Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
"Imagine you had an art class in which they taught you how to paint a fence, but never
showed you the great masters. Of course, you would say; I hate art. You were bad at
painting the fence but you wouldnt know what else there is to art. Unfortunately, that is
exactly what happens with mathematics. What we study at school is a tiny little part of
mathematics. I want people to discover the magic world of mathematics, almost like a
parallel universe, that most of us arent aware even exists."
- Edward Frenkel
1. You Rock!
Thanks for checking out the Welch Labs Imaginary Numbers Are Real Workbook. Here you'll find everything you need to get the
most out of my Imaginary Numbers are Real YouTube series. For each video in the series, you'll find a workbook section complete
with the text and key figures from the video, more in-depth features covering interesting areas, and most importantly, exercises.
Of course, this is only half the equation. Like anything else, to get real value out, you must put real work in. And if you do, I promise
it's worth it. Imaginary numbers are rich and beautiful, and their history is fascinating. Really understanding this stuff will give you
tremendous perspective on the power and beauty of modern mathematics and science. The exercises for each section are divided into 4
Exercises Description
1 Introduction 4-9
7 40-45
9 Closure 52-57
Wandering In Four
11 66-71
If we graph our function, we obtain the friendly
parabola of Figure 1. Now lets say we want to figure out 3
Prehistory <3000 BC
1 2 3
Babylonia 300BC
1 2 3
Olmec 700-400BC
1 2 3
100AD 1 2 3
200AD -3 -2 -1 1 2 3
27 BC-
476AD 1 2 3
Cambodia 700AD
1 2 3
India + Persia
1000AD -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Medieval Europe
1400AD 1 2 3
Renaissance 1300-
Europe 1700AD 1, 2, 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Modern Era >1700 AD 1, 2, 3 -1 1
Table 1 | A brief overview of the history of numbers. It has taken quite some time for modern numbers to come to be. Only in the last couple hundred years do we see
imaginary/lateral numbers really accepted. The dates here are approximate, and keep in mind that most of these civilizations didn't actually have number lines! The
point here is visualize how numbers developed over time. Finally, notice the difference between zero and zero as a placeholder. In a positional number systems like
ours, the location of a digit carries meaning. The three in 23 means 3 units, while the three in 32 means 3 "tens", or thirty. We run into a problem if we need to tell the
difference between 30 and 300, and we don't have zero! This is the placeholder zero, it is not a concept alone, but a notational tool.
6 Part One: Introduction 3:20-end
zero and negative numbers were met with skepticism, Its not surprising that most of the people who have
and largely avoided or ignored. Some cultures were more lived on our planet would be suspicious of questions like
suspicious that others, depending largely on how people this. These problems dont make any sense. Even brilliant
viewed the connection between mathematics and reality. A mathematicians of the 18th century, such as Leonard Euler,
great example is here Greek civilization despite making didnt fully know what to do with negatives he at one
huge strides in geometry, the Greeks generally didnt accept point wrote that negatives were greater than infinity.1
negative numbers or zeros, after all how could nothing be So its fair to say that negative and imaginary numbers
something? raise a lot of very good, very valid questions, such as:
Whats even wilder is that this is not all ancient
Why do we require students to understand and
history - just a few centuries ago, mathematicians would
work with numbers that eluded the greatest
intentionally move terms around to avoid having negatives
mathematical minds for thousands of years?
show up in equations. Suspicion of zero and negative
numbers did eventually fade - partially because negatives Why did we even come accept negative and
are useful for expressing concepts like debt, but mostly imaginary numbers in the first place, when they
because negatives just kept sneaking into mathematics. dont really seem connected to anything in the real
It turns out theres just a whole lot of math you just cant world?
do if you dont allow negative numbers to play. Without
negatives, simple algebra problems like x + 3 = 2 have How do these extra numbers help explain the
no answer. Before negatives were accepted, this problem missing solutions to Equation 1?
would have no solution, just like we thought Equation 1 Next time, well begin to address these questions by
had no solution. going way back to the discovery of complex numbers.
The thing is, its not crazy or weird to think problems
like this have no solutions to solve x + 3 = 2, we subtract
3 from both sides, resulting in x = 2 - 3. In words, this
algebra problem basically says: if I have 2 things and I take
away 3, how many things do I have left?
- = -( ) ?
Figure 4 | Negative numbers don't always make sense. Two apples, take away three
apples equals...the anti-apple?
1 Sketchy.
Exercises 1 7
Discussion Drill
1.1 Why do you think most people who have lived Plot each function.
on our planet would have been suspicious of negative 1.6 f(x) = x 2-4x+4
Critical Thinking 1.9 So far weve seen a function with 2 roots, g, and a
function with no obvious roots, f (Equation 1). Find
1.8 Consider the better-behaved sibling of Equation 1: and plot a highest power of two (quadratic) function
with one obvious root. Call it h(x). Or else.
g(x) = x 2-1 y
a) Plot g(x). 4
4 2
3 1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
1 -1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
-1 -3
-2 -4
and required c and d to be positive.5
Now that we have our equation set up, the game here is
Figure 6 | High-stakes math duel. Because thats obviously what math is for.
to get x by itself on one side, and all the constants6 on the Dueling.
1 Imaginary numbers: Hey, were having a little get together next week, were
hoping you can make it! Mathematicians: ehhh, were a little busy doing real What happens next is a bit of a long story heres the
math. quick version. Del Ferro kept the formula secret until he
2 Aka solutions, aka zeros lets just say it lets you find x!
3 Quadratic, hence the name was on his death bed, when he finally told his student
4 Making the equation easier to solve, this is called a depressed cubic
5 Notice we lost the a here as well. Were allowed to do this by dividing
through by a, and letting the new c be c/a and the new d be d/a. After all, 7 highest power 1, this shown in more detail in the first row of Table 2.
theyre just constants! 8 If you think del Ferro wasnt that clever, try solving equation for x yourself.
6 constants = a, b, c A full derivation is available at
2:02-3:20 Part Two: A Little History 11
A long
Linear 1 time ago
Quadratic 2 ~2000 BC
Cubic 3 * 1500s
Quartic 4 1540 AD
Table 2 | Polynomials and solutions. *For cubic functions, the general solution shown is to this simplified case. Note that as we increase our highest power,
polynomials become significantly harder to solve! The quartic case gets a little ridiculous - just one of the 4 solutions to the quartic equation is shown here - as you
can see - it doesnt quite fit.
surviving work of the original discoverer, del Ferro,4 he
figured that it wasnt such a big secret, and published the
formula in his book Ars Magna. 5
Cardan went on to improve on his borrowed formula,
even making it work for cubics that included an x 2 term.6
However, along the way Cardan came across a problem.
