Enclosure A: User Defined Functions For ANSYS Fluent Define - Sdof - Properties

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Enclosure A

User Defined Functions for ANSYS Fluent

# include " udf . h "

D E FI N E_SDOF_PROPERTIES ( dof_udf , prop , dt , time , dtime )

prop [ SDOF_MASS ] = 0.2160; // mass of the plate
prop [ SDOF_IZZ ] = 2.8872 e -05; // moment of inertia around z - axis
prop [ SDOF_LOAD_F_Y ] = 0.7834; // buoyancy force

Rotational Motion

# include " udf . h "

DEFINE_CG_MOTION ( rotation_udf_45 , dt , vel , omega , time , dtime )

real pi = 3.141592;
real omega_constant = 45* pi /180;
omega [2] = omega_constant ;

Translational Motion

# include " udf . h "

DEFINE_CG_MOTION ( translation_udf , dt , vel , omega , time , dtime )

real u = 0.5;
real a = 5.0;
real t1 = u / a ;
real t2 = t1 +0.4;
real t3 = t2 + t1 ;

if ( time < t1 ) {
vel [0] = a * time ;
else if ( time > t1 && time <= t2 ) {

vel [0] = u ;
else if ( time > t2 && time <= t3 ) {
vel [0] = u - a *( time - t2 ) ;
else {
vel [0]=0;

// UDF extracting the viscous and pressure forces in the x - and y - direction
as well as the location of the centre of pressure

# include " udf . h "

# include " stdio . h "
# include " math . h "

D EF IN E _E XE CUTE_AT_END ( save_results_udf )
FILE * fp = NULL ;
FILE * fp2 = NULL ;
char filename []= " force_history . txt " ;
real flow_time = RP_Get_Real ( " flow - time " ) ;
double NV_VEC ( viscous ) ;
double NV_VEC ( pressure ) ;
double NV_VEC ( force ) ;
double NV_VEC ( total_force ) ;
double area = 0.;
double NV_VEC ( A ) ;
double NV_VEC ( Wall_Shear_Force ) ;
double num_y = 0.;
double num_x = 0.;
double den_x = 0.;
double den_y = 0.;
double NV_VEC ( cp ) ;
real x [ ND_ND ];
int IDplate = 18; // Plate ID

face_t f ;
Thread * f_thread ;
Domain * d ;

d = Get_Domain (1) ; // Fluid ID

f_thread = Lookup_Thread (d , IDplate ) ;
fp = fopen ( filename , " a " ) ;

begin_f_loop (f , f_thread )
// loop through the faces on the plate
F_AREA (A ,f , f_thread ) ;
// calculate the area of the current face
F_CENTROID (x ,f , f_thread ) ;
// calculate the centre point of the current face
Wall_Shear_Force [0] = - F_STORAGE_R_N3V (f , f_thread ,
// wall shear stress in the x - direction for current face
Wall_Shear_Force [1] = - F_STORAGE_R_N3V (f , f_thread ,
// wall shear stress in the x - direction for current face

force [0] = F_P (f , f_thread ) * A [0] + Wall_Shear_Force [0];

// total force in the x - direction for current face
force [1] = F_P (f , f_thread ) * A [1] + Wall_Shear_Force [1];
// total force in the y - direction for current face

num_x += force [1] * x [0];

// numerator for calculation of the centre of pressure x -
den_x += force [1];
// denominator for calculation of the centre of pressure x -

num_y += force [0] * x [1];

// numerator for calculation of the centre of pressure y -
den_y += force [0];
// denominator for calculation of the centre of pressure y -

viscous [0] += Wall_Shear_Force [0];

// summation of the viscous force in x - direction
viscous [1] += Wall_Shear_Force [1];
// summation of the viscous force in y - direction

pressure [0] += F_P (f , f_thread ) * A [0];

// summation of the pressure force in the x - direction
pressure [1] += F_P (f , f_thread ) * A [1];
// summation of the pressure force in the y - direction

total_force [0] += force [0];

// summation of the total force in the x - direction
total_force [1] += force [1];
// summation of the total force in the y - direction
end_f_loop (f , f_thread )
cp [0] = num_x / den_x ; // x - coordinate of the centre of pressure
cp [1] = num_y / den_y ; // y - coordinate of the centre of pressure
fprintf ( fp , " %0.4 e \ t %0.4 e \ t %0.4 e \ t %0.4 e \ t %0.4 e \ t %0.4 e \ t %0.4 e \ t %0.4 e \
t %0.4 e \ n " , flow_time , viscous [0] , pressure [0] , total_force [0] ,
viscous [1] , pressure [1] , total_force [1] , cp [0] , cp [1]) ;
// write to file
fclose ( fp ) ;
Enclosure B

