Background: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may disrupt control of blood pressure in hypertensive
patients and increase their risk of morbidity, mortality, and the costs of care. The objective of this study was to
examine the association between incident use of NSAIDs and blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of adult hypertensive patients to determine the effects of
their first prescription for NSAID on systolic blood pressure and antihypertensive drug intensification. Data were
collected from an electronic medical record serving an academic general medicine practice in Indianapolis, Indiana,
USA. Using propensity scores to minimize bias, we matched a cohort of 1,340 users of NSAIDs with 1,340 users of
acetaminophen. Propensity score models included covariates likely to affect blood pressure or the use of NSAIDs.
The study outcomes were the mean systolic blood pressure measurement after starting NSAIDs and changes in
antihypertensive therapy.
Results: Compared to patients using acetaminophen, NSAID users had a 2 mmHg increase in systolic blood
pressure (95% CI, 0.7 to 3.3). Ibuprofen was associated with a 3 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure compared
to naproxen (95% CI, 0.5 to 4.6), and a 5 mmHg increase compared to celecoxib (95% CI, 0.4 to 10). The systolic
blood pressure increase was 3 mmHg in a subgroup of patients concomitantly prescribed angiotensin converting
enzyme inhibitors or calcium channel blockers and 6 mmHg among those prescribed a beta-adrenergic blocker.
Blood pressure changes in patients prescribed diuretics or multiple antihypertensives were not statistically
Conclusion: Compared to acetaminophen, incident use of NSAIDs, particularly ibuprofen, is associated with a small
increase in systolic blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Effects in patients prescribed diuretics or multiple
antihypertensives are negligible.
Keywords: NSAIDs, Hypertension, Blood pressure, Propensity score
2012 Aljadhey et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Aljadhey et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:93 Page 2 of 10
[9-24] but not observational studies, which are more University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Indiana
representative to real-world clinical settings. Therefore, University-Purdue University at Indianapolis.
we examined the association between NSAIDs and blood
pressure in patients with hypertension who were taking Data analysis
antihypertensive medications. This observational study Systolic blood pressure measurements were collected
included incident users of NSAIDs and used propensity one year before and one year after the date of the first
scores to minimize selection bias. Using these methods, prescription for NSAID or acetaminophen. Information
we aimed to determine the comparative effects on sys- was collected on relevant confounders at baseline. The
tolic blood pressure of NSAIDs that are commonly used end date of follow-up was defined as one year after
in primary care. Because acetaminophen is an oft-used the index date or 30 days after the last dispensed
alternative to NSAIDs, we determined the effects of prescription, whichever came first.
NSAID relative to acetaminophen. Our objectives were Propensity score matching was used to prevent selec-
to: (1) examine the association between NSAIDs and tion bias by balancing covariates between comparison
blood pressure compared to acetaminophen in patients groups. Propensity scores estimate the probability of
with hypertension; (2) compare the effects of various each subjects exposure to treatment A versus treatment
NSAIDs on blood pressure in patients with hyperten- B, based on measured covariates. The score combines all
sion; and, (3) examine changes in antihypertensive ther- confounding covariates into a single composite factor.
apy after starting NSAIDs. Mahalanobis metric matching without replacement was
used since it produces a good balance in covariates
Methods between comparison groups [28,29]. A caliper of one-
Design and subjects quarter of the standard deviation of the propensity score
This retrospective cohort study included adult patients was used in the match. To assess the covariate balance,
who had received their first prescription for NSAID we used chi-square tests for categorical variables and
from the general medicine practice of Wishard Health t-tests for continuous variables. Separate propensity
Services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Wishard is a city- scores were estimated for each comparison. Propensity
county health center affiliated with the Indiana Uni- scores were calculated using SAS PROC LOGISTIC
versity School of Medicine. The Regenstrief Medical (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina).
