The Problem and It'S Background
The Problem and It'S Background
The Problem and It'S Background
Poverty is one of the most common social problem our country is facing
nowadays. Based on the meaning from the merriam webster, poverty is the state of one
who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount or money material possessions. In the
Thus, poverty is one of the most prominent issue that the government is still trying to
resolve up to now but still in a process because of the continuos increase of population.
Poverty also affects mental, psychological, and social health of a person. Different crimes
On the other hand, Education is also a social problem here in our country. It is the
education is the stepping stone in achieving ones goal. In Philippines, ones educational
attainment is significant in the persons well being and even in his/her career. Having a
Poverty and Education are related in a way that these two are both evident in the
country as of this moment. Poverty is the cause of higher drop-outs in school, students
with no motivation to study, higher suicide rate, teenage pregnancy, and other social
issues related to education. Thus, poverty affects the students academic performance in
school. This study is to prove the effects of poverty to selected Grade 10-STE students.
Poverty correlates with Education in a way that poverty has a great effect on a
student's attitude towards education. A child's intelligence starts to develop at the age of 4
and some of the factors that may affect it's development are the environment he or she is
living, the way his or her parents raises him or her up, the parents attitude towards life
and most especially the educational attainment of his or her parents could affect a lot
since their educational attainment is the basis of what kind of job they have plus their
jobs are the source of their income. A family's financial status may motivate a student in
studying and it would also result in a better environment for a student since his or her
parents could suffice his or her needs thus, it could also lead into a better and healthier
family relationship. That's why it's better for parents to enroll their children in a good
This study is about the negative effects of poverty to the academic performances
of selected 10th Grade STE students and to propose solutions to attenuate the problem in
order to raise the performances of said students. As the respondents are supposedly
already in their last year in Rizal High School, these pupils tend to lie low and feel
disinclined to actually work on projects and assignments and therefore, their own
individual rankings. But one of the primary reasons for these academic downfall is
poverty. Poverty can impact a students ability to attend school regularly and on time,
complete assignments on time, and control anger about circumstances beyond their reach.
Low socioeconomic status has a great relation to the low performance of students. Thus,
those less fortunate are more likely to drop out due to financial problems. The study will
focus on the socioeconomic statuses of the selected 10th Grade STE students and their
rankings from the previous years up to now. How financial matters affect their study
habits; whether theyre more motivated or are just basically done with education.
position and salary to name a few, the matter regarding how poverty affects the academic
people receives more benefit and are likely to be successful, but also to mitigate the
whole different faction of tragedies and disasters. Hence, the main purpose of conducting
the study is to figure out a long-term resolution accounting the negative effects of poverty
narrow down ones ability to provide for better education. Money might be a symbol of
power and determines much about our lives, but it is not the only or most important thing
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
performance of Grade 10 selected STE Students of Rizal High School, school year 2015-
The variable of primary interest is that the dependent variable is Academic
Performance of the selected Grade 10 STE students. The contrast of the procedure to be
used can be generally explained using the independent variable which is Poverty.
The basis of the study is according to the following theories about the effects of
Theory posits that stressors that are more common in poorer neighborhoods which may
range from crime to lead paint have harmful effects on children. These negative effects
Ecological Systems Theory (Shonkoff & Philips,2010) broadly used by those who
research both family/home conditions and neighborhoods and their effect on child
development, ecological systems theory and the bio-ecological model hypothesize that
children are affected by people and institutions in five different nested levels: immediate
friends, family and surroundings which is the microsystem; the relationships between
these immediate surroundings which are the mesosystem; the outside experiences of
immediate friends and family which is the exosystem; the cultural settings in which one
lives which is the macrosystem; and the historical context in which one lives, also known
as the chronosystem.
living under poverty life had developed a critical culture that prolonged the cycle of
poverty. Also, this theory states that if people continue to live in poverty, they will suffer
more because of poverty and may affect their whole life including the quality of
poverty suggests that insufficiencies may continue over time, owing for instance to lack
of proper role models, and that public aid should be restricted to changing individual
Neoclassical theories (Davis & Martinez,2015) are more widespread ranging and
nonexistence of social as well as private belongings; market failures that reject the poor
from acclaim markets and cause certain contrary choices to be coherent; barriers to
education; settler status; poor health and advanced age; and barriers to employment for
lone-parent families.
