Michael Chansky Acid Base Made Easy Handout PDF
Michael Chansky Acid Base Made Easy Handout PDF
Michael Chansky Acid Base Made Easy Handout PDF
It has been my experience that many clinicians read volumes about acid-base, and even understand most of
the basic principles, yet struggle when asked to rapidly solve real clinical cases. Emergency physicians
must be able to interpret the numbers rapidly and accurately. While managing a critically ill patient in a
busy E.D., you utilize your history, exam and initial data (EKG, SMA-6, ABG) to generate a differential
diagnosis, order appropriate tests, begin therapy and determine disposition. It is easy to get confused trying
to understand the complex pathophysiology of metabolic and respiratory disorders. We will focus on the
most important disturbances that occur clinically, and the basic differential diagnosis of these disturbances.
Accurate interpretation is fun and will lead to better patient care!
3. The acid-base status can generally be understood from analysis of the ABG, and
4. The Anion gap [Na+ - (Cl-+HCO3)] adds more detailed information about the type
of metabolic acidosis. Normal is<14 mEq/L. Use the measured HCO3 from the
D. Primary processes that change pH from neutral are only partially compensated; therefore the
primary acute process (acidosis or alkalosis) is always evident from the acidotic (<7.38)
or alkalotic (>7.42) pH. Compensation never reaches total correction, nor can you
overcompensate. Chronic respiratory alkalosis is the only primary disorder where
compensation can approach a normal pH.
E. The respiratory system provides compensation for primary metabolic processes and the
response occurs nearly immediately. A patient with a metabolic alkalosis cannot
hypoventilate beyond a pCO2 of 55-60 mmHg without essentially a respiratory arrest. On the
other hand, a patient cannot hyperventilate beyond a pCO2 of 12-14 in response to a metabolic
acidosis. The kidneys provide compensation for primary respiratory processes by adjusting
HCO3 reabsorption in the proximal tubules. The renal (metabolic) response is not immediate.
Compensation lags by 6-12 hours and may require 24-48 hours to reach a steady state.
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 2
Acid Base Disorders
Don't panic
Keep it simple!
Look at the ABG!
Calculate and understand the anion gap
A. Is the pH acidic or alkalotic? The answer to this question usually identifies the primary
disturbance (acidosis or alkalosis).
C. Remember: the HCO3 in the ABG is calculated from the pH and pCO2. This calculated value
doesn't really help to interpret the disturbance. The measured bicarbonate in the chem-6 is
more accurate and enhances the validity of the ABG.
D. Put together the information from pH and pCO2 and measured bicarbonate.
1. pCO2 <38: the primary process is an acidosis (pH acidic) with a respiratory alkalosis
(hyperventilation) as partial compensation. Thus the primary acidosis must be a
metabolic acidosis. The lingo would call this a "metabolic acidosis with respiratory
compensation". Bicarbonate will be low.
2. pCO2 38-42: primary acidosis without respiratory compensation, thus a pure metabolic
acidosis (this rarely occurs)
Here you need the bicarbonate to tell you whether the patient has, in addition, a primary
metabolic acidosis (HCO3<24), or has compensated for the respiratory acidosis
Here you need the bicarbonate to tell you whether the patient has a superimposed primary
metabolic alkalosis (i.e. HCO3>28) as well. This rarely occurs except iatrogenically in
mechanically ventilated patients.
Easy, huh . . . . . . . . . . .
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 3
Acid Base Disorders
III. Compensation
There are also some formulas that allow you to calculate whether the compensation that occurs is
an "appropriate" response to the primary process or whether this "compensation" actually reflects
the presence of a second primary process. Be familiar with these simple formulas, and know when
to apply them. These four formulas are my personal favorites.
1. Acute Metabolic Acidosis: Winter's Formula is used to calculate whether the respiratory
compensation (hyperventilation) to a metabolic acidosis is appropriate. In a metabolic
acidosis (gap or non-gap), pCO2 = 1.5 [HCO3]+8 2. If the patients pCO2 is higher, the
patient has a superimposed primary respiratory acidosis (hypoventilation). If the pCO2 is
below this range, the patient has a superimposed primary respiratory alkalosis
3. Chronic Respiratory Acidosis: HCO3 should increase by 3.5 for every 10mm Hg increase
in pCO2. A greater increase in bicarbonate implies a superimposed primary metabolic
alkalosis, a smaller increase in bicarbonate implies either a superimposed primary
metabolic acidosis or an acute respiratory acidosis and metabolic compensation has not had
time to occur.