In a slightly different version of the equation written as x 3
= cx + d, under certain values of c and d7, the formula
Figure 7 | Niccol Fontana Tartaglia. 1500-1557. If you think your nickname would break.
sucks, it doesnt this guy got his jaw sliced by a soldier as a kid, leading to Lets take the innocent looking8
a stammer for the rest of his life, and being called stammerer (Tartaglia)
even in the equations he helped develop. (5)
Antionio Fior. Foir immediately thought he was invinci- when we plug into Cardans formula we get a result
ble, or at least invincible in a math duel,1 and challenged that involves the square root of negative numbers.9
a way more skilled mathematician, Fontana Tartaglia, to
a duel. Tartaglia had successfully solved similar cubics,
but had thus far been unable to solve cubics of del Ferro's
form. Suspecting Foir would be able to solve these tougher
problems, Tartaglia freaked out before the math-off and
figured out how to solve the equation at the last minute,
and proceeded to completely dominate Fior.2
Tartaglia then went on to share the formula with the
world! Not really, he kept it super secret so he could keep
kicking butt in math duels.3 That is, until a very talented
mathematician named Girolamo Cardano heard about Figure 8 | Plugging into Cardans formula. When we try to use Cardans formula
to evaluate the simple cubic of Equation 5, we run into a small problem.
the formula, and pressured Tartaglia to share he eventu-
ally went along, but only after Cardan swore to an oath of 4 Remember him? ...from like...the last page...
secrecy. Fortunately for us, after Cardan came across the 5 Ars Magna = The Great Art (referring to algebra, instead of the lesser
arithmetic). Fontana was not so happy about Cardan sharing his formula and
accused him of plagiarism and such. Drama ensued.
1 So not really invincible 6 Cardan did this through clever substitution. Given f (x) = x3+ bx2 +cx
2 This paragraph is a bit different in the accompanying video, where I got this +d, substitute x = x-b/3.
detail wrong. I said that Tartaglia had falsely claimed to be able to solve these 7 d 2/4-c3/27 < 0
problems, the corrected story above is what actually happened. 8 Cardan used this example in Ars Magna
3Mwhahahaha 9 Note that were plugging into Cardans modified version (shown in Table 2)
12 Part Two: A Little History 3:20-end
2.2 Why are problems like -16 strange?
2.3 Why do you think math duels are way less popular today than in the 16th century?
Plot Solve by Factoring (If Possible) Solve by Quadratic Formula (If Possible)
2.4 f(x) = x 2 - x - 2 0 = x2 - x - 2 0 = x2 - x - 2
x y
-2 4
0 1
1 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
2 -1
3 -2
2.5 g(x) = x 2 + 3x + 2 0 = x 2 + 3x + 2 0 = x 2 + 3x + 2
x y
-2 2
-1 1
0 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
1 -1
14 Exercises 2
Plot Solve by Factoring (If Possible) Solve by Quadratic Formula (If Possible)
2.6 f(x) = x 2 - 2x + 1 0 = x 2 - 2x + 1 0 = x 2 - 2x + 1
x y
-1 4
1 1
2 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
3 -1
2.7 g(x) = x 2 + x - 4 0 = x2 + x - 4 0 = x2 + x - 4
x y
-2 2
-1 1
0 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
1 -1
2 -2
2.8 h(x) = x 2 + 1 0 = x2 + 1 0 = x2 + 1
x y
-2 4
0 1
1 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
2 -1
Exercises 2 15
Critical Thinking 2.11 Sometimes problems like 2.10 are less straightfor-
2.9 Why is the Quadratic Formula useful? Does it
allow you to solve any types of problems that you a) Solve for x:
couldnt otherwise? (Hint: compare exercise 2.7 to 2.4-
2.10 Solve for x: b) How did part a go? :) If you used the Pythagore-
an Theorem to solve for x, the result should have been
the square root of a negative number. Sketchy. Whats
going on here?
16 Exercises 2
2.12 Where do the parabola y = x 2-4 and the line y 2.14 a) Where do the parabola y = x 2-1 and the line
= 2x-1 intersect? y = 2x -3 intersect?
2.13 Where do the parabola y = x 2-4 and the line y b) Using the Quadratic Formula to solve part a should
= 2x-3 intersect? have resulted in the square root of negative number.
What does this mean about the problem? Plot the
parabola and line from part a below.
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
Exercises 2 17
2.15 Solve the equation x 3 = 8 using del Ferros for- 2.17 Solve the equation x 3 = x + 2 using Cardans
mula (Equation 4). modified version of Del Ferros formula (shown in the
3rd row of Table 2).
This process is important because it allows us to
express the root of any negative using the square root of
minus one. The square root of minus 25 becomes 5 times
the square root of minus one.
Figure 11 | Suspicion. Here we see twelve, an already established number,
interacting with our new number for the first time. As we can see, its not going
(8) well.
2 Cardans formula in Figure 8 involve the cube root of the square root of
1 Because 2 and 3x are not like terms negatives!
Exercises 3
Discussion 3.6 -5 + -5
3.8 16 + -16
3.11 7/
3.4 -51
3.13 1/
3.5 -4
Exercises 3 21
Critical Thinking b) How did part a go? This problem dates back to
Cardan himself. In his book Ars Magna, Cardan
3.14 Why do all cubic functions have to have at least gives the task of dividing 10 into parts whose
one root? product is 40, and calls this manifestly impossible.
You may have reached a similar conclusion. However,
Cardan does push on in Ars Magna and gives
the solution 5+-15, and 5--15. Show that these
numbers add to 10 and multiply to 40.
Figure 13 | Some Cubics. The end behavior of cubics mean they must have at
least one real zero. More specifically, as we move to the left or right on our graph Figure 12 | Reminder of Cardans problem. When we try to use Cardans
and follow our cubic curve, it must go up on one side and down on the other. otherwise functional formula (Equation 4) to evaluate the simple cubic of
Technically: as x, f(x) and as x-, f(x)-, or as x, equation 5, we run into a problem.
f(x)- and as x-, f(x).
We can cube these to show that these are in fact
equivalent to the left sides of Equation 11 and, more
His second big insight here was that for this to be the importantly, when we add the two parts, as Equation 4
case, the root of minus one parts of each half of the equa- tells us to do, we just get 4 which we know is a solution
tion must cancel out when added together! 1 to our original equation.4 We have found the solution to
Bombelli used this idea to equate the two parts of Cardans problem!5
the equation shown in Figure 12 to a+b -1 and ab -1, And whats really interesting is that our problem had
where a and b are constants we need to find.2 nothing to do with the square root of minus one and
neither did our answer however, along the way, we
found that by extending our number system to include the
(11) square root of minus one, we were able to find the solu-
tion.6 And it turns out that extending the number system
in this way is helpful in lots and lots of other problems as
We can first eliminate that pesky cubed root by cubing well.7
both sides of Equation 11. The result is a particularly So what did Bombelli do to celebrate after discovering
tough system of equations: a number crucial to the future of science and mathemat-
He actually did nothing. He discounted his discovery
(12) and basically said it was a hack.9
As ridiculous as that seems now, Bombelli drew pretty
reasonable conclusion at the time. It just seemed a little
Bombelli was able to get around this through some
4The -1 parts cancel!
clever guessing and checking. If we look at our original
5 If this math seems a bit hacky, fear not, we'll learn a much more robust
equation (Equation 5), and test a few integers3 we eventu- approach soon.
ally see that 4 is a solution! If we substitute 4 into our new 6 The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the
complex domain. ---Jacques Hadamard
equations, we can solve for a and b and obtain a = 2 and 7 Lots of problems. Like lots and lots of problems. And not just math prob-
b= 1. These values make the two parts of Equation 11 lems. Science problems. Engineering problems. Relationship problems. Ok,
equal to 2+ -1and 2- -1. not that last one, but the rest are legit.