Record System (RMRS) was used to identify eligible After covariate balance, a multiple linear regression
patients within Wishard and to collect data on rele- model was used to study the effect of NSAIDs on sys-
vant variables. The RMRS is an electronic medical tolic blood pressure and changes in antihypertensive
record system that captures prescriptions, laboratory therapy. The primary independent variable was the use
test results (including electrographic results), and of NSAIDs. Covariates unbalanced after propensity score
other clinical data [25]. matching were included in the model. Also, the model
We included incident users in order to prevent under- included the time from index date until blood pressure
ascertainment of adverse effects that occur early in treat- measurement, since this time occurred after the index
ment [26]. In this design only patients nave to the study date it could not be included in the propensity score
medication are included after the date of their first pre- matching. Another advantage of using a regression
scription (index date). Patients were eligible for inclusion model is that it reduces the standard error and, hence,
if they had received a prescription for any NSAID be- improves the precision of the estimate [29].
tween 1993 and 2006, were aged 18 years or older, and We compared individual commonly used NSAIDs.
had a clinical diagnosis of hypertension on the index Non-selective NSAIDs included ibuprofen and na-
date. Patients were excluded if they had an active pre- proxen. The effects of naproxen and ibuprofen on blood
scription for any NSAID during the year preceding the pressure have not been compared in observational stud-
index date. Included patients had at least one measure- ies of patients using antihypertensive medications. Previ-
ment of sitting systolic blood pressure the year after the ous observational studies have not compared the effect
index date and no changes in their antihypertensive of selective COX-2 inhibitors on blood pressure to non-
therapy until the measurement of blood pressure. selective NSAIDs. Since celecoxib is the only selective
Patients prescribed acetaminophen who met the same COX-2 inhibitor on the market, it was compared to the
criteria described above formed a non-NSAID compari- non-selective NSAIDs included in this study. We con-
son group. Users of acetaminophen are similar to users verted the odds ratios and related confidence intervals
of NSAIDs in most characteristics and comorbidities into relative risks using the conversion formula by
since acetaminophen is usually prescribed as a first line Zhang and Yu [30]. We verified the model assumptions
therapy for patients with osteoarthritis [27]. The study for linear regression analysis by examining the residuals
was approved by the Institution Review Boards at the of the model for signs of deviation from normality and
Aljadhey et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:93 Page 3 of 10
unequal variability. As expected, the model assumptions angiotensin II receptor antagonists, and other antihyper-
were satisfied. tensive medications. The MPR was used to control for
adherence with antihypertensive medications.
Based on previous literature, the models included covari- Endpoints
ates likely to affect blood pressure or the use of NSAIDs The outcomes of the study were the first and average
including age, race, gender, and baseline systolic blood systolic blood pressure measurements after starting
pressure. Baseline systolic blood pressure was defined as NSAIDs, included as a continuous variable, and changes
the last measurement before the index date. The models in antihypertensive therapy. Systolic blood pressure was
controlled for the presence of the following diagnoses at assessed because it is associated with morbidity and
the index date: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, cor- mortality more so than diastolic blood pressure and is
onary artery disease or myocardial infarction, stroke targeted in the treatment of hypertension [2]. The first
(cerebrovascular accident or transient ischemic attack), blood pressure measurement following the drug index
arrhythmia, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary date was selected because physicians change antihyper-
disease, renal insufficiency, cirrhosis with ascites, sys- tensive therapy based on this measurement. Although, it
temic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus, and con- was found in the same study population that one blood
gestive heart failure. We controlled for the use of pressure reading has significant prognostic value [32],
medications known to increase blood pressure including the results using an average of all blood pressure mea-
venlafaxine, a high dose of oral glucocorticoids, and the surements were compared to the results when using
use of oral contraceptives. only a single measurement. To prevent any potential
To minimize bias introduced by variations in the time effect of changing antihypertensive therapy on blood
between baseline systolic blood pressure assessment and pressure, measurements of blood pressure were included
the index date and the time between the index date to only up to the date when the antihypertensive regimen
the first systolic blood pressure, we included in the mod- was changed. The outcome was measured within one
els indicator variables for these times and the index year. year of first NSAID prescription. Another analysis was
Variations in exposure to NSAID or acetaminophen conducted to investigate whether the increase in systolic
were controlled by using the medication possession ratio blood pressure associated with NSAIDs is clinically im-
(MPR) and the number of refills per month. The MPR portant. A clinically important increase was defined as
assesses refill adherence and was calculated by dividing systolic blood pressure increase from baseline by at least
the sum of the days between the last refill and the next 20 mmHg since the risk of mortality doubles for such an
expected refill (i.e. days supply) by the number of days increase [2,33].