A thorough knowledge of the anion gap allows the clinician to recognize subtle findings hidden
in the SMA-6. The basic principle of electroneutrality dictates the total mEq/L of cations must
equal the total mEq/L of anions. Since serum sodium accounts for 90% of all cations and chloride
plus bicarbonate 85% of all anions, the difference between these in mEq/L represents the anion gap
Unmeasured cations include potassium, calcium, magnesium while unmeasured anions include
protein, sulfate, phosphate, etc. The normal AG is the range of 8-14 mEq/liter. The finding of
an elevated AG is synonymous with the presence of a metabolic acidosis. The presence of an
unmeasured anion lowers the serum bicarbonate via buffering, hence elevating the anion gap.
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 4
Acid Base Disorders
While the identification of a primary metabolic acidosis is made by examining the ABG, the
diagnosis depends on the anion gap and the clinical situation. It is useful for diagnostic purposes
to divide metabolic acidoses into increased anion gap metabolic acidoses and non-anion gap
metabolic acidoses. An increase in anion gap implies an increase in acid production or a decrease
in acid clearance (by the kidney). In all metabolic acidoses, by definition, bicarbonate is low; if the
anion gap is normal, [Cl] must be high. Thus another name for "non-anion gap metabolic acidosis"
is "hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis". These processes are generated by the loss of bicarbonate
(via the kidney or GI tract) replaced physiologically with chloride.
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Paraldehyde, phenformin
Iron, isoniazid, inhalants
Lactic acidosis
Ethylene glycol, ethanol (alcoholic ketoacidosis)
Salicylates, solvents, starvation ketosis
Look for an osmolar gap in patients with an anion gap metabolic acidosis, and the
etiology is unknown. It occurs in these two intoxications:
1. Methanol
2. Ethylene glycol
Calculate Osmolar gap:
Step 1: osm = 2 (Na+) + (gluc/18) + (BUN/2.8) + (BAL/5) norm = 285-295 mOsm/L
Step 2: Measured - calculated should be < 10-15
In hyperchloremic acidosis (normal anion gap) the urinary anion gap can be calculated = ([Na+] +
[K+]) - [Cl-]. Normal range = 30 - 50 mEq/L. If the UAGap is normal it points to GI losses of
bicarbonate and if elevated renal losses.
Treatment of metabolic acidosis requires treating the underlying cause. Bicarbonate is generally
withheld until pH is very low (below 7.10 - 7.15). The dose of bicarbonate should not exceed 0.5 -
1 mEq/kg at a time with additional doses guided by further measurements of pH, pCO2, and HCO3,
correction = 0.5 (wt in Kg) x (desired bicarbonate - measured bicarbonate) in mEq/L.
General Rule: correct with 50% calculated bicarbonate deficit and recheck the serum level
and pH to prevent over correction.
volume overload
decreased ionized calcium
paradoxical cerebral acidosis
shift of oxygen dissociation curve to the left
Low Anion Gap: You may occasionally come across a patient with a very low anion gap. A
"low" anion gap is defined as <6. Causes of a low anion gap include the addition of unmeasured
cations, (paraproteins, calcium, magnesium, lithium) that are offset by measured anions, reduced
concentration of unmeasured anions (dilution, hypoalbuminemia), systematic underestimation of
serum sodium (hypernatremia, hyperviscosity) and systematic overestimation of chloride
B. Metabolic Alkalosis
Primary elevation of plasma bicarbonate concentration with a subsequent increase in pH:
a. Loss of acid or addition of alkali sufficient to generate met alkalosis
b. Enhanced renal reabsorption (or regeneration) of bicarbonate
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 6
Acid Base Disorders
Most common causes are volume depletion (associated with excessive loss of K+) and loss of
gastric secretions (loss of H+ and Cl) via vomiting or NG tube, and diuretic use. Volume depletion
generates the alkalosis, the kidney maintains it! Volume depletion stimulates aldosterone, which
promotes sodium uptake and potassium loss via the kidney. In chloride depleted patients, the
sodium is reabsorbed with bicarbonate, which leads to an elevated bicarbonate level in a volume
depleted patient. Diagnosis depends on the clinical situation and measurement of urinary chloride.
