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The document discusses notes for a SAS Visual Analytics Fast Track course, including exploring concepts, using the home page, administering data, and learning more.

The main topics covered in the course include getting started with SAS Visual Analytics, administering the environment and managing data, analyzing data, and creating reports and dashboards.

The document discusses SAS Visual Analytics, SAS Mobile BI, SAS Enterprise BI, SAS Office Analytics, and SAS Visual Analytics.

SAS Visual Analytics:

Fast Track

Course Notes
SAS Visual Analytics: Fast Track Course Notes was developed by Lynn Matthews and Eric Rossland.
Additional contributions were made by Kelly Gray, Anita Hillhouse, Rob McAfee, Dave Naden, Marjorie
Shelley, and Bobbie Wagoner. Editing and production support was provided by the Curriculum
Development and Support Department.
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of
SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product
names are trademarks of their respective companies.

SAS Visual Analytics: Fast Track Course Notes

Copyright 2014 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of
America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, SAS Institute Inc.

Book code E2620, course code YVAFT64, prepared date 07May2014. YVAFT64_001

ISBN 978-1-62959-186-5
For Your Information iii

Table of Contents

Course Description ..................................................................................................................... vii

Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. viii

Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics ....................................... 1-1

1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts ...................................................................... 1-3

Demonstration: Using SAS Visual Analytics Viewer .............................................. 1-7
Demonstration: Using SAS Mobile BI ................................................................... 1-11

1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page ................................................................. 1-19
Demonstration: Exploring the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page .......................... 1-29
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 1-40

1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario ........................................................ 1-42

Exercises.................................................................................................................. 1-55

1.4 Solutions to Exercises .................................................................................................... 1-57

Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data ........................ 2-1

2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder................................................................................. 2-3

Demonstration: Preparing Data ............................................................................... 2-18
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 2-28

2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator ............................................................. 2-30

Demonstration: Exploring Additional Applications ................................................ 2-38
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 2-51

2.3 Solutions to Exercises .................................................................................................... 2-51

Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer................................................ 3-1

3.1 Examining Visual Analytics Explorer .............................................................................. 3-3

3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties .......................................................... 3-7
iv For Your Information

Demonstration: Visualizing Data ............................................................................ 3-23

Exercises.................................................................................................................. 3-33

3.3 Creating Visualizations .................................................................................................. 3-34

Demonstration: Creating Basic Visualizations ........................................................ 3-44
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 3-51
Demonstration: Creating Advanced Visualizations ................................................. 3-67
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 3-78

3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics ....................................................................... 3-82

Demonstration: Adding Analytics to an Exploration ............................................. 3-91
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 3-99

3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations ........................................................ 3-102

Demonstration: Interacting with Visualizations ........................................................ 3-1
Exercises................................................................................................................ 3-125

3.6 Solutions to Exercises .................................................................................................. 3-128

Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics ................................. 4-1

4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer Interface ................................................ 4-3

4.2 Creating a Simple Report ............................................................................................... 4-14

Demonstration: Creating a Simple Report .............................................................. 4-22
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 4-27

4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs ............................................................. 4-29
Demonstration: Working with Graphs: Part 1 ......................................................... 4-40
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 4-48
Demonstration: Working with Graphs: Part 2 ......................................................... 4-52
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 4-57
Demonstration: Working with Graphs: Part 3 ......................................................... 4-61
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 4-65

4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections ..................................................................... 4-66

For Your Information v

Demonstration: Working with Report Sections and Filters .................................... 4-77

Exercises.................................................................................................................. 4-84

4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts................................................................... 4-86

Demonstration: Using Interactions in a Report ....................................................... 4-95
Exercises................................................................................................................ 4-105

4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules .................................................................... 4-107

Demonstration: Using Gauges in a Report............................................................ 4-118
Exercises................................................................................................................ 4-130

4.7 Working with Tables .................................................................................................... 4-134

Demonstration: Adding Tables to a Report ........................................................... 4-143
Exercises................................................................................................................ 4-149

4.8 Working with Other Objects ........................................................................................ 4-152

Demonstration: Adding Other Objects to a Report ............................................... 4-161
Exercises................................................................................................................ 4-168

4.9 Solutions to Exercises .................................................................................................. 4-169

Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports ............................................. 5-1

5.1 Viewing Reports on the Web............................................................................................ 5-3

Demonstration: Viewing a Report ............................................................................. 5-8
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 5-12

5.2 Viewing Reports on a Mobile Device ............................................................................ 5-13

5.3 Viewing Reports with SAS Office Analytics ................................................................. 5-20

Demonstration: Viewing Reports .............................................................................. 5-1
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 5-30

5.4 Solutions to Exercises .................................................................................................... 5-30

vi For Your Information

Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual
Analytics................................................................................................ 6-1

6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics ........................ 6-3
Demonstration: Managing LASR Tables ............................................................... 6-16
Exercises.................................................................................................................. 6-18

6.2 Solutions to Exercises .................................................................................................... 6-47

Chapter 7 Learning More ....................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 SAS Resources ................................................................................................................. 7-3

7.2 Beyond This Course ......................................................................................................... 7-6

For Your Information vii

Course Description
This course teaches how to explore data and build reports using SAS Visual Analytics. You will learn how
to build queries in SAS Visual Data Builder and you will also learn the basics of SAS Visual Analytics

To learn more

For information about other courses in the curriculum, contact the SAS
Education Division at 1-800-333-7660, or send e-mail to training@sas.com.
You can also find this information on the web at http://support.sas.com/training/
as well as in the Training Course Catalog.

For a list of other SAS books that relate to the topics covered in this
course notes, USA customers can contact the SAS Publishing Department
at 1-800-727-3228 or send e-mail to sasbook@sas.com. Customers outside
the USA, please contact your local SAS office.
Also, see the SAS Bookstore on the web at http://support.sas.com/publishing/
for a complete list of books and a convenient order form.
viii For Your Information

No SAS experience or programming experience is required, although you should have some computer
experience. Specifically, you should
be able to log on and off a computer and use a keyboard or mouse
know how to use a Web browser to access information.
Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS
Visual Analytics
1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts ................................................................... 1-3
Demonstration: Using SAS Visual Analytics Viewer ............................................................. 1-7
Demonstration: Using SAS Mobile BI .................................................................................. 1-11

1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page .............................................................. 1-19
Demonstration: Exploring the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page ........................................ 1-29
Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 1-40

1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario .................................................. 1-42

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 1-55

1.4 Solutions to Exercises ................................................................................................. 1-57

1-2 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts 1-3

1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics


Describe the purpose of the SAS Visual Analytics.
List the components of SAS Visual Analytics.
List the types of SAS Visual Analytics users.
Describe the purpose of the SAS Visual Analytics
Describe the purpose of the SAS Mobile BI app.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-4 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts 1-5

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-6 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Reports created with SAS Visual Analytics can be
displayed in the following:
SAS Visual Analytics Viewer using a web browser
SAS Mobile BI app for tablets

SAS Central Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint*

Microsoft Office applications using the SAS Add-In for

Microsoft Office*

* Accessing visual analytics reports using SharePoint

and Office applications requires additional SAS
products that are not part of a standard SAS Visual
Analytics installation.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts 1-7

Using SAS Visual Analytics Viewer

This demonstration illustrates using SAS Visual Analytics Viewer to display a report in a web browser.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page.

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1-8 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

The SAS Visual Analytics logon page opens.

The URL used to access SAS Visual Analytics on the classroom machines is specific
to the classroom configuration. The URL used at your site will be different.
3. Enter Rob in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
Use caution when entering the user ID and password because values might be case sensitive.
5. Click Log On.
SAS Visual Analytics appears, and the Home Page is displayed by default.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts 1-9

6. View and interact with the Insight Toy Company report.

a. Double-click Insight Toy Company Report in the My Content area to view the report.
SAS Visual Analytics Viewer appears. The Insight Toy Company button is displayed on the
application bar to indicate that the report is open.

This report has three sections, which are represented as tabs across the top of the report area. The
first section, 2012 Dashboard, is displayed by default.

The 2012 Dashboard section contains several report objects and filters.
When the report is first displayed, the report objects are filtered to display information only
for Europe.
The upper left portion of the report displays the instructions. A text object is used to
document how to interact with this report section.
The thermometer gauge displays average unit age for each facility in Europe.
The dial gauge displays the actual and target production units for each facility in Europe.
The two list control objects enable you to select a specific country and region to further filter
the report.
The report uses a button bar as a section prompt to filter data by continent. Europe is currently
selected. The size of the button represents the number of values for that continent.

b. Gauges for each facility location in Europe display average unit age as well as the actual and
target unit production. Use the Select Countries list in the top left corner to limit the gauges that
are displayed.
1) Click the check box for Sweden. The report is updated to display only one gauge.
2) Click the check box for United Kingdom.

The report section is updated to display gauges for the selected countries.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-10 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

c. Position your mouse pointer on the thermometer gauge for Manchester at the top of the window.
A data tip is displayed that shows the measure (Average Unit Age) and the measure value (12).

d. Position your mouse pointer on the dial gauge for City of London at the bottom of the window.

e. Double-click the dial gauge for City of London.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts 1-11

Report linking is used to display the Unit Metrics Report section. The region value is passed to
the linked section, and the information is subset for City of London.

7. Click (Home) in the upper left corner to return to the Home Page.

The report is still open and can be quickly displayed by clicking the button on the application

8. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

Using SAS Mobile BI

This demonstration illustrates using the SAS Mobile BI app on an iPad to display sample reports.
1. Download and install the SAS Mobile BI app.
2. Tap the SAS BI icon to launch the SAS Mobile BI app.

An information window is displayed the first time you launch the app.

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1-12 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

3. Tap skip in the upper right corner to close the information window.
A connection to the SAS Demo Server is defined and activated when the app is installed. Three
sample reports are available initially, and others can be added from the Library view.

4. Tap Help in the upper right corner.

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1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts 1-13

The Help screen appears.

5. Tap Done to close the Help menu.

6. Tap the Hospitality and Gaming report on the My Portfolio screen.
A message appears, indicating that the report is being prepared.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-14 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

The initial report section is displayed. The first report section is named Revenue, and it contains three
report objects: a gauge, a bar chart, and a line chart.

7. Tap the bar for Food to see more information.

8. Tap in the upper right corner to display the sections in the report.

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1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts 1-15

9. Tap the Key Customers section. This section has three report objects: a bar chart, a treemap, and a
waterfall chart.

10. Tap the bar for Ava Taylor. The list table, treemap, and waterfall chart are updated to show
information for the selected customer.

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1-16 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

11. Tap the tile for Casino. The waterfall chart is updated to show the revenue history for only casino

12. Swipe your finger to the left to navigate to the Trips section. This section has three report objects: a
dual axis line chart, a gauge, and a crosstab.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.1 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Concepts 1-17

13. Pinch to zoom the line chart to display 2011 information only.

14. Tap to select a data point and view more information.

15. Tap to select the crosstab table.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-18 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

16. Tap to maximize the report object and display the description.

17. Tap to expand the report object and close the description.

18. Tap Close to restore the report object to the original size.
19. Tap Close to close the report.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-19

1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home


Log on to SAS Visual Analytics.
Identify the elements of the SAS Visual Analytics
Home Page.
Manage content on the Home Page.
List the types of preferences for SAS Visual Analytics.
Interact with comments on explorations and reports.
Search the Home Page for content.
Describe the purpose of the application bar.


SAS Visual Analytics system administrators can configure support for guest access. Users with guest
access can access only the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page and SAS Visual Analytics Viewer. Guest
access uses a shared account, so it does not provide individualized features, such as history, favorites,
preferences, or alerts.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-20 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

The application bar enables you to return to the Home Page and easily switch between open items.
The menu bar enables you to access common tasks, search for content, and log off from SAS Visual
The Create Content area provides icons to access applications.
The My Content area lists recent items and enables you to display favorites.
The Other Content area displays content added by the IT administrator.
The Common Actions section provides links to access applications.
The Links section enables you to access and create links to additional content.
The SAS Resources section provides links to resources provided by SAS.

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1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-21

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1-22 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

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1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-23

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-24 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

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1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-25

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1-26 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-27

The Comments: Administrator Properties window is a display capture from SAS Management

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1-28 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

The ability to switch between applications is available in version 6.3 and later.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-29

Exploring the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page

This demonstration illustrates logging on to SAS Visual Analytics and exploring the components of the
Home Page.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
SAS Visual Analytics appears, and the Home Page is displayed by default.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-30 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

6. Change views on the Home Page.

a. From the menu bar, select List.

The Create Content and My Content areas on the Home Page change to List view.

b. Select Thumbnail to change back to Thumbnail view.

c. Select Links to remove the Links section of the Right pane.

7. Create a collection.
a. Select Manage in the My Content area or select Manage My Content in the Common Actions
b. Click Create a Collection.
c. Enter My Tables in the Name field.
d. Click Browse.
e. Select the Shared Data folder.
This is the metadata folder where the collection is stored.
f. Click OK to close the Choose a Location window.
g. Click Add to create the new collection.
h. Click OK to close the Manage My Content window.
The My Content area displays a link for the new collection:

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-31

8. Search for all items that contain the word insight.

a. Click in the Search content field in the upper right corner of the Home Page.
b. Type insight and press the Enter key. All the explorations, reports, and other items that contain
insight are displayed for which Eric has permission.

The items returned by the search might be different on your classroom machine.
c. Refine the search to include only tables. Click Table in the Type section.
d. Right-click the first table object, INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012.
You can position your mouse pointer on the text to see the complete name.

Based on the description, this table includes data for 2012 only.
This is an in-memory table and has been loaded to the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
This table is stored in the LASR Data folder within the Shared Data folder.

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1-32 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

e. Select Collections My Tables to add the INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012 table to the My

Tables collection.
f. Click X in the upper right corner to close the object inspector window.
g. Right-click the second INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012 table object.

There is no description for this table.

This table is the physical table that matches the SAS LASR Server table with the same name.
This table is stored in the Source Data folder within the Shared Data folder.
h. Select Collections My Tables to add the INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012 table to the My
Tables collection.
i. Click X to close the object.
j. Click Back to return to the Home Page.
k. Click My Tables in the My Content area to display the collection.
The contents of the collection are displayed in the My Content area:

9. Add an item to Favorites.

a. Right-click the first INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012 table to display the object inspector.
b. Click the star button to add this table to Favorites.

The star turns yellow ( ) to indicate that the table has been added to Favorites.
c. Click X to close the object inspector.

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1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-33

d. Click Favorites in the My Content area to ensure that the Favorites are displayed.

10. View and interact with the Insight Toy Company report.
a. Single-click Insight Toy Company Report in the My Content area to view the object inspector.

Because Eric has the ability to create reports, there are two actions available in the object
inspector, View and Edit. Double-clicking the report icon in the My Content area is the equivalent
of selecting the first action, View, which opens the report in SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
b. Select Edit in the object inspector to open the report in SAS Visual Analytics Designer.
SAS Visual Analytics Designer appears. Unlike the Viewer, the Designer provides right and left
panes for building the report.

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1-34 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

11. Display the Facility Summary section.

a. Click the Facility Summary section at the top of the report.
b. Notice the INSTRUCTIONS in the top left corner.
12. Select Chicago in the upper right corner of the section. The section prompt filters all the report
objects in the Facility Summary section.
13. Click the Gift tile in the Unit Yield by Product Line treemap. The list table is filtered to display data
only for the Gift product line.

14. Click the list table to make it active.

15. Click in the icon bar at the top of the report object.
The display shows the filters applied to the list table.

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1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-35

16. Click Details.

17. Click Close.

18. Click (Home Page) in the upper left corner to return to the Home Page.

The report is still open, and the asterisk indicates that changes have been made but have not
been saved.

19. Position the mouse pointer on the button on the application bar for Insight Toy Company Report.
Click X to close the report.
Because the changes were not saved, you are prompted to discard your changes.

20. Click Yes to discard the changes.

21. View an existing exploration.
a. In the My Content area, single-click Insight Toy Company Exploration to view the object

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1-36 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

b. Click Open to open the exploration.

SAS Visual Analytics Explorer opens and displays the exploration.

This exploration contains five visualizations:

The Unit Production by Product and Location visualization uses a crosstab table to display unit
actual and unit capacity by product and location. Hierarchies enable you to navigate through
the data for product types and facility locations.
The Facility Analysis visualization uses a geo map to display facility efficiency and facility age
by region. A hierarchy enables you to navigate through the data for facility locations.
The Unit Analysis by Product visualization uses a bar chart to display different unit measures
by product line. A hierarchy enables you navigate through the data based on product types.
The Facility Forecast visualization uses a line chart to display facility efficiency ratings and
units produced by month. It includes a forecast of the values for the next three months.
An additional visualization, Unit Analysis, is minimized in the Dock panel and is not currently
c. Click (Maximize) in the Facility Analysis geo map to view it at a larger size.
d. Click in the center of the map controller, or use your mouse pointer, to zoom in and re-center the
map on the United States of America. As you zoom in, more detail is displayed.

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1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-37

e. If necessary, click and drag (the handle bar) to expand the bottom portion of the window in
order to see more details.

The color of the bubbles represents the average facility age. The magenta bubbles indicate older
The size of the bubbles represents the average facility efficiency. The larger bubbles indicate
facilities with higher efficiency ratings.
f. Double-click the bubble for California to drill down to the next level of data. Most of the
facilities in California are not very old.
g. Position the mouse pointer on the bubble for San Diego to display additional information.

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1-38 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

h. Click (Restore) to view the geo map visualization at the original size.
i. Click (Maximize) in the Unit Analysis by Product bar chart visualization to view it at a larger
j. Select All Product Hierarchy in the upper left corner of the bar chart to display the product
k. Change the view of the bar chart visualization by right-clicking a bar and selecting
Bar Direction Horizontal.
The bar chart is updated.

l. Move the mouse pointer to the upper right corner of the visualization until the (Show
details) icon appears.

m. Click (Show details) in the upper right corner.

The table of data values is displayed below the bar chart.

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1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-39

n. Click (Close details) to hide the table view.

o. Export the image.
1) Right-click in the background of the visualization and select Export Image.
The Save Image window appears.

Check boxes in the bottom left corner enable you to show or hide information before
exporting the image.
2) Click Save.
3) If necessary, navigate to the desktop.
4) Click Save.
p. Click (Restore) to view the bar chart visualization at the original size.
q. Click (Home Page) in the upper left corner to return to the Home Page.
The asterisk on the button on the application bar indicates that the exploration changes have not
been saved.

22. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

a. Click Log Off in the upper right corner.

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1-40 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

A message is displayed because of the unsaved changes to the exploration.

b. Because you do not want to save the changes, click OK to discard them.
c. Close the browser window.

1. Interacting with the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page
a. Open Internet Explorer and log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Erics credentials.
Use caution when entering the user ID and password because values might be case
b. Clear the list of recent items displayed in the My Content area.
1) Click Manage in the My Content area or select Manage My Content in the Common
Actions section.
2) Clear recent items.
Hint: Click Options to clear selections.
3) Select Recent in the My Content area to verify that no items are displayed.
4) Select Favorites in the My Content area to view the list of favorites.
c. Open and interact with the Insight Toy Company report in SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
Select View from the object inspector to open the report in SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
Select Africa to display information for only that continent.
d. Double-click the dial gauge for Western Cape to link to the Unit Metrics Report section.
Answer the following questions:
What is the average facility age for Cape Town?
What is the average unit age for Cape Town?
List the two units with the highest lifespans in Cape Town.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.2 Using the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page 1-41

e. Click to return to the 2012 Dashboard section.

f. Return to the Home Page.
g. Open and interact with the Insight Toy Company exploration in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
Select Open from the object inspector to open the exploration in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
h. Maximize and interact with the Unit Production by Product and Location crosstab table.
Maximize the visualization.
Use the icons in the cells of the crosstab table to expand and drill down in the hierarchy to
answer the following question:
What is the unit capacity for toys in Houston, Texas?
Restore the visualization to the original size.
i. Maximize and interact with the Facility Forecast line chart.
Answer the following questions:
What is the highest actual facility efficiency value and in what month did it occur?
Click the (About these forecast results) icon to view information about the forecast.
Expand the properties for each measure in the forecast.
Right-click in the background of the visualization and select Show Details to deselect it.
Restore the visualization to the original size.
j. Select and maximize the Unit Analysis visualization in the Dock panel.
Right-click Unit Analysis in the Dock panel and select Maximize to view the visualization at a
larger size.
Click the (About these correlation results) icon to view information about the correlation.
Close the details view.
Answer the following question:
What is the correlation between Unit Age and Unit Reliability?
Double-click the dark blue box that represents the correlation between Unit Reliability and
Unit Age.
Click the (About these regression results) icon next to the Linear Fit Line information at
the bottom of the visualization to view information about the linear fit line.
k. Log off and do not save the changes to the exploration.
l. Close the browser window.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-42 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

1.3 Discussing the Course Environment

and Scenario

Describe the server components of the
SAS Visual Analytics architecture.
List the functionality provided by the
SAS LASR Analytic Server.
Describe the different types of deployments.
Describe the classroom environment.
List the types of roles and capabilities used
with SAS Visual Analytics.


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1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario 1-43

The SAS LASR Analytic Server is deployed across several blades. Hadoop, or a supported co-located
data provider, also takes advantage of the distributed blade environment.

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1-44 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

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1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario 1-45

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-46 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Roles and Capabilities

Users of SAS Visual Analytics might have access to
different functionality, depending on their assigned roles.
Roles are mapped to capabilities. A capability, also
known as an application action, defines the operations
that a user can perform.

SAS Visual Analytics is shipped with five predefined roles:

Visual Analytics: Administration

Visual Analytics: Analysis

Visual Analytics: Basic

Visual Analytics: Data Building

Visual Analytics: Report Viewing

54 continued...

The following display captures are from SAS Management Console. They show the role and
capabilities for SAS Visual Analytics and related functionality.

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1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario 1-47

Visual Analytics: Administration Properties:

The icon indicates that all of the capabilities in that group are assigned.
The icon indicates that some of the capabilities in that group are assigned.
The icon indicates that none of the capabilities in that group are assigned.

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1-48 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Visual Analytics: Analysis Properties:

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1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario 1-49

Visual Analytics: Basic Properties:

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1-50 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Visual Analytics: Data Building Properties:

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1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario 1-51

Visual Analytics: Report Viewing Properties:

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1-52 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Roles and Capabilities

Some users of SAS Visual Analytics might have the ability
to delete and edit comments or create themes for their

These roles are not specific to SAS Visual Analytics:

Theme Designer for Flex: Administrator

Comments: Administrator


Theme Designer for Flex: Administration Properties:

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1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario 1-53

Comments: Administrator Properties:

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1-54 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

User Role Assignments

The user identities used during class have been defined
with the following role assignments:
Christine Lynn Eric Rob

Visual Analytics: Administration

Visual Analytics: Analysis
Visual Analytics: Basic * * * *
Visual Analytics: Data Building
Visual Analytics: Report Viewing * *
Comments: Administrator
Theme Designer for Flex:

* This role is assigned because the user is a member of a

56 group.

Although Eric is not part of the Visual Analytics: Report Viewing role, he has all of the same
capabilities because they are enabled as part of the Visual Analytics: Analysis role.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.3 Discussing the Course Environment and Scenario 1-55

2. Investigating the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page Users
a. Open Internet Explorer and log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Christines credentials.
b. Answer the following questions:
What type of content can Christine create?
Which of the following are listed as common actions for Christine?
___ Open
___ Manage My Content
___ Edit Preferences
___ Explore Data
___ Design Report
___ View Report
___ Manage Environment
___ Prepare Data
___ Build Custom Graph
___ Customize Themes
c. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
d. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Erics credentials.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1-56 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

e. Answer the following questions:

What type of content can Eric create?
Which of the following are listed as common actions for Eric?
___ Open
___ Manage My Content
___ Edit Preferences
___ Explore Data
___ Design Report
___ View Report
___ Manage Environment
___ Prepare Data
___ Build Custom Graph
___ Customize Themes
f. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
g. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Robs credentials.
h. Answer the following questions:
What type of content can Rob create?
Which of the following are listed as common actions for Rob?
___ Open
___ Manage My Content
___ Edit Preferences
___ Explore Data
___ Design Report
___ View Report
___ Manage Environment
___ Prepare Data
___ Build Custom Graph
___ Customize Themes
i. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
j. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Lynns credentials.
k. Answer the following questions:
What type of content can Lynn create?
Which of the following are listed as common actions for Lynn?
___ Open
___ Manage My Content

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1.4 Solutions to Exercises 1-57

___ Edit Preferences

___ Explore Data
___ Design Report
___ View Report
___ Manage Environment
___ Prepare Data
___ Build Custom Graph
___ Customize Themes
l. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
m. Close the browser window.

1.4 Solutions to Exercises

1. Interacting with the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page
a. Open Internet Explorer and log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Erics credentials.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Clear the list of recent items displayed in the My Content area.
1) Click Manage in the My Content area or select Manage My Content in the Common Actions
2) Clear recent items.
a) Select Options Clear Recent History.
b) Click Yes.
c) Click OK to close the Manage My Content window.
3) Click Recent in the My Content area to verify that no items are selected.

4) Click Favorites in the My Content area to view the list of favorites.

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1-58 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

The list of favorites might be different on your classroom machine.

c. Open and interact with the Insight Toy Company report in SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
1) Right-click Insight Toy Company Report in the My Content area.
2) Select View to view the report in SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
The report opens and the 2012 Dashboard section is displayed.

The size and layout of the report objects on the classroom machine might be different
from what is shown above. Report object size and layouts can change depending on
the resolution of your computer and the size of the browser window.

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1.4 Solutions to Exercises 1-59

3) Select Africa on the button bar to display information for only that continent.

d. Double-click the dial gauge for Western Cape, which links to the Unit Metrics Report section.
The Unit Metrics Report section contains several report objects and filters.
1) What is the average facility age for Cape Town?
Move the mouse pointer to the bar for Average Facility Age to view the data tip.

2) What is the average unit age for Cape Town?


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1-60 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

3) List the two units with the highest lifespans in Cape Town.
TSA000170 and TSA000171

e. Click to return to the 2012 Dashboard section.

f. Return to the Home Page.
Click the (Home Page) button in the upper left corner.
g. Open and interact with the Insight Toy Company exploration in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
1) Click Insight Toy Company Exploration in the My Content area of the Home page.
2) Click Open to open the exploration in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
h. Maximize and interact with the Unit Production by Product and Location crosstab table.
1) Click (Maximize) to view the Unit Production by Product and Location visualization at a
larger size.
2) If necessary, Click the plus (+) icon to expand North America and view the next level in the
3) Click the plus (+) icon to expand United States and view the next level in the hierarchy.
4) Click the down arrow icon to drill down to Texas.

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1.4 Solutions to Exercises 1-61

What is the unit capacity for toys in Houston, Texas?


5) Click (Restore) to view the visualization at the original size.

i. Maximize and interact with the Facility Forecast line chart.
1) Click (Maximize) to view the visualization at a larger size.
2) Move the mouse pointer over the highest point in the line for the Facility Efficiency (Average)
What is the highest actual facility efficiency value and in what month did it occur?
84.42% in April 2012

3) Click the (About these forecast results) icon to view information about the forecast.

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1-62 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

The details view is displayed below the line chart.

4) Click the right-pointing arrow to expand Unit Actual and Facility Efficiency.
Information about the forecast algorithm is displayed for each measure.

5) Right-click in the background of the visualization and select Show Details to deselect it.
6) Click (Restore) to view the visualization at the original size.
j. Select and maximize the Unit Analysis visualization in the Dock panel.
1) Right-click Unit Analysis in the Dock panel and select Maximize to view the visualization at
a larger size.

2) Click the (About these correlation results) icon to view information about the correlation.

3) Right-click in the background of the visualization and select Show Details to deselect it.
4) Move the mouse pointer over the dark blue box that represents the correlation between Unit
Reliability and Unit Age.

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1.4 Solutions to Exercises 1-63

What is the correlation between Unit Age and Unit Reliability?


5) Double-click the dark blue box that represents the correlation between Unit Reliability and
Unit Age.
A new heat map visualization that shows the detail information about the correlation between
the selected measures is created.

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1-64 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

6) Click the (About these regression results) icon text to the Linear Fit Line information at
the bottom of the visualization to view information about the linear fit line.

k. Log off and do not save the changes to the exploration.

1) Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
2) Click Dont Save when prompted to save the changes to the Exploration.
l. Close the browser window.
2. Investigating the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page Users
a. Open Internet Explorer and log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Christines credentials.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Christine in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

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1.4 Solutions to Exercises 1-65

The SAS Visual Analytics Home Page appears by default.

b. Answer the following questions:

What type of content can Christine create?
Christine can create an exploration, a report, and a data query.
Which of the following are listed as common actions for Christine?


Manage My Content

Edit Preferences

Explore Data

Design Report

View Report

Manage Environment

Prepare Data

Build Custom Graph

Customize Themes

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1-66 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

c. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
d. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Erics credentials.
1) Click Log On.
2) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
3) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
4) Click Log On.
The SAS Visual Analytics Home Page appears by default.

e. Answer the following questions:

What type of content can Eric create?
Eric can create an exploration and a report.
Which of the following are listed as common actions for Eric?


Manage My Content

Edit Preferences

Explore Data

Design Report

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1.4 Solutions to Exercises 1-67

View Report

Manage Environment

Prepare Data

Build Custom Graph

Customize Themes

f. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
g. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Robs credentials.
1) Click Log On.
2) Enter Rob in the User ID field.
3) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
4) Click Log On.
The SAS Visual Analytics Home Page appears by default.

h. Answer the following questions:

What type of content can Rob create?
None. Rob can only view reports.
Which of the following are listed as common actions for Rob?


Manage My Content

Edit Preferences

Explore Data

Design Report

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1-68 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

View Report

Manage Environment

Prepare Data

Build Custom Graph

Customize Themes

i. Click Log Off in upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
j. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Lynns credentials.
1) Click Log On.
2) Enter Lynn in the User ID field.
3) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
4) Click Log On.
The SAS Visual Analytics Home Page appears by default.

k. Answer the following questions:

What type of content can Lynn create?
Lynn can create an exploration, a report, and a data query.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
1.4 Solutions to Exercises 1-69

Which of the following are listed as common actions for Lynn?


Manage My Content

Edit Preferences

Explore Data

Design Report

View Report

Manage Environment

Prepare Data

Build Custom Graph

Customize Themes

l. Click Log Off in upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
m. Close the browser window.

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1-70 Chapter 1 Getting Started with SAS Visual Analytics

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Chapter 2 Administering the
Environment and Managing Data

2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder ............................................................................... 2-3

Demonstration: Preparing Data ........................................................................................... 2-18

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 2-28

2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator .......................................................... 2-30

Demonstration: Exploring Additional Applications ................................................................ 2-38

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 2-51

2.3 Solutions to Exercises ................................................................................................. 2-51

2-2 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-3

2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder

Describe the purpose of SAS Visual Data Builder.
Identify the components of SAS Visual Data Builder.
Describe the purpose of a data query.
List the steps to select data sources for a data query.
Describe the process to manage column attributes
and create calculated columns.
Define the types of filters that can be used in a data
List the types of data sources that can be imported by
SAS Visual Data Builder.


SAS Visual Analytics Architecture (Review)

SAS Visual Analytics consists of several parts.
Home Page Explorer Designer
create and manage content visualize data interactively create interactive reports

Web Viewer Data Builder Administrator

view reports in a browser build new data sources manage the environment

Mobile BI LASR Analytic Server

view reports on a tablet in-memory server

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2-4 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

What Is SAS Visual Data Builder?

SAS Visual Data Builder provides a mechanism to
perform analytic data preparation.

SAS Visual Data Builder enables you to do the following:

build data queries from one or more input tables

manage column properties and create calculated

columns by writing an expression
filter the data to include only the desired rows

create output tables or load the query results directly

into the SAS LASR Analytic Server
import data from spreadsheets, delimited files, SAS
data sets, SAS Information Maps, Oracle tables, and
Twitter streams

Accessing SAS Visual Data Builder

To access SAS Visual Data Builder, click Create Data
Query in the Create Content area or select Prepare Data
from the Common Actions section. You can also click the
Prepare Data tool on the toolbar.

Role-based capabilities determine whether the

Prepare Data functionality is available to you.

Clicking Create Data Query in the Create Content area opens an empty data query window.
Selecting the Prepare Data link in the Common Action section or clicking the Prepare Data tool on the
toolbar opens a window where you can create a new query, select a recent query, or import data. Selecting
New Data Query opens display an empty data query window.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-5

SAS Visual Data Builder Interface

Here are the components of the SAS Visual Data
Builder interface.
application bar

menu toolbar

workspace Properties

lower pane


The application bar enables you to return to the Home Page and easily switch between open items.

The menu bar enables you to access common tasks and access online Help.

The navigation page displays tables and data queries in the SAS Folders tree.
The toolbar contains icons for working with queries.
The workspace enables you to build data queries.
The lower pane enables you to manage the attributes of the query.
The Properties panel enables you to manage the properties of the item selected in the workspace, as well
as the query itself.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2-6 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

What Is a Data Query?

A SAS Visual Data Builder data query is a metadata
object that can include the following:
metadata representation of input tables or queries

metadata properties that define output and staging

criteria for joining multiple tables

column properties



Using the Design View

The Design view is the default view for working with data

The Design view

enables you to do
the following:
add input tables
or data queries
define joins

create new
edit column
filter data

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-7

Adding Input Sources

SAS Visual Data Builder enables you to select tables or
data queries as input sources using the navigation pane.
Right-click the table or query name and select Add to

When a table is added as a data

source, a connection is made to the
SAS Metadata Server to determine
the column attributes.

When a data query is added as a data

source, the column attributes are
retrieved from the output table
defined in that query.

You can remove an input source from the data query by right-clicking it and selecting Remove

Joining Tables
SAS Visual Data Builder enables you to join multiple
tables and data queries together. As tables and data
queries are added to the workspace, joins are added
automatically when the tables have foreign and primary
keys or matching column names.

You can change the join type or remove the join by right-
clicking the join line and selecting one of the following:



Remove Join Condition


SAS Visual Data Builder attempts to join tables automatically as you add them to the workspace.
If primary or foreign key information is registered in the table metadata, the application retrieves the
information and uses it to create the join.
If there is no primary or foreign key information in the metadata, then the tables are joined by matching
column name and type.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2-8 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Column name matches are case sensitive.

The default join type is determined by whether the columns are nullable.
If the column for the existing table is not nullable (key values cannot be missing), but the column for
the newly added table is, a left join is used.
If the column for the existing table is nullable but the column for the newly added table is not nullable,
a right join is used.
If both columns for the existing and newly added table are nullable, a full join is used.
If none of the previous conditions are met, an inner join is used.

Adding Columns to a Data Query

After adding input sources, you must select the columns
that you want to use in the data query.

You can right-click the table name and

select Add All Columns to add all of
the columns to the data query.

To select individual columns, move the

cursor over the column until you see the
pencil icon. Clicking the column name
adds it to the data query. The icon
indicates that the column is selected.


A column can be added to the output table multiple times. When you add a column multiple times, a
number is appended to each column name after the first occurrence.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-9

Using the Column Editor

As columns are selected from the input source, they are
added to the Column Editor tab in the lower pane.

You can use the Column Editor to change the properties

for each column.

You can right-click a column name in the Column Editor to remove it.


Column Properties
You can specify the following column properties using the
Column Editor tab:
Column Name Name used to identify the column in the query code.
Expression Table name and column name reference or instructions
for calculating the column value. Clicking opens the
expression builder.
Type Type of data the column contains. Valid values are
Format Instructions on how to write out the data values.
Label Used to identify the column in explorations and reports.
Aggregations Identifies how to summarize the data values. Valid values
are Group by, AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, STD, and SUM.


When you specify an aggregation for a column, the remaining columns automatically become
GROUP BY columns.

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2-10 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Column Properties
You can specify the following column properties using the
Column Editor tab:
Pivot By Clicking displays the Pivot Values window, which
provides additional options for summarizing data.
Sort Enables you to sort the column by ascending or
descending values.

Right-clicking a column name

in the Column Editor provides
additional functionality.


Using the Pivot by Feature

Example: The SUM and AVG aggregations have been
specified for the Quantity column. The values
Clothes and Shoes were selected for the
Product_Category column using the Pivot
Values window.

When the query runs, the output table replaces the

Quantity column with a separate column for each
combination of the selected aggregation (SUM and AVG)
and pivot value (Clothes and Shoes).


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-11

Creating Calculated Columns

You can create new columns by specifying an expression
to calculate the column value.

The plus sign in the Column

Editor identifies a blank row for
creating a new column. Click in
each cell to enter the values for
the new column.

Click in the Expression field to access the expression

builder. An expression is required for each calculated


The Column Name, Expression, and Type fields are required when creating calculated columns.

Using the Expression Builder

The expression builder enables you to build the
calculation that will populate the values for the new

Expressions are a combination of data source fields,

functions, and operators, such as those for addition and

Functions are organized

by category:

string manipulation

22 manipulation

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2-12 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Filtering Data
There are two ways to filter data in SAS Visual Data

WHERE An SQL expression that is applied to the

Clause input data to subset values based on
columns in the source table
HAVING An SQL expression that is applied to
Clause either input data or calculated columns

Creating the expression for filters is similar to creating an

expression for a calculated column. The expression can
contain a combination of data source fields, functions, and


HAVING clauses give you the additional ability to filter the data based on calculated columns.

For best practices in working with filters, see Chapter 12 of SAS Visual Analytics 6.4:
Users Guide.

Validating the Query

Clicking (Validate query) on the toolbar checks the
query syntax and displays a message.

The Messages tab in the lower pane provides details.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-13

Properties Panel
The drop-down list at the top of the
Properties panel enables you to
select which item for which you
want to display the properties.

When no table is selected, the

Properties panel displays the data
query properties.

General Data Query Properties

The basic data query properties define the data query
name and location. The remaining properties can be
Description Enables you to provide information that
describes the data query.
Create a SQL Specifies that the SQL CREATE VIEW
Query View statement is used in the query.
Unique Values Specifies that the SQL keyword DISTINCT
be applied to the SELECT statement.
Append Data Specifies that the result of the data query
be appended to the output or staging table.
Manual Code Specifies that the data query uses SQL
26 that was written or modified by the user.

