Fundamental Analysis
The intrinsic value of an equity share depends on a multitude of factors. The
earnings of the company, the growth rate, and risk exposure of the company have a
direct bearing on the price of the share. These factors in turn rely on the host of other
factors like economic environment in which they function, the industry which they
belong to, and finally the companies own performance. The fundamental analysis
school of thought appraises the intrinsic value of shares through:
Economic Analysis
Industry Analysis
Company Analysis
Economic Analysis
The level of economic activity has an impact on investment in many ways. If
the economy grows rapidly, the industry can also be expected to show rapid growth
and vice-versa. When the level of economic activity is low, stock prices are low, and
when the level of economic activity is high, stock prices are high reflecting the
prosperous outlook for sales and profits of the firms. The analysis of macro economic
environment is essential to understand the behaviour of the stock prices. The
commonly analyzed macro economic factors are as follows:
Gross Domestic Product: GDP indicates the rate of growth of the economy.
GDP represents the aggregate value of the goods and services produced in the
economy. GDP consists of personal consumption expenditure, gross private
domestic investment and government expenditure on goods and services and
net export of goods and services. The growth rate of economy points out the
prospects for the industrial sector and return investors can expect from
investment in shares. The higher growth rate is more favourable to the stock
Savings and investment: It is obvious that growth requires investment which
in turn requires substantial amount of domestic savings. Stock market is a
channel through which the savings of the investors are made available to
Industry analysis
Industry analysis is a type of business research that focuses on the status of an
industry or an industrial sector (a broad industry classification, like "manufacturing").
A complete industrial analysis usually includes a review of an industry's recent
performance, its current status, and the outlook for the future. Many analyses include
a combination of text and statistical data.
Five Forces Affecting Competitive Strategy
Porter identifies five forces that drive competition within an industry:
The threat of entry by new competitors.
The intensity of rivalry among existing competitors.
Pressure from substitute products.
The bargaining power of buyers.
The bargaining power of suppliers.
Industry Life Cycle Model
This model is a useful tool for analyzing the effects of an industry's evolution on
competitive forces. Using the industry life cycle model, we can identify five industry
environments, each linked to a distinct stage of an industry's evolution:
An embryonic industry environment
A growth industry environment
A shakeout industry environment
A mature industry environment
A declining industry environment
The competitive edge of the company:- The competitive edge of the company can
be studied with the help of:-
The market share
The growth of annual sales
The stability of annual sales
The market shares:- The market share of the annual sales helps to determine a
companys relative competitive position within the industry. If the market share is
high the company would be able to meet the competition successfully.
1 r n
I 1
r 1 r n
Solving the equation for r gives the YTM.
1) If the investor's required return is greater than the YTM, the investor should not
buy the bond
2) If the investor's required return is less than the YTM, the investor should buy the
Three Important Relationships
First relationship
A decrease in interest rates (required rates of return) will cause the value of a bond to
increase; an interest rate increase will cause a decrease in value. The change in value
caused by changing interest rates is called interest rate risk.
Second relationship
1. If the bondholder's required rate of return (current interest rate) equals the coupon
interest rate, the bond will sell at par, or maturity value.
2. If the current interest rate exceeds the bond's coupon rate, the bond will sell below
par value or at a "discount."
3. If the current interest rate is less than the bond's coupon rate, the bond will sell
above par value or at a "premium."
Third relationship
A bondholder owning a long-term bond is exposed to greater interest rate risk than
when owning a short-term bonds.
Relationships on the YTM
Since the bond's coupon rate, kc, is fixed for the life of bond, the following
YTM/bond price relationship is created:
t *c n*M
(1 i)
t 1
(1 i ) n
Mac Dur
MP C 1 r
I 1 .
r 1 r
t *c n*M
(1 i )
t 1
(1 i ) n
Mac Dur
(1 i ) n M
i (1 i ) n
Modified Duration
Modified duration is a modified version of the Macaulay model that accounts for
changing interest rates. Because they affect yield, fluctuating interest rates will affect
duration, so this modified formula shows how much the duration changes for each
percentage change in yield. For bonds without any embedded features, bond price and
interest rate move in opposite directions, so there is an inverse relationship between
modified duration and an approximate one-percentage change in yield. Because the
modified duration formula shows how a bond's duration changes in relation to interest
rate movements, the formula is appropriate for investors wishing to measure the
volatility of a particular bond. Modified duration is calculated as the following:
Modified Duraton
No of Cpn Periods
The strategy of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic value. Value
investors actively seek stocks of companies with sound financial statements that they
believe the market has undervalued. They believe the market always overreacts to
good and bad news, causing stock price movements that do not correspond with their
long-term fundamentals. The result is an opportunity for value investors to profit by
taking a position on an inflated/deflated price and getting out when the price is later
corrected by the market.