Saline Responsive (Urine Cl- < 10 mEq/L) Saline-Resistant (Urine Cl- > 10 mEq/L)
GI: vomiting, NG suction, Cl- diarrhea Mineralocorticoid excess
villous adenoma - Primary aldosteronism
Diuretic therapy - Secondary: CHF, Cirrhosis, Ascites,
Cystic Fibrosis Malig HTN,
Posthypercapnia ACTH excess (Cushing disease/syndrome,
Alkali syndrome ectopic),Bartters, licorice, renin-tumor,
chewing tobacco,
Liddles, severe K+ depletion, congenital
Adrenal Hyperplasia
Misc: refeeding alkalosis, non parathyroid hypercalcemia (IE. bone mets, massive blood or plasma
Causes Include:
Early shock - (Respiratory Alkalosis is the earliest acid-base disorder of
hypovolemic shock)
Early sepsis
Fear, anxiety
Pulmonary disease (CHF, asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism)
CNS infection or CVA
Liver disease
Salicylates (adults)
In a mixed disturbance there is more than one primary process. Suspect a mixed disturbance when
a simple disturbance with compensation does not explain the laboratory or clinical picture. The
most common example in the ED setting is primary metabolic acidosis with primary
respiratory alkalosis (e.g. pH 7.56, pCO2 15, HCO3 14, anion gap 20).
Triple Disturbances are common in the E.D. Metabolic acidosis, alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis
are seen in various clinical settings. SUSPECT a metabolic acidosis and alkalosis in a patient with
a large anion gap and bicarbonate > 15. Use the "Delta Delta" formula to calculate the patients
bicarbonate equivalent. (Patients anion gap-10 (normal gap) = Delta Delta. Add this number to the
patient's bicarbonate to calculate the equivalent). This concept will be discussed during my practice
case session next; so do not panic if you are confused.
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 8
Acid Base Disorders
Approach cases in a calm, step-wise fashion. It is imperative that you are familiar with the
differential diagnosis of all four primary acid base disturbances:
1. Metabolic Acidosis 3. Respiratory Acidosis
Gap Vs Non-Gap Acute Vs Chronic
2. Metabolic Alkalosis 4. Respiratory Alkalosis
Acute Vs Chronic
The available history/examination will always provide key clues to the underlying acid base
disturbance. Because the most important process to pick up in the acute care setting is metabolic
acidosis, you must be comfortable with the concept of the anion gap, and understand how to apply
Winters Formula (respiratory compensation for a metabolic acidosis).
Calculate the anion gap in EVERY SMA-6. If the patient has an anion gap, you have defined a
metabolic acidosis. Next use Winters Formula, to calculate what the pCO2 should be for ideal
respiratory compensation, pCO2 = 1.5 (HCO3 ) +8 +2. If the patients pCO2 is lower than
calculated, the patient has a respiratory alkalosis. If the pCO2 is higher, the patient has a
respiratory acidosis.
If a patient has an anion gap metabolic acidosis how can we possibly figure out if a metabolic
alkalosis is also present? They frequently coexist. This is where you must apply the so-called
delta-delta. Lets walk through this.
A patient has an anion gap (AG) of 25 and measured bicarbonate of 22. The presence of an anion
gap and a near normal bicarbonate is the first clue that a metabolic alkalosis is also present.
Assume two things:
1. the normal gap is 10.
2. for every unit rise in the anion gap above 10, the patients bicarbonate
was lowered by one unit (via buffering).
Therefore, this patients delta-delta is 25 (pts AG) - 10 (normal AG) = 15.
(pts AG minus the normal anion gap = delta-delta)
According to assumption 2 this patients bicarbonate was lowered 15 units by the production of 15
units of acid. Therefore, this patients bicarbonate equivalent is 15 plus the measured
bicarbonate (22) or 37. A serum bicarbonate of 37 clearly characterizes a metabolic alkalosis. You
will need to practice this, and we will!
Lets move on.
If the patient does not have an anion gap, look for a low bicarbonate and high chloride, which
defines a hyperchloremic non-anion gap metabolic acidosis. Use Winters Formula to check for
appropriate respiratory compensation.
If neither a gap or non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is present, then your patient can only have the
VIII. Example
A patient is wheeled in from a nursing home in shock and hypothermic.