9 The whole matter seemed to rest on sophistry rather than truth. - Rafael
1 They must be complex conjugates! Bombelli. In case you aren't quite up to speed on your random words from the
2 Were allowed to do this because a+b
-1+ a-b
-1 = 2a 17th century, Sophistry is the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the
3 1...nope, 2...nope, 3...nope intention of deceiving.
2:06-end Part 4: Bombelli's Solution 23
too convenient like this is a little trick devised just to
solve problems like this.1 Area Associated Sqaure Side Length
Squaring numbers, had, up until that point, largely
been associated with what the operation is named for 16 4
squares. A squares area is equal to the length of its side, 4
squared. So positive areas make sense but what could a
negative area be? What even is -1? 9 3
9= 3
Questions like these slowed down the development of 3
-1 ?
1 This is how a lot of student seem to feel when they first meet -1, and its a
completely legitimate reaction if you feel this way about it youre in good
Exercises 4
Discussion 4.6 (5-2 -1)2
4.7 (5 -1-2 -1)2
4.10 4 = a+b -1
4.4 (1- -1).(1+ -1)
4.12 a(a2 + b2) = 0
4.5 (2+3 -1).(2+3 -1)
Exercises 4 25
4.13 a(a2 + b2) = 2 4.16 Show that:
by equating the "normal" and " -1" parts from
exercise 4.15.
Critical Thinking
4.19 The solution we found to Equation 12, a = 2 4.21 So, what is the expression below
and b = 1, mean that this must be true: (remarkably) equivalent to?
1 Once we cover this exciting new ground, we'll revisit this problem in the
Critical Thinking exercises in Section 8.
Notes . Doodles . Musings 27
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Part 5: Numbers are Two Dimensional
For this reason, the square root of minus one was giv- What is remarkable about this time period3 is that
en the terrible names imaginary or impossible. A century although imaginary and complex numbers were used in
or so later Euler began using the symbol i to indicate calculations and derivations4, the deeper meaning behind
the square root of negative one, making the algebra less these numbers was left undiscovered for over 200 years
clunky.1 after Bombellis death.
(13) Before we dive into this deeper meaning, lets think
about i algebraically for a moment.
Unfortunately, the name imaginary stuck around, and If we raise i to higher and higher powers, it doesnt get
thats still what we call these guys. In response, everything bigger as other numbers would. We know i squared is -1
on the original number line gets the name real.2 from the definition, and if we keep multiplying i by itself,
we see a pattern that repeats every four multiplications.5
Over and over and over and over. Hold on to that fact for
a few paragraphs.
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
The Numbers
Real Numbers Imaginary Numbers Work
Real 21=2 i 1=i
Figure 15 | The numbers get re-branded. Because everything thats not imaginary
must be real, obviously... 22=4 i 2=-1
3 + 2i 27=128
i 7=-i
i 8= 1
i 7=i 4.i 3=1.-i
Figure 16 | Complex Numbers. When we put together a real and imaginary/lateral Table 5 | Patterns. When we raise real numbers to higher and higher powers, they
number, the result is what well call a complex number. get bigger (for real numbers greater than 1). Interestingly, this is not the case
with imaginary numbers. Instead, a pattern emerges.
1 Well start doing this too! Im really sick of saying and writing root minus 1 3 ~1600-1800 AD
2 Imagine how this must make lateral numbers feel. "Hey, we're going to call 4 Pensively
all the numbers, except for you, real." 5 It has a period of 4.
1:32-3:40 Part 5: Numbers are Two Dimensional 29
Lets return to our friend, the number line. Remember
that all the numbers we know about1 show up here, except
imaginary numbers. They are nowhere to be found.
If we think back to our original problem with roots of 3
negative numbers, we can visualize this using the number
line. Remember the issue we had was finding a number, -9 -6 -3 0 3 9 6 9
that when multiplied by itself, would yielded a negative.
To see this more clearly, well use arrows instead of
dots to indicate numbers (Fig 17). Multiplying a positive
by itself maintains direction on the number line it stays
positive. If we multiply by a negative, we flip directions, or
rotate by 180 o. Squaring a negative lands us in the positive
numbers because we start on the left side with our first -9 -6 -6 -3 0 3 3 6 9
negative and rotate 180 o when we multiply by the second
negative. So theres no way to land on a negative number
when squaring, a positive squared results in a positive and
negative squared requires starting in negative territory, -3.-3=9
and when we multiply by the other negative we arrive
back in the positive numbers. -9 -6 -3 -3 0 3 6 9 9
So what we need is something in the middle. A num-
ber that when we multiply by it, only rotates 90 o, not 180 o
as negatives do.
This is exactly what imaginary numbers do i squared
is negative one, meaning that the first i puts us 90 o from
the positive real numbers, and multiplying by i rotates Figure 17 | Multiplication using the number line. Multiplying by a positive
us 90 o further, exactly where we wanted to be, firmly in number maintains direction on the number line, while multiplying by a negative
switches direction. Squaring can never result in a negative number, because
negative number territory. 2 multiplying a positive time a positive maintains direction, while multiplying a
negative by a negative flips us back in the positive direction.
So the insight here is that imaginary numbers do not
exist apart from the real numbers, but right on top of
them, hiding in a perpendicular dimension.
This is the deeper meaning beneath imaginary num-
bers. They arent just some random extra number or hack
- they are the natural extension of our number system
from 1 dimension to 2.
Numbers are 2 dimensional.1
And whats even more remarkable, is that if we accept
this that numbers have a hidden dimension we end up
not only with more complete mathematics, but incredibly
powerful tools for science and engineering.
Next time well show how and why thinking of num-
bers this way is useful.
1 If anyone tells you this is obvious or easy theyre lying. Despite using i in
calculations, generations of very bright mathematicians missed this for over
200 years.
Exercises 5 31
5.11 i 1002
5.12 i 1003
5.13 i -1
5.2 Why might it make sense for imaginary numbers
to be placed at a right angle to real numbers?
5.14 i -20
Critical Thinking
5.4 i 2
5.5 i 20
5.6 i 21
5.7 i 22
5.8 i 23
32 Exercises 5
The central idea of this section, that imaginary numbers 5.17 Let's say a = 8 in Carnot's problem. Solve for x, the length
should be placed at a right angle to the real numbers, of one of our segments.
is not obvious. We know this because it took over 200
years after Bombelli's death to discovered. This idea was
finally unearthed by two non-mathematicians separately,
Casper Wessel and Jean-Robert Argand, around 1800.
However, like most good ideas in math and science, this
one took quite some time to be accepted. In 1831, the
mathematician Augustus deMorgan said of the topic:
"We have shown the symbol -1 to be void of
meaning, or rather self-contradictory and absurd."
It's interesting to think about how exactly How did Exercise 5.17 go? When Carnot solved this equation for
mathematicians struggled with and argued about these x, his result was a complex number (hopefully your result was
ideas during this period. A long standing practice in complex as well, specifically 4+4i and 4-4i). Carnot interpreted
mathematics, (dating most notably back to the Greeks), the fact that his result was complex as meaning that the cut
is the idea of geometric proof. Speaking very roughly: point we're looking for does not lie on AB, thus the problem
if we can represent a mathematical idea visually, it was physically impossible. However, other mathematicians (such
must be true. Whether or not this is the right way to as the Frenchman Abb Adrien-Quentin Bue) interpreted
approach mathematics is an open question, but this way this result differently. Roughly speaking, Bue agreed that the
of thinking is certainly valuable, and fueled mathematical problem was physically impossible, but argued that the results
was nonetheless meaningful. More specifically, if we allow
development for millennia. When -1 began showing up
in mathematics in the 17th century, many mathematicians imaginary numbers to exist in the dimension perpendicular to
attempted and failed to find a way to explain or the real axis, we obtain some type to picture like this:
understand -1 visually/geometrically. This difficulty C
contributed to the mistrust of -1.