The Create a SQL query view option might improve performance by reducing data movement and storage
requirements. Output tables created in SAS LASR Analytics Server or SAS Data in HDFS do not support
views. See Chapter 10 of the SAS Visual Analytics 6.4 Users Guide for more information.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2-14 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Output Properties
The data query properties in the
Output area define the table that is
registered in metadata when the
data query is saved.

The table is created when the query is executed.

Table Specifies the name of the output table.
Location Specifies the metadata folder location where the
table will be registered.
Library Specifies the physical or LASR library that is
associated with the new table.
Partition Specifies the column to use for partitioning the
by output table, if desired.

Using the Code View

The Code view enables
you to view the SQL
query code.

Clicking enables
you to unlock the
code for manual

If you unlock the code in error,

click on the toolbar to undo
the unlock action.


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2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-15

Using the Preview and Results Views

When you preview or run the data query, the results can
be displayed in the Preview or Results view.

You must save the

data query before
you can run it. You
can preview the
results at any

The Explore Results link is enabled if the output table is

created in a SAS LASR Analytic Server library.


Using the Preview and Results Views

You can do the following in the Preview and Results views:
Navigate There are several tools for
navigating through the data.
Search Clicking displays
the Find options.
Filter and Sort Clicking opens the Sort window.
Clicking opens the Filter window.
Export Data Clicking opens the Export window. Exported
data is saved as a comma-separated values file.
The maximum number of rows that can be
exported is 200,000.


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2-16 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Using the Preview and Results Views

You can do the following in the Preview and Results views:
Control Heading There are three options for
Appearance controlling what appears in the
column headings.

Manage Data Only one page of data is displayed at a time. The

Pages slider at the bottom of the window enables you to
navigate through the pages of data.

Clicking Page size displays the Page Options

window, where you can set the page size to return
between 20 and 2000 rows.


If a column does not have a label, the column name is used.

Importing Data
SAS Visual Data Builder enables you to
import three types of local data and many
types of server-based data sources:
local data sources

Microsoft Excel (*xls, *xlsx)

Text Files (*.csv)
SAS data set
data sources located on the server

social media

Twitter stream

Additional information is required

for each type of data source.


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2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-17

Importing Local Data Sources

Each type of local data source enables you to specify
additional options and preview the data.
Text Files
Microsoft Excel

SAS Data Set


Importing Server Based Data Sources

Each server-based data source
requires location or connection

To import Twitter data, you need to

authorize SAS Visual Analytics with
your Twitter account.

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2-18 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Example: Build a new data query to create the
CustomerOrders table in the
SAS LASR Analytic Server.

You will join two tables

and create one
calculated column.

Profit is calculated by
multiplying the quantity
sold by the item cost and
then subtracting the result
from the retail price.

Example: Build a new data query to create the
ProductAnalysis table in the
SAS LASR Analytic Server.

You will join two tables

and create one
calculated column.

Profit is calculated by
multiplying the quantity
sold by the item cost and
then subtracting the result
from the retail price.

Preparing Data

This demonstration illustrates how to use SAS Visual Data Builder to build a data source for exploring
and reporting.
1. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Lynns credentials.

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2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-19

a. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
b. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page.
c. Enter Lynn in the User ID field.
d. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
e. Click Log On.
The SAS Visual Analytics Home Page is displayed by default.
2. Access SAS Visual Data Builder.
a. Click Create Data Query in the Create Content area, click the Prepare Data icon from the menu
bar, or select Prepare Data from the Common Actions section.

Role-based capabilities determine whether the Prepare Data functionality is available.

SAS Visual Data Builder appears. The Prepare Data button is displayed on the application bar.
A blank workspace enables you to begin building a new query.

3. Add source tables to the query.

a. Double-click the Shared Data folder in the navigation page to expand it.
b. Double-click the Source Data folder in the navigation page to expand it.
c. Right-click ORDERS and select Add to Query.

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2-20 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

d. Right-click an item in the new table and select Add All Columns.

The selected columns and their properties are displayed in the Column Editor tab in the lower

e. Right-click CUSTOMER_DIM in the navigation pane and select Add to Query.

The CUSTOMER_DIM table is automatically joined to the ORDERS table by Customer_ID,
based on a match of column name and column type.

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2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-21

f. Click each of the following columns in the CUSTOMER_DIM table once to add them to the
4. Create a calculated column.
a. Create the Profit column.
1) Scroll to the bottom of the Column Editor tab in the lower pane.
2) Click in the Column Name cell for the row identified by the plus sign .

3) Type Profit.
4) Click the Expression cell to make it active.

5) Click to open the expression builder.

6) On the Fields tab, double-click ORDERS to expand it.

7) Double-click RetailPrice to add it to the expression.
8) Type (minus sign) in the SQL expression window after ORDERS.RetailPrice.
9) Type ( (open parenthesis) in the SQL expression window after the minus sign.
10) Double-click Quantity to add it to the expression.
11) Type * (multiplication sign) in the SQL expression window after ORDERS.Quantity.

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2-22 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

12) Double-click Cost to add it to the expression.

13) Type ) (close parenthesis) in the SQL expression window after ORDERS.Cost.
The SQL expression should resemble the following:

14) Click Apply.

15) Click in the Type cell to make it active.
16) Select NUMERIC from the list.
17) Click in the Format cell.
18) Select DOLLAR as the format type.
19) Enter 13 in the Width field.
20) Enter 2 in the Decimals field.
The Select a Format window should resemble the following:

21) Click OK.

22) Click in the Label cell and type Profit.
The column properties should resemble the following:

5. Remove two columns.

a. Locate the row for Customer_ID in the Column Editor.

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2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-23

b. Right-click Customer_ID and select Remove Column.

c. Locate the row for Product_ID in the Column Editor.
d. Right-click Product_ID and select Remove Column.
6. Specify the Output properties.

a. If necessary, click to expand the Properties panel on the right.

b. If necessary, click in the background of the Design view so that no table is selected.

c. Click Clear in the Output section to clear out the existing values.
d. Enter CustomerOrders in the Table field of the Output section.

Prior to version 6.4, the Table field must contain a valid SAS name. Valid SAS names are
between 1 and 32 characters in length. They can contain letters, numbers, and
underscores but cannot start with a number.

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2-24 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

e. Click next to the Location field.

f. Select the Shared Data LASR Data folder.

g. Click OK.

h. Click next to the Library field.

i. If necessary, double-click the Products folder to expand it.

j. Select the SAS Visual Analytics Administrator folder.
k. Select the Visual Analytics LASR library on the right side of the window.

l. Click OK.
The Output properties should resemble the following:

7. Save the query.

a. Click (Save query) on the toolbar.

b. Select the Shared Data folder.

c. Type Customer Orders Query in the Name field.
d. Click Save.
8. Preview the query.

a. Click (Preview or Run query) on the toolbar and select Preview.

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2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-25

The query is submitted and the results are displayed.

b. Scroll to the right to verify that the Profit column has the values that you expect.

9. View the query code.

a. Click the Code tab to view the query code.
b. Use the scroll bars to view all of the code.

c. Click the Design tab to return to the Design view.

10. Run the query and create the output table in the SAS LASR Analytic Server.

a. Click (Preview or Run query) on the toolbar and select Run.

The query must be saved before the Run option is enabled.

b. If the job runs successfully, the Show Results window appears.

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2-26 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

c. Click Yes.
The results take longer to display than the preview because all rows are available.
Because the output table was created in the SAS LASR Analytic Server, the Explore Results link
is active.
11. Explore the new table in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
a. Click Explore Results on the toolbar.
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer appears with the new table loaded as the data source.

The data query is still open and can be viewed by clicking the Prepare Data button on
the application bar.
b. In the Data pane, click Month Name in the Category group, hold down the Ctrl key, and click
Profit in the Measure group.
c. Drag the selected items onto the workspace in the middle of the window.

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2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-27

The automatic chart functionality determines the best visualization type to display based on the
selected data.

d. Right-click Month Name on the axis label and select Sort Ascending.

12. Return to the Home Page, log off, and do not save the changes to the exploration.

a. Click (Home Page) in the upper left corner to return to the Home Page.

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2-28 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

The query is displayed in the Recent section of the My Content area.

b. Click Log Off in the upper right corner.

c. Click OK to exit SAS Visual Analytics and discard changes to the exploration.
d. Close the browser window.


1. Creating a New Data Source to Analyze Sales by Product

a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Lynns credentials.
b. Use SAS Visual Data Builder to build a new query.
c. Add the specified tables and columns.
ORDERS table in the Shared Data\Source Data folder
All columns except the following:
PRODUCT_DIM table in the Shared Data\Source Data folder

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2.1 Exploring SAS Visual Data Builder 2-29

d. Create a calculated column.

Column Name Profit

Expression RetailPrice-(Quantity*Cost)

Type Numeric

Format DOLLAR, width=13, decimals=2

Label Profit

e. Specify Output properties.

Clear the existing values in the Output section
Table: ProductAnalysis
Location: Shared Data/LASR Data
Library: Products/SAS Visual Analytics Administrator/Visual Analytics LASR
f. Save the query.
Name: Product Analysis Query
Location: Shared Data
g. Run the query.
h. Explore the new table in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
Select and drag the following items from the Data pane to the workspace in order:
Product Line
Supplier Continent

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2-30 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

i. Log off, and do not save the exploration.

2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics


Describe the components of the SAS Visual Analytics
Administrator interface.
Explore the functionality provided by SAS Visual
Analytics Administrator.
Describe the purpose of SAS Theme Designer.
Describe the purpose of SAS Visual Analytics Graph
List the functionality provided by SAS Management


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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-31

SAS Visual Analytics Architecture (Review)

SAS Visual Analytics consists of several parts.
Home Page Explorer Designer
create and manage content visualize data interactively create interactive reports

Web Viewer Data Builder Administrator

view reports in a browser build new data sources manage the environment

Mobile BI LASR Analytic Server

view reports on a tablet in-memory server


What Is SAS Visual Analytics Administrator?

SAS Visual Analytics Administrator provides functionality
for managing the environment.

Menu items enable you to

select the tabs to display.


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2-32 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

What Is SAS Visual Analytics Administrator?

SAS Visual Analytics Administrator provides the following
functionality for the SAS LASR Analytic Server:
start and stop the server

load tables to and unload tables from the server

register and delete tables from metadata

set permissions on libraries

using the interactive editor, define permission

conditions for row-level security
manage mobile devices and alerts

monitor resources and processes

view information about SAS High-Performance

deployments of Hadoop

Non-distributed deployments do not provide all of this functionality.


Accessing SAS Visual Analytics Administrator

To access SAS Visual Analytics Administrator, select
Manage Environment from the Common Actions pane.

Role-based capabilities determine

whether the Manage Environment
functionality is available to you.


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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-33

SAS Visual Analytics Administrator Interface

Here are the components of the SAS Visual Analytics
Administrator interface.
application bar

menu bar workspace

The classroom environment uses

a non-distributed deployment.
More menu options and tabs are
navigation available with other deployments
pane and provide additional


LASR Servers Tab

The LASR Servers tab displays information about the
SAS LASR Analytic Servers that have been defined in

Selecting a server displays the

status using a colored icon.


You can access the LASR Servers tab by selecting LASR Manage Servers.

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2-34 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

LASR Tables Tab

The LASR Tables tab displays information about the
tables registered to the SAS LASR Analytic Servers that
have been defined in metadata.


You can access the LASR Tables tab by selecting LASR Manage Tables.

LASR Servers and LASR Tables Toolbar

The toolbar on the LASR
Servers and LASR Tables
tabs provide additional

Refresh Load a new table

Get status Reload table
Start the server Unload table
Stop the server Delete table


Clicking Get status as tab is initiated updates the status indicator for all of the objects each time that the
tab is opened.

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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-35

Resource Monitor Tab

The Resource Monitor tab displays information about the
resource utilization. You can interact with the graphs to
obtain additional information.

The Resource Monitor tab is available

50 only in a distributed deployment.

You can access the Resource Monitor tab by selecting LASR Monitor Resources.

For more information about interacting with the Resource Monitor tab, see Chapter 4 of
SAS Visual Analytics 6.4: Administration Guide.

Process Monitor Tab

The Process Monitor tab displays information about the
per-process resource utilization.

The Process Monitor tab is available

51 only in a distributed deployment.

You can access the Process Monitor tab by selecting LASR Monitor Processes.

For more information about interacting with the Process Monitor tab, see Chapter 4 of
SAS Visual Analytics 6.4: Administration Guide.

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2-36 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Mobile Devices Tab

The Mobile Devices tab enables you to view mobile
device information and specify the type of access control
that is enforced.

A deployment enforces either the blacklist or the whitelist.

Blacklist Devices that cannot use SAS Mobile BI
Whitelist Devices that can use SAS Mobile BI


You can access the Mobile Device tab by selecting Tools Manage Devices.

For more information about mobile device administration, see Chapter 5 of

SAS Visual Analytics 6.4: Administration Guide.

Manage Alerts Tab

The Manage Alerts tab enables you to view and delete
the alerts for reports.


You can access the Alerts tab by selecting Tools Manage Alerts.

For more information about mobile device administration, see Chapter 7 of

SAS Visual Analytics 6.4: Administration Guide.

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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-37

SAS Theme Designer

If you have the proper role-based permissions, you can
access SAS Theme Designer for Flex.


For more information about SAS Theme Designer, see SAS Theme Designer 4.2 for Flex:
Users Guide.

SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder

If you have the proper role-based permissions, you can
access SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder.


For more information about SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder, see Chapters 41 through 43 of
SAS Visual Analytics 6.4: Users Guide.

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2-38 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

SAS Visual Analytics Administration

The IT administrator can manage and monitor many
aspects of the environment using SAS Visual Analytics

Additional functionality is provided by SAS Management

Console. These are some common tasks:
registering data sources

specifying permissions

defining users and groups

managing servers

granting application capabilities


What Is SAS Management Console?

SAS Management Console enables you to manage
many aspects of the SAS platform using plug-ins such
as the data library manager and the user manager.
The SAS Folders tree can also be managed and secured
using SAS Management Console.


Exploring Additional Applications

This demonstration illustrates how to access and view the functionality provided by the following
SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder
SAS Theme Designer

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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-39

SAS Management Console

1. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Christines credentials.
a. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
b. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page.
c. Enter Christine in the User ID field.
d. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
e. Click Log On.
The SAS Visual Analytics Home Page is displayed by default.
2. Access SAS Visual Analytics Administrator.
a. Select Manage Environment in the Common Actions section.

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2-40 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

SAS Visual Analytics Administrator appears.

The tabs on the classroom machine might not match those shown above.
If the LASR Servers tab is not displayed, click LASR Manage Servers.
If the LASR Tables tab is not displayed, click LASR Manage Tables.
3. Click the LASR Servers tab to make it active.
4. Select LASR Analytic Server - sasbap.
The connection status is updated and indicates whether the server is running or stopped.

5. Click the LASR Tables tab to make it active.

6. Click (Get Status) on the toolbar to get the status of all of the tables.

The connection status is updated and indicates whether the table is loaded or unloaded.

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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-41

7. Click Get status as tab is initialed to activate the option.

8. Unload INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012 from the SAS LASR Analytic Server.

a. Select INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012 to select it.

b. Click (Unload the selected table) on the toolbar.

The following message should appear:

c. Click Close.
9. Click Tools Manage Alerts.

10. Click Tools Manage Devices.

The Mobile Devices tab opens in the workspace.

The information shown on the classroom machine might differ from what is displayed above.

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2-42 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

11. Click (Home Page) in the upper left corner to return to the Home Page.

12. Access the Graph Builder to create a custom graph.

a. Select Build Custom Graph in the Common Actions section.

Using the SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder, you can create custom graph objects that can be
used in reports created by SAS Visual Analytics Designer.

b. Drag the Bar Chart object onto the canvas.

c. Drag the Band Plot object onto the canvas, on top of the bar chart object.

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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-43

Custom graph objects can be created by combining multiple items and specifying common roles
and properties.

13. Click (Home Page) in the upper left corner to return to the Home Page.

14. Access SAS Theme Designer for Flex.

a. Select Customize Themes in the Common Actions section.

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2-44 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

Using SAS Theme Designer for Flex, you can create a theme or modify an existing theme.

b. Click Create a Theme.

c. Accept the default value for Base theme and click OK.

d. Click the color selector next to the Text Color field in the Left pane.

e. Select a red color.

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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-45

The display to the right shows the effect of the change.

15. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

a. Click Log Off in the upper right corner.
b. Click No when prompted to save the theme.
c. Click OK when prompted to exit the applications and discard the changes.
d. Close the browser window.

Exploring the Functionality Provided by SAS Management Console

1. Click Start SAS Management Console 9.4.

If the application is not on the Start menu, select Start All Programs SAS
SAS Management Console 9.4.

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2-46 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

2. Accept the default connection profile and click OK.

A connection profile contains instructions for how to connect to the SAS Metadata Server. User
credentials can be stored in the profile, as is the case on the classroom machine.

The status bar at the bottom of the window indicates that you are connected as Eric. These
credentials have been saved as part of the connection profile.

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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-47

3. If necessary, click the Plug-ins tab.

Each plug-in provides additional administration functionality. Role-based capabilities limit the plug-
ins that Eric is able to see.
4. Explore the Data Library Manager plug-in.
a. Expand the Data Library Manager plug-in.
b. Expand the Libraries folder.
c. Select the Source Data library.

A library contains instructions for accessing a specific data source or location. Libraries can
include metadata definitions for the physical tables that they contain.

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2-48 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

These are the same tables that you accessed in SAS Visual Data Builder.

d. Select the Visual Analytics LASR library.

These are the same tables that you viewed on the LASR Tables tab in the Administrator.

5. Explore the User Manager plug-in.

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2.2 Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 2-49

a. Select the User Manager plug-in.

b. Clear the Show Roles check box on the right side of the window.

The User Manager plug-in is used to create and manage credentials for users and groups of users.
Some users and groups are predefined by SAS and provide special functionality. The User
Manage plug-in is also used to manage roles and capabilities.
c. Click the Show Roles check box.
d. Clear the Show Users check box.
e. Clear the Show Groups check box.

Roles provide the ability to grant capabilities to the various applications and SAS platform
features and functionality.
6. Explore the SAS Folders tree.
a. Click the Folders tab.

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2-50 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

The Folders tab enables the IT administrator to organize and set permissions on metadata objects
such as tables, explorations, reports, and other objects.
b. Expand the Shared Data folder.
These are the same folders that you viewed in SAS Visual Data Builder and SAS Visual Analytics

c. Select the Source Data folder.

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2.3 Solutions to Exercises 2-51

d. Select the LASR Data folder.

7. Select File Exit to close SAS Management Console.


2. Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator

If you followed along with the demonstration, there is no need to complete this exercise.

a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Christines credentials.

b. Access SAS Visual Analytics Administrator.
c. Unload INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012 from the SAS LASR Analytic Server using the
LASR Tables tab.
d. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

2.3 Solutions to Exercises

1. Creating a New Data Source to Analyze Sales by Product
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Lynns credentials.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics.
3) Enter Lynn in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2-52 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

b. Use SAS Visual Data Builder to build a new query.

Click the Create Data Query icon in the Create Content area or select Prepare Data in the
Common Actions section or from the toolbar.
c. Add the specified tables and columns.
1) Double-click the Shared Data folder in the navigation page to expand it.
2) Double-click the Source Data folder in the navigation page to expand it.
3) Right-click the ORDERS table and select Add to Query.
4) Add all columns to the query output (by clicking the column name) except these two:
5) Right-click the PRODUCT_DIM table and select Add to Query.
The PRODUCT_DIM table is automatically joined to the ORDERS table by Product_ID.

6) Click each of the following columns to add them to the query:

d. Create a calculated column.
1) Create the Profit column.
a) On the Column Editor tab in the lower pane, click in the Column Name cell for the row
identified by the plus sign .

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2.3 Solutions to Exercises 2-53

b) Type Profit.

c) Click in the Expression field to open the expression builder.

d) On the Fields tab, double-click ORDERS to expand it.

e) Double-click RetailPrice to add it to the expression.
f) Type (minus sign) in the SQL expression window after ORDERS.RetailPrice.
g) Type ( (open parenthesis) in the SQL expression window after the minus sign.
h) Double-click Quantity to add it to the expression.
i) Type * (multiplication sign) in the SQL expression window after ORDERS.Quantity.
j) Double-click Cost to add it to the expression.
k) Type ) (close parenthesis) in the SQL expression window after ORDERS.Cost.
The SQL expression should resemble the following:

l) Click Apply.
m) Click in the Type cell to make it active.
n) Select NUMERIC from the list.
o) Click in the Format cell.
p) Select DOLLAR as the format type.
q) Enter 13 in the Width field.
r) Enter 2 in the Decimals field.
s) Click OK.
t) Click in the Label cell and type Profit.
e. Specify Output properties.

1) If necessary, click to expand the Properties panel on the right.

2) If necessary, click in the background of the Design view so that no table is selected.
3) Click Clear in the Output section to clear out the existing values.

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2-54 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

4) Enter ProductAnalysis in the Table field of the Output section.

5) Click next to the Location field.

6) Select the Shared Data and LASR Data folders.

7) Click OK.

8) Click next to the Library field.

9) Double-click the Products folder to expand it.

10) Select the SAS Visual Analytics Administrator folder.
11) Select the Visual Analytics LASR library on the right side of the window.
12) Click OK.
The Output properties should resemble the following:

f. Save the query.

1) Click (Save query) on the toolbar.

2) Select the Shared Data folder.

3) Enter Product Analysis Query in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
g. Run the query.
1) Click (Preview or Run query) on the toolbar and select Run.

2) Click Yes to view the results.

3) Scroll to the right to verify that the Profit column has the appropriate value.

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2.3 Solutions to Exercises 2-55

h. Explore the new table in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.

1) Click Explore Results on the toolbar.
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer appears with the new table loaded as the data source.
2) In the Data pane, click Product Line in the Category group, hold down the Ctrl key, and click
Supplier Continent. Then select Profit from the Measure group.
3) Drag the selected items onto the workspace in the middle of the window.
The automatic chart functionality determines the best visualization type to display based on
the selected data.

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2-56 Chapter 2 Administering the Environment and Managing Data

i. Log off, and do not save the exploration.

1) Click Log Off in the upper right corner.
2) Click Dont Save to exit SAS Visual Analytics and discard the exploration.
3) Close the browser window.
2. Exploring SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Christines credentials.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics.
3) Enter Christine in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Select Manage Environment in the Common Actions section to access SAS Visual Analytics
c. Unload INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012 from the SAS LASR Analytic Server using the
LASR Tables tab.
1) Select INSIGHT_TOY_COMPANY_2012. The status indicates that the table is loaded into

2) Click (Unload the selected table) on the toolbar

3) Click Close to close the message window.

d. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual
Analytics Explorer

3.1 Examining Visual Analytics Explorer ........................................................................... 3-3

3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties ...................................................... 3-7
Demonstration: Visualizing Data .......................................................................................... 3-23

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 3-33

3.3 Creating Visualizations ................................................................................................ 3-34

Demonstration: Creating Basic Visualizations ..................................................................... 3-44

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 3-51

Demonstration: Creating Advanced Visualizations .............................................................. 3-67

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 3-78

3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics ................................................................... 3-82

Demonstration: Adding Analytics to an Exploration ............................................................ 3-91

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 3-99

3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations .................................................... 3-102

Demonstration: Interacting with Visualizations .................................................................. 3-113

Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 3-125

3.6 Solutions to Exercises ............................................................................................... 3-128

3-2 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

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3.1 Examining Visual Analytics Explorer 3-3

3.1 Examining Visual Analytics Explorer

Describe SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
List the components of the SAS Visual Analytics
Explorer interface.
Identify the purpose of explorations and visualizations.

SAS Visual Analytics Architecture (Review)

SAS Visual Analytics consists of several parts.
Home Page Explorer Designer
create and manage content visualize data interactively create interactive reports

Web Viewer Data Builder Administrator

view reports in a browser build new data sources manage the environment

Mobile BI LASR Analytic Server

view reports on a tablet in-memory server

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3-4 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

What Is SAS Visual Analytics Explorer?

SAS Visual Analytics Explorer enables you to explore
in-memory tables from the SAS LASR Analytic Server.

Using the Explorer, you can interact with your data

sources in the following ways:
manage data item properties, change aggregations,
calculate new values, and filter values
visualize your information using charts, plots, and
create decision trees, network diagrams, and word
easily add analytics that automatically provide an
explanation of the analysis

What Is an Exploration?
An exploration has a pointer to a single source of data
and one or more visualizations of the data. The
exploration can contain filters and other display
data source visualizations

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3.1 Examining Visual Analytics Explorer 3-5

Visualizations and Explorations

A visualization displays data values using one of several
types. The visualization, data source, and property
settings are saved as part of an exploration. Visualization
types include charts, geographic maps, and word clouds.

Sharing Your Explorations and Visualizations

There are several ways that you can share visualizations
and explorations with others, including the following:
export your exploration results as a PDF

export your exploration results as reports that can be

opened in multiple applications such as SAS Visual
Analytics Designer
share your saved explorations via e-mail

export your visualizations as image files

export the data that is used to create a visualization

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3-6 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Accessing the Explorer

You can access the Explorer using any of the following
On the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page, click Create
Exploration or select Explore Data in the Common
Actions section or from the toolbar.
On the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page, double-click
an existing exploration.
Follow a web link or enter the URL to access the
Explorer window directly.

Components of the Explorer

Here are the components of the Explorer:
application bar
menu bar

Data pane

data properties

Dock panel

The application bar enables you to return to the Home Page and easily switch between open items.
The menu bar enables you to access common tasks and access online Help.
The toolbar contains icons for working with the exploration and visualizations.
The Data pane enables you to manage the data that is used in your visualizations.
The data properties table enables you to view and set data item properties.
The workspace displays one or more visualizations, which can be arranged using a grid.
The Dock panel contains minimized visualizations.

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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-7

The Right pane contains many tabs such as Filters, Roles, and Properties that enable you to specify
information about the visualizations.

3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item


Open a data source in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
Describe the different tabs in the Right pane of the
Specify data item properties.
Define distinct counts.
Assign colors to category values.
Calculate new data items.
Duplicate data items.
Use the Show or Hide window.
Use the automatic chart functionality to automatically
create a visualization based on selected data items.


Opening a Data Source

When you begin creating an exploration, you are
prompted to open a recent exploration or select a data


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3-8 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Opening a Data Source

When you choose to select a data source, you are
prompted to select a data source that is loaded in memory
or import a local, server based, or social media data

whether you can
import data and
the type of data
that you can


Based on role-based capabilities, you might be able to import the following types of data sources:
Local Data: Server-based Data: Social Media:
Microsoft Excel (xls, xlsx) SAS data set Twitter
text files Aster
SAS data set BigInsights

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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-9

Data Pane
After you select a data source, the data
items are loaded into the Data pane.
The Data pane displays the available
data items and a frequency count of
unique values.
The Data Source Details window
displays information
about the
data source.


Data Options
Clicking (Options) in the Data pane enables you to
change the data source as well as create, edit, and delete
data items. The Options menu also enables you to access
the following windows:
Data Properties

Measure Details

Data Source Details

Many of the items in the Options

menu are also available from the
Data menu on the menu bar.


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3-10 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Controlling the Data Pane Appearance

The Options menu in the Data pane enables you to
control the appearance of the pane.
Specifically, you can
show or hide data items

sort data items in

ascending or
descending order
by name
group data items by first
letter, data type, model By default, the data items in
type, classification, the Data pane are organized
format, or aggregation by classification and sorted
type. in ascending order by name.

Show or Hide Items Window

The Show or Hide Items window enables you to select
the data items that are displayed in the Data pane.
You can also hide a data item by selecting Hide
from the data items
pop-up menu.


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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-11

Data Item Role

Each data item is categorized using a Classification property.


References to datetime values in this course are generic references to any and all of the following
types of values:

Geography roles have a secondary value selection:

Country or Region Names
Country or Region ISO 2-Letter Codes
Country or Region ISO Numeric Codes
Country or Region SAS Map ID Values
Subdivision (State, Province) Names
Subdivision (State, Province) SAS Map ID Values
US State Name
US State Abbreviations
US ZIP Codes
SAS Visual Analytics uses lookup values to match category values to geographical features.
More information is available using this URL:

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3-12 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Data Properties Table

Each data item has properties. The data
properties table and the Data Properties
window can be used to change the values
for each property.

Right-clicking a
data item name
in the Data
pane provides
a context menu
of additional

Access the Data Properties window from the Options menu in the Data pane or by selecting
Data Data Properties.

Measure Details
The Measure Details window displays descriptive
statistics for all the measure data items in the data

Access the Measure Details

window from the Data
Options menu or by selecting
Data Measure Details.


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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-13

Distinct Counts
You can automatically create a new measure that
contains the distinct count of a category data item.

The derived measure

calculates the number
of distinct values for
the data item on which
it is based. You can edit
the aggregated measure
expression if desired.

Right Pane
The Right pane of the Explorer contains the Roles, Filters,
Ranks, Comments, and Properties tabs.

Use the
(List of tabs)
button to select
the tabs to be


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3-14 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Filtering Data
A filter is the specification of one or
more conditions to subset the data
Local filters apply only to the
current visualization.
Global filters apply to all of the
visualizations in the current visual
Data source filters subset the data
at the data source level and apply
to all visualizations in an

Data source filters do not

appear on the Filters tab.

A data source filter enables you to subset the data in an exploration. A data source filter differs from a
global filter in the following ways:
A data source filter updates the cardinality values that appear in the Data pane.
A data source filter updates the total number of rows that is used in the filtered rows percentage at the
bottom of the Right pane.
A data source filter is not displayed on the Filters tab.
An exploration can contain only one data source filter.

Creating Filters
Global and local filters can be
created by dragging the data item
to the Filters tab in the Right pane
or by selecting the filter type in
the data item pop-up menu.
Data source filters can be created,
edited, and deleted using the Data
Source Details window.


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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-15

Creating Filters
Clicking (Options) on the Filters tab provides actions
for the selected filter.
You can use the Edit Filter window
to change the filter expression.


Creating Advanced Filters

You can create advanced filters
to subset your data. Select New
Advanced Filter from the Option
menu on the Filters tab.


Basic filters use one data item to subset the data. Advanced filters enable you to subset the data based on
more than one data item.

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3-16 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Roles Tab
The Roles tab enables you to view
the roles and data item assignments
for the selected visualization.
You can assign data items by
dragging them from the Data pane
or selecting them from the (Edit
selection) button.

The visualization type is displayed

at the top of the tab. Selecting the
link for the other visualization type
can display additional properties.


Properties Tab
The Properties tab lists the properties for the currently
selected object. All visualizations have a name property.
Most visualizations enable you
to specify additional properties.


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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-17

Comments Tab
The Comments tab enables you to view and reply to
existing visualization comments, as well as add new
comments. The (Comments)
icon appears on the title bar for
visualizations with comments.

comments are
displayed by


Ranks Tab
The Ranks tab enables you to view, create, and edit ranks
to subset the data in the visualization. A rank selects
either the top (greatest) or the bottom (least) aggregated
value for a category.

To create a rank,
you can right-click
a data item and
select Add as Rank
in the Data pane, or
you can drag a data
item onto the Ranks tab in the Right pane.


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3-18 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Formatting Measures and Datetime Values

Formats enable you to change how measure and
datetime values are displayed in visualizations.
Use the data properties table or the Data Properties
window to specify formats.


Assigning Colors to Category Values

You can associate colors with values of category data
items for visual consistency. The colors are applied to all
visualizations where the data item is used in the Group


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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-19

Calculating New Data Items

The New Calculated Item window enables you to create
new data items based on evaluating an expression.
Different types
of operators
can be used in
the expression.

All calculations are performed on unaggregated data. The

calculated expression is evaluated for each data source row.

Creating Time Based Calculations

You can right-click a measure in the Data pane to create
many different time-based aggregated measures.

Aggregated measure expressions can be edited.


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3-20 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Duplicating Data Items

You can create a new data item by duplicating one of the
existing data items. After you duplicate an item, you can
change any of the data item properties as needed.


Visualizations and Explorations (Review)

A visualization displays data values using one of several
types. The visualization, data source, and property
settings are saved as part of an exploration. Visualization
types include charts, geographic maps, and word clouds.


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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-21

Visualization: Automatic Chart

Automatic charts automatically select the chart type
according to the data that is assigned to the visualization.
Automatic charts provide a quick view of the data.

Automatic chart is the default visualization type.


Visualization: Automatic Chart

Automatic charts determine the best visualization type for
the selected data and is the default mode in Explorer.
Data Items Chart Type * The actual
One measure Histogram chart type
One category Bar chart depends on
the cardinality
One datetime category and any number Line chart
of other categories or measures of the data.
Two measures *Scatter plot or heat map
Three or more measures *Scatter plot matrix or
correlation matrix
Multiple categories and measures Bar chart
Geography and zero to two measures Geo map
Geography and three or more measures Bar chart
One or more categories and any number Bar chart
of measures or geographies

When the cardinality is higher, more unique values exist for the data item.

Examples of high-cardinality data items: Employee ID, Street Address, Birthdate

Examples of low-cardinality data items: Country Name, Facility Continent, Age Group

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3-22 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Show Details View

Clicking (Show details) or selecting Show Details
from the visualization pop-up menu displays the Details
The Show details
button appears
when you move
the cursor to the
upper right
corner of the


Use the CustomerOrders
data source to visualize
continent, gender, and
profit and display the

Rank the values to display

the top three continents
based on the sum of profit.


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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-23

Use the ProductAnalysis data source to visualize
product line, profit, and quantity ordered and display the

Specify properties for the



Visualizing Data

This demonstration illustrates how to open SAS Visual Analytics Explorer, select a data source, and create
a visualization.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Click Create Exploration in the Create Content area.

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3-24 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

The Start a new exploration window appears.

7. Select a data source to explore.

a. Click Select a Data Source.
The Open Data Source window appears.

b. Select CustomerOrders.
c. Click Open.

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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-25

The SAS Visual Analytics Explorer interface opens.

8. Modify data item properties.

a. Click the Continent Name column in the Category group of the Data pane to select it.
The data properties table is populated with values for the selected data item.

b. Click in the Value cell for the Name property.

c. Enter Continent for the Name property

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3-26 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

d. Press Enter to lock in the value.

e. Change the names for the following data items and press Enter to lock in the value:

Data Item Name New Name

City Name City

Customer Age Group Age Group

Customer Gender Gender

Customer Group Name Customer Group

Customer Type Name Customer Type

Quantity Ordered Quantity

Discount in percent of Total Retail Price Discount

The data items in the Data pane re-sort if needed.

f. Click the Customer Age column in the Measures group of the Data pane.
g. Select Discrete for the Model type property.
h. Select Average for the Aggregation property.
i. Enter Average Age for the Name property.
9. Control the Data pane appearance.

a. Click (Options) in the Data pane.

b. Select Group Items.

By default, the data items in the Data pane are organized by classification and sorted in
descending order.
c. Select By First Letter.

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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-27

Notice how the data items are grouped in the Data pane.

Click to collapse a group. Click to expand a group.

10. Select the data items to explore.
a. Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items in this order:
b. Drag the selected data items to the workspace.

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3-28 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

The automatic chart functionality determines the best way to display the selected data.

A bar is displayed for each value of continent. The height of the bars is based on the sum of
profit. Gender is used to display two columns of charts using a lattice.

The size and shape of the image above might not match what you see on the classroom
machine. The resolution of the computer, the size of the browser window, and the status
of the panes (expanded or collapsed) can affect the size of visualizations.

Role assignment is determined by the order in which columns are selected.

c. Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the visualization to see the action buttons.

d. Click (Hide lattice navigator) to hide the navigation tool that is displayed automatically
when the visualization contains a lattice.
e. Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the visualization again.

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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-29

f. Click (Show details) to display a table of the data used to create the graph.

The details are displayed at the bottom of the window. You can use the handle icon
( ) to resize the portions of the visualization.

11. Control the Data pane appearance.

a. Click (Options) in the Data pane.

b. Select Group Items.

c. Select By Classification.
Now the data items are grouped by the data item classification again.

d. Click (Options) in the Data pane.

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3-30 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

e. Select Show or Hide Items.

f. Clear the Select All check box.

g. Click the check box for the following data items:
Customer Group
Customer Type
Month Name
Order Type
Postal Code
State Name
Retail Price
h. Click OK.

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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-31

The Data pane should resemble the following:

12. Create a rank of the top three continents by profit.

a. Right-click Continent in the Data pane.
b. Select Add as Rank.
You can also right-click Continent on the axis in the visualization and select Add Rank
on Continent.
The Ranks tab in the Right pane becomes the active tab.

If a tab is not displayed in the Right pane, click (List of tabs) on the right side and
select the tab name from the list.
c. Change 5 to 3. Use the down arrow.

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3-32 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

The visualization is updated to include only the top three continents with the highest profits.

13. Save the exploration.

a. Select File Save As.

Make sure that you do not select the File menu for the browser.

b. Select the Shared Data folder.

c. Enter Customer Analysis in the Name field.
d. Click Save.

14. Click (Home Page) in the upper left corner to return to the Home Page.

15. Click Recent in the My Content area.

The Customer Analysis exploration is displayed in addition to the exploration and report that you
opened earlier:

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3.2 Selecting Data and Defining Data Item Properties 3-33

16. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


1. Opening a Data Source and Creating an Automatic Chart Visualization

a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.

b. Explore the ProductAnalysis data source.
Hide the following columns so that they are not displayed in the Data pane:
Date Order was Delivered
Discount in percent of Normal Total Retail Price
Hint: Click Show or Hide Items.

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3-34 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Select the following data items to use with the automatic chart visualization:
Product Line
Quantity Ordered
Modify the data item properties of Quantity Ordered to rename it as Quantity.
Use the Properties tab in the Right pane to modify the visualization properties as shown below.