Looking at the classical and neoclassical methods together, their main advantages
exist in the use of measurable monetary units to measure poverty and the willingness with
which policy recommendations can be put into preparation. They also emphasize the
Keynsian/neoliberal theory (Davis & Martinez,2015) though it led by the new-
the significance assigned to the tasks of the government permits for a greater focus on
public inequality and goods. For case in point, a more equal income dissemination can
expedite the involvement of disadvantaged groups of society in the type of activities that
are reasoned essential under broader philosophies of poverty. On the other hand, new-
Keynesians are in line with neoclassical economists in their faith that overall
Publicly provided capital as well as education has a significant part to play, with
physical and human capital assumed to be the footing for economic affluence. Unlike the
high independent debt and asset bubbles are other macroeconomic influences, besides
1. How does poverty affect the respondents with regards to the following factors:
a. student's attendance
b. numeric grades on report card
c. academic achievements
2. What are the negative effects of poverty to the academic performance of the
students. This study aims to deal with the negative effect of lack of financial support in
the grades, attendance and achievements of selected Grade 10 STE students. Students
exhibit low grades, incomplete attendance and less achievements when they lack
financially, so, this cue the researchers to investigate the overall effects of poverty to the
Hopefully this study will benefit the following:
Administrators. This study will provide insights that will help in the improvement
Classroom Teachers. This study will be used as reference to their style of teaching
Students. This study will be beneficial to them, especially to the less fortunate
students, since they are the ones who will feel the change in the programs and
Future Researchers. This study will serve as their guide and reference for future
The Study is descriptive and focused mainly on how poverty affects the academic
from sections 1,2, and 3 of Grade 10 STE students in the Rizal High School. This
research used appropriate and purposive sampling in which equal to those people who
belong in Grade 10 STE students of Rizal High School. The statistics and the result is
This study aimed to identify the different effects of poverty in performing the
academic tasks of a student. The study was conducted from January to March, school
year 2015-2016.
Definition of Terms
Academic Performance. This term refers to the outcome of education - the extent to
Bioecological. This term refers to the environmental interaction that affects human
Education. This term refers to the action or process of teaching someone especially in a
Exosystem. This term refers to outside experience of immediate friends, family, and
Poverty. This term refers to state of lacking the usual or socially acceptable amount of
economic factors.
STE. This term refers to the Science, Technology and Engineering of Rizal High School.
This chapter defines the review of literature and studies that support the
students. The references used in the related studies are from books, encyclopedias and
internet online sources. Also, the researchers include theories related to the present study.
Related Literature:
Parents need to educate their kids how to wisely spend the allowance theyre
given. With this, soon as they grow up, Gruenberg (1954), money is a symbol of power;
where there is great deal of it, it becomes a means of self-assertion,; where there is too
little (as is more often the case), it can be a constant source of frustration. Children who
do deal with money on their own are stressed over how to acquire a few cash and where
to spend it wisely. As they grow up, parents give them much bigger allowance than their
young siblings. But this does not necessarily call for favoritism but rather shows that the
size allowance of a child must depend on what it covers. Therefore, the older the child is,
the more money he/she spends, the greater his/her needs, and the larger his allowance
should be.
However, cases where financial constraints apply in a family and some children
dont get allowances at all. They need to work for their own money and to support their
families. Instances happen when a child gets too obsessed in saving up money it became
a practice and somehow he didnt enjoy spending the worth he/she has worked hard for.