Now that -1 has a strong visual interpretation
(existing at a right angle to the real numbers) and has
4+ 4i
become firmly rooted in mathematics, it's interesting to
From Carnot's problems statement, we can write the formula: So, if we allow imaginary numbers to live perpendicularly to
the real numbers, the answer we obtain does make some type of
sense. Sure, there's still no way to cut the string the achieve what
we want physically, but the results also are not meaningless.
They tell us there is an answer, but we must move 4 units in the
perpendicular (imaginary) direction to find it. Problems like
this don't make a very strong case for -1, which helps me
understand why this matter was so contentions for so
long. Only later, when our geometric interpretation -1
was shown to be indispensable to math and science did
these ideas become widely accepted.
Notes . Doodles . Musings 33
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Part 6: The Complex Plane
Last time we arrived at an incredibly powerful tool THE COMPLEX PLANE THE XY PLANE
in mathematics, science, and engineering: the complex Imaginary
1+2i 2
(1, 2)
ly. Just as we can plot xy coordinates on the xy plane, we 1 1
-4 -4
Imaginary 5+4i + 1+3i
2 1+3i
Figure 20 | Gauss names for numbers and ours. That this subject [imaginary
numbers] has hitherto been surrounded by mysterious obscurity, is to be
attributed largely to an ill adapted notation. If, for example, +1, -1, and the
square root of -1 had been called direct, inverse and lateral units, instead 1
of positive, negative and imaginary (or even impossible), such an obscurity
would have been out of the question. -Gauss
1 2 3 4 Real
Figure 21 | Adding complex numbers. We add complex numbers by adding the
Now that weve seen the complex plane, lets discuss real and imaginary parts seperately. This has a nice visual interpretation, adding
complex numbers is exactly like adding vectors, we place the second arrow at the
why its so powerful. Weve seen two dimensional planes end of our first, and wherever its tip lands is our result.
before2 where each axis represents a different quantity, in
fact we started our whole series with one. the same exact thing with vectors. Where complex num-
In a normal xy plane, theres no required connection bers really get interesting is through multiplication.
between the dimensions, no rules about how they should We can multiply complex numbers together by foiling,
relate to one another. On the complex plane however, just as we do with binomials in algebra, with the minor
we have the rules of algebra with complex numbers we complication that we know i 2 can be replaced with -1.
discussed earlier. These rules impose a very specific and This is a perfectly valid algebraic solution to our prob-
useful relationship between our two dimensions.
This first rule is how complex numbers add and sub-
tract. The real and imaginary parts add independently,
making complex numbers and the complex plane useful (14)
for problems involving movement in two dimensions. If
we travel in one direction for a certain distance, and then
in another direction, we can add the components of each
part of our trip together to find the total distance we have
traveled in each direction (Fig 21).3 lem but is only half the picture. There is another, equally
So thats cool, but as you may already know, we can do valid, way to think about multiplying complex numbers.
And it has everything to do with the complex plane.
1 We first saw this idea from Gauss back in Part 1. Instead of just telling you what this interpretation is,
2 Like the x, y (Cartesian coordinate system) plane
3 AKA Displacements
it will be more way more fun to try to figure it out with
2:04-end Part 6: The Complex Plane 35
Whats pretty cool here is that if youre able to figure
out what were after here the interpretation of complex
number multiplication using the complex plane youll
have figured out a super useful bit of math that was un-
known to the smartest mathematicians on the planet until
only 2 centuries ago.
Next time well uncover this interpretation of complex
multiplication using the complex plane and were going
to do it with only 4 examples:
Figure 22 | Tools youll need. These are the tools youll need for your mission,
should you choose to accept. You will also need to use complex multiplication
as shown in Equation 14 and to plot points on the complex plane as shown in
Figure 20.
1 ...I promise.
2 Just as Wessel, Argand, and Gauss did a couple centuries ago but Bom-
belli failed to (!).
3 or you could just google. But I promise youll learn less that way.
4 Do it. Seriously. Do it. Do the math problem. Sit down and do it. It will take
like half an hour tops. And if you figure it out, you can tell all your friends
your smarter than the 16th Century mathematician Gerolamo Cardano. And
theyll definitely think youre really cool. For sure. Do it.
Exercises 6
Discussion 6.6 -i(3+5i)
6.3 (1+i)(1+i)
6.4 (1+i)(1-i)
6.5 (2+2i)(1-2i)
Exercises 6 37
1 2 3 4 Real
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 Real
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 Real
*Vaguely helpful hint: Try writ-
ing as an addition problem.
1 2 3 4 Real
38 Exercises 6
Critical Thinking
6.16 What is the connection between complex multiplication and the complex plane? To figure this
out, we'll look at four examples. This is by far my favorite exercise in the entire workbook. It's cool because if
you figure it out, you'll have discovered something that mathematicians missed for over 200 years.
a) To get started, for each example compute the product, plot the two numbers we're multiplying together, and
plot the result. The first example has been done for you.1
4 4
-3+4i 4+3i
2 2
-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 Real -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 Real
18 6
12 4
6 2
c) What patterns do you see? What is the connection between complex multiplication and the complex plane?
1 Wow, that Stephen Welch is such a nice guy, doing a whole problem for you!
Notes . Doodles . Musings 39
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Part 7: Complex Multiplication
Imaginary Imaginary
8 8
6 6
4 4
-3+4i 4+3i 4+3i
2 2
-8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 Real -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 Real
Imaginary Imaginary
24 8
18 6
12 4
6 2
4+3i 2+i
-24 -18 -12 -6 6 12 18 24 Real -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 Real
Figure 23 | Our four examples from last time plotted on the complex plane. Well use these examples to figure out the connection between the complex plane and complex
Last time we left off with a real math problem: what is For each example, well add the angle of each com-
the connection between complex multiplication and the plex number to Table 5. Now lets look for a connection
complex plane? between our three angles.
To get to the bottom of this well use the four exam-
ples we mentioned last time. For each example, well plot Problem Angle 1 Angle 2 Result Result Angle
4 3
4+3i 4 After a little pondering1, we see that the angle of our
36.9 result is exactly equal to the angles of the numbers were
3 multiplying, added together.
This is the first of half the connection were looking
for: when multiplying on the complex plane, the angle of
2 3 4
Figure 24 | Arctangent. Well use the arctangent function to find the angle each of
our complex numbers makes with the real axis.
1 Hmmmm...
:55-3:00 Part 7: Complex Multiplication 41
our result is equal to the sum of the angles of the numbers multiplying, we obtain the distance from the origin of the
were multiplying. result!
Lets now have a closer look at our first two examples. We now have the complete picture. When we multi-
Notice that the angles are identical, but the resulting ply complex numbers on the complex plane, their angles
complex numbers are not. This means that just keeping from the real axis add, and their distances from the origin
track of angles alone is not enough to sufficiently describe multiply.
complex multiplication in the complex plane there is This is the connection we were looking for between
something else going on. complex multiplication and the complex plane.