between the last refill and the next actual refill and then Changes in antihypertensive therapy post-index were
multiplied by 100. For each patient, an average MPR was considered as intensified when: (1) the dose of any cur-
calculated for the index drug. As a proxy for as-needed rently prescribed antihypertensive medication was
versus regular NSAID use, the number of refills per increased; or (2) the patient was started on a new antihy-
month was included in the model. pertensive medication from another class.
Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess potential
variations in exposure to the index drug. In one analysis, Results
the model included the extent of exposure as the dose- A total of 3,928 patients prescribed NSAIDs (n=2,181)
MPR interaction. In the other, the analysis was restricted or acetaminophen (n=1,747) met the inclusion criteria.
to only those patients who had a blood pressure meas- Before matching on propensity score, many relevant
urement within 30 days of the index date. These results baseline characteristics differed between the NSAID and
did not change our conclusions. Furthermore, we exam- acetaminophen cohorts (Table 1). Patients in the acet-
ined the dose effect of NSAIDs by stratifying patients aminophen group were older and had a higher baseline
into low and high dose groups. Patients who were pre- mean systolic blood pressure compared to those in the
scribed less than 75% of the maximum daily dose listed NSAID group. They were also more likely to have renal
in Facts and Comparisons [31] were included in the low insufficiency, congestive heart failure, diabetes, coronary
dose category and those prescribed 75% or more were artery disease or myocardial infarction, and stroke than
included in the high dose category. those in the NSAIDs group Figure 1.
Baseline use of antihypertensive medications was A total of 1,340 patients prescribed NSAIDs were
included as covariates in the models. Five groups of anti- matched to the same number of patients who had been
hypertensive medications were formed: beta-adrenergic prescribed acetaminophen. Matching on propensity
antagonists, calcium channel blockers (CCBs), diuretics, scores balanced all covariates between the two groups
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) or (Table 1). Compared to acetaminophen, NSAIDs were
Aljadhey et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:93 Page 4 of 10
Table 1 Comparison of Covariate Balance between NSAIDs and Acetaminophen before and after propensity score
Variable Sample NSAIDs* Acetaminophen* P Value** Standardized Bias
Difference Reduction
Age (yrs) mean Unmatched 55 60 <.001 42.0
Matched 56 57 0.119 6.0 86%
Female Unmatched 70 70 0.687 1.3
Matched 72 70 0.157 5.5 323%
African American Unmatched 58 63 0.003 9.4
Matched 63 61 0.353 3.6 62%
Other Unmatched 5 3 0.007 7.5
Matched 4 3 0.837 0.8 89%
Baseline systolic blood pressure (mmHg) mean Unmatched 139 141 0.006 8.8
Matched 140 140 0.949 0.2 97%
Time from baseline SBP to index:
7 days Unmatched 53 65 <.001 23.8
Matched 62 61 0.596 2.0 91%
> 7 days and 30 days Unmatched 14 10 <.001 11.6
Matched 10 11 0.380 3.4 71%
> 30 days Unmatched 33 25 <.001 17.4
Matched 28 28 0.975 0.1 99%
