Cable Route Planning in Complex Environments Using Constrained Sampling
Cable Route Planning in Complex Environments Using Constrained Sampling
Cable Route Planning in Complex Environments Using Constrained Sampling
Abstract tion and motion planning. Cable and wire routing can be posed as
a robot motion planning problem to compute the path for a highly
articulated and deformable robot, i.e. the cable (or the wire). How-
We present a route planning algorithm for cable and wire layouts
ever, the dimensionality of the configuration space of such a de-
in complex environments. Our algorithm precomputes a global
formable robot is very high. In addition, the simulation of highly
roadmap of the environment by using a variant of the probabilistic
articulated and deformable bodies can be expensive and time con-
roadmap method (PRM) and performs constrained sampling near
the contact space. Given the initial and the final configurations,
we compute an approximate path using the initial roadmap gener-
ated on the contact space. We refine the approximate path by per-
forming constrained sampling and use adaptive forward dynamics
to compute a penetration-free path. Our algorithm takes into ac-
count geometric constraints like non-penetration and physical con- 1.1 Main Results
straints like multi-body dynamics and joint limits. We highlight the
performance of our planner on different scenarios of varying com-
plexity. In this paper, we present a novel approach for cable routing in com-
plex environments. We assume that the cable can be modeled as
Keywords: motion planning, adaptive dynamics, articulated bod- a highly articulated robot with multiple links and many degrees of
ies, cable route planning freedom (dofs).
The collision detection between the cable and the environment is When a collision is detected between the cable and the obstacle, we
performed using a hybrid bounding volume hierarchy. We perform apply a force in the direction of contact normal to keep the cable
two culling steps, based on axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs) apart from the surface of the obstacle. Let xi be the position of
and oriented bounding boxes (OBBs), to help localize potential col- contact link i, xipro j is the projection of xi on the obstacle and Ni
lisions, before performing intersection tests at the triangle level. We is the normal vector at position xipro j . Then the collision response
pre-compute and store one hierarchy of oriented bounding boxes for force will be proportional to the penetration distance d, where
each rigid cable link and each rigid environment obstacle. We also
precompute one axis-aligned bounding box for each obstacle in the d = (xipro j xi )Ni (3)
environment. The OBB hierarchies and AABBs of environment
obstacles do not have to be updated during planning.
and the contact handling force will be
At runtime, we determine the intersections between the cable and
the environment obstacles using the following collision detection fiContact = kNi d (4)
where k is the collision coefficient. line segment between vi and v j that does not intersect with any ob-
stacle in O. For connecting the initial and final configuration to the
Given the basic steps of our cable simulation module, we will next roadmap, we also place them in the milestone set and perform local
describe our motion planning algorithm and show how our cable planning for them as well.
simulation is used in our cable route planning.
5.1.2 Local Planning (b) Update the position of milestone vi+1 to vnew ;
(c) Check collision between the new path segment vi -vi+1
Another important step in PRM is local planning which connects and the environment.
collision-free nodes. We use a distance-based approach for finding
the edges in the roadmap from a milestone vi . All milestones that We repeat steps (1) - (4) until a path is found between the initial and
are within some search radius of vi are placed into a neighbor set, final configurations, vi and v f . If no path is found, it is reported and
N. For each milestone v j in N, we determine if there is a straight the user can either add more milestones or conclude that there is no
safe path. Otherwise, we end the simulation when it is reported that House Model-This model consists of over 14,500 polygons
the object is sufficiently close to the final configuration. and the cable is represented as a 280-link robot with 5,000
polygons. The house has four rooms and there is only one
entry to the house. The house does not have a ceiling.
5.4 Constrained sampling
Building Model-This model consists of over 18,200 polygons
Given the contact information between the first segment of the cable and the cable is represented as a 280-link robot with 5,000
and the obstacle, we can determine the local tangent space of the polygons. The building has seven floors and each floor has
obstacles for a given pair of sampled nodes near the obstacles. We different shapes and dimensions. In order to illustrate the
use this tangent space to constrain the search of a new node when cable simulation and planning visually, we place the cable
we found an intersection between the first link of the cable. and the around the outside of the building.
Car Model-This model consists of over 19,668 polygons and
Assume vi is a point on the path and an external force toward this the cable is represented as a 280-link robot with 5,000 poly-
point is applied to the robot. Let P = (Px , Py , Pz )T denote the Carte- gons. This model is obtained from the MPK model database.
sian coordinates of the contact point in the world frame. The contact
point P corresponds to a point on the first link of the robot, and is Our algorithm runs at interactive rates, averaging about 60 fps. Ta-
a 3-vector P(Ci ) depending on the configuration Ci of the cable and ble. 1 illustrates the timings of our planning and sampling technique
the environment. Let n = (nx , ny , nz )T denote the Cartesian coordi- in detail.
