PSI Flange Isolation Ordering Guide/Work Sheet: Rubber
PSI Flange Isolation Ordering Guide/Work Sheet: Rubber
PSI Flange Isolation Ordering Guide/Work Sheet: Rubber
Quantity Nominal ANSI Gasket Gasket For GasketSeal Washers Washer Sleeve Gasket I.D. Type
Pipe Size Class Type Style or LineBacker Sealing Gaskets Material Flange
Specify Specify 150# E = With GS = GasketSeal Retainer Seal Element SW = Single 1 PC = 1 Piece Poly = Poly- Specify W = Weld Neck
Below Below 300# Bolt Holes LB = LineBacker Phenolic Neoprene Washers Acetal ethylene Below S = Slip On
400# NP = Rubber G-3 Nitrile Phen = Phenolic Mylar R = RTJ
600# F = Ring Faced Phenolic G-7 Viton G-3 Nomex BX = API BX
900# (No Bolt PP = Plain G-10 EPDM DW = Double G-7 Phenolic RX = API RX
1500# Holes) Phenolic G-11 Teflon (LB only) Washers G-10 G-7 O = Other
2500# RD = Red Devil G-11 G-10 Denote Specs.
D = For RTJ YJ = Yellow Jacket G-11 and Table
Flanges GL = Garlock
TF = Teflon
D = Phenolic D Ring
Quantity Nominal ANSI Gasket Gasket For GasketSeal Washers Washer Sleeve Gasket I.D. Type
Pipe Size Class Type Style or LineBacker Sealing Gaskets Material Flange
Retainer Seal Element
For Flange Isolation Kits over 24 in addition to the above please specify:
Flange Facing Nominal Bolt Diameter
(Raised, RTJ..etc) (Threads/Inch)
Flange I.D. Sleeve Length
Flange O.D. Pipe I.D.
Flange Thickness Steel Sleeve I.D.
(For Concrete Pipe)
Number of Studs/Bolts
Stud/Bolt Diameter Product In Line
Stud/Bolt Hole Diameter AWWA Class & Table
(Or other similar std.)
Stud/Bolt Circle Diameter Internal Lining
Note: Caution! Bolts with smooth shank portions may not fit within sleeves. Verify prior to
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