Na+ = 143 pH = 7.61
K+ = 3.9 pCO2 = 23
Cl- = 98 pO2 = 95
HCO3 = 22 HCO3 = 22
Glu = 126
BUN = 9
At first glance the patients chem-6 looks relatively normal, with no acid base disturbance present.
Luckily, an ABG was drawn because the patient looked clinically ill and it was apparent from the
ABG that there was an acid-base disorder. A fast glance would lead you to believe this is a simple
case of respiratory alkalosis.
1. pH > 7.42, therefore alkalotic. CO2 low. HCO3 low.
However, since you are now a seasoned expert in acid-base physiology you correctly calculate the
anion gap.
This number is > 14 and represents an anion gap metabolic acidosis. You now recall your brief
differential diagnosis list and go back to the patient to get further history and physical exam
information. The next step in your analysis is to determine the degree of respiratory compensation
for this metabolic disorder via Winters formula.
Since the patients pCO2 is much less than the expected pCO2 (23) we confirm a concurrent
respiratory alkalosis. As you recall from the lecture, in any patient with metabolic acidosis and a
bicarbonate level close to normal you should suspect a mixed metabolic acidosis/alkalosis and
calculate the delta-delta.
A: 23 (pts actual AG) - 10 (normal AG) = 13, thus this HCO3 equivalent = 13
B: 13 + 22 (measured HCO3) = 35, which clearly represents a metabolic alkalosis
As you can see from these simple calculations, this patient has a triple disorder, which was
dangerously close to going unnoticed.
After a little practice, this REALLY will become easy. Remember: real patients do not follow
formulas, and may have numbers that seem a little off. Use common sense and do not label a
patient with a primary acidosis because the anion gap is 15. PRACTICE CASES!
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 10
Acid Base Disorders
Case Studies:
3. A 40-year-old woman with gallstones presents with abdominal pain, vomiting and
4. A NIDDM patient is wheeled into the Emergency Department appearing ill and lightheaded.
8. An elderly woman with severe arthritis is found in her apartment lethargic and confused.
Ethanol: negative
Urine Dip: negative glucose, large ketones
Measured Osmolarity of 338
12. A 30-year-old man is found down at a bus station. Paramedics respond, draw blood, start on
IV and transport. D50 and Narcan given in route leads to considerable improvement in the
patients mental status. Explain the lab results from the field blood.
13. A 45-year-old woman is S/P thyroid surgery 2 weeks ago. She presents with painful spasms
of her legs and arms. She has a positive Chvosteks sign on exam.
Na+ = 142
K+ = 4.0 Why is her Anion Gap 18?
Cl- = 100
HCO3 = 24
Glu = 100
BUN = 10
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 13
Acid Base Disorders
14. A teenage girl presents with severe weakness over the past 2-3 days. She denies drug use,
vomiting or alcohol. Interpret the numbers:
15. A 51-year-old with IDDM and alcohol abuse presents with 3 days of N/V. She is
Case Studies: Many of these are real ED cases I have seen in recent years.
1. This patient is obviously very ill and requires your immediate attention to the ABCs. A quick glance
at the ABG, which invariably comes back quickly reveals a profound acidemia. This must be a
metabolic acidosis, as the bicarb and pCO2 are low. You think of your simple DDx (lactate, ketones,
uremia and ingestions) and move on the SMA-6. This reveals an anion gap of 31, bicarb of 4, and
severe life threatening hyperkalemia. Knowing this patient has a severe metabolic acidosis, you
quickly calculate what the pCO2 should be for this bicarb, using Winters formula. pCO2 = 1.5
(HCO3) + 8 + 2. pCO2 should be 14, which is exactly correct. Therefore this patient has a perfectly
compensated metabolic acidosis. Since the patient was not in shock or uremic, and his urine had no
ketones on dip, ingestions (ASA, Methanol, Ethylene Glycol etc.) must be considered. ASA usually
has a profound respiratory alkalosis, and mild metabolic acidosis. Methanol and EG both are toxins
that are metabolized to acids, and cause in addition to an anion gap an osmolar gap. This patient had a
large osmolar gap, oxalate crystals in the urine and a high ethylene glycol level. We initiated
immediate intravenous ethanol treatment and called in the dialysis team. Volume (NS) and bicarbonate
normalized the peaked T waves on his initial ECG. This patient did well.
