Cro Phase Measruement
Cro Phase Measruement
Cro Phase Measruement
Formulae :- 1)Theoretical phase difference 1 = Tan 1 ( )
2) Practical phase difference 2 = Sin 1 ( )
A = Vertical deflection, at t = 0
B = Maximum vertical deflection.
Theory :- When an AC current is sent through an R-C circuit, the current direction is
same in both the elements, R and C. But the voltage directions are different. The voltage
across the resistor is in the direction of current and the voltage across the condenser lags
behind the current by 900. Because of this, the resultant voltage also lags behind the
current by some angle () called phase difference. Since the current cant be measured
directly by a CRO, the voltage across the resistor is given to CRO, which represents the
current direction. So the phase difference is the angle between the voltage across the
resistor and the resultant voltage.
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Description :- The elements, resistor and capacitor of known values are connected in
series to the signal generator as shown in the circuit. The first terminal of the capacitor is
connected to one of the X- plates and the second terminal of the capacitor is connected to
one of the Y- plates. The second plates of X and Y are grounded. This means that the
voltage across the resistor is given to Y-plates and the total or resultant voltage across
resistor and capacitor is given to X-plates. These two voltages have same frequency. If
the voltage values or amplitudes are different and frequencies are same, the superposition
of the two waves gives an ellipse, on the CRO screen. The orientation of the ellipse varies
as the phase difference varies. As per the formula1, the phase difference can be changed
by changing any one of the three quantities, R, C and f. But for convenience sake the
frequency is changed.
Procedure :- The connections are made as shown in the circuit and as said in the
description. The time base (X-plates) band switch is kept in external mode. The gain
band switch of Y-plates is kept in desired range, so as to get complete maximum size
ellipse on the screen. The maximum deflection (B) from the mean position and the
deflection (A) at t = 0, from the mean position are measured using the divisions on the
screen. The experiment is repeated by varying the frequency (f) of the signal generator in
equal steps. The values of f , A and B are noted in the table. The values of resistance
and capacitance are also noted.
Precautions :- 1.The size of the ellipse should be maximum, to minimize the error of
2. The time base (X-plates) band switch should be kept in external mode.
Resistance (R) = Capacitance (C) = F