Property Value

Name Profit and Quantity by Product Line

Generate graph titles <clear check box>

Title <clear field>

Show data labels Click check box to enable this option

Show the details view in the visualization.
Save the exploration as Product Analysis in the Shared Data folder.
c. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

3.3 Creating Visualizations

List the types of available visualizations.
Create new visualizations.
Set visualization properties and roles.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-35

Visualizations and Explorations (Review)

A visualization displays data values using one of several
types. The visualization, data source, and property settings
are saved as part of an exploration. Visualization types
include charts, geographic maps, and word clouds.


Types of Visualizations

In addition to the automatic chart, there

are 15 different types of visualizations.
You select the visualization type from
the toolbar, the Visualization menu,
or by clicking the icon on the left side
of the visualization title bar.


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3-36 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Automatic Chart (Review)

Automatic charts automatically select the chart type
according to the data that is assigned to the visualization.
Automatic charts provide a quick view of the data.

Automatic chart is the default visualization type.


Creating a New Visualization

Use one of these methods to create a new visualization.
Click on the toolbar.

Select Visualization New from the menu bar.

You can also duplicate an existing

visualization to use as a starting
point for a new visualization.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-37

Assigning Data Items

In order for a visualization to display
data, you must assign data items to
it. You can assign data items by
performing any of the following
Drag the item onto the center of
the visualization and, if necessary,
select the role.
Drag the item to one of the
visualization drop zones.
Using the Roles tab, drag the item
to a role or select an item from the
drop-down list.
Right-click a data item in the Data pane

58 and select Add to Visualization.

Visualization Properties
Each visualization has common
properties and might have
additional properties that are
specific to the visualization type.

All visualizations have a Name

property. Most visualizations have
other properties that enable you
to control the appearance of the
visualization and how the results
are displayed.


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3-38 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Table
The table visualization enables you to examine the raw
data for each row of the data source.

By default, the table is

sorted by the values of
the first column.

The table visualization

displays only the first
two billion rows.


To change the sorting, click on the heading for the column that you want to sort by. An arrow appears in
the column heading to indicate the sorting. If the arrow points upward, then the sort is ascending. If the
arrow points downward, then the sort is descending.

Visualization: Crosstab
The crosstab visualization enables you to examine your
data using intersections of category values.

Column and row totals

and subtotals can be
added if desired.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-39

Visualization: Table and Crosstab Properties

The crosstab and table visualizations have some
similarities and some differences.
Crosstab visualizations aggregate
data values, and table visualizations
display detail values.
Right-clicking a data item provides
a menu of additional actions.
Columns and rows can be sorted
in ascending or descending order.
Various properties can be set
for the Crosstab visualization,
whereas the table visualization
only enables you to change
the name.

Visualization: Bar Chart

The bar chart visualization enables you to compare data
that is aggregated by the distinct values of a category.

A bar chart can

contain multiple
measures and can
also use a category
data item to group
the bars.


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3-40 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Bar Chart

Consider the following when you use a bar chart:
One category is required.

Multiple measures can be plotted. If no measures

are specified, the frequency is plotted.
Properties enable you to control the
appearance including the bar direction
and grouping style.
Reference lines can be
created and labeled to
easily identify values.


Visualization: Line Chart

The line chart visualization enables you to view data
trends over time.

A forecast can
be added to
predict future


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-41

Visualization: Line Chart

Consider the following when you use a line chart:
One category is required.

Multiple measures can be plotted. If no measures are

specified, the frequency is plotted.
Common properties
enable you to control
the appearance.
Reference lines can be
created and labeled to
easily identify values.


Visualization: Scatter Plot

A scatter plot visualization enables you to examine the
relationship between numeric data items.

If there are too many data

points to plot, a message
is displayed and a different
visualization is created.


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3-42 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Scatter Plot

Consider the following when you use a scatter plot:
The number of measures selected and the cardinality
of the data determine the type of visualization display.
scatter plot Two measures with low cardinality
scatter plot matrix Three or more measures with low cardinality
heat map Two measures with high cardinality
correlation matrix Three or more measures with high cardinality
Common properties
enable you to control
the appearance.
Reference lines can
be created.

Visualization: Bubble Plot

The bubble plot visualization enables you to explore the
relationship between three measures. Two measures
determine the bubble
placement and the third
measure is represented
by the size of the bubbles.

A datetime value
enables you to
animate the bubble
plot over time.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-43

Visualization: Bubble Plot

Consider the following when you use a bubble plot:
Three measures are required. An additional data item
can be used to
determine the
bubble color.
enable you to
control the
Reference lines
can be created
and labeled to
easily identify
70 values.

Adding Visualization Comments

Clicking the Comments tab
in the Right pane enables you
to view and enter comments
for the selected visualization.
Visualizations with comments
display the (Comments)
icon on the title bar.


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3-44 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Add four visualizations to the Customer Analysis
exploration and specify the visualization properties.


Add a scatter plot and line chart visualization to the Profit
Analysis exploration.


Creating Basic Visualizations

This demonstration illustrates how to use SAS Visual Analytics Explorer to add additional visualization to
an existing exploration.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-45

2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Single-click or right-click Customer Analysis in the My Content area.
The object inspector appears.

7. Click (Add to Favorites) to add this exploration to your favorites.

The star in the object inspector is displayed in yellow ( ) for items that are marked as
8. Click Open to open the Customer Analysis exploration in the Explorer.

9. Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

By default, the new visualization is added to the workspace alongside any visualizations that are
already displayed.

10. Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize Visualization 1.

Minimized visualizations are displayed in the Dock panel at the bottom of the workspace.

The Manage visualizations button ( ) in the Dock panel provides options for working with

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3-46 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

17. Click (Table) on the toolbar to change the visualization type for Visualization 2.

You could also select Table from the drop-down list on the left side of the window bar.

18. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following columns in order:
Customer Group
Customer Type
Order Type
19. Drag the selected columns to the blank table visualization window in the workspace.
20. Drag the line between the fields on the column heading in the table to change the column widths to
display all of the data values in each column.
The visualization resembles the following:

21. Change the Model type property for Year.

a. Click the Year column in the Data pane.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-47

b. Select Discrete for the Model type property.

22. Click the Filters tab in the Right pane.
23. Drag Year from the Data pane to the Local Filters section on the Filters tab.

24. Clear the check box for All.

25. Click the check box for 2011.

The bar at the bottom of the Right pane displays the percentage of the data that is available after
applying the filter.

Moving your cursor over a filter value displays the number of rows that contain that value.

26. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

27. Enter 2011 Profit by Group and Order Type in the Name field.
28. Press Enter to lock in the value and update the name of the visualization.

29. Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

30. Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the 2011 Profit by Group and Order Type

31. Click (Bubble plot) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

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3-48 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

32. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following columns in order:
Retail Price
Month Name
33. Drag the selected columns to the blank visualization window in the workspace.

34. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

35. Enter Monthly Profit by Quantity in the Name field.
36. Clear the check box for Generate graph titles.
37. Clear the text in the Title field.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-49

38. Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

39. Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Monthly Profit by Quantity visualization.

40. Click (Crosstab) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

41. Drag Customer Group to the columns section (top) of the crosstab in the workspace.
42. Drag Continent to the rows section (left) of the crosstab in the workspace.
43. Drag Profit to the measures section (table) of the crosstab in the workspace.

44. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

45. Enter Profit by Continent and Customer Group in the Name field.

46. Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

47. Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Profit by Continent and Customer
Group visualization.

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3-50 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

48. Click (Bar Chart) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

49. Create the percent of total for Profit.

a. Right-click Profit in the Data pane.
b. Select Create Percent of Total.
The new measure is added to the Aggregated Measure grouping:

50. Drag Order Type to the category drop zone.

51. Drag Profit (Percent of Total) to the frequency drop zone.
52. If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
53. Enter Profit Percentage by Order Type in the Name field.
54. Click the Show data labels check box.
The bar chart shows the percentage of total profit for each order type.

The data values displayed on top of the bars might be rounded.

55. Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

56. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-51


2. Creating Basic Visualizations

a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
b. Open the Product Analysis exploration.
c. Use a scatter plot to create a new visualization.

Create a new visualization.

Minimize the Profit and Quantity by Product Line visualization.
Set the visualization type of the new visualization to scatter plot.
Drag the following data items from the Data pane to the corresponding role in the

Data Item Visualization Role

Quantity Measure (X Axis)

Retail Price Category or Measure

If a message window appears, read the message, and click Yes to convert the
visualization to a heat map. The axis assignment might also change automatically.
Add Year as a local filter and select 2011 as the only value.
Hint: Because the model type for Year is set to continuous, the filter selector control is a slider
rather than check boxes. To select a single value, move both sliders to the same location,
or enter a value in the left or right text box.

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3-52 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Modify the following visualization property:

Property Value

Name 2011 Quantity and Product Price Analysis

d. Use a line chart to create a new visualization.

Create a new visualization and set the visualization type to line chart.
Minimize the 2011 Quantity and Product Price Analysis visualization.
Duplicate the Year data item and name the copy Year Category.
Hint: Right-click Year in the Data pane and select Duplicate Data Item.
Change the Classification property for Year Category to Category.
Drag the following data items from the Data pane to the new visualization:
Year Category
Add Product Line to the Group role.
Hint: Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.
Modify the following visualization properties:

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-53

Property Value

Name Quantity by Year and Product Line

Show Markers <select>

e. Save the updated exploration with the same name.

f. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

Additional Visualizations
Many visualization types provide functionality that is
useful for exploring all types of data sources.

Other visualization types can be optimized when you use

data preparation techniques to structure the data source
in a specific way.


Visualization: Network Diagram

The network diagram visualization enables you to view
the relationships between category values as a series of
linked nodes.
There are two network types
that can be displayed:
Hierarchical The network
structure is defined
by a hierarchy or set
of categories.
Ungrouped Source and target
values in the data are
used to create the
network structure.


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3-54 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Network Diagram

Consider the following when you use a network diagram:
Category values are required.

Data items can be assigned to control

attributes for the nodes and links.
Additional properties
enable you to
control the network
layout and node


Visualization: Histogram
The histogram visualization enables you to view the
distribution of values for a single measure.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-55

Visualization: Histogram
Consider the following when you use a histogram:
One measure is required.

Properties enable you to control the appearance

including the bar direction.
You can specify the number of
bins (value ranges) to display.
Reference lines can be created
and labeled to easily identify


Visualization: Box Plot

The box plot visualization enables you to view information
about the variability of data and the extreme data values.
The size and location of the box indicate the range of
values that are between the 25th and 75th percentile.

Placing the mouse

pointer on a box
displays descriptive


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3-56 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Box Plot

Consider the following when you use a box plot:
At least one measure is required.

Common properties enable you to control the

Reference lines can be created
and labeled to easily identify values.
grouped outliers
creates a new
visualization with
the distribution
of those values.


Visualization: Heat Map

The heat map visualization enables you to display the
distribution of values for two data items by using a table
with colored cells.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-57

Visualization: Heat Map

Consider the following when you use a heat map:
Two values are required, and they can be either a
category or a measure.
A measure can be added to determine the cell color.

Frequency counts are used to determine the cell color

if no measure is specified in this role.
Properties enable you to control the
including the
color gradient.


Visualization: Geo Map

The geo map visualization enables you to view your data
as an overlay on a geographic map.

Data can be displayed

using bubbles
as colored regions
using a scatter plot.


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3-58 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Geo Map

Consider the following when you use a geo map:
A geographic data item or geographic hierarchy is
Properties enable you to control the appearance,
including the map style.
The map navigation control can be
displayed or
The geo map
requires that an
additional step
be performed
during installation
87 and configuration. continued...

Visualization: Geo Map

A geography data item is a category whose values are
mapped to geographical locations or regions.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-59

Visualization: Geo Map

You can define a custom
geographic role by providing
the following information:

Latitude A measure from your current data source that

contains the latitude (Y) coordinate values for
the geographic role that you want to define
Longitude A measure from your current data source that
contains the longitude (X) coordinate values
for the geographic role that you want to define
Coordinate The coordinate system that is used to project
Space the longitude and latitude coordinates

Visualization: Treemap
A treemap visualization enables you to display a category
or hierarchy as a set of rectangular tiles. The size of each
tile represents either the
summarization of a
measure or the frequency
displayed as a count or

An additional measure
can be added to control
the color of each tile.


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3-60 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Treemap
Consider the following when you use a treemap:
A category or hierarchy is required.

Measures can be added to determine the tile size and

Frequency counts are used to determine the tile size
if no measure is specified in this role.
Properties enable you to control
including tile
number of
levels, and
color gradient.

Visualization: Correlation Matrix

The correlation matrix visualization enables you to view
the degree of statistical correlation between multiple
measures using a matrix
of rectangular cells.

The maximum number

of measures that can
be displayed is 60.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-61

Visualization: Correlation Matrix

Consider the following when you use a correlation matrix:
Two measures are required.

Correlations can be displayed within one set of

measures or between two sets of measures.
Properties enable you to control appearance attributes
including the color gradient.


Visualization: Decision Tree

A decision tree visualization uses the values of one
or more predictor data items to predict the values
of a target data item.
A decision tree displays a
series of nodes as a tree.
The top node is the target
data item, and each branch
of the tree represents
a split in the values
of a predictor data item.


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3-62 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Decision Tree

Consider the following when you use a decision tree:
A tree requires a target and predictor value, which
can be a measure or category.
Each branch of the tree displays the name of the
predictor for the branch at the top of the split.
The thickness of the branch indicates the number
of values that are associated with each node.
The predictor values for each node are displayed
above the node.
Selecting a node
displays the data
for that split. You
can also create a
new visualization
95 from any node.

Visualization: Word Cloud

The word cloud visualization enables you to determine
the relevance of words in a topic.

You can use text

analytics in a word
cloud to identify
topics and terms that
appear together
in your data.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-63

Visualization: Word Cloud

Consider the following when you use
a word cloud:
Word clouds can be displayed
using category values or
using text analytics.
A category or document collection
is required.
Properties enable
you to control the
attributes and text
analytics settings.


Word Clouds That Use Category Values

Word clouds that use category values analyze each value in a category data item as a single text string.
The word cloud can display either the string values that have the highest frequency or the string values
that have the greatest value for a measure. The color of each word can indicate the value of a measure.

Word Clouds That Use Text Analytics

Word clouds that use text analytics analyze each value in a document collection data item as a text
document that can contain multiple words. Words that often appear together in the document collection
are identified as topics. The word cloud displays the most relevant terms for each topic, where the size of
each term indicates the relevance.
To enable text analytics, you must set a unique row identifier and define one or more categories as
document collections.

Depending on the number of rows in your data source and the length of the values in your
document collection, a word cloud with text analytics might require a significant amount of time
to appear.

Text analytics in SAS Visual Analytics uses a different algorithm from SAS Text Miner. Your
results might be different from the results that SAS Text Miner produces.

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3-64 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

What Is a Hierarchy?
A hierarchy is a defined arrangement of categorical data
items based on parent-child relationships. The levels of
a hierarchy are arranged with more general information
at the top and more specific information at the bottom.

Year Quarter Month







2013 MAR



Managing Hierarchies
Clicking (Options) New Hierarchy in the Data pane
enables you to create a new hierarchy. The New
Hierarchy window enables you to name the hierarchy
and select the data items that make up a navigational
path through the data.
The pop-up menu for
hierarchy data items
provides the following
create a new hierarchy

edit a hierarchy

delete a hierarchy


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-65

Creating a Hierarchy from a Date, Time, or

For date, time, and datetime data items, you can create
a hierarchy automatically.
To create a hierarchy,
right-click a date, time,
or datetime data item in the
Data pane and select the
type of hierarchy to create.
A new hierarchy data item is created.


Using Hierarchies in Visualizations

Hierarchies can be used to navigate through the data
in different types of visualizations.
When all of the
members of a
hierarchy are
defined with
geographic roles,
the hierarchy
becomes a
hierarchy, which
can be used with
the geo map

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3-66 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Using Hierarchies in Visualizations

For visualizations that
contain hierarchy data,
you can click values
on the visualization axis
to navigate through the

A navigation bar above

the visualization enables
you to navigate through
the levels of the hierarchy.


Creating a Hierarchy from a Crosstab

You can create a hierarchy on the fly when you have
multiple category items in the same dimension of a
Right-click the
table and select
Create Hierarchy.

The hierarchy is named after the data

item and appears in the data items list.


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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-67

Add a geo map and decision tree visualization to the
Customer Analysis exploration.


Add a box plot, a heat map, and a word cloud to the Profit
Analysis exploration.


Creating Advanced Visualizations

This demonstration illustrates how to use SAS Visual Analytics Explorer to create advanced
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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3-68 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Double-click Customer Analysis in the My Content area to open it in the Explorer.

7. Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Profit Percentage by Order Type
8. Modify data item properties.
a. Click the State Name column in the Data pane.
b. Change the classification to Geography in the data properties table.
The Geography Classification window appears.
c. Select US State Names for the Geography field.

d. Click OK.
9. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following columns:
State Name
10. Drag the selected columns to the workspace.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-69

The visualization resembles the following:

A warning message is displayed under the map.

11. Click at the end of the warning message and select Show details.

These values do not match the US States geography classification.

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3-70 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

12. Click OK to close the Details window.

13. Right-click Country in the Data pane and select Add as Local Filter.
14. In the Right pane, clear the Auto-Update check box at the bottom.

Disabling auto-update enables you to make several changes without having the visualizations
update with each change.
15. Clear the All check box for the local filter based on Country.
A message is displayed in the visualization so that you know that a data update is required.

16. Click the United States check box.

17. Click the Auto-Update check box at the bottom of the Right pane to enables auto updates and update
the visualization based on the new filter criteria.
18. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
19. Enter US Profit by State in the Name field.
20. Clear the Generate graph titles check box.
21. Enter Profit by State in the Title field.
22. Clear the Show map navigation control check box.
23. Click the Roles tab in the Right pane to make it active.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-71

24. Click Use Geo Map at the top of the Roles tab.

The automatic chart visualization has only two roles, Categories and Measures. Changing the
visualization type can enable you to use other roles that are valid for that type of
25. Select Regions for the Map style field.
The updated visualization should resemble the following:

The warning message is displayed because there are two data values for State Name that still
do not match the US States geographical role.

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3-72 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

26. Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

27. Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the US Profit by State visualization.

28. Click (Decision tree) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

29. Select Quantity in the Data pane and drag it to the workspace.

There are 951,669 rows of data, and the average number of items ordered is 2. Test some predictors to
see what might be behind this number.
30. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following columns in order:
Retail Price
Month Name

These columns were selected because these values might explain the top value.

31. Drag the selected columns to the workspace to determine how they contribute to Quantity.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-73

The ability to see the boxes of information about the branches is based on the resolution of
your computer, the size of the browser window, and the status of the Data and Right panes.
You can use the Details view to view the information contained in the boxes even if the boxes
are not displayed.

The top value is Retail Price, which means that it is the best data item to explain the quantity
ordered. The value $858.47 was determined to be the split factor as indicated at the top of the next

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3-74 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

32. After Retail Price, the model determined that Discount was the second factor. Move your mouse
pointer to Discount in both branches to view more information.
45% was determined to be the split factor.
33. Based on the size of the branches, it is clear that the months of April, May, June, July, and August
contribute significantly to Quantity at this level of the tree. Position your mouse pointer on the April,
May, June, July, August box of the decision tree to view the details.

34. Click the Roles tab in the Right pane to add more predictors to the analysis.

35. In the Predictors role, click Add Gender.

The decision tree is updated. Gender has the least effect of all the predictors.

Because of the size of the tree, the data value boxes are no longer displayed.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-75

36. In the Predictors role, click Add Order Type.

The decision tree is updated. Order Type has more effect than Gender.

37. In the Predictors role, click Add Customer Group.

The decision tree now includes the additional predictors.

38. Right-click in the decision tree visualization. Select Show Overview.

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3-76 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

39. Using the overview, you can select the portion to focus on. Resize the selector square and select a few
of the nodes at the bottom portion of the decision tree.

40. Because Gender is the least significant predictor, click the Roles tab. Right-click Gender in the
predictor list and select Remove Gender.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-77

The decision tree is updated. Use the overview tool to look at the changes.
With Gender: Without Gender:

Gender is not a significant predictor for Quantity.

41. Turn off the overview.
Right-click and select Show Overview.
42. Create a new visualization from a node in the decision tree.
a. Right-click the left node at the bottom of the thickest branch. Select Create Visualizations from

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3-78 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

A histogram visualization is created and shows the distribution of Quantity for a node in the tree.

43. Click on the window bar to delete the histogram visualization.

44. Select Delete when you are prompted.

45. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
46. Enter Quantity Decision Tree in the Name field.
47. Select File Save to save the updated exploration.
48. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


3. Creating Advanced Visualizations

a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
b. Open the Product Analysis exploration.
c. Use the box plot to create a new visualization.

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-79

Create a new visualization and set the visualization type to box plot.
Minimize the Quantity by Year and Product Line visualization.
Drag the following data items from the Data pane to the new visualization in order:
Product Line
Create a local filter where Supplier Continent is equal to Australia/Pacific.
Modify the following visualization properties:

Property Value

Name Cost by Product Line for Australia/Pacific

Show averages <selected>

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3-80 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

d. Use the heat map to create a new visualization.

Create a new visualization and set the visualization type to heat map.
Minimize the Cost by Product Line for Australia/Pacific visualization.
Drag the following data items from the Data pane to the new visualization:
Product Line
Supplier Country
Add Supplier Continent as a local filter and select Europe as the only value.
Modify the following visualization properties:

Property Value

Name European Supplier Analysis

Generate graph titles <clear check box>

Title <clear field>

Color gradient White-Blue (first item)

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3.3 Creating Visualizations 3-81

e. Use the word cloud to create a new visualization.

Create a new visualization and set the visualization type to word cloud.
Minimize the European Supplier Analysis visualization.
Drag Product Group from the Data pane to the new visualization and select Words for the
role type.
Drag Profit from the Data pane to the new visualization.
Modify the following visualization properties:

Property Value

Name Word Cloud of Product Group

Generate graph titles <clear check box>

Title <clear field>

Font scale 5

f. Save the updated exploration and use the same name.

g. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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3-82 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with


Describe the types of data analyses available in
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer.
Explore the correlations capabilities in the Explorer.
Explore the types of fit lines that can be applied to
Explore the forecasting capabilities in the Explorer.
Describe how text analytics can enhance word cloud


Type of Analytics
SAS Visual Analytics enables you to perform four types of
data analyses in the Explorer:
Correlation Identifies the degree of statistical
correlation between measures.
Fit Line Plots a model of the relationship
between measures.
Forecasting Predicts future values based on the
statistical trends in your data.
Text Analyzes each value in a document
Analytics collection as a text document that can
contain multiple words. Words that often
appear together in the document
collection are identified as topics.

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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-83

Understanding Analytics
The Details view of some visualizations contains an
Analysis tab when you perform the different types of
analyses. The Analysis
tab explains what the
analysis means.
Clicking the icon
displays the Details
Depending on the type
of analysis, additional
information such as
forecasting algorithm
might be displayed.


A correlation identifies the
degree of statistical
correlation between
measures. The strength
of a correlation is
described as a number
between -1 and 1.

Double-clicking a cell displays

the correlation
of the two


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3-84 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Visualization: Correlation Matrix (Review)

The correlation matrix visualization enables you to view
the degree of statistical correlation between multiple
measures using a matrix
of rectangular cells.

The maximum number

of measures that can
be displayed is 60.


Data Roles for a Correlation Matrix

The Show Correlations option specifies whether the
correlation matrix uses a single set of measures or
two sets of measures.


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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-85

Fit Lines
A fit line plots a model of the relationship between
measures. You can add a fit line to a scatter plot or heat
map by using the pop-up menu or the Fit Line option
on the Properties tab in the Right pane.
The Details view explains the
details of the analysis.


Type Description

Best Fit Tests the cubic, quadratic, and linear fit methods against your data and selects the fit
method that produces the best result. To see which fit method was used, select the
information icon from the visualization legend.

Linear Creates a linear fit line from a linear regression algorithm. A linear fit line produces the
straight line that best represents the relationship between two measures. For a linear fit,
correlation is automatically added to the visualization.

Quadratic Produces a line with a single curve. A quadratic fit line often produces a line with the
shape of a parabola.

Cubic Produces a line with two curves. A cubic fit line often produces a line with an S shape.

PSpline Creates a penalized B-spline fit. A penalized B-spline is a smoothing spline that fits the
data closely. A penalized B-spline can display a complex line with many changes in its

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3-86 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Adding a Correlation Using a Linear Fit Line

Adding a linear fit line to a scatter plot or heat map
automatically displays the correlation information.


The correlation in heat maps and scatter plots is identified by a text label in the visualization legend.

A scatter plot matrix displays the correlation using a colored border around the plot. The visualization
legend displays a key for the color values.

Correlation and a linear fit line are automatically applied to the visualization. When two measures are
selected, the values are displayed as a scatter plot or heat map (for high-cardinality values). When three
or more measures are selected, the values are displayed in a scatter plot matrix or a correlation matrix
(for high-cardinality values).

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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-87

Forecasting predicts future values based on the statistical
trends in your data.
A forecast adds a line
with a predicted value
and a colored band
that represents the
95% confidence

Forecasting is available only for line charts that include a

datetime data item.

SAS Visual Analytics automatically selects the

best forecasting model based on your data.


No forecasting is available if data items are assigned to the Group, Lattice columns, or Lattice
rows roles.

The forecasting duration (in intervals) can be selected on the Properties tab of the Right pane. The
default duration is six intervals.
Your data is tested against the following forecasting methods and the best one is automatically applied:
damped-trend exponential smoothing
linear exponential smoothing
seasonal exponential smoothing
simple exponential smoothing
Winters method (additive)
Winters method (multiplicative)
The RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) test is used to determine the best method.

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3-88 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Creating Forecasts
Selecting Analysis Forecast from the menu bar
displays the Forecast window. Selecting measures and
clicking OK creates a new visualization.

You can add a forecast to an existing line chart by

selecting Forecast on the pop-up menu or by
clicking (Options) on the visualization toolbar.

Forecasting: Scenario Analysis

You can add measures to a forecast as underlying
factors. The forecasting
model determines
whether the measure
increases the accuracy
of the forecast.
Forecasts that include
underlying factors
enable you to apply
scenario analysis
to the forecast.


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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-89

Creating Scenario Analysis

Select Underlying factors on the
Roles tab to build a scenario analysis.
Use the Scenario Analysis tab in the
Details view to adjust the values of
the underlying factors and update
the forecast.

Scenario analysis considers alternative outcomes

based on the underlying factors that you selected.

Modifying Scenario Analysis

For each measure in the scenario analysis, use the chart
or table view to change values. Click Update to apply the
scenario to the forecast.

To select the accuracy of the points, click , the icon

beside the measure name, and select Snap Interval.

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3-90 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Using Text Analytics

For a word cloud that uses text analytics, the basic role is
a document collection. A document collection is a
category data item that contains the words that you want
to analyze.
To enable text analytics, you must set a unique row
identifier and define one or more categories as document



A document collection can be used in your visualizations the same way as a category.

Cardinality and Visualizations

High cardinality refers to columns with a large number
of values that are unique.
Consider the following when you use high-cardinality data
in SAS Visual Analytics:
Each visualization has a visualization data threshold
that controls the amount of high-cardinality data that
can be used.
Filtering and grouping can be used to limit high-
cardinality data.
An error message is displayed and the visualization is
not produced when the visualization data threshold is
Visualization data thresholds can be specified in the
Preferences window and by the administrator.

See Appendix 5 of the SAS Visual Analytics 6.4: Users Guide for a list of data limits for each type of

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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-91

Add a correlation matrix and forecast to the Customer
Analysis exploration.


Add visualizations to the Profit Analysis exploration. Add
analytics to each visualization and view the resulting


Adding Analytics to an Exploration

This demonstration illustrates how to add different types of analytics to an existing exploration.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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3-92 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Double-click Customer Analysis in the My Content area.

7. Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Quantity Decision Tree visualization.

8. Create a new calculated data item for Total Product Cost.

a. Click (New Calculated Item) in the Data pane.

b. Enter Total Product Cost in the Name field.

c. Double-click Numeric (simple) in the Operators list to expand it.
d. Double-click x*y to add it to the expression window.

You can also drag items from the operators list onto the workspace.

e. Double-click Numeric in the Data Items list to expand it.

f. Drag Cost to the workspace and drop it into the first drop zone.

g. Drag Quantity to the workspace and drop it into the second drop zone.
The expression should resemble the following:

h. Change the format.

1) Click Select next to the Format field at the bottom of the window.
2) Select Currency as the format.
3) Change the value of the Decimals field to 0.

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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-93

4) Click OK.
i. Click OK to close the New Calculated Item window.
9. Create a correlation.
a. Verify that there are no visualizations displayed in the workspace.

b. Click (Correlation matrix) to add a correlation matrix to the workspace.

c. Select Cost, hold down the Ctrl key, and select Profit, Quantity, Retail Price, and Total
Product Cost.
d. Drag them onto the workspace.

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3-94 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

e. Click (About these correlation results) in the bottom right corner to view the details.

f. Select (Close details) in the top right corner of the visualization to close the details view.

g. Click the Properties tab.

h. Enter Correlation of Selected Measures in the Name field.

i. Click on the window bar to minimize the visualization.

j. Select File Save to save the exploration.

10. Change the format for Month Name to use the MMMYYYY format.
a. Click Month Name in the Data pane.
b. In the properties table, select MMMYYYY as the format.
c. Click OK.
11. Create a forecast.
a. Select Analysis Forecast.
b. If necessary, select Month Name for the Date category field.
c. Click the Profit check box.

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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-95

d. Click OK.
e. Click the Properties tab.
1) Click Forecast for first six months of 2012 in the Name field.
2) Clear the Generate graph titles check box.
3) Clear the value in the Title field.
4) Click Show markers.
The visualization should resemble the following:

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3-96 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

f. Click (About these forecast results) to view information about the forecast.

g. Click to expand the information for Profit.

12. Add a scenario analysis to the forecast.

a. Click the Roles tab in Right pane.

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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-97

b. Click (Edit selection) next to the Underlying factors field.

c. Select Quantity.

d. Click (Edit selection) Add Discount.

The details view now includes a Scenario Analysis tab.

Position your mouse pointer over Discount in the Underlying factor field to view a data
tip that explains why this value was not added to the scenario analysis.

e. Increase the future values for Quantity by 10%.

1) Right-click a data point for Quantity and select Set series values.
2) Select By percentage.

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3-98 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

3) Enter 25 for the percentage.

4) Click OK.
5) Click Update.
The forecast is updated to show the results of the scenario.

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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-99

f. Click Results in the details view.

The table displays the data source values as well as additional measures that were calculated
based on the specified forecasting method.

You might have to scroll down in the table.

13. Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

14. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


4. Adding Advanced Analytics to the Exploration

a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
b. Open the Product Analysis exploration.
c. Use the line chart to create a new visualization.

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3-100 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Create a new visualization and set the visualization type to line chart.
Minimize the Word Cloud of Product Group visualization.
Drag the following data items from the Data pane to the new visualization:
Month Name
Format Month Name to use the MMMYYYY format.
Modify the following visualization properties:

Property Value

Name Cost Forecast

Generate graph titles <clear>

Title <clear>

Show markers <selected>

d. Add a forecast to the visualization and view information about the analysis.
Modify the following visualization properties:

Property Value

Duration 9

Confidence 90

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3.4 Enhancing Visualizations with Analytics 3-101

e. Save the exploration.

f. Use the heat map to create a new visualization.

Create a new visualization and set the visualization type to heat map.
Minimize the Cost Forecast visualization.
Drag the following data items from the Data pane to the new visualization:
Add a fit line to the visualization and view the information provided.
Hint: Right-click in the visualization and select Fit Line Best Fit.
g. Save the updated exploration and use the same name.
h. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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3-102 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and


Define the process for changing or refreshing the data
for the exploration.
List various ways of interacting with visualizations and
State the differences between exporting an exploration
as a PDF and exporting the exploration as a report.
Describe the process for e-mailing a link to an
exploration from SAS Visual Analytics.


Managing the Exploration Data Source

The Data menu enables you to refresh
your data source to read the latest values
from the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
You can also use the Data menu to
change the data source to another data
source. A message is displayed if the
new data source does not contain the
same columns.


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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-103

Managing Visualization Roles

Most visualizations enable you to click a role assignment
on the axis or in the column heading to perform various
actions including the following:
replace a data item

remove a data item

create and add time-based

calculations (measures only)
change the aggregation method
(measures only)
sort the data values

rotate labels for some

add the data item as

a filter or rank

Interacting with Visualizations

Clicking (Options) on the visualization menu bar or
right-clicking in the visualization displays a menu of
Most options are available
for all visualizations. Many
visualizations also provide
additional options.


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3-104 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Show Details View (Review)

Clicking (Show details) or selecting Show Details
from the visualization pop-up menu displays the Details
The Show Details
button appears
when you move
the cursor to the
upper right
corner of the


Adding Reference Lines to Visualizations

Several types of visualizations
enable you to add reference
The Properties tab enables
you to create, edit, and delete
reference lines.


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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-105

Working with the Dock Panel

The Dock panel contains visualizations
that are minimized. Clicking (Manage
Visualizations) provides a menu of
options for the Dock panel.

The Manage Visualizations

window enables you to easily
work with all of the visualizations
in the exploration. Clicking
on the toolbar or selecting it from
the menu opens the Manage
Visualization window.

Arranging Visualizations in the Workspace

The SAS Visual Analytics Explorer workspace provides
a grid layout. Visualizations can be easily arranged using
the grid.
Click the title bar of
a visualization, such
as Sales Forecast,
and start moving it.
Drop zones are
identified by a dark
gray box or line.
Placement is
determined by the
edge closest to the
drop point.

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3-106 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Adding Visualization Comments (Review)

Clicking the Comments tab in
the Right pane enables you to
view and enter comments for
the selected visualization.
Visualizations with comments
display the (Comments)
icon on the title bar.


Understanding Comment Types

In addition to comments for each visualization, you can
enter comments for the exploration. Selecting File
Exploration Comments displays the Exploration
Comments window.

Only exploration comments are

displayed in the object inspector.

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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-107

Exporting Data
There are several ways to export your explorations and
You can export an exploration as a PDF.

You can export an exploration as a report

that can be opened in SAS Visual Analytics
Designer and other applications.
You can e-mail a link to the exploration.

You can export an image of a visualization.

You can export the data that is used

to create the visualization.

Exporting an Exploration as a PDF

Selecting File Export Exploration as PDF displays
the Export as PDF Wizard. The wizard enables you to
specify options and select the visualizations to export.

Moving your mouse

over the icon
explains why the
visualization cannot
be exported.

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3-108 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Exporting an Exploration as a Report

Selecting File Export Exploration as Report
displays the Export as Report window, which enables
you to do the following:
choose the visualizations to export and
the desired order
save the report
to a specific
SAS Folder
specify the
name for the


Exporting an Exploration as a Report

The following types of visualizations are not available to
include in your report:
decision trees

network diagrams

treemaps that display additional levels

word clouds

visualizations that do not contain data

geo maps that use custom geographic data items


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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-109

Exporting an Exploration as a Report

The exported report can be opened
in SAS Visual Analytics Designer.
A report section is created for each
exported visualization.

The properties, styles, and

comments for the exported visualizations
can be modified in the Designer.
Some visualization types do not enable you to edit the
data in the Designer. A message icon in the report object
provides information to anyone using the report.


E-mailing an Exploration as a Link

You can send an e-mail with a link to an exploration from
within the Explorer by selecting File E-mail.
When you send an e-mail, the following occurs:
A link to the exploration is automatically added.

To and From e-mail addresses are required.

The person who receives the e-mail must log on to

view the exploration.


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3-110 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Exporting a Visualization as an Image

Open the Save Image window by clicking (Options) or
by right-clicking in the visualization and selecting Export
Image. Options enable you to select whether you want to
show filters, ranks, and the legend.
images are
saved as
PNG files.


Exporting Visualization Data

You can export the data that defines the visualization
by clicking (Options) or by right-clicking in the
visualization and selecting Export Data.
The data is exported to the local computer as a
CSV file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel
and other programs.


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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-111

Data Brushing
Clicking (Use data brushing mode) on the toolbar
enables you to click items in a visualization and display
related items in the
other visualizations.
Not all visualizations
support data brushing.


Exploration Properties
Selecting File Exploration Properties enables you
to view the exploration properties and edit the description
and keywords.


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3-112 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

This demonstration shows you how to do the following:
create a geographic hierarchy and use it with an
existing visualization
create another hierarchy and a new visualization


During this exercise, you create a hierarchy and use
it in existing visualizations.


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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-113

During this exercise, you will create a new visualization,
create a copy of the exploration and manage the
visualizations in both explorations.


Interacting with Visualizations

This demonstration illustrates creating hierarchies and exploring the exploration as a PDF.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Double-click Customer Analysis in the My Content area.

7. Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Forecast for first six months of 2012
8. Modify data item properties.
a. Right-click Postal code in the Data pane to select it.
b. Select Geography US ZIP Codes.
9. Create a new hierarchy to navigate through the data.

a. Click (Options) at the top of the Data pane.

b. Select New Hierarchy.

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3-114 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

c. Enter US Hierarchy in the Name field.

d. Double-click the following categories to add them to the hierarchy:
State Name
Postal code

e. Click OK.
10. Use the new hierarchy in the US Profit by State visualization.

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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-115

a. Click in the Dock panel and select the US Profit by State visualization.

b. Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

c. Right-click State Name in the Categories section and select Replace State Name
US Hierarchy.
The visualization is updated and the map style is changed to bubbles because type region style
does not support hierarchies.

d. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

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3-116 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

e. Click Show map navigation control.

f. Use the map controller to zoom in on Hawaii.

g. Double-click the bubble on Hawaii to navigate to the next level of the hierarchy, Postal code.

h. Click on the window bar to minimize the US Profit by State visualization.

11. Create a second hierarchy.

a. Click (Options) at the top of the Data pane.

b. Select New Hierarchy.

c. Enter World Hierarchy in the Name field.
d. Double-click the following categories to add them to the hierarchy:

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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-117

e. Click OK.
12. Create a new visualization. Use the hierarchy.
a. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following columns:
World Hierarchy
b. Drag the selected columns to the workspace.
The visualization resembles the following:

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3-118 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

c. Double-click the bar for Europe to navigate to the next level of the hierarchy, Country.

d. Use the overview axis to locate the bar for Switzerland. Click in the white box on the overview
axis and drag to the right.