So what is the difference between these examples? It
looks like multiplying by 2i has pushed our result further Imaginary
from the origin than multiplying by i.
A good follow up question is how much further? A + B= C
We can measure the distance between the origin and A.B=C
our complex numbers by forming right triangles and
using the Pythagorean theorem. C
c2 = 32+42 A
4+3i B Real
c2 = 9+16
2 c
c2 = 25 Figure 26 | Our Result. When we multiply two complex numbers, their angles
add and distances to the origin multiply.
1 c=5
Real We now have completely separate, but completely
2 3 4
equivalent interpretations of complex multiplication. To
Figure 25 | Pythagorean Theorem. Well use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the
distance between each of our complex numbers and the origin.
multiply two complex numbers together, we can fol-
low the rules of algebra, OR, we can find each numbers
distance from the origin and angle to the real axis on the
Just as before, lets compute our measurement for each complex plane and multiply and add each.
example and look for patterns Well put the results in And whats really cool here is that although these
Table 7. approaches look and are totally different, but they do the
same exact thing. What were seeing here is the same un-
Problem Distance 1 Distance 2 Result
Distance derlying process from two separate vantage points. I really
like this idea, because it reminds me that theres more
(4+3i).i 5 1 -3+4i 5 to math than what we see on the page. There are deeper
truths embedded in our universe, and math is one way of
expressing them.
5 2 -6+8i 10
5 5 7+24i 25
5 5 5i 5
Table 7 | More Patterns? What is the connection between our distances for each
1 Also hmmmmm...
42 Part 7: Complex Multiplication 3:00-end
Now that weve made our discovery, lets formalize our Imaginary
results a bit. We found that the quantities we should keep i 2=-1
track of when multiplying complex numbers on the com- 4
plex plane are the distance from the origin and the angle
4+3i Rectangular
Form Polar Form
from the real axis.
These quantities turn out to be so important, that 2
5 4+3i = 5 36.9
we use them as another way to write complex numbers. Magnitude or Angle or
Instead of writing complex numbers as the sum of their 1
Modulus Argument
real and imaginary parts1, we instead write them as their 36.9
distance from the origin and the angle they make with the 1 2 3 4 Real
real axis. This is called polar form, and the distance from
Figure 28 | Two ways to write complex numbers. We can write complex numbers
the origin gets a special name, magnitude.2 in rectangular or polar form.
Multiplying complex numbers in polar form is super
easy we just multiply the magnitudes and add the an-
gles. Division is pretty simple too, especially compared to
dividing in rectangular form - to divide in polar form we
divide our magnitudes, and subtract our angles.
Next time well show that this discovery is not only
cool, but useful. Well use the complex plane to make hard
algebra problems easier, faster, and more intuitive.
1 Rectangular form!
2 Magnitude also goes by the name modulus, and the angle is also called the
Exercises 7 43
7.3 Why do you think it took over 200 years for the
connection between complex multiplication and the
complex plan to be discovered?
Critical Thinking
Solve these suckers:
7.10 (1+i)(1+i)
Convert to polar form:
7.4 1+i 7.11
7.5 2-3i
44 Exercises 7
7.17 (1+i)(1+i)(1+i)(1+i)
1 Each problem is worth 1 extra credit point. 5 extra credit points my be con-
verted into 1 cool point at the discretion of the point holder. Upon achieving 3
cool points, demand some type of prize from your teacher/professor/friends/
family members. Be persistent.
Exercises 7 45
(2) b)
Since memorization is basically the worst thing
ever1, let's try to find a way to never have to
memorize these formulas again.
7.22 Substitute your answers from 7.21 into2:
7.20 Let's begin by considering two complex
numbers, each with a magnitude of 1:
Expand and simplify your result.
1 Memorization does not equal learning! 2 This is hopefully the equation you obtained in 7.20!
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Part 8: Math Wizardry
What value of x would make this equation work?
If you said 1, great job, 13=1. Weve found one answer.
Now, are there any more answers? 1
-1 Real
Way back in part one we introduced the Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra, which says that a polynomial must
have as many roots1 as its highest power. We can rear-
range our equation as x 3 -1=0 to make it a more obvious
polynomial, and since our highest power2 is 3, this equa- Figure 30 | The number one. The real number one shown on the complex plane.
tion must have 3 solutions.
There is a way to find all three answers without using 1 is...14, if we give each our xs a magnitude of 1,5 our
complex numbers along the way, but it involves perfect resulting magnitude will work out to 1 easy. But what
cube factoring and the quadratic formula and takes like about our angles?
7 steps. We know that when multiplying complex numbers,
our angles add, so we need an angle, that when added
together 3 times gives 0.6 Or 360. 360 seems a little more
reasonable, so whats the correct angle here?
Well, since were dividing 360 into three even parts,
the right answer here is 360 divided by 3, or 120. When
we put this together with the magnitude of 1, we have a
second solution! Its the complex number with a magni-
tude of 1 and an angle of 120.
This answer makes a lot of sense on the complex
Figure 29 | Solving Equation 15 by factoring. We can solve Equation 15 by
factoring, but doing it this way is hella long. And you have to remember how to
factor the difference of perfect cubes. And the Quadratic Formula. Lame. 120
Instead, lets try to solve the problem visually using the -1 120 1
Figure 32 | Your BFF the unit circle. Yeah, its kind of a big deal. Today its going to
help us convert between polar and rectangular coordinates.
-120 Real
-1 1
Figure 33 | Our final solution to x3=1. We find our final solution, the complex
number with a magnitude of 1 and angle of -120, by moving clockwise around
our circle in three equal steps. 3 Notice that our 2 complex roots are complex conjugates, this will always be
the case when our polynomials have real coefficients.
1 We know were on the unit circle because our number has a magnitude of 1 4 (x^4-1)(x^4+1)= (x^2-1)(x^2+1)(x^4+1)= (x-1)(x+1)(x^2+1)(x^4+1)=0...
5 One solution would be 2/2+( 2/2)i . This is called an nth root of unity
2 You could also use a 30/60/90 special right triangle or sin and cosinex =
1*cos(120), y=1*sin(120). problem and has lots of cool applications, like the Fourier Transform!
Exercises 8
Discussion 8.5 (1 + i 3)6
8.7 i
Answer in rectangular form: 8.9
8.4 (1+i)6
Exercises 8 49
Critical Thinking Your answer to 8.13 should be something like:
8.11 ( )2
8.15 ( )2
8.12 ( )1/3
8.16 ( )1/3
8.13 ( )n
8.17 ( )n
1 or modulus
2 or argument
3 Feel free to explain you answer with a picture for one extra credit point per
problem. 4 Although it never shows up in his work...makes sense...
50 Exercises 8
Way the heck back in Part 4 (Exercises 4.14-4.21), we 8.20 Add together your answers to 8.19 a and b. If
discussed how Bombelli solved Cardan's problem by your result is 4, nice job! Think about how im-
allowing imaginary numbers to exist. A key part of pressed Cardan and Bombelli would by your math
Bombelli's argument was this rather shocking fact: wizardry. If you're answer isn't 4, check out the
solutions in the back of the book.
8.18 To begin showing that the above equation is true, The brilliant mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm
convert these two parts of the equation to polar form. Leibniz (1646-1716), co-father to calculus, is known
Round your answers to 4 decimal places. to have struggled deeply with the topics we're cov-
ering here.
a) 2 + -121
"I do not understand how...a quantity could be real,
when imaginary or impossible numbers are used to
express it."
