emergency it can
operate with the full system pressure across its
face in either the rotating or stationary state.
Although its life under these latter emergency
conditions will be reduced, it will permit limited
pump operation or an orderly shutdown without
gross leakage.

Access for high-pressure injection water is
provided through the heat exchanger support
cylinder flange. This water acts to cool both the
lower and upper parts of the pump and seal
assembly as well as to provide clean water for
lubrication of the lower radial bearing and the
seal system. Under normal operating conditions,
water is injected at a rate of 8 gallons per minute
(0.5 I/sec). Of this flow, 5 gallons per minute
(0.3 I/sec) pass downward through the heat
exchanger assembly and along the shaft into the
casing, removing heat conducted by the shaft
and parts of the thermal barrier. The remaining
3 gallons per minute (0.2 I/sec) of injection water
pass through the seal assembly.

No. 3 Seal The double dam No. 3 seal is also

a mechanical-rubbing face-type seal designed
such that clean contaminant-free water can be
injected into the center of the sealing surface.
This No. 3 seal injection water flows through the
seal in both directions to maintain a clean


The shaft seal system (Figure 3.3-2) consists of
three seals operating in a series arrangement
and described below.





lubricated surface on the seal faces and to

prevent primary system water from passing the
No. 3 seal. The low-pressure clean water
injection between the seal surfaces minimizes
deposition of abrasive boric acid crystals
between the seal faces, cools the seals, and
virtually eliminates the leakage of contaminated
water and gas to the containment. The clean
injection water flow rate is 800 cm per hour.
The only leakage from the reactor coolant
pumps is a small amount of this clean water
through the vapor guard at the top of the shaft
seal housing.

and maintenance of the pump shaft seal system.

Incorporation of the spool piece in the pump
shaft reduces personnel radiation exposure and
pump maintenance downtime by minimizing the
number of operations involved in pump shaft
seal inspection and maintenance. The removable spool piece also allows shaft seal access
without removing the pump motor. This feature
eliminates the need for breaking fluid, electrical,
and instrumentation connections during motor
removal, and for subsequent pump and motor
alignment when the motor is reinstalled. The
shaft spool piece is designed for easy removal
and replacement.

Cartridge-Type Seal Assembly The No. 2

and No. 3 seals are mounted in a single
cartridge-type seal assembly. The cartridge seal
design eliminates individual replacement of the
No. 2 and No. 3 seals on the pump. Factory
assembled and tested, the No. 2 and No. 3
cartridge seal package is installed in the pump
as a unit to avoid individual handling of the seals
and reduce the chance for damage or error in
installation. The cartridge capability allows
inspection of the No. 2 and No. 3 seals under
more ideal conditions away from the pump,
either inside or outside containment. During
replacement of the No. 2 and No. 3 seals, the
No. 1 seal can be removed for inspection
without removing the No. 1 seal housing and
connecting piping.

The motor is a vertical, solid-shaft, single-speed,
air-cooled, three-phase, squirrel-cage induction
motor with a thermalastic-epoxy insulation
system. The rotor and stator are of conventional
A radial guide bearing is located below the
motor rotor. This bearing operates in an oil sump
which has an integral heat exchanger through
which low-pressure cooling water circulates. The
bearing is a babbit-on-steel, pivoted-pad guide
bearing positioned by jack screws and held in
place with lockplates.
A double-acting Kingsbury-type thrust bearing
(accommodating either upward or downward
thrust) is located above the rotor. The bearing
consists of pivoted segmental shoes that tilt and
allow the oil to assume a thin wedge-shaped film
between the shaft-mounted runner and the
stationary pivoted shoes. An oil lift system
provides the initial oil film during startup. Highpressure oil is pumped into the center of the
shoes, slightly lifting the rotor assembly.
Because shoe tilt can vary with motor shaft

The cartridge seal allows the No. 2 seal to

remain closed during backseating of the pump
shaft which eliminates the need to drain down
the system when uncoupling and lowering the
pump shaft.


A removable spool piece in the reactor coolant
pump shaft is included to facilitate inspection


speed, the bearing is self-adjusting during all

modes of operation. The oil also circulates
through the upper radial guide bearing and
through a separate heat exchanger where it is
cooled. The upper radial guide bearing is similar
in design to the lower bearing. Space heaters in
the motor keep the windings warm and dry when
the unit is idle or in storage.

and to a magnetic particle or liquid penetrant

examination in accordance with ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III.

An antireverse device is installed integral with

the motor. It requires no lubrication and has no
moving parts to wear during normal operations.
The device prevents reverse rotation of an idle
pump due to backflow generated by other
operating reactor coolant loops. The antireverse
mechanism consists of pawls mounted on the
outside diameter of the flywheel, a serrated
ratchet plate mounted on the motor frame above
the oil pot, a spring return for the ratchet plate,
and two shock absorbers. After the motor
ceases rotation, at least one pawl will engage
the ratchet plate. As the motor starts to rotate in
the opposite direction, the ratchet plate will also
rotate until stopped by the springs and shock
absorbers. The rotor will then remain stopped
until the motor is energized again, at which time
the pawls will drag over the ratchet plate until
the motor reaches a speed of about 75 rpm. At
this speed, centrifugal force is sufficient to hold
the pawls in an elevated position. Above this
speed there is no rubbing contact between
parts, and the pawls are motionless relative to
their housing.


Terminals are provided on the motor and pump
unit for connection to the station ground.

The entire motor and seal assembly is bolted to

the pump flange to provide proper alignment.
The procedure of assembling the motor to the
pump consists of lowering the pump shaft to the
backseat provided on the housing of the thermal
barrier heat exchanger, centering the pump
shaft radially at the top of the seal area by
means of a centering device, shimming the
motor base as necessary to parallel the two
coupling faces, measuring runout between the
two coupling faces by turning the motor rotor,
adjusting runout to within tolerance by use of
motor jacking screws, removing the centering
device, and finally raising the pump shaft by
installing and tightening the coupling bolts.

The pump is provided with three large support
feet located radially on the pump casing.


A flywheel in the motor increases the total

rotating inertia, allowing the pump to coastdown
slowly after deenergizing. This provision,
together with the Reactor Control and Protection
System, maintains adequate flow through the
reactor core in the event of a loss of power to
the pumps. The flywheel material is subjected to
a 100-percent volumetric ultrasonic inspection

Each reactor coolant pump is provided with a

vibration monitoring system that continuously
monitors vibrations of the pump shaft and frame.
The system consists of three proximity probes,
two seismoprobes, equipment housing and
mounting brackets, and two meters per pump. A
common power supply, equipment rack, and

approximately half speed at the proper time, a

trip signal is given. Following a successful start
and after 30 seconds, the locked rotor circuit is
bypassed. The signal to the protection system is
generated by the keyphasor probe in the
vibration monitoring system which reads a notch
on the pump coupling.

keyphasor module are provided for each plant.

The keyphasor module allows for convenient
pump balancing through use of an oscilloscope
should it be necessary. Alarm lights on the
meters provide warning and danger signals.
Audible alarm capability is also provided.
The primary benefits to be gained from using a
continuous vibration monitoring system include
pump balancing and the capability to identify
increasing vibration levels that could indicate
potential problems within the system. Early
identification of problems enables investigation
and, if required, orderly shutdown which can
prevent serious damage.


The reactor coolant pump motor is equipped
with a catch basin and enclosures at strategic
locations to minimize the possibility of leaking
motor oil making contact with hot RCS
components and piping thereby reducing the
potential for oil fires. An oil enclosure surrounds
the thrust bearing oil lift pump to isolate the highpressure oil components from the environment.
A suitable drain connection is provided to
remove oil in the event of leakage. Drip pans are
located below the upper and lower motor oil pots
to collect oil that may leak from the pot. A drain
connector is provided to allow field piping to
direct excess oil to a collection point.


The locked rotor protection system protects
against abnormal motor starting conditions.
Following initial energizing of the pump motor, if
the rotor fails to rotate, a trip signal is given. At
the time when half speed should be reached, a
second check is made. If the rotor is not at



steam generator, which is described below, has

been the standard model since 1976.

chapter 3.4

High-pressure, high-temperature reactor coolant

flows into the steam generator channel head,
through the Inconel U-tubes, and back to the
channel head. A partition plate divides the
channel head into inlet and outlet sections. An
access opening for inspection and maintenance
is provided in each section of the channel head.
To prevent leakage across the tube joints, the
U-tubes are welded to the tube sheet. The tubes
are supported at intervals by horizontal tube
support plates.

Pressurized water reactors utilize a closed-cycle

system design principle. This means that
radioactive coolant in the reactor cycle is
completely separated from the turbine-generator
cycle. The high-temperature coolant water from
the reactor, however, must create steam for the
turbine-generator. The link connecting the two
cycles is the steam generator.

Feedwater enters the unit through a nozzle

located on the upper shell and is distributed by a
feedwater ring into the downcomer annulus
formed by the tube bundle wrapper and steam
generator shell. The feedwater mixes with
recirculation flow and enters the tube bundle
near the tubesheet. Boiling occurs as the fluid
rises in the tube bundle.

Each loop of the Reactor Coolant System (RCS)

contains a vertically mounted U-tube steam
generator (Figure 3.4-1). These steam generators consist of two integral sections: an
evaporator section and a steam drum section.
The evaporator section consists of a U-tube heat
exchanger while the steam drum section houses
moisture-separating equipment. The steam
drum section is located in the upper part of the
steam generator. Principal design data are listed
in Table 3.4-1. The steam generators are
designed and manufactured in accordance with
Sections II, III, and IX of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code.

A set of centrifugal moisture separators, located

above the tube bundle, removes most of the
entrained water from the steam. Perforated
plates are included at the entrance to the
second stage of separation. Steam dryers are
employed to increase the steam quality to a
minimum of 99.75 percent (0.25-percent
moisture). An integral steam flow restrictor is
provided in the steam nozzle to limit the quantity
of steam flow in the event of a steamline break.

Westinghouse introduced the vertical U-tube

steam generator having an integral steam drum
for the world's first commercial PWR nuclear
power station (Yankee-Rowe) which started
operation in 1960. Several models of this type of
steam generator have been produced with
variations in size, materials of construction, and
design features. The design changes have been
evolutionary, building on the operating
experience of previous designs. The Model F

The steam drum has bolted and gasketed

maintenance of the steam generator upper
All pressure-containing parts, with the exception
of the Inconel tubes, are made of carbon or low



alloy steel. All surfaces in contact with the

reactor coolant are clad with stainless steel or

steel. In the U-bend, tube support is provided by

three sets of chrome-plated Inconel antivibration bars.

The Model F steam generator incorporates a

quatrefoil tube support plate design. The
quatrefoil design directs the steam water flow in
the open areas adjacent to the tube. The tube
support plate material is Type 405 stainless

The steam generator has incorporated into its

design a number of improvements developed
through the experience gained at Westinghouse
operating plants. The feedwater distribution
ring preferentially distributes flow to the hot-leg

TABLE 3.4-1
Number and type
Height overall
Upper shell OD
Lower shell OD

1 vertical, U-tube steam generator with integral

steam-drum per loop
67 ft, 8 in. (20.6 m)
14 ft, 7-3/4 in. (4.5 m)
11 ft, 3 in. (3/4m)

Operating pressure, tube side

Design pressure, tube side
Design temperature, tube side
Full load pressure, shell side
2-Loop Plant
3-Loop Plant
4-Loop Plant

2250 psia (155 bar)

2500 psia (172 bar)
650F (343C)

Steam flow per steam generator

Maximum moisture at outlet (full load)
Design pressure, shell side
Reactor coolant flow rate
Reactor coolant inlet temperature
Reactor coolant outlet temperature

3,813,000 Ib/hr (480 kg/sec)

0.25 %
1200 psia (82.7 bar)
35,075,000 Ib/hr (4419 kg/sec)
621F (327C)
558F (292C)

Shell material
Channel head material
Tube sheet material
Tube material

Mn-Mo steel
Carbon steel clad internally with stainless steel
Ni-Mo-Cr-V clad with Inconel on primary face
Thermally treated Inconel

Steam generator weights

Dry weight, in place
Normal operating weight, in place
Flooded weight (cold)

346 tons (314,000 kg)

422 tons (384,000 kg)
560 tons (508,000 kg)


920 psia (63 bar)

964 psia (66 bar)
1000 psia (69 bar)


shutdown periods by recirculating water through

the steam generator.

portion of the tube bundle. The tube lane has

been blocked at the periphery so that all
the recirculation flow is forced to pass through
the tube bundle. The blowdown pipe has been
ported to draw flow preferentially from potential
sludge accumulation regions. The potential
for waterhammer in the feedwater system has
been greatly diminished by the incorporation
of J-tubes on the feedwater distribution ring
and a sealed thermal sleeve on the feed nozzle

The metallurgical structure of the Inconel 600

tube material has been optimized through a
thermal treatment of the tubes at the tube mill.
The thermal treatment is accomplished while the
tubes are in the straight length configuration.
Thermal treatment has the additional advantage
of reducing residual stresses. After bending, the
narrow-radius U-bend tubes are reinserted into
the thermal treatment furnace to relieve stresses
introduced during bending. In addition, a
hydraulic tube expansion process is utilized
during steam generator assembly as a final
means of minimizing residual stresses that are
present at the tube-to-tube-sheet interface.

Secondary-side access for inspection or maintenance has been provided by including six
access openings located in the shell near the
top of the tubesheet. A wet layup connection is
provided to maintain water chemistry during



level and pressure. Water in the pressurizer

flashes to steam to limit the pressure reduction.
This reduction in pressure also energizes the
immersion heaters, heating the remaining water
in the pressurizer to further limit the pressure

chapter 3.5
The pressurizer (Figure 3.5-1) maintains the
Reactor Coolant System (RCS) pressure during
steady-state operation and limits pressure
immersion heaters and a spray nozzle are
located in the pressurizer. Safety and relief
valves discharge to a pressurizer relief tank.
Principal design data for the pressurizer are
listed in Table 3.5-1.

Reductions in plant electrical load with resultant

pressure increases beyond the pressure-limiting
capability of the pressurizer spray system cause
the air-operated relief valves to open. These
valves are automatically opened at a pressure
below system design pressure. They can also
be opened manually from a control console in
the control room. If system pressure continues
to rise, self-actuating ASME-code safety valves
will open. Steam from the safety and/or relief
valves is piped to the pressurizer relief tank
which contains sufficient water to condense the
steam. Cold water can be sprayed into the
pressurizer relief tank to increase the heat sink
capacity. A rupture disc vents the tank to the
containment if design pressure is exceeded.

During steady-state operating conditions,

approximately 60 percent of the pressurizer
volume is occupied by water and 40 percent by
steam. Electric immersion heaters, located in the
lower section of the vessel, keep the water at
saturation temperature and maintain a constant
system operating pressure.
A reduction in plant electrical load causes a
temporary increase in average reactor coolant
temperature with an attendant increase in
coolant volume. The expansion of the reactor
coolant raises the water level in the pressurizer.
This increase in water level compresses the
steam, raising the pressure and actuating valves
in the spray lines. Reactor coolant from the cold
leg of a coolant loop sprays into the steam
space and condenses a portion of the steam.
This quenching action reduces pressure and
limits the pressure increases.


Under steady-state operation, pressurizer level
represents a balance of injection water flow into
the RCS and water letdown flow into the
Chemical and Volume Control System.
Therefore, when water level begins to change,
an imbalance exists of in and out water flow
conditions. This imbalance represents a change
in water inventory in the RCS.
Transient load conditions will also produce a
change in pressurizer water level. This is
brought about by the fact that in the pressurized
system, water volume changes as a function of
reactor coolant average temperature. When
gradually coming down in load, the decrease in

An increase in plant electrical load results in a

temporary decrease in average coolant
temperature and a contraction of coolant
volume. Coolant then flows from the pressurizer
into the loops, thus reducing the pressurizer




TABLE 3.5-1
2-Loop Plant

3-Loop Plant

4-Loop Plant

Number and type

1 two-phase water and

steam pressurizer

1 two-phase water and

steam pressurizer

1 two-phase water and

steam pressurizer

Overall height

31 ft, 5 in.
(9.6 m)

42 ft,1 in.
(12.8 m)

52 ft, 9 in.
(16.1 m)

Overall diameter

7 ft, 7-1/2 in.

(2.3 m)

7 ft, 7-1/2 in.

(2.3 m)

7 ft, 8in.
(2.3 m)

Water volume

600 ft
(17.0 m )

Steam volume

840 ft
(23.8 m )

1080 ft
(30.6 m )

400 ft
(11.3 m )

Design pressure

560 ft
(15.9 m )

720 ft
(20.4 m )

2500 psia
(172 bar)

2500 psia
(172 bar)

2500 psia
(172 bar)

Design temperature

680F (360C)

680F (360C)

680F (360C)

Type of heaters

Electric immersion

Electric immersion

Electric immersion

Number of heaters




Installed heater power

-1000 kw

1400 kw

1800 kw

Number of relief valves

2 power-operated

2 power-operated

2 power-operated

Number of safety valves

3 self-actuating

3 self-actuating

3 self-actuating

Spray rate
Pressure transient

500 gpm (32 I/sec)

1 gpm (63 ml/sec)

700 gpm (44 I/sec)

1 gpm (63 ml-/sec)

900 gpm (57 I/sec)

1 gpm (63 ml/sec)

Shell material

Mn-Mo steel, clad

internally with
stainless steel

Mn-Mo steel, cald

internally with
stainless steel

Mn-Mo steel, clad

internally with
stainless steel

Dry weight

116,000 Ib
(52,600 kg)

155,300 lb
(70,400 kg)

195,500 Ib
(88,700 kg)

Normal operating weight

138,200 Ib
(62,700 kg)

186,400 Ib
(84,500 kg)

234,000 Ib
(106,000 kg)

Flooded weight
(70F) (21C)

178,400 Ib
(80,900 kg)

242,600 Ib
(110,000 kg)

307,800 lb
(140,000 kg)



The pressurizer pressure controller is provided

with proportional, rate, and reset adjustments.
Deviation of pressurizer pressure from its
setpoint is the signal used as an input to the
pressurizer pressure controller. The output of
the pressurizer pressure controller drives the
proportional spray controllers and actuates the
backup heaters and the power relief valves at
their fixed operating points.

reactor coolant average temperature causes the

total water volume to contract, which lowers the
pressurizer level. On a gradual load pick-up, the
increase in reactor coolant average temperature
causes the total water volume to expand.
Hence, the expansion of water volume raises
the pressurizer level. A change in water volume
is not a change in water inventory. However, the
level does change with temperature. By
programming the pressurizer level setpoint as a
function of reactor coolant average temperature
almost no level control system action will be
required because of external load changes.
Under steady-state conditions, the level
controller will only take control action to maintain
the level at the programmed setpoint. This will
serve to correct for changes in water inventory in
the RCS. Then, when the level does deviate
from the setpoint, the level control system will
re-establish the in and out water flow conditions
and maintain the required water inventory by
restoring the level back to the setpoint.

The control system will perform as follows.

Some of the heaters are energized to provide
heat input to compensate for pressurizer heat
losses and achieve equilibrium between water
and steam. For small pressurizer pressure
variations, the proportional heaters will increase
or decrease heat to restore system pressure
back to the setpoint. For large pressurizer
pressure variations caused by large insurges,
steam is compressed and the pressure is
raised above the setpoint. The heaters would
be turned off and the spray applied. The
relatively cool spray water condenses the steam.
This action rapidly dissipates the energy
from the pressurizer, and system pressure
is restored back to the setpoint. On a large
pressure decrease, the proportional heaters
are set to their maximum power level and
the backup heaters are energized to add a
large block of heat to change the water into
steam until the pressure setpoint is reestablished.

The pressurizer level control system regulates

the positive displacement pump speed and/or
the centrifugal charging pump flow to drive the
pressurizer level to its setpoint value.


The pressurizer pressure control system limits
pressure excursions which might induce reactor
trip, changes in reactivity, and actuation of the
relief valves. The pressurizer pressure is
maintained at a fixed setpoint.


The pressurizer pressure control system is

placed on automatic control when the RCS is at
its normal operating pressure after plant startup.


Reactor vessels are frequently insulated with

reflective metal insulation systems.

chapter 3.6
piping and

All valves in contact with reactor coolant
are constructed primarily of austenitic stainless
steel and employ special materials such
as corrosion resistant hard surfacing and
packing. Back seats and stem leakoffs
reduce leakage to the containment to essentially


Reactor coolant piping and fittings are made of
stainless steel or are carbon steel clad with
stainless steel. Carbon steel is used for the
pressurizer relief line which connects the
pressurizer safety and relief valves to the
flanged nozzle on the pressurizer relief tank, and
for the nitrogen supply, vent, and drain lines for
the pressurizer relief tank. The pressurizer surge
and spray lines, loop drains, and connections to
other systems are of austenitic stainless steel.
Except for the flanged pressurizer safety valve
outlet nozzles, all joints and connections are
welded. Thermal sleeves are installed where
high thermal stresses could develop because of
rapid changes in fluid temperature during

The pressurizer safety valves are spring loaded

and self-actuating,
with back pressure
compensation. The pressurizer also has power
automatically to prevent overpressure. Remotely
operated stop valves are provided to isolate
these relief valves should excessive leakage
Automatic spray valves regulate the pressurizer
spray to provide overpressure control. Locally
adjustable throttling valves in parallel with
the spray control valves deliver a small
continuous flow through each spray line and the

Valves, piping, and equipment which operate at

elevated temperatures are normally covered
with thermal insulation to reduce heat losses.

Local vents permit filling of the system. The

piping is arranged so that any liquid discharged
through a vent is collected in a container or drain
without spilling.

Insulation covering the piping and components

of the reactor coolant system are designed to
facilitate its removal for periodic inservice

Reactor coolant loop isolation valves may be

included in a plant design to facilitate some
maintenance operations or operation with a loop
out of service.

Insulation used for the reactor coolant system is

strictly specified to limit clorides and other



chapter 4
auxiliary fluid systems


bleed rate can be set by selecting the proper

combination of letdown orifices to meet plant
operational requirements. Letdown water leaves
the RCS and flows through the shell side of the
regenerative heat exchanger where it gives up
its heat to makeup water being returned to the
RCS. The letdown water then flows through
letdown orifices where its pressure is reduced,
exchanger, followed by a second pressure
reduction by a low-pressure letdown valve. After
passing through a mixed-bed demineralizer
where ionic impurities are removed, the water
flows through the reactor coolant filter and into
the volume control tank via a spray nozzle. An
alternate path downstream of the mixed-bed
demineralizers can be used to direct the letdown
flow to the Boron Recycle System (BRS). The
vapor space in the volume control tank contains
hydrogen which dissolves in the coolant and
determines the hydrogen concentration in the
RCS. Any fission gases present are removed
from the system by venting of the volume control
tank continuously, intermittently, or prior to plant
shutdown. Continuous purging of the volume
control tank considerably reduces the activity
level of the reactor coolant.

chapter 4.1
chemical and
volume control
The Chemical and Volume Control System
(CVCS) shown in Figure 4.1-1 is designed to
perform the following functions in support of the
Reactor Coolant System (RCS).

Maintains required water inventory in the

RCS by maintaining programmed water
level in the pressurizer

Reduces the concentration of corrosion and

fission products in the reactor coolant

Provides a means for filling, draining, and

pressure testing the RCS

In conjunction with the Boron Thermal

Regeneration System (BTRS), adjusts the
boric acid concentration of the reactor
coolant for chemical shim control

Provides a means for control of RCS


Provides high-pressure seal water for the

reactor coolant pump (RCP) seals

The charging pumps take the coolant from the

volume control tank or the BTRS and send it
along two parallel paths: back to the RCS
through the tube side of the regenerative heat
exchanger and to the seals of the reactor
coolant pumps. The reactor coolant pump seal
injection flow enters the pump between the
labyrinth seals and the No. 1 seal. Here the flow
divides with some water flowing into the RCS
and the remainder leaving the pumps as
controlled seal leakage. From the pumps, the
controlled leakage water goes to the seal water
heat exchanger and then returns to the charging
pump suction for another circuit. If the normal

During power operation, a continuous feed-andbleed stream is maintained to and from the
RCS. The feed rate to the RCS is automatically
controlled by pressurizer water level while the


or Waste Processing System. Low-level signals

from the volume control tank initiate reactor
makeup control or flow from the refueling water
storage tank as a backup.

letdown and charging path through the

regenerative heat exchanger is not operable,
water injected into the RCS through the reactor
coolant pump seals is returned to the charging
pump suction through the excess letdown heat
exchanger and seal water heat exchanger.

Makeup to the RCS can come from the following


Surges in the RCS volume are normally

accommodated by the pressurizer. However, the
volume control tank is designed to allow for
pressurizer level mismatches that may occur. If
the volume control tank is full, a high-water level
signal diverts letdown flow to the Boron Recycle



Demineralized and deaerated water supply

used to reduce the concentration of
dissolved boric acid in chemical shim in
order to accommodate core burnup

Chemical mixing tank to add small quantities

of hydrazine for oxygen scavenging or
lithium hydroxide for pH control

Refueling water storage tank for emergency

makeup of borated water

Provisions are also included for boric acid

purification. Concentrated boric acid is passed
through a demineralizer to remove water-borne
impurities such as aluminum, calcium, and
magnesium. A filter is also provided for removal
of suspended solids.

Boric acid from the boric acid tanks


A blend of demineralized and deaerated

water and concentrated boric acid to match
the reactor coolant boron concentration for
normal plant makeup.

Plant Startup
Charging flow is initiated and the normal letdown
flow path is established through the letdown
orifices. During the early phases of startup,
differential pressures across the orifices will be
low and pressure control will be by means of the
bypass control between the RHRS and CVCS.
Pressure in the RCS is automatically regulated
by throttling of the low-pressure letdown valve
until a bubble is established in the pressurizer.
When a pressure adequate to meet reactor
coolant pump net positive suction head and
pump seal requirements has been attained, the
pumps are operated to sweep any entrained
gases from the RCS during the venting
operation. After the filling and venting operations
have been completed, all reactor coolant pumps
are started and the residual heat removal
operation is discontinued.

A continuing source of clean water and

concentrated boric acid solution must be
provided to replenish these sources.
An alternate flow path downstream of the
volume control tank directs the charging pump
suction flow to the BTRS to effect boron
concentration changes during load follow
operations and other plant operations. Refer to
Chapter 4.2 for additional description of the
A boron concentration meter provides accurate
measurement and monitoring of boron
concentration in the reactor coolant. The readout
provides control information which the plant
operator can utilize in routine operations with
makeup, letdown, chemical treatment of reactor
coolant, and the regulation of boron concentration. This data also is used in a boron follow
program to assist the operator during various
boron concentration changes, for example, load
follow, fuel burnup, hot standby, and cold
shutdown. Sample points for the measurement
unit are located upstream and downstream of
the boron thermal regeneration demineralizers.


The pressurizer heaters are kept energized to

raise the pressurizer liquid temperature to a
level where the resultant saturation pressure in
the pressurizer is adequate to support
operations. The charging pump flow and lowpressure letdown valve are controlled manually
to obtain the desired pressurizer water level.
The charging flow control then maintains normal
pressurizer water level automatically.


pressure in this tank maintains the specified

concentration of hydrogen in the reactor coolant.
From the volume control tank, a centrifugal
charging pump delivers the reactor coolant to
the RCP seals and to the regenerative heat
exchanger, where it is reheated before being
returned to the RCS.

A hydrogen blanket is established in the volume

control tank by raising the tank water level and
purging with nitrogen gas. As the water level is
lowered, a gas blanket of hydrogen is
The boron concentration in the reactor coolant is
adjusted to the point where the control rods may
be withdrawn to the desired position and
criticality achieved. Reactor coolant makeup
control is operated to adjust boron concentration
and thus maintain the desired control rod
position. As the heatup progresses, the system
is used to adjust the chemistry of the reactor
coolant. Chemicals are added from the chemical
mixing tank as required to control reactor
coolant pH and dissolved oxygen.

During periods of plant loading, the reactor

coolant expands as its average temperature
rises. The pressurizer absorbs this expansion as
the level controller raises the level setpoint
during the load increase. Any coolant not
accommodated in the pressurizer is sent to the
volume control tank. During this period, the flow
through the letdown orifice remains constant and
the charging flow is reduced by the pressurizer
level control signal, which results in an
increased temperature at the regenerative heat
exchanger outlet. The temperature controller,
downsteam of the letdown heat exchanger,
increases the component cooling water flow to
maintain the desired letdown temperature of
approximately 115F (46.1C). If the letdown
temperature exceeds 140F (60C), the letdown
flow automatically bypasses the demineralizers.

When reactor pressure has been increased

sufficiently, the standby orifices are closed to
restrict letdown flow to within normal limits. The
reactor makeup control is then set for the
desired reactor coolant boron adjustment.

Normal Operation
The charging flow controller keeps the
pressurizer water level at the programmed
setpoint for the reactor coolant average
temperature being maintained. At a constant
power level, the letdown flow equals the
charging flow plus the portion of RCP seal
injection flow entering the RCS. The letdown
flow is first cooled by the charging stream in the
regenerative heat exchanger, then reduced to
approximately 115F (46.1C) in the nonregenerative heat exchanger.

During periods of plant unloading, the reactor

coolant contracts as its average temperature
decreases. Coolant contraction is accommodated
by the pressurizer and the charging system.
The charging pumps supply water as required
for the reactor coolant pump seals as well as the
charging flow required for maintaining the
pressurizer level. The portion of the flow that
passes through the labyrinth seals enters the
RCS. The remainder of the flow, after being
throttled at the controlled leakage seal, returns
to the charging pump suction through the seal
water filter and the seal water heat exchanger,

The letdown water passes through one of the

mixed-bed demineralizers, through the reactor
coolant filter, and then through the spray nozzle
into the volume control tank. Hydrogen over6863.doc-8/11/2005


where the temperature is reduced to the volume

control tank operating temperature.

is initiated administratively depending upon boric

acid purity.

During normal power operation, the charging

pump suction flow is passed through the BTRS
whenever boron concentration changes are
desired for load follow and other plant
operations. This flow exits from and returns to
the charging pump suction line downstream of
the volume control tank. A valve in the charging
pump suction line is used to direct the charging
pump suction flow to the BTRS. Refer to
Chapter 4.2 for more details of BTRS operation.

Plant Shutdown
Plant shutdown is defined as the operations that
bring the reactor plant from zero power
operating temperature and pressure to cold
shutdown for maintenance or refueling.
Before a cold shutdown for refueling is initiated,
the volume control tank overpressure is reduced
in order to lower the RCS hydrogen gas
concentration. This requirement may also apply
to cold shutdowns for maintenance purposes.

During normal plant operation, the BTRS is

employed to compensate for the reactivity
effects associated with fuel burnup and fission
product buildup and decay, which results in little
or no diversion of coolant to the BRS. During the
core cycle, the BTRS may not completely handle
all fuel burnup and plant startup boron changes.
In that case the reactor makeup control is
employed and a portion of the reactor coolant
letdown flow is diverted to the BRS.

Before cooldown and depressurization of the

reactor plant is initiated, the reactor coolant
boron concentration is increased to the cold
shutdown value. Borated liquid for refueling
operations is supplied from the boric acid tanks.
After boration to cold shutdown concentration is
completed and reactor coolant samples verify
that the concentration is correct, the CVCS
provides additional makeup during cooldown.