Approaches to Valuation
A firm with free cash flows to the firm growing at a stable growth rate can be valued
using the following model:
DividendPayout (rs )
IndexedDividend 1000
BaseCapofindex(rs )
The base for both the Price index close and TR index close will be the same.
An investor in index stocks should benchmark his investments against the Total
Returns index instead of the price index to determine the actual returns vis--vis the
Type of research
The study is a descriptive research, describing the construction of portfolios.
Tools for data collection:
The study involves collection of data from secondary sources and collected
from internet, magazines, news paper, and research reports.
Type of sampling: Non-probabilistic judgment sampling.
Sample size: Four stocks from the automobile sector and six stocks from the
cement sector; fifty companies Corporate debt; ten Government securities; and
364 day-T-bills.
Plan Of Analysis
After having collected the financial data related to the entities, i.e. the sample
selected from the selected sectors, the various valuation ratios and other financial
calculations which will help in the company valuation are calculated. This helps in
finding out the intrinsic value of the companys share. Based on the valuations, a
portfolio is constructed on the basis of fundamental analysis and on the basis of risk-
return analysis with different combinations of debt and equity to maximize the returns
and minimize the risk (beta).
Research process:
Explained in chapter 3.
Limitations of the Study
The study was confined only to the selected sectors.
The study was more confined with secondary data.
The study assumes no changes in the tax rates in the country.
As the scope is defined by the researcher it restricts the number of variables
which I influence the industry.
The researcher uses only FCFF model to value a stock.
Bond: A debt instrument sold by a company or government to raise money. One who
buys a bond is a creditor of the company, but not an owner, as a stockholder would be.
Par: The value of a bond assigned by the issuer; also called face value.
Original issue discount: A bond with an offering price that is below par value.
Premium: The amount by which a security sells above its par value.
Maturity: The length of time before the principal amount of a bond is due to the
bondholders. It is the time until a bond may be surrendered to its issuer. Also called
Maturity date: The date on which a bond is to be redeemed and its principal and
interest returned to the owner.
Callability: The feature of some bonds whereby the issuer can redeem it before it
matures. Issuers often call their bonds when interest rates are falling and they want to
replace high-yielding bonds with lower-yielding bonds. Call provisions must be made
clear before a bond is sold. A bond with this feature is a callable bond.
Debenture: A bond backed by the issuer's general credit and ability to repay and not
by an asset or collateral.
Premium bond: A bond selling for more than its stated value. If a bond is Rs1000 par
but sells for Rs1100, it is "sold at a premium" of Rs100. Market conditions and
increases in interest rates can convince sellers to raise the prices of the bonds they
Yield to maturity: The fully compounded annual rate of return paid out over a bond's
life, from purchase date to maturity, including appreciation/depreciation and earnings.
It is the most comprehensive measure of yield.
Accrued interest: The interest that has been accumulating on a bond since the last
time interest was paid on it.
Current yield: The expected rate of return calculated by dividing the most recent
annualized distribution by the selling price. For example, a Rs2,000 par bond that
pays Rs140 but is bought for Rs1600 has a current yield of 8 3/4 percent. The formula
for deriving current yield is annual income divided by current price.
Coupon rate: The interest as a percent of par paid by a bond. It is called a coupon
rate because historically bonds included attached coupons that were clipped and
surrendered for cash. Today, most bonds come without the attached coupons.
Floating-interest bond. A bond with an interest rate that changes each quarter to
reflect economic conditions.
Fixed-interest bond. A bond with an interest rate that stays the same over its life
Corporate bond. A bond issued by a corporation and backed by the company's credit
and/or its assets.
Mortgage bond. A secured corporate bond that is backed by real estate. Because
mortgage bond collateral provides a clear claim on a company's assets, these bonds
are considered secure and high-grade.
Junk bond. Refers to the quality of bond that is a speculative, high yielding, and
issued by a company that typically finances its growth and operations with debt.
Ratings companies usually assign low grades to these bonds.
Government bond. A bond sold by the. Government. Government bonds are rated
the highest of all bonds. They are used to finance federal projects.
Treasury bond (T-bond). A bond issued by the Treasury to meet the government's
financial needs. Treasury bonds are considered the safest bonds and are very popular
with investors. They have maturities lasting from ten to thirty years.