This attitude is said to be less healthy that those who cant save at all. It practically
became a necessity, and spending money might actually cause emotional trauma to the
child. In some point, parents should take out the cause of trouble or perhaps consult an
experienced councilor.
more aware of issues and concerns within their households, but parents still need to be
reminded that these kids need to be protected from moments of panic at times. The goal
in trying to educate the children about roles of money in life is that when they grow up,
Manua (2011) stated that stress could be a deal for children to study in their
academic performances and help their kids overcome troubles such as lack of motivation
towards learning and insecurities regarding financial matters. A students marks are
constantly failing because of worrying too much about problems he still isnt supposed to
handle. Since money is an issue that requires much attention from all the members of the
family, children below or at the poverty line often drops out of school to find jobs instead
Despite the fact that some children work at such an early age, parents should still
encourage their children to attend school. It is their responsibility to pursue every means
in order to provide education for their kids. Relieve their stress by giving them words of
encouragement and appreciation and lifting off some of the burdens from his shoulder.
Let them concentrate, make fun once again upon acquiring and learning new things,
support him throughout his education and dont let children deal with problems that only
Parents affect the grades of their children too. Their children are still not
independent enough to choose the right decision every time, so kids basically still need
their guardians to look out for them during this phase. And the best way to support a child
that poverty has direct correlation to education. One of the effects is where poor students
have less educational assistance because they cant provide themselves the basic needs in
school. There could be a lot of factors why these students cant achieve the needed
educational assistance one is, their parents dont have a stable job because they werent
able to finish their education as well because of poverty. While on the other hand, rich
parents spend money to ensure their children get the best education, they work hard to
enable their children to get a college degree and provide all the things they need. Another
is, public school students have no match to private institutions. The comparison between
public and private schools create a poor image to those students who study at public
schools because equipments used in private schools are more complete rather than in
public schools. Thus, the level of competency is higher in private schools. Another one is,
people from low socioeconomic status have lower expectation to education because they
dont persevere anymore for they are aware that the stakes are high that they wouldnt be
able to finish their education up to college degree. These reasons affect the people by
The educational gap between privileged and less privileged students keeps on
being critical (Porter, 2015); critical in a sense that the educational attainment of a person
becomes the basis on many things. The educational attainment serves as a key in getting a
job, the higher the educational attainment, the higher the position. It is obvious that when
you get a higher job position your salary is also higher. Thats why those students who
finished their education up to college degree are luckier than those who are not.
Employers nowadays would always check on what school you finished your studies, your
grades and your achievements as a student. The privileged students who studied in
private schools most likely would get more benefits and higher chances of getting a good
work. The less fortunate students are most likely to drop-out of high schools and colleges
due to financial problem, if their parents cant sustain their schooling anymore then it is
really possible for them to drop-out. Another tendency is they would get a job to sustain
their own needs or be contented of what they have already achieved. Another is that
public schools offer low-quality education because the best teachers are attracted to
private schools for a higher salary. The materials as well, matters and the kind of
environment the public school is giving the students create more gaps between the
privilege and the less privilege. The educational attainment of the parents matter when it
comes to this topic because the less educated parents are less likely to afford good
education for their children for they only get enough salary for their basic needs while on
the other hand the richer and better educated parents the better education they could give
their children, their salaries could afford their children to study in a private school and
provide their children single need they would encounter along the way in their journey of
One reason of poverty is early marriage. Early marriage could be the outcome of
these factors like: early pregnancy, rebellion against their family or it could be an escape
from the kind of life they have (Deutsch, 1963). Early marriage could have a positive or
negative effect if a couple settles down and somehow get a good work then it is a positive
effect. Thus, this kind of relationship could become more solid and stable. But usually,
the effects of early marriage are negative wherein after a few years, the marriage breaks
down. The wife or the husband could file a divorce and suddenly its over. This
poverty; usually early married couples are most likely to suffer poverty. Most of them
didnt finish their education and that is the reason why they dont have a job. The lack of
education in couples commonly puts them into facing more serious problems involving
nine factors based on effective, cognitive, and behavioral skills for development of
learning that affect the quality of academic performance of a student: Aptitude (ability,
home, classroom, peers, and television). Also according to Robert (2003) home
Marzano (2003) states that the educated parents must provide on environment that
is best for academic success of their children. The school administration must have some
counseling and guidance to parents to build positive home environment for students
environment. In addition to this parents should be responsible in giving good quality of
affected by the beliefs and values of family and community. In some areas where family
and community are suffering poverty, formal education is not present in their vocabulary.