Notes . Doodles . Musings 51
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Part 9: Closure
Before we finish up the series and solve our problem So the set of natural numbers is not closed under
from part one, lets talk about how complex numbers are subtraction, but the set of all integers is. By expanding our
the missing puzzle piece that make algebra complete. number system, we can guarantee that any subtraction
Back in part two we saw how the definition of what question we can ask will have an answer.
a number is has evolved over time, beginning with the
natural numbers. The Egyptians figured out that these NUMBERS SYMBOL EXAMPLES CLOSED UNDER
numbers were missing something1, and its pretty obvious
to us today that the natural numbers are incomplete. Natural 1,2,3... +
However, as we saw with complex numbers, its not
always obvious when our numbers are missing something. ...-2, -1, 0,
Fortunately, there is a more sophisticated way to deter- Integers +, -
1, 2...
mine if we have all the types of numbers we need the
Table 8 | Closure under subtraction. To ensure we can handle all subtraction
mathematical idea of closure. problems, we must expand our number system to include integers.
Lets play a game. Ill give you a set numbers, and an
algebraic operation. I want you to tell me if any two num-
bers in the set, when combined with the operation, give a As we include more algebraic operations, we must
number not in the set. continue to expand our number system. Division requires
Our first set is the natural numbers and our operation us to expand our number system to include fractions
is addition. also known as rational numbers. Rational comes from
the word ratio3 rational numbers are numbers can be
SET OF NUMBERS OPERATION expressed as the ratio of two integers.4
We can show the relationship between the numbers
Natural: 1, 2, 3... + weve covered using another invention of Eulers.5 Using
Figure 34 | Are the natural numbers closed under addition?
an Euler diagram,6 we can visually express the idea that
one set includes another all integers are rational num-
bers, because we can always express them as a ratio of two
So the question is: are there any two natural numbers integers, but not all rational numbers are integers.
that when added together, produce something that is not a
natural number? NATURAL NUMBERS
After a little noodling, it should seem pretty reason- 1, 2, 3...
able that any two natural numbers, added together, result
in another natural number. Mathematically, we can say INTEGERS
that the set of natural numbers is closed under addition. ...-2, -1, 1, 2, 3...
Next, lets try the set of natural numbers and the oper- RATIONAL NUMBERS
ation of subtraction. 1.2, -5/2, 0.08...
SET OF NUMBERS OPERATION Figure 36 | Relationship between natural numbers, integers, and rational numbers.
All natural numbers are integers, but not all integers are natural numbers.
+ - x
1 (2/9)2 =(4/81), which is hella-rational! 'Hella' is a super fun word Complex 2, .5, , 2i
I learned while at graduate school in northern California, I think it
means something like "really". Use hella in a conversation for 1 extra Table 9 | Closure. Expanding our number systems to include closure under more
credit point. algebraic operations.
2 Its pretty cool, it means there are holes in the rational number line! See
exercise 9.19.
9.6 Real Numbers, division.
9.1 What is mathematical closure?
9.13 Are the even numbers closed under 9.16 Is the set {1, 2, 3, 4} closed under ?
multiplication? What about division? For 2 extra
credit points, prove that your answer is true for any
two even numbers.
9.18 (-i)1/6
9.19 2 is irrational. This means that 2 cannot be
expressed as a ratio of two integers. This fact didn't
fit so well with the orderly world view of the ancient
Greeks, and legend has it even lead to the murder of
Hippasus of Metapontum. Let's prove this dangerous Since m and n cannot both be even, we've reached a
fact by contradiction. To do this, let's assume, as contraction, indicating that our original assumption,
the Greeks did, that 2 is rational. If 2 is rational, that 2 is rational must be false, leaving us with the
then we can write 2 = m/n, for integers m and inevitable fact that 2 is irrational.
n, and let's say that m and n make our fraction in
lowest terms - so they have no common factors.
a. Square both sides of our equation 2 = m/n, and
show how we can conclude from our result that m
must be even.
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Part 10: Complex Functions
! x
Figure 42 | It's easy to take the cartesian coordinate system for granted. Placing our
x and y number lines at a right angle to each other like this is not obvoius! Figure 43 | Limits of the Cartesian Coordinate System. It only works in two
dimensions :(
1 Transformers, anyone?
2 AKA Real-valued functions century.
3 Although no one figured this our until Descartes and Fermat in the 17th 4 Well, also 3, well get to that.
2:19-5:20 Part 10: Complex Functions 59
This limitation becomes a real problem when we start Imaginary Imaginary
2 2
and for the most part, also output complex numbers. This 1 1
means the numbers we put in and get out of our function -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
Real Real
no longer fit on number lines. We now need two complex -1 -1
-3 -3
one for our output. -4 -4
This raises an important question if, when visualiz-
ing these functions, what were really interested in is the
connection between the input and the output, how do we
Inputs Outputs
visualize whats happening on both planes simultaneous- Figure 44 | A Tale of Two Planes. To keep track of the inputs and outputs of a
function of complex variables, we need two complex planes.
We could try to fit our input and output planes to- and obtain our result:
gether somehow, as we did with our number lines for
real-valued functions, but we quickly run into a pretty
serious issue. As you likely know, the universe we live in
has1 three spatial dimensions so theres no way to fit the
four spatial dimensions we need into a single structure
that our brains can comprehend we simply run out of
Fortunately, there are some very clever ways to see the Plotting our inputs and outputs, we see that the point
relationship between two complex variables but before 1+i on our input z-plane was pushed, or mapped, by our
we can get to these, we need to think about the mathemat- function to 1+2i in our output w-plane.
ics of complex functions.
y v
Even though using separate planes for our input
and output is not a perfect solution, this approach can 4
f(z) 4
3 3
still help us get started. Lets try it out with our original
2 2
function, f(x)=x 2+1. Before we begin, lets make a quick 1 1
-3 -3
real and imaginary part, lets go one step further and give -4 -4
y v z w
4 4
x y u v
1 1 1 2
1 1 -2 1 4 -4
-4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4 u -1 1 1 -2
-2 -2 0 1 0 0
2 1 4 4
-3 -3
-4 -4
z w
Figure 46 | Straight Lines Get All Curvy. If we map points along a straight line in our input space, the result is a curved line in our ouput space!
image to its proper location in an output image.
To make this work, well assign each pixel in our input
video a complex number that corresponds to its location
on the complex plane. We can then let our code take care
of the tedious work of moving each pixel to its new loca-
tion, as dictated by our function, z 2+1.
Our code will move points exactly as we did by hand
before - if we have a blue pixel at the 1+i location on our
input graph, this blue pixel will be moved to the 1+2i loca-
tion on our output graph, because f(1+i) is equal to 1+2i. 1
We saw before that our function warped a straight
horizontal line into a curvy one, so it should have some Figure 47 | Every point gets a number. To map all the points in the left image,
interesting effects on our video. Well include some ref- we'll assign each pixel a complex number that corresponds to its location on the
complex plane. Our code will then take care of the tedious work of mapping each
erence markers on top of our input and output planes to pixel to its proper location on the output plane.
keep track of our numbers, but we wont transform these
Alright, ready?