2. A quick glance at these numbers might have fooled you before the lecture, and look normal. But the
patient looked sick, and you now have the correct reflex to calculate the anion gap on EVERY SMA-6
you interpret. This patient has an anion gap of 27, and must have a metabolic acidosis, with the same
differential diagnosis as above. In every patient we see with a metabolic acidosis, we next utilize
Winters Formula to calculate respiratory compensation. 1.5 (22) + 8=41. This is close to the patients
pCO2 of 39, so there is no respiratory disorder. The only other disorder this patient could have is a
metabolic alkalosis (since there are only 4 disorders, and we have ruled out respiratory disorders). This
is where we need to calculate the delta-delta. Assume a normal gap is 10. This patients anion gap is
27, or 17 additional unmeasured anions have been added to his serum. These anions were buffered at a
1:1 ratio by bicarbonate. Therefore his bicarbonate dropped from 39 (17 + 22) to 22. His bicarbonate
equivalent is 39, which is clearly a metabolic alkalosis. He had 4+ ketones in his blood (starvation
ketosis) and a severe metabolic alkalosis from vomiting. He was hydrated carefully with D5NS, given
Compazine and clear liquids, and was dialyzed and discharged the next day without an anion gap.
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 14
Acid Base Disorders
3. This patient appeared ill and dry. An IV of NS was initiated wide open, and a urine dipstick revealed
trace ketones. The ABG is consistent with a severe metabolic alkalosis, as the bicarbonate and pCO2
are elevated. Her SMA-6 reveals an anion gap of 8 (normal), an elevated bicarbonate and BUN, and
severe hypokalemia. Remember that only 2% of your total body K+ is extracellular, so an initial serum
K+ of 2.9 represents profound total body deficits (300-1000 mEq). Obviously we correct most acid-
base and electrolyte abnormalities at the rate they occurred, and cannot give greater then 10 mEq/hour
of K+ due to potential cardiac toxicity. This patient generated her metabolic alkalosis by persistent
vomiting (loss of Cl-, and volume), and is maintaining the alkalosis by the kidney (aldosterone driven
reabsorption of sodium and bicarbonate in this chloride depleted state). Compensation is calculated
based on an increase of pCO2 by .6 for each 1 mEq/L increase in bicarbonate. Her bicarbonate is
14mEq above normal, so 14 x .6 = 8. pCO2 should be 48, which it is. Remember you cannot
hypoventilate much beyond 48-50 pCO2 without the hypoxic drive kicking in. This patient was
treated with volume expansion and KCl until her pancreatitis (due to a gallstone) resolved.
4. This patient was very ill, hypotensive and febrile. His initial ABG was confusing, with an alkalotic pH,
normal pCO2 and elevated calculated bicarbonate, (? metabolic alkalosis). We started NS, did a finger
stick BS (> 400) initiated a fever workup, and received the SMA-6. The reflex calculation of the AG
pays off, and reveals an anion gap metabolic acidosis, (gap is 28), with the differential as discussed
above. Winters Formula tells us the pCO2 should be 53, and the patients pCO2 is 40 (respiratory
alkalosis). The differential of this disorder includes ASA, pulmonary conditions (like pneumonia),
early sepsis, liver disease, early hypovolemic shock. How can we tell if this ill patient has a triple
disturbances (i.e. metabolic alkalosis)? Lets do the dreaded delta-delta again. Normal gap is 10, his
is 28. This patient has 28-10, or 18 unmeasured anions added to his serum. This brought his
bicarbonate down 18 by buffering. His bicarbonate equivalent is 18 (the delta-delta) plus his serum
bicarbonate (30), which equals 48! This clearly represents a metabolic alkalosis, or triple disturbance.
This patient was in DKA (gap acidosis), volume depleted due to vomiting and an osmotic diuresis
(metabolic alkalosis) and had pneumonia and sepsis (respiratory alkalosis) Aggressive treatment with
fluids (NS), then insulin and potassium, coupled with antibiotics and oxygen had him turning the
corner before leaving the ED. He grew pneumococcus from his blood.
