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The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES)

||Volume||2 ||Issue|| 5 ||Pages|| 01-15||2013||

ISSN(e): 2319 1813 ISSN(p): 2319 1805

Effects of Cryogenic Treatment, Hardening and Multiple
Tempering On Wear Behavior of D6 Tool Steel
R.H.Naravade, 2 S.B.Belkar , 3,R.R.Kharde
Lecturer,Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.Dr.V.V.P.Polytechnic,Loni
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.R.E.C.,Loni
Head,Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.R.E.C.,Loni

This experimental work intended to investigate the effects of cryogenic treatment on the wear behavior of
D6 tool steel. For this purpose, the temperature was used -185oC as deep cryogenic temperature. The effects
of cryogenic temperature (deep), cryogenic time (kept at cryogenic temperature for 36 hr) on the wear
behavior of D6 tool steel were studied. The findings showed that the cryogenic treatment decreases the
retained austenite and hence improves the wear resistance and hardness. Due to more homogenized carbide
distribution as well as the elimination of the retained austenite, the deep cryogenic treatment demonstrated
more improvement in wear resistance and hardness compared with the conventional heat-treatment. By
increasing the keeping time at cryogenic temperatures, more retained austenite was transformed into
martensite; thus, the wear resistance was improved and further hardness were observed.This experimental
work also intended to investigate the role of multiple tempering before and after cryogenic treatment on
friction and wear behaviour of D6 tool steel as classified by American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). D6 tool
steel is used for measuring tools, blanking dies, forming dies, coining dies, long punches, forming rolls,
edging rolls, master tools, extrusion dies, drawing dies, moulds for pressing abrasive powders etc.The
different combination of heat treatments like hardening (at 1020C) for one hour, tempering (at 210C) for
two hours and deep cryogenic treatment (at -185C) for 36 hours was done on D6 tool steel. Wear test were
performed using pin-on-disc wear tester to which two different normal loads (3.1Kg and 5.1Kg) and two
different velocities (1.5m/s and 2.5m/s) were applied. Hardness of specimens was measured by using Rockwell
Hardness tester. Microstructural characterizations of the differently heat treated specimens have been done by
image analyzer software with inverted microscope.The findings show that the cryogenic treatment improves
the wear resistance and hardness of D6 tool steel. The results indicate that, in HCT specimens there was large
reduction in the wear rate and markedly enhancement in wear resistance of the D6 tool steel.

KEYWORDS: - AISI D6 tool steel, cryogenic treatment, wear rate and wear resistance.
Date of Submission: 17th May 2013, Date of Publication: 05thJune 2013

To understand the effects of cryogenic processing it is essential that one can be acquainted with the
heat treating of metals. The primary reason for heat treating steel is to improve its wear resistance through
hardening. Gears, bearings, and tooling for example are hardened because they need excellent wear resistance
for extended reliability and performance [1].

Cryogenic processing (CP) is presently employed in the fields like aerospace and manufacturing
industries, sports and music instruments, firearms etc. for performance enhancement of various components. In
the last decade, a good number of investigations have been directed to improve the tribological properties like
wear resistance of tool/die steels by cryotreatment. Cryogenic treatment of tooling steels is a proven technology
to increase wear resistance and extend intervals between component replacements for dies, punches, drill bits,
end mill cutters, bearings, cams, crankshafts, blocks, pistons, blades etc. Controlled CP is commonly appended
in-between conventional hardening and tempering treatments for tool/die steels [2]. The execution of the deep
cryogenic treatment on quenched and tempered high speed steel tools increases hardness, reduces tool

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Effects Of Cryogenic Treatment, Hardening

consumption and down time for the equipment set up, thus leading to cost reductions of about 50% [3].In last
few years it is found that the use of combination of different heat treatment like hardening, multiple tempering
and cryogenic treatments affect on the friction and wear behaviour of AISI D6 tool steel [4].