Lets start by drawing some simple lines in a grid. In
our output plane we can see that our family of straight
lines is turned into a family of curved
lines. Cool, right?2
So weve found a pattern, but how is
this pattern explained by our function
z 2+1? And more importantly, how does
this fit with everything else weve learned
about complex numbers?
What else would be interesting to
draw in our input space to test our
mapping? What shape would you draw
to learn more about what our function is
Next time, more shapes.
Figure 48 | Mapping an Entire Image. Here we've mapped all the points on our z-plane to the w-plane.
1 Python code available on github.
2 Notice that the angles between our lines have been preserved! This means
our mapping is conformal.
Exercises 10 61
10.6 g(1+i)
10.7 g(1-i)
10.10 h(1-i)
Let g(z)=z 2+2z. Calculate the following:
10.4 g(1)
10.11 h(2+2i)
62 Exercises 10
You and your friend Gus are planning a murder 6:00 AM 0.59 8:00 AM 1.33
in a quiet beach town.You and Gus agree to 8:00 AM 0.30 10:00 AM 1.81
hide the body in a cave located off Sunset Bay. 10:00 AM 0.20 12:00 PM 2.26
However, there's a small problem. The cave can 12:00 PM 0.77 2:00 PM 1.85
only be accessed at low tide. Being thorough pre- 2:00 PM 1.34 4:00 PM 1.27
meditators, you and Gus devise a plan to predict
4:00 PM 1.89 6:00 PM 0.51
exactly when low tides will occur, allowing you to
schedule the perfect murder. Over the course of 6:00 PM 2.07 8:00 PM 0.07
the days leading up to the Murder, Gus records 8:00 PM 1.96 10:00 PM 0.17
the water depth at Sunset Bay every two hours. 10:00 PM 1.43 12:00 PM 0.60
Check out Gus's data over there -----------------> 12:00 AM 0.66
3 3
-2 -1 2 2
1 1
-1 -1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
0 -1 -1 -1
-2 -2
1 -1 -3 -3
-4 -4
2 -1 z w
10.14 y v
z w
x y u v 4 4
3 3
1 -2 2 2
1 1
1 -1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
1 0 -1 -1
-2 -2
1 1 -3 -3
-4 -4
1 2 z w
10.15 y v
z w
x y u v 4 4
3 3
-2 -2 2 2
1 1
-1 -1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
0 0 -1 -1
-2 -2
1 1 -3 -3
-4 -4
2 2 z w
10.16 y v
z w
x y u v 4 4
Make Your Own Shape!
3 3
2 2
1 1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
z w
64 Exercises 10
w = f(z) = z 2+1
(16) 4
z = x + iy
w = u + iv
10.17 a) Using Equation 16, draw curves/lines
on the z-plane to the right where u = 0.
Notes . Doodles . Musings 65
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Part 11: Wandering in Four Dimensions
Figure 50 | Mapping Pixels According to the Function f(z)=z 2+1. By carefully choosing the shapes we draw on z, we can learn more about our complex function. Here
we see that quarter circles are mapped to half circles with different radii, and lines through the origin are mapped to other lines through the origin with larger angles.
1:55-4:07 Part 11: Wandering in Four Dimensions 67
What kind of shape should we draw to test this idea? As we continue our circles, our new points have no-
We want to test magnitude alone so it would be nice to where to go except directly on top of our old points. This
have a shape with a constant magnitude. What kind of makes sense algebraically - because of the way squaring
shape has the same magnitude, or distance to the origin, works, points like 1+i and -1-i will map to the same exact
everywhere? output value:
This shape we need now is exactly a circle! If we add f(1+i) = (1+i)2
sections of a few circles to our picture as shown in Figure
= (1+i)(1+i)
50, we see that these result in new circle sections but
= 1 + i + i + i2
now at different distances to the origin. So as we expected,
our circles are preserved, but their radii are changed. = 1 + 2i - 1
So now were really getting somewhere by carefully = 2i
choosing our input shape, we were able to better under-
stand exactly what our function does to complex num- f(-1-i) = (-1-i)2
bers. = (-1-i)(-1-i)
Wonderful. = 1 + i + i + i2
But before we celebrate, lets keep a couple things in = 1 + 2i - 1
mind. For one, were dealing with a really simple function. = 2i
And secondly, even for this simple function we can still
run into trouble with our two complex plane setup. So its not that our function is broken or anything
For example, we know that our mapping doubles the its just that the technique were using to visualize it cant
angle of the input points. This is fine, until we use up too really handle multiple values being mapped to the same
much of our input space. If we continue the circles we location on the output plane after all which pixel
started earlier once we arrive at 180 degrees1, we begin should we display, the one at the 1+i location, or the one
to see a problem. at the -1-i location?
Our shapes have been expanded to fill up the entire
output space, but weve only used half the input space!
Figure 52 | Double Trouble. Two input points map to a single output point,
meaning the bottom left part of our circle ends up directly on top of the upper
left part. Not cool.
Figure 51 | Out of Room! If we continue our circles on the z-plane, our mapped (17)
circles have no where to go on w, except directly on top of our other points.
2 Note, were adding the plus or minus here for clarity, some resources omit it
and take root(z) = +/- root(z), and some use the 1/2 power as an alternative to
1 AKA pi. represent specific parts of the function.
68 Part 11: Wandering in Four Dimensions 4:07-6:01
Figure 55 | What the heck? Our blue path ends up right where it started...but our green path jumps! What's going on here?
6:01-end Part 11: Wandering in Four Dimensions 69
Somehow our z values somehow jumped to a whole
new part of the plane! Somehow weve wandered our way
into a completely new part of our multifunction.
So it seems that some paths on w lead us back to where KIND OF
we started, but others dont. What could be going on here?
How is the complex landscape of our multifunction tak- A BIG
ing such similar paths in such different directions?
One reason I like math is that, for many problems,1
someone much smarter than me has already given them
some serious thought, and quite often found an elegant Bernhard Riemann
solution. (1826-1866)
In this case, that person was one of Gauss students - Figure 56 | Bernhard Riemann. The work of Berhnard Riemann continues to have
a huge impact on modern mathematics. One of his ideas on prime numbers,
Bernhard Riemann. Well discuss his solution next time. known today as the Riemann Hypothesis, remains unsolved and is so important
to mathematics that a correct solution will earn you a cool $1M from the Clay
Mathematics Institute.
11.1 Why did we choose to draw circles and lines Using the polar form of complex numbers we learned
through the origin in Figure 50? back in Parts 7 and 8, find all solutions to the the
11.5 f (-2i)
11.8 f (0)
11.4 Why do you think our paths behave so
strangely in Figure 55?
Exercises 11 71
Critical Thinking
It's your turn to experiment with some paths! In each exercise below, compute the x and y values for each
point according to the function , plot the input and output points, and connect consecutive points
with a line. You may use technology.
3 3
4 0 2 2
1 1
0 2
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
0 4 -1 -1
-2 -2
2 23 -3 -3
-4 -4
4 0 z w
11.10 z1 z2 y v
x1 y1 x2 y2 u v 4 4
3 3
4 0 2 2
1 1
0 2
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4
-4 0 -1 -1
-2 -2
0 -2 -3 -3
-4 -4
4 0 z w
11.11 z1 z2 y v
x1 y1 x2 y2 u v 4 4
3 3
Make Your Own Path!!