5. This young woman had no prior medical history, and presented short of breath and tachycardic. A line
of NS was initiated wide open, and finger stick BS revealed > 400. Urine dip showed 4+ glucose and
trace ketones. The ABG reveals a profound metabolic acidosis, with a low pCO2 and HCO3. The
SMA-6 confirms an anion gap metabolic acidosis (gap of 26), pseudo-hyponatremia (remember for
every 100 your glucose is elevated above normal, your serum sodium drops 1.6), hyperglycemia and
hypokalemia (especially in light of the low pH). Winters Formula (a reflex which tells you what the
pCO2 should be in a compensated metabolic acidosis) is 1.5 (8) + 8 =20. Her pCO2 is 20, so this is a
perfectly compensated metabolic acidosis. Lets check and see if she has a metabolic alkalosis. 26 (her
gap) - 10 (normal gap) = 16. Her bicarbonate equivalent is 8 (her bicarbonate) plus 16 or 24, which is a
normal bicarbonate. She does not have a metabolic alkalosis! While this case is clearly DKA you
should always consider the other possible causes of an anion gap metabolic acidosis (lactate, uremia,
ingestions), and pursue these diagnoses as appropriate. She did well with volume, insulin, potassium,
magnesium and oral phosphate replacement in the hospital. The next morning her numbers revealed:
Na 143 K 3.8 Cl 119 HCO3 12 Glucose 310. Is she still in DKA? The answer is NO! While she still
has low bicarbonate, her anion gap is only 12. She now has a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis, or a
hyperchloremic non-gap metabolic acidosis. This is normal post-treatment of DKA. She has lost
bicarbonate equivalent in the form of ketones in her urine, that were replaced with Cl in the IV NS she
was hydrated with. She can safely be switched over to SQ insulin, and her kidneys will regenerate
bicarbonate over time.
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 15
Acid Base Disorders
6. I saw this patient recently in our ED, and the resident on duty told me his numbers were normal, even
though the patient looked sick. A quick glance at the ABG and SMA-6 is misleading. The patient has
an anion gap of 25, and his pCO2 using Winters Formula should be 41 + 2, (which it is). This patient
has a metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. How can he have a normal pH? The only way
is a concomitant metabolic alkalosis. Lets do the delta-delta once again. The patients gap -
10(normal) is 15. This patient has 15 unmeasured anions added to his serum. Assuming his
bicarbonate buffered the acid at a ratio of 1:1, his bicarbonate dropped from 37 to 22. His bicarbonate
equivalent is 37, which is clearly a metabolic alkalosis. This patient has a mixed disorder, or
concomitant metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis. This patient has classic alcoholic ketoacidosis
(AKA). Alcoholics have poor glycogen stores, and when they binge and suffer pancreatitis or gastritis
and begin to vomit, they generate a severe ketoacidosis. The metabolic alkalosis is due to the persistent
vomiting and loss of chloride and volume, which generates the alkalosis. Remember the kidney
maintains the alkalosis via aldosterone. This patient responded to D5NS, potassium, thiamine,
magnesium (his was 0.9), and a little Ativan for the shakes. This is one of the few causes of a
metabolic acidosis that can be treated on the floor, as all these patients really need is volume and
glucose to turn off the acidosis. To be complete, we did an osmolar gap (to rule out methanol and
ethylene glycol), and considered the other causes of anion gap metabolic acidosis. This patients gap
normalized in 4 hours with the above therapy.
7. This CCU nurse at first gave me no additional history. I talked her into a SMA-6, and IV hydration
because she was orthostatic and clinically was dry. Her SMA-6 reveals hyponatremia, hypokalemia,
and a very high bicarbonate (which can only be due to a severe metabolic alkalosis or metabolic
compensation for a severe respiratory acidosis, of which the later is highly unlikely). Her anion gap is
14, which is slightly elevated. Her ABG confirmed alkalemia, which is certainly metabolic.
Remember your pCO2 will go up 0.6 for each mEq your HCO3 is above 24. Her bicarbonate is 18 mEq
above normal, so 18 x 0.6 = 11, or her pCO2 should be 51mmHg. Hers is 50, so she has a compensated
metabolic alkalosis. On further exam I noted poor dentition (for an attractive woman) and scratch
marks on the back of her right hand. A urine sample revealed trace ketones (which probably accounts
for the small anion gap) and her urine chloride was zero. This confirmed my suspicion that she was
losing chloride via the GI tract, and I confronted her with her diagnosis: bulimia. She broke down and
admitted her eating disorder, agreed to a psychiatric evaluation while I hydrated her with NS and
40mEq of KCl/liter in the ED. She did extremely well, and still sends me a Christmas card annually!