Intrinsic value: the economic value of a company or its common stock based on
internally-generated cash returns. Intrinsic value can be thought of as the discounted
stream of net cash flows attributable to an investment asset.
Terminal value: Terminal value refers to the value of the firm (or equity) at the end
of the high growth period. Terminal Value in year n= Cash Flow in year n+1/(r - g)
.This approach requires the assumption that growth is constant forever, and that the
cost of capital will not change over time.
Total Return Index: An index that calculates the performance of a group of stocks
assuming that all dividends and distributions are reinvested. This method is usually
considered a more accurate measure of actual performance than if dividends and
distributions were ignored.
Beta: Statistically, beta is the measure of systematic risk in the CAPM and is the ratio
of two co variances: the individual security divided by a proxy for the market as a
whole or the so-called market portfolio. The beta factor is the expected change in the
security's rate of return divided by the accompanying change in the rate of return to
the market portfolio.
Free cash flow to equity: free cash flow, an accounting concept that is equal to net
income plus non-cash charges (depreciation, depletion and amortization) minus debt
and other fixed obligations net of tax savings on interest expense minus preferred
dividends minus fixed capital expenditures needed to maintain the company's
Chapter: 3 PROFILES
This chapter includes the profile of the industry on which the study is
conducted. This also includes the trends and prospects in the industries.
The Indian cement industry (120 million tons per annum) is the fourth largest
in he world after China, Japan and USA. However, per capita consumption in the
country is only around 80-90 kg compared to the world average of approximately 250
Historically, the Indian cement sector has been highly fragmented comprising 54
players that operate 124 plants. The majority of the plants are small-sized and well
spread through out the country. The cement industry is cyclical and capital intensive.
A new plant typically has a gestation period of 3-4 years.
Despite the fact that Indian cement industry has clocked a production of more than
100 m tonnes for the second year in succession, the per capita consumption of 110 kgs
compares poorly with the world average of 260 kgs. This, more than anything
underlines the tremendous scope for growth in the Indian cement industry in the long
Cement production is one of the worlds most energy intensive industries. Key
production stages can be summarized as:
1.Raw materials
These are generally combinations of limestone, shells or chalk, and shale, clay, sand
or iron ore, usually mined from a quarry close to the plant where they undergo
reduction using primary and secondary crushers. When the reduced materials reach
the cement plant they are proportioned to create a cement of specific chemical
composition. Much work is being done on the use of alternative raw materials often
the by-products of other industrial processes. These can minimize the effects of
quarrying, reduce the impact of the cement plant on the local environment and enable
the cement industry to become a major player in materials recycling. There are two
basic methods used in Portland cement production wet and dry. In the dry process
dry materials are proportioned, ground to a powder, blended and fed into the kiln dry.
The wet process involves adding water to the proportioned raw materials and
completing the grinding and blending operations in slurry form.
2. Pre-heater
To conserve energy, most modern cement plants pre-heat raw materials before they
enter the kiln, using the hot exhaust gases from the kiln itself.
3. Kiln
The mixture of raw materials is fed into the upper end of a rotating, cylindrical kiln,
which achieves temperatures in excess of 1000C. It passes through at a rate
controlled by the slope and rotational speed of the kiln. Chemical reaction inside the
kiln leads to the fusion of the raw materials to produce clinker. Traditionally kiln fuels
have been powdered coal or natural gas, but increasingly alternative fuels are being
used. These include materials such as scrap tyres, processed sewage sludge and
packaging waste.
Clinker is discharged from the lower end of the kiln and transferred to various types
of coolers.
Total production
The cement industry comprises of 125 large cement plants with an installed capacity
of 148.28 million tonnes and more than 300 mini cement plants with an estimated
capacity of 11.10 million tonnes per annum. The Cement Corporation of India, which
is a Central Public Sector Undertaking, has 10 units. There are 10 large cement plants
owned by various State Governments. The total installed capacity in the country as a
whole is 159.38 million tonnes. Actual cement production in 2002-03 was 116.35
million tonnes as against a production of 106.90 million tonnes in 2001-02,
registering a growth rate of 8.84%. Major players in cement production are Ambuja
cement, Aditya Cement, J K Cement and L & T cement.
Apart from meeting the entire domestic demand, the industry is also exporting
cement and clinker. The export of cement during 2001-02 and 2003-04 was 5.14
million tonnes and 6.92 million tonnes respectively. Export during April-May, 2003
was 1.35 million tonnes. Major exporters were Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd. and
L&T Ltd.