2 2
1 1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
z w
11.12 Explain why our paths jump in Figure 55.
Imaginary Numbers Are Real
Part 12: Riemann's Solution
Last time we left off wondering why some paths on our v
w-plane led us to completely new values on our z-plane, 4
powerful insights into problems like this in the mid-nine- y
teenth century. -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
The first part of Riemanns contribution is the idea 3
So thats fine, but it immediately raises an important
question: how do we pick which z values to map to each
-4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
plane? A simple and effective approach here is to simply -2
divide the z plane into two halves well let the right half
map to our first w-plane, and our left half map to our w2
second w-plane.1 These restricted versions of our multi- Figure 57 | Riemann's Idea, Part I. The first part of Riemann's idea is to allow
function are called branches. each of our two solutions on z to map to its very own copy of the w-plane. This
Lets draw a path again, but this time just on our first does raise an issue though - which plane do we map other points, such as -1+i
w-plane. Things look just fine until we cross the negative
real axis, and our path on the z-plane suddenly jumps! whats perhaps more disappointing here is that we havent
gained any insight into the interesting loop behavior we
saw last time, in fact we cant even recreate it with these
setup no matter what kind of loop we draw, as shown in
Figure 59, we always end up exactly where we started on
both the z and either w-plane, it seems that weve legal-
ized this behavior out of existence.
Figure 58 | Crap! Since we've decided to map our first w-plane to the right side of
our z-plane, when we cross the negative real axis on w, our path on z suddenly
-2 -1 1 2 Real
2 -1
1 -2
-2 -1 1 2 Real
z 1
-2 -1 1 2 Real
74 Notes . Doodles . Musings
Exercises 12 75
Discussion 12.5 f (2i)
12.6 f (-4)
Drill -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
Find all plot solutions to the the multifunction: -2
-1 z
12.4 f (4)
12.7 f (-2i)
y y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
z z
76 Part 12 Exercises
Critical Thinking
12.8 Let's try to get a better feel for what's happening in Figure 58. For each w value in the tables below, compute the
corresponding z values. Each w value will yeild two z values, so choose the appropriate one based on which side of the plane
(left of right) it's on. Plot all points, and connect consecutive points to form a path when possible. For points that end up on
on the imaginary z (y) axis (these could be interpreted as left or right side), keep both solutions. For one cool point, make
your left and right paths different colors.
zleft w2 zright w1
xleft yleft u v xright yright u v
4 0 4 0
0 2 0 2
0 4 0 4
2 23 2 23
4 0 4 0
y -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
1 w1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x v
z 1
-4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
Part 12 Exercises 77
12.9 For each w value in the tables below, compute the corresponding z values. Each w value will yeild two z
values, so choose the appropriate one based on which side of the plane (left of right) it's on. Plot all points, and
connect consecutive points to form a path when possible. For points that end up on on the imaginary z (y) axis
(these could be interpreted as left or right side), keep both solutions. For another cool point, make your left and
right paths different colors.
zleft w2 zright w1
xleft yleft u v xright yright u v
4 0 4 0
0 2 0 2
-4 0 -4 0
0 -2 0 -2
4 0 4 0
y -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
1 w1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x v
z 1
-4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
78 Part 12 Exercises
12.10 Now Forwards! Map each z value in the table below to its corresponding w value. Note that each z value
will map to either w1 or w2, with one exception: allow points along the imagary z (y) axis to map to both w1 and
w2 - this is a small hack (don't tell your mathematician friends) to make your graph easier to understand. Plot all
points, and connect consecutive points to form a path when possible.
z w1 w2
x y u v u v
2 0
1 2
0 2
-2 1
-2 0
-1 -2
0 -1
1 -1
2 0
y -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
1 w1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 x v
z 1
-4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4
Part 12 Exercises 79
Figure 65 | Tricky Tricky. Along our self-intersection line, our two distinct
solutions are collapsed into one becuase we don't have enough dimensions to
show that out two points are, in fact, different.
Figure 64 | What to do about the intersection of our w planes? We would like to
think that we've fixed our continuity problem, but as we follow a path around
our surface, what should we do when we hit this point of intersection? Should This is the danger of visualizing high dimensional
we stay on the same plane or hop to the other one? How do we even figure this
out? mathematical concepts. What were really looking at here
82 Part 13: Riemann Surfaces 5:55-7:38
-2 -1 1 2 u
Figure 67 | One way to visualize all 4 dimensions. If we color our suface according
to our missing value, y, we can get a better feel for what all 4 variables are
doing at once. Since our planes are different colors at our line of intersection,
this means that our surface actually doesn't self-intersect! The apparent self- y
intersection is a result of visualizing a 4D object in 3D space.
Figure 69 | Riemann Surfaces are Cool AF. Using our Riemann Surface, we can see exactly why our blue path returns to where it started, but our green path doesn't!
Lets recreate these suspicious paths, this time using behavior we saw! And this is just the beginning, Riemann
our Riemann Surface to help us out.1 To keep our surface surfaces are huge part of modern mathematics, and theres
from getting too crowded, well choose just one of our two way more to say than we have time for here.
paths to visualize first. Alright, were finally ready to answer the question
Well draw the same exact paths on w and see how what the heck was happing way back in Figure 2?
they show up on our Riemann surface as they are mapped
to the z-plane.
a b
So why does our green path start out in one location
on our z-plane and end up in another?
dimension of our visualization. Now that we have some idea of what all four variables
When we first saw this surface in part one, people are doing, lets look for the two roots predicted by Gauss.
asked a very good question - if, according to the funda- Remember, roots are where the output of our function
mental theorem of algebra, our function is supposed to equals zero. For this to be the case, both the real and lat-
have exactly 2 roots, why does our surface appear to equal eral parts of our output variable w, u and v, must be zero.
zero at way more than two locations? Seeing where u equals zero isnt too bad this is where
This apparent contradiction has everything to do our surface intersects the z-plane.
with the shortcomings of living in 3 dimensional space Now, where does v, the imaginary part of our output
weve been discussing. When we visualize 4-dimensional variable w, equal zero? If we look at our colormap, this
functions in 3-dimensional space, we must remember that should be where our surface is green. Its difficult to see
what were really seeing is a projection, a shadow of the exactly which shade of green corresponds to zero,1 so lets
functions full 4-dimensional form. add an orange line to our surface where v equals exactly
Lets have a closer look at our surface from Figure 2. In zero.
our opening shot, half of our surface was hidden behind Now if we look closely, we see that both the real and
our paper and the colors we used were chosen somewhat imaginary parts of w equal zero at exactly two points:
arbitrarily to roughly correspond to the surface height. i and -i on our complex z plane, exactly as our algebra
predicted in Figure 41!
z=i, -i v
Figure 71 | Colors! To get a better feel for what's happening in all 4 dimensions, 1 A limitation of using color instead of a spatial dimension!.
here we've colored our surface to correspond to hour missing variable, v. 2 Man this feels like a movie montage.
3 You Rock!
Exercises 13 85
13.2 Why was our line of self-intesection actually not?
13.6 For 1,000,000 cool points, construct a
Riemann Surface (in code or paper) for a func-
tion other than f(z)=z 2 , and tweet a picture to
Critical Thinking
Figure -1 | The jerk who wrote this workbook. When he's not making videos,
Stephen Welch spends his enormous You Tube profits on his professional
Elephant Polo team.
1 Stupid Jerk.