If she had been abusing diuretics her urine chloride would have been elevated, or at least present.
Again, rapid interpretation of the numbers can guide you to the most likely diagnosis, and initiate
appropriate therapy.
8. This patient was very ill and required immediate fluids, oxygen and pressors. A quick glance at the
ABG reveals a probable respiratory alkalosis (alkalemia, low pCO2). The SMA-6 looks relatively
normal, but the anion gap is 22, consistent with a metabolic acidosis. We now utilize Winters
Formula, 1.5 (22) + 8 + 2 = pCO2, or 41 mmHg. Her pCO2 is 25, so this patient has a respiratory
alkalosis. The only other disturbance she can have is a metabolic alkalosis. You should be a pro at this
by now. Take the patients gap (22), subtract a normal gap (10) to get the delta-delta (12). This
represents the unmeasured anions added to her serum, which is buffered by bicarbonate. Therefore her
bicarbonate dropped from 20 (her bicarbonate now) + 12 (the delta-delta), or 32. Her bicarbonate
equivalent is 32, which represents a metabolic alkalosis. She has a triple disturbance, which was due to
uro-sepsis (E. Coli grew in her blood). The metabolic acidosis was due to lactate, respiratory alkalosis
due to sepsis, and the metabolic alkalosis was secondary to the furosemide she was on at home, and
being very dry. She was later intubated, and admitted to the ICU. Her clinical presentation fit her
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 16
Acid Base Disorders
9. This patient had acute symptoms on top of a chronic condition. His anion gap is only 9, despite a low
bicarbonate (18). The ABG reflects a respiratory alkalosis (the usual disturbance in asthma), and
severe hypoxemia (alveolar-arterial gradient of 40). Remember Alveolar O2= FIO2 (760-pH2O) - 1.2
(pCO2). ApO2 = .20 (760-47) - 1.2 (28), or 109. Aa gradient is ApO2 (109) - apO2 (69) = 40. Normal
Aa gradient in a young non-smoker is about 8-10 mmHg. Patients with asthma have V/Q mismatch
and some shunting. Back to the Acid-Base. Compensation for a respiratory alkalosis is a decrease in
bicarbonate of 5 for every 10 mmHg the pCO2 is below normal. His pCO2 is 28, or 12 mmHg below
normal (40). His bicarbonate should be approximately 18, (which it is) therefore he has a
compensated respiratory alkalosis. The low bicarbonate in this situation tells you the patient has been
ill for several days (his kidneys have had time to excrete bicarbonate), and this patient probably will not
respond to one albuterol treatment and steroids. He required admission to the hospital for aggressive
treatment of his asthma.
10. This patient had the appearance of a typical chronic bronchitic. He was overweight and cyanotic. The
cyanosis and overt right heart failure sometimes leads to these patients being described as blue-
bloaters. His SMA-6 has an anion gap of 10 (normal), and is most remarkable for high bicarbonate.
His ABG reveals a respiratory acidosis, with pCO2 of 70. Compensation would be renal retention of
bicarbonate, 3.5 mEq for each 10mmHg the pCO2 is above normal (40). His bicarbonate should be
about 35 mEq, and it is only 30. This implies either a metabolic acidosis (there was no clinical reason
for this) or an acute respiratory acidosis superimposed on the chronic respiratory acidosis. With
bicarbonate of 30 (6 above normal) one would expect his baseline pCO2 to be about 60 mmHg. His old
records later confirmed that his baseline pCO2 was indeed 60. So the ABG confirmed that he had an
acute exacerbation of his COPD, which was superimposed on a chronic respiratory acidosis. CPAP
and aggressive management of his COPD helped keep him off a ventilator.
11. This patient is gravely ill. He has an anion gap of 13, which is normal. There is no anion gap, no
metabolic acidosis yet the patient is comatose with 4+ ketones in his urine. This should immediately
have you consider isopropyl alcohol as the culprit of his condition. Calculate the osmolar gap.
Calculated osmolality is 2(141 Na) + 90 (glu)/18 + 14 (bun)/2.8 + BAL/5 = 292. Measured (338)-
Calculated (292) = 46. Isopropyl alcohol increases osmolality 0.17mOsm per 1mg% isopropyl.