The CVCS is not used to compensate for shortterm transients, such as the reactivity effect
associated with the Doppler phenomenon.

Contraction of the coolant during cooldown

results in actuation of the pressurizer level
control to maintain a normal pressurizer water
level. The charging flow is increased, relative to
letdown flow, and results in a decreasing volume
control tank level. The volume control tank level
controller automatically initiates makeup of boric
acid which raises the RCS from the cold
shutdown boron concentration to the refueling
concentration during the cooldown.

Changes in the reactor coolant lithium hydroxide

or hydrogen concentration are performed under
manual control. A solution containing the
necessary amount of lithium hydroxide is poured
into the chemical mixing tank from where it is
injected into the charging pump suction line.
Adjustments in the hydrogen concentration are
made by changing the setpoint on the hydrogen
supply pressure regulator to the volume control

During shutdown, the reactor coolant is

continuously purified using the mixed bed and
cation bed demineralizers in the CVCS.
Connections for this purpose are provided
upstream of the letdown heat exchanger and
downstream of the reactor coolant filter.

Concentrated boric acid is purified intermittently

during normal operation using the Concentrated
Boric Acid Polishing Demineralizer. The process



both store boron from and release boron to the

RCS without discharging water to the Boron
Recycle System (BRS) for later evaporation.

chapter 4.2
boron thermal

The BTRS, which operates in conjunction with

the Chemical and Volume Control System
(CVCS), consists mainly of several demineralizers, a chiller unit, a chiller pump, heat
exchangers, a BTRS recirculation pump, a BTR
filter, valves, and associated piping. This
equipment controls the temperature and flow
rate of the fluid entering the BTRS demineralizers. An alternate charging pump suction
path in the CVCS is provided which allows the
flow from the volume control tank (VCT) to pass
through the BTRS when boron concentration
changes are required. The fluid temperature is
reduced to 50F (10C) to store boron on the ion
exchange resin and thus dilute the reactor
coolant. The fluid temperature is raised to 140F
(60C) to release boron from the ion exchange
resin and thus borate the reactor coolant. The
rate of boration or dilution is controlled by
varying the flow rate through the BTRS

The primary function of the Boron Thermal

Regeneration System (BTRS) is to vary the
Reactor Coolant System (RCS) boron concentration during reactor power changes which
include daily load follow operations. The boron
concentration changes are accomplished
automatically by the BTRS through an ion
exchange (passive) method.
The BTRS makes use of a temperaturedependent ion exchange process in order to
both store boron from and release boron to the
RCS. Operation of the Boron Recycle System
(BRS) and evaporators is not required during
normal load follow operation. As a result, there
is a significant reduction in the water to be
processed during normal plant operations and a
reduction in BRS requirements. The BRS
provides a diverse and redundant method of
making boron concentration changes during
load follow operations.

The flow path through the BTRS is different for

dilution (storage) than for boration (release).
During dilution (Figure 4.2-1), the letdown
stream from the VCT enters the moderating heat
exchanger, and from there it passes through the
letdown chiller heat exchanger. These two heat
exchangers cool the BTRS stream to 50F
(10C) before it enters the demineralizers. The
source of cold water for the letdown chiller heat
exchanger is a closed-loop circuit consisting of
the chiller unit, chiller pump, and chiller surge
tank. The letdown reheat heat exchanger is
valved out on the tube side during dilution. The
temperature of the BTRS stream at the point of
entry to the demineralizers is controlled
automatically by the temperature control valve

The BTRS can also assist in making RCS boron

concentration changes associated with core
burnup, shutdowns, and refuelings. Schematics
of the BTRS are shown in Figures 4.2-1 and

The BTRS makes use of a temperaturedependent ion exchange process in order to




that controls the shell-side flow rate on the

letdown chiller heat exchangers.

which controls the shell-side flow to the letdown

chiller heat exchanger. The letdown stream
passes through the demineralizers and enters
the moderating heat exchanger shell side where
it is heated by the incoming letdown stream. The
flow is then returned to the volume control tank
outlet line.

Thus, for boration, an increase in the boric acid

concentration of the reactor coolant is accomplished by sending the flow from the VCT, at
relatively high temperatures (140F) (60C), to
the thermal regeneration demineralizers. The
water flowing through the demineralizers
releases boron that was stored on the resin at
low temperature during a previous dilution
operation. The boron-enriched reactor coolant is
returned to the RCS via the CVCS.

Therefore, for dilution, a decrease in the boric

acid concentration in the reactor coolant is
accomplished by sending the flow from the VCT,
at relatively low temperatures (50F) (10C), to
the thermal regeneration demineralizers. The
resin, which was depleted of boron at high
temperature during a prior boration operation, is
now capable of storing boric acid from the lowtemperature flow from the VCT. Reactor coolant
with a lower boron concentration leaves the
demineralizers and is directed to the CVCS.

The BTRS recirculation pump provides the

motive force to route flow from the VCT through
the demineralizers during boration and dilution
modes. When the BTRS is not being used for
boration/dilution, it is isolated from CVCS and
the recirculation pump can operate to change
the temperature of the demineralizer beds for
the next anticipated mode of operation. For
example, after completion of a dilution mode,
with demineralizers at 50F (10C), the BTRS
recirculation pump is used to increase the
temperature of the demineralizers to 140F
(60C) for the subsequent boration mode.

During boration (Figure 4.2-2), the charging

pump suction stream enters the moderating heat
exchanger tube side, bypasses the letdown
chiller heat exchanger, and passes through the
shell side of the letdown reheat heat exchanger.
The moderating and letdown reheat heat
exchangers heat the BTRS stream to 140F
(60C) before the stream enters into the
demineralizers. The temperature of the BTRS
stream at the point of entry to the demineralizers
is controlled automatically by the temperature
control valve that controls the flow rate on the
tube side of the letdown reheat heat
exchangers. The BTRS stream then passes
through the demineralizers, enters the shell side
of the moderating heat exchanger, passes
through the tube side of the letdown chiller heat
exchanger, and enters the charging pump
suction. The temperature of the BTRS stream
entering the charging pump is controlled
automatically by the temperature control valve


The BTRS is controlled from the main control
board and by the Integrated Control System.
When and how the BTRS is operated is
dependent on the plant condition. The BTRS is
designed primarily to change the RCS boron
concentration during reactor power changes.
However, it is also beneficial when a plant is
base loading, because the BTRS significantly
reduces the effluents to the BRS and the
evaporator load by assisting RCS boron
concentration changes associated with core




Because of the influx of makeup water from the

reactor makeup control system, the volume
control tank level controller automatically diverts
the outflow from the BTRS into the BRS holdup
tanks. These operations result in effluents of
smaller volume and higher boron concentration
being sent to the BRS. This operation continues
until the resin beds are fully depleted as
indicated by the boron concentration meter. The
BTRS is then switched from the boration mode
back to the dilution mode to remove additional
boron from the charging pump suction stream.
The reactor makeup control system dilution is
also terminated so that letdown will no longer be
diverted to the BRS. These steps are repeated
until the desired boron concentration is reached.

burnup, hot standby, cold shutdowns, and

refueling shutdowns.

Plant Startup and Shutdown

The BTRS can be used during startup and
shutdown operation to minimize the amount of
effluents sent to the BRS. During plant
shutdown, the BTRS can be used to provide
some of the boron to meet shutdown boron
concentration requirements with the remainder
of the boron being supplied from the boric acid
tanks. Although there is not a major reduction in
effluents during shutdown due to use of the
BTRS, this use conditions the demineralizers for
the subsequent startup.

Normal Operation

Use of the BTRS to dilute the RCS boron

concentration during startup will reduce by a
factor of two the amount of effluents sent to and
processed by the BRS. This is accomplished by
operating the BTRS as a concentrating stage in
conjunction with the CVCS. Initially the BTRS is
operated in a normal dilution mode. The CVCS
boron concentration meter is aligned to sample
the effluent from the BTRS and can be
monitored to indicate the saturation condition of
the demineralizer resin beds as boron is stored
in the beds. As the beds approach saturation, a
dilution operation using the reactor makeup
control system is initiated while the BTRS is
simultaneously switched to the boration mode.


concentration changes are accomplished as
described above under System Description. The
system operation is controlled automatically
from the main control board. A master control
aligns the BTRS for the mode of operation, that
is, boration, or dilution, as required. The control
will properly align the system, energize the
proper temperature sensors, and start the
chiller, chiller pump, and BTRS recirculation
pump. When operation of the system is not
required, the control switch is placed in the off


receives electrical power from one of two

separate and redundant electrical power trains.
Each subsystem consists of one RHR pump,
one RHR heat exchanger, and the required
piping, valves, and instrumentation.

chapter 4.3
residual heat
removal system

The RHR pumps and heat exchangers are

located in the auxiliary building as close as
practical to the containment. The piping configurations of the two subsystems are identical
with no major piping cross connects between
subsystems in the auxiliary building. Each
subsystem has a suction line from an RCS hot
leg with two normally closed motor-operated
series isolation valves providing the isolation
necessary to meet the RCS pressure boundary
and containment isolation requirements. Each
subsystem also has suctions from the containment sump and refueling water storage tank.
These suction sources are required by the
RHRS for its operation during mitigation of a
LOCA as part of the SIS.

The primary function of the Residual Heat

Removal System (RHRS) is to transfer heat
energy from the core and Reactor Coolant
System (RCS) during plant cooldown and
refueling operations. The system is designed to
reduce the RCS temperature to 140F (60C)
within 20 hours following reactor shutdown.
Provisions are made for continued flow of the
reactor coolant to the Chemical and Volume
Control System (CVCS) during shutdown. The
RHRS may also be used to transfer refueling
water between the refueling cavity and the
refueling water storage tank at the beginning
and end of refueling operations.
The residual heat removal pumps and heat
exchangers are also utilized as part of the
Safety Injection System for emergency core
cooling in the event of a loss-of-coolant accident
(LOCA). The accident mode of operation is more
fully described in Chapter 5.1, Safety Injection

The discharge line of each pump is routed to its

respective RHR heat exchanger and thence into
the containment. A bypass loop is provided
around the RHR heat exchanger to permit
control of RCS cooldown while maintaining a
constant total pump flow. A minimum flow for the
RHR pump is provided by a recirculation line
from the heat exchanger outlet to the pump
suction which remains open in all system
operating modes.

A flow diagram of the RHRS is shown in Figure

4.3-1 and represents the configuration for a fourloop NSSS. The configuration for two-loop and
three-loop plants differ only in the size of the
components and number of branch injection
lines to the RCS.

Inside the containment, each pump discharge is

divided into four branch lines. Each branch line
delivers to its respective cold leg through the
appropriate accumulator discharge line. No
cross connects are present between the two
subsystems prior to the discharge headers
injecting into the accumulator discharge lines.
The branch lines inside the containment are

The RHRS consists of two independent, redundant mechanical subsystems, each of which




steam generators and discharging steam to the

condenser by means of the steam dump system.
When the reactor coolant temperature has
dropped to 350F (177C) and the pressure has
been reduced to less than approximately
400 psig (28 bar), the RHR equipment is placed
in operation. This reduces the reactor coolant
temperature to 140F (60C) within 20 hours
after shutdown with both RHR pumps and both
RHR heat exchangers in operation, and with
component cooling water at no more than
design temperature being supplied.

isolated from the RCS cold legs by check

During system operation, each RHR pump takes
suction from one of the RCS hot legs by its
separate suction line. The pumps then discharge
flow through the RHR heat exchangers which
transfer heat from the hot reactor coolant fluid to
the component cooling water circulating through
the RHR heat exchanger shell side. The cooled
RCS flow is then returned to the RCS cold legs
by the shared SIS piping.

RHRS operation generally begins with a short

period wherein the pump is run on its miniflow
circuit in order to warm the pump and heat
exchanger and avoid sudden thermal expansion
within these components upon contracting hot
reactor coolant. Following system warmup, the
block valves in the RHRS suction lines from the
RCS are opened and component cooling water
circulation is established to the RHR heat
exchangers. At this point the reactor cooling
function has been taken over by the RHRS, and
the steam dump system may be shutdown. One
reactor coolant pump is kept running to provide
for uniform cooldown of all loops until the cooling
temperature is below 160F (71C).

Plant Startup
Normally in the cold shutdown condition, one
RHR train continues in service to remove decay
heat as necessary. The RHR pumps are
stopped when the plant startup begins, but the
system remains aligned to the RCS in order to
take advantage of the capacity of the RHR relief
valves to control pressure transients until a
steam bubble is formed in the pressurizer. After
the steam bubble is formed, the system is
isolated from the RCS and aligned for its safety
injection function.

Normal Operation

The rate of cooldown of the RCS is controlled by

use of a remote manual throttle valve to adjust
the flow rate of reactor coolant through the RHR
heat exchangers. A second flow control valve
located in the bypass line around the RHR heat
exchangers is automatically positioned by a flow
controller that measures flow in the main return
line to the RCS. Operation of the controller and
bypass valve maintains constant return flow to
the RCS. As the reactor coolant temperature
decreases, the flow through the heat
exchangers is increased to compensate for
reduced temperature differences across the heat

During normal power operation, the RHRS is not

in service but is aligned and ready for safety
injection operation as described in Chapter 5.1.

Plant Shutdown
Operation of the RHRS is initiated after the
control rods have been inserted into the core
and the RCS has been borated and partially
cooled and depressurized. Initial reactor cooling
is achieved by dissipating heat through the


exchanger tubes. Bypass

automatically reduced.



component in the fluid system or related control

and power supply system to respond actively in
accordance with its design function. Failure of
either subsystem, or components within the
subsystem, may extend the time required to cool
down to 140F (60C).


Redundancy is provided by the two independent

subsystems to provide for reliability of operation,
even in the event of failure of a single



feed filter and into the recycle holdup tanks. The

borated liquid is then pumped to the recycle
evaporator package by one of the recycle evaporator feed pumps. Here hydrogen and residual
fission gases are removed in the stripping
column before the liquid enters the evaporator
shell. The evaporative process produces a batch
of 4-weight-percent boric acid solution.

chapter 4.4
boron recycle
The Boron Recycle System (BRS) (Figure 4.4-1)
collects and processes deaerated reactor
coolant effluents for reuse as makeup to the
Reactor Coolant System (RCS) as boric acid
and reactor makeup water. The BRS provides a
means of recycling borated reactor coolant so as
to minimize activity releases.

Distillate from the evaporator is pumped to the

evaporator condensate demineralizer and then
to the reactor makeup water storage tank. Also
located in this flow path is a recycle evaporator
condensate filter.
To provide that the reactor makeup water
storage tank will not become contaminated, a
scintillation counter is located in the line leading
into the tank. A high radiation level signal at the
monitor directs distillate back to the recycle
evaporator feed demineralizer.

The BRS normally collects water from the RCS
through the Chemical and Volume Control
System (CVCS) letdown line. The letdown is
diverted to the BRS as a result of changes made
to the RCS boron concentration by the CVCS
reactor makeup control. In addition, the BRS
collects the overflow of the RCS during heatup
operations. These occur during such operations
as plant shutdown and startup, refueling, and
dilution resulting from the slow burnup of the
core. Normally, all boron changes required for
load changes are made by the Boron Thermal
Regeneration System (BTRS) with no discharges to the BRS. However, as a backup to
the BTRS, boron concentration changes for load
follow can be made by using CVCS makeup and
by discharging reactor coolant effluent to the
BRS for processing. The BRS, by means of
demineralization, gas stripping, and evaporation,
reclaims the boric acid and the primary water.

Concentrates at 4-weight-percent boric acid are

normally pumped to the boric acid tanks through
the recycle evaporator concentrates filter. If for
some reason the boric acid cannot be
discharged to the boric acid tanks, it can be
diverted back to the recycle holdup tanks. A
small sidestream is routed to the reactor
makeup purity monitoring system. This system is
provided to monitor the condensate from the
recycle evaporator to ensure that it conforms
with chemical specifications before flowing to the
reactor makeup water storage tank.

The BRS is manually operated from the boron
recycle panel. Its operation is similar during all
phases of plant operation; however, the duty on
the system depends on the plant operation and
the use of the BTRS. For instance, use of the
BTRS reduces the average evaporator duty from
approximately 10 gpm (38 I/m) to less than
2 gpm (8 I/m) per unit.

Letdown reactor coolant from the CVCS and

deaerated liquid drains is passed through the
recycle evaporator feed demineralizers where
lithium and fission products are removed. The
fluid then flows through a recycle evaporator




spent resin sluice pump, spent resin is transferred to the spent resin storage tank, and new
resin is charged to the demineralizer. This fresh
demineralizer is then valved back online as the
new downstream bed. Before resin disposal, the
spent resin storage tank is fluidized with nitrogen
gas or sluice water to loosen the resin. The tank
is pressurized with nitrogen to discharge the
resin to the solid waste processing system.

chapter 4.5
steam generator

Plant Startup

The Steam Generator Blowdown Processing

System (SGBPS) shown in Figures 4.5-1 and
4.5-2 processes blowdown from steam generators to meet chemical specifications that are
suitable to allow recycle into the main condenser
and to meet radiochemical specifications that
are suitable for discharge to the environment
when discharge is required.

During startup operations, the steam generators

are brought into chemical specification as rapidly
as possible. High blowdown rates are the most
effective means the operator has of reducing the
solids content of the steam generator. Blowdown
is initiated slowly to prevent equipment damage
in the event that the system has been drained
and/or cooled. The individual blowdown line flow
control valves and common pressure control
valve are then set to allow the maximum blowdown flow for the system at 100 percent steam
generator load.

During normal operation, blowdown from each
steam generator enters a heat exchanger where
the temperature is reduced by condensate
water. The flows are then measured before
being manifolded. The pressure is reduced, and
the blowdown is directed through the prefilter
and mixed bed demineralizers in series. The
fluid flows through a radiation monitor and is
normally recycled to the main condenser, but
may be discharged to the environment through
the discharge canal when required.

Normal Operation
During normal operation, typical blowdown rates
are up to about 30 percent of maximum. Pressure changes due to load fluctuations in the
steam generator are compensated for by the
flow control valves so that the pressure control
valve need not be reset. Normally, the cooled,
filtered blowdown is demineralized to prepare it
for recycle to the condensate train. If discharge
is desired, the demineralizers and filters are
bypassed. The radiation monitor stops blowdown in response to a high activity signal. In the
event of a primary to secondary leak, as would
be indicated by the radiation monitor, the demin-

Instrumentation is provided at strategic points to

monitor the functional integrity and operating
efficiency of the system. An increase in
conductivity, indicated at the outlet of each
demineralizer, signals resin bed exhaustion.
When the upstream bed is exhausted, flow is
directed around that bed. With the aid of the


flashing of the condensate at the outlet of the

backpressure must exist at the point where the
blowdown enters the condensate train. This
allows the temperature control valves to control
within the design flow range, and to prevent
excessive flow through the heat exchanger
should the valve(s) fail open.

eralizers are put on line. If the demineralizers

are already on line and high activity is indicated,
the resins would be changed accordingly.

Plant Shutdown
During plant shutdown operations, high blowdown rates may again be required. To prevent







chapter 5
engineered safeguards


accumulator tanks are located inside the

containment to provide for fast injection of water
following a LOCA.

chapter 5.1
safety injection

Figure 5.1-1 shows the injection phase of the

SIS and is the configuration for a four-loop plant.
The configurations for two- and three-loop plants
differ only in the size of the components and the
number of branch injection lines to the RCS.

The Safety Injection System (SIS) has multiple

functions. Its primary function is to provide
emergency core cooling in the event of a loss-ofcoolant accident (LOCA) resulting from a break
in the Reactor Coolant System (RCS). The SIS
also provides a safety grade method for addition
of negative reactivity via injection of borated
water to meet shutdown requirements or to
compensate for the reactivity increase caused
by cooldown transients such as a steam line
break. The SIS positive displacement hydrotest
pumps also provide a backup source of reactor
coolant pump seal injection water, diverse to the

The SIS consists of two independent and redundant mechanical subsystems, each of which
receives electrical power from one of two
separate and redundant Class 1E electrical
power trains, and each of which receives an
actuation signal from one of two separate and
redundant actuation trains. The major components are two high-head safety injection pumps,
two RHR pumps, and four accumulators. There
is also a single positive displacement pump
which provides emergency injection flow in the
event the centrifugal charging pumps are not
available. It is not directly associated with either
subsystem A or B, and can be powered from
either electrical train.

In the unlikely event of a LOCA, the SIS is

designed to limit increases in fuel clad
temperatures, core geometry distortion, and
metal-water reaction for all breaks up to and
including the double-ended severance of a
reactor coolant loop. For the more probable
break sizes (less than or equal to 5-inch
(12.7cm) inside diameter), the SIS is designed
to minimize core damage by providing flow to
the core that is sufficient to prevent the mass
depletion-related uncovering of the core based
on current analytical models. The system is
designed to provide not only emergency core
cooling but also continued cooling during the
long-term phase following the accident. Highpressure safety injection water is provided by
separate high-head pumps while lower pressure
injection water is supplied by the Residual Heat
Removal System (RHRS) pumps. Passive

The piping configurations and valving associated

with each of the two subsystems are identical.
There are no major piping interconnections
between the two subsystems in the auxiliary
building with the exception of the main supply
header from the refueling water storage tank
(RWST). Inside the containment, the individual
loop injection branch lines from each of the four
pumps are directed into a common pipe header
and injected into the respective accumulator
discharge lines to the RCS cold legs. Each
pump delivers to all of the cold legs. Additionally,
each subsystem delivers to the hot leg of one

cold leg while the RCS is at normal operating

temperature and pressure.

Each of the two mechanical subsystems

contains one high-head safety injection (HHSI)
pump and one RHR pump. With the exception of
drawing from a common suction header from the
RWST, these pumps share no piping and are
not connected outside the containment. Lowhead safety injection is provided by the RHRS.
The HHSI pump is a dedicated component of
the SIS and does not provide any function
required for normal plant operation. This permits
the HHSI pump and associated piping to be
retained in a ready configuration which only
requires the pump to start to initiate safety
injection. Each HHSI pump is also provided with
a full flow test loop which permits periodic
verification of hydraulic performance. Design of
the HHSI pump is such that testing or
inadvertent start will not result in injection to the


An inadvertent safety injection signal will not

result in lifting the pressurizer power-operated
relief or safety valves. A continuous minimum
flow path which does not require isolation during
the injection phase is provided so that an
inadvertent pump start will not result in the
deadheading of the HHSI pump. Each HHSI
pump discharge header feeds each RCS cold
leg through individual branch lines.
Redundancy of the two independent subsystems
is incorporated to provide for reliability of operation and continued core cooling, even in the
event of a failure of a single component in the
fluid system or related control and power supply


only check valves are required to change


systems to respond actively in accordance with

its design function. Both the HHSI and the RHR
pumps can take direct suction from the containment sump thereby increasing the system
reliability for long-term post-accident recirculation.
The HHSI and RHR pumps and all motoroperated valves, except the normally open
accumulator isolation valves, are located outside
the containment to provide for ease of access for
maintenance. The accumulator tanks are passive
components normally requiring no maintenance,
and are located inside the containment to provide
rapid injection of water following a LOCA.

For large pipe ruptures, the RCS would be

rapidly depressurized and voided of coolant. A
high flow rate of emergency coolant would
therefore be required to quickly recover the
exposed fuel rods to limit possible core damage.
This high flow is provided by the accumulators,
followed by the HHSI and RHR pumps, all
discharging into the cold legs of the RCS. The
HHSI and RHR pumps are aligned to take
suction directly from the RWST. For smaller
breaks, depressurization of the RCS will occur at
a slower rate. The HHSI and RHR pumps will be
started upon receipt of the actuation signal and
will run on miniflow until the RCS pressure falls
below the respective shutoff heads of the
pumps. Similarly, the accumulator discharge will
begin automatically as the RCS pressure
decreases below the accumulator tank pressure.

The operation of the SIS following a LOCA is
described in the following paragraphs in three
distinct phases:

Injection phase

Cold-leg recirculation phase

Cold-leg and hot-leg recirculation phase

The active safety injection phase is actuated by

any one of the following:

In addition, this system can be operated with a

nonfaulted RCS to provide an alternate source
of borated makeup water injection. This function
is described separately in the following

Low pressurizer pressure reported by two

out of four signals.

Excessive cooldown protection signals

(1) Low compensated steam line pressure
as reported by two out of four signals in any
steam line. This protects against secondary
breaks during power generation.

Injection Phase After Loss of Reactor

Coolant (Figure 5.1-1)

(2) Steam pressure high negative rate as

reported by two out of four signals in any
one steam line plus low pressurizer pressure
in two out of four channels. This protects
against secondary breaks during planned
cooldown from power generation.

The principal mechanical components of the SIS

that function immediately following a LOCA are
the accumulators, the HHSI pumps, the RHR
pumps, the RWST, and the associated piping
and valves. Since the SIS components have no
active function during normal power operation,
they are maintained in a configuration aligned
for safety injection immediately upon pump start;


High containment pressure as reported by

two out of four signals.

Manual actuation.

throughout the automatic recirculation switchover operation. As in the injection phase, no

operator action is required to initiate realignment
of either of HHSI or the RHR pump. Furthermore, each pump draws directly from the containment sump and operates independently of
the operation of any other pump.

The receipt of the safety injection signal initiates

the following emergency core cooling actions:

The onsite emergency diesel generators are


The HHSI pumps are started.

Simultaneous Cold-Leg and Hot-Leg

Recirculation Phase Following a Loss of
Reactor Coolant
Approximately 24 hours after the switchover to
cold-leg recirculation, simultaneous flow to the
RCS cold legs and hot legs is established for the
purpose of long-term core cooling. The
alignment of the HHSI pumps and the RHR
pumps remains essentially the same as during
the cold-leg recirculation phase, except that a
substantial portion of the flow is directed to the
RCS hot legs. The purpose of the change in flow
alignment is to provide for termination of boiling
and to prevent any buildup of boron from
interfering with core cooling following a large
cold-leg break. Switchover to this phase is
performed manually from the control board.

The RHR pumps are started.

Cold-Leg Recirculation Phase Following

a Loss of Reactor Coolant
The changeover from the injection mode to the
automatically when the RWST level channels
indicate an RWST level less than a low-level
setpoint in conjunction with the initiation of the
engineered safeguards actuation signal. Protection logic is provided to automatically open the
recirculation valve in each of the SIS subsystems when the above signals are generated.
To prevent backflow to the RWST of contaminated water from the containment sump, the
HHSI pump miniflow isolation valves are
automatically closed at this time.

Alternative Makeup Supply

The HHSI pumps also serve as safety grade
backup to the Chemical and Volume Control
System charging pumps for RCS boration.
Manual starting of the HHSI pumps will result in
the injection of borated water as RCS pressure
is decreased below the shutoff head of the
pump. A manual throttling valve, operable from
the main control board, is provided to permit
control of the injection flow rate as the RCS
pressure is reduced.

This automatic action would align each of the

SIS subsystems for cold-leg recirculation. In this
mode, both the HHSI and RHR pumps for each
subsystem take suction directly from one of the
two containment sump recirculation lines. All
pumps will continue to operate and will deliver
water to the RCS cold legs without interruption



driven and turbine driven pumps are located in

the emergency feedwater pump building. The
use of both motor driven and turbine driven
pumps satisfies the requirement that the pumps
be powered by diverse power sources.

chapter 5.2

In operation, the emergency feedwater pumps

take suction from the primary emergency
feedwater tanks and discharge the water into the
main feedwater piping between the steam
generator feed nozzle and the last check valve
in the main feedwater line. Each pump is
provided with an orificed recirculation line
leading back to the primary emergency
feedwater tank. This line provides recirculation
flow any time the pumps are operating.

The primary function of the Emergency Feedwater System (EFWS) shown in Figure 5.2-1 is
to supply feedwater to the steam generators
following accident or transient conditions when
the main feedwater system is not available. The
EFWS thereby maintains the capability of the
steam generators to remove plant stored heat
and core decay heat by converting the
emergency feedwater to steam which is then
discharged to the condenser or to the
atmosphere. Although the EFWS is also capable
of supplying feedwater to the steam generator
during normal plant operations of startup,
shutdown, and hot standby, it is normally not
used for this service. Instead, a small startup
pump(s) is located in the main feedwater system
and used to supply the reduced amount of
feedwater required during these normal plant

The steam supply line for each turbine driven

pump is connected to the main steam line from a
steam generator. This line is fitted with a steam
admission valve which is a pneumatically
operated valve arranged to fail-open on loss of
air or electrical power.
A primary emergency feedwater supply tank, to
which the suction of the emergency feedwater
pumps are normally aligned, is provided in each
subsystem. The tanks are safety grade and
seismically qualified. Each tank contains a
quantity of condensate quality water sufficient to
allow the plant to be maintained in hot standby
for 13 hours then allow a 5-hour cooldown of the
plant to 350F (176.7C). The maximum
permissible water temperature in the primary
emergency feedwater supply tank is 120F

The EFWS consists of two identical subsystems
each of which receives electrical power from one
of two separate Safety Class 1E electrical power
trains. Each subsystem consists of a primary
emergency feedwater tank, one motor driven
emergency feedwater pump, one turbine driven
emergency feedwater pump, and the required
piping, valves, instruments, and controls
necessary for system operation. The motor


An alternate emergency feedwater source

(condensate storage tanks) should also be
provided. The alternate water source should
contain sufficient water to allow the plant to be
maintained in hot standby conditions, with one


discharge line. These valves will be normally full

open when the system is activated. The valves
are provided to allow operator control of the
emergency feedwater flow rates to the steam
generators so that, in the long term, steam
generator water levels can be restored and
maintained in the narrow control range. For

reactor coolant pump operating, for 2 days (48

hours) beginning 18 hours after reactor trip. The
maximum water temperature in the alternate
water supply should be 120F (48.9C).
Normally open, fail-open, air-operated, flowmodulating valves are located in each pump



Since all valves in the system discharge path

are open, the automatic startup of the pumps will
result in the immediate delivery of emergency
feedwater into the steam generators. The
system is designed to supply at least the
minimum required flow, within one minute of the
actuation signal, to at least two effective steam
generators (or one effective steam generator in
the case of a two-loop plant), and to continue
this delivery for an indefinite period without
operator action. When operator action can be
taken (after an assumed 30-minute delay), the
emergency feedwater flow is adjusted by
positioning the flow modulating valves to restore
and maintain the steam generator water levels
within the narrow control range.

conservatism, it is assumed that no operator

action can be taken for 30 minutes, and for this
period it is assumed that these valves will be full

The EFWS can be used to supply feedwater to
the steam generators during a plant startup
when only small amounts of feedwater are
required; however, the system is not normally
used for this purpose. Other equipment in the
main feedwater system design is provided to
supply this reduced amount of feedwater during
the plant startup and heatup.

With the reactor tripped, and the EFWS

supplying water to the steam generators at a
rate equivalent to the rate at which steam is
being removed to dissipate core decay heat and
the heat input of one reactor coolant pump
(assumed to be operating), the plant is in a
stable hot standby condition. The plant can be
maintained in this condition for a period limited
only by the amount of water in the primary and
alternate emergency feedwater supplies.

