Worlwide Accounting Diversity
Worlwide Accounting Diversity
Worlwide Accounting Diversity
In todays scenario accounting is not only a systematic process of recording and reporting of financial information, if we think so then it will be a wrong notion.
With the drastic reforms in international markets, emergence of large number of MNCs, expansion of Accounting bodies and various other environmental factors.
Most accountants and financial executives at international level are realizing the diversity and complexities in accounting policies, practices and procedures. This
paper broadly examines the important factors which has a huge impact on the development of international accounting.
accounting, diversity, environmental factors.
A nations accounting policies, practices and procedures is affected by a variety of economic, socio cultural, political, legal and many other environmental
factors, so it is highly unlikely for the influential factors of any two countries to be exactly the same. Nations accounting principles and practices are the
product of complex interaction of above environmental factors. It is unlikely that mix is identical in any two countries or more and therefore diversity is to
be expected at global level. In other words, Accounting is influenced by various environmental variables, but at the same time, it is one of the factors affecting on
this same environment. This is a fact that points to the interdependency of accounting and its environment.
FREDERICK D. S CHOI (1991) concluded that investors and participants in the international capital market perceive accounting diversity as a major problem that
affects the capital market decisions.The paper concluded the two main factors Firstly; differences in the accounting practices may affect the security valuation and
the composition of international portfolios. Secondly, this paper described as effective ways of tiding over accounting diversity and its impact on international cap-
ital markets.
PETER JOOD & MARK LANG (1994) investigated the diversity in the accounting practices of France, Germany and United Kingdom. This paper concluded the
various factors. Firstly, the paper has explored the significant differences between ratio analysis and financial market valuation. Secondly, it also provides prelim-
inary evidence on the effects of the (EU) European Union directives on accounting measurement differences.
SUSANA & JOSE A LAINEZ (2000) explored out that existence of diversity in accounting principles and accounting system has significant consequences for the
interpretation of financial reporting in global arena and, therefore, for the decisions which may be taken on the basis of the interpretation drawn from an analysis
of such accounting information. The paper concluded the two main factors. Firstly, accounting diversity can be considered as a prime obstacle for the international
comparability of financial reporting. Secondly, the paper has found the important differences in the situation of companies i.e. liquidity, solvency and profitability
etc under different accounting principles
HASSAN R. HASSABELNABY, RUTH W. EPPS AND AMAL A. SAID (2003) found that the impact of environmental variables on the development of accounting. Four
environmental variables are used to explain the variation observed over time in accounting diversity and development. These factors were the economic environ-
ment, the political environment, the development of the stock market, and privatization of state owned corporations. The paper concluded the two main factors.
Firstly, the impact of the environmental variables on accounting development changes over time reflecting the different stages of democracy and economic reform.
Secondly, it provides international investors and researchers with an in depth understanding of the dominating environmental variables that affect accounting in
global arena.
LOANA MARIA DRAGU (2010) found that the global accounting conceptual framework and standards still continue to represent a mission for international ac-
counting bodies like (IASB) international accounting standard board and (FASB) financial accounting standard board, being far from the stage of practical imple-
mentation. Both accounting bodies are witnessing the diversity and complexities in reation to accounting system in global arena. Thus, harmonizing both national
and international accounting regulations is necessary so that it would be in accordance with companies interest.
ADELA DEACONU & ANUTA BUIGA (2011) witnessed the diversity between accounting systems of Continental-European type and Anglo-Saxon type respectively.
The paper concluded the two main factors. Firstly, the paper examines the relevance of the criterion in the historic context. Secondly, it studies the whole frame-
work comprising economical, social, legal and political variables and their impact on accounting diversity.
JOEL BRANSON & MUIZ JAMIL (2011) observed that the main factors for diversity in accounting practices, policies and procedures and to better understand how
accounting differences have a huge impact on accounting harmonization. The paper concluded the two main factors. Firstly, it strengthens the awareness of the
existence of the causes for accounting diversity. It is important to understand the current complexities and difficulties of the drive towards international accounting
harmonization. Secondly, the in-depth analysis of the environmental variables that are considered most influential in causing accounting diversity.
This paper is totally based upon empirical studies and data. The data used in the study is primary as well as secondary. Primary data has been collected on the
basis of personal interactions with experts, academicians and the learned persons. On the contrary, secondary data is collected by reviewing various authentic
research papers from online databases of peer reviewed, journals, official websites, books, professional magazines and newspapers.
Research literature reveals the following factors that impact accounting diversity at national level as well as which are likely to shape accounting diversity in global
The level of economic development of the country is likely to influence the type of business entities or groups exist in a country. Developed countries like US and
UK are more featured by large and complex organizations in comparison to developing countries like India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Financial recording and reporting
practices will be more sound and complex in developed countries due to the presence of hefty number of multinational corporations.
It is next to impossible to bring perfection in accounting system and practices all over the world due to different environmental factors prevailing in different
countries but accounting differences at global level can be reduced by establishing effective accounting standards, formats, methods and procedures which are
acceptable at global level. It is the duty of international accounting bodies and institutions to come together and establish such a global accounting conceptual
framework which reduces the element of subjectivity and facilitate harmonization and universality of accounting at global level but still the universal accepted
accounting conceptual framework continue to represent a mission for international accounting bodies and institutions.
Accounting principles and practices are the product of environment. Different countries are indifferent to international dimensions of accounting and financial
reporting due to complex interaction of environmental variables. The cumulative impact of the changed character of international capital market, predominance
of MNCs, new accounting bodies, emergence of e-business, economic, legal, political, social and various other environmental variables has created the element
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