Therefore the Isopropyl level is approximately 46/. 17= 270mg%. This patient requires immediate
airway management and dialysis.
12. The most important fact is that your patient looks much improved, even though the numbers look bad.
His initial anion gap is 23, which is evidence of a metabolic acidosis. A normal anion gap being 10,
23-10 is 13, or this patient has a delta-delta of 13. His bicarbonate went from 27 to 14. Bicarbonate of
27 is close enough to 24 to call this normal, and excludes a metabolic alkalosis. His ABG on arrival to
the ED is normal, and does not reflect the expected pCO2 of a patient with bicarbonate of 12 (his pCO2
should be 26 using Winters Formula). What most likely happened? The patient had a seizure at the
scene, had a transient lactic acidosis that was reflected by the scene electrolytes, and has since
resolved. A single seizure produces a pH of 7.15, but corrects within 15 minutes. Electrolytes can
often help solve mysteries!
13. This is an unusual cause of an elevated anion gap. Because this patient just had neck surgery, the
natural worry is the function of her parathyroid glands, which leaves her at risk for hypocalcemia and
hypomagnesemia. There is no evidence of an ongoing metabolic acidosis, so one must consider a
decrease in unmeasured cations. She did indeed have severe hypo-calcemia and magnesemia, and her
gap normalized with cation replacement.
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 17
Acid Base Disorders
14. This patient has an anion gap of 10, which is normal. She does have a low bicarbonate, high chloride
and acidotic pH, so we must suspect a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis. Lets do Winters Formula,
which is accurate for both gap and non gap metabolic acidosis. pCO2 = 1.5(13) +8 + 2, or 28. The
patients pCO2 is 30, which means she has a compensated metabolic acidosis. Further history elicits
admission of glue sniffing (toluene/hydrocarbon toxicity), and the severe hypokalemia and muscle
weakness is consistent with the renal tubular acidosis these patients can develop. This patient is at risk
for quadriparesis and rhabdomyolysis. Hospitalization was required.
15. This patient appeared ill, and had very abnormal numbers. Her anion gap is 23, which is evidence of a
metabolic acidosis. Lactate, ketones, uremia and ingestions are in the Dx. Using Winters Formula, the
pCO2 should be 53, so she also has a respiratory alkalosis. Because of the anion gap acidosis and the
initial high bicarbonate, one must suspect a metabolic alkalosis as well. Her gap 10 (normal gap) is
23-10 =13. Her bicarbonate came down 13 to its current level. Her bicarbonate equivalent is 13 + 30
(her current bicarbonate) or 43, which is evidence of a metabolic alkalosis. Her urine had 2+ ketones,
and this patient had a triple disturbance. Metabolic acidosis (DKA, AKA, ketones), metabolic alkalosis
(vomiting) and respiratory alkalosis (hepatic disease from alcohol abuse).
Michael Chansky, MD, FACEP 18
Acid Base Disorders
Select Bibliography
In my opinion these are the most readable reviews written on this topic.
Albert, M.D., Dell, RB, and Winters, RU: Quantitative Displacement of Acid-Base Equilibrium in Metabolic
Acidosis. Ann Intern. Medicine 66:312, 1967.
McCurdy, D.K.: Mixed Metabolic and Respiratory Acid-Base Disturbances: Diagnosis and Treatment. Chest, 63:35 s -
44s , August 1972 Supplement.
Emmett, M. and Nairns, RG: Clinical Use of the Anion Gap. Medicine 56:1 pg 38-54, 1977.
Nairns, R.G. and Gardner, LB: Simple Acid-Base Disturbances. Medical Clinics of North America. 65:2, March
Medical Clinics of North America March 1981: Body Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders.
Hyponatremia page 251-270,
Hypernatremia page 271-290,
Mixed Acid Base Disturbances: A Clinical Approach page 347-362,
Potassium Homeostasis page 363-384,
Clinical Disorders of Calcium and Phosphate page 355-400.
Nairns, R.G. et al: Diagnostic Strategies in Disorders of Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Hemostasis. The American
Journal of Medicine. 72:p 496-520, 1982.
Jones, J.H. et al: Mathematical Formulas, Equations, and Diagnostic Aids in Emergency Medicine: Practical and
Systematic Approaches to Solving Complex Clinical Problems, Emergency Medicine Reports. 16:26,
December 25, 1995.