Normal Operation
The EFWS is not operated during normal plant
operations, but remains in a state of readiness
to provide emergency feedwater to the steam
generators in the event of transient or accident
conditions. In the event of such occurrences, the
emergency feedwater pumps are automatically
started as follows:

Pumps Started

Low-low level in 2/4

level channels in any
one steam generator

Motor driven

Low-low level in 2/4

level channels in any
two steam generators

Turbine drive

Safety injection

Motor driven


If the initiating event can be resolved, plant

power operations can be resumed. Normal
feedwater flow to the steam generators by the
main feedwater system is resumed and the
emergency feedwater pumps are manually
stopped. If the initiating event cannot be
resolved, a plant cooldown must be performed.
In this case, the EFWS continues to supply
feedwater to the steam generators throughout
the cooldown until the primary system hot leg
temperature is reduced to 350F (176.7C). At
this temperature, the Residual Heat Removal
System (RHRS) is activated and the EFWS is


controlled by positioning the flow modulating

valves. When the reactor coolant hot leg
temperature is reduced to 350F (176.7C) and
the RHRS has been activated, the EFWS is
secured. The EFWS is not normally used for
plant cooldown during shutdown, since other
design provisions contained in the main
feedwater system should be used to supply the
steam generators in this case.

secured. The RHR continues the cool-down to

cold shutdown conditions.

The EFWS can be used to supply feedwater to
the steam generators for normal plant cooldowns. To accomplish this, the pumps are
manually started and the flowrates are manually



Excess letdown heat exchanger (CVCS)

Seal water heat exchanger (CVCS)

Centrifugal charging pumps (CVCS)

Control rod drive mechanism coil cooler


Refrigerated dryer

Recycle evaporator package (BRS)

The Component Cooling Water System (CCWS)

provides a continuous supply of cooling water to
plant components which handle potentially
radioactive fluids. In doing so it forms an
intermediate barrier between these potentially
radioactive systems and the Service Water
System, thereby reducing the possibility of
discharging radioactivity to the environment.

Chiller unit (BTRS)

Waste evaporator package(s) (WPS)

Waste gas compressor package (WPS)

Hydrogen monitor

Reactor coolant drain tank heat exchanger


Component cooling water is supplied to NSSS

systems as required by the following operations:

Spent fuel pit heat exchangers (SFPCS)

Sample heat exchangers (SS)

Removal of heat from various components

during normal power generation.

Gross failed fuel detector

Containment spray pump heat exchangers


Containment fan coolers

Service air compressor

Instrument air compressor

Positive displacement pump (CVCS)

chapter 5.3
cooling water

Removal of residual and sensible heat from

the Reactor Coolant System through the
Residual Heat Removal System during plant
Cooling of safeguards equipment following
an accident.


The CCWS is designed to provide cooling for

the following components:

Reactor coolant pumps (RCS)

Residual heat exchangers (RHRS)

Residual heat removal pumps (RHRS)

Letdown heat exchanger (CVCS)


The CCWS consists of a Safeguards subsystem

and an Auxiliary subsystem (Figure 5.3-1).
The CCWS Safeguards subsystem is considered an engineered safeguards system because
it is required to remove decay heat during postaccident and to provide cooling water to safe87



Processing systems,

guards equipment. The subsystem is designed

to retain total physical separation consisting of
two separate, independent safeguards trains
with no cross connection between the two trains.
Components of each safeguards train (pumps
and heat exchanger) are housed in separate
safeguards equipment cubicles. The plant
separation facilitates compliance to standards in
the area of fire protection, flooding prevention,
and plant sabotage.



The Auxiliary subsystem provides 100-percent

component cooling for normal operation. It
consists of two 100-percent component cooling
pumps, one 100-percent component cooling
heat exchanger, one component cooling surge
tank, a chemical addition tank, and associated
piping, valves and instrumentations. The
subsystem's flow path is similar to that of the
Safeguards subsystem.

The Safeguards subsystem is divided into two

separate and redundant safeguards trains and
provides cooling water to safeguards equipment
such as the residual heat removal heat
exchangers and pump, the reactor coolant pump
thermal barriers, the containment fan coolers,
the containment spray pump heat exchangers,
the spent fuel pit heat exchangers, and the
positive displacement pump. Each safeguards
train is sized to supply 100-percent postaccident component cooling flow requirements.
Each train consists of two 100-percent capacity
component cooling pumps, one 100-percent
component cooling heat exchanger, one component cooling surge tank, a chemical addition
tank, cooling lines to the various safeguards
components, and associated piping, valves, and
instrumentation. This arrangement permits
single failure criteria to be met with up to one
pump per train removed from service for
maintenance. The component cooling water
flows from the pump, through the shell side of
the component cooling heat exchangers,
through the components being cooled, and back
to the pump. The surge tank is connected to the
suction side of the component cooling pumps.

The surge tanks of both Safeguards and

Auxiliary subsystems provide like functions.
They provide a surge volume to accommodate
thermal expansion and contraction of system
volume during transients, and collects water that
may leak into the system from components
being cooled. The tanks also contain sufficient
water volume to provide component cooling
water until a design basis passive failure can be
Water chemistry control of the CCWS is
accomplished by chemical additions to the
chemical addition tank. A safety grade makeup
source is provided by the demineralized water
system or reactor makeup system (emergency
makeup only) and delivered to the surge tank.

During normal full power operation, one
component cooling safeguards train and the
component cooling auxiliary subsystem (each
operating with one pump and one heat
exchanger) are required to accommodate the
heat removal loads. The safeguards train
services the containment fan coolers, the reactor
coolant pump thermal barriers, and the spent
fuel pit heat exchangers; the auxiliary train

The component cooling Auxiliary subsystem

provides cooling water to non-safeguards
components in the Chemical and Volume
Control System, Boron Recycle System, Waste



Failure of a pump will not affect the time

required for cooldown because a standby pump
in each train of the Safeguards subsystem is
provided. A spare pump is also available in the
Auxiliary subsystem. Failure of a safeguards
train will not affect the plant's capability to
remove decay heat; cooldown time however will
be extended.

supplies component coolant to other components required during normal operation.

During plant normal cooldown, the standby train
of the Safeguards subsystem is placed in
operation at approximately four hours after
reactor shutdown. The Safeguards subsystem
provides component cooling water flow to the
operating residual heat exchangers and pumps.
The component cooling water inlet temperature
to various components during normal cooldown
is permitted to increase to 120F (49C),
however it must return to 105F (40C) after four


The CCWS pumps, heat exchangers of the

Safeguards subsystem and its associated
piping, valves and instrumentations are
seismically qualified as required for an
engineered safeguards system.


chapter 6
containment systems


cylindrical with hemispherical domes. The type

of structure chosen by a utility is dependent on
plant layout, site characteristics, and relative
costs of alternatives for a particular project.

Multiple barriers designed into the power plant

provide containment of radioactive products at
three fundamental levels:

Zircaloy tubes of the fuel rods

Reactor coolant system pressure boundaries

The reactor containment vessel (building)

A typical prestressed concrete containment is

shown in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-2 shows a typical
cylindrical steel containment.
For reasons of space only a representative
example will be described: a prestressed
concrete containment (Figure 6-3) having a
cylindrical shell, a hemispherical dome, and a
flat base slab (with a pit). The inside face of the
concrete shell, dome, and floor is steel plate
lined to ensure a high degree of leak tightness.
Other designs while varying in detail will meet
the same functional requirements.

Diversity of concept, defense in depth, and

redundancy of systems as it relates to protection
and containment are discussed in other chapters
in this book.
This chapter discusses the design of the
referred as the containment) that will contain
and control any release of radioactivity to the
environment under normal, upset, or emergency
conditions. Also included are containment
systems that will protect the integrity of the
containment by reducing steam pressure and
controlling hydrogen to avoid an explosive
mixture. Ventilation systems provided with filters
will reduce radioactivity in the containment
atmosphere to permit safe access into the
containment. The structure provides biological
shielding for both normal and accident

The cylindrical shell is prestressed by a posttensioning system consisting of horizontal and

vertical tendons. The dome has a two-way posttensioning system. There are three buttresses
equally spaced around the containment. Hoop
tendons are anchored at buttresses 240 degrees
apart, bypassing the intermediate buttress. Each
successive hoop is progressively offset 120
degrees from the one beneath it. (Another
U-tendons and hoops. A third system includes
helicoidal tendons in opposite patterns.)


The foundation base slab is a concrete structure

conventionally reinforced with high-strength
reinforcing steel. A continuous access gallery is
provided beneath the base slab for the
installation and inspection of vertical tendons.
The base liner, installed on top of the structural
slab, is covered with concrete for post-tension.

General Description
Several types of containment structures have
been designed and proposed to utilities. Those
designs in prevalent use incorporate steel
vessels or concrete vessels lined with steel
plate. Steel vessels can be cylindrical or
spherical in shape. Reinforced concrete vessels,
which may in some cases be post-tensioned are

The containment completely encloses the entire

reactor and Reactor Coolant System (RCS) and

Basis for Design Loads

ensures that an acceptable upper limit for

leakage of radioactive materials to the
environment would not be exceeded even if
gross failure of the RCS were to occur. The
approximate dimensions of the containment are:
124 feet (37.8 m) inside diameter, 205 feet
(62.5 m) inside height, 3-1/2 feet (1.07 m) wall
thickness, and 2-1/2 feet (0.76 m) dome
thickness. The internal net free volume approxi3
mates 2,000,000 cubic feet (56,600 m ).


The containment is designed for all credible

conditions of loading, including normal loads,
loads during loss-of-coolant accident, test loads,
and loads due to adverse environmental conditions. The two critical loading conditions are
those caused by the design basis accident
resulting from failure of the RCS, and those
caused by an earthquake.




having a ground acceleration equal to the

Design Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) for
the site selected is used to check the design and
ensure no loss of function. A vertical component
having a magnitude equal to the horizontal
component is applied simultaneously. A threedimensional dynamic analysis is used to arrive
at equivalent static loads for design. Soilstructure interactions are included in the
dynamic model.

Loading considerations are applied as follows:

Design Basis Accident (DBA) The minimum
design pressure and temperature of the
containment are equal to the peak pressure and
temperature occurring as the result of any
rupture of the RCS up to and including the
double-ended severance of a reactor coolant
pipe. The supports for the RCS are designed to
withstand the blowdown forces associated with
the sudden severance of the reactor coolant
piping so that its coincidental rupture with that of
the steam or the feedwater systems is not
considered credible. Transients resulting from
the DBA serve as the basis for a containment
design pressure of 60 psig (4.46 bar). Transients
resulting from other accidents could be
controlling for specific compartments of the

Wind Forces Wind loading results from site

conditions including consideration of hurricane
winds. This wind loading is considered for the
design of all structures. However, wind loads are
not applied simultaneously with seismic loads.
Hydrostatic Loads Uplift forces which are
created by hydrostatic pressure are included in
the design of all structures.

Thermal Loads The variation of temperature

with time and the expansion of the liner plate are
considered in designing for the thermal stresses
associated with the DBA.
Dead Loads Dead loads consist of the weight
of the concrete wall, dome, base slab, internal
concrete and permanent equipment, machinery,
components, and the like.

External Pressure Load External pressure

loading with a differential of 2-1/2 psi (0.17 bar)
from outside to inside are considered. The
external design pressure is also adequate to
permit the reactor building to be cooled from an
initial maximum operating condition of 120F
(49C) to an internal temperature during
shutdown of 50F (10C) (winter).

Live Loads Live loads consists of all loads

except dead, accident, seismic, flood, and wind,
and include snow loads on the domed roof of the
containment. Live loads are assumed for the
design of internal slabs consistent with the
intended use of the slabs.

Prestressing Loads These allow for slip at

anchorage, elastic shortening of concrete, creep
of concrete, shrinkage of concrete, relaxation of
steel stress and frictional losses in the tendon
ducts. Load factors are in accordance with the

Earthquake Loads Earthquake loading is

predicted upon a design earthquake with a
ground acceleration equal to the Operating Base
Earthquake (OBE) for the site selected. In
addition, a maximum hypothetical earthquake

Containment Design Criteria


The safety of the structure under extraordinary

circumstances and the performance of the
containment at various loading stages are the

primary considerations
structural design criteria.



design output includes direct stresses, shear

stresses, principal stresses, and displacements
of each nodal point.


The two basic criteria are:

The integrity of the containment liner is

guaranteed under all credible loading

The structure has a low-strain elastic

response such that its behavior is predictable under all design loadings.

Stress plots which show total stresses resulting

from appropriate combinations of loading cases
are made and areas of high stress are identified.
If necessary, the modulus of elasticity is
corrected to account for the nonlinear stressstrain relationship at high stresses. Stresses are
then recomputed if a sufficient number of areas
requiring attention exist.
Containment Liner Criteria To meet the
specified leak rate under accident conditions the
containment liner satisfies the following criteria:

The strength of the containment at working

stress and overall yielding is compared to the
allowable values under the various loading
combinations to ensure safety.
To ensure proper performance the analysis and
design of the containment is carried out with
consideration for strength, the nature and the
amount of cracking, the magnitude of deformation, and the extent of corrosion. The structure
is designed to meet performance and strength
requirements under the following conditions:

Before prestressing

At transfer of prestress

Under sustained prestress

At design loads

At factored loads

Containment liner is
damage by missiles.


Containment liner strains are limited to

allowable values that have been shown to
result in leak tight vessels or pressure piping.

Containment liner is prevented

developing significant distortion.

All discontinuities and openings are

anchored to accommodate the forces
exerted by the restrained containment liner,
and careful attention is paid to details at
corners and connections to minimize the
effects of discontinuities.


The following fatigue loads are considered in the

design of the containment liner:

The base slab acts primarily in bending rather

than membrane stress and therefore it is not

Design Method The containment shell is

analyzed for individual and various combinations
of loading cases of dead load, live load,
prestress, temperature, and pressure. The



Thermal cycling due to annual outdoor

temperature variations. Daily temperature
variations do not penetrate a significant
distance into the concrete shell to appreciably
change the average temperature of the shell

relative to the containment liner. The number

of cycles for this loading will be 40 cycles for
the plant life of 40 years.

for the purpose of equalizing pressure in the two

systems when entering or leaving the

Thermal cycling due to containment interior

temperature varying during the startup and
shutdown of the reactor system. The
number of cycles for this loading is assumed
to be 500.

Thermal cycling due to DBA is assumed to

be one cycle. Thermal load cycles in the
piping systems are somewhat isolated from
the containment liner penetrations by the
concentric sleeves between the pipe and the
liner. All penetrations are verified for a
conservative number of cycles to be
expected during the plant life.

The two doors in each personnel lock are

interlocked to ensure that one door is completely
closed before the opposite door can be opened.
Remote indicating lights and annunciators
situated in the control room indicate the door
operational status. Provision is made to permit
bypassing the door interlocking system to allow
doors to be left open during plant cold shutdown.
Each door hinge is designed to be capable of
independent, three-dimensional adjustment to
assist proper seating. An emergency lighting
and communication system operating from an
external emergency supply is provided in the
lock interior.

Equipment and Personnel Access Hatches

An equipment hatch 21 feet (6.4 m) in diameter
is provided for access to the containment. It is
fabricated from welded steel and furnished with
a double gasketed flange and bolted dished
door. Equipment up to and including the size of
the steam generators can be transferred into
and out of the containment through this hatch.

Special Penetrations Fuel Transfer Penetration: A fuel transfer penetration is provided for
fuel movement between the refueling transfer
canal in the reactor containment building and the
spent fuel pool in the fuel handling building. The
penetration consists of a 20-inch (51 cm)
stainless steel pipe installed inside a casing
pipe. The inner pipe acts as the transfer tube
and is fitted with a double gasketed blind flange
in the refueling canal and a standard gate valve
in the spent fuel pit. The casing pipe is provided
with expansion joints and is connected to the
containment liner. This arrangement prevents
leakage in the event of an accident.

Two personnel locks are provided. One of these

is for emergency egress only. Each personnel
lock is a double door, welded steel assembly.
Quick-acting valves connect the personnel lock
with the interior and exterior of the containment

Containment Supply and Exhaust Purge Ducts:

The ventilation system purge duct is equipped
with two tight seating valves to be used for
isolation purposes. The valves are remotely
operated for containment purging.

The containment liner as well as any carbon

steel surface exposed to the containment
atmospheres is coated with a coating system
qualified to resist accident conditions without
peeling, scaling or blistering.




System Description

The Containment Isolation System provides the

means of isolating the various fluid systems
passing through the containment walls as
required to prevent the release of radioactivity to
the outside environment.

The CSS achieves the above objectives by

spraying a sodium hydroxide solution of borated
water throughout a large volume portion of the
containment atmosphere. The system consists
of a containment spray storage tank (CSST), a
spray additive tank (SAT), two pumps, two heat
exchangers, and a set of spray ring headers
located in the upper dome of the containment
and having nozzles designed to provide
adequate containment spray coverage. A pump
miniflow line, containing a heat exchanger and
flow limiting orifice, and a test loop with a
throttling valve are connected in parallel across
each pump. The test line is open only when
testing the pump at various flows. The pumps
are normally aligned to take suction from the
CSST and the SAT, which drain down together
to provide the correct spray pH. Each one of
these subsystems is also independently capable
of delivering the necessary flow to limit
containment pressure in conjunction with the
Reactor Containment Fan Cooler System.

Design bases of the Containment Isolation

System considers several factors. Subsequent
to an accident which may release radio-nuclides
within the containment, there must be a barrier
in all pipes or ducts that penetrate the
containment. Leakage from the containment
through these pipes or ducts which penetrate
the containment is minimized by use of a double
barrier. This double barrier ensures that failure
of a single active component along a leakage
path will not result in loss of ability to isolate the
A barrier may be a valve, a blind flange (two
barriers by use of a double gasket), or a closed
piping system or vessel. The barriers must be
missile protected, Seismic Class 1 and designed
for a pressure equal to or greater than the
design pressure of the containment. The
isolation barriers are located as close to the
containment penetration as practicable.

System Operation
Initial Injection Mode Containment spray is
initiated automatically in response to a
containment high pressure signal. This signal
starts the spray pumps, opens the spray header
isolation valves "A", and opens the SAT isolation
valves "B". Suction is provided to the spray
pump from the CSST, with the SAT providing
sodium hydroxide solution. The SAT drains into
each spray pump's suction header from the
CSST; this mixing results in a solution pH that is
conducive to the entrainment of iodine (airborne
fission product). The spray pumps deliver this
solution to the ring headers, and the solution is
atmosphere by the spray nozzles. As this water


The Containment Spray System (CSS) (Figure
6-4) is an engineered safeguard designed to limit
the peak pressure in the reactor containment
building to a pressure less than the containment
design pressure, in the event of a loss-of-coolant
accident or a steam break accident inside the
containment. The system also acts to remove
airborne fission products, principally iodine, from
the containment atmosphere, should they be
present due to a fuel cladding break.




accident (LOCA). The RCFC is an engineered

safeguard system.

comes in contact with the steam in the

containment atmosphere, the steam is
condensed and falls to the containment floor as
drops of a borated sodium hydroxide solution.
Also, as the spray is introduced to the
containment atmosphere, the solution entrains
airborne iodine particles that it contacts; these
are then carried to the floor with the spray
droplets. The storage tanks are sized to provide
approximately 30 minutes of spray with spray
additive, and when the CSST is drained to the
"Lo-Lo" setpoint, the spray pumps are manually
switched to the recirculation mode of spray

In a containment, the system includes four fan

units that operate in parallel. A minimum of two
units must function to satisfy design
requirements for both normal operation and
post-accident operation. Figure 6-5 shows the
elements of one RCFC unit.
During normal operation, air is drawn from the
upper part of the containment, through the return
air ductwork, and continues through the normal
flow inlet damper into the roughing filter plenum.
The air continues its flow through the cooling
coils and discharged by the fan into the
ventilation system distribution ductwork.

An additional function which is performed by the

CSS during its normal operation is the pH
adjustment of the containment sump. The
sodium hydroxide (spray additive) that is
delivered through the injection phase is sufficient
to raise the long-term sump pH to a level
corrosion/cracking of stainless steel components, and for keeping the iodine entrained in
the water.

During the post LOCA operating mode, the air

flow is routed from the return air ductwork,
through the emergency flow inlet damper, and
into the filtration package plenum. Here the air
flows through moisture separators, HEPA filters,
and discharges through the emergency flow
outlet dampers into the roughing filter plenum
and then into the cooling coils. When a LOCA is
sensed, the fan motors are automatically
switched to low speed to provide proper flow of
the steam-air mixture.

Recirculation Mode The recirculation mode

of the CSS will be initiated manually by the
operator. To accomplish this, the sump isolation
valves "C" are opened, and the spray pump
suction isolation valves "D" are closed. The
pumps will then deliver spray from the sump to
the spray headers. Spray additive is not injected
during this mode.



A gravity actuated backdraft damper is installed

in the ventilation system discharge ductwork of
each fan. These dampers serve to isolate units
from the ventilation system when the fan is not
in use and to protect each unit from damage due
to reverse flow during a LOCA pressure

The Reactor Containment Fan Cooler System

(RCFC) is designed to remove heat from the
containment building during both normal
operation and in the event of a loss-of-coolant

The cooling coils remove heat from the air with

the fan providing the required air flow rates.
Cooling water is supplied by the essential
service water system. Drain troughs and piping





are provided to remove condensate humidity

from the cooling coils. The drain piping is routed
to the containment sump.

A hydrogen detection system that can detect

and report in a continuous manner the
hydrogen content in the containment
atmosphere. Alarms at proper setpoints are

A containment ventilation system that

circulates the containment atmosphere to
remove pockets of high hydrogen concentration after an accident.

Hydrogen recombiners that burn the free

hydrogen. The hydrogen/oxygen combination results in water.


Under accident conditions, coolant radioactivity
and the Zirconium water reaction can result in
the release of hydrogen gas to the containment
accumulate to an explosive hydrogen/oxygen
concentration. To control this potential risk the
reactor containment is provided with:



chapter 7
instrumentation and


and to make and implement operating


The Instrumentation and Control Systems can

be viewed as the "central nervous system" of the
plant and consist of the following major systems:

Nuclear Instrumentation System

Provides computational, data processing,

and data presentation services for the plant.

Provides continuous indications of the

reactor core power level from shutdown to
full power.


In-core Instrumentation Systems

The nuclear excore instrumentation, in-core

instrumentation, and N
power monitoring
instrumentation systems sense the intensity and
distribution of the nuclear reactions in the
reactor core for use by the remainder of the
Instrumentation and Control systems. The state
of nuclear reactions can be described as the
power level produced by the nuclear reactions
and its distribution throughout the core.

Senses the distribution of the nuclear flux

within the core.

Digital Rod Position Indication System

Detects the position of the control rods in the
reactor core.

Process Instrumentation System

Nuclear Instrumentation System

Senses the state of the plant, when used

together with the Nuclear Instrumentation,
In-Core Instrumentation, and Digital Rod
Position Indication System.

The nuclear excore instrumentation system

senses the reactor core's status by monitoring
the neutron flux during startup and power operation. The information from this system plays a
key part in the reactor protection function.

Nuclear Steam Supply Control Systems

Implements the operator's control decisions
and automatically changes the plant to and
maintains it at selected operating states.

The nuclear instrumentation monitors the reactor

power from the Source Range and Intermediate
Range where heat production is negligible
through the Power Range for up to 120 percent
of full power output, by means of thermal neutron flux excore detectors located in instrument
wells in the primary shield adjacent to the
reactor vessel. The system provides indication,
control, and alarm signals for reactor operation
and protection as follows:

Reactor Protection System

Protects the reactor core and the nuclear
steam supply system by monitoring operating parameters and initiating safeguards
actions on the detection of abnormal

Plant Computer System

The Control Room

Detectors The system employs 8 detector

locations containing a total of 24 detectors. Four
of these detectors are proportional counters

Provides information to the operator to

enable him to comprehend the plant's state


chambers. Detection chamber current from the

ion chamber is transmitted to solid state
logarithmic amplifiers.

used in the source range channels, located in

vertical instrument wells adjacent to four "flat"
sides of the core, at an elevation approximating
one-quarter of the core height.

These channels indicate the intermediate flux

level and also provide high neutron flux alarm
signals and trip signals. The channels also
provide a permissive signal to allow manual
initiation of a source range level trip bypass
block, and removal of the high voltage from the
source range detectors when the flux level is in
the intermediate range. The permissive signal
automatically reactivates the source range
channels on decreasing flux level. Startup rate
indication is provided in the control room.

Each of the source range detector locations also

contains a compensated ion chamber which is
used for intermediate range channels, at an
elevation corresponding to one-half of the core
At the other four detector locations are foursection ionization chambers. One four-section
ionization chamber assembly is located in each
instrument well adjacent to each "corner" of the
core cross section. The range of operation for
the detectors with the designed range overlaps
is shown in Figure 7-1.

Power Range Four channel sets of power

range measurements are provided, one for each
protection channel set. Each utilizes four
individual uncompensated ionization chamber

Source Range The four source range

channels use proportional counters. Neutron
flux, as measured in the primary shield area,
produces current pulses in the detectors. These
pulses are amplified by solid state preamplifiers
and are then transmitted to solid state amplifiers
and discriminators.

The four-section detector current signals from

each detector provide axial power distribution
information, which is displayed on the main
control board and used as an input to the low
Departure from Nuclear Boiling Ratio (DNBR)
and high kw/ft protection trips. These channels
also provide permissive signals to allow manual
initiation of intermediate range and power range
(low setpoint) reactor trip bypass (block), and
automatic reset on decreasing power level.

These channels provide information on the flux

level for reactor trip protection, and alarm
signals to the reactor control and protection
systems when the flux is in the source range.
They are also used at shutdown and refueling to
provide a reactor containment alarm for any
inadvertent increase in reactivity. An audible
count rate signal is provided during initial phases
of startup in the containment and the control
room. Startup rate indication is also provided in
the control room.

In-Core Instrumentation
In-core instrumentation (Figure 7-2) provides
information on the neutron flux distribution and
fuel assembly outlet temperatures at selected
core locations. The in-core instrumentation
consist of top or bottom mounted thermocouples
and bottom mounted movable miniature neutron

Intermediate Range Four intermediate range

channels utilize four compensated ionization







The Flux Mapping System performs a fully

automatic preprogrammed, operator-programmed, or manually controlled flux mapping of the
reactor core. The operator can control and
check data limits, set the detector voltage, and
determine the disposition of the flux mapping

detectors. The thermocouples are positioned at

preselected locations to measure fuel assembly
coolant outlet temperature for use in monitoring
the core radial power sharing and coolant
enthalpy distribution. The movable flux detectors
can traverse the entire length of selected fuel
assemblies to provide an extremely accurate,
three-dimensional map of the neutron flux
distribution. This data can be used to determine
the power distribution in the core at any time
during the fuel cycle, to check the calibration
and response of the flux detectors external to
the reactor vessel, and to determine linear
power density, burnup, and fuel inventories. The
data will also provide trends of core conditions
so that corrective action can be taken before a
condition becomes excessive.

The detector drive train provides the mechanical

means of routing the four movable detectors into
various thimbles and into and out of the reactor
core. The function of the detector drive train is to
1) drive a miniature detector to a location within
the reactor core, 2) move the detector through
the core for scanning and recording of detector
output, and 3) withdraw the detector.
The detector drive train (Figure 7-3) consists
primarily of drive assemblies, controller units
(each of which controls two drive assemblies),
switch assemblies, 6-path transfer assemblies,
15-path transfer assemblies, wye assemblies, a
manual control box and a portable controller. All
elements of the detector drive train, except the
manual control box and the portable controller,
are mounted on a movable frame assembly
which can be easily relocated for refueling
operations and then restored to its operating

Digital Flux Mapping System The Flux Mapping System is composed of three major groups
of equipment: a flux mapping console, a detector
drive train and a flux thimble system.
The flux mapping console is separated into two
essentially identical redundant sections, each
capable of automatically controlling the detector
drive train and collecting, analyzing, recording,
and transmitting data. The data gathered from
the detectors are reported to an associated
CRT, printer, floppy disc, and the plant process
computer. Full-core flux maps may be obtained
even if a section of the console, parts of the
drive system, or some detectors are out of

The four drive assemblies are labeled A, B, C,

and D. Each drive assembly is connected via a
corresponding 6-path transfer assembly, a wye
assembly, and 15-path transfer assembly to the
thimbles. In normal operation, drive assembly A
is connected to 6-path transfer A, from there to
15-path transfer A, and continues with similar
routings for the others. When required, the
detector cable from drive A can be routed
through either of 15-path transfer assemblies B,
C or D, etc. The other two paths of the 6-path
transfer assemblies are connected through a

The flux mapping console provides the operator's interface and contains the movable
Operator commands are supplied in a
conversational manner through monochromatic,
graphic CRTs having keyboards.



concrete shield area, then to a thimble seal

plate. The minimum bend radii are 8 feet (2.4m).
The trailing ends of the thimbles (at the seal
plate) are extracted during refueling of the
reactor to avoid interference with the core.

common wye assembly to a separate calibration

thimble and to a shielded area for storage of the
radiated detector, respectively.
Retractable thimbles of cold-worked stainless
steel are pushed into the reactor core through
thimble guide tubes, which extend from the
bottom of the reactor vessel down through the

One thimble guide tube is provided for each

retractable thimble. Each guide tube is approximately 1 inch in outside diameter and extends
through the primary shield. It terminates at, and
is welded to, the vessel penetration tube and
guides the thimble between the seal plate and
reactor vessel.
Retractable thimbles, when fully inserted, extend
from the seal plate, through the guide tubes,
through the reactor vessel penetration tubes,
and up into specified fuel assemblies. The
retractable thimbles, closed at the leading edge,
are dry inside, and serve as the pressure barrier
between the reactor coolant and atmosphere.
Because the retractable thimbles are pressuresealed to their guide tubes, they will be inserted
or removed only during periods of plant
depressurization. Before initial insertion of the
retractable thimbles, the thimble guide tubes are
sealed by thimble seal plugs to permit hydrotesting; the retractable thimbles are not inserted
for this testing because the fuel is not in the
reactor core to support the thimbles.
The retractable thimbles are pressure-sealed to
their guide tubes and are stationary during
normal operation, being moved only during
refueling or for maintenance, at which times a
space beyond the seal plate must be cleared for
the retraction operation.
Thermocouples The fuel assembly outlet
temperature is measured with thermocouples
using Chromel-Alumel hot junctions clad with



stainless steel. These thermocouples enter the

reactor vessel through the vessel head ports on
the reactor vessel head and extend to a position
above the upper core plate of the vessel
internals. Thermocouple conduits are permanently attached to the upper internals to
guide the thermocouples into the vessel.

pressure piping and are therefore available for

use in measuring the N concentration in the
primary coolant.

gamma radiation is monitored by ion

chambers located on the hot leg piping of each
coolant loop. The ion chambers are located as
close as physically possible to the reactor vessel
but outside of the biological shield.