The Planning Commission for the formulation of X Five Year Plan constituted
a 'Working Group on Cement Industry' for the development of cement industry. The
Working Group has identified following thrust areas for improving demand for
Further, in order to improve global competitiveness of the Indian Cement Industry, the
Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion commissioned a study on the global
competitiveness of the Indian Industry through an organization of international repute,
Technological change
With no major capacity expansion in the pipeline, the demand supply level is
expected to achieve parity on a macro level by FY07 and this will help in the
improvement of prices. However, since the level of demand supply mismatch
is higher in the southern region, it will take longer to achieve demand supply
parity. We expect cement price to increase by around 6% in FY05 owing to
fundamental reasons.
The industry worked at estimated 84% capacity in FY04 and given the current
growth rates and also assuming no major capacity expansion in the near
future, the capacity utilisation is likely to go up significantly in the future. This
will help in improving the margins of all the major players and will lead to
higher profitability.
Despite these positives, the possibility of interest rates heading north and the
consequent impact on housing demand remains to be seen. While infrastructure
spending was a boon, there was a strong cushion from the steady growth of the
construction sector. If this support wanes, it could take even longer for demand-supply
balance to reach parity. Also, the hike in prices of coal and petroleum products could
Automobile Industry
The Indian automobile industry has come a long way since in the first car ran
on the streets of Bombay (now Mumbai) in 1898. The initial years of the industry
were characterized by unfavorable government policies. The real big change as we see
in the industry today, started to take place with the liberalization policies that the
government initiated in the 1991. The liberalization policies had a salutary impact on
the Indian economy and the automobile industry in particular.
The automobile industry in the country is one of the key sectors of the
economy in terms of the employment opportunities that it offers. The industry directly
employs close to around 0.2 million people and indirectly employs around 10 million
people. The prospects of the industry also has a bearing on the auto-component
industry which is also a major sector in the Indian economy directly employing 0.25
million people.
All is not well with the automobile industry the world over currently with the
slowdown that has gripped most of the major economies of the world. The incidents
of 9/11 have also contributed to an already ailing global economy. The gap between
the manufacturing capacity volume and the assembly volume is growing by the day
and has the worried the manufacturers. This state of affairs has triggered a lot of
cutthroat competition and consolidation in the industry. Cost reduction initiatives have
come to be the in thing in the global industry today. Towards this direction, many
automobile factories are being closed down.
The Indian automobile industry is a stark contrast to the global industry due to
many of the characteristics, which are peculiar to India. The Indian automobile
industry is very small in comparison to the global industry. Except for two wheelers
and tractors segments, the Indian industry cannot boast of big volumes vis-a-vis
global numbers.
The Indian automobile segment can be divided into several segments viz. two-
wheelers (motorcycles, geared and ungeared scooters and mopeds), three
wheelers, commercial vehicles (light, medium and heavy), passenger cars,
utility vehicles (UVs) and tractors. The Indian automobile sector can be
divided into several segments: 2 & 3 wheelers, passenger cars, commercial
vehicles (Heavy CVs/ Medium CVs/Light CVs), utility vehicles (UVs) and
The industry is highly fragmented in nature. In the last ten years, supply has
outstripped demand, as multinationals and domestic players have set up large-
scale manufacturing facilities to meet future needs. As a result, there is an
absence of pricing power with manufacturers. Competition is expected to
increase further, as global majors are planning to enter India either through
direct investment or imports.
With an estimated 39% of CVs plying on the roads 10 years old, demand for
HCVs is expected to grow by 8% in FY05. Also adding the positives are
higher crop output, industrial sector growth and favorable interest rate
environment. While the industry is cyclical in nature, we expect this factor to
weaken in the medium term arising out of structural changes in the industry.
The privatization of select state transport undertakings and hiking of bus fares
bodes well for the bus segment as well.
The reduction in peak customs duty from 30% to 25% in the budget will result
in savings on the raw material front as well. Since raw material costs account
for almost 50% of revenues of auto companies in general, this is a positive.
Also, steel prices have shown some signs of softening and this is likely to have
a positive impact on the margins of the players.
In two-wheelers, HHMLs market share stood at 37% during FY04. In the premium
segment, the company enjoyed a 14% market share for the same period.
Higher volumes, lower realizations
HHML registered a 14.4% yoy growth in net sales to Rs58.3bn in FY04, similar to
the growth rate achieved in FY03. The key difference however, was the significant
fall in realizations in FY04 compared to FY03. While volumes increased by 23.4%
yoy in FY04, net realizations declined by 7.4% yoy during the same period.
