Program Description:
"BMREINF13" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis and code checking of
steel members with various types of reinforcement configurations. Specifically, members are analyzed / code
checked per the AISC 13th Edition Allowable Strength Design (ASD) Manual. Both actual and allowable stresses
are computed, with the final result being a computed "stress ratio" of actual stress/allowable stress. Both the
intermediate and end weld requirements for attaching the reinforcing to the existing member are determined.
1. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 13th Edition Allowable Strength (ASD)
Manual (2005).
2. This program uses the database of member dimensions and section properties from the "AISC Shapes
Database", Version 13.0 (2005) as well as the AISC 13th Edition (ASD) Manual (2005).
3. This program assumes that existing member is overstressed primarily due to X-axis (strong axis) bending.
However, the member may be also subjected to axial load (compression or tension) as well as Y-axis (minor
axis) bending. Thus, the maximum resultant stress in the top flange of the composite section is assumed to
be compression, while it is assumed to be tension at the bottom of the composite section.
4. This program addresses the concern of existing state of stress for original member by providing input of the
"residual" X-axis (major axis) bending moment in the unreinforced member. These "residual" loads can be
due to dead load alone or a combination of dead load and an assumed portion of the live load.
The "residual", the added (new), and the maximum stresses for the beam are calculated as follows:
fbx(residual, mem) = Mx(residual, mem)*12/Sx
fbx(added, reinf) = (Mx(total)-Mx(residual, mem))*12/Sxc(reinf)
fbx(added, mem) = (Mx(total)-Mx(residual, mem))*12/Sxc(mem)
fbx(reinf) = fbx(added, reinf)
fbx(mem) = fbx(residual, mem) + fbx(added, mem)
where: A = cross sectional area of existing member alone
Ac = cross sectional area of entire composite section
Sx = section modulus for the existing member alone
Sxc(reinf) = section modulus referenced to extremities of new reinforcing element(s)
Sxc(mem) = section modulus referenced to extremities of existing member
5. This program prompts for the X-axis (strong axis) "cut-off" moment for the beam, which may be input as a
value equal to the total design moment, but is more typically equal to the moment capacity of the existing
unreinforced member. The "cut-off" moment is the moment used to determine the end weld requirements
for the member reinforcing.
6. In this program for members subjected to known loadings consisting of axial load (compression or tension)
and/or uniaxial or biaxial bending, both the actual and allowable stress are computed, with the final result
being a computed "stress ratio" of actual stress/allowable stress.
7. For cases when the axial load is compression, then it is considered at the top flange of the section but it is
not considered at the bottom of the section. When the axial load is tension, then it is not considered at the
top flange of the section but it is considered for the bottom of the section.
8. In this program if beam reinforcing runs for full length, then the composite section properties will be used in
computing both the actual and the allowable axial compressive stresses. Otherwise, only the properties of
the original existing beam are used for reinforcing that does not run for full length of beam. (See Note #9.)
9. When a stiffened element of a member subjected to axial compression is classified as a "slender"
element (exceeding non-compact limits) based on local buckling criteria, then the program complies with
AISC Chapter E7.
10. This program assumes that there is zero residual axial stess in the member.
11. If a member loaded with axial compression has a maximum slenderness ratio K*L*12/r >200, then a
message will appear. However, this program does not consider or deem a particular member as
"inadequate" based on the slenderness ratio of 200 being exceeded.
12. For the case of combined axial compression with bending, if the calculated value of fa >=F'e (which is not
allowed) then a warning (error!) message will appear.
13. When the values of either 'Lx', 'Ly', or 'Lb' are input = 0' (or actually <= 1.0'), this program will use a value = 1.0'.
14. When the area of the top (assumed compression) flange is <= the area of the bottom (assumed tension)
flange, then this program will not consider the use of AISC Eqn. F1-8 per Section F1.3 in determining
the allowable X-axis bending stress, 'Fbx'.
15. This program does not calculate or check shear or deflection in member.
16. This program does not consider torsion on member.
17. This program does not consider deduction for holes in members subjected to tension.
18. In weld design, this program determines the AISC Code minimum fillet weld as well as the maximum
effective fillet weld size based on the shear strength of the base material. The weld size used will be the
AISC minimum weld size, not to exceed the maximum assumed value for a single pass weld of 5/16". If the
maximum effective fillet weld size is less than the actual size used, then the maximum effective fillet weld
size is used to determine the actual required weld lengths.
19. This program contains numerous comment boxes which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a comment box
is denoted by a red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
"BMREINF13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Spreadsheet By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3
Ky*Ly/ry =
Combined Section Properties (continued): K*L/r (max) =
Zxc = 83.95 in.^3 P.N.A. is Below Channel Flange fa = P/A =
Iyc = 47.80 in.^4 Iyc = Iy+Ixch kc =
Syc(top/mem) = 15.93 in.^3 Syc(bot/mem) = Iyc/(bf/2) (referenced to tip of bot. flange of member) #
Syc(bot/mem) = 15.93 in.^3 Syc(bot/mem) = Iyc/(bf/2) (referenced to tip of bot. flange of member) Chaper 3:
Syc(top/ch) = 11.95 in.^4 Syc(top/Ch) = Iyc/(d/2) (referenced to tip of flange of reinf. Channel) Fa =
ryc = 1.870 in. ryc = SQRT(Iyc/Ac) Fa =
Zyc = 17.69 in.^3 Zyc = Zy (I-shape) + Zx (channel) Fe =
J= 0.615 in.^4 W33x221
Cwc 2249 in.^6 Cwc Cw * {1.7*sqrt(Achannel/Aw_shape)} ref. AISC Engineering Chaper 4:
Journal, Q1-1993). See Eqn. 4. e=
yo =
Check Stresses: robar^2 =
For Axial Compression: H=
KL/rx = 16.83 KL/rx = Kx*Lx*12/rxc (use rxc for combined section) Fex =
KL/ry = 64.17 KL/ry = Ky*Ly*12/ryc (use ryc for combined section) Fey =
KL/r = 64.17 KL/r = Max. of: Kx*Lx*12/rxc or Ky*Ly*12/ryc Fez =
Fe = N.A. Fe =
fa = 0.00 ksi fa = P/Ac (use Ac for combined section) Fa =
Fa = 15.65 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. E7-2) Fa =
Pa = 161.19 kips Pa = Fa*Ac (use Ac for combined section) W30x235
S.R.= 0.000 S.R = fa/Fa Chaper 7:
Qs =
For X-axis Bending: Qa =
Lp = 6.43 ft. (Eqn. F4-7, max. value of Lb for Fbx = 0.6*Rpc*Fy) Q=
Lr = 25.12 ft. (Eqn. F4-8, max. value of Lb for inelastic LTB) Aeff =
rtc = 2.47 in. rtc = SQRT((tf*bf^3/12+(Y2-tf)/3*tw^3/12+Ixch)/(bf*tf+(Y2-tf)/3*tw)+Ach) beb =
fbx(residual) = 0.42 ksi fbx = Mx(residual)*12/Sx Fa =