Revised Model
% %%%%%%% Revised 2 D model of a flat plate in free fall . %%%%%%%%

% PROJECT TITLE : Extending the Existing Modelling Framework for

% Non - Spherical Particles to Include Flat Plates in Free
% Fall - An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of
% the Unsteady Aerodynamics of Flat Plates
% AUTHOTS : Anna Lyhne Jensen and Jakob Hrvig
% DETAILS : Master Thesis project 1 st February to 3 rd June 2014
% CONTACT : Email : jakob . haervig ( at ) gmail . com

clc ; clear all ; close all % clear command windows , workspace and figures


coefficient_matrix = importdata ( coefficient_matrix . mat ) ;
alpha_start_matrix = importdata ( alpha_start_matrix . mat ) ;
alpha_end_matrix = importdata ( alpha_end_matrix . mat ) ;


T90cw = [ cosd (90) sind (90) ; - sind (90) cosd (90) ]; % turns vector 90 deg cw
T90ccw = [ cosd (90) - sind (90) ; sind (90) cosd (90) ]; % turns vector 90 deg ccw


rho_f = 998.2; % density of fluid [ kg / m ^3]
mu = 0.001003; % dynamic viscosity of fluid [ Pa * s ]
rho_p = 2700; % density of plate [ kg / m ^3]
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration [ m / s ^2]
beta = 1/20; % aspect ratio of plate [ -]
L = 0.04; % length of plate [ m ]
h = L * beta ; % height of plate [ m ]
V = L*h; % volume of plate [ m ^2]
m = V * rho_p ; % mass of plate [ kg / m ]
m_f = V * rho_f ; % mass of fluid occupied by plate [ kg / m ]
Iz = 1/12* m *( h ^2+ L ^2) ; % moment of inertia for plate [ kg * m ]
Iz_f = 1/12* m_f *( h ^2+ L ^2) ; % moment of inertia for fluid [ kg * m ]
dt = 0.00025; % time step size [ s ]
t_start = 0; % start time [ s ]
t_end = 3; % end time [ s ]

c1 = pi /2; % constant to calculate angle of attack [ rad ]

c2 = pi ; % constant to calculate angle of attack [ rad ]
dalpha_dt_matrix = [0:5:90]; % vector giving dalpha / dt simulations

pos = [0 0]; % initial position of plate [ m ]

u = [0 -0.0002]; % initial velocity of plate [ m / s ]

w = [0 0]; % velocity of fluid surround the plate [ m / s ]
v = w-u; % initial relative fluid velocity [ m / s ]
theta = -30* pi /180; % initial orientational angle [ deg ]
omega = 0; % initial angular velocity of plate [ rad / s ]
domega = 0; % initial angular acceleration of plate [ rad / s ]
dalpha_dt = 0; % intial change in angle of attack [ rad / s ]

phi = atan ( v (2) / v (1) ) ; % relative fluid velocity angle [ m / s ]
alpha = 2* c1 / pi * atan ( cot ( pi / c2 * theta - pi /2 - phi ) ) ;
% angle of attack [ rad ]

t = t_start ; % initialise time as start time [ s ]

i = 1; % set loop counter
while t < t_end % start main loop

T_to_local = [ cos ( theta ) sin ( theta ) ; - sin ( theta ) cos ( theta ) ];

% trans . to local coordinates
T_to_global = [ cos ( theta ) - sin ( theta ) ; sin ( theta ) cos ( theta ) ];
% trans . to global coordinates
v = w-u; % relative fluid velocity


Re = norm ( v ) * L * rho_f / mu ; % update reynolds number

if Re <= 5
CD90 = 1.75+5.0/(0.20* Re ^1.18) ; % CD (90) for Re <=5 ( extrapol .)
elseif Re > 5 && Re <= 75
CD90 = 1.75+5.0/(0.20* Re ^1.18) ; % CD (90) for 5 < Re <=75
elseif Re > 75 && Re <= 1280
CD90 = 1.63*10^ -9* Re ^3 -5.17*10^ -6* Re ^2+...
5.41*10^ -3* Re +1.54; % CD (90) for 75 < Re <=1280
elseif Re > 1280 && Re <= 20000
CD90 = (3.05+5.0/(0.045* Re ^0.8) ) ; % CD (90) for 1280 < Re <=20000
CD90 = (3.05+5.0/(0.045* Re ^0.8) ) ; % CD (90) for Re >20000 ( extrapol .)