Tool steels were developed to resist wear at temperatures of forming and cutting applications. Tool
steel is used on a wide variety of applications where resistance to wear, strength, toughness and other
properties are selected for optimum performance. They are broadly divided into six categories: cold work,
shock resisting, hot work, high speed, mold and special-purpose tool steels [1].Generally speaking, many tool
steels fulfill the requirements for a given application, so that final selection is guided by considering the tool
life as well as the cost of material and fabrication. First reasonable factor affecting the tool life is adhesion
wear [1]. The high-carbon, high-chromium cold work tool steel, designated as group D (Deep Hardening) steel
in the AISI classification system, are the most highly alloyed cold-work steel. The high-carbon, high-
chromium cold work D6 tool steel has extremely high wear and abrasion resistance. Again, the high alloy
content provides excellent hardenability and good dimensional stability. D6 tool steel contributes
approximately 21% of total tool steel application. Although the high abrasion resistance of the D6 tool steels is
desirable for cold-work applications, the machining and grinding operations during manufacturing of finished
dies and molds are difficult.
A. Applications of D6 Tool Steel
Measuring tools, blanking dies, forming dies, coining dies, slitting cutters, heading tools, long
punches, forming rolls, edging rolls, master tools, beading rolls, intricate punches, extrusion dies, drawing
dies, lamination dies, thread rolling dies, shear blades, burnishing tools, gauges, knurls, wear parts, plastic
moulds, decorative knives, hunting knives, mill rolls, spinning tools, moulds for pressing abrasive powders etc.


In tool steels, a low percentage of austenite is retained after the conventional heat-treatment named
retained austenite. The retained austenite as a soft phase in steels could reduce the product life and, in
working conditions, it can be transformed into martensite. This new martensite could cause several problems
for working tools. This new martensite is very brittle and differs from the tempered one, which is used in tools.
Furthermore, this martensite causes micro cracks and reduces the product life. Moreover, the retained
austenite-to-martensite transformation provides dimensional instability.

Regarding the problems mentioned above, the controlled transformation of the retained austenite into
martensite is essential to many types of component. In order that this transformation occurs, the cryogenic
treatment is used. As a result, the retained austenite is reduced and higher wear resistance is obtained. Two
types of cryogenic treatment are usually applied as follows: (1) the shallow cryogenic treatment (SCT) is
performed between -50oC and -100 oC after quenching. In SCT, the retained austenite is reduced and higher
wear resistance is obtained in tool steels; (2) the deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) is conducted at the
temperatures below -125oC. This treatment reduces or eliminates the retained austenite and distributes carbides
in a higher proportion and in a more homogenized manner. Accordingly, further wear resistance as compared
with SCT was observed. At DCT temperatures, austenite and martensite lattice is contracted. As a result of this
contraction, carbon atoms are forced to diffuse. At higher temperatures, these carbon atoms would produce the
new carbides, thereby leading to more homogenized carbide distribution [1-10].

A. Akhbarizadeh et.al [8] studied the effects of cryogenic treatment on the wear behavior of D6 tool
steel. For this purpose, two temperatures were used: -63C as shallow cryogenic temperature and -185C as
deep cryogenic temperature. The effects of cryogenic temperature (Shallow and deep), cryogenic time (kept at
cryogenic temperature for 20 hours and 40 hours) and stabilization (kept at room temperature for one week) on
the wear behavior of D6 tool steel were studied. Wear tests were performed using a pin-on-disk wear tester.
Due to more homogenized carbide distribution as well as the elimination of the retained austenite, the deep
cryogenic treatment demonstrated more improvement in wear resistance and hardness compared with the
shallow cryogenic treatment. By keeping the samples for a period of one week at room temperature after
quenching (stabilization), more retained austenite was transformed into martensite and higher wear resistance
and higher hardness were achieved.

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B. Summary of Literature Review

Recent studies have indicated that cryogenic treatment is an essential supplementary treatment,
which is performed on products after conventional heat-treatment in order to increase their wear resistance in
some materials and to produce dimensional stability in others. The cryogenic treatment is conducted on tool
steels, maraging steel, cast iron, carburized steel, tungsten carbide, polymers and composites. In all of the
materials mentioned, the cryogenic treatment increases the wear resistance and subsequently increases the
product life. The cryogenic treatment has been used as a finishing process in the past few decades. This process
is also being used in aircraft and automobile industries as well as many other areas.Over the last decade,
several researchers [110] have reported that the Deep Cryogenic Treatment (DCT) considerably improves the
wear resistance (WR) of AISI D6 tool steels than those obtained either by Cold Treatment (CT) or by
Conventional Heat Treatment (CHT). Also it is found that the considerable reduction in wear rate (W R) and
coefficient of friction ().In addition, it has also been reported that DCT and multiple tempering after
cryogenic treatment enhances the dimensional stability and reduces the residual stresses. These favourable
effects increase the service life of the components made of AISI D6 tool steels.

