Alpen Bank Case Study
Alpen Bank Case Study
Alpen Bank Case Study
business for the wealthy client. It had over 200,000 customers in a country of 7.7 million
households. However, there is hesitation over the years in launching credit cards because of
and the populations inexperience with consumer credit. Gregory Carle, Alpen banks country
manager, believed that it is time to reconsider because credit card business would be an
economic growth and rising incomes, particularly among the emerging middle and upper-
middle class, had dramatically increased total disposable income. In this case study, Carle has
to make recommendation to his boss, Richard Tschrumperlin, on whether Alpen bank should
enter credit card market in Romania and define target consumers, i.e., consumers with an
annual income of at least 3,000 or 4,500. We believe Carle should proceed with the
proposal to launch a new credit card catered for affluent customers whose annual incomes are
at least 4,500. Our recommendation is derived from both qualitative considerations of the
Romanian credit card market and quantitative analysis of possibility to generate 5 Million
Based on quantitative analysis, Carle should choose option-2, i.e., launch credit card
among consumers with an annual income of at least 4,500. It shall generate the profit of
5.16 Million in 2 years and meet profit target of 5 million (see Exhibit I). In contrast,
option-1 will cause loss by about 950,000 (see Exhibit E). The profit result is obtained by
calculating the expected yearly revenue per cardholder. The yearly revenue can be calculated
by assuming that the proportion of new customers is the normalized proportion of the total
population. This gives us yearly revenue of 163.31 (see Exhibit F) per cardholder if
targeting affluent customers. This is higher than the expected revenue from including middle
class customers, which is 122.78 (see Exhibit B). Additionally, average cost of acquisition
for the affluent customers turns out to be cheaper at 18.31 (see Exhibit G), compared to the
cost for obtaining middle class customers which is at 18.70 (see Exhibit C). The difference
in acquisition cost can be accounted to lower utilization of direct mail marketing for
acquiring affluent customers, since the direct mail marketing is most expensive among the 5
direct marketing channels. Lastly, taking into account the fixed costs of infrastructure and
advertising, net profit for targeting affluent customer will net us 5.16 Million (see Exhibit I).
This profit could be more if Carl is more selective of the marketing channels by reducing the
Direct mail and growing the Branch Cross-Sell together with more branch openings.
The evaluation to choose option-2 (than option-1 or option-3) from quantitative data
is strongly supported by some qualitative analysis. From company perspective, credit card
business would be an important growth for company as it will generate more revenue to the
bank by interchange revenue, charging annual fees, penalty fees and interest income.
Targeting affluent consumers is in line with company brand image to serve premium
customers. Alpen Banks existing customer base is 200,000 affluent clienteles, thus to
maintain the premium position in the market, Alpen Bank should introduce the premium
credit card targeted for the affluent customers. The credit card offer would complement Alpen
Bank existing core business to provide banking services for the wealthy customer.
The other reason that Alpen bank should enter credit card market for affluent
customer is because the rapid economic growth and rising incomes for the first half of the
people. The Credit card market in Romania is still under penetrated. There are 18.6 Million
adults with 27.9% of them in the affluent segment. This translates as 5.2 affluent adults but
only 1.7 Million credit cards are in circulation. This means the untapped 3.5 million potential
customers. This is a good opportunity for Alpen Bank, coupled with improving economic
condition, to generate growing demand for new credit cards from the affluent segment.
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In addition to that, the merchants which accepted credit card payments were also
growing as the infrastructure were rapidly developing. By 2006, Romania had approximately
150,000 point-of-sale terminals for card transactions, which was positive indicator for Alpen
bank to start entering the market as credit card industry was growing. Collaboration with
MasterCard/Visa to issue the credit card would help to complement Alpen bank service for its
From consumer perspective, previous study suggested that there was growing desire
to purchase luxury goods and import branded goods, especially the active professionals who
were conscious about their image and sought goods to match their status. This is an
opportunity for Alpen Bank to introduce its premium credit card, especially catered for the
affluent, as the preferred card with merchants of luxury goods. The credit card could also be
marketed as a source of short term loan to purchase these luxury goods. The affluent
segments were also less price sensitive and tended to perform payment using cards instead of
cash. Moreover, the churn rate is low and consumers are less likely to switch to another credit
From competitor perspective, there are no direct competitors which provide service
for the affluent segment only, as most of the banks are offering credit cards in tiered
credit card for middle class customers is relatively low. This coupled with the tendency of
this segment to make price-driven purchases, presents a risk of underutilization and low
tickets, resulting in lower interchange and interest revenue for the bank. Moreover, there is a
risk of distraction in the Alpen banks brand image in existing affluent market by targeting the
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middle class. As such, in line with our recommendation, it is not recommended to introduce
the new credit card into the middle class segment and that Alpen Bank should position its
On the negative side, Alpen bank has to manage some risks associated with launching
the credit card. For example, the customers are inexperience to manage the credit limit and
they may fail to pay off full balance and become the resolver customers who use the credit
card limit for refinancing. The benefit from the resolver has to be managed against the risk
In conclusion, option-2 is the most favorable option compare to option-1 and option-
3, from quantitative and qualitative analysis. Alpen bank should enter Romanian credit card
market, targeting affluent customers segment whose annual incomes are at least 4,500 in
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