The company launched 5 new models in FY04 to increase its share in the motorcycle
market. CD Dawn in April 2003, Karizma in May, Passion Plus in September 2003,
Splendor+ in October 2003 and Ambition 135 in January 2004. The company sold
over a million units of its Splendor range and 0.5mn units of CD Dawn in FY04. The
company enjoys a customer base of nearly 10mn.
FY04 witnessed export growth of 72% yoy mainly led by success of new models.
CD Dawn, Splendor+ and Passion Plus led to increase in exports by 87%. Besides
providing support services to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Columbia, the company
established its presence in new markets like Sierra Leone and Philippines for
motorcycles and components respectively.
1999 67.22
2000 -14.42
2001 -15.83
2002 3.91
2003 76.42
2004 10.77
WACC * Re * Rd * (1 Tc )
Re = cost of equity
Rd = cost of debt
E = the market value of the firm's equity
D = the market value of the firm's debt
Tc = the corporate tax rate
Table 4 : Calculation of WACC
Particulars Value
Cost of equity 14.87%
market value of eq 109428750000.00
Proportion of Equity 0.999999998
Cost of debt 0.006202633
Book value of debt 174.7
Proportion of Debt 0.00
WACC 14.87%
Hero Hondas capex plans are calculated with respect to its average fixed assets
turnover ratio
Step 1: We find the fixed assets turn over ratio for the previous years as follows :
Fixed assets turnover ratio (FATR) = Sales / (net block + depreciation + capital wip)
Step 2: We find the weighted average of FATR
Table 6: FATR
YEAR 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995
FATR of company 6.85 6.84 6.77 5.68 5.14 4.46 4.15 3.83 4.58 3.82
Weights 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
68.5 61.56 54.16 39.8 30.8 22.3 16.6 11.5 9.16 3.82
Weighted Avg 5.785
Difference in sales
2066.51 2798.89 3790.81 5134.27 6953.86 -26575.37
AvgFATR 5.785 5.785 5.785 5.785 5.785 5.785
Capital expenditure -242.92 357.20 483.79 655.25 887.47 1201.99
1 2 3 4 1201.99 TV
Net Sales 5831.02 7897.53 10696.42 14487.23 19621.50 -764.92
Operating profits 1147.51 868.73 1203.35 1644.30 2246.66 0.50
(Less) Depreciation 73.33 149.13 190.69 248.39 327.76 917.64
(Less) Cash taxes 344.14 158.31 222.78 307.10 422.16
NOPLAT 730.04 561.29 789.87 1088.81 1496.75
(Add) Depreciation 73.33 149.13 190.69 248.39 327.76
Gross cash flow 803.37 710.42 980.56 1337.20 1824.50
(Less) capital expenditures -242.92 357.20 483.79 655.25 887.47
(Less) working capital investments -124.95 -227.32 -307.88 -416.99 -564.77
110792. 110792.
Free cash flow at time t 1171.24 580.53 804.65 1098.94 1501.80 53 53
Discount factor, t 0.87 0.76 0.66 0.57 0.50 0.50
55391.0 55391.0
PV FCF, time 0 505.37 609.78 724.99 862.49 1 1
less DEBT 174.7
value of share 43 622.00
The FCFF model is used to value companies to be included in the portfolio. The
proportion of each stoch to be included is determined by assigning weights to the
expected future growth rates of the companies. These weights are used to calulate the
Portfolio return and beta.
Table 9 : Exp returns on portfolio
Sl Growth Prop
No Co Names rate Weights returns
Beta 0.980311981
A n a l y s i s an d I n t e r p ret a t i o n
Debt Valuation
Corporate Debt :
Step 1: The sample of 50 corporate debt is taken from the market on random basis
Step 2: All the securities are given weights according to ratings given by the agencies
on the basis of below mentioned scale.
AA+ 4
AA 3
AA- 2
Step 3: All the 50 securities YTMs, Durations, and Modified Durations are
calculated and assigned weights for YTM assuming higher the YTM higher the
YTM YTM Weight
1.17 3.42 1
3.42 5.67 2
5.67 7.92 3
7.92 10.17 4
10.17 12.42 5
Step 4: As the modified duration tells the sensitivity of the bond ( Beta of the bonds )
to the changes in the interest rates. We can say that higher he modified duration higher
the risk. On this basis modified duration is taken as percentage and reduced in the sum
of all the weights.