Literature of past work does not adequately clarify the selection of tempering, cryogenic temperature
and soaking time. There is a need to standardize the process for cryogenic treatment in particular tool steels
and understand the underlying metallurgical mechanism responsible for improvement of wear. In general
cryogenic treatment and multiple tempering is still in the dormant level as far as wear rate, wear resistance and
coefficient of friction is concerned. This is the main focus of the present work on D6 tool steel.
C. Problem Definition
Effects of cryogenic treatment on wear behavior of D6 tool steel and effect of multiple tempering
before and after the cryogenic treatment.
D. Objectives
Therefore the present investigation is based on the effect of cryogenic treatment on friction and wear
behaviour of AISI D6 tool steel and has following objectives,

1) To study the effect of wear test parameters like normal load, velocity of counter disc on friction and
wear behaviour of D6 tool steel.
2) To study the effect of different heat treatments like hardening, cryogenic treatment and multiple
tempering on wear volume, coefficient of friction, wear rate and wear resistance of D6 tool steel.
3) To study the relationship between normal loads, velocity of counter disc, coefficient of friction, wear
rate and wear resistance.
4) To find percentage improvement in wear resistance due to combination of different heat treatments on
D6 tool steel.
5) It is intended that, this research will be useful in promoting the applications of cryogenic treatment on
D6 tool steel.

E. Proposed Experimental Work

For improvement of friction and wear behaviour of AISI D6 tool steel, combination of different heat
treatments like hardening, multiple tempering, cryogenic treatments are used. In this study hardening
temperature 1020C for one hour, tempering temperature 210C for two hours, cryogenic temperature -185C
for 36 hours, soft tempering temperature 100C for one hour were selected. The reduction in wear rate,
coefficient of friction; improvement in wear resistance of specimens were assessed by a pin-on-disk wear
testing machine. For wear test the disc are made of EN-35 (68 HRC maintained) of surface roughness, Ra =
0.5 m. Testing conditions were used as follows,

a. Normal Load, FN = 3.1Kg, 5.1Kg

b. Sliding speed, V = 1.5, 2.5 m/s
c. Test Duration, T = 60 Min.
Change in hardness of specimens was measurement by using Rockwell Hardness tester.
Microstructural characterizations of the differently heat treated specimens have been done by image analyzer
software with inverted microscope.

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To ensure a high-quality product, diagrams and lettering MUST be either computer-drafted or drawn
using India ink.
a. Material
The present investigation has been conducted with samples of AISI D6 tool steel. AISI D6 tool steel is
also designated as T30405 by Unified Numbering System. The round bars of diameter 9.20mm were selected
for this experimentation. The specimens for wear test were prepared of diameter 9.20mm and height 30mm.
For hardness test specimens were prepared of diameter 9.20mm and height 10mm. The chemical composition
of specimens has analyzed by Optical Emission Spectrometer (ASTM-E-1066-2008). Table no. 4.1 conforms to
the chemical composition of AISI D6 tool steel.

Table no. 4.1 Chemical Composition of D6 Tool Steel

Weight Percentage
Sr. No. Element Actual AISI Specification of D6 Tool
% Steel
1 C 2.16 2.00-2.35
2 Mn 0.38 0.60 Max.
3 Si 0.35 0.30-0.50
4 S 0.011 0.030 Max.
5 P 0.015 0.030 Max.
6 Cr 12.02 11.00-13.00
7 Mo Nil --
8 W 0.23 1.00 Max.
b. Treatments
The material selected for this work was given various treatments and treatment combinations
indicated in Table no. 4.2.

The first step in the heat treatment of AISI D6 tool steel was hardening. The purpose of hardening
was to harden steel to increase the wear resistance, cutting ability. Hardening of AISI D6 tool steel was done in
the tubular furnace (3.5KW, 230V AC, 15A, 120010C) at a temperature of 1020C [1, 6] for 1 Hour. During
hardening process, inert gas Argon was supplied in tubular furnace to avoid oxidation. Harden AISI D6 tool
steel followed air cooling which provides great benefit of minimizing distortion and dimensional changes [11].