CD0 = (0.023+5.45/( -0.8+ Re ^0.58) ) ; % CD (0) for 5 < Re20000

CD = CD0 + abs (( CD90 - CD0 ) * sin ( alpha ) .^3) ; % blending function by Rosendahl

if abs ( dalpha_dt ) > pi /2

dalpha_dt = pi /2; % limit dalpha / dt to 90 deg / s

a1 = (( pi /2) / abs ( dalpha_dt ) ) ^0.5; % freq . paramter for unsteady CD

a2 = ( pi /2) / abs ( dalpha_dt ) ; % amp . parameter for unsteady CD

CD_unsteady = ( pi / a2 + CD0 ) - CD0 / a2 * cos ( a1 * abs ( alpha ) + pi /2) .^2 - CD90 /...
a2 * sin ( a1 * abs ( alpha ) + pi /2) .^6; % approx of unsteady drag
CD_steady = CD0 + abs (( CD90 - CD0 ) * sin ( alpha ) .^3) ;
% steady drag
if CD_steady < CD_unsteady
CD = CD_unsteady ; % use unsteady drag coefficient
CD = CD_steady ; % use steady drag coefficient
dalpha_dt_rounded = round ( abs ( dalpha_dt ) *180/ pi /5) *5;
% round dalpha / dt
dalpha_dt_vec_index = find ( dalpha_dt_matrix == dalpha_dt_rounded ) ;
% find index of nearest ang . vel .

if isempty ( dalpha_dt_vec_index ) == 1
dalpha_dt_vec_index = 11; % limit dalpha / dt to 90 deg / s

if abs ( alpha ) < alpha_start_matrix ( dalpha_dt_vec_index ) * pi /180

CL = abs ( alpha ) *180/ pi *0.1263; % linear regression
elseif ( abs ( alpha ) > alpha_start_matrix ( dalpha_dt_vec_index ) * pi /180
abs ( alpha ) < alpha_end_matrix ( dalpha_dt_vec_index ) * pi /180)
CL = coefficient_matrix (1 , dalpha_dt_vec_index ) * abs ( alpha ) ^3+...
coefficient_matrix (2 , dalpha_dt_vec_index ) * abs ( alpha ) ^2+...
coefficient_matrix (3 , dalpha_dt_vec_index ) * abs ( alpha ) +...
coefficient_matrix (4 , dalpha_dt_vec_index ) ;
% dalpha / dt dependent CL
CL = 7.0763* abs ( alpha ) ^5 -28.9422* abs ( alpha ) ^4+...
41.3903* abs ( alpha ) ^3 -25.7446* abs ( alpha ) ^2+...
7.3899* abs ( alpha ) +0.0375; % dalpha / dt for steady CL


Fb = [0 V * rho_f * g ]; % buoyancy force vector

Fg = [0 -g * m ]; % gravity force vector

Fd_abs = CD *1/2* rho_f * L * norm ( v ) ^2; % absolute drag force

Fl_abs = CL *1/2* rho_f * L * norm ( v ) ^2; % absolute lift force
Fd = v / norm ( v ) * Fd_abs ; % drag force vector
if alpha <0
Fl = ( T90cw *( v / norm ( v ) * Fl_abs ) ) ;
% turn lift clock - wise
Fl = ( T90ccw *( v / norm ( v ) * Fl_abs ) ) ;
% turn lift counter - close - wise

C = [0 0; 0 0]; % added mass coefficient matrix

Ma = C .* rho_f .* V ; % added mass matrix
M = eye (2) * m ; % total mass matrix
a_local = inv ( M + Ma ) * T_to_local *( Fd + Fl + Fg + Fb ) ;
% accele . in local coordinates
a_global = T_to_global * a_local ; % accele . in global coordinates
a = a_global ; % update acceleration

u = u + a * dt ; % update translational velocity

v = w-u; % update relative fluid velocity
dpos = u * dt +1/2* a * dt ^2; % find change in position
pos = pos + dpos ; % update position

phi = atan ( v (2) / v (1) ) ; % find rel . fluid velocity angle

alpha_old = alpha ; % save old angle of attack
alpha = 2* c1 / pi * atan ( cot ( pi / c2 * theta - pi /2 - phi ) ) ;
% update angle of attack
dalpha_dt = ( alpha - alpha_old ) / dt ; % find change in angle of attack


cp_abs = L *0.015*(1 - sin ( abs ( alpha ) ) ^3) ;