Year of index date:
1993 - 1996 Unmatched 50 58 <.001 17.1
Matched 57 56 0.713 1.4 92%
1997-2002 Unmatched 39 40 0.477 2.3
Matched 41 42 0.741 1.3 44%
2003 - 2006 Unmatched 11 1 <.001 40.8
Matched 2 2 0.881 0.6 99%
Diagnosis of:
Osteoarthritis Unmatched 22 23 0.768 0.9
Matched 21 22 0.295 4.0 327%
Rheumatoid Arthritis Unmatched 3 3 0.381 2.8
Matched 3 3 0.819 0.9 69%
Renal Insufficiency Unmatched 3 8 <.001 24.5
Matched 4 4 0.922 0.4 98%
Cirrhosis with Ascites Unmatched 0.4 1 0.343 3.0
Matched 1 1 0.807 0.9 69%
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Unmatched 1 1 0.277 3.5
Matched 1 1 0.465 2.8 20%
Diabetes Unmatched 28 35 <.001 14
Matched 28 31 0.124 5.9 58%
Congestive Heart Failure Unmatched 11 19 <.001 20.9
Matched 14 14 0.651 1.7 92%
Coronary Artery Disease or History of Unmatched 13 19 <.001 16.0
Myocardial Infarction
Matched 14 15 0.266 4.3 73%
Stroke Unmatched 8 12 <.001 15.4
Aljadhey et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:93 Page 5 of 10
Table 1 Comparison of Covariate Balance between NSAIDs and Acetaminophen before and after propensity score
matching (Continued)
Matched 9 9 0.784 1.1 93%
Arrhythmia Unmatched 1 2 0.055 6.1
Matched 1 1 0.489 2.7 56%
Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Unmatched 17 19 0.121 5.0
Matched 18 19 0.420 3.1 37%
ACE-I or Angiotensin II blocker Unmatched 36 43 <.001 15.7
Matched 37 38 0.594 2.1 87%
Beta- Blocker Unmatched 18 17 0.270 3.5
Matched 15 17 0.338 3.7 4%
Calcium Channel Blocker Unmatched 34 38 0.003 9.7
Matched 36 36 0.829 0.8 91%
Diuretic Unmatched 44 48 0.005 9.0
Matched 46 45 0.921 0.4 96%
Other BP medications Unmatched 7 12 <.001 15.2
Matched 9 9 0.835 0.8 95%
Oral high dose glucocorticoid*** Unmatched 1 1 0.068 5.8
Matched 1 1 0.850 0.7 87%
Oral Contraceptives Unmatched 1 1 0.528 2.0
Matched 1 1 0.998 0.0 100%
Venlafaxine Unmatched 1 0.3 0.075 5.8
Matched 1 0.4 0.782 1.1 82%
Adherence to antihypertensive medications:
MPR 80% Unmatched 69 74 <.001 10.6
Matched 72 70 0.320 3.8 64%
MPR < 80% Unmatched 13 12 0.262 3.6
Matched 12 13 0.159 5.4 51%
Not using antihypertensives (reference group) Unmatched 18 14 0.002 9.8
Matched 16 16 0.965 0.2 98%
Exposure to index drug:
MPR > 80% Unmatched 32 24 <.001 19.5
Matched 26 27 0.750 1.2 94%
MPR 2080 % Unmatched 44 43 0.278 3.5
Matched 44 43 0.859 0.7 80%
MPR < 20% Unmatched 23 34 <.001 23.3
Matched 30 30 0.909 0.4 98%
Number of refills per month:
1 refills Unmatched 52 36 <.001 30.8
Matched 44 43 0.301 4.0 87%
* % unless indicated as mean. Because of rounding values may not add to 100 %.
** P-value of t-tests for continuous variables and chi-square tests for categorical variables.
*** High dose was defined as 10mg for prednisonse, 50mg for cortisone, and 1.5 mg for dexamethasone.
Standardized difference: 100 ( treated control)/ {(s2 treated + s2 control)/2}. A positive value means the treated group is higher in % (or mean) compared to the
control group and negative value means the control is higher than the treated.
Bias reduction (%) =1- {|Standardized difference matched|/| Standardized difference unmatched |} x 100. A positive value means bias is reduced by propensity score
matching and negative means bias increased.