This leads to different issues and misunderstandings regarding students action and
Redman (2003) suggests that one technique for creating a positive relationship with
parents is through the sharing of positive comments about the student with parents,
particularly for at-risk-students. The positive comments about their children helped the
parents to feel accepted in the school environment which is typically a large barrier for
motivation and their personal growth. This study shows the stages of need of the people.
If a family lacks finance, they center themselves in meeting the basic needs such as
The Millennium Development Goals (2002) by the United Nations emphasize the
need to achieve primary education within the process of international goal setting as well
as national. All children are encouraged to finish the primary education in their country.
A study conducted by Lacour and Tissington (2011) shows that education is for
the elites. People who are willing to pay, achieve high level of education than those who
depend on public schools, where the teachers are paid less. The more knowledge teachers
choose to teach in private schools where they were given high incentives. This study also
states, learning starts before they reach school age, where they learn additional
knowledge and their stocked knowledge are improved buy the teachers. The real
education starts at home. As a childs mind develops, they should be introduced to lessons
that they might encounter as they start schooling such as the 3Rs; reading, riting
(writing), and rithmetc (arithmetic). This helps in their academic performance in school
because they do not have problems in coping up in their lessons than those who dont
Based on Berhanu et. al. (2011) aside from other factors that affect the academic
status s the most popular and debatable factor. Most of the experts argue that the low
because their basic needs remain unfulfilled. Hence, they dont perform well
academically in comparison to those students who get what they need. The most accepted
of these arguments is that the socioeconomic status of learners does affect the quality or
level of their academic performance. As the economy of a country rise, the gap between
the rich and poor continue to widen thus widening the gap between the educational
emphasize the possibility that economic development alone may be not enough to lift
underprivileged people out of (comparative) poverty, because those who fit in to certain
classes may not garner any of the benefits of overall income development. Similarly, by
emphasizing the idea of category, it provides a shift in perception, focusing on group
characteristics rather than individual, with individuals status considered reliant on the
scheme, mitigation of poverty may require least wage laws, anti-discrimination laws, one
of the most valuable anti-poverty strategies , and action to eliminate dual labour markets.
The utilization of the poor by the rich groups in society may also take place via the
eminence of the environment; for example, the poor tend to be ill with most from air
pollution that are usually generated by the wealthier groups given their residential setting.
analytical structure.
various factors but socioeconomic status is considered the most debatable. Monetary
costs in schooling led to more drop-out cases in the country and the researches had shown
that there are indeed major barriers in order to access education. These financial
Poverty holds people back from having and experiencing a lot of things; proper
education included. Hence, with lack of basic knowledge, these students, these
respondents, would be deprived of the good stuff in the future which is to officially have
a career. Negative effects may result due to being an undergraduate and illiterate. But to
these students in the present, low socioeconomic status causes them to be less motivated
Financial issues may be a reason for a family to break up and no one would
support the childs education. Parents educational background affects how they are
inclined to encourage their children to attend school. In short, home-based elements are
also factors considered affecting ones attitude towards learning and schooling. Previous
studies built up that the circumstances at home were frequently not helpful for the
learning of the students not only in rural but most likely in urban areas. Most of the pupils
in the study Grimm-Bunn conducted showed that their learns at home were influenced by
household tasks, having no work area or table to take a shot at, a lack of books in the
home, and unsupportive folks. The issue of constrained space in this study was seen to be
intensified by the parents' low pay. The parents' levels of training have likewise been seen
they did, the family estimate, financial status, mentalities and the general convictions of
the folks. Issues like the supervision of homework were seen by the instructors as past the
scholarly limit of uneducated folks. The discoveries from this study uncovered that since
poor folks are additionally overemphasized in attempting to meet the day by day needs of
their families, the subsequent melancholy and pessimism frequently prompt inadequate
supporting, separated parents, and trouble in concentrating on the necessities of the kids.