Thermocouples are inserted in the conduit by

means of a specifically designed tool which
provides the axial force necessary to seat the
swaged end of the thermocouple hot junction
into a conical seat at the conduit terminus inside
the vessel. The thermocouple terminates in a
disconnect plug outside the vessel and above
the conduit. With the thermocouples fully
inserted, a swage-type fitting provides a seal
between the thermocouples and the end of the


The N
monitoring hardware can also be
employed as part of the Transit Time Flowmeter
(TTFM) which accurately measures reactor
coolant flow.
The TTFM accurately measures the reactor's
coolant's flow rate for the primary loop by
sensing the radioactive signature of the N
isotope with gamma detectors. Cross-correlation
techniques are used to determine the mean
transit time of the N16 signature. If the distance
between the detectors, the measured transient
time, and the piping internal diameter are
known, the volumetric flow rate in each coolant
loop can be determined. This direct conversion
of N16 activity to RCS flow rate is accomplished
with an accuracy of 1.5 percent which can
result in improved safety margins in safety

An alternate thermocouple placement mounts

the in-core thermocouple at the end of double
walled flux thimbles. The thermocouple wires
are routed between the walls, which requires the
use of a thinner movable detector. The alternate
method eliminates some hardware in the head
and upper internals, reduces worker radiation
exposure during the refueling operation, and
simplifies the replacement of failed thermocouples.




N Power Monitoring Instrumentation

This instrumentation monitors the thermal power
of the NSSS by detecting the level of N
present in the coolant system. (N is an isotope
of nitrogen generated by neutron activation of
oxygen contained in the water.) The level of N
present in the primary coolant is directly
proportional to the fission rate in the core. Decay
of the N isotope produces high energy gamma
rays which penetrate the wall of the high6863.doc-8/11/2005

The Digital Rod Position Indication System

(DRPI) derives the position of the control rods in
the reactor core (Figures 7-4 and 7-5) by two
In the first method, the DRPI measures the
actual position of each rod using a stable and
proven digital technique. Each detector consists
of 42 discrete coils mounted concentrically with





level as in tanks or vessels, and occasionally,

physiochemical parameters such as fluid
conductivity or chemical concentration. The term
"process instrumentation" specifically excludes
neutron, gamma, and radiation measurements.
Process instrumentation includes the processmeasuring sensors, power supplies, indicators,
signal conditioning devices, and so forth, which
are necessary for monitoring the operation of the
Nuclear Steam Supply System.

the rod drive pressure housing. There is a 3.75inch (95 mm) (6-step) axial spacing between coil
centerlines. Each detector magnetically senses
the entry and presence of the rod drive shaft
through its centerline. The coils are interlaced
into two data channels (data A and B) to provide
system fault tolerance through redundancy.
Employing two separate channels of information
(coils, wiring, and electronics) allows the digital
rod position indication instrumentation to continue functioning (with reduced resolution) when
one channel fails.



The core is divided into quarters; each quarter is

assigned to a protection channel to provide
efficient physical separation of protection grade
field wiring in the head area. One field cabinet
contains the electronics for processing the A
data and B data for each protection channel.

The basic function of a power plant is to supply

electrical energy to the power distribution
network on demand. To meet this demand
(load), the nuclear core must provide heat
generation proportional to the demand (electrical
power output) and the NSSS must respond with
the correct flow of low-moisture steam to the
turbine-generator. This is normally accomplished
automatically by the coordinated action of a
number of subsystems. These subsystems also
provide for the control of rapid disturbances
arising from abnormal conditions and for control
of processes that maintain the plant in an
economical operating condition.

The data from each field cabinet is multiplexed

over redundant data links (twisted single pairs)
to the Integrated Protection System (IPS) to
provide safety-grade rod position data to the
DNBR and kw/ft calculators. A separate data link
with safety-grade isolation is provided from each
in-containment cabinet to a dedicated non
protection-grade CRT display and provides the
operator with a graphic display of actual rod

The nuclear steam supply control system has

two principal objectives: 1) to control reactor
temperature so that the steam output matches
the turbine-generator requirements, and 2) to
operate the NSSS safely and reliably.

The second method of indicating rod position

involves counting the number of steps demanded to move the rods up or down, as generated
by the rod control system. This information is
also displayed on the control board.

The major subsystems of the NSSS control

system (Figure 7-6) are as follows:

Process instrumentation is provided for the
various primary plant and related systems to
measure temperature, pressure, fluid flow, fluid


Power Control System

Reactor Pressurizer Control System

Steam Bypass Control System

Feedwater (steam generator level control)

Control System

and a higher degree of control system integration. In addition, automatic load dispatching
becomes a factor in the design basis.

Power Control System

The process control systems require pressure,
flow, temperature, and level parameters from the
Boron Thermal Regeneration System, Chemical
and Volume Control System, Reactor Coolant
System, Residual Heat Removal System, and
Safety Injection System. These control systems
automatically perform many functions to support
the performance and operation of the primary
loop such as maintaining water inventory,
concentration, and charging flow.

The Power Control System (Figure 7-7) automatically adjusts the reactor power and power
distribution through control rod motions, boron
concentration changes, and control of the
moderator temperature. Several interdependent
subsystems allow the reactor to automatically
follow load and be controlled with only minimum
operator interface. Load follow operations are
explained in Chapter 16, Plant Operation. The
subsystems of the Power Control System are as

The subsystems shown in Figure 7-6 are

designed to act independently of one another.
However, there is strong coupling through the
controlled parameters, which leads to a unifed
response to plant load transients.
The flexibility and degree of integration that are
reasonable in a control system are a function of
the characteristics of the controlled system, the
characteristics of the hardware used to implement the control, and the design basis of the
system. The NSSS control systems used before
the late 1970s were implemented by using
analog computer type hardware which provided
accurate, reliable control. With this system it was
reasonable to supply some of the flexibility and
some of the integration by relying upon the
operator's capabilities and the natural strong
coupling of the controlled system.

Rod control system

Power distribution control system

Boron control system

Remote dispatch system interface

Rod Control System The rod control system

automatically adjusts the power level of the
reactor to match the power demanded by the
turbine. The needed control rod movement is
based on the reactor coolant temperature
needed to meet the turbine power demand, the
nuclear power (neutron flux level) rate of
change, and the measured reactor coolant
The rod control system also has an expandable
temperature error control deadband for use at
reduced power levels, which allows the reactor
coolant temperature to vary between wider
bounds. This will permit the temperature
changes (through the negative moderator
coefficient) to initiate changes in reactor power

Later control systems are implemented with

microcomputer networks (Integrated Control
System or ICS). The microcomputers (digital
technology) permit more flexibility, more
accurate and complex control calculations, more
complete information feedback to the operator,






The rod control system also provides for manual

as well as automatic operation of the control
groups. In both the automatic and manual
modes, the control groups are moved according
to a preset program. The sequencing provided
by this program is reversible, that is, the withdrawal sequence is the reverse of the insertion
sequence. In the manual mode, the rate of
insertion or withdrawal is adjustable but preset
at a fixed value. In the automatic mode the rod
speed is variable and determined by the control
system algorithms.

as required to regulate electrical network load

frequency transients (by random load variations
of 5 percent power). This minimizes rod movement and wear and reduces the disturbance to
the axial power distribution.
There are two types of rod groups: control and
shutdown. The control groups are used in
conjunction with chemical shim and temperature
change to provide reactor power control. The
shutdown groups along with the control groups
are used to safely shut down the reactor.

Eight trip breakers are placed in a series/parallel

connection with the power supply of the rod
control drive system. The trip breakers are
actuated by the reactor protection system.

The rod control system has three basic modules

external to the Integrated Control System

The logic cabinet which receives various

demand signals, either manual from the
operator or automatic from the reactor rod
control system, and provides the command
signals needed to operate the shutdown and
control rod groups in a pre-arranged program.

The power cabinet which provides the

programmed do currents to the operating
coils of the rod control drive mechanisms.

A dc holding supply cabinet which provides

auxiliary power to the mechanisms to
facilitate keeping the mechanism in its last
controlled operating position.

Power Distribution Control System The

power distribution in a reactor core is not
uniform. Peak power can more than double the
average power. Consequently, the power output
of the reactor is limited by the power peaks in
the axial and radial core planes, because they
subject the fuel to the most severe duty. Hence,
the control of power peaks is an important part
of overall reactor control.
Radial power peaks are a function of core
burnup, core loading, and control rod design and
layout. These factors are carefully accounted for
in the core design to minimize radial peaking
factors. The operator does not have these variables under his control during plant maneuvers.

The rod control system has provisions for

manual operation of the shutdown rods. The
shutdown rods are withdrawn first during startup
and are kept fully withdrawn during power
operation. The control groups are withdrawn in a
programmed sequence only after the shutdown
groups are fully withdrawn.


The axial power peaks in the core are affected



Control rod insertion

Axial xenon distribution

Core burnup

Top-to-bottom moderator density changes

within the core

ments made for the protection system. The

control error is the difference between the
measured A.O. and permitted A.O. (setpoint),
which is a function of core power.

Of these, only xenon distribution and control rod

insertions are under the direct short-term control
of an operator.

The normal mode of operation involves keeping

the A.O. within the target band (Figure 7-8).
However, operation outside the target band is
permitted to improve the transient capabilities of
the plant. The duration of such operation is
automatically limited to prevent subsequent
problems with xenon redistribution. The margins
to plant trip calculated by the protective system
determine the maximum limits of the axial offset.

The power distribution control system provides

automation of the Constant Axial Offset Control
(CAOC) strategy. The CAOC strategy maximizes the margins between any given normal
operational condition and the limits established
by the NRC criteria for emergency core cooling
system evaluation of the loss-of-coolant accident. Axial offset (A.O.)* is used as the control
variable and is obtained from NIS measure-


* A.O. =


Power at top of core - Power in bottom of core

Total power

The A.O. error actuates the boron control

system. Changing the boron concentration in the
reactor coolant will change the coolant
temperature which in turn will cause the control
rods to move, thereby adjusting the A.O.

Remote Dispatch Interface System The

primary purpose of the remote dispatch interface
system is to supply a remote network-dispatching computer all the information it needs to
include the plant as a part of its plant-loading
algorithms, and to act as a permissive network
so that unsafe demands from the computer
cannot be executed.

Two other modes of A.O. control, which do not

operate freely in the entire target band as
described above, are also available. The first will
keep the A.O. in a narrow band about the target
value, for closer control of the power distribution
and minimized boron use. The second operating
mode keeps the A.O. near the edges of the
target band to maximize spinning reserve capabilities. The operator controls the bandwidth.

The power capabilities of the NSSS are

calculated based on current operating conditions
and power distribution limits. These can be
moderated (lessened) by operator-established
limits or by balance-of-plant (BOP) equipment
constraints. If operator dispatching permission
has been granted and no safety limits are being
approached, the power capabilities will be
transmitted to the dispatch system.

Boron Control System The boron control

system interacts with and integrates the other
components of the power control system.
Control of the reactor coolant's boron
concentration involves both the Boron Thermal
Regeneration System (BTRS) and the Reactor
Water Makeup System. Control activities are
directed toward the BTRS; the makeup system
automatically comes in when necessary.

The dispatch system decides how much power

change (if any) to request from the plant and
transmits the request back to the plant. If operator dispatching permission has been granted
and no safety limits are being approached, the
remote unit will act through the turbine control
system to change the turbine throttle valves.
This cycle is repeated every few seconds. The
requests sent out by the dispatch system each
time are normally a very small part of the plant's
change capability. Any change in the NSSS or
BOP will be immediately factored into the site
calculations and will be transmitted to the
dispatch system.

The operating mode (boration or dilution) and

the magnitude of the boron concentration
change required is determined by comparison of
the measured Tc (cold leg temperature) with the
programmed (function of power) Tc combined
with the A.O. mismatch. If this total error is large
enough, the BTRS is switched to the proper
mode (this can also be done manually in
anticipation) and the amount of coolant
modulated through the resin beds will be
proportional to the magnitude of the mismatch.

The output to the dispatch system is also sent to

the operator, who can withdraw his permission
and block further remote dispatching. Any such
action will be automatically announced to the
dispatch system which will still be capable of
interrogating and analyzing the current operating
status of the plant.

The boron control system also automatically

compensates for changes in the xenon level that
occur during load maneuvers and compensates
for the Tc error whenever control rod operation is
restricted for any reason.


Reactor Pressurizer Control System

Feedwater Control System

The reactor pressurizer control system has two

functions. First, it must keep the pressure of the
Reactor Coolant System (RCS) within the
desired limits, through control of the pressurizer
heaters, spray valves, and relief valves. Second,
it must maintain the RCS mass inventory, that is,
the pressurizer level, by balancing the charging
flow to the letdown flow.

Automatic feedwater control is provided to cover

the full load range from zero to full power by
means of two automatic control systems: one
covers the load range from 15 to 100 percent of
rated power, and the other provides control from
zero to 20 percent of rated power. Transfer from
one system to the other (during power escalation, for instance) would occur during a power
level for which there is overlap between the two
systems, that is, between 15 and 20 percent of
rated power.

Steam Bypass (Steam Dump) Control


Feedwater Control from 15 to 100 Percent

Power A three-element feedwater control
system governs individually the water level of
each steam generator above 15 percent power
through means of individual feedwater regulating
valves. The control system uses the measured
process variables of steam generator level,
feedwater flow, and steam flow. When the steam
generator level is equal to the setpoint, which is
a function of power, the control system will
maintain feedwater flow equal to steam flow.

For a large step load decrease or a reactor trip

the steam bypass control system removes
sensible heat stored in the RCS. The programmed full load average reactor coolant temperature corresponds to a saturation pressure that is
higher than the steam generator safety valve set
pressure. For a large step load decrease or a
reactor trip, steam is dumped to the condenser
(or atmosphere as required) to remove the
stored heat in the primary system at a rate fast
enough to prevent lifting of the steam generator
safety valves.

On a load change, steam flow and steam

generator level tend to change simultaneously.
In so doing, they momentarily indicate opposing
corrective control action. For example, on a load
pick-up, the steam generator level encounters
initially a "swelling" effect which calls for a
decrease in feedwater flow. At the same time,
the increase in steam flow develops a higher
flow than the feedwater flow which calls for an
increase in feedwater flow. The opposite corrective indications occur on a load drop brought
about by the "shrinking" effect in the steam
generator and the decrease in steam flow.

When a load rejection occurs, if the difference

between the required temperature setpoint of
the RCS and the actual average temperature
exceeds a predetermined amount, a signal will
actuate the steam dump to maintain the RCS
temperature within control range until a new
equilibrium condition is needed. The steam
dump flow reduces proportionally as the control
rods act to reduce the average coolant
temperature. The steam dump is interlocked
with plant output to enhance overall control



in the range of automatic operation, even

following small load or feed flow perturbations.

The feedwater control system is similar to that in

the conventional (fossil) thermal plant with the
possible following exceptions:

A main feedwater control valve is required

for each steam generator to ensure that the
correct flow and water inventory is provided.

Condenser hotwell water storage capacity

must be provided to accommodate system
surges due to turbine load reductions and
the amount of steam bypass required
without relying upon the reserve condensate

The bypass is sized for 25 percent maximum

calculated flow and is capable of remote manual
control from the control room. Both valves have
handwheels for local emergency control and
provisions for automatic closure upon receipt of
signals from the Reactor Protection System.


The Reactor Protection System (RPS) provides
the following functions:

Storage is required for operational purposes

such as feedwater makeup, when the water
treatment plant is being regenerated or out
of service. Also, the storage will facilitate
plant cooldown on blackout conditions when
the emergency feedwater system is placed
in service.

Feedwater Control Below 20 Percent Power

A feed forward control system controls the water
level of each steam generator individually below
20 percent power. Instrumentation includes
steam generator water level, turbine impulse
stage pressure, and nuclear power. When the
steam generator level equals the reference
level, which is determined by the turbine impulse
first stage pressure, the control system will
maintain a feedwater flow proportional to nuclear

Monitors the plant for abnormal conditions

and alerts the operator to take appropriate

Automatically provides

reactor trip (shutdown) signals

engineered safeguards actuation signals

when plant conditions, as monitored by
nuclear instrumentation and process
instrumentation, reach the plant safety

Variables which are monitored by the RPS

pursuant to its trip function include:

The control system, utilizing the feedwater

bypass valve loop around each main feedwater
control valve, allows for "bumpless" automatic
transfer from the lower power feedwater control
system to the main feedwater control system,
and vice versa. Also, no operator action is
necessary whenever the nuclear power remains



The process variables which are directly

related to equipment mechanical limitations
such as pressure and pressurizer water
level (to prevent water discharge through
safety valves, and uncovering of heaters)

The calculated variables which directly affect

the heat transfer capabilities of the reactor
such as flow rate and reactor coolant

Whenever a direct process or calculated

variable exceeds a setpoint, the reactor will be
shut down: to prevent fuel rod damage for an
anticipated transient (Condition II); to limit core
damage for infrequent faults (Condition III); and
to protect the reactor coolant pressure boundary
for limiting fault conditions (Condition IV). The
RPS provides for manual initiation of reactor trip
by operator action in the control room.
The RPS initiates a turbine trip signal whenever
reactor trip occurs. This prevents excessive
reactor system cooldown to preclude the
reactivity insertions that would otherwise result,
and thus avoids unnecessary actuation of the
Engineered Safety Features Actuation System.

Pressurizer trip signals High pressure, low

pressure, and high-level trip signals initiate a
reactor trip

Steam generator trip signals Low feedwater flow and low water level trip signals
protect against loss of steam generator
water inventory. High water level trip signals
protect against excessive water carryover
into the turbine.

Turbine-generator trip Trip of the turbinegenerator above a certain power level

initiates a reactor trip

Safety injection signal Actuation of the

Safety Injection System simultaneously
initiates a reactor trip to prevent excessive

A simplified block diagram of the integrated

Reactor Protection System is shown in Figure 7-9.
Reactor trip signals provided by the system are
as follows:

Manual trip signal Redundant control

board pushbuttons are provided.

Neutron flux trip signals Source, intermediate, low power range, and high power
range signals are provided for protection
during startup, full power, and shutdown
operations. High flux rate trips protect the
reactor in case of rod ejection or accidental
rod drop

Along with the control systems described earlier,

the protection systems switched from an analog
microcomputer network implementation (Integrated Protection System) in the late 1970s.
This change permitted more accurate and
complex protection calculations. Examples of
improvements permitted by the microcomputer
network implementation include:

Primary coolant trip signals Departure

from nucleate boiling ratio, kw/ft, low flow,
and reactor coolant pump under-speed trip
signals provide trips. The main purpose is to
prevent core coolant conditions which could
lead to excessive fuel or cladding
temperatures or excessive bulk boiling of the



Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio and

kw/ft are calculated continuously and directly
instead of using conservative but simplified
proxies for them.

Automatic testing facilities are improved.

The test sequence is manually initiated and
then proceeds automatically with a minimum
of operator intervention. The test results are
sent to the plant computer for processing
and reporting.

The operator can enter information on failed

or "in test" segments of the system.

The protection system normally uses 2/4

logic but reverts to a safe 2/3 logic when
part of the system is being tested or is
involved in maintenance. A 2/4 logic means
that a trip occurs when at least 2 signals out
of 4 indicate a trip condition.

Engineered Safety Features Actuation

The protection system detects Condition II, III
and IV faults and actuates the Engineered
Safety Features. Table 7-1 lists the safety

The trip breakers are arranged to provide a

2/4 configuration. The analog system provided 1/2 reactor trip breaker configuration.


Preventive actions have been added such

as automatic turbine runbacks which can
prevent a trip condition.

systems that may be actuated together with the

events that trigger the actuation.





Safety Injection
Low pressurizer pressure
High containment pressure
Low steamline pressure
Low Tcold
Manual safety injection

Steamline Isolation
Low pressurizer pressure
High containment pressure
Low steamline pressure
Low Tcold
High steam pressure rate of change


Turbine Trip
Reactor trip
High steam generator level
Safety injection

Start Auxiliary Feed Pumps

Safety injections
Low steam generator level

Block Steam Dump

Low Tcold

Containment Vent Isolation

Safety injection
High containment reactivity
Manual actuation of Phase A isolation

Open Accumulator Isolation Valves

Pressurizer pressure above S1 unlock

Containment Spray
High containment pressure

Containment Isolation Phase B

High containment pressure
Manual actuation of containment

Feedwater Isolation
High steam generator level
Safety injection
Coincidence of reactor trip and low Tcold

Containment Isolation Phase A

Safety injection

Recirculation Phase
Low RWST level

RHR/RCS System Interlock

RCS wide-range pressurizer pressure above
RHR operating pressure

RCP Trip
High-head SI flow and SI signal
Low wide-range RCS pressure


chapter 8
plant control room


use are administratively linked to the control


The plant control room supplies all the data

reduction and contains the display and control
hardware needed to operate a nuclear power
plant in a safe, efficient, and reliable manner. It
is a total system which integrates humanengineered control board design along with a
sophisticated computer system. A control room,
however, can show considerable variation from
plant to plant since it is designed to reflect a
utility's operating philosophy.


Functional Aspects
The Advanced Control Room (ACR) optimizes
the generation and display of useful plant
information to the control room operator to enable
him to rapidly understand the plant condition
during both steady-state and transient conditions.
The ACR consists of an integrated set of
components which incorporates the latest
technology in operator-oriented plant monitoring
and supervision for the total nuclear plant

A nuclear power plant is large and complex and

the arrangement of devices for information input
or control action output has resulted in large
control boards like the one shown in Figure 8-1.
The instruments and control stations are
grouped by functional areas and by frequency of
use. Infrequently used information and controllers may be located on the backs of panels or
on isolated panels. Variations to the control
room design is determined by utility needs.

The availability and operability of the plant are

improved by the application of the following:
Graphic Displays Over a dozen graphical
display devices (CRTs and flat panel plasma
displays) are located in the operations area of
the control room. These devices present all plant
parameters to the operator in optimized formats
such as system flow diagrams, component flow
diagrams, bar charts, and analog trends.

In the earlier days of both fossil and nuclear

power plant design, control board devices were
grouped logically but heavy reliance was placed
on the operator's skill. In the 1970s, Westinghouse devoted considerable study and effort to
the human factors aspects of controlling a plant.
As a result of this work and advances in
electronic and computational technology, subsequent Westinghouse control board designs
are significantly improved over the conventional
control boards.

Redundancy and Modularity Because the

primary means of the plant information display is
via graphical display devices, high system
availability has been achieved by stressing
redundancy and modularity.

Most information about the plant's state is

brought to the control room where control
initiation devices are located (Tables 8-1 and
8-2). Other such devices although located
elsewhere in the plant and designed for local


Key Dedicated Displays In addition to the

cathode ray tube (CRT) displays and the
required post-accident monitoring indicators, key
process variables are presented via dedicated




Integration of NSSS-BOP Design The

control room design integrates the NSSS and
balance-of-plant (BOP) designs to present the
operator with an effective man-machine
interface which is consistent for all plant
systems. This consistency aids in the decision
making process regarding plant operation and
the implementation of those decisions.

Human Factors Criteria All facets of the

control room design have been subject to an
iterative process of extensive research, testing
and design to comply with applicable human
factors criteria. This maximizes the flow of useful
information to the operator and minimizes the
probability of human error. Task analysis is
incorporated as a primary design basis.


Characteristics and/or Use


One parameter/meter pointer


Typically status indication

Pen recorders

One parameter history/pen

Control rod position

Light array panels

Indicates rod positions by lighted lights


Driven by the computer, can provide a wide variety of

information as needed

Cathode ray tubes

Alpha numeric

Can quickly present a wide variety of alpha numeric

information as needed


Can quickly present a wide variety of information in

different formats as needed

Visual display panels

Provides a limited number of numeric and;-or

alphanumeric characters by a selective lighting

Horns, buzzers, bells, etc.

Used to attract attention to a significant situation.

Turned off by operator acknowledgement

Annunciator panels

A grouping of status lights to indicate malfunction

conditions. An audible device is often associated with a
group of the lights

Flat panel displays


These devices are similar in use to cathode ray tubes

but they are more rugged and may have less display



Operator Control Placement Controls have

been segregated into operating areas which
optimize the location of frequently used and
important controls thereby more clearly
presenting the operator with the devices he

assist in the response to unlikely significant

malfunctions have been developed and
integrated into the Advanced Control Room.
Power Distribution No single failure in the
power distribution system will result in
degradation of the control area functions, except
for ancillary or nonessential performance
features whose failure would not decrease plant

Safety System Integration Comprehensive

systems to monitor the plants safety and safety
related equipment operability status and to


Characteristics and/or Use


Establish a control status, such as on-off, open-closed, etc.

may be used in combination with other devices and or other
switches for fairly complex control arrangements.

Pistol grip switch

Typically three positions, rotates in plane parallel to board

surface angular position indicates state.


Enters values, used for establishing setpoints, etc.


Serve as switches, may be grouped to establish fairly

complex control arrangements. Often push to change state
and back lighted to show state.

Switch, servo, meter combination

Used to enter values, establishes setpoints, etc. May directly

control a setting, such as a valve position.


May be full typewriter style keyboard or a limited subset.

Usually enters data through a computer or other processor.
It can be very flexible and powerful.

Cathode ray tube devices

Light pen

Usually enters data through a computer or other processor.

It can be flexible and powerful.



Control Centers

Results Center The Results Center provides

a central facility for recording system data. It has
a CRT display with an interactive keyboard that
will allow plant personnel the flexibility to modify
any of the display systems provided by the
computer. The Results Center includes an
engineering station which is capable of
displaying the information from any of the control
center CRT displays, as well as displaying
and/or printing hard copy of the results of special
computer calculations such as the results of
calibrations, and core calculations.

The basic control centers (integrated NSSS/

BOP) which make up the Advanced Control
Room are as follows:
Primary Control Center (PCC) The PCC is
the location for all controls, displays and
instrumentation required for normal power
operation including load follow from hot standby
to 100-percent power. The NSSS and BOP
controls, displays and instrumentation are
integrated into a unified arrangement to optimize
operator understanding of the plant status while
minimizing his movements required for plant
control. The PCC allows for plant operation by
one or two operators from a seated position who
have visual command of the auxiliary control
panels. Graphic displays are available at the
PCC to provide the operator with symbolic flow
charts, parameter trends, alarms, plant status,
safety systems availability, instruction, and other
operational messages for all plant systems
controllable from the control centers.

Supervisor's Center The Supervisor's Center

is located in the control room to give visual
access to the other control centers. It has a CRT
and flat panel readout display capability with
interactive keyboards providing the ability to call
up any display available at the other control

Continued Control Room Evolution

Control rooms are continuing to change as we
learn more about human factors and as new
technology becomes available. As an example,
the detection of and response to malfunctions is
improving significantly as new developments in
the artificial intelligence technology are integrated into the control room. Artificial intelligence
is the art of making a computer system carry out
algorithms so that its operation is somewhat like
a human's thought process.

Auxiliary Control Panels The auxiliary

control panels contain all the controls, displays
and instrumentation less frequently used and not
mounted at the PCC. Included are the safety
systems and functions which are arranged in
stations each dedicated to a single train of
safeguard systems and equipment. Other nontrain-oriented, and other train-related instrumenttation and controls are placed at the trainoriented stations with suitable separation, or at
separate stations. Graphical displays are used
to display the status and performance of the
various safety systems, including the Bypass
and Inoperable Status Indication and Safety
Parameter Display Systems.


Control Room Layout

A typical layout for the ACR (Figure 8-2) locates
the Primary Control Center as the focal point for
plant operation. The auxiliary panels are located


for easy access from the PCC. The Supervisor's

Center is located to afford visual command of
the operating stations. The Results Center can
be located in either the control room, the
computer room, or any other area suitable to the
auxiliary building design.

Prevent violation of a radioactivity control

boundary not compromised by the original

Keep on-site and off-site radiation exposures within acceptable levels.



These two centers are essentially strategic

control rooms for use during an unlikely
significant accident to separate the strategic and
tactical aspects of plant control during the crisis.
The people utilizing these centers are technically
oriented experts who may not have had experience in operating the center. Therefore, these
centers are both natural and easy to use, and
provide a powerful information retrieval, processing, and display capability to support the
experts' analysis.

The On-Site Technical Support Center (OTSC)

and the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)
aid in post-event recovery activities, provide a
powerful plant monitoring capability, and provide
communications with external organizations in
the unlikely event of a significant nuclear
accident. For higher level emergencies and
optionally other emergencies, the management
of the response, monitoring of the situation,
direction of off-site activities, and communication
with external organizations is performed in the

The EOF is the focal point for the management

of the overall emergency response, the
coordination of radiological assessments, and
for the management of recovery operations. The
EOF provides direction in the decision-making
process, to protect the public health and safety,
and to control radiological monitoring teams and
facilities on-site and off-site. As such, the EOF
has the capability to display meteorological data,
radiological data, and plant systems information.

Basically, the OTSC's function is the direction of

recovery activities in the plant and, for emergencies through the alert class, management of
the total response to the accident. As a focal
point for post-accident recovery activities it must
have the capability to display and transmit plant
status information to those technical personnel
who are responsible for engineering support of
recovery. The major functions for which the
OTSC provides direction or a support role
include the following:

Ensure that the plant is in a safe and stable

shutdown condition following an accident.




The man-machine interfaces are designed with

consideration of human characteristics and
existing power industry procedures and practices. Industry-accepted mnemonics, descriptors, and displays are used. The sophisticated
man-machine interface allows the infrequent
user access to information without requiring
special training or instruction. Special displays
and prompting information provided with the
commonly used keys make this possible. The
man-machine interface also allows the
experienced user to access the information of



dent of actions in the Control Room. The

interface of their instrumentation with existing
plant instrumentation will not result in any
degradation of the Control Room, protection
systems, controls, or other plant functions.

interest, without stepping through inter-mediate

displays designed to help the novice user.
The OTSC and EOP have the capability to
access and display plant parameters indepen-



chapter 9
plant computer


Although not absolutely essential to plant

operation, the plant computer is an immensely
powerful tool for providing information organized
in a manner best suited to the operator's needs.
The computer collects data from many locations
within the plant and then processes it to provide
a variety of information:

To enable the operator to have a good

understanding of the plant's operation as he
needs it for making decisions.

To provide a historical record to the plant's

engineering staff to help analyze the plant's
operation and for permanent record

Table 9-1 summarizes the formats available. In

the table, the mimic display is defined as a
display combining a diagrammatic representation of a system and the values of key
parameters in the system. The polar display
format indicates values as the length of spokes
of a wheel, with each value normalized so that
the reference values are all the same for normal
operating conditions.

A key factor in the usefulness of a computer
system is the knowledge and skill needed for an
operator to interact with the computer. The
usefulness increases as the skill and knowledge
required decreases and as the clarity of the
information presented improves. Providing this
extra usefulness requires additional computer
resources and improved computer programs.
This man-machine interface has been improved

The plant interrogates the plant's parameters by:

Analog/digital conversions of signals from a

variety of analog sensors


accumulated to give rates or total values.

The computer can make its information available

through a range of devices in different formats to
present the information in the most useful form.

Information into the Computer

Information from the Computer

Because computers are flexible devices and

because computer technology has been
advancing rapidly, there is a wide range of
computer configurations in the different Westinghouse PWR plants. The computers in the
latest plants are considerably more powerful and
flexible and are more firmly based on human
engineering principles than those in the earliest
plants, and future plants will see a continuation
of this trend. The basic mission and principles
hold for the entire series, even though this
description is based on the computer system of
the mid-1980s.