fbx(add. top) = 2.77 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(top/mem) Fa =
fbx(add. bot) = 4.35 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(bot/mem) W30x99
fbx(top/mem) = 3.19 ksi fbx(top/mem) = fbx(residual)+fbx(added, top/mem) Use: Fa =
fbx(bot/mem) = 4.77 ksi fbx(bot/mem) = fbx(residual)+fbx(added, bot/mem) S.R. =
Fbx(residual) = 20.05 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F2-2) Pa =
Fbx(top) = 17.32 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F4-2) W27x336
Fbx(bot) = 28.51 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F4-14) X-axis Ben
Mrx = 143.78 ft-kips Mrx=Min. of: Sxc(top/mem)*Fbx(top)/12, Sxc(bot/mem)*Fbx(bot)/12 W27x281
S.R.(top/ch) = 0.181 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(added,top)/Fbx(top) Existing M
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.173 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(added,bot)/Fbx(bot) fbx(residual) =
Design Chapter
For Y-axis Bending: kc =
fby(top/ch) = 0.00 ksi fby(top/ch) = My*12/Syc(top/ch) Lp =
fby(bot/mem) = 0.00 ksi fby(bot/mem) = My*12/Syc(bot/mem) rts =
Fby = 23.93 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F6-1) c=
Mry = 23.83 ft-kips Mry=Min. of: Syc(top/ch)*Fby/12, Syc(bot/mem)*Fby/12 R1 =
S.R.(top/ch) = 0.000 S.R = fby(top/ch)/Fby R2 =
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.000 S.R = fby(bot/mem)/Fby Lr =
R3 =
Fbx =
Combined Stress Ratios: Fbx =
S.R.(top/ch) = 0.181 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.173 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
Fbx =
Increased Cb =
Weld Design: Use: Fbx(residual) =
Mrx(residual) =
Interior Welds of Channel Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) S.R. =
Fw = 0.118 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Ach*Y2/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) W24x146
(min) = 1/ 8 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96 Reinforced
(max,eff) = 0.1067 in. (max,eff) = tw(wt)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2))
fbx(added, top/mem) =
(use) = 1/ 8 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" fbx(added, bot/mem) =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) fbx(top/mem) =
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) fbx(bot/mem) =
Note: = (max,eff) W24x84
Use: 1/8'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Channel Web Det
End Welds of Channel Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) Cas
Fw(total) = 10.15 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ach*Y2/Ixc yp =
a'(min) = 3.000 in. a'(min) = 3" (assumed) yt =
a'(req'd) = 3.204 in. a' = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 yc =
a'(use) = 3.204 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) Zxc =
Lw(total) = 6.408 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of WT reinf.) W21x147
Note: = (max,eff) Cas
Use: 1/8'' Fillet Weld, 4'' Continuous Each Side of Channel Web @ Ends yp =
yt =
Comments: yc =
Zxc =
Applicable Case =
yp =
Zxc =
Design Chapter
kc =
Rpc =
Fbx(top) =
Modified J =
FL =
R1 =
R2 =
Lp =
Lr =
R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Existing w18x35 Fbx =
Lr =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx(bot) =
Use: Fbx(top) =
Use: Fbx(bot) =
4'' Cont. New c8x11.5 Mrx(top) =
@ Ends 1/8'' 1.5'' @ 12'' Mrx(bot) =
Mrx =
S.R.(top) =
S.R.(bot) =
S.R.(top/ch) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
Y-axis Ben
fby(top/ch) =
fby(bot/mem) =
Fby =
Fby =
Fby =
Fcr =
Use: Fby =
Mry(top/ch) =
Mry(bot/mem) =
Mry =
S.R.(top/ch) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
Stress Rat
S.R.(top/ch) =
S.R.(top/ch) =
S.R.(top/ch) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
pw =
Combined Section Properties (continued): rw =
Zxc = 76.11 in.^3 P.N.A. is above Bottom Flange rf =
Iyc = 16.43 in.^4 Iyc = Iy+Iyp rw =
Syc(top/mem) = 5.48 in.^3 Syc(top/mem) = Iyc/(bf/2) (ref. outside edge of top flange of member) #
Syc(bot/mem) = 5.48 in.^3 Syc(bot/mem) = Iyc/(bf/2) (ref. outside edge of bot. flange of member) Axial Com
Syc(bot/pl) = 10.95 in.^3 Syc(bot/pl) = Iyc/(Bp/2) (ref. outside edge of reinforcingDesignplate) Chapter
ryc = 1.180 in. ryc = SQRT(Iyc/Ac) Kx*Lx/rx =
Zyc = 9.19 in.^3 Zyc = Zy (I-shape) + Zy (pl) Ky*Ly/ry =
J= 0.62 in.^4 J = Ci*(1/3 * bi * ti^3), where Ci varies from 0.423 to 1 K*L/r (max) =
Cwc 1255.2 in.^6 Cwc h'^2*Ic*It/(Ic+It) fa = P/A =
kc =
Check Stresses: W33x152
For Axial Compression: (for combined section) Chaper 3:
KL/rx = 16.58 KL/rx = Kx*Lx*12/rxc (use rxc for combined section) Fa =
KL/ry = 101.71 KL/ry = Ky*Ly*12/ryc (use ryc for combined section) Fa =
KL/r = 101.71 KL/r = Max. of: Kx*Lx*12/rxc or Ky*Ly*12/ryc Fe =
Fe = N.A. W30x357
fa = 0.00 ksi fa = P/Ac (use Ac for combined section) Chaper 4:
Fa = 7.85 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. E7-2) e=
Pa = 92.69 kips Pa = Fa*Ac (use Ac for combined section) yo =
S.R. = 0.000 S.R = fa/Fa robar^2 =
For X-axis Bending: (for combined section) Fex =
Lp = 3.84 ft. (Eqn. F2-5, max. value of Lb for Fbx = 0.6*SF*Fy) Fey =
Lr = 14.88 ft. (Eqn. F4-8, max. value of Lb for inelastic LTB) Fez =
rtc = 1.48 rtc = SQRT((tf*bf^3/12+(Y1-tf)/3*tw^3/12)/(bf*tf+(Y1-tf)/3*tw)) Fe =
fbx(residual) = 0.42 ksi fbx = Mx(residual)*12/Sx Fa =
fbx(add. top) = 4.47 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(top/mem) Fa =
fbx(add. bot) = 3.43 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(bot/mem) W30x108
fbx(top/mem) = 4.88 ksi fbx(top/mem) = fbx(residual)+fbx(added, top/mem) Chaper 7:
fbx(bot/mem) = 3.85 ksi fbx(bot/mem) = fbx(residual)+fbx(added, bot/mem) Qs =
fbx(bot/pl) = 3.66 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(bot/pl) Qa =
Fbx(residual) = 20.05 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F2-2) Q=
Fbx(top) = 20.16 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F4-2) Aeff =
Fbx(bot) = 21.74 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F4-14) beb =
Mrx = 103.81 ft-kips Mrx=Min. of: Sxc(top/mem)*Fbx(top)/12, Sxc(bot/mem)*Fbx(bot)/12 Fa =
S.R. (top/mem) = 0.242 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(added,top)/Fbx(top) Fa =
S.R. (bot/mem) = 0.179 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(added,bot)/Fbx(bot) W27x235
S.R. (bot/pl) = 0.158 S.R = fbx(bot/pl)/Fbx(bot) Use: Fa =
S.R. =
For Y-axis Bending: Pa =
fby(top/mem) = 0.00 ksi fby(top/mem) = My*12/Syc(top/mem) W27x161
fby(bot/mem) = 0.00 ksi fby(bot/mem) = My*12/Syc(bot/mem) W27x146
fby(bot/pl) = 0.00 ksi fby(bot/pl) = My*12/Syc(bot/pl) W27x129
Fby = 18.08 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F6-1) X-axis Ben
Mry = 8.25 ft-kips Mry=Min. of: Syc(top/mem)*Fby/12, Syc(bot/pl)*Fby/12 W27x102
S.R. (top/mem) = 0.000 S.R = fby(top/mem)/Fby Existing M
S.R. (bot/mem) = 0.000 S.R = fby(bot/mem)/Fby fbx(residual) =
S.R. (bot/pl) = 0.000 S.R = fby(bot/pl)/Fby (continued)
kc =
Combined Stress Ratios: Lp =
S.R.(top/mem) = 0.242 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.179 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(bot/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/pl) = 0.158 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(bot/pl) <= 1.0, O.K.