The study uncovered that the children were missing out on instruction since it was relied
upon from them to bolster their family units by method for their work. The circumstance
was fairly deplorable in tyke headed family units where there was no mother on whom
the weights might be moved. The young lady youngster attempted to do her obligation in
attempting to take after the mother, doing all the family unit tasks, such as washing
garments, cleaning the house, sustaining the youthful ones, taking care of debilitated
relatives and family, cooking for the whole family, and getting kindling and water before
going to class. The extend periods of time these children spend working disable their
scholarly advancement, since they can't realize when they are physically depleted and
rationally drained. Subsequent to the kids in charge of the vast majority of the family unit
errands, little time is put aside for school and homework. The concentrate additionally
influenced by their frequently changing of schools as their guardians scan for work, or
surge around to make a decent living. A few folks continued moving from spot to put
looking for occupation and less expensive rent, along these lines the kids will
undoubtedly change schools, companions and instructors, trading off their training. The
versatility of the parents was noted to be high, even inside of the nation, looking for
occupations keeping in mind the end goal to have the capacity to pay the school
expenses, the rent, the bills, and to purchase outfits and nourishment for the youngsters.
This situation was seen to be influencing the children`s scholarly capacities, their
enthusiastic, social, physical and moral advancement. They had no real option except to
move with their guardians, making dropping out of school a transitory or lasting
amongst youngsters whose folks moved around a considerable measure. This influenced
All these factors influence the behavior and attitude of student towards learning.
And failing grades and drop in academic performance are often the aftermath.
Education is a right but poverty prevents people from having it. Scholarships and
other financial assistances should be promoted and supported by the government to yield
graduates with proper education whom would someday be efficient and will be
unfavorable effects to the society wherein the rate of academic performance of students
are included.
In this chapter, the researchers are to present the research design they used
Research Design
Descriptive research was the design used by the researchers in this study. They
preferred this design to precisely present and interpret the data they have gathered.
In this study, the data regarding how much socioeconomic status affects the
solution. All the given data were gathered through a survey conducted among the students
from Grade 10 STE whom were all selected using the stratified random sampling.
Research Setting
conducted at the Rizal High School Science Building from the Grade 10 STE students.
The secondary school was located at Dr. Sixto Avenue, Caniogan, Pasig City.
Research Subject
The subject of the study is mainly the effects of poverty towards the academic
Research Population
The study covered 30 respondents coming from sections 1,2, and 3 of Grade 10
STE students. The researchers picked 10 respondents in each section to answer the survey
Respondents No. of Respondents
10-STE 1 10
10-STE 2 10
10-STE 3 10
Description of Respondents
The chosen respondents for this research are students from Grade 10 STE bracket.
The researchers will let the respondents answer the prepared questionnaire. The
respondents will randomly come from Grade 10 STE students. The answered
questionnaire will be gathered by the researchers and then computed to prove the
Research Instruments
The questionnaires used for the collection of data were self-made and were
composed of 10 questions related to the topic. The first 6 questions are open-ended
questions wherein the respondents would answer by yes or no while the other 4 questions
The research conducted a series of procedures in order to be successful. The
researhers will let the respondents answer the prepared questionnaire. The respondents
will randomly come from Grade 10 - STE Students. The answered questionnaire will be
gathered by the researchers and then computed to prove the reliability of the study
The researchers will tally the results obtained from the research instrument
answered by the respondents. Then, a percentage formula will be used to compute the
percentage of each choices of the respondents in a question. A pie graph will be used to
Percentage Formula
In this chapter, the researchers are to present their interpretation and analysis of
data theyve got from the selected Grade 10 STE Students of Rizal High School to
10-STE 1 10
10-STE 2 10
10-STE 3 10
Table 1.
The table shows the distribution of respondents who answered the survey question
according to sections. The researchers preferred 30 respondents that are divided to three
sections of Grade 10 STE of Rizal High School that gave 10 respondents each per
Figure 1.