Data links from other processing devices

Digital inputs, which are scanned either

every second or when one of a group of
contacts changes its state

Information, computer programs, data and

commands can be entered into the plant computer by the operator or programmer by using
keyboards and switches, paper tape readers,
card readers, magnetic tape readers, and
cathode ray tube entry devices such as
interactive keyboards and cursor control devices.

To help analyze malfunctions and help plan

the recovery from significant malfunctions.





Cathode ray tube (CRT)

and flat panel display

Provides quick response and timely

(Figure 9-1)

Pictorially models a system

Aids operator comprehension

Bar chart
(Figure 9-2)

Provides a sense of relative values


Effective method of presenting large quantities

of data

(Figure 9-3)

Aids in comprehension of relationships

Data trends

Aids in comprehension of time related changes

Polar graphical
(Figure 9-4)

Shape changes indicate abnormal situations.

Supports problem diagnosis on the basis of


Combines desired features

Video, hard copier

Same as CRT

Provides a record of CRT displays on demand


Wide variety of alpha

numeric formats

Provides record for length of time desired. Can

provide large volume of data in many formats.

Line printer

Same as typer with high speed

Bell or buzzer


Gains attention

Pen recorder

Data trends

Provides hard copy record of a function's time




Indicates status

Meters and visual

display, panels

A value

Indicates a parameter's value

Magnetic tape

Bit patterns

Compactly stores voluminous information for

later discretionary use



as new computer systems are developed for

plant operation. Some of the improvements are
as follows:

Presents current use information on CRT

displays instead of on printouts.

Provides more effective display format such

as mimic diagrams, graphs, and bar charts.

Provides greater ease of identifying needed

information. Earlier systems used a series of
codes; new systems present selection information on displays so that much information
can be reached by a natural chaining
through displays. The design of the chaining
process is based on human factor principles.


General Service Functions

Introduces operator task analysis as a

means of defining interface needs.

These are functions that are general in nature

and support or interact with the other computer
system functions. They are listed below with
some clarifying comments.

Applies latest human engineering principles

to display designs.



Analog input scanning and conversion.

Contract input scanning.

CRT handling Establishes CRT pictures

and responds to commands entered through
the CRT devices (keyboard, joy stick, etc.).

Sensor calibration A procedure to

establish conversion constants for a sensor.
Periodic and demand logs, including digital
trends Printed values for a group of
variables at specified times that may be
generated on typers, line printers, or CRTs.



Reviews for a group of variables, reports

on a status or condition such as alarm
status, sensor scan status, values, limits,

Change computer tasks or parameters

Such as scan rate or status, alarm limits, log
composition or frequency, program status.

Request data Such as certain calculations

or reports or specific data items.

Data storage and retrieval The automatic

storage of time history data and procedure
for retrieval.

Reactor Control and Protection System

These functions listed below enhance the
reactor control and protection systems by
reporting on their status, by duplicating or
checking some of their calculations and
operations, and by providing a few extra checks.

Reactor coolant average loop temperature


Pressurizer level controller setpoints

Control rod position monitoring and checking

DNB and kw/ft calculation

On-line test results documentation.


These functions provide data about the
operation of the nuclear power plant. A few of
these functions are optional and others could be

Calibration check of power range channel


Reactor protection system monitoring

Reactor dynamic thermal output

Deviation in redundant measurements

Steam generator total thermal output



Unit net efficiency

Tilting factors* (steam generator thermal

output tilt, reactor coolant T's tilt, radial and
axial flux tilt).

Collection and formatting of in-core data

from the movable detector system and incore thermocouples.

INCORE program Performs an operational

core analysis function.

Secondary plant performance calculations.

Large motor monitoring.

Calculation of reactivity conditions and

factors, for the present, the future, and some
operator postulated conditions.

* A tilt is an unbalance in a set of parameters that could be




Malfunction Detection and Response

These functions assist in the detection of malfunctions of various degrees of severity, provide
information needed to analyze a malfunction,
provide information about the ability to respond
to a malfunction, and/or provide assistance in
responding to a malfunction.

Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication

Provides information on the ability of the
safety systems to respond to a significant

Onsite Technical Support Centers and

Emergency Offsite Facility Functions Provides information to these facilities to aid in
the recovery from a significant malfunction.

Post trip review Prints a history of parameter values before and after a trip.

Sequence of events recording.

Alarming Checks for individual parameters

exceeding limits.
Safety Parameter Display System Presents a succinct display account of the
overall plant safety status.



chapter 10
monitoring system


data modules respond with change-of-status

information or transmit radiation data as
requested. To minimize the system response
time, the Communication Console uses a
multiplexing technique to interrogate groups of
data modules simultaneously.

The function of the Radiation Monitoring System

is to monitor radiation levels at selected plant
locations. If these levels exceed predetermined
normal or safe values, alarms are activated and
in some cases automatic protective functions
initiated. Thus the system serves to:

Warn of any radiation health hazard

Give an early warning of a plant malfunction

Initiate automatic protective functions.

The Data Processing Modules receive and count

pulses from radiation detectors. Depending on
the type of monitor application, this data is
displayed as counts per minute, milliroentgens
per hour, or as microcuries per cubic centimeter.
Background radiation is considered in obtaining
an accurate measurement of the sample.

Table 10-1 lists the monitors along with each's

sensitivity range and location in the plant.


The data is stored in the data processing

module memory and can be read out on
command. This local storage of the data protects the DBMS against loss of the data in the
event of a temporary loss of communications to
the Communications Console or minicomputer.

The Westinghouse Digital Radiation Monitoring

System (DBMS) is a distributed microprocessor
based system with local control units linked to
the higher level microprocessor controlled
communications console utilizing a star configuration. The DRMS (Figure 10-1) consists of a
Communications Console, Data Processing
Modules, a Safety Related Display Console,
Radiation Monitors, and an optional Minicomputer.

The Safety Related Display Console (SRDC)

provides remote control and status display of the
safety monitor channels in the control room. The
SRDC panel has a designated display/control
area for each safety channel. Communications
with safety data modules from the SRDC is over
dedicated hard wire. A simplified block diagram
of the safety system is shown in Figure 10-2.

The Communications Console is the central

communications and control unit for the DRMS.
Each radiation monitor data processing module
is linked to the Communications Console, where
monitor status and radiation activity data from all
monitors are displayed on a CRT/keyboard and
remote printer terminal. The Communications
Console can also be linked to an optional
minicomputer for further data processing and

The SRDC has a digital readout panel display

for each channel. In normal use, the readout
continuously displays the radiation activity level
being monitored by its respective detector
channel. By use of a rotary function selector
switch, the readout can be made to display the
channel parameters and setpoints which have
been placed in the memory of the related data
module. A programming switch is also provided
in the SRDC for each safety monitor channel to
allow the operator to alter or adjust the channel

The Communications Console interrogates the

data processing modules in rotation, and the


TABLE 10-1
Item Monitored

Safety Class


Sensitivity Range












Control room

10 to 10 mr/hr



Radio-chemical laboratory

10 to 10 mr/hr



Fuel handling building

10 to 10 mr/hr



Sample room

10 to 10 mr/hr



In-core instrumentation room

10 to 10 mr/hr



Containment access hatch

10 to 10 mr/hr



Decontamination station

10 to 10 mr/hr



Technical support center

10 to 10 mr/hr

Area (high)



10 to 10


Area (low range)



10 to 10 mr/hr

Air particulate (high)

Cat. 2

Plant ventilation

Passive cartridge

Air particulate (low)


Plant ventilation


Iodine (high)

Cat. 2

Plant ventilation

Passive cartridge

Iodine (low)


Plant ventilation


Radioactive gas (high)

Cat. 2

Plant ventilation

5 x 10 to 10 c/cc

Gas (low)


Plant ventilation

5 x 10 to 5 x 10 c/cc

Air particulate


Containment vent




Containment vent


Radioactive gas


Containment vent

5 x 10 to 5 x 10 c/cc

Air particulate


Containment atmosphere




Containment atmosphere

Passive cartridge

Radioactive gas


Containment atmosphere

5 x 10 to 5 x 10 c/cc

Air particulate


Waste solidification




Waste solidification


Radioactive gas


Waste solidification


Radioactive gas


Control room air intake

10 to 10 c/cc



Component cooling water

4 x 10 to 4 x 10 c/cc



Waste liquid

10 to 10 c/cc



Steam generator sample

4 x 10 to 4 x 10 c/cc



Service water

4 x 10 to 4 x 10 c/cc



Steam generator blow down

4 x 10 to 4 x 10 c/cc

Steam line


Main steam line monitor

10 to 10 c/cc

Radioactive gas


Condenser air ejector

5 x 10 to 10 c/cc






to 10 c/cc

to 10 c/cc




to 10 c/cc



to 10 c/cc






to 10 c/cc



to 10 c/cc



to 10 c/cc


to 10 c/cc




















or passively where the cartridge is removed

and monitored in the health physics lab.

parameters or setpoints. Additional switches are

provided to control other functions, such as test,
check source activation, paper advance, etc.
Control of safety channels from the Communication Console is not possible. However,
isolated outputs to the Communication Console
from the safety channels are provided so that
safety-related data can be displayed at the
Communications Console.

These, as the name implies, monitor an area

where personnel access is necessary for
plant operation/maintenance. These monitors utilize radiation detectors which cover
the area in which they are located.

Several types of radiation monitors are used in

the DBMS, depending on the source and
strength of the radiation source.

Air particle monitors

These monitors fall into two categories.

In-line monitors which pass a sample of

gas past a radiation monitor to
determine the level of radioactive gases
present in the sample. This type may be
used in conjunction with an air particle
and/or iodine monitor.

In-vent gas detectors

These monitors are located in the vents and
directly monitor the radiation in the vents.

The above monitors serve various specific

applications and are designed to appropriate
specifications such as safety grade requirements,
seismic qualification, or in the case of liquid
monitors, ASME code requirements. In addition,
the ranges of the monitors are varied to meet
their service requirements, such as post-accident,
wide range, narrow range, or low range. This
building block approach allows the DBMS system
to be tailored to each plant's specific needs.

On-line gas monitors which surround the

pipe carrying the gas, and monitor the
radiation level through the pipe walls.

Iodine monitors
The iodine monitor collects the iodine in a
filter cartridge and either monitors the
radiation level directly via a radiation detector


Liquid monitors
These monitors pass a sample of the liquid
effluent through a sample volume and
monitor the volume with a radiation detector.
The monitors utilize a pump, when necessary, to circulate the liquid where system
differential pressure between inlet and outlet
point is not sufficient.

Gas monitors

Steamline monitor
The steamline monitor is located on the
steam line and monitors the radiation levels
through the steam line walls. Shielding
surrounds the detector.

These monitors pass an air sample through

moving and stationary paper filters. The
moving paper filter moves to a radiation
detector which surveys the collected matter.
Passive monitors may survey the stationary
filter in place or it can be removed and taken
to the health physics laboratory for analysis.

Area monitors


chapter 11
plant electrical systems


power is assured and plant operating safety is


The Electrical System for the power plant is

designed to provide a diversity of reliable power
sources which are physically and electrically
isolated so that any single failure will affect
only one source of supply and will not propagate
to alternate sources. The plant electrical
systems consist of the main power system and
the auxiliary power system. The main power
system is made up of the plant main generator
and the associated controls necessary to
transmit power to the off-site distribution grid.
The auxiliary power system is made up of
sources of power from the off-site main
distribution grid and a supply from the plant main
generator when the main generator is in
operation. These two supplies of electrical
power are normally termed system auxiliary
power and unit auxiliary power, respectively.

The Engineered Safety Features buses are

normally supplied from the system auxiliary
transformers. In the event of total loss of auxiliary
power from off-site sources, auxiliary power
required for safe shutdown will be supplied from
physically and electrically independent diesel
generators located on the site. Each power
source, diesel generator and offsite, up to the
point of connection to the engineered safety
features system power buses, is physically and
electrically independent. Loads important to plant
safety are split and diversified between
independent engineered safety features system
switchgear groups.
Batteries are provided as a source of power for
vital loads.

The system auxiliary power is supplied from

independent and electrically isolated buses of
the off-site main distribution grid. This supply
is transformed to the plant electrical distribution bus voltage, normally 6600 volts, by
one or more system auxiliary transformers.
Likewise, the unit auxiliary power is transformed
from the output of the plant main generator
through the unit auxiliary transformer to the plant
electrical distribution voltage. When the plant is
shut down, all power is taken from the system
auxiliary transformer to provide for plant startup.
When the plant is operating and supplying
power to the main distribution grid and the
unit auxiliary transformer, the plant distribution
buses are split and part are supplied by
the plant's own generator and the other part
are supplied by the system auxiliary transformers. Because plant buses are capable of
receiving power from either of two supplies and
because automatic transfer of supplies is
provided on sensing loss of power, reliability of


The Electrical System is designed to provide a

simple arrangement of buses, requiring a
minimum of switching to restore power to a bus
in the event that its normal power supply is lost.
The basic arrangement of a typical plant
electrical system is shown in Figure 11-1.

6600-VOLT AND 480-VOLT

All of the engineered safety system loads are fed
from two 6600-volt engineered safety features
buses. The larger auxiliaries such as the service
water pumps, centrifugal charging pumps, and
safety injection pumps are fed directly from the
6600-volt buses, while the smaller auxiliaries are
fed from 480-volt unit substations and motor
control centers associated with each 6600-volt
engineered safety features bus. The engineered
safety features buses are normally energized
from system auxiliary transformers.


lators. The controls for the governor, voltage

regulator, generator breaker, and synchronization for each diesel generator are located on
physically separated portions of the main control

The system auxiliary transformers and the

standby diesel generator constitute the normal
and redundant sources of power for the
engineered safety features system.

Each diesel engine's fuel oil system, air starting
system, and the generator output and excitation
systems are equipped with instrumentation to
monitor all important parameters and to
annunciate abnormal conditions.

In the event that sources of normal off-site

generated auxiliary power are lost, the
auxiliaries essential to safe shutdown will be
supplied by the Seismic Class 1 diesel-driven
generators. The typical connection of the diesel
generator standby power to buses of the
engineered safety features electrical system is
indicated in Figure 11-1. Each diesel generator
is designed and installed to provide a reliable
source of redundant on-site generated
emergency power and is capable of supplying
the engineered safety features loads assigned to
the engineered safety features electrical system
bus which it feeds.

Each diesel generator is provided with a fuel oil

day tank and a fuel storage tank. The onsite
supply of fuel for each diesel generator is
sufficient to allow continuous rated load
operation for a minimum of seven days.


The plant is provided with two physically separate and electrically isolated sources of 125volt do power, each with its own battery, battery
charger and distribution bus. Figure 11-1
includes the normal layout of the 125-volt dc
systems. Some plants use four batteries to gain
more diversity.

The diesel generators are provided with statictype brushless excitation and field flashing for
rapid voltage buildup. The generators are
designed to reach rated speed and be ready to
begin accepting load within 10 seconds, and be
capable of carrying rated load within 30 seconds
after receipt of a start signal to the diesel engine.
Loads are automatically sequenced on the
diesel generator buses over a short period of
time to preclude the possibility of overload trip
due to simultaneous starting loads.

The two batteries are housed in separately

ventilated rooms within the auxiliary building and
are provided with reinforced battery racks. The
battery charger associated with each battery is
rated to supply the normal plant do loads while
fully recharging the battery within a twelve-hour

Automatic synchronizing equipment is provided

to permit parallel operation of each diesel with
the normal auxiliary power source during testing
and exercising periods.

The two 125-volt do batteries are sized to carry

the loads for specified time periods. During an
actual failure of normal system ac power, the
diesel generator power supplies will establish
battery charger input within 10 seconds and
thereby reduce the drain on the battery system.

The diesel generators are designed for air-overpiston start and each diesel is provided with
redundant starting air compressors and accumu6863.doc-8/11/2005




During normal operation, the batteries are kept

fully charged by the battery chargers.
Periodically the voltage is raised for equalization
of the charge on the individual battery cells.

the battery is used to provide a backup supply in

the event of loss of three-phase power. The
transfer from the normal to the backup supply is



Each inverter has a 118 volts, single phase,

60 Hz output which feeds its corresponding
instrument bus.

The 118-volt ac instrument power supply is

divided into four buses. These four buses
provide power for reactor protection and
engineered safety features instrumentation and
control channels I, II, III, IV, respectively. Four
instrument inverters furnish power to the four
instrument buses. For diversity, the inverters are
equipped with three-phase semiconductor
rectifiers so that two input supplies can be used.
The rectifier converts three-phase 480 volts ac
power from the engineered safety features bus
to 130 volts do for use as the normal inverter
input. One hundred and twenty-five volts from


Each bus is normally supplied from its

respective inverter. An alternate source is
available for each instrument bus through its
respective 480/120-volt transformer if an inverter
is taken out of service. The alternate sources for
instrument buses are normally from 480-volt
engineered safety features buses through
regulating stepdown transformers. The circuit
breakers feeding the inverter output and the
alternate source to each instrument bus are
mechanically interlocked so that only one of the
two breakers can be closed at any time.


chapter 12
auxiliary cooling systems




The Circulating Water System serves as the

major heat sink for the power plant by providing
large amounts of cooling water for the main
condensers, the Service Water System, the Fire
Protection System, and screen wash system.

The Service Water System supplies all the

cooling water for the plant, including that
required for emergency shutdown. Consequently, high reliability and redundancy is
required. The component cooling water heat
exchangers and other essential equipment
coolers are provided with two cooling water
supplies by loop headers coming from the main
supply header. The nonessential equipment
coolers are fed from separate branch headers
that can be isolated from the main headers
under accident conditions to conserve water.

Depending on the plant, the source of circulating

water may be a river, lake, ocean, or cooling
tower. System design will differ significantly
depending on the water source. The following
describes a system supplied by river water.
Water enters the system through an intake
house which is typically divided into intake bays
to remove debris. Each bay is equipped with bar
grills and two traveling water screens, and
serves one circulating water pump and one
service water pump. Stop logs are provided to
close off the intake bays. These bays may be
dewatered individually for maintenance of
equipment without completely closing off the
circulating water supply to the plant.

A typical system design will provide six pumps,

three each for essential and nonessential service.
The three essential service water pumps for each
unit are typically rated at approximately 20,000
gpm (4500 m3/hr). The pumps are frequently
located in a separate intake house and may take
suction from the several independent sources for
redundancy of supply. The discharge of the
service water pumps passes through two
strainers typically with 1/8-inch (0.3 cm) openings
to a common header.

Circulating water for each main condenser is

supplied by vertical, mixed flow, volute type
circulating water pumps. The pumps take
suction from their individual intake bays
downstream of the traveling screens, and
discharge water through motor-operated valves
into individual discharge lines which combine
into a common discharge line from the main
condenser. If required, part of the discharge
from the condenser can be recirculated to the
intake area for ice melting. Controls, interlocks,
and indicators in the main control room are
provided to enable the operator to modulate the
circulating water pump discharge valves and to
vary the number of pumps in service.


The following is a list of typical components

supplied by the Service Water System:


Component cooling heat exchangers

Containment for ventilation coolers

Diesel generator coolers

Control room air conditioning system


Computer room air conditioning system


Auxiliary building ventilation system cooling


Penetration pressurization air compressor


Containment spray pump diesel engine


Auxiliary building room coolers

Emergency feedwater pump coolers

Turbine island loads


The Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System is
designed to remove residual decay heat
generated by irradiated fuel stored in the spent
fuel pool. The system also maintains the clarity
and purity of the spent fuel cooling water and the
refueling water. The system design considers
the possibility that during the life of the station, it
may become necessary to totally unload a
reactor vessel for maintenance or inspection.
The design incorporates redundant active components. System piping is arranged so that
failure of any pipeline does not drain the spent
fuel pool below the top of the stored fuel

Double isolation valves are provided in the loops

and single isolation valves in each of the feeds
to individual coolers so that the failure of a valve
or a single line break will not jeopardize
essential cooling.
Normal operation requires two pumps with the
third pump serving as a standby. The system
pressure is maintained at 55 to 75 psig (4.8 to
6.2 bar) in the main supply header and the third
pump automatically starts at a header pressure
of 50 psig (4.5 bar).

The cooling loop in the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling

System consists of a pump, heat exchanger,
filter, demineralizer, piping, and associated
valves and instrumentation. The pump draws
water from the pool, circulates it through the
heat exchanger and returns it to the pool.
Component cooling water cools the heat

Cooling water for the essential equipment

coolers is provided by the Essential Service
Water System, a subsystem of the Service
Water System, which under accident conditions
can be isolated from that portion of the Service
Water System serving the nonessential
equipment coolers.

The clarity and purity of the spent fuel pool water

is maintained by passing approximately
100 gpm (23 m /hr) of each loop's flow through a
filter and demineralizer. Skimmers are provided
to prevent dust and debris from accumulating on
the surface of the water.

Detection of leakage which might affect system

operation is provided by means of installed
pressure, temperature, and flow instrumentation
and by sump level indicators in the turbine
building and auxiliary building sumps. With the
exception of the cubicle coolers, system
isolation is provided by means of motoroperated valves. This arrangement allows rapid
isolation of the portion of the system where
leakage is occurring.


The refueling water purification pump and filter

can be used separately or in conjunction with
the spent fuel pool demineralizer to regain
refueling canal water clarity after a crud burst.
This changeover capability is necessary to
prevent loss of time during refueling due to poor
visibility. The system is also used to maintain
water quality in the refueling water storage tank.


chapter 13
fuel handling system


the new fuel elevator and are placed underwater

in the storage racks. During the refueling
operation, the new assemblies are transported
from their storage locations in the pit to the fuel
transfer system by means of the fuel handling
machine and the spent fuel handling tool.

Spent fuel is handled underwater from the time it

leaves the reactor vessel until it is placed in a
cask for shipment from the site. The water
provides an effective, economical, and transparent radiation shield as well as a reliable
medium for decay heat removal. Boric acid is
added to the water to ensure subcritical
conditions during refueling.


The fuel handling facilities (Figures 13-1 and

13-2) are generally divided into two areas: (1)
the refueling cavity and fuel transfer canal,
which are flooded only during the refueling
shutdown, and (2) the fuel storage pit, which is
kept full of water and is always accessible to
operating personnel. These two areas are
connected by the fuel transfer tube through
which an underwater conveyor or fuel transfer
system carries the new fuel into the plant
(reactor) containment and spent fuel into the fuel
handling building.

Fuel handling facilities consist of a refueling

cavity and fuel storage pit as previously defined.

Refueling Cavity
The refueling cavity is a reinforced concrete
structure. When filled with borated water for
refueling, it forms a pool above the reactor. The
cavity is filled to a depth of approximately 24 feet
(731 cm) of water when a fuel assembly is being
transferred between the reactor and the fuel
transfer system. This limits radiation at the
surface of the water to acceptable levels during
those brief periods. Radiation levels as a
function of water depth in the refueling cavity for
a 12-foot (366 cm) active fuel assembly are
given in Table 13-1.

In the refueling cavity, fuel is removed from the

reactor vessel by a refueling machine, transferred through the water, and placed in the fuel
transfer system. In the fuel handling building, the
fuel is removed from the transfer carriage and
placed in storage racks in the fuel storage pit by
using a manually operated spent fuel assembly
handling tool suspended from an overhead
bridge crane. After a sufficient decay period, the
spent fuel can be removed from the fuel racks
and loaded into a shipping cask for removal from
the site.

The reactor vessel flange is permanently sealed

to the refueling cavity floor by means of a
welded stainless steel seal ring (Figure 13-3).
This permanent concrete-to-vessel cavity seal
prevents leakage of refueling water from the
cavity. Cooling air ventilation for the reactor
vessel annulus is routed through the exit
ductwork located below the seal.

New fuel assemblies normally arrive at the site

shortly before refueling is to commence.
Following site receipt inspection to check for any
possible shipping damage, the new assemblies
are lowered into the fuel storage pit by means of


The refueling cavity is large enough to provide

underwater storage space for the reactor upper
and lower internals and for miscellaneous
refueling tools.








Fuel Transfer Canal

interior face is lined with stainless steel plate.

Because there are no gravity drains in the pit, it
cannot be drained accidentally. Cooling to
remove residual decay heat from the spent fuel
is provided by a spent fuel pit cooling and
cleanup system.

The fuel transfer canal is a passageway that

extends from the refueling cavity to the inside
surface of the reactor containment. The canal is
formed by concrete shielding walls extending
upward to the same elevation as the refueling
cavity. A portion of the floor of the canal is at a
lower elevation than the refueling cavity. This
provides the extra depth needed for the fuel
transfer system upending device and the rod
cluster control changing fixture located in the
canal. The transfer tube, which connects the fuel
transfer canal to the fuel handling building, is
sealed at both ends except during refueling.

Spent and new fuel assemblies are handled

manually by a spent fuel assembly handling tool
suspended from an overhead hoist and manipulated by an operator standing on a movable
bridge over the pit.
Fuel assembly storage racks to accommodate a
minimum of 1-1/3 times the number of
assemblies in a core are located on the pit floor.
Fuel assemblies are placed in vertical cells,
continuously grouped in parallel rows on 14-inch
(35.6 cm) centers in both directions (10-1/4 inch
(26 cm) center line spacing is achieved by using
storage cells incorporating a neutron absorber).
The racks are designed to preclude insertion of
fuel assemblies in other than the prescribed
locations, thereby maintaining the necessary
spacing between assemblies. The racks thus
provide a subcritical geometric array. Borated
water is used to fill the pit to a concentration
matching that used in the refueling cavity during
refueling, and to a depth sufficient to allow
transfer of the fuel assemblies while providing
adequate shield water cover.

Fuel Storage Pit

The fuel storage pit provides for the underwater
storage of spent fuel assemblies and new fuel
assemblies in the fuel storage racks. It is constructed of reinforced concrete, and the entire
TABLE 13-1
Water Depth Above Top
of Fuel Assembly*

Radiation Level

9' 6" (289.6 cm)


9' 0" (274.3 cm)


8' 6" (259.1 cm)


8' 0" (243.8 cm)


7' 6" (228.6 cm)


7' 0" (213.4 cm)


6' 6" (198.1 cm)


Decontamination Facilities
Equipment and cask cleaning areas are located
adjacent to the spent fuel storage pit. In the
equipment area, fuel handling equipment and
other tools can be cleaned and decontaminated.
In the cask cleaning area, the outside surfaces
of the cask are decontaminated by using steam,
water, detergent solutions, and manual

* Distance from top of fuel assembly to top of active fuel

length is one foot.



scrubbing to the extent required. When

determined to be clean, the cask is removed by
crane for loading onto a truck or railroad car.

fuel transfer system conveyor carriage. It is a

rectilinear bridge and trolley crane with a
stationary vertical mast extending down into the
refueling water. The bridge spans the refueling
cavity and runs on rails set into the floor along
the edge of the refueling cavity. The bridge and
trolley motions are used to position the vertical
mast over a fuel assembly in the core.

The fuel handling equipment consists of a
number of tools used to open and close the
reactor and to move fuel from one location to
another. These tools are described in the
following paragraphs.

A movable mast with a pneumatic gripper on the

end is lowered down from inside the stationary
mast to grip the fuel assembly. The movable
mast is long enough so that the upper end is still
contained in the stationary mast when the
gripper end contacts the fuel. A winch mounted
on the trolley raises the gripper and fuel
assembly up into the stationary mast. Fuel is
transported by the mast to its new position.

Reactor Vessel Head Lifting Device

The reactor vessel head lifting device consists of
a welded and bolted structural steel frame with
suitable rigging to enable the reactor containment
crane to lift the head and store it during refueling
operations. The lifting device is permanently
attached to the reactor vessel head. Attached to
the head lifting device are the monorail and hoists
for the reactor vessel stud tensioners.

All refueling machine controls are mounted on a

console on the trolley. The bridge is positioned
on a coordinate system laid out on the bridge
and trolley rails. The electrical readout system
on the console indicates the position of the
bridge. The trolley is positioned on the bridge
structure with the aid of a scale, which is read
directly by the operator at the console.

Reactor Internals Lifting Device

The reactor internals lifting device is a structural
frame suspended from the overhead crane. The
frame is lowered onto the top support plate of
the upper internals, and is connected to the
support plate by three breech-lock-type connectors having long tubes extending up to an
operating platform on the lifting device. Bushings
on the frame engage guide studs in the vessel
flange to provide precise guidance during
removal and replacement of the internals
package. The internals lifting device is also used
to remove the lower internals structure approximately once every 10 years.

The refueling machine is supplied with an

electrical monorail hoist mounted above the
bridge walkway for use with long-handled
manual tools. The hoist is suspended from a
beam running the length of the bridge.
The drives for the bridge, trolley, and main boom
winch are variable speed, including a separate
inching control on the winch. The main boom
and trolley drives are variable to 20 feet per
minute, and the bridge drive is variable to 40
feet per minute. The overhead monorail hoist is
driven at two speeds, 7 and 22 feet per minute.

Refueling Machine
The refueling machine transfers fuel assemblies
within the core and between the core and the


Electrical interlocks and limit switches on the

bridge and trolley drives protect the equipment.
In an emergency, the bridge, trolley, and winch
can be operated manually by using a handwheel
on the motor shaft.

used for periodic RCC element inspections and

for transfer of RCC elements from one fuel
assembly to another. The fixture consists of two
main components: a guide tube mounted to the
wall for containing and guiding the RCC
element, and a wheel-mounted carriage for
holding the fuel assemblies and positioning fuel
assemblies under the guide tube. The guide
tube contains a pneumatic gripper on a winch
that grips the RCC element and lifts it out of a
fuel assembly. By repositioning the carriage, a
new fuel assembly is brought under the guide
tube and the gripper lowers and releases the
RCC element. The refueling machine loads and
removes the fuel assemblies into and from the

The suspended weight on the gripper tool is

monitored by an electrical load cell indicator
mounted on the control console. A load in
excess of 110 percent of a fuel assembly weight
automatically stops the winch drive from moving
in the up direction. The gripper is interlocked
through a weight-sensing device and also a
mechanical spring lock so that it cannot be
opened accidentally when supporting a fuel
assembly. Numerous other safety features are
incorporated in the manipulator crane design.

Upper Internals Storage Stand

Suitable restraints are provided between the

bridge and trolley structures and their respective
rails to prevent derailing due to the maximum
potential earthquake. The refueling machine is
designed to prevent disengagement of a fuel
assembly from the gripper under the maximum
potential earthquake.

The upper internals storage stand is a structural

stainless steel fixture mounted to the floor of the
refueling cavity and is used to support the upper
internals structure from its top flange when
removed from the reactor vessel. For alignment
purposes, guide studs are provided to mate with
the bushings on the internals lifting rig. During
refueling, the stand is underwater.

Fuel Handling Machine

The fuel handling machine is a wheel mounted
bridge that spans the fuel storage pit. It carries
an electric monorail hoist on an overhead
structure. Fuel assemblies are moved within the
fuel pit by means of long-handled tools
suspended from the hoist. Both the bridge and
the hoist drives can operate at two speeds. The
hoist travel and tool length are designed to limit
the maximum lift of a fuel assembly to a safe
shielding depth.