R2 =
Lr =
Weld Design: R3 =
Interior Welds of Plate Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) Is Lb<=Lp?
Fw = 0.096 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Ap*Y4/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) Fbx =
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96 Fbx =
(max,eff) = 0.4121 in. (max,eff) = Min. of: (tp or tf)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70)) Fbx =
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" Fbx =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) Fbx =
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) Increased Cb =
Note: = (use) Use: Fbx(residual) =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Plate Mrx(residual) =
S.R. =
End Welds of Plate Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) W24x55
For Case #1: Weld Across End of Plate Reinforced
Fw(total) = 5.78 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ap*Y4/Ixc fbx(added, top/mem) =
Lw(end) = 3.000 in. Lw(end) = Min. of: bf or Bp fbx(added, bot/mem) =
a'(min) = 4.500 in. a'(min) = 1.5*Bp, for weld size < 0.75*tp fbx(top/mem) =
a'(req'd) = -0.462 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70)-Lw(end))/2 fbx(bot/mem) =
a'(use) = 4.500 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) fbx(bot/pl) =
Lw(total) = 12.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use)+Lw(end) (@ each end of plate reinf.) W21x111
Note: = (use) W21x101
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 4.5'' Continuous Each Side of Plate and Across End Det
For Case #2: No Weld Across End of Plate Cas
Fw(total) = 5.78 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ap*Y4/Ixc yp =
Lw(end) = 0.000 in. Lw(end) = 0 (assumed) yt =
a'(min) = 6.000 in. a'(min) = 2*Bp, for no weld across end of plate yc =
a'(req'd) = 1.038 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70))/2 Zxc =
a'(use) = 6.000 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) W21x57
Lw(total) = 12.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of plate) Cas
Note: = (use) yp =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 6'' Continuous Each Side of Plate yt =
yc =
Comments: Zxc =
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
Applicable Case =
yp =
Zxc =
Design Chapter
kc =
Rpc =
Fbx(top) =
Modified J =
Existing W18x35 W18x50
FL =
R1 =
R2 =
R2' =
Lp =
Lr =
R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Fbx =
Lr =
6'' Cont. Is Lb<=Lp?
@ Ends 3/16'' 1.5'' @ 12'' Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx(bot) =
Use: Fbx(top) =
Use: Fbx(bot) =
Mrx(top) =
Mrx(bot) =
Mrx =
New PL01/ 2x3 S.R.(top) =
S.R.(bot) =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/pl) =
Y-axis Ben
fby(top/mem) =
pw =
Combined Section Properties (continued): rw =
Zxc = 75.46 in.^3 P.N.A. is below Top Flange rf =
Iyc = 16.43 in.^4 Iyc = Iy+Iyp rw =
Syc(top/mem) = 5.48 in.^3 Syc(top/mem) = Iyc/(bf/2) (ref. outside edge of top flange of member) #
Syc(bot/mem) = 5.48 in.^3 Syc(bot/mem) = Iyc/(bf/2) (ref. outside edge of bot. flange of member) Axial Com
Syc(bot/pl) = 10.95 in.^3 Syc(top/pl) = Iyc/(Bp/2) (ref. outside edge of reinforcingDesignplate) Chapter
ryc = 1.180 in. ryc = SQRT(Iyc/Ac) Kx*Lx/rx =
Zyc = 9.19 in.^3 Zyc = Zy (I-shape) + Zy (pl) Ky*Ly/ry =
J= 0.62 in.^4 J = Ci*(1/3 * bi * ti^3), where Ci varies from 0.423 to 1 K*L/r (max) =
Cwc 1255.2 in.^6 Cwc h'^2*Ic*It/(Ic+It) fa = P/A =
kc =
Check Stresses: W33x152
For Axial Compression: (for combined section) Chaper 3:
KL/rx = 16.58 KL/rx = Kx*Lx*12/rxc (use rxc for combined section) Fa =
KL/ry = 101.71 KL/ry = Ky*Ly*12/ryc (use ryc for combined section) Fa =
KL/r = 101.71 KL/r = Max. of: Kx*Lx*12/rxc or Ky*Ly*12/ryc Fe =
Fe = N.A. W30x357
fa = 0.00 ksi fa = P/Ac (use Ac for combined section) Chaper 4:
Fa = 9.28 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. E7-2) e=
Pa = 109.50 kips Pa = Fa*Ac (use Ac for combined section) yo =
S.R. = 0.000 S.R = fa/Fa robar^2 =
For X-axis Bending: (for combined section) Fex =
Lp = 3.51 ft. (Eqn. F2-5, max. value of Lb for Fbx = 0.6*SF*Fy) Fey =
Lr = 13.28 ft. (Eqn. F4-8, max. value of Lb for inelastic LTB) Fez =
rtc = 1.35 rtc = SQRT((Iyp+tf*bf^3/12+(Y1-tf)/3*tw^3/12)/(Ap+bf*tf+(Y1-tf)/3*tw)) Fe =
fbx(residual) = 0.42 ksi fbx = Mx(residual)*12/Sx Fa =
fbx(add. top) = 3.43 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(top/mem) Fa =
fbx(add. bot) = 4.47 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(bot/mem) W30x108
fbx(top/pl) = 3.66 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(top/pl) Chaper 7:
fbx(top/mem) = 3.85 ksi fbx(top/mem) = fbx(residual)+fbx(added, top/mem) Qs =
fbx(bot/mem) = 4.88 ksi fbx(bot/mem) = fbx(residual)+fbx(added, bot/mem) Qa =
Fbx(residual) = 20.05 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F2-2) Q=
Fbx(top) = 17.26 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F4-2) Aeff =
Fbx(bot) = 26.32 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F4-14) beb =
Mrx = 108.57 ft-kips Mrx=Min. of: Sxc(top/pl)*Fbx(top)/12, Sxc(bot/mem)*Fbx(bot)/12 Fa =
S.R. (bot/pl) = 0.212 S.R = fbx(added,top/pl)/Fbx(top) Fa =
S.R. (top/mem) = 0.220 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(added,top)/Fbx(top) W27x235
S.R. (bot/mem) = 0.190 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(added,bot)/Fbx(bot) Use: Fa =
S.R. =
For Y-axis Bending: Pa =
fby(top/mem) = 0.00 ksi fby(top/mem) = My*12/Syc(top/mem) W27x161
fby(bot/mem) = 0.00 ksi fby(bot/mem) = My*12/Syc(bot/mem) W27x146
fby(bot/pl) = 0.00 ksi fby(top/pl) = My*12/Syc(top/pl) W27x129
Fby = 18.08 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F6-1) X-axis Ben
Mry = 8.25 ft-kips Mry=Min. of: Syc(top/mem)*Fby/12, Syc(top/pl)*Fby/12 W27x102
S.R. (top/pl) = 0.000 S.R = fby(top/pl)/Fby Existing M
S.R. (top/mem) = 0.000 S.R = fby(top/mem)/Fby fbx(residual) =
S.R. (bot/mem) = 0.000 S.R = fby(bot/mem)/Fby (continued)
kc =
Combined Stress Ratios: Lp =
S.R.(top/pl) = 0.212 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/pl) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(top/mem) = 0.220 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.190 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
R2 =
Lr =
Weld Design: R3 =
Interior Welds of Plate Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) Is Lb<=Lp?