ACE-I: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; MPR: Medication Possession Ratio; SBP: Systolic blood pressure. Unmatched: all patients before propensity score
matching, N=3,928 (2,181 NSAIDs and 1,747 acetaminophen). Matched: only matched patients, N=2,680 (1,340 in each group).
Aljadhey et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:93 Page 6 of 10
associated with a moderate mean increase in systolic Dose effects of ibuprofen or naproxen on blood pres-
blood pressure of 2 mmHg in patients with hypertension sure were not statistically significant. A high dose of ibu-
(95% confidence interval, 0.7 to 3.3) (Table 2). A pre- profen increased systolic blood pressure, 2.3 mmHg
scription for NSAIDs was associated with a 3 mmHg in- (95% confidence interval, 1.3 to 5.1) and a high dose
crease in average systolic blood pressure in patients who of naproxen slightly decreased in systolic blood pressure
were concurrently prescribed ACE-I or CCB, and a 6 by 3.3 mmHg (95% confidence interval, 9.6 to 3.1).
mmHg increase in those prescribed beta-adrenergic Based on their propensity scores, 113 patients pre-
blockers. However, no effect of NSAIDs on blood pres- scribed celecoxib were matched to 113 patients from the
sure was found in patients who were concurrently taking ibuprofen group. A prescription for ibuprofen was asso-
diuretics (Table 2). Changes in blood pressure were not ciated with a 5.2 mmHg increase in the mean systolic
associated with NSAIDs in patients prescribed various blood pressure compared to celecoxib (95% confidence
combinations of two or more antihypertensive medica- interval, 0.4 to 10.0) (Table 4). Compared to ibuprofen
tions (Table 2). or naproxen, celecoxib was not associated with a clinic-
Based on their propensity scores, 472 patients from ally important increase in systolic blood pressure.
the naproxen group were matched to the same number When the outcome was defined as a change in antihy-
of patients from the ibuprofen group. Matching on pro- pertensive therapy, 2,494 patients in the NSAID group
pensity scores resulted in balanced covariates between were matched based on their propensity score to the
the two treatment groups. Compared to naproxen, ibu- same number of patients in the acetaminophen group.
profen was associated with a 2.5 mmHg increase in aver- Compared to acetaminophen, receipt of NSAID was not
age systolic blood pressure (95% confidence interval, 0.5 associated with a change in antihypertensive therapy
to 4.6), and ibuprofen was associated with a clinically (odds ratio, 0.95; 95% confidence interval, 0.84 to 1.08;
important increase in systolic blood pressure as defined p = 0.4).
above (relative risk, 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.09
to 1.96). The absolute risk of clinically important blood Discussion
pressure increase in the ibuprofen group was 20.6% and In the current study, patients receiving NSAIDs showed
in the naproxen group it was 14.6% and the calculated a 2 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure compared
number needed to harm was twelve patients. to acetaminophen recipients. The systolic blood pressure
Ibuprofen was associated with a 5.9 mmHg increase in increase was 3 mmHg in a sub-sample of those who
average systolic blood pressure in patients who were were concomitantly prescribed ACE-I or CCB and 6
prescribed a beta-adrenergic blocker (95% confidence mmHg in those prescribed a beta-adrenergic blocker.
