630ch12 PDF
630ch12 PDF
630ch12 PDF
National Engineering Handbook
Rain clouds
Cloud formation
from oc
fr o m
fr o
ti o
ir a
ti o
tr e
Surfa E
fr o
ce ru
Rock Ocean
Ground water
Deep percolation
Tables Table 121 Principal effects of land use and treatment measures 122
on direct runoff
Table 122 Relative effects of land use and treatment measures 122
on types of lag
Table 123 Sample working table for estimation of effects of future 123
land use and treatment on direct runoff volumes
Figure 124 Percent peak reduction by increasing lag 0.33 hour 126
and the corresponding increase in Tp
The hydrologic effects described in chapter 12 are Land use and treatment measures reduce the volume
changes in volumes of direct runoff and changes in lag of direct runoff during individual storms by either
that affect peak rates of direct runoff. increasing infiltration rates or surface storage, or both.
Other factors influencing runoff volume generally are
of minor importance. Interception increases, for
instance, are appreciable only under certain climatic
and vegetative conditions and generally need not be
Figure 121 Typical peak-volume relationship
considered in Natural Resources Conservation
Service's (NRCS) watershed studies.
Table 122 Relative effects of land use and treatment measures on types of lag
Land use changes that increase Can be large Can be large Not usually considered
plant or root density 2/
Increasing mulch or litter Can be large Can be large Not usually considered
Contouring Can be large Usually negligible Can be large Negligible
Contour furrowing Can be large Can be large Not usually considered
Level terracing Can be large Can be large Not usually considered
Graded terracing Usually negligible Usually negligible Can be large Negligible
1/ Assuming soils not frozen.
2/ Examples: Row crop to grass; poor pasture to good pasture.
(a) Determination of effects on Step 5. Enter figure 122 with the present volume and
volume condition for a storm or flood in the evaluation series
and find the future volume on the appropriate curve.
The same procedure used in determining the present
hydrologic conditions of a watershed is used to esti-
mate future hydrologic conditions. The future effects
(b) Determination of effects on
of land use and treatment changes can be estimated
with relatively little additional work. Assuming that
present conditions have been studied, the procedure Increased infiltration appearing some time later as
is: subsurface flow is seldom easy to evaluate quantita-
tively. Fortunately, however, in most flood prevention
Step 1. Determine the hydrologic soil-cover complex surveys the changes in the hydrograph because of this
number and antecedent moisture condition (ARC) II lag effect can generally be neglected. Where they
for future land use and treatment conditions. (See cannot, special studies are needed to determine the
NEH 630, chapters 7, 8 and 9.) source areas (which may vary with infiltrated vol-
umes) and watershed retention. The techniques for
Step 2. Obtain complex numbers for ARC I and III. these special studies have not been fully developed,
(See table 101 in NEH 630, chapter 10). however, and the results may be controversial.
Step 3. Prepare a working table similar to table 123.
Table 123 Sample working table for estimation of effects of future land use and treatment on direct runoff volumes
Selected values of P Direct runoff for selected values of P (from fig. 101)
- - - - - - ARC* I - - - - - - - - - - - - ARC* II - - - - - - - - - - - - ARC* III - - - - - -
Present Future Present Future Present Future
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - inches - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0.5 0 0 0 0 0.08 0
1 0 0 .02 0 .35 .12
2 0 0 .38 .11 1.15 .70
3 .23 .02 .97 .50 2.05 1.45
4 .60 .18 1.68 1.03 3.00 2.30
5 1.10 .43 2.46 1.65 3.95 3.20
Curve numbers: 57 45 75 65 91 83
* ARC is antecedent runoff condition.
with future land use and treatment in place
Direct runoff in inches
ct III
fe on
ef iti
no nd
of Co
4,000 Li
0 1 2 3 4
Direct runoff in inches
present land use and treatment
Watershed W-3
Area: 481 acres
Peak rate: 1.74 inches per hour
1.40 Total rainfall: 2.63 inches
Total runoff: 1.68 inches
Inches per hour
Watershed W-5
Area: 411 acres
.60 Treated
Peak rate: 0.87 inches per hour
Total rainfall: 2.84 inches
.40 Total runoff: 1.35 inches
6:00 am 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00
July 10, 1951
Since Tp consists of storm duration and time of con- (c) Determination of effects on
centration (see NEH 630, chapter 16), the changes in snowmelt runoff
either (or both) factors can be studied in a graph
similar to that of figure 124. The graph shows that, for The effects of land treatment on snowmelt runoff may
this case, the second type of lag effect becomes rela- vary considerably from the effects on runoff from
tively insignificant at about Tp = 5 hours. rainfall. The principal changes in effects partly result
from the changes in the measures themselves, and
In practice, the second type of lag effect is ordinarily partly because of frost action.