Fw = 0.096 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Ap*Y4/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) Fbx =
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96 Fbx =
(max,eff) = 0.4121 in. (max,eff) = Min. of: (tp or tf)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70)) Fbx =
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" Fbx =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) Fbx =
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) Increased Cb =
Note: = (use) Use: Fbx(residual) =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Plate Mrx(residual) =
S.R. =
End Welds of Plate Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) W24x55
For Case #1: Weld Across End of Plate Reinforced
Fw(total) = 5.78 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ap*Y4/Ixc fbx(added, top/mem) =
Lw(end) = 3.000 in. Lw(end) = Min. of: bf or Bp fbx(added, bot/mem) =
a'(min) = 4.500 in. a'(min) = 1.5*Bp, for weld size < 0.75*tp fbx(top/pl) =
a'(req'd) = -0.462 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70)-Lw(end))/2 fbx(top/mem) =
a'(use) = 4.500 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) fbx(bot/mem) =
Lw(total) = 12.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use)+Lw(end) (@ each end of plate reinf.) W21x111
Note: = (use) W21x101
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 4.5'' Continuous Each Side of Plate and Across End Det
For Case #2: No Weld Across End of Plate Cas
Fw(total) = 5.78 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ap*Y4/Ixc yp =
Lw(end) = 0.000 in. Lw(end) = 0 (assumed) yt =
a'(min) = 6.000 in. a'(min) = 2*Bp, for no weld across end of plate yc =
a'(req'd) = 1.038 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70))/2 Zxc =
a'(use) = 6.000 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) W21x57
Lw(total) = 12.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of plate) Cas
Note: = (use) yp =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 6'' Continuous Each Side of Plate yt =
yc =
Comments: Zxc =
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
Applicable Case =
yp =
Zxc =
Design Chapter
kc =
Rpc =
Fbx(top) =
Modified J =
New PL 1/ 2x3 W18x50
FL =
R1 =
R2 =
R2' =
Lp =
Lr =
R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
6'' Cont. Fbx(top) =
@ Ends 3/16'' 1.5'' @ 12'' Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Fbx =
Lr =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx(bot) =
Use: Fbx(top) =
Use: Fbx(bot) =
Mrx(top) =
Mrx(bot) =
Existing W18x35 Mrx =
S.R.(top/pl) =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(top/pl) =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
Y-axis Ben
Design Chapter
Check Stresses: Kx*Lx/rx =
Ky*Ly/ry =
For Axial Compression: (use Ac for combined section) K*L/r (max) =
KL/rx = 16.14 KL/rx = Kx*Lx*12/rxc (use rxc for combined section) fa = P/A =
KL/ry = 103.14 KL/ry = Ky*Ly*12/ryc (use ryc for combined section) kc =
KL/r = 103.14 KL/r = Max. of: Kx*Lx*12/rxc or Ky*Ly*12/ryc W33x291
Fe = N.A. Chaper 3:
fa = 0.00 ksi fa = P/Ac (use Ac for combined section) Fa =
Fa = 12.16 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. E7-2) Fa =
Pa = 152.59 kips Pa = Fa*Ac (use Ac for combined section) Fe =
For X-axis Bending: (for combined section) Chaper 4:
Lp = 4.84 ft. (Eqn. F2-5, max. value of Lb for Fbx = 0.6*SF*Fy) Fe =
Lr = 13.83 ft. (Eqn. F2-6, max. value of Lb for inelastic LTB) Fa =
rtc = 1.37 rtc = SQRT((tp*Bp^3/12+tf*bf^3/12+(d/2-tf)/3*tw^3/12)/(Bp*tp+bf*tf+(d/2-tf)/3*tw)) Fa =
fbx(residual) = 0.42 ksi fbx = Mx(residual)*12/Sx W30x391
fbx(add. mem) = 3.52 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(top/mem) Chaper 7:
fbx(pls) = 3.67 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(bot/pl) Qs =
Fbx(residual) = 20.05 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F2-2) Qa =
Fbx = 18.83 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F2-2) Q=
Mrx = 118.03 ft-kips Mrx=Min. of: Sxc(mem)*Fbx/12, Sxc(pls)*Fbx/12 Aeff =
S.R. (mem) = 0.208 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(mem)/Fbx beb =
S.R. (pls) = 0.195 S.R = fbx(pls)/Fbx Fa =
Fa =
For Y-axis Bending: (for combined section) Use: Fa =
fby(mem) = 0.00 ksi fby(mem) = My*12/Syc(mem) S.R. =
fby(pls) = 0.00 ksi fby(pls) = My*12/Syc(pls) Pa =
Fby = 18.55 Governing Equation is (Eqn. F6-1) W30x108
Mry = 8.76 ft-kips Mry=Min. of: Syc(mem)*Fby/12, Syc(pls)*Fby/12 X-axis Ben
S.R. (mem) = 0.00 S.R = fby(mem)/Fby W30x90
S.R. (pls) = 0.00 ft-kips S.R = fby(pls)/Fby Existing M
fbx(residual) =
Stress Ratios: Design Chapter
S.R.(top/pl) = 0.208 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/pl) = 0.195 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
rts =
R1 =
R2 =
Lr =
R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Increased Cb =
Weld Design: Use: Fbx(residual) =
Mrx(residual) =
Interior Welds of Plate Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) S.R. =
Fw = 0.051 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Ap*yp/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) W24x229
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96 Reinforced
(max,eff) = 0.3637 in. (max,eff) = Min. of: (tp or tf)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70))
fbx(added, mem) =
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" fbx(pls) =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) W24x162
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or DesignLw(min)Chapter
Note: = (use) kc =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Plates Lp =
rts =
End Welds of Plate Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) c=
For Case #1: Weld Across End of Plates R1 =
Fw(total) = 4.40 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ap*yp/Ixc R2 =
Lw(end) = 3.000 in. Lw(end) = Min. of: bf or Bp Lr =
a'(min) = 4.500 in. a'(min) = 1.5*Bp, for weld size < 0.75*tp R3 =
a'(req'd) = -0.710 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70)-Lw(end))/2 W24x62
a'(use) = 4.500 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) Is Lb<=Lp?