(Rating + YTM (% MOD DUR))
Step 5: The weighted average of the parameters is calculated and those securities are
selected whose total is above average.
Step 6: Proportion to be invested is calculated by keeping the returns as the base. And
expected returns are then calculated by multiplying the proportions with the returns.
Table 11: Corporate Debt Portfolio
Issue Description Weights Weights Weights
Rating AYTM Mod Dur Proportion Exp
A portfolio that buys a combination of common stock, bonds, and short-term bonds,
to provide both income and capital appreciation while avoiding excessive risk. The
purpose of balanced portfolio (also sometimes called hybrid funds) is to provide
investors with a single portfolio that combines both growth and income objectives, by
investing in both stocks (for growth) and bonds (for income). Such diversified
holdings ensure that these portfolios will manage downturns in the stock market
without too much of a loss; the flip side, of course, is that balanced funds will usually
increase less than an all-stock fund during a bull market.
Equity Portfolio:
Table 13 : Equity Portfolio
Growth prop Port
Co Names rate weights returns Beta Beta
Now based on the above tables we construct a balanced portfolio with different
combinations of debt and equity where we try to trace the one combination which
gives the optimum returns with least risk (beta).
Table showing different combinations of debt and equity
By analyzing the table above, one with basic finance knowledge can easily identify
the optimum combination. The selected portfolio gives the returns of 17.68% with
beta of 1.
The most interesting part here is the beta = 1. As we know that the market portfolio
Nifty, the optimum portfolio with zero unsystematic risk has the beta of 1. So we can
easily claim that the constructed portfolio is almost equal to Nifty and it moves
according to the market.
Portfolio Nifty
The objective of any fund manager for any portfolio created by him/her is
Returns maximization at a fixed level of risk.
Risk minimization at a fixed level of returns.
This is the case where the researcher has achieved one of the stated objectives.
Hypothesis Testing:
Z = {Rm Rf } {sqrt(Var(p))/n}
Variance 0.680%
N 381
Rp 17.68%
Rf 6.50%
Calculated Z = 26.4709.
Table value Z = 1.645
As the calculated value is greater then the table value we reject null hypothesis.
Cement Industry
Indias per capita consumption is about 90 kg compared to the world average of 250
kg. This implies great growth potential for the domestic industry. With 60% of the
demand coming from the housing sector, the fortunes of cement industry are closely
linked to it. The soft interest rates prevailing in the country and ever increasing need
for housing and easy availability of finance have enabled strong growth in the housing
construction sector, thereby leading to improved demand for cement. Further, the
huge investment flows into the roadways and highway projects have stimulated
demand growth for the cement industry. The roadways and highways project in
general .Greater thrust on continued investments in new infrastructure projects like
ports, roads and highways will power the demand growth for cement for next few
years. With nearly Rs. 8,00,000 crore worth of investments likely in electricity
generation in the coming decade, the overall prospects of the growth in demand
appears bright.
Competition within the industry is set to become fierce with the entry of new
players. Also most manufacturers are increasingly flooding the market with new
products and launches in order to grab the customers attention. Further the rising
aspiration of individuals is showing a growing demand for entry level cars. While
Bajaj Auto (BAL) has increased prices by 1-2%, Hero Honda Motors (HHML) has
upped prices by 2-3% given the uptrend in input costs. Chennai- based, TVS Motor
too, is considering a 2-3% price hike, across all models. Fierce competition had
prevented the companies from hiking prices of motorcycles in the past year. The costs
of items such as steel, plastic and metal have been going up for the past few months.
Beside there are various concerns such as rise in international fuel prices, free trade
agreements (FTA) with other countries, inflationary pressures, etc. are likely to have
an adverse impact on demand and profit margins as well. Moreover the growth rate
are expected to decelerate in coming months due to higher base generated earlier.
However going by positive broad indicators such as higher GDP growth, increased
thrust on agriculture & infrastructure, poor public transport systems, higher disposable
incomes in the hands of consumers as a result of the changes in the tax structure and
low interest rates would continue to drive growth in two-wheeler sales. Also two-
wheeler companies who were prevented from increasing the prices due to competition
are expected to increase the same now following a rise in input costs; this would ease
the pressure on profit margins.
The research also tries to test the significance of excess return to beta, and find
weather one can construct a portfolio which beta is equal to market beta ( beta =1 )
and returns greater then market returns and proves by creating the portfolio which
give excess return of 2.5% with the beta equal to 1.