The overview chart might not be displayed. It depends on your resolution and browser
window size. In Internet Explorer, you can press F11 to toggle to full-screen mode.
e. Double-click the bar for Switzerland to navigate to the next level of the hierarchy, City.

You can also single click the value on the axis, such as Switzerland, to navigate to the
next level of data. This is helpful when height of the bar makes it difficult to click on.

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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-119

f. Place the cursor on Switzerland in the navigation tools above the chart.
g. Click the arrow and select Denmark.

h. Click All World Hierarchy to display values for the top of the hierarchy, Continent.
i. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
j. Enter Profit by World Hierarchy in the Name field.

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3-120 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

k. Select File Save to save the exploration.

13. Manage visualizations.

a. Click (Maximize view) on the toolbar to collapse the Right and Left panes.

b. Click Visualization 1 in the Dock panel to view it.

c. Click X to delete Visualization 1.
d. Click Delete when you are prompted to delete the visualization.

e. Click the US Profit by State visualization to add it to the workspace.

f. Click (Manage Visualizations) in the Dock panel and select Manage Visualizations.

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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-121

The Manage Visualizations window appears.

g. Select the Monthly Profit by Quantity visualization in the Available pane and click to
move it to the Selected pane.
h. Select the 2011 Profit by Group and Order Type visualization in the Available pane and click
to move it to the Selected pane.

i. Select the Monthly Profit by Quantity visualization in the Selected pane on the right size of the
Manage Visualization window and click to move it to the top.

j. Click OK.

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3-122 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

The four visualizations are displayed.

k. Drag the Profit Percentage by Order Type visualization from the Dock panel to the workspace
until the drop zone is below the Profit by World Hierarchy and 2011 Profit by Group and
Order Type visualizations.

l. Click (Manage visualizations) in the Dock panel and select US Profit by State. The
visualization is minimized in the Dock panel.

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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-123

m. Click the Monthly Profit by Quantity visualization and move it to the right size of the Profit
Percent by Order Type visualization by dragging the window bar to the desired drop zone.

14. Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

15. Export the exploration.
a. Select File Export Exploration as PDF.
The Export as PDF window appears.

b. Accept the default options and click Next.

c. Step 2 enables you to select the visualizations to export. Not all visualizations can be exported.

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3-124 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

d. Move your pointer over the icon for the 2011 Profit by Group and Order Type visualization to
display information about why it cannot be exported to a PDF.

e. Accept the default visualizations and click Next.

The document is generated and a completion message appears.

f. Click Finish.
g. When you are prompted, select the desktop as the location to save the PDF.
h. Click Save.
16. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
17. Close the browser window.
18. View the Customer Analysis PDF.
a. Double-click the Customer Analysis PDF on the desktop to open it.
b. Use the scroll bars and the bookmarks to view all of the pages of the PDF.

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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-125

c. Select File Exit when you are finished viewing the PDF.


5. Interacting with Visualizations

a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
b. Double-click Product Analysis in the My Content area to open it.
c. Modify data item properties.
Modify the data item properties of Supplier Country to change the classification to
Geography Country or Region Names.
d. Create a new hierarchy.
Name the new hierarchy Product Hierarchy.
Add the following categories (in this order):
Product Line
Product Category
Product Group

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3-126 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

e. Modify visualizations to use the new hierarchy.

Click in the Dock panel. Select Minimize All Visualizations.
Click Profit and Quantity by Product Line in the Dock panel to view it.
Using the Roles tab, replace Product Line with Product Hierarchy.
Navigate through the data in the visualization.
Double-click a bar for Sports.
Double-click a bar for Golf.
Click All Product Hierarchy to return to the top level of the hierarchy.
Minimize the Profit and Quantity by Product Line visualization.
Display the European Supplier Analysis visualization.
Using the Roles tab, replace Product Line with Product Hierarchy.
Navigate through the data in the visualization by double-clicking the box for United Kingdom
and Sports.
Minimize the European Supplier Analysis visualization.
f. Create a new visualization.

If necessary, click in the Dock panel. Select Minimize All Visualizations to display an
empty workspace.
Drag the following data items from the Data pane to the workspace:
Supplier Country
Modify the visualization property:

Property Value

Name Profit by Supplier Country

Save the updated exploration.
g. Manage visualizations.

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3.5 Interacting with Visualizations and Explorations 3-127

Before beginning this step, make sure that you have saved the exploration.
Use the Save As option to save a second copy of the exploration named Supplier Analysis in
the Shared Data location.
Click (Maximize view) on the toolbar to collapse the Right and Left panes.
Click (Manage Visualizations) in the Dock panel and select Show All Visualizations.
Delete the following visualizations:
Profit and Quantity by Product Line
Quantity by Year and Product Line
Cost by Product Line for Australia/Pacific
Cost Forecast
2011 Quantity and Product Price Analysis
Word Cloud of Product Group
Visualization 1
Rearrange the two remaining visualizations to resemble the following:

Save the updated exploration.

Add a comment to the exploration.
Hint: Select File Exploration Comments.
Type New Suppliers as the topic name.
Type We should find suppliers from other geographical regions as the comment.
Post the new comment.
Export the data for the Profit by Supplier Country visualization to the desktop.

Hint: Click (Options) from the right side of the window bar of the Profit by Supplier
Country visualization.
Select File Close to close the exploration and click Save if prompted.
Select File Recent Product Analysis to open the exploration.

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3-128 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Click (Maximize view) on the toolbar to collapse the Right and Left panes.
Click (Manage Visualizations) in the Dock panel and select Show All Visualizations.
Delete the following visualizations:
Profit by Supplier Country
European Supplier Analysis
Visualization 1
If necessary, click in the Profit and Quantity by Product Line visualization to close the
details view.
Rearrange the visualizations to resemble the following:

The 2011 Quantity and Product Price Analysis visualization is minimized to the Dock
Save the updated exploration.
h. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

3.6 Solutions to Exercises

1. Opening a Data Source and Creating an Automatic Chart Visualization
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-129

2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Explore the ProductAnalysis data source.
1) Click Create Exploration in the Create Content area.
2) Click Select a Data Source.
3) Select ProductAnalysis.
4) Click Open.
5) Hide two columns so that they are not displayed in the Data pane.

a) Click Show or Hide Items.

b) Clear the check box for the following columns:

Date Order was Delivered
Discount in percent of Normal Total Retail Price
c) Click OK.
6) Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following data items:
Product Line
Quantity Ordered
7) Drag the selected columns to the workspace.
The automatic chart functionality determines the best way to display the selected data.

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3-130 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

What you see on your classroom machine might have a different size and layout than
what is shown above.
8) Modify data item properties.
a) Select Quantity Ordered in the Data pane.
b) Enter Quantity in the Name field.
9) Modify the visualization properties.
a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Profit and Quantity by Product Line in the Name field.
c) Clear the Generate graph titles check box.
d) Clear the text in the Title field.
e) Click the Show data labels check box.

10) Click (Show details) to display a table of the data used to create the graph.

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-131

The completed visualization resembles the following:

11) Save the exploration.

a) Select File Save As.
b) If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
c) Enter Product Analysis in the Name field.
d) Click Save.
c. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
2. Creating Basic Visualizations
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.

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3-132 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

5) Click Log On.

b. Open the Product Analysis exploration.
Double-click Product Analysis in the My Content area.
c. Use a scatter plot to create a new visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Profit and Quantity by Product
Line visualization.

3) Click (Scatter plot) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

4) Drag Quantity from the Data pane to the Measure placeholder for the X axis in the
The Explorer displays a message that indicates that there is too much data to display.

5) Click Yes to convert the visualization to a heat map.

6) Drag Retail Price from the Data pane to the Category or Measure placeholder for the Y axis.

7) Add a filter to the visualization to limit the number of data points.

a) Click the Filter tab in the Right pane.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-133

b) Drag Year from the Data pane to the Local Filters section on the Filters tab.
c) Move the left slider all the way to the right to select only 2011.

8) Modify the visualization properties.

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Type 2011 Quantity and Product Price Analysis in the Name field.
d. Use a line chart to create a new visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click (Line chart) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

3) Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the 2011 Quantity and Product Price
Analysis visualization.
4) Duplicate the Year data item and name the copy Year Category.
a) Right-click Year in the Data pane and select Duplicate Data Item.
b) Enter Year Category in the Name field.

c) Click OK.
5) Change the Classification property for Year Category to Category.
a) Select Year Category in the Data pane.
b) Change the value for the Classification property to Category.
6) Hold down the Ctrl key and select Year Category and Quantity in the Data pane.
7) Drag the selected data items to the new visualization.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
3-134 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

8) Add Product Line to the Group role. Use the Roles tab in the Right pane.
a) If necessary, click the Roles tab in the Right pane.
b) Drag Product Line from the Data pane to the Group role on the Roles tab.
9) Modify the visualization properties.
a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Quantity by Year and Product Line in the Name field.
c) Click Show markers.
The visualization resembles the following:

e. Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

f. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
3. Creating Advanced Visualizations
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page opens.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Open the Product Analysis exploration.

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-135

Double-click Product Analysis to open it.

c. Use the box plot to create a new visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click (Box plot) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

3) Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Quantity by Year and Product
Line visualization.
4) Hold down the Ctrl key and select Product Line and Cost in the Data pane.
5) Drag the selected data items to the new visualization.

6) Create a local filter where Supplier Continent is equal to Australia/Pacific.

a) Click the Filters tab.
b) Drag Supplier Continent to the Local Filters area.
c) Clear all check boxes except Australia/Pacific.

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3-136 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

7) Modify the visualization properties.

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Cost by Product Line for Australia/Pacific in the Name field.
c) Click the Show averages check box.
The visualization resembles the following:

Detailed information is displayed when you move the cursor over each of the boxes:

8) Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-137

d. Use the heat map to create a new visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click (Heat Map) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

3) Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Cost by Product Line for
Australia/Pacific visualization.
4) Hold down the Ctrl key and select Product Line and Supplier Country in the Data pane.
5) Drag the selected data items to the new visualization.

6) Add a filter to the visualization.

a) Click the Filters tab in the Right pane.
b) Drag Supplier Continent from the Data pane to the Local Filters section of the Filters
c) Clear the All check box.
d) Click the Europe check box.
7) Modify the visualization properties.
a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter European Supplier Analysis in the Name field.
c) Clear the Generate graph titles check box.
d) Clear the text in the Title field.

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3-138 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

e) Select White-Blue as the value for the Color gradient field.

The visualization resembles the following:

e. Use the word cloud to create a new visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click (Word cloud) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

3) Click on the window bar to minimize the European Supplier Analysis visualization.

4) Drag Product Group from the Data pane to the new visualization.
5) Select Words as the role type.

6) Drag Profit from the Data pane to the new visualization.

7) Modify the visualization properties.

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-139

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

b) Enter Word Cloud of Product Group in the Name field.
c) Clear the Generate graph titles check box.
d) Clear the text in the Title field.
e) Select 5 as the value for the Font scale field.
The visualization resembles the following:

f. Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

g. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
4. Adding Advanced Analytics to the Exploration
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

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3-140 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

b. Open the Product Analysis exploration.

Double-click Product Analysis to open it.
c. Use the line chart to create a new visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click (Line Chart) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

3) Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Word Cloud of Product Group
4) Hold down the Ctrl key and select Month Name and Cost in the Data pane.
5) Drag the selected data items to the new visualization.

6) Change the format for Month Name to use the MMMYYYY format.
a) Click Month Name in the Data pane.
b) In the properties table, select MMMYYYY as the format.
c) Click OK.
7) Click the Properties tab.
a) Enter Cost Forecast in the Name field.
b) Clear the Generate graph titles check box.
c) Clear the text in the Title field.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-141

d) Click Show markers.

d. Add a forecast to the visualization and view information about the analysis.
1) Right-click in the visualization and select Show Forecast.
2) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
3) Type 9 as the value for the Duration field and press Enter on the keyboard.
4) Select 90% as the value for the Confidence field.

The visualization should resemble the following:

5) Click (About these forecast results) to view information about the forecast.

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3-142 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

e. Select File Save to save the exploration.

f. Use the heat map to create a new visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click (Heat map) on the toolbar to set the visualization type.

3) Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Cost Forecast visualization.

4) Hold down the Ctrl key and select Profit and Quantity in the Data pane.
5) Drag the selected data items to the new visualization.
The visualization should resemble the following:

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-143

6) Add a fit line to the visualization and view the information provided.
a) Right-click in the visualization and select Fit Line Best Fit.

b) Click (About these regression results) to view details.

The visualization should resemble the following:

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3-144 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

g. Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

h. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
5. Interacting with Visualizations
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar
or by selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Double-click Product Analysis in the My Content area to open it.
c. Modify data item properties.
1) Right-click Supplier Country in the Data pane.
2) Select Geography Country or Region Names.
d. Create a new hierarchy.

1) Click (Options) at the top of the Data pane.

2) Select New Hierarchy.

3) Enter Product Hierarchy in the Name field.
4) Double-click the following categories to add them to the hierarchy:
Product Line
Product Category
Product Group

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-145

5) Click OK.
e. Modify visualizations to use the new hierarchy.

1) Click (Manage Visualizations) in the Dock panel. Select Minimize All Visualizations.

2) Click Profit and Quantity by Product Line in the Dock panel to view it.
3) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

4) Click next to the Categories field and select Replace Product Line Product
5) Double-click a bar for Sports to navigate to the next level of data.

6) If necessary, click (Close details).

7) Double-click a bar for Golf to navigate to the next level of data.

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3-146 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

The top of the visualization is updated to display for which level of the hierarchy you are
viewing data values.

8) Click All Product Hierarchy to return to the top level of the hierarchy.

9) Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the Profit and Quantity by Product
Line visualization.
10) Click European Supplier Analysis in the Dock panel to view it.
11) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

12) Click next to the X-axis value and select Replace Product Line Product Hierarchy.

13) Double-click the box for United Kingdom and Sports to navigate to the next level of data.

14) Click (Minimize) on the window bar to minimize the European Supplier Analysis
f. Create a new visualization.

1) If necessary, click in the Dock panel. Select Minimize All Visualizations to display an
empty workspace.
2) Hold down the Ctrl key and select Supplier Country and Profit in the Data pane.

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-147

3) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.

4) Modify the visualization properties.
a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Profit by Supplier Country in the Name field.
The visualization resembles the following:

5) Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

g. Manage visualizations.
1) Save a second copy of the exploration under a new name.

Before beginning this step, make sure that you have saved the exploration.

a) Select File Save As.

b) If necessary, navigate to Shared Data.
c) Enter Supplier Analysis in the Name field.
d) Click Save.

2) Click (Maximize view) on the toolbar to collapse the Right and Left panes.

3) Click (Manage Visualizations) in the Dock panel and select Show All Visualizations.

4) Click X in the title bar of the Profit and Quantity by Product Line visualization to delete it.
5) Click Delete when prompted to confirm the deletion.
6) Delete the following visualizations:
Quantity by Year and Product Line

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3-148 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

Cost by Product Line for Australia/Pacific

Cost Forecast
2011 Quantity and Product Price Analysis
Word Cloud of Product Group
Visualization 1
7) Rearrange the two remaining visualizations so that Profit by Supplier Country is to the left
of European Supplier Analysis.

8) Select File Save to save the updated exploration.

9) Select File Exploration Comments.
10) Click in the Enter a topic name field and type New Suppliers.
11) Click in the Enter a comment field and type We should find suppliers from other
geographical regions.

12) Click Post.

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3.6 Solutions to Exercises 3-149

13) Click Close.

The button on the application bar does not have an asterisk indicating that changes
have been made since the last save. Creating and interacting with exploration
comments does not require the exploration to be saved. When you click Post, the
comment is saved.

14) Click (Options) from the right size of the menu bar of the Profit by Supplier Country

15) Select Export Data.

16) Navigate to the desktop and click Save.
17) Select File Close to close the current exploration.
18) Click Save if you are prompted to save the exploration.
19) Select File Recent Product Analysis.

You can also use the arrow button next to the Home Page button to select Recent

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3-150 Chapter 3 Using SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

20) Click (Maximize view) on the toolbar to collapse the Right and Left panes.

21) Click (Manage Visualizations) in the Dock panel and select Show All Visualizations.

22) Delete the following visualizations:

Profit by Supplier Country
European Supplier Analysis
Visualization 1

23) If necessary, click (Hide details) in the Profit and Quantity by Product Line
visualization to close the details view.
24) Rearrange the visualizations to resemble the following:

The 2011 Quantity and Product Price Analysis visualization is minimized to the
Dock pane.
25) Select File Save to save the updated exploration.
h. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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Chapter 4 Designing Reports with
SAS Visual Analytics

4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer Interface ............................................ 4-3

4.2 Creating a Simple Report ............................................................................................. 4-14

Demonstration: Creating a Simple Report ........................................................................... 4-22

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 4-27

4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs ......................................................... 4-29
Demonstration: Working with Graphs: Part 1....................................................................... 4-40

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 4-48

Demonstration: Working with Graphs: Part 2....................................................................... 4-52

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 4-57

Demonstration: Working with Graphs: Part 3....................................................................... 4-61

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 4-65

4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections ................................................................. 4-66

Demonstration: Working with Report Sections and Filters ................................................. 4-77

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 4-84

4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts .............................................................. 4-86

Demonstration: Using Interactions in a Report .................................................................... 4-95

Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 4-105

4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules ................................................................. 4-107

Demonstration: Using Gauges in a Report ........................................................................ 4-118

Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 4-130

4.7 Working with Tables ................................................................................................... 4-134

Demonstration: Adding Tables to a Report ........................................................................ 4-143
4-2 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 4-149

4.8 Working with Other Objects ...................................................................................... 4-152

Demonstration: Adding Other Objects to a Report ............................................................ 4-161

Exercises ............................................................................................................................ 4-168

4.9 Solutions to Exercises ............................................................................................... 4-169

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer Interface 4-3

4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics

Designer Interface

Describe the features of SAS Visual Analytics
List the ways to access SAS Visual Analytics
Identify the components of the SAS Visual Analytics
Designer interface.

SAS Visual Analytics Architecture (Review)

SAS Visual Analytics consists of several parts.
Home Page Explorer Designer
create and manage content visualize data interactively create interactive reports

Web Viewer Data Builder Administrator

view reports in a browser build new data sources manage the environment

Mobile BI LASR Analytic Server

view reports on a tablet in-memory server

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4-4 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

What Is SAS Visual Analytics Designer?

SAS Visual Analytics Designer enables users to easily
create reports or dashboards.

Using the Designer, you can view, interact with, and

create reports as defined by your metadata role.

Reports created in the Designer can be viewed on the

web, on a mobile device, or by using additional SAS

Accessing the Designer

You can access the Designer by using these methods:
On the Home Page, click Create Report to open the
Designer and create a new report.
On the Home Page, click on the toolbar to open the
Designer and create a new report.
Select Edit from the object inspector to open a report
in the Designer.
Follow a web link or enter the URL to access the
Designer directly.
From an e-mail, follow a link directly to a specific

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer Interface 4-5

Visual Designer Components

These are the components for the Designer:
toolbar application bar

menu bar

Left Right
pane pane

11 canvas

The application bar enables you to return to the Home Page and easily switch between open items.
The menu bar enables you to access common tasks and access online Help.
The toolbar contains icons for working with the report.
The Left pane enables you to work with new report objects, data, and imported report objects.
The Right pane enables you to work with details about the report and report objects.
The canvas is the workspace for building reports.

Left and Right Panes

The Left pane contains the The Right pane contains the
Objects, Data, Imports, Properties, Styles, Display
and Shared Rules tabs. Rules, Roles, Filters, Alerts,
Comments, Interactions, and
Ranks tabs.

Use the (List of tabs)

button to select the tabs
to be displayed.


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4-6 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Objects and Data Tabs

The Objects tab provides
a list of the tables, graphs,
gauges, controls,
containers, and other
objects that can be
used in a report.

The Data tab enables

you to select a data
source and data items for your report.
The data item table at the bottom of the
Data tab enables you to view and change
properties about a selected data item,
including the name, classification, format,
aggregation, and sort options.

Controlling the Appearance of the Data Tab

Click (Options) on the Data or Objects tab to display a
list of available actions.
show or hide items

change data source

create new items

view measure details

sort Items

group Items by

first letter
data type

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4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer Interface 4-7

Imports and Shared Rules Tabs

The Imports tab enables you The Shared Rules tab
to add report objects from enables you to create,
other reports into the current edit, and delete display
report. rules that can be shared
by multiple gauges in the


Designer Canvas
The canvas is the workspace for building a report. The
canvas can contain one or more report sections. Each
section can have one or more report objects and one or
more section prompts that filter the objects in the section.

report section
sections prompt


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4-8 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Interacting with Report Objects

Selecting a report object on the canvas
displays the report object name and
icons that provide information and
perform other actions.

Displays the title of the report object.

Displays information about filters, interactions, and links.
Displays the prompt dialog box for a stored process.
Maximizes the size of the report object.
Restores the report object to its original size.
Deletes the report object. You are prompted
to confirm the deletion.

Right Pane Tabs

Click (List of tabs)
to select which tabs
to display in the Right
pane. The icon
indicates that the tab
is displayed.

You can choose to display icons instead of the tab names.

The selected tab displays the icon and name.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer Interface 4-9

Properties Tab
The Properties tab lists the properties for the currently
selected object. All report
objects share some common
properties. Most report objects
have other properties that are
specific to that type of object.

The drop-down list at the top of

the tab can be used to select
the object whose properties
you want to view.


Properties Tab: Report Properties

When the report is the
selected object, the
Properties tab enables
you to control the sections
that the report contains.

When a section is the

selected object, you can
control the section name
and layout type.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4-10 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Styles Tab
The Styles tab enables you to
specify styles for the selected
report object.

These are the style categories:

data styling

frame styling
text styling

data colors

Clicking the icon

expands a category,
and clicking the icon
collapses it.

Styles Tab: Report Themes

When the report is the
selected object, the
Styles tab enables
you to select a report
theme as well as
override selected
theme settings.

The Customize Theme button is displayed if you are a

member of the Theme Designer for Flex: Administration

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4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer Interface 4-11

Display Rules Tab

The Display Rules tab enables
you to view, create, and edit rules
that can be used to control the
appearance of values that meet
a specified condition.

You can define both object-level

and report-level display rules.

Click to edit the display rule.

Click to delete the display rule.


Filters and Roles Tabs

The Filters tab enables The Roles tab enables
you to view, create, and you to view the roles and
edit basic and advanced data item assignments for
filters to subset data for the selected report object.
the selected report object.


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4-12 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Interactions Tab
The Interactions tab enables you to view, create, and edit
interactions and links for the selected object. Clicking
Interactions View displays the
interactions view in the workspace.
You can also manage interactions
from the interactions view.


Comments Tab
The Comments tab enables you to view and reply to
existing comments, as well as add new comments.

Role-based capabilities
determine who can edit
and delete comments.


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4.1 Examining the SAS Visual Analytics Designer Interface 4-13

Ranks Tab
The Ranks tab enables you to view, create, and edit ranks
for the selected report object.

You can specify how many values to display from the top
or the bottom of the data based on a specific


Alerts Tab
The Alerts tab enables you to
view, create, and edit alerts
for the selected report object.

Selecting the report or a

report section displays all
of the alerts at that level.

Select an alert to display

the alert details at the
bottom of the tab.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4-14 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Above the canvas, there is an
Auto-update check box. You can
clear this check box so that you can design your report
and defer data-based changes to the report objects.
When you are finished designing your report, select the
Auto-update check box to run and refresh all of the

You can click next to the auto-update check box to

manually refresh the report. You can also
refresh individual report objects by clicking
the refresh icon in the bottom right corner
of the report object.


4.2 Creating a Simple Report

Access the Designer from the Home Page.
Select data for a report.
Add a pie chart graph object.
Assign data items to the pie chart graph object.
Save a report.


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4.2 Creating a Simple Report 4-15

Steps for Creating a Report

These are the typical steps for creating a new report:
1. Choose your data source and set data item properties.
2. Add report objects onto the canvas.
3. Assign data items to the report object roles.
Additional steps are as follows:
Not all steps
Manage properties and styles.
are required.
Create display rules, ranks, and filters.

Add interactions between report objects.

Add links to report objects.

Add new sections to the report.

Define alerts and post comments for the report.

Save your report.


Selecting a Data Source

The Data tab in the Left pane
enables you to select data
sources for the report.
Clicking (Add data source)
displays the Add Data Source
When no data has
been selected,
clicking the
Select a data
source field also
displays the
Add Data Source

Each report can contain multiple sections. Each report section can use multiple data sources.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4-16 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Adding or Importing a Data Source

SAS Visual Analytics Designer enables you to add an
in-memory table from the SAS LASR Analytic Server
or import a local, server based, or social media data
source. More than one data source can be added
to a report.

Role-based capabilities
determine whether you
can import data and the
type of data that you
can import.


Working with Data Items

The Data tab is initially populated with
a list of all of the data items contained
in the selected data source, grouped
by classification and sorted in
ascending order.

When a data item is selected, the

properties for that data item are
displayed in the bottom portion
of the window.

The data item name, role, and format

apply to every report object. Many report
objects enable you to override the default
values for aggregation and sorting.

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4.2 Creating a Simple Report 4-17

Data Item Role (Review)

Each data item is categorized using a Role property.
Category Used to group and aggregate
measures. Categories contain
alphanumeric or datetime
values. New category data
items can be calculated.
Geography Special role to identify types of
geographical information for
Measure Numeric items whose values
are used in computations.
Measures can be calculated or
Hierarchy Used to navigate through the
data. Hierarchies are based on
category or geography values.

Calculating New Data Items

The New Calculated Item window enables you to create
new data items based on an expression.
Different types
of operators
can be used in
the expression.

All calculations are performed on unaggregated data. The

calculated expression is evaluated for each data source row.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4-18 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Report Layout
There are two report layout types available in SAS Visual
Analytics Designer.
Tile Provides a grid that
(default) enables you to place Use the Properties tab to
report objects next to set the layout choice for
other report objects. each section of the
Precision Enables you to
control the exact
placement and size
of the report objects.
Report objects can
overlap other report
objects in the
precision layout.

When you use the precision layout, each report object enables you to specify size and position properties:

The toolbar displays the Arrange and Sizing menus when you use the precision layout:

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4.2 Creating a Simple Report 4-19

Types of Report Objects

The Objects tab
groups report
objects into these
six categories:





Clicking (Create custom graph) opens

SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder.

You can control which objects are displayed by selecting (Options) Show or Hide Objects.

The ability to open the SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder is based on capabilities assigned by
your IT administrator.

Using Report Objects

Using the Objects tab, you select the desired report object
and then drag it onto the canvas.
You can also use
the Insert menu
to insert objects.


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4-20 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Assigning Data Items

You can drag data items from the Data tab onto the
center of a report object to assign it to a role. If there is
more than one available role, or if the roles are already
established, the Assign window appears.

Many report objects enable you to

drag multiple items at the same time.
42 continued...

Assigning Data Items

Many report objects include drop zones for the supported
roles. The Roles tab in the Right pane enables you to
interact with the roles for the selected report object.
Clicking (Edit selection) provides options for each role.


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4.2 Creating a Simple Report 4-21

Saving a Report
To save a report, select File Save or click (Save
report). If you are saving a new report, the Save As
window appears.

Icons enable you to navigate the folders, refresh the window,

delete items, create folders, change views, and search.

Create a new report, select a data source, specify data
item properties, and add two pie charts that show yearly
and quarterly profit.


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4-22 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Create a new report, select a data source, and add a pie
chart that show profit by product category.


Creating a Simple Report

This demonstration illustrates creating a simple report by selecting a data source, specifying data item
properties, adding a pie chart object, assigning data items to the pie chart, and then saving the report.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Click Create Report in the Create Content area.
SAS Visual Analytics Designer appears.

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4.2 Creating a Simple Report 4-23

7. Select a data source for the report.

a. Click the Data tab in the Left pane.

b. Click (Add data source) on the Data tab in the Left pane.

The Add Data Source window appears.

c. Select CustomerOrders.
d. Click Add.

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4-24 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

8. Change data item properties.

a. Click Year on the Data tab.
b. Change the value for the Classification property by clicking the value (Measure) in the data item
A combo box is displayed.

c. Select Category.
d. Click Quarter on the Data tab.
e. Select Category as the value for the Classification property.
9. Add a pie chart to the canvas.
a. Click the Objects tab in the Left pane.
b. Drag the Pie Chart graph object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas.
A pie chart is added to the report canvas.

The icon in the lower right corner indicates that the required roles have not been
assigned a data item. Until the required roles are assigned, a placeholder is displayed on
the report canvas.

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4.2 Creating a Simple Report 4-25

c. Click the Data tab in the Left pane.

d. Drag Year from the Data tab to the report canvas.
The pie chart is updated to show one slice for each year. The size of each slice measures the
number of rows for each year (frequency) in the data.

e. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the report canvas.

Profit is automatically assigned to the measures role replacing frequency.

10. Right-click Year in the legend and select Sort Ascending.

11. Add a second pie chart to the canvas.

a. Click the Objects tab in the Left pane.

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4-26 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

b. Drag the Pie Chart graph object from the Objects tab in the Left pane to the canvas.
When the canvas already contains objects, drop zones are highlighted in green as you move the
mouse pointer around the canvas.
c. Drop the pie chart graph object into the drop zone at the bottom of the window.

d. Click the Data tab.

e. Drag Quarter from the Data tab onto the legend and drop it onto the Category drop zone.

Dropping a data item directly onto a drop zone bypasses the assignment window.

f. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the report canvas.

g. Right-click Quarter in the legend and select Sort Ascending.
The updated report is displayed.

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4.2 Creating a Simple Report 4-27

The resolution of the computer, the size of the browser window, and the pane status
(expanded or collapsed) all impact how the different report objects are displayed. What
you see in the classroom might not match what is printed in the book.
12. Save the report.
a. Select File Save As.
b. If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
c. Enter Customer Analysis Report in the Name field.
d. Click Save.
13. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


1. Creating a Simple Report Using SAS Visual Analytics Designer

a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
b. Create a new report.

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4-28 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Select the ProductAnalysis table as the data source for the report.
Add a pie chart to the report to display Profit by Product Category.
Sort Product Category in ascending order.

c. Save the report as Product Report in the Shared Data folder.

d. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-29

4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with


List the type of data items that can be created.
Create calculated items and aggregated measures.
Create data items that display percent of total or time-
based values.
Create hierarchies.
Create custom category and distinct count data items.
List the types of graph report objects and describe the
properties and styles that apply to each.
Describe the expression editor interface.


Creating Data Items

Several types of data items can be created, including the
calculated item

aggregated measure
time-based calculation

percent of total


custom category

distinct count


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4-30 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Calculating New Data Items (Review)

The New Calculated Item window enables you to create
new data items based on an expression.
Different types
of operators
can be used in
the expression.

All calculations are performed on unaggregated data. The

calculated expression is evaluated for each data source row.

Creating Data Items: Aggregated Measure

Aggregated measures enable you to calculate new data
items by using aggregated values.

Aggregated measure can use two aggregation contexts:

_ByGroup_ calculates the aggregation for each subset
of the data item. _ForAll_ calculates the aggregation for
the entire data item.


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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-31

Creating Data Items: Time-Based Calculation

You can create new data items based on time-based

Time-based calculations are available only

when there is a date item in the report.

Difference from Displays the difference between the value for the current time period and the
Previous Period value for the previous time period. For example, you might derive the difference
between sales for the current month and sales for the previous month.

Difference from Displays the difference between the value for the current time period and the
Previous Parallel value for the previous parallel time period within a larger time interval. For
Period example, you might derive the difference between sales for the current month
and sales for the same month of the previous year.

Percent Difference Displays the percentage difference between the value for the current time period
from Previous Period and the value for the previous time period.

Percent Difference Displays the percentage difference between the value for the current time period
from Previous Parallel and the value for the previous parallel time period within a larger time interval.

Period to Date Displays the aggregated value for the current time period and all of the previous
time periods within a larger time interval.

Year to Date Displays the aggregated value for the current time period and all of the previous
time periods within the year.

Year to Date Growth Displays the percentage difference between the year-to-date value for the
current time period and the year-to-date value for the same time period of the
previous year. The year-to-date calculation subsets the data for each year using
todays date (where today is evaluated each time you view the exploration). To
use all data for every period, use a Period to Date item or edit the expression for
the derived item.

Year over Year Growth Displays the percentage difference between the current time period and an
equivalent time period from the previous year.

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4-32 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Creating Data Items: Percentage of Total

You can create a new data item that represents the
percentage of
total for a

Right-click the
measure and
select Create
Percent of Total.

When used in a report object,

the derived measure displays
the percentage of the total
value for the measure.

Creating Data Items: Hierarchies

Clicking (Options) New Hierarchy in the Data pane
opens the New Hierarchy window. To create a hierarchy,
you name the hierarchy and select the data items that
make up a navigational path through the data.

Right-clicking an
existing hierarchy on the
Data tab enables you to
perform these actions
on that hierarchy:




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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-33

Creating Data Items: Custom Category

You can create a custom category data item based on
either a category or measure.

Custom categories enable you

to create groups that you define.

Creating Data Items: Distinct Count

You can automatically create a new measure that
contains the distinct count of a category data item.

You can edit the aggregated

measure expression.


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4-34 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Building Expressions
When creating new calculated data items, aggregated
measures, or distinct counts, you build the expression
using the expression editor.
name workspace

Data Items

Messages tab

When building the expression for a calculated item, the Data Items list organizes the data items by
Character, Date, and Numeric. When building expressions for aggregated measures and distinct counts,
the Data Items list organizes data items by Aggregated Measure, Category, and Measure.
The workspace is where the expression is built. You can drag and drop items from Data Items list,
Operators list, and Scratch tab. The workspace has two views, Visual and Text.
The Data Items list enables you to add data source items to the expression. The Operators list enables you
to add many types of operators to the expression. To add items from these lists to the expression, double-
click or drag values onto the workspace.
Detailed information about each type of operator is available in Appendix 3 of the SAS Visual Analytics
6.4: Users Guide.
The name can be up to 60 characters.
The expression is automatically evaluated as you make changes. If the expression is not valid, then an
error appears on the Messages tab, and the OK button is disabled.
The Scratch tab enables you to store elements of an expression and then add them back into the
expression using the drag-and-drop method. Items on the Scratch tab can be deleted by clicking
(Delete item).

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-35

Types of Graphs
Multiple graph objects are available in the Designer.
bar charts bubble plots
targeted bar charts treemaps
waterfall charts dual axis bar charts
line charts dual axis line charts
pie charts dual axis bar-line charts
scatter plots dual axis time series plots
time series plots


Specifying Graph Properties

Most graph objects have the following general properties:



If you enter a title, you can control how the values are
displayed by specifying the title format properties.

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4-36 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Setting Graph Styles

Most graph objects enable you to
control attributes for the following:
data styling

frame styling
text styling

data colors

Some graph objects enable you to

control the styles for fills, lines, and

Click Reset Styles to reset all

styles to the default settings.

Working with Bar Charts

A bar chart consists of a grid and some vertical or
horizontal bars.
Each bar represents quantitative data.

Properties enable you to control bar direction and

grouping style.
A datetime value can
be used to animate
the bars.


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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-37

Setting Bar Chart Properties

In addition to the general properties, you
can specify the following for a bar chart:
graph and bar properties

reference line and grid properties

axis properties

legend properties

Most of the graph report objects have

similar properties and styles.

You can learn more about the differences that are

available for each graph object by looking at the
Properties and Styles tabs or by viewing Chapter
32 and Appendix 1 in SAS Visual Analytics 6.4:
69 Users Guide.

Special Types of Bar Charts

Two special types of bar charts are also available.
Targeted Are a variation of the
Bar Charts bar chart that contain
pointers to display
target values.

Waterfall Show how each value

Charts of a measure increases
or decreases over a
range of values.


Waterfall charts are also known as progressive bar charts.

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4-38 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Working with Line Charts

A line chart shows the relationship of one or more
measures over some interval, such as time or a series
of ranges.

Properties enable you to specify the grouping

style, create reference lines, and control the
appearance of the chart.

Working with Pie Charts

A pie chart is a circular chart that is divided into slices.
Each slice represents the relative contribution of each part
to the whole. Pie charts support multiple measures.

Properties enable you to

specify the grouping
style, display labels, and
control the appearance
of the chart.


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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-39

Home Page Preferences for Opening Reports

Selecting Edit Preferences on the Home Page enables
you to specify the order of actions in the object inspector.

The first item specified is the double-click action.


Create a new data item
that shows the percent of
total profit.

Add a bar chart report

object that uses the new
data item to show percent
of total profit per month.

Assign properties and

styles to all three report


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4-40 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Add quantity as an
additional measure to
the pie chart and set the
grouping style to display
multiple charts.

Add a line chart that

shows quarterly profit by
product line.

Assign properties and

styles to both report


Working with Graphs: Part 1

This demonstration illustrates how to add graph objects to a report and work with the graph object
properties and styles.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Change the order of action to enable a report to be opened in the Designer by double-clicking it from
the My Content area of the Home Page.
a. Select Edit Preferences in the Common Actions section in the Right pane.
b. Select Home in the selection list on the left side of the Preferences window.
c. Select SAS report (2G).
d. Select Edit SAS Visual Analytics Designer.
e. Click (Move up) to move the selected item to the top of the list.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-41

f. Click OK to close the Preferences window.

7. If necessary, select Recent in the My Content area to display the recent items.
8. Right-click Customer Analysis Report to display the object inspector.
The Edit action is now listed before the View action.

The first action listed is the action that is performed when double-clicking the item in the My
Content area on the Home Page.
9. Click X to close the object inspector.
10. Double-click Customer Analysis Report to open it in the Designer.
11. Click the Data tab.
12. On the Data tab, right-click Profit and select Create Percent of Total.

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4-42 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Profit (Percent of Total) is created and listed in the Aggregated Measure group in the Data pane.