Lw(total) = 12.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use)+Lw(end) (@ each end of plate reinf.) Fbx =
Note: = (use) Fbx =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 4.5'' Continuous Each Side of Plates and Across Ends Fbx =
Fbx =
For Case #2: No Weld Across End of Plates Fbx =
Fw(total) = 4.40 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ap*yp/Ixc Increased Cb =
Lw(end) = 0.000 in. Lw(end) = 0 (assumed) Use: Fbx =
a'(min) = 6.000 in. a'(min) = 2*Bp, for no weld across end of plate Mrx =
a'(req'd) = 0.790 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70))/2 S.R. (mem) =
a'(use) = 6.000 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) S.R. (pls) =
Lw(total) = 12.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of plate) W21x73
Note: = (use) Com
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 6'' Continuous Each Side of Plates S.R.(mem) =
S.R.(bot/pl) =
Comments: Y-axis Ben
fby(mem) =
fby(pls) =
Fby =
Fby =
Fby =
Fcr =
Use: Fby =
Mry(mem) =
Mry(pls) =
Mry =
S.R.(mem) =
S.R.(pls) =
Stress Rat
S.R.(mem) =
S.R.(mem) =
S.R.(mem) =
S.R.(pls) =
S.R.(pls) =
Existing W18x35 S.R.(pls) =
Weld Desi
Interior We
Fw =
(min) =
(max,eff) =
(use) =
Lw(min) =
Lw(use) =
Note: =
End Welds
For Case #1:
Fw(total) =
Lw(end) =
a'(min) =
a'(req'd) =
a'(use) =
Lw(total) =
Note: =
For Case #2:
Fw(total) =
Lw(end) =
6'' Cont. a'(min) =
@ Ends, Typ. 3/16'' 1.5'' @ 12'' a'(req'd) =
a'(use) =
Lw(total) =
Note: =
End Welds
For Case #1:
Fw1 =
Lw(end) =
a'(use) =
New PL03/ 8x3, Typ. Pw =
Mw =
Sw(max) =
Sw(min) =
Fw(result) =
(req'd) =
For Case #2:
Fw1 =
Lw(end) =
R2 =
Combined Stress Ratios: Lr =
S.R.(top/mem) = 0.972 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.563 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/WT) = 0.592 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(bot/WT) <= 1.0, O.K.
Fbx =
Weld Design: Fbx =
Fbx =
Interior Welds of WT Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) Fbx =
Fw = 0.396 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Awt*Y4/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) Fbx =
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96
Increased Cb =
(max,eff) = 0.1527 in. (max,eff) = tw(wt)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2))
Use: Fbx(residual) =
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" Mrx(residual) =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) S.R. =
Lw(use) = 2.094 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) W24x94
Note: = (max,eff) Reinforced
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 2.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of WT Web fbx(added, top/mem) =
fbx(added, bot/mem) =
End Welds of WT Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) fbx(top/mem) =
Fw(total) = 65.77 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Awt*Y4/Ixc + (Awt/Ac)*ABS(P(axial))
fbx(bot/mem) =
a'(min) = 3.000 in. a'(min) = 3" (assumed) fbx(bot/WT) =
a'(req'd) = 14.500 in. a' = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 W21x182
a'(use) = 14.500 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) W21x166
Lw(total) = 29.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of WT reinf.) Det
Note: = (max,eff) W21x132
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 14.5'' Continuous Each Side of WT Web @ Ends Cas
yp =
Comments: yt =
yc =
Zxc =
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
Applicable Case =
yp =
Zxc =
Design Chapter
kc =
Rpc =
Fbx(top) =
Modified J =
FL =
R1 =
R2 =
R2' =
Existing W24x62 Lp =
Lr =
R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot/WT) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Fbx =
Lr =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx(bot/WT) =
Use: Fbx(top/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/WT) =
Mrx(top) =
Mrx(bot/mem) =
Mrx(bot) =
14.5'' Cont. Mrx =
@ Ends 3/16'' 2.5'' @ 12'' S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/WT) =
New WT9x20 S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/WT) =
Y-axis Ben
fby(top/mem) =
fby(bot/mem) =
fby(bot/WT) =
R2 =
Combined Stress Ratios: Lr =
S.R.(top/WT) = 0.833 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/WT) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(top/mem) = 0.596 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.819 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
Fbx =
Weld Design: Fbx =
Fbx =
Interior Welds of WT Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) Fbx =
Fw = 0.396 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Awt*Y4/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) Fbx =
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96
Increased Cb =
(max,eff) = 0.1527 in. (max,eff) = tw(wt)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2))
Use: Fbx(residual) =
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" Mrx(residual) =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) S.R. =
Lw(use) = 2.094 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) W24x94
Note: = (max,eff) Reinforced
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 2.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of WT Web fbx(added, top/mem) =
fbx(added, bot/mem) =
End Welds of WT Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) fbx(top/WT) =
Fw(total) = 65.77 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Awt*Y4/Ixc + (Awt/Ac)*ABS(P(axial))
fbx(top/mem) =
a'(min) = 3.000 in. a'(min) = 3" (assumed) fbx(bot/mem) =
a'(req'd) = 14.500 in. a' = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 W21x182
a'(use) = 14.500 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) W21x166
Lw(total) = 29.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of WT reinf.) Det
Note: = (max,eff) W21x132
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 14.5'' Continuous Each Side of WT Web @ Ends Cas
yp =
Comments: yt =
yc =
Zxc =
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
Applicable Case =
yp =
Zxc =
Design Chapter
kc =
Rpc =
Fbx(top) =
New WT9x20 Modified J =
FL =
R1 =
R2 =
R2' =
14.5'' Cont. Lp =
@ Ends 3/16'' 2.5'' @ 12'' Lr =
R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot/mem) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Fbx =
Lr =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Existing W24x62 Fbx =
Fbx(bot/mem) =
Use: Fbx(top/WT) =
Use: Fbx(top/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/mem) =
Mrx(top/WT) =
Mrx(top/mem) =
Mrx(bot/mem) =
Mrx =
S.R.(top/WT) =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(top/WT) =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
Y-axis Ben
fby(top/WT) =
fby(top/mem) =
fby(bot/mem) =
Existing M
Combined Stress Ratios: fbx(residual) =
S.R.(top/mem) = 0.826 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.628 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/pl) = 0.473 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
rts =
Weld Design: c=
Interior Welds of WT Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) R1 =
Fw = 0.364 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Awt*Y4/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) R2 =
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96 Lr =
(max,eff) = 0.1527 in. (max,eff) = tw(wt)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2)) R3 =
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" W24x117
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) Is Lb<=Lp?
Lw(use) = 1.925 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) Fbx =
Note: = (max,eff) Fbx =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 2'' @ 12'' Each Side of WT Web Fbx =
Fbx =
End Welds of WT Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) Fbx =
Fw(total) = 60.31 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Awt*Y4/Ixc + (Awt/Ac)*ABS(P(axial))
Increased Cb =
a'(min) = 3.000 in. a'(min) = 3" (assumed) Use: Fbx(residual) =
a'(req'd) = 13.297 in. a' = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 Mrx(residual) =
a'(use) = 13.297 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) S.R. =
Lw(total) = 26.594 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of WT reinf.) W21x166
Note: = (max,eff) Reinforced
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 14'' Continuous Each Side of WT Web @ Ends fbx(added, top/mem) =
fbx(added, bot/mem) =
Interior Welds of Top Flg Pl Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) fbx(top/mem) =
Fw = 0.201 kips/in. Fw = Rv*2*Ap*Y5/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) fbx(bot/mem) =
(min) = 1/ 4 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page fbx(bot/WT)
16.1-96 =
(max,eff) = 0.4849 in. (max,eff) = tw(wt)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2)) W21x83
(use) = 1/ 4 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" W21x73
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) Det
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) W21x62
Note: = (max,eff) Cas
Use: 1/4'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Top Flange Plate yp =
yt =
End Welds of Top Flg Pl Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) yc =
Fw(total) = 33.53 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*2*Ap*Y5/Ixc + (2*Ap/Ac)*ABS(P(axial)) Zxc =
a'(min) = 3.000 in. a'(min) = 3" (assumed) W18x311
a'(req'd) = 4.515 in. a' = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 Cas
a'(use) = 4.515 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) yp =
Lw(total) = 9.031 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of Top Flg Pl reinf.) yt =
Note: = (max,eff) yc =
Use: 1/4'' Fillet Weld, 5'' Continuous Each Side of Top Flange Plate @ Ends Zxc =
Comments: Cas
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
Applicable Case =
yp =
Zxc =
Design Chapter
kc =
Existing W24x62 Rpc =
Fbx(top) =
Modified J =
FL =
R1 =
R2 =
R2' =
Lp =
Lr =
New PL1x2, Typ. R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx(top) =
5'' Cont. Fbx(top) =
@ Ends 1/4'' 1.5'' @ 12'' Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot/WT) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Fbx =
Lr =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
14'' Cont. Fbx(bot/WT) =
@ Ends 3/16'' 2'' @ 12'' W14x193
Use: Fbx(top/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/WT) =
Mrx(top) =
New wt9x20 Mrx(bot/mem) =
Mrx(bot) =
Mrx =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/WT) =
Existing M
Combined Stress Ratios: fbx(residual) =
S.R.(top/mem) = 0.756 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.297 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/pl) = 0.374 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
rts =
Weld Design: c=
Interior Welds of WT Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) R1 =
Fw = 0.455 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Awt*Y4/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) R2 =
(min) = 1/ 4 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96 Lr =
(max,eff) = 0.2497 in. (max,eff) = tw(wt)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2)) R3 =
(use) = 1/ 4 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" W24x117
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) Is Lb<=Lp?
