Old Oak Park: Homes For Londoners
Old Oak Park: Homes For Londoners
Old Oak Park: Homes For Londoners
Old Oak Park is a joint venture between the landowner, Cargiant, OPDC is the Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC)
and developer, London & Regional Properties, to develop and established to lead planning, development and regeneration
deliver an individual site, known as Old Oak Park. of the entire Old Oak and Park Royal area.
Old Oak Park is the current Cargiant site with required connections, Within the OPDC Boundary are a number of development sites,
shown above in red. It lies within the OPDC Boundary and is the including Old Oak Park.
largest privately owned site in the area.
The Old Oak Park team is developing a Masterplan for their own The OPDC team is developing a Local Plan that will provide the
land but showing how it fits within the existing wider context and guidelines for planning applications and development of the entire
what could be developed in the future. Old Oak and Park Royal area.
The Old Oak Park Masterplan can deliver around 6,500 new The Local Plan will show how the whole area will meet the Mayor of
homes and 8,000 new jobs, including a new cultural quarter and Londons vision to deliver 25,500 new homes and 65,000 new jobs
fantastic open spaces. Delivering towards the Mayors vision for around the proposed new HS2 and Crossrail station at Old Oak
the wider area. Common and in Park Royal, Europes largest industrial park.
It is anticipated that an Outline Planning Application for Old Oak It is anticipated that the OPDC will adopt this Local Plan in 2017,
Park will be submitted in early 2018, following on-going consultation. following on-going consultation.
Old Oak Park is working with the OPDC to ensure that our OPDC is working with local developers like Old Oak Park to ensure
Masterplan for the site works within the OPDCs Local Plan that their Masterplan for the designated development site adheres
framework and guidelines for the entire area and helps to deliver to OPDCs Local Plan framework and guidelines for the entire Old
the Mayors vision for 25,500 new homes, and 65,000 new jobs. Oak and Park Royal area and works to deliver the Mayors vision for
25,500 new homes, 65,000 new jobs and more within the MDC
boundary area.
Our consultation so far guests also heard from Victoria Hills, Chief Executive
of the OPDC, and Paul Finch, Editorial Director of the
Since the project was launched in December Architects Journal and Chair of the Old Oak Park internal
2014 the Old Oak Park team has carried out Design Review Panel.
four phases of public consultation
Exhibitions then ran between Thursday 7 July and
Saturday 23 July at the following venues:
1. December 2014:
Introducing Cargiant and the development site Cumberland House, Cargiant, Scrubs Lane
2. June & July 2015: (London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham)
Identifying our regeneration priorities and first
design thoughts Linford Christie Stadium, Wormwood Scrubs
(London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham)
3. January & February 2016:
Sharing our indicative masterplan Harlesden Methodist Church, Harlesden
(London Borough of Brent)
4. July 2016:
Presenting our evolved masterplan design, Holiday Inn London West, North Acton
including a model (London Borough of Ealing)
Throughout the last two years there has been These events were publicised to the surrounding
overwhelming support for the regeneration of the area, communities using a variety of methods:
our priorities and our evolving Masterplan as well as very
helpful and constructive feedback from local communities. Letters to key local stakeholders
and community groups
During this, we presented our evolved masterplan In addition to the exhibitions, we continued to meet
showing how it had changed following consultation, regularly with residents, community groups, local
producing a new 3D model of the parameter plans and businesses as the local boroughs and the OPDC.
illustrative masterplan, and providing more information
on the character areas.
A summary of the Masterplan
Feedback from July & August 2016 consultation
In this section we present the results of the We received an overwhelmingly positive response
written consultation feedback we received during from those who visited the exhibition, although this time
our summer 2016 exhibitions and meetings. around only a fairly small number of formal feedback
This document therefore follows those published cards were completed.
in autumn 2015 and April 2016 as we continue
to engage extensively with the local communities
in and around Old Oak Park.
Following consultation feedback we have now Q3.
We are proposing to increase the amount of
retained the Rolls Royce building the current open space at our parks for everyone to enjoy.
Cargiant HQ which we think would be a great Do you feel that the extra space should be
space for small and growing businesses. What geared toward particular activities or left as
would you like to see this building used for? green open space?
We have introduced a new canal basin in the Q4.
Since our last public consultation we have
south-west of the site. Do you agree with this reduced the number of proposed homes on
approach and what sort of activities would you the site, prioritising high quality open spaces
like to see take place in this area and on the and the retention of the Rolls Royce building.
water itself? Do you agree with this approach?
We see the High Street, linking Harlesden and Q7.
In line with the policy area we are proposing that
Willesden Junction through our site to the new sensitive edges around our site such as Scrubs lane
HS2 station, as a very important connection and the Grand Union Canal are developed at a
between new and emerging communities and lower scale, with taller buildings located towards
opening up opportunities for everyone. the centre of the site around the new station.
Do you agree? Do you agree with this approach?
Yes 11 Yes 8
No 0 No 0
Neither agree, 3 Neither agree, 3
nor disagree nor disagree
We have proposed that the London Overground In addition to the feedback above, we also received more
rail lines are re-aligned onto a new viaduct general comments about the plans.
structure rather than an embankment, freeing up
Four comments were made about transport seeking
the land below as a usable public space and enabling
to ensure good provision for cyclists, improved
people to move more easily through the site.
access to Willesden Junction and improved rail access
Do you support this approach or have any
generally in the area.
comments about the viaduct?
Four comments were made about housing
suggesting that the mix includes Private Rental
Sector homes, affordable homes and sheltered
Response Number of mentions accommodation for the elderly.
0 5 10 15
Two comments made the case for independent
Yes 11 shops and cafes so that the area was not dominated
No 0 by retail chains.
Neither agree, All the comments received have been shared with
nor disagree the design team and a full summary of all consultation
activity will be submitted with the planning application
in a document called a Statement of Community
Next steps Timeline
We are delighted by the positive reception
December 2014
our more detailed plans for Old Oak Park
Old Oak Park 1st consultation
have received across the community
and the emerging designs are also being June & July 2015
welcomed by the planning teams at Old Oak Park 2nd consultation
OPDC, the Greater London Authority
(GLA) and the Boroughs. November & December 2016
Further meetings with local community
We have spent the last few months engaging representatives
with OPDC, the GLA, Transport for London
and Network Rail to ensure that the proposed January & February 2016
Old Oak Park 3rd consultation
new viaduct is the adopted transport
infrastructure solution.
July 2016
Old Oak Park 4th consultation
This is critical in opening up the area, maximising
the delivery of new homes and jobs and creating January to October 2017
a great quality environment. Continued engagement with public bodies
to finalise the location of the new viaduct at
Old Oak Park
The case for a viaduct is now both understood
and supported. However there are further
Late 2017
technical studies required by the public bodies Old Oak Park final pre-application community
before the location of the viaduct can be consultation
confirmed and the Old Oak Park team does
need this certainty before we can finalise our Early 2018
planning application materials. Old Oak Park planning application submitted
We understand the work on the viaduct should
be complete during Autumn 2017 and we will Spring 2018
therefore host one final phase of consultation OPDC consult on Old Oak Park planning
in late 2017 before submitting the planning
application to the OPDC in early 2018.
Works begin on first new homes, on parts of
the site not currently occupied by Cargiant
Cargiant relocates from the site enabling
infrastructure and construction works to begin
View the full exhibition material and fill in a Send an email to:
Feedback Form at www.oldoakpark.co.uk oldoakpark@londoncommunications.co.uk