Table no. 4.2 Different Heat Treatments Employed to AISI D6 tool steel

Sr.No. Nomenclature Particulars of Treatment

1 HT Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Single Tempering (210C for 2 Hr)

2 HTT Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Double Tempering (210C for 2 Hr)

3 HTTT Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Triple Tempering (210C for 2 Hr)
Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Cryotreated (-185C for 36 Hr), Single
Tempering (210C for 2 Hr)
Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Cryotreated (-185C for 36 Hr), Double
Tempering (210C for 2 Hr)
Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Cryotreated (-185C for 36 Hr), Triple
Tempering (210C for 2 Hr)
Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Cryotreated (-185C for 36 Hr), Soft
Tempering (100C for 1 Hr)
Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Single Tempering (210C for 2 Hr),
Cryotreated (-185C for 36 Hr), Soft Tempering (100C for 1 Hr)
Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Double Tempering (210C for 2Hr),
Cryotreated (-185C for 36 Hr), Soft Tempering (100C for 1Hr)
Hardening (1020C for 1 Hr), Triple Tempering (210C for 2 Hr),
Cryotreated (-185C for 36 Hr), Soft Tempering (100C for 1 Hr)

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The process which consists of heating the hardened components to a temperature between 100C and
700C, holding at this temperature for specific period and cooling to room temperature, usually by air is called
as tempering.The purposes of tempering are as follows,

a. To relieve the internal stresses developed due to rapid cooling of steels after hardening process and due to
volume changes occurring in the austenite to martensite transformation, to reduce brittleness,
b. To reduce hardness and to increase ductility and toughness,
c. To eliminate retained austenite [12].

Tempering of D6 tool steel was done in the muffle furnace (3.8KW, 230V AC, 60010C). Samples
of treatment HT, HTT, HTTT, HCT, HCTT, HCTTT, HTC, HTTC and HTTTC after H and HC were
immediately subjected to tempering at temperature of 210C with 2 Hr soaking time, followed by air cooling to
room temperature, that is, single tempering. After the air cooling the remaining samples were subjected to
double tempering for the same temperature and time and then air cooled. Similar procedure is again followed
for triple tempering on the remaining samples from double tempering. The detailed heat treatments are
indicated in Table no. 3.2.

4.3.Cryogenic Treatment
The cryogenic treatment was done in Cryoprocessor system at Nashik Cryogenic Services,Nashik.

Fig.4.1 Cryoprocessor Setup

Cryoprocessor is capable of maintaining shallow subzero treatment, deep subzero treatment and
cryogenic subzero treatment temperatures for any length of time through software based program which
control the flow of liquid nitrogen via solenoid valve as per the demand of programming logic controller. The
arrangement of cryoprocessor is as shown in Fig. 4.1. As soon as liquid nitrogen enters into Cryoprocessor, it
gasifies immediately through multi hole slitter and thus cooling of the specimen takes place. Temperature of
the bath is sensed using Resistance Temperature Detector, which provides online feedback of temperature of
the bath to regulate the flow of liquid nitrogen.

Fig. 4.2 Block Diagram of Cryoprocessor

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Schematic line diagram of Cryoprocessor used in this experiment is as shown in Fig. 4.2. In the
present work, the specimens were cryotreated at -185C, the soaking time was selected 36 Hr [7]. The bath was
allowed to cool down slowly (3- 4C/ min) to avoid thermal shocks.Once the subzero treatment was over, all
the specimens were allowed to warm up in an insulated thermocol box which takes normally 16-24 hr to reach
the room temperature depending on the treatment given. A computer generated thermal profile of the processor
is shown in Fig. 4.3. Blue line stands for instantaneous process temperature and red line stands for set point
which was maintained manually. It must be noted that the actual process temperature follows the set points.

After cryogenic treatment the specimen of HTCST, HTTCST, HTTTCST and HCST are followed by
soft tempering. Soft tempering was done in muffle furnace (3.8KW, 230V AC, 60010C) at 100C for one

Fig. 3.3 Computer Generated Thermal Profile of Cryoprocessor

c. Metalography
Microstructure analysis was carried by image analyzer software; with inverted microscope (Make-
CARL ZEISS Germany, Model-Axiovert 40Mat). Carefully prepared samples were first surface leveled on
endless emery belt (80/0) paper. Further samples were subjected to separately polishing on emery paper (240,
400, 600, 800 and 1000) so as to make surface free from scratches. Final polishing was done on velvet cloth
polishing machine with intermittent application of fine suspensions of alumina to get better finish on polished
surface. A freshly prepared etchant Nital, of composition approximately 5 ml Nitric acid with 100 ml ethyl
alcohol (i.e. approximately 5%), was used for revealing micro constituents of AISI D6 tool steel.
Microstructures were then recorded by image analyzer system as shown in Fig. 4.4. Chromium carbides are
divided in two categories viz. small size carbides, maximum dimension less than 1 micron, and big carbides,
any larger dimension more than 1 micron.