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) Fbx =
Note: = (max,eff) Fbx =
Use: 1/4'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of WT Web Fbx =
Fbx =
End Welds of WT Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) Fbx =
Fw(total) = 104.47 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Awt*Y4/Ixc + (Awt/Ac)*ABS(P(axial))
Increased Cb =
a'(min) = 3.000 in. a'(min) = 3" (assumed) Use: Fbx(residual) =
a'(req'd) = 14.087 in. a' = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 Mrx(residual) =
a'(use) = 14.087 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) S.R. =
Lw(total) = 28.174 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of WT reinf.) W21x166
Note: = (max,eff) Reinforced
Use: 1/4'' Fillet Weld, 14.5'' Continuous Each Side of WT Web @ Ends fbx(added, top/mem) =
fbx(added, bot/mem) =
Interior Welds of Each Reinf. Bar to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) fbx(top/mem) =
Fw = 0.018 kips/in. Fw = (Rv/2)*Ab*Y5/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) fbx(bot/mem) =
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96
fbx(bot/WT) =
(max,eff) = 0.2085 in. (max,eff) = tw(wt)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2)) W21x83
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" W21x73
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) Det
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) W21x62
Note: = (use) Cas
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Reinf. Bars yp =
yt =
End Welds of Each Reinf. Bar to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) yc =
Fw(total) = 4.22 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)/2*12*Ab*Y5/Ixc + (Ab/Ac)*ABS(P(total)) Zxc =
a'(min) = 3.000 in. a'(min) = 3" (assumed) W18x311
a'(req'd) = 0.757 in. a' = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 Cas
a'(use) = 3.000 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) yp =
Lw(total) = 6.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of bar reinf.) yt =
Note: = (use) yc =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 3'' Continuous Each Side of Reinf. Bar @ Ends Zxc =
Comments: Cas
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
Applicable Case =
yp =
Zxc =
Design Chapter
kc =
Existing W24x62 Rpc =
Fbx(top) =
Modified J =
FL =
R1 =
R2 =
R2' =
Lp =
New 1 in. Dia. Bar, Typ. Lr =
R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx(top) =
3'' Cont. Fbx(top) =
@ Ends 3/16'' 1.5'' @ 12'' Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot/WT) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Fbx =
Lr =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
15'' Cont. Fbx(bot/WT) =
@ Ends 1/4'' 1.5'' @ 12'' W14x193
Use: Fbx(top/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/WT) =
Mrx(top) =
New wt13.5x51 Mrx(bot/mem) =
Mrx(bot) =
Mrx =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/WT) =
bf/(2*tf) =
Combined Section Properties (continued): h/tw =
Zxc = 284.29 in.^3 P.N.A. is within Exis. I-shape Flange but above Reinf. Pl hc/tw =
Iyc = 345.03 in.^4 Iyc = Iy+Iyp Shape Factor X =
Syc(top/mem) = 76.93 in.^3 Syc(top/mem) = Iyc/(bf/2) (ref. outside edge of top flange ofShape Factor Y =
Syc(bot/mem) = 76.93 in.^3 Syc(bot/mem) = Iyc/(bf/2) (ref. outside edge of bot. flange of member) pf =
Syc(bot/pl) = 53.08 in.^3 Syc(bot/pl) = Iyc/(Bp/2) (ref. outside edge of reinforcing plate) rf =
ryc = 2.895 in. ryc = SQRT(Iyc/Ac) pw =
Zyc = 87.88 in.^3 Zyc = Zy (I-shape) + Zy (pl) rw =
J= 15.41 in.^4 J = Ci*(1/3 * bi * ti^3), where Ci varies from 0.423 to 1 rf =
Cwc 17995.3 in.^6 Cwc h'^2*Ic*It/(Ic+It) rw =
Check Stresses: Axial Com
For Axial Compression: (for combined section) Design Chapter
KL/rx = 13.15 KL/rx = Kx*Lx*12/rxc (use rxc for combined section) Kx*Lx/rx =
KL/ry = 41.45 KL/ry = Ky*Ly*12/ryc (use ryc for combined section) Ky*Ly/ry =
KL/r = 41.45 KL/r = Max. of: Kx*Lx*12/rxc or Ky*Ly*12/ryc K*L/r (max) =
Fe = N.A. fa = P/A =
fa = 0.24 ksi fa = P/Ac (use Ac for combined section) kc =
Fa = 17.88 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. E7-2) W30x292
Pa = 735.93 kips Pa = Fa*Ac (use Ac for combined section) Chaper 3:
S.R. = 0.014 S.R = fa/Fa Fa =
Fa =
For X-axis Bending: (for combined section) Fe =
Lp = 5.62 ft. (Eqn. F2-5, max. value of Lb for Fbx = 0.6*SF*Fy) W30x173
Lr = 34.28 ft. (Eqn. F4-8, max. value of Lb for inelastic LTB) Chaper 4:
rtc = 2.16 rtc = SQRT((tf*bf^3/12+(Y1-tf)/3*tw^3/12)/(bf*tf+(Y1-tf)/3*tw)) e=
fbx(residual) = 3.90 ksi fbx = Mx(residual)*12/Sx yo =
fbx(add. top) = 17.38 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(top/mem) robar^2 =
fbx(add. bot) = 6.49 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(bot/mem) H=
fbx(top/mem) = 21.28 ksi fbx(top/mem) = fbx(residual)+fbx(added, top/mem) Fex =
fbx(bot/mem) = 10.39 ksi fbx(bot/mem) = fbx(residual)+fbx(added, bot/mem) Fey =
fbx(bot/pl) = 8.00 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(bot/pl) Fez =
Fbx(residual) = 23.36 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F2-2) Fe =
Fbx(top) = 28.42 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F4-2) Fa =
Fbx(bot) = 14.19 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F4-14) Fa =
Mrx = 470.84 ft-kips Mrx=Min. of: Sxc(top/mem)*Fbx(top)/12, Sxc(bot/mem)*Fbx(bot)/12W27x281
S.R. (top/mem) = 0.778 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(added,top)/Fbx(top) Chaper 7:
S.R. (bot/mem) = 0.624 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(added,bot)/Fbx(bot) Qs =
S.R. (bot/pl) = 0.457 S.R = fbx(bot/pl)/Fbx(bot) Qa =
For Y-axis Bending: Aeff =
fby(top/mem) = 0.31 ksi fby(top/mem) = My*12/Syc(top/mem) beb =
fby(bot/mem) = 0.31 ksi fby(bot/mem) = My*12/Syc(bot/mem) Fa =
fby(bot/pl) = 0.45 ksi fby(bot/pl) = My*12/Syc(bot/pl) Fa =
Fby = 24.62 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F6-1) W27x114
Mry = 108.92 ft-kips Mry=Min. of: Syc(top/mem)*Fby/12, Syc(bot/pl)*Fby/12 Use: Fa =
S.R. (top/mem) = 0.013 S.R = fby(top/mem)/Fby S.R. =
S.R. (bot/mem) = 0.013 S.R = fby(bot/mem)/Fby Pa =
S.R. (bot/pl) = 0.018 S.R = fby(bot/pl)/Fby (continued)
Combined Stress Ratios: W24x306
S.R.(top/mem) = 0.798 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.644 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/pl) = 0.483 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
fbx(residual) =
Weld Design: Design Chapter
Interior Welds of Plate Reinf. to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) kc =
Fw = 0.613 kips/in. Fw = Rv*Ap*Y4/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) Lp =
(min) = 1/ 4 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96 rts =
(max,eff) = 0.5673 in. (max,eff) = Min. of: (tp or tf)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70)) c =
(use) = 1/ 4 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" R1 =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) R2 =
Lw(use) = 1.983 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) Lr =
Note: = (use) R3 =
Use: 1/4'' Fillet Weld, 2'' @ 12'' Each Side of Plate W24x84
Is Lb<=Lp?