This graph shows that 53% out of 30 respondents says that their daily allowance
is enough to suffice their needs in school such as food, projects, fare and other expenses.
The other 47% say that the allowance they receive is lacking to be able to suffice their
expenses in school. This shows that most of the respondents are able to pay expenses in
Figure 2.
Grade 10 STE. 23% of the respondents receive fifty pesos or less as their daily allowance
while 60% receive sixty to one hundred pesos and the remaining 17% receive above one
Figure 3.
This graph shows the majority of the respondents equal to 87% agree that their
monthly family income can suffice their basic necessities such as food, clothing, house,
bills and others. The remaining respondents equal to 13% of the respondents says that
some of the basic necessities are not met by their monthly family income.
Figure 4.
The graph shows that both 10,000-15,000 monthly family income and 25,000
Above monthly family income is equal to 33% of the total percentage of respondents and
both Below 10,000 monthly family income and 20,000-25,000 is equal to 10% of the
total respondents. While the remaining 14% goes to 15,000-20,000 monthly family
27% 73%
Figure 5.
The graph shows that 73% of the thirty respondents agree that their financial status
motivate then to study harder and achieve better grades while 27% of the respondents
Figure 6.
This graph show that 87% of the respondents disagree and says that money and
financial status has no relationship between their financial status and the rate of their
grades while the other 13% says that their financial status has an effect in their grades
Figure 7.
In this graph, it is shown the average rate of the effects of poverty in the
following factors such as: failing grades; family concerns; social skills and attitude
towards education. The factor with the highest rate with 3.37 is family concerns which
shows that poverty causes conflict within the family due to problems involving money.
Second highest rating with 2.6 is social skill which shows that students belonging to poor
family have difficulties when it comes to their social life and acquiring friends that may
come from higher socioeconomic status. The third highest rating with 2.57 is attitude
towards education which shows that students belonging to the poverty line have a
different perspective when it comes to education. They either value it more or value it
less. The lowest rating with 2.4 is failing grades which shows that poverty has no
significant effect on the academic performance of the respondents. Money has nothing to
Summary of Findings
Based on the survey conducted by the researchers, 16 of the students that were
used as sample for the research paper, said that their daily allowance is sufficient for their
needs while 14 of them stated that their allowance is insufficient for them. Aside form
this, 26 out of 30 students stated that their basic neccesssities in school which proves that
their families really support their education no matter what socioeconomic status they
belong. The students also answered that their familys financial status motivate them to
study thus, their grades arent failing because of any reason involving money. The
students have different opinions in the effects of money in different factors. In a scale of
1-5, the researchers got an average of 2.4 in the effects of money with regards to failing
grades, 3.37 in the effects in different family concerns, 2.6 in problems with regards to
social skills and 2.57 in their attitude towards education. Now, with these different
results, the researchers can say that money has effects in those different factors which
This research paper has proven that poverty has no significant effect on the
academic performance of Grade 10 - STE students. However, this study has also proven
that involvement of money somehow influences the factors that invokes the students
attitude towards education. This study revealed the differences among the ranges of the
students of Grade 10 STE family income that even if it varies still it is evident that their
families support their education regardless of their socioeconomic status. This study has
also proven that the students of Grade 10 STE are motivated to study with their familys
current financial status. The study has also unveil that the students of Grade 10 STE
doesnt let the involvement of money to affect their academic performance in school.