(a) (b) (c)

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Effects Of Cryogenic Treatment, Hardening

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

Fig. 4.4 Microstructure of AISI D6 tool steel for different heat treatments samples at 1000x: a) HT, b)
HTT, c) HTTT, d) HCT, e) HCTT, f) HCTTT, g) HC, h) HTC, i) HTTC, j) HTTTC

d. Hardness Measurement
The hardness of polished AISI D6 tool steel specimens was measured on a Rockwell hardness testing
machine. The samples prepared for metallography, are used for hardness measurement. The hardness is
measured on C scale with 10Kg minor load and 150Kg major load applied. A minimum of 5 readings have
been taken to estimate the average value of hardness of the specimen. The hardness of different samples is
shown in Table no. 4.3.
Table no. 4.3 Hardness of Specimens
Sr. No. Sample Hardness (HRC) Hardness (VHN)
1 HT 59.8 693
2 HTT 60.4 707
3 HTTT 60.6 712
4 HCT 62.8 770
5 HCTT 62.2 753
6 HCTTT 61.4 732
7 HCST 60.1 700
8 HTCST 60.7 715
9 HTTCST 60.3 705
10 HTTTCST 60.1 700

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e. Evaluation of Wear Behaviour

In order to investigate the resistance of the heat treated AISI D6 tool steels to adhesion wear; the
computerized pin-on-disc tribometer as shown in Fig. 4.5 was used. Dry sliding wear tests were carried out on
this computerized pin-on-disc wear testing machine (DUCOM: TR 20LE, India). The specifications of pin-on-
disc tribometer are shown in Table no. 4.5. Specimens of 9.20mm diameter and 30mm length was clamped in
a holder and held against the rotating counter disc made of WC-coated EN-35 (68 HRC) with the roughness
value, Ra = 0.5m. The faces of the pin specimens were polished and cleaned in acetone in an ultrasonic
cleaner. The wear tests were carried out at two different normal loads (F N) of 30.41N (3.1 Kg) and 50.03N (5.1
Kg) at a constant linear sliding velocity (V) of 1.5m/s and 2.5m/s in dry condition at the room temperature.
The values estimated nominal contact pressure in the pin specimens are 0.4575MPa and 0.7526MPa
corresponding to FN of 3.1Kg and 5.1Kg respectively. The wear tests were carried for 60 minutes duration. All
these values are shown in Table no. 4.4. The surface of each specimen was cleaned at each time before each
test. Every time new track radius of rotating disc was used so that pin was exposed to fresh surface of counter
face. Wear and frictional force was measured continuously through a load cell measuring the tangential force.

Fig. 4.5 Experimental Setup of Pin-on-disc Tribometer

Wear rates (WR) have been estimated by volumetric method from the recorded cumulative height loss of
the specimens with respect to sliding distance in the steady-state wear regime considering mean of at least two
test results under identical conditions.
Table no. 4.4 Wear Test Details

Sr. No. Normal Load FN (Kg, N) Pressure P (MPa) Velocity V (m/s)

1 3.1,30.41 0.4575MPa 1.5
2 3.1,30.41 0.4575MPa 2.5
3 5.1,50.03 0.7526 MPa 1.5
4 5.1,50.03 0.7526 MPa 2.5

Table no. 4.5 Specifications of pin on disc Tribometer (TR-20)

Make Ducom Ltd, Bangalore.

Pin Size 3 to 12 mm diagonal
Disc Size 160 mm dia. X 8 mm thick
Wear Track Diameter (Mean) 10 mm to 140 mm
Sliding Speed Range 0.26 m/sec. to 10 m/sec.
Disc Rotation Speed 100-2000 RPM
Normal Load 200 N Maximum
Friction Force 0-200 N, digital readout, recorder output
Wear Measurement Range 4 mm, digital readout, and recorder output
Power 230 V, 15A, 1 Phase, 50 Hz

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Table no. 4.6 Rotating Disc Speed in rpm