neglected. The technique given above can be used
when the second type must be evaluated and, quite By the time the snow season arrives, cultivation and
often, for evaluations of the first type of lag effect. The weathering generally have eliminated the mechanical
altered hydrographs can be reproduced by the meth- distinction between straight row and contour farming
ods described in NEH 630, chapter 16. on cultivated lands. Other effects of contouring gener-
ally are small enough to be overshadowed by varia-
tions in areal distribution of precipitation and are
usually neglected. Graded terracing effects would be
confined to the second type of lag and are determined
by the method shown. Closed-end level terraces and
contour furrows are usually dependent on storage, not
infiltration, for their effect, which is therefore calcu-
lable. The effect of land use or cover on cultivated
land and pasture is small enough to be obscured by the
effects of topography, fences, roads, and nearby trees
Figure 124 Percent peak reduction by increasing lag 0.33 hour and the corresponding increase in Tp
Percent reduction in peak
Reduction resulting from increasing given
Tp by the additional lag of 0.33 hours.
Reduction in percent = 33
Tp + 0.33
0 10 30 40
Tp in hours
and shrubs on the distribution of snow on the ground. When Ss exceeds Qo, only the storage equal to Qo is
The effect of crop rotation is similarly obscured. effective. For example, if Ss = 3.0 inches and Qo = 1.2
inches, then 1.8 inches of storage have not been used
For land treatment measures to be effective through and the effective storage is 1.2 inches. For example,
the snow season, they must either maintain high when Ss>Qo, use As (Qo Ss) = 0.
infiltration rates on soils that have a large water stor-
age potential or maintain surface storage, but seldom Note: Equation 121 and subsequent equations 122,
both at once. High infiltration rates are maintained by 124, 125a, and 125b are for use when runoff and
vegetation that provides heavy litter or large depths of storage volumes are distributed uniformly (or nearly
humus. Ordinary practices on cultivated land and so) on a watershed. When the distribution is not uni-
pasture seldom provide sufficient residue, and such form, the watershed is divided into subwatersheds on
areas need not be considered. Permanent meadows which the distribution may be considered uniform. See
generally provide enough litter and humus to prevent remarks accompanying equations 125a and 125b.
mild frost action, but not enough to be effective
against heavy freezes. Commercial forest and wood- Infiltration in the storage area, including that caused
land effectively maintain infiltration and, when located by increased head, is generally assumed to offset
on a soil with sufficient internal storage capacity, storm rainfall on the storage pond area. When this
effectively reduce flood runoff from snowmelt. The infiltration is significantly large or small, it can be
exception of this is areas of swamps and spruce flats. accounted for on a volumetric basis by changing
The Forest Service procedure given in NEH 630, equation 121 to read:
chapter 9 (see fig. 91) covers the evaluation of com-
mercial forest and woodland. Qs =
( ) ( )( )
A p P F + A s A p Qo S s + A oQo
A s + Ao
Surface storage in closed-end level terraces and in
contour furrows can effectively reduce snowmelt where:
runoff as described in the next section. On field-size Ap = average pond surface area, in square miles
watersheds, the storage generally must be quite large P = storm rainfall, in inches
to control the additional volumes of snowmelt from F = total infiltration on the area occupied by the
snow drifting from adjacent smooth fields and caught pond, in inches.
by the earthwork.
If P is less than F, use (P F) equal to zero. When
other data are lacking and the average depth of the
(d) Determination of surface pond is less than about 3 feet, F may be approximated
storage effects using the following equation:
F = D fc (1.5h + 1) [123]
Storage in closed-end level terraces and contour
furrows can be evaluated on a watershed or
subwatershed basis using the equation: where:
F = total infiltration on the pond area, in inches
Qs =
( )
A s Qo S s + A oQo
D = storm duration for equation 122, or snowmelt
A s + Ao duration for equation 124, in hours
fc = minimum infiltration rate, in inches per hour
h = average depth of pond during time D, in feet
Qs = runoff with storage in effect, in inches
Acres or square feet may be used instead of square
As = area draining into storage including storage
miles in equations 121 and 122, but the unit chosen
pond area, in square miles
must be used for all the areas in a particular computa-
Ss = storage, in inches
Qo = runoff with no storage, in inches
Ao = area not draining into storage, in square miles
Qs =
(A s A p )(Qo S s ) + A oQo A p (Qo F) [124]
conservation watersheds. Agricultural
Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 11.
A s + Ao
United States Department of Agriculture, Natural
unless there is rainfall on the pond surface during the Resources Conservation Service. 1999. National
melt period, in which case equation 122 is used. The Engineering Handbook, Part 630 Hydrology,
effect of the earthwork in increasing the average depth chapters 9, 10, 15, and 16.
of snow in an area (by catching drifting snow) is
important only in small areas and is generally ignored.
qs = reduced peak
qo = original peak