interval, 0.0 to 11.7; N=130) compared to naproxen Ibuprofen was associated with a systolic blood pressure
(Table 3). A prescription for ibuprofen in patients who increase, compared to both naproxen and celecoxib, of 3
were prescribed various combinations of two or more and 5 mmHg, respectively. Despite these effects we did
antihypertensive medications was not associated with not detect significant changes in antihypertensive ther-
significant changes in systolic blood pressure (Table 3). apy in the NSAIDs users suggesting clinicians were not
Eligible Subjects
NSAIDs: 2181
Acetaminophen: 1747
Table 2 Difference in systolic blood pressure between NSAIDs and acetaminophen after propensity score matching
Sample Dependent Variable* Estimate of SBP (mmHg)** 95% Confidence Interval
All Patients (n=2,680) First SBP 1.8 0.3 to 3.3
Average SBP 2.0 0.7 to 3.3
ACE-I (n=768) First SBP 2.8 0.2 to 5.8
Average SBP 2.8 0.2 to 5.4
CCB (n=804) First SBP 2.5 0.4 to 5.4
Average SBP 3.2 0.6 to 5.7
BB (n=340) First SBP 6.3 1.7 to 10.8
Average SBP 5.5 1.4 to 9.6
Diuretics (n=1,022) First SBP 0.2 2.3 to 2.8
Average SBP 1.3 0.8 to 3.4
CCB & ACE-I (n=202) First SBP 1.1 5.6 to 7.8
Average SBP 3.1 2.8 to 8.9
CCB & BB (n=104) First SBP 4.0 5.0 to 13.0
Average SBP 6.0 2.0 to 14.1
CCB & diuretics (n=328) First SBP 1.6 3.3 to 6.5
Average SBP 3.5 0.8 to 7.9
ACE-I & BB (n=108) First SBP 7.5 1.0 to 16.0
Average SBP 6.7 1.1 to 14.5
ACE-I & diuretics (n=366) First SBP 1.0 3.4 to 5.5
Average SBP 1.2 2.7 to 5.1
BB & diuretics (n=156) First SBP 3.8 3.9 to 11.5
Average SBP 4.2 2.8 to 11.3
CCB & ACE-I & diuretics (n=100) First SBP 1.5 7.9 to 10.8
Average SBP 3.8 4.9 to 12.4
BB & ACE-I & diuretics (n=42) First SBP 6.8 9.4 to 22.9
Average SBP 5.4 10.3 to 21.1
ACE-I: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; BB: Beta-blocker; CCB: Calcium channel blocker; SBP: Systolic blood pressure.
* First SBP is the first systolic blood pressure measurement after the index date. Average SBP is the average of all systolic blood pressure measurements after the
index date and prior to any changes in the antihypertensive therapy.
** Estimate of SBP is the estimate difference between NSAIDs and acetaminophen after controlling for baseline SBP. A higher value means NSAIDs is associated
with higher increase in systolic blood pressure compared to acetaminophen.
noticing these blood pressure changes that were admit- vasoconstrictor effects of sympathetic nervous system
tedly subtle though sufficient to increase risk. stimulation. Blocking beta receptors increases this sensi-
Similar to the current results, previous studies tivity to the alpha sympathetic nervous system, resulting
reported an up to 7 mmHg increase in blood pressure in in abolishment of the blood pressure lowering effect of
patients who were stable on beta-adrenergic antagonists beta-adrenergic antagonists [36]. Further, some beta-
and had started NSAID therapy [34,35]. Interestingly, in adrenergic antagonists reduce the glomerular filtration
our study the blood pressure increase associated with rate [37]. In the long-term, this could increase the sensi-
NSAIDs was greatest in patients prescribed a beta- tivity to blood pressure increases by NSAIDs. This effect
adrenergic antagonist compared to other antihyperten- has important implications for those patients with heart
sive medications. The reason for this variation in blood failure and hypertension who have been prescribed beta-
pressure among antihypertensives could be related to adrenergic antagonists.