Sr. Sliding Velocity Disc Wear Track Diameter Disc Speed

No. V(m/s) D(m) N(rpm)
1 0.060 477.5
2 0.080 358.1
3 0.100 286.5
4 0.116 246.9
5 0.060 795.8
6 0.080 596.8
7 0.100 477.5
8 0.116 411.6


a. Microstructure Evaluation
Microstructure of D6 tool steel for HT, HTT, HTTT, HCST, HTCST, HTTCST and HTTTCST
specimens exhibit non-uniform distribution of large, elongated, white regions of primary chromium carbides
and uniform distribution of nearly spherical secondary chromium carbides. But for HCT, HCTT and HCTTT
specimens there is uniform distribution of white regions of primary chromium carbides and nearly spherical
secondary chromium carbides. It is clearly seen that there is definite reduction in carbide size as seen in Fig.
5.4 (d) as compared to original structure as seen in Fig. 5.4 (a).

b. Hardness Study

Fig. 5.1 Hardness test report of D6 tool steel for different heat treatment

The measured Rockwell hardness number of D6 tool steel for different heat treatments is tabulated in
Table no. 5.3. The results show that the cryogenic treatment increases hardness. From Fig. 5.1, it is observed
that for D6 tool steel the hardness of HCT specimens improves approximately 5% as compared to HT
specimens. It is also observed that the hardness value for multiple tempering before and after cryotreatment
were decreases. The hardness values for specimens subjected to different heat treatment can be directly related
to the magnitude of reduction of soft retained austenite with associated improvement in the amount of hard
secondary carbides and tough tempered martensite [5]. The obtained results thus infer that increase in hardness
of D6 tool steel specimens occurs due to cryotreatment.
c. Wear Mechanism
i. Wear Volume
The wear volumes of the D6 tool steel versus sliding time are presented in Fig. 5.2 - 5.5 for different
wear test parameters. It is observed that both normal load and sliding velocity affect the wear volume, which

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Effects Of Cryogenic Treatment, Hardening

attains values between 1.596 mm3 to 11.365 mm3. The wear volume increases with increasing normal load, but
wear volume of the D6 tool steel observed to be fluctuating with increase in sliding speed.

It was observed that the cryogenically treated specimens have less wear as compared to conventional
heat treatment specimens. Apparently there is no straight correlation with hardness. Even though difference of
hardness of HT and HCT specimens is not much more, there is a dramatic drop in wear volume in wear test.
There is an increasing wear volume reflected in multiple tempering specimens. From wear test report it is
observed that the wear volume was increased in the order of HCT, HCTT, HCTTT, HCST, HTCST, HTTCST,
HTTTCST, HTTT, HTT and HT specimens. In the case of HCT Specimens, the large reduction in wear could
be mainly due to the retained austenite elimination and the homogenized carbide distribution as well as more
chromium carbide as compared to other heat treated specimens.

Fig. 5.2 Wear of D6 tool steel for 3.1Kg load and Fig. 5.3 Wear of D6 tool steel for 3.1Kload and
1.5m/s Velocity for different heat treatment 2.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment

Fig. 5.4 Wear of D6 tool steel for 5.1Kg load and Fig.5.5 Wear of D6 tool steel for 5.1Kg load and
1.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment 2.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment

5.1. Coefficient Of Friction

The coefficient of friction of D6 tool steel for the different wear conditions for tests carried out and it
is observed that, the value of coefficient of friction varies approximately from 0.5324 to 0.7449. The
comparison of coefficient of friction between different heat treated specimens is as shown in Fig. 5.6 - 5.9. It is
observed that the coefficient of friction decreases with increase in normal load. Wear test report reflect that the
coefficient of friction of D6 tool steel increases due to multiple tempering before and after the cryogenic
treatment. For HCT specimens the value of coefficient of friction is very less due to largest hardness as
compared to other type of specimens. The coefficient of friction of D6 tool steel observed to be fluctuating with
increase in sliding speed.