End Welds of Plate Reinf. to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) Fbx =
For Case #1: Weld Across End of Plate Fbx =
Fw(total) = 139.82 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ap*Y4/Ixc+(Ap/Ac)*ABS(P(axial)) Fbx =
Lw(end) = 8.970 in. Lw(end) = Min. of: bf or Bp Fbx =
a'(min) = 19.500 in. a'(min) = 1.5*Bp, for weld size < 0.75*tp Fbx =
a'(req'd) = 14.347 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70)-Lw(end))/2 Increased Cb =
a'(use) = 19.500 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) Use: Fbx(residual) =
Lw(total) = 47.970 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use)+Lw(end) (@ each end of plate reinf.)Mrx(residual) =
Note: = (use) S.R. =
Use: 1/4'' Fillet Weld, 19.5'' Continuous Each Side of Plate and Across End W21x111
For Case #2: No Weld Across End of Plate fbx(added, top/mem) =
Fw(total) = 139.82 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*Ap*Y4/Ixc+(Ap/Ac)*ABS(P(axial))
fbx(added, bot/mem) =
Lw(end) = 0.000 in. Lw(end) = 0 (assumed) fbx(top/mem) =
a'(min) = 26.000 in. a'(min) = 2*Bp, for no weld across end of plate fbx(bot/mem) =
a'(req'd) = 18.832 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70))/2 fbx(bot/pl) =
a'(use) = 26.000 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) W21x55
Lw(total) = 52.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of plate) W21x48
Note: = (use) Det
Use: 1/4'' Fillet Weld, 26'' Continuous Each Side of Plate W21x50
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
yp =
yt =
yc =
Zxc =
yp =
Interior Welds of Each Reinf. Bar to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) yt =
Fw = 0.028 kips/in. Fw = (Rv/2)*Ab*Y5/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) yc =
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 5-67 Zxc =
(max,eff) = 0.2012 in. (max,eff) = tw(wt)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2)) W18x65
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" Applicable Case =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) yp =
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) Zxc =
Note: = (use) W18x46
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Reinf. Bars Design Chapter
kc =
End Welds of Each Reinf. Bar to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) Rpc =
Fw(total) = 6.31 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)/2*12*Ab*Y5/Ixc + (Ab/Ac)*ABS(P(total))Fbx(top) =
a'(min) = 3.000 in. a'(min) = 3" (assumed) Modified J =
a'(req'd) = 1.132 in. a' = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 W16x67
a'(use) = 3.000 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) FL =
Lw(total) = 6.000 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of bar reinf.) R1 =
Note: = (use) R2 =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 3'' Continuous Each Side of Reinf. Bar @ Ends R2' =
Lp =
Lr =
Comments: R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Fbx =
Lr =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx(bot) =
Use: Fbx(top) =
Use: Fbx(bot) =
Mrx(top) =
Mrx(bot) =
Mrx =
S.R.(top) =
S.R.(bot) =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/pl) =
Y-axis Ben
fby(top/mem) =
Existing W24x68 fby(bot/mem) =
fby(bot/pl) =
Fby =
Fby =
Fby =
Fcr =
Use: Fby =
Mry(top/mem) =
Mry(bot/pl) =
3'' Cont. New 1 in. Dia. Bar, Typ. Mry =
@ Ends 3/16'' 1.5'' @ 12'' S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/pl) =
Stress Rat
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
26'' Cont. S.R.(bot/pl) =
@ Ends 1/4'' 2'' @ 12'' S.R.(bot/pl) =
S.R.(bot/pl) =
Weld Desi
Interior We
Fw =
(min) =
(max,eff) =
(use) =
Lw(min) =
Lw(use) =
New PL1.5x13 Note: =
End Welds
For Case #1:
Fw(total) =
Lw(end) =
a'(min) =
a'(req'd) =
a'(use) =
Lw(total) =
Note: =
R2 =
Combined Stress Ratios: Lr =
S.R.(top/mem) = 0.865 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/mem) = 0.615 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
S.R.(bot/WT) = 0.642 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
Fbx =
Weld Design: Fbx =
Fbx =
Interior Welds of I-Beam Reinf. to Exist. Member: Fbx =
Fw = 0.287 kips/in. Fw = Rv*A2*Y4/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) Fbx =
(min) = 3/16 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96
Increased Cb =
(max,eff) = 0.3055 in. (max eff) = Min. of: (tf1 or tf2)*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70))
Use: Fbx(residual) =
(use) = 3/16 in. (use) = (min) <= 5/16" Mrx(residual) =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) S.R. =
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) W24x94
Note: = (use) Reinforced
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Beam Reinf. fbx(added, top/mem) =
fbx(added, bot/mem) =
End Welds of I-Beam Reinf. to Exist. Member: fbx(top/mem) =
For Case #1: Weld Across End of Beam Reinf. fbx(bot/mem) =
Fw(total) = 64.90 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*A2*Y4/Ixc + (A2/Ac)*ABS(P(axial)) fbx(bot/bm) =
Lw(end) = 4.010 in. Lw(end) = Min. of: bf1 or bf2 W21x182
a'(min) = 6.015 in. a'(min) = 1.5*bf2, for weld size < 0.75*tf2 W21x166
a'(req'd) = 9.650 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70)-Lw(end))/2 Det
a'(use) = 9.650 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) W21x132