the degree of prostaglandin (PGs) inhibition and the dif- The blood pressure increase we observed with
ferences among these medications in their antihyperten- NSAIDs in ACE-I users agrees with previous studies that
sive mechanisms. A proposed mechanism to explain this reported a 5 to 10 mmHg increase in systolic blood
effect with beta-adrenergic antagonists is that inhibition pressure [13,18,19,23]. The inhibition of PGs by NSAIDs
of PGs by NSAIDs could increase sensitivity to the is proposed as the mechanism that explains the loss of
Aljadhey et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:93 Page 8 of 10
Table 3 Difference in systolic blood pressure between naproxen and ibuprofen after propensity score matching
Sample Dependent Variable* Estimate of SBP (mmHg)** 95% Confidence Interval
All Patients (n=944) First SBP 2.0 4.4 to 0.4
Average SBP 2.5 4.6 to 0.5
ACE-I (n=276) First SBP 0.7 4.1 to 5.4
Average SBP 1.1 5.3 to 3.0
CCB (n=268) First SBP 2.3 6.8 to 2.2
Average SBP 2.2 6.1 to 1.7
BB (n=130) First SBP 4.3 10.6 to 2.0
Average SBP 5.9 11.7 to 0.01
Diuretics (n=340) First SBP 3.2 7.6 to 1.2
Average SBP 3.3 7.0 to 0.5
CCB & ACE-I (n=60) First SBP 0.4 11.9 to 12.7
Average SBP 0.8 11.7 to 10.1
CCB & BB (n=34) First SBP 4.5 18.8 to 9.7
Average SBP 4.4 18.3 to 9.6
CCB & diuretics (n=118) First SBP 3.2 11.3 to 5.0
Average SBP 3.2 9.5 to 3.2
ACE-I & BB (n=40) First SBP 5.8 19.1 to 7.5
Average SBP 10.1 23.0 to 2.8
ACE-I & diuretics (n=124) First SBP 3.3 10.5 to 4.0
Average SBP 4.3 11.0 to 2.5
BB & diuretics (n=70) First SBP 7.0 16.3 to 2.4
Average SBP 5.4 14.0 to 3.2
CCB & ACE-I & diuretics (n=28) First SBP 4.6 22.9 to 13.8
Average SBP 0.5 16.5 to 15.6
BB & ACE-I & diuretics (n=22) First SBP 7.4 29.2 to 14.4
Average SBP 8.9 30.8 to 13.0
ACE-I: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; BB: Beta-blocker; CCB: Calcium channel blocker; SBP: Systolic blood pressure.
* First SBP is the first systolic blood pressure measurement after the index date. Average SBP is the average of all systolic blood pressure measurements after the
index date and prior to any changes in the antihypertensive therapy.
** Estimate of SBP is the estimate difference between naproxen and ibuprofen after controlling for baseline SBP. A positive value means naproxen is associated
with higher increase in systolic blood pressure compared to ibuprofen. A negative value means ibuprofen is associated with higher increase in systolic blood
pressure compared to naproxen.
Table 4 Difference in systolic blood pressure between celecoxib and ibuprofen or naproxen after propensity score
Comparison Dependent Variable* Estimate of SBP(mmHg)** 95% Confidence Interval
Celecoxib vs. Ibuprofen (n=226) First SBP 5.4 10.8 to 0.0
Average SBP 5.2 10.0 to 0.4
Celecoxib vs. Naproxen (n=204) First SBP 0.3 5.5 to 4.9
Average SBP 0.3 5.1 to 4.5
SBP: Systolic blood pressure.
* First SBP is the first systolic blood pressure measurement after the index date. Average SBP is the average of all systolic blood pressure measurements after the
index date and prior to any changes in the antihypertensive therapy.
** Estimate of SBP is the estimate difference between celecoxib and the comparator drug (ibuprofen or naproxen) after controlling for baseline SBP. A positive
value means celecoxib is associated with higher increase in systolic blood pressure compared to the comparator drug. A negative value means the comparator
drug is associated with higher increase in systolic blood pressure compared to celecoxib.
Aljadhey et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:93 Page 9 of 10
the blood pressure lowering effect of ACE-I. Because lowers stroke mortality by 10% and ischemic heart dis-
PGs mediate the antihypertensive effect of ACE-I at least ease mortality by 7% [41]. Future studies are needed to
in part, inhibition of PGs by NSAIDs could disrupt the assess the long term effect of such small increase in
blood pressure control achieved by ACE-I [19,22,38]. blood pressure.