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Fig. 5.6 Coefficient of Friction of D6 tool steel for Fig. 5.7 Coefficient of Friction of D6 tool steel for
3.1Kg load and 1.5m/s velocity for different heat 3.1Kg load and 2.5m/s velocity for different heat
treatment treatment

Fig. 5.8 Coefficient of Friction of D6 tool steel for Fig. 5.9 Coefficient of Friction of D6 tool steel for
5.1Kg load and 1.5m/s velocity for different heat 5.1Kg load and 2.5m/s velocity for different heat
treatment treatment

5.2. Wear Rate (Wr)

The computed values of wear rate for all type of D6 tool steel for specimens tested under normal loads
3.1Kg and 5.1Kg are as shown in Fig. 5.10 - 5.13. It is observed that both normal load and sliding velocity
affect the wear rate, which attains values between 0.2955 mm 3/m to 1.9942 mm3/m. The results in these
figures show that the wear rate of HCT specimens is very less as compared to other type of heat treated samples
and where as there is an increasing wear rate reflected in double and triple tempered D6 tool steel. In the case
of HCT specimens, the large reduction in wear rate could be mainly due to the homogenized carbide
distribution, additional amount of fine carbides nucleated during cryogenic treatment and reduction in carbide
size as compared to other heat treated specimens i.e.

Wear behavior is highly influenced by microstructural parameter like carbide size and its distribution.
It is also observed that the wear rate increase linearly with increasing normal load for all types of specimens.
High wear rate in case of HT, HTT, HTTT, HCTT, HCTTT, HCST, HTCST, HTTCST, and HTTTCST
specimens as compared to HCT specimens could be attributed to primary coarse carbides. The lowest wear rate
is shown by HCT specimens as a result of additional amount of the fine carbides nucleated during cryogenic

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Fig. 5.10 Wear Rate of D6 tool steel for 3.1Kg load Fig. 5.11 Wear Rate of D6 tool steel for 3.1Kg
load and 1.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment and 2.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment

Fig. 5.12 Wear Rate of D6 tool steel for 5.1Kg load Fig. 5.13 Wear Rate of D6 tool steel for 5.1Kg load
and 1.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment and 2.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment

5.3.Wear Resistance (Wr)

Wear behavior can be conveniently expressed in terms of dimensionless wear coefficient (k). The
inverse of dimensionless wear coefficient is known as wear resistance (WR). The calculated wear resistance of
different heat treated specimens are as shown in Fig. 5.14 - 5.17. The results obtained in this study, in general,
are in agreement with results reported by Dass et al [5]. In this study it is observed that the improvement in
wear resistance is significant by cryogenic treatment.

5.4.Improvement in wear resistance ( %)

In order to quantify the magnitude of improvement of WR by HCT over that of HT treatment
specimens, a parameter has been considered here, which is defined as follows,
%=[ ] 100
Where, WR is wear resistance, HCT and HT denote the type of the specimen [5, 7].The value of have
been calculated for different types of specimens under different test conditions. As compared to other type of
samples, there is greatest improvement in wear resistance in case of HCT samples. The results shown that for
3.1 kg and 5.1Kg normal load, at 1.5m/s and at 2.5m/s velocity, which illustrates that in comparison to HT,
HCT treatment enhance the WR of D6 tool steel by 140.501% to 248.559%. In addition, the magnitude of for
HT and HCT specimens decreases with the increasing normal load and velocity.

The relation between wear properties with the results of microstructure analysis revels that the
improvement in wear resistance is depends on the microstructure analysis generated by different heat
treatments irrespective of its dependence on wear test conditions. It can be concluded at this stage that the
reduction of retained austenite content, reduction in size of the secondary carbide and distribution of secondary
carbides are basic factors responsible for the improvement in wear resistance in HCT specimens; whereas wear
resistance property deteriorates with double and triple tempering as evident from Fig. 5.14 - 5.17. In the HT,
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HTT, HTTT, HCTT, HCTTT, HCST, HTCST, HTTCST, and HTTTCST of D6 tool steel specimens there is
growth in secondary carbide size. This contributes in deteriorating the wear resistance of D6 tool steel.
This experimental work shows that the combined effect of heat treatment and cryogenic treatment can assist in
improving wear resistance in single tempering, whereas wear resistance deteriorate in subsequent double and
triple tempering.