13. Click the Objects tab.

14. Drag the Bar Chart graph object from the Objects tab into the drop zone on the bottom right side of
the window.

15. Click the Data tab.

16. Drag Month Name from the Data tab and drop it onto the middle of the bar chart.
Because there are multiple roles for a category data item, an assignment window appears.

17. Click Category.

18. Drag Profit (Percent of Total) from the Data tab to the report canvas.
19. In the report object, right-click Month Name and select Sort Ascending.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-43

The report should resemble the following:

20. Specify property settings for the bar chart.

a. If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b. Enter Profit by Month in the Name field.
c. Clear the Show label check box in the X Axis section.

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4-44 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

21. Specify styles options for the bar chart.

a. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-45

b. Select Crisp in the Data skin field.

c. Click to expand the Data Colors section.

d. Click the first box for the Fill category.

e. Select a light green color.

22. Specify properties and styles for the first pie chart.
a. Click the first pie chart (Pie Chart 1) to select it.
b. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
c. Enter Profit by Year in the Name field.
d. Click the Show category labels check box.
e. Clear the Create Other slice for minimal values check box.
f. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
g. Select Gloss in the Data skin field.

h. Click to expand the Text Styling section.

i. Click to apply bold to the Value category.

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4-46 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

j. Click (Select a font color) next to the Value category and select the white color.

k. Click to expand the Frame Styling section.

l. Click (Select a color) next to the Legend background category.

m. Select the third color in the first row.

The pie chart should resemble the following:

23. Specify properties and styles for the second pie chart.
a. Click the object selector at the top of the Right pane and select Pie Chart 2.

The Pie Chart 2 becomes the selected item on the report canvas.
b. Select Gloss in the Data skin field.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-47

c. Click to expand the Frame Styling section.

d. Click (Select a color) next to the Legend background category.

e. Select the third color in the first row.

f. Click to expand the Text Styling section.

g. Click to apply bold to the Value category.

h. Click (Select a font color) next to the Value category and select the white color.

i. Click the Properties tab.

j. Enter Profit by Quarter in the Name field.
k. Click the Show values as percentage of total check box.
l. Clear the Create Other slice for minimal values check box.
The updated report resembles the following:

24. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
25. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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4-48 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics


2. Modifying an Existing Report

a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
b. If you did not follow along with the demonstration, change the order of action to enable a report
to be opened in the Designer by double-clicking it from the My Content area of the Home Page.
c. Edit Product Report from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
Hint: Select Recent in the My Content area to display the recent items. Double-click the report
object to open the report in SAS Visual Analytics Designer.
Specify the following properties and styles for the pie chart:

Property Value

Name Profit by Product Category

Show values as a percentage of total <select check box>

Minimum percentage for Other 5

Data skin Crisp

Text Styling: Value Bold

Data Colors (red color) <change to light purple>

Add Quantity Ordered as a second measure to the pie chart.
Change the data item name to Quantity.
Change the Grouping style property to Multiples.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-49

Change the classification property for the Quarter data item to Category.
Add a line chart below the pie chart and specify the following properties and styles:

Data Item Role

Quarter Category

Profit Measure

Product Line Group

Property Value

Name Profit by Quarter and Product Line

Grouping style Stacked Filled

Data skin Crisp

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4-50 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

d. Save the updated report using the same name.

e. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

Using Scatter and Bubble Plots

Scatter plots and bubble plots are two-dimensional plots
that show the relationship of two data items. A category
data item can be assigned to uniquely identify the
markers or bubbles.

In a bubble plot, an additional measure is used to control the bubble

size. The bubble plot can be animated using a datetime data item.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-51

Working with Treemaps

A treemap is divided into rectangular areas called tiles.
Measures are assigned to control the size and color of
each tile.


Treemaps are also known as tile charts.

Assigning Treemap Data Roles

Treemaps enable you to assign multiple category values
that divide the tiles and show more detail.

You can also add

multiple measures
to control the size
and color of the tiles.


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4-52 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Create a customer hierarchy. Add a treemap report object
that displays profit and cost by customer. Use the
hierarchy to navigate through the levels in the treemap.

Add an additional
measure to the
data tips that is
displayed when
you move your
mouse pointer
over a tile.

Assign properties
and styles to the

Create a new report, select a
data source, and create a
product hierarchy.

Add a treemap report object

that shows profit and quantity
ordered by product.

Assign properties and styles

to the report object.


Working with Graphs: Part 2

This demonstration illustrates how to create hierarchies, add graph objects to a report, and work with the
graph object properties and styles.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-53

2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Click Create Report in the Create Content area.
7. Select a data source for the report.
a. Click the Data tab.

b. Click (Add data source) on the Data tab in the Left pane.

c. Select CustomerOrders.
d. Click Add.
8. Create a new hierarchy for Customer Group Name, Customer Gender, and Customer Age Group.
a. Click (Options) on the Data tab.

b. Select New Hierarchy.

c. Enter Customer Hierarchy in the Name field.
d. Double-click Customer Group Name to add the data item to the hierarchy.
e. Double-click Customer Gender to add the data item to the hierarchy.
f. Double-click Customer Age Group to add the data item to the hierarchy.

g. Click OK.
The new hierarchy is added to the Hierarchy category on the Data tab.

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4-54 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

9. Add a treemap to the canvas.

a. Click the Objects tab.
b. Drag the Treemap graph object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Drag Customer Hierarchy from the Data tab to the treemap.
e. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the treemap.
f. Drag Cost from the Data tab to the treemap.
g. Click Color in the New section of the Assign window.
The treemap resembles the following:

The placement of the tiles in the treemap is determined based on the size of the report
object. The resolution of your computer, the size of the browser window and the status of
the panes (collapsed or expanded) will impact how the treemap is displayed. What you
see on your classroom machine might not match what you see above.
10. Navigate through the Customer hierarchy.
a. Double-click Orion Club Gold members to drill down to Customer Gender.
b. Double-click Male.
You can position the mouse pointer on the tiles to display values for Profit and Cost.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-55

c. Add Quantity Ordered to the data tip values.

1) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

2) Click (Edit selection) next to the Data tip values role.

3) Select Quantity Ordered.
4) Move the mouse pointer over a tile in the treemap to display the additional value.

d. Select All Customer Hierarchy in the breadcrumb at the top of the treemap to navigate to the top
level of the hierarchy.

11. Specify property settings for the treemap.

a. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b. Enter Profit and Cost by Customer Hierarchy in the Name field.
12. Specify style options for the treemap.
a. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.

b. Click to expand the Text Styling section.

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4-56 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

c. Click to apply bold to the Value category.

d. Click to expand the Data Colors section.

e. Click the second box for the Gradient category.
f. Select a yellow color.
g. Click the third box for the Gradient category.
h. Select a dark green color.

The updated report resembles the following:

13. Save the report.

a. Select File Save As.
b. If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
c. Enter Customer Hierarchy Report in the Name field.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-57

d. Click Save.
14. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


3. Working with a Treemap

a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
b. Create a new report.
Select the ProductAnalysis table as the data source for the report.
Create the Product Hierarchy data item that contains Product Line, Product Group, and
Order Type.
Change the Profit data item Aggregation property to Average for all objects in the report.
Add a treemap to the report.

Data Item Role

Product Hierarchy Tile

Profit Size

Quantity Ordered Color

Property Value

Name Profit by Product Hierarchy

Data skin Crisp

Text Styling: Value Bold

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4-58 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Your computer resolution and browser window size impact how the tiles are drawn.
Your report might not match what is shown above.
c. Save the report as Product Report 2 in the Shared Data folder.
d. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

Using Dual Axis Charts and Plots

Dual axis charts and plots support two measures by using
separate axes.
dual axis bar chart dual axis line chart

dual axis bar-line chart dual axis time series plot


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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-59

Working with Bar-Line Charts

A dual axis bar-line chart is a bar chart overlaid by a line
chart that displays two measures, one on each axis.

Styles enable you to control the

appearance of the bars and the line.

Properties for Dual Axis Graph Objects

The dual axis graph objects enable you
to control the following properties:
attributes for each measure

reference lines
grid lines

attributes for
each axis


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4-60 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Working with Time Series Plots

Time series plots show an ordered sequence of values at
equally spaced time intervals. A dual axis time series plot
is a variation of the time series plot that has two axes with
one measure per axis.

The Binning interval property provides additional options

when you have an uneven grouping of time data.

Add a dual axis bar-line chart report
object that shows profit and quantity
by customer gender and group.

Add a time series plot report object

that shows profit by month.

Assign properties and styles to the report objects.


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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-61

Add a dual axis time series
plot that displays profit and
quantity by order date below
the treemap report object in
Product Report 2.

Assign properties and styles

to the dual axis time series


Working with Graphs: Part 3

This demonstration illustrates how to add graph objects to a report and work with the graph object
properties and styles.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Double-click Customer Hierarchy Report to open it in the Designer.
7. Add a dual axis bar-line chart to the canvas and specify the desired property and style options.
a. If necessary, click the Objects tab.
b. Drag the Dual Axis Bar-Line Chart graph object from the Objects tab into the drop zone to the
right of the treemap.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Drag Customer Group Name from the Data tab onto the dual axis bar-line chart.
e. Drag Customer Gender from the Data tab onto the dual axis bar-line chart.

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4-62 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

f. Select Lattice rows in the assignment window.

g. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the report canvas and drop it into the Measure (bar) drop zone.
h. Drag Quantity Ordered from the Data tab to the report canvas and drop it into the
Measure (line) drop zone.
The dual axis bar-line chart resembles the following:

i. If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

j. Enter Profit and Quantity by Customer Gender and Group in the Name field.
k. Click the Show markers check box in the Line section.
l. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
m. Select 4 in the Line thickness field.
n. Select 10 in the Marker size field.
The updated report should resemble the following:

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-63

o. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
8. Add a time series plot graph object to the canvas and specify the desired property and style options.
a. Click the Objects tab.
b. Drag the Time Series Plot graph object from the Objects tab into the drop zone at the top of the
window, above the two other graph objects.

c. Click the Data tab.

d. Drag Date Order was placed by Customer from the Data tab onto the legend and drop it onto
the time series plot.
e. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the time series plot.

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4-64 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The report object should resemble the following:

f. If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

g. Enter Profit Analysis in the Name field.
h. Click the Show overview axis check box in the X Axis section.
i. Click the Split tick marks check box in the X Axis section
j. Use the sliders on both sides of the overview axis to limit the view of the data to January 2011
through January 2012.

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4.3 Creating Data Items and Working with Graphs 4-65

The report resembles the following:

9. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
10. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


4. Working with a Dual Axis Graph

a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
b. Edit Product Report 2 from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
Add a dual axis time series plot below the treemap and specify the properties and styles.

Data Item Role

Date Order was placed by Customer Time axis

Profit Measure (line)

Quantity Ordered Measure (line 2)

Property Value

Name Profit and Quantity by Order Date

Time Series 1: Show fill <selected>

Time Series 2: Show fill <selected>

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4-66 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

c. Save the updated report using the same name.

d. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

4.4 Working with Filters and Report


Describe the functionality provided by multi-section
List the types of report views.
Describe the process for importing objects into the
Describe the ways to interact with report objects.
List the ways to filter data in SAS Visual Analytics
Describe how to change and refresh data sources.
Create data source filters and report object filters.
Create section prompts.
List the types of control objects and how they can be
used to interact with data.

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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-67

Why Use a Multi-Section Report?

Multi-section reports provide these benefits:
Each section can contain one or more data sources.

Multiple sections provide greater flexibility when

designing reports.
Linking is an effective way to pass values between


Adding a Report Section

You can add sections to the report by clicking the
plus sign icon on the top of the canvas or by selecting
Insert New Section.

Right-clicking a section tab

enables you to rename, delete,
or duplicate that section.
If necessary, arrows enable you to navigate
between sections.

You can use the Properties tab to

change the section name and to
specify the layout type for that section.


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4-68 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Report Layout (Review)

There are two report layout types available in SAS Visual
Analytics Designer.
Tile Provides a grid that
(default) enables you to place Use the Properties
report objects next to tab to set the layout
other report objects. choice for each
section of the report.
Precision Enables you to control
the exact placement and
size of the report objects.
Report objects can
overlap other report
objects in the precision

Combining Designer Features

Using several features together enables you to create
background images and layer objects:
image object

and styles
addition style
settings such
as font color


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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-69

Deleting a Report Section

You can delete a report section by right-clicking the
section name and clicking Delete or by clicking X on the
section tab.

The Delete
option is not
available if the
report has only
one section.

Use caution when deleting sections. There is no undo

action. When a section is deleted, the section, as well as
all report objects in that section, cannot be restored.


Choosing a Report View

One consideration when building reports is choosing a
report view. You can access the report views from the
View menu or by the icons on the top of the canvas

Full Screen Enables the report canvas to use the

full screen. This is the default.
Tablet Adjusts the size of the report canvas
for a standard tablet.
Wide-Screen Adjusts the size of the report canvas
Tablet for a wide-screen standard tablet.

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4-70 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Interacting with Report Objects

Right-clicking a report object displays options that enable
you to create a duplicate or move the object to another

Other options
are available
based on the
report object


Interacting with Report Objects

Duplicating or moving a report object retains all data item
role assignments, properties, styles, display rules, filters,
ranks, and alerts.

Duplicating a report object creates a copy in the same

section. If interactions are defined in the original object,
the interactions are not duplicated.

Moving a report object removes it from the current section

and adds it to the section that you specify. If you try to
move a report object with
interactions, a message window
is displayed to let you know that
the interactions will be deleted.

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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-71

Importing Items to a Section

The Imports tab in the Left pane enables you to import
report objects into the active report section.

You can import report objects from the following:

the current report, essentially creating a copy of the
report object
other reports created with SAS Visual Analytics
reports that were created by exporting a visualization
as a report in SAS Visual Analytics Explorer


Importing Items to a Section

The Imports tab enables you to select a report to import
from. Clicking an item in the selected report enables you
to view the object. Click the link in the preview to insert
the object into the current section of the report.

Clicking the down

arrow displays a list
of recent reports.

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4-72 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Importing Visualizations
You can import visualizations from
a report that was created by
exporting an exploration in the

Some visualization types do not

enable you to edit the data in the
Designer. A message icon in
the report object provides information
to anyone using the report.


Refreshing a Data Source in a Report

You can refresh the columns in a data source at any time.
Refreshing a data source adds any new columns that
have been added to the table metadata.

To refresh a data source

for a report, select the
data source on the Data tab
and click (Refresh data).

Columns that have been If deleted columns do impact

deleted from metadata are report objects, then the
removed if they do not Repair Report window is
impact any report objects displayed so that you can
in the report. repair the objects.

For more information about repairing reports, see Appendix 6, Troubleshooting in SAS Visual Analytics
Designer, of SAS Visual Analytics 6.4: Users Guide.

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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-73

Changing a Data Source in a Report

To change a data source for a report, on the Data tab,
click (Options) Change Data Source.

If a data item with the same name does not exist, then it is
removed from the data tab if no report objects use that
data item. If the data item is
used in a report object, the
Repair Report window appears.

Clicking Fix in the Repair Report

window removes the data item from
the report object roles. In many
cases, the report object will no
longer be rendered correctly and
will need to be manually updated.


Filtering Data in SAS Visual Analytics Designer

Filters enable you to restrict the data that is returned
from the data source. There are four ways to filter data
in SAS Visual Analytics Designer.
Data source Subset the data for the entire report
filters and are applied to every report object.
Basic and Subset the data for individual report
Advanced objects.
Report filters
Section prompts Subset the data for all objects in the
current section.
Using objects Subset data based on selections in
and interactions objects that have interactions with
other objects.

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4-74 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Data Source Filters

To create a data source filter, click (Options) on the
Data tab and select New Data Source Filter.
Although the
report can have
only one data
source filter, that
filter can contain
criteria based on
multiple data


The data source filter editor is similar to the expression editor that is used when creating data items.

Report Object Filters

Report object filters subset the data
for individual report objects. You
create report object filters using the
Filters tab in the Right pane. There
are two types of report object filters:
Basic filters Subset the data for
individual report objects
in your reports by using
a single data item.
Advanced Subset the data for individual report objects
filters in your reports by using any number of
data items and
operators in the
same expression.

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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-75

Section Prompts
Section prompts enable you to automatically filter values
for all objects in one section based on user selection.

button bar
range slider

text input

114 The list control cannot be used as a section prompt.

Using Control Objects

Control objects are used to build section prompts. They
can also be used on the report canvas.

All of the controls can be used on the report canvas.


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4-76 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Using Control Objects

After you add a control object to the report canvas or
section prompt area, you need to assign a data item to
populate the values.

All controls, except the range slider, require

category data items. The range slider
requires a measure or a datetime value.

For all control objects except the range

slider, a frequency count is displayed for
each value. The Roles tab enables you
to change the display to frequency
percent or remove it completely.

Create a new report from a copy of an existing report. Add
a new section. Move and import report objects from other
sections and reports. You also add ranks, section
prompts, and data source filters.


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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-77

Add a new section to the Product report. Add a section
prompt to the new section to filter by year. Move and
import report objects.


Working with Report Sections and Filters

This demonstration illustrates creating a report section, moving and importing objects to the new section,
and filtering values.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Double-click Customer Analysis Report to open it in the Designer.
7. Save the report under a new name.
a. Select File Save As.
b. If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
c. Enter Profit Report in the Name field.
d. Click Save.
8. Edit the Profit by Month report object to include only the five months with the highest percent of
total profit.

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4-78 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

a. Select the Profit by Month bar chart to make it active.

b. In the Right pane, click (List of tabs) to display the list of tabs.

c. Select Ranks to activate the tab.

d. Accept the default data item, Month Name, and select Add Rank.
e. Accept the default, Top.
f. Change 10 to 5.

The bar chart is updated.

9. Add a new section to the report.

a. Select Insert New Section or click (Add new section) next to the Section 1 tab.

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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-79

b. Right-click the new section tab and select Rename.

c. Type Customer Demographics.

d. Press Enter.
e. Rename Section 1.
f. Right-click the Section 1 tab and select Rename.
g. Type Monthly Profit Analysis.
h. Press Enter.
10. Import objects from another report.
a. If necessary, click the Customer Demographics tab to make it active.
b. Select View Imports to display the Imports tab in the Left pane. You can also enable tabs
using (List of tabs) at the top of the Right or Left pane.

c. Click in the Select a report to import field.

d. Select Customer Hierarchy Report.

e. Select Profit and Cost by Customer Hierarchy.
A thumbnail view of the object is displayed.

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4-80 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

f. Click Insert Profit and Cost by Customer Hierarchy on the top of the thumbnail view.
g. Select Profit and Quantity by Customer Gender and Group.
h. Click Insert Profit and Quantity by Customer Gender and Group.
11. Add a section prompt to the Customer Demographics section.
a. Click the Objects tab in the Left pane to make it active.
b. Drag the Drop-Down List control to the Drop controls here to create a section prompt area at
the top of the report canvas.

c. Click the Data tab in the Left pane to make it active.

d. Drag Year to the drop-down list control to populate the values.

e. Select 2011 as the value for the section prompt.

f. Change the frequency value displayed in the drop-down list control.
1) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane to make it active.

2) Click (Edit selection) next to the Frequency field and select Replace Frequency
Frequency Percent.

g. Click the treemap to make it active.

h. Drag the title bar to the drop zone on the left side of the dual axis bar-line chart.
The updated Customer Demographics section resembles the following:

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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-81

i. Select Clear Filter on the section prompt to clear the year filter.
12. Add a data source filter.

a. Click (Options) on the Data tab and select New Data Source Filter.

The New Data Source Filter window appears:

b. Double-click Character in the Data Item list to expand it.

c. Select Customer Group Name.

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4-82 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

d. Double-click Customer Group Name NotContains 'x' in the Column Template list to add it to
the expression.

e. Click in the box next to NotContains and type Internet/Catalog Customers.

This value is case sensitive.

f. Press Enter.
g. Click OK.
All objects in all sections of the report are filtered by the new selection. There are now only two
category values displayed:

13. Modify the Monthly Profit Analysis section.

a. Click the Monthly Profit Analysis tab.
b. Move the Profit by Quarter pie chart next to the Profit by Year pie chart.
1) Click the Profit by Quarter pie chart to select it.
2) Click the object name and drag it to the right of the Profit by Year pie chart.
c. Remove the Profit by Month bar chart.
1) Click the Profit by Month bar chart to select it.

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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-83

2) Click X next to the object name to delete it.

3) Click Delete to delete the Profit by Month report object.

d. Import objects from another report.
1) Click the Imports tab in the Left pane.
2) Verify that Customer Hierarchy Report is the selected report.
3) Select Profit Analysis.
4) Click Insert Profit Analysis.
e. Move the Profit Analysis time series plot below the two pie charts.
1) If necessary, click the Profit Analysis time series plot to select it.
2) Click the object name and drag it to the bottom of the report canvas.
The updated Monthly Profit Analysis section resembles the following:

14. Add a section prompt to the Monthly Profit Analysis section.

a. Click the Objects tab in the Left pane to make it active.
b. Drag the Drop-Down List control to the Drop controls here to create a section prompt area in
the upper right corner of the report canvas.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Drag Country to the drop-down list control to populate the values.
e. Remove the frequency value displayed in the drop-down list control.
1) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane to make it active.

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4-84 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

2) Click (Edit selection) next to the Frequency field and select Remove Frequency.
3) Click Yes when prompted to delete the data assignment.
f. Select Canada as the value for the section prompt.
All three report objects are updated.

g. Select Clear Filter to clear the country filter.

15. Select File Save to save the updated report.
16. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


5. Adding Sections and Importing Objects

a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
b. Edit Product Report from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.

Be careful when selecting the report because there is also a Product Report 2.
Add a new section to the report.
Rename Section 2 (the newly created section) to Profit and Quantity Analysis.

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4.4 Working with Filters and Report Sections 4-85

You can also use the Properties tab in the Right pane to rename sections.
Rename Section 1 to Profit Analysis by Product Line.
Move the Profit by Product Category pie chart to the Profit and Quantity Analysis section.
Hint: To move an object to another section, right-click the object and select Move to.
Import the Profit by Product Hierarchy treemap from Product Report 2 into the Profit Analysis
by Product Line section and place it on the left side of the report.
Modify the line chart (Profit by Quarter and Product Line).
Use the Properties tab to change the name to Profit by Month and Product Line.
Use the Roles tab to replace Quarter with Month Name.
Add a section prompt that uses a drop-down list control to select the year. Select 2011 as the
value for the section prompt.
Hint: You will need to change the classification of Year to Category.

Import the Profit and Quantity by Order Date dual axis time series plot from Product Report 2
into the Profit and Quantity Analysis section and place it at the bottom of the report.

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4-86 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

c. Save the updated report using the same name.

d. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and


Describe the purpose of interactions.
List the two types of interactions available for reports.
Create filter interactions.
Create brush interactions.
List the types of links available for reports.
Define links for a report object.
Describe the purpose of alerts.


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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-87

What Are Interactions?

Interactions help direct a report viewers attention to
specific results in a report.
The list control uses the
filter interaction to limit
which continents are
used in the other
Brush interactions have
been established
between the bar chart,
pie chart, and list table.
An item selected in one
object is highlighted in
the other objects.

Types of Interactions
There are two types of interactions:
Filter Is used to restrict the data that is displayed in
a report object. Filters are simply a set of
conditions that you specify to subset the data
that is displayed. This is the default.
Brush Is short for data brushing, which enables you
to show the same data that is selected in
multiple objects.

Links ( ) are created and managed

in a similar way as interactions.


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4-88 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Working with Interactions

The Interactions tab in the Right
pane displays interactions for the
selected items. Buttons enable
you to create a new interaction or
open the Interactions view.

Clicking the New button

enables you to create
interactions and three
different types of links.


Edit Interactions Window

Clicking the Interactions View button on the Interactions
tab or selecting View Show Interactions from the
menu bar displays the Interaction View window.


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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-89

Interactions View
The Interactions View
displays a thumbnail of
each report object and
section, and shows
existing interactions
and links.

New interactions and

links can be defined by
dragging them to
connect the objects.
Right-clicking an interaction icon provides additional functionality.


Creating a Filter Interaction

A filter is the default interaction type. You can create a
new filter interaction using the Interactions view or the
Interactions tab.


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4-90 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Creating a Brush Interaction

You can create a brush interaction using the Interactions
view or the Interactions tab.


Deleting an Interaction
You can delete interactions using the Interactions view or
the Interactions tab.


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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-91

Working with Links

You can define three types of links for a report object:

Report Opens another report.

Section Displays another section in
Link the same report.
External Displays a URL.

Report and section links pass a value to

filter the target report when the source and
target are based on the same data source.


Adding Report Links

You can add a link from a report object to another report.

Use the Interactions tab

to create a report link and
select the target report.

You can also right-click a

report object and select
Add Link Report Link.

If there are multiple sections

in the target report, you can
select which section to open.


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4-92 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Adding Report Links

Double-clicking a row in a table, a bar, a pie slice, and so
on, in the report object activates the report link.

Click to return to the

previous report.

If necessary, you are prompted to save

your changes before the link opens.


Adding Section Links

Using the Interactions tab in the Right pane, you can add
a link to a specific section in the same report. You can
also right-click the report object and select Add Link
Section Link.

Double-click the report object to display the linked section.

Click to return to the previous section.


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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-93

Adding External Links

Using the Interactions tab in the
Right pane, you can add a link to
an external URL. You can also
right-click the report object and
select Add Link External Link.

Double-clicking a row in a table, a bar, a pie slice, and

so on, activates the link and displays the URL in a new
tab or window.


Adding External Links

You can specify additional parameters to pass data item
values to the URL.

The Format value option applies only to dates and numbers.


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4-94 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Combining Filters, Interactions, and Links

You can combine filters, interactions, and links to create an
interactive set of reports.
In this example,
a data source filter was
created to filter years
between 2005 and 2012
a section prompt filters values
for a single year
the list control filters the
treemap and dual axis line
chart using interactions
double-clicking a tile in the
treemap displays the Unit
Detail section
double-clicking a data point
on the line chart opens the
SAS home page

Adding Alerts to Report Objects

Alerts notify you via e-mail when a specific criterion is
met. You can use the Alerts tab in the Right pane to
create and manage alerts. You can also right-click the
report object and select Add Alert.


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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-95

Use control objects and interactions
to filter the data objects in a report.

You will also use the auto-update

functionality to defer updates to the
report as it is being designed.

Use SAS Visual Analytics Viewer

to view the report and test the
interactions as a report consumer.


Modify the Product Report:
change the category
value for the pie chart
add button bar

define interactions
between the button bar
and the time series plot


Using Interactions in a Report

This demonstration illustrates using interactions in a report.

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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4-96 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Double-click Customer Analysis Report to open it in the Designer.
7. Remove the Profit by Year pie chart.
a. Click the Profit by Year pie chart to select it.
b. Click X in the report object title bar to delete the Profit by Year pie chart.

c. Click Delete when prompted.

8. Add a drop-down list control.
a. If necessary, click the Objects tab.
b. Drag the Drop-Down List control from the Objects pane to the report canvas above the Profit by
Quarter pie chart.

c. Click the Data tab to select it.

d. Drag Year from the Data tab to the drop-down list control.
e. If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
f. Enter Year Selector in the Name field.
9. Add interactions to the report.
a. If necessary, select the arrow at the top of the Right pane and activate the Interactions tab.

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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-97

b. Click the Interactions tab to make it active.

c. Click Interactions View to open the Interactions view.
d. Click the Year Selector drop-down list control and drag the pencil icon to the Profit by Quarter
pie chart.

e. Click the Profit by Quarter pie chart and drag the pencil icon to the Profit by Month bar chart. A
derived interaction is established between the Year Selector and the Bar Chart.
The Interaction view resembles the following:

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4-98 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The Show derived interactions check box controls the display of derived interactions.

f. Click Close in the bottom right corner.

g. If necessary, select Profit by Month in the drop-down list at the top of the tab and view the

Derived interactions are not displayed on the interactions tab.

h. Select Profit by Quarter in the drop-down list at the top of the Interactions tab and view the

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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-99

Select (List of tabs) Show icons only to display icons instead of text for the tabs
in the right pane. The selected tab also displays the tab name.
i. Select Year Selector in the drop-down list at the top of the tab and view the interactions.

j. Display the quarter number on the pie chart slices.

1) Click Properties in the Right pane.
2) Select Profit by Quarter at the top of the Properties pane.
3) Click Show category labels.
10. Select File Save to save the report using the same name.
11. Test the interactions.
a. Select 2009 in the drop-down list.
The Profit by Quarter pie chart and Profit by Month bar chart should both be updated to display
only 2009 information.
b. Click the Quarter 4 pie slice in the Profit by Quarter pie chart.
The Profit by Month bar chart should display bars only for October, November, and December.
c. Click the bar chart to make it active.

d. Click (Filtered by).

The filter information is displayed.

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4-100 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Moving your mouse pointer over the Filter icon displays a data tip that lists the report objects that
are filtering the current object:

e. Click outside of the information window to close it.

The report should resemble the following:

f. Right-click the pie chart and select Clear Selection.

You can also hold down the Ctrl key and click a pie slice in the Profit by Quarter pie chart to
deselect it.
g. Select Clear Filter to clear the year filter.
12. Select File Save to save the report.

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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-101

13. Open the Customer Hierarchy report.

a. Select File Recent Customer Hierarchy Report.
b. If prompted to save your changes, click Save.
14. Defer updates to the report.
a. Clear the Auto-update check box at the top of the report canvas to defer updates.

15. Add a range slider control to the left of the time series plot.
a. Click the Objects tab.
b. Click Range Slider in the Objects pane and drag it to the left of the time series plot.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Drag Year from the Data tab to the range slider control.
e. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
f. Enter Year Selector in the Name field.
g. If necessary, clear the Horizontal check box.
h. Click the handle between the range slider and the time series plot and drag to the left to provide
more space for the time series plot.

i. Click (Refresh Data) in the Year Selector to show the data values.

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4-102 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

16. Add interactions to the report.

a. Click the Interactions tab in the Right pane.
b. If necessary, select Year Selector at the top of the Interactions tab.
c. Click New and select Interaction from the list of choices.
d. Verify that the first radio button (Year Selector filters Profit Analysis) is selected.

e. Click OK.
f. Click New Interaction.
g. Verify that the first radio button (Year Selector filters Profit and Cost by Customer Hierarchy)
is selected.
h. Click OK.
i. Click New Interaction.

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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-103

j. Verify that the first radio button (Year Selector filters Profit and Quantity by Customer
Gender and Group) is selected.
k. Click OK.
The Interactions tab should resemble the following:

l. Click Interactions View to graphically view the interactions.

m. Click Close.
n. Slide the bottom of the slider to 2008.

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4-104 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

o. Click (Refresh all data) at the top of the report canvas to refresh all of the objects based on
the values of the Year Selector.
p. Click Auto-update at the top of the report canvas to update the report automatically.
q. Select File Save to save the report using the same name.
r. Test the interactions.
1) Select File View Report to open the report in the SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.

Testing the report in the Viewer is helpful because it removes the Left pane and all of
the editing functionality.
2) Click the box on the right side of the slider that contains 2011.

3) Type 2010 and press Enter.

All of the report objects should be updated.

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4.5 Establishing Interactions, Links, and Alerts 4-105

17. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


6. Defining Interactions
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
b. Edit Product Report from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
View the Profit and Quantity Analysis section.
Modify the Profit by Product Category pie chart.
Replace Product Category with Product Group.
Change the name to Profit and Quantity by Product Group.

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4-106 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Add a vertical button bar control to the left of the pie chart.
Populate the button bar with the Product Line data item.
Hint: If necessary, clear the Horizontal check box on the
Properties tab to create a vertical button bar.
Remove frequency.
Hint: Use the Roles tab to specify frequency information.
Name the button bar Product Line Selector.
Set the background color to black.
Set the background selection color to yellow.
Set the text color to white.
Set the selected color to black.
Click Children to select it.
Add the following interactions to the Profit and Quantity Analysis section:

c. Add an external link from the Profit and Quantity by Product Group object that links to
http://www.sas.com. Enter SAS Home Page as the value for the label.
d. Save the updated report using the same name.
e. Test the interactions and link using the SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
Select File View Report.
View the Profit and Quantity Analysis section.
View the information for Clothes & Shoes.
Clear the filter selection.
Double-click one of the pie charts to view the external link.
Close the browser tab that the external web page is displayed on.
f. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-107

4.6 Working with Gauges and Display


List the types of gauges available for reports.
List the steps to assign data items to a gauge.
Set properties and styles for a gauge object.
Describe the purpose of a display rule.
List the process to establish display rules for different
types of report objects.


Gauge Types
A gauge displays the status or measure of one or more
variables in relation to a target, goal, or interval. There
are five types of gauges available in the Designer:



The data tip for each

gauge might contain
additional measures.


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4-108 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Assigning Data Items to a Gauge

All gauge types support two roles for measures:
Measure The data item that controls what value
the main indicator displays
Target An optional data item that controls the
placement of a second indicator




About the Bullet Gauge

A bullet gauge compares an actual value to a target value
and compares them in intervals. The actual value of the
primary measure is indicated by a horizontal bar.


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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-109

About the Slider Gauge

A slider gauge displays the actual value of the primary
measure as a downward-facing arrow. The target value is
indicated by a small upward-facing arrow.


About the Thermometer Gauge

A thermometer gauge displays
the actual value of the primary
measure as a vertical bar. The
target value is indicated by a
small line.


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4-110 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

About the Dial Gauge

A dial gauge displays the primary measure as an arrow
that points outward from the inner circle. The target value
is an arrow that points inward from the outer arc.

The center
circle displays
the color range
associated with
the primary


About the Speedometer Gauge

A speedometer gauge displays the primary measure as a
larger pointer. The target value is indicated by a small


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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-111

Setting Gauge Properties

Gauges have unique properties in the KPI Chart section:
Show value label

Show range labels



Horizontal The dial and speedometer gauges do

not support the Direction property.


KPI = key performance indicator

Setting Gauge Properties

Gauges also have several properties in the Layout
category. These properties control the number of gauges
displayed for high cardinality data.
Maximum visible rows
Maximum visible columns

Maximum visuals

Fill direction


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4-112 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Setting Gauge Styles

All gauge types support styles for the following items:
KPI skin

Header background color

Text styles for KPI ranges,

KPI values, and Data tip
Data tip fill color

Selecting a KPI Skin Style

The following six KPI skin styles are available for all
gauge types:

charcoal Basic Charcoal Modern




None Onyx Satin


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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-113

Bullet Speedometer

Slider Thermometer

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4-114 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Establishing a Display Rule for Gauges

A display rule is used by a gauge to designate intervals
and colors for ranges.

Using the Display Rules tab, you can specify how to

populate intervals and edit the display rule.

In order for a gauge to

display values, a measure
must be assigned and a
display rule must be created.
158 continued...

Establishing a Display Rule for Gauges

When you select Specify Intervals as the type, you have
two options for setting the values.

You can enter values directly, or

159 continued...

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-115

Establishing a Display Rule for Gauges

you can click (Auto populate intervals) to populate
the intervals based on the specified measure. The
Populate Intervals window enables you to change the
number of intervals as well as the interval boundaries.


Creating a Shared Display Rule

Clicking (Create shared rule)
enables you to save the current
display rule as a shared rule that
can be used with any gauge in
the report.


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4-116 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Using a Shared Display Rule

Instead of specifying intervals for a new display rule, you
can use a shared display rule. Display rules that use a
shared rule cannot be edited
in the Display Rules tab.

The Share Rules tab in the

Left pane displays all of the
shared rules for the report
and enables you to create,
edit, and delete the shared rules.

Using a Display Rule with a Graph Object

Graph objects enable you to use several types of display
rules to identify data values.


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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-117

Creating Report Level Display Rules

Report level display rules enable you to define color-
mapped values that help to easily identify the same value in
multiple report objects.


Create the Profit Dashboard report that contains two
sections. The Dashboard section has three gauges, one
of which links to the Details section.


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4-118 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Create the Product Dashboard report that contains two
The dial gauge
displays profit by
product category.
The thermometer
gauge displays
profit by product


Create a second section in the Product Dashboard report.
Use a treemap to
display profit by
product group.
Define an alert when
profit is greater than

You will also define a

section link to the Detail
section from both gauges
in the Summary section.


Using Gauges in a Report

This demonstration illustrates adding a gauge to an existing report.

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-119

2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. Click Create Report to build a new report using SAS Visual Analytics Designer.
7. Select a data source.
a. Click the Data tab.
b. Click Select a data source in the Data tab.
c. Select CustomerOrders.
d. Click Add.
8. Add a gauge to the canvas.
a. Click the Objects tab.
b. Drag the Slider gauge from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Drag Order Type from the Data tab onto the slider.
e. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the report canvas and drop onto the slider.

Activating the Roles tab in the Right pane is helpful to verify the role assignments.

f. Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.

g. Click (Auto populate intervals) to open the Populate intervals window.

h. Verify that 3 is selected as the value for the Number of intervals field.

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4-120 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

i. Enter 2,800,000 in the Lower bounds field.

j. Enter 11,200,000 in the Upper bounds field.

k. Click OK.
The interval values are populated.

l. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

m. Enter Profit by Order Type in the Name field.
n. Enter Profit by Order Type in the Title field. Press the Enter key.

o. Click to italicize the text.

p. Click the check box for Maximum visible rows.

q. Verify that 3 is selected as the value.
r. Click the check box for Maximum visible columns.
s. Verify that 1 is selected as the value.
t. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
u. Select Charcoal in the KPI skin field.

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-121

The gauge resembles the following:

9. Add a second gauge to the canvas.

a. Click the Objects tab.
b. Drag the Thermometer gauge from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas above the
Profit by Order Type slider.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Drag Customer Age Group from the Data tab onto the thermometer.
e. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the report canvas and drop it into the Measure drop zone.
f. Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
g. Click (Auto populate intervals) to open the Populate intervals window.

h. Enter 1 as the value of the Number of intervals field.

i. Enter 5,600,000 in the Lower bounds field.
j. Enter 22,400,000 in the Upper bounds field.

k. Click OK.

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4-122 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

l. Click the color selector and select a blue color.

The thermometer gauge is updated.

m. Click (Create shared rule).

n. Enter Blue Thermometer - $5-23 million in the Name field.

o. Click OK.

p. Click (List of tabs in the Left pane).

q. Select Shared Rules.