% find centre of pressure dist .

sign_cp = sign_cp_fcn ( theta , v ) ; % call fun . to find sign of cp

cp = [ cp_abs * abs ( cos ( theta ) ) * sign_cp (1) ...
cp_abs * abs ( sin ( theta ) ) * sign_cp (2) ]; % find cp vector

T_offset = det ([ cp ; Fd ]) + det ([ cp ; Fl ]) ;

% calc . torque aerodyn . forces
T_resist = - rho_f *2* omega * abs ( omega ) *(1/4) *( L /2) ^4;
% calculate torque resistance
M66 = 0* Iz_f ; % added moment of inertia
T_total = T_offset + T_resist ; % total torque on plate
domega = T_total /( Iz + M66 ) ; % find angular acceleration

omega = omega + domega * dt ; % update angular velocity

dtheta = omega * dt +1/2* domega * dt ^2; % find change in orient . angle
theta = theta + dtheta ; % update orientation angle


pos_vec (i ,:) = pos ; % position

u_vec (i ,:) = u ; % trans . velocity
u_mag_vec ( i ) = norm ( u ) ; % trans . velocity magnitude
a_vec (i ,:) = a ; % trans . acceleration
a_vec_mag ( i ) = norm ( a ) ; % trans . acceleration magnitude
theta_vec ( i ) = theta ; % orientation angle
alpha_vec ( i ) = alpha ; % angle of attack
omega_vec ( i ) = omega ; % angular velocity
domega_vec ( i ) = domega ; % angular acceleration
Fd_vec (i ,:) = Fd ; % drag force
Fl_vec (i ,:) = Fl ; % lift force
cp_abs_vec ( i ) = cp_abs ; % centre of pressure magnitude
t_vec ( i ) = t ; % time


i = i +1; % update loop counter

t = t + dt ; % update time



figure (1)
plot ( pos_vec (: ,1) /L , pos_vec (: ,2) /L , k ) ; hold on
for i = 1:50: length ( t_vec )
xplate (1) = cos ( theta_vec ( i ) ) * L /2;
yplate (1) = sin ( theta_vec ( i ) ) * L /2;
xplate (2) = - xplate (1) ;
yplate (2) = - yplate (1) ;
plot (( pos_vec (i ,1) + xplate ) /L ,( pos_vec (i ,2) + yplate ) /L , k , Linewidth ,2)
hold on
xlabel ( Normalised distance X / L [ -] )
ylabel ( Normalised distance Y / L [ -] )
axis equal
pause (0.01)


% coefficient matrix for unsteady lift approximation

coefficient_matrix = [
0 0 0 0
-357.1757 86.8499 0.7730 0.1468
-339.6383 124.0477 -7.0129 0.5075
-321.5198 151.9937 -15.5799 1.0821
-305.1881 175.2423 -24.9560 1.8921
-273.7018 183.2955 -32.3156 2.7558
-231.0180 175.2214 -35.9001 3.4559
-186.1378 156.3123 -35.7169 3.8684
-144.3193 131.6641 -32.4764 3.9553
-109.2020 106.3660 -27.4888 3.7768
-80.9141 82.6345 -21.5865 3.3881
-65.3751 70.8033 -19.5711 3.4626
-50.9844 56.5638 -15.2833 3.1031
-44.3648 51.5779 -14.8134 3.2965
-33.3199 37.1812 -8.5775 2.4114
-9.1105 -3.2495 13.9542 -1.7400
-0.9539 -17.3068 22.3751 -3.4478
7.8310 -33.9494 33.2012 -5.8047
15.8961 -50.5052 44.8213 -8.5169] ;


alpha_start_matrix = [0 1.6 3.2 9.0 7.5 9.0 11.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 17.0 18.0
18.0 20.0 20.0 21.0 24.5 25.6 25.0];


alpha_end_matrix = [0 12.0 15.7 18.9 21.8 24.7 27.6 30.6 33.7 36.8 39.8
42.7 45.3 47.6 49.7 52.7 55.0 57.8 61.0];
Enclosure C