Reactor Vessel Stud Tensioner

Stud tensioners are employed to release and
secure the head closure joint at every refueling.
The stud tensioner is a hydraulically operated
device that uses oil as the working fluid. The
device permits preloading and unloading of the
reactor vessel closure studs at cold shutdown
conditions. Three tensioners are provided and are
applied simultaneously to three studs located 120
degrees apart. A single hydraulic pumping unit
operates the tensioners which are hydraulically
connected in series. The studs are tensioned to
their operational load in three steps to prevent

Rod Cluster Control Changing Fixture

The rod cluster control (RCC) changing fixture is
mounted on the fuel transfer canal wall and is


A demineralized water reservoir, mounted in the

same power package, supplies replacement
water for any leakage passed through the
graphitar seals. The reservoir is connected to
the plant demineralized water supply through a
float valve for automatic refilling as needed. A
separate power unit package is supplied for
each of the two hydraulic cylinders.

high stresses in the flange region and unequal

loadings in the studs. Relief valves on each
tensioner prevent overtensioning of the studs due
to excessive pressure; micrometers are provided
to measure stud elongation after tensioning.

Stud Tensioner Handling Device

The stud tensioner handling device is used to
suspend the stud tensioner from the support
structure on the reactor vessel head lifting rig
during installation or removal of the reactor
vessel studs.

The conveyor car container accepts a fuel

assembly in the vertical position. It is rotated to a
horizontal position for passage through the fuel
transfer tube and is then rotated to a vertical
position for unloading. The upending operation
is the same in both the fuel building and the
containment transfer canals.

Fuel Transfer System

The fuel transfer system incorporates an
underwater conveyor car that runs on tracks
extending from the fuel transfer canal through
the transfer tube in the containment wall and into
the fuel building. The car is driven by a pusher
arm connected to two continuous roller chains.
The roller chains are driven by an electric motor
mounted near the operating floor of the fuel
storage pit and connected to the chain drive
sprockets by a vertical drive shaft.

During plant operation the conveyor car is stored

in the fuel building. A gate valve in the transfer
tube on the fuel building end is closed to seal
the reactor containment. The terminus of the
tube inside the containment is sealed by a blind

Control Rod Drive Shaft

Unlatching Tool
The control rod drive shafts are disconnected
and reconnected to the rod cluster control
assemblies by means of the control rod drive
shaft unlatching tool. This tool is suspended
from the auxiliary hoist on the refueling machine
and is operated from the bridge. The latching
mechanism is pneumatically operated. All drive
shafts are removed as a unit with the reactor
vessel upper internals.

Two center-pivoted fuel assembly containers

(Figure 13-4) are attached to the transfer car by
means of the pivot. The containers and car
travel as a single unit, and the unit is positioned
against a mechanical stop. The containers are
raised against another mechanical stop by a
lifting arm attached to one of two stationary
water hydraulic cylinders. The two hydraulic
cylinders, one located in the refueling cavity
and the other in the fuel building, are operated
by a hydraulic power unit mounted at the
operating deck level. The power unit is a
positive displacement pump driven by an
electric motor.

Spent Fuel Assembly Handling Tool

This tool is used to handle new and spent fuel in
the fuel storage pit. It consists of a gripping
device on the end of a long tube suspended

from the fuel pit auxiliary hoist. An operator on

the fuel handling machine bridge guides and
operates the tool.

radioactive, it must be handled remotely. The

guide is placed in the fuel assembly top nozzle
to guide the source rod into the proper thimble.

Rod Cluster Control Thimble Plug

Handling Tool

Burnable Poison Rod Assembly

Handling Tool

This long-handled, manually operated tool is

used in the fuel transfer canal to remove and
replace thimble plugs in fuel assemblies. When
an RCC element is being transferred from one
fuel assembly to another, a thimble plug is
inserted in the fuel assembly from which the
RCC was removed.

This long-handled tool is used to transfer

burnable poison rod assemblies between two
fuel assemblies or a fuel assembly and inserts in
fuel storage racks.

Primary Source Rod Insertion Guide

This long-handled tool is used to reach down

through openings in the reactor lower internals
flange to remove the irradiation surveillance
capsules from holders mounted on the neutron

Irradiation Surveillance Capsule

Handling Tool

This is a disposable guide used to install the

primary startup neutron sources in the fuel
assembly. Because the primary source is



New Rod Control Cluster Handling Tool

Guide Studs

This short-handled tool is used for the handling

of new unirradiated rod control clusters in the
fuel building and to facilitate inspection and
insertion of new rod control clusters into new
fuel elements.

Three guide studs are inserted into the reactor

vessel flange in vacated stud holes during
refueling. The studs guide the closure head off
and onto the vessel and the internals into and
out of the vessel.

Load Cell

New Fuel Assembly Handling Fixture

A load cell is inserted between the polar crane

hook and the reactor internals lifting rig and
between the polar crane hook and the head
lifting rig to monitor the lifting force during
removal of the internals and the head.

This short-handled tool is used to handle new

fuel on the operating deck of the fuel building, to
remove the new fuel from the shipping
container, and to facilitate inspection and
loading of fuel into the new fuel elevator.

Crane Scales
Control Rod Drive Shaft Handling Fixture
The crane scales are load-measuring devices
used to monitor the lifting forces of long-handled
tools during refueling operations.

This fixture is used during construction of the

plant for initial installation of the control rod drive

Refueling Machine Load Test Fixture

Stud Hole Plugs

The load test fixture is a stainless steel mockup

of the fuel assembly top nozzle anchored to the
refueling cavity floor. The test fixture is used to
check out the refueling machine prior to

Unthreaded side-sealing stainless steel stud

hole plugs are used to prevent refueling water
from entering the reactor vessel closure stud
holes. The expanding seal plug is placed into
the counterbored upper portion of the stud hole
with a handling tool. The plug is then
mechanically expanded to force the dual
elastomer seal rings against the counterbored
stud hole wall to make the watertight seal. This
sealing method eliminates the potential for
galling of the stud hole threads.

New Fuel Elevator and Winch

The new fuel elevator and winch are used to
lower new fuel assemblies to the bottom of the
spent fuel pit, either for temporary storage in the
fuel racks or placement in the transfer system
for transfer to the reactor. The elevator is a boxshaped assembly with its top open and sized to
house one fuel assembly.

Stud Hole Plug Handling Fixture

Underwater Lights
This is a small tool used to insert the stud hole
plugs into the reactor vessel stud holes following
stud removal.

An assembly of cable, cable reel, and underwater light fixtures is provided for illumination of

Immediately prior to each refueling operation,

the equipment is inspected for satisfactory
operating condition. Certain components, such
as the fuel transfer car and refueling machine,
are operated at this time to test their
performance prior to moving irradiated fuel.

the underwater working area. The cable reels

are supported on the refueling machine or fuel
handling machine.

Irradiation Tube End Plug Seating Jack

The seating jack consists of a rectangular frame,
a hydraulic cylinder which threads into the
frame, and a hand pump connected to the
cylinder by a flexible hose. When the cylinder is
energized, the jack applies downward force on
the irradiation capsule to seat the capsule end
plug in the specimen guide adapter.

Direct communication between the control room

and the refueling machine should be available
whenever changes occur in core geometry. This
provision allows the control room operator to
inform the refueling machine operator of any
impending unsafe condition detected from the
main control board indicators during fuel


The refueling operation is divided into five major

phases: preparation, reactor disassembly, fuel
handling, reactor reassembly, and preoperational checks, tests, and startup. The estimated
refueling manhours required are listed in Table
13-2. A general description of a typical refueling
operation through the five phases is given in the
following paragraphs.

The reactor is generally refueled by plant operating personnel. To perform the fuel handling
operation, one supervisor and six technicians
are necessary for each shift. Maintenance
personnel are also employed to provide labor
support during various phases of the refueling
operation. This manpower requirement only
applies to the fuel handling operation. Other
plant and maintenance work in progress will
require additional personnel. Licensed operators
must also be in attendance in the control room,
and health physics coverage is required.

Phase I Preparation

Detailed instructions are made available for use

by refueling personnel. These instructions,
safety limits and conditions, and the design of
the fuel handling equipment incorporate built-in
interlocks and safety measures.


Phase II Reactor Disassembly

Prior to initial fueling, preoperational checkouts

of the fuel handling equipment are performed to
verify the proper performance of the fuel
handling equipment and to familiarize plant
operating personnel with operation of the
equipment. A dummy fuel assembly and RCC
are utilized for this purpose.

The reactor is shut down and cooled to

ambient conditions.
A radiation survey is made, and the
containment is entered.
The fuel transfer equipment and refueling
machine are checked out.


The control rod drive mechanism cooling

fans and air ducts are disconnected and
moved to storage.*

* These operations are eliminated or simplified if the

integrated reactor vessel head package is used.


TABLE 13-2
Estimated (Hours)


Remove CRDM fans and cooling ducts **


Remove missile shield **

Remove RV head insulation


Remove seismic tie rods

Disconnect CRDM cables **


Disconnect thermocouples

Remove cable tray and missile shield ** support beams


31 (9)*

124 (36)*

Install guide studs and plugs

Install head lift rig **

Remove RV head assembly

Disconnect control rod drive shafts


Remove upper internals


Fuel shuffle



Reconnect control rod drive shafts



Replace RV head assembly


Remove head lift rig

Remove guide studs and plugs

45 (11)*

180 (44)*

Connect cable tray and missile ** shield support beams


Connect thermocouples



Connect CRDM cables **



Connect seismic tie rods


Install RV head insulation


Install missile shield **


Install CRDM fans and duct work**





Detension and remove studs **

Install and tension studs


* Improved Head Closure System values

** These operations are eliminated or simplified if the integrated reactor vessel head package is used.









Control rod drive mechanism missile shield

is removed and stored.*
Reactor vessel head insulation is
Control rod drive mechanism cables are
Upper instrumentation thermocouple leads
are disconnected. The thermocouple
column protective sleeve is installed over
the top of the support column.
Seismic support tie bars, cable tray*
assembly, and missile shield support
beams are removed.
In-core instrumentation thimble guides are
disconnected at the seal table and
Reactor vessel head nuts are loosened
using the stud tensioners.
Reactor vessel head studs and nuts are
removed and stored.
Guide studs are installed in three stud
holes. The remainder of the stud holes are
Vessel head lifting rig tripod is installed*
while final preparations are made for
underwater lights, tools, and fuel transfer
system. The blind flange of the tube
enclosing the fuel transfer tube is
Reactor vessel head is unseated and
raised by the plant crane.
Reactor cavity is filled with borated water
to the vessel flange.
Head is slowly lifted while water is pumped
into the cavity. The water level and vessel
head are raised simultaneously, keeping
the water level just below the head.
Reactor vessel head is removed to a dry
storage area.

(16) Control rod drive shafts are unlatched

using the drive shaft unlatching tool. A
check is made to ensure that the drive
shafts are fully disconnected from the
RCC. The control rod drive shafts remain
with the reactor vessel upper internals.
(17) Reactor internals lifting rig is lowered into
position over the guide studs by the plant
crane. The rig is then secured to the
support plate of the upper internals
(18) Reactor vessel upper internals and control
rod cluster drive shafts are lifted out of the
vessel and stored in the underwater
storage stand in the refueling cavity.
(19) Fuel assemblies and control rod clusters
are now free from obstructions and are
ready to be removed from the reactor core.

Phase III Fuel Handling






* These operations are eliminated or simplified if the

integrated reactor vessel head package is used.


Refueling sequence is started with the

refueling machine.
Machine is positioned over a fuel assembly
in the most depleted region of the core.
Fuel assembly is lifted to a predetermined
height sufficient to clear the reactor vessel
and still have sufficient water covering it to
prevent any radiation hazard to the
operating personnel.
Refueling machine is moved to line up the
fuel assembly with the fuel transfer
Fuel transfer carriage is moved into the
fuel transfer canal from the fuel building. In
one of the containers is a fresh fuel
assembly; the second container is empty.
Fuel assembly containers are tipped
upright by the hydraulically operated lifting
Refueling machine loads the spent fuel
assembly into the empty fuel assembly









(22) New fuel assemblies are loaded into the

proper region of the core.

container of the carriage and then unloads

the fresh fuel assembly and returns to the
Containers are lowered to the horizontal
position by the lifting arm.
Carriage is moved through the fuel transfer
tube to the fuel building.
Fuel assembly containers are tipped
upright. A new assembly brought from its
storage location is loaded into the empty
fuel assembly container.
Spent fuel assembly is unloaded by the
long-handled tool attached to the fuel
handling machine hoist.
Fuel assembly container is lowered to the
horizontal position and the conveyor car is
moved back into the containment.
Meanwhile, the refueling machine has
moved another spent fuel assembly with
an RCC assembly into the RCC change
Refueling machine takes the fresh fuel
assembly, which is to receive an RCC,
from the fuel transfer basket and places it
in the RCC change fixture.
RCC change fixture removes the RCC
assembly from the spent fuel.
RCC assembly is placed in the fresh fuel
Spent fuel assembly is removed from the
RCC change fixture and placed in one of
the fuel assembly containers.
Fresh fuel assembly with RCC assembly is
taken by the refueling machine to the core.
Fuel assembly containers are lowered to
the horizontal position by the lifting arm.
Carriage is moved through the fuel transfer
tube to the fuel building to continue the
fueling process.
Partially spent fuel assemblies are moved
from one region to another region of the
reactor core.


(23) Applicable RCC and thimble plug shuffling

is done with the manipulator crane, RCC
changing fixture, and thimble plug handling

Phase IV Reactor Reassembly


Fuel transfer tube gate valve is closed.


Old O-rings are removed from the reactor

vessel head, the grooves cleaned, and
new rings installed.


Reactor vessel upper internals are placed

in the vessel by the polar crane. The
reactor vessel internals lifting rig is
removed and stored.


Control rod drive shafts are latched to the

rod cluster control assemblies.


Reactor vessel head is picked up by the

plant crane and positioned over the reactor


Reactor vessel head is slowly lowered.

Simultaneously, the water level is kept just
below the head.


When the head is about 1 foot above the

vessel flange, the refueling cavity is
completely drained and the flange surface
is cleaned.


Reactor vessel head is seated.


Reactor vessel head lifting rig tripod is

removed* and the cavity is decontaminated.

(10) Stud hole plugs and guide studs are

(11) Head studs and nuts are installed and

* The integrated reactor vessel head package eliminates or

simplifies these operations.


The new fuel elevator, located on the side of the

spent fuel canal, is used to lower new fuel
assemblies down into the canal. Following
receipt inspection, a new fuel assembly is
placed in the elevator using a short-handled tool
suspended from a hoist. The elevator is then
lowered into the canal where the spent fuel
handling tool is attached and the new fuel
assembly is transferred to a storage cell where it
remains until transferred into the reactor

(12) Blind flange is installed to close the

containment side of the fuel transfer tube.
(13) Vessel head insulation and instrumentation
are installed.*
(14) Missile shield support beams and cable
trays are installed.*
(15) Control rod drive mechanisms are checked
out for proper operation.
(16) Control rod drive missile shield is
(17) Electrical leads and cooling air ducts are
(18) In-core instrumentation thimble guides are
inserted into the core and sealed at the
seal table.
(19) Hydrostatic test is performed on the
reactor vessel.

Common Refueling Equipment

The refueling operation contributes significantly
to the radiation exposure of plant personnel and
to plant downtime. For these reasons, some
utilities have elected to add capital equipment to
achieve operational advantages. The four most
common additions are the improved reactor
vessel head closure system, the integrated
reactor vessel head package, the quick-opening
transfer tube closure, and the SIGMA
manipulator crane.

Phase V Preoperational Checks,

Tests, and Startup
Preoperational physics tests are performed as


Improved Reactor Vessel Head Closure


New fuel handling involves (1) unloading the

new fuel shipping containers from the transport
vehicle and storing the containers in the fuel
building, (2) removing new fuel from the shipping
containers, (3) inspecting and storing the new
fuel, and (4) maintaining security of the new fuel.
A typical fuel shipment on a flat bed trailer
consists of six containers; a piggyback rail
shipment would carry two such flat bed trailers.
Two fuel assemblies are shipped per container.
They are secured to a shock-mounted strongback, located inside the container, and are
shipped in the horizontal position.

The improved pressure vessel head closure

system significantly reduces the time required to
tension/detension and remove/insert the vessel
studs during the refueling operation.
The system includes:

* The integrated reactor vessel head package eliminates or

simplifies these operations.


A quick-acting stud tensioning device with a

high-capacity hydraulic control cart to speed
up the tensioning operation.

An improved radial arm hoist to position

studs and stud tensioners radially and

A motor-driven stud removal tool.

Stud support collars to permit lifting of the

studs with the head.

control (RCC) change fixture to facilitate

removal/insertion with a long tool. By providing
the capability for the handling of thimble plugs
and RCCAs in the mast, Westinghouse has
eliminated the need for the machine to travel to
and from the fuel transfer system upender or the
RCC change fixture, the long-handled tool
operations, and the need for fuel retrieval.

Integrated Reactor Vessel Head Package

The integrated reactor vessel head package is a
system that combines the head lifting rig,
seismic platform, lift columns, reactor vessel
missile shield, control rod drive mechanism
(CRDM), forced-air cooling system, and
electrical and instrumentation cable routing into
a single, efficient design package. This system
eliminates removal and replacement of the
CRDM cooling system, the CRDM missile
shield, and the head lifting rig.


During refueling, the reactor cavity water often
becomes turbid, which makes it difficult to
observe the removal and replacement of fuel
assemblies. This turbidity is caused by the
dislodgment of particles when the cavity is
flooded. The Reactor Cavity Filtration System
was developed to counteract this problem. The
system is effective in clarifying cavity water
overnight and maintaining clarity for the duration
of the refueling operation.

Quick-Opening Transfer Tube Closure

The fuel transfer system utilizes a blind flange
closure on the reactor containment end of the
transfer tube. This flange is attached to the tube
by bolts which must be removed and reinstalled
for each refueling.

The Reactor Cavity Filtration System consists

basically of a stainless steel pump, its motor,
and four stainless steel filter housings.

A quick-opening transfer tube closure was

developed to reduce both the time needed for
this task and radiation exposure. This quickopening transfer tube closure is flange locked
and held in place by toggle mechanisms
actuating a series of radial latches. It replaces
the old-style blind flange. The assembly is held
by a davit for pivoting and raising when the
transfer tube is being opened.

The pump is a 250-gpm (16 I/sec), centrifugal,

self-priming stainless steel model with special
seals which are resistant to boric acid attack and
powered by a 7.5-hp electric motor. The pump
and motor are mounted on a common base with
the inlet and outlet having flanged connections.
The pump and motor unit is easily transportable
through the personnel access hatch.


The filter unit consists of four filter housings,
valves, and associated piping mounted on a
common base. The layout of this assembly is
such that each filter housing can be isolated
from the system for filter cartridge replacement
while the system remains in operation.

When thimble plugs and rod cluster control

assemblies (RCCAs) are changed from one fuel
assembly to another with a standard refueling
machine, the fuel assemblies are placed in the
fuel transfer system upender or rod cluster


chapter 14
waste processing systems


The Waste Processing Systems process liquid,

gaseous, and solid plant effluents during power
operation and plant shutdowns. The systems
consist of the Liquid Waste Processing System,
the Waste Gas Processing System, and the
Solid Waste Processing Systems.

After collection, some wastes are processed for

disposal; most are processed through the waste
evaporators or the reverse-osmosis package.
Sample analysis is performed and the wastes
are either recycled for reuse or disposed of

The Liquid Waste Processing System is designed

to collect, process, monitor, and recycle for reuse
the liquid waste effluents generated during
various plant operations. The Waste Gas
Processing System stores waste gases for fission
product decay and eventual release. Wastes
which cannot be recycled and must be disposed
of safely are volume reduced and packaged for
disposal by the Solid Waste Systems.

The system design incorporates features

specifically aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of plant operation. In addition, the
design provides adequate processing capacity
to accommodate unforeseen occurrences of
high liquid waste leakage. Sufficient capacity,
redundancy, and flexibility provide a wide range
of operability.





The Gaseous Waste Processing System (Figure

14-2) receives noble fission gases which have
been stripped from the reactor coolant through
the use of hydrogen gas as a carrier. The
stripping of the fission gases by hydrogen
reduces the fission gas concentration in the
reactor coolant to a low residual level. This
minimizes the release of radioactive gases
during maintenance operations on the Reactor
Coolant System (RCS) or through unavoidable
equipment leaks in the RCS.

The Liquid Waste Processing System (Figure

14-1) is provided for use in the processing and
handling of radioactive wastes generated during
various modes of plant operation. The system is
designed to receive, segregate, process, monitor,
and recycle for reuse all primary system waste
effluents. The system is designed so that tritiumcontaining water can be segregated from nontritium-containing water and includes a separate
laundry waste treatment system, thus allowing for
easy tritium control. In addition, provisions are
made to handle spent regenerant chemicals from
decontamination of spent fuel shipping casks.

The system consists of a waste gas dryer,

charcoal adsorption beds, guard beds, a
charcoal fines filter, a surge tank, and recycle
line compressors. The hydrogen carrier gas from
the volume control tank (part of the Chemical
and Volume Control System) first enters the
refrigerated waste gas dryer which cools the
hydrogen purge stream and condenses and
removes the water vapor. The dried gas then
flows to the guard beds which protect the

The system consists of several waste holdup

and collection tanks, corresponding pumps,
waste evaporators, demineralizers, filters,
monitors, and associated piping. Liquid wastes
from floor drains, laundry, hot showers,
laboratory rinses, equipment drains, and the like
are collected in their respective holdup tanks.


high speed, higher shear mixing of the waste

with cement to achieve solidification. For
combustible plant wastes, the radwaste
incinerator utilizes a controlled air incineration

contamination. The flow is then routed through

the charcoal adsorption tanks where the noble
fission gases contained in the waste stream are
absorbed. Xenon-133 is delayed for a period of
60 days, after which time the concentration of
xenon in the exiting hydrogen stream is
negligible. The system is designed to also delay
krypton-85 for 3 days.

Volume reduction of concentrated evaporator

bottoms, which may include boric acid wastes,
laundry wastes, chemical wastes, and other floor
drain wastes, is accomplished in the Radwaste
Volume Reduction System (Figure 14-3). The
major components of the system are the
crystallizer chamber and recirculation system,
condenser, and vacuum pump system. The
crystallizer chamber consists of a conical tank
and an inner circular baffle to separate solid
crystals from a clear recycle stream.

The hydrogen carrier gas experiences no delay;

it passes through the charcoal beds to the plant
vent. The recycle line compressors provide the
system with the capability to process gases from
other areas of the plant by routing the gases to
the volume control tank for processing. In
addition, the compressors may be used for
hydrogen gas recycle where its use is
economically justified.

Combustible wastes such as clothing, filter

cartridges, wood, and the like are volume
reduced in the Radwaste Incinerator (Figure


The solid Waste Processing Systems include
the Radwaste Volume Reduction/Solidification
System and the Radwaste Incinerator. The
systems reduce in volume and solidify low level
radioactive plant wastes to prepare them for
safe storage and/or disposal.

Solidification of the volume-reduced wastes and

other low-level radioactive wastes, such as
spent resins and contaminated tools, is
performed in the Cement Solidification System
(Figure 14-5). The major components of the
Cement solidification System include the high
shear radwaste mixer, waste dispensing system,
flushwater recycle steam, cement storage and
feed system, and the container handling system.

The Radwaste volume Reduction/solidification

System employs a vacuum cooled crystallization
process to effect volume reduction, coupled with













chapter 15
and related systems


turbinegenerator systems over a load range of 600
megawatts to 1500 megawatts in three- and
four-cylinder configurations for any light water
reactor. Described in this chapter is the fourcylinder, tandem compound six-flow nuclear
turbine-generator (Figure 15-1) for a four-loop
Westinghouse PWR nuclear power plant. The
turbine-generator can produce up to approximately 1500 MWe with 45-inch last-row blades.

Steam from the secondary side of the steam

generator of the nuclear steam supply system
enters the high-pressure element of the
turbine-generator, exits to the moisture separator-reheaters and then enters the lowpressure elements. The steam by rotating the
blades of the turbine elements (cylinders)
rotates the shaft of the generator. The generator produces the electric power of the power



Crossover pipes return the steam through the

reheat stop and interceptor valves to the three
low-pressure turbines.

chapter 15.1
main turbine

The crossunder and crossover pipes are

provided with diaphragm-link, hinge-type expansion joints. These joints absorb the differential
pipe movements, utilizing axial pressure load
carrying links in conjunction with flat plate

The typical main turbine shown in Figure 15.1-1
is a four cylinder 1800 rpm unit with tandemcompound six-flow exhaust and 45inch last row
blades. This configuration is used typically for
ratings in the 1300 to 1500 MWe range. The
main turbine consists of one double-flow highpressure element (cylinder) in tandem with three
double-flow low-pressure elements. Combination moisture separator-reheater assemblies are
provided between the high- and low-pressure
elements to dry and superheat the steam.
Different ratings are obtainable using four-flow
exhaust configurations.

Each low-pressure turbine is a double-flow

element employing reaction blading. Steam
enters at the center of the blade path, through
steam inlets located at the side and below the
horizontal joint, flows through the blading to an
exhaust opening at each end, then downward to
the condenser. Openings are provided in the
cylinders through which steam may be extracted
for feedwater heating.

The high-pressure turbine is a double-flow
element with an impulse control stage followed
by reaction blading in each end of the element.
The steam enters the high-pressure element
through two steam chests, one located on each
side of the high-pressure element. Each steam
chest contains two throttle-stop valves and two
governing valves. The governing valve outlets
are connected to the high-pressure element
through four inlet pipes, each of which connects
to a nozzle chamber enclosed within the highpressure element. Two of these inlet connections are in the base and two are in the cover.
The steam flows axially in both directions from
the nozzle chambers, through the control stage
and reaction blading to the six exhaust openings
(three at each end) two in the cylinder base and
one in the cover, then through the crossunder
piping to the moisture separator-reheaters.


The main turbine is provided with two steam

chest assemblies, one located on each side of
the high-pressure turbine. Each assembly
consists of two throttle-stop valves and two
governing valves. Each valve is controlled by the
Digital Electro-Hydraulic governing system
through an individually operated valve actuator.
These assemblies are isolated from the highpressure cylinder and are anchored to the

The double-flow, high-pressure turbine element
(cylinder) combines separate nozzle chambers
and separate blade rings for high reliability,
reaction blading, spring-back seals and effective
moisture removal for improved efficiency.


In the double-flow low-pressure turbine element

(Figure 15.1-2), where potential temperature
differentials are the highest in the unit,
temperature gradients are taken across a
combination of separate inner cylinder and
separate stationary blade rings, thereby
increasing reliability by reducing thermal stress
on the cylinder. Aero-dynamically designed
blade shapes, effective moisture removal, and
spring-back seals increase efficiency. Interchangeable rotors and rapid disassembly


carry the main oil pump and over-speed trip


features increase serviceability. The Westinghouse low-pressure turbine element may be

operated with a slight reduction in load at
exhaust pressures as high as eight inches HgA
during emergency operations.

The low-pressure turbine rotors (Figure 15.1-3)

are of the fully integral design, that is, the discs
are integrally forged with the rotor body. The
discs are then machined from the forging to their
final configuration.

The high-pressure turbine rotor is machined
from an alloy steel forging. A separate extension
shaft is bolted to the governor end of the rotor to

All rotors are finish-machined and after being

completely bladed, are given a running test and
an accurate dynamic balance test.


Flanged, rigid-type couplings are used to

connect the rotors of the high-pressure, No. 1
low-pressure, No. 2 low-pressure, No. 3 lowpressure turbines, and the generator. The
rotating element thus formed is supported by ten
journal bearings and is located axially by the
thrust bearing mounted at the governor end of
the No. 2 low-pressure turbine.
The low-pressure rotors are interchangeable
because of tolerance control achieved in

steel, eliminating fabrication and welding to

ensure overall quality and uniformity. The control
stage design provides part-load heat rate
benefits that sequential valve operation allows.
The reaction blading provides overall heat rate
advantages, compared to impulse blading,
particularly in
performance. The lower turning angles in the
reaction blade path minimize the tendency to
accumulate deposits which can affect basic
performance. Also, the reaction blade path
design allows more liberal initial seal clearances,

manufacturing combined with specially engineered clearances in critical areas. Therefore,

spare rotors can be made available to reduce
service outage time.

The high-pressure blade path consists of a
double-flow control stage followed by doubleflow reaction blading. The integral-shroud
control stage blades are electro-discharge
machined from a solid block of high strength



which in conjunction with the use of spring-back

seals, enhances the ability of the turbine to
maintain initial efficiency over a longer period of

The microprocessor-based electronic controller

computes signals comparing turbine speed and
first-stage pressure with reference values
established by the dispatcher or initiated at the
operator's panel. The control signal is
transmitted to the electro-hydraulic actuator on
the main steam governing valves and reheat
steam intercept valves. The high-pressure
hydraulic fluid system provides the power for all
turbine steam control valve electro-hydraulic
actuators, and positions the governing and
interceptor valves in response to the electric
control signals from the electronic controller.

The low-pressure turbine blade path consists of

double-flow reaction blading with endurancestrength margins designed to accommodate
high exhaust pressure operation. The use of
three-dimensional flow field analysis and
extensive laboratory, shop and field testing
assure uniform steam flow distribution, high
efficiency airfoil shapes, and verified endurancestrength margins. Highly effective moisture
removal provisions result in improved cycle
efficiency and minimization of blade erosion. As
in the high-pressure turbine, all seals between
rotating and stationary parts are segmental
radial spring-back type which result in a high
degree of sustained efficiency and reliable

The Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control System


Wide range speed control of the turbine

from turning gear to rated speed. This
control is accomplished by increasing the
speed demand (reference) to bring shaft
speed to its rated value at a controlled
selectable rate. The resolution of this
controller is 2 rpm.


After generator breaker closure, the ability

to increase or decrease electrical load at a
controlled selectable rate. The resolution
of this controller is 0.5 percent load. Function generators in the turbine valve circuits
permit either single or sequential valve


The ability to control phases (1) and (2)

above, via optional remote equipment
(digital computers, automatic synchronizers, automatic dispatch systems, etc.).


A manual raise-lower backup system to

position the turbine valves in the case of a
system contingency.

The turbine is equipped with a Digital ElectroHydraulic Control System (Figure 15.1-4)
consisting of a microprocessor-based electronic
controller and a high-pressure fire resistant fluid






Bumpless transfer circuits to allow mode

changes without bumping the turbine.