The new shared rule is added to the Shared Rules tab in the Left pane.

r. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

s. If necessary, select Thermometer 1 at the top of the Properties tab.
t. Enter Profit by Age Group in the Name field.
u. Enter Profit by Age Group in the Title field. Press the Enter key.

v. Click to italicize the text.

w. Clear the Show range labels check box.

x. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-123

y. Select Onyx for the KPI skin field.

The gauge resembles the following:

10. Add a third gauge to the canvas.

a. Click the Objects tab.
b. Drag the Dial gauge from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas to the right of the Profit
by Order Type slider gauge.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Drag Customer Gender from the Data tab onto the dial.
e. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the report canvas and drop it into the Measure drop zone.
f. Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
g. Click (Auto populate intervals) to access the Populate intervals window.

h. Enter 25,000,000 in the Target value field.

i. Click OK.
j. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
k. Enter Profit by Gender in the Name field.
l. Enter Profit by Gender in the Title field. Press the Enter key.

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4-124 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

m. Click to italicize the text.

n. Clear the Show range labels check box

o. Click the check box for Maximum visible rows.
p. Specify 2.
q. Click the check box for Maximum visible columns.
r. Specify 1.
s. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
t. Select Satin as the value for the KPI skin field.

11. Add a section prompt.

a. Click the Objects tab.
b. Drag a Drop-Down List control from the Data tab to the Drop controls here to create a section
prompt area.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Drag Continent Name from the Data tab to the drop-down list control.
e. Select Europe as the value for the Continent Name filter.

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-125

f. Resize the report objects to resemble the following:

12. Select File Save As to save the report.

13. If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
14. Enter Profit Dashboard in the Name field.
15. Click Save.
16. Add a new section to the Profit Dashboard report.
a. Right-click Section 1 and select Rename.
b. Type Dashboard and press Enter.

c. Click (Add new section).

d. Right-click Section 1 and select Rename.

e. Type Details and press Enter.
f. Click the Objects tab.
g. Drag the Bar Chart report object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas.
h. Click the Data tab.

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4-126 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

i. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following data items in order:
Customer Gender
Customer Age Group
j. Drag the selected item and drop them onto the bar chart.

Many report objects enable you to drop multiple items at the same time.

k. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

l. Enter Profit by Customer Gender and Age Group in the Name field. Press the Enter key.

m. Add a display rule to the bar chart.

1) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
2) Click New.
3) Click Expression.
4) Verify that Profit is selected as the value of the Column field.
5) Verify that > (greater than) is selected as the value for the Operator field.
6) Enter 7,000,000 as the value for the Value field.
7) Click the color selector and choose a dark green color.
8) If necessary, click Background.

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-127

9) Click OK.
10) Click New.
11) Click Expression.
12) Verify that Profit is selected as the value of the Column field.
13) Select < (less than) as the value for the Operator field.
14) Enter 7,000,000 as the value for the Value field.
15) Click the color selector and choose a bright yellow.
16) If necessary, click Background.
17) Click OK.
The bar chart is updated.

The Display Rules tab resembles the following:

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4-128 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

n. Click the Objects tab.

o. Drag the Line Chart report object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas below the
bar chart.
p. Click the Data tab.
q. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following data items in order:
Month Name
Customer Age Group
r. Drag the selected items and drop them onto the line chart.
s. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
t. Enter Profit by Customer Age Group and Month in the Name field. Press the Enter key.

17. Create a section link from the Profit by Age Group gauge to the Profit by Customer Age Group and
Age Group bar chart.
a. Click the Dashboard tab.

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-129

b. Select the Profit by Age Group gauge.

c. Right-click in the object and select Add Link Section Link.

d. Click OK.
18. Select File Save to save the report using the same name.
19. Test the section link.
a. Double-click the gauge for 15-30 years. The Details section displays the bar and line chart that
filtered for the 15-30 year range that you selected.

b. Click (Back to dashboard or toggle section link filters) to return to the Dashboard

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4-130 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

c. Click the arrow portion of (Back to dashboard or toggle section link filters) and
select Apply section filter links to deselect it.
The bar and line chart are no longer filtered by the customer age group.

20. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
21. Click Save if prompted to save the changes to the report.


7. Using Gauges in a Report

a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
b. Create a new report.
Select ProductAnalysis as the data source.
Add a dial gauge to the report.

Data Item Role

Product Category Category

Profit Measure

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-131

Hint: To fit all 12 gauges on 2 rows of 6, set Maximum visible rows to 2 and Maximum
visible columns to 6. Change the Maximum visuals setting on the Properties tab in the
Right pane to display all 12 gauges for Product Category.

Attribute Value

Display Rule Number of intervals: 3

Lower bounds: 0
Upper bounds: 23,000,000

Name Profit by Product Category

Show range labels <clear>

Layout Maximum visible rows: 2

Maximum visible columns: 6
Maximum visuals: 12

KPI skin Modern

The resolution of the computer, the size of the browser window, and the pane status
(expanded or collapsed) all impact the display of the different reports objects. What
you see in the classroom might not match what is printed in the book.
Add a thermometer gauge below the dial gauge.

Data Item Role

Product Line Category

Quantity Ordered Measure

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4-132 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Attribute Value

Display Rule Number of intervals: 1

Lower bounds: 100,000
Upper bounds: 575,000

Name Quantity by Product Line

Show range labels <deselect>

KPI skin Modern

c. Add a second section to the report.

Rename the new section Detail and rename Section 1 to Summary.

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4.6 Working with Gauges and Display Rules 4-133

d. Add a treemap to the detail section.

Assign both Product Group and Profit to the treemap at the same time by holding down the Ctrl
key and clicking.
Enter Profit by Product Group as the name of the object and do not show the legend.
e. Establish alerts for the treemap using the criteria below.
Hint: Click (New alert) on the Alerts tab to create a new alert.
when the profit is more than $7,000,000
f. Enable linking between the gauges in the Summary section and the Detail section.
Hint: Create a section link from both gauges.

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4-134 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

g. Save the report as Product Dashboard in the Shared Data folder.

h. Test the section links.
Double-click the first dial gauge (Assorted Sports Articles).

Click (Back to Summary).

Double-click the first thermometer gauge (Children).

Click (Back to Summary)

i. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

4.7 Working with Tables

List the types of table report objects.
List the ways that the two table objects display
Describe how display rules can be used with list tables
and crosstabs.
List the steps to add a sparkline to a list table.
Describe the process to create a hierarchy from a
List the properties for working with totals and subtotals
in a crosstab object.


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4.7 Working with Tables 4-135

Using Tables in a Report

You can use one of these two table types to display data
in your report.
List The table is a
table two-dimensional
representation of

Crosstab Each cell represents

the aggregated
measure from the
intersection of the


Setting Table Properties

Both the list tables and crosstabs support the general
properties (Name, Title, and Description).

List table properties

enable you to control:

display of detail data



Crosstabs enable you to indent values,

display totals and subtotals, and control
the placement of totals.

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4-136 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Setting Styles for Tables

List tables and
crosstabs provide
similar style settings
that enable you to
control the background
and text colors of the
different portions of the

The list table provides

additional control for
text wrapping and
table row appearance.


Working with a List Table

Add data items to the table by dragging one or more items
from the Data tab to the list
table object.

You can resize columns in the

table by placing your cursor
between the columns and
dragging the column border.

You can reposition

columns by selecting
a column and dragging
it to a new position.

176 continued...

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4.7 Working with Tables 4-137

Working with a List Table

Tables are automatically sorted by the first data item
assigned. An arrow next to the column name indicates the
direction in which the values are sorted.
Clicking the column heading once sorts the column in
ascending order. Clicking it a second time sorts the
column in descending order.

To sort by multiple
columns, click the first
column that you want to
sort by, hold down the
Ctrl key, and click the
next column to sort by.

177 continued...

When a group of data items are assigned at one time, the list table is sorted by the last item in the

Working with a List Table

Right-clicking a column heading in a list table displays a
list of options based on the data type.
Category Measure


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4-138 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Adding Display Rules to a List Table

Display rules can be added to list tables in order to easily
identify data values that meet specific criteria.
There are three
types of display


Adding Display Rules to a List Table

Use the Display Rules tab in the Right pane to add a
display rule to a list table. You can also right-click the
table and select Add Display Rule.


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4.7 Working with Tables 4-139

Adding Sparklines to a List Table

A sparkline is a small line graph that presents a single
trend over time.

Sparklines can be added to

list tables by right-clicking in
the table and selecting
Add Sparkline.


The set baseline option enables you to specify a baseline value and determine the fill type: Gradient or

Working with a Crosstab

As with list tables, you can grow and shrink columns
in crosstabs by placing your cursor between columns
and dragging the column border to make the size larger
or smaller.

182 continued...

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4-140 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Working with a Crosstab

Right-clicking a column heading in a crosstab displays
a list of options based on the data type.
Category Measure


Creating a Hierarchy from a Crosstab

If you have a crosstab with multiple items in a dimension,
you can create a new hierarchy by right-clicking a column
name and selecting Create Hierarchy.

A new hierarchy is created automatically

and added to the Data tab.


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4.7 Working with Tables 4-141

Crosstab Totals and Subtotals

Crosstab properties enable you to add totals and
subtotals to columns, rows, or both. You can also control
the placement of the totals.


Adding Display Rules to a Crosstab

Display rules can be added to crosstabs in order to easily
identify data values that meet specific criteria.

Display rules for a crosstab must

be based on an expression.

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4-142 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Add a list table report object to the Monthly Profit Analysis
section that displays profit by customer type and gender.

Add a display rule and a sparkline.


Add a crosstab report object to the Customer
Demographics section that displays profit by customer
Add totals and subtotals.
Create a hierarchy from the data items populating the


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4.7 Working with Tables 4-143

Add a crosstab table report object to the Profit Analysis by
Product Line section that displays discounts by product
line and order type.

Add a display rule and alert when maximum discount

exceeds 55%.


Add a list table report object to the Profit and Quantity
Analysis section that displays profit and quantity by
supplier continent.

Add two display rules:


Adding Tables to a Report

This demonstration illustrates adding tables to a report.

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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4-144 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. If necessary, select Recent in the My Content area to display the recent items.
7. Double-click Profit Report to open it in the Designer.
8. Add a list table to the Monthly Profit Analysis section.
a. If necessary, click the Monthly Profit Analysis tab.
b. Drag the List Table object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas below the Profit
Analysis time series plot.
c. Click the Data tab.
d. Hold down Ctrl and select the following data items in order in the Data pane:
Customer Type Name
Customer Gender
e. Drag the selected items to the list table.
f. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
g. Click the Wrap text check box.
h. Resize the columns as needed.
i. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
j. Enter Profit by Customer Type and Gender in the Name field.
k. Click Show totals.
The list table resembles the following:

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4.7 Working with Tables 4-145

l. Add a display rule to the table.

1) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
2) Click New.

3) Select Color-mapped values.

4) Select Customer Gender in the Column or value field.

5) Click .

6) Enter Female in the value box.

7) Click the color box and select a light orange color.

8) Click .

9) Enter Male in the value box.

10) Click the color box and select a light blue color.
11) Select Customer Gender in the Applies to field.

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4-146 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The Add Display Rule window should resemble the following:

12) Click OK.

The updated table should resemble the following:

m. Add a sparkline to the table.

1) Right-click the table and select Add Sparkline.
2) Enter Quantity Over Time in the Column label field.
3) Select Date Order was placed by Customer in the Time Axis field.
4) Select Quantity Ordered in the Measure (line) field.
5) Click the Set baseline check box and accept the default value for the attributes.

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4.7 Working with Tables 4-147

The Add Sparkline window should resemble the following:

6) Click OK.
n. Resize the columns as needed.
The table should resemble the following:

9. Add a crosstab to the Customer Demographics section.

a. Click the Customer Demographics tab to select it.
b. Click the Objects tab.
c. Drag the Crosstab table object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the bottom of the canvas.
d. Click the Data tab.
e. Drag Continent Name from the Data tab to the rows section (left side) of the crosstab.
f. Drag Customer Age Group from the Data tab to the rows section on the right of Continent
Name of the crosstab.

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4-148 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

g. Drag Customer Gender from the Data tab to the crosstab and drop it to the right of the
Customer Age Group column.
h. Drag Order Type from the Data tab to the columns section (top) of the crosstab.
i. Drag Profit from the Data tab to the body of the crosstab.

j. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

k. Enter Customer Profit Analysis in the Name field.
l. Click Show column subtotals.
m. Click Show column totals.
n. Click After for the total placement selection.
o. Click the Styles tab.
p. Change the background color of Totals to light purple.
q. Change the font color of Totals to white.
r. Change the background color of Subtotals to light blue.
s. Scroll down to the bottom of the table to view the totals.

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4.7 Working with Tables 4-149

10. Create a hierarchy from the crosstab.

a. Right-click Continent Name and select Create Hierarchy.
b. Click to expand North America.
c. Click to expand 61-75 years.
The updated table should resemble the following:

11. Select File Save to save the updated report.

12. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


8. Using Table Objects

a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
b. Edit Product Report from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.

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4-150 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Create two new data items by duplicating an existing data item.

Rename Discount in percent of Normal Total Retail Price to Average Discount.
Change the aggregation for Average Discount to Average.
Duplicate Average Discount twice.
Hint: Right-click Average Discount and select Duplicate Data Item.
Rename Average Discount (1) to Maximum Discount.
Change the aggregation for Maximum Discount to Maximum.
Rename Average Discount (1) (1) to Minimum Discount.
Change the aggregation for Minimum Discount to Minimum.
Add a crosstab table to the bottom of the Profit Analysis by Product Line section.

Data Item Role

Product Line Rows

Order Type Columns

Maximum Discount Data items

Average Discount
Minimum Discount

Add a display rule to the crosstab to display maximum discount values greater than 55% (.55)
with an orange background. Create an alert from the display rule.

Add a list table object to the bottom of the Profit and Quantity Analysis section.

Data Item Role

Supplier Country Columns

Quantity Columns (to the right of Supplier Country)

Profit Columns (to the right of Quantity)

Specify the following properties and display rules for the list table:
Name: Supplier Analysis

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4.7 Working with Tables 4-151

Display rules:

Select bold face and a green color for the text attributes of the second rule.

c. Save the updated report using the same name.

d. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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4-152 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

4.8 Working with Other Objects

Describe the report objects in the Containers and
Other categories.
Describe how container objects can be used in
List the ways that text objects display information.
List the ways that image objects are used in reports.
List the ways that the stored process object are used
in SAS Visual Analytics.
Describe the differences between the geo bubble map
and the geo region map.


Working with Additional Report Objects

There are two final categories of report objects:



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4.8 Working with Other Objects 4-153

Using Horizontal and Vertical Containers

Horizontal and vertical containers enable you to group
objects so that your report can contain more objects than
you have physical space to display.

The containers
provide scroll bars,
if needed, which
enable you to scroll
through the content.


Using Horizontal and Vertical Containers

Horizontal and vertical containers
have limited properties. You can
control the order of the objects
using the Properties tab.

When you add report objects to a

horizontal or vertical container, a
new Size and Position property is
added to the report object.


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4-154 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Using the Stack Container

Stack containers enable you to display multiple report
objects using the same portion of the report.

The stack container uses

a navigation control that
enables you to select the
report object to display.

The stack container

properties enable you
to select the navigation
control location and
navigation button type.


Using the Stack Container

Stack container properties provide options for working
with the navigation control.
Navigation control location

Top left
Top Center
Top Right
Bottom Left
Bottom Center
Bottom Right
Navigation button type


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4.8 Working with Other Objects 4-155

Adding Text and Images to Reports

The text and image report objects enable you to add
instructions, notes, and graphical elements to your report.

You can add links to the text and image report objects.

Working with Text

A text object enables you to enter whatever information
you want to include in your report. You can format each
character of text using a different font, size, color, and


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4-156 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Setting Text Properties

In the Right pane, text objects have only general
properties and no style properties.

After adding a text object, you click in the body of the

object to add text. When you start typing, a style menu
appears above the report object.
specify font and size

specify font color specify style (bold, create and

and background italic, underline) edit links
color and justification

Working with Images

An image object enables you to include
graphics elements in your report.

When you add an image, you need to

specify whether you are loading it from the repository on
the server or from your local machine.
You can select one
of the following
Scale type values:
Fit All
Fit Width
Fit Height


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4.8 Working with Other Objects 4-157

What Is a SAS Stored Process?

A SAS Stored Process is a special type of SAS program.
Stored processes enable you to run a SAS program
and view the results in many different types of
SAS applications.
Stored processes consist of SAS program code and a
metadata definition that describes how the stored process
should execute.


Using the Stored Process Object

When you add a stored process object to a report,
you are prompted to select a stored process from the
SAS Folders tree. The stored process runs, and the
results are displayed.

The stored process

controls the style
attributes for the

The Properties tab enables you to

change prompt values and
other properties.


Considerations when using stored processes:

A stored process cannot be used in the precision layout.
A stored process cannot be the source or target of an interaction.
A stored process cannot be added to a container.
The show metadata view option displays the following type of information:

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4-158 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Using the Geo Bubble Map Object

The geo bubble map is a bubble plot that is overlaid on a
geographic map.

In order to use a geo bubble

map object, you must have
a geographic data item.

A measure determines
the size of the bubble.

In addition, a measure
can be used to color the


A geography data item is a category whose values are mapped to geographical locations or regions.

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4.8 Working with Other Objects 4-159

Using the Geo Coordinate Map Object

The geo coordinate map is a scatter plot that is overlaid
on a geographic map.

In order to use a geo coordinate

map object, you must have
a geographic data item.

The geo coordinate map is

useful for high cardinality data.

A measure determines
the size of the bubble.


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4-160 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Using the Geo Region Map Object

The geo region map (also known as a choropleth map)
uses color and fill pattern combinations to represent
different categories.

In order to use a geo region

map object, you must have
a geographic data item.

Only predefined geographic

roles can be used for geo
region maps. Custom
geography data items are
not supported.


Add a text object
and an image
object to a report.


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4.8 Working with Other Objects 4-161

Add a geo bubble
map report object
that displays profit
by customer

Import an Excel file

as a second data
source and use a
treemap to display
the data.


Add an image object to
the top of the Product
Dashboard report.

Create a new section

and add a stored
process object.


Adding Other Objects to a Report

This demonstration illustrates adding other objects to a report.

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.

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4-162 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
6. If necessary, select Recent in the My Content area to display the recent items.
7. Double-click Profit Dashboard to open it in the Designer.
8. Add a text object to the report.
a. If necessary, click the Objects tab.
b. Drag the Text object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas above the Profit by Age
Group gauge.
c. In the text object, enter the following: Select a continent from the filter box in the upper right
corner to subset the information displayed below.
d. Highlight the text and select 14 as the value for the font size.

e. Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

f. Enter Instructions in the Name field.
g. Enter Instructions in the Title field.

h. Click (Bold) to apply bold to the title.

9. Add an image to the Dashboard section.

a. Drag the Image object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas to the right of the
Instructions text object.
b. Click the Load from local machine radio button.
c. Click Browse next to the Load from local machine field.

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4.8 Working with Other Objects 4-163

d. Navigate to D:\CourseData.
e. Select OrionStarLogo and click Open.
f. Click Browse next to the Save the local image to the repository field.
g. Select Shared Data.
h. Click Save.
i. Select Fit All in the Scale type field.

j. Click OK.
k. Use the handles to adjust the object spacing until the report resembles the following:

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4-164 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

10. Select File Save to save the updated report.

11. Add a geo map to the Details section.
a. Click the Details tab to select it.
b. Move the bar chart so that it is to the left of the line chart.
c. Drag the Geo Bubble Map object from the Objects tab to the report canvas and drop it at the top
of the report canvas.
d. Change data item properties.
1) Click the Data tab.
2) Right-click Customer Country and select Geography Country or Region Names.
e. Drag Customer Country onto the geo bubble map object.
f. Drag Profit onto the geo bubble map object.
12. Specify the geo bubble map properties.
a. Click the Properties tab.
b. Enter Profit by Country in the Name field.
c. Clear the Show map navigation control check box
d. Clear the Show legend check box.
e. Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
f. Select Gloss as the value for the Data skin field.
g. Click Data Colors to expand the group.
h. Click the color selector for Fill and select a medium blue color.

13. Add another data source to the report.

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4.8 Working with Other Objects 4-165

a. Click the Data tab.

b. Click (Add data source).

c. Click Microsoft Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx) in the Local category of the Import Data section on the right
side of the Add Data Source window.

d. Navigate to D:\CourseData.
e. Select Focus_Customers.xlsx.
f. Click Open.

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4-166 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Clicking Preview enables you to view up to the first 500 rows of the Excel file.

g. Click OK to import the workbook.

The data items from the new data source are displayed on the Data tab.

14. Create a hierarchy.

a. Select (Options) New Hierarchy.

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4.8 Working with Other Objects 4-167

b. Enter Key Customers as the value for the Name Field.

c. Double-click Customer_Country to add it to the hierarchy.
d. Double-click Customer_Age_Group to add it to the hierarchy.
e. Double-click Customer_Gender to add it to the hierarchy.

f. Click OK.
15. Add a treemap to display the new data source.
a. Click the Objects tab to select it.
b. Drag a Treemap object to the report canvas to the right side of the geo bubble map.
c. Click the Data tab to select it.
d. Drag the Key Customers hierarchy onto the treemap.
e. Click the Properties tab.
f. Enter Key Customers for the Name field.
g. Enter Key Customers - double-click to navigate for the Title field.
h. Click to italicize the text.

i. Clear the Show legend check box.

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4-168 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

16. Select File Save to save the updated report.

17. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.


9. Adding an Image
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
b. Edit Product Dashboard from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
c. Add an image report object to the top of the Product Dashboard section.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-169

Select the OrionBanner image from the local machine at D:\CourseData.

Save the image to the Shared Data location in the repository.
Select Fit All as the value for the scale type.
d. Save the updated report using the same name.
e. Add a new section to the report and display the results of a stored process.

Stored Process: Sample: Frequency Analysis of Municipalities

SAS Folders path: Products SAS Intelligence Platform Samples
View the stored process metadata.
Hint: Click the Show metadata view on the Properties tab to view stored process metadata.
Show the stored process output.
f. Save the updated report using the same name.
g. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

4.9 Solutions to Exercises

1. Creating a Simple Report Using SAS Visual Analytics Designer
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

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4-170 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

b. Create a new report.

1) Click Create Report in the Create Content area.
2) Select a data source for the report.
a) Click the Data tab in the Left pane.

b) Click (Add data source) on the Data tab in the Left pane.

c) Select ProductAnalysis.
d) Click Add.
3) Add a pie chart graph object.
a) Click the Objects tab in the Left pane.
b) Drag the Pie Chart graph object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas.
c) Click the Data tab in the Left pane.
d) Drag Product Category from the Data tab to the report canvas.
e) Drag Profit from the Data tab to the report canvas.
f) Right-click Product Category in the legend and select Sort Ascending.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-171

The report resembles the following:

c. Save the report as Product Report in the Shared Data folder.

1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
3) Enter Product Report in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
d. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
2. Modifying an Existing Report
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

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4-172 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

b. If you did not follow along with the demonstration, change the order of action to enable a report
to be opened in the Designer by double-clicking it from the My Content area of the Home Page.
1) Select Edit Preferences in the Common Actions section in the Right pane.
2) Select Home in the selection list on the left side of the Preferences window.
3) Select SAS report (2G).
4) Select Edit SAS Visual Analytics Designer.
5) Click (Move up) to move the selected item to the top of the list.

6) Click OK to close the Edit Preferences window.

c. Edit Product Report from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
1) If necessary, select Recent in the My Content area to display the recent items.
2) Double-click Product Report to view the object inspector.
3) Specify properties and styles for the pie chart.
a) Click the pie chart to select it.
b) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
c) Enter Profit by Product Category in the Name field.
d) Click the Show values as a percentage of total check box.
e) Enter 5 in the Minimum percentage for Other field.
f) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
g) Select Crisp in the Data skin field.

h) Click to expand the Text Styling section.

i) Click to apply bold to the Value category.

j) Click to expand the Data Colors section.

k) Click the red box and change the color to light purple.
4) Add a second measure to the pie chart.
a) If necessary, click the Data tab.
b) Drag Quantity Ordered from the Data tab to the pie chart report object.
c) Select Measure in the assignment window.
d) Using the Data Properties table in the Left pane, select the Quantity Ordered data item
and change the value of the name property to Quantity.
e) If necessary, click the Properties tab.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-173

f) Select Multiples as the value for the Grouping style field.

The updated pie chart resembles the following:

5) Using the Data Properties table in the Left pane, change the value of the Classification
property to Category for the Quarter data item.
6) Add a line chart to the report.
a) Click the Objects tab.
b) Drag the Line Chart graph object from the Objects tab into the drop zone in the bottom of
the window.
c) Click the Data tab.
d) Drag Quarter from the Data tab and drop it onto the line chart.
e) Drag Profit from the Data tab onto the Y axis and drop it onto the line chart.
f) Drag Product Line from the Data tab onto the line chart.
g) Select Group as the value for the data assignment.
h) Specify properties and styles for the pie chart.
(1) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(2) Type Profit by Quarter and Product Line in the Name field.
(3) Select Stacked Filled in the Grouping style field.
(4) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
(5) Select Crisp in the Data skin field.

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4-174 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The updated report resembles the following:

d. Click File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
e. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
3. Working with a Treemap
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Create a new report.
1) Click Create Report in the Create Content area.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-175

2) Select a data source for the report.

a) Click the Data tab.

b) Click (Add data source).

c) Select ProductAnalysis.
d) Click Add.
3) Create the Product Hierarchy data item that contains Product Line, Product Group, and
Order Type.
a) Click (Options) on the Data tab.

b) Select New Hierarchy.

c) Enter Product Hierarchy in the Name field.
d) Double-click Product Line to add the data item to the hierarchy.
e) Double-click Product Group to add the data item to the hierarchy.
f) Double-click Order Type to add the data item to the hierarchy.
g) Click OK.
4) Change the Profit data item Aggregation property to Average for all objects in the report.
a) Click the Profit data item in the Data tab.
b) Change the Aggregation property to Average in the data item table.
5) Add a treemap graph object.
a) Click the Objects tab.
b) Drag the Treemap graph object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas.
c) Click the Data tab.
d) Drag Product Hierarchy from the Data tab to the treemap.
e) Drag Profit from the Data tab to the treemap.
f) Drag Quantity Ordered from the Data tab to the report canvas.
g) Select Color as the role.
h) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
i) Enter Profit by Product Hierarchy in the Name field.
j) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
k) Select Crisp in the Data skin field.

l) Click to expand the Text Styling section.

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4-176 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

m) Click to apply bold to the Value category.

The treemap resembles the following:

c. Save the report as Product Report 2 in the Shared Data folder.

1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
3) Enter Product Report 2 in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
d. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
4. Working with a Dual Axis Graph
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-177

b. Edit Product Report 2 from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
1) Double-click Product Report 2 to open it in the Designer.
2) Add a dual axis time series plot below the treemap and specify the properties and styles.
a) If necessary, click the Objects tab.
b) Drag the Dual Axis Time Series Plot graph object from the Objects tab into the drop zone
in the bottom of the window.
c) Click the Data tab.
d) Drag Date Order was placed by Customer from the Data tab onto the X axis and drop it
onto the dual axis time series plot.
e) Drag Profit from the Data tab onto the Y axis and drop it onto the Measure (line) drop
f) Drag Quantity Ordered from the Data tab onto the Y axis and drop it onto the
Measure (line 2) drop zone.
The dual axis time series plot resembles the following:

g) Specify properties and styles for the new object.

(1) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(2) Enter Profit and Quantity by Order Date in the Name field.
(3) Click the Show fill check box in the Time Series 1 section.
(4) Click the Show fill check box in the Time Series 2 section.

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4-178 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The updated report resembles the following:

c. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
d. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
5. Adding Sections and Importing Objects
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-179

b. Edit Product Report from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
1) Double-click Product Report to open it in the Designer.

Be careful when selecting the report because there is also a Product Report 2.

2) Add a new section to the report and provide meaningful names to both sections.

a) Select Insert New Section or click (New section) next to the Section 1 tab.

b) Right-click the new section tab and select Rename.

c) Type Profit and Quantity Analysis.

You can also use the Properties tab in the Right pane to rename the section.

d) Press Enter.
e) Right-click the Section 1 tab and select Rename.
f) Type Profit Analysis by Product Line.
g) Press Enter.
3) Move an object from one section to another and import additional objects.
a) Click the Profit Analysis by Product Line tab to select it.
b) Right-click the pie chart and select Move Profit and Product Category to Profit and
Quantity Analysis.
c) Click the Imports tab in the Left pane.

d) Click in the Select a report to import field.

e) Select Product Report 2.
f) Select Profit by Product Hierarchy.
g) Click Insert Profit by Product Hierarchy.
h) Click the Profit by Product Hierarchy object name and drag the object to move it to the
left of the line chart.
4) Modify the line chart (Profit by Quarter and Product Line).
a) Click the Profit by Quarter and Product Line line chart to make it the selected item.
b) If necessary, click the Properties tab.
c) Change the value of the Name field to Profit by Month and Product Line.
d) Click the Roles tab.
e) Right-click Quarter and select Replace Quarter Month Name.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4-180 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The updated Profit Analysis by Product Line section resembles the following:

5) Add a section prompt that uses a drop-down list control to select the year.
a) Click the Objects tab.
b) Drag the Drop-Down List control to the Drop controls here to create a section prompt
area in the upper right corner of the report canvas.
c) Click the Data tab.
d) Change the data item classification for Year.
(1) Click Year in the Data tab to select it.
(2) Select Category as the value for the Classification property.
e) Drag Year to the drop-down list control to populate the values.
f) Select 2011 as the value for the section prompt.
6) Click the Profit and Quantity Analysis tab to select it.
a) Click the Imports tab in the Left pane.
b) Verify that Product Report 2 is the selected report.
c) Select Profit and Quantity by Order Date.
d) Click Insert Profit and Quantity by Order Date.
e) Move the dual axis time series plot below the pie chart.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-181

The updated Profit and Quantity Analysis section resembles the following:

c. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
d. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
6. Defining Interactions
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Edit Product Report from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
1) Double-click Product Report to open it in the Designer.
2) Click the Profit and Quantity Analysis tab to view that section of the report.
3) Modify the Profit by Product Category pie chart.
a) Click the pie chart to select it.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4-182 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

b) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

c) Right-click Product Category and select Replace Product Category Product Group.

d) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

e) Enter Profit and Quantity by Product Group in the Name field.
4) Add a button bar control to the left of the pie chart.
a) If necessary, click the Objects tab in the Left pane.
b) Drag a Button Bar control object from the Objects tab to the left of the pie chart.
c) Click the Data tab.
d) Drag Product Line from the Data tab to the button bar control.
e) Click the Properties tab to select it.
f) Enter Product Line Selector in the Name field.
g) If necessary, clear the Horizontal check box.
h) Click the Roles tab to select it.
i) Right-click Frequency and select Remove Frequency.
j) Click Yes to confirm.
k) Click the Styles tab to select it.
l) Click the box for Background color and select black.
m) Click the box for Background selection color and select yellow.
n) If necessary, click Text Styling to expand the selection.
o) Click the box for Text color and select white.
p) Verify that the color for Selected Color is set to black.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-183

q) Click Children to select it.

5) Add interactions to the report.

a) Click the Interactions tab.
b) Click Interactions View.
c) Click the Product Line Selector button bar control and drag the pencil icon to the Profit
and Quality by Product Group pie chart.
d) Click the Product Line Selector button bar control and drag the pencil icon to the Profit
by Quantity and Order Date dual axis time series plot.

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4-184 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The Interaction view resembles the following:

e) Click Close.
c. Add an external link from the Profit and Quantity by Product Group object that links to
http://www.sas.com. Enter SAS Home Page as the value for the label.
1) Right-click the pie chart.
2) Click Add Link External Link.
3) Enter SAS Home Page for the Label field.
4) Enter www.sas.com in the URL field.

The http:// portion of the link is provided.

5) Click OK.
d. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
e. Test the interactions and link.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-185

1) In necessary, click the Profit and Quantity Analysis tab.

2) Click Clothes & Shoes in the button bar.
3) The report objects are updated.
4) Right-click Clothes & Shoes in the button bar and select Clear Selection.
5) Double-click one of the pie charts to view the external link.

The external link is opened in a new browser tab by default.

6) Click x in the Internet Explorer tab to close the web page.

f. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

g. Click Save if prompted to save the changes to the report.
7. Using Gauges in a Report
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

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4-186 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

b. Create a new report.

1) Click Create Report.
2) Click the Data tab.
3) Click Select a data source on the Data tab.
4) Select ProductAnalysis.
5) Click Add.
6) Add a dial gauge to the canvas.
a) Click the Objects tab.
b) Drag the Dial gauge from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas.
c) Click the Data tab.
d) Drag Product Category from the Data tab onto the dial gauge.
e) Drag Profit from the Data tab onto the dial gauge.
f) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
g) Click (Auto populate intervals) to access the Populate intervals window.

h) Verify that 3 is selected as the value for the Number of intervals field.
i) Enter 0 as the value for the Lower bounds field.
j) Enter 23,000,000 as the value for the Lower bounds field.

k) Click OK.
l) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
m) Enter Profit by Product Category in the Name field.
n) Clear the Show range labels check box.
o) Click (Auto populate intervals) to open the Populate intervals window

p) Enter 2 as the value for the Maximum visible rows field.

q) Enter 6 as the value for the Maximum visible columns field.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-187

r) Enter 12 in the Maximum visuals field.

The Layout properties should resemble the following:

s) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.

t) Select Modern for the KPI skin field.
The gauge resembles the following:

7) Add a second gauge to the canvas.

a) Click the Objects tab.
b) Drag the Thermometer gauge from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas below
the dial.
c) Click the Data tab.
d) Drag Product Line from the Data tab onto the thermometer.
e) Drag Quantity Ordered from the Data tab to the report canvas and drop on the
Measure drop zone.
f) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
g) Click (Auto populate intervals) to open the Populate intervals window.

h) Enter 1 as the value for the Number of intervals field.

i) Enter 100,000 as the value for the Lower bounds field.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
4-188 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

j) Enter 575,000 as the value for the Upper bounds field.

k) Click OK.
l) Click the colored box and select a blue color.
m) Click OK.
n) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
o) Enter Quantity by Product Line in the Name field.
p) Clear the Show range labels check box.
q) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
r) Select Modern as the value for the KPI skin field.
The updated thermometer gauge resembles the following:

c. Add a second section to the report.

1) Select Insert New Section.
2) Right-click Section 1 and select Rename
3) Type Summary.
4) Press Enter.
5) Right-click Section 2 and select Rename
6) Type Detail.
7) Press Enter.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-189

d. Add a treemap to the detail section

1) If necessary, select the Detail tab to make it the active section.
2) Click the Objects tab.
3) Drag a Treemap object from the Left pane to the report canvas.
4) Click the Data tab.
5) Drag Product Group and Profit to the treemap.
6) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane to select it.
7) Enter Profit by Product Group as the value of the Name field.
8) Clear the Show legend check box.
The treemap should resemble the following:

e. Establish alerts for the treemap.

1) If necessary, click (List of tabs) and select Alerts.

2) Click the Alerts tab in the Right pane to select it.

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4-190 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

3) Select Profit by Product Category at the top of the Alerts tab.

4) Click (New alert).

5) Verify that Profit is the value of the Column field.

6) Verify that > (greater than) is the value of the Operator field.
7) Enter 7,000,000 in the Value field.

8) Click OK.
f. Enable linking between the gauges in the Summary section and the Detail section.
1) Click the Summary tab to make it the active section.
2) Right-click the Profit by Product Category gauge and select Add Link Section Link.
3) Click OK.
4) Right-click the Quantity by Product Line gauge and select Add Link Section Link.
5) Click OK.
g. Save the report as Product Dashboard in the Shared Data folder.
1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
3) Enter Product Dashboard in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
h. Test the section links.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-191

1) Double-click the first dial gauge (Assorted Sports Articles).

2) Click (Back to Summary).

3) Double-click the first thermometer gauge (Children).

4) Click (Back to Summary).

i. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

8. Using Table Objects
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Edit Product Report from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
1) Double-click Product Report to open it in the Designer.
2) Create two new data items by duplicating an existing data item.
a) Click the Data tab.
b) Select Discount in percent of Normal Total Retail Price on the Data tab of the Left
c) Enter Average Discount for the Name property.
d) Select Average in the Aggregation field.
e) Right-click Average Discount and select Duplicate Data Item.
f) Right-click Average Discount (1) and select Duplicate Data Item a second time.
g) Select Average Discount (1).
h) Enter Maximum Discount for the Name property.
i) Select Maximum in the Aggregation field.
j) Select Average Discount (1) (1).
k) Enter Minimum Discount for the Name property.
l) Select Minimum in the Aggregation field.

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4-192 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

3) Add a crosstab table to the bottom of the Profit Analysis by Product Line section.
a) If necessary, click the Profit Analysis by Product Line tab.
b) Click the Objects tab.
c) Drag the Crosstab table object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas and
add it to the bottom of the report.
d) Click the Data tab.
e) Drag Product Line from the Data tab to the rows section (left side) of the crosstab.
f) Drag Order Type from the Data tab to columns section (top) of the crosstab.
g) Hold down Ctrl and select the following data items in order:
Maximum Discount
Average Discount
Minimum Discount
h) Drag the selected items to the body of the crosstab.
The crosstab should resemble the following:

i) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

j) Enter Discount by Product Line and Order Type in the Name field.
k) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
l) Click New.
(1) Select Maximum Discount for the Column field.
(2) Verify that > (greater than) is selected for the Operator field.
(3) Enter .55 in the Value field.

(4) Click (Select background color) and select an orange color.