nates of the contact normal in the world frame, and assume that this We also benchmark our algorithm by changing the sampling tech-
normal is directed toward the exterior of the obstacle. The local nique in our simulation. Instead of constrained sampling, we use
non-penetration constraint is: random sampling in 3D. In constrained based sampling, we gen-
erated samples near the corners, edges and walls, and we applied
dP(Ci ) n 0, (5) constraint sampling during the simulation. However, in random
where dP(Ci ) is the small variation in the position of P correspond- sampling the samples are randomly generated in 3D. It is important
ing to a small variation d(Ci ) around the configuration Ci of the to note that each sampling step takes longer but ensure no colli-
robot. This non-penetration constraint defines a polyhedral set of sion between samples using our constrained sampling. When using
valid variations. Provided the robot in the configuration Ci is in a random sampling, each step takes much less time, but many sam-
consistent state with no interpenetration, the valid variations set is ples generated are not necessarily in free space, thus can result in
non-empty. longer simulation time to compute a collision free path. In this
Because we use linear constraints, the set of valid variations is only benchmarking experiment, we use our adaptive dynamics simula-
a local piecewise-linear characterization of the valid space around tion framework and collision handling method in both cases for ca-
vi . This set of valid variations can be efficiently used for local plan- ble simulations. Table. 2 shows the timing comparison of two sam-
ning. At runtime, whenever there exist a contact between the first pling techniques. In all cases, the precomputatin using constrained
link of the robot and the obstacle, we use the set of valid variations sampling takes roughly same amount of time as random sampling.
to help determine a new node vnew , by projecting the intentional But, the simulation time is less using roadmaps computed from our
variation on the set of valid variations. More specifically, whenever constrained sampling method.
a new tentative node vt is randomly chosen in the neighborhood of To demonstrate the path quality generated by our algorithm with
the contact-space node, we perform the following operations before constrained sampling in the contact space vs. using random sam-
checking its validity with a discrete collision checker: pling for only the first segment of the cable in our approach, we
1. Compute the corresponding tentative variation dvt = vt vi . show a comparison image highlighting the difference in path quality
for the House in Fig. 2. Notice that constrained sampling results in
2. Project the tentative variation dvt on the set of valid variations better cable placement than random sampling for cable route plan-
to obtain the new variation dv. ning. The computed path using constrained sampling tend to stay
around the corners, the edges, and walls as real cables should; while
3. Set the new milestone vnew = vi + dv
the computed path using random sampling may be a valid one but
The projection of the intentional variation dvt onto the polyhedral can be obtrusive or unsafe for human operating in the same work
set of constraints is performed by using the Wilhelmsen projection space.
algorithm [Wilhelmsen 1976].
It is also important to note that we cannot apply standard PRM di-
Finally, we note that the combination of constrained sampling in the rectly as the planner must know the final configurations of all cable
contact space and sampling by ray shooting allows us to accumulate segments, in order to find the intermediate configuratons for the en-
obstacle constraints: whenever a new node vnew is determined by tire cable, which has a very high degrees of freedom and can take
extending a node vi , we check whether the near-obstacle constraints a very long time to plan any path. The final configuration of the
of vi , are still valid in the new configuration vnew . This occurs for entire cable is what we also aim to compute at the same time in this
example when the robot comes in contact with an obstacle. paper. And, the final configuration of all cable segments can be au-
tomatically computed and simulated using our integrated approach
presented here.
6 Results
We also include additional sequences taken from our simulation
In this section, we present the results of our approach on three dif- runs (see Fig. 3). Our cable route planning algorithm is able to
ferent benchmarks of varying complexity. Below are our bench- automatically compute realistic paths for these modestly complex
mark scenarios: models. Our algorithm using constrained sampling systematically
finds milestones which are either on or near to the obstacles (walls,
Bridge Model- This model consists of over 5,000 polygons corners, structural supports, etc.) and the cable moves along the
and the cable is represented as a 280-link robot with 5,000 path naturally using our adaptive multi-body dynamics at interac-
polygons. tive rates. Please refer to the project website,
Scene # of Tri. in Cable # of Tri. in Environment Total joints Motion Error Metric Avg. Time Dynamics (s) Avg. Time Simulation (s) Total Sim. Time (s)
Bridge 5,600 5,000 280 0.01 % 0.0026 0.0045 27.03
0.1 % 0.0019 0.0040 23.67
0.5 % 0.0013 0.0034 20.07
House 5,600 14,500 280 0.01 % 0.0030 0.0051 49.98
0.1 % 0.0022 0.0048 47.04
0.5 % 0.0017 0.0041 40.01
Building 5,600 18,200 280 0.01 % 0.0031 0.0051 41.31
0.1 % 0.0025 0.0047 38.07
0.5 % 0.0019 0.0040 32.40
Car 5,600 19,668 280 0.01 % 0.0034 0.0055 32.49
0.1 % 0.0020 0.0040 23.66
0.5 % 0.0016 0.0037 22.23
Table 2: Comparison between Constrained Based Sampling (CBS) and Random Sampling
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