Lw(total) = 23.310 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use)+Lw(end) (@ each end of beam reinf.) Cas
Note: = (use) yp =
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 10'' Continuous Each Side of Beam Reinf. and Across End yt =
yc =
For Case #2: No Weld Across End of Beam Reinf. Zxc =
Fw(total) = 64.90 kips Fw(total) = M(cutoff)*12*A2*Y4/Ixc + (A2/Ac)*ABS(P(axial)) W21x73
Lw(end) = 0.000 in. Lw(end) = 0 (assumed) Cas
a'(min) = 8.020 in. a'(min) = 2*bf2, for no weld across end of beam reinf. yp =
a'(req'd) = 11.655 in. a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70))/2 yt =
a'(use) = 11.655 in. a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) yc =
Lw(total) = 23.310 in. Lw(total) = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of beam reinf.) Zxc =
Note: = (use) W21x50
Use: 3/16'' Fillet Weld, 12'' Continuous Each Side of Beam Reinf. Cas
yp =
Comments: yt =
yc =
Zxc =
Applicable Case =
yp =
Zxc =
Design Chapter
kc =
Rpc =
Fbx(top) =
Modified J =
FL =
R1 =
R2 =
R2' =
Existing W24x76 Lp =
Lr =
R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Fbx(top) =
Rpt =
Fbx(bot/bm) =
Chaper 5:
aw =
Rpg =
Fbx =
Lr =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx(bot/bm) =
Use: Fbx(top/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/mem) =
Use: Fbx(bot/bm) =
Mrx(top) =
Mrx(bot/mem) =
Mrx(bot) =
Mrx =
S.R.(top/mem) =
12'' Cont. S.R.(bot/mem) =
@ Ends 3/16'' 1.5'' @ 12'' S.R.(bot/bm) =
New w8x15 W14x145
S.R.(top/mem) =
S.R.(bot/mem) =
S.R.(bot/bm) =
Y-axis Ben
fby(top/mem) =
fby(bot/mem) =
fby(bot/bm) =
Design Chapter
Check Stresses: Kx*Lx/rx =
For Axial Compression: (use Ac for combined section) Ky*Ly/ry =
KL/rx = 12.30 KL/rx = Kx*Lx*12/rxc (use rxc for combined section) K*L/r (max) =
KL/ry = 57.12 KL/ry = Ky*Ly*12/ryc (use ryc for combined section) fa = P/A =
KL/r = 57.12 KL/r = Max. of: Kx*Lx*12/rxc or Ky*Ly*12/ryc kc =
Fe = 87.74 Governing Equation is (Eqn. E3-4) W33x291
fa = 0.30 ksi fa = P/Ac (use Ac for combined section) Chaper 3:
Fa = 18.16 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. E3-2) Fa =
Pa = 607.47 kips Pa = Fa*Ac (use Ac for combined section) Fa =
Fe =
For X-axis Bending: (for combined section) W33x169
Lp = 8.75 ft. (Eqn. F2-5, max. value of Lb for Fbx = 0.6*SF*Fy) Chaper 4:
Lr = 25.50 ft. (Eqn. F2-6, max. value of Lb for inelastic LTB) Fe =
fbx(residual) = 2.70 ksi fbx = Mx(residual)*12/Sx Fa =
fbx(add. mem) = 13.19 ksi fbx = {Mx(total) - Mx(residual)}*12/Sxc(top/mem) Fa =
Fbx(residual) = 23.74 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F2-2) W30x391
Fbx = 24.46 ksi Governing Equation is (Eqn. F2-2) Chaper 7:
Mrx = 534.01 ft-kips Mrx = Sxc*Fbx/12 Qs =
S.R. (mem) = 0.653 S.R = fbx(residual)/Fbx(residual) + fbx(mem)/Fbx Qa =
For Y-axis Bending: (for combined section) W30x235
fby(mem) = 0.00 ksi fby(mem) = My*12/Syc(mem) W30x211
Fby = 34.05 Governing Equation is (Eqn. F6-1) Fa =
Mry = 92.42 ft-kips Mry = Syc*Fby/12 Fa =
S.R. (mem) = 0.00 S.R = fby(mem)/Fby W30x148
Use: Fa =
Stress Ratios: S.R. =
S.R.(mem) = 0.661 Eqn. H1-1b S.R. = 0.5*fa/Fa + (fbx/Fbx+fby/Fby) S.R.(top/mem) <= 1.0, O.K.
Weld Design: X-axis Ben
Interior Welds of Each Reinf. Angle to Member: (assume intermittent fillet weld) W30x90
Fw = 0.031 kips/in. Fw = (Rv/2)*Aa*yc/(2*Ixc) (weld force per inch) Existing M
(min) = 1/ 8 in. (min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 16.1-96
fbx(residual) =
(max,eff) = 0.2497 in. (max,eff) = tw*(0.40*Fy/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2)) Design Chapter
(use) = 1/ 8 in. (use) = Min. of: (min) or (max,eff) <= 5/16" kc =
Lw(min) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(min) = Max. of: 1.5" or 4*(min) Lp =
Lw(use) = 1.500 in./ft. Lw(use) = Max. of: (Fw*12)/(*SQRT(2)/2*0.3*70) or Lw(min) rts =
Note: = (use) c=
Use: 1/8'' Fillet Weld, 1.5'' @ 12'' Each Side of Reinf. Angles R1 =
R2 =
End Welds of Each Reinf. Angle to Member: (assume continuous fillet weld) Lr =
Fw(total) = 7.24 kips/angle Fw(total) = M(cutoff)/2*12*Aa*yc/Ixc + (Aa/Ac)*ABS(P(total)) R3 =
a'(min) = 3.000 in./angle a'(min) = 3" (assumed) W27x146
a'(req'd) = 1.950 in./angle a'(req'd) = (Fw(total)/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*))/2 Is Lb<=Lp?
a'(use) = 3.000 in./angle a'(use) = Max. of: a'(min) or a'(req'd) Fbx =
Lw(total) = 6.000 in./angle Lw = 2*a'(use) (@ each end of angle reinf.) Fbx =
Note: = (use) Fbx =
Use: 1/8'' Fillet Weld, 2'' Continuous Each Side of Reinf. Angles @ Ends Fbx =
Increased Cb =
Use: Fbx(residual) =
Mrx(residual) =
S.R. =
Existing W24x94
fbx(added, mem) =
Design Chapter
kc =
Lp =
rts =
R1 =
R2 =
3'' Cont. Lr =
@ Ends 1/8'' 1.5'' @ 12'' New L3X3X1/4 N.A., Typ. R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Increased Cb =
Use: Fbx =
Mrx =
S.R. (mem) =
S.R.(mem) =
Y-axis Ben
fby(mem) =
Fby =
Fby =
Fby =
Fcr =
Use: Fby =
Mry =
S.R.(mem) =
Stress Rat
Increased Cb =
Use: Fbx(residual) =
Mrx(residual) =
S.R. =
fbx(added, mem) =
Existing W24x94 W24x176
Design Chapter
kc =
Lp =
rts =
R1 =
R2 =
3'' Cont. New 1 in. Dia. Bar, Typ. Lr =
@ Ends 5/16'' 1.5'' @ 12'' R3 =
Is Lb<=Lp?
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Fbx =
Increased Cb =
Use: Fbx =
Mrx =
S.R. (mem) =
S.R.(mem) =
Y-axis Ben
fby(mem) =
Fby =
Fby =
Fby =
Fcr =
Use: Fby =
Mry =
S.R.(mem) =
Stress Rat