Fig. 5.14 Wear Resistance of D6 tool steel for 3.1Kg Fig. 5.15 Wear Resistance of D6 tool steel for
load and 1.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment 3.1Kg load and 2.5m/s velocity for different heat

Fig. 5.16 Wear Resistance of D6 tool steel for 5.1Kg Fig. 5.17 Wear Resistance of D6 tool steel for 5.1Kg
load and and 1.5m/s velocity for different heat load 2.5m/s velocity for different heat treatment

d. Statistical Regression Analysis

Statistical regression analysis is the study of the relationship between two or more variables, used to
establish the empirical equation relating input-output parameters, by utilizing least square method. Moreover,
it is the most commonly used statistical modeling technique developed based on experimental data. There is
difference between predicated and actual values of the response for the same set of independent variables. It is
possible to attribute this difference to a set of independent variable and the difference due to random or
experimental errors. The technique of analysis of variance (ANOVA) does this. With the help of regression
coefficients we can calculate the correlation coefficients. The square of coefficients, called coefficients of
determination R2(R-Sq), measures the degree of association of correlation that exists between the variables.
The value of R2(R-Sq) is the important criteria to decide the validity of regression model. In general, greater
the value of R2(R-Sq) better is the fit and more useful the regression equation is as predictive device. If value is
0.85(85%) or more, then relationship established by regression model is acceptable.

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5.5. Regression Analysis for D6 Tool Steel Specimens

The regression analysis was done on Minitab 16 Software for Wear Rate versus Load, Speed and
following regression equations has been developed to predict the wear rate for HCT specimen.
Regression Analysis: Wear Rate versus Load, Speed
The regression equation is

Wear Rate = - 0.000449 + 0.000191 Load + 0.000111 Speed

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -0.00044934 0.00007108 -6.32 0.100
Load 0.00019063 0.00001222 15.59 0.041
Speed 0.00011075 0.00002445 4.53 0.138

S = 0.00002445 R-Sq = 99.9% R-Sq(adj) = 99.6%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 2 1.57617E-07 7.88086E-08 131.83 0.061
Residual Error 1 5.97802E-10 5.97802E-10
Total 3 1.58215E-07

Source DF Seq SS
Load 1 1.45352E-07
Speed 1 1.22656E-08

It was observed that the regression analysis carried out shows that, the value of R 2(R-Sq) for HCT
specimen has greater the value 99.6%, thus better is the fit and more useful the regression equation is as
predictive device.

The present investigation is based on the effect of cryogenic treatment on friction and wear behaviour of
AISI D6 tool steel. After conducting the experimental work, following conclusions are drawn from the results.
1) The wear volume and wear rate (WR) increases linearly with increasing normal load for all type of
samples, whereas coefficient of friction decreases with increase in normal load.
2) It is observed that at higher velocities, wear rate is enhanced, but the coefficient of friction observed to
be fluctuating.
3) It is seen that the largest improvement in wear resistance (WR) is observed in HCT specimens, which is
140% to 248% that of the HT specimens. Subsequent tempering, i.e. double and triple tempering
deteriorates wear resistance. The improvement in WR decreases with increasing severity of wear test
conditions, i.e. increasing normal load.
4) Wear volume, coefficient of friction, wear rate and wear resistance of the materials depends upon the
combination of heat treatments.
5) The Rockwell hardness number of HCT specimens improves approximately 5% by HT specimens.
Cryogenically treated specimen shows decreasing hardness from single stage to triple stage tempering.
6) Therefore, among different heat treatments like HT, HTT, HTTT, HCT, HCTT, HCTTT, HCST,
HTCST, HTTCST and HTTTCST; the lowest wear volume, coefficient of friction and wear rate is
observed in HCT specimens.

As a result of the lower retained austenite, the cryogenic treatment improves the wear resistance and
the hardness of the D6 tool steel. This improvement is significant in the deep cryogenic treatment due to more
homogenized carbide distribution, the retained austenite elimination and higher chromium carbide percentage
in comparison with the conventional heat treatments.

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Journal Papers:
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[7] D. Das, A.K. Dutta, K.K. Ray; Optimization of the duration of cryogenic processing to maximize wear resistance of AISI D2 steel;
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[1] G. Roberts, G. Krauss, R. Kennedy; Tool Steel, Fifth Edition, ASM International, Latrobe, Pennsylvania, 1980, pp. 1-28 & 203-
[2] V. D. Kodgire, S. V. Kodgire; Material Science and Metallurgy for Engineers, Twenty Sixth Edition, Everest Publishing House,
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[1] www.Tribology-abc.com/calculators/hardness.htm.

Biographies and Photographs:

Rahul H.Naravade, Pursuing ME Design Engineering, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department in

P.Dr.V.V.P.Polytechnic Loni.

[1] Prof.S.B.Belkar, ME Design,Asst.Professer in P.R.E.C. Loni.

[2] Prof.R.R.Kharde, ME Tribology,Professer & H.O.D. in Mechanical Engineering Department in

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