The Digital Electro-Hydraulic Master Control
System (DEHM) controls the entire turbine and
generator operation, monitors auxiliary equipment and can record data on magnetic storage
tape. DEHM has automatic turbine control which
includes the turbine master control panel
module. It displays important data on a colorgraphic CRT and has the capability for a direct
or modem digital link for use with other
computers. It consists of two separate base auto
controllers which duplicately receive inputs from
transducers, panel pushbuttons, and process
relay contacts. Identical protective algorithms
are independently executed and protective
action is taken when either controller detects the
need, thereby providing redundant protection.
Control is performed only by the auto controller
in command and results in a set of control output
data. The standby auto controller carries out
control output reasonability and system integrity
checks and is ready for control transfer at all
times. There are dual communication buses
which are used to transmit data among the auto
controllers, the valve servo drivers, and the
overspeed protection controller (OPC) channels.
(Figure 15.1-5).

zation to load changes after the turbine is on

line. It controls valve changes and monitors
output power, the power factor, and speed to
ensure that the limits of the generator are not
The DEHM monitors rotor stress during
operation. It maintains a dynamic temperature
model of the high-pressure rotor first stage
section, calculates present and anticipated rotor
bore stresses, compares rotor stresses against
their limits, and calculates rotor stress margins
to determine permissible load changes. The
DEHM informs the operator of problems in the
rotor and calculates the expected rotor cycle life.

Operator's Panel
A typical operator's panel for the base system
controller is shown in Figure 15.1-6. The panel
consists of the following modules:


Auto Control

Manual Control

Maintenance and Test


The two speed channels and OPC redundantly

provide OPC alarm (103%), OPC trip (110%),
and fast valving functions. They interact directly
with the valve servo drivers and communicate
their status to the auto controllers.

The master controller (Figure 15.1-7) includes

the automatic turbine control (ATC), a colorgraphic CRT and optional interfaces such as for
a plant master controller. The colorgraphic CRT
uses graphic color displays to present information to the operator in a readable and
understandable manner.

The DEHM supervises all turbine-generator

operation from checking the bearing oil pump
before startup, through startup and synchroni-

Normally, the operator controls the unit in the

automatic turbine control mode while supervising the operation via the colorgraphics CRT.



Unit operation may also be controlled in the auto

control mode. In this mode the operator uses the
CRT and auto control module to select speed or
load demand, rate of change, limits, control
modes, etc. In addition, calculated and
measured data can be displayed on operator
The manual mode of control provides simple
direct control of the valve positioning electronic


Turbine control is achieved by varying the
turbine valves' openings. Hydraulic cylinders
move the valves to the required opening with
electrically operated servo valves controlling the
valves' positions. The servo valves' electrical
positioning signals originate in the controller
circuitry. The operator may position the valves,
when necessary, through the manual valve


A mechanical-hydraulic emergency trip system
completely independent of the Electro-Hydraulic
Control System is provided. This system uses oil
from the turbine-generator lubricating system.
Release of this oil, called auto stop oil, by any
one of the turbine trip devices listed in this
section causes all steam control valves to close.
Besides the mechanical-hydraulic overspeed trip
mechanism in this system, a redundant overspeed trip system is available to ensure that the


turbine speed does not exceed 120 percent of

design speed.
The following turbine protective devices are
independent of the Electro-Hydraulic Control
System, and when initiated, cause tripping of all
turbine valves through the emergency trip valve:

Mechanical hydraulic and electrical overspeed trip

Low bearing oil pressure trip
Low vacuum trip



Thrust bearing trip

Electrical solenoid trip
Manual trip at turbine governor pedestal.

The mechanical hydraulic overspeed trip

mechanism (Item 1) causes the turbine valve
hydraulic fluid pressure to dump to drain,
thereby closing the main steam stop and
governing valves and the reheat steam stop and
intercept valves at a pre-selected percent above
rated speed. The other protective devices are all
included in a separate assembly, but connect
hydraulically to the overspeed trip valve through
the trip relay. Actuation of any one of these
devices therefore causes the turbine valve
hydraulic fluid to be dumped to drain.
Additional protective features for the NSSS and
turbine are also provided by normal turbine
controls, turbine interlocks, and the piping
system safety valves as follows:

Automatic load runback initiated by a

dropped rod signal, high kw/ft signal or low
departure from nucleate boiling ratio signal.



Turbine trip following a reactor trip.


Stop valve and check valve in each steam

generator outlet main steam line.


Safety valves in each steam generator

outlet main steam line.


Safety valves in the moisture-separator

reheat outlet piping.


Extraction line nonreturn valves.


Atmospheric steam dump valves.


Condenser steam dump valves.

Automatic turbine load runback via load limit for

a dropped rod control cluster assembly is
initiated by either a rapid decrease in nuclear
flux or by the rod bottom circuitry. Automatic
turbine load runback via load reference is
initiated by the dropped rod signal, high kw/ft, or
low departure from nucleate boiling ratio signal.
The extraction steam nonreturn valves are
actuated from the turbine hydraulic fluid system
via an air pilot valve which dumps the air
pressure to each extraction steam air-operated
nonreturn valve.


chapter 15.2
main generator
A typical main generator for large nuclear station
application at 60 Hertz is shown in Figure 15.2-1.
The stator winding is water cooled using
demineralized water supplied at a lower pressure
than the hydrogen gas pressure. Stator core
laminations and the entire stator core and winding
assembly are flexible spring mounted to minimize
the double frequency vibration generated in the
stator core. The rotor is a cylindrical forging made
of high strength, high permeability alloy steel
produced using the vacuum degassing process.
Principal parameters of the main generator are
as follows:
Type: Hydrogen inner-cooled synchronous
generator with a water-cooled stator
Rating: 1370 mva
Power factor: 0.9, short circuit ratio: 0.58
Hydrogen pressure: 60 or 75 psig
Output voltage: 24,000 to 26,000 volts, threephase, 60 Hz
Speed: 1800 rpm
Excitation: Shaft-driven, air-cooled brushless
exciter of the rotating rectifier type

The hydrogen gas is circulated by a blower
mounted on the generator rotor. After the

hydrogen passes through the hydrogen coolers

where heat is transferred to service water, the
cold hydrogen passes through internal ducts in
the frame and enters holes at the exciter end of
the core where it then passes axially through the
core and returns to the blower. A portion of the
cold gas leaving the cooler is directed by means
of baffles and ventilating passages through the
rotor. This gas enters the rotor at each end,
flowing through the ventilating passages
provided in the rotor copper for direct cooling. It
discharges from holes at the center of the rotor
and returns through the air gap to the blower for
Four hydrogen coolers are mounted horizontally
at the top of the generator. The cooler consists
of two separate sections to permit temporary
operation at reduced load with one section out of


The stator coils are single turn coils consisting of
both hollow and solid strands as shown in
Figure 15.2-2. The demineralized water used for
cooling passes through each bar in a single
pass and is returned to the stator water system
for cooling, treating, and recirculation. Thermalastic epoxy insulation is used to provide the
ground wall insulation to give high dielectric and
mechanical strength. The vacuum impregnation
process used results in superior dielectric and
mechanical properties. The thermalastic
character of the resin provides a solid yet elastic
physical bond between the mica flakes to
provide a resilent insulation system capable of
withstanding the expansion and contraction
experience with load changes. A nonmetallic
ripple spring assembled under the slot wedge
exerts radial pressure on the coil to prevent coil

bounce due to coil double frequency vibration

thus maintaining tight wedges and coils.
The stator winding including the parallel ring
connections, main terminal bushings, current
transformer, and neutral bus are also water
cooled. Vibration is controlled in the end winding
by glass epoxy blocking between all coils and
support rings between top and bottom coils, all
combined with glass bonding and impregnated
conformable materials. This bracing structure
provides the necessary rigidity to withstand short
circuit faults as well as provide the flexibility
needed for thermal expansion and contraction.

The rotor winding is made up of hollow
conductors, each consisting of two copper


channel sections through which the hydrogen

gas flows. The winding is held firmly against
rotational forces by nonmagnetic retaining rings
and high strength rotor slot wedges.
The rotor winding end retaining rings are
nonmagnetic steel forgings produced by an
expanding process and are shrunk onto
machined sections of the rotor body ends. Refer
to Figure 15.2-3.
The end winding curved sections potentially
high stress areas are arranged with brazed
connections located well away from the curves.
Axial expansion is controlled by allowing for
expansion and by including teflon slip layers in
the rotor slots and under the retaining ring to
minimize the friction that opposes axial motion.
The completed rotor is statically and dynamically


balanced to controlled tolerances. It is carefully

baked and conditioned at running speed to
promote lasting stability of the rotor winding


Demineralized cooling water is provided for the
stator by a closed recirculating water system
(Figure 15.2-4). The treated water is supplied to
the generator through stainless steel piping. All
materials in contact with the treated water are
corrosion resisting materials. In addition, the
water tank is pressurized with hydrogen to
further minimize oxidation. Redundancy is
provided in the water pumps, water coolers, and


the alarm system so that safe, reliable operation

is assured under all conditions.

The Westinghouse Mark III Brushless Exciter
(Figures 15.2-5 and 15.2-6) is designed so that
all high-power components are mounted on the
shaft. This eliminates the need for troublesome
carbon brushes and complicated brush rigging
assemblies. It also eliminates any high-power
buswork external to the exciter housing. The
result is greatly decreased installation, maintenance, and operating expense. The performance
of the brushless excitation system is not affected
by reduced system voltage during system
disturbances as are other excitation systems.






The Type WTA-300 voltage regulating system is

of the latest design incorporating all solid state
circuitry in the regulating system logic functions.
It has been designed to retain many of the
features associated with the previous Type WTA
and the Type WMA Mag-A-Stat voltage regulators, the latter of which was first applied in
brushless excitation systems in 1958.
The Type WTA-300 reflects advancement in the
art of solid state circuitry.
The brushless exciter is completely housed in a
self-ventilated enclosure and consists of three
basic parts: a permanent magnet pilot exciter, a
main ac exciter, and a rectifier wheel.


The alternating current output from the rotating

exciter armature is fed along the shaft to silicon
diodes mounted on the rotating diode wheels. The
exciter output is thus rectified and the resultant
direct current is carried by rotating components on
the shaft to the main generator field winding.
The high-frequency permanent magnet generator
provides power to the automatic voltage regulator
which regulates and controls the output of the
exciter to control the generator voltage.
The system is protected against diode failure by
series connected fuses having indicating
devices which may be inspected during
operation. The diodes and fuses are arranged in
modular construction for ease of maintenance.




steam in the event of a steam line break inside

the containment. The Safety Class portions of
the main steam and feedwater lines are
protected against potential missile effects and
are provided with restraints to preclude
additional line failures due to pipe whip in the
event of a main steam or feedwater line break.
ASME Code safety valves and power operated
relief and atmospheric dump valves are located
on each steam line upstream of the stop valves.

chapter 15.3
main steam and
During operation, the four steam generators
deliver saturated steam through four steam lines
to the main turbine. These lines are cross-tied
near the turbine to ensure that the pressure
difference between any of the steam generators
does not exceed 10 psi (0.69 bar) thus maintaining system balance and ensuring uniform
heat removal from the Reactor Coolant System.
A flow diagram of a typical steam, condensate,
and feedwater system is shown in Figure 15.3-1.

A small portion of the steam in the high-pressure

turbine is extracted to the highest pressure
feedwater heaters; the remainder is exhausted
to moisture separator-re heaters with a small
extraction to the sixth stage feedwater heaters.
In the moisture separator-reheaters, moisture is
mechanically separated from the turbine steam
and the steam is then super heated before
entering the three low-pressure turbines.
Several stages of extraction are used for the
feedwater heaters. The greater portion of the
steam is fully expanded through the turbine
before being exhausted to the condenser.

Each steam line is routed from its steam

generator to a containment penetration by a
route outside the secondary shield wall to prevent failures in one loop from affecting a second.
A flow limiter which is integrated into the design
of the steam generator will limit the cooldown
rate of the Reactor Coolant System if a steam
line break occurs upstream of the main steam
stop valves.

Typical combined moisture separator-reheaters
(Figure 15.3-2) between the high-pressure and
low-pressure turbine elements remove the
moisture in the wet steam exhausting from the
high-pressure element exhaust and reheat the
steam to over 100F (55C) superheat. The wet
steam enters the moisture removal section and
rises through chevron-type moisture-separators
where the water is removed and drained to the
feedwater system. The dried steam then passes
through the reheater section where it is reheated
by the highest pressure extraction steam and by
main steam withdrawn before the throttle valves.
The heating steam is condensed in the tubes
and is drained to the feedwater system. The

The main steam lines are provided with a stop

valve and a check valve in each line just outside
the containment. The main steam piping up to
valves and the stop valves are ANS Safety
Class 2. The structure enclosing the valves is
designed as seismic Class 1. The main steam
stop valves automatically close on low steam
line pressure or on a high-high containment
pressure signal, and can be actuated manually
from the main control room or local panels. The
swing check valves protect against backflow of


reheated steam goes to the low-pressure

turbines and to the two main feedwater pump

the nuclear power cannot be instantly reduced.

This heat is rejected to the condenser through
the steam dump valves and to the atmosphere
for the initial phase of large load reductions.
These valves open under a sudden reduction in
turbine-generator load (in excess of 10%) or a
turbine trip.

The main condenser condenses the exhaust from
the main turbines and the two feedwater pump
turbines. There is also sufficient surface to
condense steam from the steam dump system
with an acceptable increase in turbine back
pressure. The condenser is usually a single-pass
deaerating type with straight-through tubes.
Under normal operation the air is removed by
steam jet air ejectors or vacuum pumps.

These valves are also utilized in the pressure

control mode during plant startup and plant
cooldown. Prior to synchronizing the generator
to the grid, the reactor power may be increased
up to 10 percent by dumping the steam to the
condenser. This will facilitate establishing the
minimum turbine-generator load (5-10%) without
placing a step-load demand on the reactor
system. The dump valves close automatically as
steam is admitted to the turbine. During plant
cooldown, steam is dumped to the condensers
to provide a heat sink rather than to atmosphere
through the atmospheric dump valves. This
conserves condensate in the system.


The steam dump system (Figure 15.3-3) is
provided to accommodate the inertial heat from
the primary cycle. Inertial heat, in the form of
steam generated in excess of turbine demand, is
present at times of sudden load reduction since










chapter 15.4
heating system

There are four one-third-capacity centrifugal

condensate pumps shown with motor drives and
common suction and discharge headers. Each
condensate pump is driven by a single motor.
Three pumps are normally in operation.



Three one-half capacity feedwater pumps are
shown with common suction and discharge
headers. Two pumps are turbine driven with hot
reheat steam and, in this case, the third pump
and the booster pumps are motor driven. The
motor-driven feedwater pump may be used for
startup and as a reserve or standby pump,
although a small startup feedwater pump (not
shown) is recommended for startup and
shutdown. The discharge from the pumps is
automatically recirculated back to the deaerator
whenever the flow to the high-pressure
feedwater heaters falls below the minimum. The
pump starting circuits are interlocked to prevent
starting unless the recirculation control valves
are open. Minimum feedwater pump suction
pressure protection is provided through
automatic starting of a feedwater booster pump.

The Feedwater Heating System (Figure 15.3-1)

is of the closed-loop type with deaeration
accomplished in the condenser hotwell and a
separate, open deaerating feedwater heater.
The condensate pumps take suction from the
condenser hotwell and pump condensate
through the air ejector condensers, the gland
steam condensers, the condensate polisher, and
four stages of low-pressure feedwater heaters to
the deaerator. The feedwater booster pumps
draw suction from the deaerator water storage
tank, which is mounted directly below the
deaerator, and supply the main feedwater
pumps. The water discharge from the feedwater
pumps flows through two stages of highpressure heaters then into the steam
generators. Typically the feedwater heaters are
one-third-size units arranged in three parallel
trains. Each train of low-pressure feedwater
heaters is provided with motor-operated shut-off
valves. There is usually a single bypass sized to
handle the flow of one low-pressure feedwater
heater train. Each high-pressure feedwater
heater train is also provided with motor-operated
isolation valves and a single bypass sized to
handle the flow through one feedwater heater.


Feedwater flow to each steam generator is

controlled by a feedwater regulator in each
feedwater line. The regulator is controlled by
steam generator level, steam flow and feedwater
flow. A signal from the Feedwater Control
System also sets the speed of the turbine-driven
main feedwater pumps and the position of the
motor-driven feedwater pump discharge control


low-pressure feedwater heaters are cascaded

back to the condenser. Drains from the moisture
separator-re heaters are routed to the various
points in the feedwater heating train, based on
energy content.

valve so as to maintain the main feedwater

regulators within their control range. This setting
allows the system to accommodate all operating
conditions automatically and provides control
margin to accommodate load transients.


Drains from the high-pressure feedwater heaters
are routed to the deaerator. Drains from the four



chapter 16
plant operation


Estimates of times required for typical startups

from both of these initial conditions are
presented in Table 16-1.

This chapter, which presents a summary of the

overall operation and maintenance of a four-loop
Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS), also
supplements and integrates the individual
system operating descriptions. Descriptions are
not totally complete as actual plant operating
procedures are specific to the plant, detailed and

Cold Startup
Cold startup is described first because the steps
involved in the advanced stages of both types of
startup are similar. In performing a cold startup,
the initial step is to conduct precritical checks
and to line up the electrical and fluid systems.
Checks are made to assure that electrical power
is available to all components and systems
required to operate during startup and normal
plant operation; that all instrumentation and
control systems have been calibrated or tested
and are functioning properly; and that the fluid
systems are valved in as required.

Startup, as presented here, applies to routine
plant operation startup.
Startup procedures depend upon the plant
conditions that exist at the beginning of the
operation. There are two types of startup: cold
and hot. The following tabulation defines the
major differences between the initial conditions
of each startup type:



Reactor coolant
temperature, F (C)

<140 (60)

557 (292)

Reactor coolant
pressure, psig (bar)

400 (28)

2235 (155)



140 (60)

651 (344)

Pressurizer level,
percent full
temperature, F (C)

After completion of the pre-criticality checks, the

various systems are lined up as follows:

Startup from a cold condition is initiated

following a shutdown that required the Reactor
Coolant System (RCS) to be cooled down and
depressurized, such as during refueling. Startup
from a hot condition refers to a return to power
operation following a shutdown not requiring
depressurization of the RCS, such as a restart
following a turbine trip.



The RCS and pressurizer are completely

filled with borated water and the system
pressure is maintained by charging and
letdown flow control.

The Chemical and Volume Control System

(CVCS) is filled with water at the same
boron concentration as the RCS. The
volume control tank level is within the
normal operating range and the tank is
pressurized with nitrogen or hydrogen. The
reactor coolant makeup is automatically
controlled and the boron concentration
properly adjusted.

The Component Cooling Water System is in

service, supplying cooling water to the
NSSS systems.

System (RHRS) equipment, if in service, is shut

down. Samples of primary and secondary
coolant are drawn and analyzed to assure that
water chemistry is within allowable limits.
Hydrazine is added, as necessary, for oxygen
scavenging prior to reaching 180F (82C)
primary side temperature.

The Safety Injection System is lined up for

operation, with the initiation signal manually
blocked and accumulators isolated.

All pressurizer heaters are energized to start the

heatup of the pressurizer necessary to form the
steam bubble. When the pressurizer fluid
reaches saturation temperature for the pressure
being maintained, steam formation in the
pressurizer begins. Flow in the letdown line is
increased by the operator to lower pressurizer
level to the normal range of 20 to 80 percent in
preparation for the plant heatup.

The charging pump speed is reduced to the

value necessary for minimum allowable reactor
coolant pump seal injection flow. RCS pressure
is maintained by adjustment of the pressurizer
heaters and/or pressurizer spray. When the
pressurizer water level reaches the no-load
setpoint, the letdown flow rate is reduced and
the charging pump is switched to automatic

Reactor coolant pumps are started sequentially

and pump heat is used to raise the RCS
temperature. The Residual Heat Removal

TABLE 16-1



1. Raise primary system pressure to 400 psig (28 bar) and raise
pressurizer temperature to saturation at 400 psig (28 bar).


2. Drain pressurizer to no-load operating level, maintaining system

pressure at 400 psig.

3. Withdraw rods to criticality and raise output to power range level.



4. Raise RCS to no-load conditions (Tavg = 557F, (292C) system

pressure 2250 psia (155 bar)).






Secondary plant operations, such as drawing a vacuum in the main

condenser and rolling the turbine, can be done before the RCS reaches
no-load conditions
5. Raise the NSSS output to full power (5 percent per minute)
The loading rate is restricted by turbine considerations. The cold startup
time given above represents the NSSS capability.

Hot 557F (292C) RCS temperature, 2250 psia (155 bar), no-load pressurizer level.


Cold Less than 140F (60C) RCS temperature, 140F (60C) in "water solid" pressurizer.



Prior to plant heatup above 200F (93C), compliance with the plant Technical Specifications is
verified. This assures that critical plant
equipment is in service or available. Two
examples are: containment integrity is verified
and containment is secured; auxiliary feedwater
is verified operable prior to steam generation on
the secondary side.

Primary temperature is maintained through the

balanced use of reactor coolant pump heat input
and a steam dump system which releases
steam to the main condenser. Steam pressure is
held at the saturation pressure which
corresponds to the no-load reactor coolant
average temperature (Tavg) value. At this point
the plant is in the hot standby condition.

When the reactor coolant temperature increases

to about 210-220F (90-105C), the steamline
vents are closed and the secondary side of each
steam generator is drained to the normal
operating range.

Startup from Hot Standby

The shutdown banks of the reactor control rods
are withdrawn. A corresponding boron concentration is calculated so that reactor criticality
will occur at a selected control bank position
above the rod insertion limit. The higher the boron
concentration, the further the control rods must
be withdrawn to achieve criticality. Control rods
must be pulled above a certain height, the rod
insertion limit, so that in the event a trip occurs
the full insertion of the rods will add at least a
prescribed amount of negative reactivity. If the
rods are initially too far in, the amount of negative
reactivity added may be too small. A boron
dilution is started to bring the boron concentration
to the estimated critical concentration.

Primary plant heatup rate is limited to 50F

(28C) per hour. As the reactor coolant
temperature increases, operation of pressurizer
heaters and spray maintains the system
pressure in accordance with the applicable
temperature-pressure curves. Prior to plant
heatup above 350F (177C), Technical
Specifications are again checked and systems
such as emergency core cooling systems are
completely verified to be available for service.
Before raising primary system pressure above
1900 psig (132 bar), steam generator pressure
must be greater than 585 psig (41 bar) or a low
steamline pressure safety injection will occur.

The control rod banks are then manually

withdrawn to achieve criticality while observing
proper bank overlap, rod position indications,
and nuclear instrumentation. When control rod
motion is not in progress, a steady-state startup
rate of 1.0 decades per minute should not be
exceeded. Evidence of criticality is indicated by
a positive sustained startup rate with no rod
motion and increasing source range counts.
After criticality is achieved and reactor physics
critical data has been taken, reactor power is
raised to the point where significant heat
generation occurs, about 1 percent power. This
is evidenced by an increasing primary Tavg with
the steam dump valves automatically opening as

When the reactor coolant temperature exceeds

400F (204C), steam is drawn from the steam
generators to warm up the secondary plant,
develop a vacuum in the main condenser, and
roll the turbine. Conventional condensate and
feedwater systems startup procedures would be
The RCS heatup and pressurization continues
until a no-load coolant temperature of approximately 547F (286C) and a primary pressure of
2250 psia (155 bar) are reached.


Major electrical loads are transferred from the

system auxiliary transformer to the unit auxiliary
transformer supplied by the turbine-generator.
Auxiliary equipment loads on the critical safety
buses are not transferred.

needed to hold steam pressure at a set constant

value. Auxiliary feedwater flow is manually
increased to maintain a steady value of steam
generator water level.
With a positive startup rate established as
reactor power enters the power range, the
reactor core heats up causing a major physics
effect known as the "power defect" which
decreases the reactivity of the core and causes
reactor power to level off at a 0 decades per
minute startup rate. To reach 100-percent
power, a boron dilution is needed to counteract
the power defect.

During normal steady-state and transient
operation, important plant parameters are
controlled by the NSSS control system. The rod
control system automatically controls RCS
average coolant temperature (Tavg) as a
programmed function of turbine load. After large
load decreases, the steam dump control system
augments the rod control and helps minimize
temperature swings while bringing the plant to
the new temperature in a stable, controlled
manner. RCS operating pressure is maintained
by several forms of pressure control equipment
(including pressurizer heaters, spray, and relief
valves), all under the pressurizer pressure
control system. The pressurizer level control
system adjusts charging flow from the CVCS to
maintain pressurizer level at a programmed
value which varies with RCS average coolant
temperature. The steam generator level control
system maintains the proper inventory in each
steam generator by means of feedwater flow
control valves.

Before reaching the flow capacity of the auxiliary feedwater system, equivalent to about
3.5-percent steam flow, the steam generators
feedwater supply is switched to the main
feedwater system; the auxiliary feedwater
system is secured and lined up for safeguards
Control rods are manually withdrawn to raise
reactor power to about 6-15 percent. The turbinegenerator is brought up to synchronous speed
and paralleled on the grid. As turbine-generator
loading is commenced, the steam dump valves
will ramp shut at a rate that maintains steam
pressure until they are fully closed.
Pressurizer heater and spray valve control is
placed in automatic operation. Control rod
motion for RCS temperature control and feedwater valve control both remain in manual
operation until the plant auxiliaries have been
transferred to the main generator output. After
determining that all systems are functioning
properly at the initial load, the reactor is
switched to automatic control and plant loading
is continued to full power at a rate not to exceed
5 percent of full power per minute.

Reactor power is maintained equal to load by

virtue of feedback effects inherent in the physics
of a PWR. The rod control system also has
some effect on power during transients.
An additional concern during power operation is
the axial power distribution in the core. Normally
this is controlled so that the power distribution
closely approximates that of an unrodded core at
full power. This ensures acceptable fuel burnup
distributions and guarantees that no severe

oscillations can occur when the power distribution
is skewed to one end of the core. After several
hours the xenon-135* concentration builds up in
the end of the core. Xenon-135 is a strong
neutron absorber and hence, the power
distribution is forced to the opposite end of the
core. Xenon then builds up there while the
original xenon decays, and the process reverses.]

from the turbine-generator supplied transformer

to one supplied by the off-station grid. The
turbine-generator is then completely unloaded,
disconnected from the main grid, and taken out
of service in accordance with the turbinegenerator instructions.
If the plant is to be placed in a subcritical hot
standby condition, the control rods are inserted
to reduce power level and the secondary
systems are placed in a hot standby condition.
In this operational mode a maximum of two out
of four reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) may be
secured. Proper loop flow and desired loop
temperatures are maintained with the other
RCPs until the Residual Heat Removal System
(RHRS) is in service.

Power distribution is controlled by adjusting the

RCS boron concentration which results in
control rod movement, thus affecting the power
distribution. In plants with the Integrated Control
System the boron adjustments are done

Steam dump is utilized initially to remove
residual heat. If the plant is to remain in this
condition for some period of time, changes in
boron concentration may be required because of
xenon transients.

This subsection describes the plant operations

necessary to take the plant from power
operation to either of the shutdown conditions
previously described (cold or hot).

If the plant is to be taken to the cold shutdown

condition, boration is initiated to bring the boron
concentration to the cold shutdown value.
Samples are taken periodically to follow the
increase in boron concentration and verify
proper shutdown margin.

Assuming the plant is operating at some power

level in excess of 15 percent, the initial step in
shutdown is to unload the turbine-generator. In
doing so, control systems are monitored to
assure that the RCS coolant average
temperature is reduced automatically in
accordance with the programmed changes, and
that steam generator levels are automatically
maintained in the proper range.

With the control rods inserted, the reactor is shut

down. Pressurizer level is raised in anticipation
of coolant contraction during the cooldown.
Makeup water at the cold shutdown boron
concentration is used to maintain pressurizer
level above the no-load value during the
cooldown. Steam dumps are adjusted to start a
50F/hr (28C/hr) cooldown rate.

As the reactor power level approaches house

load level, reactor control and steam generator
water level control are transferred to manual
operation. Station electrical loads are transferred

All pressurizer heaters are turned off and the

spray valves are controlled manually to cool the

* Produced via iodine-135, Xenon-135 is a fission product

with a 6.7 hour half-life.



Pressurizer heaters are operated manually to

maintain the desired pressure.

pressurizer at a sufficiently slow rate to maintain

the system pressure within the applicable
pressure-temperature limits. To provide spray
flow a RCP must be operating in one of the two
loops with spray flow connections.

Charging flow is throttled to control pressurizer

cooldown rate and raise pressurizer level using
auxiliary spray since normal spray is not
available when reactor coolant pumps have
been secured. Pressurizer pressure is also
controlled by auxiliary spray while a steam
bubble exists in the pressurizer.

Prior to reaching the automatic safety injection

setpoints during cooldown and depressurization,
the safety injection initiation signals are blocked.
Before reaching the pressure when the safety
injection accumulators would discharge, the
accumulator isolation valves are closed.

If the pressurizer is filled solid, rapid rises in

primary system pressure can occur due to small
inputs of water mass or heat. Solid plant primary
pressure control utilizes a pressure control valve
between the RHR and CVC systems which is
set to maintain a selected pressure while
charging makes up for any coolant contraction
and losses.

As steam generator steam pressure decreases

during the cooldown, the steam dump must be
re-adjusted to maintain a 50F (28C) per hour
cooldown rate. When RCS temperature and
pressure are less than 350F (177C) and
approximately 400 psig, respectively, the RHRS
is placed in operation to maintain the desired
cooldown rate.

Purification of the primary system using the

CVCS demineralizers is continued using forced
flow from the RHRS. Very little letdown flow is
possible through the normal letdown flow path at
low primary system pressures due to the low
differential pressure across the CVCS letdown

As the steam generator steam pressure

approaches zero psig, the steam dump valves
are closed. When the reactor coolant reaches
200F (93C), the steam sides of the steam
generators are filled to the vents for wet layup.
Chemicals are added to the steam side as

The time required for plant cooldown is

approximately 20 hours (based on 95F (max)
cooling water to the residual heat exchangers).

After assuring that the boron concentration is at

the proper cold shutdown value, the remainder
of the control rods are inserted. Reactor coolant
pumps are run only as needed to assure uniform
loop cooldown and to provide spray for
pressurizer cooldown.

Preventive Maintenance
Maintenance of the Westinghouse PWR Nuclear
Steam Supply System is treated in two broad
categories: preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance. A well planned and actively
pursued program of preventive maintenance will
minimize the need for corrective maintenance.

When the reactor coolant shutdown temperature

is reached, operating equipment of the RHR and
component cooling systems are reduced to the
minimum required to maintain temperature.


tance on a periodic basis. Pressurizer heaters

are subjected to a similar program of testing.

The major items of preventive maintenance

pertain to the major components of the RCS: the
reactor vessel, reactor coolant pumps, steam
generators, pressurizer, control rod drive mechanisms, and instrumentation. Maintenance of the
reactor vessel principally consists of monitoring
the affects of neutron irradiation and periodic
inspections for the emergence or growth of flaws.

Secondary water chemistry is carefully maintained at all times to minimize corrosion effects
throughout the systems and particularly in the
steam generator. Periodic inspections using
eddy current testing to verify steam generator
tube structural integrity occur on a rotation basis.
All defective tubes are plugged or repaired prior
to the RCS being heated above 200F Tavg.
Tubesheet sludge removal through the use of
high-pressure water jets is a frequent preventive
maintenance item done to reduce corrosion and
improve heat transfer.