These observations may be particularly important in This study has limitations that should be considered
patients with diabetes. Antihypertensive treatment is when interpreting the results. Patients included in this
often intensified in patients with diabetes mellitus [39]; study came from a single health system and may not be
in addition, patients with diabetes mellitus who are diag- representative of other practices. Hence, this study
nosed with hypertension are more likely to receive an should be replicated in other clinical settings. Although
ACE-I rather than other antihypertensive medications to propensity score matching balances many covariates at
preserve renal function. Therefore, it is important to baseline, unobserved covariates could still differ be-
monitor blood pressure closely in diabetic patients who tween the groups. Bias is a threat to the validity of these
are prescribed NSAIDs to ensure adequate blood pres- results especially when comparing NSAID and acet-
sure control. aminophen groups. Acetaminophen has mild pressor
No statistically significant changes in systolic blood effects that may have dampened the relative effects of
pressure were associated with a prescription for NSAID NSAID [42]. Nonetheless, acetaminophen is often used
in patients who were prescribed multiple antihyperten- as an alternative to NSAIDs and we therefore believed
sive medications. This can be explained by small sample it was a reasonable non-NSAID comparator. Finally,
size in some of these combinations. Because some of the several NSAIDs are available over the counter (OTC) as
combinations with beta-adrenergic blockers involved well as by prescription and this database captures only
only small number of patients, it is possible that this the use of prescription NSAIDs. However, because
study was not powered to detect small effects. patients included in this study were provided with
Similar to previous studies [10,11], the current study needed OTC NSAIDs through a prescription assistance
found no effect of NSAIDs on blood pressure in patients program, it is less likely that they would have purchased
who were using diuretics. Current hypertension guide- additional OTC NSAIDs. Furthermore, sensitivity ana-
lines recommend starting patients on thiazide diuretics lysis research suggests that missing OTC drug exposure
because they are associated with better clinical outcomes is not a significant source of bias [43].
and lower mortality rates than other antihypertensive In conclusion, compared to acetaminophen, incident
medications [2]. In addition, diuretics are often less ex- use of NSAIDs (particularly ibuprofen) is associated
pensive than other antihypertensive medications. The with a small increase in systolic blood pressure in
absence of an effect of NSAIDs is further reinforcement hypertensive patients. Effects in patients prescribed
for use of diuretics to control blood pressure in patients diuretics or multiple antihypertensives are negligible.
who were using NSAIDs.
The results of the current study may have some clin- Competing interest
ical implications. Blood pressure is often poorly con- The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.
trolled in hypertensive patients [3], Our results raise the
prospect that NSAID use contributes to that poor con-
Authors contribution
trol found in numerous epidemiologic surveys. It is pos- All authors contributed to the study idea, design, and methods. HA carried
sible that more attention to the effects of NSAIDs on out the statistical analyses and drafted the manuscript. All authors
contributed to the manuscript writing. All authors reviewed and edited the
maintaining or achieving blood pressure control could
final version of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
lower morbidity and mortality and in so doing reduce manuscript.
health care costs [40]. For example, it was estimated
that in the United States achieving or maintaining blood
pressure control in users of selective COX-2 inhibitors This study was funded partially by the National Plan for Science and
would prevent more than 70,000 deaths from stroke Technology (09-BIO708-02).
and 60,000 others from coronary heart disease; such
Author details
control would also result in direct health care cost sav- 1
Medication Safety Research Chair, College of Pharmacy, King Saud
ings of more than 3.8 billion dollars [40]. The small in- University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 2Indiana University School of Medicine,
crease in systolic blood pressure associated with Indianapolis, IN, USA. 3Regenstrief Institute, Inc, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Department of Pharmacy Care Systems, Harrison School of Pharmacy,
NSAIDs seen in this study may not affect a physicians Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA. 5Division of Pharmaceutical Outcomes &
decision to change antihypertensive therapy. However, Policy, School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
in the long-term, such an increase could be associated Purdue University College of Pharmacy, West Lafayette, IN, USA.
with significant comorbidity consequences. For example, Received: 8 June 2012 Accepted: 15 October 2012
decreasing systolic blood pressure by just 2 mmHg Published: 24 October 2012
Aljadhey et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2012, 12:93 Page 10 of 10