The study has also proven that Grade 10-STE students academic performance is
not affected by any factor with regards to money. It also unveiled that education is still a
priority for parents to their children based on the data, the researchers gathered. The
study concluded that money really influences other factors that could affect the students
attitude in education. Factors such as failing grades wherein a student might lose his or
her motivation to study. Family concerns regarding the involvement of money which may
cause a student to rebel and could lead to a lot of other problems like: Teenage
Pregnancy, Early Marriage, Using of Drugs and etc. Another one is Social Skills wherein
a student might be an outcast in the kind of society he or she belongs because of his or
her familys status regarding money and lastly a students attitude toward education if a
student is motivated by his or her familys socioeconomic status, monthly income and if
The researchers recommend this study as a reference for future researchers who
would be conducting studies adjacent to the topic and are most likely inclined upon
proposing a solution if not solving the matter with regards on how much poverty affects
The future researchers are also recommended to revise and improve this study in
support, improve and produce more scholarships and financial assistances for those
students who belong within or at the poverty line. Helping these students will eventually
lead to more productive and efficient graduates that would somehow someday be the
Curriculum Vitae
Gender : Female
Name : Zaira Erika D. Reyes
Gender : Female
Name : Ma. Sofia M. Garong
Gender : Female
Name : Phoebe Cates A. Torres
Gender : Female
Appendix A
Appendix B
Name(optional):______________________Section:________ Date:___________
Good day! The students of Grade 10-STE 2 namely Hallizha May Bagacina, Ma.
Sofia Garong, Zaira Erika Reyes, and Phoebe Cates Torres would like to conduct a
survey in your class for their research paper entitled, The Effects of Poverty in the
Respectfully yours,
2. Does the monthly salary of your family suffice your basic necessities
Below 10,000
10,000 - 15,000
15,000 - 20,000
20,000 - 25,000
25,000 and above
4. How much is your daily allowance? _______
6. Are your grades failing because of any reason that involves money?
II. From a scale of 1-5 (1,being the lowest and 5 being the highest) rate the influence of
Influence 1 2 3 4 5
Failing Grades
Family Concerns
Social Skills
Attitude towards Education
Appendix C
Tally Sheet
YES 16
NO 14
This table shows that 16 respondents have answered yes and says that they
receive sufficient allowance to pay for their everyday school expenses while 14
respondents answered no and says that the allowance that they receive is not sufficient.
Question 2: Does the monthly salary of your family suffice your basic necessities?
YES 26
NO 4
This table shows that almost all of the respondents 26 answered yes and that their
family is able to suffice their basic necessities such as food, clothing, education bills, and
other expenses. While the remaining 4 respondents answered no and that their family
sometimes encounter financial problems and unable to suffice their basic necessities.
Below 10,000 3
10,000-15,000 10
15,000-20,000 4
20,000-25,000 3
Above 25,000 10
The tally shows that both the second category (10,000-15,000) and fifth category
(Above 25,000) get the same number of respondents equal to 10. 4 respondents answered
the third category (15,000-20,000). The first category (Below 10,000) and fourth category
30 2
47 1
50 4
60 3
70 4
80 2
100 10
110 1
150 1
170 1
200 1
300 1
In this table, it shows that majority of the respondents equal to 10 receive one
hundred pesos as their daily allowance. 4 respondents receive fifty pesos. Followed by
sixty pesos and seventy pesos both with 3 respondents. Thirty pesos and eighty pesos also
tied with 2 respondents. The following got 1 respondent: forty-seven; one hundred ten;
one hundred fifty; one hundred seventy; two hundred and three hundred.
YES 22
NO 8
The tally shows that most of the respondents equivalent to 22 respondents says
that their financial status and money push them to study harder, achieve higher grades
and do well in school. While the remaining 8 respondents says that money doesnt
Question 6: Are your grades failing because of any reason that involves money?
NO 26
The tally shows that almost all of the respondents 26 says that money doesnt
affect their grades. Nevertheless, cause them to fail. While the other 4 respondents say
Question 7: In the scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) rate the
Failing Grades
1 11
2 5
3 8
4 3
5 3
Family Concerns
1 5
2 3
3 7
4 6
5 9
Social Skills
1 7
2 8
3 8
4 4
5 3
1 9
2 5
3 8
4 6
5 2
These table shows that the most factor affected by money is family concerns.
Many family conflicts start because of the inability to suffice the basic necessities of each
member of the family. This is followed by social skills. Students whose family belong to
the poverty line have difficulty in acquiring friends because of the difference in
socioeconomic status. Next is attitude towards education. Students may lose interest in
acquiring high educational status due to the difference in beliefs in the community. The
last factor affected by money is failing grades. It can be inferred from this that money has
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