Torque due to Buoyancy

clear all ; close all ; clc

L =0.04; % Length of plate [ m ]

n =40; % Number of discretisations on each side [ -]
beta = 1/20; % Aspect ratio [ -]
h = L * beta ; % Height of plate [ m ]

k =1;
for theta = - pi /2 : pi /32 : pi /2
T = [ cos ( theta ) sin ( theta ) ; - sin ( theta ) cos ( theta ) ];
% Transformation matrix [ -]
g = 9.81; % Gravitational acceleration [ m / s ^2]
rho_f = 998.2; % Density of fluid [ kg / m ^3]
pos = [0 -1]; % Position of plate [ m ]
P0 = 100000; % Reference pressure [ Pa ]



endplate_low = [1/2* L * cos ( theta ) + pos (1) 1/2* L * sin ( theta ) + pos (2) ];
% Position of midpoint of small edge of plates
endplate_high = [ -1/2* L * cos ( theta ) + pos (1) -1/2* L * sin ( theta ) + pos (2) ];
% Position of midpoint of small edge of plate
vec = [ -1/2* h * sin ( theta ) 1/2* h * cos ( theta ) ];
% Vector from midpoint to corner
corner (1 ,:) = endplate_high + vec ; % Location of 1 st corner
corner (2 ,:) = endplate_low + vec ; % Location of 2 nd corner
corner (3 ,:) = endplate_low - vec ; % Location of 3 rd corner
corner (4 ,:) = endplate_high - vec ; % Location of 4 th corner

xy_length = [ corner (2 ,1) - corner (1 ,1) corner (2 ,2) - corner (1 ,2) ];

% Vector for length
xy_height = [ corner (3 ,1) - corner (2 ,1) corner (3 ,2) - corner (2 ,2) ];
% Vector for height

unit_vec (1 ,:) = xy_length / norm ( xy_length ) ; % Unit vector length

unit_vec (2 ,:) = xy_height / norm ( xy_height ) ; % Unit vector height
unit_vec (3 ,:) = - unit_vec (1 ,:) ; % - Unit vector length
unit_vec (4 ,:) = - unit_vec (2 ,:) ; % - Unit vector height

for i = [1 2 3 4] % Loop through four edges

x = corner (i ,1) ; %x - position of current

y = corner (i ,2) ; %y - position of current

if i ==1 || i ==3
dx = L / n ; % Cell length
X = L; % Length of edge
dx = h / n ; % Cell length
X = h; % Length of edge

num_x = 0; % Reset numerator in cpx

den_x = 0; % Reset denominator in cpx
num_y = 0; % Reset numerator in cpy
den_y = 0; % Reset denominator in cpy

for q = 1/2* dx : dx : X -1/2* dx

pos_point = [ x + unit_vec (i ,1) * q y + unit_vec (i ,2) * q ];
% Position of current point
P = P0 + rho_f *( - g ) * pos_point (2) ; % Pressure at current point
normal = [ unit_vec (i ,2) - unit_vec (i ,1) ];
% Area normal vector for
% current point

Fp = dx * normal * P ; % Force vector at current point

Fp_local = T * Fp ; % Transform to local

pos_point_local = T *( pos_point - pos ) ; % Position on location coords .

if i == 1 || i == 3
num_x = num_x + pos_point_local (1) * Fp_local (2) ;
% Numerator in cpx
den_x = den_x + Fp_local (2) ; % Denominator in cpx
num_y = 0; % Numerator in cpy
den_y = 0; % Denominator in cpy
num_x = 0; % Numerator in cpx
den_x = 0; % Denominator in cpx
num_y = num_y + pos_point_local (2) * Fp_local (1) ;
% Numerator in cpy
den_y = den_y + Fp_local (1) ; % Denominator in cpy
Fp_vec (i ,:) = Fp ; % Save force vector

cp (i ,:) = [ num_x / den_x num_y / den_y ]; % Calculate cp

cp ( isnan ( cp ) ) = 0;
cp_vec ( k ) = sum ( cp (: ,1) ) /4;
theta_vec ( k ) = theta ;
k = k +1;
plot ( theta_vec *180/ pi , cp_vec /L , k ) ; hold on ;
xlim ([ -90 90])
set ( gca , xtick , -90:15:90)

ylabel ( Centre of pressure cp_ { x }/ L [ -] )

xlabel ( Orientation angle \ theta [ deg ] )
grid on

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