(5) Select Maximum Discount for the Applies to field.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-193

m) Click the Alert Options tab.

n) Click the Create an alert based on this rule check box.

o) Click OK.
The Profit Analysis by Product Line section resembles the following:

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4-194 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

4) Add a list table object to the Profit and Quantity Analysis section.
a) Click the Profit and Quantity Analysis tab.
b) Click the Objects tab.
c) Drag the List Table object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas and add it
to the bottom of the report.
d) Click the Data tab.
e) Hold the Ctrl key and select the following data items in order:
Supplier Country
f) Drag the selected item to the list table.
g) Resize the columns as needed.
h) Click the Properties tab on the Right pane.
i) Enter Supplier Analysis in the Name field.
j) Click the Display Rules tab.
k) Click New.
(1) Select Gauge as the type.
(2) Verify that Icon is selected in the Gauge type field.
(3) Select Quantity in the Based on column field.
(4) Select Left of text in the Cell placement field.

(5) Click (Auto populate values).

(6) Verify that 3 is selected as the value for the Number of intervals field.
(7) Enter 0 as the value for the first field of the first interval value.
(8) Enter 20,000 as the value for the second field of the first interval value.
(9) Enter 100,000 as the value for the second field of the second interval value.
(10) Enter 250,000 as the value for the second field of the third interval value.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-195

(11) Select Quantity in the Column field.

(12) Click OK.
l) Click New to add a second display rule.
(1) Verify that Expression is specified in the Type field.
(2) Verify that Profit is specified in the Column field.
(3) Verify that > (Greater than) is specified in the Operator field.
(4) Enter 3,500,000 in the Value field.
(5) Click to apply bold to the values that meet the expression.

(6) Click and select green to change the font color.

(7) Verify that Profit is specified in the Applies to field.

The Add Display Rule window should resemble the following:

(8) Click OK.

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4-196 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

(9) Resize the columns as needed.

The Profit and Quantity Analysis section resembles the following:

c. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
d. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics
9. Adding an Image
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Eric.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-197

1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Edit Product Dashboard from the Recent category in the My Content area of the Home Page.
1) If necessary, select Recent in the My Content area to display the recent items.
2) Double-click Product Dashboard to open it in the Designer.
c. Add an image to the report.
1) Drag the Image object from the Objects tab on the Left pane to the canvas above the Profit by
Product Category gauge.
2) Click the Load from local machine radio button.
3) Click Browse next to the Load from local machine field.
4) Navigate to D:\CourseData.
5) Select OrionBanner and click Open.
6) Click Browse next to the Save the local image to the repository field.
7) Select Shared Data.
8) Click Save.
9) Select Fit All in the Scale type field.

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4-198 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

10) Click OK.

11) Adjust the height of the image object to remove empty space.

d. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
e. Add a new section to the report and display the results of a stored process.
1) Select Insert New Section.
2) Select Insert Other Stored Process.
3) Navigate to Products SAS Intelligence Platform Samples.
4) Select Sample: Frequency Analysis of Municipalities.
5) Click Open.

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4.9 Solutions to Exercises 4-199

The stored process runs and the results are displayed in the Stored Process report object.

6) If necessary, click the Properties tab.

7) Click Show metadata view.

8) Clear the Show metadata view check box.

f. Select File Save to save the updated report using the same name.
g. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

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4-200 Chapter 4 Designing Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual
Analytics Reports

5.1 Viewing Reports on the Web ......................................................................................... 5-3

Demonstration: Viewing a Report .......................................................................................... 5-8

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 5-12

5.2 Viewing Reports on a Mobile Device .......................................................................... 5-13

5.3 Viewing Reports with SAS Office Analytics ............................................................... 5-20

Demonstration: Viewing Reports.......................................................................................... 5-24

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 5-30

5.4 Solutions to Exercises ................................................................................................. 5-30

5-2 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.1 Viewing Reports on the Web 5-3

5.1 Viewing Reports on the Web

List the functionality provided by SAS Visual Analytics
Describe the types of information provided by the
Properties tab in the Right pane.
Describe the functionality provided by the Comments
tab in the Right pane.
List the purpose of the Alerts tab in the Right pane.
List the options available when searching for reports.

SAS Visual Analytics Architecture (Review)

SAS Visual Analytics consists of several parts.
Home Page Explorer Designer
create and manage content visualize data interactively create interactive reports

Web Viewer Data Builder Administrator

view reports in a browser build new data sources manage the environment

Mobile BI LASR Analytic Server

view reports on a tablet in-memory server

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5-4 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Using SAS Visual Analytics Web Viewer

SAS Visual Analytics Viewer enables users to view and
interact with report content.


Using SAS Visual Analytics Web Viewer

Selecting the arrow on the right side of the window
expands the Right pane, which provides additional



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5.1 Viewing Reports on the Web 5-5

Interacting with Report Objects

Selecting a report object displays icons that provide
information and perform other actions.
Displays information about
filters, interactions, and
Displays the name of the
report object.
Maximizes the size of the
report object.
Restores the report object
to its original size
(available when the report
object is maximized).

Properties Tab
The Properties tab in the Right pane
provides information about the report
or the selected item. Information
provided by the Properties tab
includes the following:
the item name

list of incoming filters

display rule definitions

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5-6 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Comments Tab
The Comments tab enables you to view and manage
comments for the report.

You can perform these actions:

add a new comment

respond to an existing
edit a comment

delete a comment

Alerts Tab
The Alerts tab enables you to view the alert conditions
that were defined by the report author. You can subscribe
to alerts by clicking the Subscribe check box.


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5.1 Viewing Reports on the Web 5-7

Toolbar and Banner

The menus and icons on the toolbar provide additional
functionality when viewing a report.
Open a new
Edit the report in
the Designer hide
(if you have the banner
required access).
Refresh the If you choose to hide the banner, the menu bar
report. and toolbar are hidden to maximize the space
for viewing the report.
Print the report.


Opening a Report
The Open window enables you to navigate SAS Folders
and select a report to open.

You might also be able to create new folders, delete

items, and search for different types of objects.

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5-8 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Searching for Reports

When you choose to browse for a
report, clicking (Search) in the
Open window provides options to
help you locate the desired report.

Name Value to search for

Type Type of content
to search for
Location Folders to search
Date Search by date
created or modified

You can use the search box at the

top of the Home Page to search for content.

Viewing a Report

This demonstration illustrates opening and interacting with reports in SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS Visual
Analytics logon page appears.
3. Enter Rob in the User ID field.
4. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5. Click Log On.
The Home Page is displayed.
6. Click Browse in the My Content area.
7. If necessary, select the Shared Data folder.
8. Double-click the Profit Dashboard report to open it in the SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
The Viewer opens and the report is displayed.

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5.1 Viewing Reports on the Web 5-9

9. View information about the report and the report objects.

a. Click to expand the Right pane.

The Properties tab displays the report name.

b. Click in the Profit by Gender gauge to display the icons.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5-10 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

c. Click to view information about filters, links, and interactions.

Clicking Details opens the Visual Elements Filters window:

The Properties tab also displays the filter information for the selected object.

10. Add a comment to the Profit Dashboard report.

a. Click the Comments tab in the Right pane.
b. Click in the left side of the section prompt area at the top of the report to ensure that no report
objects are selected.
c. Click in the Enter a topic name field.
d. Type Promotion for Seniors.
e. Click in the Enter a comment field.
f. Enter the following comment:

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5.1 Viewing Reports on the Web 5-11

Profits are down for our customers between 61-75 years old. Lets run a promotion next
month and see whether we can increase profits.

g. Click Post.
11. Answer questions about the information provided by the report.
a. Which age group generates the most profit for Europe?
Verify that Europe is selected for the section prompt.

The values are displayed in the Profit by Age Group dashboard.

b. Double-click the 15-30 years thermometer to display the Details section.

c. Which gender generates the most profit for this age group?

d. Click (Back to Dashboard) to return to the other section of the report.

12. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5-12 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports


1. Interacting with a SAS Visual Analytics Report

a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Rob.
b. Organize the My Content area to make it easier to find reports.
Hint: Click Manage My Content in the Common Actions pane.
Clear Favorites by selecting Options Clear Favorites.
Create a favorite group named Product Reports.

Hint: Click to create a favorite group.

Add the following reports to the new favorite group.
Product Dashboard
Product Report
Product Report 2
Display Favorites in the Manage My Content area.
Display the reports in the Product Reports group.
c. View and interact with the Product report using the SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
Open the Product Report in the Viewer.
Answer the following questions:
What was the profit for the Sports product line in May of 2009?
Which product group has the largest profit for Sports not counting the Other category?
Hint: Click the Profit and Quantity Analysis tab to select that section.
d. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.2 Viewing Reports on a Mobile Device 5-13

5.2 Viewing Reports on a Mobile Device

Explain the purpose of the SAS Mobile BI app.
Access reports using the SAS Mobile BI app.
View the differences between SAS Visual Analytics
Web Viewer and the SAS Mobile BI app.


SAS Visual Analytics Architecture (Review)

SAS Visual Analytics consists of several parts.
Home Page Explorer Designer
create and manage content visualize data interactively create interactive reports

Web Viewer Data Builder Administrator

view reports in a browser build new data sources manage the environment

Mobile BI LASR Analytic Server

view reports on a tablet in-memory server


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5-14 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

SAS Mobile BI (Review)

The SAS Mobile BI app enables users to view and
interact with SAS Visual Analytics reports on a mobile
device, such as an Apple iPad or Android tablet.


SAS Mobile BI App Updates

As with most mobile apps, the SAS Mobile BI app is
updated regularly.

The information in this section of the course might be

slightly different as new features and functionality
are added to the app.

Use the Help built into the SAS Mobile BI app

for the most current information.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.2 Viewing Reports on a Mobile Device 5-15

Using the Mobile BI App

To view a report with the Mobile BI App, you must do the
define connections to servers that contain reports

browse through folders and reports on a server

subscribe to reports on the server

view and interact with downloaded reports

You can also do this:

search previously downloaded content for a report

delete reports from the device

delete connections to servers


Two Basic Interfaces

Mobile BI consists of two basic interfaces:

My Portfolio


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5-16 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Using the Library Interface

Use the Library interface to perform the following tasks:
manage server connections

navigate the SAS Folders tree

subscribe to


Connecting to a Server
From the Library interface, tap Connections to view
existing connections and to create and define new


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.2 Viewing Reports on a Mobile Device 5-17

Using the My Portfolio Interface

Use the My Portfolio interface to select a report to view.
New and updated reports are easily identified.

You can also

delete reports by
tapping Edit in
the upper right


Accessing Help from My Portfolio

To access help from the My Portfolio interface, tap Help
in the upper right corner. In the Help window, you can
select any of
the items by
tapping them.


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5-18 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Report Navigation Help

When viewing any specific report, you can get navigation
tips by tapping Actions Help.


SAS Visual Analytics Web Viewer versus the

SAS Mobile BI App
Reports created with SAS Visual Analytics Designer have
a similar look in both SAS Visual Analytics Web Viewer
and the SAS Mobile BI app on the iPad.
SAS Visual Analytics Viewer SAS Mobile BI

29 continued...

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.2 Viewing Reports on a Mobile Device 5-19

SAS Visual Analytics Web Viewer versus the

SAS Mobile BI App
To view a report section in SAS Visual Analytics Web
Viewer, click the tab at the top of the report for the desired

When using the SAS Mobile

BI app on the iPad, tap
in the top right corner of the
screen to display thumbnails
of each report section. Tap
the thumbnail for the desired

You can also swipe right and left to move between the report sections.

Interacting with Report Objects

As with the SAS Visual Analytics Viewer, Mobile BI
enables you to select a report object and view more
information about it.


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5-20 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Performing Report Actions Using Mobile BI

Tapping the button enables you to select report

You can perform these actions:

update the report

share the report via text or

annotate the current section

view alerts, comments, and

display the Help screen.


5.3 Viewing Reports with SAS Office


Describe SAS Office Analytics.
Describe the SAS Central Web Part for SharePoint.
List how SAS Visual Analytics reports can be viewed
in Microsoft Office applications.
List how SAS Visual Analytics reports can be viewed
in SAS Enterprise Guide.
Describe the functionality provided by the
SAS Central Web Part for SharePoint.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.3 Viewing Reports with SAS Office Analytics 5-21

What Is SAS Office Analytics?

SAS Office Analytics provides transparent access to the
power of SAS for data access, reporting, and analytics.
SAS Office Analytics consists of three components for
viewing and interacting with content such as SAS Visual
Analytics reports:
SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

SAS Enterprise Guide

SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint


SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

The SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office provides access to
SAS functionality in several Office products.
The SAS add-in enables you to view and interact with
SAS tables, SAS reports, and SAS Stored Processes.
You can also use SAS
tasks and wizards to
analyze data sources SAS Add-In

and create reports. for Microsoft



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5-22 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

SAS Enterprise Guide

SAS Enterprise Guide provides an intuitive, visual
interface to the power of SAS. SAS Enterprise Guide
provides the following functionality:
transparent access to SAS and other types of data

interactive tasks and wizards for reporting

and analysis
the ability to export
results to other
applications and
to the web


SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint

The SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint enable
customers to bring the power of SAS Office Analytics
content to SharePoint. These web parts enable
SharePoint users to view and interact with SAS content
embedded in standard SharePoint pages.

The SAS Central Web Part is

one of the web parts provided
by the SAS Web Parts for
Microsoft SharePoint and is
the one used to interact with
SAS Visual Analytics reports.
Parts for


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.3 Viewing Reports with SAS Office Analytics 5-23

Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports Using

the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office
The SAS add-in enables you to embed SAS Visual
Analytics reports in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word files.

40 continued...

Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports Using

the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office
The SAS add-in also enables you to view SAS Visual
Analytics reports in Outlook.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5-24 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports Using

SAS Enterprise Guide
SAS Enterprise Guide enables you to view SAS Visual
Analytics reports as part of a project.


Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports Using

the SAS Central Web Part for SharePoint
The SAS Central Web Part for SharePoint enables you
access SAS Visual Analytics reports.

The web part

provides an
interface that is
similar to the
My Content Click to display the
section of the object inspector.
SAS Visual
Analytics Home Double-click to
Page. open the report in
the Viewer.


Viewing Reports

This demonstration illustrates opening and interacting with reports using SAS Office Analytics.
1. View the Profit Dashboard in Microsoft Excel
a. Select Start All Programs Microsoft Office 2013 Excel 2013.
b. Click Blank workbook.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.3 Viewing Reports with SAS Office Analytics 5-25

c. Click the SAS tab on the ribbon.

d. Click Reports.
e. Navigate to SAS Folders Shared Data.

The bottom of the Reports window displays the connection information. By default, the
SAS add-in remembers your credentials between sessions. Robs credentials are stored on
the classroom machine.
f. Double-click Profit Dashboard.
g. Click the Place sections on separate worksheets check box.

h. Click OK.
The report is displayed, and by default the control objects that are used to filter the sections are
displayed in a floating window.

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5-26 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

i. Click the title bar of the floating window and drag it to the right side of the Excel window to dock
it in place.
j. Use the scroll bars to view all of the report objects.
k. Click the Details tab at the bottom of the window and use the scroll bars to view the report
objects in that section.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.3 Viewing Reports with SAS Office Analytics 5-27

l. Close Excel.
m. Click Dont Save when prompted to save the changes.
2. View the Profit Dashboard in Microsoft Outlook.
a. Select Start All Programs Microsoft Office 2013 Outlook 2013.
b. Select SAS Central (My Server) on the left side of the Outlook window.
SAS Central displays your SAS Favorites from Office Analytics as well as your Visual Analytics

c. Click Browse.
d. Double-click the Shared Data folder.
e. Double-click Profit Dashboard.
f. A new window appears. Click where indicated to run the report and display the information.

The report is displayed.

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5-28 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

g. Click the Detail tab to view that section.

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5.3 Viewing Reports with SAS Office Analytics 5-29

h. Click the arrow on the far right side of the comment from Rob and select Reply.

i. Enter A promotion for the 61-75 year group is being developed in the comment box.

j. Click Save.
k. Click x in the upper right corner of the window to close the report.
l. Select File Exit to close Microsoft Outlook.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5-30 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports


2. View the Customer Analysis Report in SAS Enterprise Guide

a. Open Enterprise Guide and display a new project.
b. Use the File menu to open the Product Report from the Shared Data folder in SAS Folders.
c. Expand the Right pane.
d. Select the crosstab table and view the display rule information.
e. Display the Profit and Quantity Analysis section.
f. Close Enterprise Guide and do not save the changes to the project.

5.4 Solutions to Exercises

1. Interacting with a SAS Visual Analytics Report
a. Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics Home Page as Rob.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Rob in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
b. Organize the My Content area to make it easier to find reports.
1) Click Manage My Content in the Common Actions pane.
2) Click Options Clear Favorites.
3) Click Yes when prompted to remove all favorites and groups.

4) Click (Create a new favorite group) to create a new group in Favorites.

5) Right-click New Folder and select Rename.

6) Type Product Reports as the name and press Enter.
7) Select the Product Reports favorite group in the left side of the window.
8) Click Add a Favorite to add a report to the favorites group.

a) Select Shared Data.

b) Select Product Dashboard.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.4 Solutions to Exercises 5-31

c) Click OK.
9) Click Add a Favorite to add a report to the favorites group.

a) Select Product Report.

b) Click OK.
10) Click Add a Favorite to add a report to the favorites group.

a) Select Product Report 2.

b) Click OK.
The Manage My Content window should resemble the following:

11) Click OK.

12) Click Favorites in the My Content area.
13) Double-click the Product Reports group to display the contents.

c. View and interact with the Product report using the SAS Visual Analytics Viewer.
1) Double-click Product Report to open it in the Viewer.
2) Answer the following questions:

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5-32 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

What was the profit for the Sports product line in May of 2009?
Determine the value by selecting 2009 in the section prompt and moving the cursor over the
line for Sports for May in the line chart.

Which product group has the largest profit for Sports not counting the Other category?

Click the Profit and Quantity Analysis tab to select that section.
Determine the value by selecting Sports in the button bar and moving the cursor over the
second largest pie slice.

d. Click Log Off to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

2. View the Customer Analysis Report in SAS Enterprise Guide
a. Open Enterprise Guide and display a new project.
1) Select Start All Programs SAS SAS Enterprise Guide 6.1.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5.4 Solutions to Exercises 5-33

2) Click New Project.

b. Use the File menu to open the Product Dashboard report from the Shared Data folder in
SAS Folders.
1) Select File Open Report.
2) Navigate to SAS Folders Shared Data.
3) Double-click Product Report.
The report opens in the workspace.

c. Expand the Right pane.

d. Select the crosstab table.
The right pane displays the display rule that has been defined for the crosstab.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
5-34 Chapter 5 Viewing SAS Visual Analytics Reports

e. Click the Profit and Quantity Analysis tab to display that section.
f. Click Outdoors in the button bar.

g. Close Enterprise Guide and do not save the changes to the project.
1) Select File Exit to close Enterprise Guide.
2) Click No when prompted to save the changes.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating
Analyses and Reports with SAS
Visual Analytics

6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics .................. 6-3
Demonstration: Managing LASR Tables ............................................................................. 6-16

Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 6-18

6.2 Solutions to Exercises ................................................................................................. 6-47

6-2 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-3

6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and

Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Identify the differences between SAS Visual Analytics
Explorer and SAS Visual Analytics Designer.
Apply the knowledge that you learned in the other
chapters to complete a case study exercise.


Using SAS Visual Analytics

Both SAS Visual Analytics Designer and SAS Visual
Analytics Explorer enable you to analyze data and
display graphical and tabular results.

The Designer and the Explorer both enable you to create

new data items including hierarchies for navigating
through the data.

Although the Designer and the Explorer have some

similar functionality, there are differences in how each
application is used and the type of output that is created.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-4 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Considerations When Using

SAS Visual Analytics Designer
The primary purpose of SAS Visual Analytics Designer is
to create reports that can be viewed in SAS Visual
Analytics Viewer on the web or on a mobile device using
the SAS Mobile BI app.

Reports created with the Designer can contain multiple

sections that might include the following:
multiple data sources and filters

multiple report objects

interactions between different types of report objects

linking between report sections, with other reports,

and to URLs
4 continued...

Considerations When Using

SAS Visual Analytics Designer
The Designer contains some report objects that are
similar to the visualizations available in the Explorer. The
report objects that do not have an equivalent visualization
include the following:

containers pie chart

controls stored process
dual axis charts and plots targeted bar chart
Gauges text
geo coordinate map time series plot
image waterfall chart

Custom Graphs created with SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder can be used with the Designer but not
with the Explorer.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-5

Considerations When Using

SAS Visual Analytics Explorer
The primary purpose of SAS Visual Analytics Explorer is
to interactively explore data using one or more
visualizations. Visualizations can be saved in data
explorations and can even be exported and used as
objects in SAS Visual Analytics Designer reports.

Visualizations created with the Explorer can incorporate

analytics such as the following:

fit lines


text analytics

6 continued...

Considerations When Using

SAS Visual Analytics Explorer
The Explorer contains some visualizations that are similar
to the report objects available in the Designer. The
visualizations that do not have an equivalent report object
include the following:

automatic chart heat map

box plot histogram
correlation matrix network diagram
decision tree word cloud

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-6 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Case Study Scenario

You are an analyst at MegaCorp, a toy manufacturing
company. You have been asked to explore the company
data source to answer several questions about the data.

During the case study, you create several explorations

and reports.

MegaCorp Data Source

The MEGACORP data source has been created and
loaded in the SAS LASR Analytic Server.

MegaCorp has several manufacturing facilities across the

United States. Each facility has one or more production
units that produce the various products.

In addition to information about the facilities, units, and

products, the data source includes expense, revenue, and
profit information.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-7

MegaCorp Templates
An initial exploration and
report have been created
for you.

These objects, which serve

as templates, contain a
data source that has
hierarchies and special
data item properties.

A data source filter is used

to eliminate the rows of
data that have a missing
value for Product ID.


SAS Visual Analytics Explorer

You use SAS Visual Analytics Explorer to explore the
MEGACORP data source and create four different
explorations based on the MegaCorp Exploration
MegaCorp Exploration 1

MegaCorp Exploration 2

MegaCorp Exploration 3

MegaCorp Exploration 4


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6-8 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

MegaCorp Exploration 1
Create a geo map
visualization to explore
the total capacity of each
fabrication unit in a
specific location.

A hierarchy is used to
create a navigational path
through the data from
region to state to city.

12 continued...

MegaCorp Exploration 1
Create a bubble plot to explore the relationship between
Unit Yield and
Unit Capacity
by state.

Assign Date
by Year to the
Animation role
to view the
values as they
change over


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-9

MegaCorp Exploration 2
Create a visualization to
analyze the correlation
between Unit Age and
Unit Reliability.

14 continued...

MegaCorp Exploration 2
Create a visualization to
analyze the correlation
between Unit Age and

Set the Bin count

property to control the
grouping of the results.

15 continued...

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-10 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

MegaCorp Exploration 2
Create a visualization to analyze the average unit
reliability and the average unit yield rate for each month
during the years 2007 through 2011.

A local filter
is used to
subset the
data for this
to display
only the


MegaCorp Exploration 3
Create a visualization to analyze the profitability of each
facility based on expenses, revenue, and profit.

Use a hierarchy
to create a
navigational path
through the data
from region to
state to city.

17 continued...

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-11

MegaCorp Exploration 3
Create a visualization to analyze the profitability of each
product based on expenses, revenue, and profit.

Use a hierarchy to
create a navigational
path through the data
using the four product
Product Brand

Product Line


Product Description

18 continued...

MegaCorp Exploration 3
Create a visualization to
geographically display
profit by the facility state.

Display the
values using
the Regions
map style.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-12 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

MegaCorp Exploration 4
Create a visualization
to analyze profit by
year grouped by
product line.

20 continued...

MegaCorp Exploration 4
Create a visualization to
analyze the relationship
on unit production by
product line and region.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-13

SAS Visual Analytics Designer

You use SAS Visual Analytics Designer to create three
different reports based on the MegaCorp Report
MegaCorp Unit Report

MegaCorp Product Report

MegaCorp Profitability Report


MegaCorp Unit Report

Create a report with two sections. The Summary section
uses gauges to display several measures for all of the
production units in the selected state. The Detail section
shows all of the measures by city and year and is linked
from the summary section.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-14 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

MegaCorp Unit Report

Interactions are used to filter the gauges based on the
selected state and cities.

Each gauge is
linked to the
Detail section.


MegaCorp Product Report

Create a report with two sections. The Summary section
displays expenses by product. The Detail section shows
all of the measures and includes several display rules.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-15

MegaCorp Product Report

Interactions are used to filter the data in the gauges using
the year selector and the treemap.


MegaCorp Profitability Report

Create a report that shows profitability by city and year for
a specific region.


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-16 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

MegaCorp Profitability Report

Use brush interactions so that when a city is selected in
one of the report objects, that city becomes selected in
the other report objects as well.


Managing LASR Tables

This demonstration illustrates how to load and unload tables in the LASR Analytic Server.
1. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Christines credentials.
a. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
b. From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page.
c. Enter Christine in the User ID field.
d. Enter Student1 in the Password field.
e. Click Log On.
2. Access SAS Visual Analytics Administrator.
a. Select Manage Environment in the Common Actions section.
b. If necessary, select LASR Manage Tables.
c. If necessary, click the LASR Tables tab to make it active
3. Unload CustomerOrders and Product Analysis from the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
a. Select CustomerOrders. The status indicates that the table is loaded into memory.

b. Click (Unload the selected table) on the toolbar.

c. Click Close when notified that that data was unloaded.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-17

d. Select ProductAnalysis. The status indicates that the table is loaded into memory.

e. Click (Unload the selected table) on the toolbar.

f. Click Close when notified that that data was unloaded

4. Load the MEGACORP table onto the SAS LASR Analytic Server.
a. In the navigation pane, expand the Shared Data folder.
b. Expand the Source Data folder.
c. Right-click the MEGACORP table.
d. Select Load a Table.
e. Enter Loaded by your name in the Description field.

f. Click OK.
A message window appears, indicating that the table was loaded.

g. Click Close.
5. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-18 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics


1. Managing LASR Tables

If you followed along with the demonstration, there is no need to complete this first step. If
you did not follow along with the demonstration, you must complete the steps below to load
data that will be used for the case study
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Christines credentials.
b. Access SAS Visual Analytics Administrator.
c. Unload the CustomerOrders and ProductAnalysis tables from the SAS LASR Analytic Server
using the LASR Tables tab.
d. Load the MEGACORP table from Shared Data/Source Data onto the SAS LASR Analytic
Server folder and modify the description to Loaded by your name.
e. Log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
2. Logging On to SAS Visual Analytics
Log on to the SAS Visual Analytics as Eric.
Display the recent history in the My Content area.
Clear the recent history in the My Content area.
3. Creating a New Exploration
Open the MegaCorp Exploration Template from Shared Data Case Study.

When prompted, click Change Data Source and select the MEGACORP table that you
loaded earlier.
Save the updated exploration.

Be sure to save a copy of the exploration template as you will use it later in the case study.
Create a copy of the exploration named MegaCorp Exploration 1 by selecting File Save As.
Create a visualization to analyze the capacity of each fabrication unit. Use a hierarchy to create
a navigational path through the data from region to state to city.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-19

Visualization type: automatic chart

Data items: Facility Hierarchy, Unit Capacity
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Capacity by Facility

Use the hierarchy to navigate through the data and answer the following question:
Which facility in California has the lowest unit capacity?

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-20 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Create a bubble plot visualization to analyze the total unit yield and unit capacity by state for all of
the years of production.

Visualization type: bubble plot

Data items: Unit Capacity, Unit Yield (actual), Unit Yield (rate), Facility State
Animate the chart using Date by Year.
Hint: Using the Roles tab, assign Date by Year to the Animation role.
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Unit Analysis by State and Year

Click Play to run the animation.

Answer the following question:
Which state has the largest unit yield (actual) and largest unit capacity of all time?
Hint: Click a bubble before clicking Play to see a trail that indicates the movement over time.
Save the data exploration as Mega Corp Exploration 1 in the Shared Data Case Study folder
Open the MegaCorp Exploration template.
Hint: Recently used explorations can be accessed using the Recent option on the File menu.
4. Exploring the MEGACORP Data Source and Saving a Second Exploration
Create a copy of the exploration named MegaCorp Exploration 2 by selecting File Save As.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-21

Create a visualization to analyze the correlation between Unit Age and Unit Reliability.

Visualization type: automatic chart

Data items: Unit Age, Unit Reliability
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Correlation of Unit Age and Reliability

Add a linear fit line to the visualization.

Use the Analysis tab of the Details window to answer the following question:
What is the correlation value between Unit Reliability and Unit Age?

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-22 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Create a second visualization to analyze the correlation between Unit Age and Expenses.

Visualization type: automatic chart

Data items: Unit Age, Expenses
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Correlation of Unit Age and Expenses

Bin count 10

Answer the following question:

Based on the analysis, are the majority of the units under or over five years?

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-23

Create a visualization to analyze the average unit yield rate and average unit reliability from month
to month from 2007 through 2011.

Visualization type: automatic chart

Data items: Date by Month, Unit Reliability, Unit Yield (rate)
Add a local filter to filter the data using the Date by Year data item. Include values from only
2007 through 2011.
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Unit Yield 2007-2011

Answer the following questions:

Which period of time has the largest unit yield?
Which period of time has the smallest unit yield?

Save the data exploration as Mega Corp Exploration 2 in the Shared Data Case Study folder
Open the MegaCorp Exploration template.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-24 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

5. Exploring the MEGACORP Data Source and Saving a Third Exploration

Create a copy of the exploration named MegaCorp Exploration 3 by selecting File Save As.
Create a visualization to analyze the profitability of each facility based on expenses, revenue, and
profit. Use a hierarchy to create a navigational path through the data from region to state to city.

Visualization type: automatic chart

Data items: Facility Hierarchy, Expenses, Revenue, Profit
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Facility Profitability

Answer the following question:
Which facilities in California have expenses that are larger than revenue?

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-25

Create a visualization to analyze the profitability of each product based on expenses, revenue, and
profit. Use a hierarchy to create a navigational path through the data from Product Brand to
Product Description.

Visualization type: automatic chart

Data items: Product Hierarchy, Expenses, Revenue, Profit
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Product Profitability

Answer the following question:

Are there any toy product lines that have a negative profit?

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-26 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Create a visualization to analyze Profit by Facility State.

Visualization type: automatic chart

Data items: Facility State, Profit
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Profit by State

Navigation control <hidden>

Map Style Regions

Hint: To set the Map Style to Regions, select Use Geo Map on the Roles tab in the right pane.
Answer the following question:
Which state has the largest profit?

Save the data exploration as Mega Corp Exploration 3 in the Shared Data Case Study folder
Open the MegaCorp Exploration Template.

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-27

6. Exploring the MEGACORP Data Source and Saving a Fourth Exploration

Create a copy of the exploration named MegaCorp Exploration 4 by selecting File Save As.
Create a visualization to analyze Profit by Year grouped by Product Line.

Visualization type: line chart

Data items: Date by Year, Profit
Assign the Product Line data item to the Group role.
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Product Profit Analysis

Answer the following question:

Which two products have the largest profit?

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6-28 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Create a visualization to analyze the relationship on unit production between the facility region and
the product line.

Visualization type: Heat Map

Data items: Product Line, Facility Region, Unit Yield (actual)
Specify the visualization properties:

Name Products by Region

Color gradient White-Blue

Answer the following question:

Which region produces the most action figures?
Which region does not produce promotional items?

Save the data exploration as Mega Corp Exploration 4 in the Shared Data Case Study folder
Close the Explorer by clicking the X in the button on the application bar.

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-29

7. Creating the MegaCorp Unit Report

a. Create a copy of the MegaCorp Report Template.

Open the MegaCorp Report Template from Shared Data Case Study.

When prompted, click Change Data Source and select the MEGACORP table that
you loaded earlier.
Save the updated report.

Be sure to save a copy of the report template as you will use it later in the case study.
Create a copy of the report named MegaCorp Unit Report by selecting File Save As.
b. Specify data item properties and add report objects to the report canvas.

Change the name of Unit Yield (rate) to Yield and set the aggregation to Average.
Add a list table object to the report canvas with the following properties:

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-30 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Property Value

Column Facility City


Sort order Facility City Unit Year (descending)

Name Unit Detail

Title Unit Detail

Rename the section to Detail.

Create a new section and rename it to Summary.
Move the Summary section to the first position.

Hint: Click the section tab and drag to move it to a new location.
Click the Summary tab to make it the active section.
Add a drop-down list control to the canvas with the following properties:

Property Value

Filter Facility State

Name State Selector

Title Select a state (required):

Required <enabled>

Roles Display frequency percent

Add a list control to the right side of the drop-down list control with the following properties:

Property Value

Filter Facility City

Name City Selector

Title Select a city:

Roles Display frequency percent

Add a dial gauge to the bottom of the report canvas.
Add a second dial gauge to the bottom of the report canvas.

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-31

Add a thermometer gauge to the bottom of the report canvas.

Assign Unit as the category for all three gauges.
Assign Yield as the measure for the first dial, Reliability as the measure for the second dial, and
Age as the measure for the thermometer.
Specify the following properties for the first dial gauge:

Property Value

.7 - .75 Red (default color)

Display Rules .75 - .9 Yellow (default color)
.9 1 Green (default color)

A warning message in the

gauge object is expected.

Name Yield

Title Yield

Show range labels <cleared>

Maximum visuals 45

KPI skin Charcoal

Specify the following properties for the second dial gauge:

Property Value

Category Unit

Measure Reliability

Display Rules .84 - .88 Red (default color)

.88 - .9 Yellow (default color)
.9 1 Green (default color)

Name Reliability

Title Reliability

Show range <cleared>


Maximum 45

KPI skin Charcoal

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6-32 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Specify the following properties for the thermometer gauge:

Property Value

Category Unit

Measure Age

Display Rules Number of intervals: 1

Lower bounds: 0
Upper bounds: 4
Set the color to a medium blue.

Name Age

Title Age

Show range labels <cleared>

Maximum visuals 45

KPI skin Charcoal

The gauge layout and orientation are determined based on the window size, width of
the Left and Right panes, and your computer resolution. Interactions will be
established to limit the number of gauges that are displayed.

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-33

Establish interactions and links as indicated below:

State Selector filters City Selector.

City Selector filters Yield.
City Selector filters Reliability.
City Selector filters Age.
Yield links to the Detail section.
Reliability links to the Detail section.
Age links to the Detail section.
c. Test the interactions and links.
Select TX from the State Selector drop-down list.
Click the check boxes for Dallas and Houston
Double-click a gauge for the first unit, TOYGM0000007.

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6-34 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Click (Back to Summary or toggle section link filters) to return to the Summary

d. Save the report.

e. Open the MegaCorp Report template
Hint: Select File Recent MegaCorp Report Template.
8. Creating the MegaCorp Product Report

a. Create a copy of the current report.

Select File Save As.

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-35

Save the report as MegaCorp Product Report and store it in the Case Study folder.
b. Add report objects to the report canvas.
Add a list table object to the report canvas with the following properties:

Property Value

Column Product

Name Product Detail

Title Product Detail

Show totals <enabled>

Display Rules Expenses greater than profit

(Expressions) font color=white, background color=red
applies to Expenses
Profit < 0
font color=red
applies to Profit
Profit between 0 and 1,000,000
font color=yellow
applies to Profit
Profit greater than 1,000,000
font color= green
applies to Profit
Add a text object below the list table with the following properties:

Property Value

Text Legend: Expenses more than Profit

Profit: <0 0-1,000,000 >1,000,000

Font style

Set Expenses more than Profit to use white text

with a red background.
Set <0 to use red text.

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6-36 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Set 0-1,000,000 to use yellow text.

Set >1,000,000 to use green text.
Hint: Select the desired text first and then apply colors.
Set the Name and Title fields to Legend and apply
bold to the title.

c. Rename the current section to Detail.

d. Add a new report section named Summary and make it the first section of the report.
e. Add objects to the Summary section.
Add a text object to the canvas with the following properties:

Property Value

Text Use the check boxes below to select which year (or years) of data to
view. If no check boxes are selected, all years are included in the report.
Add a second text object to the right of the first text object with the following properties:

Property Value

Text Click a tile below to filter the expense gauges.

Add a list control object below the first text object with the following properties:

Property Value

Category Year

Name Year Selector

Allow multiple <enabled>


Roles Display frequency percent

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-37

Add a treemap to the canvas below the second text object.

Property Value

Tile Product

Size Expenses

Name Total Expenses

Title Total Expenses

Show legend <disabled>

Add a horizontal container to the bottom of the report.

Property Value

Name Expense Detail

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6-38 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Resize the report objects to resemble the following:

Add four dial gauges to the report. Place each dial gauge inside the horizontal container and
assign properties.
First dial gauge properties:

Property Value

Measure Expenses (capital)

Display Rules 5,000 37,500 light blue color

37,500 75,000 medium blue color
75,000 150,000 dark blue color

Name Capital

Title Capital

Width 30

Show range <cleared>


KPI skin Satin

Second dial gauge properties:

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-39

Property Value

Measure Expenses (material)

Display Rules 55,000 500,000 light blue color

500,000 1,000,000 medium blue color
1,000,000 2,000,000 dark blue color

Name Material

Title Material

Width 30

Show range labels <cleared>

KPI skin Satin

Third dial gauge properties:

Property Value

Measure Expenses (operational)

Display Rules 155,000 225,000 light blue color

225,000 450,000 medium blue color
450,000 900,000 dark blue color

Name Operational

Title Operational

Width 30

Show range labels <cleared>

KPI skin Satin

Fourth dial gauge properties:

Property Value

Measure Expenses (staffing)

Display 421,000 600,000 light blue color

600,000 1,200,000 medium blue color
1,200,000 2,400,000 dark blue color

Name Staffing

Title Staffing

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6-40 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Property Value

Width 30

Show <cleared>

KPI skin Satin

The container should resemble the following. The horizontal scroll bar is expected and enables
the content of the container to be wider than the container itself.

f. Establish interactions as indicated below:

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-41

Year selector filters Total Expenses.

Total Expenses filters Capital.
Total Expenses filters Materials.
Total Expenses filters Operational.
Total Expenses filters Staffing.
g. Add a text object and establish a link to the Detail section.

Property Value

Text Click here to view the Detail section.


Link Section link

Hint: Click Section: Detail

and select

h. Resize the report objects to resemble the following:

i. Test the interactions and link.