The effect of neutron irradiation on the physical

properties of the vessel materials is of primary
concern in reactor vessel operation. The reactor
vessel is provided with specimen capsules,
located between the neutron shield pad and
vessel wall opposite the center of the core. The
capsules contain tensile Charpy V-notch and
wedge-opening-loading specimens taken from
the reactor vessel shell plates and associated
weld metal and heat-affected zone. Dosimeters
and thermal monitors are included to permit
evaluation of the neutron flux and temperatures
experienced by the specimens. The effects of
neutron irradiation on the material properties can
be determined by comparing test data from the
specimens removed periodically during refueling
shutdowns with the unirradiated specimen data

The steam generators are designed with

manholes on both the inlet and outlet sides of
the primary channel head to provide access
should tube plugging become necessary. The
shell side has hand holes just above the tube
sheet to facilitate inspection, and two manholes
above the top of the tube bundle through which
all moisture separation and steam drying equipment can be dismantled, removed, and replaced
if necessary.
For the reactor coolant pumps, the recommended maintenance on seals is to inspect the
No. 1 seal at each refueling during the first two
or three years of plant operation. Based on
these inspections a program of periodic
inspections for the No. 1 seal can then be

During fabrication a series of radiographs are

taken to locate any flaws in the material or welds.
Any flaws identified are evaluated and repaired if
significant. After completion of fabrication, an
ultrasonic inspection of the reactor vessel shell is
performed to map the size and location of
allowable flaws. This serves as a reference for
future in-service inspections to determine if other
flaws have developed or if known allowable flaws
have increased in size.

At every third refueling shutdown, the reactor

coolant pumps No. 2 and No. 3 seal rings and
runners may have to be replaced since these
are rubbing face type seals with a design life
objective of 20,000 hours of operation.

Control rod drive mechanism operating coils are

checked for coil resistance and insulation resis-



An added feature of primary importance to

maintenance is the fact that in the PWR the
inherent separation of reactor and steam
systems eliminates radioactivity in the steam
systems, turbine, condensate system, and feed
systems. This eliminates the need: to remove
cumbersome shielding before performing
maintenance on these systems; to perform
maintenance in the cramped quarters resulting
from permanent shielding walls; and for special
clothing, radiation monitoring, personnel time
limits, etc. required while working in a
radioactively contaminated environment.

Reactor coolant pumps are designed such that

the seals may be inspected and replaced
without draining the RCS and thus this
maintenance can be done in parallel with
refueling operations. A machined shoulder on
the pump shaft just below the radial bearing
backseats against the thermal barrier housing
when the pump shaft is disconnected from the
motor and lowered. The backseat is capable of
withstanding a static head of 30 feet of water.
Auxiliary system components require the usual
preventive maintenance such as adjusting or
replacing valve packing, lapping or replacing
valve seats, inspection or replacing pump
bearings, packings and seals, and so on.


The NSSS and its control system is designed to
the following basis:

Corrective Maintenance
Because the type and frequency of corrective
maintenance will depend on the quality of the
preventive maintenance program, the treatment
of this subject will be limited to the features of
the plant that contribute to the ease of
Control rod drive mechanisms can be removed,
if required, without unloading the core, and the
drive coils can be removed without breaking the
pressure boundary of the RCS.
The pressurizer is designed for easy access to
the heater terminal connections and wells. A
manhole is also provided for internal access to
facilitate inspection or replacement of the spray
nozzles if required.
The reactor is designed so that the core and all
internals can be completely removed. This
provides necessary access for periodic inservice
inspections of the reactor vessel.




The NSSS is capable of following

repetitive load changes automatically
throughout the range of 15 percent to 100
percent of rated power consistent with the
cyclic nature of the utility system load
demand. This capability exists throughout
the life of the core.


The NSSS is capable of automatically

making step changes in load of 10 percent
of rated power and ramp changes of 5
percent of rated power per minute.


The NSSS is capable of following a

reference 12-3-6-3 daily load cycle
consisting of 12 hours at full power,
decreasing load to 50-percent power over
a 3 hour period, remaining at 50-percent
power for 6 hours and returning to full
power over a 3 hour period. This load
cycle can be followed daily through all of
the fuel cycle.


The NSSS has a reserve capability of

returning to full power at the design ramp
rate at any time during the reference daily
load cycle through at least 85 percent of
the equilibrium fuel cycle (i.e., minimum
burnup of 11,000 megawatt days per
metric ton of uranium).


The NSSS is capable of accepting a 50percent load reduction from rated power
without reactor trip. This capability is
based upon the ability of secondary plant
systems to accept 40-percent steam dump
while maintaining adequate feedwater
supply to the steam generators. The
additional 10-percent power decrease is
accomplished by rod control.


The plant operator makes boron concentration

adjustments to maintain full reserve capability,
while maintaining axial flux difference in the
target band. The operational flexibility of the
PWR permits follow of any load cycle without
being restricted to the reference cycle or preprogrammed daily load cycles. Even in an
extended fuel cycle (the fuel cycle extended by
operation at a lower power beyond the design
end of life) the plant still is capable of load
changes between 15 percent of rated power and
the achievable power level during the period of
extended operation.


Load changes on a Westinghouse nuclear
power station are initially made on the turbinegenerator. The control system of the NSSS then
adjusts the power level of the reactor to follow
the power demand of the turbine. The
Westinghouse PWR control system is designed
to provide simple operation and a high degree of
flexibility for responding to load changes.
Reactivity changes required to maintain or
change the power level of the reactor are made
by control rods which are automatically moved in
symmetric groups by the reactor control system.

The NSSS is capable of accepting

complete load rejection from the maximum
rated power level with reactor and turbine
As an option, the NSSS can be designed to
accept complete load rejection from rated
power without reactor trip and to continue
producing the power required by the station
auxiliary systems. This optional capability is
based on the ability of secondary plant
systems to accept 70- to 85-percent steam
dump and to maintain adequate feedwater
supply to the steam generators.

During operation in the power range, the control

rods maintain Tavg with reactor power following
steam demand/turbine power. At a steady-state
turbine power, stepping control rods out will
initially raise reactor power. With reactor power
being greater than steam demand, primary
coolant Tavg will rise adding negative reactivity
to counteract the positive control rod reactivity
added when the rods were stepped out. This
results in reactor power matching steam
demand and higher Tavg.


Advantages of the Westinghouse method of load
follow control include both ease of operation and
the flexibility for making varied load changes.
The ease of load follow operation is achieved by
the reactor control system which moves control
rods automatically.



coolant effluent resulting from the boron

concentration change would exceed the capacity
of the boron systems.

Additional capability for load follow is through

the use of the Boron Thermal Regeneration
System (BTRS) which is described in Chapter
4.2. BTRS provides a means for varying boric
acid concentration without the generation of
large volumes of liquid to be processed.

During the last 15 percent of the fuel cycle, the

time it takes to achieve full power from the 90percent level is determined by the xenon
"burnout" rate and typically requires 2 to
4 hours.


Operation With Boron Adjustment

Operation Without Boron Adjustment

In the normal mode of operation for following the

reference load cycle, the plant maintains full
reserve capability for returning to full power at
the design ramp rate of 5 percent per minute at
any time during the load cycle over the greater
part of the fuel cycle. This capability is
maintained by automatic adjustment of the
boron concentration to compensate for xenon
reactivity changes, thereby keeping the control
rods within its axial flux distribution (AFD) target
band. Following the power level change made
by the control rods, the control system makes
boron concentration adjustments whenever the
control rods approach the limits of their AFD
target band. Alternately, the plant operator can
input an anticipated load pattern to the plant
computer. The control system then calculates
the desired change in boron concentration, the
time the change should be made, and initiates
the operation which sets the charging flow of the
feed solution, and the total quantity of solution
required to make the desired concentration
change. A flow integrator control automatically
shuts off the makeup flow when the desired
change is complete.

Not all load changes require boron adjustment.

Boron concentration changes during plant
operation are required whenever axial flux
difference would extend outside the allowable
target band, whenever control rods need to be
withdrawn back above the rod insertion limit, or
to overcome "power defect" during power
ascension and unloading.
For a power increase, without using boron
dilution to overcome the negative reactivity
added by the power defect, the control rods
would step out to maintain Tavg until the rods
were completely withdrawn from the core. From
this point on with a continuing increase in power,
Tavg will drop adding positive reactivity to
maintain reactor criticality. Tavg will continue to
drop until turbine loading is stopped either by
manual operation or automatically upon
reaching the low Tavg deviation setpoint signal.
The reference 12-3-6-3 daily load cycle can be
followed throughout the fuel cycle by control
rods alone, without boron adjustment. Operation
in this manner has the advantage of eliminating
reactor coolant effluent associated with daily
load follow. However, daily load follow operation
by this method does not provide for full reserve

The boron concentration changes for the

reference load cycle can be made for at least 85
percent of an equilibrium fuel cycle with the
Boron Recycle System (BRS). Beyond 85
percent of fuel cycle life, the quantity of reactor



The capacity of the steam dump initially required

is equal to the total full load steam flow, less the
10-percent step load change for which the
reactor control system has been conservatively
designed, less the equivalent steam for an
allowed rise in reactor coolant system
temperature and pressure, less the steam
required by the turbine to carry auxiliary loads.
This results in a maximum steam bypass flow
requirement of approximately 70 to 85 percent of
rated steam generator flow. The integrated flow
is equivalent to approximately 8 to 10 full power

The NSSS can be provided with the capability to

sustain sudden large load decreases, up to and
including a rapid transient from full load down to
plant auxiliary loads, concurrent with the loss of
external power. This is principally accomplished
by controlled dumping of turbine throttle steam
either directly to the main condenser, or to the
main condenser and atmosphere. Control
system response and allowed changes in RCS
parameters also contribute to this capability.
The steam dump serves as a short-term artificial
load which allows the reactor control system
time to automatically cut back power. Normally,
the reactor control system itself is not rapid
enough to follow a sudden complete loss of load
without having certain reactor plant variables,
(e.g., pressure and temperature) exceed
allowable operating limits. Therefore, unless a
sufficiently large controlled steam dump capable
of simulating an external load on the reactor is
used, the reactor will automatically trip and shut
down the plant.

The feedwater system is designed to ensure that

feedwater flow to the steam generators during
the transient is sufficient to maintain the level
within limits.


Nuclear power plants contain integral safety
features which function automatically. Selected
process parameters generate automatic reactor
and turbine trip signals. Upon receipt of a
reactor or turbine trip signal, a first out annunciator light flashes in red with an accompanying
sound (horn, bell, etc.) alerting the operators to
the initiating trip signal.

The incorporation of an adequately sized steam

dump system permits rapid automatic reduction
of core power without reactor trip and enables
the plant to continue operation and supply power
for its own auxiliaries. This capability could be of
critical importance in the event of large grid
system disturbances.

Whenever a reactor trip occurs, the reactor trip

breakers open and all control and shutdown
rods are fully inserted. The turbine and turbinegenerator will trip off the line with house loads
automatically transferred to the offsite sources of
power. Reactor coolant pumps supplied from the
offsite electrical source will maintain forced flow
cooling to the reactor core.

Steam dump is controlled by signals from the

RCS (essentially reactor coolant average
temperature), and is reduced as rapidly as the
reactor control system reduces core power by
inserting control groups of control rods. With this
system, the total quantity of steam dumped is
minimized since the steam dump is decreased
as rapidly as conditions permit.

If offsite power is not available, the long coast

down times of the reactor coolant pumps
assures adequate flow during the power decay

core, to seal the containment building, and to

limit any pressure increases within the
containment. The provision of fully redundant
systems and the physical and electrical
separation of these systems provides assurance
that the necessary protective functions will be

transient. The coast down time is prolonged by

the heavy flywheel mounted above the motor.
The steam dump system will actuate if
necessary and restore Tavg to the no-load
value. Pressurizer pressure will recover as
pressurizer heaters automatically energize.
Pressurizer level will recover to the no-load
value as the charging pumps make up for the
plant cooldown following the reactor trip.

If conditions occur which result in a loss of

normal electrical power to a safeguards
electrical bus, backup emergency diesel
generators are automatically started and
necessary equipment will be automatically
sequenced on the buses to safely cool down the
primary plant if required.

In the event of a fault or failure posing some

hazard to the plant's integrity, emergency
systems are automatically initiated to provide the
necessary cooling water supply to the reactor



chapter 17
safety conderations


the requirements of Section III of the ASME Boiler

and Pressure Vessel Code. The RCS pressure
boundary is designed as Seismic Category 1 to
provide a design margin to ensure the capability
to perform its function under the conditions of the
largest potential ground motion or other severe
natural phenomena at the site. The U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC) has
reviewed and specified use of the ASME Code for
nuclear plants. Additionally, the U.S. NRC audits
the actual methods used for design, analysis,
fabrication, construction, and testing.

The philosophy employed in the safety design of

a Westinghouse PWR is described as "defense in
depth." Defense in depth ensures that a plant is
designed, fabricated, constructed, and operated
not only to be safe during normal operation but to
account safely for the possibility of a spectrum of
accidents. The plant has sophisticated safety
systems and devices to guard against human
error, equipment failures, and malfunctions taking
into account such natural phenomena as
earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods.


The U.S. NRC requires that special consideration
be given to static and dynamic loads, temperature, and irradiation effects that components
might be subjected to during their service lifetime.
Included are requirements for safety margins to
protect against unexpected internal loadings,
undetected internal flaws, and changes in
material properties. The RCS pressure boundary
is capable of accommodating, without exceeding
stress limits, the static and dynamic loads
imposed as a result of anticipated operational
occurrences and design basis accidents. Credible
transients which could cause pressure surges
have been conservatively designed for by reactor
protection system trips and by incorporation of
relief and safety valves. In addition to these
considerations, reduction of the probability of a
rapidly propagating-type failure is accomplished
through provisions for control over service
temperature and irradiation effects.

The first level of defense addresses prevention

of accidents through the design of the plant,
including quality assurance, redundancy, separation, testing, and inspection. The plant is
designed and built to operate as intended with a
high degree of reliability. An example of how this
first level of defense is applied is the design of
the reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure
boundary. This same philosophy is utilized in the
design of all safety-related systems, components, and structures.
The components that comprise the RCS pressure
boundary are required to be designed, fabricated,
erected, and maintained to quality standards that
reflect the importance of the safety function to be
performed. The quality standards provide that the
facility will be able to withstand, without loss of
capability to protect the public, any additional
forces that might be imposed by natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tornadoes, flooding
conditions, winds, ice, or other local site factors. A
comprehensive Quality Assurance Program confirms that specific requirements are met during
the various stages of design, fabrication, construction, and operation. All components of the
RCS pressure boundary are designed, fabricated,
inspected, and tested to conform with or exceed

Close control and inspection over the selection

of RCS pressure boundary materials and the
fabrication of RCS pressure boundary components are exercised. Provisions are made for
inspections, testing, and surveillance of critical
areas of the pressure boundary to assess the
structural and leaktight integrity during its
service lifetime. Materials and components of

systems, designed to assure that expected

occurrences and off-normal conditions will be
detected and either arrested or accommodated
safely. The requirements for these protection
systems are based on a consideration of a
spectrum of events that could lead to off-normal
operations. Extensive testing programs are
carried out to verify that the protective systems
will function adequately.

the RCS are subjected to thorough nondestructive inspection prior to operation and a
pre-operational hydrotest is performed at 1.25
times design pressure. Provisions have been
made for periodically inspecting, in situ, all
areas of relatively high service factors in
accordance with ASME Section XI in order to
discover potential problems before significant
flaws develop. A reactor vessel material
surveillance program is employed utilizing test
samples which are placed in the reactor vessel
and irradiated for designated periods of time,
removed, and examined to determine changes
in material properties.

An example of a second level of defense system

is the reactor protection system. The reactor
protection system is activated by redundant and
independent instrument channels which translate their respective signals into redundant logic
channels to automatically initiate a protective
action. Conservative design practices, adequate
safety margins, inspectability, and redundant
detection and actuating equipment are incorporated in protection systems to assure effecttiveness and reliability. In addition, these
systems are designed to be monitored and
tested routinely to assure that they will operate
reliably if and when required.

Also, RCS water chemistry control protects

against corrosion which otherwise might reduce
structural integrity during service lifetime. For
pipes of the size, thickness, and material used in
the RCS, detectable leakage will occur before a
major rupture of the pipe.
The RCS pressure boundary is conservatively
designed to accommodate the system pressures
and temperatures attained under all expected
modes of plant operation, including anticipated
transients and abnormal loading conditions,
such as seismic conditions, and to maintain the
stresses within appropriate stress limits. The
RCS pressure boundary is protected from
overpressure by means of pressure-relieving
devices as required by the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section III.

The reactor protection system is designed to

meet the requirements of the U.S. NRC General
Design Criteria and conforms to IEEE279
"Standard Nuclear Power Plant Protection
Systems." The reactor protection system is
designed to a high degree of reliability and
testability to prevent or suppress conditions that
could result in exceeding acceptable fuel limits.
Protection and operational reliability is achieved
by providing redundant instrument channels for
each protective function.


Despite the care taken at the first level of
defense, it is prudently anticipated that some
failures or operating errors could occur during
the life of a plant with the potential for safety
concern. Accordingly, a second level of defense
is provided by means of reliable protections

U.S. NRC regulations require that sufficient

redundancy be provided to allow individual
channels to be calibrated and tested with the
reactor at power and to allow the reactor
protection function to be completed even if one

studied in detail, with a deliberate compounding

of combinations and sequences of events to
make the safeguards performance objectives
more demanding. From an analysis of these
postulated events, a third level of features and
equipment is designed and incorporated into the
plant to safely control such an unlikely event and
to protect the public health and safety.

channel is in test and one other channel fails to

trip. These redundant channels are electrically
isolated and physically separated from one
The basic reactor operating design defines an
allowable operating region of power, reactor
coolant pressure, and reactor coolant temperature conditions. If the reactor protection system
receives signals which are indicative of an
approach to operating conditions outside of the
allowable operating region, the system actuates
alarms, prevents control rod withdrawal, initiates
load cutback, and/or opens the reactor trip

For example, the emergency core cooling

system (ECCS)* is provided to mitigate the consequences of a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA)
even though the first level of defense makes
such an occurrence highly unlikely. The ECCS is
designed to comply with U.S. NRC General
Design Criteria. The many conservative steps
required by these requirements ensures the
ECCS a very high probability of successful
operations, if and when required.

The reactor protection system is designed to

withstand the effects of the Design Basis Earthquake. Typical protection system equipment is
subjected to type tests under simulated seismic
accelerations to demonstrate its ability to
perform its functions. Should a failure occur, the
reactor protection system is designed to fail
safe. To meet this requirement, each reactor trip
channel is designed on the "de-energize to
operate" principle; a loss of instrument power to
that channel causes the system to go into its trip
mode. To assure that the reactor protection
system continues to function properly, the plant
Technical Specifications require periodic surveillance, testing, and recalibration of each channel.

The primary function of the ECCS is to deliver

emergency core cooling in the event that the
primary coolant system is accidentally depresssurized (i.e., a LOCA). The ECCS limits the fuel
cladding temperature below the level allowed by
U.S. NRC Regulations so that the core will
remain intact and in place, with its essential heat
transfer geometry preserved. This protection is
afforded for all pipe break sizes up to and
including a postulated circumferential rupture
and separation of a reactor coolant pipe.
The ECCS employs a passive system of accumulators, in addition to independent highpressure and low-pressure pumping systems.
The passive system of accumulators does not
require any external signals or source of power


The third level of defense is designed to add
further margin by postulating, for design
purposes, the occurrence of extremely unlikely
circumstances. A hypothetical accident is
assumed to occur and to progress beyond that
which would be expected and which could occur
only in the event of failures in both the first and
second levels of defense. This scenario is

* The emergency core cooling system (ECCS) is a generic

term that encompasses those systems that provide cooling
water to the reactor core under emergency or accident


margins to protect against dynamic effects as

required by the U.S. NRC. The ECCS equipment has also been designed and fabricated so
that it will function without failure under the worst
conditions of post-accident temperature, pressure, radiation, and humidity conditions for the
length of time required.

for its operation. An accumulator is connected to

each of the cold leg pipes of the reactor coolant
system and provides for the short-term cooling
requirements for a large pipe break by injecting
borated water when RCS pressure falls below
accumulator pressure. Two independent highpressure pumping systems, each capable of
providing the required cooling, are provided for
small break protection and to maintain water
inventory after the accumulators have discharged following a large break LOCA. Two
independent low-pressure pumping systems are
provided, each capable of fulfilling long-term
cooling requirements. The ECCS is designed
with sufficient redundancy and diversity of components such that the failure of any single active
component does not prevent the ECCS from
fulfilling its mission. For example, the cooling
capability of the ECCS would be sufficient to
maintain the fuel cladding temperatures below
allowable limits even if the failure of any single
active component occurred during a major
LOCA. Also, no operator action is required to
maintain the ECCS capability in the event of a
single failure in the system.

The U.S. NRC also requires that a reliable power

supply be provided for ECCS operation. This
power supply is provided through independent
connections to the system grid and a redundant
source of emergency power from independent
diesel generators installed on site. Sufficient
power for operation of the ECCS is provided even
with the failure of a single active component,
including a diesel generator in each of these
separate and independent power systems.
The ECCS is subjected to a thorough inspection
and testing program conforming to U.S. NRC
requirements. ECCS components are tested
both in the manufacturer's shop and after
installation to demonstrate performance and
reliability. Design provisions facilitate access to
critical parts for visual inspection and for
nondestructive inspection where such techniques are desirable and appropriate.

To meet other criteria, additional conservative

actions have been taken concerning the ECCS.
The ECCS and its components have been
designed, fabricated, constructed, tested, and
inspected under a strict and detailed Quality
Assurance Program commensurate with the
importance of its safety function. The structures,
systems, and components of the ECCS are
designated Seismic Category 1 and are
designed to withstand, without loss of capability
to protect the public, the most severe environmental phenomena postulated to occur at the
site with margins for uncertainties in historical
data as required by the U.S. NRC. Missile
protection is also provided. The ECCS is
designed to applicable codes to provide safety

The ECCS design permits periodic testing of

active components for operability and required
functional performance as required by Technical
Specifications. The ECCS delivery capability can
be tested periodically by recirculation of water to
the refueling water storage tank. The system
can be tested for operability up to the last
isolation valve before the ECCS piping enters
the reactor coolant piping. Provisions have also
been made to periodically demonstrate proper
automatic operation of the ECCS including
testing the sequence of the operation and the
transfer to alternate power sources.



measure of
expressed as the amount of energy produced
per unit weight of depleted fuel (MWD/MTU).

absorberA substance that captures neutrons
and removes them from further interaction such
as with hafium, boron, cadmium, and silver.

attenuationThe reduction in the flux density,

or intensity per unit area, with distance from the
source. It may be due to absorption, scattering,
or both processes.

chain reaction, nuclearA self-sustaining

series of events occurring when a neutron splits
an atom releasing additional neutrons to cause
at least one other atom to split in the same way
such that the reaction continues.

axial offsetA measure of power distribution in

the axial direction, obtained by subtracting the
power in bottom of core from power at top of
core and dividing the remainder by the total core
power to obtain a percentage.

chemical shimA chemical (e.g., boric acid)

which is added to the reactor coolant for the
purpose of controlling the reaction rate by
absorbing neutrons.
cold legThe reactor coolant return line from
the steam generator (where the coolant has
given up some of its heat) to the reactor vessel.

axial power distributionThe variation in

power density (or production) in the core along
the vertical length of the fuel assemblies.

cold shutdownA reactor condition in which

the coolant temperature has been reduced to
200F or below and the pressure has essentially
been reduced to atmospheric pressure.

beginning-of-lifeThe point of core life when
the nuclear fuel is first subjected to significant
neutron flux and therefore burnup.

criticalityThe point at which a nuclear reactor

is just capable of sustaining a chain reaction; the
condition in which the number of neutrons
produced is equal to the number of neutrons

biological shieldA screen or wall of an

absorbing or attenuating substance, usually
water or concrete, which is placed around a
reactor to reduce radiation beyond the shields to
allowable levels for personnel or equipment.

burnable poisonA substance with high neutron capture cross section (e.g., boron) which is
purposely put into a fission reactor to influence
the long-term reactivity variations and depletes
with time as the core generates power.


departure from nucleate boiling (DNB)The

point during nucleate boiling at which the steam
produced forms an insulating layer over the
heater wall surface resulting in a rapid and
significant increase in the surface temperature.


design basis accidentAn envelope of those

assumed accidental conditions that if uncontrolled could result in radiological releases from
a nuclear power plant. The plant must be
designed to account for the effects of these very
unlikely accidents.

fluxIn general, the intensity of or rate of flow

of a fluid, particles or energy across a unit area.
With respect to thermal processes, it is the rate
of heat transfer across a boundary expressed as
BTUs per hour per square foot. With regard to
nuclear processes, it is the intensity of radiation
in a given area per unit time expressed as the

design safe shutdown earthquakeThe maximum earthquake that is considered possible at

the site conservatively based upon historical
geological data. The plant is designed to shut
down without danger to the public if this
earthquake occurs.

number of particles per second per square


centimeter. Typically refers to neutron/cm second.

fuel cycleThe period of time between two
successive loadings of new fuel into the reactor.

Doppler effectNegative reactivity insertion

due to an increase in non-fissioning neutron
absorption by fuel. The effect results from an
increase in fuel temperature, which increases
the absorption cross section of fuel.

gamma energyEnergy in the form of photons
of electromagnetic radiation emitted by nuclei,

each such photon being emitted as the result of

a quantum transition between two energy levels

end-of-lifeThe point in core life when burnup

has depleted the nuclear fuel to such an extent
that it can no longer support criticality at
commercial power conditions.

of the nucleus.

epithermal fluxNeutron flux which possesses

energies greater than thermal energy (0.5 ev)
but less than fast energy (1.0 Mev). Sometimes
called intermediate flux or energy.

hot legThe reactor coolant exit line from the

reactor vessel (where the coolant has picked up

its maximum heat) to the steam generator.
hot shutdownA reactor condition in which the

reactor is subcritical with the reactor coolant

temperature typically between 200F and 500F.

fissionThe process of splitting a heavy

nucleus into two or more nuclei by neutron
bombardment. This process is accompanied by
the release of large amounts of heat energy,
significant amounts of gamma radiation, and one
or more neutrons.


hot standbyA reactor condition in which the

reactor is subcritical with the reactor coolant


operating pressure.










MWD/MTUA unit of measure of fuel burnup in

a reactor expressed as megawatt-days of heat
output per metric ton of uranium fuel.


detecting and measuring ionizing radiation. This

device provides an electrical current proportional
to the incident radiation, which is created by

ModeratorMaterial in a nuclear reactor to

moderate (slow down) neutrons from the high
energies at which they are released. Neutrons
lose energy by scattering collisions with nuclei of
the moderator. A good moderator has high
scattering cross section, low capture cross
section, and low atomic weight.

radiation that penetrates the chamber and

ionizes the gas therein.
InconelA specific alloy of mainly nickel and
chromium with some iron and manganese that
has high strength and good resistance to

moderator coefficientThe change in reactor

reactivity (per degree of temperature) occurring
when the moderator temperature changes. The
coefficient is said to be positive when an
increase in temperature increases reactivity,
negative when an increase in temperature
decreases reactivity.

isotopeOne of several nuclides having the

same number of protons in their nuclei, and
hence belonging to the same element, but
differing in the number of neutrons and therefore
in mass number A, or energy content.

linear power densityExpressed in the units

neutronAn uncharged particle with a mass

nearly equal to the mass of a proton. Neutrons
are the particles which sustain a chain reaction
in a nuclear reactor.

of kw/ft; the average linear power density is

obtained by dividing the total thermal power by
the product of the active core length and the
number of fuel rods. The linear power density at

neutron fluxA term used to express the

intensity of neutron radiation, expressed as the
number of neutrons passing through a unit area
in unit time.

a particular location is a function of both core

power level and local conditions.
load followProcess of adjusting plant output
in response to change in network power

neutrons, delayedNeutrons emitted by nuclei

in excited states which have been formed in the
process of beta decay. (The neutron emission
itself is prompt, so that the observed delay is
that of the preceding beta emission or

loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA)A postulated design basis accident in which reactor
coolant is released from the primary system.



radioactivitySpontaneous nuclear disintegration with emission of particle and/or electromagnetic radiations. The principal types of
radioactivity are alpha disintegration, beta decay
(negatron emission, positron emission, and
electron capture), gamma emission (isometric
transition), and neutron emission.

neutrons, fastNeutrons of kinetic energy

greater than some specified value. This value
may vary over a wide range and will be
dependent upon the application, such as reactor
physics, shielding, or dosimetry.
noble fission gasesGases which result from
the fission process and do not combine
chemically with other materials. The noble gases
are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and

ramp rateA constant rate of change.

reactivityAn indication or measure of the
departure of reactor conditions from the critical
state. Negative values indicate subcriticality, a
value of zero indicates criticality and positive
values indicate supercriticality. Represented by
the symbol .

nuclideNuclide is a general term that refers to

all nuclear species, both stable and unstable, of
the elements. Each nuclide is identified by the
number of protons and neutrons in it. If it is
radioactive, it is called a radionuclide.

reactor tripWhen control rods are rapidly

inserted into the core to quickly take the reactor
to a subcritical state.

operating base earthquakeAn earthquake
specified for the site with half the intensity of the
design safe shutdown earthquake. The plant is
designed to continue operating through this

REMRoentgen equivalent man. The basis for

measuring human dosage which takes into
account the effect of different types of radiation.
rod worthThe reactivity change per unit
change in control rod position.

roentgenA radiation exposure measurement.

Radiation, that if stopped completely in air,
would ionize air to create 2.58 x 10 coulomb
per kilogram of air.

power coefficient of reactivityThe change of

reactivity per unit change of reactor thermal
power when other variables are constant.
power defectThe negative reactivity associated with an increase in reactor core power
due to temperature feedback effects from an
increase in fuel and moderator temperature.

shutdownThe process of making a reactor
subcritical or in the state of being in a subcritical

step changeAn instantaneous change of
reactor power from one steady value to another
steady value.

radA unit of absorbed radiation. Energy

absorption of 0.01 joule per kilogram.


steady stateA system in which the conditions

at each point are not changing.

unit net efficiencyRatio of energy provided

by the unit in the form of electricity to that

utilized by the unit.

TavgThe average temperature in the reactor,

halfway between the temperature of the coolant
entering and the coolant leaving.

temperature coefficient of reactivityThe

ratio of the change in reactivity to the change in
temperature when the reactivity change is only
due to a temperature change.

xenonA noble fission gas. One isotope,

xenon-135, has a very large absorption cross
section, and acts as an important fuel poison in
most reactors. It has a half life of 9.2 hours.
Most of it is formed by the decay of iodine135

tilting factorA measure of imbalance in a

system that could be balanced. (Examples:
steam generator output tilt, reactor coolant
differential temperature tilt, and radial and axial
flux tilts.)

which is a fission product and has a half life of

6.7 hours.

transientNon-steady condition encountered

by a system when going from one state of
equilibrium to another.

ZircaloyAn alloy of zirconium with small

percentages of tin, iron, chromium and nickel.
zirconiumA metallic element, highly resistant

turbine tripWhen turbine steam inlet valves

are rapidly closed to block steam flow, stopping
the turbine.


to corrosion, used as cladding on nuclear fuel



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