Click the 2000 check box in the list control object.
Click the Board tile in the treemap.
Click the Click here to view the Detail section link.
Return to the Summary section.

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6-42 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

j. Save the report.

k. Open the MegaCorp Report template.
9. Creating the MegaCorp Profitability Report

a. Create a copy of the current report.

Select File Save As.
Save the report as MegaCorp Profitability Report and store it in the Case Study folder.
b. Add a section prompt.

Property Value

Control Button Bar

Category Facility Region

Name Region Selector

Required <enabled>

Roles Remove frequency

c. Add report objects.

Add a text object to the report canvas with the following properties:

Property Value

Text INSTRUCTIONS: Click a region name above to filter the data.

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-43

Add a pie chart to the report below the text object with the following properties:

Property Value

Category Facility City

Measure Revenue

Name Revenue
Create Other slice <cleared>
for minimal values

Legend Box on the Right-click Facility City in the legend box on the report
report canvas canvas and select Sort Ascending.
Add a second pie chart to the report below the first pie chart with the following properties:

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6-44 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Property Value

Category Facility City

Measure Expenses

Name Expenses
Create Other slice <cleared>
for minimal values

Legend Box on the Right-click Facility City in the legend box on the report
report canvas canvas and select Sort Ascending.
Add a time series plot to the right side of the canvas with the following properties:

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6.1 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics 6-45

Property Value

Time Axis Year

Measure Profit

Name Profit by Year

Grouping Overlay Filled

Add a targeted bar chart to bottom of the report canvas with the following properties:

Property Value

Category Facility City

Measure Unit Yield (actual)

Target Unit Yield (target)

Name Unit Yield

Add a crosstab table to the left of the targeted bar chart with the following properties:

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6-46 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Property Value

Rows Facility City

Report Body (measures) Revenue


Name Facility Table

Indented <enabled>

Show column totals <enabled>

Resize the report objects to resemble the following:

d. Add interactions to the report.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-47

Revenue brushes Expenses.

Expense brushes Facility Table.
Facility Table brushes Unit Yield.
e. Test the interactions.
Click North on the button bar.
Click a pie slice for Cleveland.
f. Save the report.
g. Return to the Home Page and log off from SAS Visual Analytics.

6.2 Solutions to Exercises

1. Managing LASR Tables
a. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics using Christines credentials.
1) Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page.
3) Enter Christine in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.

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6-48 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

b. Select Manage Environment in the Common Actions section to access SAS Visual Analytics
c. Unload CustomerOrders and Product Analysis from the SAS LASR Analytic Server using the
LASR Tables tab.
1) Select CustomerOrders. The status indicates that the table is loaded into memory.

2) Click (Unload the selected table) on the toolbar.

3) Click Close when notified that that data was unloaded.

4) Select ProductAnalysis. The status indicates that the table is loaded into memory.

5) Click (Unload the selected table) on the toolbar.

6) Click Close when notified that that data was unloaded

d. Load the MEGACORP table from Shared Data/Source Data onto the SAS LASR Analytic
Server folder and modify the description to Loaded by your name.
1) In the navigation pane, expand the Shared Data folder.
2) Expand the Source Data folder.
3) Right-click the MEGACORP table and select Load a Table.
4) Enter Loaded by your name in the Description field.
5) Click Submit.
6) Click Close to close the message window.
e. Click Log Off in the upper right corner to log off from SAS Visual Analytics.
2. Logging On to the SAS Visual Analytics
1) Open Internet Explorer by selecting the Internet Explorer icon on the Windows taskbar or by
selecting Start All Programs Internet Explorer.
2) From the browser window, select Favorites SAS Visual Analytics Home Page. The SAS
Visual Analytics logon page appears.
3) Enter Eric in the User ID field.
4) Enter Student1 in the Password field.
5) Click Log On.
6) Click Recent in the My Content area to display the recent history.
7) Click Manage in the My Content area.
8) Select Options Clear Recent History.
9) Click Yes to confirm the removal of the recent items.
10) Click OK to close the Manage My Content window.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-49

3. Creating a New Exploration

a. Open the MegaCorp Exploration Template from Shared Data Case Study.
1) Click Browse in the My Content area.
2) If necessary, expand the Shared Data folder.
3) Select the Case Study folder.
4) Double-click MegaCorp Exploration Template to open it in the Explorer.
5) When prompted, click Change Data Source.
6) Select the MEGACORP table that you loaded earlier.
7) Click Change.
b. Select File Save the save the updated exploration.

Be sure to save a copy of the exploration template as you will use it later in the case
c. Create a copy of the current exploration.
1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, expand the Shared Data folder.
3) Select the Case Study folder.
4) Enter MegaCorp Exploration 1 in the Name field.
5) Click Save.
d. Create a new visualization.
1) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Facility Hierarchy
Unit Capacity
2) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.
The automatic chart functionality determines the best way to display the selected data and
creates a geo map visualization.

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6-50 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Depending on your resolution, window size, and map zoom level, your geo map
might show more detail than the one displayed above.
3) Modify the visualization properties.
a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Capacity by Facility in the Name field.
4) Use the hierarchy to navigate through the data.
a) Double-click the bubble for the West region (the leftmost bubble).
The map is updated to display the states in the West region.

b) Double-click the bubble for California.

The map is updated to display the three facilities in California.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-51

c) Move your mouse pointer over the smallest bubble to display more information.

Which facility in California has the lowest unit capacity?

Los Angeles
d) Click the All Facility Hierarchy box at the top of the visualization to return to the highest
level of the hierarchy.
5) Click on the visualization title bar to minimize the visualization.

e. Create a second visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click to change the visualization type to a bubble plot.

3) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Unit Capacity
Unit Yield (actual)
Unit Yield (rate)
Facility State
4) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.
5) If necessary, click the Roles tab in the Right pane.
6) Click next to the Animation role and select Date by Year

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6-52 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The visualization is updated.

7) Modify the visualization properties.

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Unit Analysis by State and Year in the Name field.
8) Click the bubble for TX, hold down the Ctrl key, and click the bubble for AL.
9) Click Play to run the animation.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-53

Which state has the largest unit yield (actual) and largest unit capacity of all time?
f. Save the exploration.
Select File Save.
g. Open the MegaCorp Exploration template.
1) Select File Recent MegaCorp Exploration Template.
4. Exploring the MEGACORP Data Source and Saving a Second Data Exploration
a. Create a copy of the current exploration.
1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, select the Case Study folder.
3) Enter MegaCorp Exploration 2 in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
b. Create a new visualization.
1) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Unit Age
Unit Reliability
2) Drag the selected data items to the workspace. The automatic chart functionality determines
the best way to display the selected data.

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6-54 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

3) Modify the visualization properties.

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Correlation of Unit Age and Reliability in the Name field.
4) Right-click in the visualization and select Fit Line Linear to apply advanced analytics.

5) Click next to Correlation to view information about the results.

What is the correlation value between Unit Reliability and Unit Age?

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-55

A correlation of -0.94 suggests that there is a strong linear relationship between Unit
Reliability and Unit Age.
a) Click on the visualization title bar to minimize the visualization.

c. Create a second visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Unit Age
3) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.
The updated visualization resembles the following:
4) Modify the visualization properties.
a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Type Correlation of Unit Age and Expenses in the Name field.
c) Enter 10 as the value of the Bin count field.
d) Press Enter.

Based on the analysis, are the majority of the units under or over five years?
There are many more data points for units under five years of age.
e) Click on the visualization title bar to minimize the visualization.

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6-56 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

d. Create a third visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Date by Month
Unit Reliability
Unit Yield (rate)
3) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.
4) Right-click Date by Year in the Data pane and select Add as Local Filter.
5) Drag the left slider in the Filters tab until the beginning year is 2007.

You can also type in the boxes to specify the beginning and ending values.

The updated visualization resembles the following:

6) Modify the visualization properties.

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Unit Yield 2007-2011 in the Name field.
7) Answer the following questions:
a) Drag the edges of the overview graph to include the largest values.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-57

Which month has the largest unit yield?

January 2007
b) Drag the edges of the overview graph to include the smallest values.

Which month has the smallest unit yield?

December 2009
e. Save the exploration.
Select File Save.
f. Open the MegaCorp Exploration template
Select File Recent MegaCorp Exploration Template.
5. Exploring the MEGACORP Data Source and Saving a Third Data Exploration

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6-58 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

a. Create a copy of the current exploration.

1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, select the Case Study folder.
3) Enter MegaCorp Exploration 3 in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
b. Create a new visualization.
1) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Facility Hierarchy
2) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.
The automatic chart functionality determines the best way to display the selected data.

3) Modify the visualization properties.

a) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Facility Profitability in the Name field.
4) Answer the following question.

Use the hierarchy to navigate through the data.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-59

a) Double-click one of the bars for the West region. You can also click the region name on
the axis.
The chart is updated to display the states in the West region.
b) Double-click one of the bars for California.
The chart is updated to display the three facilities in California.

Which facilities in California have expenses that are larger than revenue?
San Diego
c) Click the All Facility Hierarchy box at the top of the visualization to return to the highest
level of the hierarchy.
5) Click on the visualization title bar to minimize the visualization.

c. Create a second visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Product Hierarchy
3) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.
The automatic chart functionality determines the best way to display the selected data.

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6-60 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

4) Modify the visualization properties.

a) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Product Profitability in the Name field.
5) Answer the following question.

Use the hierarchy to navigate through the data.

a) Double-click one of the bars for the Toy category.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-61

Are there any toy product lines that have a negative profit?
Yes, Action Figures has a negative profit.
b) Click the All Product Hierarchy box at the top of the visualization to return to the top
level of the hierarchy.
6) Click on the visualization title bar to minimize the visualization.

d. Create a third visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Facility State
3) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.
The automatic chart functionality determines the best way to display the selected data.

4) Modify the visualization properties.

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Profit by State in the Name field.
c) Clear the Show map navigation control check box.
d) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.
e) Click Use Geo Map.
f) Select Regions as the value for the Map style field.

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6-62 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

5) Answer the following question.

Move your mouse pointer over the state with the green color.

Which state has the largest profit?

e. Save the exploration.
Select File Save.
f. Open the MegaCorp Exploration Template
Select File Recent MegaCorp Exploration Template.
6. Exploring the MEGACORP Data Source and Saving a Fourth Data Exploration
a. Create a copy of the current exploration.
1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, select the Case Study folder.
3) Enter MegaCorp Exploration 4 in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
b. Create a new visualization.

1) Click to set the visualization type to a line chart.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-63

2) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Date by Year
3) Drag the selected columns to the workspace.
4) Drag Product Line from the Data pane to the line chart.
5) Select Group.

6) Modify the visualization properties.

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Product Profit Analysis in the Name field.
7) Answer the following question.

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6-64 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Which two products have the largest profit?

Game, Promotional
8) Click on the visualization title bar to minimize the visualization.

c. Create a second visualization.

1) Click (New visualization) on the toolbar to create a new visualization.

2) Click on the toolbar to set the visualization type to a heat map.

3) Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the following data items:
Product Line
Facility Region
Unit Yield (actual)
4) Drag the selected data items to the workspace.
The visualization resembles the following:

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-65

5) Modify the visualization properties.

a) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
b) Enter Products by Region in the Name field.
c) Select White-Blue as the value for the Color gradient field.
6) Answer the following questions:
a) Move your mouse pointer over the darkest blue square to display the data tip values.

Which region produces the most action figures?

b) Chart tiles with no color indicate a lack of data values.

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6-66 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Which regions do not produce promotional items?

North and South
d. Save the exploration.
Select File Save.
e. Close the Explorer by clicking the X in the button on the application bar.

7. Creating the MegaCorp Unit Report

a. Create a copy of the MegaCorp Report Template.
1) Click Browse in the My Content area.
2) If necessary, expand the Shared Data folder.
3) Select the Case Study folder.
4) Double-click MegaCorp Report Template.
5) When prompted, click Change Data Source.
6) Select the MEGACORP table that you loaded earlier.
7) Click Change.
8) Select File Save.

Be sure to save a copy of the report template as you will use it later in the case study.
9) Select File Save As.
10) If necessary, select the Case Study folder.
11) Enter MegaCorp Unit Report in the Name field.
12) Click Save.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-67

b. Specify data item properties and add report objects to the report canvas.
1) Change data item properties.
a) Select Unit Yield (rate) in the Data tab.
b) Use the data items table to change the Name to Yield.
c) Use the data items table to change the Aggregation to Average.
2) Add a list table object.
a) Click the Objects tab in the Left pane.
b) Drag the List Table object from the Objects tab to the report canvas.
c) Click the Data tab in the Left pane.
d) Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following data items:
Facility City
e) Drag the selected items from the Data tab to the list table.
f) Click the Facility City column heading to sort the data in ascending order by city.
g) Hold down the Ctrl key and click the Unit column heading to sort the data in ascending
order by unit within city.
h) Hold down the Ctrl key and click the Year column heading to sort the data in ascending
order by year within unit within city.
i) Hold down the Ctrl key and click the Year column heading again to sort in descending
j) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
k) Enter Unit Detail in the Name field.
l) Enter Unit Detail in the Title field.
The report object resembles the following:

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6-68 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

3) Rename the current section to Detail.

a) Right-click the Section 1 tab and select Rename.
b) Type Detail.
c) Press the Enter key to lock in the value.
4) Create a new report section named Summary and make it the first section of the report.

a) Click (Add a new section).

b) Right-click the Section 1 tab and select Rename.

c) Type Summary.
d) Press the Enter key to lock in the value.
e) Click the Summary tab and drag it until the drop zone appears to the left of the Detail

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-69

Selecting the report in the selector on the Properties tab provides an alternate
method for managing report sections.

5) Add a drop-down list control.

a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Drop-Down List control object from the Objects tab to the report canvas.
c) Click the Data tab to make it active.
d) Drag Facility State from the Data tab to the drop-down list control object.
e) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
f) Enter State Selector in the Name field.
g) Enter Select a state (required): in the Title field.
h) Click the Required check box.
i) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

j) Click (Edit selection) next to the Frequency field and select Replace Frequency
Frequency Percent.
6) Add a list control object.
a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the List control object from the Objects tab to the right of the drop-down list control.
c) Click the Data tab to make it active.
d) Drag Facility City from the Data tab to the list object.
e) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
f) Enter City Selector in the Name field.

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6-70 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

g) Enter Select a city: in the Title field.

h) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

i) Click (Edit selection) next to the Frequency field and select Replace Frequency
Frequency Percent.
7) Add three gauges to the canvas.
a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Dial gauge object from the Objects tab to the bottom of the report canvas.
c) Drag a second Dial gauge object from the Objects tab to the bottom of the report canvas.
d) Drag a Thermometer gauge object from the Objects tab to the bottom of the report
e) Click the Data tab to make it active.
f) Drag Unit from the Data tab onto the first dial gauge.
g) Drag Unit from the Data tab onto the second dial gauge.
h) Drag Unit from the Data tab onto the thermometer gauge.
i) Drag Yield from the Data tab onto the first dial gauge.
j) Drag Reliability from the Data tab onto the second dial gauge.
k) Drag Age from the Data tab onto the thermometer gauge.
l) Create a display rule and set the properties and styles for the first dial gauge.
(1) Click the first gauge to make it the active object.
(2) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter .7 as the beginning value for the first rule.
(ii) Enter e .75 as the ending value for the first rule.
(iii) Enter .9 as the ending value for the second rule.
(iv) Enter 1 as the ending value for the third rule.
(v) Press Enter.

A warning icon is displayed in the bottom right corner of the report object.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-71

(3) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

(i) Enter Yield in the Name field.
(ii) Enter Yield in the Title field.
(iii) Clear the Show range labels check box.
(iv) Enter 45 in the Maximum visuals field.
(4) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
Select Charcoal as the value for the KPI skin field.
The dial gauge resembles the following. Interactions will be established to limit the
number of gauges that are displayed.

The gauge layout and orientation are determined based on the window size,
width of the Left and Right panes, and your computer resolution.
m) Create a display rule and set the properties and styles for the second dial gauge.
(1) Click the second gauge to make it the active object.
(2) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter .84 as the beginning value for the first rule.
(ii) Enter .88 as the ending value for the first rule.
(iii) Enter .9 as the ending value for the second rule.
(iv) Enter 1 as the ending value for the third rule.
(v) Press Enter.
(3) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter Reliability in the Name field.
(ii) Enter e Reliability in the Title field.
(iii) Clear the Show range labels check box.
(iv) Enter 45 in the Maximum visuals field.
(4) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.

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6-72 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Select Charcoal as the value for the KPI skin field.

n) Create a display rule and set the properties and styles for the thermometer gauge.
(1) Click the third gauge to make it the active object.
(2) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter 1 as the value for the Number of internals field.
(ii) Enter 0 as the value for the Lower bounds field.
(iii) Enter 4 as the value for the Upper bounds field.
(iv) Click the color selector and select a medium blue color.
(3) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter e Age in the Name field.
(ii) Enter Age in the Title field.
(iii) Clear the Show range labels check box.
(iv) Enter 45 in the Maximum visuals field.
(4) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
Select Charcoal for the KPI skin field.
8) Establish interactions and links between the report objects.
a) Select View Show Interactions.
b) Move the mouse pointer over the State Selector object until you see the pencil icon.
c) Click and drag your mouse to the City Selector object to establish a filter interaction.
d) Move the mouse pointer over the City Selector object until you see the pencil icon.
e) Click and drag your mouse to the Yield object to establish a filter interaction.
f) Move the mouse pointer over the City Selector object until you see the pencil icon.
g) Click and drag your mouse to the Reliability object to establish a filter interaction.
h) Move the mouse pointer over the City Selector object until you see the pencil icon.
i) Click and drag your mouse to the Age object to establish a filter interaction.
j) Move the mouse pointer over the Yield object until you see the pencil icon.
k) Click and drag your mouse to the Detail section to establish a link.
l) Move the mouse pointer over the Reliability object until you see the pencil icon.
m) Click and drag your mouse to the Detail section to establish a link.
n) Move the mouse pointer over the Age object until you see the pencil icon.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-73

o) Click and drag your mouse to the Detail section to establish a link.
The interactions view should resemble the following:

p) Click Close to close the Interactions view.

9) Resize the report objects to resemble the following:

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6-74 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

c. Test the interactions and links.

1) Select TX from the State Selector drop-down list.
Because of the interactions, the other report object values should change based on the
2) Click the check boxes for Dallas and Houston.
Only four visuals are displayed in each object.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-75

3) Double-click a gauge for the first unit, TOYGM0000007.

The Detail section should be displayed and filtered to show values for only the selected unit.

4) Click (Back to Summary or toggle section link filters) to return to the Summary
d. Save the report.
Select File Save.
e. Open the MegaCorp Report template.
Select File Recent MegaCorp Report Template.
8. Creating the MegaCorp Product Report
a. Create a copy of the current report.
1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, select the Case Study folder.
3) Enter MegaCorp Product Report in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
b. Add report objects to the report canvas.
1) Add a list table object.
a) If necessary, click the Objects tab in the Left pane to make it active.
b) Drag the List Table object from the Objects tab to the report canvas.
c) Click the Data tab in the Left pane to make it active.
d) Hold down the Ctrl key and select the following data items:

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6-76 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

e) Drag the selected items from the Data tab to the list table.
f) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
g) Enter Product Detail in the Name field.
h) Enter Product Detail in the Title field.
i) Click the Show totals check box.
j) If necessary, resize the columns to view the totals.

k) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.

(1) Click New to define a new display rule.
(i) Select Expression.
(ii) Verify that Expenses is selected for the Column field.
(iii) Verify that > (greater than) is selected for the Operator field.
(iv) Select Profit for the Value field.

(v) Click (Select a font color) and select a white color.

(vi) Click (Select a background color) and select a red color.

(vii) Verify that Expenses is selected as the value for the Applies to field.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-77

(viii) Click OK to close the Add New Display Rule window. The table is updated.
(2) Click New to define another new rule.
(i) Select Expression.
(ii) Select Profit for the Column field.
(iii) Select < (less than) for the Operator field.
(iv) Enter 0 in the Value field.

(v) Click to bold the value.

(vi) Click (Select a font color) and select a red color.

(vii) Select Profit as the value for the Applies to field.

(viii) Click OK to close the Add New Display Rule window.

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6-78 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

(3) Click New to define another new rule.

(i) Select Expression.
(ii) Select Profit for the Column field.
(iii) Select BetweenInclusive for the Operator field.
(iv) Verify that 0 is selected for the Min field.
(v) Enter 1,000,000 in the Max field.

(vi) Click to bold the value.

(vii) Click (Select a font color) and select a yellow color.

(viii) Select Profit for the Applies to field.

(ix) Click OK to close the Add New Display Rule window.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-79

(4) Click New to define another new rule.

(i) Select Expression.
(ii) Select Profit for the Column field.
(iii) Verify that > (greater than) is selected for the Operator field.
(iv) Enter 1,000,000 in the Value field.

(v) Click to bold the value.

(vi) Click (Select a font color) and select a green color.

(vii) Select Profit for the Applies to field.

(viii) Click OK to close the Add New Display Rule window.

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6-80 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

The list table should resemble the following:

2) Add a text object.

a) Click the Objects tab in the Left pane to make it active.
b) Drag the Text object from the Objects tab below the list table.
c) Enter the following (on two lines):

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-81

Expenses more than Profit

Profit: <0 0-1,000,000 >1,000,000

d) Highlight all of the text and click to set the bold style.

e) Highlight all of the text and set the size to 12.

f) Highlight Expenses more than Profit.

g) Click (Select a font color) and select a white color.

h) Click (Select a background color) and select a red color.

i) Highlight <0.

j) Click (Select a font color) and select a red color.

k) Highlight 0-1,000,000.

l) Click (Select a font color) and select a yellow color.

m) Highlight >1,000,000.

n) Click (Select a font color) and select a green color.

o) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

p) Type Legend as the value for the Name field.
q) Type Legend as the value for the Title field.

r) Click to set the bold style.

The text object should resemble the following:

3) Resize the report objects so that the text object takes up the least amount of space.
c. Rename the current section to Detail.
1) Right-click the Section 1 tab and select Rename.
2) Type Detail.
3) Press the Enter key to lock in the value.
d. Add a new report section named Summary and make it the first section of the report.

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6-82 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

1) Click (Add a new section).

2) Right-click the Section 1 tab and select Rename.

3) Type Summary.
4) Press the Enter key to lock in the value.
5) Click the Summary tab and drag it until the drop zone appears to the left of the Detail section.

e. Add objects to the Summary section.

1) Add a text object.
a) Drag the Text object from the Objects tab to the report canvas.
b) Enter Use the check boxes below to select which year(s) of data to view. If no check
boxes are selected, all years are included in the report..
2) Add a second text object.
a) Drag the Text object from the Objects tab to the right of the first text object.
b) Enter Click a tile below to filter the expense gauges..

3) Add a list control object to the report.

a) Drag the List object from the Objects tab below the first text object.
b) Click the Data tab to make it active.
c) Drag Year from the Data tab to the list control.
d) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(1) Enter Year Selector in the Name field.
(2) Verify that the Allow multiple selections check box is selected.
e) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

Click (Edit selection) next the Frequency field and select Replace Frequency
Frequency Percent.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-83

4) Add a treemap to the report.

a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Treemap object from the Objects tab below the second text object.
c) Click the Data tab to make it active.
d) Drag Product from the Data tab onto the treemap.
e) Drag Expenses from the Data tab onto to treemap.
f) Select Size.
g) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(1) Enter Total Expenses in the Name field.
(2) Enter Total Expenses in the Title field.
(3) Clear the Show legend check box.

5) Add a horizontal container to the report.

a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Horizontal Container object from the Objects tab to the bottom of the report.
c) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.

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6-84 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

d) Enter Expense Detail in the Name field.

6) Resize the report objects to resemble the following:

7) Add four dial gauges to the report.

a) Drag a Dial gauge object from the Objects tab to the horizontal container.
b) Drag a second Dial gauge object from the Objects tab to the horizontal container.
c) Drag a third Dial gauge object from the Objects tab to the horizontal container.
d) Drag a fourth Dial gauge object from the Objects tab to the horizontal container.
e) Click the Data tab to make it active.
f) Drag Expenses (capital) from the Data tab to the first dial gauge and drop it onto the
Measure drop zone.
g) Drag Expenses (material) from the Data tab to the second dial gauge and drop it onto the
Measure drop zone.
h) Drag Expenses (operational) from the Data tab to the third dial gauge and drop it onto
the Measure drop zone.
i) Drag Expenses (staffing) from the Data tab to the fourth dial gauge and drop it onto the
Measure drop zone.
j) Click the first dial gauge to select it.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-85

(1) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.

(i) Enter 5,000 as the beginning value for the first rule.
(ii) Enter 37,500 as the ending value for the first rule.
(iii) Enter 75,000 as the ending value for the second rule.
(iv) Enter 150,000 as the ending value for the third rule.
(v) Click the color selector for the first rule and select a light blue color.
(vi) Click the color selector for the second rule and select a medium blue color.
(vii) Click the color selector for the third rule and select a dark blue color.
(2) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter Capital in the Name field.
(ii) Enter Capital in the Title field.
(iii) Verify that 30 is selected for the Width field.
(iv) Clear the Show range labels check box.
(3) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
Select Satin as the value for the KPI skin field.
k) Click the second dial gauge to select it.
(1) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter 55,000 as the beginning value for the first rule.
(ii) Enter 500,000 as the ending value for the first rule.
(iii) Enter 1,000,000 as the ending value for the second rule.
(iv) Enter 2,000,000 as the ending value for the third rule.
(v) Click the color selector for the first rule and select a light blue color.
(vi) Click the color selector for the second rule and select a medium blue color.
(vii) Click the color selector for the third rule and select a dark blue color.
(2) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter Material in the Name field.
(ii) Enter Material in the Title field.
(iii) Verify that 30 is selected for the Width field.
(iv) Clear the Show range labels check box.

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6-86 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

(3) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.

Select Satin as the value for the KPI skin field.
l) Click the third dial to select it.
(1) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter 155,000 as the beginning value for the first rule.
(ii) Enter 225,000 as the ending value for the first rule.
(iii) Enter 450,000 as the ending value for the second rule.
(iv) Enter 900,000 as the ending value for the third rule.
(v) Click the color selector for the first rule and select a light blue color.
(vi) Click the color selector for the second rule and select a medium blue color.
(vii) Click the color selector for the third rule and select a dark blue color.
(2) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter Operational in the Name field.
(ii) Enter Operational in the Title field.
(iii) Verify that 30 is selected for the Width field.
(iv) Clear the Show range labels check box.
(3) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
Select Satin as the value for the KPI skin field.
m) Click the fourth dial gauge to select it.
(1) Click the Display Rules tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter 421,000 as the beginning value for the first rule.
(ii) Enter 600,000 as the ending value for the first rule.
(iii) Enter 1,200,000 as the ending value for the second rule.
(iv) Enter 2,400,000 as the ending value for the third rule.
(v) Click the color selector for the first rule and select a light blue color.
(vi) Click the color selector for the second rule and select a medium blue color.
(vii) Click the color selector for the third rule and select a dark blue color.
(2) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(i) Enter Staffing in the Name field.
(ii) Enter Staffing in the Title field.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-87

(iii) Verify that 30 is selected for the Width field.

(iv) Clear the Show range labels check box.
(3) Click the Styles tab in the Right pane.
Select Satin as the value for the KPI skin field.
The container should resemble the following. The horizontal scroll bar is expected and
enables the content of the container to be wider than the container itself.

f. Establish interactions between the report objects.

1) Select View Show Interactions.
2) Move the mouse pointer over the Year Selector object until you see the pencil icon.
3) Click and drag your mouse to the Total Expenses object to establish a filter interaction.
4) Move the mouse pointer over the Total Expenses object until you see the pencil icon.
5) Click and drag your mouse to the Capital object to establish a filter interaction.
6) Move the mouse pointer over the Total Expenses object until you see the pencil icon.
7) Click and drag your mouse to the Material object to establish a filter interaction.
8) Move the mouse pointer over the Total Expenses object until you see the pencil icon.
9) Click and drag your mouse to the Operational object to establish a filter interaction.
10) Move the mouse pointer over the Total Expenses object until you see the pencil icon.
11) Click and drag your mouse to the Staffing object to establish a filter interaction.
The interactions view should resemble the following:

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6-88 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

12) Click Close to close the Interactions view.

g. Add a text object and link it to the Detail section.
1) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
2) Drag the Text object from the Objects tab below the list control object.
3) Enter Click here to view the Detail section.
4) Highlight all of the text.

5) Click to Bold the text.

6) Click and select Hyperlink.

7) Select Section link for the Type field.

8) Select Detail.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-89

9) Click OK.
h. Resize the report objects to resemble the following:

i. Test the interactions and link.

1) Click the 2000 check box in the list control object.
The treemap and gauges are updated.
2) Click the Board tile in the treemap.
The gauges are updated.

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6-90 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

3) Click the Click here to view the Detail section link.

The Detail section is displayed.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-91

4) Click (Back to Summary or toggle section link filters) to return to the Summary
j. Save the report.
Select File Save.
k. Open the MegaCorp Report template.
Select File Recent MegaCorp Report Template.
9. Creating the MegaCorp Profitability Report
a. Create a copy of the current report.
1) Select File Save As.
2) If necessary, select the Case Study folder.
3) Enter MegaCorp Profitability Report in the Name field.
4) Click Save.
b. Add a section prompt.

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6-92 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

1) If necessary, click the Objects tab to make it active.

2) Drag the Button Bar control object from the Objects tab to the Drop controls her to create a
section prompt area at the top of the report canvas.
3) Click the Data tab to make it active.
4) Drag Facility Region from the Data tab onto the button bar.
5) If necessary, click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
a) Enter Region Selector in the Name field.
b) Click the Required check box.
c) Click the Roles tab in the Right pane.

d) Click (Edit selection) next the Frequency field and select Remove Frequency.
e) Click Yes when prompted to remove the data assignment.

c. Add report objects.

1) Add a text object.
a) If necessary, click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Text object from the Objects tab onto the report canvas.
c) Enter INSTRUCTIONS: Click a region name above to filter the data..
2) Add a pie chart to the canvas.
a) Drag the Pie Chart object from the Objects tab below the text object.
b) Click the Data tab to make it active.
c) Drag Facility City from the Data tab onto the pie chart.
d) Drag Revenue from the Data tab onto to pie chart.
e) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(1) Enter Revenue in the Name field.
(2) Clear the Create Other slice for minimal values check box.
(3) Select the right-middle location for the legend placement:

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-93

(4) Right-click Facility City in the legend box on the report canvas.
(5) Select Sort Ascending.

3) Add a second pie chart to the canvas.

a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Pie Chart object from the Objects tab below the first pie chart.
c) Click the Data tab to make it active.
d) Drag Facility City from the Data tab onto the pie chart.
e) Drag Expenses from the Data tab onto to pie chart.
f) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
(1) Enter Expenses in the Name field.
(2) Clear the Create Other slice for minimal values check box.
(3) Select the right-middle location for the legend placement:
(4) Right-click Facility City in the legend box on the report canvas.
(5) Select Sort Ascending.

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6-94 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

4) Add a time series plot to the report canvas.

a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Time Series Plot object from the Objects tab to the right side of the canvas.
c) Click the Data tab to make it active.
d) Drag Year from the Data tab onto the time series plot.
e) Select Time axis.
f) Drag Profit from the Data tab onto the time series plot.
g) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
h) Enter Profit by Year in the Name field.
i) Select Overlay Filled for the Grouping style field.

5) Add a targeted bar chart to the report canvas.

a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Targeted Bar Chart object from the Objects tab to the bottom of the canvas.

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6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-95

c) Click the Data tab to make it active.

d) Drag Facility City from the Data tab onto the targeted bar chart.
e) Drag Unit Yield (actual) from the Data tab onto to targeted bar chart and select Measure.
f) Drag Unit Yield (target) from the Data tab onto to targeted bar chart and select Target.
g) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
h) Enter Unit Yield in the Name field.

6) Add a Crosstab table to the canvas.

a) Click the Objects tab to make it active.
b) Drag the Crosstab object from the Objects tab to the left of the targeted bar chart.
c) Click the Data tab to make it active.
d) Drag Facility City from the Data tab onto the crosstab in the rows area.
e) Drag Revenue from the Data tab onto to report body section of the crosstab.
f) Drag Expenses from the Data tab to the right side of the report body section of the
g) Drag Profit from the Data tab to the right side of the report body section of the crosstab.
h) Click the Properties tab in the Right pane.
i) Enter Facility Table in the Name field.
j) Click the Indented check box.
k) Click the Show column totals check box.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-96 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

7) Resize the report objects to resemble the following:

d. Add interactions to the report.

1) Select View Show Interactions.
2) Move the mouse pointer over the Revenue object until you see the pencil icon.
3) Click and drag the mouse pointer to the Expenses object to establish a filter interaction.
4) Right-click the interaction icon and select Interaction Type Brush.
5) Move the mouse pointer over the Expenses object until you see the pencil icon.
6) Click and drag the mouse pointer to the Facility Table object to establish a filter interaction.
7) Right-click the interaction icon and select Interaction Type Brush.
8) Move the mouse pointer over the Facility Table object until you see the pencil icon.
9) Click and drag the mouse pointer to the Unit Yield object to establish a filter interaction.
10) Right-click the interaction icon and select Interaction Type Brush.
The interactions view should resemble the following:

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6.2 Solutions to Exercises 6-97

11) Click Close to close the Interactions view.

e. Test the interactions.
1) Click North on the button bar.
All of the report object values should change based on the interactions.
2) Click a pie slice for Cleveland.
Cleveland becomes selected in the other pie chart, the crosstab, and the targeted bar chart.
f. Save the report.
Select File Save.
g. Click Log Off to log off from Visual Analytics.

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
6-98 Chapter 6 Case Study: Creating Analyses and Reports with SAS Visual Analytics

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Chapter 7 Learning More

7.1 SAS Resources ............................................................................................................... 7-3

7.2 Beyond This Course ....................................................................................................... 7-6

7-2 Chapter 7 Learning More

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7.1 SAS Resources 7-3

7.1 SAS Resources

Identify areas of support that SAS offers.
List additional resources.


SAS Education provides comprehensive training to
deliver greater value to your organization.
more than 200 course offerings

world-class instructors

multiple delivery methods: instructor-led

and self-paced
training centers around the world

4 http://support.sas.com/training

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7-4 Chapter 7 Learning More

SAS Publications offers a complete selection of
publications, including

hard-copy books

books written by outside authors.

5 http://support.sas.com/publishing

SAS Global Certification Program

SAS offers several globally recognized certifications.
certification exams
typically 60-70 questions
and 2-3 hours in length
preparation materials and
practice exams available
worldwide directory of
SAS Certified Professionals

6 http://support.sas.com/certify

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7.1 SAS Resources 7-5

Customer Support
SAS provides a variety of self-help and assisted-help
SAS Knowledge Base

downloads and hot fixes

license assistance

SAS discussion forums

SAS Technical Support

7 http://support.sas.com/techsup

User Groups
SAS supports many local, regional, international,
and special-interest SAS user groups.
SAS Global Forum

online SAS community:


8 http://support.sas.com/usergroups

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7-6 Chapter 7 Learning More

7.2 Beyond This Course

Introduce the different types of SAS training.
Identify where to find the current classroom training
and e-learning.
List the training paths used by SAS Education for
grouping SAS platform training.
Identify additional learning opportunities that follow
this course.


Education (Review)
SAS Education provides comprehensive training to
deliver greater value to your organization.
more than 200 course offerings

world-class instructors

multiple delivery methods: instructor-led

and self-paced
training centers around the world

12 http://support.sas.com/training

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7.2 Beyond This Course 7-7

Several Flavors of SAS Training

SAS Education provides a variety of training formats
designed to satisfy your learning style, including the

Live Web




13 http://support.sas.com/training/options

Classroom Training and e-Learning

SAS Education provides classroom training on all aspects
of the SAS System. Classroom training can be delivered
in our training centers, in our Live Web classroom, and
even at your site.

Training offerings are organized by technology-based

learning paths.

14 http://support.sas.com/training/us/paths

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7-8 Chapter 7 Learning More

SAS e-Learning provides award-winning training when
and where you need it.

15 http://support.sas.com/elearn

SAS Platform Training Paths

SAS Education training paths are used to organize
training by similar functionality based on common job

The training paths for the

SAS platform include Intelligence
the following:
Administration Data
Data Management

Business Intelligence



Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7.2 Beyond This Course 7-9

Administration Training
The SAS Administration training path is divided into three
SAS Platform Training for those who install, configure,
administer, and maintain the platform for
SAS Business Analytics
Application/ Training on administration of specific
Technology Area SAS applications and technology areas
Solutions Training for those who install, configure,
administer, and maintain SAS solutions


Data Management Training

The SAS Data Management training path is divided into
two categories:
Data Integration Training for those who use SAS applications to
collect, store, and cleanse data required for
reporting and analysis
Data Quality Training for those who profile data for
inconsistencies, apply various data-cleansing
techniques, and monitor data to ensure it is
usable for reporting and analysis


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7-10 Chapter 7 Learning More

Business Intelligence Training

The SAS Business Intelligence training path is divided
by application and technology area:
SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence

SAS Office Analytics

SAS Visual Analytics

19 continued...

Business Intelligence Training

The SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence offering is
subdivided into the following categories:
Getting Started Training for people who are just getting started
with SAS Business Intelligence or those who
need only an overview
Information Training for people who primarily use SAS
Consumers point-and-click applications to access existing
information as well as create their own reports
and analyses
Power Users Training for people who understand their
organizations data and create dashboards,
information maps, and stored processes


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7.2 Beyond This Course 7-11

Additional Training Categories

In addition to SAS platform training, courses are available
in the following areas:
Advanced Analytics

SAS Foundation

SAS Solutions

Visit http://support.sas.com/training/us/paths to view all of

the courses that are available to meet your training needs.


Next Steps
After this course, you have access to extended learning
resources, including the following:
an electronic copy of the course notes

links to technical papers

links to SAS Publishing documentation and books

links to white papers, SAS Global Forum papers,

and much more


Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
7-12 Chapter 7 Learning More

Copyright 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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